#smosh opinions
tame-a-messenger · 8 months
I could see them not wanting to feed the shippers if this was the protocol with people that are shipped but that's literally not how they deal with things at all. like you said courtney and shayne have been in the thumbnails of almost every video they are together (and there was a point when things got really out of hand with the shippers, with stalking and stuff), ian and anthony are so shipped and all they do is embrace that, have fun with it without making fun of the fandom, amanda and angela also have quite the fan base and their videos together are always going up in quantity. their way of handling things never felt like "let's separate these people to not feed the shippers". most of the time it's the contrary, they lean into because they know that putting these people together, making jokes like the "my boyfriend" tag on ian in the who's slapped me with anthony, putting the shipps into thumbnails and more will get them views, will get engagement, will get people talking.
I feel like the fandom of smosh in general forget they are a whole ass company, a corporation. they goal is always to spread their content to the maximum amount of people they can get. and shipps do that perfectly. the fandom gets what they want and they get what they want, which is people watching it.
and also it's not like we are at the top of the fandoms in smosh. we are a small percentage here on tumblr for example. and we are not at all going as hard as others parts of the fandom go with their shipps. hell I don't even know if we can call ourselves shippers because we know they are not dating (some of us can feel some sparkles like myself but we are really good at being grounded in reality) what I feel like all of us that love them truly enjoy and connect it's their dynamic, the way they have such a specific relationship that we don't see between other cast members.
we are literally not asking or demanding them to date each other or to even hang out outside of work, we know they are closer with other people in the cast, we are literally just begging at this point to see them on videos together. that's all. we just want them playing games and bantering and having a gran old time with each other.
if and it's a big if, very unlikely I feel like, they are keeping them apart for shipping reasons then they really chose a very weird pairing to do that (now for some reason??) because we are not even a blimp in the ocean of all the "shipps" on smosh. and we are 100% definitely not the loudest ones.
I feel like we are a small group that reunites to talk quietly with their leader (you in this case)
you know that audio on tiktok that is a bunch of people talking loudly to each other and then there this one voice that says "it's entirely possible" in the middles of the chaos? that's us I feel like.
I think you made a LOT of really great points Anon. Some aren't totally true? I don't believe Smosh is a corporation? it says on their wiki they are an independent entity and a corporation is something bigger(?) I believe. (I don't totally know for sure though)
I would say that Smosh social team WOULD be and probably IS trying to push content to as many people as possible, but if we're being real, they suck ass at building hype and keeping the bit going. They get cold feet. There's SO MANY bits they kept going that weren't even good/not popular in the community.
True that they push shipping but we have to remember that Angela is a freelancer. if she felt uncomfortable (see the "I know Damien's" incident of 23') and asked not to push shipping for her and Damien I'm sure she could veto it, And obviously if Damien felt uncomfortable he'd get the same curtesy.
I really appreciated the long ask! I think a lot of it IS very pertinent to what's going on and how to think about it in reality, not get too in our heads about it and all that! so thank you!
For closing statements, (lol)
I think we've just been in a dry spell and that it'll clear up soon, and that I just am always going to be disappointed with the Smosh social team lol.
"I feel like we are a small group that reunites to talk quietly with their leader (you in this case)"
I shall not lead you astray my dears <3 (you guys are all awesome <3)
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i-miss-summertime · 4 months
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"Can my kid get a picture? She loves you!" energy
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supercalime · 6 months
The amount of digging, stalking and over analyzing that required for yall to now say “it was obvious” and “we were right all along” is one of the reasons they never went public with their relationship before actual marriage, just like Joey Richter and Lauren Lopez getting engaged and Keith and Becky habersberger out of nowhere telling they had a baby.
I’ve been a fan of smosh for like 12 years and the shipping (yes, I know they said they don’t care, but even if they said to stop yall wouldn’t anyway) and nitpicking every single interaction between cast members (I’m not even gonna get into the fanfics and inappropriate comments) were why I kept my interaction with the fandom to a minimum.
