#hero dragon quest
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unoriginalgangsta · 1 month ago
Little thing I'm working on
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tropeifier · 10 months ago
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Originally posted online on October 30, 2021.
A comic based on a real battle I had in Dragon Quest XI, where Sylvando's "Have A Ball" attack landed a critical hit on a Metal King Slime, getting around the EXP bag's high Defense in the goofiest way possible.
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each-dustbin1 · 20 days ago
Part 9 the street fighter fuck I mean smash ultimate
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All Super Smash Bros Ultimate DLC Characters
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wander-bb · 3 months ago
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Super Smash Bros Ultimate
Peach and her Hero
The persona stage is one of my favorite stages to stage shots due to its solid colors and cool backgrounds
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sparkykitsune · 2 years ago
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I had trouble inserting Saber and Mabosstiff, sorry guys :(
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turquoisetuber · 2 years ago
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: What DLCs Would Survive Galeem??
I always found it a little backwards that only Kirby survived. Even if he was the only one with the ability to live, he would've helped someone else (like Meta Knight or King Dedede), but I just bought it. But with the additions of the DLC Fighters, there's never an explanation as to how they got there or if they were a part of Galeem's army. So that's where I come in. I'm going to decide what DLCs would survive and who wouldn't!!
NOTICE: I am by NO means experienced in all of these games!! A lot of my knowledge is from Smash and Smash only, so if I get facts wrong, feel free to correct me!! I'd love to hear all of your guys' ideas as well!!
So of course, there are rules and limits. If there weren't, almost everyone would live.
Nobody can latch a ride with Kirby/any other potential survivor. As I said earlier, if they were able to do that, Meta Knight and Dedede would be alive.
As said earlier, most of my knowledge is based off of what they can do in SMASH. But that doesn't limit it. I researched several characters' abilities to make sure my claims were as accurate as someone with no idea can.
With that, let's get into it!!
Joker: Not a Survivor
Joker is pretty much a normal teenager, and Arsène doesn't have anything that would help Joker escape?? I'm pretty sure that there are a few things in P5 that might have allowed him to survive? But as far as I know, no, he wouldn't.
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Hero: Not Sure?? Leaning: No
I know nothing about Dragon Quest, but I feel like Hero would be in the same boat as characters like Link and Cloud, where they can try but ultimately they're gonna get captured. The only reasons I'm not sure is because of Hero's reveal where they save Link from Marth and Meta Knight, implying they were alive? But I don't think they actually survived and that that was just a way to advertise them.
Banjo & Kazooie: Not Survivors
Banjo & Kazooie would be in the same boat as Duck Hunt. They don't seem to have anything outstandingly useful to win with, so unfortunately they probably wouldn't live.
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Terry Bogard: Not a Survivor
Terry is the most human out of the bunch for DLC pack one (aside from Joker, but even then, Joker has Arsène). He really doesn't have anything to fight against Galeem with and almost no means of escape. Terry unfortunately wouldn't live.
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Byleth: Not Sure?? Leaning: Yes
Byleth, unlike the other Fire Emblem cast, has Sothis, who I think has been seen helping Byleth escape one place to get to another. Of course, I'm guessing based on the reveal trailer, and have no prior context to what that cutscene actually was. I still think Byleth could survive.
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Min Min: Not a Survivor
Similarly to Terry, Min Min is just a stretchy human. She doesn't have anything all that special other than her arms. Min Min probably wouldn't survive.
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Steve/Alex: Survivors!!
Our first definite survivors of the bunch, and they're the minecraft reps. Any shock? Anyways, this one is situational. But I'm gonna count it since the Star Fox gang AND Captain Falcon conveniently had their ships. So, how would they do it? Nether portals. If Steve and Alex build a Nether portal and go through it, Galleem probably couldn't get them, since I think the light would just break the portal on contact since it acts more like a weapon than an entity. So congrats, Steve and Alex, to be the first of three definite survivors!!
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Sephiroth: Take a guess. (Survivor!)
Listen, Sephiroth can slice Galeem in half. Considering that, I think he could avoid Galeem's attacks. Under the assumption that he doesn't kill Galeem so that World of Light can actually happen.
