#snaxburg falls
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snaxburgfalls · 7 months ago
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I swear I’ll post an actual comic or something soon
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fluffyglass · 9 months ago
Gramble gets sick a lot. Everyone knows it. Lack of nutrition doesn't help, and what he does eat isn't the best for him either. Eggabell's nearly given up on him at this point. She just can't help a grumpus who doesn't want help. She'll check up on him if he hasn't left his barn in a few days, but as his state gets worse, it gets harder for her to come up with options aside from the obvious. She can't spend all her time babying a grown adult who starves himself on purpose.
So, he doesn't get better. He leaves his barn less and less these days, usually barely managing to get out of bed. What little energy he has is sapped away as he sleepwalks, spending his precious seconds aimlessly wandering the town instead of doing anything else. He'd love to get outside more. Play with his snax. Walk around town. Talk to people. But he doesn't. He lays in bed all day, trying to will the pain away.
After Eggabell disappeared, there was nobody to look after him. Wiggle tried, but she didn't know what to do. Gramble might have left town sooner, if he could, but he didn't. He couldn't even try to recover in bed anymore. Day and night he jolted himself awake in the corner of his barn, making sure nobody helped themselves to his kin. Sometimes he'd fall asleep, and when he woke up, they were gone. He could never catch them in the act. But slowly, it stopped happening. Snaxburg grew quieter every day. Wiggle stopped coming back. He would have been alone, able to rest, able to finally recover...
But Wambus was in the barn that night.
There never was a fight. Filbo just didn't know how else to describe it. Gramble had spent the last of his strength releasing his snax, so he could barely keep himself upright even before Wambus's fist collided with his skull. Gramble could barely tell what was happening, but he'd thankfully accepted it. He was going to die. But he was going to die having saved his family. The pain never stopped, even when Triffany showed up. Even as Gramble forced himself up off the ground. Even as he wandered away from town, calling out for his kin, faintly. Ever so faintly.
Gramble was going to die the moment he collapsed on the beach.
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flooftyfizzlebeans · 2 years ago
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The only reason Snaxburg didn't fall apart earlier; Liz's ability to pick up anyone.
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that-weird-mime · 1 year ago
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Something sweet to offset this horror thing I made. Heheghgs the journalist getting stressed later on thanks to all the work they have to do to keep snaxburg from falling apart and Floofty reluctantly offering a hug for them as thanks for an earlier hug.
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treefory · 1 year ago
Fun fact: if you look down on Snaxburg anywhere on the map you won’t be able fo see your house.
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Also in frosted peak in the big cave (the one with the Daddy cakelegs statue) there are ice pieces you can melt that are on the ceiling. Idk what this dose but it might be a reference to the lost passage way that lead to flavor falls.
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snakxreader · 1 year ago
This probably sounds weird as hell but gender-neutral journalist thinking that they may have feelings for wambus?
(I know that there has to be people who crush on him)
A/N: Anon. Anon the entire fandom crushes on Wambus. He is second to Floofty in the sexygrump status. You are not alone and we welcome you with open arms. Enjoy the fic!
Wambus x Journalist (Journalist Catching Feelings)
This was both mutually the worst and best thing to happen to them.
Gaining a crush on the local farmer in Snaxburg was…not their best decision. But really, could they blame themselves? Every minute they’ve spent around him, they can’t stop looking. From the moment they met him at his old garden, by the falls. The dark almost navy blue on his fur, his hard emerald eyes and grump above, he had such toned muscles.
He could throw them off a cliff that broke at least ten different bones in their body and you’d still ask them to do it again.
And maybe life would’ve been easier if it was just that, just that fleeting bit of attraction that made them stumble all over their interview with him, but the more time they spend with him? Well.
They love his puns, the dumb little ones that get a giggle out of you. How he’s always checking up on them, despite a long day. Even where more people came to town, more mouths to feed, he still found time. Gave them a packet of his sauce everyday, “To keep your’ strength up,” he said, patting their shoulder. Even inviting them to the garden sometime.
Everything about Wambus set their heart aflame and they felt incredibly dumb for it. You’re supposed to be looking for Lizbert, not trying to make out with one of her expedition members!