Im happy they’re married, really. I’ve been happy for other influencers before. The issue was never denial. I did wish it was a prank because I knew this exact response was going to happen.
This feels like fans were trying to out them when they weren’t ready. If they truly felt safe making the relationship public, they wouldn’t have gone to lengths they did to hide it. Poor Courtney probably had an engagement ring that she couldn’t wear because of fan reaction. I mean, I remember seeing proof of them together through reflections on a glass! It isn’t normal.
A similar situation has happened in a fandom before. Remember when fans were speculating about a Malec wedding in the shadowhunter finale? Finding every single piece of evidence on social media, bts footage, etc? And in the ending the characters got married? But you know why that wasn’t weird? They were fictional characters, made to entertain us, with story arcs. No actual person was at stake.
And you know, I love smosh and obviously this rant isnt directed towards the fans who are just surprised and happy for them (which I am too, congrats to them), but it still bother me.
Publicly, they were coworkers in a comedy channel who made jokes, played characters, played games, etc. Smosh has never been about romantic relationships between cast members and it saddens me that the fans made most of it about shipping when they have so much more to offer.
The point is, we are not entitled to information about their lives and speculate about it. Too bad this can’t be a learning experience because congrats, yall were “right all along”.
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shesmore-shoebill · 2 months
I think the Amanda Arasha combination is especially effective because they do have differing opinions on a number of things, but Arasha is also largely unafraid to actually disagree/pushback on things (in a very good natured, thoughtful, usually well articulated way) without taking it personally. Which, I think is especially fun/good with Amanda, who tends to have strong opinions and expresses them very. powerfully. And I love her for it, but the discussion definitely gets even better when someone like Arasha is willing to push back or call out the comedy of certain personal opinions/subjective viewpoints, and still have a good time overall.
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smosh-mouth · 7 months
Widely unpopular opinion but I find it really frustrating people are still hating on Smosh for the Noah thing. They can’t control what he says on his personal Twitter and they can’t fire him for his political views. And the argument of Smosh commenting on other social issues makes no sense to me when that isn’t what this is. It’s an ongoing political genocide that is very sensitive and intricate and any comment they make will come off as misinformed. If Noah hadn’t made those comments I fully believe no one would be mad at smosh about their silence. Just like they haven’t gotten upset with smosh over their silence on any other international war, like Haiti, Ukraine, Sudan, Iraq, etc. Palestine and Israel aren’t the only countries at war right now that smosh could be commenting on. And I find it really frustrating having to see so many comments about Palestine specifically, linked to the content I go to when I want an escape from what’s happening. Yes there are people affected by the genocide that want smosh to speak up, and I’d never be upset if they did. But I find a lot of the anger at smosh is just people dog piling to shit talk Noah for some misinformed bad takes.
"They can’t control what he says on his personal Twitter and they can’t fire him for his political views." They can't control his opinions but they do have some control over his social media because he is tied to smosh and if he supports an ongoing genocide it obviously reflects on the company too. I assume they probably saw the backlash and made him delete his likes. He also used a smosh video to brag about his grandfather being a founder of israel and having a monument, so it IS smosh's responsibility to stop platforming him or make him apologize AT LEAST.
"If Noah hadn’t made those comments I fully believe no one would be mad at smosh about their silence." Many of us would've still pressured smosh and the individual members to speak up, they've been vocal about other issues and have helped with charities so how is supporting Palestine any different?
"And I find it really frustrating having to see so many comments about Palestine specifically, linked to the content I go to when I want an escape from what’s happening." You're frustrated at pixels on a screen when there are people DYING. Yes, Smosh deplatforming Noah technically won't do much for the cause but at least that would mean one less vocal zionist out there, and if we continue pressuring them they could do a charity stream to help people in Gaza.
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ty-the-trainwreck · 2 months
smosh hot take: noah isn’t funny
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hot take
Smosh should just do one shots of SwordAF.
