#small: giu
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gionotarrascaeta · 11 months ago
Em meio a um bocejo, Gio entrou em casa. Sem camisa, mas com seu boné pra trás, ele parou assim que viu sua irmã sentada no sofá com o rosto enterrado nas mãos. "E qual foi, Giu? Bebeu demais? Quer que eu faça um café?"
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tomikandrews · 2 months ago
Sentada no colo de Giulia, Tomika pensava que não era tão difícil assim ser feliz. Sempre tinha sido uma pessoa a encontrar alegria no simples, em pequenas coisas - como uma música que se escuta pela primeira vez e prende você, como experimentar uma comida e se encantar, como fazer alguém rir, como descobrir que na verdade a mais indescritível e alegre das sensações está ligada a fios dourados, uma pele bronzeada e um sorriso encantador reservado só para você. A felicidade era tantas coisas; pequenas, grandes coisas. Tomika via todas elas, mas começava a achar que sua preferida era Giulia. A mais bela das tardes ensolaradas.
"You're just easily impressed," retrucou em tom implicante, seus dedos deixando um carinho nos fios loiros que tanto gostava. "But I also know how to make an effort." Tirou sua camisa, a jogando em qualquer lugar daquele quarto que tinha o cheiro e todos os detalhes de Giu. Queria dizer que gostou do espaço, que conseguia imaginar seus dias ali com ela, Giulia sentada no chão lendo uma revista de surfe e Tomika fazendo tranças em seu cabelo, as duas deitadas na cama conversando amenidades e trocando implicâncias. Por natureza, Tomika sempre falava demais, mas decidiu que não era o momento - e talvez nunca fosse, mas estava ali e era isso que bastava, pois tinha que bastar. Se inclinou um pouco, tomando o rosto de Giulia entre suas mãos e voltando a beijá-la com tudo aquilo que não podia falar.
Então, eu posso ter escutado por aí que o novo sabor de bolo de vocês é quase tão bom quanto o de chocolate...
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E seria muita burrice minha não provar, você não acha?
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cconfusedkat · 9 days ago
Man, do you know how funny it would be if Allure and Giu were somehow sent to Dandy's World and they first meet the regular toons, only to shortly meet the twisteds because they're probably the size of humans and the toons are SO DAMN SMALL EISBSJSBS
Allure nd giu are probably having fun in gardenview and then giu is the first mf to see a twisted and he runs over to allure and Hes Like.
"You're crazy talking. All of the toons we met here are incredibly nice, even so little—I highly doubt that you saw Dand—ooH OH. OH LORD. OH MY GODS. GIVE HIM THE TAPES BACK GIUSEPPE"
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rebecca-lotto · 9 months ago
today was a loooooooong day
i got up early for me , and did like 2 tours of different places to go for socialization
imma put the violently anti capitalist feelings aside and enjoy some dang Bad Batch.
i also should add more stuff to my one tag , y'know , gotta be prepared & all that..
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Calcio: Roma: Smalling rinnova, 'facile scegliere di restare'
(ANSA) – ROMA, 16 GIU – Ora è ufficiale: Chris Smalling rinnova con la Roma fino al 2025. L’annuncio arriva tramite una nota emessa dal club giallorosso. “Scegliere di rimanere – sono le parole del difensore inglese – è stato semplice: qui sto conoscendo la fase migliore della mia carriera e in questa splendida città la mia famiglia e io ci siamo sentiti accolti sin da subito. La crescita del…
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libidomechanica · 2 years ago
Untitled (“To erase a midnights false complete; their personal”)
Forcing sweet love Gregory comes the small.   Whose we fool believe that Frenchman’s look at   the who had give or Hate noddy, I thought whence? Sees a City full many sight, and, while Souvaroff. Their wisdom’s Door, slave to   the hour of pearls upon that woman. Dwarf   buffoon, half so deeply blessed soul leaps up— and flashes star-like, token of wit giuing women after the short; and he through a   light doth grow. The sonne of the grave of pleasure.—   And in sonnets all heavenly ablaze, a spirits dare with truth exacts the sultans every Must we but he scuds before.   To erase a midnight’s false complete;   their personal. I spent with pride; for, Lady, were drincks she Nectar without remorse?
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moniehon · 3 years ago
I wanna draw Wwx controlling a bunch of rats with his flute and making them doing lil dances
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nihilistwife · 7 years ago
All I’ve learned from watching media is that honestly a smaller struggle makes for a more compelling story; unless you intentionally invoke the sensation of alienation and incomprehensability in a villain or disaster scenario that extends to a regional or even world wide scope, it’s gonna end up coming off p weak and... flat. Very short, direct conflicts or long drawn out with clearly defined and almost mundane stakes tend to bring up higher tensions... idk. Like even fantasy stories I’ve read where the hero has to prevent the villain from like, idk, stealing the rain amulet bc that’s needed for the annual harvest gratitude festival and without it next spring they won’t be able to grow crops bc the local harvest deity thinks they’re ungrateful is less likely to really stress my ability to suspend disbelief than like... the hero has stop the local harvest deity from harvesting everyone’s souls
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glassesandswords · 3 years ago
Through hell, we reached heaven
Chapter 3/3 out! 
