#snk hizuru
yamikailyn · 2 months
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Unbothered. Moisturized. Happy. In My Lane. Focused. Flourishing.
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melishade · 2 years
Well, now only one of Megatron's allies is left without a show. So if you can ask what if Predaking was a Attack on Prime. There would then be a set of three faction leaders, and Hange would go crazy at the sight of him. Sorry for translation errors. English is not my native language
This is a unique case, and this is mainly because of Predaking's overall character and character story in Transformers Prime.
I've discussed this with a few people, but Predaking really did get the short end of the stick in the show. A great parallel to him would be the monster Victor Frankenstein created. He was created for war, and because someone wanted to defy the very nature of god. He was constantly feared, lied to, betrayed, abused, ridiculed, you name it. And this all happens in the span of months after Predaking is born.
Predaking desires one thing: to lead more like him. To be amongst his own kind. To be respected and not be treated like some animal. His serving Megatron and helping him conquer before Megatron decided to double cross him, was no doubt a way of Predaking showing loyalty and gratitude for life and kinship with his own kind. So to hear that all three were apparently killed in RID2015 by Starscream is such bullshit though.
Would Predaking have turned good in the show if given the opportunity? I think he would, but it really just depends on who's showing him respect and treating him like an equal. Also, based on what we've seen with Predaking, he is someone who values honor as well. I just don't think Predaking would be evil for the sake of being evil. There are multiple factors to this. @emperor-kumquat explores this well with the TF Mercy game-story line, which explores the different paths Predaking could take: good, evil, or neutral, post TFP. It's a very interesting concept. Go check it out.
So knowing this, Predaking's place in Attack on Prime would be conflicting overall. He could probably leave with Darksteel and Skylynx to find a place to call home, or maybe he just refuses to be on a world of Autobots and goes alone. Or maybe Darksteel and Skylnyx are the ones killed off, leaving Predaking devastated. If he were to arrive on AOT, I don't think he would side with anyone. He's not going to side with Paradis because Megatron's right there. If anything, Predaking would try to kill Megatron for what he did to the Predacons on Earth. And he still blames Optimus for that too, because the Autobots ultimately did throw that grenade. Predaking would probably go after Optimus next. Would Predaking kill Optimus? Maybe. He's obviously not going to side with Marley because of the literal oppression of the Eldian people that reminds him of the abuse that he's endured.
...he could actually...he could serve as a third party. With Hizuru. Instead of Predaking going to Paradis or Marley, he hides out in Hizuru after sniffing out an energon deposit on their land. The locals spot him in predacon mode, and instead of running away in fear, they begin to worship him. Predaking finds offerings left for him by the energon deposit he's act. Confused by it, and the humans. Sure, the worship is doing wonders for his ego and pride, but he just doesn't get why they're worshiping him.
Besides Hizuru aligned themselves with Eldia in the past, I'd like to think that they kept their culture and traditions, instead of having it trampled and wiped out. And Predaking's form, which is reminiscent of a dragon, has the locals thinking that he's a god of their lands.
This does get wind to Ambassador Kiyomi and a new OC that I alluded to before hand via word of mouth from Kiyomi, Emperor Taisho. He orders Kiyomi to go to Predaking's location with some armed men. When they arrive, Predaking, in his beast mode, sees the weapons and immediately gets angry. He's screeching and acting intimidating, but doesn't attack. That's key here. They are all scared, and Kiyomi trying to figure out why, since Predaking didn't attack the local and let them leaves gifts. She puts two and two together and tells everyone to drop their weapons immediately. They are extremely reluctant given the situation, but Kiyomi is steadfast in her decision. They all do, and Predaking calms down, but is still growling at them.
"Apologies, mighty one." Kiyomi bowed, "We mean no disrespect. My name is Kiyomi Azumabito: head of the Azumabito Clan and ambassador to Hizuru. It is an honor to meet someone as great as yourself."
The dragon had stopped growling at them, but still raised it's head, looking down at them with contempt. Kiyomi raised her head and continued. "Many around the area believe that you are a god of our ancestors, great and powerful. They leave you offerings as a sign of respect."
The dragon tilted its head at that, and Kiyomi noticed the dragon's gaze turning to the small pile of offerings at the mouth of the cave it resided in.
"But...I know that you are not a god," Kiyomi proclaimed. The soldiers snapped their heads at Kiyomi, staring at her in horror. Did...did she just offend a dragon?!
"Ambassador!" one of them warned in anger and fear, but the dragon...didn't seem offended by Kiyomi's proclamation. In fact, it...snorted at the comment before sitting down on the ground, its front claws crossed together.
"I might not know the exact name for your specific species, but I have seen for myself some of those like you on Paradis," Kiyomi explained, "The scales mimic the metal that they are covered in. And so few mighty beings are capable of flight on this world of ours. And the locals say, that you have been hording glowing, blue, rocks, which your kind calls...energon."
The dragon's brow perk up at the word, almost surprised that Kiyomi would know such a phrase.
"You might not be one of the gods Hizuru treasures so greatly, but I know that you are a mighty being from beyond the stars, called a 'Cybertronian'." Kiyomi declared with a smirk, "So, mighty one, would you please care to reveal your actual form so that we may have a proper discussion of the implications of you being on our land bring?"
The dragon...seemed amused at Kiyomi's question, and Kiyomi prepared for the worse, but the dragon...suddenly began to change. Its body twisted and morphed, its elongated body turned into a human like one. Its claws turned into razor sharp hands and feet. Its wings were tucked behind its back. And its face changed into a human-like one, with horns poking out of its head like a crown.
"I could have eliminated you from the face of this world, little human," the dragon spoke with an accent, "But as of this moment, I see no need to. However, I do not appreciate weapons being brought into my domain."
"You are on Hizuru soil," Kiyomi reminded, "If anything, you trespass on our lands and bring us a great deal of trouble."
"I seem to bring a great deal of trouble to everyone around me because everyone fears what they do not understand," the dragon said, "This is quite the most relaxed I have been. I would prefer to be left alone, and I have the resources that I need. Leave now, and consider this conversation done."
"You do not seem to mind the offerings brought to your door." Kiyomi gestured to the small pile.
"I do not know what they are, and I have no need for any of them," the dragon explained, "I only allow it because these locals do not attack me or threaten me."
"Yes, because they believe you are a god of Hizuru legend," Kiyomi explained, "But that is not what the humans outside of are country will see you as. They will see you as a monster, a demon, a beast that must be struck down and stripped of its parts. The very components that make you your biology, is something so enriching and valuable it would bring great power to those who hold it."
"I doubt humans like you are capable of going against my might," the dragon declared.
"Maybe, but what about titans?" Kiyomi challenged.
The dragon was...perplexed at this question. "Titans?"
"Titans are very powerful and monstrous being," Kiyomi explained, "Many of them feast on humans, but only nine of them hold very rare and powerful abilities that could even go up against someone like you. A country called Marley has taken the resources that you feast on, and made these titans even more dangerous than before. They cause harm to millions of us humans around this world, and may very well become a threat to you, once they become aware of your existence."
"Then perhaps I have no need for this planet, and will continue my search for a new haven elsewhere," The dragon declared.
"You could, but I can only imagine how long that you take," Kiyomi sighed in defeat.
"You seem to underestimate my might, human," the dragon snarled.
"Oh, I would never," Kiyomi feigned innocence, "But how long did it take for you to find this world: a world full of substantial resources you could horde all to yourself, and a population that adores the ground that you walk on? And how long would it take for you to find the next one? Before something dreadful happens to you in that vast unknown?"