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Pyra + Mythra: Not Survivors
As far as I'm aware, neither of them have any abilities that could help them escape, since they seem human or equivalent? So they wouldn't make it, most likely.
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Kazuya: Not Sure?? Leaning: No
Kazuya was weird to me. I'm not a huge fighting game person other than SSB, so I knew nothing about Tekken. After some google searches, I leaned to the side he wouldn't survive. He's mostly human, but even with his Devil's Gene, more powerful characters (like Ganondorf) also lost, so he wouldn't survive. I think.
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Sora: Survivor!!
My main!!! Even though I love Sora, I'm not biased! I haven't played Kingdom Hearts. But based off of a few searches, and his Final Smash, I believe he can open portals with his Keyblade. Unlike Steve and Alex, he can open portals under less circumstances. So the place of our third and final survivor goes to no other than Sora!
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To finish it off, the DLC packs brought some very powerful characters that could survive World of Light. I wish we had gotten some explanation as to what happened to the DLCs, but I get it. Cutscenes are hard to make. Again, these are all my ideas, and I might not be right! If you have something to add, feel free! I'd be glad to hear from you! If you got this far, thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoyed!!
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blackknightax · 10 months ago
I decided to do research to do both Square Enix properties in a row. Yesterday I did Final Fantasy with Kain, so today, I did a little research into Dragon quest. Dragon Quest is another long running RPG franchise, running as far back as the NES. Where Final Fantasy was made by Squaresoft, Dragon Quest was made by Enix. When the two companies merged, Or one bought the other, I forgot which happened. That being said. Let’s Discuss this goofy ass franchise.
I’ll admit, I have never played a proper dragon quest game. I had heard of it but not played any and only recently did I realize how far back it ran. Well, recently being the last couple years. Like Final fantasy there are a lot of mainline numbered entries, I believe 11 or 12. I didn’t do a lot of research mind you, just some. It also has quite the number of spin offs. Between Dragon Quest Monsters, Builders, and even a mech battling game (i forgot that one’s name), there isn’t a shortage of ways to play dragon quest. My only exposure to the Dragon Quest series directly is one of the spinoffs. I played Dragon Quest Builders 2, I got it to play it with my wife but the multiplayer in that game is very limiting. To the point of not really being fun to play multiplayer but it is a very fun game, if really easy game.
I feel like I need to discuss something off topic real quick. Akira Toriyama has been involved with this franchise since the beginning of it. As a result it has always carried his art style and it still does to this day. Even Dragon Quest Animes have a very Dragon Ball art style, because the Dragon Ball art style is also the Dragon Quest art style. I just wanted to mention this because the man is resting in peace currently. Thus any tribute to the Dragon Quest Franchise is a tribute to the legacy of Akira Toriyama.
So since the character we have in the game the Hero, it is a better representation of Dragon Quest than Cloud and his stage were to Final Fantasy. As the hero is a representation of multiple games, I don’t recall which 4 were chosen but I know than one is the most recent hero at the time, and also the the hero of Dragon Quest 3, canonical name Erdric. This means it’s hard to choose party members, because the hero has a lot of abilities. So I decided to do research into recurring villains in the franchise so I can at least add a recognizable face. For that reason I’ve chosen…
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This is Estark. He’s a recurring boss monster in several games. His first appearance was Dragon Quest 4 where, he played an important role and was a difficult boss. In a lot of future games he became a Superboss, a term for an RPG battle that is designed to be difficult and played with end game gear, often harder than the final boss itself. Most recently he plays a very important role in the most recent Dragon Quest Monsters, 3 bosses share his name but take on drastically different forms. That being said and done, he’d actually be kinda interesting from a smash perspective because he’s a not only a dual wielding sword character, but he’d also be a large heavy bodied sword character. He’d be the first in both regards. Now, because he isn’t a party member in the franchise he obviously wouldn’t have Hero’s random menu mechanics. But he can still be quite fun. So, let’s go! So since he has always had the gimmick that he always acts twice per turn, let’s give him a mechanics that he can cancel any one special move into one other.
For his Neutral B he uses disruptive wave. He performs the attack with his mouth implying a sound attack. The attack is charagable and increases in damage and more importantly stun time.
For his Up B he grows wings and flies up. This is in reference to one of the other monsters that share his name and form. He flies at an angle with one sword in front or him and one behind him, creating a large hit box.