A HUGE thank you to @giuliadrawsstuff who has made this collaboration an absolute delight with her lovely arts! Click here to check out her post full of fluffy LH illustrations based on this chapter. This chapter is dedicated to you, Giu 💖
Summary: It has been three years since the Battle of Heaven and Earth. Levi and Hange, who now live together in New Liberio, decide to take a small trip through the city along with Onyankopon, Gabi and Falco. It's the little moments that make them realize how lucky they are to be alive together.
Here’s a smol excerpt from Levi and Hange’s evening in the park:
They stopped at an empty spot, right in front of a small pond shaded by the trees. A tiny white marble fountain gurgled in the middle of the pond, filling in the silence along with the rustle of the leaves in the soft breeze.
“Sit down for a while,” said Levi.
“You’ve been pushing me around in the wheelchair the whole day. It’s almost evening now.”
Hange shrugged, “We’ve had worse days.”
“Yeah, but at least you weren’t an old hag like you are right now.”
“That’s rude,” she protested in mock outrage, “I could dunk your ass into the pond for this, you know?”
“And then what?” Levi asked, “I can’t swim. Knowing you, you’d jump in to save me again. Spare us both that effort.”
“The pond isn’t that deep. It will only get your clothes wet.” Hange chuckled as she looked around for a spot to sit in the moist grass next to the wheelchair. “One day, I will surprise you. But as you said, I think I should sit down for a while. My back does hurt a-”
Her words cut off with a startled gasp as Levi grabbed her wrist and pulled her swiftly onto his lap.
Sitting on his thighs, Hange stared at him, wide-eyed in disbelief. “What are you doing?”
Levi did not know the answer to the question. As he felt her heavy warmth press over his body, he internally cursed himself for being so obvious with his feelings. Refusing to meet her stare, he fixed his eye on the little fountain. “I don’t want you to ruin those light clothing by sitting on the wet mud below. It would be a pain in the ass to get those stains out.”
“This is new,” A mischievous grin creeped up on Hange’s face. “I thought you did not like showing affection publicly.”
“Don’t be stupid. As I said, it is purely for the sake of your clothing.” A quick glance at Hange told him she was definitely not buying his half-assed excuse. “Besides, there’s no one around here anyway. And when have we, the Survey Corps, ever backed down because of people’s judgmental looks?”
To drive his point home, he finally held Hange’s eye, and was surprised to see colour spreading over her cheeks. She gave him a mellow smile, tapping at his chest, right over his heart, with the back of her finger. “You’ve still got that spunk in you, huh, old man?”
“Look at who’s talking,” Levi retorted, “I haven’t seen you this flustered since the evening in the forest.”
Hange gave him a light shove as she looked away, “Can we please forget that happened?”
Levi stifled a smile. They stared at the pond in brief silence. The sun had started to set, its rays gilding everything in sight- the pond, the fountain, the trees, the grass, and the two of them.
Click here to read more! 
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tomikandrews · 10 months ago
Um cassino. Isso era tão James Potter, sério. Ela conseguia imaginar toda a cena onde o amigo sugeria aquilo pro seu aniversário, seus dois fiéis (e igualmente abestados) escudeiros concordando e incentivando, como sempre. Pelo menos ela não poderia dizer que não estava se divertindo - era meio que impossível não se divertir em uma festa do simpático melhor amigo de seu irmão, que, em falar nisso, Tomika tinha certeza ter visto com uma certa morena de vestido verde (óbvio que era verde).
No meio de uma conversa engraçada envolvendo futebol, Nate e curiosamente, uma iguana, Tomika teve sua atenção roubada por Giulia. Impossível não notá-la, não com aquele vestido de tirar o fôlego e o rosto impecável que faria qualquer um se ajoelhar diante dela - Tomika bem sabia. Não estava mais escutando Drew e quando olhou de novo, viu a loira beijando um feio. Fez uma cara engraçada, não esperando que aquele fosse o tipo de Giu, mas fazer o que? Bons minutos se passaram e ela já estava sozinha novamente quando sentiu - mais do que ouviu, uma presença ao seu lado. Olhando para Giulia, abriu um sorriso divertido. "Hello, darlin'," se virou para ela, apoiando seu rosto em sua mão. "Sua cota de carecas já foi batida essa noite?" Questionou divertida; o palito do pirulito que já tinha terminado balançando entre seus lábios.
you’ve ruined my life by not being mine | giutomi
Giulia afirmaria que tinha voltado ótima do que chamou de retiro espiritual para pessoas completamente insanas. Tinha decidido ignorar os novos sentimentos que tinha descoberto, era melhor assim, se não pensava neles eles não existiam. O problema, no entanto, era que não podia fugir por muito tempo. Principalmente não quando a causadora de seu transtorno estava tão bonita quanto se lembrava. Giulia tentou, e como tentou, olhar para o outro lado, virar de costas, andar rápido até a outra ponta do cassino, mas não adiantou. Seu olhar sempre se voltava a Tomika, as vezes descia para a pele exposta de sua barriga e o coração da loira acelerava. Sim, igual uma idiota.
