#smol goop
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Finally the picture is perfect... :)
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gooberdargon · 2 years
Hes on punishment for trying to commit genocide
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whatifut · 2 years
So this is a one-shot I don't know if I'll continue. But I thought I'd share. It is set in a multiverse where nightmare and his gang lost to dream and the gang is sort of a weird patchwork family that did become less murderous over time and actually made friends around the multiverse.
I saw this picture of cross holding a tiny chubby bitty nightmare and I just had to write this. It's a small bit angsty with fluff. Have fun ^^
Since the bad Sanses lost and entered a forced peace treaty with the star Sanses nightmare was having a hard time.  At first he even lashed out at his team,  but when he noticed what he did and understood that he did it to  feed off them, he disappeared into the shadows.
His team wanted to help and cause trouble, but the treaty forbid it, so nightmare stopped them from the shadows since they would have gotten into trouble. 
The treaty said,  any bad Sans causing trouble would be detained on sight. 
So for a while the only communication they had with nm was talking to his shadow on the wall. 
They were all sad and didn't know what to do. 
And even though that gave nightmare a good meal, he didn't want to see them down. 
So after a while he encouraged them to pick up their hobbies again and got dream to allow them to see their multiversal friends,  farm, color, epic, blue, error and a few others.
The team,  while still worried about nightmare was having fun and got more stable after a while. Encouraged by the fact nightmare occasionally spoke to them and frequently left them breakfast.
So it didn't come as a surprise to dust to see the table already set,  when he was up before horror. 
Inspecting the food choices,  he wanted to grab some eggs, bacon and bread,  when he noticed something black and shiny on one plate that sort of looked like black peppers. 
Curiously poking it with a fork though, revealed it to be something more like black tentacles.
It took him a moment to process this as he nudged the black goo glob further until a groan made him freeze.
Staring at the shape in shock, he saw a skull with an eyelight barely emerging the lump,  cyan eyelight blinking at him slowly. 
Dusts worry spiked at that sight and the impossibly small lump perked up slightly, tentacles writhing a bit.
Then suddenly the lumps eyelight recognized being seen and the glob started to drag itself towards the edge of the table.
Just before it reached the edge, dust snapped out of his stupor and instinctively grabbed for the small, slimey creature.
Realizing his possible mistake, dust flinched, prepared to get stabbed by a tentacle, but instead, whatever was in his hand,  stilled. 
Carefully turning towards it revealed a shaking black lump 
"n.. no, I'm.." The lump bubbled out words, but fell silent again. 
Dusts eyes shot open.
Gently prodding it confirmed dusts worries, revealing the lump to be a small skull attached to 4 chubby tiny tentacles, but no body.
"Y.. you can't.. please, I" 
The lump tried and failed to push his prodding finger away with a small tentacle, but it was very weak. 
Dust swallowed at the way the tiny form seemed to be shaking in fear. 
"B.. boss?" Dust whispered in disbelief.
The lump that fit easily in one of his hands,  froze, slitted eyelight staring up at dust in panic. 
Dust was thankful for his quick reflexes when he caught on as the small goop nightmare wanted to flee, catching him and caging him between his hands. 
"L.. let go" nightmare whisper-shouted indignantly.
"I don't want your worry and your pity they taste stale and.. and you shouldn't care anymore.
Why do you all still insist to be here?! 
Don't you want to be happy?!"
Dust swallowed thickly at that. 
"Wh.. what, why would I not care anymore?"
The rejection stung dust and made the small lump bubble for a moment. 
"S.. see, you're just hurting when I'm around,  I hurt you."
For a second dust ground his teeth a swell of anger making the small body bubble again. 
"S.. stop,  you..
I don't want you to hurt. 
Why are you all insisting to stay?
Don't You realize I'm no good for any of you?"
Dust rattled with repressed irritation,  making nightmare whine as his upper body emerged from the goop.
Nightmare was feeding from the emotion, that tasted too good.  
Why did it have to taste good when it was so bad for one of his underlings he grew to care about. 
He clawed dusts hand with his own minuscule skeletal fingers, his own rage boiling up as he fought feeding from his underling.
His goop spiking and voice shrill he shouted "You're nothing but idiots,  you can finally be free and happy,  you can't work for me anymore,  because we lost,  why do you still insist on pestering me?!
Aren't you happy, yet?  Is your new, more stable life not to your liking?!
How long do you insist to stay? You're pitiful attempt at feeding me negativity is nothing compared to the festering positivity my brother is spreading.
I'm not a pet, I'm your master. So let me go this instant and leave."
If dust didn't see the shaking and fearful tears in his boss' eye, he would have backed off right away,  but as a Sans if he was good at something it was reading the room. 
He scoffed "you think any of us could actually be happy simply playing house with the people we like,  when we've been hurting and causing harm to others in your name for centuries, now?
Did you forget where you got us from in the first place?"
Dust fixed nightmare with his flaring eyelights, delighted in knowing he had his rapt attention. 
"We are murderers.
