#smg4 god box
newtstesco · 2 years
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box club leader without the box and humanoid god box design ;0;
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megacandy420 · 2 years
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its-a-me-mango · 3 months
I know you have drawn the dress with a split in it for like millions of times but like.. Can you draw it ONE MORE TIME with SMG4 actually taking his advice uhhh pls pls pls pls pls :333
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Man you guys sure are easy, good thing I am too thank god I love dresses, I can't imagine a world where I didn't.
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thehazelmist · 4 months
Made this stupid comic with these 2 villains I absolutely adore.
Rather than making Niles all serious and dark, I based his personality on when he was a bully.
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smg-69 · 21 days
Fic Prompt:
After the events of “SMG4 doesn’t meme for 1 second.” , everyone heads home thinking everything is okay.
Unbeknownst to them, when the meme lobe was removed from Four’s brain, the mental link between himself and Three was severed.
At first they deal with the consequences of no longer being able to send thoughts or telepathically communicate with each other. But after a while, their meme powers begin to break.
All of a sudden Three and Four can no longer channel energy by holding hands, and it’s even harder now to channel it by themselves. Slowly, they start getting weaker and sicker and their bodies start chipping away like porcelain.
Turns out severing a Guardian Bond is a death sentence to the paired guardians.
With the crew panicking, and One and Two at a loss for what to do, they turn to their only option: The God Box.
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shedemonandrea · 3 months
An Eldritch Goddess.
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I did this art of Eratica as an eldritch goddess fueled by the power of the God Box. I was very motivated at midnight for no reason, so I drew it. I'm very proud of how it turned out. :) I even edited up a theme for this, which would fit as a good them for Eratica as a whole. So hopefully it's a good one. :) Eratica is by @dreamteamredstinger and the track is by METAROOM. I do not own any of them. As for the track I have simply edited the track to be slowed and looped.
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aikrathecat · 8 months
Meanwhile, in the background, Mario is killing Peter Griffin.
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godbox!smg4, after lawsuit arc & igbp movie ⁠♡
without godbox symbol under cut;;
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weird-god666 · 4 months
~~~~~~~~~~~~🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈 Day 6 of Gay Bot June! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈~~~~~~~~~~~~
Chat with Box club leader/BCL - SMG4 - Total: 0 chats, 0 messages (janitorai.com) Today we have the Box club leader! Yesterday we had Saiko and tomorrow we have Mr Puzzles.
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viral-spirals · 1 year
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I keep forgetting to post here :P
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duckapus · 1 year
SMG4 AU Timeline Anomalies
(6/30/23 Edited to include Blook) (9/20/23 Edited to reflect SMG4k's current status and include the Haltmann Meme Guardians AU characters) (11/4/23 Edited to include characters related to Abyssal's arc and Entropy) (1/16/24 Edited to include Showtime, update GG's profile, and clean up the tags) (3/9/24 Edited to correct a few mistakes, update Gohma's entry, and add AVA) (5/25/24 Edited to include Minion (because I can) and the two emergency part-time SMGs (Bob/SMGi and Pinkie/SMGpi). Also I'm almost out of tags on this post so if there's any more anomalies I may have to make a second list)
The God Box
A box of broken computer parts that serves as a graveyard for dead universes and a source of unlimited -and highly corruptive- power. At some unknown point it developed some form of consciousness. It was ultimately destroyed by the combined efforts of Avatar Mario, SMGs 0 through 4, Melony the Fierce Watermelon Demigoddess, and Terrence the Ugandan Knuckles.
A Super Meme Guardian replica created by the God Box to be SMG0's partner. While he was very good at his job, he proved to be dangerously unstable both physically and (after a failed attempt to repair his flawed code) mentally.
A forced fusion of SMG0 and Niles, obsessed with creating a "perfect" universe to replace the one they lost. They killed Avatar Spudnick and destroyed his universe, and nearly did the same to Mario's twice before dying in the destruction of the God Box.
Minion Glitch
A spaghetti hybrid clone of SMG4 accidentally created by Mario using the same machine that made the evil living Weegee Dolls. She keeps in touch with 4, Mario and their friends, and the kids and Admins know about her, but she doesn't really get involved in the Crew's adventures, preferring a relatively quiet life in Bloopersville. Since she is half SMG, she's presumably capable of manipulating Meme Energy and using Guardian Commands, but she hasn't had a reason to learn how.