The dragon seemed to be considering Kiyomi's queries while everyone else grew tense. "A fair argument; however, I am not privy to the ways of humans. And I do not trust your kind, or anyone else for the matter."
Kiyomi noticed the bitter, angered, and pained expression in the dragon's eyes. "Because you yourself have been betrayed by someone you have trusted. Haven't you?"
"...perhaps," the dragon replied, "My past does not concern you."
"Then instead, we can work together towards a brighter future for the both of us. One where you are fed, protected, and worshipped, and one where we grow stronger to protect our motherland together."
The dragon contemplated this offer for a brief moment. "I will...consider."
"Thank you for this audience...," Kiyomi trailed off, "If I may ask, what is your name?"
"I have called myself Predaking," he introduced.
"A king with no subjects," Kiyomi mused, "How odd."
"Do not press your luck, Azumabito," Predaking warned, before transforming back into beast mode and retreating to his cave.
(You will learn more about the Emperor and Hizuru, in the Hizuru OVA coming out on March 19th. And once that is released, I will answer more questions that come into my inbox about this topic.)
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rivangel · 1 year
What do you think constituted as meat in the Attack on Titan universe/ do you think cheap cuts such as flank or offal or perhaps even poultry was in the soups?
i know like nothing about cuts of meat or their value but
steak has to be the most rare and pricey, no matter the cut right? like not even the upper middle class can afford it. cultivating cattle takes up a lot of land that post-fall of wall maria isn’t available, plus the need for milk.
the majority of civilians most including survey corps soldiers would probably rely on local farms and businesses for access to meat. but the survey corps is mostly unpopular so the regiment who needs a balanced diet the most doesn’t even get that. i’m talking duck, rabbit, squirrel, boars, venison. but even cheap cuts of meat are very expensive. nothing is everrrr wasted. all that considered, living off the land or working on farms is probably your best bet.
chicken and pig also take up farmland but to a lesser degree? eggs would be considered an important part of anyone’s diet which makes chicken more expensive. EVERYTHING IS EXPENSIVE.
so you would have most meat going in soups or stew for those who can afford it, and those in poverty would likely see next to no meat at all. other sources of protein would be cultivated a ton.
this is most especially true of the underground. most of the meat is dried to preserve its freshness but even then there’s so little to go around that there’s no meat sold there at all. only the garbage of wall sina makes its way there.
most anything then would be considered a source of meat. yes.
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levi-supreme · 7 months
Rei's Birthday Event: Spring date with Levi
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Characters: Post war!Levi x Survey Corps fem!reader
Genre: SNK!canonverse
Warnings: SFW, fluff. Reader insert (y/n). SNK final season spoilers!!!! Some references to the canon events of snk (slight mentions of depressive episodes, mentions of death etc).
Word count: 3.6k
A/N: Thank you very much to my dear anon Victoria for the request!! I actually have two very similar spring time date requests, as such I decided to tweak this up a little. There will be mentions and references to canon events, but nothing angsty at all!!
I'm sorry this took so long to complete, and I'm still going through a bad writer's block lol but thank you to everyone for being so patient! I hope you all like this <3
Read the original request here.
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"Levi Heichou!" You called out, excited to see your lover appear before you. 
"Tch, I told you so many times before to drop the shitty title, we're no longer in the Corps anymore," Levi rolled his eye—his good one—as he approached you. His hair was neatly combed back, his fedora in his lap. Levi was wearing a simple white button shirt with black long pants. His hair had grown longer; his fringe now growing past his eye. You missed how he used to keep his hair short, but you loved how nice Levi looked with longer hair too. 
You looked hard at Levi, studying every line and wrinkle you see, and the barely visible strands of grey on his ebony hair. Years of fighting on the front line had taken a toll on his body more than you liked, even though he claimed it didn't really affect him much since he had the Ackerman bloodline. 
Although the war ended, you knew Levi still wasn't at peace. You could tell he was restless, he didn't like being cooped up at home. His eyes didn't seem to have life in them like they used to, and he just seemed so sluggish all the time. You knew Levi wasn't sleeping well too; sometimes the ache in his knee woke him up, and sometimes, it was the demons Levi were fighting in his head. Levi didn't say it, but you knew he missed the old life, the one where he spent half his life fighting for a cause he believed in, and now that he fulfilled his mission, his life felt aimless; he didn't know what to do, and what to continue living for. 
It took you a long while to convince Levi to even agree to step out of the house and go on this picnic date, and deep down, you knew you had to make every minute out with him worthwhile.
"What are you staring at?" Levi's voice brought you back to the present, "thinking of something?" 
"Nah, I'm just thinking of asking Mikasa to send me some of those pearl eye cream from Hizuru. You know, the one Lady Kiyomi sent her for her birthday?" you answered, bringing a pair of shoes and putting them on for Levi, "I heard they're good for reducing wrinkles, especially around the eyes." 
Levi's eye narrowed. "Oi. Are you saying—"
"Did Big Sister y/n just call Uncle Levi old?!" A high pitched voice came from the kitchen, and you felt an impact around your midsection. A few moments later, a head of blonde hair appeared by your side too. "Big Sister y/n just said Uncle Levi has wri—"
"Gabi! Shush—" Falco covered Gabi's mouth while she tried to wiggle herself free. You giggled and glanced at Levi who was eyeing the three of you, and quickly tried to separate the younger ones. 
"Oi. You brats. Ganging up on me now?" Levi crossed his arms, looking utterly displeased. Falco continued covering Gabi's mouth while she tried to stomp on his foot. 
"Of course not, Levi, we wouldn't dare to offend our elders do we, kids?" You joked, earning another stare from Levi. Before he could say anything, you quickly ran into the kitchen with Gabi and Falco.
"Big Sister y/n!!! Did you see Uncle Levi's face when you talked about wrinkles?" Gabi laughed while Falco appeared with a picnic basket in tow. 
"Shut up, Gabi! Uncle Levi and Big Sister are late for their date already, stop disturbing them!" Falco sighed and tried to pull Gabi away, "here, Big Sister, I hope you and Uncle Levi have lots of fun today!" 
You nodded and waved the kids goodbye and went outside, looking again at Levi who still had his arms across his chest. Onyankopon was right behind Levi, giving you a smile. 
"Come on brat, let's go." Levi rolled his eye again as you passed the picnic basket to Onyankopon. Pushing Levi's wheelchair, Onyankopon told you to wait by the pavement as he went to drive the car over. 
"... do I really have wrinkles?" Levi muttered once Onyankopon left. You snorted and tried to hide it with a small cough.
"Hmm… well… I mean, uh… your crow's feet do seem to be… uh—" 
"Fine. Enough." Onyankopon arrived and Levi dismissed you, clearly knowing the answer in his heart. You giggled as he came out to help Levi up into the car while you kept his wheelchair in the boot. 
"The weather today is lovely," Onyankopon smiled as he began driving, "it's a good day to be out in the sun."
"And yet, she still does not want to tell me what we're doing today." 
"You'll find out later." You chuckled again holding Levi's hand, watching the scenery outside pass by. You sought help from Onyankopon and the kids weeks ago to look for nice picnic spots in Marley. With the spring breeze flowing and the flowers blooming, you thought it would be a perfect opportunity to spend undisturbed time with Levi. You thought a change of scenery might do him some good too; to help him out of this depressive state. After another quarter, Onyankopon stopped the car near the park and went to take Levi's wheelchair out. 
"I'll pick you two up at eight, is that okay, y/n?" You checked your watch and it was a little past four. You nodded your head and thanked Onyankopon before taking the picnic basket and another bag from the front seat. Placing the picnic basket on Levi's lap, you helped him put on his fedora and his eye patch before wheeling him ahead. 
