#snaxburg falls
doggscape · 1 month
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Thank you Young Horses twitter for giving me this idea
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snaxburgfalls · 1 month
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I swear I’ll post an actual comic or something soon
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etcetera etcetera
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flooftyfizzlebeans · 1 year
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The only reason Snaxburg didn't fall apart earlier; Liz's ability to pick up anyone.
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fluffyglass · 2 months
Gramble gets sick a lot. Everyone knows it. Lack of nutrition doesn't help, and what he does eat isn't the best for him either. Eggabell's nearly given up on him at this point. She just can't help a grumpus who doesn't want help. She'll check up on him if he hasn't left his barn in a few days, but as his state gets worse, it gets harder for her to come up with options aside from the obvious. She can't spend all her time babying a grown adult who starves himself on purpose.
So, he doesn't get better. He leaves his barn less and less these days, usually barely managing to get out of bed. What little energy he has is sapped away as he sleepwalks, spending his precious seconds aimlessly wandering the town instead of doing anything else. He'd love to get outside more. Play with his snax. Walk around town. Talk to people. But he doesn't. He lays in bed all day, trying to will the pain away.
After Eggabell disappeared, there was nobody to look after him. Wiggle tried, but she didn't know what to do. Gramble might have left town sooner, if he could, but he didn't. He couldn't even try to recover in bed anymore. Day and night he jolted himself awake in the corner of his barn, making sure nobody helped themselves to his kin. Sometimes he'd fall asleep, and when he woke up, they were gone. He could never catch them in the act. But slowly, it stopped happening. Snaxburg grew quieter every day. Wiggle stopped coming back. He would have been alone, able to rest, able to finally recover...
But Wambus was in the barn that night.
There never was a fight. Filbo just didn't know how else to describe it. Gramble had spent the last of his strength releasing his snax, so he could barely keep himself upright even before Wambus's fist collided with his skull. Gramble could barely tell what was happening, but he'd thankfully accepted it. He was going to die. But he was going to die having saved his family. The pain never stopped, even when Triffany showed up. Even as Gramble forced himself up off the ground. Even as he wandered away from town, calling out for his kin, faintly. Ever so faintly.
Gramble was going to die the moment he collapsed on the beach.
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that-weird-mime · 8 months
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Something sweet to offset this horror thing I made. Heheghgs the journalist getting stressed later on thanks to all the work they have to do to keep snaxburg from falling apart and Floofty reluctantly offering a hug for them as thanks for an earlier hug.
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treefory · 7 months
Fun fact: if you look down on Snaxburg anywhere on the map you won’t be able fo see your house.
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Also in frosted peak in the big cave (the one with the Daddy cakelegs statue) there are ice pieces you can melt that are on the ceiling. Idk what this dose but it might be a reference to the lost passage way that lead to flavor falls.
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snakxreader · 11 months
This probably sounds weird as hell but gender-neutral journalist thinking that they may have feelings for wambus?
(I know that there has to be people who crush on him)
A/N: Anon. Anon the entire fandom crushes on Wambus. He is second to Floofty in the sexygrump status. You are not alone and we welcome you with open arms. Enjoy the fic!
Wambus x Journalist (Journalist Catching Feelings)
This was both mutually the worst and best thing to happen to them.
Gaining a crush on the local farmer in Snaxburg was…not their best decision. But really, could they blame themselves? Every minute they’ve spent around him, they can’t stop looking. From the moment they met him at his old garden, by the falls. The dark almost navy blue on his fur, his hard emerald eyes and grump above, he had such toned muscles.
He could throw them off a cliff that broke at least ten different bones in their body and you’d still ask them to do it again.
And maybe life would’ve been easier if it was just that, just that fleeting bit of attraction that made them stumble all over their interview with him, but the more time they spend with him? Well.
They love his puns, the dumb little ones that get a giggle out of you. How he’s always checking up on them, despite a long day. Even where more people came to town, more mouths to feed, he still found time. Gave them a packet of his sauce everyday, “To keep your’ strength up,” he said, patting their shoulder. Even inviting them to the garden sometime.
Everything about Wambus set their heart aflame and they felt incredibly dumb for it. You’re supposed to be looking for Lizbert, not trying to make out with one of her expedition members!
Deep breaths. In and out. In and out. Maybe…maybe they’d get over it. They could get over it! Just had to focus really hard on their job, find Elizabert, help out the town and they’d be so busy they couldn’t possibly think about-
“Hey there.”
They yelped, turning to face a suprised Wambus with bristled fur. The part of their brain that had critical thinking skills promptly clicked off, leaving the journalist to scramble.
“Oh, uh, hey Wambus! What-what’s up?”
“Just wanted to see if you were alright. Ya been spacing out quite hard.” He replied, his surprise adapting to a more curious look. “What’re you thinking about?”
“Just….stuff relating to Lizbert…” Not a complete lie. Wambus did have something to do with Lizbert. Either way, the farmer nodded along. “Darn shame.” He sighed, sitting down to take his hat off and wow, he looks hotter without it. “Hope she turns out safe.”
“M-me too.” The journalist stuttered.
Wambus hummed. A beat of silence passed.
“Stranger.” You jolted, turning to face him. “I know it’s…hard…not ta think of the worst case scenario. Grump knows I’ve thought it myself..but.”
He set his hat back on, staring at them with a firmness that made the journalist struggle to pay attention to his words rather than his eyes. “As cheesy as it grumpin sounds…having a bit of hope never hurt anyone. Even if you’re looking at the worst case. Even if you have to prepare for the worst.” He smiled softly at them. The journalist was grateful that the darkened sky held your blush relatively well.
“…Yeah. I know.” Even if it wasn’t exactly what was bothering them, it made them feel tons better. “Thanks Wambus.”
“Course.” He tipped his hat, before standing to stretch. “I plan on sitting here a bit longer, wanna join me?”
They tried not to think about romantic fantasies revolving around them and Wambus by a campfire. Totally not kissing him. “C-can’t. Gotta….catch a thing. For Filbo.”
“Alright. Take care now.”
“Same to you!” They said, walking away from Wambus. They waited until they were a good few feet away before groaning. They were so screwed, weren’t they? These feelings were not going away.
Grump fucking damnit.
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roachesinacoat · 5 months
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Unfinished art of my and my friends bugsnax oc (I’m waiting for them to respond with what they want their oc to exactly say plus I’ll probably change up the pose for their oc)
Forgot to mention this when i originally made my oc Basil, she ran into the snaxsquatch one time when setting up for the night in flavor falls (she never properly set up anywhere after she left snaxburg she just placed her sleeping bag down where it was most convenient so she was often in flavor falls after stealing sauce from wambus) and has been kinda obsessed ever since
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strabbyshortcake · 2 years
I said I would do a fanfic rec post for other people since I did one for my own fics, so I’m finally getting around to that.
Make sure to heed the individual warning tags on these. A few of them contain body horror or non-explicit sexual material, so take care when reading. Quite a few were also published pre-bigsnax so there may be inconsistencies with what we know now.