Deep breaths. In and out. In and out. Maybe…maybe they’d get over it. They could get over it! Just had to focus really hard on their job, find Elizabert, help out the town and they’d be so busy they couldn’t possibly think about-
“Hey there.”
They yelped, turning to face a suprised Wambus with bristled fur. The part of their brain that had critical thinking skills promptly clicked off, leaving the journalist to scramble.
“Oh, uh, hey Wambus! What-what’s up?”
“Just wanted to see if you were alright. Ya been spacing out quite hard.” He replied, his surprise adapting to a more curious look. “What’re you thinking about?”
“Just….stuff relating to Lizbert…” Not a complete lie. Wambus did have something to do with Lizbert. Either way, the farmer nodded along. “Darn shame.” He sighed, sitting down to take his hat off and wow, he looks hotter without it. “Hope she turns out safe.”
“M-me too.” The journalist stuttered.
Wambus hummed. A beat of silence passed.
“Stranger.” You jolted, turning to face him. “I know it’s…hard…not ta think of the worst case scenario. Grump knows I’ve thought it myself..but.”
He set his hat back on, staring at them with a firmness that made the journalist struggle to pay attention to his words rather than his eyes. “As cheesy as it grumpin sounds…having a bit of hope never hurt anyone. Even if you’re looking at the worst case. Even if you have to prepare for the worst.” He smiled softly at them. The journalist was grateful that the darkened sky held your blush relatively well.
“…Yeah. I know.” Even if it wasn’t exactly what was bothering them, it made them feel tons better. “Thanks Wambus.”
“Course.” He tipped his hat, before standing to stretch. “I plan on sitting here a bit longer, wanna join me?”
They tried not to think about romantic fantasies revolving around them and Wambus by a campfire. Totally not kissing him. “C-can’t. Gotta….catch a thing. For Filbo.”
“Alright. Take care now.”
“Same to you!” They said, walking away from Wambus. They waited until they were a good few feet away before groaning. They were so screwed, weren’t they? These feelings were not going away.
Grump fucking damnit.
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roachesinacoat · 11 months ago
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Unfinished art of my and my friends bugsnax oc (I’m waiting for them to respond with what they want their oc to exactly say plus I’ll probably change up the pose for their oc)
Forgot to mention this when i originally made my oc Basil, she ran into the snaxsquatch one time when setting up for the night in flavor falls (she never properly set up anywhere after she left snaxburg she just placed her sleeping bag down where it was most convenient so she was often in flavor falls after stealing sauce from wambus) and has been kinda obsessed ever since
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funkbun · 1 year ago
how was it when the queens became, well, queens? how did it happen and how did they reign?
Based on what Lizbert stated in game, the process of becoming a snakqueen is… bad it's fuckin baaad, it's an awful experience. Like they fall down into the Undersnax, probably break multiple bones after that fall, have hundreds of snax shove themselves down their throat, trying to speedrun the snakification death thing. Buuuut, if a grumpus is somehow strong enough, they won't end up dying and instead make the snax into themselves, basically getting queened. So yea, bad experience.
With Queen 1, she became queen during one of the Stone Grumpus Snax Ceremonies (I'll get an actual name for it one day lol). These are once a month events Stone Grumpus communities did that end in the sacrifice of one random grumpus chosen by the matriarch as a "Thank you" to the bugsnax. Queen 1 (or Alabee at this time) hasn't gone to one of these ceremonies in years, so when she is the one chosen she feels extremely betrayed and attacks her matriarch who she respected for almost her entire life.
During that fight (beautifully drawn below), she ends up getting pushed into the Undersnax cavern, gets queened due to her extreme hatred of her matriarch and everyone who didn't do anything to help her, and passes out for a week.
