#smartphone da gaming
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Poco F5 Pro: lo smartphone perfetto per il gaming con un display da panico estremo
Il Poco F5 Pro si presenta come uno smartphone ideale, non solo per gli ossessionati di gaming, pronti a darsi battaglia nei giochi competitivi Call of Duty oppure su League of Legends Wild Rift; ma anche a titoli estremamente pesanti come Genshin Impact e Honkai Star Rail, grazie alle sue prestazioni eccezionali e al suo display di altissima qualità per gli standard degli smartphone, lasciando l'utente in un esperienza visiva carica di colori. Esso è dotato di un processore Snapdragon 8+ Gen 1, secondo solo allo Snapdragon 8 gen 2 in ambito android e con un punteggio di oltre un milione di punti, consentendovi tramite questo dispositivo di offrire un'esperienza di gioco fluida e scattante in ogni campo.
Il suo display è un AMOLED da 6,67 pollici con risoluzione WQHD+ (1440 x 3200 pixel) e tramite una densità di 526 ppi e un elevato numero di colori offre immagini nitide e molto dettagliate, rendendo ogni sessione di gioco ancora più coinvolgente e immersiva; non solo attraverso le tecnologie più avanzate in ambito display come Dolby Vision e HDR10+, ma anche a livello audio con il doppio altoparlante stereo con tecnologia Dolby Atmos, per un esperienza sonora completa a 360° gradi.
Il Poco F5 Pro è dotato inoltre di 8 GB o 12 GB di RAM e fino a 256 GB di memoria interna, garantendovi un enorme spazio per le app e i giochi più pesanti, oltre che a velocità del sistema senza pari, grazie anche alla RAM virtuale pronta a darvi sostegno in ogni situazione
La batteria da 5160 mAh assicura un'autonomia notevole, permettendo di giocare per lunghissime sessioni senza preoccuparsi di ricaricare il dispositivo.
Inoltre grazie alla ricarica rapida cablata a 67W e wireless a 30W consente di ricaricare il telefono in un lampo, permettendoti di continuare a fare le cose che ami al massimo delle performance.
Il design del Poco F5 Pro potrebbe non essere il più innovativo, ma la sua qualità costruttiva e le sue caratteristiche lo rendono un dispositivo solido e affidabile come una montagna che contiene al suo interno un vulcano furioso e attivo.
Il sistema operativo Android 13 con MIUI 14 for POCO offre un'esperienza utente personalizzabile e ricchissime di funzionalità soprattutto in ambito gaming.
Per quanto riguarda le fotocamere, il Poco F5 Pro è dotato di una fotocamera principale da 64 MP e una fotocamera frontale da 16 MP, che offrono buone prestazioni in condizioni di luce ottimali.
Tuttavia, l'ottica ultra-grandangolare potrebbe non essere all'altezza delle aspettative.
In conclusione, il Poco F5 Pro è uno smartphone ideale per il gaming e la fruizione di contenuti multimediali, grazie alle sue prestazioni elevate e al suo display di alta qualità. Se sei alla ricerca di un dispositivo potente e versatile senza spendere una fortuna, il Poco F5 Pro potrebbe essere la scelta giusta per te.
Ecco a voi il link Amazon dove acquistarlo.
Vi ricordo di seguirmi con un bel follow e condividerlo con quanti più amici possibili, inoltre la cadenza di contenuti sarà all'inizio di due alla settimana, poi si vedrà. Vi ringrazio per aver letto questo articolo e vi auguro una buona serata.
#recensione#tecnologia#smartphone#poco f5 pro#mobile gaming#mobile#xiaomi#prestazioni di alto livello#gaming ita#smartphone da gaming#display amoled#display 2K#smartphone top di gamma
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ok mAybe if the body goes to bed i get to Not be ehre anymore. that would be swell i think this brakn has Net Zero Information on what i Used To Know like An hour ago. fucked up honestly. sidenote the fuck do you mean my life is a video game here. fucked ul to be real.
#pk;m Ulixes#i have so many information on shit that i do Not Care About also#what rhe fuck's a smartphone Why does ghat matter. etc. etc.#convinced this is all just a weird dream btw ✌️ so like Save da world. my final message. goodbye [hopefully].#idk whoever controls the body usually here can deal w this mess or whatever later i Ddont care.#call it delusion or whatever the fuck idc. reality checking will get you nowehrre though do not try that shit. etc. etc#sorry if I'm Weird rn the body apparently ate some thc shit before the stupid red gremlin GRABBED ME THROUGH THE FUCKING VOID#all to play a video game.#it was fun but then i got stuck here so like that bitch is on the Top of my hitlist. it's asleep rj so im going tonwaitnuntil it's awake#to start sjit if im stkll here tomorrow Hopefully bot but if so.#hi bi4ch. when you see this. it's on fuckinf Sight 👍
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Sie nennen uns "Die Ältesten", die Boomers...
Wir wurden in den 60ern und 70ern geboren.
Wir sind in den 70ern und 80ern aufgewachsen.
Wir haben in den 70er-80ern gelernt.
Wir waren in den 70er-80er-90ern zusammen.
Wir haben geheiratet und die Welt in den 70er-80er-90ern entdeckt.
Wir haben uns in die 80er-90er gewagt.
Wir haben uns in den 2000ern niedergelassen.
2010 wurden wir weiser.
Und wir gehen fest über 2020 hinaus.
Es scheint, wir leben in verschiedenen Jahrzehnten
ZWEI verschiedene Jahrhunderte
ZWEI Jahrtausend auseinander
Wir haben von einem Fernanrufanbieter auf Videoanrufe überall auf der Welt umgestellt.
Wir sind von Slides auf YouTube, Vinylplatten auf Online-Musik, handgeschriebene Briefe auf E-Mail und WhatsApp übergegangen.
Vom Live-Game-Radio über Schwarz-Weiß-TV über Farbfernseher bis zum 3D HD-TV
War im Tonbandladen und jetzt Netflix gucken.
Wir kennen die ersten Computer, Lochkarten, Disketten und jetzt haben wir Gigabytes und Megabytes auf unseren Smartphones.
Wir trugen unsere ganze Kindheit Shorts, dann Hosen, Oxford, Raketen, volle Muscheln und blaue Jeans.
Wir haben Kinderlähmung, Meningitis, Polio, Tuberkulose, Schweinegrippe und COVID-19 vermieden.
Früher sind wir Skateboards, Dreiräder, Fahrrädern, Motorrädern, Benzin- oder Dieselautos gefahren und jetzt fahren wir Hybride oder Elektro.
Ja, wir haben viel durchgemacht, aber was für ein Leben wir hatten!
Man könnte uns als "vorbildlich" bezeichnen, Menschen, die in den fünfziger Jahren in dieser Welt geboren wurden, die eine analoge Kindheit und digitale Erwachsensein hatten.
Wir so: "Ich habe alles gesehen"!
Unsere Generation hat buchstäblich mehr als jeder andere in allen Dimensionen des Lebens gelebt und erlebt.
Das ist unsere Generation, die sich buchstäblich an "VERÄNDERUNG" angepasst hat "
Einen großen Applaus an alle Mitglieder einer ganz besonderen Generation, die EINZIGARTIG sein wird!
Unbekannter Autor
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Hey, Tumblr! Tumblr hier. Wir führen Livestreaming auf Tumblr ein und nennen es … nun ja, Tumblr Live.
Tumblr Live bringt Streaming direkt auf das Dashboard, sodass deine Tumblr-Zielgruppe und deine Streaming-Zielgruppe zusammenkommen. Was ist das, sagst du? Synergie? Wunderbar.
