saltpepperbeard · 1 year
so yes yes i know we all adore the lie detector video, right. but i think everyone is sleeping on:
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dying to know what archie's stance would be on the snakery snackery as a concept 🐍
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stopfunkinwmyheart · 2 days
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walkthebass · 1 year
i know we like to play up Ed as a hypercompetent genius bc of the whole living legend thing, but it is soooooooooooo important not to forget that he is, at heart, also just a goofy cringey guy too. mr. dumb-rope-jump-trick. mr. whatever-the-fuck-that-twirly-arm-dance was. dude wants to open a snakery snackery. please. let him be a goof. with his goofy-ass soulmate.
(once he's done being a heartbroken mess.)
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stergeon · 1 month
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> Investigate the snacks.
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You cut a bloody path to the snack table.
To your relief, it appears that there is still a decent selection of viable snacks of which you may partake. The apples and other such fruits do not impress you and are thankfully limited in quantity, but you are pleased to find there are a few slices of bread left, as well as dairy products, eggs, and varieties of flesh such as bacon and sausages. The MEATHEAD SQUAD must have yet to arrive from their training or whatever horrid things they get up to each morning. In further pleasant news, and to your immense satisfaction, there is also plenty of COFFEE.
You make to advance upon the spread when FERDINAND emits that excited noise you have learned to dread as a portent of pointings and palavering to come: DOROTHEA, it seems, is also here. How auspicious.
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FERDINAND informs you that he intends to speak with her, and while he does not say so with his mouth, you are not yet so ravenous as to miss his implication that he would prefer for YOU to accompany him.
There is a fork in your path, and you would much prefer there was one in your hand. For FERDINAND (however undeserving he may be of your grace), you would consider making a brief—brief—brief—deviation from your road of choice.
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ourflagmeansstrike · 1 year
Tomorrow at WB: The Fan Picket!
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Please come out TOMORROW, Tuesday October 3, to show support for the actors on strike! The writers were on strike 148 days but they got their deal! Now it's the actors' turn! Their negotiations with the studios begin today, and the higher the turnout right now, the easier for the SAG-AFTRA negotiating committee. High visible public support means more leverage at the bargaining table! The Trek-fandom Snack Squad has teamed up with OFMD Snakery Snackery squad to sponsor food trucks: breakfast tacos, ice cream, churros, and a full-service coffee stand.
But this isn't about any individual fandom, it's about the power of fans and fandom communities at large. We are often overlooked by studios as just being a segment of their audiences, but we are massively powerful because of our passion, creativity, and community. Let's harness that power to get a high turnout — and high online visibility — Tuesday, Oct 3, and keep the pressure on for the studios to negotiate with the actors in good faith.
Come on out and let's party on the picket line!
SAG-AFTRA strike leadership asks that people do not come to pickets in cosplay that accurately depicts characters from struck shows, but please feel free to wear fun outfits and non-canon cosplay.
(please help us boost this by tagging as many relevant fandoms and characters and creators as you know)
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bitchfitch · 6 months
I had forgotten the most irritating part of having stomach ulcers, The absolute lack of little snacks. How am I supposed to get anything done when I can't have a little treat? A morsel? A snackery for the Zachary?
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brainfugk · 6 months
Crowley, while researching exotic places to invite Aziraphale to, found Snakery Snackery, Blackbeard's grill and gift shop.
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denizbevan · 6 months
Drabble time!
All my S2 fics in timeline order (higher ratings are marked)!
