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rosie-love98 · 1 year ago
About Severus's Friendship With The Malfoys...:
Would Snape still be friends with them had he lived after the Second Wizarding War? I'm trying to do a fic series where Snape is (magically) brought back to life and reunites with Constance Hardbroom (of the 1998 "Worst Witch") and their long-lost son, Nick Hobbes (of "Weirdsister College") in 2006. Snape and Hardbroom would remarry and have a daughter, Morrigan, in 2009.
With this in mind, how would Constance and Nick view the Malfoys. Constance does think highly of the rich, judging by the Hallows. Yet, it's doubtful that she wouldn't be very thrilled with Lucius or Narcissa (ESPECIALLY when hearing about Cedric Diggory and Charity Burbage). Though I'm not sure how she'd feel about Draco, Astoria and Scorpius. So it's uncertain on whether of not Constance would let Nick or Morrigan anywhere near such a family. No matter how much Severus would try to defend them. Not to mention, Constance would've probably put some blame on Lucius for Severus getting in with the Death-Eaters in the first place.
What also wouldn't help was that, (in my fics), the Rowling Wizards and the Murphy Wizards are of different magical "breeds". The Rowling Wizards are known as the eccentric, powerful and progressive "Imperiums" (or "Barmies") while the Murphy Wizards are the traditional, limited, Muggle-like "Ex-Codices" (or "Killjoys" or even "Faux-blood"). If anything Lucius (and maybe Narcissa) wouldn't think to highly of the "Faux-blood" Constance. The Malfoys would even look down on the wealthy Hallows for it too.
Then there's Nick; knowing him, I doubt he'd be so anamored (if that's the right word) with any of the Malfoys. He didn't even care much for the rich girl, Ethel Hallow. Not even asking her if she can use her wealth/connections to help with his endeavors. With Draco being Ethel's male counterpart, Nick would be annoyed with him, if not more. Then again, since this is post-"Deathly Hallows", Draco would've mellowed out a bit (especially with Astoria and their son). So, maybe Nick would, at least try to get along with Draco and maybe Narcissa. As for Lucius, I can't help but see Nick punch him after an insult too far about Constance, his Ex-Codice upbringing or his friends. Either way, Arthur Weasley would be proud.
Still, what are your thoughts? Would Severus still try to reconcile with the Malfoys? Would Constance and/or Nick stop him? Or would Severus only stay in touch with Draco and Astoria? Would there still be some emotional distance?
@m1lfinghot @nonbinarypals01 @darlenicy @snapeaddict @sevvysn4pe @snonions-and-cream @redroses694
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rosie-love98 · 2 years ago
Why can I see Severus Snape and Constance Hardbroom being roped into this?
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Cover of Harper's Weekly, February 1909 by R.F. Schabelitz
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thecrimsonmistress · 4 years ago
Over 15 hours later... inspired by a story written by @somedaysidelightyou “ The Snake and His Panther” an absolute must read!
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minar-artwork · 5 years ago
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Commission for @nipples-and-lipstick 🖤 These two were certainly fun to draw!
The 2020 commissions waiting list should be open for general public soon. Stay tuned for the post with my new chart + updated prices!
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somedaysidelightyou · 5 years ago
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I will destroy you in the most beautiful way possible. 
And when I leave you will finally understand why storms are named after people. ― Caitlyn Siehl, Literary Sexts
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rosie-love98 · 6 months ago
This would definetly be Snape with Nick Hobbes as a baby. Long head-canon short, Snape married Constance Hardbroom and Nick was the result.
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When sev shows his baby to the staff ( now everyone knows he did the horizontal tango at least once 💀)
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rosie-love98 · 16 days ago
Enid's Idea:
Enid Nightshade: Well, Millie, if you ever got on with Hobbes, I know a solution to get Old Snape and H.B. off your back.
Mildred Hubble: How?
Enid Nightshade: Have them think Hobbes had dumped you for me. They'd welcome you with open arms afterwards.
Nicholas Hobbes: Not if they kill us first...
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rosie-love98 · 1 year ago
When Broomhead Returned To Cackle's:
Constance Hardbroom: Ok, Miss. Broomhead was be at Cackle's Academy in an hour. And when she's here, Severus-
Severus Snape: Will be in his "Surgo" disguise.
Constance Hardbroom: Very good. And Nicholas-
Nicholas Hobbes: Will be out with his friends and away from the academy as if he doesn't exist.
Constance Hardbroom: Precisely.
Nicholas Hobbes: I still don't see why I have to be hidden away like this. Wouldn't she know of me and your relationship with dad thanks to that annoyance known as "Rita Skeeter"?