Eigentlich wollten wir Tumblr Live nur in den USA über unsere Android- und iOS-Apps ausrollen. Aber jetzt ist es so weit. Tumblr Live wird im Laufe dieser Woche auf weitere Länder und auf alle Plattformen (Android, iOS und Web) ausgeweitet.
Das heißt, wenn du in einem der unten aufgeführten Länder oder Regionen wohnst, kannst du Streams anschauen. Aber nicht nur das, du kannst auch selbst streamen: deine Minecraft-Abenteuer, Strickgruppe, Parkruns, Furby-Rituale �� oder was auch immer du mit der Welt teilen willst:
Europäische Union
Und so funktioniert's:
Die kleine Kamera 🎥 unten auf dem Dashboard in der Smartphone-App führt dich zum Tumblr Live-Tab. Hier kannst du durch die Streams scrollen, die zu diesem Zeitpunkt live sind. Du findest die Livestreams auch oben auf deinem Dashboard, sie sind mit „Live“ gekennzeichnet.
Solange du sauber bleibst, kannst du alles streamen, worauf du Lust hast. Tippe dazu einfach auf den „Go Live!“-Button. Enten im Park, dein missratener Schneemann, dein gefroggter Pulli.
Streaming funktioniert sowohl mit der Front- als auch mit der Rückkamera. Wenn du also kamerascheu bist, kannst du streamen, ohne dein Gesicht zu zeigen.
Du kannst deinen treuesten Zuschauer:innen den Moderator:innen-Status verleihen. Sie können dir helfen, deinen Stream zu moderieren, während du live bist.
Du kannst auf jeden Live-Avatar tippen, um in ihren Stream zu gelangen – egal, ob du dem jeweiligen Blog folgst oder nicht.
Du kannst den Streamer:innen während ihres Streams kleine Geschenke schicken, wenn dir gefällt, was sie machen.
Du kannst deine Lieblingsstreamer:innen in einem speziellen Tab für später speichern.
Und das war’s für den Moment. Stell dir vor! Gaming-Livestreams! Buchclubs! Pilzzucht-Live-Übertragung! D’n’D-Kampagnen! Live-Kunstwerke! Hai-Fakten! GRWMs! Cosplay und Con-Casts! Strickstunde! Fotokurse! Erzählzeit! Pflanzenpflegetipps! Wohnzimmerkonzerte! Furby-Workshops! Museumsführungen! Krebse! (nur Krebse!)
Eine tolle neue Spielwiese ist da! Wir sind gespannt, was ihr euch einfallen lasst.
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Meine Geschichte mit der Welt der Videospiele, Teil 4
Mitte der 2000er veränderte sich die Reputation von Videospielen. Konsolen galten nicht mehr ausschließlich als Anlaufstelle für sozial Ausgemusterte und Amokläufer in spe. Plötzlich waren Oma und Opa im Fernsehen mit Wii-Fernbedienungen zu sehen. Und auch auf dem rasant wachsenden Smartphone-Markt fingerten Leute in Mobile-Games herum, die vor einigen Jahren Videospiele noch als den Untergang des Abendlandes verteufelten.
Entgegen aller Erwartung hatte sogar Release-Rainer pünktlich zum Deutschland-Launch eine Wii. Eigentlich wollte er mit dem Thema ja abschließen und sich nur noch Retro-Spielen widmen. Diese Spiele wurden in seinen Augen noch für „echte“ Spieler entwickelt - nicht für den Mainstream und dessen Großeltern. Dennoch hat er auf der Wii hauptsächlich gute Erfahrungen gemacht. Die neue Bewegungssteuerung war nicht immer perfekt, aber zumindest gab es mal wieder neue Erfahrungen im Einheitsbrei der letzten Spielejahre.
Auch der Nintendo DS war in dieser Zeit übrigens ein beliebter Begleiter von Rucksack-Rainer. Zwar hatte er auch einen Game Boy und einen Game Boy Advance besessen, aber diese Systeme hatten keinen nennenswerten Einfluss auf ihn gehabt. Auf dem NDS versteckten sich aus seiner Sicht jedoch einige der besten Spiele aller Zeiten – wenn man sie unter dem Berg aus Shovelware finden konnte, der leider die anderen 99% des Softwareangebots ausmachte.
2008 wurden die Fühler sogar mal ins Xbox-Lager ausgestreckt: Räuber-Rainer wollte unbedingt Grand Theft Auto IV spielen und die Xbox 360 war deutlich günstiger zu haben als eine PlayStation 3. Ein neuer Elektromarkt öffnete gleich um die Ecke und so konnte er in einem Eröffnungsangebot eine Xbox 360 inklusive Grand Theft Auto IV für schlappe 150 Euro abstauben. Der Spaß mit der Microsoft-Konsole sollte leider nicht von langer Dauer sein… aber mehr dazu gleich.
Insgesamt hatte er in den späten 2000ern mehr Zeit mit anderen Dingen verbracht. In einem schönen, aber zeitaufwendigen Job als Radio-Rainer und nach Feierabend als Rock’n’Rainer mit schäbiger Garagenpunkband unterwegs, war die Freizeit knapp geworden. Dennoch waren Videospiele nach wie vor ein beliebtes Hobby, wenn sich Puffer dafür fand.
Und um Hobby und Beruf unter einem Dach zu vereinen, gründete Radio-Rainer etwa 2009 die erste deutsche Radioshow, die sich komplett auf Videospiele spezialisierte (zumindest kann bis heute nicht das Gegenteil bewiesen werden). Es war zwar nicht die beste Sendung aller Zeiten, aber immerhin konnte Rezensions-Rainer einige Spiele als Testmuster von namhaften Publishern absahnen. Ende 2014 wurde die Sendung leider abgesetzt, weil sie durch die Einführung des Mindestlohns nicht mehr finanzierbar war…
Apropos schlechte Bezahlung: 2011 bis 2013 hatte Reseller-Rainer sogar noch einen Minijob bei einem sehr bekannten, sehr unbeliebten Fachhändler für Videospiele. Hier kaufte er zum Beispiel gebrauchte FIFA-Spiele für sieben Cent (!) an. Dafür wird er bestimmt irgendwann in die Hölle kommen. Trotzdem war diese Zeit sehr lustig. Mit Geschichten aus diesem Laden könnte man locker einen eigenen Blogeintrag füllen.
Die Arbeit bei diesem Händler führte u.a. dazu, dass er zu einem Spottpreis an eine PlayStation 3 und eine Wii U kam. Die Xbox 360 wurde gegen die PS3 eingetauscht, da das Exklusivangebot der Sony-Konsole am Ende doch wesentlich attraktiver war, als das von Microsofts System.
Der Launchtag der Wii U wird Reseller-Rainer wohl auch für immer in Erinnerung bleiben: In „seiner“ Filiale wurde kein einziges Exemplar verkauft. Und auch danach nicht… Dennoch wollte ein Kunde Anfang 2013 (also nur wenige Monate nach Release) seine Wii U im Laden verramschen. Er hatte bereits keinen Bock mehr auf die Konsole und wollte sie einfach nur loswerden. Rabatt-Rainer hatte hier seine Chance genutzt und sich das Ding für gerade mal 25% des aktuellen Verkaufspreises geschnappt. Das war immer noch ein besseres Angebot als der Kunde offiziell vom Unternehmen bekommen hätte!