How did Archie get onto the Revenge? <a href="https://archiveofourown.org/works/50588956" rel="nofollow">From One Ship to Another</a>
Archie and Jim at the end of E3 <a href="https://archiveofourown.org/works/50699413" rel="nofollow">From One Day to the Next</a>
Three times Archie asked for advice, and one time she acted on it... (rated E) <a href="https://archiveofourown.org/works/53645737" rel="nofollow">From an Unhinged Snake to an Unhinged Heart</a>
On the first night, Stede helps with the apology speech. On the second night, Ed helps with an explanation (Ed, what’s a handy?) (rated M) <a href="https://archiveofourown.org/works/50798359" rel="nofollow">We’re the Fish</a>
How Stede and Ed spent the afternoon between the market and the start of Calypso's birthday party (hint: kissing) <a href="https://archiveofourown.org/works/51226813" rel="nofollow">Spun Sugar</a>
Keeping vigil for Izzy on the first night (rated M) <a href="https://archiveofourown.org/works/51446263" rel="nofollow">Vigil</a>
The innkeepers:<br />
Facing off against spiders <a href="https://archiveofourown.org/works/51149503" rel="nofollow">Spiders Walk the Plank</a><br />
Hunting treasure under Captain Frenchie <a href="https://archiveofourown.org/works/51227158" rel="nofollow">Reclaimed: A Notebook</a><br />
Riling each other up (rated E) <a href="https://archiveofourown.org/works/51570010" rel="nofollow">Cold, Warm, Hot</a><br />
Ed cooking, Stede eating, and feelings ensuing <a href="https://archiveofourown.org/works/51629131" rel="nofollow">About the Fishing</a><br />
Archie and Ed chatting about innkeeping <a href="https://archiveofourown.org/works/52852219" rel="nofollow">From Snakery to Snackery</a><br />
The innkeepers face Hallowe'en horrors <a href="https://archiveofourown.org/works/52989727" rel="nofollow">We Love An Audience</a><br />
The innkeepers meet Lord Blackadder <a href="https://archiveofourown.org/works/52990447" rel="nofollow">Pirate and Proclivity</a><br />
The innkeepers play with stockings; also, Ed's mum comes to stay <a href="https://archiveofourown.org/works/53964667" rel="nofollow">If You Like It That Way</a><br />
The innkeepers, in which Stede wears a skirt (rated E) <a href="https://archiveofourown.org/works/55081060" rel="nofollow">Doing Vacation</a>
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fans4wga · 1 year
Hi, I'm interested in organizing my fandom. Can you throw me some templates?
Absolutely yes! Some things have changed in recent weeks, so the top advice we can give you is to be flexible and adapt as you can. The needs of the picketers might change, so keep an eye on the news and the official WGA and SAG-AFTRA channels. Twitter is a good place to follow the union members on strike.
Also, don't feel the need to rush: there is plenty of time to build up a good foundation by talking to people in your fandom and testing the waters to see what people are prepared to do. Some fandoms just have more financial capability than others for whatever demographic reasons, or have more pro-union sentiment in the community. While you can't push anyone to do anything they're unwilling to do, you can find out what's possible and encourage interested people to get involved.
The next best advice we can give you is that this will require logistical skills; therefore, if possible, collect a small moderator team of trusted, responsible fandom friends with organization skills so it's not just you going at it alone. 3 people is probably adequate to start with, more if your organization expands.
I do recommend fandom organizers be at least somewhat active on both Twitter and Tumblr. That way, you can size up the big fandom accounts and figure out the best way to get the word out to your fandom on both sites. (If you have a mod team, you could even just have one person be your official Twitter liaison.)
Here are 3 methods to organize your fandom, and this applies to any fandom, so feel free to share this to whatever fandom group you want to get organized. Pick whichever method seems most feasible for your fandom, and go for it!
Method 1: Mod team assigns volunteers to shifts
Pros: very grassroots and non-hierarchical, can lead to the most consistent fandom support across time
Con: hardest to wrangle, and potentially more difficult for the shift-by-shift volunteers especially if individuals are difficult to reach online
Examples: The Star Trek Snack Squad, the OFMD Snackery
Claire Willett @/clairewillett on Twitter started the Star Trek Snack Squad back in the early days of the strike to get Star Trek fans organized. That's still a solid template to use, but will definitely require modifications. Link here (please make a copy to your own Google account/a throwaway if you'll be making it public and want to protect your identity)
How it works:
-You, the moderator, pick a specific picket location (all locations listed here) to target for delivery. (Since Stranger Things is a Netflix show, targeting Netflix makes sense; however, Netflix is already a very popular target location so maybe the other locations could use some love? I'll leave that to your discretion!)
