#snake plant spider plant
jadafitch · 1 year
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For Halloween, a pattern of some of the most poisonous, venomous & toxic plants & animals in the world... geographic cone snail, poison fire coral fungi, golden dart frog, voodoo lily, castor bean plant, deathstalker scorpion, deadly nightshade, Brazilian wandering spider, lily of the valley, oleander, redback spider, banded krait, autumn skullcap, diamondback rattlesnake, death cap, angel's trumpets, stonefish, poison hemlock, box jelly, blue-ringed octopus.
Prints, Tees & More
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prince-liest · 5 months
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An incomplete list of Creatures I have taken photos of during the past few days of my road trip!
In order: Steller's Jay, Western Fence Lizard, Downy Leather-winged Beetle, Western Lynx Spider, Juniper Hairstreak, Western Yellow-bellied Racer, Western Skink, Valley Garter Snake x2, (Pacific?) Chorus Frog, Western White butterfly.
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museaway · 3 months
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The biting insects were attacking me, but there is a steady breeze so I was able to turn off the air conditioning and open the windows. It's kind of like being outside. Writing by hand with some wine. My goal is to complete a short fill so that I can refocus on longer works tomorrow.
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murderandcoffee · 8 months
why didn't anyone tell me that buying one plant is a slippery slope that leads to wanting to fill your entire house with plants (< was definitely told this would happen)
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deepspacehoney · 1 year
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Thinking about my monster siblings again ; v ;
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xcziel · 7 months
got a bunch of little baby plants and am doing some repotting but damn i have a hard time remembering which ones can't have direct light
all but a few of them are low light types because i don't like window or overhead light (i am a cave gremlin)
but some of them need at least indirect light and i'm trying to get those situated well to the french doors (also i bought another seasonal fern bc i am weak and it's hogging a bunch of the space)
some of the tiny ones are barely hanging on and idk what to do else besides sun+ water
i thiiiink it's the tiny peperomia, the mini spider plant, and the aglaonema that really need out of the direct sunbeams and the couple of little succulents that need moved in more
the one snake plant that i haven't watered for six months needed a bigger pot so i upgraded it and i hope it takes it well. the bitty pearl pothos doesn't need a bigger pot but less sun and more drainage i think, so it got a new pot too
why do i get tempted by plants when i hate natural light so much? i did buy a *little* grow light for the corner though
i need plants that are ok with just ambient low light - the sansevieria is out of the window reach entirely but has been putting up fresh green shoots? the big peace lily keeps unfurling new leaves in the dark corner as long as it gets plenty of water?
but the other peace lily that was by the window is crunchy now and idk how to rehab it (still green? and not wilted but the leaves are crunkly so)
also i seeded some rosemary and sage and they are sprouting but the mint did not come up at all ://
#someone stop me from buying more snake plants just bc they survive#i killed my poor desk philodendron idk how and the diffenbachia too#i need more idiot proof plants but i keep having hopes when i walk past the racks outside the store#i need a palm or something tall for the living room across from the peace lily that just gets a tiny bit more light#also i want a billion succulents but one outdoor one died and its still hard to restrain myself#i need plants that light 60watt lamp light for by the bed where no natural light reaches lol#but also i need an explanation of where this indoor plant hunger comes from#i have a yard but everything out there dies come the months of baking heat#and only the grass really comes back - it's going gangbusters in the empty plant bed right now where nothing else seems to grow#(but weeds)#and if i have to bring the plants in for the summer they can't need bright light which is what they would get on the porch#also i don't want to bring bugs inside quite frankly - the spiders are enough for me (the gnat or two is too many)#i need to figure out how to get my pothos to be fluffier again rather than super leggy it's ridiculous#plant whining#i desperately want a ficus and i'm so afraid i can't keep it alive#i am very attentive for a while but then there will be a period where i keep thinking 'i will water tomorrow' only it can be almost a week#mainly i think the tap water is not great and i now i want to water with filtered water but i think i keep using more water than i should#why can't plant-coddling instincts be inherited? i just don't have that 'feel' for exactly what they need like my mom
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californiaquail · 8 months
oh man it's turning into spring and a bunch of my houseplants are putting out new growth
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freakfrogdidgeridoo78 · 6 months
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essektheylyss · 1 year
I might be wine drunk right now bit how chill you are with wasps even though one is bugging (hehe) you and you have been stung before just seems so good to me!! Like I donot know you but I feel proud thst you care enough about a wasp to stay kind! I always freak out cause I was stung omce and now these critters scare me but, I'm trying, and I think I wanna be able to act like you. Around wasps. Very positieve sweet post, thanks :) Just wanted to say, I like your attitude about them little yellow bugs :) (I checked for spelling errors but there might still be many, sorry)
Haha I'm glad it was appreciated! I don't know when I became really chill around critters, but I did realize recently that I have become that person who's like "Ugh it would be so much simpler to just kill this bug in my house because it's in an inconvenient place, but no, I feel morally obligated to catch it and let it outside 🙄" haha. The thing about a lot of stinging flying insects is that they generally won't sting unless they're disturbed (i.e. a bee had climbed into my jacket sleeve in an orchard, so when I put it on, it freaked out, validly—though there are some hornets that are a bit more aggressive) so I try to keep it cool and stay aware of where they are near me, and it's worked pretty well so far!
We did have to get rid of a hornet's nest recently that was next to the front door, which I did not enjoy, but there are limits to interactions. Actually, I just read A Honeybee Heart Has Five Openings and am currently reading Braiding Sweetgrass, and both of them have some applicable discussions of interacting with nonhuman life (and the first with bees in particular), so highly recommend checking one or both of those out if you're interested!
In general though I tend to let the urban wildlife do what they're doing, and don't move too quickly around them, and normally that cuts it, though I do draw the line at the squirrel that tried to steal my lunch the other week. -_-
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dustysbedroom · 9 months
plant repotting day
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depresseddepot · 1 year
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bucephaly · 2 years
I don't understand why so many people are weird about the suggestion of 'paying attention to the natural world is easy and good for you'
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thedreadvampy · 1 year
I have potted out 3/5 of my seedling trays and oh boy oh man. I may be running out of windowsill.
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let's hope they live longer this year
Sooooo we have 6 cherry tomato bushes, 5 scotch bonnets and 6 numex twilight (which is a multicoloured-fruiting mini chilli bush that I have yet to successfully get to maturity but if I do it'll be so cute, it's got yellow and red and purple fruits all jumbled in together).
then on the kitchen windowsill still in the potting trays (....takeaway boxes) I've got some ghost peppers (germinated but still too small to pot out) and some habaneros (planted more recently bc I forgot I had the seed so hopefully will see some shoots in the next couple of weeks). plus some peas because the FUCKING pigeons have dug up the last 4 sets I planned outside so we're going to try indoor germination.
I also broke up the crowded pot of basil I got for 28p in the clearance fridge like a month ago bc it's dying off and split it across 2 bigger pots, and planted a sweetpea kit mum gave me. so all in all a productive time.
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Newest leaf on my philo white wizard! 🪴😍
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ormspryde · 2 years
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@magicmetslogic requests plant pics, so here we are! These are Very Very Not All My Plant Babies but it's nighttime outside and there's not enough light to get good photographs of the ones I have sitting in windows.
Also not pictured: the five billion yards of pothos vines that are going to end up strangling me in my sleep I just know it lol.
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babbendecat · 2 years
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me & the beloveds (my thriving pot plants)
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