Die große Begeisterung konnte die Wii U allerdings nicht auslösen. Nintendo schien wieder in ähnlich belanglose Gefilde abzudriften wie zu GameCube-Zeiten. Aber auch die Xbox One und PlayStation 4 boten vorerst keine wirklichen Kaufanreize. Das war jedoch alles halb so wild. Retro-Rainer könnte nun ja endlich seinen ursprünglichen Plan wieder aufgreifen und komplett auf Oldschool-Gaming setzen. Das Spieleangebot eines SNES oder einer PS1 würde schließlich auch für mehrere Menschenleben reichen.
Fortsetzung bald…
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Do you remember life as it was pre-internet and pre-smartphone? Is it something you are nostalgic for? What aspects of your life still are like the pre-internet days that you anticipate to stay that way (at least for 10 more years)?
Absolutely, because I experienced it. Specifically, the last few years before grasping PCs full-time in community college. Back then, my diaries weren't written with pen and paper. I hit ‘record’ on my tape deck and have it write it all for me. I listen to those cassettes (that I still have and have been all digitized) and they instantly return me to the alternative and hip-hop / rap's golden era; back when we had Biggie and 2Pac. The feelings were different. The style, the vibe, the type of people around me. There was this constant camaraderie because everyone was around you. I always had friends and plenty of moments within reach. Meeting people outside the neighborhood was way more interesting because they were the type mine didn't have.
Each song that I'm listing right now still gives me a very specific moment and feeling experienced by me, for me, and only me. Songs like Da Youngstas' "Hip-Hop Ride" and Stone Temple Pilot’s “Vasoline” when my family and I took the ferry to Mashantucket, listening to Crooklyn Dodgers' eponymous track on my Walkman when I walked home from school, or Soundgarden's "Black Hole Sun" as a bargaining chip to win the favor of girls from another neighborhood. Notorious B.I.G. & Method Man “The What” and O.C.’s “Time’s Up” were the soundtrack to when I spent a week in Staten Island with my then-hood cousins. Sitting on my friend’s curb while listening to The Doors' "Light My Fire", or hearing Cutmasta D.C.’s “Brooklyn’s In The House” while I was crushing on someone I never met before. I can go on ad infinitum. The music meant so much to me that I started making seasonal mixtapes to revisit those moments anytime I want. Those feels still get to me to this day. I could also say the same for VHS. I literally have hundreds of tapes stored with me. It was a race to record every Philadelphia deathmatch and classic (Seventies and Eighties) game show because us fans feared they’d be lost forever. All of us has some Marion Stokes in us. Some more than others. I still kept hitting ‘record’ while I began record-shopping and found rare titles through backpage catalogs, bought compilations and magazines to discover new artists, and relied on word-of-mouth and mixtape trades amongst friends. This was what music-chasers had before MP3s amplified it all for everyone, including myself.
Even gaming. Going out of your way to the video store and literally borrow or buy and keep physical games - the solid state-era. Fighters were so much fun when you had everyone on the block at your house with no actual fist-fights and crucial shit broken. Or, having a literal crowd of people surrounding you during a one-on-one at Street Fighter found at every pizzeria, stationery, or laundromat. Human interaction was king back then. It was somewhat of a less toxic aura of life before smartphones, social media, or downloading took the mystique out of everything we experience now and poisoned us with repetition re-enforcement.
Now? We’re all used to it. It’s routine for everyone. The same ubiquitous being shoves all the world’s ills and hard pills to swallow down your throat while giving you an equal amount of solace, wisdom, and outreach in return. We traded in all the mystique of discovering things we once never knew of for the convenience of finding and getting what we want, when we want - with quick decisions to boot. We’ve taken it for granted. I still do everything I’ve done timelines ago, albeit differently now. I’ve always stayed in touch with the past while always moving forward and grasping the moments ahead.
Things changed when my uncle gifted my dad a Dell desktop and monitor. He loved free music. We were surprised that we could get anything we wanted instantly. We never looked back since. My music knowledge exponentially exploded through the roof thanks to the digital tide. Still does. I’ve always appreciated the classic synthpop, industrial, golden-era hip-hop / rap, alternative, hardcore, and electronic era while staying in touch with sampling, and discovering d.i.y., synthwave, noise, d-beat, indie, metalcore, long-lost African tapes, and deafening shoegaze over the last few years.
Discoveries of the last calendar decade are part of my current experiences. I can hear Crystal Castle’s “Pap Smear” in my head every time I drive to the radio station in cold Winter nights. The sounds of Suicide’s “Cheree” marked the time I re-connected with a former potential. L.I.E.S. Music For Shut-Ins, Dum Dum Girls’ “Bhang Bhang”, and Tantor’s “Niedernwöhren” stamped my time in Lindenhurst, Hauppage, and Ronkonkoma respectively. Bereket Mengistaab’s “Lebay”, Antwon’s “Helicopter”, and Gong Gong Gong’s “Siren” defined all the walks to the neighborhood veteran’s park. Black Marble’s “A Great Design” forever reminds me of that sunny June day in Greenpoint waiting in line to see Cold Cave. Both pandemic shut-ins and a day out with a mutual / potential would meet at Jade Imagine’s “Remote Control” and Eddie Russ’ “Zaius”. Yard Act’s “Dark Days” for the pinball arcade revival and the drive out to Williamsburg’s Rough Trade. And how can I forget Blonde Redhead’s “Melody Experiment” to mark a triple crown September weekend of family reunions in Staten Island, Cold Waves XI, and a drop-dead birthday gift from one of my all-time favorites?
I still spend hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars carefree on vinyl, cassettes, and discs while acquiring and salvaging everything digitally. No more magazines, replaced with tons of music sites and outlets. (Again, downloading and the endless-open of accessing sounds made it too easy.). You used to buy blind at the record store and be totally walloped at something you never imagined before. Now, you’ll find it everywhere online with no effort. Have all the free cards, spins, and rolls you want. I remember making my first online order ages ago, and smelled the production those fresh packages of vinyl records and discs in the mail. I’ll still purchase rare musicks online that I won’t find in stores.
Backseat rides with Walkmans were replaced with iPods and now iPhones on train lines to New York City; allowing me to carry flat, faceless MP3s rather than physical art, liner notes, thank-yous, and that sugary smell of plastic, booklets, and J-cards. It all still produces new memories and visions to this day. The mixtapes were replaced by CD-R’s for a few years before creating simple personal playlists I still make to this day.
Former childhood memories of opening / closing credits and themes, station i.d.’s, production credits, commercials, and chyrons are re-captured again with a quick rip. Most of the essential shows of my wasted youth becamse a few keywords away. Emulation leaves the door open to an era when it was simpler, more charming, and fun. Not today with the endless parade of stoic first-person shooters devoid of personality and micro-transactions nickel-and-dime you while providing misogyny / misandry, endless shit-talking, swatting, and fault-finding in everyone - all enjoyed by your lonesome online.
So many people assumed that vinyl records, cassettes, and video / pinball arcades fell into the wayside because of “better” technology. They surged back because we still appreciate and want the real thing. We’ve done a great job carrying everything over digitally and still kept it all.
Oh, I almost forgot. About people:
We’ve been facing technology as a double-edge sword bringing out the best and worst out of all of us, pushing out everything for the whole world to see. Remember what I mentioned earlier about one hand poisoning you while the other cures?
It’s amplified world ills that always existed but made more apparent: rigged elections, the media selling war and dictatorships, disinformation, online gambling, political division, trauma and desensitization of violence and sex, losing privacy - all in an accelerated rate. We worried more about it now, now more than ever.
