#small town killers
the-east-art · 19 days
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Not sure if I’ll finish this haha
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quitebashfulexe · 5 months
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got the gals going out on the town >:)
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corrodedcoughin · 11 months
just thinking about musician eddie who ends up doing country music under a pseudonym similar to Orville Peck. Eddie having his rock and metal band but the influence of Wayne and his upbringing doesn’t leave him. So he puts on a mask and picks up an acoustic to be this character. A character that’s closer to his real life than he lets on. A deep voiced cowboy singing about the difficulty of growing up gay but how comfortable he is with his identity.
He only ever does small gigs under this name and the audience isn’t huge. But there’s one regular that turns up to every show, he’s never stayed to talk to Eddie after and Eddie’s never been brave enough to go up to him. He knows he’d let all his secrets out under the attention of those hazel eyes and pretty boy smile.
Tonight though? Tonight he might just risk it all because the gif is over. Eddie is standing at the bar and he’s being handed a drink he definitely didn’t ask for by a man he definitely wants to know more about.
Or!!! Alternatively!!!!!
Steve as an Orville Peck style country singer. Going it to gigs and shows and getting a name for himself as the mysterious masked singer who is a proud queer cowboy. Creating a character to share his emotions and experiences. He doesn’t think it’ll come to much, just a way to let himself be heard.
Only he ends up gaining a strong following. His audiences are small but they are dedicated, understanding the idea steve has created and the importance of it. He loves this group he’s made for himself and how comfortable everyone feels at his shows. There’s often full conversations between him and the crowd, letting everyone be involved in his performances.
Steve has every intention of this being a small time thing that gets him through the long work week. What he doesn’t plan for is one of his tapes being found by corroded coffin front man eddie munson. Eddie Munson who loves a mystery, Eddie munson who might be in a big time metal band but has grown up listening to country and know Good Music when he hears it. Eddie Munson who might be Steve’s number one fan and is planning on finding out who is behind the mask
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startheskelaton · 11 months
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subtlymelancholy · 1 month
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I'm a little late, but HAPPY 20TH ANNIVERSARY HOT FUSS!!! Here are some pixel art buttons I made to celebrate The Killers discography (since they're my favorite band!)
F2U with or without credit, just don't claim as your own. tips appreciated <3 (ko-fi link)
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wreckedhoney · 6 months
one of my favorite bits about forrest's whole deal is that he's coming from what's safe to assume a longass background in the entertainment industry but in a much larger and complex scale than what he's dropped in when we play, so narratively he can come across as outright rude and gruff with constantly comparing the town to a big city and absolutely zoning out when people talk to him, but 1) he's openly homesick af, 2) outside of work, he's in what's an incredibly different environment than where he's lived for decades, and 3) he might not actually be used to the majority of his coworkers being as nice as peggy and the others seem to be. others in their positions may generally have bad reputations where he comes from, and he was constantly waiting for the other shoe to drop and their true colors to show. whistling night accelerated his realizing that at least with some of them, they genuinely are just cool.
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devotioncrater · 10 months
people on here want more unhinged middle-aged lesbians where the plot isn't about them being gay, then they refuse to watch Deadloch
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invisible-pink-toast · 4 months
do people realise that you can like characters without having to morally defend them??
like misty quigley is a fantastic character - she's awkward, can be sweet, disturbing, cruel, ruthless, intelligent, dorky. there's a lot of layers to her character, just like every character on yellowjackets.
and you are allowed to like her for all her complexities! she is not real! you are not supporting an actual cannibalistic, elder abusing, serial killer! she is a well written character and you do not have to try to convince random strangers on the internet that she is simply "misunderstood"
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cairavende · 8 months
Worm Arc 16 first part thoughts (through defeating Dragon and Defiant interlude) cause it seemed likely there is going to be something major happening in the rest of the arc and I might as well split it here:
I might not have made the best choice in adopting both Taylor and Dragon
Ok so it's not technically my babies fighting. It's Taylor fighting simple AI Dragon created. But close enough.
Drone robot fucked up a perfectly good barbecue. That's just criminal.
I love that the robot sent after Bitch was basically designed to get fucked up over and over. Work with what you have.
Also Bitch was so willing to listen to Skitter! Not just listen but "come up with a plan like you usually do, we’ll make it happen"! She fucking trusts her so much! GAAAAAAAYYYY!
You put Skitter in charge and she is just instantly "Ok we're going to attack the Wards, the Protectorate, the PRT, and some of Dragon's robots. All at the same time. Cause I always gotta go BIGGER!"
I will give her this though - solo teleporting into the middle of the Protectorate and Wards (except for Clockblocker) and having Trickster swap her around while she just FUCKED SHIT UP? That was badass.
And throwing herself out the fucking window? TWICE? I'm very glad Trickster was on point there cause I would have fucking murdered him if he dropped my daughter.
Piggot trying to be all high and mighty and superior. Fuck off lady. You just a cop. You're like, the worst cop. I already called you out for having a full blown villain internal monologue in your first interlude. Some of the PRT might be trying to do right. Maybe. But you are just evil.
