#esp jon/adam
besthimbomachine · 1 year
what my hands and my body done
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summary: After his win against Jon Moxley in the death match, Adam feels the weight of what he had to do hanging heavy in his chest. He goes out to a bar to try and find relief at the bottom of a bottle but finds something else instead. His relief comes in the form of the bartender who knows nothing of who he is or what he has gone through, just what he needed to be able to wash out the savagery from his body. pairing: hangman adam page x reader word count: 9743 warning: smut, minors go away this one is a request for hangman x reader smut set after his revolution match from @lambofjudgement! sorry I lost your ask somewhere babe, I was trying to put it in my drafts before so I could prepare the answer but then I couldn't find it anymore. Also sorry this took so long to come out and it's this big, yall this is why my requests take so long, I often end up turning them into much bigger things, esp if I like the concept. anyways, here it is, horny and rough cowboy action. thank you so much for the request I loved writing it and it made me 3x hornier for the hangster which has actually enhanced my quality of life!
Wednesday nights at the bar were always slow. Few people went out to drink in the middle of the week, and most of the ones who did were familiar faces, long time patrons who either drank too much or lived under weird schedules. Not that you were one to judge, you’d had your own ups and downs in life, so you didn’t care much. Besides, your job was to serve drinks, not ask questions. Not unless people wanted you to, some always did, but most just wanted to be left alone. And so you did, happy to serve orders that you knew like the back of your hand and be surrounded by faces you'd seen a dozen times before. So, it was a wonder when you spotted somebody new.
It was way past the middle of your shift when he came in, movement in the bar slowing down as the clock already marked eleven in the night. Music played softly in the background as you cleaned the stone counter, the bar mostly empty. Just a few people hang around, the odd couple here and there, the low noise of their conversations filling the space in between. You’d been sitting in a chair and just looking through your phone when he came up to the counter, blue eyes looking around before he spotted you. To see a new face on a Wednesday night was a surprise already. For that new face to be a big guy with a black eye was something else.
Your first worry at the sight was that he’d be some sort of troublemaker. A big, strong looking dude walks into your bar with a busted eye, there is no way you wouldn’t worry. Today was one of the few days you didn’t get to stay until closing, the last thing you needed was a problem patron right at the end of your shift. You looked him up and down, looking for any suspicious sign, any small thing that could count as a warning. But contrary to your fears, the man just politely asked for an old fashioned in a voice so quiet you almost couldn’t hear it. His demeanor seemed so different from the rough look in his face that you almost couldn’t believe it.
As you started preparing the cocktail he struck up conversation - another surprise to you, usually the types to show up looking like trouble were the ones who liked to drink in silence. A heavy southern accent spilled through his words as he made small talk, he was charismatic and good at conversation and despite his looks, he sounded nice enough. You quickly learned his name was Adam and that he wasn’t from this city, just passing by for work. He never specified what he worked at, and you didn’t press either, you had more interesting questions in your mind. Questions that could help you decide whether this guy fine or if you should be pulling the crowbar from under the counter.
“So,” you started, going back to cleaning your shaker as you tried to pretend you weren’t quite so curious, “looking like you had a rough day there, buddy.”
“Ah,” Adam stuttered in his words, one hand coming to touch the skin under his swollen eye, an awkward smile playing on his lips, “yeah, not my best, but at least I’m alive.”
You smiled back at him, trying to set him a bit more at ease. His answer made it seem like whatever happened to him hadn’t been by his own choice, but you still felt curiosity getting the better of you. You’d try one more time, if he didn’t want to answer, you’d let it drop.
“Mind if I ask what happened?” You leaned into the counter, pulling your chair closer to him as you sat down.
“Well,” Adam looked around, taking a deep breath before his gorgeous eyes fell back to you, soft gaze wavering just slightly. “Guess I caught the attention of the wrong person.”
You looked back at him, a grimace coming to your face for just a second as his blue eyes looked into his cup, a large hand twirling the dark liquid around. The guy clearly didn’t want to discuss what happened, so you wouldn’t ask anymore. Besides, if what he said was true, it seemed he’d fallen in with the wrong crowd. You’d seen that story play a dozen times, it never really ended well.
“Shit,” you replied with a sympathetic smile, Adam watching you from the corner of your eyes as he drank his whiskey, “let’s hope you don’t have to go through that again.”
“Yeah, let’s hope for that,” he retorted with a small laugh, raising his glass to you before taking a large gulp.
Adam was more than glad when you dropped the subject. His body was still sore and freshly bruised from his encounter with Moxley, but in the end, he’d come out alive. No matter the cost. But he had come to the bar with the intention of forgetting that very match, forgetting just how far he had to go to win it. His body refused to let go, it refused to slow down from the sheer violence it had gone through, but his mind needed the break. He needed it desperately. 
So went looking for the first bar that seemed like nobody there would be watching any sort of sport whatsoever, and that’s how he found this place. From the outside, the bar looked like a hole in the wall, and the minute he stepped in, he was quick to figure out why. It was a punk bar - or at least some sort of underground rock bar. The place didn’t want to be noticed because it catered to a particular clientele, and right now, Adam was all too happy for it.
When he entered the place, it seemed nice enough, and the fact that people seemed not to care about his presence was a welcomed change. But from the moment he sat on the counter, however, he only had eyes for you. Maybe it was the violence still coursing through him, trying to find another outlet to escape - or maybe you just looked that good. But the moment his eyes found you, he could feel something in his body stir, even as he tried to push it down. Even as he tried to tame whatever part of him that was behaving so much like an animal.
As Adam asked for a drink, he could see your eyes judging him, heavy stare regarding him with violent suspicion. Even your burning glare and tough demeanor did nothing to lessen his powerful and sudden attraction. He made polite conversation, trying to keep his wandering eyes under control and hoping he could avoid the obvious topic of what happened to him. It didn’t really work, but he was glad you were quick to drop the subject when you noticed his vague answers. He had come to the bar trying to be something else, somebody other than the person he’d been at the ring. He wanted to forget what he had to do today, and if just for a night, be cleansed of this whole issue with Moxley. And as he continued chatting with you, a part of him hoped you could help with that.
Soon, you found yourself enjoying what was supposed to be just polite small talk. Adam had a charm around him, a certain magnetism that made it hard not to smile and his words and laugh at his every joke. And it’s not like his looks were helping either, despite the purple bruise on his swollen eye he still looked beautiful, blond hair framing his face in the most flattering way. Hell, maybe the bruise made him even more so, adding this air of dangerous mystery to his soft blue eyes. Clashing with the sweetness of his deep voice and the warmth of his laughter.
Though you weren’t stupid, before he was even done with the drink you could tell he was trying to hit on you. You could see his baby blues wandering from your eyes to your mouth before going back up. The drawl of his voice sounding so welcoming as he tried to smooth talk you. This wasn’t your first rodeo, you’d seen plenty of others try this before - most not even half as good looking as him, though. But you played along, half out of boredom and half out of honest interest. You had no special plans for the night, and you wouldn’t mind finishing it with such a handsome man between your legs.
You two went like this for a little while, flirting and talking whenever you didn’t have to serve something or another to someone who’d come up to the counter. Adam was a good talker, charming and polite, with a deep voice and a thick accent that you wouldn’t mind listening to for a long while. He’d arrived at the bar quiet and almost defeated, but as the whiskey worked its way around his body he started perking up, laugh coming easier as he started to relax. It was when you were putting away one of the bottles, back turned to him, that he hit you with a question you wanted to hear.
“If you don’t mind me asking,” he started, taking a sip from his whiskey as you turned back to him, “what are you doing tomorrow?”
“Are you trying to ask the bartender out, Adam?” You asked teasingly.
“If she’ll have me,” he replied, voice a deep rumble as a smile played on his beautiful lips.
“She’d love to,” you leaned into the counter, smiling back at him before cocking your head to the side, pulling your body further from him. “You are shit out of luck, though, I gotta see my brother and nephew tomorrow. Haven’t seen the brat in a while, can’t back down this time,” you saw his smile drop, shoulders slumping slightly as he took in your answer, but before he could respond you continued. “But, if you aren’t scared of being out this late, my shift ends in half an hour.”
“Well, darling,” he smiled again, tongue licking a droplet of his drink that spilled down his lip, his voice thick and inviting, “I’m not afraid if you aren’t.”
When your shift ended, you changed quickly back into your normal clothes, an old band t-shirt with the neckline and sleeves cut off tucked into the jeans you’d worn for work. Pulling Adam by the hand, you quickly drag him away from the bar, through the front exit and into an empty street. When he protests about where you are going, you just tell him that it’s going to be somewhere nice, enjoying his look of shock and confusion. He was clearly surprised at the ease with which you traversed through the silent streets. You may be horny, but you weren’t just about to get into a room with this guy without giving him a run for it first, just to make sure you weren’t going to die.
It’s about a fifteen minute walk before you pull up to a partially hidden park, Adam’s eyes widening as he takes in the sight. The park was surrounded by large buildings, if someone didn’t know it was there, they probably wouldn’t have found it. That by itself was already something, but mounted somewhere in the park was a projector he couldn’t see. All he could see was the large black and white movie projected in one of the gray walls, the sounds of it coming from further ahead. You pulled at his hand again, taking him from his state of shock, holding two beer bottles in your hand as you led the way forward.
You stopped by a tree a little further away from where most of the people were gathering. There were few people sitting around in the park, most of them gathered in a spot closer to the projection. You had chosen a place by the side of it, not central but still visible. Handing him the beer, you leaned back into the large tree, Adam following suit. The projection was of an old horror movie, some black and white creature feature he’d never seen before.
As you talked a few minutes, he discovered you knew the man who ran this outdoor screening - he was the owner of the bar. It was an event that happened twice a week, and you’d come here after work to wind down. In the back of his head, Adam wondered if you could see just how much he needed to wind down. You talked and laughed at the movie for a while, and he could feel his body and mind starting to relax. The ghosts of what had happened hours before seeming more distant now. He felt lighter, laughing with disregard at something from the movie when your voice interrupted him.
“So, was the impromptu date worth it?” You ask, voice and eyes betraying your desire.
“Very much so,” he replies, letting his own desire drip through his voice, turning his body towards you.
“Then I guess I deserve a reward?” You question, already leaning closer to him, a mischievous smile painted on your face.
Adam reciprocates the gesture, leaning forward and closing the space between you, crashing his lips into yours. He brings a hand to hold your face, the other sneaking around your waist as he feels your hands touch his chest. Your lips taste like citrus to him, they are soft and sweet, and he wouldn’t mind staying in their taste. Adam bites softly into your lower lip, making you whimper in his arms, and he takes that opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth. His touch starts light but very quickly becomes rougher as he feels you lean into the kiss more, arms coming around his neck, your chest pressing against his.
His strong hand holds you by the back of your head, tongue tasting every bit of the soft wetness of your mouth. He can still feel the beer over the citric flavor of your lips, the faint taste of alcohol dancing on your tongue. You moan into his lips and Adam shivers, cock twitching in his pants at the sensation. He doesn’t want to, but he has to break the kiss for air, lips finding your neck the moment he regains his breath. You smell like wood and cinnamon and something sweet, and it has him intoxicated.
You moan under his touch, a hand slipping into his blond hair as the other goes back to his broad chest. He looked strong before, but now under your touch he feels impressive. Thick shoulders feeling solid like rock to your fingers, powerful arms holding you in a vice like grip. He could snap you in half if he wanted, you were sure, but he doesn’t, hand cradling your head gently as he devours your neck. His presence feels almost addictive to your senses, the feeling of his body on yours, the taste of his mouth, the way he smells like leather and moss. It’s all too much and not enough at the same time.
Tugging on his hair, you pull his face back to yours, lips meeting with a needy cry. You slip your tongue into his mouth, tasting the beer and whiskey on him. He growls through the sloppy kiss as your hand travels from his chest and down his solid torso. You feel his grip on your waist harden as your fingers slowly move down. He takes over the kiss, biting and licking with fervor, abusing your lips while the hand on the back of your head keeps you in place. Your fingers slip past his belt, finding the rough texture of his jeans and the clear bulge pressing against the fabric. It feels big, hard and hot, and you need to have it now.
Slipping your other hand down, you work fast to unbuckle his belt before Adam can protest - though, something tells you he wouldn't really do that. Breaking from the kiss, you look him in the eyes, the blue all but gone as his dilated pupils take over the space. You let your hands hover over the button of his pants for a second to see if he’d stop you, when he doesn’t, you undo it fast, pulling the zipper down in a haste. You slip your hand down into his pants, looking around you for a moment, counting on the distance from the people and the cover of the dim light to keep you safe.
When you finally pull out his cock, Adam shudders, a low grunt escaping his lips. God, he looks so good, big, thick and hard as metal on your hand. You can’t wait to taste it, lowering your body down until your lips are almost at his head. Looking back at him, you catch his darkened eyes trailed on your mouth as he leans back into the tree trunk. You teasingly slip your tongue out, licking his sensitive head. He trembles in your hand with an erotic noise, and that’s when you dive in, finally taking him into your mouth.
Adam mutters a curse under his breath, words coming like a rumble from deep within his core. He watches as your pretty lips seal tight around his cock, sucking on the swollen tip, one hand gripping at his base. Shit, he usually wouldn’t do something like this, but he was way past caring right now. Your mouth felt so warm, so good, his need was the only thing running through his head at the moment. Taking one hand to your hair, fingers softly holding at the strands, he lets you set the pace, happy to just drench in the pleasure he felt.
You take him out of your mouth for a second and Adam almost whines at the loss of your warmth. He watches you kissing along his underside, going all the way down to the base of his hard length. Your wet tongue licks around his erection before finding a particularly sensitive vein on his underside. He hisses as you trail his length from the base to the slit slowly, pleasure bordering on pain at your torturous pace. A deep groan escapes his throat, as you take him in your mouth again. Adam looks around, just for safety, as he made more noise than he expected. There is nobody around, no one looking, you are still in the clear.
He watches you swallowing his thick cock a good two thirds of the way to the base. You felt so perfect, mouth warm and wet, and he can’t help the moan that leaves his mouth. This was so risky, but it felt so good, the adrenaline rush heightening his sensations. Adam watches as you bob your head up and down, the wet noises you are making sounding pornographic as they reach his ears. You work him so well, building up the tight coil in his core, and you hadn’t even taken him all in your mouth. Though, you didn’t even need to, he could already feel his body twitching at the pleasure, hips begging to buck into your soft lips.