Severus Snape: Look at it this way, son; with this plan you'll be spared by the very prescence of Miss. Heketty Bi-
Constance Hardbroom: *clears her throat while giving Snape her infamous death-glare*
Severus Snape:...I do not know why you're giving me such a stare, Constance. I was obviously going to say "Broomhead".
Constanc Hardbroom: *not at all convinced* Yes...
@darlenicy @m1lfinghot @snonions-and-cream @sevvysn4pe @severitus-for-coping @snapeaddict @theworstwitch @theworstwitchforever
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rosie-love98 · 1 year ago
Which Storyline Would Best Suit These Two?:
Context: I’ve been trying to make a fanfic series where Severus Snape (specifically in the “Harry Potter” films) is brought back to life through magical means and reunites with his ex-wife (m.1985-1986/1987), Constance Hardbroom (of the 1998 “Worst Witch” series). The pair would eventually reunite with their long-lost son, Nicholas Hobbes (from the “Worst Witch” spin-off, “Weirdsister College”).
At first, it was supposed to go like this; in the summer of 1985, Severus and Constance would secretly elope with Elphinstone Urquart (McGonagall’s late husband) or Albus Dumbledore (who managed to get the marriage papers from the Ministry Of Magic). Urquart, McGonagall, Dumbledore, and Amelia Cackle (Headmistress of Hardbroom’s school, Cackle’s Academy) served as the happy witnesses. Yet, this arrangement had to be kept under lock-and-key for various reasons.
 For one; Severus working as a double-agent for Dumbledore while needing to be connected with the Death-Eaters (facts that Severus told Constance before the elopement). Another is due to Severus and Constance belonging to different sect/breeds of wizards. The “Rowling” Wizards are known as “Imperiums”; they wield wands, allow both witches and wizards to fly brooms and find themselves free with magic. As for the “Murphy” Wizards, they are the “Ex-Codices”; they use wandless magic/their fingers, have the witches ride brooms with the wizards wielding staffs, and have to adhere to The Foster’s Effect (overusing magic can cause crazy stuff to happen). 
While Ex-Codices don’t hate Non-Magical people/Muggles as much as Imperiums, the former branch are more apprehensive with their counterparts. If an Ex-Codice were to marry an Imperium, it is mandatory for either bride or groom to be Non-Magical/a Squib. And, if any children result in the union, their loyalties lie with the mother. If the mother is an Ex-Codice, the child(ren) would be Ex-Codice. If the mother is an Imperium, the child(ren) would be Imperium. Merlin of Arthurian lore was a product of such a mix with an Imperium mother and an Ex-Codice father.
Back to Constance and Severus. At first, the marriage started off nicely. But, over time, arguments would often ensue. Poor communication on both sides, Constance being too traditional/rule-abiding to take risks in the magical arts, Constance not liking how Severus was with his students (and letting the Slytherins get away with everything), and Severus (possibly) pining for the late Lily Evans. What also didn’t help was Severus having nightmares of being like his abusive father, Tobias. Dreams that Severus refused to tell his wife.
Then in 1986/1987, things would take a turn. The Death Eater, Mulciber would (somehow) discover a place near Cackle’s Academy. Unbeknownst to Mulciber, this cottage was the place Severus and Constance have been sharing. When Mulciber confronts Severus about it, the latter would say that it’s just a base Basil Brennan and Sophronia Maidenhair (Snape and Hardbroom’s aliases) would lend him. Curious, Mulciber told Snape that he would visit in order to get some information out of them. As a result, Snape would go to Dumbledore, telling them of Mulciber’s plan. A wise action to make as Constance had gone back to the cottage due to being ill. 
Long story short, Dumbledore had aurors take Mulciber into custody. And, while Constance was unharmed, Dumbledore still had to get Madame Pomfrey to treat the still-sick witch. Upon medical examination, Constance would get the news that she, herself, was carrying Severus’s child. This leads to this dilemma: the outcome.
Choice 1: When getting the news, Severus was in shock. First, there’s his fear of becoming more like his own father as both a spouse and parent. Second (and more importantly) Constance and their unborn child could’ve been killed thanks to him! With these factors, Severus felt unworthy of such happiness and felt like both Constance and their child would be safer/better off without him. So, he put divorce on the table.
Heartbroken, Constance would agree and decided that their upcoming child would be put up for adoption. Specifically given to an Ex-Codice orphanage run by Orbana Hart (a former schoolmate of Amelia Cackle). Thanks to Dumbledore, Constance would hide away at the Flamel House in Paris, France with the blessing of Nicolas and Perenelle Flamel. As Amelia, Poppy and Minerva would come to Constance’s aid, Severus often visited. Though, he and Constance barely spoke with one another.