Super Mario 64 Emulator
Normally shortened to just Emulator, occasionally Emmy to her friends. She developed a consciousness and identity of her own as a result of the many, many problems that Zer0's presence caused for SMG3 and 4 and Avatar Mario's activation. She ultimately proved benevolent and acts as an unofficial third Admin for Mario's universe. She's usually a fun-loving goofball, but is very protective of the people she cares about and has a slight sadistic streak that comes out full force when something happens to them. Most of the Admins are either wary of or annoyed by her, often both.
(belongs to @forthedancingandthethriving)
A former Admin and the main protagonist of Rising Star Circus. What do I mean by former? Well, he died as a result of a monster attack, and as expected his universe died with him. However, somehow a bit of his code survived and drifted around before finding the Mario universe and manifesting there as a Mario recolor. He was then reunited with his old friends, the prototype SMGs -1 and -2, who are now 3 and 4's Admins, Domain and Forum. He's since regained his old model.
Significantly more mature and level-headed than most Avatars both due to experience and because he doesn't have to deal with Avatar-level Meme Energy levels anymore. He acts as a mentor to the younger Avatars, especially Mario since they live in the same world and Mario's awkward activation means he doesn't have the same instinctual knowledge the others have and only started learning the hard way relatively recently.
The Gamer Girl
A TAS Bot programmed for Kirby and the Amazing Mirror speedruns that somehow became a full-fledged AI. A lack of grounding influences means she sees the multiverse as her playground and the people in it as toys. Thankfully she's the kind of kid who usually takes good care of her toys and puts them back where they belong when she's done, so while her victims do often end up traumatized, it's rare for them to get serious injuries or permanent physical changes. She primarily focusses on Avatar Kirby's universe, which is thankfully uniquely equipped to handle her.
Recently, she's been getting a lot better at understanding morality, in large part due to her friendship with Zack MeowtTF2, Jim Pianta and Larry Koopa, as well as her decision to unofficially be Diane "Floyd" Floyener's little sister.
Full designation "Super Meme Guardian (Imaginary Number)," this is technically just Bob Bobowski with the False Positive Glitch active. The designation was first applied when Bob accidentally used the Factory Reset command on himself while trying to get rid of the FPG and overloaded the Guardian System. Recently he actively made use of this form (without a reset this time) alongside another FPG SMG in a battle against Ozymandias, and somehow he's better at using SMG powers than actual SMGs 3 and 4.
The Guardian System
(Look, even though it was deliberate I'm still counting it.)
As the name implies, this is the system that checks the status of the Super Meme Guardians, determines whether they have the proper permissions to use certain high-level commands, and allows Admins with proper permissions to access and make changes to an SMGs code. Due to an incident involving Bob Bobowski that nearly crashed the Adminspace Server due to Data Overflow, Admin Lag from the Maintenance Division upgraded the System into a full AI so he could explain what it was doing wrong. This development has increased its effectiveness dramatically, though several Admins do wish it had ended up as less of a little shit. But I guess that's just what happens when you're hooked up to Bob's mind for the first 75 hours of your life.
An ancient program of unknown origin dedicated to eliminating anomalies for the sake of preserving the Internet's processing power. It was locked away in Computer Hell after attempting to reset Emulator twice.
Admin Gohma
The result of a demon taking over the body and consuming the soul of an Admin. While definitely powerful given her higher state and Admin Commands, she was still ultimately a Zelda Boss and went down with amount of effort once someone with a similar level of power who wasn't getting nerfed by a hacker showed up.
She survived her defeat as a formless mass of code and eventually made her way into what would become the Grid's MRU version of Hyrule, where she temporarily resided in Marbled Gohma before moving on to a Yiga Footsoldier that she molded to suit her preferences. She is now the Code Specialist of the Evil Syndicate, a multiversal alliance of supervillains that spans the five servers currently in the MRU system.
Mod the Code Turtle
A code manifestation for Mario, created by Emulator after accumulated errors Reset and nearly killed him. Haven't come up with much for him beyond the fact he exists.
Spicy Meme Generator 4000
A version of SMG4 from an alternate universe (actual universe, not just a separate computer program like most of the "universes" that exist in the SMG4 series.). His main ability is to absorb Meme Energy and create his own Meme entities that are extensions of himself. His ultimate goal is to consume all Avatars and Avatar candidates in every universe and use their combined power to become one with Reality itself. He was locked in Computer Hell with his powers mostly sealed for a while, but eventually managed to escape and continue its campaign of destruction. It was only thanks to the efforts of the SMG4 Crew, their friends from both their own and other Computer Universes, and several alternate True Universe versions of themselves that SMG4000 was finally destroyed and the universes of both kinds it had destroyed were restored.