We never stressed over constant triggers, reminders, fear of missing out, or seeing your life in stasis as friends, families, rivals, and enemies move on (as a form of unintentional competition) like we do now. We shelve daylight and beautiful days for the hypnotism of constant mind-numbing updates, communication, and lethargy. Or, how young girls are constantly told they’re not good enough, learn about the double-standard, be gaslighted, or put themselves out there all-or-nothing to be noticed.
Dating was way easier back then because we didn’t have the bad ideas we have now. Dating sites created a power to pick and choose easily who our next potential or interest is; for winners to treat people like a commodity, dispose of, and ghost them. A comedy of errors for the losers starring broken-down self-esteem and self-confidence, paranoia, blatant intentions, loneliness, and game-playing more apparent. All the hands played are face up and for all to see. Draw, play, and discard at will.
It used to be that you wouldn’t know or believe what former classmates, co-workers, significants, or associates were up to through hearsay. Now it’s all within reach. Imagine being floored when you see your exes- have families, kids, or criminal records. Feel the sting when former #1’s smile with their new partners, or be totally surprised when others lives didn’t turn out as expected. Careers, money, marriage, relationships, adventures, accomplishments, births, deaths, suicides. Some have made you feel vindicated, at level with your peers, heartbroken, or missing out while everyone moves forward.
We throw rocks at people or hurt feelings from a distance, run, and get away with it. We pick and choose who lives and careers we can ruin in an instant, who to ridicule, or define someone with a ten-second meme for the rest of their lives. Or the many new ways people in general can be nasty towards each other. There’s so much bitterness, one-upsmanship, snarkiness, and manufactured drama because we allowed (social) media to run our minds for us. No middle-ground. Pick a side and vilify anyone who disagrees with you because we’re always right, even when we’re wrong. Demonize those who do the same things you do as well. It’s made us into miserable troublesome animals.
Life for me has been so different since the divide that I’ve experienced quite a few events I normally wouldn’t. I started using this hellsite years ago to create an online journalism portfolio - which later on became a place for design, writing, and photography. It’s allowed me to document my time in radio (WUSB) and also show everyone how diverse, original, and open I am about myself and music. I love the gratification when someone reaches out to me about a favorite artist or record, and I love sharing some rare or obscure things only I know about that no one else does. It’s made what I do a unique experience.
I’ve met mutuals that I’d never even thought I’d ever meet (including two from my neighborhood!). There’s specific mutuals who untapped my potential, who I’d do wonderful things for that I wouldn’t for anyone else. These are the same people who I learned to trust and allowed me to be open with, minus the hair-trigger persecution, judgment, and ridicule from the rest. I keep my lines open for my closest ones trapped in destructive addiction, anxiety, bi-polarity, and isolation.
I’ve taken social and world events more seriously. It’s made me to give support who are worse off than me, to have compassion for people, to see opposite side of things, and recognize the real from fake. I have no patience for sensationalist tabloid garbage or the new reverse of ‘fake news’, and go right to what really matters to me: police brutality, the ongoing Palestine / Israel war, LGBTA rights, women’s rights, and other issues at hand.
I returned to my childhood I once abandoned since YouTube was very young. I constantly find everything jazz, sample, and crate-digging from that era to stay in touch with who I am.
Not even ten years ago, I couldn’t even fathom the concept of working at home. I left a decade of physical retail to do remote sales, and still stayed with the company to keep my health insurance, savings, and my time-off. I don’t deal with people’s attitudes, awkward interactions, or be forced into uneasy situations anymore. A literal live-saver.
Conversely, the post-internet era had introduced some hardcore pain in my life. I had one instance when a local mutual I wanted to meet tore my heart right out. Real bad. She’s why my journey into anxiety, depression, and mental health advocacy all started. No thanks to her. Another potential I met entered into my life thanks to social media (pre-Hellsite). She was someone who later on became an addict and I dated her for three months. She dumped me and burned her bridges when her boyfriend overdosed and died. I’ve also reached out to interests and potentials whom I made plans with; only for them to cancel at the very last minute. Their actions left me a “what-if” moment that’ll stay with me forever. It’s an all-or-nothing game we’re faced to play if we want to win. I look back and ended up accepting things I used to be dismissive of, and learned some things about myself I never expected to.
Yeah. Crazy to think that we experienced a change in our lifetimes - a Pandora’s Box - that we can never close. What used to be a novelty is now the norm, and what we used to take for granted is now a novelty in itself (the Othello effect). I know all these major constants will continue on, through whatever form or favor they become. Lord only knows what it will be. Place your bets now. **********
You’re more than free to ask me the same question again in 25 years. By then, you might ask me if I remember life as it was pre-dictatorship, what I’m nostalgic for, and what aspects of my life have stayed the same since. Count your lucky stars we don’t end up there.
#thank you#personal#time#ask#wow#gambling#music#dating#politics#opinion#gaming#video#whoa#yikes#jeez#omega#our lady omega
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I dunno what it is, but I keep wanting to come back to this site. It was such a cozy place with only a few hundred people looking my way, but it was my little corner of the Internet.
Previous times I’ve tried to post stuff since they’ve relaxed a bit on naughty stuff has led them to constantly ban and then un-ban me for what I can only assume was me trying to promote my other socials as links they saw as spam? I don’t even know how this place functions anymore beyond the tags, to be honest.
But hey, I’ve got quite a backlog to post here if Tumblr doesn’t flag me again for “spam” or whatever. Hi to anyone who sees this; I know some of you never came back, and you’re likely the smart ones.
But there was something simple about this place that Xitter never gave me. I’ve never quite “clicked” over there, trying to promote friends’ art only got me flagged and my stuff always gets ignored cuz I don’t play Algorithm games and I likely suck compared to everyone else. dA is still around technically with what I think is my biggest consistent audience, but they don’t actually allow deviancy past a certain point and they have some pretty silly and stupid rules. Pixiv likes me enough but it’s very quiet over there, partially to the language barrier for a chunk of the users, but I should post more there too since everyone’s nice over there.
Everywhere else is just kinda there. I missed the audience I used to have here - random asks on art prompts, nice words of encouragement every few months, meeting new folks who’ve become friends with me on Discord and still am. Place was a small vibe and easy to browse randomly on smartphones, as it is to type up random thoughts like I’m doing now.
I’ll see if I can schedule some of my art again, most of my stuff is still technically allowed here with proper tags, but I suppose I’ll see. You never know when or where someone’ll find you, so it doesn’t hurt to be posting in places when I have the spare time.
Here’s to simpler times and a me who used to be excited to draw for random people again on a whim.