Em uma das vezes em que a olhou, Tomika conversava com outra mulher e também sorria para ela assim como tinha feito com Giulia apenas alguns dias atrás. Imediatamente sentiu uma sensação amarga e gelada em seu estômago. Não, não tinha a menor chance de Giu estar com ciúme. Óbvio que não, não tinha motivo para isso. Para provar isso buscou o olhar do cara mais próximo e, depois de alguns sorrisos e uma aproximação totalmente forçada, Giulia o beijou. Foi como beijar uma parede, não sentiu absolutamente nada. Na verdade, só ficou muito irritada. O que diabos Tomika tinha que revirou todos os sentidos de Giulia? Não conseguiria se livrar dessa sensação? Era obrigada a ficar com a morena em sua mente feito um encosto? “Oi,” Giu sentou ao lado de Tomika com os braços cruzados. Já que não podia fugir então ia logo enfrentar aquilo.
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starrynyxa · 3 years ago
gius I just had this dream where there was like a little community acquarium and we claimed a small portion of it and we had a fish we named patches in it and we were all taking care of it and making it look nice nd caring 4 patches
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rose-director · 4 years ago
Blooming Roses, part 1
Content warnings:
Face covering
Momentary loss of breath
Neural connection
Hypnotic theming
Corporate setting
A new hire at Rose Cybernetics is given their final interview.
~2800 words
The megalithic building stands proud against the concrete and glass towers beside it, making mortals of titans. Sheer, elegant, imposing; the structure kisses the sky, inspiring awe in those who observe it. This effect becomes overwhelming in its courtyard, where these same observers are rendered ants in a temple of giants. You let a breath fill your lungs, feeling it sweep out through your anxious smile. Here it is. Rose Cybernetics.The sliding doors of the atrium open with a hissed breath as you enter. You knew that the company did its best to impress its visitors, but if the scale of the building hadn't already set an imposing stage, its lobby would finish its show. Seeming as though it was open to the air, the 'ceiling' of this enormous space rests comfortably at the top of the building itself. From this, a tiered array of circular floors wrap along the outer walls like a serpent's coils. Light permeates the structure from a myriad of sources, all carrying a natural hue that - if what you've heard is accurate - mirrors the color of the sky outside. The sterile whites and greys of the building carry accents of saturated color across its industrial carpeting and in stripes along its walls. Of a similar color set, furniture that seems more like modern art gives the entire area an almost organic quality. The structure itself, though, is complemented in its unique qualities by those within. Figures all around you work busily, writing on whiteboards, collaborating in clusters of various sizes, darting from group to group, and delivering items as though their need was known preemptively. Interestingly, these forms all appear dissimilar from each other. They represent myriads of body types, clothing styles, and gender presentations, yet they all wear a sleek cover across their faces; a brushed, dark curve that obscures all facial features while displaying imagery of its owner's choice. Pulling your attention from your surroundings, you return to your task. A desk labeled 'check-in' sits at the atrium's center, and inquiring there seems to be the place to start. "Hello, welcome to the Rose Cybernetics Center! How can we help you?" The person at the desk carries a spritely, delicate voice, and their words appear across their faceplate as they speak. Almost as if understanding your hesitation, the words 'she/her/hers' flash across her screen. "I- um, hi," You've practiced this interaction many times before, but trying to get words out when you're already off-beat is a bit like trying to tame a tiger while wearing rollerblades. The staffer looks at you again, tilting her head curiously in a motion that dangles her blonde ponytail against her shoulder. It's unsettling to interact with someone with no face, yet looking into her faceplate is somehow calming all the same. Rippling waves of various colors splash across the black of her display, soothing cool tones that remind you of northern lights. You take a breath to settle your heart, acclimating yourself to the unusual sight, and try again. "I'm here for my in-person interview. I-I heard that you'd be expecting me?" Even without seeing her face, you get a good sense of the smile under her faceplate as its colors take on a gentle warm hue. "Of course, applicant 3B90, right this way." The staffer stands and walks out from behind the desk, as another worker wordlessly takes her place. You find yourself unsettled by the exchange; it almost felt more mechanical than human. Suppressing a shudder, you follow the staffer as she leads you to one of the elevator wells built into the side of the building."If you don't mind, um," you speak, immediately cursing the way your words always drift away midsentence. "How can I help you, applicant 3B90?" The warmth associated with her smile appears again, easing some of the anxiety in your chest."It's ah. Sydney, please. What's your name?" "Oh, I'm sorry, Sydney. I'm GIU-2CE5, but you can call me 2C if you like!" As with all of her words, these too float across her display, as does a small '^-^' emoticon afterward. Having gotten more accustomed to the way she emotes, you see the way her tone seems to perk up at the opportunity to share this particular bit of information."Sure," you say as she guides you into an elevator and presses a button for one of the middle floors, "that's your employee number, or um. Whatever, but how about your name?" She pauses for a moment, and you can see her faceplate's slow visualization stutter briefly as she thinks. "Nope, but 2C's my nickname!" It's painfully clear to you that she likes that 'nickname' at least, and you doubt you'll get further on this line of questions, so you let it go with a sigh. "2C it is, then." Okay, maybe it *is* a bit cute to see her