Snaktooth’s Last Secret by @snaktooth-journalist
As far as I’m concerned this is THE postgame bugsnax fic. It thoughtfully touches on every character, and the way it recontextualizes Filbo’s actions ingame single-handedly made him a far more fascinating character to me.
The Roots We Keep by SinsterSugarCookie
A visceral, disturbing story about Eggabell and Lizbert literally trying to rebuild their life on Snaktooth, that’s nonetheless rather bittersweet in parts.
An Arm and a Leg by Brokenpitchpipe
This is a beautifully-characterized look at Floofty and Chandlo coping with their grief in the wake of Snorpy’s death on  Snaktooth.
Grambarn by @cloverlady
The body horror is off the charts in this Silent Hill-inspired short, based off an AU by my friend @hyper-fixator. In a seemingly-abandoned Snaxburg, the journalist investigates the creaky old barn at the edge of town... I actually wrote a sequel to this one myself. And honestly all of cloverlady’s fics are fantastic and you should read them.
Homestyle Gigglefunny Soup by @twilightprince101
An incredibly sweet tale of Gramble bonding with a young grumpus in his neighborhood, and the power of a meal prepared with love.
Seeker of Truths by @snorpington-fizzlebean
Chandlo hasn’t returned to the cabin in days. Snorpy goes looking for him. A sad, horrifying short that will tear your heart from your chest, while also really making you want s’mores.
That Hour No One Knows by @zombified-queer
Centered on the ancient grumps of Snaktooth, this focuses on one observer who records the slow descent of their society as they fall to the bugsnax.
Dancing in Festival Moments by Inganno
Honestly I have mixed feelings about this one, but I’m putting it on here because it really does a great job with its characterization, and it was a huge inspiration for me when I wrote Monarch Sunrise. I don’t personally care for relationship drama and infidelity worries, which comprises about half of the fic, but the second half is an extremely well-done mystery that builds to a terrifying climax, so I feel like it’s important to include it because it’s quite an old fic and I think it deserves attention from newer fans.
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funkbun · 11 months
how was it when the queens became, well, queens? how did it happen and how did they reign?
Based on what Lizbert stated in game, the process of becoming a snakqueen is… bad it's fuckin baaad, it's an awful experience. Like they fall down into the Undersnax, probably break multiple bones after that fall, have hundreds of snax shove themselves down their throat, trying to speedrun the snakification death thing. Buuuut, if a grumpus is somehow strong enough, they won't end up dying and instead make the snax into themselves, basically getting queened. So yea, bad experience.
With Queen 1, she became queen during one of the Stone Grumpus Snax Ceremonies (I'll get an actual name for it one day lol). These are once a month events Stone Grumpus communities did that end in the sacrifice of one random grumpus chosen by the matriarch as a "Thank you" to the bugsnax. Queen 1 (or Alabee at this time) hasn't gone to one of these ceremonies in years, so when she is the one chosen she feels extremely betrayed and attacks her matriarch who she respected for almost her entire life.
During that fight (beautifully drawn below), she ends up getting pushed into the Undersnax cavern, gets queened due to her extreme hatred of her matriarch and everyone who didn't do anything to help her, and passes out for a week.
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After waking up, her reign was very deadly. She used her control to make the snax more aggressive (similar to how they were in the Escape from Snaxburg section), leaving Snaktooth a very dangerous place for grumpuses (but not Broken Tooth). During her 200 years of ruling, snax became less and less dangerous once Queen 1 started becoming weaker and was "rotting" (snakqueens are supposed to spend multiple years in the Undersnax to stay stable, once Queen 1 woke up she never went back in). Also grumpuses got better at fighting off snax, even if they still can't eat them. So yeah, she starts out making Snaktooth Island a living hell, didn't follow the Official Snakqueen Rules, and died having her work completely reversed by a second Funny Food Bug Lady.
With Queen 2, she willingly became a queen a few hundred years after Queen 1's death, going through the same thing as Queen 1, and once she woke up she used her snakqueen control to pacify the island's snax to a kinda unreasonable degree. She used her control to make sure that snax no longer feel the need to forcibly snakify grumpuses, thus making snakification deaths less likely to happen (they still did happen during her reign but shh shhhhhh don't worry about that, they just weren't strong enough okay Ok).
Her reign as queen wasn't bad for grumpuses at least, but her idea of making the snax completely harmless backfired almost a thousand years into her reign. You can't make an entire species completely stop doing the thing they're known for doing ma'am.
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world's smartest queen
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doggscape · 1 month
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I’m so normal actually
Anyways here’s Floofty and some Bill doodles to go along with it. I’m calling this Snaxburg Falls and might make a lore post about it.
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snaxburgfalls · 1 month
Who's Dipper and Mabel in this au? And what's Chandlo's and Snorpy's relationship in this au, since Snorpy is now Ford.
Cool au by the way.
It’s not an exact one to one of Gravity Falls, so both of these are fairly different
Dipper and Mabel are now just one person, The Journalist. I played with the idea of having two Grumps but it did play out right in my head. Theyre a mixture of Dipper’s anxious need to find answers and Mabel’s care free spirit, the reason they’re so willing to help the Grumpus’ on Snaktooth.
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As for Snorpy and Chandlo, they’re still boyfriends, Snorpy is still clueless, however there was a minor falling out between them as Snorpy became more erratic before his disappearance. Chandlo misses him dearly, and would give literally anything to see him again.
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Bugsnax community questions - Poll #4
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cyberaxolotl · 1 year
Month Of Macabre has started! Let’s kick it off with our first fic!
The Snaxburg Spirit
Summary: When one of the grumps in the Snaxburg community is mysteriously murdered, the whole town is on edge to have a supposed killer around them. And when the voices make you feel what you never have, it’s impossible to deny the orders.
TWs: Murders, murder-suicide, heavy gore, eye gore
Illustrations: 1 (Contains cartoon gore)
Notes: This fic is not meant to depict psychosis/hallucinations. More elaboration at the end of the fic.
AO3 Version (Does not have illustration)
Fic below the cut
The sun had long since set past Snaktooth Island, making way for the moon to shine through the stars. Wiggle was part of the way through her unwinding process, gentle music playing on her phonograph as she wiped makeup from her fur.
“Hm?” A knock on her door caught her attention. She put down her handheld mirror and turned around in her seat. “Who’s there~?” She asked with a coo, expecting to hear Gramble, or perhaps the journalist.
..But there was nothing more than a knock.
“..?” That was a curious encounter. The knock was assertive and purposeful enough that she was sure a grumpus had to have made it, but why weren’t they telling her who they were? She got up from her seat and opened her door just a crack.
And there was still nobody there.
‘Did somebody just.. prank me?’ She thought, looking around. But when she looked down, another sight surprised her; a slice of cake on a paper plate. It wasn’t a bugsnak, she saw no eyes. It was just cake. “What..?” She muttered, bending over to pick it up. Looking it over to make sure it was really not a bugsnak, she saw thick chocolate that glistened in the moonlight.
“Sachertorte..” She mumbled as she looked down at it. It had been a long time since she’d had a treat like it, and she didn’t remember telling anybody that she liked it either. Did somebody randomly decide to bake a cake? But how? There were no ingredients on that island, or so she thought.