#ramblings#seriously#hi to anyone who actually sees this#life as an artist was simpler before this place blew up and I became apathetic#not that I take for granted my audience I do have now wherever it is#it’s just.. tiring#hopefully a shift in how I go about things gets me excited to draw like I used to when I thought I was doing okay on Twitter years back#sometimes you just wanna draw to draw but remember nobody else will care#I should listen to that part of my head that says ��just do it for you then’#it’ll all work out#everything will be fine
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1- DARK MODE : https://modthesims.info/d/669357/dark-mode-ui.html
2- CÂMERA MODE : https://modthesims.info/download.php?t=536953
3- IPHONE 12- https://blog.naver.com/shj6819/222852996273
4- BETA WallPaper Override Vol.1 : https://www.patreon.com/posts/beta-wallpaper-1-70990566
5- Alternate Phone Icons : https://kuttoe.itch.io/mini-mods-small-additions
6- TS4: BTS Sansung S20 : https://www.patreon.com/posts/ts4-bts-sansung-58294880?utm_medium=social&utm_source=pinterest&utm_campaign=postshare&epik=dj0yJnU9X2hLcEJha0Nmek5zQkUteHVnOXJIdGdYbE53d2UzbkImcD0wJm49dG56bjdoblRwVnNxZXlucEtrSWRPUSZ0PUFBQUFBR09IWUNj
7- Phone Nokia 3310 : https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-sets-objects-miscellaneous/title/default-replacement-phone-nokia-3310/id/1574991/
8- Smartphone Override : https://modthesims.info/d/651021/h-amp-b-star5g-smartphone-override-choose-only-one.html
9- FLIP PHONE : https://www.patreon.com/posts/flip-phone-phone-44142122?utm_medium=social&utm_source=pinterest&utm_campaign=postshare&epik=dj0yJnU9dkpiMDhmeG5HSnFtUVgta1ZoVWlyX1RwRW02TERKeG0mcD0wJm49TEx4S3hsRDA5V0w3aWJiME5ob3d2dyZ0PUFBQUFBR09IZzM4
10- OVERRIDE AIRPODS : https://blog.naver.com/shj6819/222872059182
11- PAIRED SELFIE : https://www.patreon.com/posts/pairedselfie-71413780
12- SINGLE SELFIE : https://www.patreon.com/posts/singleselfie-01-72016040
💜🖤BEBÊS 💜🖤
13- BETTER BABIES : https://www.patreon.com/posts/better-babies-73690664
14- EOUPINHAS DE BEBÊ: https://www.patreon.com/posts/fluffy-bear-73721727
15- MAMADEIRA DEFAULT : https://www.patreon.com/posts/baby-bottle-49133809
16- SUBSTITUIÇÃO COMIDAS JOGO BASE OPÇÃO 1 : https://yakfarmcreations.tistory.com/2?category=747918
17- UTOPIA SIMS SUBSTITUIÇÃO COMIDAS JOGO BASE E POR PACOTES OPÇÃO 2 : https://utopiamordor.blogspot.com/2019/03/blog-post.html
18- SUBSTITUIÇÃO LOUÇA DO JOGO : https://blog.naver.com/PostThumbnailView.nhn?isHttpsRedirect=true&blogId=luz_estrella&logNo=220979161952
19- SUBSTITUIÇÃO GARFO E COLHER: https://yakfarmcreations.tistory.com/8?category=747918
20- PRATOS SUJOS QUANDO TERMINAR DE COMER : https://www.patreon.com/posts/30912062
21- SUBSTITUIÇÃO ESPONJA : https://www.patreon.com/posts/ellcrzes-sponge-74614599
22- SUBSTITUIÇÃO COMIDA DA ESCOLA OPÇÃO 1 : https://www.patreon.com/posts/high-school-food-70196022
23- SUBSTITUIÇÃO COMIDA DA ESCOLA OPÇÃO 2 : https://www.patreon.com/posts/ts4-korean-high-70158590
24- SUBSTITUIÇÃO JOGOS DE PC : https://www.patreon.com/posts/33560276
25- SUBSTITUIÇÃO CONTROLE REMOTO : https://modthesims.info/d/641597/default-replacement-remote-control.html
26- SUBSTITUIÇÃO PROGRAMAS DE TV : https://midnitehearts.tumblr.com/post/190681550432/ultimate-movie-mod-for-the-sims-4-this-is-my
27- PS5 : https://modthesims.info/d/650136/sony-ps5-set-functional.html
28- CONTROLE PS5 : https://modthesims.info/d/650139/ps5-dualsense-controller-override-functional.html
29- SUBSTITUIÇÃO JOGOS : https://modthesims.info/d/650684/better-console-games-ps5-edition.html
30- SUBSTITUIÇÃO DOS CARROS : https://blvck-life-simz.tumblr.com/post/643971826601574400/bls-default-vehicle-replacements-basegame
31- SUBSTITUIÇÃO CARTAS : https://yakfarmcreations.tistory.com/35?category=747918
32- SUBSTITUIÇÃO ANIMAÇÕES : https://www.patreon.com/posts/small-mods-69121597
33- DORMIR ABRAÇADO : https://www.patreon.com/posts/bed-cuddle-v1c-62839468
34- NO ZZZZZZ : https://modthesims.info/d/540287/no-zzz-for-sims-4.html
35- ANIMAÇÕES PÓS OBA OBA : https://modthesims.info/d/577758/pillow-talk-after-woohoo-1-18.html
36- PLUMBOB MENOR : https://www.patreon.com/posts/44267079
37- SEM PLUMBOB : https://www.patreon.com/posts/missing-plumbob-55021084
38- MOSAICO MENOR : https://modthesims.info/d/599715/smaller-censor-toddler-update.html
39- SUBSTITUIÇÃO NEVE : https://modthesims.info/d/637604
40- SUBSTITUIÇÃO NUVENS : https://www.patreon.com/posts/57436640
41- SUBSTITUIÇÃO ROUPA DONA MORTE 1 : https://alectorcc.tumblr.com/post/617927939873488896/first-of-all-the-skull-hood-mesh-and-texture
42- SUBSTITUIÇÃO ROUPA DONA MORTE 2: https://modthesims.info/d/637326/grim-reaper-default-replacement.html
43- SUBSTITUIÇÃO TÚMULO / URNA : https://modthesims.info/download.php?t=563676
44- SUBSTITUIÇÃO MUNDO DOS VAMPIROS : https://alectorcc.tumblr.com/post/617372813000671232/heres-a-longer-project-of-mine-of-retexturing
45- SUBSTITUIÇÃO PLASMA VERMELHO : https://www.patreon.com/posts/red-plasma-fruit-24989476?utm_medium=post_notification_email&utm_source=post_link&utm_campaign=patron_engagement&epik=dj0yJnU9N0lRQjdDeEhiS2MwNHhtMHM1T3pkNjE2LUZxNUpQU0ImcD0wJm49RlBTbi1aVUdVNERjeXVJcGtSZFJUZyZ0PUFBQUFBR09IWG1n
46- SUBSTITUIÇÃO DA LUA : https://yakfarmcreations.tistory.com/63
47- SUBSTITUIÇÃO ROUPA DO PAPAI INVERNO : https://modthesims.info/d/637481/father-winter-as-santa-a-default-replacement.html
48- SUBSTITUIÇÃO PACOTE DE CAFÉ : https://www.patreon.com/posts/ts4-coffee-bag-71889089
49- SUBSTITUIÇÃO PIZZA : https://www.patreon.com/posts/52899645?epik=dj0yJnU9VzRkRHNKMVItdXBLWDF1VkprSkc3TndyY0VFdUl2bGEmcD0wJm49clk3SXlUVmR0VXgyR0ZXQ0RscnRxZyZ0PUFBQUFBR09IeDlR
50- SUBSTITUIÇÃO PACOTE DE COMPRAS : https://www.patreon.com/posts/realistic-bag-54587402
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Notebook com SSD: as melhores ofertas estão no KaBuM!
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Sie nennen uns heute manchmal verächtlich lächelnd "die Ollen, die Ältesten oder Senioren und Generation X ...“
Wir wurden in den 60ern und 70ern geboren.
Wir sind in den 70ern und 80ern aufgewachsen.
Wir haben in den 70er-80ern gelernt.
Wir waren zusammen in den 70er-80er-90ern zusammen ausgegangen.
Wir haben geheiratet und die Welt in den 70er-80er-90ern entdeckt.
Wir haben uns in die 80er-90er gewagt.
Wir haben uns in den 2000ern stabilisiert. Ab ca.
2010 sind wir dann fast alle weiser geworden.
Und wir gehen nun schon stark über die 2020 hinaus.
