elfrightsactivist · 9 years
@feelsanon replied to your post “Am I writing DA fanfic? Well yes I am glad you asked”
@thelastofthecrazypeople replied to your post “Am I writing DA fanfic? Well yes I am glad you asked”
What about? When can I read it? More information is required here :)
FYI: I did it. It’s sad. It’s immediately post-trespasser and it ruined my soul. I’ll post it so it can ruin yours too.
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spikystar · 9 years
11, 20, 40, 48
11. Who is a mentor to you?
tbh I haven’t really thought of anyone in my life as a mentor? I like to keep in mind or receive different opinions or ways to see things but, i don’t like follow guidance from one particular person (maybe that’s why i feel so lost most of the time??)
20. What can you see outside your bedroom window?
I can see parts of our little plants in our minuscule front “garden”, the useless metal fence (people can actually climb it?? what was the point original owners) and the almost always lit windows from a catholic school. 
40. If you had to have a tattoo, what would it be and where would you get it?
I have so so many ideas for tattoos dear god. Like a watercolour or abstract tattoo would be fucking fantastic but i have to research and see if there is someone who makes them in my country. But i’d also like a phrase like “keep on” or something cheesy like that kind somewhere on the front of my left shoulder of as a reminder to myself.
48. Describe yourself using one word.
thanks dear!! :D
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lazy-universes · 9 years
do you believe in magic? ;)
god stop flirting with me 
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lokisflame · 9 years
the fucking civil war trailer is a fucking fake
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antlered-vixen · 9 years
άντε καλό μας κουράγιο μετά την κυριακή. ό,τι και να γίνει δεν θα είμαστε μέσα στην αγωνία τουλάχιστον. δεν ξέρεις πόσο έχω κουραστεί όλους τους έλληνες να λένε "στα αρχίδια μου ας καταστραφούμε να φυγω επιτέλους από αυτήν την κωλοχώρα". με κάτι τέτοιους μαλάκες πήραμε την κατηφόρα. και άσε τους άλλους να παίρνουν τα νέα τους από την Fox News τι να πεις πια. και ναι έμεινα μαλάκας όταν είδα πως είσαι fandom blog :D πού μένεις αν επιτρέπεται;
Καλά, η νοοτροπία του “έχε μηδέν έννοια για όλους τους άλλους και μηδέν κοινωνική αλληλεγγύη, νοιάσου μόνο για την πάρτη σου, αυτό είναι το ορθολογικό και άσε τα άλλα” προωθείται από παντού χρόνια τώρα, και έχει κυριαρχίσει στην κοινωνία. Είναι αηδιαστικό.
Τελοσπάντων, δύσκολα θα περάσουμε εμείς αλλά και όλη η Μεσόγειος (δες τι γίνεται Ισπανία, Συρία, Λίβανος, Αίγυπτος, κτλ) ότι και να γίνει την Κυριακή. Έστω να προσπαθούμε να κρατάμε το κεφάλι ψηλά, να είμαστε πολιτικά συνειδητοποιημένοι, και να έχουμε μια στοιχειώδη αλληλεγύη.
Όσο για το που είμαι, είμαι Αθήνα, στον Βύρωνα. :)
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ircnshicld · 9 years
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So feelsanon here they are.
So when I went to make the covers I wanted images that represent a major part of the story per volume.
So for Volume one I picked a picture of Cas alone in purgatory. Also I think it’s accurate because I feel like when He was godstiel, real Cas was like that, kind of trapped, in his own body. And then Also Dean went to look for him in purgatory. And this one is my favorite.
Then for the 2nd volume i wanted a picture of them together because that’s kind of when they were exploring this new dynamic of their relationship. So they are together but not nearly there yet. They haven’t breached the gap. Also I don’t know why that Colon is there and it aggrivates me. I didnt realize until i got it.
The 3rd Volume i wanted something that shows Dean’s struggle against himself and his memories of Hell and Alistair. Especially since it includes Apt Pupil and the Episode Dreamcatcher. And so I stumbled upon a banner, actually made by The RR Team and I chose that.
And the 4th Volume I got very lazy but I wanted something with them close together but also for parental concerns, I wanted to make it look like a non questionable, plain book cover. I don’t need my mother snooping her nose in there. So i didnt want their actual faces or anything like that or I am sure she’ll question it. Especially since I don’t really feel I need to worry about what’s writen in the book, but the art that is in it. There a lot of “nice” art in there. ;)
And well I wanted to expirament with the font. That’s why they aren’t consistent. But also I wanted to really distinguish between the book a lot. The back cover is just the same summary on each volume.
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elfrightsactivist · 9 years
feelsanon replied to your post “Also okay fuck my across-the-street neighbours. They’ve gotten...”
και δεν έχουν λεφτά να το ταίσουν και δεν λεει να το βουλώσει κάθε βραδυ στο τσακ είμαστε να καλεσουμε φιλοζωικη
feelsanon replied to your post “Also okay fuck my across-the-street neighbours. They’ve gotten...”