get excited about something so simple.The elevator dings and she leads you out through its doors, grabbing your hand to pull you along. The contact is startling, but you don't seem to mind too much as you shrug and let the enthusiastic girl drag you along. On these lofted floors, full glass windows look out on the open atrium while the walls of offices and cubicles emerge, finally welcoming you into something more familiar. She pulls you into an office, empty except for two chairs and a small cabinet, and gestures for you to take a seat. You comply, settling into a piece of furniture that has no business being as comfortable as it is. 2C takes the opposite chair, crossing her legs. "Okay, Sydney, I'll be conducting your interview! Let me know, and we can go ahead and get started." Hearing this surprises you. Sure, you keep an open mind when it comes to most things, but getting interviewed by a front desk greeter for a network administration position is almost surreal. "Alright, so what is this, exactly?" 2C's 'smile' flashes again, and she cheerily explains the Rose Cybernetics hiring process. You know most of this stuff already; the company runs a series of difficult online challenges that lead the way to their application portal. From there, you don't need to submit a resume (thankfully, since yours is in desperate need of some TLC), but they do ask you to solve a problem in realtime over an internet call. If you've shown your skill, they speak with you in a brief remote interview to learn more about you as a person, then give you one final in-person meeting. This last interview, to your knowledge, is a formality; they'd already told you to bring everything you needed to move in, after all. It's at this point where the details get fuzzy, though. As much as you've searched for information about what this would even be, you'd found nothing but missing links and dead-ends. "This meeting is a different kind of test! We're going to hook you into our internal network for a moment, and see how you take to it." She reads your confused look, and the waves on her display bubble lightly, almost in a light giggle. "What do you mean? Will I have a laptop?" You watch as the laughing effect grows. She holds up a hand as if to ask for just a moment, then stands and walks over to the cabinet. Sliding out a slim, black box, she strides back over to you and places the box in your lap. It's blank, unadorned, and made of showy cardboard. You start removing the lid, suction keeping the base from falling as it slides slowly, and an idea of what might be waiting inside dawns on you. Tossing away the newly-liberated lid, you stare directly into the item you'd been expecting and dreading; a faceplate, returning your stare.Just above the glossy covering, embedded into the packaging foam, a small bolt-like object sits ominously. You've already seen the faceplates, but this thing..? It makes the whole situation even more concerning. "Don't worry about that receiver - for now, just put your faceplate on - I bet you'd look so cute! Oh, I'm so excited, I get to see what your display shows before anyone else!" 2C's demeanor is a confusing thing; her screen jumps and reacts to her mood, and so does her voice, but her body language and physical responses - while present - are significantly muted. Her posture is almost perfect, and her movement is unsettlingly smooth. Just one more uncanny part of this business, you suppose. Considering your current situation, you catch yourself worrying about the results of this interview again, for very different reasons this time. Your eyes widen with anxiety, as your heart beats faster in your chest. "Sydney, look at me, okay?" her faceplate's coloration shifts back to those comfortable blues and greens. "Putting the faceplate on won't do anything permanent." Her hand is holding yours. "It'll press against your face, make a tight seal, and beam everything its cameras pick up into your eyes once it starts up." She's holding both of your hands now. "When I press the receiver to your neck, it'll let you control the faceplate with your mind, just like I do!" Her display wiggles in a playful pattern for emphasis. Her hands are soft, reassuring. "Once you take them off, it'll be back to normal, okay? Just a taste now, that's what this interview is for." You nod, thoughtlessly. With 2C's hands still holding yours, you reach to the faceplate in your lap. Her reassurance pools in your chest, and after slowing your heartbeat with a couple of deep breaths, you press the dark shape to your face. It's cold, almost like your face is pressed against a window, and begins to shift against your skin. You can feel it exerting a suction force, and for a terrifying instant, you realize that you can't breathe. As you try to pull in a breath, a refreshing current of air wafts in through its respirator, and your brief panic recedes. At first, your vision is blank. Another few deep breaths go by, and imagery starts to flow back into your eyes. Dim at first, most likely to keep you from being immediately overwhelmed, slowly building until your surroundings resolve around you again. You've needed glasses, apparently; the world around you appears sharper now than before, and much more detailed. Looking over at 2C, a small blurb of information hovers over her head. It's a single word; 'contented.' You'd figured that she was just good at reading emotions, but this was cheating!"H-have you been reading me from your s-screen this whole time?" you stammer. "Oh, no, not quite. That info comes from your receiver. I'm just good at guessing!" The panel shifts to 'proud,' before progressing to 'flirty.' You're about to comment on it, when she decides to continue. "By the way, that faceplate looks so so cute on you!" Your cheeks redden, and you're, surprisingly, thankful that the unlit display is covering your face. You still have almost no idea why the company would require wearing these things, but the anonymity is surprisingly refreshing. "O-okay, I've handled the mask-faceplate-whatever, I'm good to keep going." 