#snape slays
sinclairs-snack · 1 year
Velma Kelly/Severus Snape: What are you drinking?
me: Milk.. Why?
Velma Kelly/Severus Snape: That’s not milk, darling-
me anyway:
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yumeurl · 7 months
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aurevoiralways · 1 year
I love looking at Harry Potter merchandise from the early 2000s. Lately I've just been searching Snape on ebay and getting a kick out of scrolling through pages and pages of old toys. One thing I keep noticing is that in this early official art, Snape is often depicted as having long black nails XD I screenshotted several examples here. Honestly I kind of love it. Makes me contemplate adding that touch to the way I draw him. Though it seems kind of impractical for potion making XD But what do I know.
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Makes him look very disney villain ish LOL. Very fitting of the Snape of the first few books.
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lilyg415 · 2 months
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bitter old lady brigade
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rewritingcanon · 2 months
my favourite animal is delphini riddle after she got asked what her tattoo meant
my favourite animal was harry potter after amycus carrow spat in mcgonagall
my favourite animal was harry potter after he and ron found ginny kissing all over dean
my favourite animal was hermione granger after she found ron kissing all over lavender
my favourite animal was albus potter after his dad had just disarmed delphini post-crucio-cursing scorpius
my favourite animal was scorpius malfoy after albus dropped the “i wasn’t a loser before i met you” line
my favourite animal was hermione granger after she fumbled ron to padma patil and became snape 2.0
my favourite animal was lily evans after james tried to ask her out mid-torture on her best friend
my favourite animal is sirius black in his mugshot tweaking out on the front page in poa movie
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gg-neptune · 3 months
A Year Passed
A/N: SO, this is more for me than anyone. When I started to write this, it was 1 week exactly until me and my ex's one year. Which I know isn't a long time, but he was my first boyfriend and honestly it was a very stressful time. Now when I am posting this out 1-year is tomorrow. I don't know if I will write the actual date yet but maybe. I hope you like this and if you don't and you see areas I need to improve please let me know. I am trying to make my work better. I think this one is pretty decent though.
Warnings: None
Words: 2,792
Pairing: Severus Snape x Reader
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It was you and Severus’ one year anniversary in exactly one week from now and you were getting nervous. He hadn’t mentioned doing anything at all and honestly you really wanted to do at least something. You were looking forward to it and the thought that maybe he didn’t even care to do anything worried you.
You were sitting in your office grading your students' recent essays as you thought about this. You knew he was not the type to do extravagant things as a celebration but you wanted to spend the day with him. Hopefully have dinner with him as well. And not the make-shift romantic dinners you had been having. The ones where you took plates of food to your chambers and lit a candle calling it a romantic getaway. It was the best you could do both being teachers and all. While it was nice you were hoping for a bit more this time around.
Your students had obviously not been paying attention to your lesson today as every single essay so far had just been gibberish that made no sense. Increasing your frustration you buried your head in your hands leaning back in your chair groaning loudly.
“Oh dear what is wrong,” a silvery voice spoke before interrupting your thoughts. Looking up you see Minerva’s kind smile and eyes before you. They held a hint of worry and concern as she gazed at you.
“Oh nothing, just students who don’t pay attention to anything I say,” you grumble out trying your best to sound convincing that this is the only thing bothering you right now.
“Oh you know that is not the entire truth, do not lie to me.” Her tone is commanding and authoritative. She moved to sit in the seat in front of you that was there for students who came in and needed to speak to you. As she sat you down you contemplated your choices. No one knew about you and Severus yet. You both figured Dumbledore was beginning to get suspicious along with maybe one or two students who had a keen eye but otherwise no one was aware or even had any reason to be suspicious.
“Well, uh, guy relationship troubles I guess,” you mutter out, staring at the wall behind her head trying to avoid her eyes.
“Relationship troubles?I didn’t know you were… that is not the point, who is the gentleman being a menace?”
“I don’t know if I should say honestly.”
“Well, if he’s being a menace I should be able to know. It is affecting your work therefore it is my responsibility to take care of this matter and provide my advice and expertise,” she said dismissively, leaning back in her chair shaking her head. “Do tell me who this man is. I am very curious as to who is treating you poorly..”
“Well if I tell you who it is you can not tell a soul. At all. No one.”
“All right, all right I will not tell anyone. You act as if he works here. He doesn't, does he?” Her brow raises as she quickly realizes that possibility.
“Severus,” you mumble quietly, avoiding her gaze awaiting her reaction anxiously. 
