#Haunt Your Bones ;; Gabriola
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spkyscry ¡ 5 months ago
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"Oh, aren't you the sweetest little thing?" It's said as the lich reached to give the other's cheek a motherly pinch, standing in her doorway. "I haven't gotten the haunted dungeon set up yet, so terribly sorry! We're hoping to have everything set up come next week, but our best ghoul Jerry got a case of the 'exorcism' and is stuck in Limbo right now."
It's said with a roll of that essence in her sockets that could be considered 'eyes', before bright pink gaze locked back onto them.
"Oh, but where are my manners? It's Halloween all month long, so you deserve a treat!" She's reaching around the door to the bowl stationed just by the door, grasping a few high-end candies and large-size standard ones alike. "Here you go, kiddo, I hope you enjoy it! Just let dear ol' Gabri know if you want anything else! I don't have any cupcakes baked, but maybe you can come back tomorrow for them?"
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spkyscry-aa ¡ 1 year ago
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"This is not a drill, people!" She's snapping her fingers, somehow, as droves of skeletal servants, specters, and other undead in her service rush about to get everything decorated. "We're a month behind schedule, we have to move."
There's her top-producing spiders working hard on making sure the webs are just the right thickness, there's the haunted vacuums rushing to desolate halls and bursting dramatic to fling dust EVERYWHERE, and that's not even mentioning all the work Gabriola herself is doing; binding chains decorated with heads to the building. Nobody tell her she's gotten some of her home decorations mixed up with the more cartoony ones used about the school.
It's more fun this way.
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spkyscry-a ¡ 2 years ago
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“Woof, poor guy... He’s at least a 3/10.” GAB THAT’S A VERY LOW NUMBER--
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spkyscry ¡ 5 months ago
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Calls you 'sweetest little thing' and you're looking down at like a 4'5" woman--
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spkyscry ¡ 10 months ago
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"Oh, so because I'm a skeleton and a lich, I have to be evil, huh?" The petite skeleton is putting bony hands on hips, sockets squinting as glimmering pink lights narrow. "I'll have you know, I'm actually a therapist, buster."
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spkyscry-aa ¡ 1 year ago
[she doesn't have an ask banner] @royalreef sent: ........ Gently prods at Miss Gabriola. "Ma'am? Are you not decorating for the season, this year?"
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"Eh?" The lich shot up from her chair somewhat, as if she'd been woken from slumber. Pink lights in dark sockets blink, looking at her for a moment. "What do you mean, Halloween was yesterd-"
Gabriola stared down at her phone for a moment, the date under the time sitting there in plain view as the light once more left her eyes.
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spkyscry-a ¡ 2 years ago
@royalreef​ replied: She is hoping Gab is putting out extra pumpkins. Because Miranda simply cannot resist using them as enrichment.
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“Aw, o’ course, sug!” She hefted up a pumpkin bigger than her own head, grinning as, of course, she’d even expertly carved one of the freshmen’s faces on the side, not quite enough to get through the rind but deep enough to be easily visible for what it was. How cute and sweet and not at ALL ominous if they happen to see Miranda crush it! 
“Even gussied some up for the youngins!” 
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spkyscry-a ¡ 2 years ago
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Also never forget that I have two Outer Gods on my blog and Gabriola is still the scariest bitch here.
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spkyscry-a ¡ 2 years ago
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There’s that giggly little cackle snort of the lich, who’s putting the finishing touches on her lair. Ignore the fact she hasn’t even gotten in costume, it doesn’t fit her anymore. That’s what she got for shedding off those last few pounds, oops!
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spkyscry-a ¡ 2 years ago
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“You’re gonna get so many moms/big sisters so fucking help me, kid--”
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spkyscry-a ¡ 2 years ago
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“I set up a haunted house thing every year! It’s a whole shindig! Good to see the ol’ pals every now ‘nd again, even if the wanton murder and destruction’s toned way down than it used to be. Ya should really try it out on Halloween day itself! That’s when I stop pullin’ the punches!”
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spkyscry-a ¡ 2 years ago
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The decorations on campus are ALREADY going up, you cannot stop her. It will be glitz and glamoured the FUCK up for the season. None shall slow her task. 
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spkyscry-a ¡ 2 years ago
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“Is that--” A pause, as the small skeleton rushes down a shop aisle, grasping the package of ‘Spooky Cakes’, the Halloween-themed version of a snack she so enjoyed. A Halloween treat. A cackle escaped her, holding the box aloft like a hunter that has caught elusive prey after months upon months of the hunt. 
“Halloween is here, baby!” Gabriola, it’s September. 
“H A L L O W E E N  I S  H E R E!” 
Ah, I’ll just let her have it.
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spkyscry-a ¡ 2 years ago
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"Oh my me, they eradicated Jerry. Jerry was on loan. I need to go reassemble Jerry.”
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spkyscry-a ¡ 2 years ago
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“One last thing for you dungeon-divers, it is multi-instance and scales, so you don’t have to worry TOO hard if you can’t find a full party or come after/during another party’s attempt!” ...How... did you make it multi-instance...? Gab that’s perhaps the scariest part of this entire thing.
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spkyscry-a ¡ 2 years ago
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Two parties! ...Sure, the one looks a little wet around the ears, but that’s okay! This is the most attention her dungeon’s gotten in years that looked promising!!
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