"So, are you going to tell me why we are here in this godforsaken place?" Levi questioned you again as you began pushing him on a stony path. 
"I'm taking you out on a date, obviously." You teased him again as you suddenly pushed him faster, causing his fedora to nearly fly away. Levi tutted angrily and said you should never be allowed to push his wheelchair again. 
A few moments later, you and Levi arrived at a shop offering bicycles for rent. You paid the shopkeeper some money and then he rode a quadricycle over. You took the picnic basket and bag from Levi's lap and placed it in the front seats of the quadricycle. Once more, Levi gave you a look of confusion. 
"Well, up now, I rented this for the day," you gestured. Levi awkwardly looked away, subconsciously placing his hand on his bad knee and grimaced, knowing that you of all people should know how he wasn't like before. What were you thinking, making him cycle when you knew it was going to be hard for him?
"Come on, Levi, stop depending on that wheelchair. You have to prevent your knee from becoming worse, right?" You smiled encouragingly, offering your hand out. You had expected that Levi would be unhappy, but you likewise knew that you shouldn't treat him differently from before. Whether or not he was Levi Heichou of the Survey Corps, or now as Levi the war veteran, he was still Levi—the Levi you loved. Whether he had physical disabilities or not, Levi was still the man you want to spend the rest of eternity with. You didn't want to push him, you wanted Levi to get out of this self-pitying state himself. After a long while, Levi held your hand and pushed himself up from the wheelchair. Slowly but steadily, you guided Levi up on the seat of the quadricycle, placing his feet on the pedals. 
"W-wait. What about the wheel—"
"Don't worry, sir, your item will be safely kept here." The shopkeeper kindly replied and Levi seemed to relax a little. It was hard trying to move around without the wheelchair, but maybe you were right. He should try to depend on it less. "We'll close at around 10pm, so please remember to come by before then." The both of you nodded and you took your seat on the left. Looking at Levi, you gave him another smile and asked if he was ready. You could see Levi massaging his knee again. Levi took a deep breath and sighed, telling you to start pedalling. 
It was hard at first, but Levi gradually got used to the momentum again. The both of you kept your pace slow, taking your time to enjoy the scenery passing by, the sound of birds chirping, and the gentle rustling of leaves. The sun was obscured by the clouds and there wasn't much of a crowd as well. You saw Levi's face relax gradually, the crease on his forehead slowly disappearing. Levi seemed to be more at ease with paddling on the quadricycle as well. You smiled to yourself. Bringing Levi out was indeed doing him well. 
"Are you doing okay?" You checked in with your lover, making sure he wasn't overexerting himself. After he gave you a nod, you pointed to a large shady tree about 200 metres away, telling Levi that it was the next stop. Reaching the tree, you told Levi to remain seated first. 
"Are you up for a walk?" 
"... Hah?"
"A walk, Levi. Let's go for a walk."
"N-no, I don't think I can—"
"We'll walk slowly. Forget about the walking stick. You don't need it, I'm here." 
Levi looked hard at you, face remaining emotionless. The frown on Levi's face became more and more evident as the seconds passed. You continued to stare right into Levi's eye, your resolve unwavering. A few seconds later, Levi broke eye contact and sighed again before reaching out his hand towards your direction. 
"You better not make me regret this," Levi muttered under his breath, "you're forcing a crippled man to walk when you jolly well know he can't." You rolled your eyes.
"First off, Levi"—you took his hand and slowly guided him down the quadricycle—"you're not crippled. Secondly, you walk fine. Thirdly, think of this as rehabilitation, hmm? And lastly, stop complaining like an old man." You stood on Levi's right side and interlocked your arm with his, making sure he wasn't putting too much pressure on his knee. 
"Where are we going?" 
"Not far. We're just going to that small pond over there," you pointed towards a pond just in front, "let's go and feed some ducks." Levi scoffed hearing you.
"As long as they keep their feathers and shit to themselves." 
The walk to the small pond was slow but pleasant. The heat from the sun was warm against your skin, the scent of the earth was refreshing. Levi held on to his fedora as the wind blew gently, and the sound of the grass and gravel crunching underneath your feet was playing like a contrasting melody. Once you two reached the pond, you opened your sling bag and took out a slice of white bread. Levi raised his eyebrow slightly.
"These are stale bread from a week ago." You chuckled before tearing it into half, passing one to Levi. You further tore your half into more tiny pieces before throwing them little by little into the pond. Some of the ducks in the pond started waddling over. Several tortoises also popped their heads above the water. There were also fishes fighting amongst themselves for the last few pieces. Levi looked at you before tearing the bread in his hand, scattering them all across the pond. The fishes and ducks dispersed and finished all those pieces of bread within the next minute. 
"Do you have more bread on you?" Levi asked as he finished scattering the last few pieces of bread in his hand. You laughed and took out a few more slices.
"Maybe we can go to the pier next time," you commented once those hungry birds finished all the bread in your bag, "we should try feeding the seagulls." Levi scoffed again and let you hold on to his elbow. 
"Tch. And have them shit on our heads? No." 
The both of you began walking back to the quadricycle. Reaching into another bag, you took out a small paper kite. Levi raised his eyebrow again. 
"Do you like it? I had Gabi and Falco do it together with me." You smiled and flipped the kite over, letting Levi see the doodles they did. Levi smirked when he realised who the five blobs of colour drawn on the kite were. You held onto the string and passed Levi the kite, telling him to lift the kite above his head while you moved back. 
"OKAY, LEVI, THROW THE KITE HIGH AFTER I COUNT TO THREE!" You shouted and Levi gave you the thumbs up. After counting to three, Levi threw the kite high and you jogged backwards, pulling the string up to get the kite into the sky. Releasing the string bit by bit, Levi slowly made his way to your side as the kite now started flying a short distance away. You gave Levi a smile and tied the string around the tree trunk before going to the quadricycle, taking out the picnic basket and setting the mat.
"Now… let's see what the kids made for our picnic." You rubbed your palms together excitedly and opened the basket. You took out a container of hot stew, some freshly baked sourdough bread, cheese, mushroom quiche, and a small container of fruits too. You arranged the food on the mat and took out the bowls, cutlery, and a few serviettes. Pouring some stew into the small bowl, you passed it to Levi's left before giving him the spoon. 
"It seems pretty decent," Levi uttered as he took a spoonful of stew and eyed you, "are you sure they did it all on their own?" You ate some stew and nodded.
"Well, Onyankopon did give them pointers, and I was the one who gave them the recipes, but yeah. The kids made it all by themselves. Not bad, huh? Maybe we should let them open a small food stall along the streets." you took another few mouthfuls of stew, "it's time for them to contribute to the household finances." Levi tutted angrily instead.
"They're too young to be doing shit like that, you brat. Don't be ridiculous." 
You giggled, cutting some mushroom quiche for Levi. "I'm joking. Of course I wouldn't let Falco and Gabi do something like that. " The crease on Levi's forehead disappeared again as he ate, passing you his bowl for more stew. Levi and you took your time savouring the good food prepared by the two kids. It was pretty decent, and indeed you were secretly thinking of letting them open a small food business once they are of age. 
Once all the food was finished, you told Levi to pack everything fast. Bewildered, Levi didn't say anything, yet he wondered what you were up to again. You got Levi up onto the quadricycle again and told him that there was one place you wanted to bring him. Stopping the quadricycle, you helped Levi down and laced your arm around his again, walking him to some benches ahead. The park was located right next to the sea, and it was pretty empty, just the way you hoped. 
"Come on," you muttered as you helped him down, walking towards the bench, "we're just in time." 
"For what?"
"You'll see."