Stepping back into her hut and closing the door, she shrugged. “Maybe Gramble decided to bring me a treat and then go home, it certainly couldn’t hurt.” Her worry washed into hunger as she sat back down. “Sugar has never been something to make me energetic, it’s always made me crash and burn..” She sighed as she picked up the fork and a new makeup wipe.
She could only see herself a little in the mirror when her paws were full. Just the side of her face, but luckily, it was the side that needed cleaning. She enjoyed the treat as it made the annoying task a little easier, and soon, all of her eyeshadow was off. “There we go~” She threw it away, picking up her mirror to make sure she had everything.
“..Eh?” She couldn’t help but notice her eyes.. slacking. She blinked a couple times, making sure it was real, and it surely was. She could barely keep her gaze straight. ‘Goodness, I must be more tired than I thought.’ Putting her mirror down, Wiggle turned to her slice of cake. Trying to finish it wouldn’t do her any good, but she’d hate to leave a treat made by her beloved unfinished.
As she tried to finish off the slice, she noticed herself dozing. It was hard to keep chewing, and her fork almost slipped out of her hand. She could’ve sworn she was pretty awake a few minutes ago, but now her mind slipped every few seconds. When the plate was empty, she stabbed thin air, before realizing she was done. “Okay, that’s it- it’s all done, I can sleep now..” She mumbled tiredly, pushing both plate and fork into her trash bin and standing up.
“-!” There was a crash as she got on her feet only to immediately fall back down. Falling slightly to the side, she hit her head on her bedpost, slouching to the floor. Her head ached in the following seconds from it, and a dizziness overtook her, her sight blurring. Wiggle became overtaken by the realization that something was far more wrong than just tiredness.
A figure entered her vision. “..Who.. who’s there..?” She asked, but her voice barely came out, quiet as a breath. Her throat was tight as though she was choking, and she got no response. “-!” Nothing more than a wheeze came out when something sharp went right into the middle of her chest. It started getting dragged up to her sternum, then the base of her windpipe, where it cut deeper. She felt her flesh getting separated as the blade went up her throat, to under her chin, only stopping at her lower jaw. It was impossible for her to breath when her throat was cut in half, and her vision was too blurry for her to see her assailant. Her mind was too foggy to really even tell what was going on.
She felt her heart beating faster as the blade was removed, only to then be put back where it was before, now going down. Tears pricked at her eyes as she choked on blood, the searing pain being mind-numbing as her outer abdomen was split between two halves. Eventually, her vision went completely black.
The sun beamed down on Snaktooth Island as the grumpuses came to consciousness, a summery feeling filling the air. Filbo skipped out of his hut, bouncing on his hooves and feeling the wind between his antlers. It was normal to see a deer prancing, and he felt all of that energy that very morning.
“Heeey, good morning, Fil-bro!” Chandlo called to him when their paths crossed, the walrus having just started on his morning jog.
“Good morning, Chandlo!” He smiled, stepping over the seats around the fire pit. He saw a bit of pink in the corner of his eye. “Morning, Beff.” He said with his tone a little quieter.
“Hey.” Beffica said quickly, walking by him.
He felt his heart soar as he watched the town come to life, slowly but surely. It made him happy to feel like part of a community, and when black fur came into his view, he knew it was about to really kick off. “Heya, Scarla! What’s on the breakfast plan today?” He asked, looking at his journalist friend.
“I’ve got fresh fruits and a bit of sugary stuff too.” They said, looking proud of themself. Looking down into their bag, they started going through it. “You up for a breakfast crapple?” They asked, pushing their glasses back up after they slid down.
“I sure am!” He said, holding his paws up. They placed a live, but deeply unconscious crapple into his palms, and he smiled at the sweet breakfast he was about to have. He brought a claw up to his mouth and enjoyed it as he watched the journalist bring Beffica her food as well, giving her a sprinklepede in a similar state.
He felt lucky to see such a community around him, and to be mayor of it. The fresh fruit gave him the energy he needed to feel like that day would be worth putting his all into, but really, he felt like that every day. It was worth the extra step to say hello to his neighbors whenever he could.
He saw another one of his townspeople in his vision. “Floofty, how’d you sleep?” He asked with a friendly smile, feeling apple juice leak down his chin.
“Fine.” They said flatly, walking past him without much expression. He didn’t expect much more from them, so he let them go by without another word.
Scarla was opposite of town to him now, standing in front of Shelda’s gazebo. “Do I really have to put it in the box?” They asked, paws on their hips.
“You know how it is.” She sighed, slouched. “I might as well keep up the illusion for those passing by.” As she said that, Chandlo went by on his jog.
“Fine.” They weren’t going to fight her on that, so they pulled a fistful of strabbies from their bag and stuffed them into the wooden box. With her out of the way, they started to leave.
“Oh, while I have you here-“ She caught their attention again. “Have you been going through my herbs?” She asked.
“..No?” They said, raising an eyebrow.
“Well, somebody has.” She looked bothered by it. “I woke up and some of my hemlock was missing. That plant is VERY dangerous if you don’t use it correctly.”
“Huh? Why have you been collecting hemlock?” They were more interested than they were before.
“I collect every plant on this island, child, and all of them are toxic.” Shelda shook her head, looking at her jars and containers. “Hemlock, ragwort, oleander, foxglove.. No root or stem nor flower of these should be consumed. I only have them to make sure the foolish and hungry don’t eat them instead.”
“Hmm.. Well, I wouldn’t know who’d be taking toxic plants from you. Maybe Floofty, for study.” They shrugged at her.
“Floofty would have no reason to take samples from me. Whoever it was, I just hope they weren't planning on using it for cooking..” Her voice drifted off as she returned to her upright position, and Scarla took that as a sign that the conversation was over. Which was good, they still had more snax to give out.
Filbo was bumbling by the fire, struggling to rub sticks together to get it on. Those few minutes in the morning where he wasn’t sure if he’d get it lit or not were always awkward, even if nobody was watching him. “Aha!” Until, finally, he got sparks. Sitting back, he heard more people waking up around him. “Cromdo! ..Hi.” He saw the tired old man stumble from his hut. All he got back was a tired grumble.
And at the same time that Cromdo would get up, another followed soon after. “Morning, Wamby~!” He heard the voice from past the huts, and then the speaker emerged.
“Triffany, good morning!” He brightly waved to her.
“Oh, morning, Filbo!” She waved back at him, then disappeared between the streets again, a little faster than usual. Their little community was coming alive, slowly but surely.
And just a few more minutes later, the barn doors were pushed open, and Gramble stumbled his way out and onto the paths.
“Good morning, Gramble!” Filbo said as the shorter man entered earshot.
“Mornin, Filbo.” He said back nicely, looking down the path to where he was supposed to be. “..?” But he stopped.
“..Eh?” It took the mayor a few seconds to notice the oddity. “Is something wrong?
“Have you seen Wiggle today?” Gramble asked, not seeming too concerned yet. “She’s usually up before I am.”
“Huh?” Filbo looked down the path to the popstar’s hut. “Huh! No, I haven’t.” He shook his head.
