#small outdoor fire bowls
tabletopfireshop · 1 month
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5 Key Tips for Choosing the Perfect Small Fire Bowl:
#smalloutdoorfirebowls #outdoorfirebowls #smallfirebowls #tabletopfirepits #smallfirepit #portablefirepit #tableswithfirepits #tablefire
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beeandpupcat · 2 years
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Infinity Pool (Tampa)
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ad-caelestia · 6 days
basic ass witch tips 🔮
[revised post from ~2018 & last edited on 9.29.24]
please note that these are all related to things i have actually seen discussed or mentioned. please do your research before blindly following the advice of someone online, myself included.
if you're on some kind of medication, including but not limited to hormonal birth control, heart medication, and anti-depressants, double check with your healthcare professional/provider [HCP] before you drink that new tea you just bought.
always, always, always tell your HCP before trying any kind of herbal supplement, whether it’s something you made yourself or something you bought at the store.
have a diagnosed medical condition? talk to your HCP before ingesting anything or putting anything on your body that you aren’t familiar with.
don’t. drink. essential. oils. essential oils are not consumable!!!!!
citrus oils can cause photosensitivity, or being sensitive to light and more susceptible to sunburns so be mindful when using these oils on your skin.
if it hasn't been emphasized enough, PLEASE dilute your essential oils before use! common carrier oils are grapeseed, castor, olive, coconut, avocado, almond, etc.
oil and water don't mix, so you would need to use an alcohol based solution with essential oils to dilute them that way (if you plan to use them for a spray or something of that nature).
be mindful of using sprays, incense, powders, etc. that could release particulates into the air around pets or those who have allergies, respiratory issues, etc.
don't involve your pets in your practice in a way that could be harmful to them - no essential oils on them, no crystals in their water bowl, no moon water that's been sitting on your shelf for weeks.
i beg you, please don't put crystals in any uh bodily orifices.
there are some herbs you absolutely cannot burn (or use safely, really) for any reason, so make sure you're educated on all that beforehand; yew, for example, is highly toxic and potentially fatal if consumed or inhaled. the leaves, bark, and seeds contains a chemical called taxine, which is what some of the most hardcore chemotherapies are made from so keep that in the back of your mind.
that being said, please wear gloves and use common sense if you decide to forage for your own herbs or plants. i know that plant identifying apps exist so if you have a smartphone, that might be a good place to start.
putting salt on grass does a couple of things: salt removes moisture from the soil, thus drying out the grass and killing it; and, salt causes chloride to build up in the soil, thus making it toxic which inhibits chlorophyll production, leading the grass to eventually "starve" and die - please don't do this.
don't leave candles unattended - even small ones; it's not a good habit to get into.
also!! crystal balls in direct sunlight can cause a fire so be careful!
more fire stuff - be mindful of the environment and also safety so check for burn bans before you make a fire outdoors.
sterile lancets, not needles or pins. that's all i'm gonna say about that.
don't drink water you collected from anywhere outside unless you plan to properly filter it first.
if you plan to store water for later use (moon water, for example), refrigerate it or set it in a cool, dark place.
distilled water is free of minerals and contaminants so it has a longer shelf life than tap or bottled water - keep this in mind when making charged waters or other potion type things.
fresh herbs or other things of that nature left at room temperature can also grow super harmful bacteria. for example, putting raw garlic in olive oil and leaving it at room temperature will end as a breeding ground for botulism and mold.
be safe out there!
© 2024 𝚊𝚍-𝚌𝚊𝚎𝚕𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚊
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witchboxco · 1 year
Litha Altar Ideas & Elements
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Litha, also known as midsummer or the summer solstice, is a Pagan sabbat that honors the longest day of the year and the height of the sun's power. It's a time of light, abundance, and connection to nature. There are infinite ways to create a sacred space that captures the essence of the summer solstice, but here are just a few to get you started.
Choose a Sacred Space
Select a location for your Litha altar that feels harmonious and tranquil. It could be indoors or outdoors, depending on your preferences and available space. Consider placing it near a window to invite in the sun's rays or under a tree to connect with the earth's energy.