Taking your seats on the bench, you checked your watch before glancing ahead again, looking at the dispersing clouds. Before long, the sun started to set, painting the sky a beautiful hue of red, orange, and yellow. You could feel Levi let out a breath he didn't know he was holding, and you grabbed his hand, feeling your fingers interlock. The both of you continued to stare silently at the magnificent view ahead, watching the sun descend lower and lower, listening to the waves crashing on the shore, feeling the wind blowing against your skin. You could feel Levi's calloused fingers caressing your knuckles, and the familiarity tickled something in your memory.
"Brings back memories, huh, Heichou," you peeked at Levi, seeing him trying to hide a small smile as well, "we used to do this all the time." Levi hummed in agreement, keeping his eye on the sunset instead. 
"I still think the view from the top of the walls were nicer though"—you let go of Levi's hand and stretched your hands—"it was higher, more windy, less obstruction, and more—"
"And more dangerous," Levi frowned as he interjected. You laughed once more, closing your eyes to feel the wind in your hair again. You thought back to the reason why you decided to bring Levi out today, and even though you knew it might make him unhappy, you also knew you had to talk to him about it. Minutes later, the sun had already gone below the horizon, and the sky was gradually getting darker as well. Soon, the lamps nearby slowly started lighting up. 
"Say, Levi," you broke the silence once more and Levi hummed in acknowledgement again, "do you… miss the old days?" 
"... why'd you ask?"
"I miss those days too, you know. I miss all our friends and comrades too. Every single one of them. Every day." 
Levi didn't say a word. You guessed he was probably upset. Yet, you took a deep breath and decided to just tell him the words on your mind. 
"I know it's not easy for you to, I don't know, adapt to a normal life again seeing how you've been in the Corps for nearly half your life. B-but, I just don't want to see you wallowing in self-pity, okay? It hurts me to see you like this. 
"I don't care whether or not you have missing eyes and fingers, I don't care if you have to be in a wheelchair forever. I'll gladly feed your meals and bathe you, I'll wear your shoes for you and I'll push you wherever you want to go. We'll hunt around Marley to look for beautiful spots to watch the sunset and the stars. I love you for who you are, and that will never change. Falco and Gabi love their Uncle Levi too. So, j-just, don't give up, okay?"
"Who said anything about giving up?" Levi turned to you, a look of annoyance appeared on his face. 
"W-well, I don't know, you're always looking so listless, and you're not eating and sleeping well. I haven't seen you smile in a long time. And once I saw you staring at the mirror looking like you're abo—"
"Hey, hey, stop it, okay? Stop worrying. I'm fine. Really." Levi held your hand and gave you a squeeze. "I'm fine. I'm dealing with it, okay? It's, it's j-just—I'm—"
"Shh. It's okay. I get it. I get you." you hushed him, gently holding him close. You didn't need to see Levi's face to know that he was probably going to tear up, a side of him that will never be seen by anyone else; anyone except you. "Everything will be alright, I promise you. I won't leave you. I'll be by your side." 
The both of you remained in each other's embrace, letting your hug do the talking. Patting Levi's back rhythmically, you heard him let out a long sigh before pulling you even closer, tightening his grip around your waist as he buried his head in the crook of your shoulder. You didn't feel the need to ask Levi what he was thinking about, and likewise, Levi knew you wouldn't ask him about it. After a long while, Levi finally loosened his grip around you. The moon was hanging high in the sky and the wind was getting colder. The stars shone like little specks of glitter in the ink-coloured sky. 
"Feeling better?"
"Y-yeah, better," Levi hastily wiped the remnants of tears from his cheek, "thank y-yo—
—you interrupted Levi mid-sentence with a soft kiss.
"I love you, Levi. Always remember that. Hmm? I mean it." you gave him another small smile before stroking his cheek, pressing another fleeting kiss on his chapped lips. Levi's larger hand cupped yours as he kissed you back, feeling like time around him stopped, and nothing else in the world mattered. The feeling of your lips on his, the coldness of your cheeks, the warmth from your body; they were real, and a reminder that he was still here, and he was still alive.  
Levi broke the kiss first, struggling to find the right words to say while he looked at you. Chuckling, you gave him another smile and mouthed it's okay once more. Levi was never good with words and he was never a good talker, but it never bothered you anyway. Levi gave you an appreciative look while you looked at your watch.
"Come on, Levi. Let's get back to the bicycle shop." 
Helping Levi on his feet, you guided him up the quadricycle and the both of you slowly cycled back to the shop. Thanking the shopkeeper for keeping Levi's wheelchair safe, you opened it and gestured to Levi to take his seat, yet Levi shook his head instead. 
"Let's walk to the main entrance. There's still time, right?" Levi offered to hold the picnic basket and kite while another hand held your arm for support. You tried to hide your smile as you both walked, listening to the owls hooting in the far distance. Onyankopon's car was already waiting outside by the time you reached the entrance. Seeing Levi walking next to you, a wide smile broke across Onyankopon's face as well.
The journey back home was quiet, yet Levi felt like the weight had been finally lifted off his shoulders. You held on to Levi's hand as he laid on your shoulder, drifting somewhere between sleep and consciousness. Levi knew his road to recovery would not be an easy one. But with you by his side, it was like he found his wings of freedom once more. And for the first time in a long while, Levi went to sleep with a smile.
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Disclaimer: This is my first time writing hurt/comfort so I understand if it sucks and there's no hurt or comfort at all LOL I prommie I'll do better for the rest of the requests 🥺
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Tagging: @levi-lover @ack3rlady @cinnamonlevi @imkumichan @kristinecharmm @notgoodforlife @jean-prettyboy-kirschtein @evas-leslas @sweet-assh0le @hannie2kay @levislovingwife @galactict3a @hauntedhousecat @suukee @thesimpsstuff @ackermendick @greenfurret @jayteacups @nelapanela94 @postwarlevi @levisbrat25 @ladycheesington @svftackerman @chaotic-nick @lilshades @youre-ackermine
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Rei’s Birthday Event master list | Rei’s Springtime Event grand master list
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taesunghcd · 8 months
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“Honeymoon in Hizuru”
#reijean #jeanrei #ライジャン #ジャンライ #reinerbraun #jeankirstein #aot #snk
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falcon94ssy · 4 years
Is Mikasa the queen of Hitzuru? Or was that some theory I heard?
Hello anon~
Let’s look at chapter 107 and see what Kiyomi said to Mikasa:
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“Lost lord” hmmm
And what did the Azumabito clan do in the past?
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Mikasa is a descendant of the Shogun clan, as Hizuru is kinda based of Japan irl, that the Shoguns in the past were the de facto rulers of the country, “ruled in the emperor’s name”:
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However, talking about the Azumabito clan in Snk, are the members like Kiyomi’s family still powerful and ruling Hizuru? I’m afraid not, see this:
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And chapter 111
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Not sure if Kiyomi is acting here and making up stories, though.
And in short I believe Mikasa’s role is different from Historia’s---not a Queen, but a descendant of the Shogun clan who used to be the rulers of Hizuru.
With limited content about Hizuru and the Azumabito family in the existing chapters, I think it’s my limit I can write in this post, hope Isayama will eventually reveal them in his remaining story ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Thank you for your ask and have a nice day~!