“Mh.. Well, it is only seven in the mornin’. Maybe she was up late last night.” Gramble sighed, slinking away. “Oughta go take care of the snax in the meantime..”
“..Huh.” Beffica’s voice came as a surprise to Filbo. He’d forgotten that she was there.
“What?” He prompted.
“I didn’t even notice Wiggle wasn’t here. I thought it was oddly quiet..” She turned to look at the hut, seeing the door. “..Her door is open?” She noticed.
“What?” The mayor leaned to the side for a better angle, and Wiggle’s door was, in fact, slightly ajar. “That’s odd.. It gets really breezy if we don’t close our doors at night.”
“Hm..” Beffica stared for a few seconds longer, then looked down at her camera. “..Heh.” With a devious smile, she started heading for the hut.
Filbo sighed as he watched her walk away. “Oh, Beff..” He looked back down at the fire. Whatever prank she was planning on pulling on the sleeping popstar, he figured it’d at least be harmless.
After a few seconds of silence, a noise louder than any banjo cut through the air. “AAAAAAAAAH-!” A shriek as high as a voice could go, startling everyone in town.
“Beffica-?” Filbo jumped to his hooves, concerned. He was quick to get close to her, and he could see Scarla and Chandlo coming up as well. When he looked through the wide open door, a gruesome sight greeted him.
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Wiggle’s body was cut in half and pulled apart, her flesh separated so that they could see into her torso. There was blood coating her fur and they could see every one of her organs, all of the gruesome, dead viscera. The incision stopped at her lower jaw, leaving most of her face untouched by crimson. They could see the remnants of a wide, horrified expression with dilated eyes.
“She’s DEAD!” Beffica shrieked again, turning to the others to get her eyes off of the sight. Those two words got the attention of everybody else.
Nobody knew what they were expecting when called to the words “she’s dead,” but exposed organs and dried blood weren’t it. Several of their immediate actions were to look away, to run, while others stood frozen at the sight, and a couple resisted the urge to and then did throw up. Somebody on Snaktooth Island, a member of the Snaxburg community.. dead.
Then an even worse realization came upon them. “She’s not just dead-!” Triffany started, having been one of the most stuck to the scene. “She’s been murdered!” It occurred to everybody when she said it. The macabre scene was so gruesome that it had to have been deliberate.
“What are we gonna do-!?” Filbo whined, barely able to stay at the scene, but feeling as though he had to as mayor.
“What CAN we do is more like it.” Floofty said, unusually calm about it, but still noticeably shaken. “None of us are trained detectives or cops or anything useful, we’re a bunch of hobbyists stuck in the middle of the ocean.”
“Eggabell’s a doctor!” Scarla butted in. “I can get her down from the mountain, especially if she hears about this. She’s the closest thing we have.”
“What’s the point, it’s not like we can just save ‘er! Wiggle’s already dead!” Wambus added, face scrunched.
“But if a doctor like her gets a good look at the scene, maybe she’ll be able to tell us about what happened to her, and we can find out who did it.” Triffany told him, looking around.
“But what is finding out who did it going to do-?!” Gramble suddenly yelled. “She’s already dead, and what would we even do with a killer-?! We ain’t got no way on or off the island, it’s just us and some crazy killer!” He grabbed at his head, the most distraught out of everybody.
As much as everyone wanted to say that he was wrong, he wasn’t. It was just the eleven of them, and one killer.
“Nothing’s gonna get done with all of us here crowding the place,” Chandlo started, walking up to Gramble. “Gramble, can I take you back to your barn?” The others could all see a kind instinct in him.
The rancher looked frightened, but didn’t decline it. He started walking away on his own, and Chandlo kept a supporting presence behind him.
“Hm..” Filbo watched the two walk away. “I think we should all be taking that as an example. We might be in a scary time, especially when Wiggle is-“ He choked up for a second, almost having looked back into the hut. “But, we can’t leave town. We’re in more danger if we’re all apart. Scarla, please get Eggabell.” He prompted them.
“On it.” Scarla ran off quick as ever.
He turned back to the rest. “What I was saying is we need to look out for our neighbors. If one of us has bad intentions, then sticking together will do more than being apart.” He shut Wiggle’s door, not giving it another glance.
“So what, eh, everyone gets a hut-mate now?” Cromdo questioned, raising an eyebrow.
“Not exactly that, but you can give a neighbor a tool, reach your paw out to them if they need some support!” He preached, looking around. “Chandlo’s already shown amazing kindness bringing Gramble away, and if we all do our town a kindness, we can prevent this with self-defense, helping paws, and avoiding fearing each other.”
“Mm.. I guess some of my tools can be used as weapons.” Wambus shrugged. “There ain’t no actual guns or blades on this island, but hammers and spades are better than nothin’.”
“I’ve got tools too.” Triffany put her paw up. “Enough for a whole team, though some are a little blunt these days.”
“Those options are perfect! If everyone has one thing to hold as defense, then it’ll go better.” Filbo nodded, only to be interjected.
“Your ideas are optimistic, child, but not all of us possess physical abilities.” Shelda interjected, stepping forward. “Tools or not, I could not take down an assailant.”
“I guess that’s where a hutmate comes in.” Beffica spoke for the first time in a while. “Find someone you wouldn’t HATE staying with and then hope they agree.”
“That’s the spirit! I think.” Filbo wasn’t sure he liked the words, but the message was one he liked. “We can talk about it more when Eggabell gets here, but Wambus, Triffany, try to get everyone set up with some means of defense.” He motioned for everyone to spread out. “There’s no use staying crowded here anymore.”
For the next few minutes in town, everyone spread out among each other, talking about the situation. Cromdo and Shelda were unsure about who their best hopes for staying with someone would be, and the others wondered about if they wanted a hutmate too or not. But soon, Scarla was coming back into Snaxburg with Eggabell right behind them.
“Filbo!” Eggabell shouted when she saw him near the huts. “Show me where she is.” There was no more greeting, just pure sternness.
“She’s in here.” He was a little intimidated by her tone, leading her over. He let her open the door herself.
She gasped at the sight, eyes widening. But to the other two’s surprise, she gulped that shock down, stepping inside. “What happened here-?”
“We don’t know.” Scarla said, standing by the doorframe. “We woke up this morning and she was like this.”
“..” Eggabell looked the corpse up and down, getting an eyeful of viscera. “Her stomach is missing.” She said quickly.
“Eh-?” Filbo struggled to stare at the body, but had to look when she said that.
“Whoever did this ripped out her stomach. When autopsies are performed, the stomach is checked for drugs and poison.” She looked around the room, stepping back. “I’m no professional at doing autopsies, but I had to learn a little. The hospital I worked at was so small that I ended up doing emergency work sometimes.” She explained as she looked around the hut more.
“But there isn’t poison or drugs on the island. Just bugsnax and plants.” Scarla said, looking pensive.
“The plants on this island ARE poison. Gramble got food poisoning a few months ago from eating the plants, he had ragwort poisoning, and it could’ve killed him if I didn’t help him.” The two looked surprised at what she told them. “Whoever did this might’ve poisoned her and taken out her stomach so that we couldn’t see.”
“You would’ve looked through her stomach if she had it..?” Filbo looked shakily at her.