You feel Adam’s grip tightening slightly in your hair, a groan rumbling through his body as it falls from his lips. His erection throbs against your lips as you take more of it in your mouth, you could feel the salty taste of precum already spilling from his slit. He was thick and long, and you were struggling to take in all of him, but fuck, you really wanted to. You feel the swollen head of his cock hit the roof of your mouth, so big and hot that it pulls a moan from you, the vibrations going straight to his length. Adam moans out your name, a string of praises falling from his lips.
Bobbing your head up and down, you start to take more of him. You feel his cock throbbing in your mouth as his hips buck up. You can tell he is trying to keep control of his movements, but it’s clearly not going very well. Your lips come close to his base, and he growls, the sinful sound making your core tighten and your body shiver. He starts praising you again, his words emboldening you to move, his thick cock filling up the inside of your mouth, precum leaking vigorously now. Gagging slightly, you feel his cock reaching the back of your throat, his hand caressing your head as his murmurs never cease. When your lips finally circle his base, he shudders under you, whispered praises morphing into an unintelligible moan.
Adam feels himself twitch and throb at the sensation, his erection surrounded by the warm wetness of your mouth. You start moving again, and he has to fight the need to thrust into your beautiful lips. He feels almost delirious as you bob your head, taking him all the way to the balls every time. His dirty praises turn to a string of curses that fall from his lips like mad prayers, the feeling of your wet mouth dragging along his sensitive cock having him in a trace. Your tongue presses just right on the thick vein on his underside, stimulating the sensitive spot until he can’t help the bucking of his hips. 
You could feel his hard length throbbing between your lips, he tastes so damn good, so sinfully delicious. His engorged head hits against your cheeks as you suck, salty precum coating your tongue. The hand on your head grips tighter onto your hair, but he doesn’t try to move you, even though he can’t help the thrusting of his hips anymore. You are moving with ease now, slobbering down his heavy erection, the mix of saliva and pre cum making it all easier. 
He was coming close, you could feel it, his body shaking under your touch and his voice becoming rougher and filled with desire. You begin to feel his thick cock throb and twitch as his hips buck harder. He tasted good, so good, and the feeling of his hot skin against your tongue had you groaning into his length. Adam started to lose himself in moans and praises that spilled out of his perfect lips almost mindlessly. You could feel his powerful legs twitching and trembling from the pleasure.
Adam was panting, the knuckles on the hand he had on the ground turning white. Shit, you felt so damn perfect, mouth wet and hot as you took his cock so fucking well. All he could think of was how perfect you felt, the way you took all of him in your mouth, the throbbing of his length as it rubbed on your tongue, and it was all so damn good. When you groaned into his cock, it was too much to take, the coil within him snapping with a thunderous shudder that shook his whole body. 
The hand on your head held you in place, length buried almost to the hilt in your mouth, swollen head close to the back of your throat as his release began to spill. Rope after thick rope of cum shooting from his tip, flooding your mouth before flowing down your throat as you started to swallow it. It tasted strong and so damn good and there was so much, your core throbbed at the thought of having him filling your pussy with it. You sucked Adam through his orgasm, making sure to milk him to the last drop of his cum before you let him go from your mouth and tucked him back into his jeans.
You closed his pants and belt before coming back up to his eye level again. The moment you did, he pulled you into a harsh kiss, tasting himself in your mouth as you immediately let his tongue inside. The kiss was rough and sloppy and despite having just had his release, Adam still needed more. Pulling away from the wetness of your mouth, he held your face close to his own, strong hand holding you by the strands of your hair, his eyes savoring your red and swollen lips for a second before finding your gaze.
“Fuck, you are so damn good. I’m gonna take you to my hotel room ‘cause I really need to fuck you right now,” his words came in a grunt, voice deep and husky and filled with desire, his mouth was so close to your face that you could feel his breath on you.
You nodded, and that was all the confirmation Adam needed. Getting up in a haste, he pulled you up by the arm, quickly making his way to the entrance of the park. He got you both a cab, keeping you locked in a sloppy kiss as you waited for the car to arrive. The drive to his hotel was short, but you could tell was fighting the need to just ravage you on the way as his hand held your thigh in a strong grip. When you entered the elevator, the two of you were already at each other’s mouths, too needy and desperate to care about the obvious camera watching your intense kiss.
The minute Adam locked the door, you were already working on the buttons of his shirt, pushing him back into the hard wood as your lips found his neck. His skin felt hot to the touch, burning up against your mouth as you trailed your tongue from his shoulder all the way to his jaw. Your hands clumsily opened the first few buttons of his shirt, feeling the soft hairs on his chest brushing against your fingertips. A part of you wanted to rip his shirt open, an animalistic display of desire. But you wouldn’t do it, no matter how much you wanted, and by god you did. His smell had you intoxicated, and you could barely wait to feel him inside you.
With a rough movement, Adam pulled your mouth to his, calloused hands grabbing you by the chin and holding you in place as his lips crashed on yours. Opening your mouth, you let him take what he wanted, because you wanted it so much too. His tongue immediately slipping between your lips, the kiss rough and sloppy. You could still taste the bitterness of the beer in him, accompanied by the slight remnants of the whiskey he’d had at the bar.  The biting sting of alcohol only making the kiss feel all the more erotic.
The hand on your face traveled to the back of your neck, gripping hard to keep you in place, thick fingers digging into your skin. His free hand circled around your waist, pulling you flush into his strong body, closing whatever tiny distance there was between you. His touch was hot, searing iron marking his path around your body, setting your nerves in a burning haze. Your head felt dizzy, and you didn’t know if it was the alcohol or if you were running out of breath, but god, you couldn’t care less. You wanted more. More of the smell of his skin, more of the taste of his tongue, more of his touch wherever you could have it.
Adam was the one to break the kiss, gasping for air as his strong arms caged your body against his. In the darkness of the room, you couldn’t see his eyes, only feel the heat of his ragged breath on your skin and hear the faint groan slipping from his lips. It sounded raspy and tense, like the promise of something powerful and wild hiding below the surface. Something mysterious and alluring that spoke to a deep part of your mind.
The moment you felt oxygen rush back to your head, your lips found the exposed expanse of his chest. You kissed and licked your way around his heated skin, tasting whatever you could of him as your fingers went back to working on his buttons. He pulled you even closer together, your crotch rutting against his, and you could feel his erection through his jeans. The large bulge rubbing against your pants, your pussy tightening at the thought of having him fully sheathed inside of you.
Your wet tongue against his chest had Adam grunting loudly, sound filling the emptiness of his hotel room. At this rate, you were going to drive him crazy, turn him into something made of only instinct and desire. He could feel your hands opening the buttons on his shirt, slowly inching closer and closer to his crotch, the anticipation building a raging fire within him. By now, he was already painfully hard again, the smell of your hair and the feeling of your body against his own having his blood rushing down in a matter of seconds. It hadn’t been even a full twenty minutes since he’d cum in your mouth back in the park, but he didn’t care, he still felt his balls full, and he needed to unload inside of you again.
Digging his fingers through your locks, Adam pulled on your hair hard, savoring the sweet moan that escaped your plump lips. Bringing your face back to his own, his lips brushed against yours for a long moment before he dove into the kiss, teeth sinking into your lip before he sucked it into his mouth. His hand on your waist traveled lower, grabbing a handful of your ass and groping you hard, fingers digging into your soft flesh through the fabric of your pants. You cried into the kiss and Adam couldn’t help the rutting of his hips against your own, he felt like an animal, but his need was well beyond control at this point.
When his tongue entered your mouth, you moaned again, sound silenced by his greedy lips. You could feel him grunt, the vibrations in his chest reverberating into your hands, powerful muscles shaking under your touch. You worked your way to his last button, hands caressing his heated skin on their way down. When your fingers touched his belt buckle, you felt his hands leave your body, but it lasted only a moment. Soon they found the back of your legs, pulling them up in a swift movement.
You broke away from the kiss, a surprised noise leaving your throat as he pulled you by your thighs, knees coming around his waist. On instinct, your hands found his shoulder, the fear of the fall ringing loud through your ears. Though, you soon realized he had you in a strong hold, barely a noise coming from him as he  lifted your body with ease and started to make his way to the bed. His strong arms held you in place against him, broad shoulders feeling powerful under your soft palms.
In the darkness of the night, you could barely see the outline of the things in the room. The large windows had their curtains open, but there was nearly no moon in the sky today, and you were so high up that almost no buildings could shine a light through the clear glass. You could only believe that Adam was traveling by instinct through the large space, long strides almost unencumbered by your weight. In his arms you felt light as a feather, solid muscle holding you close with ease as he walked.
In a few steps you felt him come to a stop, throwing your body into the large bed, the soft touch of the covers caressing your skin. There was a long moment of stillness as you laid there, watching the outline of his body move in the darkness. You heard a clicking noise and suddenly a dim amber light bathed the bedroom, coming from a floor lamp that stood beside Adam. The warm glow bathed his light skin, beautiful blue eyes darkened by lust. Even the black eye marking his face looked good on him. You only had a second to bask in his wild beauty before he climbed onto the bed, the mattress shaking under his weight.
With a swift movement, Adam pulled his shirt from inside his pants, violently removing it from his body before throwing it aside. That was the first time you got a full look at him under that shirt, solid ropes of muscle rippling under the skin of his arms and shoulders as he moved. Small scratches and bruises adorned his thick torso, whatever this man had gone through, it had left multiple marks. Still, somehow they only made him look better, marred skin only adding to his exquisite pull.
Slowly, Adam crawled over you, large frame covering your body as his face hovered over yours for a long, intense moment. You could feel his hot breath on your skin, the anticipation of this near touch driving you insane before his lips finally crashed on your own. His mouth was as hot as his skin, your hands flying to his chest and shoulders as his tongue tasted everything it could touch. He growled into the kiss, sound dying on your mouth, but the vibrations rolling through his thick chest and into your hands. He was diving into you like a starving man, and you were all too happy to reciprocate.
Holding himself up in one arm, Adam took his free hand to your hips, pulling a part of your shirt from inside your pants before slipping under it. His calloused palms savoring the soft touch of your heated skin. His fingers sunk deep into your tender flesh as they moved up through your curves, taking in as much of your body as he could. You felt so supple under his touch, so welcoming to his large hands as his mouth devoured yours with fervor. The kiss was growing sloppier by the second, tongues and lips wet and warm in a mindless dance. He wanted to sink deep into you, and he didn’t care if he would come back again.
Pulling away from your lips, Adam broke the kiss for air, but in a moment his mouth found the skin of your jaw, kissing his way to your neck. You moaned under his touch, squirming beneath him as he bit into your soft skin, the taste of your body having him intoxicated. He could feel your nails digging into his back, adding to the scratches he’d been given during the match. Your hips bucked against his, giving his large bulge the friction it so desired, stoking the fire burning deep into his core.
His mouth traveled from your neck to your shoulder, kissing and biting a wet trail down to the neckline of your shirt, his beard brushing against your sensitive skin. Without a warning he sat up on his knees, looking down at your body with pure desire before he started hastily taking off your shirt. His thick fingers digging at the waistband of your pants, roughly tugging at the dark fabric. Pulling it free, he slides it over your head and arms as you angle your body to help get the damn thing off. Adam throws it to the side, uncaring about where it lands, eyes finally finding his prize.
Broad hands find your exposed torso, his fingers digging into your curves as darkened blue eyes devour you like a hungry beast. Your skin glistened under the warm glow of the lamp, looking deliciously soft as your chest rose and fell in ragged breaths. Adam stays still for only a moment, savoring the sight before his hands travel upwards, rough palms committing your warmth to memory. Licking his lips, he finds his target, large fingers groping your breasts, kneading the soft flesh as he growls low and dark.
You watch as his eyes follow the movements of his hands, the sound that just left his throat having a shiver running through your body. He is gripping hard on your tender flesh, bordering the threshold of pain but never crossing it. The pleasure is building up slowly, but you still want more, you try to squirm, but he has you pinned under his weight, so heavy that he doesn’t even seem to register your movements. When his fingers find your nipples, rolling them between his index and thumb, you almost scream. The sound that leaves your mouth akin to the cry of a desperate animal.
The noise seems to be what breaks him, Adam’s eyes turning back to your face for a moment before he dives back to your mouth. He descends on you like a wave, lips crashing against yours before you can even close them, tongue slipping inside in a second. You almost feel like you are drowning in him, but you have no desire to resist. His body covers yours completely, one of your hands flying back to his shoulders, nails digging deep. Your other hand travels to the back of his head, fingers threading into his soft hair and tugging tight.
Adam responds with a deep grunt, mouth leaving yours and moving to your breasts, biting and sucking at the soft skin. You feel his hands move to your waist, fiddling with the button of your jeans before finally pulling it open, zipper following suit. His fingertips dig into the skin of your hips, sliding past the fabric of your panties and teasing you with light touches. You try again to squirm under him, earning only a soft groan as his lips finally find one of your nipples, licking and sucking at it with the same hunger he showed your mouth.
Pleasure ripples through your body, a loud moan coming from deep within you, but you still want more. You slip the hand on his shoulder down his naked torso, feeling his warm skin and the hairs on his chest, digging your fingers into whatever you could touch. Soon you reach his pants, going past his leather belt and straight to the bulge straining against his tight jeans. It feels big and hot to the touch, even through the thick fabric. You hear Adam groan under your touch, the animalistic sound only urging you on, hands rubbing and tugging at his clothed cock.
A raspy moan sounds from him, your nipple slipping from his warm mouth as he sits up again, a fast movement that has his blond hair falling to his eyes. With one hand, he brushes it back, gaze fixed on you as he pauses for a moment. Without breaking eye contact, both his hands fall to his belt, undoing the buckle and pulling it out in a flash, the leather snapping as it slips from the hoops. It, too, is thrown to the side with little care, his fingers then finding the button of his jeans and pulling down the zipper. You try to reach for him, hands dying to grasp at his cock, but he pulls away, getting up from the bed before finally taking off what was left of his clothes.
God, this man is the most sinful thing you’ve seen in a while. His large frame looms over you, large cock looking delicious, precum already gathering at the tip. Before you can even move, Adam’s hands fly to your hips as he starts to pull on your pants. Soon he has your clothes and shoes in a mess on the floor. You are left bare, fully exposed to his hungry eyes. You reach out to touch him, and he lets you this time. Kneeling before him on the bed, your lips find the skin of his torso, kissing your way down, fingers grasping at his thick cock, lazily moving up and down. Just as your mouth reaches its destination, tongue licking at his sensitive head, getting a shiver out of him, Adam pulls your head back by your hair.