“I beg your pardon.”
“Severus. As in the one who works here. Like the potions dude,” you explain as if she wasn’t extremely familiar with the man.
She stared at you slacked jawed, dumbfounded. “Severus Snape?”
“Yeah… it’s our one year anniversary in exactly one week and he hasn’t even mentioned doing anything. I’m worried he may have forgotten or something. But I don’t want to seem clingy by asking him to do something.”
“One year! And you didn’t bother to say anything to anyone at all. What is wrong with you?” Minerva was almost yelling now looking almost offended that you had waited almost a year before you told her about your relationship. Her hand over her chest, something she usually did in mock offense but right now you could not tell.
“We just didn’t want rumors to fly and for students to be in our business he’s a private person. As am I of course.”
“I can not believe you would not tell me I mean both of you are like my children and you didn’t even tell me I am hurt by this severely I mean you how could you this is just simply appalling,” she rambled on continuing to complain about how hurt she was about this and neither of you telling her.
“See this is why we didn't tell anyone. But seriously do you think he forgot about it or do you think it doesn’t matter to him. It matters to me but I don’t want to bother him,” you explain nervously cracking your knuckles. 
“Well dear I think you should maybe talk to him and ask if he has anything in mind. It is rather important to you and important in general,” she stated firmly. Her eyes had a sense of determination in them. Not wanting anyone, including the brooding potions master, to treat you any less than wonderful.
“I know he’s busy though, I mean we barely even get to see one another unless we are doing daily tasks like going to bed or something I don’t want to pester him..” your voice trailing off sounding more and more upset as you spoke.
“If he feels pestered then he needs to get over himself and be grateful someone wants his attention”, she declared as she stood. “Go speak to him and ask him what he plans on doing for you guys and if he says nothing then tell him how you wish to do something and how it is important to you.”
You nod your head as she walks out of your office promptly shutting the door behind her making sure her long green robes do not get caught in the door. 
Now being left with your own thoughts and your students' poor attempt at writing you shove the papers aside and groan loudly in frustration. You knew you should talk to  him but that was such a scary thought I mean what if he already had something to do. Quickly you decided that was a stupid thought as the man rarely ever did anything other than grade papers and hand out detentions to students. 
It was only five o'clock and dinner was in two hours so you had a lot of time to kill. After mulling over your thoughts for a few moments you decide to wait until after dinner to bring it up to him knowing it would probably be until dinner that you saw him anyways. Trying to tough it out, you decide to head up to your classroom and try to clear your mind. Too many thoughts were running through your head and grading right now would be impossible. 
Rising from your seat you began your walk to the Astronomy tower mentally preparing yourself to climb the enormous flight of stairs before you. It was nowhere near time for curfew so you were just hoping that there were going to be no students there to bother you. 
Fortunately for you there was not a single person who bothered you on your way to the tower and up the tower, apart from the occasional “Hello Professor,” or “Good Evening,” no one spoke to you at all. Which normally if it was a normal day and you felt normal might have bothered you but right now you seemed to not mind. 
Your luck seemed to be running thick today as well because currently there were no students in the tower to bother you as well. You sat down at the edge of the railing looking over the peaceful scenery. Leaning your head against the cold metal railing and sighing. You swung your legs gently enjoying the peaceful environment.
You must have fallen asleep because you awoke to the sound of a deep voice calling your name and a heavy sensation around your shoulders.
“Wake up you're gonna get a cold out here or fall off the railing,” the deep voice spoke again, finally pulling you out of your sleep.
Quickly your eyes shoot open making sure it is not a student who has woken you only to realize it is your Severus. 
Groaning, upset at being woken up and also becoming aware of the dull ache in your back and tailbone.
“What time is it,” you grumble out, shifting closer to him seeking some sort of warmth. He wrapped his cloak around you trying to help you retain some body heat and sharing the little bit he had.
“Around 8. You missed dinner. I could’ve gotten to you sooner but Albus would not shut up and he kept on yacking his mouth at me,” the man explained grumpily. His brows furrowing, his lips pressed into a thin line.
Humming in acknowledgement you scoot closer to him still cold. You realize you are shivering a bit, wrapping your arms around yourself trying to retain heat. Looking up at him the moonlight frames his face perfectly and you almost forget about why you came up here in the first place.
“How about we get you somewhere warmer?” He says a hint of teasing in his voice although you can tell he is being serious.
“I’m not cold,” you say as shivers wrack your body.