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chapter list 🧣 previous chapter 🧣 next chapter
summary: believing your father’s concerns as a black family living in the secluded mountains of Wall Maria to be simple paranoia, a you naively set out on your own to discover the world and what it truly holds. yet after encountering another family secluded in the mountains, the Ackermans, you realize that maybe his concerns weren’t so unfounded in the terrifying yet beautiful reality you live in. befriending their daughter, a fellow survivor in what it means to be the last of their kind, you finds your path leading to the horrors of the fall of maria and the 103rd cadet corps.
tags: fem!reader, black!reader, canon typical violence and maturity, replies and reblogs appreciated, the reader is older than mikasa by one year, reader is also a hunter by family trade so if you don’t like that i wouldn’t read
chapter specific c/w: extremely racist comments from the three men who kill mikasa’s parents, suicide mention 
a/n: ah yes, chapter three. where things get.... i mean, y’all know what happens to mikasa’s parents lmao. sorry mr and mrs mikasa’s parents but... your time has come. pour out for the parents lost along the way. also eren the aries is now here.
now to press on forward with the story of romance, unhealthy attachment issues, and titans. pls pls pls reblog and comment whether it’s in the tags, replies, or ask box. it helps spread the word of the story and it’s nice knowing your opinions of the story!
Now on AO3 if you would like to follow along there!
Chapter Three
You closed your eyes as you rested your chin on the palm of your hand. It was raining this morning. It was a relief in a way. The rain prevented any sort of travel up the path that would lead home and Uba had yet to stumble upon the Ackerman cottage as well.
You closed your eyes, enjoying the constant pitter-patter against the window pane and roof.
Really it was only luck that Uba hadn't come this particular direction, so it meant that you could enjoy the remainder of your time with this family. Still, you'd think he would've come up the mountain by now and tried searching other directions. When you felt a tight grip squeeze your right hand, you opened your eyes and stopped dwelling on it. Across the table, Mr. Ackerman was peeling potatoes and to her right, Mrs. Ackerman was placing a brand on Mikasa's right wrist. "You can do it, Mikasa!" You cheered, carefully raising your left arm in the air. This had been going on for at least twenty minutes and Mikasa did her best to brave it.
Mr. Ackerman smiled and joined in, "you're doing very well, honey." He reassured.
Mikasa only grit her teeth as she continued to watch her mother carve a third sword onto her skin. Together, it was an 'A' with three swords. You watched in awe. "I don't think we have a family crest." You shuffled through your memories for any sort of mentions of a crest by Uba and couldn't find anything. Maybe your family never had one or maybe they had stopped carving it a long time ago. You would have to ask Uba about that. "What's your family like, Mrs. Ackerman? Uba never told me other races got into the Walls too. Then we wouldn't have been alone this entire time."
Mrs. Ackerman spared you a short glance from her work before looking down once again. "He might not have known, dear." She said softly. "A hundred years is a long time, things can be forgotten easily. What's matters is sticking together now, it doesn't matter where as long as we're together."
You hummed, not really mulling over the answer you received. I guess adults don’t know everything, after all. You squeezed Mikasa's hand and got a squeeze back. "Did your family always live here?"
"Mom said she and grandma and grandpa used to live in a small village when she was younger." Mikasa answered instead.
Mrs. Ackerman nodded, "that's right. But we weren't allowed to stay, so we traveled around a lot before I met your father and we settled down here."
"Uba said that we always lived in forests and mountains to avoid other people." If Uba had realized the Ackermans were around, he might've moved you both away instantly. You was glad that he hadn't, you wouldn't have met Mikasa otherwise. Wouldn't have known there were other kinds of humans in the Walls besides the Nwabu. You weren't the same, but you were. That had to count for something.
Mikasa looked over to her father, "but why did people push your family away, Dad?"
Mr. Ackerman looked at her thoughtfully, "I've never figured that out myself. I always figured it might have been something to do with housing and food shortages."
"But that doesn't matter." Mrs. Ackerman declared, finally setting down her tools. "What matters is that we're together, remember?" She kissed Mikasa's forehead and bandaged her wrist. "You were very brave, Mikasa. Remember, this is something you'll give to your own children one day. And them to theirs. Make sure not to show anyone else." You leaned forward to get one last good look at Mikasa's wrist before the brand was no longer visible.
"How do I have children though?"
"Well..." Mrs. Ackerman glanced over to her husband nervously. "Why don't you ask your father."
"Hey, Dad-"
"You know, sweetheart!" Mr. Ackerman coughed, setting his knife and potato down. "I don't know either. We should just ask the doctor when he gets here, don't you think so? I think so!" You blinked in realization, you had forgot about that. They had said a doctor would be coming today last night at dinner to look over Mrs. Ackerman about her having a baby.
"Well it goes in your stomach." You mumbled, staring at the woman in question's tummy. It was as flat as ever though, no signs of a baby present. "Did you eat a seed?"
Mikasa's looked at Mrs. Ackerman excitedly, "oh so it's like flowers?"
A knock prevented Mikasa's mother from answering and Mr. Ackerman was all too happy to stand to his feet. "Oh it looks like Dr. Jaeger is finally here! Enough asking questions, you two, we need to let the doctor in now."
Mr. Ackerman turned around promptly and you rolled your eyes while Mikasa pouted. Adults never told them anything. "It's probably a flower seed Moms have to eat and then they just keep drinking water 'til their stomachs get big."
"But then how do they get it out?" Mikasa countered, though she sounded more thoughtful than disagreeable. "Do they pop out of the Mom's stomach like a flower does? Or-"
Mikasa stopped talking when a loud thud sounded and your eyes looked over in time to see Mr. Ackerman collapse to the ground, slumped over.
You blinked as she looked up at the wide open door.
Once, twice.
Three men stood at the door where Mr. Ackerman just was.
One of them wearing a cap stepped forward. "Good afternoon." The capped man said politely. Was he the doctor? Why were there other people here then? Who were they? You suppressed a shudder, you didn't like the air any of the strangers gave off.
"You'd be wise the listen to us." A different brunet growled aggressively as he raised a large ax into the air. "Not unless you want to get your head cracked open with this."
It was with a scream that Mrs. Ackerman suddenly bolted forward with a scalpel in hand and you nearly fell out of your chair in her surprise. In a matter of seconds you watched as Mrs. Ackerman, kind and beautiful and loving Mrs. Ackerman, tried to stab someone in the throat. The brunet with the ax yelped in surprise as he caught Mrs. Ackerman's arms before she could land a hit on him. "M-mom-" Mikasa stood up, tearing your hands apart as she trembled.
Mrs. Ackerman looked back at you both like a wild boar that had just been cornered, "Both of you run away now!"
Blood rushed in your ears as you watched the struggle play out, slowly standing to your feet. Mr. Ackerman still wasn't moving, his orange vest was stained red as blood dripped from the wound. You stepped back slowly, throat dry. Mikasa didn’t move an inch. 
"... Mom, Dad isn't..." Mikasa trailed off, she hadn't moved an inch.
"Hurry and leave!" Mrs. Ackerman screeched, looking back at them once again. The look she gave was one you knew you’d never be able to describe. It was like the woman was trying to convey every last second of her thoughts to you. That she knew that nothing would be the same again. That you couldn't tell Uba about the other kinds of humans in the Wall. How they needed to stick together. To keep each other safe. But no other message was more apparent than Run. 
You grabbed Mikasa's hand and sprinted for the back door.
"Damn it, you fucking broad!" A man shouted. "Go and cut them off! I've had about enough of you!"
Your heart stuttered at the sound of a scream and blood spatter. "You idiot, I told you that it was only the dad we were supposed to kill!"
"She was attacking m-"
"Quit your excuses! Just hurry up and grab the brats!"
My rifle, where's the rifle? You could hear the storm of footsteps following behind you, your thoughts racing just as fast.
"W-wait!" Mikasa yelped.
It's in the shed. I can't get to it in time!
"We left Mom behind!"
Damn it!
"We have to go back!"
"We can't!" You could barely stop yourself from slipping as your bare feet touched the wet wood of the back porch. Mikasa wasn't as lucky and you tugged Mikasa onto her feet as quickly as possible. The trees!