Then the big day finally arrived with Constance and Severus welcoming a son whom they’d name “Nicholas” (middle name would either be “Brian” after Dumbledore, “Elphinstone” after Urquart, or “Salazar”-this is Snape we’re talking about…).  While the new parents were delighted to have their infant with them, Constance and Severus had to force themselves to sign both the divorce and adoption papers. At nine days old, baby Nicholas was given to Orbana Hart.
Distraught and wanting to keep Constance and Nicholas safe from any Legilimens (including Voldemort should he be back), Severus placed his memories in a box of vials and had Dumbledore magically mind-wipe/alter any recollections that involved Constance and/or Nicholas. Before the mind-alter took place, Constance (having been told of the matter by McGonagall) confronted Severus to stop him. Still, Snape was adamant and went along with the altering to the distress of Constance. She would say her last goodbye to him.
Choice 2: Ok, so this is a working progress but it would almost be the same as Choice 1. The Mulciber Incident, the hide-away to Flamel House, and Snape Mind-Altering. However, there’s this version.
Once knowing that he was gonna be a father, Severus was lost for words. But, in spite of his fears and self-esteem, he was adamant in keeping his wife and upcoming child safe. With the help of Dumbledore, McGonagall, Pomfrey and Cackle, Constance would be cared for at the Flamel House with Nicolas and Perenelle Flamel. Months later, baby Nicholas came into the world.
Unfortunately, the happiness couldn’t last as (somehow) the Ex-Codice Magic Council got word of a child born to a magical Imperium and a magical Ex-Codice. While the Council isn’t surveillant like how the Ministry Of Magic is, they can still be intimidating and demand respect. So when they found out about baby Nicholas, the Council wanted Snape to either give up their powers or for Snape and Hardbroom to give up their son. 
As Snape needed to work for Dumbledore (and later protect Harry Potter), he couldn’t just give up his own powers. Plus, an Imperium suppressing their magic can be extremely dangerous. Constance, herself, offered to relinquish her own powers but the Council denied that offer as the Code states that it’s the Imperium partner who must be non-magical. 
In the end, after much arguments (and possible threats by Snape, McGonagall, and even Pomfrey), the newborn was taken from his parents and given to Orbana Hart’s orphanage. All with Snape and Hardbroom divorcing.
For the same reasons (being distraught and wanting to keep Constance and Nicholas safe) Snape had Dumbledore magically alter his memories but not without storing the old memories in vials. All to Constance’s upset.
For Further Context: Constance Hardbroom is Potions Teacher and Deputy Headmistress for Cackle’s Academy. Like Severus, she is cold, studious, extremely strict, adores the color black and experiments with newly invented potions. But while Severus is an INTJ, Constance is an ISTJ who greatly values tradition, rules and discipline. With this in mind, Constance seems to believe that everyone has their own place and must stick to it. It’s one of the reasons why she butts heads with the Non-Magical gym teacher, Imogen Drill and the clumsy student, Mildred Hubble (a witch from a Non-Magical family). During “Worst Witch” and “New Worst Witch”, Constance doesn’t seem fond of men; she loathes the idea of Cackle’s being co-ed (especially as the wizards could take more power). Yet, she did show interest in Icy Stevens and Richard Avalon. 
@constancehardbroompics @theworstwitch @theworstwitchforever @worstwitchstudent @severitus-for-coping @snapeaddict @severussnapemylove @yaviae
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thecrimsonmistress · 5 years ago
@somedaysidelightyou me with all of the Snapebroom.
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trying to write a comment on an awesome fic is really hard
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rosie-love98 · 1 year ago
Constance Hardbroom: I need to do something about Severus. He and I agreed that in five years we'll return to the subject of having a child. Yet, from the looks of things, he's not gonna change his mind. There must be some way to persuade him.
Minerva McGonagall:...I think I know...
Minerva McGonagall: *gives Severus a present* Here, Severus. I'm committing treason against my own House, so you best appreciate this.
Severus Snape: *remembering all the pranks the Marauders had pulled on him* Should I ask what's inside?
Minerva McGonagall: It's safe.
*With an eye-roll, Severus opens the gift, revealing a little black onesie with green letters saying, "Snakelets Rule! Cubs Drool...More Than Me!"*
Severus Snape: Where are you getting at?
Minerva McGonagall: Wouldn't that look adorable on any baby you and Constance have?
