#snk x tm
this-is-krikkit · 5 months
if i had a nickel for every time my fave's more or less canon future love interest got his Emotional Support Teacup™️ broken in front of his very eyes
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i'd have two nickels
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which isn't a lot...
but it's strange it's happened twice 🍵
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Sometimes I'm unable to sleep at night when the real unanswered questions of SNK are keeping me awake... What is the real story behind Levi's Captain ranking? Whose black jacket is THE black jacket that Levi occasionally wears? Why was Levi seen in the same classroom as smol Erwin? Why Erwin in new survey corp uniform was robbed from us?
Fear not Anon, I have all the answers to ensure you have a peaceful night's sleep 😴
1. What is the real story behind Levi's Captain ranking?
You can find one answer here: Levi's rank. Though of course the real reason is that Captain is not Levi's rank, it's a term of endearment that Erwin calls him in bed.
2. Whose black jacket is THE black jacket that Levi occasionally wears?
Erwin's. I mean it's not called The Boyfriend Jacket TM for nothing. Receipts are here (X / X) and no, I will not be taking questions at this time.
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3. Why was Levi seen in the same classroom as smol Erwin?
Only Isayama knows the truth and he's not telling. The bastard. Luckily you can read some fan theories instead.
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4. Why Erwin in new survey corp uniform was robbed from us?
Such would have been the overwhelming power and majesty of Erwin Smith in the new leather uniform and military issue bondage gear that he would have made the Titans look feeble in comparison. The power of the Titans would thus have been vanquished by Erwin's sheer sexiness magnificence, bringing the story to a swift and satisfying climax. And we can't have that.
I hope that answers your questions Anon, and you're able to sleep as soundly as Erwin.
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joelchansousa · 5 years
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Super Smash Bros. Ultimate X Fatal Fury pencils
Terry Bogard is a blast to play in Smash!! Here's the sketch of my next piece which I'm really pumped to ink and color. Hope you guys like it! Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is a (c) and Tm from Nintendo. Terry Bogard is a (c) and Tm from SNK. Joker is a (c) and Tm from Atlus. Hero/ Dragon Quest is a (c) and Tm from Squareenix.
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leapingtitan · 6 years
His/Story / Roll The Dice - Hiroyuki Sawano (feat. Takanori Nishikawa from TM Revolution) - Review
Finally. Been waiting for this single to drop since Thunderbolt Fantasy Season 2 started and boy do I have some stuff to say. First of all, I don’t know how many of my followers keep up with Sawano’s works outside of SnK but in any case Sawano has been really weak in terms of good and original stuff this last year. SnK Season 3 is the exception but as it’s split cour, chances are it��s gonna take a while before the OST drops. Other Sawano stuff includes NnT Season 2 which doesn’t have that much good stuff as Yamamoto basically made better stuff than Sawano for the most part. Prisoners of the Sky OST is actually a joke I can’t talk about unironically and other stuff like the SnK recap movie Bonus CD is way too small/hackish plus I already reviewed that one.
Anyway, let’s get to business. There’s only two songs (technically four if you count the instrumentals) so this shouldn’t be too long.
His/Story is okay. It's not anything beyond what I expected, and I'm not sure if this is just me (maybe not because I didn't hear this in Roll The Dice) but the track mix seems a bit... noisy? Kinda like 1coma's 2nd half. I like listening on high volume so it could be because of that but like I said, didn't hear this on the other track. Anyway, the guitars in the extended intro are banger and really groovy. The woahs are a bit excessive as they were in the TV-size version and since it's more of a pop/rock song so they don't "fit" as well as they did in thunderBOLTfantasy and Darkest. The short percussion sequence before the last chorus is nice. Bit unexpected but it's really cool. It's an okay song overall. The instrumental is also quite enjoyable and doesn't feel like it's missing that much. The piano in the verse is sadly too inaudible in the vocal version but it's nice.
Roll The Dice is the one I was looking forward to and holy shit it's amazing. Nishikawa's vocals fit much more in this than they do in His/Story and I have no complaints outside of the fact that the intro/main instrumental portion sounds like Before my body is dry's intro. Like, same drumming pattern, same "lay over a synth motif over part of the guitar that has the same melody" and similar tempo. Like, this is even more hack level than X and The key we've lost. But anyway, not complaining because holy shit Nishikawa is incredible. There is a badass guitar glissando before the 2nd chorus... typical, but I love it. Lastly, the bridge is actually fucking amazing. The woahs are powerful and not gonna lie these are probably the best woahs I've heard in a Sawano song in a long time... might become my favorite depending on how much I continue to overlisten to the track in the coming days, lmao. The instrumental is nice but it has the same issue as His/Story where the piano in the verse is rendered inaudible by the vocals, but it's nice... overall I feel like His/Story is more solid as an instrumental and less repetitive as Roll The Dice.. but in any case, Roll The Dice wins. Amazing song and the best vocal song Sawano has done since Amazing Trees, IMO.