ρε άσε έχουμε το ίδιο πρόβλημα και με τους απέναντι και τους δίπλα. οι απέναντι έχουν ένα μικρό το αφπνουν μόνο του αλλα πάει στο διάολο εχει φαί και κήπο. οι διπλα εχουν ενα λυκοσκυλο να και με ολοκληρο κηπο το εχουν δεμενο στην πορτα
ΨΟΦΟΣ ανάθεμα το σπίτι τους
τι στον πούτσο τα παίρνουν άμα δεν έχουν την πρόθεση να τα φροντίσουν δηλαδή ασταδιάλα πια με τα γομάρια που έχουμε μπλέξει
το ακούω κάθε μέρα και πονάει η ψυχή μου με τους παλιομαλάκες
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spikystar · 9 years
feelsanon replied to your post “[[MOR] feeling really shitty about myself tonight courtesy of...”
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lizardkingeliot · 9 years
istg holly i saw your giveaway graphic and now i can't stop imagining will panicking to.... SOMEONE about how he almost kissed hannibal and it's the cutest thing ever and i'm crying thanks
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lazy-universes · 9 years
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rcmclachlan · 9 years
idk if you know already, but the new dragon ball series, "dragon ball super", is out and it's hella awesome :')
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antlered-vixen · 9 years
απλά γαμάς κοπελιά να ΄σαι καλά
Θανξ. Εσύ να ‘σαι καλά για το ενθαρρυντικό ασκ, επειδή δεν μπορείς να φανταστείς τις παπαριές έχω βρει στο ίνμποξ μου τις τις τελεταίες μέρες, μετά τα ποστ για την Ελλάδα.
Αντέ, καλό μας κουράγιο.
(Πάντα χαίρομαι να βλέπω κόσμο ντόπιο να γουστάρει αξιόλογα παιχνίδια, σειρές, κτλ, και να ΄χει και καμιά άποψη της προκοπής.)
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neven-ebrez · 9 years
do you think it's significant they keep mentioning dean's old age in this season?
Of course I do!  ;)
It folds into 10x17 imo (Dean’s talk with Crowley about how he’s different now, gone “soft”)...  All these characters are different than how they used to be.  Dean, in particular, clearly wants things now that he’s been denying himself.  It’s kinda a “now or never” type thing they are setting up.  The whole “you’re not getting any younger!” push for him to finally take off the mask that’s been his life for so long.  
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elfrightsactivist · 9 years
scarletclarinet I saw your ask and I love you and soon I will answer appropriately with drawings instead of words because did I mention that I love you
feelsanon and serkershit I haven’t forgotten about your requests either but I’m currently too busy randomly bursting into tears because of the end of DA goodbye 
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spikystar · 9 years
feelsanon replied to your chat “me:*tries to do the forehead thing with my cat* cat:*rubs their face...”
ur so lucky mine softcore hates me
she’s a lil cutie pie, but maybe it has to do with her being kinda old
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lizardkingeliot · 9 years
prompt: digestivo setting. after hannibal has brought will home and they've both changed and bandaged, will wakes sometime in the middle of the night while hannibal is keeping an eye on him. something quiet and private and personal. a last connection before will sleeps again and the inevitability of morning's events happen.
Read on AO3
Will wakes to the sound of rustling paper. Uncertain where he is, his heart begins to race, his last memory before the world faded to black the cold press of Cordell’s scalpel into his flesh.
Grounded by familiar surroundings, he realizes he is back in Wolf Trap, back in the comfort of his own bed. Through the dimly-lit dark he sees Hannibal seated in an armchair at the foot of his bed, pencil gliding smoothly over paper.
Hannibal’s hand stops, dropping his pencil and pressing it between the pages of the notebook. He places it on the floor when he catches Will’s gaze, quietly standing before perching on the edge of the bed.
Will flinches only slightly when Hannibal touches his cheek, then his forehead, inspecting his wounds. The touches are clinical and tender, but if Will had more energy he would be tempted to lean into the warmth of his hands.
They don’t speak. Hannibal gazes into his eyes and Will doesn’t know if he wants to laugh, or cry, or scream at him to leave and never come back. He is so very tired, so he settles for silence instead.
Hannibal takes his hand, gently cradling it in his own. Will is too weak to pull away, is uncertain if he even wants to, something inside him still reaching out for the attentions of the monster who left him bleeding on his kitchen floor. The beast who wanted to devour him. The man who saved him when someone else dared to try and take his life.
The soft glow of lamplight forms half a halo around Hannibal’s head. In Will’s mind’s eye the other half takes the shape of claws and teeth, twisted antlers suspended on a sunbeam.
In Will’s mind’s eye a teacup gathers itself back up again, the sound of hooves on pavement rattling inside his head. The kettle sings, a raven-black stag snuffing at his neck as sleep pulls him down again. Hannibal’s warm presence remains beside him, enveloping him in the safety of the dark.
Safe, for now, deep inside the belly of the beast. Safe, for now, tucked tight inside the coil of Il Mostro’s tail.
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