You could lose them in the trees and hide until they were gone and run to Uba's.
But it'll take almost a week to get there. Your eyes were blurry but you couldn't tell if it was from the rain. "Uba!" You called out, hoping somehow that he would miraculously appear and save the day. When your movement came to a halt due to a harsh tug, you almost thought that maybe he had. Yet when you turned around, all you could see was the looming figure of the man with a cravat holding onto Mikasa's arm, tugging you back harshly as his friends arrived. With all your girlhood fury, you aimed a kick for the man's shin but despite his wince, his grip was steadfast.
The man with the ax was approaching them, ax looming. "You knock that off now or else-"
The capped man grabbed him, seething. "No more threatening for you, not after the last one! This isn't just some kid covered in mud and dirt, he's special!" He hissed at his comrade. The ax still had blood on it as he tugged it out of his hand. Just like when we cut up the geese. You couldn’t help thinking briefly amidst the chaos. "So I'm not letting your trigger happy ass kill our meal ticket just because the brat was kicking people! Just hurry up and knock them out so we can get out of here."
You tried tugging at Mikasa's hand again but the cravat man separated you both. "I don't think so." He spat.
"Mikasa!" You called after her when ax-wielding maniac who killed Mrs. Ackerman took your friend. You struggling increased as you watched him strike Mikasa’s face. "Damn you!" You barked, not caring what swear words would leave her mouth. "Bastard! Shit head!"
The last thing you saw before you could spit something out again was a white fist hurling towards you face and the first thing you saw when you woke up was Mikasa being rolled onto her back. "Not bad, but she's just a kid. Doesn't really strike my fancy."
"I don't care about your tastes, the fact is that she's an Oriental." You blinked groggily. Your head was killing you and you could barely breathe with how stuffy your nose felt. You pushed a harsh breath through your nostrils, red spraying from them. You tried to say something, anything, but couldn't. Finally you noticed how your mouth was covered by cloth. "That one over there's a Black. A long time ago, there were different kinds of humans. These two are the last descendants of their kind."
Unable to move your hands you tried inching onto your knees, but you choked as you felt your stomach crash down to the floor. "Damn it, stop doing that before you damage him even further!" The man with the cap snapped angrily. "It's bad enough you killed the Oriental girl's mother, but you broke the Black's nose! We don't need you giving people more reason to skimp out on paying less for him when he's the only pure blood we have now for those perverted fucks in the capital!” When the foot on your back was removed, you struggled to catch your breath. 
“Even if she’s mixed, the pay’ll be decent enough. We’ll sell the girl to the highest-paying pervert and this boy would make a decent slave. They said in the past Blacks like him were as strong as ten men combined."
"The last one we found certainly put up a fight." The ax man snorted, his irritation easily noticed even in this situation. "Damn shame the fucker bit his tongue off before we could even get him to the capital."
"Doesn't matter. We salvaged what we could. Only real miracle is that we found two distinct families in the same mountain chain, otherwise thanks to someone over here we wouldn't even have two people." The capped man only got a grunt in return from the other. Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! You couldn’t get the last look Mrs. Ackerman gave you out of your head. You had to think clearly. Whenever they stepped out this cabin, you’d get up and run. We can still hide, we can figure out what to do about the cloth afterwards. You weren’t going to be a slave, Mikasa wouldn’t be sent to wherever they were going to take her. You’d get out of this alive and together. 
"I wondered where the kid was when we searched the house and came up with nothing. Glad to know the brat was down here with the Orientals the entire time, certainly made everything easier."
At that, you froze before raising your head at the men with wide eyes.
"What, miss your daddy?" Mrs. Ackerman’s killer jeered and you felt dizzy, breath sporadic. "Sorry but he's gone now. Not that you would've been sold together. He would've been a real good-"
"Quit antagonizing him." The capped man interrupted. "The point is that that was a lesson learned, we should've gagged him before he cooked up the idea to bite his tongue and off himself. Not making that mistake again. And if anything else, we learned never let you be the one with the a-"
The door creaked open followed by a hesitant, "um, excuse me?"
The angry brunet stomped forward, "what the hell do you think you're doing here, kid?!"
"I-I got lost in the forest." Came the teary reply of a young-sounding boy. "And then I saw this cabin so..."
There was a pause and the capped man waved his hand forcefully before the first man continued on, a nervous chuckle in his voice. "That's really bad, you know! A kid really shouldn't be walking around the forest on their own. "There's all sorts of dangerous animals! Wolves and bears, all that jazz! But you won't have to worry about anything if you come with-" the man stopped talking abruptly.
"Thanks, Mister." The boy's voice was eerily calm as spoke. "I get it now, so die, you bastard." A thud followed after.
The capped man jumped up in surprise, grabbing their blood-encrusted ax to chase after whoever had come. The last thing you were expecting seconds later was the man collapsing to the floor right beside you, a boy charging right through him with a hastily made weapon. "You damn animals!" The boy shouted. His eyes a blazing green as he stabbed and stabbed and stabbed, screaming at the man to 'die' repeatedly. "This is what you bastards deserve!" The brunet screeched. "You had it coming!"
You stared dumbly for a moment before you brought your knees to chest and forced your way onto your feet. Not taking your eyes off the boy, you hovered over Mikasa clumsily.
When the boy finally calm down and looked at you, you couldn't suppress a flinch when he approached and glared in his direction. "It's okay." He took another step forward, reaching for your gag. "I won't hurt you guys. I'm Eren, Dr. Jaeger's son. Who are you? I know she's Mikasa." He said as he made quick work of cutting off the rope around your wrists.
"_." Your voice was ragged but you paid your soreness no mind, pulling out Mikasa's gag quickly. You winced at the blank expression on Mikasa's face. A far cry from the smiling girl you were used to seeing. And Uba is... You shook your head. There was no time to cry and grieve, not when there was still the man with cravat. Mrs. Ackerman had already told you what to do. "We need- we need to hurry up." You pulled Mikasa onto her feet and ignored the throbs of pain from your nose and chest. She wouldn't let these hands go again, not until they were safe. "There's a third outside.”
You ran to the door but you were barely able to react as the man with cravat came into your line a sight. Damn. was your last thought before he swung and sent you flying down to the ground. Your vision was filled with black spots, barely managing to see Eren get wiped out just as quickly. "Did you do it!?" The man roared, lifting Eren by the neck tightly with both hands. Eren kicked his legs as he struggled for breath. "You're fucking dead, kid!" The cravat man swore.
You gasped as flood filled your mouth, spitting it onto the floor. Your head was dizzy and your mouth didn't stop filling up. You lost a tooth, you could see the white of it in the pool of red on the floor. "Fight!" Eren was shouting. "You need to fight!"
You looked up with a grimace, barely able to stand.
"If you lose, you'll die!" Eren went on, his face a blur. "If you win, you'll live-augh!"
"What the hell are you talking about!?" The man with the cravat spat while tightening his grip.
Mikasa reached for the knife. "I can't..."
You shook your head. Why can't I get up! "Don't... Mikasa, I'll do it. It’s fine." But your body wouldn't move any further. Move! Move! Move! Damn it, don’t stop working on me now! "It's no different from hunting. No different..." You wanted to scream at yourself for being so weak. Eren wasn't shouting anymore. Maybe he wasn't even alive. Maybe he was gone, just like Uba. Like Mr. Ackerman and Mrs. Ackerman.
When you heard a loud crack, you half expected the sound to be Eren’s neck. Surprisingly enough, what you saw was Mikasa’s foot passing through the floorboard like it was nothing before charging with a scream, your vision finally blacking out completely.