“Course not.” He stands up gently pulling you with him. Keeping you close to him you both begin your descent downwards. Your previous thoughts strike you hard as you walk down the stairs, avoiding his touch in case a student was to see you. However you two were definitely too close to one another to just be two co-workers enjoying a friendly late night conversation atop the Astronomy tower. Careful to not step on his cloak you made your way down the long staircase with no sight of students. Luckily for the two of you both astronomy and potions can go hand in hand when you need it to. Certain potions needed certain ingredients that can only be harvested at certain times depending on astrology and what not, so it was not weird for you to casually walk into his office and vice versa when you thought about it. The walk to his office was quiet even as you both made your way further down to the dungeons. Which was rather counterintuitive considering they were always cold.
Entering his office was always a calming experience for you. The soft smell of parchment and oddly enough hints of the smell of rain. The dungeons were always dingy in a way but ever since you came around he did his best to make it more tolerable and less gloomy. For instance, actually using his fireplace and not just letting himself and any poor student who needed help freeze to death. Even going as far as to add a small little leather couch in the corner of his office under the guise it was “for those pesky blubbering students” when really it was for you to curl up on and relax when you wanted to be near him but he was working.
Bypassing the couch all together you plop yourself down in his desk chair and slide all the way down so only your upper half is in the chair, huffing loudly.
“What’s up with you,” he questioned, quirking an eyebrow at you as he promptly locked the door behind the two of you making sure a student would not walk in on you two. You mutter a silencing charm as well knowing just how nosey some can be.
“Oh uh well, you know in like exactly a week…” you trail off hoping he will know what you are talking about, hoping he hasn’t forgotten about you and your anniversary.
“What’s in a week?” He questions taking a few steps toward you with a look of genuine confusion on his face. His brows furrowed his head slightly tilting as he looked at you with his beautiful dark eyes.
Immediately a pang of hurt shoots through you and it takes everything in you to not just slither under his desk and die from embarrassment. He really forgot? God this was awful he forgot really?
“Oh it’s uh nothing.” You promptly state quickly trying to brush over the topic feeling so stupid.
Suddenly you feel yourself being lifted in the air and he has placed you in his lap. Hesitantly you look at him. He seems to be suppressing a smile as he looks at you adoringly. A rare playful glint in his eye.
“How lowly do you think of me? Did you really think I forgot? Really? Silly thing,” a rare grin graces his face as he looks down at you cradling you in his arms. He gently brushes some of your hair out of your face still staring at you. A wave of relief washes over you suddenly realizing he was just messing with you. Heat rises to your face realizing this as you lean your face against his shoulder attempting to hide your face from his gaze. 
“Well you hadn’t mentioned it. Also you don’t even like doing stuff like this so I wasn’t sure if we were goi-” you were cut off by him gently grabbing your chin and pressing a gentle kiss to your lips. As usual his lips were cold but his kisses were filled with longing and emotion. Doing his best to convey every word he couldn’t say through the gentleness of his touch, hoping you would understand.
His cold hand gently cupped your face cradling it in his palm as he spoke against your lips, “Yeah but you like going out so I am going to take you out, obviously.” He stated this like it was the most obvious thing in the entire world to him, before pressing another kiss to your lips again, just as gentle and loving as before.
“I’ve made reservations and everything, all you need to do is be ready by 6:30 the rest is taken care of,” he said proudly. His chest was a bit puffed out as he stated this clearly happy with himself.
“Well aren’t you just industrious. And here I was thinking you forgot…”
“I could never forget you,” he has his normal stern expression on his face but after being with him for so long you know this is simply his resting face. His voice was laced with adoration and love as he said this still cradling you in his arms holding you close to him scared that if he faltered for even a second you might slip away. 
You smile happily at him and blush lightly. His words never fail to make heat rise to your face. Maybe it wasn’t his word but rather his tone either way the effect it had on you was embarrassing and he knew it. You lean your head against him breathing in his calming scent of old parchment.
“Do you have stuff you need to grade?”
“I already have it done. Finished it before dinner. You?” His chest vibrated as he responded to your question. His deep voice almost sends a shiver down your spine. “That’s why I went up to the tower to clear my mind dumb students…”
He scoffed lightly at this. He would always be one to critique students with you if you ever needed someone. Granted you weren’t so hard on them as he was but sometimes you wish they could put forth a bit more effort than they did.
A comfortable silence fell over the both of you. Pressing your head against his chest enjoying the gentle beating of his heart. A calm was brought upon you. Relaxing your body as he held you in his arms gently rubbing your back. Soon the tiresome day caught up to you and your eyes grew heavy with sleepiness once more.
