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hereticcryptid · 4 years ago
Read this before hating on me for liking Severus Snape.
Read the whole thing.
Droped a branch on Petunia
Acidental magic, mate. No one can be blamed for that.
Hated the marauders
The marauders were tormenting him on a daily basis. No wonder why.
Tryed to get the marauders expelled
They were tormenting him, one of them had attemped to kill him and sexually assaulted him. No wonder why, in a decent school they would be expelled if not arrested after the werewolf incident.
Came up with sectumsempra
Legit defense. Marauders used illegal harmful hexes on him. And they had attemped to kill him. It's just me, but I would carry around a knife too if someone tryed to kill me. And if he really wanted to harm, he wouldn't bother to make a counter-curse.
Hanged out with future death eaters
You mean his housemates? The people he was living with? He would be even more an outcast if he didn't. Than he would be left with no friends after the mudblood incident. Not to say that, being pro-muggle and a halfblood, he would very likely get killed on his sleep.
Called Lily a mudblood
Yes. In a traumatising and humiliating moment, while being sexually assaulted. And she had to keep herself from smiling. I would call her a bitch, at least.
Believed in blood purity
Haha nope. No, he didn't. "Don't say that word!"
Interested in dark arts
So, if I like seing blood in movies, I am a psycopath? If I like manipulation tecnics, am I a evil master manipulator? If I like war tecnics, will I start WW3? Dark arts are hella interesting. I would study them too.
Joined the DEs
Out of despair and hopelessness. He had lost his only conection to the light, he had all the reasons to resent muggles and they were the only people who valued & respected him. Besides, he was a bullied poor halfblood outcast, the perfect victim of cults. And he defected after a few years, spending the rest of his life trying to bring them down.
Told the profecy
Man was a death eater working for a mind reading madman. Want did you want him to do?
Bullied the students
Maybe he was a little mean. He was the best teacher tho. Never endanged anyone's life, until year 7 where the choice was go to the forest or get tortured. Not like Miss McGonnagal who sent them to the dark forest (and locked Neville in the corridor while there was an allegate mass murderer in the school), or like Mr. Lupin who was a danger himself & covered the said mass murederer.
Attemped to get Lupin fired and outed him
First, he didn't out him. The ministry already knew, the anti-werewolf law already existed, if he had quit without being outed, he would most likely not get a job anyway. Lupin wasn't fired, he quit. Second, no wonder why he wanted him fired! He was already in a triggering place, and then Dumbledore decided to hire the person that almost killed him! Besides, as a werewolf, Lupin was endangering the students. And he covered for Sirius, an allegate mass murderer, for the sake of an old friendship. And you guys should be thankfull that he made Lupin quit, if you don't remember, DADA was cursed. If Lupin didn't quit, probably something worse would happen.
Threw a jar at Harry
Man had lost his temper. Harry had just witnessed the most embarassing thing that happened in his life. Besides, if he wanted the jar to hit Harry, it would've. And not even Harry was mad about this, so, who are we to be?
And now... let's dive into the fanon ocean! Yay...
(Until now this was by chronological order, but with fanon that's hard so it won't be)
Was evil from the beggining
No. At the beggining, he was just a poor abused inocent kid, who was made "evil" by the bullying and lack of support system.
Was toxic
Welp, sorry to ruin your fun, but if there was anyone toxic in that friendship, it was Lily. Dismissing the bullying, not listening to him, ignoring her duties as a perfect to stop that kind of stuff, blaming him for what Mulciber did to Mary, marrying his childhood bullie (and man who harrassed her constantly!). What did Sev do? Hanged out with his housemates? Lily only brought him pain.
Wouldn't give a shit if Voldy targeted the Longbottoms
Can't fight this one. It is true. But you really don't want to play the if game with me.
Told Voldy to spare Lily, but not Harry nor James
You really act like if he told Voldy to kill Harry and James. He didn't. He simply asked Voldy to spare the person he cared about. He would be asked many questions that don't have an answer at all if he asked him to spare James, and straight up killed if he asked for Harry. And I personally wouldn't give a shit about my bullie and his son. Would you?
Would be happy if J&H were dead
This one is the stupidiest. Are you for real? Lily's death made him (further) depressed and suicidal. But dead family and alive Lily? Wouldn't be able to even look at her. Dunno about you, but I would kill myself if I got the love of my life's family killed.