-Moderators put out a call for volunteers. Make graphics, create a hashtag or catchy name, and get it boosted across the fandom as much as possible. Volunteers will then sign up (via an ask or a Google form, up to you—just make sure you keep track of who's volunteered and their Tumblr or Twitter username that must be open to DMs so people can talk to other people in their group.)
-Moderators organize 3-5 volunteers to a shift (morning or afternoon) on a specific date. It is then up to these volunteers to get talking and for one member to place a DoorDash/UberEats snacks/drinks order for delivery to the picket lines by pooling whatever money they can via Venmo or Paypal (the only international option). From $5 to $50, anything helps: it could be a case of Lacroix, it could be a whole meal for picketers. More instructions and ideas in the template.
-The template can be updated with new shifts until you run out of volunteers.
-If this method is a little overwhelming, fear not, there are other options!
Method 2: Single fundraiser on GoFundMe or PayPal Pools
Pros: Single place for money to go, very easy to set up and organize
Cons: Runs out of steam the fastest as a large monetary goal can seem daunting; money all goes to one place so there has to be a lot of transparency from the fundraiser.
Examples: Julie and the Phantoms hot dogs fundraiser, Lord of the Rings second breakfast (from SAG-AFTRA member Chelsea Schwartz's Ko-Fi); Our Flag Means Strike Paypal pool.
This is your basic fundraiser, which means the mods will have to decide how exactly the money will be used and how to have as much transparency as possible. Sometimes you're fundraising for a specific goal (taco truck at Amazon Studios, for instance). Sometimes you're pooling money to give to the Entertainment Community Fund. If you're looking for food truck options and don't know where to start, you can always reach out to people who have done the OFMD pooling here! From what I've seen, a food truck will generally cost around $3000 for a day, so plan accordingly.
[One possible fundraiser I haven't seen but would love to see is fandoms giving support to the Green Envelope Grocery Fund, which gives out $100 to people affected by the strikes specifically for groceries! So that's definitely an option as well.]
Method 3: Fandom auction for donations
If you're in a fandom that has any big-name writers/artists willing to chip in, you could organize an auction for commissions, with the proceeds going to the Entertainment Community Fund, the Green Envelope Grocery Fund or another WGA/SAG-AFTRA-related fund. As with the above, you'd need to be transparent as to where the money is going.
A final note: Organizing any kind of action from scratch is hard, but thankfully people have walked this road before. You can always contact us, or the people at any of the above linked groups, with questions or advice.
It may also be helpful to remember that lots of people have done this before successfully. During the 2007-08 writers strike, the Battlestar Galactica and Whedonverse fandoms were instrumental in showing fan support for the WGA strike. (More on that here!)
Best of luck and feel free to shoot us any more organizing questions! Solidarity always.
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saltpepperbeard · 5 months
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[picture source]
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Of fucking course Ed "snakery snackery" Teach was singing Whitesnake
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stopfunkinwmyheart · 15 days
besides just making me hungry the training videos are just so painful to watch. today I watched film for 4 hours and tomorrow I have at least 3 hours that I know of.
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lgbtqcrowley · 2 years
My top 5 Stede x Ed scenes
1. The kiss (1x09)
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2. You came back (1x08)
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3. The bathtub scene (1x06)
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4. You wear fine things well (1x05)
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5. Snakery Snackery (1x07)
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Honorary mention (1x06)
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What’s the fattest thing you’ve done this week?
I hit back to back days of buffets last weekend, and now thanks to suggestions from a friend, Irv and I are going to try for three straight days this weekend. This week specifically I’ve been having venti PSLs twice a day on top of my regular work snackery.
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captainclickycat · 5 months
Stede/Ed: Who’s ready to knock back a couple of zangy-tangies at the snakery snackery??! :D
Their guests amongst themselves: For the last time yes, everywhere else is booked up, stop asking.
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