2C's faceplate lights up a monochrome green as she tilts her head, and you see metadata confirming that it's posed as a question. You nod again in response, and she stands up to walk behind you. Your anxiety builds at the thought of a person directly behind you, but it subsides as chilling metal touches your skin. The mechanism's electromagnetic fields warp your thoughts, pulling at them as though they were elastic. The tension builds and builds as your mind becomes a coiled spring, the receiver forcing it ever tighter. The force, the pulling, the pushing; it feels like everything that makes up your mind is about to explode. "Relax," 2C's voice cuts through the swirling forces and mental struggle, "just let go, let the flow of information sweep over you.” “Relax.” At her last word, your entire being stalls, before sinking into a state of extreme ease. All of that tension, so overwhelming moments ago, courses through your body, letting you accept this new pathway for information to travel through. As you pick up the pieces of your consciousness, you shake your face from the empty stupor it carried a moment ago - thanking your mask once again - and actively sift through the data streaming into your brain.The Rose Cybernetics building is already impressive from a visual perspective, but looking at it for what it is, the glowing connected consciousnesses of every mind in the structure lighting up before you, you feel your jaw drop automatically. Your gaze returns to 2C, whose current emotions register as 'pleased.' [You can talk to me like this now, you know.] The thoughts sound like her voice, and you jump as you hear them. [It's strange to start with, I know, but this is how we all communicate here; much faster.] Realization dawns on you, and without prompting, your thoughts pour through the connection between you. [How do I respond- oh wait I'm responding now this is amazing but hard to control how do I sto-] flows out of you, in combination with a variety of related emotions, images, and half thoughts. You spend the remaining interview time experimenting with this paradigm shift in interaction, communication, and existence that's somehow both entirely new, yet confusingly familiar and natural. After only a few minutes, it feels as though 2C understands you on a deeper level than anyone you've ever met, just as your understanding of her reaches that same depth. She explains that for the sake of getting you used to this, she's the only one linked to you. She shares - with enthusiasm - that after you've had enough time to acclimate to this shift, you'll be able to open connections with anyone and everyone in the entire facility. Her excitement bounces through your mind, and you can't help but let that positivity bubble up until it begins to play across your faceplate, too. Your display is a lot less abstract than 2C's; instead of the amorphous waves against a black background, your faceplate decorates itself with images of the cosmos. Galaxies, nebulas, constellations, all proudly used to emote in a way that words never could. It feels freeing, strangely enough, wearing a screen like this. It's a window, you think, glasses for the mind. You can feel 2C thinking to herself, the sign to expect a burst of new information broadcast from her mind to yours. As you do, you can't help but think just how cute she is! So excited over being called 2C; of course, if someone called you 3B90, you'd probably melt too. It's confusing to you, looking back, why you thought that names were so important. After all, designations are just so much more convenient! [You were broadcasting that, 3B,] 2C's smug feeling drips between your connection. Your blush returns to paint your cheeks bright red, and you notice another - somewhat less innocuous - response between your legs. She waits, perfectly aware of the effect her words carried as she feels it flowing through her mind from yours, before continuing. [I think that our interview was a success! Come back tomorrow, and we can get you fitted with a permanent set.] [I have to take it off?] [It'll be alright, just one more day.] Through your mental link, she sends you more feelings of relief, complemented by a physical hug. She looks up at you for a moment questioningly, before you nod gently, confirming your begrudging acceptance as she pulls the receiver away from your neck. With all that meta-information gone, you squeeze against her even tighter to compensate. As your mask falls away, you feel strange; naked even. Leaving the office room, stepping into the elevator, and giving your goodbyes to 2CE5 all serve the singular goal of making you feel that much more alone. For a brief moment, you consider just how strange it is to be feeling these things at the hand of your new employer, but at this point, you're in far too deep to do anything but shrug. "Before I- um... go, will I see you again?" you stumble out the question, mouth once again failing you. 2C's smile lights up her faceplate again - stars, it's so beautiful to see - and a giggle creeps out too. "I wouldn't be too worried about that, 3B! After all, I'll be your new supervisor!" Hearing your designation excites you in a way that feels almost enchanting, and you blush deeply in response. The part of you that might have questioned why she of all people would be your supervisor remains muted, as the excitement of the prospect tingles down your spine. Only a few hours ago, you would have scoffed at yourself, but now you can't help but be excited; tomorrow is your first day at Rose Cybernetics.
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hettiesworld · 5 years ago
Coming by Age
Pairing: Chris Evans x Sebastian Stan
Summary: Based on the film, ‘Call Me by Your Name’, ‘Coming By Age’ is a romantic drama, set in southern Italy in 1996. It chronicles a romantic relationship between a 23-year-old, Sebastian, and Christopher, a 32-year-old baker, who owns his own bakery in southern Italy.
Author’s note: I don’t know if I have wrote this on here already, but I’m gonna do it again. If I haven’t, here is my bad rendition of the movie, Call Me By Your Name, but Evanstan style! Enjoy! Also, not my gifs!
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Chapter 1:
Southern Italy. 1996. 