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After waking up, her reign was very deadly. She used her control to make the snax more aggressive (similar to how they were in the Escape from Snaxburg section), leaving Snaktooth a very dangerous place for grumpuses (but not Broken Tooth). During her 200 years of ruling, snax became less and less dangerous once Queen 1 started becoming weaker and was "rotting" (snakqueens are supposed to spend multiple years in the Undersnax to stay stable, once Queen 1 woke up she never went back in). Also grumpuses got better at fighting off snax, even if they still can't eat them. So yeah, she starts out making Snaktooth Island a living hell, didn't follow the Official Snakqueen Rules, and died having her work completely reversed by a second Funny Food Bug Lady.
With Queen 2, she willingly became a queen a few hundred years after Queen 1's death, going through the same thing as Queen 1, and once she woke up she used her snakqueen control to pacify the island's snax to a kinda unreasonable degree. She used her control to make sure that snax no longer feel the need to forcibly snakify grumpuses, thus making snakification deaths less likely to happen (they still did happen during her reign but shh shhhhhh don't worry about that, they just weren't strong enough okay Ok).
Her reign as queen wasn't bad for grumpuses at least, but her idea of making the snax completely harmless backfired almost a thousand years into her reign. You can't make an entire species completely stop doing the thing they're known for doing ma'am.
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world's smartest queen
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Bugsnax community questions - Poll #4
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givemepuppetgetbugsnax · 1 year ago
so, to better help figure out how i'm running this..
you can use either puppets, characters, creatures, OCs... whatever. then send that to me so i can turn that into a Grumpus, or Bugsnax, as i see fit. {will be stylized according to my vibes}
requirements: reference image and name. preferably also the fandom name if that's what you're doing.. optional: specific food to turn into a bugsnak along side it, specific character to replace, specific details to have.. anything else you think about.
have fun! and if it takes me a while, i might be struggling to figure out how exactly to do something.
down below is a list of locations, characters, and also how the bugsnax are sorted in the game.
Character Types
Filbo- a skittish mayor trying to do his best.
Wambus- a farmer with a cactus facsimile of his wife.
Beffica- a gossiping gal with slight trust issues.
Gramble- a sleep deprived rancher that sees bugsnax as his family.
Wiggle- a music star trying to find her next hit of inspiration.
Triffany- an archeologist figuring out what happened to her grandma.
Cromdo- a sleezy salesman searching for his big money maker.
Chandlo- a surfer dude sweetheart looking out for his partner.
Snorpy- a nervous conspiracy theorist that made all the inventions.
Floofty- an experimental doctor seen as an untrustworthy being.
Shelda- a religious hypocrite hiding her true self behind her beliefs.
Eggabell- a doctor always trying to be better than she thinks she is.
Lizbert- the missing explorer.
Journalist- the player, the one here to help sort through the problems.
Clumby- the boss that's not letting on with how much she knows.
Alegander- a lonely, slightly bitter, being. with one snak he's dubbed his friend.
Snakqueen- an amalgamation of snax, twisted and malformed.
Snaxquatch- Cryptid
Bugsnax Sorting {canon only}
Flavors- Fruity, Meaty, Sweet
Colors- Red, Green
Frosty- causes freezing on touch
Spicy- causes burning on touch
Breakable- multiple snax fused together
Aggressive- attacks on sight
Flying- mostly in the sky
Burrowing- stays under ground
Sticky- can be stuck to things
Evasive- can't be caught with snaktrap, you have to get more creative to catch it
Garden Grove- Mid Piece, Forest Clearing
Flavor Falls- Ruin Guardian, Edge Piece, Forest
Simmering Springs- Mid Piece, Beach
Boiling Bay- Ocean Guardian, Edge Piece, Volcano Beach
Scorched Gorge- Mid Piece, Canyon
Sizzling Sands- Pyramid Guardian, Edge Piece, Desert
Sugarpine Woods- Mid Piece, Taiga
Frosted Peak- Snow Guardian, Edge Piece, Mountain
Broken Tooth- Island, Large Snax
Snaxburg- Middle, Civilization
Triplicate Space- Hidden, not the grumpinati.
Undersnax- Underneath, Snakqueen Home.
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sponges-place · 2 years ago
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Came up with this idea for a smash moveset for Filbo Fiddlepie from Bugsnax. Let me make it clear that I did this for fun, and didn't really take into account stuff like how well this moveset would work in a competitive setting. What I'm saying is don't take this too seriously. This is gonna be a long one, strap in folks.