A gentle whisper was barely heard as you were slipping off into the dream realm, “Am I going to lose you to sleep?” The gentle adoration in his voice just making you more calm pushing you further into sleep.
“We can’t sleep in the chair, come on,” he whispered while picking you up and gently taking you to bed. Casting a spell to automatically put you guys in your pajamas he pulled back the covers, being careful to not disturb you in your almost asleep state, and carefully laid you down crawling in behind you.
Wrapping his arms around you, pulling you into his chest and pressing a kiss to the top of your head he spoke, his voice barely above a whisper, “Goodnight love.” Sending you off into a peaceful rest.
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kalkaros-is-the-boss · 8 months
snape wears high-heels in canon
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discoveredreality · 1 year
severus snape was such a slay, and the amount of *sass* in his walk and the way his robes flew out behind him... omg. like literally stop with all the snape bashing, i won't be listening.
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sn4pe · 1 year
will never forget how cunty teen snape’s walk was described in the books
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“twitchy and spidery” every time I try to walk like that it just comes out cunty af
like alright so ur saying little sev was serving weird boy cunt up and down the hogwarts corridors??? ok as he should
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bambistan · 10 months
I'm not a massive snily shipper...
But if someone says "Always" about me, I'm folding IMMEDIATELY.
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Albus Severus on his 17th Birthday: Bye besties ima go legally change my name
Ginny: Don’t change it to anything stupid
Hermione: I Love how you are so supportive Gin
Ginny: Yeah, I hate Al’s name too so I’m glad he’s changing it. Harry who named Albus: -_-
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lilithofpenandbook · 3 months
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...Well I guess I've got Snape's hair then.
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sevvysn4pe · 10 months
there should be more art of Sev and Eileen tbh
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noraephronsmother · 2 years
severus snape is femme fatale coded, no i will not elaborate
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gg-neptune · 4 months
i rly like the way you write snape. a lot of the snape x readers always seem too ooc for me to enjoy it, but you seriously pull him off so well!!!!! ik this blog is recently new and you 100% deserve all the notes you’ve been getting and more. but anyway i’m curious what you think his ‘type’ would be? any physical or mental characteristics you think he’d prefer in a partner?
Thank you so muchhhh!!!! I had been reading Snape x reader stuff for a while and I was like this is all the same thing. Snape x this sunshine person who's bubbly all the time and a complete pushover. Personally I just couldn’t see that (a bubbly person yes I could see him with, a person who is a push over yeah to an extent but not a combination if that makes sense) so I decided to try to write for him myself. I’m really glad you like the way I write for him. :)))
I think he would not mind physically what you look like. He would be the type of person who at first just looks at you and is like “Yeah ok they aren’t hideous,” and then as he falls more and more in love with you he realizes just how beautiful you are. Since he dresses in all black all of the time I can not think of any style that he wouldn’t like either because they would all match with him and his clothes. I would imagine he would want someone shorter than him so he can easily wrap around them when he wishes to cuddle. He is definitely attracted to eyes as well. In general he likes looking into someone's eyes regardless of color. Even if your eyes are really dark he would still find them very attractive. I also could definitely see him being very attracted to someone with a sweet looking smile. I don’t know exactly what that looks like but you know how there is always a learned smile versus your natural smile. He likes your natural smile and every time he sees it he has to fight his own back.
Mentally he wants someone who is not lazy. If you have absolutely no work ethic and no plan for your life and have no want to make it better he just isn’t interested. If you’ve already achieved your main goal in life then yeah he’d be like relax and chill but if you just have no drive and simply want to achieve nothing he just can’t. He likes smart people. Not necessarily someone who has to have say a 4.0 GPA their entire life but someone who can have a conversation about whatever you two manage to conjure up in your brain and keep up with his ideas. He admires someone who can keep him on his toes and keep his normal bleak life interesting. Just your presence is enough but when you come up with some really out there idea and present it to him he can not help it but be attracted to you. He’s the type of person to side eye you at first and then 10 minutes later he’s helping you. He needs a loyal person. He physically could not handle it if his partner was not loyal to him. 
That’s all I can conjure up for now but thank you so muchhhh!!!! I think I might elaborate on this later but I don’t know yet. Thank you for your request. I hope you enjoy this (also regardless of features he’d probably love you anyways if you know how to weasel your way in just right). :))))
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honestly put like that it is kind of a serve. maybe he shouldve even kicked the husbands dead body around a bit. and [GUNSHOT]
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