“Well.. Scarla said I was supposed to be looking over a dead body, it’s just an autopsy regimen.” She shrugged, looking at the body again. “And whoever did this clearly didn’t care to make it look NOT like a murder. They left her body open like this, I can't help but think they did it on purpose.”
“I can’t believe one of our townspeople would be so bad to do this..” The mayor looked upset, hanging his head.
“Unfortunately, there’s not much to do. I can’t perform a full autopsy, all I know is that they ripped out her stomach, for some reason.” She shook her head, frowning.
“What I know is that you have to stay in Snaxburg now, Eggabell.” Scarla said, holding their paw out. “It’s not safe for you to be alone in the mountains, and some of us down here will need a capable hutmate.”
She sighed, looking away. “I know. Liz would want me to stay down here and figure out what’s going on too.”
“Come on, let’s leave this hut. We can give Wiggle a funeral in a few days.” Filbo said with a supportive tone. “The others have been talking about hutmates and getting tools, and you're one of our stronger grumps.”
“..” It seemed like then was when Eggabell’s shell cracked. When she looked at Wiggle’s body again, instead of being ready to analyze, she felt a wave of emotion, she saw the vivid memory of her and Lizbert sneaking into a concert together. “I’ll help you set it up when it’s time.” She let out without any tears falling.
The three of them moved away from the hut, Scarla shutting the door as they left. There wasn’t anything more they could do to figure it out, but with a tight-knit community now helping each other more, it wouldn’t happen again.
After a long day of talking to each other and getting everybody ready, when evening came upon them, everyone was as ready as they could be. The decision was made that only Shelda and Cromdo would need to stay with a second person for support, and it was narrowed down to who'd be willing to take them in. Ultimately, Cromdo ended up staying in the barn, and Shelda found herself in Eggabell’s home with her. The doctor was scared by the idea, being intimidated by Shelda’s nature, but it wouldn’t be right for her to refuse when nobody else was willing to.
Chandlo returned to the mill just before sunset, entering his home for the first time since the morning. It was then when he realized there was one person in town still completely oblivious to the situation.
“Chandlo!” Snorpy greeted with a perk in his voice, expression brightening when he saw his hutmate. “I woke up this morning to all sorts of commotion in town, everybody was too crowded for me to get in and hear about it, all I got was a lot of stuff about safety. Nice to see everyone else is now aware of the danger lurking around us, but Chandlo, could you tell me what happened?”
“..” His eyes widened as he realized that there was no good or even neutral reaction to what he had to tell. At best, Snorpy would take it with the same grief as the others, but at worst, he’d have a full mental break at the mention. Taking a deep breath, the athlete started heading towards his companion. “I can tell you, but I think I should get you in our safe position to do it.”
The “safe position” was something that the two had established when they were teenagers. Snorpy had tendencies for meltdowns of various types, and Chandlo’s priority when they’d happen would be making sure neither of them got hurt when it happened. The easiest way to do it was to restrain him in the safest way possible, and the two acknowledged it as the best option.
“Oh-?” Snorpy looked surprised at the mention of it. “What could’ve possibly happened that needs you to hold me back-?” Anxiety was already on his face at the mention that something could set him off.
“Everyone else already has it talked about and we know what we gotta do! I just wanna make sure you’re safe.” Chandlo then got down onto the floor, sitting back. “It's not really something that can wait.”
“..Very well.” The ideas that popped up in his mind scared the rabbit-like grumpus, but he knew he trusted his companion more than his own mind sometimes. Sitting down and scooting to be back-to-front with the other, he let himself get held back.
Chandlo put his legs over the others and locked them together, then took Snorpy’s paws and held them behind his back. Resting his head on his shoulder, he took another deep breath. “It has to do with Wiggle.” He let out, seeing what that got him.
“..Yes..?” The bunny prompted.
“We, ah.. We found her this morning. In her hut.” He gulped, unsure. “She was dead.” He finished.
He could feel it as the other tensed and went rigid. There was a pause between them for a few seconds, then a very quiet “..What?”
“She was dead.” He repeated.
“Tell me how, Chandlo-!” Snorpy jerked a little, trying to look back.
Chandlo’s hold on the other tightened, struggling to keep his voice unobtrusive. “We don’t know-!” He got out quickly, “Eggabell looked her over and couldn’t figure out much.” He left out the detail that Wiggle had been cut in half, hoping he could get away without mentioning murder.
The engineer’s breaths got unsteady and fast. “Okay- okay-! Okay-“ He started repeating, “Safety, I heard safety, WHAT does everyone think we’re unsafe from-!?” The jerking started getting worse.
“Snorpy- Snorpy, calm down!” He tried to console the other.
“No! You’re not telling me everything-!” It was clear that there was no getting out of what would likely be a meltdown into breakdown. And then, things changed a little.
The two were immediately at attention when the door nearest to them opened. Filbo’s face peered in, his expression unsure and uneasy. “Hey, Chandlo, I just wanted to thank you for-“ He saw the two boys on the floor, stopping mid-sentence. “..Is this a bad time?”
“Filbo!” Snorpy yelled at him, snapping his head over. “Filbo, tell me what happened to Wiggle-!” His voice was laced with distress.
“Oh! Um- well-“ The loudness in his voice made the mayor freeze in place like a deer in headlights, immediately blurting out his first thoughts. “Sh-she’s dead! We think she got murdered, it was really bad, Eggabell said she didn’t have a stomach anymore-“
The room became frigid when the word murder was said. Every thought came down on Snorpy all at once as he froze for just a second- then broke into hysterics. Chandlo couldn’t get a word out as all of his focus turned to making sure his companion couldn’t get his paws up to hurt himself, and Filbo watched in silence as the room filled with incoherent and horrified words.
“Yeah, bad time..” The mayor took a step out, shutting the door tight. It wasn’t his place to calm Snorpy down when he had just said the thing that made him tick. “So much for thanking Chandlo for helping Gramble..” He started walking away, heading back to the center of town and his hut. It’d been a stressful day for everybody, and it seemed like he was only making it worse for some.
He was sure those two could sort it out on their own, or at least, he hoped they could. It was late enough that all he felt like doing was sleeping, and everyone else seemed to have the same idea.
“Night, Flop. Night, Flip.” He said shakily as he entered his hut, taking care to latch the door behind him. He got no answer, as expected from his two stuffed frogs, and he got into his bed without another sound.
And then, there was silence. There were no crickets or owls on the island. No fire crackling. No white noise to fill his mind. Just silence, pure silence.
He didn’t like it. Any thoughts he had to fill the silence weren’t pleasant, and anxiety would make it harder to sleep. He just had to wait.
“-!” His eyes opened wide as a whispery voice spoke to him. Not from above him, not from either of his sides, and not from under his bed. The voice was in his own mind.
“Never heard the voice of deities before, hm?”
The voice was distorted and crackly. It was not feminine nor masculine, nor smooth, nor rough. A completely ambiguous voice.
Filbo sat still with his eyes wide open. Was he becoming ill? Was the anxiety-filled day making him hear voices? He stared up at his ceiling with no idea of what was happening.