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*Entrance-Filbo rides in on the flying ship from the beginning of Bugsnax.
*Jab Combo-A couple of slaps, followed by Filbo flailing his arms around like he's catfighting.
*Forward Tilt-A headbutt.
*Up Tilt-Filbo swings his paw above his head.
*Down Tilt-Filbo reaches out with a slap while crouch.
*Dash Attack-Filbo trips and falls on his face.
*Forward Smash-Filbo's hand turns into a Noodler, and he jabs it forward.
*Up Smash-Filbo hops in place as his horns turn into Banoppers.
*Down Smash-Filbo's hand turns into a Spaghider and he whips it to both sides.
*Neutral Aerial-Filbo flaps his hands wildly, as if he's trying to stop himself from falling.
*Forward Aerial-Filbo's hand turns into a Cocomite, and swings it downward.
*Up Aerial-Filbo's hands turn into Rainbow Sweetieflies, and he claps them above his head.
*Back Aerial-Filbo's hand turns into a Dr. Sodie, and he swings it behind him.
*Down Aerial-Filbo stomps downwards as his feet turn into Big Bopsilces.
*Grab & Pummel-Filbo grabs the opponent with the bug net, and elbows them.
*All of his throws were essentially copied from Villager.
*The Bugsnax series icon is a Strabby.
(The two Kirby hats are just two different ideas I had for them, pick the one you prefer)
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*Neutral Special: Sauce Slinger-Filbo pulls out the Sauce Slinger (which can be held like Link's bow), and fires chocolate at his opponent. If hit, the opponent is covered in chocolate and will take 1.25x damage from your attacks (like Inkling's ink mechanic).
*Side Special: Snakgrappler-Filbo uses the Snakgrappler to grab whatever's in front of him. Against opponents, it works as a quick grab and throw, but it can also be used to grab items and ledges.
*Up Special: Lunchpad-Filbo uses the lunchpad to spring up into the air. It basically works like Sonic or Banjo & Kazooie's Up Specials.
*Down Special: Buggy Ball-Filbo places down Sprout the Strabby on the stage. Pressing Down B again while he's out causes him to run to you. Sprout damages any opponents he runs into, but he can't jump, so he can only follow you horizontally, he can jump off of the Lunchpad, though.
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Sprout will follow opponents covered in chocolate automatically as long as they're close enough.
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*Final Smash: Feeding Frenzy-A massive horde of Bugsnax run across the stage, damaging any opponent they run into. It ends with a legendary bugsnak dealing the finishing blow.
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*Up Taunt-Filbo does his funny little dance that he does at parties.
*Side Taunt-Filbo gets surprised by a Bunger.
*Down Taunt-Filbo hugs one of his plushies.
*Victory Screen 1-Filbo chases a Strabby back and forth.
*Victory Screen 2-Filbo builds a campfire and sits down next to it.
*Victory Screen 3-Filbo finishes an interview with the Journalist, then he stands around awkwardly.
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*Filbo's colors are all based on other major characters from Bugsnax. I chose the colors based on color combinations I liked, but also tried to pick colors that had visual variety.
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*Stage-SnaxBurg: Players fight on a flat plane, but can jump up onto the SnaxBurg sign in the middle. In the background, other residents of SnaxBurg hang around to watch the fight. (The houses are just in the background, you can't interact with them).
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*Filbo's music list and spirits (The pink triangle marks remixes). I know Bugsnax has been out for a couple years now, but Smash sometimes tries to avoid more spoiler-y stuff for more recent games, so that's why I left certain songs and spirits out.
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*Mii costumes that get released alongside the character pack.
*The PvZ costume comes with a music track (Brainiac Maniac).
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*Filbo's Classic Mode-First Come, First Serve: The theme of this classic mode is characters known for eating. There's a twist to the gameplay in that food is constantly raining down (except for in the boss stage).
*Round 1-Alph (Garden of Hope): The Koppaites are known for their appetites, and Pikmin 3 (Alph's debut game) is all about collecting food.