Mikasa looked down at you as the doctor yelled at his son who had saved your lives.
You had taken most of the traders’ abuse, your head and nose wrapped in bandages. The doctor said it would heal in due time with your lower ribs only bruised. Wrist stinging, Mikasa held your hand. It was like a reminder of what had only been only hours ago in the morning.
Mother had baked fresh bread for breakfast, the house still smelling just like it as it was baked to a golden brown with the last of the cheese they had as a topping. You and Father had stayed home for it, unable to hunt due to the rain that also kept you from returning home. Then Mother sat Mikasa down and told her she would finally be receiving their family crest today, a memento she would be able to have with her for years.
Mikasa's grip tightened around a brown hand that didn't squeeze back. The hand that snatched her away before Mother was taken from her by evil men that killed Father moments beforehand. A hand that had taken the lives of many animals Mikasa did her best to ignore. The hand of her best friend.
You couldn't go back home to the garden that hosted bugs that would eat others of its own kind that Mikasa turned a blind eye to.
Cat and mouse.
Hunter and prey.
Three traffickers and two families.
This world is cruel. Mikasa thought plainly. It always had been no matter how much she tried to ignore it. Mom said we had to stick together. Mikasa remembered her mother's face as you pulled her away and into the rain. But where do we go in a place like this. Mikasa thought of the cottage she had spent her entire life living in. She'd collect the eggs and eat breakfast with Mother while you left with Father to hun, then she'd tend the garden and collect any vegetables that were ready to be picked and wait for you and Father to come home. You could never go back to the way things used to be.
"Mikasa." Dr. Jaeger's deep voice pulled Mikasa out of her thoughts. "Do you remember me? I'm Dr. Jaeger, we've met a few times when you were younger." Mikasa paused, trying to remember the man before nodding slightly. "Do you know if your friend has a family that's nearby that we can take them to?"
Mikasa shook her head. "She doesn't." She recalled softly. "They took her father away too." It was just the two of them now. "Dr. Jaeger," Mikasa started slowly. "where should we go now? It's cold."
There was a beat of silence before Mikasa felt something wrapping around her neck. She looked over her shoulder to see Eren as he finished haphazardly tying the black fabric of his scarf. "There." He finished looking embarrassed. "It's warm, right?"
It is. Mikasa looked at you again, a jacket had been placed over you like a makeshift blanket.
"Mikasa, why don't you come and stay with us?" Dr. Jaeger suggested, much to the girl’s surprise. "You've been through a lot. You need plenty of rest and my wife would be happy to care for you."
"... And _?" She tightened her grip.
Dr. Jaeger smiled, "she'll be in my clinic until her injuries heal, but if there isn't room for a third we do know a family that may be willing to take her in. Don't worry, she'll be taken care of and you'll be able to see each other everyday."
"But we'll be in the same place first?" Mikasa felt a prickle of anxiety as she searched the man's face for any sort of deceit.
Dr. Jaeger nodded once, firmly, "in the same district too."
"It doesn't matter where as long as we're together." Mother had said.
After a moment, Mikasa nodded.
It wouldn't matter where.
They only needed to be together.
They were the last ones, after all. 
The last of their kinds. 
And the only thing they had from Before.
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lenok993 · 4 years
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Historia: Who is the father?
Mikasa: Who is the husband?
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perch36 · 3 years
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Ackerman x Azumabito 
Levi x mikasa Rivamika for attack on titan 138
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iamnightduchess · 4 years
May I request a headcanon for Mikasa as an Empress? What would her life be like as an Empress and how would people, allies, and enemies treat her? How would treat the women who admire her?
Hello, dear! 💖 Thank you for the Ask.
Empress!Mikasa Azumabito Ackerman Headcanon
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The moment she returns to Hizuru, the Azumabito elders tabled the proof of her bloodline as the last living legitimate descendant of the country's ancient shogunate. With a majority of the vote, Mikasa will ascend the imperial throne of Hizuru as the closest heir through the military power held by her ancestors and marriage of her great ancestor to the last Emperor, who did not have any surviving lineage.
Mikasa revived a monarch that had been obsolete for almost a century, while retaining the support of the nation's democratic parliament.
Within a week, an enthronement ceremony was held in the imperial court for the new empress' coronation. In the ceremony, Mikasa wore a beautiful 100 year old Jūnihitoe, a 12-layer formal kimono, that had been worn by the last Empress, who was also the daughter of an Azumabito daimyo.
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Her official royal name is "Her Imperial Highness, Empress Mikasa of Azumabito." All her future desecendants carry the Ackerman-Azumabito name.
Her mon or formal royal crest would be the three sacred blades of the Azumabito clan.
Heralded as the People's Princess, Mikasa won the hearts of her people naturally, as a strong bladesman and an honorable Warrior with a compassionate heart. It took her almost a year to adjust and learn the political ropes of the throne but in time, she's proven that she is a headstrong ruler, an unconventional royal who's independent, fearless and never hesitated to step up or step down to the grassroots level as an effort to understand and take action for her people better.
More than just a beautiful placeholder in a powerful position due to her birth, Mikasa gained authority and respect from the people of Hizuru as an experienced battlezone frontliner with titan-slaying experiences that vouched highly of her credibility.
The allies of the Azumabito clan of prominent families descended from legendary bloodlines during the Sengoku era, all swore fealty and loyalty to this new empress.
The moment the news of her enthronement was released by international press, Hizuru's enemies acknowledged that the half-blooded royal of the rare Ackerman family from Paradis is not someone they'd like to trifle or cross with. They propose a permanent truce through a united alliance as they'd rather not be on the receiving end of the new empress' battle prowess.
Mikasa is not only the first monarch to rule by herself, but she's also the first ruler to appoint the first woman minister and first woman military leader in her court. Inspired by her previous Commander, Hange, Mikasa advocates female empowerment during her reign.
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This woman would also (unintentionally) has a strong cult following from the women of her age range, as she becomes a trendsetter in not only character, but also in style. Mikasa would be a royal fashion icon that inspires even the western world with her androgynous look, pixie-style haircut and pantsuits.
She inspired women to be strong and brave and abolish the gender-defined traditional expectations within society. Her strength of character and heart couldn't be more obvious through the way she walk, the way she carries herself and the way she talk to all the children, women and men.
Mikasa would be the first female leader to grace the cover of the world's first magazine print series featuring influential people all around the world. This New Age Empress is lauded as the lost Oriental Gem who was born in Paradis but soaring high with Hizuru's global sovereign.
Thank you for the Ask! 👸This woman deserves to be respected as the Empress she was meant to be 💖
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melishade · 2 years
Attack on Prime Hizuru OVA: All quotes of Megatron showing displeasure in the country (AKA Megatron being such a fucking child while escorting Mikasa)
Main Story
“Noblemen. I hate them with every fiber of my being,” Megatron growled as he stopped.  (In reference to Kiyomi’s home)
- “Disgusting,” Megatron commented as he knocked on the gate. He tapped his foot impatiently while Mikasa continue to stare. (In reference to Kiyomi’s home)
The dragonflies flew above the flowers and past her head. Mikasa smiled at the sight while Megatron swatted one that flew near his head to the water.
Mikasa was startled when Kenzo began to growl at Megatron, but the titan was not amused at the situation.
“Kenzo,” the prince scolded.
“Sit,” Megatron ordered the dog in an ominous tone.
Kenzo whined as it lowered its head in submission and backed away before sitting down.
“Well, that was just mean,” the prince remarked as he petted Kenzo to comfort it.
Mikasa didn’t reply to that as she stood next. “So this is a royal party?”
“It’s pretentious,” Megatron rolled his eyes.