Shayne just spent what like 20 minutes yapping about his one shot idea, then went on to say ‘SwordAF was taxing and exhausting.’
Why don’t they just do like an hour and a half long video interchangeable to BoardAF of just general mischief. That way there’s no pressure to keep up a storyline, fans get to see their faves do goofy shenanigans, and they don’t spend a lot of actual time on it in their busy as hell schedules.
Idk id much rather watch an hour and a half of Bug causing chaos coz they’ve lost Dolores’ purse cue shenanigans. Y’know. I zone out and get lost in stories a lot, which is probably SAF’s viewership issue and why views drop as the videos get pumped out.
Can i get others opinions pls lol
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heart-of-the-card · 6 months
Smosh multiverse
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Edit 2: thank you @notthatalex for the Augustus pictures!
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lilac-hecox · 7 months
Potential hot take: I love Smosh, and y'all know I love Ian and Anthony, but I don't like when sketches are written to be able to sell us merch. Like, the shut up button sketch is funny but does have the feeling of being made to promote merch. I do appreciate that the boys decided the quality wasn't good enough to sell and scrapped the merch.
*and I say this as someone who bought the pokemon smosh hat and awesome shirt.
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tame-a-messenger · 8 months
Tbh I agree with other anon. I feel like whenever they bring a guest on it does seem a big awkward whether it’s a YouTuber or a tiktoker in my opinion. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind the guests but it just doesn’t sit that well with me personally. However, whenever Macdoesit is on a video, 9 times out of 10 I’ll enjoy it, I don’t think I’ve ever really known him prior to Smosh but I’ve very quickly became a little bit of a fan of him. (Especially the Reddit stories, his episodes are my favorite.) As well as Brandon Rogers, I’ve watched his videos for years and when he was on Anthony’s funeral and the eioyi I enjoyed it very much. All this to say I don’t have a big problem with the guests but I guess I just have to warm up to them a bit 🤷‍♀️
That's totally fair Anon!
Like I said, I used to feel the same way! (I still do to some extent) I just don't mind as much nowadays.
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christinafaaaye · 15 days
i understand damien has more priorities now than he did last year, but every time he's actually in a smosh video now the vibes feel.. off. it seems like he's just there and not entirely included. i don't know if it's because he's there so much less now that he doesn't hold the same level of closeness with the cast like everyone else. they all see each other pretty much everyday and film together all the time, whereas damien really doesn't nearly as much anymore. (and i also feel like every time he is in a video, everybody talks over him???)
obviously these are only my observations, i could be very well reading too much into. these are just things I've noticed. and again, i get that he has a lot of other work that he's been doing, but the chemistry doesn't feel the same anymore. something feels a little off to me.
and also, can smosh cast him in other videos other than fucking TNTL and table top games?? it was so fun seeing him in the Just Dance charity stream last week and I want more of that. that whole time i was like "oh wow, he's actually a part of this and it feels correct and normal for once."
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zillaphoneswag · 8 months
So I’ve been working on the oneshot that’s an interlude to the big one im planning, but I’m not really connecting with it. I was thinking about scrapping it or maybe just saving it for later. Instead I was thinking about a 5 + 1 fic, specifically around the premise of “Five times Amanda protected Angela and one time Angela protected her.” Thoughts?
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shesmore-shoebill · 5 months
"Some of the information we were talking about earlier, just like, when they're trying to figure out our sexualities. In ways that's like: if we haven't talked about it, then it's private. So if we talk about it, then we're inviting that conversation. But...."
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smosh-mouth · 7 months
rewatching today's smosh mouth bc it was THAT good... i hope they continue doing the long form tntl, it's so dumb but also it's such a fun way to showcase their writing skills
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hellsquills · 8 months
If you don't know what I'm talking about, there are about 40 of them here
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sage-lights · 3 months
rip fake brick wall on the smosh games stage. you’ll be missed dearly by me.
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