“As much as I really like your mouth,” he breathes out, accent thick as he watches you licking your lips, “I want something else now. Come on, get on your knees for me, darling.”
You shiver at the sound of his voice, following his request and positioning yourself on your hands and knees on the bed, arching your back so your chest touches the covers. You feel the mattress dip under Adam’s weight as he climbs on it, a growl sounding from behind you, deep and rough and dripping with lust. A large hand touches your ass, groping it hard before his grip grows lighter, fingers traveling from your hips to your back in a soft touch that has your pussy aching. You want so much more - need so much more - and not seeing his movements only makes your desire grow.
His hand travels back to your hips, sliding over the curve of your ass as you feel his body coming closer to yours, his hard cock touching your soft skin. You whimper, craving more of his touch, pushing back into him, but his strong hand holds you in place, a humming noise coming from behind you. His free hand finds your inner thigh, and you moan at the light touch. It slides up until it finds your wet pussy, thick fingers diving into your warm flesh with a low growl from him. You arch your back further, whimpering again as he massages your folds and teases your entrance.
Adam feels his fingers slide over your pussy with ease, your wetness coating his hand as his cock twitches in response. A rumble emerges from deep within his chest as the hand on your hips grips harder into the softness of your flesh. He bends his torso over your body, lips touching the skin of your back in warm wet kisses while his thick fingers tease your clit. You moan a soft and breathy sound and Adam drinks it in greedily, the hand on your hip traveling up your torso until it finds your breasts.
His kisses run up your spine, beard teasingly scratching your skin as he moves to your shoulder and neck, sinking his teeth into your skin, savoring its taste. You cry out, pushing your body further against his, rubbing your ass against his sensitive cock, and he growls, a shiver running through his body at the delicious friction. You have him feverish with desire, lust burning bright within his core, and he just can’t take it anymore. Pulling away from your body, his hand goes back to holding you by the hips, the one on your pussy leaving your soft flesh to find his length, pumping himself a couple of times to coat it in your wetness.
He looks at your exposed form in the dim light of the room, lust chasing all the blue from his eyes as they follow your curves. Blown out pupils devour your body as Adam gives himself one last tug before lining his cock with your pussy, sliding it up and down your wetness teasingly with a low groan. You whimper and try to press into him again, this time he gives in, sliding his thick erection almost all the way in. Curses spill from his mouth at the sensation, your soft walls wrapping around him in the most delicious ways.
A husky and needy moan escapes your lips as you feel him entering your body, thick cock filling you up and lighting all your nerves ablaze. He feels so sinfully good, better than you expected, pleasure spreading through your body like wildfire. The hands on your hips grip tighter, and he starts to move, slowly pulling back out before sliding in again. You can feel every bump and vein of his cock dragging against your pussy as he  thrusts further in. That’s when you notice he wasn’t even fully sheathed in you before, his hard length reaching deeper into your body as he stretches your walls.  
His movements are slow and deliberate, dragging your insides on every curve of his cock as he pushes his way in. You feel his swollen head pressing deliciously against your soft walls. This time Adam makes it all the way inside, you feel his hips meet yours as his strong hands pull your ass back against his body, a hiss escaping his lips. Your pussy tightens around his length, the fullness making you whimper, a high pitched noise that almost doesn’t resemble your own voice. 
Adam starts moving again, strokes long and slow as he works himself in you from the tip to the base. You are mewling in pleasure, nails digging into the soft covers of the bed. He sets a hard and heavy rhythm that rocks your hips every time he bottoms out. Your pussy clings to his cock with every slide, walls quivering around his hard length. You feel his fingers sliding down your back until it finds your shoulder, large palm pressing into you into the bed with his weight as his movements start to speed up.
“Fuck, you’re so damn good,” he mutters more to himself than to you, words spilling in a haze as he drives his body violently into yours.
Desire starts taking over Adam’s mind, hips moving faster as your walls pulsate against him, making his cock twitch within you. You feel way too good, and he can’t get enough, rubbing his pelvis against yours as he bottoms out every time. Your ass pushing even further into him as you seek his touch. The sensation of your wet pussy around him, the erotic sound of your moans and whimpers, the feeling of your heated skin on his own, it all has his mind reeling, the coil in his core tightening ever further. 
Using his forearm to hold himself on the bed, Adam curves over your body, covering your back with his broad chest as his hand finds one of your breasts. He traces your neck and shoulders with his mouth, tongue savoring your taste as he lays sloppy kisses and light bites on your sensitive flesh. Sweat starts building between your bodies, heated skin rubbing against each other as you move in rhythm. You tremble under his touch and Adam feels it, feels the moan that rumbles out of your throat, his cock twitching in response. Your cries sound so needy and so sweet, he just can’t get enough.
Adam can feel the soft, warm walls of your pussy tightening around him and pulling a grunt from deep in his throat. His hips hammer against yours, making you spasm with every stroke, your ass pushing into him, trying to take his length even deeper. Biting hard on your shoulder, he moves the hand on your hip down to your core, finding your sensitive clit. His thick fingers slide over your wet cunt, relinquishing your wetness as he massages your folds. You tighten around him impossibly so, his thick cock twitching in response as he growls. Your pussy feels like it was made for him, and he pushes in deep, whole body shuddering as you cry out his name.
You feel like you are going mad under his touch, his weight pressing you against the bed as his fingers massages your clit just right. His body feels molded for yours, the head of his cock hitting your sweet stop with every thrust. Your senses begin to overwhelm you, a tightness in your core getting close to snap faster and faster. A desperate cry sounds from your lips as Adam’s hips snap against yours, your ass pushing further into him. He is muttering curses under his breath, so close to your ear that you feel its warmth, his voice intoxicating you. It only takes one more flick of his finger and you break, crying in a high pitched voice as your senses melt away, vision going white and all you can feel is your pussy convulsing around him.
Your walls tighten around his throbbing cock, Adam riding through your orgasm as your pussy tries to milk him. The  noises you make only pull him closer to the edge, biting into your skin again as he tries to hold on. Pushing himself up in one fluid motion, his hands return to your hips, pulling you to him as his strokes become harder. He is thrusting into you deep and fast, chasing that high that was building in him.
“Atta, girl,” he growls loud and dark, deep voice having you trembling as he thrusts into your oversensitive pussy.
His cock twitches and spasms more now, the coil in his gut tightening close to its limit. A roar leaves Adam’s lips, the sound of a wild thing, a caged beast ready to break away. He thrusts hard into you, breathless whimpers spilling from your soft lips as he slams forcefully into your abused pussy. He wants to mark your insides, the thought of filling you up flooding his mind. A part of him wants to stay like this forever, buried in your soft wetness, fucking your body hard and rough. But he feels his balls tight and heavy and so fucking full, he just can’t help but to chase his release.
Strong hips slam into you, his rhythm growing rougher and more aggressive as he feels himself getting to the edge. He is pulling you impossibly close, pushing his thick length as deep as he can go, and then deeper. You give a breathless moan of his name, walls convulsing around him and it’s all he can take, cock throbbing wildly inside of you. Stars take over Adam’s vision and he drives deep within you, burying his length all the way to the balls. His orgasm hits him with power, a rough and husky groan coming from deep inside his chest as he rides it.
Adam’s cock explodes in you as he fucks your soft pussy, deep thrusts driving his seed deep inside your body. He shoots rope after rope of white, thick cum, a torrent that seems never ending. He drains his heavy balls in you for the second time that night, flooding your pussy as your name slips from his mouth like the prayers of a damned man. Staying still for a second, he lets the high wash over him before pulling out, drinking in the whimper that leaves your mouth at his absence. 
He falls to the side, laying heavy on the bed as you follow suit, both too exhausted to speak. For a minute, you both just stay still, breathing deep as you try to recover. You feel your whole body trembling, but you’ve never felt better before. The bed moves, signaling that Adam had gotten up. You stay still for a few more moments until you feel the mattress dip again, turning to the side to find Adam sitting by you with a towel in hand. The soft blue has returned to his beautiful eyes, the combination of his messy hair and dark bruise on his face looking way too goon on him.
Adam helps you clean up, for someone with such a rough exterior, covered in bruises and scratches, he is the definition of a gentleman. His touch is so light and soft that it seems unimaginably far from the violence with which he’d fucked you just a few minutes prior. It sends a shiver through your spine to think of how powerful these hands are and how gentle they felt. Not that you were complaining, this softness seemed to suit him well. You wouldn’t mind being treated with such tender care every day, especially not by a man as handsome as him.
When you wake up the next morning, sunlight was already entering through the wide windows. Slowly you blinked your eyes, the world coming into focus with little hush. Your body felt a little heavy, a little sore, muscles aching slightly and sinking you further into the soft bed. Despite the ache, you felt good, more relaxed than you felt most mornings. It took a while, but your mind finally came to, remembering the night you’d had before. 
As you really looked around, the first thing your eyes found was the vast expanse of Adam’s back. His light skin marked by multiple cuts and dark bruises that you hadn’t seen the night before. You wondered for a second just what it was that he’d gotten into, what sort of life laid behind this monument of a man. The previous night he’d felt wild, even aggressive, but he never made you feel unsafe. It really made you wonder what else there was to him.
Laying on your back, you stared at the empty ceiling for a second when a thought popped into your head. In the morning bliss, you’d forgotten you had somewhere to be today. Looking around, you spotted your pants, digging through them to find your phone. Checking the time, you saw it was already almost ten in the morning. Damn, you were hoping you could get some wake up sex, but you needed to be at your brother’s by midday. Fuck, he’d even sent you a text already. Just as you were checking the message, you felt a large hand touch your shoulder.
“Shit, I hurt you,” Adam’s voice was low and rough from sleep, his accent sounding thick on his groggy tone, your name spilling from his lips in the sweetest way, “I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have bitten you so hard.”
You looked back at him, his fingers tracing a spot that stung a bit at his touch. In all honesty, you were barely feeling it, a sign that it probably looked worse than it was. Besides, you didn’t mind it anyway, you wouldn’t have changed a thing from the past night, even if he left a few marks on you.
“It’s ok,” you smiled at him, shaking your head as you turned your body to face his. “Don’t worry, Adam, it’s not hurting.”
“It’s purple,” he interjected, fingers traveling to your chest as he noticed another bruise in your breast, “and there is more than one. Fuck, really, I’m sorry I left you bruised.”
“It’s fine, really,” you whisper, voice soft as you run your thumb over his cheek, right below his bruised eye, “and now we are matching, I guess.”
Adam laughs and the hoarse sound fills the large bedroom, soft blue eyes coming to your own. You feel his large hand snake around your waist, pulling you into his warm body, lips finding your own as you feel his hard cock touch your skin. The kiss starts soft, Adam teasing your lower lip until you finally open your mouth to let his tongue in. This time his touch is slow as he lazily tastes all that his tongue can find. It takes all of your strength to break away from the kiss, your hands coming to his broad chest as you try to create some space. You really can’t leave your brother hanging today.
“You so don’t need to apologize that if I could, I’d let you spend all day giving me more bruises,” you say, sighing dramatically before you continue, “but I really have to go. Gotta visit my brother and nephew, remember?” 
With a sigh of his own, he lets go of your body, laying on his back as you roll to the other side. “If you could, I’d very much take you up on this offer,” he retorts, voice returning to normal as he looks back to you.
“Well,” you start, eyebrows raising as you reach back to the night stand by your side, picking up your phone and waving it in his direction, “I could give you my number if you want, next time you are around you could give me a call.”
His eyes lit up a bit at the offer, a small smile pulling at the corner of his lips. “Well, I’d like that very much, doll.”
You watch as Adam goes through his clothes to find his phone. When he does, you give him your number, he immediately sends you a message to make sure you have his contact. If you never see him again, this was a great night, but if you ever have a chance to repeat it, might as well try to grab it. You and him both get dressed pretty quickly, Adam insists on paying for your cab, even when you insisted he didn’t need to, in the end you just accept. He sees you out of the hotel and into the car, and so you make a peaceful trip back home.
It’s already past midday when you get to your brother, you feel bad for running late, but not really quite as much. You may have delayed his family lunch by about forty minutes, but it was for a good cause. Besides, it’s just you, him and his son, so it's not like that many people were harmed by your lateness. Lunch goes by pretty well and you still spend a few more minutes talking as your nephew goes back to the living room. 
When you finally leave the table to go after the boy, you find him lying on the floor watching TV. The large screen glares over the living room and it doesn't take you long to realize he was watching wrestling. Your brother used to love it as a kid, and now so did his son - you had never really gotten that caught up in it. You were about to just disregard what was on the screen until something caught your eye. A recognizable silhouette seen from the corner of your vision. When you look back to the TV, you clearly recognize one of the figures on the screen. He was dressed in a full black cowboy get up, but there was no mistaking it, that was Adam.
In another part of town, Adam made his way through the hall of the large hotel, long strides carrying him from the elevator to the entrance. He was just leaving to go have lunch, it was a bit later than he normally would, but he’d spent most of his morning trying not to let his match with Moxley slip back into his mind. A fight he was ungracefully losing when he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. Picking it up, he saw it was a message from you, and it had only one line.