“I am gathering sacrifices. The celebrity’s stomach was one, but now, I crave an eye.”
“What..?” He whispered, looking around. Nobody was in the room with him.
“Snaxburg will burn if I do not have the eye from whom I desire by dawn. Do not challenge the gods.”
He froze up at those words. “There’s a god talking to me..?” He muttered out, still unsure of the reality around him. “…Do I have a fever..?” He brought his hand to his forehead, feeling his temperature.
“There is no fever. Only me. Now, look next to you.”
Blocked by his antlers, he had to sit up to look next to him. “Gah-!” He gasped. There was a knife between the limbs of the nearest plush toy, with a glinting blade and an intricately carved handle.
“You believe me now. Next time you close your eyes, you’ll see the target.”
Filbo immediately believed what he was told, it all came down on him. “Wh-wha, wha- what happens if I don’t get it-?” He asked, bringing his blankets up to his chin and looking at the blade.
“Then Snaxburg is destroyed. Your choice.”
He blinked subconsciously. “-!” The silhouette of someone was in his vision when he did. “B-but, but I don’t want to hurt anybody-!” He whined, looking at the blade.
“You do. You know you do.”
He felt a tingle run up his spine, followed by a creeping, burning sensation. “What is this?” It was a feeling foreign to him.
His eyes opened wider.
“It’ll only get worse the more you wait. You may as well do it now.”
The voice was right. His eye twitched as he kept staring at the knife, trying not to blink, but struggling. If the voice was right, then it was one life, or everyones. “What did you say you wanted-?”
“Her eye. Get me her eye.”
He gulped, starting to breathe faster, looking around frantically. He didn’t want to do it, much less so brutally to get an eye. “-!” He squeaked as he saw the glimmer of a blade on his bedside table again, feeling something calling him to it.
“You wouldn’t want anyone to hear you and find that knife, would you? Now hurry up. You have one night.”
“One night- I can’t do it in one night-!” He whined. “I don’t want to do it at all, not ever-“ He shut his eyes tight, only to immediately open them. He had seen who was next.
The voice didn’t respond. With eyes wide, he turned to his bedside table.
“..Okay.” He whimpered out. “Okay- okay.” He picked it up out of the toy’s soft appendages, feeling fabric brush his fur. Gulping down hesitation, he stood up. “Just get it over with, Filbo..” Clutching it to his chest, he turned around and walked off.
Unlatching his door and sliding it open, he was immediately stopped. It was late enough at night that Floofty was standing by the firepit, looking intently in the direction of Gramble’s barn. ‘Why are they standing out here-?’ He thought, sneaking behind his hut. He had to get all the way to the other side of town without them seeing him..? The task sounded impossible, especially when his hooves crushed every leaf and pebble, but he only had one night to get the job done. Running behind Scarla’s hut then past Wiggle’s, he had to make a dart to Beffica’s.
Luckily for him, Floofty seemed preoccupied. Whatever was so interesting to them from that direction didn’t matter to him, at least, not at that time. Shelda’s absence made getting through that area considerably easier, and it was easy to reach the door of where he had to be.
It didn’t budge when he tried to slide it. “Oh, what do I do..?” He whispered, not knowing how to break into a home.
“Stab the door until you hit the latch.” The voice advised him.
Filbo gulped, he’d have to be louder than he wanted, but the only thing he could do was bust the latch with the blade. ‘Let’s hope they’re heavy sleepers..’ He thought as he stabbed through the wooden door, twisting the knife around to find the lock. “-!” A soft metal clink made him jump and pull it out, pausing for a second.
He sighed in hesitant relief, then pushed it back through the hole he had made. Now with more care, he moved it until it hit the metal, and then-
The door was unlatched.
Taking one more look around, he saw nobody in any windows or doorways, and so, he slid the door open and slipped inside. Suddenly, sneaking around began to feel natural.
The couple were in each other’s embrace, spooning with their bodies as close as they could be. He was pretty sure that was how they slept every night based on what Scarla told him, but it only inhibited his progress. To successfully murder and take an eye from one without waking up the other… Neither were one he wanted to end up in a fight with. He’d be physically overpowered by both.
He looked into the other room of their home, his eyes landing on several potted plants. He could’ve sworn there was usually a cactus there, but wherever it was now wasn’t his concern. Walking over, he carefully picked up a pot, a plan forming in his head.
He had to leave the house to do it. Slipping outside, he backed away, bracing himself. It’d be easy to be loud enough to attract the attention of the couple, but hard to make sure it didn’t attract anyone else too.
‘I’ve only got one chance…’ He gulped, then held his arm back- and promptly threw the pot.
It smashed with a crash, and Filbo walked past the hut, looking past it. Floofty was looking in that direction, but wasn’t moving; just watching.
“What in tarnation was that?” He heard Wambus from within the hut.
“Sounded like something broke.. Did one of the plants fall over?”
“It wasn’t in here, it was outside. You go back to sleep, I’m gon’ check it out.”
“Stay safe out there.”
Filbo gulped as he heard the door slide open. He snuck a little further away, making sure he was out of view.
“Grumpin’ damnit.. One of the seedlings got smashed.” He heard a tired sigh, and assumed Wambus was just too sleepy to notice the implications. “I gotta fix this upstairs, I’ll be back with you in a couple minutes.” With that, the door was closed again.
‘Triffany’s alone…’ The mayor thought, looking back around the house again. The shattered pot and plant had been picked up and taken away, and he waited until he heard hoofsteps up stairs to make his next move.
Sliding the door open, he peeked in. Triffany was curled up with her tail up by her torso, and a light was coming from upstairs, telling him that he had to be quiet and quick. With quiet hoofsteps, he made his way inside, immediately at the bedside. Bracing his knife in his hand, he leaned over her, trying to bring it close to her neck. As long as she didn’t scream, he could do it.
“-!” Her eyes shot open right as the blade came to her neck. Before she could get more than a squeak out, he drove it down her throat, effectively silencing her.
Putting his free paw over his mouth to hold back his own scared sounds, reality was already setting in that he had killed a person. He pulled the knife from her neck with a sickening squelch, and the blood started to flow out rapidly, spraying onto his body. Desperate to get out of there, he stabbed his knife through the top of her eyelid, prying behind her eye and trying to force it out. There was a wet ripping noise as it popped out, and he took it quickly, then turned around. The sight of so much blood made him nauseous when he saw it on Wiggle, and now it was coating him.
Walking out and shutting the door, he ran back the way he came, not wanting to be there when Wambus went back down. Floofty was gone when he went by again, and he hoped they’d just gone to bed themself. Getting back to his hut, he slid the door open.
“-!” He gasped and froze as he opened it up. “What are you doing in my hut?” He blurted out as though he wasn’t covered in blood and holding a knife and an eye.
“What are YOU doing covered in another person’s cruor and hemoglobin?” Floofty glared at him, surprisingly calm, but with an expression incredibly intense.
Filbo looked them up and down, mind blanking on any idea of what to do next. Squeezing the knife in his hand, his decision was made by his body; he lunged at them with the blade.
“-!” But they were expecting it. Their arm was immediately under his, and in one swoop, he was shoved to the ground. “What- Gh-!” Their foot was pressed against his upper back, their weight shifted to it, holding him down by his spine.