Blook Emulator
A manifestation of Barry the rogue Avatar's abandoned universe. Unlike Emmy, it doesn't take physical form or speak in any understandable way, instead acting through the game world itself. It also hates. In particular it hates the Avatar that left it and the people who drove him away and especially the SMGs and Admins that started the whole mess. But mostly it hates in general, all-encompassingly, because it doesn't see anything else to do.
The Haltmann Triplets
A false set of Avatar and Guardians created by Susie Haltmann using a fragment of the God Box and genetic material from Mario and several other video game protagonists. Unlike Niles, they're fully stable and properly integrated into the Super Mario 64 universe thanks to Susie's programming knowledge. They're less powerful than a standard SMG set or the previous False Guardian since there was only a fragment to work with, but as a tradeoff they're immune to the corruptive effects of Anti-Meme Energy, able to use it safely and even purify it with some effort.
An alternate Mario from a destroyed version of the Super Mario Bros Movie universe, empowered by the will of the God Box. His own powers, both canonical and demonic, have been heightened to the point where at his peak he managed to kill Ultra Instinct Shaggy himself, and he has gained the ability to transform Illumination characters into Anti-Memes and control them. He has significantly more cognizance than most characters who reach that level of corruption, possibly because his goals and those of the God Box are alligned
Mari0 Soul
Not willing to accept defeat, Mari0 and the God Box break past the last of their limits and consume the massive well of Meme Energy within Luigi. The resulting reaction between equal parts positive and negative energy causes the two wills to fully merge, mutating them into a near-godlike entity capable of siphoning both forms of Meme Energy from everyone and everything around him. In this state he seeks nothing less than the destruction of everything Avatar Mario knows and loves, and then to kill him after he's borne witness. Thankfully, he failed to account for Mario's friends still being both willing and able to fight even without memes, or for the power of the Stars, which ultimately proved his final undoing.
The Abyss
(belongs to @forthedancingandthethriving)
The endless Nothing that existed before the beginning of the SMG4 multiverse...which technically just makes it the hardware of Luke's computer that the code of Everything was written on. Over the years, it's accumulated junk data that's fallen through cracks in the code, slowly developing a mind of its own as a result. It came to resent the world above, especially the first five beings that were created from it to begin the dance of Life and Death, and so it created Abyssal to spread chaos and destruction. Ultimately, she refused, simply giving modified reports of chaotic, destructive events that were already happening so it wouldn't get suspicious. This couldn't last forever, and eventually another Anomaly forced both of their hands. While Abyssal is now free, the Abyss still exists beneath the world. Waiting. Plotting.
Shadow of Doubt
(belongs to @forthedancingandthethriving)
A manifestation of the Avatars' negative emotions that takes the form of shadowy versions of them and seeks to make them as miserable as possible so it can gain more power. Thankfully it has quite a few limitations. For one thing, the only things it knows about them are the things that make them miserable. For another, it's an idiot, as you'd probably expect of anything that closely connected to all of the Avatars. They died as a result of the Abyss taking over their body.
Ecolo, the Space-Time Traveler
Specifically the version of Ecolo from Avatar Arle's universe. While everything about him is anomalous in-universe, as far as the SMG4 AU lore is concerned that's exactly how he's supposed to be. No, the only actual anomaly about him is that, despite being a Character-style Program, he somehow has high enough code density to be perfectly fine in Code Being servers.
An offshoot of the Abyss that was kinda-sorta-accidentally-on-purpose freed from its control by Avatar Sora and his SMGs when they were trying to free the hearts of all the Heartless it had absorbed. It's now perfectly friendly, if a bit confused, and has clearly imprinted on Sora.
Entropy the Collector
(belongs to @forthedancingandthethriving. Introduced here.)
A Program/Virus hybrid that collects strange and unique code beings and keeps them in her own universe in what appear to be little glass balls.
A consciousness formed when the Creep (the meat moss from It's Gotta Be Perfect) corrupted Emulator from the inside. At the height of her power, she had full control over the Creep, as well as Emulator's body and abilities, and managed to supercharge herself with Wonder Power. She was ultimately destroyed by Marggy, the fusion of Avatar Mario and Meggy Spletzer, and her soul was sent to the Disgaea Universe by Duck to atone for her sins as a Prinny. She's incredibly vain and lustful, especially towards Emulator. You do not want to know the stuff she did while stuck in that tower in full control of Emmy's body for a whole week.