‘So, why didn’t you tell me you are a cowboy?’
sponsored by: @xladyxfatex @wanderbreadsworld @madds-97 @morgan-bucks
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bookgeekgrrl · 6 months
My media this week (10-16 Mar 2024)
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🥰 Art Thief, Heart Thief (odetteandodile) - 58K, stucky white collar inspired AU - enjoyed how author took the WC set up (fbi art agent, criminal consultant) and made it theirs & perfect for stucky
💖💖 +195K of shorter fic so shout out to these I really loved 💖💖
Midlife Crisis (profoundalpacakitten) - MCU: stucky, 7K - reread, forever fave - the quiet, piercing, understated tenderness in this fic is unmatched
Progredi (justanotherStonyfan) - MCU: shrunkyclunks, 37K - the next installment in the fabulous Honey Honey series
Pistachios and Rose Water (goldsaffron) - The Old Guard: kaysanova, 15K - J&N spend 10 years putting down roots, building a home & collecting a found family as Nicky learns to express his love through food
Consensual Catfishing (foresthearts) - Stranger Things: steddie, 32K - modern AU, told via social media - delightful story! adored these characters & their voices and using all different sorts of SM to tell it. brilliant idea, adeptly executed. the art is also pretty great
they're going to send us to prison for jerks (greatunironic) - Stranger Things: steddie, 16K - another really fun modern steddie with a strong social media AU premise
Os Impurum (the_deep_magic) - The Eagle | The Eagle of the Ninth: Marcus Flavius Aquila/Esca Mac CunovalMarcus/Esca, 18K - solidly good fic about marcus/esca post canon, esp marcus discovering some new things about himself 😉
Ghosts (US) - s3, e5
Game Changer - s6, e3
D20: The Unsleeping City: Chapter II - "For the Hoard!" (s7, e15)
D20: The Unsleeping City: Chapter II - "Treachery at Gramercy" (s7, e16)
D20: The Unsleeping City: Chapter II - "Two Sides of the Same Coin (Part 1)" (s7, e17)
D20: The Unsleeping City: Chapter II - "Two Sides of the Same Coin (Part 2)" (s7, e18)
D20: Adventuring Party - s3, e12-16
Um, Actually - s9, e2
D20: Fantasy High: Junior Year - "Cursed Out" (s21, e10)
D20: Adventuring Party - "Cool Ranch Communion" (s16, e10)
D20: Tiny Heist - "Big Little Crimes" (s4, e1)
D20: Tiny Heist - "Chicanery at Shoeby's Casino" (s4, e2)
D20: Tiny Heist - "Scheming and Scoring Fairy Dust" (s4, e3)
Agatha Christie's Marple - "The Secret of Chimneys" (s5, e2) [shout out to @leupagus for this rec; they were not wrong about the acting choices made here 🤩]
Worlds Beyond Number: Fireside - Fireside Chat for WWW ep001 The Open Door
What Next: TBD - Instagram’s Pedophile Problem
Desert Island Discs - Cillian Murphy, actor
WikiHole - Lenny Kravitz (with Paul F. Tompkins, Drew Tarver, and Heléne Yorke)
This Cultural Life - Andrew Scott
Pop Culture Happy Hour - Our 2024 Oscars Recap
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - The Grave of XYZ
Vibe Check - Hey, Sis: featuring Morgan Parker
WikiHole with D'Arcy Carden - Fear of Dolphins (with Kumail Nanjiani, Emily Gordon, and Jonah Ray)
The Allusionist - 190. Craters
WikiHole with D'Arcy Carden - Tetris (with Adam Pally, Jon Gabrus and Blair Socci)
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - The Lighthouse Keeper
⭐ Vibe Check - A Special Conversation with Afeef Nessouli
Short Wave - What We Know About Long COVID, From Brain Fog to Fatigue
⭐ Decoder Ring - Why Stylists Rule the Red Carpet
⭐ 99% Invisible #573 - Toyetic
You Are Good - My Best Friend's Wedding w. Sam Sanders
If Books Could Kill - Lean In
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Law of the Tongue
Imaginary Worlds - The Nine Lives of Red Dwarf
Today, Explained - Lip gloss, gum, and the Pill
Dear Prudence - My Ex Had Sex With My Brother. Help!
What Next: TBD - Is TikTok Cooked This Time?
Short Wave - Are We On The Brink Of A Nuclear Fusion Breakthrough?
Pop Culture Happy Hour - Love Lies Bleeding And What's Making Us Happy
Endless Thread - The Music Man, Part 1
Welcome to Night Vale #244 - A Multiplicity of Kevin
Today, Explained - Hollywood’s still not back
99% Invisible - The Power Broker #03: David Sims
Off Menu - Ep 233: Frankie Boyle (Live in Glasgow)
⭐ Hit Parade - Gotcha Covered Edition
The Donnas
Smooth Rockabilly
Respect: '60s Iconic Women
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What are your thoughts on Matty Healy (esp in light of the new profile on him)?
My main thought about Matty Healy is that I think he's interesting. Perhaps particularly interesting when you've spent 8 years following a boyband who were media trained as teenagers and have very much settled in with how they're going to have their boundaries. I find the contrast - and Matty Healy's willingness to name things - really interesting.
As regular readers of my tumblr may have picked up - being interesting is quite important to me. I feel like I should point out that I started following 1D less than two years after Harry tweeted RIP Baroness Thatcher. Saying things that go against everything I believe has never been a dealbreaker for me finding someone interesting
I have a lot of thoughts - I'm going to share a smattering of them.
One of the things that I've found so fascinating about Matty Healy these last few months is his ability to stay where he is while there is so much directed at him.
I think most people, facing even a fraction of the backlash he has faced would do one of two things. Either acknowledge that people were right, apologise and try and make amends. Or move in a reactionary way in response - become what people say you are.
I had a discussion with an anon about this - but as far as I can tell that's not what Matty Healy is doing. His politics seem to be in the same place as they ever were. There's no evidence of him moving to a more reactionary position on any issue of substance.
This is one of the things I'm most interested in watching (and hearing him talk about eventually). I'm curious about whether he's stayed still - and if so how. (Even more so because the New Yorker profile revealed that the pattern of being driven into a more reactionary position is something that he's interested and aware of).
It seems to me that doing heroin, going on The Adam Friedland show podcast and dating Taylor Swift have something in common - part of the attraction of each of them is that they might destroy you.
The comment about Matty Healy that really clarified things for me was Jon Caramanica describing Matty Healy as 'bumbling'. I think one way that Matty Healy has come to be understood is as a provocateur. Both detractors and defenders will suggest he is doing things to provoke a reaction - and I don't think that's really true.
Disclaimer - none of this section is intended as a defence. I don't necessarily think any of this is important when it comes to how people receive him. But I am interested in what's going on for him
I think he does like to be a bit transgressive. But generally that intentional transgression is usually pretty well judged. The bit where the band cuts him off is basically understood by everyone who isn't acting in extreme bad faith.
Apart from the podcast, I think people have got angry at Matty Healy when he was being bumbling at saying something sincere, rather than trying to be provocative.
What is fascinating about the podcast - is that whatever was going on - Matty Healy didn't go on it to say provocative things. All the comments that people are so angry about originate from the hosts. Matty Healy eggs them on, but does not initiate. He positions himself as someone who likes to be transgressive. But I think when it comes to politics he likes the idea of it more than the reality, while at the same time being unintentionally transgressive. Which makes for a very messy combination.
I think part of it is that the system he's trying to be transgressive in, and the system he's so interested in, is fame, rather than politics.
Finally (and this is more a Taylor thought), I have watched Miss Americana - the thought that Taylor might have broken up with Matty Healy because everyone was mad really worries me. I don't want that for her. I also think it would be just as awful if he broke up with her because it was too much.
So I hope either they broke up for one of the many other reasons that people break up. Or they're lying to us all and they're still together.
Imagine you're Jia Tolentino and for whatever reason you've agreed to write a profile of Matty Healy. The first concert you go to Taylor Swift (at that time still with her boyfriend) turns up. Then as your preparing to interview him again Matty Healy goes on a podcast and there's a significant backlash. Then after you interview him he gets together with Taylor Swift.
I think I want a long-read, possibly a book, on what that process was like.
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dustedmagazine · 3 years
ROVA — The Circumference of Reason (ESP-Disk)
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The Circumference of Reason by ROVA Saxophone Quartet
Institution, meet institution. Originally founded in 1963, ESP-Disk has survived numerous travails, including the death of founder Bernard Stollman, and remains a significant champion of free jazz and other outside music. ROVA, which originally appended the words Saxophone Quartet to its name, has been around since 1978, and maintained stable membership since the late 1980s. 
In recent decades, ROVA has often added extra players, who have enabled the group to tackle historically oriented projects, such as revisiting John Coltrane’s Ascension and Steve Lacy’s Saxophone Special. Not this time. Not only are baritone saxophonist Jon Raskin, tenor saxophonist Larry Ochs, soprano/tenor saxophonist Bruce Ackley, and alto/sopranino saxophonist Steve Adams the only musicians present; all save one of the album’s six tracks were generated in-house, and the one that wasn’t is a tribute to a fallen Bay Area fellow saxophonist who sometimes worked with ROVA and its members. In its bones, Glenn Spearman’s “Extrapolation of the Inevitable” is a bold jazz fanfare. But Larry Ochs’ arrangement translates it into a handy reminder of ROVA’s enduring knack for executing contrapuntal passages so complex that you’ll feel like someone sucked the air out of the room when they suddenly snap back into unison formation.
Adams penned the three original compositions. “The Enumeration” is also dedicated to Spearman, whose raw tenor toned is echoed at several points during its evolving progress. The title track requires precise shifts between exposed timbral strokes, intricate polylinear statements, and unvoiced exhalations. In its reserved exposition of a wide range of sounds, it brings to mind Roscoe Mitchell. “Xenophobia” applies a similarly precise technique to an exploded-view abstraction of Latin rhythms. And nearly half of the album is devoted to two performances of “NC 17,” a structured improvisation that reveals the quartet’s ability to obtain drastically different outcomes from a given set of materials. The first proceeds gently, with each player applying contrasting shades to a given lead voice. The second version is more forceful and intricate, but retains the impression of ongoing commentary.  
Bill Meyer
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itracing · 3 years
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Aston Martin Preps for 24 Hours of Daytona
Aston Martin heads into this weekend’s Rolex 24 Hours at Daytona with its partner teams fielding arguably the strongest ever assault on the US endurance classic by the luxury British sportscar brand. The race will feature four competitive Vantage GT3 line-ups – the most ever – spread across both classes of IMSA’s revamped GTD division, and each will include works Aston Martin Racing drivers in crews capable of challenging for victory.
Seattle-based partner team and reigning IMSA Sprint Cup GT champion, the Heart of Racing, returns in 2022 having increased its IMSA WeatherTech Sportscar Championship entry to two cars. One of the team’s four-liter V8 turbo-charged machines carries Aston Martin’s hopes in the new top GTD Pro class for homologated GT3-specification cars, which replaces the outgoing GTLM category for specialized GTE-spec machinery. While the other will run in the regular GTD class alongside new Aston Martin Racing partner Magnus Racing which has bought a Vantage GT3 for this season. Both teams will be joined in the Rolex 24 by FIA World Endurance Championship regulars, NorthWest AMR, as team owner and driver Paul Dalla Lana (CDN) returns to Daytona with perhaps his best chance yet of tasting glory in the event.
The Heart of Racing has retained Sprint Cup champion and AMR works driver Ross Gunn (GBR) to spearhead its GTD Pro attack alongside Alex Riberas (ESP) in 2022. They will be joined for the Rolex 24 by 2020 24 Hours of Le Mans GTE Pro winner Maxime Martin (BEL), who makes his Aston Martin Daytona debut this weekend. Three-times Le Mans class-winner Darren Turner (GBR) returns to the Heart of Racing in the GTD class car as he aims to add a Daytona podium to his glittering list of honors, alongside the team’s principal Ian James (GBR) and newly crowned AMR Academy winner and team regular Roman De Angelis (CDN). Tom Gamble, no stranger to the Vantage GT3, completes the driver quartet.
NorthWest AMR returns after a season’s sabbatical from Daytona as Dalla Lana brings his new WEC line-up comprising 2019-20 FIA GT world champion Nicki Thiim (DEN) and new AMR works driver (see below) David Pittard (GBR) for a fresh assault on the Rolex 24 in the GTD class. Another works driver and a GTD-class star of the ’21 race, Charlie Eastwood (IRL), completes a strong driver line-up.
Finally, the Magnus Racing GTD entry will be manned by US trio and team regulars John Potter, Andy Lally and Spencer Pumpelly, as well as two-time Le Mans class-winner Jonny Adam (GBR), who returns for his first Daytona start since 2014.
Aston Martin Vantage GT4s will also feature heavily in the 4-Hour Michelin Pilot Challenge opener at the same venue on Friday at 1335 ET (-5 Hours GMT). The British luxury sportscar brand goes into the MPC season with four teams entered. Long-time AMR partner Automatic Racing returns for another season with the #09 driven by Ramin Abdolvahabi (USA), Rob Ecklin (USA) and Brandon Kidd (USA). The team will run a second #27 car for Paul Kiebler (USA) and Jon Branam (USA). Meanwhile, Alan Brynjolfsson (USA) and Trent Hindman (USA) will embark on a second season with the #7 VOLT Racing with Archangel Vantage GT4. A new team to the AMR family for 2022 is NTE Sport, which will run a Vantage GT4 for American drivers Manny Franco and Romeo Kapudija.
John Gaw, Aston Martin Racing Managing Director, said: “This is Aston Martin’s strongest representation ever for the Rolex 24, and coming off the back of a season with multiple class wins in the IMSA WeatherTech SportsCar Championship, it is a clear signal of intent ahead of an exciting season for Aston Martin Racing and the Vantage, in all its variants.”
The 60th Rolex 24 at Daytona will begin at 1340 ET (-5 Hours GMT), on Saturday, 29 January 2022.
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Hello! Good morning! I’ve been tagged by the dearest @adz to do a fun little game, my favorite!
5 songs I’ve had on repeat
1. Sparks by Beach House
2. Pet Sounds by The Beach Boys
3. Octopus’s Garden by The Beatles
4. Desire Lines by Deerhunter
5. Car Thief by Beastie Boys
Last movie I watched: No Time to Die, the latest James Bond movie. It was fine. Kinda long and lulled a bit in the middle. Pretty decent send off to Daniel Craig’s Bond but nothing like mindbogglingly new or interesting.
Currently watching: Just finished Party Down the other night. Really fantastic hilarious comedy. Probably the hardest I’ve laughed at a sitcom in awhile, highly recommend!
Currently reading: John Adams by David McCollough, Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace and Under the Banner of Heaven by Jon Krakauer. It’s a little tricky to juggle three books esp when two are really long and dense, but I’ve been enjoying each a lot!
Thanks for the tag Kit xoxoxo. I’ll tag @moohampshire @holdoncallfailed @718-498-1043 @commontrait and @unfolkist :)
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okaybutlikeimagine · 5 years
So Steve and Jonathan and Billy hanging out???
So uhm OF COURSE babe! ♥ ♥ ♥ I LIVE for this shit.
{Disclaimer: recreational drug use}{AKA i’ve basically just made our boys stoners, woops}
Okay, so i’ve talked before about Billy’s relationship w/ Jonathan and how he gets close to him and why. I’ve also mentioned (wayy more briefly) Jonathan’s relationship w/ Steve and how I think they’d be cool. Steve and Jonathan would work at being cool w/ each other bc Steve loves the kids but he also likes having friends that are his age. I just… LOVE the idea of Steve being touchy and friendly and sweet to Jonathan and Nancy. I know Nancy kinda broke his heart and his relationship w/ Jonathan has been tumultuous at best but I think they’d all work to be close bc let’s face it, nothing brings you closer than a near death experience. And those 3 have had MULTIPLE so far.