Was obsessed
*annoyed grunt* We've debunked this so many times... 1. If he was obsessed, the obsession would've died with Lily. You don't give your life away for obsession. 2. He was a potions prodigy. He could easely feed Lily amortentia or take felix felicis. But he didn't. 3. He left her alone after the fallout. Just that says everything. 4. So you are not allowed to grieve? To be depressed after someone you loved died?
The classic would r@p3 Harry if he was a ginger female
Haha... I'm scared of you. Genually scared of you. First, having a p3d0phily teory about kids books says more about you than about the target of the teory. Second, what would you do if a miniature of the person you loved and helped killing appeared in front of you? He wouldn't be able to teach with her in the room. Too triggering.
Was a n@zi
Death eaters are not n@zis. They are a terrorist group/cult. But n@zis? They are kids throwing a tantum when compared to them. Never left England, would welcome "jewishes" (muggleborns) or "half jewishes" (halfbloods) if they were particulary gifted or/and shared they beliefs. Oh! And that stupid myth that Hitl3r is half jewish! Does this sound like the nazis? I don't think so.
It wasn't bullying
Yes it was. 4/1. It is bullying. Rich atractive kids against poor ugly kid. It is bullying. No suport system vs no need of suport system. It IS bullying. Sirius didn't deny it. They said James had to change. It is bullying.
James changed
He didn't. He kept hexing Severus on Lily's back. Dieing for your family doesn't mean you're good. Being on the right side doesn't mean you're good.
Did I miss anything, fellow homosnapiens? If I did, tell me so I can add.
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josiecarioca · 6 years ago
Sigh....So I may have to delete my ff.net account after all
After I posted this : https://josiecarioca.tumblr.com/post/187518647049/update-on-the-stalker-trollwhatever-situation
The lunatic who´s harrassing me decided it was a neat idea to create ANOTHER profile and leave well over 70 harrassing reviews on “Post War” and some more of the same in the other stories.  https://www.fanfiction.net/u/4614051/JosieCarioca
Reporting, blocking and reporting comments is not doing anything. Reporting review by review is just a hassle, and demands time I don´t currently have.
It´s starting to feel like I may have to delete my account, which is something I REALLY don´t want to do because I have tons of normal reviews from people I love, and  who have been following my story for years now. 
I´ll get off all social medias for a few days and when I come back I´ll decide what I´m going to do. 
Meanwhile, I would really appreciate if you guys spread the word about this and helped me report the reviews.  And if you have ever left a review on ff. net, or follow my story there, please consider going to my AO3 https://archiveofourown.org/users/JosieCarioca
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hereticcryptid · 4 years ago
I loved Snape from the beggining, and I never knew why. Turns out, he is the flawed, broken man we know. He is human. He isn't some sort of unidimensional villain or a Mary Sue, as many others seem too. As you pointed out, he seems to fight against the narrative. He is the most complex in the whole series. He is not a main character; he is not a plot device. If you think about it, Voldemort's fall was (acidentally) caused by him, since that night at Godric's Hollow, to the spy work, and protecting Harry.
He is relateable.
Besides. He is hot. And I have a thing for damaged characters.
I'm not in the harry potter fandom but I do know that if you say you like the Snape guy then you will get death threats
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hereticcryptid · 4 years ago
Today I had a little chat with my friend about Harry Potter and the thing drifted to Snape.
You know what happened?
He went like "Wait, wait, wait, people hate Snape?" And I was like "My dude, 7/8 of the fandoom."
He was truly shocked at this.
We had a little debate like what we have in snapedoom, he got even more annnoyed when I told him we get called abuse apologists and n@zi sympatisers, and it ended up like "I will never trust a marauder stan"
Merlin blessed me with 5 potterhead friends, wich of none hates Snape :)
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hereticcryptid · 3 years ago
Please stop
I saw this sad heartbreaking headcanon somewhere about Severus and I got extremely depressed and I even teared up.
“During Snape’s death, those tears with the memories, were also a sacrifice. Those tears were the memories themselves. So, when he died and went to the afterlife… he didn’t remember the person most featured in those memories, the one they focused on. In death, he never remembered Lily.”
This completely broke my heart. Severus loved her more than anything and the fact that the only person he truly loved was completely wiped from his memory before reuniting once more, is just depressing. I can only imagine Lily running to him, crying with joy, hugging him, thanking him for all the sacrifices he made for her son, calling him ‘Sev’ and trying to forgive Severus and Severus is confused and doesn’t know her.💔💔
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