diffxrentwxrlds · 2 years
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" A Big Strapping, Fella like you---with Battle Armor like that! I know a man who knows his way around a fire arm when i see one! And if i was a betting man---and i am it's a real problem! i'd wager you sir! love big hunky canons! The kind of gun that your enemies look at! and realize they chose the wrong day to be in your general vicinity! " Damn why was he so tall? like This guy was big enough to grind a Thug into hamberger! " What do you say? Would you like to see the goods? " Hex approaching the Doom Slayer with his usual pitch, this would end one of two ways. He was paying he could off some of his weaponry on this obvious psychopath!
{{ L }} If there was one thing worse than demons, it was random fucking salesmen. Slayer had a big enough arsenal to make sure anything that stood in his way were reduced to a red paste.... he also had his big guns. He didn't need much else.
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Was his final answer.
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atangledfate · 2 years
Did you have another blog before this one? I swear I've seen someone use that mun character pic before.
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" A few, I'm most well known as the mun of @diothedevildog and i rp'd that for a long time. I am the Mun of @smugglinbax and @reitheraven and i use to run a Babylon Rogues blog but its long gone i think i used theroguesofbabylon as my blog title. I'm sure i've had others... but those are probably the ones i was most well known for. So yea i've been around the community for awhile. "
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smugglinbax · 2 years
Hex's AU's
Gameverse (Smugglinbax): Main verse for Hex, it exists in the same timeline as the games. In this universe Hex is a traveling Smuggler who wanders the galaxy selling his wares and stirring up all kinds of trouble. He owes alot of money to various mobsters and is always on the run. But he does what he loves and he loves what he does!
Movieverse(Merc with a Plan): Taking place in the same universe as the movies, Hex grew up among an elite group of Mercenaries and is one of there best. Using his Lombax ingenuity and skill he became one of the groups best. However when hired to take out a local hero, he finds himself face to face with another Lombax. Though the two fight initially he can't find it in him to kill one of his own kind. His commander furious orders the rest of his team to kill them both, and he and Ratchet find themselves fighting for there life just to survive. After the battle Hex would go on to become a well known Bounty Hunter, and he and Ratchet keep in touch but often find themselves on the opposite side of the law.
Riftverse (Rebel with a Heart): In Rivets universe, things are darker and more deadly then ever yet among the stars exists another Lombax. Going by the name Jinx, do to her running bad luck, Jinx runs weapons for who ever has the most bolts to pay her. A smuggler by trade, but often finds herself helping the local rebels out. While she doesn't consider herself a Rebel, the Emperor's rule makes jobs like hers exceedingly hard. Better to fight for freedom then, live a dull life is her motto. She and Rivet have yet to meet and she has no idea she even exists.
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fallenlombax-a · 5 years
There was a disturbance that one night. A dimensional portal ripping itself open to allow a lone ship to pass through. The ship itself created from technology thought to be long lost for the past 21 years. Lombax Technology. The disturbance itself had already caught the attention of many onlookers as it had happened in the city. News reporters were already there to report the strange phenomenon.
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5carlet-chaos · 5 years
Space shenanigans
Scarlet didn’t waste much time after Hex told him to go pack some bags. He clicked his mouth and pointed finger guns at the lombax before running off to his home.
Just a couple minutes later,Scarlet came running back with a large and stuffed bag of clothes and other necessary items, namely weed stuff and snacks.. “I’m ready, dude. Let’s vacate this fucking rock” 
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direlombax · 6 years
@smugglinbax [x]
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   “Busy...” Flame repeated, trailing off as if she were going to say more. She was. “Trying to... Get control of my instincts,” Flame said, tail flicking. Her speech was slow, only because of the pauses to think, but not slurred. It was as if she was having trouble putting together her sentences. “Did you not...” Hear? Know? ...Know. “Know those calls were to you..?” 
   Flame appreciated the gentle kiss on her hand, voicing her appreciation with a purr.
   In Flame’s opinion, there isn’t much meaning at all to her signals or calls. They’re all blunt, to the point. The calls were for attention and to let anyone know that she’s ready to mate, her behavior to visibly show that she’s ready to mate as well as to burn off the energy she felt pent up within her.
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   “There isn’t... Much to teach,” Flame mumbled. “Just do what your instincts tell you,” she continued. “What... What do your instincts tell you to do right now..?”
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parcxysme · 7 years
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“Who the heck are you”
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“Haggling me now? Can’t even let me get an ego stroking to a grey face for free? Very well, I accept the idea of you inspecting the goods~” The arms dealer was not going to make a counter-offer this time, it would probably benefit them both in the long run anyway.
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innocentpower · 5 years
" What is so special about E-Arth... anyway, been there it wasn't that great... " The Fuzzy Alien Asked curiously.
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“I honestly don’t know, my only real trip there was when Father was killed and mostly was a haze of half-images.....I just find it interesting that whenever someone evil wants attention they threaten earth....what about New Namek, or the Tuffle world....I just don’t know why it’s always Earth.”
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“ Giving up is for rookies."
“Giving up is for idiots..” Frowns. “Why go through with something.. and just... stop half way? Just go all the way.” 
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nethers-outof-verse · 7 years
Musa still got her wing from her original form, but she keeps it hidden underneath her little cape so no one can see it. Not a lot of people know about it because of how rarely she takes her cape off.
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morganasirennether · 7 years
For every § I receive I will say one random fact about my muse
Fact 1 - Xandra absolutely love reading romantic novels, both old and new ones, but she doesn’t dare telling anyone else about out of fear that people will make fun of her for it.
Fact 2 - Hector enjoys watching Secret Agent Clank whenever he’s alone or doesn’t have any work to do during the days. It’s kind of a way to help him calm down after a stressful day. Plus, the show is really great and a favorite of his.
Fact 3 - Samantha like Courtney Gears’ music but she hasn’t told anyone else besides her android brother, Andy, about it.
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pixtolsandqueens · 7 years
Small Moments (Closed)
Rose was absentmindedly plating with a strand of her hair. With the new expansions she was a little nervous. Why? She had to talk to Hex about some tech she’d made him. Ayurian grade, and illegal here due to te kind of firepower it was capable of producing. While it lacked the size of Polaris guns it made up for in pure unbridled strength. Combined with the fact she was now building extensions on the hangars to support large transports the entire casino was under renovation. So she was admittedly a tad stressed.But upon hearing her office doors open she smiled lightly, still looking down at her logbook. “Sit.” She ordered, albeit more gently then she normally would.
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The kiss made from the Lombax only made Argit moan softly, eyes closing as both arms wrapped around the smugglers waist. One hand slowly trailed down as the two criminals kept kissing, groping the other male’s rear. The kiss did was brief stopped by the rodent, causing a small trail of saliva to show how far the tongue session had gone.
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“I always do miss these moments of our ‘business’. Care to take this somewhere private? I might want more than a kiss from you babe~” The word babe was said in a bit of a smug tone, as if Argit was implying he was the dominant one.
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