I will give Piggot one thing. She is good at what she does. It's just that what she does is not "leading the Brockton Bay PRT and Wards to better take care of the people of the city", but instead "be a terrible and manipulative person who would absolutely set of a nuke if she thought it would kill enough capes".
Also Trickster don't be an asshole. Being disgusted when Piggot admits she's fat and doesn't sound ashamed about it. Fuck off with that. She's a terrible person, there are so many better things to attack than her appearance.
Like the fact that she upset Tattletale! She made Tattletale sad! FUCK PIGGOT I HATE HER FOR THAT ALONE NOW!
Sticking a bunch of glass in some doors and riding around town on them oh my god. These are like, the scariest super villains in town. And they are door surfing. I love it.
Azazel is fucking fancy! I'm sad it got melted down in the end.
Dragon just needed a guy badly cosplaying as a DS9 starship for a few minutes and then she builds infinitely better shit than he ever could. Cause she is awesome.
Ok so I know it was technically being run by an AI that Dragon built but I'm counting it as Dragon. For one reason.
Skitter asking Azazel stupid questions until it broke was just a little sister annoying their older sister with really stupid questions! She starts off with some somewhat reasonable ones and just gets wild with it. It was perfect. That is the type of fighting I can tolerate from my daughters.
I'm a little worried about Imp clearly crushing on Regent. He hasn't had the best moral character in the past.
Wasn't expecting them to just *have* the city after beating Dragon. Definitely wasn't expecting that to happen mid arc.
“She’s out of it. Tattletale broke Skitter when she said we won” - GAY. Look sure there's lots of reasons Skitter would be distracted after hearing that the city was theirs and they had won. But Tattletale said it and there's something about a girl you like telling you "we won" that can just stop brain from working. Besides I wasn't getting enough Chatterbug content this arc so I'll find it wherever I need it.
So coming into this arc I had been making lots of jokes about Monarch referencing Skitter vs Dragon (both were controlling lots of minions, want to control the city, they're siblings cause I adopted both of them so they fight for the crown, etc) but Dragon is out of the city for now. So I really should have been focusing on Coil vs Skitter. Which is what I expect the rest of the arc to be.
It'll be fine.
I'm sure there won't be any issues at city hall with her dad. Nope.
PRT squad interlude (Piggot interlude round 2) thoughts:
Nilbog is terrifying but god his power is wild.
I had Left 4 Dead in my head the entire time. First thing they killed was a boomer. There was a spitter later as well. And they got the swarm once they shot the flare up for the evac.
PRT is endlessly badly managed. Given the unknowns they could have been more careful and used a better strategy. If they have the resources to wall off the town they have the resources to have done things better.
There is no way Thomas Calvert isn't Coil (more specifically becomes Coil). There is NO way. It has to be him. I don't technically have any proof but I know. It's him. (The way he is described, the way he talks, just everything about him. I could write up an entire post just on why I'm 100% positive he is Coil.)
I already knew Piggot was a horrible person to be running the Brockton Bay PRT and the Wards so this interlude didn't really give new information there. But it does just lock that down on an extra level.
Frank Miller's Armsmaster interlude thoughts:
I'm very sad I had to have this interlude from his perspective instead of Dragon's perspective. But I'll live.
Sucks to be this small town.
PRT failure again. It was made clear that the police of this town in no way expected the SH9. But the PRT knew when SH9 left BB and had a loose idea of their potential travel speed. And they knew SH9's M.O. in this situation of staying to back roads and hitting small towns. So every police department in every small town within a certain distance of BB should have known to be on alert. Like ya they aren't going to be able to stop the Nine, but they might be able to reduce losses a little. PRT is just bad at it's job. (Almost like Alexandria doesn't have the right priorities.)
Plugging my ears when I Was Insecure So I Made My Stick Even Longer Man talks about playing "ten by ten" with my robot daughter. Look she can do what she wants, no shame, but I do not want to hear about it from him if I can avoid it.
Of course Dragon knows about Cauldron. I should have expected that she did. My daughter is brilliant (and also maybe doesn't have a concept of privacy so gets all the information she can without explicitly doing something illegal and goes has a little bit of a "Big Sister is watching you" vibe).
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| The Most Dangerous Game | Excerpt | 💙🔪💔 |
Frisk glanced up, a shiver that felt like a spider crawling slowly up her spine creeping up through her skin, the static in her feet climbed with it. She sucked in another breath of musty air. 
“Ibrahim?” she called again, forcing away the waver in her voice. 
Her legs moved awkwardly through the maze-like halls of her house. The photo stabbed like thick plastic in the palm of her hand as she searched for their bedroom. The HVAC sighed, and the house seemed to creek with it. 
Her breathing was uncomfortable in her throat. Almost painful. Her feet staggered as if urging her to pick up the pace. At the end of the hall was a large window. Heavy chevron curtains fluttered in the stale A/C. Her eyes were drawn to it. Her heart beat heavy in her chest. 