So they’re close and Steve will push himself inbetween the two of them when they’re walking together and sling his arm around their shoulders and kiss a cheek on both of their faces. Jonathan always blushes and says: “Y’know, ever since you came out as bi you’ve been-”
Steve cuts him off with: “Happier? Funner? More beautiful?”
“More annoying.”
Steve feigns offense.
So i just REALLY think that these boys have good relationships w/ each other. Steve and Jonathan are good friends, Jonathan and Billy are brothers, and Billy and Steve are dating.
And Steve, who I think loves people and loves having friends, wants to hang out w/ them as often as possible. He loves spending time w/ Robin, obviously. They’re basically best friends. He also really likes hanging out w/ Nancy and Jonathan (esp bugging them). But sometimes he says they need a “guys night” to which both Nancy and Robin roll their eyes but Steve is absolutely adamant about.
So Steve is standing outside of their house to pick Billy and Jonathan up and is asking them where they wanna go. They mention the quarry.
But the thing is, they always go to the quarry and it’s always to smoke and Steve is just fed up with that right now. Billy and Jonathan already smoke a LOT and whenever Steve wants to hang out w/ them they suggest the same damn thing.
“Oh c’mon guys, let’s do something fun.”
“Yeah, smoking is fun, babe.”
“But we always smoke. I wanna do something different… let’s go to the pool!”
Jonathan makes a face. “You know I hate the pool.”
“Alright… let’s go to that coffee shop you love on the edge of town!”
Billy gags. “You’re kidding, right? I’d rather be caught dead than go in there.”
“Augh, c’mon there has to be some place you both wanna go.”
And Billy and Jon just share knowing glances before they turn that same look onto Steve. Steve sighs out dramatically.
“Fine! We’ll go to the quarry to smoke. But the more we do this the less fun it is! We need to start doing something fun! Going out to smoke all the time isn’t fun. Especially not when I’m the one who has to keep bringing the weed!”
The boys are walking to Steve’s car now, and Jonathan turns around to walk backwards so he can face Steve.
“We’re broke, Steve. We can’t afford weed all the time.”
Steve calls bullshit on that and cites Jonathan’s 3 jobs. Jonathan denies said 3 jobs. Billy says he and Hop are going to force Jonathan out of 2 of those jobs bc “You don’t need to bleed yourself dry to help everyone anymore, take a goddamn break!”
And soon they’re in Steve’s car, bickering over music bc that’s just their relationship w/ each other. They’re Always bickering about music. Hey, when you get 2 of the most opinionated boys on music together, they’re going to bicker. It’s always amicable enough, anyway.
And so they go to the quarry to smoke. Which yes, they do far too often for Steve’s liking, but Steve still has fun. Bc getting high is, in itself, a fairly enjoyable act for him. He gets real giggly and happy. But getting high w/ Billy and Jonathan is a whole different story. Jonathan gets so peaceful, those worry lines on his face disappearing, the stress in his eyes gone as he looks up at the stars and points out things he sees in them. Billy’s frown slips into the sweetest, gentlest smile. He talks to Steve a lot bc Steve likes to talk a lot when he’s high and Billy always matches him on it. Always entertains all of Steve’s weird little ideas.
Jonathan always lays down on his back to look up at the stars. Billy always sits with his legs splayed forward, leaning back on his hands so he can look around everywhere. Steve will sit with his legs folded up a bit, his arms cradling them, ankles crossed, knees out wide, hands clasped in front of them. They’ll find a soft 60’s/70’s channel on the radio and turn the volume up enough so they can hear it from outside of the car and let the sounds flow over them and pretend like they’re in a different time. Like they’re in a different place. One time Steve laid on his stomach and hung his head out over the edge of the cliff down to the quarry and looked at it. Watched the water beneath him. Billy followed suit, as did Jonathan (after quite a big bout of paranoia)(I know Steve is mom to the kids but I like to think Jonathan is mom to the teens and gets worried for all of them)
So it’s nice. It’s just… soft. Sometimes Billy will lean with his back against Steve’s car and Steve will be inbetween his legs leaning back against Billy’s chest and they’ll just watch Jonathan on his back as he plays with the smoke leaving his mouth. It’s all just so calm. They feel they deserve it. Life has been hell for too long. They find peace in the presence of each other and let that be alright.
And Steve really does love those soft moments, he DOES. But one night Steve is like: “Actually, there’s gonna be a good music video on MTV tonight, soooooo…”
And he takes them back to his house. And the two other boys are a little grumbly and confused until Steve walks in and turns the lights on and he’s basically bouncing his way over to the living room and the boys follow him slowly and they get to the living room and-
“Oh my god.”
The coffee table in front of the TV is filled with food. Multiple bags of different kinds of chips and a carton of cookies and 2 boxes of Coke cans and 3 fucking pizzas and-
“Holy shit, Steve, who else is invited over?” Jonathan asks, walking up to the table very confused.
“It’s just us! Guys night!! Plus I know Billy’s gonna eat about half of it.”
Jonathan nods in sudden understanding and Billy is looking at his boyfriend like he’s the best and goddamn craziest person ever.
“Alright!” Steve heads over to the table, separating the pizza boxes. “I got us all separate pizzas because I know we all like different toppings. I got New and Classic Coke because I know you-” he points to Billy. “Are a heathen who likes New Coke.”
Jonathan gives Billy a horrified look.
“You like New Coke?”
“You Midwesterners are weird as fuck, New Coke is no fucking different!”
“You’re wrong and it’s embarrassing, babe.” Steve says with his hands on his hips. “Anyway, I also bought every type of chip I could find and a carton of cookies because I couldn’t help it.”
He gives the two boys a bright and cheesy smile. Jonathan laughs and Billy kisses Steve’s cheek before asking: “But where’s the weed?”
Steve groans. “Seriously?”
“You bought a bunch of food for us to eat but no weed? Don’t you know what munchies are, babe?”
“Fine, I’ll go grab some weed from my room. But put MTV on!”
“What music video is on tonight?” Jonathan asks as Steve leaves the room.
“I dunno!” He calls out. “I just wanted to go somewhere other than the quarry!”
Billy and Jonathan roll their eyes, but they break into the Cheetos, Jonathan grabbing a can of Classic Coke and shaking his head in disapproval as Billy reaches for New Coke. Billy chugs the entire can while making direct eye contact with Jonathan.
“You’re a monster.”
Billy crushes the can on his head.
“And a moron.”
They watch the random music videos that are on TV. It’s a lot of Tom Petty and Bruce Springsteen and some Mick Jagger and Prince.
Jonathan says Springsteen’s voice makes him sleepy and that his music is too much for him. Billy and Steve boo Jonathan for the comment and throw Cheetos at him in protest. Steve does a beautiful cover of Girls Just Wanna Have Fun to which Jonathan quietly applauds and Billy yells “that’s my babe!” Billy sings every single Springsteen song that come on and gets very excited when the music video for I’m Still Standing plays.
And Steve is very very happy, under Billy’s arm and watching as Billy kicks at Jonathan’s leg to ask him to pass the cookies. Sits there and smiles bc these are his friends and he just… he loves having them here, in his house, making it feel so full and alive and comfortable.
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madmaudlingoes · 5 years
MAG (Potentially) Web-Related Events Timeline
(expanded from a previous post. ??? indicate extreme uncertainty about timing.)
1950s-1960s: Raymond Fielding runs a halfway house for troubled kids in Oxford, out of his home at 105 Hilltop Road. He owns a table with a hypnotic pattern on it (”Burned Out,” “Recluse”). The Cult of the Lightless Flame send Agnes Montague to him, and the Web (maybe) binds her to Ray/the house (”Chosen,” “Infectious Doubts.”)
c. 1970s: Neil Lagorio and “Gabe” split up; Neil no longer works in stop-motion after this. (”The Puppeteer”) (Same Gabriel who became the Worker-in-Clay?)
1974: The Fielding House burns down. Fielding’s body is recovered, mimus one hand, which Agnes has kept. Gertrude Robinson finds a box of Agnes’s hair in the ashes. This seems to be point at which the House becomes a “wound in reality.” (”Burned Out,” “Chosen,” “Infectious Doubt.”)
c. 1975? Gertrude performs a ritual that binds her to Agnes, preventing Agnes from performing the Desolation’s ascension ritual. She says the Web tricked her into it. (”Infectious Doubt.”)
c. 1990s???: Annebelle Cane, if she can be believed, encountered a drug addict, covered in spiders, weaving at a wooden loom hidden in an abandoned chip shop. The experience engenders in her a phobia of spiders. (”Weaver”)
c. 1995/1996: Jonathan Sims reads “A Guest for Mr. Spider” and is almost taken by the Web.
c. early 2001: Adelard Dekker binds the Not-Them to the Fielding’s hypnotic table from Hilltop Road. (”The Distant Cousin.”)
November 25, 2006: Ivo Lensik uproots the tree at 105 Hilltop Road, and uncovers the spider apple at its roots (”Burned Out”). In Sheffield, Agnes Montague commits ritual suicide, which involves a box of spiders and the severed hand of Ray Fielding (”Burned Out,” “Burning Desire”).
Late fall 2010: Annabelle Cane participates in an ESP study at Surrey University in Guildford. She becomes a Web avatar and disappears; over the next few years other study participants also vanish. (”Thought for the Day”)
c. 2011??: Neil Lagorio, succumbing to an unknown form of paralysis, becomes unable to leave his home in Connecticuit. (”Creature Feature”). A former colleague, Alison Killala, moves in with him to care for him. Neil remarks with sadness that he’ll never get to work on his final project, “The Dancer” (”The Puppeteer”). (Both Nikola Orsinov and the Mechanical Turk were referred to as “the Dancer” in the context of the Unknowing.)
c. early 2012??: Annabelle Cane visits Neil Lagorio. Alison Killala spends five months watching Neil’s “original cuts,” and emerges to find Neil dead. Annabelle orders her to turn over Neil’s “original cuts” to the Magnus Institute. (”The Puppeteer”)
c. February 2012: Dexter Banks and around one hundred cast members vanish from the set of his film “Widow’s Weave,” on the same day the news of Neil Lagorio’s death broke in the press. Every year since, in February, one corpse washed up on a nearby beach. (”Creature Feature”)
March 14, 2012: Alexia Crawley gives her statement regarding Dexter Bank’s last film. (”Creature Feature”)
December 1, 2012: Alison Killala delivers Neil’s films to the Magnus Institute, on Annabelle’s orders; they’re placed in Artefact Storage. (”The Puppeteer”)
February 23, 2014: Jane Prentiss comes to the Magnus Institute and gives a statement about the “wasp’s nest” in the attic of her building in Archway. She mentions the spiders there as well. Shortly thereafter, she becomes a Corruption avatar and disappears (”Hive”). Arthur Nolan, formerly of the Lightless Flame, self-immolates in order to destroy the remaining nest. (”Pest Control.”)
Late 2014: Carlos Vittery freaks out about the spiders in his garden and moves to a new flat, in Archway. He notes that the building is infested with small, silver worms, suggesting Jane Prentiss is already using the building’s basement as a hiding spot. (”Arachnophobia”)
c. 1 February 2015: A woman in Guildford (probably Annabelle Cane) hires Greg Cox to develop a forum called “Chelicerae” for her, where people can submit stories about weird things that have happened to them to “the Story-Spinner”. One of Probably-Annabelle’s requirements is that Greg inserts certain names or phrases into the code, though not in ways that would normally have any effect on the site. One of the names is Carlos Vittery’s. (”Web Development”) (It’s noted that when Annabelle emails Greg, she uses very large fonts.)
March 15, 2015: Gertrude Robinson disappears, leaving a tremendous amount of blood behind in the Archives. She is later found shot to death in the tunnels beneath the Archives. (”Human Remains”)
April 9, 2015: Vittery gives his statement about a “ghost spider” to the Institute, and “shortly thereafter” is found dead, wrapped in spiderwebs. (”Arachnophobia”)
August 1, 2015: Angie Santos gives her statement after she and Greg are attacked near his flat by some kind of spider-thing. She states Greg has been working on the Chelicerae for about six months. (”Web Development”)
Autumn 2015: Jonathan Sims is appointed the new Head Archivist of the Magnus Institute (”Web Development” implies this happened after Angie Santos’ statement.)
c. Late 2015: Jared Hopworth begins receiving letters, typed in very large fonts, directing him towards potential victims and allies. He initially ignores them, but eventually comes to trust the letter-writer. (”Flesh”)
February 26, 2016: Martin goes to Carlos Vittery’s former building in Archway to follow up on his statement. He notices spiders in the basement, decides to explore, and discovers Prentiss hiding there. She follows him home and besieges his flat for approximately two weeks. (”Colony”)
Late March - July 12, 2016: Prentiss occupies the tunnels beneath the Magnus Institute and begins breeding worms. Various people mention seeing the worms outside the building. (”Schwarzwald,” “A Distortion,” “First Hunt,” “Anatomy Class”)
Mid-to-Late July 2016 (between 12th and 29th): Jon spots worms inside the Archives seemingly for the first time. Breekon and Hope deliver a package directly to the archives addressed to Jon (”Old Passages”) containing a Zippo lighter with a spiderweb design on it (”Taken Ill”) as well as Fielding’s Web table. Jon is adamant that he doesn’t smoke, though Elias mentions in “Infestation” that he (Jon) used to.
Late July 2016: Greg Cox goes missing. (”Web Development”)
July 29th, 2016: Jon attempts to kill a spider in his office and accidentally knocks a hole in the drywall, revealing an entrance to the tunnels under the Institute. Prentiss attacks, possibly earlier than she had planned for, and is killed when Elias activates the archives’ fire suppression system. During the attack, a mass of worms create some kind of gateway or portal in a wall in the tunnels, warping the stone. (”Lost and Found”/”Infestation”/”Human Remains.”)
August 2016: Jon sneaks into the tunnels to explore and notes there are a LOT of dead worms down there (”Too Deep”).
Late September 2016: Jon notes that an awful lot of spiders have moved into the tunnels under the Institute and appear to have eaten all the dead worms. (”Literary Heights”)
February 16, 2017: Jon destroys the Web table binding the Not-Them (”The Distant Cousin”) and then takes a badly-timed cigarette break while Elias commits brutal pipe murder (”The Librarian”). (In “Hide and Seek,” Tim makes a jibe about Jon sneaking cigarettes in “Hide and Seek,” implying he’s been doing so for a while before this.)
