kaliarda · 7 months
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«Τα Κρουασανάκια Δεν Είναι Τα Ίδια» της smarmakescomics
Η Ζωή είναι μία θαυμαστή φουρνάρισσα που αγαπάει αυτό που κάνει και το χωριό την αγαπάει γι’αυτό. Δυσκολεύεται όμως να βρει τον έρωτα, γιατί, είπαμε, ελληνική επαρχία. Μέχρι που εμφανίζεται πάνω στη μηχανή η μπουτς των ονείρων της.
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smarmakescomics · 6 years
My Etsy Shop is back from vacation mode!
Feel free to order lesbian zines for all your friends for the holidays 
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nellyonly · 6 years
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I wanted to challenge myself, so I asked people over twitter to try and draw in their style! :D It’s such a fun challenge, because you have no idea who was going to reply, which meant I wasn’t able to study their styles as much as I would’ve had if it had been someone more known. So, to analyze it, I had to figure out what’s most prominent to their style and what seemed to be the most common within their artstyles. All artists are written with their twitter handle, below I will link all of them. read more for what I think is the artist’s most prominent features:
Stina Rahm’s style is very soft and cute, and has a knack for colour. I wish I was able to try out their colouring style as well. Tho... I think I might save that for another time ;) Their style is very clean yet stylized somehow? I don’t know how to explain it further, but you should check them out!  @annalandin seem to enjoy making the braids looking loose (which I adore and I wish I was able to do that look as well) and one thing I love that they’ve kept throughout the years I’ve known them: The smile. It’s a long, wide smile and sinister looking when needed. But also contains lots of warmth to it. Also: Lots of details (seriously check out their webcomic, you’ll gonna love it) Rumpenstiltzkin’s drawn ears are just cutest<3 Love the big ears and the small tuffs of hair that seems to be going places but looking pretty tidy? Sleek noses and oval eyes and hair to die for! :D Go check them out if you haven’t already! @ladugard is very much manga inspired (or no, wait, that’s not the right word, is it?? D: IDK) but you can see the influences she’s picked up through the years in her style, but one thing that always seem to stay the same is the long necks (seriously tho, love them<3) which is always what I look for when I notice art that look similar.  This is an artist who always seem to try out new styles and isn’t afraid of using it in the future (you’re so awesome ok? so you know xD). Also: Their really sweet and amazing comic about magical girls @viktormon is also heavily influenced by the asian comic scene but has less details (but sufficient enough to make sure you know what it is) and that’s a quality I enjoy in art! It doesn’t have to be heavily detailed, just simple lines do the trick!  I like how he combines both details and simplicity into making it work, when you see it, you know for sure he’s drawn it.  Also, he has a webcomic about DnD! :D Take two: @kichisu‘s style is semi realistic and heavily detailed with lots of black strokes but always on the places that’s necessary.  This was the most difficult style for me to try out, as I at first glance couldn’t see anything that stood out. BUT. this isn’t anything negative at all, it’s a very original style which made it all so difficult for me to spot anything that stood out to me. :D @smarmakescomics has a very simple style, yet very iconic so it’s easy to spot and see different characters. I think often with “simple” styles, that that is the most hardest thing to do. To keep it clean and simple, yet being able to portray different people, ethnicities and the like. Not everyone is able to do that. One thing that stood out to me, is how we both seem to enjoy “not closing the lines” as I say about unfinished lines.  Leaving them open, so to speak and I think that adds a great detail to someone’s style, as it’s really hard to make it work good like in this case. Their webcomic
@claudetc I met this fella in the artist village of MCM London a few years back and immediately I took a fondness of Immortal Evan (because, I like my boys scruffy ;D) and that’s what I think the style is. Scruffy, but with a touch of certainty to it. It’s really hard to explain, but it looks clean and stylish to my eyes! :D Have you read his comic/s? If not: PLEASE DO. Fun fun fun and sometimes a nasty (but it’s still fun) @nyvinter What always strikes me is how “messy” the style looks to me. He makes it work something incredibly but I think I want to use the word “messy” in terms of colouring. It’s not THE word I’m looking for, but it looks like fast made oilpaintings if you know what I mean?  The use of colours (which, ofc isn’t shown here) is absolutely splendid and makes me happy everytime I see him post new art! :D
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stivaktis · 7 years
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So @dorianmage and our neighbour @smarmakescomics will be at Thought Bubble Festival this weekend in Leeds! Find me for queer and nerdy comics, prints, stickers, and chat. 