*Round 2-Pac-Man (Battlefield Pac-Land): I don't think I need to explain this one.
*Round 3-Pit (Palutena's Temple): Pit loves food. He also wasn't used in Kirby's classic mode, so this helps Filbo's route stand out.
*Round 4-Bowser (Paper Mario): Putting Bowser on the Paper Mario stage and choosing the song "Tough Guy Alert" was a reference to "Bowser's Inside Story", a game about Bowser eating things.
*Round 5-Yoshi Team (Super Happy Tree): Another self-explanatory one. To differentiate from Kirby's route, I made it multi-man fight.
*Round 6-Kirby & King Dedede (Fountain of Dreams): You already fight Dedede on Fountain of Dreams in Kirby's classic route, but hey... Now Kirby's here too.
*Boss-Rathalos: Fighting a giant monster in the harsh wilderness is something that happens a few times in Bugsnax, so I tried to reflect that here.
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snaxburgfalls · 7 months ago
Who's Dipper and Mabel in this au? And what's Chandlo's and Snorpy's relationship in this au, since Snorpy is now Ford.
Cool au by the way.
It’s not an exact one to one of Gravity Falls, so both of these are fairly different
Dipper and Mabel are now just one person, The Journalist. I played with the idea of having two Grumps but it did play out right in my head. Theyre a mixture of Dipper’s anxious need to find answers and Mabel’s care free spirit, the reason they’re so willing to help the Grumpus’ on Snaktooth.
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As for Snorpy and Chandlo, they’re still boyfriends, Snorpy is still clueless, however there was a minor falling out between them as Snorpy became more erratic before his disappearance. Chandlo misses him dearly, and would give literally anything to see him again.
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nemo-is-real · 2 years ago
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PPPFFFTTT guess who remade their entire oc???? like??? several weeks ago?????? less than a month after creating said oc ????? cackles
i literally gave him three ref sheets oh my god someone stop me. same fluffy different pronouns. and also likes snakes now. like, a lot. he really likes snakes. and is a big fan of the bugsnax too.
infodump time! fluffy oddball is the older brother of dusty oddball. he entered the raffle for lizbert's expedition along with his sibling as they were a minor at the time and, you know, they needed an adult to come with them, because logic? i'm not good at explaining srysry he left snaxburg as soon as the argument broke out. he'd be found in a whole entire new section of snaktooth (that i'm still working on fleshing out more, but it would be near flavor falls). his gimmick would probably be herpetology.
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gayest-squrrel · 7 months ago
i went down a rabbit hole and investigated all the water on snaktooth island :)
so I was just playing bugsnax as you do and then I realized....
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The river in scorched gorge doesn't lead anywhere. So I was like "I must find out where it goes" and I ended up looking through the entire map's river system :,)
Also, disclaimer, I know nothing about hydrology I am pulling all of this analysis out of my ass. My source of knowledge is half remembered facts from middle school and youTube videos looking through the river systems of video games for fun lmao
Also it's gonna be long lol. Read more at your own risk
We shall start from the source ! Frosted Peak
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Of course, the frozen rivers and pond come from snow melt. I assume the pond was formed from the river periodically unfreezing and eventually being able to hold enough water that it couldn't be frozen completely. Although Frosted Peak is able to freeze MOVING WATER that is insane. I will ignore this for my own sanity
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The pond then drains off the side of the mountain. This river probably has liquid water underneath the ice because like yeah.
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The river does disappear, probably going underground.
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The water then moves into Flavor Falls. The waterfalls do appear to be coming from tunnels, which supports the theory that the river in Frosted Peak went underground, but...
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As you can see, there's a big gap between the falls and the mountain 🙂 which certainly complicates things. Although, there is a bridge between them. So it could be that the water is going through there ? I'm just gonna chalk it up to the island being weird and also not being modeled with accurate hydrology in mind and pretend it doesn't exist
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the waterfalls pool into one spot, separates into two rivers, and quickly rejoins with each other.
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The river then follows a straight path and ducks under a rock.
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Before we continue the river, why don't we look at the ponds in Flavor Falls :) starting with the one in Mama Mewon's cave.