He continued 
"You kept us more stable for centuries than I ever was, from what I remember of my previous life and all of us are still some degree of insane. "
Dust shook his head at nightmares bewildered look. 
"You know,  just because you took us in and showed more kindness and interest in us than hardly any monster before, doesn't mean we'd do things for you we don't like. 
We didn't call you 'boss' or obeyed you out of fear, none of us cared enough to fear for our lives,  we decided to serve you out of respect. 
I mean none of us could even attempt to have a more stable life without your help,  I am still talking to an invisible vengeful ghost of my brother."
Dust glared down at the small octopus like version of nightmare and couldn't suppress the small thought that he was adorable. 
Which made nightmare choke and bristle,  replacing dusts affection with smug satisfaction.
"Ugh, stop that sentimental nonsense."
Nightmare choked after listening to dust.
"I could feel you tensing earlier when you feared being stabbed by me,  you can't fool me. 
I'm supposed to be feared and despised.
I feed from peoples misery."
Dust scoffed "and how is that a bad thing?"
Nightmare glared "I beg your pardon?!"
"If the misery is gone, usually people can start healing. Ever heard about catharsis?
Not like everyone can be saved,  but it's a start to get everything out"
"But,  I fed from you feeling bad,  even caused it, how would that be good if you're nothing but a meal to me?!"
Dust made a thoughtful face "Oh, so that's why you're reduced to an adorable goopy octopus cause you don't care for us beyond using us as a meal.
Then you either must have an eating disorder, because you're trying your hardest to make us happy,  or you're just afraid to admit that you've become head of a weird patchwork family."
Nightmare sputtered "you're.. I'm.. I'm not adorable, shut up! 
I don't care for your delusions,  I was merely trying to get all of you to stop causing trouble. The treaty forbids it,  you're too stupid to not cause me more problems,  it's not like I care."
Dust grinned at that, shrugged and pointed at the set table,  looking smug.
"It's like.. it's a last meal for my servants I've been trying to get you to leave every day."
"Then why not enhance our negativity to feed from us and make us leave?!" 
"I.. I could do that easily,  don't tempt me you Imbecile."
Dust raised a brow, waiting for a moment. 
"So?!" He prompted. 
Cursing under his breath nightmare glared at dust "none of you would leave if you didn't fit in with the happy people." 
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w0rldruin · 1 year
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pineappleparfaitie · 6 months
Haven't seen Goop on here in a while
Iff possible
Can i get nommed by them?
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You got it >:3
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galvatronsthighs · 2 years
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Inspired by one of @ask-the-totally-real-peppino's posts, other art of a smol Fake and discord conversations.
Basically Fake Pep is my favourite and I want 20, gimmie all the freaky goop-beast clones.
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Tiny one layer doodle i made before bed. <3 Take the smol goop. Hehe
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dreamcatcherwriting · 10 months
I'm gooping I'm gunking
Smol Charlie doodle idk
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lowkeyclueless5137 · 11 months
So, I have a question for the Ben 10 AU. What would the four think of Pesky Dust and if they had to transform to his form(half of full) somehow(accidentally or not). And what would they think/feel about it? What if it was Way Big
First up since I'm talking about the 4 different cases, it will be longer(I just came back from a club activity and it's pretty late for me) But I will also put in this ask my answer to the replies from @anonymousfeh in the other 2 asks. Sorry if you 2 are different persons, but I promise I'll try to cover all points from both before I go to bed. :'3
Again under ✨le cut✨ we have everything :3
First up, this boi finds the watch while he tries to go after Adeuce once he heard these idiots were sent to the mines. At first he thought the 2 got hurt and rushed there only to find the omnitrix and from there it spirals into chaos. This actually prevents Riddle from collaring Ace for the tart slice, as he was just in panic mode all night and was glad that at least Adeuce were alright. He even is the one who gives them some midnight snack(just not the tart as it was for the party), so the 2 pretty much first think of Riddle as just a guy who overthinks way too much. Please give him an ibuprofen. :'3
So Riddle of course it takes a bit for him to process the whole thing, which makes him to become a bit more lenient with the rules, in favor of hiding this (most likely if word got out, Riddle would either be dissected or killed on the spot in his vision). Of course, at first, Riddle decides that if he wants to avoid an accidental transformation, he had to learn how to use the goddamn thing, thing which he does only in his room with everything locked and pulled over. This is how he realises he could have full and half transformations too.
Definitely Pesky Dust was one of Riddle's first full transformations purely by accident. He hated he was so smol, but alas it was only for 10 mins so he couldn't complain too much. :'3
In hindsight Riddle doesn't overBlot because he was busy with hiding and getting used to all of this. Thankfully once the omnitrix recalibers properly, it becomes more of a panja's bracelet, which is slim enough so Riddle could hide it with some leather gloves. Nobody really questions it at all since he wears them almost every time. :'3
For Riddle, he would have other aliens or villains who just want to reek havoc almost every week. He's just trying really hard to keep it together, but uses the omnitrix to a villain attack only when the situation is actually calling for it.(even then, he firstly hides and makes sure he's not seen at all) :'3
My man straight up found it before his 2nd year at NRC and Jamil was literally next to him when the omnitrix latched on and Kalim accidentally turned into 4 arms. That day was the day Jamil actually fainted on spot. Doesn't help that Kalim wasn't really that aware of how strong was as 4 arms so chaotic hours.