Fühlt sich nicht nur an, als würden wir in verschiedenen Jahrzehnten gelebt haben, in ZWEI verschiedene Jahrhunderten als
ZWEI Millennials gleichsam und doch auch getrennt.
Wir sind vom Telefon mit einem Fernanrufer zu einem Videoanruf überall auf der Welt übergegangen.
Wir sind von Dias zu YouTube übergestiegen, von Vinylplatten zu Online-Musik, von handgeschriebenen Briefen zu Fax, E-Mails, WhatsApp und Viber.
Vom Live Game Radio, zum Filme Apparat, Fotokassetten und Polaroid Kameras, vom Schwarz-Weiß TV bis zum Farbfernsehen über den Beamer und das Autokino und nun auch noch bis zum 3D HD Plasma TV sind wir auch gekommen.
Wir waren im Plattenladen, im Kassetten und VC Store und können jetzt Netflix oder z B. Prime gucken.
Wir haben die ersten Computer angetroffen, kennen noch Lochkarten, Disketten und jetzt haben wir Gigabytes und Megabytes auf unseren Smartphones.
Wir haben in Tante Emmas Laden alles bekommen was man zum Leben im Alltag oder für Schule, Küche, Garten und Beruf brauchte, gingen später in Supermärkte oder kauften per Teleshop und Katalog. Heute kaufen wir innerhalb weniger Stunden oder in 2-3 Tagen im Internet auf Verkaufsplattformen, auch weltweit ein.
Wir lasen spannende oder lehrreiche Bücher und verschiedene Comics, dafür lassen wir uns jetzt per KI und Hörbuch oder Podcast berieseln, oder gleich mit 3 D Brillen und Heimkinos in andere Welten als Holodeck Illusion entführen.
Wir trugen Shorts und Strumpfhosen, Gummistiefel und Moonboots, Jesuslatschen und Ballerinas, vor allem aber auch Lederhosen und blutige Knie durch die gesamte Kindheit und dann folgten Hosen als sexy Shorts, Oxford, Raketen, Karotten, Satin bis hin zur glitzernden Klamotte mit Shirt, Stiefeln, Röcken eng, weit, lang kurz auch für Männer, oder Wickel-Tücher als Strand Klamotte oder asiatischen bis orientalischen Winterschal, heute Babytücher als Tragen.
Cord, Knautschlack, Leder und Pelze, Teddyflausch oder Papier und Frottée als Stoffe und meist in schwarzen, selten farbigen oder gemusterten, aber immer wieder in jeglichen blauen Jeans liefen wir herum.
Wir haben Polio, Meningitis, Mumps, Masern, Röteln, Scharlach Windpocken, Ringelröteln, Kopf-Hand-Fuß Krankheit, Allergien, Tuberkulose, Schweinegrippe und sogar COVID-19 so gut es ging meist vermieden - und bis jetzt zumindest *überlebt*!
Früher sind wir Schlittschuhe, Dreiräder, Fahrräder, Mopeds, Benzin- oder Dieselautos gefahren und jetzt fahren manche Hybride oder Elektro, oder heben gleich mit Schnellzug, Helikopter oder Drohnen, sogar Raketen, U-Boot Kapseln und Fliegern ab in nahe Orte und ferne Länder.
Ja, wir haben viel erlebt, und was für ein prallvolles Leben mit und ohne Familien oder mit Kindern und/oder Kleintieren jeder Art gehabt.
Der Rest der Menschheit könnte uns tatsächlich als „vorbildlich“ und auf unsere Weise „speziell und talentiert“ bezeichnen, Menschen, die in dieser Welt der „Sechziger“ geboren wurden, die eine komplett analoge Kindheit und ein digitales Erwachsensein kreativ erlernt, entwickelt und verknüpft gelebt haben.
Du und wir alle irgendwie so:
"Ich habe fast alles erlebt und gefühlt und gesehen"!
Unsere Generation hat buchstäblich mehr als jeder andere in allen Lebenslagen gelebt, erlebt und geholfen zu erleben.
Es ist unsere Generation, die sich buchstäblich an "VERÄNDERUNG" stets flexibel angepasst hat.
Ein großes Lob an alle Mitglieder dieser ganz besonderen Generation, die auch für immer EINZIGARTIG sein wird!
Ich so:
„Ja, wir sind etwas SEHR BESONDERES und werden es immer BLEIBEN und sein!“
Fragt sich nur, ob wir es wie früher im Bushäuschen, der Telefonzelle oder im Jugendclub feiern, oder doch jeder einsam für sich auf seinem PC oder Fernsehsessel mit uns allen verbunden?!
Ich bin für ein Bushäuschen Treffen und dann mal wieder die Radios über die Schulter als Big-Musikbox getragen, oder den Walkman ins Ohr geschraubt und dann:
(unbekannter Autor) *** Netzfund ***, aber von mir - CWG - verschlimmbessert.
…. Vorher aber schon für sehr gut befunden, kopierend gemoppst und für euch aufgehübscht, ergänzt und hier gepostet!
AUF UNS, DIE GOLDEN BOYS SND GIRLS - oder heute eben einfach die
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Day 377 : Christmas present voiceline!
Mao :
Merry Christmas, this is the handkerchief I sewed myself..... I'll give to you. I learned how to make it from my senpais but it's not well made how embarrassing...
Food court : I'm hungry let's get something to eat!
Hokuto :
The other day I learned how to make silver accessories. It turned out pretty well so I'd thought I'd give to you as a christmas present.
General store : A hot water bottle...
It's warm, I recommend it.
Subaru :
Ta-da~☆ My present is a hat matching with mine!, Wouldn't it'll be fun to wear them together? it's like we're on the same team!
General store : Look look, this figure looks just like Daikichi ~☆
Makoto :
Here's my present for producer-chan. I prepared a orignial smartphone case! Umm will you accept it?
General store : I wanna try playing board games once in a while���
#enstars#mao isara#makoto yuuki#subaru akehoshi#hokuto hidaka#mao r u a full anime girl from a shojo??#TL NOTES : the senpais that mao talks abt are problably shu and kuro (roomates shenanigans) and hokuto learned from CRAFTMONTER i think#also yea i forgor the screenshot from subaru little chibi... i love the little sound effect of the walking its so cute#Trickstar
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Sachsens Mister Hollywood verzückt Hohnstein
Filmstar Tom Wlaschiha, bekannt aus "Game of Thrones", las am Wochenende aus dem Buch zur Serie. Fans konnten ihm dabei ganz nah sein.
Von Simon Lehnerer
Besonderes Foto: Tom Wlaschiha (vorn rechts) lichtet sich und seine Fans mit deren Smartphone ab.© Daniel Förster
Schon 30 Minuten vor dem Beginn ist der Saal im Theater bis auf wenige Plätze komplett gefüllt. Als der Mann des Abends ganz leger in dunkler Jeans und schwarzem Pullover die Bühne betritt, applaudieren die Zuschauer, alle hängen gebannt an seinen Lippen. "Ich freue mich hier zu sein, das ist ja quasi ein Heimspiel", sagt er und lächelt verschmitzt.
Der Mann, der grinsend vor ihnen steht, ist Tom Wlaschiha, Schauspieler, Hollywood-Star. Seit längerer Zeit gastierte er am Wochenende wieder in seiner sächsischen Heimat und las im Max-Jacob-Theater in Hohnstein aus dem vierten Band der Romanreihe "Ein Lied von Eis und Feuer" des US-amerikanischen Autors George R. R. Martin, das als Fantasy-Serie "Game of Thrones" verfilmt wurde. Neben Autogrammen und Fotos durften sich die Fans auf eine offene Fragerunde freuen, in der tatsächlich etwas aus dem Nähkästchen geplaudert wurde. Der Serienstar erzählt dabei, was er gern unternimmt, wenn er in Sachsen ist, wie er zu seinen Rollen in den Serien "Game of Thrones" und "Stranger Things" kam und was ein deutsches von einem amerikanischen Filmset unterscheidet.