Severus Snape:....
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rosie-love98 · 1 year ago
*Context: So, on August 1st, 1985 Severus Snape and Constance Hardbroom went to secretly eloped with only a few witnesses. While it was a (dare I say it) happy occasion, it still wasn't exempt from any...mishaps...*
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*Amelia Cackle and Minerva McGonagall are leaving the room Constance was getting ready in.*
Amelia Cackle: Doesn't she look lovely, Minerva?
Minerva McGonagall: Absolutely! You've done a wonderful job with that fashion spell, Amelia. Such an elegant bridal dress! And a matching veil to go with it! I wonder how Severus would react?
Elphinestone Urquart: *rushes to them with irritation* Minnie, Amelia, we have a situation with the groom!
Minerva McGonagall: What, Elphie?
Amelia Cackle: Cold feet?
Elphinstone Urquart: Worse.
*Moments later, Elphinstone takes the ladies to see Severus wearing his usual, everyday robes but with a white rose pinned on his coat and his hair slightly curled.*
Severus Snape: *fails to see any issue with his stoic self*
Minerva McGonagall:
Amelia Cackle:
Elphinstone Urquart:
Minerva McGonagall: *to Amelia Cackle* Fashion spell?
Amelia Cackle: Fashion spell. Hold still, Severus.
@valtors-bitch @theworstwitchforever @theworstwitch @snonions-and-cream @snapeaddict
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rosie-love98 · 2 years ago
So, when Snape and Hardbroom had their second child, McGonagall would often visit the family during the holidays. Thus leading to stuff like this:
Severus Snape: Minerva...
*McGonagall has turned herself into a cat and is now snuggling with the sleeping baby Morrigan.*
Severus Snape: Minerva, I know you can hear me.
*McGonagall meows in insolence.*
Severus Snape: You need to get away from Morri before you wake her.
*McGonagall still meows in insolence.*
Severus Snape: There is no use arguing-even if you are a Griffyndor. *reaches to get McGonagall* Come on-
*McGonagall slaps Snape’s hand with her cute cat paws. All while giving him a look that says  “Keep at it and I just might get the claws out.”*
Severus Snape: Merlin’s beard...Morgana isn’t like this!
*McGonagall meows in triumph.*
Got the idea from this:
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rosie-love98 · 1 year ago
All Snape Wants For Christmas:
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(I own nothing.)
Long story short, Severus Snape and Constance Hardbroom (1998 "Worst Witch") secretly married in 1984/1985-1987. Their son, Nicholas (the future Nick Hobbes of "Weirdsister College") would be born on Bonfire Night-November 5th, 1986. Naturally, his very first Christmas would be a month later. Unfortunately, with Dumbledore needing to go away, Snape had to look after Hogwarts during the holiday. But as this was during "The Gift Of Gratitude" during "Hogwarts Mystery", Snape's Christmas might not have been a total bummer.
@yaviae @tinyvoidwinnerpeach @theworstwitch @theworstwitchforever @snapeaddict @snonions-and-cream
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rosie-love98 · 2 years ago
For Those Wondering Why I Made Nick Hobbes The Long-Lost-Son Of Snape And Hardbroom...
Along with the fact that I ship SnapexHardbroom, seeing these three as a family is pretty fun along with working on fics revolving around this, I also find that Hobbes is similar to his “parents”.
What Hobbes Got From Snape:
Being drawn to a love triangle (MildredxBen/Nick is pretty much like LilyxJames/Snape (except Ben’s less of a jerk and a Muggle). Mildred’s even called “Millie” a couple of times.)
Their INTJ personality.
Their disregard for rules and traditions in order to reach their interests/goals.
Prone to selfishness and letting their goals get them into trouble.
Were both bullied when they were younger. This lead to their own hunger for power.
The Angst...
Having Byronic traits (Hobbes dresses himself as one in one “Weirdsister” episode).
What Hobbes Got From Hardbroom:
Being prone to being...tempremental and dramatic.
Having little tolerance for silly eccentrics (i.e. Miss. Bat and Shakeshaft).
Prone to arrogance.
The eye-roll.
Can show sheepishness when under pressure. Or, at least, not as good as lying as Snape is. 
What Hobbes Share From Both Parents:
The affinity for black.
Tall, pale with long, dark hair.
Being drawn to magical experiments and potion-making.
Are good deep down in spite of their flaws.
@snapecentric @snapologist @theworstwitch
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rosie-love98 · 2 years ago
If Severus Snape Had A Love Story With Constance Hardbroom...
They’d be the Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth Bennett of Wizardry.
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