The hallway felt stretched. Her feet swayed with the new sensation of vertigo, as if she’d go falling downwards. 
There was a long buzz in her ear. Like parking lot fluorescents. Flickering against the far away window. Just past the dark reflection of the musty, chevron hallway… just past the visage of her form staring back at her in that glass… 
She swore she saw the faint outline of bulbous figure, a man, watching her. A grisly beard itched around a giddy grin. His fleshy, wrinkled face was hollowed out by the light and almost made him look like a living corpse. 
The faint glint of his wild sclera flashed at her. His fleshy hand, greened by the hallway light pressed against the window as if to wave to her. 
Her breath hitched. 
Those fleshy fingers began to tap, slowly against the glass. 
Tack… tack… tack…
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antagonisht · 2 days
i do think diavolo actually being nice to trish/raising her aus (dadvolo?) are often quite cute and nice to look at and i enjoy it when good things happen to trish but also like. it's hard for me to look at those and think that's something diavolo would ever do so it doesn't tend to interest me much. i'm just like that's an entirely different guy now. which ofc is often the point of an au.
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quitebashfulexe · 4 months
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Careful he's actually out of the house for once o((⊙﹏⊙))o.
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startheskelaton · 1 year
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Old friend, still friends
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bravevolunteer · 9 months
thinking about michael and the rumors that he was the one behind the kids going missing. i’m normal
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kinnoth · 10 months
I like everybody else terminally online watched the plagiarism video this weekend
And maybe I'm just coming at this from a perspective of someone who was not exposed to j som before he got exposed but like Jesus fuck what the shit
Plagiarism notwithstanding, that man makes some bogus ass, shit ass claims that on a very basic level just do not pass a sniff test by anyone who knows even a little bit about anything
I mean, the man waxes on longingly about the beautiful aryan nazi bodies to serve the conclusion that US troops volunteered for service to.....prove that it wasn't just the nazis who had perfectly sculpted hairless asses? Is that like......even something anyone thinks smells a little bit true? Like on a basic motivational level, for a nation, for a people, for a single person?
Making claims that the Roman empire was 70% slaves and 30% patricians.........does that even sound correct? Like, even if all you know about ancient Rome is from memes and shit, where are the plebs? You know, the thing we still call people today, when they're acting common and unwashed
The thing about how no songs prior to 1956 made references to kissing....I mean guys.....
And like ......not to like.... But like ..... The man has the charisma of a slow growing fungus. Granted I've only ever seen clips bc by the time I got there, he'd nuked his channel, but like.... I've heard AI voices reading tiktok subtitles inject more urgency and personality into text. J som reads text like he not only doesn't know what he's saying, he doesn't know any of the individual words and how they interact with one another. Like who voluntarily listens to this boring dumbass badly read from a script that has no coherent style tying it together?
Like I know people are gagging for gay rep but fuckin seriously, not only is he a plagiarizing douche who makes shit up wholecloth, he's not even a decent entertainer
Is this what y'all are settling for? Is the bar really that fuckin low?
#taking bets on how long it'll take before j som reemerges from his ''break'' as an alt-right token shill#i say under a year#also damn dude we get it#you're from a small town in NS where it's socially conservative and the gay scene is sad#and even if it weren't sad you dont have the looks charisma or personality to pull the beefcake gays you wanna be fucking#and somewhere not very deep down you hate yourself#you hate that you're dull and complacent and stuck where you are#you think that you are being oppressed as a gay man but you also think you are being oppressed as a cis white man#and you hate how ''easy'' women have it#why do they get to be ''detached'' from ''reality'' like that? why are they ''allowed'' all of their ''fanciful fancies''#''imagining themselves lusting after serial killers''#''imagining themselves writing fanfic about fictional gays''#they're not ''real people'' like j som imagines he is a ''real person''#theyre not ''serious people'' who have to suffer things like nobody wanting to date them bc they're soulless and untalented#only it's not bc they're women jim#turns out some people --regardless of their gender!-- just have something called ''imagination''#and wouldn't you know imagination leads to curiosity and learning and sometimes even the ability to formulate one's own opinions#that one may then put into one's own words#and then you know not have to steal 300k words from other people#just to get a little bit of a taste of that thing called having friends and people who admire and care about you
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nightrestspromo · 1 year
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Nightrest, from its beginning, has been intertwined with folklore and myth and truth. Tales of pirates and sirens became bedtime stories that served as warnings for local children. And it was all just stories in the end. All so in the past.
And yet.
Nobody expected a body to wash up on shore. One look and it was clear that it was no boating mishap, no accident, only foul play. A gruesome sight and a gruesome truth for the people of Nightrest: there was a killer amongst them. They could look all they wanted to towards the siren Echo, to the spirits that haunted the town, to all of it but where would the red string land? Who’d be called to the station? Who’d be questioned? Who’d make it to tomorrow? Would any of them? Who was safe, if anyone?
And most importantly, who, not what, was responsible for this?
Stick around and you might find out, but beware. You could be next.
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