“That’s good,” Mikasa said before looking outside, seeing the cherry blossoms in bloom. “The flowers are beautiful.”
“It’s too vibrant,” Megatron proclaimed, “And frail. Apparently, they only last for a week.”
“Black’s a good look for you,” Kenshin complimented.
“I hate it,” Megatron declared.
“It’s similar to sword fighting, but usually a lot safer,” Kenshin explained as he grabbed another wooden sword, “Its purpose is to help train the body and mind.”
“Sounds boring,” Megatron commented as he leaned against the wall.
Mikasa nodded her head in response.
“By the Allspark, this is boring,” Megatron declared.
“If you want, you can try it,” Kenshin offered.
“Absolutely not,” Megatron declared, “I have no reason to lower myself to rather cheap techniques.”
“Sorry,” Kenshin apologized as he walked up to them and adjusted the jacket of the suit that he was wearing.
“We could’ve left an hour ago,” Megatron commented, “You humans and your appearances.”
“How about this?” Kenshin offered.
“By the Allspark, how does that look more off-putting than the actual cat?” Megatron demanded.
“Oh my god,” Kiyomi rolled her eyes.
“It’s beautiful,” Mikasa commented.
Megatron noticed Mikasa staring and quickly crushed the petal in his fist.
“You didn’t seem to be having fun,” Mikasa retorted as she stood up, “So let’s go have some fun.”
Megatron rolled his eyes as he stood up. “I doubt anything on this wretched continent would constitute as fun.”
Mikasa bowed respectfully while Megatron eyed the daruma doll with slight disgust.
“What’s wrong?” Mikasa asked him as they walked away from the booth.
“Somehow this is more unsettling then that cat you got for one of your comrades,” Megatron explained, “And this thing is suppose to represent good luck?”
Megatron looked over to see Mikasa staring at him with the fox mask on. “You look ridiculous.”
“I can,” Mikasa answered, “You should put yours on. It matches your eyes.”
“I’m not going to put cheap plastic over my face,” Megatron declared.
However, there was one game that involved live fish, and Megatron wanted no part in handling those ‘slimy, disgusting creatures’. Mikasa could agree on that. She wasn’t exactly a fan of touching fish.
He’s such a child; it’s great. I will be doing commentary on the Hizuru OVA, but that’s just going to take a while for me to write up. Also, the deleted scene on how Armin and Eren were coping with Mikasa being gone. It’s gonna be fun.
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momofloss · 4 years
I can't be the only one who was dissapointed with the whole Hizuru thing. We finally got to see some part of Mikasa's long lost family (which she didn't know about might I add), but I still feel like the amount of information we got of them is barely scraping the surface to be actual useful for her background, beside knowing that she is part of an important clan. And there comes the thing why I am "meh" with that. We know the Hizuru doesn't really care about Mikasa, like yeah maybe they do, but more about the sources on the Island. I don't want Mikasa to be used as a way to get there what they want and I see that as a possibility, that they will either use Mikasa's relationship to them for that, or will want Mikasa to stay with them after the war. At least there is a possibility for that.
But yeah, I expected more of that part of the story once it was brought up.
We also still didn't get Levi and Mikasa to talk and at this point I doubt it will happen, even if they are the last of the Ackermans. And that is dissapointing.
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cidsideral · 5 years
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gothkasa is both a rockstar and a sorceress. don’t believe me, ask isayama.
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falcon94ssy · 5 years
Hello. Do you think Mikasa will go to Hizuru by the end of the manga?
Hello anon.
(Me looking at the ask and start imagining scene Mikasa going to Hizuru before the end of the manga for 15 minutes)
Also me stubbornly asking when will Isayama start working on the Hizuru-related plots before the rl world got rumbled and it is only the first 2 months of 2020.
Hizuru arc when.
Ah sorry. Where are we?
Will Mikasa go to Hizuru eventually? My short answer is yes.
Instead of explaining, please allow me to list all East Sea Clan aka Hizuru related appeared in the manga:
Chapter 5: Mikasa’s mother’s clan mark talk
Chapter 63: Mikasa and Levi’s Ackertalk while Mikasa mentioned how her parents met each other and married
Chapter 65: Kenny’s grandfather talk about the Ackerman family and the Asian clan (hmmm Azumabito family?) defied the First King’s ideology about peace in the walls and persecuted.
Chapter 98: Kiyomi Azumabito’s first appearance.
Chapter 99: Kiyomi met Willy
Chapter 107: Mikasa met Kiyomi, Azumabito family history brief talk, Rumbling 50 years plan explained
Chapter 108: Paradis knew Hizuru refused to help them trade with other countries
Chapter 109: Kiyomi met Zackley saying they are going to observe the Rumbling on the ice burst stone plane.
Chapter 111: Kiyomi urged Mikasa escape to her ship but Mikasa refused.
Chapter 123: The SCs went to Marley with the help of Kiyomi and met her in Marley.
That’s all.
There are still nothing new about Hizuru, the Shogun Azumabito family and what will Kiyomi do with the ice burst stone plane.
Sometimes I wonder if even Isayama has forgotten them.
So. In short.
I can picture Mikasa will go to Hizuru after the great battle thing, with the powers of titan removed and the Eldians are finally freed and gain the human rights (sort of), then somehow Mikasa will go to Hizuru as a Paradis representative, meanwhile have a bunch of stuff to do about her Azumabito lineage, the mess left by Kiyomi (but that’s my other theory)���
Thanks for your ask and listening to my long off-topic eeeking about the Hizuru plots. Have a nice day.
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metasnkpotato · 5 years
What type of role do you think Kyomi will play in the story? The Asian race and more specifically, the Hizuru clan, was introduced from beginning, through Mikasa's tattoo and info her mother said to her before dying. I always thought that was going to be something important to the story. So far, it hasn't been. I mean, sure, Kyomi made an appearance but she seems more interested in Paradise's natural resources than Mikasa's existence. So what type of role do you think the Asian clan will play?
I think that pretty basically, Azumabito may play a role for a kind of gateway between Eldia and the rest of the world as they were introduced as diplomats being pivotal in internationals relations of SnK’s various countries :
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and in spite of being in cordial relations with the most marginalized island of the world aka Paradise, they seem to be integrated in the world reports. I’ve developed a little bit more this idea in this ask’s answer.
It would also correspond with Asian branch’s introduction as Mikasa’s mixed heritage. In taking such a role (coordinator between Paradise and its outside), they would take a sort of stance for different camps that don’t really have a relationship with each other, but are woven together by force of circumstances, like Mikasa and her eldian - asian miscegenation.
I think all of this could be useful compared to Kiyomi's offer :
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because it’s currently apocalypse on Paradise and characters will probably find themselves cornered by all this at one time or another (and cause ofc, if Mikasa decide to go on Kiyomi’s boat she won’t do that alone). If they come to have to run away, there will always be that in case, in bulk.
But these are assumptions only, for the moment we have no idea how the rumbling will unfold, if world or piece of it and countries would still exist after, Eren's plan in relation to that, and I hardly see 104th etc. just decide to sail away and leave everything to burn and flare to save themselves.
So for the moment I have no more idea than that about the role that could play Azumabito in relation to all this, sorry! 
Thank for the ask, and also sorry to have taking ages to answer to it !
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lenok993 · 3 years
Can you tell me how Levi and Mikasa are gonna live in Hizuru after rumbling when chapter 134 literally showed that Hizuru got destroyed by colossals? I see everyone saying this over and over, like they speedread the manga apparently
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I understand your point of view anon. But Eren destroyed only Marley continent.  Eren is in Fort Salta now
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I think it’s Odiha’s doom.
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