But because Kalim found it pre NRC return, when he goes in his 2nd year, his omnitrix is fully calibrated as a gold slim watch, which blends perfectly in between his other golden bracelets and shit. So he pretty much got a taste of almost all of his possible transformations and is used to them. He actually uses pesky dust when he has to retrieve things from under his closet, as Goop cakes them in goo. :'3
In here, Jamil's overBlot is Kalim's turning point, where he actually tries to just go on his own and become self independent. Add to that the responsibility that comes with the omnitrix, he has a lot on his plate.
For him, much like everyone will come around, the weekly villains are more often than not handled by the NRC Students. Jamil insists that Kalim must not let them know he has such a powerful device on him, let alone play superhero with it. So very little actually villains show up because no one has any idea that the omnitrix is actually at Kalim.
Epel found the omnitrix pre-NRC, but with no chance of actually transforming before NRC. So he tests it out in the spur of the moment, when he has his fight with Vil.
So Vil becomes more like a mentor figure. Rook is just a supporter of any shit Epel gets up to using the omnitrix. Once it does recalibrate, Vil seems pleased with the very delicate design while Epel is a bit salty about it.
And Epel absolutely hates pesky dust. Be it half or full transformation. Way big is probably one he likes mostly cuz ✨tall✨. :'3
Epel is mostly the closest to how Ben deals with villains of the week. But Vil tells him to keep identity hidden so Epel can't flex on it for shits and giggles(and also punt Ace if he continues teasing him). Doesn't mean he can't just chew Vil's carpets as Wildmutt. Kind of revenge for not letting him flex. :'3
Idia finds it in a similar fashion as Riddle. But that night he didn't go to for the first years, he just happened to go for a delivery in the city a bit late and stumbled upon it when he was coming back. At first he was absolutely down on poking the thing, but his curiosity turns into panic when the omnitrix latches into his arm and accidentally turns into an alien. But when he does calm down, he rushes to his room.
Ortho finds out in aproximatively 0.01 secs once he sees his brother. He is just as curious and the 2 realise very fast how the basics of it works. As such, they discover pretty fast the notion of half and full transformations. Idia tries to opte for halfs most times since at NRC magic is pretty important, including in conflicts. And since the Shrouds have very weak magic overall, complementing it with a half transformation only brings benefits. Idia uses a few times pesky dust to spy around, mostly since it gets easily passed off as just another fairy roaming the halls with some sort of job.
No one figures it out that Idia has something changed. He's still a shut in, he still wears baggy sleeves and he still is absolute shit at PE. Yet his omnitrix does recalibrate and turns into a fingerless glove, which that may gain a few eyebrow raises but nothing to not swipe under the 'he got hyped about some game/anime again' carpet.
For his villains of the week, Idia is very versatile because he actually takes time to think through. Chapter 6 tho, is when emotions get the best of him. He tries to use his power to try and save Ortho from the overBlot, but not only he fails(he doesn't overBlot), his secret got exposed and he is only left with Ortho's memory card and the fact that he failed one of his most important missions up until now. It's just a very important point for Idia as he learns to cope again with his failures and tries to just be better in general.
And that would be all for today :D
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hollowedartist · 11 months
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To be a puppet on a string, is to be helpless under her rule.
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One of the best things about bein an art student, I can draw the silly guy in my sketch pad as an assignment! I might show more silly drawings from here but- well with my micron pens it was more fun jus drawin nightmare goop with a mix of scribbles to represent insanity
Also sorry if his hands look a bit weird in the second one, I kept lookin at my own hands which are kinda smol
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dust0bunny · 1 year
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paps found sans's lab coat and made sans put it on for picture for fun
sans just gave in cuz he was too asleep to even see what paps made him wear
then we have smol goop gaster still idk how he got there
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flawnle-arts · 18 days
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Silly drawing featuring Goop and Smol (who belongs to @voidy-vibing)
Taking the daughter to Walmart :)
Original image under cut
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isleofancients · 2 years
he waves and smiles "Hi im Mache... im a puddle" he adds as if that was not clear "you are very smol" he points out and reaches out carefully to boop
"Hi puddle mash!" Sparrow giggles, booping back.
"You're very goop." Starling points out in turn. "Why is the wet?"
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kitsunekisara · 5 years
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( The original sketch i made for this drawing is dated maybe over a year back... so i was pretty happy when i saw how much i improved since then :3
Welp now have some fluffy Eva (my UT RPG OC) and smol Goop doodles ^^ )
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theoffhandpuppeteer · 6 years
Oh, WD prepared a special dinner tonight. 🍙+ Kid Cuisine. (smol-goop)
Give my muse some food
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“....I want a new dad.” 
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splinter-sister · 6 years
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A good noodle friend who she can love and trust. first ones transparent
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