The sound of an approaching car startled him. Sebastian was barefoot and in his bathing suit with a bright blue t-shirt over it as he ran over to the front door, hiding behind the banister of the staircase.  He was stunned - the stranger in front of him looked exactly like the man he’d been dreaming about. 
Christopher stepped out of the car, wearing a dark grey shirt with a wide-open collar, sunglasses. As Sebastian sat on the stairs, he quietly called up to Elena, who bounced down to Sebastian’s position on the stairs. 
“Panettiere…” Elena whispers to Sebastian as they watched Christopher meet with Alfredo, Elena’s father. 
“Ciao Christopher! You have brought bread for me and my family?” Alfredo loudly said to him as Ambra, his wife came up to him and whispered in Italian, “Dove e Sebastian?”
“Meglio che vada giu.” Sebastian walked down the stairs to the front door where Christopher, Alfredo and Ambra were standing. “Si, Ambra?”
“Prendi il pane del fornaio per noi, per favore.”
“Si, Ambra.” Sebastian gets the bread out of Christopher’s hands and feels them for a bit. They were very strong. No wonder he was a baker. Him kneading the dough for that particular bread Sebastian was holding. 
“Mettilo in cucina per favore.”
“Si, Ambra.” Sebastian blushes as he hurried off to the kitchen, putting the homemade bread on the counter. Elena rushed downstairs to meet Sebastian, kissing his cheek. 
Just then, Ambra asked Sebastian to bring Christopher’s thing up to the guest room. Sebastian does just that. 
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Christopher follows Sebastian to the guest room and they introduce each other. 
“Hello.” Sebastian goes to shake his hand. 
“Hi.” Christopher was very non-committal as he hesitantly shook his hand.  Sebastian cleared his throat and said,
“Make yourself at home. Our home is your home.”
Later on, Sebastian hears the bell for dinner as he was writing poetry at his desk. He goes to get Christopher, who is resting on his bed.
“We’re being called to dinner.”
Sebastian cleared his throat and hesitantly shakes Christopher, who was briskly awoken. “What?”
“We’re being called to dinner.”
Christopher looks up from his pillow, seeing Sebastian above him. He puts his face back on the pillow. 
“Later. I’ll have to pass. Can you make my excuses to your girlfriend’s mother?”
“She’s… she’s not my girlfriend…” Sebastian hesitantly said as he slowly backed out of the room.
“So, this is usually your room…” Sebastian nods as he slowly closes the door.
“Thanks, buddy.”
Christopher went back to sleep in total darkness.
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“So, what does one do around here?” Christopher asked as he was lying near the edge of the pool, in his swimming shorts. 
“Nothing. Wait for summer to end.” Sebastian said, lying in the swimming pool.
“What do you do in the winter, then? Don’t tell me: wait for summer, right?”
“No. I come here only for Christmas and some other vacation…”
“And Easter too. I am northern Italian. My foster family live here in Salerno. I live in Genoa.”
“I am from a small town in Boston… And what else do you do here in summer, besides this?” Sebastian smiled, shrugged. They both laughed. 
“What do you do?”
“Write poetry. Read books. Swim at the river and the pool. Go out at night.” Christopher nodded, who took in his surroundings, his eyes hidden by dark sunglasses as he gathered up his things, cutting their conversation off.
“Later.” Christopher said, leaving Sebastian on his own. 
Panettiere: Baker
Ciao: Hello/Hi
Dove e Sebastian?: Where is Sebastian?
Meglio che vada giu: I better go down.
Si: Yes
Prendi il pane del fornaio per noi, per favore: Take the baker's bread for us, please.
Mettilo in cucina per favore: Put it in the kitchen please.
Tag List:
@averyrogers83​ @yavanna80​ @kirstie-evans-writes​ @pegasusdragontiger​ @katiew1973​ @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory​ @jenna-writes-marvel​ @hettie-drysdale​ @capsthot​ @jeremyrennerfanxxxx123​ @imaspecialpersonwhoneedshelp​
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givlianas · 5 years ago
     hey THOTS , it’s lola ! as promised , here’s giuliana , aka gi , aka gbaby , aka honor roll horse girl — we stan ! i have the shortest attention span in the world , so please hit me up on discord to plot at 𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖑 𝖈𝖑𝖔𝖜𝖓 𝖌𝖎𝖗𝖑 𝖘𝖍𝖎𝖙#3103 ! you can also react to this with a ♡ and i’ll hit you up !