Ines von Bardeleben, Mitglied des Traditionsvereins "Hohnsteiner Kasper" begrüßt die Gäste sehr herzlich, dann betritt der Stargast unter dem tosenden Applaus des Publikums die Bühne. Tom Wlaschiha ist geboren in Dohna, aufgewachsen in Neustadt in Sachsen und saß als Kind selbst schon als Zuschauer im Hohnsteiner Theater. Nach dem Abitur besuchte er von 1992 bis 1996 die Hochschule für Musik und Theater "Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy" in Leipzig und arbeitete danach für drei Jahre am "Theater der jungen Generation" in Dresden. Nach einigen deutschen Produktionen hatte er 2012 seinen internationalen Durchbruch in Film und Fernsehen mit der Rolle des Jaqen H'ghar in der Serie Game of Thrones - aus dessen Buchvorlage er nun vorlesen wollte.
Ein Star zum Anfassen
Wlaschiha führt zunächst die Zuhörer in die Welt von Westeros ein, wie der fiktive Kontinent im Buch und Film heißt. Dann steigt er in eine Szene der Geschichte ein, in der auch eben jene Figur vorkommt, welche er in der Verfilmung von Martins Roman-Epos verkörpert. Seine ruhige, warme Stimme zieht die Zuhörer direkt in seinen Bann und der ganze Saal lauscht andächtig. Danach ist für ihn eine kurze Pause eingeplant, doch dem sächsischen Schauspieler bleibt nicht viel Zeit zum Durchatmen - denn es hat sich bereits nach wenigen Sekunden eine Schlange gebildet, in der seine Fans geduldig für ein Foto mit ihm anstehen. Doch das ist kein Problem für Tom Wlaschiha. Bis wirklich jeder ein Erinnerungsbild geknipst hat, steht er freundlich bereit und posiert.
Russisch-Kenntnisse bescheren eine Serienrolle
Anschließend beginnt eine offene Fragerunde, bei der die Zuhörer den Schauspieler Löcher in den Bauch fragen. Anfangs noch verhalten, entwickelt sich nach kurzer Zeit immer wieder fast ein kleiner Dialog zwischen Wlaschiha und einzelnen Zuschauern, die oft mehr als nur eine Frage an ihn haben. Ein Fan will beispielsweise wissen, wie er sich für die Rollen in den erfolgreichen Serien Game of Thrones (GoT) und Stranger Things beworben hat.
"Ich habe ja drei Agenturen in Deutschland, Großbritannien und in den USA, die Angebote bekommen, wenn Schauspieler gesucht werden, die Agenten können mich dann entsprechend vorschlagen. Bei GoT hatte ich eine Szene zugeschickt bekommen, die ich spielen sollte und nahm ein sogenanntes Selftape auf, also ein selbstgedrehtes Video. Das schickte ich an die Produzenten, und kurze Zeit später wurde ich nach Belfast in die Studios eingeladen, in denen GoT gedreht wurde. Bei Stranger Things hatte ich den Vorteil, dass ich in der Schule Russisch hatte und sie für die Rolle einen Schauspieler suchten, der Russisch sprach", verrät Wlaschiha. Er gibt zudem preis, dass seine Figur des sowjetischen Gefängniswärters Dmitri Antonov ursprünglich schon nach zwei Folgen sterben sollte, jedoch schrieben die Autoren die Handlung um, sodass Wlaschiha noch länger Teil der Serie bleiben konnte.
Oft bei seinen Eltern in Neustadt
Dazu passend fragt jemand aus dem Publikum, welche Unterschiede es an deutschen und amerikanischen Filmsets gibt. "In US-Produktionen sitzen die Autoren fast immer mit am Set, wodurch sie den Spielraum haben, die Handlung auf die Szenen und Schauspieler nochmals anzupassen. In Deutschland ändern die Produzenten nicht einfach mal etwas, wenn es schon als fertiges Skript abgenommen wurde. Dann müsste man zuerst über mehrere Ecken Rücksprache halten", erzählt Wlaschiha.
Ein Mann aus dem Publikum fragt, wie oft Wlaschiha noch in Sachsen sei. "Meine Eltern wohnen ja in Neustadt, weshalb ich natürlich immer wieder mal da bin. Dann treffe ich mich auch gern mit Freunden und mache einen Tagesausflug zum Wandern in die Sächsische Schweiz", erzählt er. Der Schauspieler wirkt trotz des Erfolges sehr bodenständig, nahbar und sympathisch - und ist sicherlich auch deshalb so beliebt. Zum Abschluss des Abends bekommt Wlaschiha als Dankeschön noch einen originalen Kasper aus dem Puppen-Repertoire des Max-Jacob-Theaters geschenkt. Dann verabschiedet er sich, begleitet vom frenetischen Applaus der Fans.
IG simonlehnerer - 12th February 2023
Gestern war @gameofthrones und @strangerthingstv Schauspieler Tom Wlaschiha für eine Lesung in seiner sächsischen Heimat. Ich durfte als Reporter dabei sein - der Artikel erscheint noch heute auf @saechsische.de 😇🗞️
#tom wlaschiha#max jacob theater#hohnstein#sächsische schweiz#game of thrones reading#february 2023#article#german language
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A Nokia vintage phone (from the 90s) [feat. my Paper Dolls]
🟢dA Version [CLICK ME!]🟢(1st image edited)
Hello, here's yet another vintage item to share. ����
1st to 8th Image(s): ↑
• When you hear the word "Nokia", we all remember the legendary and mighty old "3310", right? Also, don't think about the modern 3310 counterpart.❌ Nonetheless, let's not talk about that, for now. As I still hop on the nostalgia train, let's talk about this 1990s phone, particularly the 1992 Nokia model 104. 📱📶
9th to 11th Image(s): ↑
• This old brick phone was used by my late related grandparent(s), who passed away either a long time ago or during the pandemic lockdown (year 2020). I'm not sure which is which, but... Nevertheless, as for the phone itself, the condition was very well (same goes to the leather case) albeit with some minor damage and an old-greenish battery cell smudge still there (inside and out). It's completely busted, and there's no chance to replace or fix it owing to its lifespan. Also, the only I remember was my mom using an old Motorola phone before she transferred to a Nokia 5110 phone, which is still there in her possession, so I'll share it with you, this October. Her 5110, on the other hand, I'm not so sure if she has that or long forgotten. 🤔
12th to 17th Image(s): ↑
• Here's a little comparison between a brick 90s Nokia phone and my current modern Honor (8C) smartphone. It evolves from bulky to slimline. 📱📲
• No doubt that the 90s still rocking on the heavy-duty brick phones before they gradually smaller and adding slide/flip covers years later, not to mention the beepers are still in 90s tech. And the latter made it there when I was a little toddler holding a beeper and playing with it. 👶 I still didn't know how to use that mini cellular device until my adolescent age 🧑(when smartphones were on the range, and old 90s tech already became a "collector's item" status). Still, the '90s was a great time for hanging out with friends, and awesome things to see, and their commercials were memorable than before and our current year. Internet in the 90s was in the toddler stage, but who needs that when we go outside and play physically (rather than playing app games on our modern cell devices) without trolling, cyberbullying, or any negative activities with the rise of the adult stage internet. Ah yeah, good times. 😌
18th to 21st Image(s): ↑
• Chowder and Panini thinks that this old phone reminds them of Schnitzel's phone. Hmmm... You think? 🤔 Is Schnitzel owned a cellphone before? No, not at all.