You can read the first part of Esmé here!
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elfrightsactivist · 7 years
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Having an awesome time with @smarmakescomics at #comicdomcon, nbd ~ (at Institut français d'Athènes)
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elensartdump · 9 years
smarmakescomics said: LOL. Maybe they can’t tell. Maybe it’s more like “aw, she makes these cartoon things, look at that. *like*”
Haha I bet that’s it. They don’t even really look at the drawing :P
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rationalcomics-blog · 9 years
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smarmakescomics · 7 years
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Hey! I'm making holiday cards! Would you like one? It can have your face / your partner / your dog / your favorite tv show character as cartoon characters on it. I'll only make 3 of these (because timing!) for 40€ each. I'll only be sending digital files but you can print them out. Message me! ( or email [email protected] )
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smarmakescomics · 7 years
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Anyone who makes an order until the end of January gets Happy 2017 cards from me :) 
Αν κάνετε παραγγελία μέχρι το τέλος του μήνα θα στείλω μαζί και κάρτες για καλή χρονιά :)
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smarmakescomics · 7 years
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Sketching on the envelope of my 100th Etsy order! Thank you to everyone who got something from my shop :3
Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | Etsy Shop | Gumroad
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elfrightsactivist · 8 years
@smarmakescomics replied to your post:Comic is moving forward. Slowly, but steadily....
“why can’t I write” - why can you be productive even, the world is melting
yes but we all know I’m an overachiever and I get antsy when I don’t work 24/7
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elfrightsactivist · 9 years
replied to your post
“Got some work done today. Hopefully I’m gonna do more tomorrow, but...”
what kind of corrections? D:*stressing out about printing*
No need to worry, it was format-related stuff, you’re gonna be okay.
weareunderthesameskies replied to your post
“When you get this, list 5 things that make you happy then pass this on...”
sLEEP BARKING oh my god raja does this sometimes too it's the cutest ever
@casinthebunker replied to your post
“I’m so tired of downloading the out-of-sync version of the latest ep....”
RIGHT???!!?? eventually i just watched it like that because i didnt feel like waiting anymore
I’ve just accepted my fate tbh
elviella replied to your post
“Stuff to do: go to the supermarket take the first zines for printing...”
good luck and have a great day, friend!! can't wait for your zines <3
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elfrightsactivist · 10 years
Uh idk if anyone asked already or if it even makes sense, but Top 6 Comics?
Nobody asked so far!
Don Rosa's The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck
Renee Goscinny and Albert Uderzo's Asterix
Hiromu Arakawa's Fullmetal Alchemist (manga count, right?)
Watsuki Nobuhiro's Rurouni Kenshin
Allan Moore and David Lloyd's V for Vendetta
Allison Bechdel's Fun Home
also Smar's OMG Lesbians because yeah I'm sappy
Also your new icon is fucking awesome and I know you've had it for a while but IT'S SO COOL
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elfrightsactivist · 10 years
yay I'm glad the con is nice! :D :D
The Con was GREAT
Let me give you a summary
I met new awesome people ( feelsanon​ and elviella​ are the first two that pop to mind and I am so happy, feelsanon even drew me a thing and asdfhkhfkafhkasdhf I need to scan it it's awesome)
I sold comics and now I can pay off my therapist and pay something for my debt in art school and add to my account for A12 and checking out where I'm moving in the UK next month and also I paid for the grocery shopping today and it felt great
a 12-year-old came and bought my sketchbook saying he'd loved my other one last year
a girl yelled the name of my main fanzine when she entered the room and saw I was there
smarmakescomics' comic "Dude Lesbians!" sold out and that was AWESOME because it's great
a dude from a gay magazine interviewed me
my "monsters in the closet" zine from last year almost sold out and it ranked #11 in the 12 best comics of this year ("Dude Lesbians!" was #1 seriously go read the thing when it's out in English)
a guy hit on me thinking I was a girl and kept on hitting on me when we explained to him I'm a guy, and I really felt bad for not remembering anything from what little sign language I knew but luckily Smar could translate, and hey it was cool even though misgendering happened
there were some awesome comics around like seriously we're talking quality here
i bought comics about the Iliad and the Trojan War and X-Men's Angel and Loki and YAY
I found Pokemon stickers that stink of 1999 and they are glorious
i'm sure there's more but those are the best parts
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