April 28, 2017: Daisy takes Jon out to the New Forest with the intent of killing him. She comments on his spiderweb lighter when she searches him. (”The Coming Storm”)
June 30, 2017: Gerard Keay comments on Jon’s lighter, asking if he’s a “spider freak.” (”Family Business”) (According to “First Aid,” Gerry at one point had a similar zippo with an Eye design on it ...)
August 6-7, 2017: The Unknowing. Jon remarks that “there’s no such thing as just cobwebs” while they explore the House of Wax, right before they stumble upon a stray tape recorder. (”The Masquerade”)
c. mid-December 2017: Jared Hopworth is directed by his letter-writer to attack the Archives, and given a photograph of Jon with instructions to kill him. He is stopped by Melanie and Helen. (”Flesh”)
February 15, 2018: “The spiders” send Oliver Banks to talk Jon out of his coma (”Far Away”) 
c. February 24, 2018: Jon remarks that he’s seeing cobwebs everywhere he goes, and takes this to mean the Institute is being watched. (”Civilian Casualties”)
c. March 17, 2018: Jon finds the tape about the Last Feast, covered in cobwebs, in his desk, deducing that it was delivered by spiders. (”Meat”).
March 20, 2018: Jon  meets with Jared Hopworth and learns the context of the attack from December (”Flesh”).
March 24-27, 2018: Jon goes into the coffin to rescue Daisy. At some point, Martin sneaks down into the Archives and sets up several dozen tape recorders to play statements, which are enough of an anchor for Jon to escape (”Entombed”). Martin tells Peter in “Time of Revelations” that he doesn’t know where he got the idea from.
c. April, 2018: Daisy asks Jon point-blank where he got the spider lighter from, and he doesn’t answer the question. There is Some Static this time. (”The Puppeteer.”)
c. early July 2018: Jon is “drawn” to rearrange a filing cabinet and discovers Marcus Mackenzie’s statement, leading him to suspect that he’s being compelled to feed by the Web. Shortly thereafter, Basira finds the tape Martin made in “Scrutiny” and confronts Jon about his feeding. (”Threshold”).
July 20, 2018: The gang go to 105 Hill Top Road, finding a written statement from Annabelle Cane along with Jon’s first tape as Head Archivist. Annebelle tells Jon to stay away from Hill Top Road in the future, and the line gets Spooky Static. (”Weaver”)
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janiedean · 5 years
What songs remind you of Jaime & Brienne?
okay so *cracks knucles*, going for a general feeling because my playlist on the mp3 is like at 90+ songs ops (mind that my tastes are All Old Stuff)
jaime on his own or post-c.:
my back pages, bob dylan
the wrestler, bruce springsteen
little lion man, mumford & sons
i want to break free, queen
this ain’t a love song + wild is the wind, bon jovi
the outsider, shooter jennings
open all night, brian fallon
here comes my man, the gaslight anthem (this one is........ sorta adaptable to his affc arc and it has jb undertones imvho but like... IT’S HIM I SUFFER)
national anthem, the gaslight anthem
I had to leave and I’ll slow you down, warren zevon
it ain’t me, babe, bob dylan (or johnny cash whoever you prefer)
it all comes back someday, john hiatt
forget her, jeff buckley
sail away sweet sister, queen
brienne on her own:
not a pretty girl, ani difranco
you don’t know me, emmylou harris
you’ve got to hide your love away, the beatles
I wish I were blind, bruce springsteen (this and the previous one are brienne/renly tbqh)
maggie’s farm, bob dylan (this is just for the last couple lines but man THEY’RE HER)
everything has changed, lucinda williams
gravity, alison krauss & the union station
goals, john frusciante
messiah ward, nick cave and the bad seeds
why do they leave?, ryan adams
as a ship:
this is your sword, bruce springsteen (THIS ONE IS SO THEM I CRY btw if any vidder around wants to do a trade where I write them fic in exchange for THIS ONE SONG GETTING VIDDED I’M DOWN WITH IT PLS CONTACT ME)
thunder road, bruce springsteen (scuse me it’s perfect for them okay)
tougher than the rest, bruce springsteen (yes there’s a lot of springsteen here)
ugly, jon bon jovi
handle with care, the traveling wilburys
real live bleeding flingers, lucinda williams
dancing barefoot, patti smith
hail hail, pearl jam
you’re still standing there, steve earle & lucinda williams
roll away your stone, mumford and sons
girl in the war, josh ritter
i can’t live with you, queen
blue, joni mitchell
still remains, stone temple pilots
crush, the horrible crowes
ngl all of brian fallon’s last record but esp. etta james, neptune, proof of life, her majesty’s service and see you on the other side but like ALL that record is jb xD
I lost it, lucinda williams
hopeless romantics, steve earle
joan of arc, leonard cohen (THIS ONE IS ALSO V. FANVID WORTHY GUYS)
love minus zero/no limit & I’m in love with the ugliest girl in the world, bob dylan
leap of faith, bruce springsteen
sigh no more, mumford and sons
too much blood, the gaslight anthem
awake my soul, mumford & sons
back to the light, brian may
I’ve got my mind set on you, george harrison
you’re my best friend, queen
I have others but this is my main playlist xD
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bigmeancat-blog · 5 years
Republican Pedophiles
Please distribute - and share with your children - beware these sexual predators, esp. in neighborhoods that the Republican deviants reside in. Thank you # Republican U.S. Justice Department official John David R. Atchison, 53, an assistant U.S. attorney from the northern district of Florida, has been arrested on suspicion of traveling to Detroit over the weekend to have sex with a 5 year old child. An undercover officer posed as a mother offering her child to Atchison for sex, according to police. In deposition, detectives said  Atchison suggested the mother tell her daughter that "you found her a sweet boyfriend who will bring her presents."  The undercover detective expressed concern about physical injury to the 5-year-old girl as a result of the sexual activity.  Detectives said Atchison responded, " I am always gentle and loving; not to worry, no damage ever, no rough stuff ever.  I only like it soft and nice." The undercover detective asked how Atchison can be certain of no injury. He responded,  "Just gotta go slow and very easy. I've done it plenty," according to detectives. # Republican city councilman John Bryan killed himself after police began investigating allegations that he had molested three girls, including two of his adopted daughters, ages 12 and 15. # The former head of the Michigan Federation of Young Republicans, Michael Flory, admitted Tuesday that he sexually abused a colleague during a national convention in Cleveland last summer pleaded guilty to sexual battery on the day his rape trial was to begin Brian J. Doyle,  the Deputy Press Secretary for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security's Office of Public Affairs in Washington, was arrested on 23 Polk County charges related to the use of a computer to seduce a child and transmitting harmful materials to a minor.  7 counts Use of a Computer to Seduce a Child, and 16 counts of Transmission of Harmful Material to a Minor. Republican Congressman Mark Foley abruptly resigned from Congress after “sexually explicit” e-mails surfaced showing him flirting with a 16-year-old boy. Republican executive Randall Casseday of the conservative Washington Times newspaper was arrested for soliciting sex from a 13-year-old girl on the Internet. Republican chairman of the Oregon Christian Coalition Lou Beres confessed to molesting a 13-year-old girl. Republican County Constable Larry Dale Floyd was arrested on suspicion of soliciting sex with an 8-year-old girl. Floyd has repeatedly won elections for Denton County, Texas, constable. Republican judge Mark Pazuhanich pleaded no contest to fondling a 10-year old girl and was sentenced to 10 years’ probation. Republican Party leader Bobby Stumbo was arrested for having sex with a 5 year-old boy. Republican petition drive manager Tom Randall pleaded guilty to molesting two girls under the age of 14, one of them the daughter of an associate in the petition business. Republican County Chairman Armando Tebano was arrested for sexually molesting a 14-year-old girl. Republican teacher and former city councilman John Collins pleaded guilty to sexually molesting 13- and 14-year-old girls. Republican campaign worker Mark Seidensticker is a convicted child molester. Republican Mayor Philip Giordano is serving a 37-year sentence in federal prison for sexually abusing 8- and 10-year-old girls. Republican Mayor Tom Adams was arrested for distributing child pornography over the Internet. Republican Mayor John Gosek was arrested on charges of soliciting sex from two 15-year-old girls. Republican County Commissioner David Swartz pleaded guilty to molesting two girls under the age of 11 and was sentenced to 8 years in prison. Republican legislator Edison Misla Aldarondo was sentenced to 10 years in prison for raping his daughter between the ages of 9 and 17. Republican Committeeman John R. Curtain was charged with molesting a teenage boy and unlawful sexual contact with a minor. Republican anti-abortion activist Howard Scott Heldreth is a convicted child rapist in Florida. Republican zoning supervisor, Boy Scout leader and Lutheran church president Dennis L. Rader pleaded guilty to performing a sexual act on an 11-year-old girl he murdered. Republican anti-abortion activist Nicholas Morency pleaded guilty to possessing child pornography on his computer and offering a bounty to anybody who murders an abortion doctor. Republican campaign consultant Tom Shortridge was sentenced to three years’ probation for taking nude photographs of a 15-year-old girl. Republican racist pedophile and United States Senator Strom Thurmond had sex with a 15-year-old black girl, which produced a child. Republican pastor Mike Hintz, whom George W. Bush commended during the 2004 presidential campaign, surrendered to police after admitting to a sexual affair with a female juvenile. Republican legislator Peter Dibble pleaded no contest to having an inappropriate relationship with a 13-year-old girl. Republican advertising consultant Carey Lee Cramer was sentenced to six years in prison for molesting two 8-year-old girls, one of whom appeared in an anti-Gore television commercial. Republican activist Lawrence E. King Jr. organized child sex parties at the White House during the 1980s. Republican lobbyist Craig J. Spence organized child sex parties at the White House during the 1980s. Republican Congressman Donald “Buz” Lukens was found guilty of having sex with a female minor and sentenced to one month in jail. Republican fundraiser Richard A. Delgaudio was found guilty of child porn charges and paying two teenage girls to pose for sexual photos. Republican activist Mark A. Grethen convicted on six counts of sex crimes involving children. Republican activist Randal David Ankeney pleaded guilty to attempted sexual assault on a child. Republican Congressman Dan Crane had sex with a female minor working as a congressional page. Republican activist and Christian Coalition leader Beverly Russell admitted to an incestuous relationship with his stepdaughter. Republican Judge Ronald C. Kline was placed under house arrest for child molestation and possession of child pornography. Republican congressman and anti-gay activist Robert Bauman was charged with having sex with a 16-year-old boy he picked up at a gay bar. Republican Committee Chairman Jeffrey Patti was arrested for distributing a video clip of a 5-year-old girl being raped. Republican activist Marty Glickman (a.k.a. “Republican Marty”), was taken into custody by Florida police on four counts of unlawful sexual activity with an underage girl and one count of delivering the drug LSD. Republican legislative aide Howard L. Brooks was charged with molesting a 12 year-old boy and possession of child pornography. Republican Senate candidate John Hathaway was accused of having sex with his 12-year-old babysitter and withdrew his candidacy after the allegations were reported in the media. Republican preacher Stephen White, who demanded a return to traditional values, was sentenced to jail after offering $20 to a 14-year-old boy for permission to perform oral sex on him. Republican talk-show host Jon Matthews pleaded guilty to exposing his genitals to an 11-year-old girl. Republican anti-gay activist Earl “Butch” Kimmerling was sentenced to 40 years in prison for molesting an 8-year-old girl after he attempted to stop a gay couple from adopting her. Republican Party leader Paul Ingram pleaded guilty to six counts of raping his daughters and served 14 years in federal prison. Republican election board official Kevin Coan was sentenced to two years probation for soliciting sex over the Internet from a 14-year-old girl. Republican politician Andrew Buhr was charged with two counts of first degree sodomy with a 13-year-old boy. Republican legislator Keith Westmoreland was arrested on seven felony counts of lewd and lascivious exhibition to girls under the age of 16 (i.e., exposing himself to children). Republican anti-abortion activist John Allen Burt was found guilty of molesting a 15-year-old girl. Republican County Councilman Keola Childs pleaded guilty to molesting a boy. Republican activist John Butler was charged with criminal sexual assault on a teenage girl. Republican candidate Richard Gardner admitted to molesting his two daughters. Republican Councilman and former Marine Jack W. Gardner was convicted of molesting a 13-year-old girl. Republican County Commissioner Merrill Robert Barter pleaded guilty to unlawful sexual contact and assault on a teenage boy. Republican City Councilman Fred C. Smeltzer, Jr.  pleaded no contest to raping a 15 year-old girl and served 6 months in prison. Republican activist Parker J. Bena pleaded guilty to possession of child pornography on his home computer and was sentenced to 30 months in federal prison and fined $18,000. Republican parole board officer and former Colorado state representative, Larry Jack Schwarz, was fired after child pornography was found in his possession. Republican strategist and Citadel Military College graduate Robin Vanderwall was convicted in Virginia on five counts of soliciting sex from boys and girls over the Internet. Republican city councilman Mark Harris, who is described as a “good military man” and “church goer,” was convicted of repeatedly having sex with an 11 year-old girl and sentenced to 12 years in prison. Republican businessman Jon Grunseth withdrew his candidacy for Minnesota governor after allegations surfaced that he went swimming in the nude with four underage girls, including his daughter. Republican campaign worker, police officer and self-proclaimed reverend Steve Aiken was convicted of having sex with two underage girls. Republican director of the “Young Republican Federation” Nicholas Elizondo molested his 6-year-old daughter and was sentenced to six years in prison. Republican president of the New York City Housing Development Corp. Russell Harding pleaded guilty to possessing child pornography on his computer. Republican benefactor of conservative Christian groups, Richard A. Dasen Sr., was found guilty of raping a 15-year-old girl. Dasen, 62, who is married with grown children and several grandchildren, has allegedly told police that over the past decade he paid more than $1 million to have sex with a large number of young women. Republican Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld authorized the rape of children in Iraqi prisons in order to humiliate their parents into providing information about the anti-American insurgency.  See excerpt of one prisoner’s report here and his full report here. http://www.newsfollowup.com/children.htm#bryant Republican County Board Candidate Brent Schepp was charged with molesting a 14-year old girl and killed himself three days later. Republican Mayor Jeffrey Kyle Randall was sentenced to 275 days in jail for molesting two boys -- ages ten and 12 -- during a six-year period. Republican prosecutor Larry Corrigan was arrested for soliciting sex from 13 year old girls. Republican County Commissioner Patrick Lee McGuire surrendered to police after allegedly molesting girls between the ages of 8 and 13. Republican congressional aide Jeffrey Nielsen was arrested for having sex with a 14-year old boy. Republican city councilman Joseph Monteleone Jr.  was found guilty of fondling underage girls. Republican legislator Ted Klaudt  was charged with raping girls under the age of 16.