Overall I’d say this is pretty solid and on top of that it’s leading off into a hopefully better time of Sawano releases. We have the Gundam Narrative coming up in a few weeks which is something a lot of people are looking forward to (Go listen to VigilaNTe from the Prelude event. It’s fucking banger.) There is the TBF2 OST coming up as well which I’m not too hyped for as it’s another sequel Sawano work with someone else helping him. If you’ve listened to the Blue Exorcist Kyoto Saga and NnT S2 OSTs you will know why I think that’s not a good thing, but I’ll have to see. I’ve avoided listening to episode rips as I prefer the good quality... if we’re not talking about SnK S3 that is. There is also the Promare movie next year which already had its recordings today and yesterday and there will be more coming up. And of course the SnK S3 OST which far surpasses S2 in terms of originality and quality, but is gonna take a while to come out due to the season getting split.. Oh well. Hopefully the wait is worth it.
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lesbian-kyoru · 7 years
Yo fam got any eruri fic recs?
oh my gosh yES, eruri fic is basically all I’ve been reading lately, they own my ass. I’m gonna put everything under the cut cause this might get long af…
this isn’t exhaustive at all, cause there’s still a large chunk that I haven’t gotten a chance to read yet. also I’ll add some warnings in bold for sexy times^TM and other specific content when necessary (and also my personal squeeing on each fic, cause why not?) I hope you haven’t read all of these already. x)
for canonverse, I personally love:
- The Laws of Survival by pasiphile (sooooo good, but heavy. chronicles the time from Farlan and Isabelle’s death up to Erwin and Levi’s appearance in the manga/anime, and basically chronicles their journey to trusting each other/falling in love. the build-up in this fic was just very well done! warning: smut, PTSD, BDSM, generally pretty intense/emotionally heavy)
- Laughter Lines by queensmooting (oneshot. this is some powerful fluff gOOD LORD. hidden gem of a post-war story where Levi and Erwin get their happy ending. ALWAYS brings a smile to my face.
- He Chose Titans by masksarehot (this is a classical in the fandom, so you’ve probably already read it, but I’m including it anyway :3 I am still finishing this one, cause it is a LONG ass mofo. but this fic is definitely worth reading, especially because of all the depth and complexity that the author brings out in Erwin’s character - which imo is not really done enough in eruri fic. warning: a lot of smut)
- Home is Wherever I’m with You by stereobone (oneshot. I was just very emotionally affected by this one? it’s very domestic, while still keeping them both in character and the prose is just gorgeous UGH. warning: smut)
- also, I haven’t personally read Black Dog by stereobone, but it’s on my to-read list and from what I’ve heard it’s fantastic - so I’m including it on here :3
and then for AU/misc., I love:- Again by Cherry (reincarnation AU with a twist - every time they meet in a new life, they remember all of their past lives. each chapter ranges from heartbreaking to adorable, and each new lifetime is so clever and in character. warning: a lil bit of smut)
- Service with a Smile by jammcakes (oneshot. a super fluffy coffee shop AU. great use of canon details and some cute cameos from other snk characters as customers. tbh the amount of flirting game that Erwin has in this fic is a constant source of inspiration in my life, like 10/10 yes boy.)
- Tenacity and Turnout by FortinbrasFTW (ballet AU, in which Levi is the star dancer and Erwin is the theater’s artistic director. interesting in that, while the story’s POV alternates between Eren, Armin, and Jean, eruri’s relationship is very much a central focus in the story. is incredibly in character for an AU, it’s great. there are some intense and dramatic moments to make it interesting, but overall it’s just a great feel-good fic - especially if you’re wanting both eruri and some other interesting subplots! warning: a lil bit of non-graphic smut)
- Seven Days. Three Lattes. by FortinbrasFTW (I just really love coffee shop AU’s for eruri lol. different from a lot of coffee shop AU’s in that Levi is actually pretty antagonistic towards Erwin for the majority of the story - which created a really interesting dynamic and fit their relationship really well, imo. again, Erwin’s flirting game is always on point in these fics.)
- Tea Time by gouguruheddo (ongoing drabble series. I just love the author’s writing style. I haven’t read all 48 chapters, but I’m pretty sure that some are canonverse while others are modern AU. both fluff and sadder works. great for when you need a quick eruri fix!)these are just the basic ones I could think of and that were in my ao3 bookmarks, I’m probably leaving out soooo many good ones. ;___; also, if you go through my “eruri fanfic,” "eruri fic,” or “eruri recs” tags, that should pull up a ton of good rec lists from others, as well as some fantastic oneshots that I’ve reblogged here on tumblr!
as a more general rec: @lostcauses-noregrets @seitsensarvi @birbwin and @gouguruheddo have all written a TON of amazing one shots that I’ve seen on tumblr/ao3 (as well as longer fics, and fantastic meta if you like that sort of thing as well), so going through their blogs and writing tags will yield lots of wonderful eruri content
I hope this is what you were wanting?? sorry this was so long, the eruri vibe is way too strong for me lol. also, let me know if any of these links don’t work, I have been known to be very tumblr-challenged. x)
thanks for the ask, love!!
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joelchansousa · 5 years
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Super Smash Bros. Ultimate X Fatal Fury 
Hey c'mon!C'mon! Buster Wolf!!Finally had some time to color this piece of Terry Bogardfighting the other DLC characters from Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.Like usual I hope you guys like my take on the lone wolf! Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is a (c) and Tm from Nintendo. Terry Bogard is a (c) and Tm from SNK. Joker is a (c) and Tm from Atlus. Hero/ Dragon Quest is a (c) and Tm from Squareenix.
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