lorelaialdynn · 10 years
Nah but serious it's 19.99 on steami. Think and I think you get a sub with it when you get the game (NOT TOTALLY SURE) then to renew each month is £10????? I think
jfc I need a job
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wereshibas · 10 years
snowsbeautyofannihilation replied to your post:So Rek’sai has given me the most fun I have ever...
She’s /so/ much fun. Now I imagine Nocturn ulting whilst she ults whilst Sion ults. Instant heart attack
oMg I will make sure to make this happen, let the scream off begin. But yeah I am glad I saved up 10k ip waiting impatiently for her, I flipped seeing her on the log in screen and booted everyone out the jungle. 
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sheenaduquette · 10 years
snowsbeautyofannihilation replied to your post: Morning. 😳
I spot Yuna and some invisible person next to them.
sam pls
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i-am-spark · 10 years
snowsbeautyofannihilation replied to your photo:Can you tell it is crunch time?
Needs more coffee tbh
I foresee at least three more cups of coffee before this paper is due at 9:30 AM.
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lorelaialdynn · 10 years
snowsbeautyofannihilation replied to your post:snowsbeautyofannihilation replied to your post:it...
I was told that’s where I live. I’m like an hours train away from London c’mon..
same if the train was going really really really fast
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fethawit · 11 years
snowsbeautyofannihilation replied to your post: anonymous asked:I ship you and sn...
Oh ;a;
shhhhhh i secretly ship us all okay
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sheenaduquette · 11 years
sam i need more two steps from hell help (i especially love winterspell)
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rainanddarkness · 10 years
finding out rika and sam are going to Distant Worlds aswell: excitement level = 1000%
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theknightofetro · 10 years
Most emotional Expo exit ever. At least four people crying upon leaving. Gotta love all of those nerds, with their amazing cosplays. Tagging y'all because my love for you is unreal! It has been an amazing experience.
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lorelaialdynn · 10 years
snowsbeautyofannihilation replied to your post:it snowed everywhere except birmingham again
Didn’t snow where I am and I live in a Disney village.
Just-Outside-Of-London isn't Disney
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duume · 10 years
snowsbeautyofannihilation replied to your post:snowsbeautyofannihilation replied to your...
I can’t sleep qq. And I have no idea what I’ve let myself In for but it sounds rad as hell c’:
well you can finally be a furry 
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fethawit · 11 years
I ship you and snowsbeautyofannanfkushsljlidn
thats his actual URL though
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burnbrightburnblue · 10 years
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This game was all out awesome, but my favourite part by far was me Mandropping in and stealing Baron which lead Oriana into a Pentakill. The only thing that could have made that moment more perfect is if we all survived.
There was one time we very nearly threw the whole thing, but then they all started recalling. Why are they recalling? Why this? Because freaking Sam lead an entire legion of Super Minions into their base. Like, the whole bottom lane was filled with minions.
Rika's perfectly timed ults saved us all on multiple occasions and I'm pretty sure it's what lead Oriana into the initial triple kill that lead into the Pentakill.
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lorelaialdynn · 10 years
snowsbeautyofannihilation replied to your post:GUYS IT’S MY BIRTHDAY
Happy Birthday!
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