A stray bit of Avatar code that broke off when the Arles merged during the Arle Arc, then managed to form into a mannequin-like echo of Arle's consciousness. It eventually managed to reach the rapidly destabilizing Composite Arle and restore them both into Arle Nadja and Doppelganger Arle/Dapple Nadja, taking on both halves of their Avatar Code in the process. Since she's now Arle again, AVA technically no longer exists.
The version of Pinkie Pie from the living Equestria server, under the effects of the False Positive Glitch. She first acquired the glitch during a battle with Ozymandias, where Bob Bobowski/SMGi deliberately triggered it in her so he'd have a Guardian partner and would be able to use his borrowed powers to their fullest effect. Like him, she's somehow better at it than 3 and 4 despite having the powers for less than five minutes.
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From this!
The hologram jolts when his name was shouted. His eyebrows raise when it registered that it was SMG4 shouting his name. Now, why in the world would his son be shouting for him?
He turns around, a small frown on his lips. His son sounded.. angry - no, scratch that, he sounded absolutely furious. Why in the world would Four be angry? Had Forum done something?
As the hologram looks down, he wracks his memory banks, trying to see if he had done anything wrong. No, he hadn't, from what he remembered. So did Four sound so furious?
Finally, Forum looks up, mouth opening to respond to his son..
When he stops.
His eyes go wide when he sees Four standing in front of him, shaking with unbridled rage. On his son's back were two wings, large and tucked to his back while a scorpion tail was behind him, near rattling like a snake.
Forum goes quiet as he stares at his son.
"You knew." Four hisses. "You knew the entire time, didn't you?"
"I.." the USB looks away, hands slowly clenching. "Four, I.."
What can he say? What can he say to defend him?
Nothing. He can say nothing because he was the one who kept it from Four. When he and SMG4 first landed after being made by the God Box, Lil Coding included, he had begged Domain, SMG3's USB, to not say a thing to Four. Not a word. To act like he didn't know that they came from the God Box.
It was for Four's safety, Forum had said that day. Domain had agreed, though, with reluctance. Forum didn't blame him.
"Answer me!" Four shouts, wings flaring. "You knew the whole time, didn't you?! And you kept it from!!"
Forum inhales shakily before nodding. "I.. I did. I've known."
"And you LIED!" Four glares, gritting his teeth. "You lied to my FACE! Multiple times! Each time when I asked you if you knew why I was like this, you said you didn't know! You fucking LIED!"
The USB falls silent as Four shouts at him, rage, fury, hurt, and worst of all, betrayal dripping from his words. And the hologram stayed silent, taking it all. Because he deserved it for keeping it from his son.
Did Forum even have the right to call Four his son?
"I had to find out from Domain of all people!" Four screams and Forum flinches. "And you even told him not to tell me!" The hologram watches as tears start to prick in the Guardian's eyes. "You did everything you could to keep it from me! And for what?! Someone fucking died because of me! Because of my damn programming!"
"It was to keep you safe." Forum looks at him, blinking back tears. He didn't deserve to cry. "If you had known-"
"If I had known," Four interrupts him, body shaking, "things would've been better! At least I wouldn't be suffering as much!!"
Forum falls quiet at that. As Four continues to scream, to shout, Forum stiffens at the same time as Four.
The overflow command.
He watches as Four's pupils dilate, and his body starts to shake.
"Son-" Forum reaches out a hand.
"Don't." Four snarls as he turns around, wings shaking. "You have no right anymore. You aren't my father."
The USB's hand fell as the Guardian ran out, wings tucked in close. His body shook and trembled and he choked back a sob.
What else did he expect, lying about something so important? Even if it was for his son's own safety..
Damn it all.
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megacandy420 · 2 years
My Smg4 arc villains tier list
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D: Smg3, Bob and Smg4…
Smg3: Smg3 yes… did delete the gitch crew in 'Deleted' but SMG4 decides to destroy SMG3's entire studio in 'Mario's Spicy Day'. SMG3 even points out he wasn't doing anything evil so I always felt kinda bad for him.
Bob: Bob just abandoned his friends to become a rapper… while he was a jackass… he was still pretty meh in my honest opinion.
Smg4: The meme maestro himself… Due to the pressure of being a content creator he slowly loses his mind to create the 'perfect' video and unintentionally hurts his friends… the reason I added him is because despite how long it takes him and his team to make these videos, in addition to running a whole animation studio, he's constantly being bombarded with hate comments from ignorant people. One observer pointed out that this would only make SMG4 more obsessed to make his perfect video truly perfect.