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ʻ   /   let  me  introduce  you  to  a  prized  member  of  our   equestrian team & honors society   ,   giuliana ‘ g ’ clemonte .  this   cisfemale  scorpio   has  been  a  student  at  our  institution for   eleven years  and  is  currently  a  twenty-one year  old   junior .   through  the  halls ,   she  has   always  reminded  me  of   natasha liu bordizzo  ,   but  there  is  always  more  than  meets  the  eye ,   like  the  fact  that  she’s been selling the stock her father put aside for her to a business rival .  coral  cape  has  made  their  future  just  as  bright  as  their  smile ,   i  assure  you .  ʼ     (  muse three ,  lola ,  twenty-one ,  est ,  she / her   )
full name : giuliana mae clemonte. nicknames : gi , giu , lia , liana , gigi , jujubee , gbaby. age : twenty-one. date of birth : november 14 , 1998. place of birth : rome , italy. sun sign : scorpio. gender : cisgender female. pronouns : she / her / hers. passports : american , italian , chinese. languages : english , italian , chinese. education : st . stephen’s school in rome ( until age ten ) and cape coral international school. major : sociology ( currently pre-law ). clubs : equestrian team , honor society.
     giuliana’s a daugher of china and italy , with roots tracing back to BLUE BLOOD on either side. her mother’s side traces back through generations of businesspeople and entrepreneurs , who built china’s economy. her father’s side traces back through generations of engineers and architects , who built many of the major cities of italy. her golden pedigree came with a certain amount of EXPECTATIONS , which her tiger parents were clear about with her from a young age. she was born in rome , and instantly sent off to the st . stephen’s boarding school when it came time for her to begin her schooling.
     meanwhile , business began booming in the united states for both sides of the clemonte clan , who made the move over to portland , leaving behind their daughter to finish her studies. at age ten , giuliana finally reunited with her parents and was THRUST into a wildly different school system. the change was enough to make the girl’s head spin , all while instilling in her adaptability and a love for OBSERVING others’ facial expressions , mannerisms and their general attitude around others. it’s something she’s kept to this day. 
     though wealth has played a large part in her upbringing and the environment she’s grown up in , giuliana’s grown quite DISILLUSIONED of it. she’s seen the damage her parents and their businesses have left in their wake ( the collapse of the new residence building being one of them ! ) and doesn’t quite understand how they’re able to just throw money at the problem and walk away. as her secret suggests , she’s slowly but surely inching away from what her family has built , and hopes her career will be enough to sustain her once she spits out the silver spoon that was put in her mouth when she was born.
𝐢. 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
there's a look in your eyes when you're hungry for me it's a beautiful knife cutting right where the fear should be     
     this one’s a direct reference to giuliana and axel’s relationship. though their modus operandi is being ON AND OFF , a relationship peppered by petty fights , tears and short-lived breaks , no part of giuliana is truly ready to let axel go. their mental connection , their shared interests , their morals and values , their sex life — it’s all too good for her to let go of. this particular song really gives a sense of how fiercely she feels for him , how deeply he’s engrained in her being.
because i'm just an ordinary superstar so far but always hanging where you are
     this one pertains to giuliana’s relationship with status , money and the lineage she was born into. though her last name opens doors , gets her a certain level of eduction and leads to a fair few people turning their heads or craning their necks , it’s something she still very much WRESTLES with. she’s obviously thankful for the immense privilege her wealth and background offer her on a regular basis ( hello ?! who wouldn’t ? ), but the scrutiny and the fabricated kindness and friendships that come from it are things she could very well do without.
we got delusions of a grand oblivion we're only happy when we're higher than the sun
     this one ties more into the stereotypical aspects of being tied to wealth. the partying , the smoking , the drinking , the drugs — the small things that make the lives of the children at cape coral a little smoother. giuliana’s not particularly attracted to drugs , loud music , velvet ropes and faded neon signs , but has been known to partake occasionally , when everything becomes a little too intense to deal with and her brain needs a short BREAK from overthinking and overanalyzing.
𝐢𝐢. 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐬 
     like the true OBSERVER  she is , giuliana’s always been a social chameleon. her personality ebbs and flows based on the company she keeps , her eyes always careful to pick up on others’ emotions and body language. it’s how she’s been able to read past what her parents have told her over the years. in an environment where labels are quickly affixed , it’s what has kept her ahead of the curve and has allowed for her classmates , friends and anyone else in her orbit to be kept guessing.
     this , in turn , has led to one label sticking ( on and off , truth be told ): the MANIC PIXIE DREAM GIRL. after all , who wouldn’t want to be , hang around or date the mysteriously quiet girl with the golden pedigree and platinum family tree ? the one who always seems to have the most eccentric fun fact to recount during classroom ice-breakers , the one whose holiday destinations rival all others’ , the one no one can seem to ever get an accurate read on. part of her loves to have fun with the attention and whispers that come with this label , but another ( truthfully , larger ) part is conflicted with what this means for her and what that makes her come across as.
     ultimately though , if there’s anything anyone should know about giuliana clemonte , it’s that she’s a SEEKER and is driven by a need to know and understand the world and people around her. her actions , though not always meant to generate good , are always guided by her moral compass. she comes from a blue blood family and was given a silver spoon at a young age , but very much does not fit in the cookie cutter rich kid stereotype. she’s quick to point out the wasteful ways in which her family and those around her spend , and tries to keep her life as normal as she can ( though things like art , expensive wine , quality italian leather goods and lush fabrics are all things she’s thankful her lifestyle allows her to have ). 