For his Side B he will perform a version of Hellfire Hurricane, he rushes forward with both a wind and fire effect. He does damage with his body and set’s the floor on fire if used on the ground. If used in the air he also spins causing the attack to do a few hits rather than one.
For his Down B he performs the ability C-c-cold breath. For this he blows on the ground with the intent to freeze all enemies around him. If used on the ground it freezes the ground and makes it slick to everyone but the Ice Climbers (because they don’t slip on ice). When used in the air he stops for a second and the attack meteor smashes.
I think this a great character to add from Dragon Quest. I think he looks real cool and he’s a recurring villain character. I really like him as addition. But I’m curious, Dragon Quest fans, who would YOU add?
Also, he apparently has a son Called Starkers
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“I’m Just like Daddy!” - my wife upon seeing him.
He is definitely very baby
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yyink · 3 months ago
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Danny was...unnerved, which is unusual considering his upbringing as the child of mad scientists obsessed with the undead.
It had been a few weeks since he had moved into Wayne manor after a conflict between batman and his parents, which led to his home and his friends and family being blown up in a lab malfunction. Most of Amity Park was destroyed in the blasts, including Vlad and his mansion.
Usually Danny would be more suspicious of super rich dudes, but the sorrow in Bruce Wayne's eyes as he pleaded to let Danny take him in was genuine and well, Danny didn't exactly have anywhere else to go. Plus, Bruce looked weirdly guilty when danny told him none of this was his fault, which was weird. Jazz was in college and always looked exhausted on video calls, so he didn't want to bother her there.
The part that bothered him most wasn't that there was anything dangerous or bad happening, but rather the opposite.
Danny was used to dodging his home security system when it randomly targeted him. He was used to ghosts popping up out of nowhere to suckerpunch him. He was used to danger.
And now that there was none, he was jumping at shadows.
Things got better when he met Psaro. He was in the process of being either mugged or kidnapped, he wasn't sure, when this angry goth teen with silver hair and ruby eyes literally came in swinging a steel chair. After the beat down and subsequent rescue, Danny offered to buy them some food. Psaro tried to reject the offer until his stomach suddenly growled, making him blush, and Danny dragged the older goth teen to a restaurant.
They've been best friends since. Psaro later introduced him to his friends Rose and Toilen, explaining that they weren't from this world and that Rose was an elf and Toilen was a Teran from a planet called Terrestria. Danny assumed that Psaro was an elf like Rose due to them both having long pointed ears and mostly focused on Toilen thanks to the "other planet" bit.
Meanwhile, the bats have been keeping an eye out on Danny (aka stalking him) and his new, obviously magical friends.
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gloriousmonsters · 1 year ago
love when you can ask the Narrator why the Princess is a Princess and he's like 'well i uhhhh YOU did that. maybe it's because uh... something something about her being above you... but still approachable... look i don't want to analyze or anthropomorphize your--' my guy. i am a primal being of Order and Eternity and Shaping. You're the one who convinced me I was some dude and were quite willing to take credit for shaping my view on the world through narration five seconds ago. Are you gonna look me in the eye and tell me the desire to interpret something worthy of adoration and more powerful than me as a dommy princess is written in the very nature of the universe or are you going to show me your browser history like a man
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dummy-dot-exe · 3 months ago
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by 藤澤紀幸(村正みかど)@muramasamikado
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tropeifier · 10 months ago
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Originally posted online on June 27, 2020.
I believe this comic has the most text of any of my comics so far. My tired wrist seems to agree!
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mnemesis-held · 3 months ago
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Playing dress-up with him today
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doodledstars · 1 year ago
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I remembered seeing snippets of Dragon Ball, but never grew up with them. I remembered seeing his name as he was famous for the series. Then I got to play Blue Dragon and I was heavily invested in the characters with my family. And a few years ago, I immediately recognized his art style when I saw the Super Smash Bros trailer for Dragon Quest, and if it weren't for Smash Bros I wouldn't have known about Dragon Quest and his legacy as an artist in the series.
Thank you Akira Toriyama.
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snailroyal · 9 months ago
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DRAGON QUEST II !!!!!! HD-2D REMAKE ON 2025!!!!!! thank you Nintendo Direct!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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