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panelshowsource · 5 years
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he lowkey does look like ed though.......but ed disagrees!!!
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hello! requests are closed atm and generally for gif requests of non-panel shows, it should be a specific moment and specific episode you can provide a timestamp for, esp if i haven’t seen it. thanks for understanding!
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yeah, i hate when that happens. your best bet right now is to go to /r/notapanelshow and make a request. i’m sure they can have it to you by the end of the day!
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i’m definitely not sick of it, i just feel bad bc there’s not much of it i can actually respond to so most of it goes unanswered, esp when people (not you specifically, just in general) send links in the ask esp to other people’s blogs. i dooo know he’s very lovely and very handsome and by all accounts i can see a very safe and unproblematic fave, and everyone here adores him. unfortunately i don’t think that’s something i can comment on every single day even though those are the wishes of some of my beloved anons! re: jimmy carr, i have received tons of messages about people meeting comedians on the street or after shows, and jimmy is always touted as being the funniest and sweetest, though people sent in great asks (too many to respond to) about miles, joe wilkinson, sarah millican, david mitchell, russell howard, roisin conaty, richard herring, lou sanders, ed gamble, greg davies, alex horne and more! i’m so happy to hear so many of our faves are good to their fans!
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no this blog does not respect decency in the slightest so i promise that is not why! if it was genuinely thirst and not just a paragraph about what a good person he is, etc., then it’s being saved for the next thirst update! unfortunately i can’t post alllllll of the “i love miles” messages i get but i hear them and agree!
and if someone posts panel show content but does not tag me #panelshowsource, i won’t see it as i don’t follow any panel show or britcom blogs x
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thank you for the rec anon, i’ll link to it here for people to enjoy!
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i’m not really familiar with her!
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i remember wanting to gif sarah when she was on 8 out of 10 cats bc she had some good banter, but not much of it was, like, the kind of quick and easily understandable banter to gif, you know? but they were at least on roast battle so i can definitely look into making some more gifs of that! any reason to rewatch roasting is a good reason
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i bet it’s all @croquettish smdh!!!
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ofc when james got up and went behind his chair simply bc someone talked about something related to boobies that was hiiiiiilarious but i actually don’t recall him having a loooot of moments like that...i think we’re just more likely to notice when he does anything because we like him so much heh. i liked when he got frustrated by completely logicless points system, but i honestly love any amount of competition!! that’s probably why i liked s2 so much when others thought it was just ok, because joe and jon and at times katherine and doc were suuuuuuuuper competitive (remember when they had to vote whether to give joe points for touching the red green and jon and doc literally said no?? that was iconic). but i will def do a rewatch for another out of context taskmaster post, so i’ll keep an eye out :)
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yeah, most of the time! that said one of the funniest things i’ve ever heard was jimmy carr calling adam hills “hopelessly sanctimonious” bc how can you argue with that
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aw they’re buddies so i’m sure he didn’t mind a little kissy merriment!!! good boys...
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thank you everyone hehehe
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f.a.q. // tags // watch links masterpost
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adigeon · 5 years
good omens thoughts, incl. spoilers and some mild crit:
No, really, including spoilers! They changed up the ending from the book, so if you’re still reading and you care about that, stop reading here.
Overall, I quite liked it. I don’t really know what my expectations were going in - some muddy mix of ‘well, this might as well happen’ and genuine excitement. (I think I’ve got a stronger stomach for David Tennant than some of y’all I follow; I watched Doctor Who at a vulnerable point in my life, and unfortunately now I’ll find him devastatingly hot forever. I’m resigned to this.)
Casting thoughts:
The casting ended up working for me! David Tennant definitely does...more face-twisting than necessarily as Crowley, but it’s David Tennant; that’s what I expected. Michael Sheen is delightful as Aziraphale. The auxiliary casting works really well, too - I was originally very ??? at Jon Hamm as Gabriel, but it worked well with the direction they took the forces of heaven in general. 
Extremely good casting on Michael and Beelzebub, about whom I desperately want fic,
The only character who struck me as particularly off was actually Ligur, who came across as much more competent than in the book, but that was probably more a direction/script problem than a casting problem? Hastur got more moments where he got to be lurching as well as menacing
Come to think of it, in general how competent we’re supposed to think the forces of hell are swings around a lot - which might be inevitable when you jump from page to screen, where you don’t have the ability to narrate moment by moment about how incompetent the scary demon actually is in his day to day life
I liked McDormand as god, but I did find the voiceover dragging the pace down - I do wonder if part of that is because they chose the choicest bits of the book for god’s voiceover, which meant they were bits I was more likely to remember, and that people who don’t have bits of the book memorized (esp. people who watch the show without having read the book) wouldn’t find the v/o as muddying as I did
Pacing is definitely where the show struggled the most, especially in the back half.
I felt this most in the last episode - the cold open with Crowley on trial threw me for a serious loop. I’d be interested to hear if viewers who hadn’t read the book felt similarly, or if maybe it caught me on the back foot since I knew the plot of the book and was expecting things to play out differently?
When Adam is going full glowy-eyes-son-of-Satan and menacing the rest of the Them and it’s split up into several small scenes that intersperse other events - that felt notably repetitive. Something’s off with the script/editing; it almost felt like they repeated three scenes of Adam just going IT’LL BE FUN I PROMISE and the other the Them going “please let us go :(” with nearly no variation or escalation
Tangentially related: I need a screencap of Satan going WHERE IS MY SON to use as a reaction image post-haste
Good moments/bad moments/moments I missed from the book/general show-book differences:
I was sad to see Aziraphale revive the dove rather than Crowley - that’s such a good moment for book!Crowley and gives him a softer touch than we get in the show
Crowley comes across as much more dreading hell in the show than in the book - having so much of episode 3 revolve around him trying to get holy water really sets him up as knowing hell will come after him one day, and him being grimly prepared to defend himself starting a *long* time before the events of the show. I know the writers probably wanted to set up the payoff in episode six with the bath, but it does dramatically change (to my eye) the way Crowley seems to view his relationship with hell. Slightly more ‘hostage’ than ‘guy phoning it in at his day job’
Having Aziraphale and Crowley explicitly pretending to their employers that they’ve managed to successfully hide from each other the entire show was...interesting. Still thinking through that choice
It’s really fortunate that their budget was as huge as it was; one of my favorite parts of the adaptation was all the random montages/flashback scenes we’d get during the voiceovers, e.g. Aziraphale at the gentlemen’s club, Crowley bragging about what he did to the M25
The CGI for Crowley’s eyes sucked, There I Said It. They really did Tennant no favors in post-production either (there’s some weird moments where they have him yell and then apply a weird distortion filter to it that I kind of cringed at)
Anyways, better than I expected with some clunky moments. Looking forward to being unable to navigate the good omens tag for the next four years
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everyonewillsee · 6 years
So this boyband/1D au is really, um, a thing that is happening... Happy birthday to me, have a snippet/ficlet/teaser:
“It’s been eleven years since PSA performed together and there’s a burning question on everyone’s lips with this reunion tour. Will you finally tell us what the name stands for?” Tommy doesn’t need to look around to know that all of them are staring at the interviewer with the same practiced blank look.
None of them love the press junket of starting a tour and this one is particularly brutal because they’re trying, and mostly failing, to simulate a dynamic that hasn’t existed for a decade. It’s close to normal when Jon laughs and says, “Megan, I really doubt that that is the most important question our fans have.”
“Maybe not,” she giggles, which means he’s given her a teen heartthrob smile. Also normal. “But won’t you tell me?” She puts an emphasis on ‘me’ that all but confirms Tommy’s vague recollection that she’s one of the many young pretty things Jon dated early in his solo career. Unfortunately normal.
What’s not normal is the pause that follows her second question. Tommy knows that Dan and Jon are waiting, just like he is, for the joke that doesn’t come. He looks at Lovett out of the corner of his eye, sitting still as a statue, legs crossed under him, with that same blandly pleasant smile he walked into the room with. Come on, Tommy thinks at him. You can do it, just, reuse one. Proficient Sarcastic Accountants, Precious Salty Anteaters, even Dan’s stupid favorite: Pineapple Selling Adams. Lovett, Lovett, please.
Either Tommy hasn’t mastered ESP or Lovett is ignoring him, because he lets the silence hang until Dan says, “We couldn’t tell you at this point if we wanted to. I think what’s neat is that there are so many people who are still interested in coming out to hang with us, regardless of what we’re called.” Megan takes the bait and transitions to talking about their fans and the sold out arenas and the moment passes.
The night before their first performance together, they still hadn’t managed to name the band. They were anxious about performing and stressed out and more than a little drunk. None of them remember who brought it up but at 2 a.m, Lovett’s ridiculous bit of repeating “Public Service Announcement” in a robotic voice, followed by a dry recitation of famous pop songs was the funniest thing any of them had ever heard. The next morning, with a sidelong look at Lovett and an uncharacteristic giggle, Dan had said “PSA” to the producers and they were off to the races.
Seventeen years later, it’s passed embarrassing and circled back to being one of the funniest things Tommy’s ever experienced, but when they started to succeed and were asked what the acronym stood for, they all looked at each other, suddenly ashamed. It almost certainly wasn’t that funny to begin with and in the light of day it was clear that Lovett’s robot voice was a ‘had to be there’ joke. The question hung awkwardly, on live television, until Lovett lifted his chin defiantly and said with a completely straight face, “Pedantic Super Arrows.”
Tommy and Dan and Jon dissolved into giggles and the joke was born. Every time they were asked about the band name, Lovett supplied an increasingly ridiculous answer. Pea Soup for Adults; Pretty Serious Attitude; Purple Smelly Aardvarks. They sold t-shirts with some of his more popular names, fans tweeted suggestions, Lovett glowed with the laughter and the attention.
Over the years, the other three boys never got the knack of the names. Dan deadpanned in an interview once: Petty Student Activists and Lovett fell out of his chair laughing while the interviewers looked at him, perplexed. Tommy gave Dan a disappointed look and he just shrugged. Jon tried to do it a couple times but always dissolved into giggles before he could get a name out.
Tommy always maintained a personable non-answer in public. He whispered his ideas to Lovett backstage before a show, when they were shoving their bags into the overhead bins on planes, and once, as he was about to put his mouth on Lovett’s dick. That’s the one Lovett uses in their next interview and Tommy can never look at the t-shirt that reads Personable Smelling Akitas without an uncomfortable blood rush.
One of the many weird things about interviews once Lovett left them was the lack of silly names. They got asked as if it was the gotcha question that was going to prove they were falling apart. Dan pointed at the PSA logo on his shirt with a nervous chuckle. Tommy said patiently, “It’s always been more about the music for us than the branding” in his best imitation of Jon’s smooth press voice. Jon sat beside him, every muscle in his body tight, eyes fixed on a point above the interviewer’s head like it held the key to the universe, the polite smile Tommy quickly learned to hate on his face.
It’s a month into the reunion tour before they get asked again. They’ve known Charlie since they were teenagers and Tommy knows he’d cut it out of the interview if they really asked. He leans forward with a devious grin when he asks, “so anyone want to resolve the biggest mystery of the modern era?”
Tommy is opening his mouth to deflect with a bad joke about Dan’s obsession with cucumber water when Lovett says tentatively, “why people don’t understand how to walk on a moving sidewalk in an airport? Political Social Anxiety, Charlie.”
It hangs for a second before they all get it. Tommy starts laughing from relief as much as from amusement. On the other couch, Dan chuckles low and easy and Jon is laughing in spite of himself. Charlie guffaws amicably before saying, “Not one of your best, Lovett.”
Lovett looks around at all of their laughing faces and grins, shifting on his heels in the seat and settling in. “I’m a little rusty Charlie, sue me. Anyways, I’m Lovett, this is Tommy, Favs, and Dan and we are Perfunctory Stage Attack.”
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urwarriorangel · 7 years
updated list of characters and fandoms I write for!