Well, that’s all for now! And the end of my topic.
If you haven’t seen my previous topic, then please click down below. ↓
• RIP My GPU Card (7/24/23) • My Family's Old Film Camera (from the 90s)
Tagged: @lordromulus90, @bryan360, @carmenramcat, @leapant, @rafacaz4lisam2k4, @alexander1301, @paektu
#GIMP#My Photos#My Photo#MyPhotos#MyPhoto#Photos#Photo#My Edited#My Edit#MyEdited#MyEdit#Edited#Edit#Chowder#Panini#Paper Dolls#Nostalgia#Nokia#Nokia Phone#Nokia Model 104#Nokia 104 Phone#Nokia 104#Cellphone#Cellular Phone#Photography
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this is the poll where i feel like the most people will have no thoughts so there's the no thoughts button-
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I saw Tisakorean live last week. I did not pay attention to the openers until right before the show started, but was blown away at the lineup: Texas Boyz, Yung Nation, and Trill Sammy with Dice Soho were the big names. Across these acts, you can draw a line from them to Tisakorean's new music. It was an incredible blend of circa-2011 blog-rap nostalgia that called to mind in the best way my nights at small sweaty clubs seeing eight rappers in a row over the course of four hours.
I don't know if you've seen the videos of Soulja Boy snapping, but I clocked it as a reaction to what Tisakorean is doing. It speaks to a trend/zeitgeist: concurrent to this is the embarrassing efforts to make "indie sleaze" a thing, which confusingly throws all manner of sounds and aesthetics anywhere from about 2004 to 2010 into a blender. The Dare kinda sound like LCD Soundsystem but they also remind me of mid-'00s detritus like The Bravery. I sense the same era rap music creeping on the margins: Homer Radio featured a slew of snap/dance music in a recent episode (#23, from April); indie sleaze nostalgia combined with "blog rap" podcasts point toward an endpoint destined to go just a few eras backward in time; the fact that 2003 was twenty years ago; this Druski skit that dropped the day I drafted this; and yes, Tisakorean's masterful album, Let Me Update My Status.
When Tisa appeared on the national stage in 2018, I thought he was riding the wave of a trend: regional dance rap that consisted of artists like Splurge and 10kcaash, alongside future footnotes like Lil Tecca. His 2019 debut, A Guide to Being a Partying Freshman, was met with a mixture of shrugs to light praise. A fun collaboration with Chance the Rapper seemed to seal his fate as a guy who would burn bright and hot but not for long.
The first time I thought "he has something" was 2020's "Bate Onna Bo" which weaved through so many movements in the span of four minutes it had to be the work of a musician with a real vision. By 2021 we got "Old School Cash" and "Silly Dude" and it was clear he was following his instincts and making the exact kind of music he wanted to make. This came to a head in 2022 with his EP 1st Round Pick and "Backseat," which was my favorite song of the year. Sometimes that's as far as an artist can go. But he pressed on: Let Me Update My Status underlines my thought that Tisakorean is an era-defining rapper in a time when artists make interminably long albums to game the streaming algorithm then disappear off the planet.
It may seem premature to call Tisakorean era-defining but that's where I landed. I don't mean he's sold the most albums or had the most hits, but in this age where you can have a few songs and leave no impact, that he's had an audience since 2018 is huge: that he's produced great music since at least 2020 is even more impressive. (While I never disliked his earliest music, it hits a lot better now in the context of his career arc.) A lot of people who liked "The Mop" may not be following him now, but artists who shed casual fans are probably doing something noteworthy. No one is good for three years, let alone five. I like Travis Porter more than your average person, but I'd argue at best they had a three year imperial phase. Now anyone starting a twitter reply with "buddy" doesn't know they exist.
The Atlanta snap/swag sound and movement from 2006 through about 2009 was a singular moment that came just as regional music was cresting (Houston famously in 2005, Three 6 Mafia won the Oscar in 2006), before blogs, before Drake. Early Gucci Mane was popping off and OJ da Juiceman became a household name within this precarious window. But as soon as all cool regional stuff became fodder for rappers on major labels and young hypebeasts like ASAP Rocky to absorb, it was over, which is why it's due for a renaissance.
It's getting harder to imagine life before smartphones, before omnipresent internet and connectivity, before literally every aspect of our lives was managed by at most three or four corporations. Kevin Durant's iconic BlackPlanet page might as well be the Dead Sea Scrolls as a relic of his personality expressed through that era of the internet. But any means of original expression becomes unlikelier as we get funneled into pre-ordained ways of being our ourselves, of consuming art and media and sports, to the fabric of our thoughts.
A few years ago Matty Healy described his life pre-internet the best I've heard it. It's not about the changes it brought, but that he cannot remember what it was like to live without it. He cannot remember what it felt like to feel things before the internet, and what it felt like to not have to think about the internet as he felt things, and that his life and experiences still had meaning. And this inability to remember will render us more vulnerable to exploitation, and feeling like we are not connected to our true selves.
It used to feel different to feel alone, to feel sad, happy, etc, without thinking about how to broadcast it. Even if you don't put yourself online like that, there's an inkling to want to. I took a ton of pictures and videos at the Tisa show and I put some in my stories, but I found I didn't want to share them permanently. They are for me.
Let Me Update My Status is a masterpiece in perfecting sounds from snap to crunk to mid-aughts Neptunes. It's a callback to a simpler time, which is nearly impossible to do without some subconscious argument we also need to return to simpler, regressive politics. What makes the album so invigorating is how thoroughly it plumbs the era as an aesthetic and sound, not just as an excuse to make goofy videos. Its accomplishment is how it demonstrates snap music as an organic form that was never a response to anything: it was not conservative in its values, instead it was a truly original and innovative Black American artform that took time to receive the respect it deserved. (Quick aside: yes there were people who always loved it and it was popular for a reason, but it was not considered a given until years later.)
In Kelefa Sanneh's Major Labels he says in spite of the liberal ideology at the heart of punk music, it was a conservative movement because art that aspires to either simplicity in its content (songs as political statements) or as a "return to form" (three chords and 4/4 time) is reactionary. The real-world impact of punk as ostensibly progressive expression was what came after it; it's Minor Threat and Green Day but also skinhead music. When mid-'10s revisionism took hold and people rightfully concluded "D4L were important" it took forgettable Big Sean and Kid Ink albums to get there; it took the critical adulation upon the arrival of artists as disparate as Kendrick Lamar, Future, and Waka Flocka Flame to get there; it took time to get there, to see what had shaped everything that preceded the moment as vital to the culture.
Tisakorean’s delirious ode to snap music locates within a specific timeframe from the past an emotional center and palette, finding new entry points into the sound, blending homemade beats with experimental forms as well as hyperpop to fashion an immersive triumph. There’s nothing one-dimensional about Let Me Update My Status and it also doesn’t conjure any Bush-era feelings of excess or doom, which it might do if it used nostalgia as a gimmick. I love Let Me Update My Status because it sounds exactly like how 2007 felt, and for me 2007 was a good year to be alive, using the internet not because I had to but because I wanted to.
Finally, Found Me Volume Two, released with my creative brother Fat Tony, released in February. Buy one here. It continues to be my favorite thing I do. I wrote about Lil Yachty for NPR. Read that here. I started a Linktree and will add to it when necessary; bookmark/follow me here.
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