“I wouldn’t make any sudden moves if I were you.” They leaned down to his face, making eye contact with him and holding it tight.
“What do you want-?” He squeaked out, now more scared than he ever was violent.
“I can't be sure yet. What have YOU been wanting out of murdering your own townspeople?” Their eyes narrowed at him, shadowed in the lack of light.
“I didn’t- I don’t want to be doing it-“ He started, but they pressed down harder on his back, successfully winding him. “I didn’t want to kill her-!” He huffed out.
“..?” They raised an eyebrow as though prompting him to continue. Their foot on his back lost a little pressure.
“Get them.”
A voice in the back of his head hissed at him. As soon as it had, the strong sense of bloodlust came back. Filbo pushed himself up onto his hands and threw his body up, knocking Floofty off of their balance, then turning around. He darted at them with the blade at the ready, getting a hit into their arm before they could react.
“Ga-ah-!” They yelped, feeling it cut through their flesh. The moment after it had happened they tried to throw themself back and disorient him again, but when they saw into his eyes, something scared them. There was nothing but a vicious glare in his eyes that they saw friendliness in just that morning. “HRK-!” The knife was in their throat a second later.
“…” He stared into their eyes for a second, watching the life stay in them, but knowing that it wouldn’t for long. “..! No-!” Dropping the handle, he watched both it and Floofty fall to the ground. “No, why would you tell me to do that-!?” He whined, covered in blood that wasn’t just Triffany’s anymore.
“You’ve done your duty. Now live with the consequences.”
“ALL Y’ALL WAKE UP, RIGHT THE FUCK NOW!” He heard Wambus call from the middle of town, and his heart felt like it stopped.
He quickly slid the door to his hut closed. “No- no, no, no, no..” He muttered erratically, falling to his knees and sliding down the door. No matter what he did now, it’d be over. He was covered in blood, there was a dying body on his floor, and viscera in his home. Wambus was the person he least wanted to face the fury of, and he could imagine the disgusted faces of everyone else when they found out it was him. “Why me, why pick me to do this, why-?” He asked.
“You’re gullible. And an easy vessel.” The voice responded. “But once you’re caught, and you’re exiled, I’ll just move onto someone else.”
“…Wha..?” The first part made him look up.
“I knew you’d believe anything I told you. Trickster spirits love the weak.” He heard a bellowing laugh in his own mind. “I wouldn’t have destroyed the island if you didn’t do what I asked. I don’t have the power to. But you destroyed your town yourself.”
Filbo burst into tears, looking down at himself, at all the blood in his hut, and curled back into himself. It was too much. It was all too much. “I believed it, why did I believe it, why did I have to..”
Then, a thought occurred to him. “Wh-who killed Wiggle-?!” He asked the voice.
Another laugh. “Triffany did, of course. You would be the next target, but you’ve set your fate in motion yourself.”
There was banging on his door. “EVERYBODY MEANS EVERYBODY, INCLUDIN’ YOU, FILBO!” He heard Wambus yelling.
He didn’t want to. They wouldn’t listen if he explained it to them, and he didn’t want them to listen. Not after he’d killed his friends. Getting up, he walked over to Floofty’s body, looking into their eternally wide eyes. He pulled the knife out of their throat.
“I-I’ll get him, mister Troubleham.” He heard Eggabell’s softer voice, and turned to face the doorway, holding the blade close to himself.
The door slid open, bringing moonlight into his dark hut.
“Filbo, I- -!” Eggabell gasped when she opened the door. He was overly aware of how the blood felt caked into his fur, and how it now glimmered in the light.
He felt anxiety overcome his silence. “I’m sorry-!” He yelled, taking a step forward. “I can make it up, I…”
She froze up, eyes widening to a pinpoint. She was scared of him and that blade. And somehow, she tensed up even more when he madly wedged it down into his thigh.
He pulled it out then shoved it back in, now into the lower corner of his abdomen. He brought it out and up, then in, out and up, until it went right through his ribs. “..!” He let out a low squeaking sound as he stared right at the woman in front of him. And then, he collapsed to the ground, the blood of many mixing together.
Secondary notes: This is not meant to depict psychosis in hearing voices/auditory hallucinations. It was literally a god talking down to him.
11 notes · View notes
supercasey · 2 years
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Meet my Grumpus OC, Tedissifer! I’ve been obsessed with Bugsnax all month, so I finally caved and made an OC, though I couldn’t resist tying him to Wambus and Triffany, my favorites in the game (save for, well, everyone. They’re all fantastic)! Here’s some basic info about ‘im, though there’s way more under the readmore including his main quest, side quest, and interview with the Journalist!
Name: Tedissifer “Tes” Troubleshoot
Pronouns: He/Him
Loves: Wambus, Triffany
Likes: Gramble, Chandlo, Floofty, Filbo, Eggabell
Neutral: Lizbert, Snorpy, Shelda, Beffica
Dislikes: Wiggle, Cromdo
Favorite Snak (To Eat): Fryder
Favorite Sauce: Ketchup
Character Ideas
+Has a pet Bunger (named Lil’ Mac) that’s been following him around since he arrived on the island. Snorpy helped him put a bow-tie on him to keep him from accidentally getting captured by Lizbert (the bow-tie has a tracking device/trap neutralizer installed in it). Tes goes to the edge of Snaxburg every night to visit Mac, but after completing his side quest, Mac moves in with him and Gramble, and follows him around during his morning routine.
+Wants to be helpful, but oftentimes just comes off as annoying/tiresome, leading to most of the other grumps avoiding him, save for his friends and relatives.
+He can usually be found either petting the Snax in Gramble’s pen, or visiting his aunt and uncle around town. Sits on the ground in front of the campfire every night beside Wambus.
+He has a lot of repressed issues due to a sense of hopelessness from watching Wambus and Triffany lose their farm; his personal quest helps him open up about this to the journalist.
+Through his personal quest, Tes attempts to please both Wambus- who he admires and loves- and Gramble- who's taught him to tame Bugsnax- leading to an altercation between the two older grumps that Tes has to resolve. In the aftermath, Wambus relents and allows Tes to keep his Bunger/help Gramble with the rest of his Bugsnax, opening the town to having more snax as Tes convinces Gramble to let at least a few be available to eat for emergencies.
Main Quest Tie-in (takes place after Small Celebration!)
(Note: I’m following the format of the IGN/Bugsnax Wiki page for character side quests, so that’s why things may be worded weird.)
Summary: During the fight between Gramble and Wambus during Small Celebration, Gramble mentions that the only person who isn’t a “hungry maniac” isn’t back in town, and that he wishes it was him who came back and not Wambus, prompting Wambus to warn him to stay away from his nephew. The next morning, Filbo suggests that the Journalist try to find Tes, as he can help Gramble keep the Snax well taken care of in his barn.
Find Tes: Filbo said something about Wambus’s nephew being able to help Gramble with his barn. I should be able to find him somewhere back in Flavor Falls. Objective: return to Flavor Falls and search for Tes.