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It's probably rain water that pooled there because there isn't anywhere else it could have came from
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There's also this little cave.
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The water seems to be coming from a split-off from the underground river.
It's flowing towards the collapsed passage entrance, so it probably goes through the passage a bit before breaking out and depositing into the sea
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Anyways, back onto the main river !!! After going under the rock it follows the groove
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And falls into Garden Grove !
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The river splits, with one side flowing into a pond that probably goes into another underground river which turns into not my problem ! Yay :)
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The other one goes down the hill and leads to Snaxburg
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And Snaxburg is where we have a major split in the river, going to Scorched Gorge and Simmering Springs respectively.
The river in Simmering Springs isn't much to make note about. You can't even see it, it's between Snaxburg and Simmering Springs and I can't even find a way to look at it.
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There's also the springs, which like yeah it's next to a volcano there would probably be some volcanic springs and geysers. The fact that they're all on raised rocks doesn't make sense but once again it's just meant to look cool it's not meant to be accurate.
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ALTHOUGH there is one geyser that's accurate by my very inaccurate standards :D along with the one in Sprout's training area
Boiling Bay doesn't have any rivers or ponds so we're just gonna skip that one and return to the major split and head into scorched gorge
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The river flows down into the gorge and almost splits into two, but one ends up seeping into the ground.
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You can tell that it either used to or sometimes does become an actual split by the indent in the ground and also by the fact that the gorge is circle and was carved by a river
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The successful split ends up also seeping into the ground, which the other one would also do if it formed.
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Some groundwater surfaces in the cave of Simmering Sands
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Along with the oasis. Idk whether it naturally formed or was grump-made
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Now for the ponds in Sugarpine Woods !
There aren't any visible rivers, so either they get their water from an underground river or rain and/or snow melt
Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna question why I spent two hours on this when I should have gone to bed
edit: brokentooth
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anonself · 7 months ago
How about 12 and 60 next? :O
FILBO!!! Ough,, he’s so silly I need to crush him
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He’s my guy
I had to go scrounge around to find my insert’s name for bugsnax and it’s literally just Jamby Beetleball lmao I love grumpus names
Jamby is an entomologist (wow something truly new and groundbreaking, another Liam entomologist self insert) who came to Snaktooth island to study bugsnax. He’s very odd and people get a little out off by it. He’s very passionate about what he does, though. He gets along pretty well with Triffany, Floofty, and Snorpy pretty well, since he’s a scientist.
It started out as something Jamby did to try and keep Filbo’s mind off the way Snaxburg was falling apart thanks to the arguments and infighting from the other residents. It’d tug Filbo along on one of it’s field studies, making the day of it, and eventually the two started falling for each other.
Jamby was absolutely devastated when they had to leave Snaktooth and it had to pretend that bugsnax never existed, keeping little notes and sketches even from Filbo to avoid freaking the grumpus out.
Let’s see, number 60 is Zacharie! What an odd guy
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S/i for this one is Maxie idk why I named him that but I like it
This one is more queerplatonic, I think. They are best friends who live together and sleep in the same bed and kiss each other goodnight, I don’t make the rules
Zacharie has to be a little careful with Maxie, it’s an Elsen and they have not great ways of handling extreme emotions (see included figure: stressed elsen fucking dies)
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Parts of Maxie are already worn away from stress, revealing the burnt beneath. It’s falling apart a little, it grew up in zone two so it was very sheltered, making it hard for him to face things without fear. He was one of the few to actually leave the zone, which helped it grow a little more acclimated to real stressors and less vulnerable to being burnt, but still has taken a bit of a toll. Zacharie tries not to set it off at all. He’s not stupid, and he doesn’t know if he’ll be able to help Maxie if he burns.
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treefory · 1 year ago
I had the weirdest dream the other night
So the journalist walks around into snaxburg and everything is completely normal. But out of NOWHERE an ice cream truck drives through town and everyone chases it all the way down to flavor falls
While everyone continues to chase the truck Filbo stops and gives us a little speech about the importance of ice cream trucks and for some reason it’s like very serious and sad.
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