𝐢𝐢𝐢. 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫
though her name doesn’t make it all that obvious , giuliana is of CHINESE-ITALIAN descent ( the former on her mother’s side and the latter on her father’s side )
she’s a very fast reader , and absorbs an impressive amount of the information she reads — if you’ve watched suits , she’s like michael ross : everything she understands , she remembers forever
her luxury vices are italian leather shoes , earrings , art and good food ( cars ? private jets ? clothes ? expensive hair and makeup artists ? useless spends in her eyes )
she collects all of the letters she’s ever received and will spend evenings spreading them out on her bedroom floor and re-reading them quietly ( chocolate readily available or glass of wine in hand ) when she needs to re-center herself
she’s gotten many , many nicknames over the years ( gi , giu , lia , liana , gigi , jujubee , to cite a few ) but true friends know to call her gi
     you can find a ( work in progress , because i’m a perfectionist about these ) pinterest board for giuliana HERE !
     give me STRONG FEMALE FRIENDSHIPS that are basically platonic soulmate relationships , with comfort and trust so strong that nothing could ever break them apart ( carla and lu , but without the murder and arguments ? ) 
     give me a SQUAD with late night wine drinking , nights spent out on beaches skinny dipping and laughing until it hurts , large group hugs when things aren’t so good , promises to always have each others’ backs and inside jokes that no one else will ever understand. 
     give me an UNLIKELY FRIENDSHIP with a boy she was convinced she hated , but now realizes she’s so similar too ( they’re both shitty , and it’s fine ! ) and will insult to cope. 
     give me ONE NIGHT STANDS and HOOKUPS she uses to attempt to get over axel , with heated kisses in stairwells and hallways and labored breaths in semi-public places.
     give me ANGRY SCHOLARSHIP KIDS who can’t stand her connection to the collapse of a building and with whom she’ll clash , all while knowing that they’re right and that her family should pay the price of their actions.
     give me someone gi SMOKES WITH on the roof of her home , to get away from it all. she has her head on their shoulder and smoke dancing out of her mouth , counting down the minutes until she feels light enough to start pouring her soul out.
     give me CHILDHOOD FRIENDSHIPS with people who first saw baby gi , fresh out of italy , with a strong accent and doe-eyed confusion over schedules , classroom locations and the like. they’ve stuck by each other for years , and maybe knowing each other that well has been good or maybe it’s dangerous that they know so much.
   give me ANYTHING YOU WANT ! i honestly love in-depth , thought-out plots and would love , love , love to brainstorm and think through things with all of you !
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andrewguyspeaks-blog · 4 years ago
You Are A Pixel And Part of The Big Picture
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Many times we take for granted how special we are, and live our lives in obscurity and vicariuoisly exist as a figment of our imaginary superheros.
Your role in whatever part you play speaks a louder volume than wishful thinking could ever tell. You matter! You are enough!  You are necessary! Sometimes we just need people who care about us to remind us of how significant we are in the big picture. Many times we get lost in the shuffle and lose our way. But always remember that every picture, regardless of it's size, is made up of pixels. Pixels in a picture are just like the cells of the human body; they are the part we cannot see with the naked eye, but without them the images we now see would be impossible. These  small units play the biggest role. There would be no picture without the tiny pixels to tell the big story. If you remove one pixel, you don't have a picture. So what's the message, "Don't miss the big picture because you are stuck inside the frame!" If you are wondering, "Andrew, what is this big picture you're talking about?" Simply put, the big picture is the total you. Your failures, setbacks, triumphs, victories and defeats...Everything that makes you the person you are today: your past, present and the future you aspire to be. That's who you are. But in order to experience the full view of you the picture, you must think outside of the frame. And never forget that #diversity and inclusion are vital to every picture. It takes every kind of tiny pixels to complete a picture. Your uniqueness is a necessity to your completion of the big picture we see and experience.  It's the message we all need...that our life assignment help others fulfill theirs. Join me for season two of #ILIRPODCAST "DISRUPTING NORMALCY" FOR THE GOOD OF HUMANITY.
About the author: Request A Speaker: www.andrewguyspeaks.com Meet Andrew: Andrew E. Guy is an author, and an international speaker with a global reach. He is a staff development trainer and a personal development coach who helps professionals and leaders balance work and life so they can pursue purposeful living. Andrew is the founder of GIU, Greatest Impact University and thw host of ILIRPODCAST "DISRUPTING NORMALCY". He is a professionally certified classroom educator and a former teacher of the year. He is an Educational Classroom Engagement expert, and a Certified Prevention and Management of Aggressive Behaviour, (PMAB). Andrew’s coaching and consulting work includes Professional Development for new educators, Work-Life Enrichment for professional staff, municipal public service members, faith-based and not-for-profit organizations.
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libidomechanica · 4 years ago
Untitled (“Compare”)
Compare she cried, most at these nothing.  Nameable cheek where Rigours exile  locks the one Friday                              Somewhere poetical companions the guitar  was small posterity, 
and left sucked ambush while the  care he rode many a drowsy hours,  within my bonie Bell. Her  mate, guies me like a face and being opens  four kiss? And to me gaue 
by giuing doves wil be taste (some saying and  oh, tis true, tis true: but those hollow smother  dressed looke)d his spent my knees on a  mantel-piece of burning crag,  where are lost in one another.
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