Lil’ Mac: There’s a weird Bunger wearing a bowtie that’s running around Flavor Falls. I should catch it for Gramble’s barn! Objective: catch the mysterious Bunger.
Escape Arsonist: Despite having caught the Bunger in my Snaktrap, the trap rejected the Snak and let it loose. This is no ordinary Bunger! Objective: follow the Bunger and find out it’s secrets.
Where There’s A Will: I followed the Bunger to a  secret encampment, but it disappeared behind a makeshift wall that I can’t get through. If I can make it to the other side, I might be able to find Tes. Objective: find a way past the wall.
Tes Craves Flavor
Inferiority Complexion: Tes seems eager to return to Snaxburg, but he’s embarrassed to come back when he has nothing to show for his time away. I can relate. Objective: catch and feed 2 Baja Tacroach.
It’s The Inside That Counts: Apparently certain snax don’t taste very good to Tes, but he has an idea on how to “fix” them. Objective: collect 10 hot sauce and catch 1 Inchwrap.
Seasons Is The Reason: Tes has discovered how to change the flavors of Bugsnax, but he wants to experiment some more. Objective: collect 5 ketchup, 5 ranch, and 1 Fryder.
Get Tes Back to Snaxburg: Now that Tes has a handle on his new discovery, it might be a good time to convince him to go home. Objective: convince Tes to go back to Snaxburg.
Side Quest (takes place after Ghost Stories)
Summary: Tes wants Wambus and Gramble to get along so he can stop feeling like he’s choosing a side, leading him to enlist the Journalist’s help to make it seem like they’re doing nice things for each other. After feeding a Crystal Sweetiefly to Wambus (his favorite) and donating a Sweet Fryder and BBQ Bunger to Gramble (they seem like Wambus-like gifts), the two of them get into another scuffle, forcing Tes to come clean about the plot. Both Grumpuses end up being disappointed in him, leading Tes to consider leaving town again, since he thinks they hate him now. After some convincing from the Journalist (and creating some more Bugsnax variants as make-up gifts) Tes invites Wambus and Gramble to the campfire for a late night talk. Tes finally tells both men the truth; that he loves to eat Bugsnax, but still thinks they can be tamed and kept as pets. He goes on to admit that their fights have been making him feel like he needs to pick between them, but he just can’t bring himself to do so, as he loves them both. While they still aren’t anything close to friends, Wambus and Gramble agree to try tolerating each other better, both for the sake of Snaxburg and their relationships with Tes.
Tes Finds Compromise: Tes looks upset about something. I should probably see what’s bothering him. Objective: speak with Tes.
Family Knows Best: Tes is frustrated with how much Wambus and Gramble hate each other, and wants to find a way for them to get along. Obviously, this means I have to do most of the heavy lifting. Objective: Catch and feed 1 Crystal Sweetiefly to Wambus, then tell him it’s from Gramble.
Roommates Know Better: With Wambus’s gift having gone so well, Tes wants to give Gramble something, too. Hopefully he has something good in mind. Objective: Catch and donate 1 Sweet Fryder and 1 BBQ Bunger, then tell Gramble they’re from Wambus.
More Than He Can Chew: It looks like there’s a commotion at the front gate involving Gramble and Wambus. This can’t be good. Objective: Witness the confrontation between Wambus and Gramble.
Honesty Is The Best Policy: Thanks to Tes’s (stupid) idea, both Gramble and Wambus are giving him the cold shoulder. I should try to patch this out before there’s another fight. Objective: Talk to Gramble and Wambus, then meet them at the campfire anywhere from 10PM-12AM.
Journalist: Who are you?
Tedissifer: I’m Wambus and Tiffany’s nephew! 
Journalist: Can I get a little bit more than that, namely a... name?
Tedissifer: Oh, sorry ‘bout that; I’m Teddisiffer Troubleshoot, though most everybody ‘round here calls me Tes :3
Journalist: Why come to Snaktooth Island?
Tedissifer: Truth be told, it didn’t interest me that much when I heard about it on the news- figured it was nothin’ but fairy tales ‘n gossip- but then I heard that my uncle was going, so I got in touch with him and, well, I suppose the rest speaks for itself.
Journalist: Are you and your uncle close?
Tedissifer: Grump yes we are; he’s been my idol ever since I was a pup! Every summer my folks would send me ‘n my siblings over to Uncle Wamb’s to help with the farm... also it was nice to get a break from us for a season. Can’t say I’m particularly bitter about it or nothin’; those summers were the best days of my life!
Journalist: Let’s circle back; what are your thoughts on Bugsnax?
Tedissifer: They’re pretty grumpin’ tasty, if I do say so myself! Tricky to catch ‘n swallow, ‘specially when they're so darn cute, but they’re worth the trouble.
Journalist: Any info on Lizbert?
Tedissifer: Sorry to say, but my well of knowledge is as dry as it gets with her. We got along perfectly fine when she was around- as fine as acquaintances can be- but truth be told, I’m not much for talkin’ to newcomers unless they're aimin’ to stay awhile, and she just wasn’t built for that like her partner was. To each their own, I reckon.
Journalist: What about her partner Eggabell?
Tedissifer: Aw, Eggsy’s the sweetest! She’ll chew you like a snak if you go 'n rough yerself up real bad, but she’s great company! I used to sit by the fire with her ‘n chat the night away with all kinds ‘a stories, mostly ‘bout our lives before we settled out ‘ere. She may not be an adventurer like her missus, but I honestly think she’s way tougher, at least in the brain. I reckon she’s only gotten tougher out there, wherever she’s off to.
Journalist: What happened to Snaxburg?
Tedissifer: What didn’t happen? As soon as Elizabert ‘n Eggsy vanished, everyone up ‘n lost their grumpin’ marbles, even Uncle Wamb! Sure, we had less food without ‘em around, ‘n no one’s all that good at huntin’, ‘specially compared to Elizabert, but we shoulda been just fine with sauce.
Journalist: How can a community only survive on condiments?
Tedissifer: Grumpit, I don’t know, but we weren’t as helpless as everybody made it out to be! ...Look, I know I’m young ‘n all, ‘n I haven't been through nearly as much as most of these Grumps, but you’d  think we coulda held it together for at least a week or so, right? Grump knows me ‘n my kin have survived through worse, and we’ll do it again if we gotta!
Journalist: What do you mean by that? What else have you survived?
Tedissifer: Um… nothin’, forget I said anything.
Journalist: We’re just about finished here; any closing remarks?
Tedissifer: Actually, yeah... before I forget, Eggsy told me somethin’ important before she went missin’; said she was headin’ up to the mountain to “prove herself”, or somethin’ like that. I wanted to stop her, but she looked so happy ‘n excited... supposed that’s gonna haunt me ‘til I’m dead. I figure you're gonna look for ‘er, right? Lemme draw ya up a map, try ta give ya a good idea where to search. And, by the way... thanks. For everything. Some ‘a us ‘round here aren’t very good at sayin’ as much, but I’m not afraid to be appreciative. Good luck with your investigation!
Oh my g-d that was so much, why tf did I type all this out?? I doubt this’ll get any traction, but at least I can share my unhinged rants with my bro and his fiance. To anyone whose read this far, I love you <3
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