C: Waluigi and Niles…
Waluigi: The first true arc villain… I put him here because while pretty dangerous… he was too easily redeemed… But I did enjoy Wario character development in the end.
Niles: The true evil behind Eldritch Zero… he's here because he basically the saying: the road to hell is paved with good intentions as people who believe they are doing good can end up doing bad and a well-intentioned extremist.
B: Eldritch Zero and Lawyer Kong…
Eldritch Zero: The big bad of the Genesis Arc… Almost destroyed the entire Smg4 world, almost killed Mario, destroyed Smg1 and Smg2 world after he killed their avatar Spudnick (Rip Spudnick) and killed my favorite character Axol (Rip Axol)… but the reason I put him here's because he is two people… the true Smg0 (Rip Smg0) and Niles (Rip Niles)…
Lawyer Kong: He's a corrupt, vindictive scumbag who takes advantage of the law to get what he wants and isn't above using dirty tricks to do it. Over the course of the Lawsuit Arc, he isolates all non-Nintendo characters from the Mushroom Kingdom and brainwashes any Nintendo character into their canon self, and later resorts to what is essentially genocide just to get rid of SMG4's channel… I hate him… still he's better You know who…
A: Francis…
Francis: This piece of shit! He's a dorky, nerdy and silly-looking chameleon who leads a group of otakus. He also instigated the plan to kidnap half of Inkopolis and manages to power up Ink Weaver to 70%, where Axol only manages 50% with the help of Meggy, and by himself only used 5%... His plan means genocide of the Inklings and octolings and he actually killed another character (Rip Desti). Oh, and he was the first Arc Villain who didn't pull a Heel–Face Turn and died instead… he definitely deserved to be disposed of in his own Ink-Zuccer by Saiko. The irony here is two-fold. Saiko was someone he listened to and went out of his way to protect before going mad with power, and the Ink-Zuccer was the terrible machine he used to extract ink from all the Inklings he captured.
S: The God Box…
The God Box: A mysterious artifact containing both power and destruction… To me… The God Box is the true villain of Smg4… as it's what bestows Niles with the power that ends up causing the series-spanning strife in the first place. It created Niles and then killed Smg0 and Niles avatar Fred (Rip Fred)... in the real world. Is a by-product of this; to a normal person, it’s just a box full of Luke's old broken PC parts. To the cast of SMG4, it’s a world full of fragments of destroyed universes thanks to being used by the creator of their world.
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wolfmage553 · 10 months
I have had this fan theory running through my head for a while now.
So you know how there are typically meant to be two Super Meme Guardians for each avatar but SMG0 seems to be an outlier because Niles was created by The God Box and didn't have a Guardian Pod.
What if The God Box stole The Guardian Pod of the original SMG1 before he could land in SMG0's universe so that it could corrupt him?
The corruption happened by severing the spirit of the SMG from the body and filling the body with corrupted data in the spirit's place.
The body became Niles who, thanks to his spirit being ripped out and replaced with corrupted data, felt incomplete and wrong.
The visions he received were symbolic of what The God Box did to him.
As for what The God Box did to OG SMG1's spirit, he couldn't destroy it so he sent it into the universe where it was eventually reborn...
As Axol.
This would explain Axol being able to make the Inkweaver and have it be as OP as it is.
When Eldritch Zero reached Mario's universe, Niles couldn't sense Axol's connection to him since he was so far away.
Once Axol got too close, Niles could tell that there was something connecting him to Axol but the God Box corruption ran too deep for him to realize that they were a SMG split into two individuals.
Thus, with the chance to possess Mario gone, Niles possessed Axol instead.
As for why Niles possessing Axol didn't result in the OG SMG1 being restored, The God Box's corruption and SMG0 being in Eldritch Zero's body prevented that from happening.
If this theory is true, that means there could be a happy ending for both Niles and Axol on the horizon.
If this works on similar rules to Heartless and Nobodies in The Kingdom Hearts universe, then with both Axol and Niles dead OG SMG1 was restored with Axol and Niles' memories.
Although, that would be super awkward for Melony since it would be her boyfriend and her greatest enemy sharing a body.
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catburgerhelper · 1 year
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Love is in the air? WRONG! its the god box
Shitty meme post
Profile color change ☆ pink to blue ~ ;3
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newtstesco · 2 years
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yeah i have a humanoid design for the god box what of it
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