(you may request smut unless specified otherwise) (fandoms with *** are the ones I like writing for/the ones I write for more often)
Agents of SHIELD (all will be alive unless death works better in the storyline)***
Al Mackenzie
Antoine “Trip” Triplett
Daisy “Skye” Johnson
Grant Ward
Jemma Simmons
Lance Hunter
Leopold Fitz
Lincoln Campbell
Buffy The Vampire Slayer***
Buffy Summers
Cordelia Chase
Rupert Giles
William the Bloody aka Spike
Criminal Minds (no one is dead unless I say so)***
Aaron Hotchner
David Rossi (only father figure/mentor)
Derek Morgan
Elle Greenaway
Emily Prentiss
Jason Gideon (only father figure)
Jennifer Jareau
Luke Alvez
Penelope Garcia 
Spencer Reid
Chandler Bing
Joey Tribbiani
Monica Geller
Phoebe Buffay
Rachel Green
Ross Geller
Game of Thrones (everyone is of age and alive; nothing incestuous/rapey)***
Arya Stark (mostly/only fluff)
Benjen Stark
Daenerys Targaryen
Eddard Stark
Jaime Lannister
Jon Snow
Khal Drogo
Robb Stark
Samwell Tarly
Sansa Stark
Tyrion Lannister
Gossip Girl***
Blair Waldorf
Carter Baizen
Chuck Bass
Dan Humphrey
Nate Archibald
Serena Van Der Woodsen
Vanessa Abrams
Harry Potter***
Draco Malfoy
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Harry Potter
Hermione Granger
Ronald Weasley
Sirius Black
(YOUNG) Tom Riddle
Jane the Virgin
Jane Gloriana Villanueva
Rafael Solano
Lucky Number Slevin***
Slevin Kelevra
MCU (all alive and ALL  (esp Peter Parker) are 18+)***
Bruce Banner
Bucky Barnes
Natasha Romanoff  
Peggy Carter
Peter Parker
Pietro Maximoff
Sam Wilson
Sharon Carter
Steve Rogers
Tony Stark
Wanda Maximoff
Medici: Masters of Florence
Contessina de’ Bardi
Cosimo de’ Medici
Lorenzo de’ Medici
New Girl
Nick Miller
Pretty Little Liars
Aria Montgomery
Caleb Rivers
Emily Fields
Ezra Fitz
Hanna Marin
Jason DiLaurentis
Mona Vanderwaal
Noel Kahn
Spencer Hastings
Wren Kingston
Mary Stuart
Riverdale (all will be 18+ and alive, unless it’s a story surrounding their death)***
Archie Andrews
Betty Cooper
Cheryl Blossom
FP Jones
Fred Andrews
Jason Blossom
Josie McCoy
Jughead Jones
Kevin Keller (only boyxboy or fluff)
Reggie Mantle
Valerie Brown
Veronica Lodge
Alec Lightwood (only boyxboy or fluff)
Clary Fray
Isabelle Lightwood
Jace Herondale
Lucian Grey
Magnus Bane
Simon Lewis
Star Wars
Kylo Ren
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
Teen Wolf***
Derek Hale
Isaac Lahey
Jackson Whittermore
Jordan Parrish
Kira Yukimura
Lydia Martin
Malia Tate
Scott McCall
Stiles Stilinski
Theo Raeken
The 100 (all 18+ and alive unless stated otherwise)***
Bellamy Blake
Clarke Griffin
Finn Collins
Jasper Jordan
John Murphy
King Roan
Monty Green
Nathan Miller (only boyxboy or fluff)
Octavia Blake
Raven Reyes
Wells Jaha
The Originals***
Davina Claire
Elijah Mikaelson
Freya Mikaelson
Hayley Marshall
Kol Mikaelson
Niklaus Mikaelson
Marcel Gerard
Rebekah Mikaelson
The Vampire Diaries***
Bonnie Bennett
Caroline Forbes
Damon Salvatore
Elena Gilbert
Jeremy Gilbert
Katherine Pierce
Malachi Parker
Mary Louise
Matt Donovan
Nora Hildegard
Olivia Parker
Tyler Lockwood
Stefan Salvatore
Alex Summers (Havok)
Charles Xavier (young!Professor X)
Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto)
Hank McCoy (Beast)
Jean Grey (Phoenix)
Logan (Wolverine)
Peter Maximoff (Quiksilver)
Ororo Monroe (Storm)
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madmaudlingoes · 6 years
A li’l MAG Timeline Thing, spoilers for 123
Late fall 2010: Annabelle Cane participates in an ESP study at Surrey University in Guildford. She becomes a Web avatar and disappears; over the next few years other study participants also vanish. (”Thought for the Day”)
February 23, 2014: Jane Prentiss comes to the Magnus Institute and gives a statement about the “wasp’s nest” in the attic of her building in Archway. Shortly thereafter, she becomes a Corruption avatar and disappears. (”Hive”)
Late 2014/early 2015: Carlos Vittery freaks out about the spiders in his garden and moves to a new flat, in Archway. He notes that the building is infested with small, silver worms, suggesting Jane Prentiss is already using the building’s basement as a hiding spot. (”Arachnophobia”)
c. 1 February 2015: A woman in Guildford (probably Annabelle Cane) hires Greg Cox to develop a forum called “Chelicerae” for her. One of Probably-Annabelle’s requirements is that Greg inserts certain names or phrases into the code, though not in ways that would normally have any effect on the site. One of the names is Carlos Vittery’s. (”Web Development”)
April 9, 2015: Vittery gives his statement about a “ghost spider,” and “shortly thereafter” is found dead, wrapped in spiderwebs. (”Arachnophobia”)
August 1, 2015: Angie Santos gives her statement after she and Greg are attacked near his flat by some kind of spider-thing. She states Greg has been working for Annabelle for about six months. (”Web Development”)
February 26, 2016: Martin goes to Vittery’s former building in Archway to follow up on the statement and discovers Prentiss in the basement. She follows him home and besieges his flat for approximately two weeks. (”Colony”)
Late March - July 12, 2016: Prentiss occupies the tunnels beneath the Magnus Institute and begins breeding worms. Various people mention seeing the worms outside the building. (”Schwarzwald,” “A Distortion,” “First Hunt,” “Anatomy Class”)
Mid-to-Late July 2016 (between 12th and 29th): Jon spots worms inside the Archives seemingly for the first time. Breekon and Hope deliver a package directly to the archives addressed to Jon (”Old Passages”) containing a Zippo lighter with a spiderweb design on it (”Taken Ill”). Jon is adamant that he doesn’t smoke, though Elias mentions in “Infestation” that he (Jon) used to.
Late July 2016: Greg Cox goes missing. (”Web Development”)
July 29th, 2016: Jon attempts to kill a spider in his office and accidentally knocks a hole in the drywall, revealing an entrance to the tunnels under the Institute. Prentiss attacks, possibly earlier than she had planned for, and is killed when Elias activates the archives’ fire suppression system. (”Lost and Found”/”Infestation”/”Human Remains.”)
August 2016: Jon sneaks into the tunnels to explore and notes there are a LOT of dead worms down there (”Too Deep”).
Late September 2016: Jon notes that an awful lot of spiders have moved into the tunnels under the Institute and appear to have eaten all the dead worms. (”Literary Heights”)
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torentialtribute · 5 years
US PGA Championship tee times: Tiger Woods with Francesco Molinari and Brooks Koepka
American PGA Championship starting times: Tiger Woods with Francesco Molinari and Brooks Koepka for the first two rounds as Rory McIlroy joins Phil Mickelson and Jason Day Bethpage Black on Long Island
Title Defender Brooks Koepka is Favorite of the bookmakers to lift the trophy Molinari on Thursday / Friday
Published: 08:00 BST, May 14, 2019 | Want to play alongside Brooks Koepka and Francesco Molinari for the opening of two rounds of the US PGA Championship while trying to follow up his Masters victory with victory over Bethpage Black
Title defender Kopeka is the bookmakers' favorite for the second major of the year, just before Rory McIlroy Dustin Johnson and Woods.
and Brooks Koepka "
Two champion Tiger Woods go out with Francesco Molinari and Brooks Koepka
Two-time winner McIlroy is with former champions Jason Day and Phil Mickelson while Justin Rose joins Rickie Fowler and Bubba Watson on Long Island, New York
on Thursday and Friday. lists for rounds one and two are below.
11:45: Rob Labritz, Beau Hossler, JJ Spaun
William Burns, Jeffrey Schmid, Keith Mitchell
11:56 *: Thomas Pieters (Bel.)
11:56 *: Ben Cook, Scott Piercy, Brian Gay
Pattinson Kizzire, Adam Hadwin (Can)
12:07: Byeong Hun An (Kor), Jason Caron, Andrew Putnam
12: 07 *: Burns Sn Edeker, Kiradech Aphibarnrat Harold Varner III, Kyle Stanley
12: 18 *: Henrik Stenson (Swe), David Lipsky, Richard Sterne (RSA), Max Homa
12:29: Mike Lorenzo -Vera (Fra), Justin Harding (RSA), Richy Werenski
12: 29 *: Shane Lowry (Irl), Erik Van Rooyen (RSA) Tommy Fleetwood (Eng)
12:40: Vijay Singh (Fij), Jason Dufner, Jimmy Walker
12.40 *: Sergio Garcia (Aspen), Kelly Kraft, Adam Scott (Aus)
12:51: Graeme McDowell (Nir), Chez Reavie , Brendan Jones (Aus)
12: 51 *: Charley Hoffman, Louis Oosthuizen), Patrick Reed
13:02 *: Rickie Fowler, Bubba Watson, Justin Rose (19459005)
13: 02: Tyrrell Hatton (Eng), Russell Knox (Sco), Haotong Li Charles Norton (RSA), Charles Howell III
13:13 *: Xander Schauffele, Hideki Matsuyama (Jap), Alex Noren (19459005) (Swe)
13:24 *: Brooks Koepka, Francesco Molinari (Ita), Tiger Woods
13:24: JB Holmes, Lucas Bjerregaard (Den), Troy Merritt
Aaron Wise, Ryan Fox (NZL), Shugo Imahira (Jap)
13:35: Joost Luiten ( Ned), Brian Mackay, Matt Wallace (Eng)
] 13:46: Casey Russell, Luke List, Abraham Ancer (Mex)
13:46 *: Julian Suri, Marty Jertson, Martin Trainer
Craig Bowden, Adam Long, Joaquin Niemann (Chi)
13:10 *: Lucas Herbert (Aus), Cory Schneider, Sungjae Im (Kor)
17:10: Michael Thompson, Danny Lee (NZL), Justin Bertsch
17:10 *: Ryan Vermeer, Adrian Otaegui (Esp), Jason Kokrak
17:21: Cameron Champ, Rich Berberian Jr., Lucas Glover
17:32: Emiliano Grillo (Arg), Daniel Berger, Paul Casey (Eng)
17:21 *: Alex Bjork (Swe), Rod Perry, Ross Fisher Tony Finau, Billy Horschel, Ian Poulter (Eng)
17:32 *: Eddie Pepperell (Eng), Burning Grace (RSA), Ryan Palme r] 17: 43 *: Ryan Moore, Joel Dahmen, Thorbjorn Olesen (Den)
17:54: Matt Fitzpatrick (Eng), Rafa Cabrera Bello (Esp), Gary Woodland
54 *: YOU Padraig Harrington ( Irl), Martin Kaymer (Ger), Keegan Bradley
18: 05 *: Steve Stricker, Brian Harman
Patrick Cantlay
18:16 *: Sung Kang (Kor), Shaun Micheel, Alex Beach
18:16: Jon Rahm (Esp), Dustin Johnson, Jordan Spieth
18:38: Rory McIlroy (Nir)
18:27 *: CT Pan (Tai ), Kevin Na, Ryan Armor
18:27: Pat Perez, Kevin Kisner, Bryson DeChambeau Satoshi Kodaira (Jap), Matt Kuchar (19459005) 18:38 *: Danny Willett (Eng), Webb Simpson, Zach Johnson
(19459008) 19:00: Corey Conners (Can), Jim Furyk, Marc Leishman (19459005) 19:00 – 19:00. Aus)
19:19: 19:11: Jorge Campillo (Esp), Styart Dean (Aus), Chesson Hadley
19:22: Dylan Frittelli (RSA), Andrew Filbert, Kurt Kitayama
19:19:10 *: Janewattananond (Tha) Jazz, Tyler Hall, Michael Kim
* Begins on tenth hole –
VS Unstab
11:45: Ryan Vermeer, Adrian Otaegui (Esp), Jason Kokrak
11:45 *: Michael Thompson, Danny Lee (NZL), Justin Bertsch
11:56 *: Cameron Champ, Rich Berberian Jr., Lucas Glover
11:56: Alex Bjork (Swe), Rod Perry, Ross Fisher (Eng)
: 07: Eddie Pepperell ( Eng), Branden Grace (RSA), Ryan Palmer
12:07 *: Emiliano Grillo (Arg), Daniel Berger, Paul Casey (Eng)
18: Tony Finau, Billy Horschel, Ian Poulter (Eng)
12: 18 *: Ryan Moore, Joel Dahmen, Thorbjorn Olesen (Den)
12:29: Y.E. Matt Fitzpatrick (Eng), Rafa Cabrera Bello (Esp), Gary Woodland
12:40: Steve Stricker, Brian
Harman, Patrick Cantlay
12:51 *: Padraig Harrington (Irl), Martin Kaymer ( Ger), Keegan Bradley
12:51: Sung Kang (Kor), Shaun Micheel, Alex Beach
13:02: CT Pan (Tai), Kevin Na, Ryan Armor
12: 51 *: Jon Rahm (Esp), Dustin Johnson, Jordan Spieth
Patty Perez, Kevin Kisner, Bryson DeChambeau
13:13: Danny Willett (Eng), Webb Simpson, Zach Johnson
13:13 *: Rory McIlroy (Nir) Phil Mickelson, Jason Day (Aus)
13:24: Kevin Tway, Brandon Stone (RSA), Bronson Burgoon
13:24 *: Satoshi Kodaira (Japanese), Matt Kuchar, Camerson Corey Conners (Can), Jim Fu
13:35: Si Woo Kim (Kor), Danny Balin, Tom Lewis (Eng) [bewerken] [lijst toevoegen] Doe [bewerken] External links [bewerken] External links Jazz Janewattananond (Tha), Tyler Hall, Michael K im
13:46 *: Jorge Campillo (Esp), Styart Dean, Dylan Frittelli (RSA) and Andrew Filbert, [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [5] Rob Labritz , Beau Hossler, JJ Spaun
17:21: Thomas Kurt Kitayama
17:10: Ben Cook, Scott Piercy, Brian Gay
Pieters (Bel), Patton Kizzire, Adam Hadwin (Can)
17:21 *: Sam Burns, Jeffrey Schmid, Keith Mitchell
17:32: Brandt Snedeker, Kiradech Aphibarnrat, Max Homa
17:43: Henrik Stenson (Swe), David Lipsky, Richard Sterne (RSA) John O & Leary, Harold Varner III, Kyle Stanley
17:54: Shane Lowry (Irl), Erik Van Rooyen (RSA), Tommy Fleetwood ( Eng)
17:54 *: Mike Garcia-Vera (Fra), Justin Harding (RSA), Ricky Werenski
[1] Charley Hoffman, Louis Oosthuizen (RSA), Jason Dufner, Jimmy Walker
18 : 16: Charley Hoffman, Louis Oosthuizen (RSA)), Patrick Reed (19459005) 18:27: Rickie Fowler, Bubba Watson, Justin Rose (Eng), Patrick Reed
18:16 *: Graeme McDowell (Nir), Chez Reavie,
18:38 : Xander Schauffele, Hideki Matsuyama (Japanese), Alex Noren (19459005) 18:27 *: Tyrrell Hatton (Eng), Russell Knox (Sco), Haotong Li Sweepstakes
18:38 *: Lee Westwood (Eng), Shaun Norris (RSA), Charles Howell III
18:49:19: Brooks Koepka, Francesco Molinari,
19:00: Aaron Wise, Ryan Fox (NZL), Shugo Imahira (Japanese)
18:49 *: JB Holmes, Lucas Bjerregaard (Den), Troy Merritt
19:19:10: Julian Suri, Marty Jertson, Martin Trainer
11: Casey Russell, Luke List, Abraham Ancer (Mex)
19:22: Lucas Herbert (Aus), Cory Schneider, Sungjae Im (Kor)
Bowden, Adam Long, Joaquin Niemann (Chi)
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