royalreef · 3 years
       The merprincess has entered orbit. ( @smellslikejustice​ )
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firstfallen · 3 years
@smellslikejustice​ replied (x): 
"Okay, but if you hold your knives directly upwards, you basically become a spear I can throw at someone."
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“See, now this is the right kind of response.” You have her attention. 
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mrfunnybone · 4 years
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“yeah, but at least i didn’t have to tell ‘em to leaf me alone.” 
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spkyscry-a · 4 years
@smellslikejustice​ "By the way, will you be needing this blade back for next year, or may I keep it?"
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“. . .”
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“Er, go nuts, girl.”
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mettatoniicya · 4 years
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   “  Sweetheart, have you ever thought of trying some facial masks to help with the anger lines between your brows?  A little self care goes a long way!  ”  Like the MTT Brand facial mask and toner ( not recommended for people with flesh, though ).
@smellslikejustice​ appeared!  The audience cheers.
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lxgendofhxpe · 4 years
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* Friendly Reminder to not mistreat your Pianos, an Instrument is often at it’s peak performance under the right care and maintenance. * You don’t just slam the keys down, they’re like DS Buttons, you don’t just button mash because then the buttons break and then what? * You can’t play games anymore because that one button is broken is what.
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itsraiyninmeteors · 4 years
Thot Meter 
Poppy is 1% thot
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*Miss Undyne, what’s a...Thot?
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orangcbones · 4 years
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royalreef · 4 years
@spkyscry​ replied to your post:
B E T T E R.
@smellslikejustice​ replied to your post:
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firstfallen · 3 years
@smellslikejustice​ found a scavenger!
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“C’mon... it’s gotta be here somewhere...” She picks carefully through the charred remnants of the former guard captain’s house, clearly on the hunt for something. It was a matter of boredom, honestly- with most of the monsters cleared out and her living down here, she needed something to entertain herself. A sword? That would do quite nicely. Even if she couldn’t use it herself (it was quite large compared to her, after all), she could at the very least display it in her room.
Of course... that was provided she could find the damn thing, and she’d been rooting around through the collapsed house for a few hours now. The place didn’t seem too disturbed, so it was unlikely Undyne had dug through to find it herself...
“...all this over a bowl of spaghetti.” She mutters under her breath, quite annoyed. If the place hadn’t burned, no doubt Undyne would have taken her sword, but that wouldn’t stop her from complaining.
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longlosthope · 5 years
“I wish the term fish wasn’t a derogatory term used against women... I just found out lesbians used to be called Kissin’ Fish and I thought that was so cute and so fitting given my girlfriend, but then I-”
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“I remembered why it’s fish and I. Am so mad.” She huffs. “Well, I AM a lesbian and I AM kissing fish... my lovely girlfriend is getting all the kisses and NO ONE can stop me.”
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freshsave · 5 years
smellslikejustice replied to your post: “Actually, I specifically taught him to look a...
“Guess that stuff sticks with you when you’re old enough to have seen it happen.”
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“Aw, why thank you. I suppose the wisdom comes with the age.”
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spkyscry-a · 4 years
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“Do you have to try to be this oblivious or is it just a natural talent?” Vera asked, voice hissing with boiling venom as she watched the person she was interrogating faint from the shock of the ‘hall monitor’ rampaging toward the two at high speeds. She had been hoping to squeeze a bit more out of him before unconsciousness took him, but of course someone had to intervene. 
“I was trying to figure out who sent him but now I’ll be lucky to get anything more than whimpers from him!” She exclaimed, finally letting her grip on his slack body loosen as he crumpled to the floor. It was tiring enough having to deal with the good-natured monsters when all they wanted was to brighten her day. Now there’s ones that are angry she’s out in the halls during class! Well, excuse her for having another attempt on her life during ‘Biology of Monsters 301′! 
“So unless you have some way to fix this transgression, I guess I’ll have to go and change my entire schedule around just for one measly merc group out for my head!”
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kr-i · 5 years
smellslikejustice replied to your post: “so if ponies can be unicorns–” “‘re all unicorns...
“All ponies have skeletons. Ergo, YOU must be a pony. And therefore also a unicorn. Congratulations.”
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“. . .”
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shooguhr-a · 5 years
smellslikejustice replied to your post “‘ i’m over here lookin like a snack, but no one is giving me a...”
Just casually chomps onto his arm like a piranha
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                LOUD ROBOTIC YELLING
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centurymade · 5 years
smellslikejustice replied to your post: ‘ * mr mime sucks , who cares if hes a person or...
“What do you know? You’re probably that chump that always picks the fire type starter.”
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‘ * no way . water - type all the way , fish stick ! ’
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