Colors of the Solstice
Embrace the vibrant hues of summer by incorporating colors that symbolize the sun and its energy reflected in nature. Opt for warm shades like gold, yellow, orange, and green. These colors evoke the energy of vitality, growth, and abundance.
Sun Symbols
Since Litha revolves around the power of the sun, incorporating sun symbols on your altar is a wonderful way to honor this celestial force. Decorate with solar discs, light catchers, sunflowers, prisms, Helios statuettes, ojos de dios, solar inspired artwork, or sun candles. These symbols remind us of the sun's life-giving energy and its powerful presence during the summer solstice.
Celebrate the beauty of nature's bounty during Litha by adorning your altar with a selection of fresh, seasonal flowers. Sunflowers, daisies, St John’s Wort, and marigolds are excellent choices. Arrange them in vases or make garlands and wreaths to hang around your sacred space. The vibrant colors and sweet scents will infuse your altar with a delightful atmosphere.
Elemental Representations
Litha is a time to honor the elements and their harmonious interplay. Consider incorporating representations of fire, water, earth, and air on your altar. Candles can represent fire, seashells or a small bowl of water for water, crystals or stones for earth, and feathers or incense for air. These elemental symbols help create balance and align your altar with the natural energies of the season.
Symbols of Abundance
As Litha celebrates the abundance of the Earth, include symbols of prosperity and growth on your altar. Wheat, corn, berries, honeycomb, and seasonal fruits like strawberries, peaches,or cherries can be placed in baskets or on decorative gold bowls. These symbols express gratitude for the bounty of the sun and the abundance it provides.
Ritual Tools and Divination
If you work with ritual tools or divination methods, consider placing them on your Litha altar. This might include a wand, a cauldron, a chalice, runes, or a tarot deck. These tools act as conduits for your intentions and can be charged with the heightened energy of the summer solstice.
Solstice blessings. 🌞
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onskepa · 10 months
Tomorrow is my birthday and i hope you dont mind if i request you. If you could write a neteyam and human reader where she is deaf (because im deaf to lol) and after the ambush quaritch made, they have to take her with them, to the metkayina. Neteyam finds out she doesn't speak since she is deaf and doesn't hear herself, so he learns the metkayina sign language. But poor boy finds out she knows the american sign language (or one from earth). Also, only jake, her and norm knows it
I did my best to make sure my gift to you is the best! I hope you can enjoy this! And enjoy the rest of your birthday, have a nice treat and celebrate!
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“What is she doing here? Not that I don't mind” Lo’al tells spider. Lo’ak and his siblings left to look for one of the old battle grounds to find anything interesting. But spider decided to bring a plus one to the trip. 
“I thought it would be good and nice if she enjoys the outdoors from time to time” Spider replies. Next to him was a girl whom the sully’s sees on a rare occasion outside of the lab. Standing next to spider, with a shy posture she gives the kids a small smile and waves at them a ‘hello’. 
“Well then let's go” lo’ak shrugs as takes lead of the small group. Spider guides his friend to be in the middle of the group as he walks behind her. The sully kids failed to see what the unique communication spider and his friend were having.
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It was dark, wet from the rain, and being held down tightly from strangers she has never met before. The girl was having constant internal screams about how she would get out of it. Looking at the rest of the teens, she can see kiri moving her lips, by body movement, she can guess kiri was doing a prayer of some sort. Perhaps praying for someone to save them. And really, the girl does want to be saved. Go back to the lab and in her comfy bed. Pretend the capture/hostage situation was a bad dream. 
Slowly and carefully she scans spider and the rest, to make sure they are calm. Especially the little one. Poor baby must be scared to death! 
However, she noticed everyone turning their heads to a certain direction, she followed their eyes. But all she sat was darkness. Perhaps it is the help they all prayed for? 
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“Here, this will help you feel better” Neteyam tells the silent human girl. Placing the bowl in front of her face, she jumped a bit startled. Looking up at him, she makes a gesture with her hand and chin and accepts the bowl. Neteyam thought it was but gave her a short smile and left her to eat in peace. 
Neteyam doesn't know much about the silent girl. Seen her only a handful of times. And even then, she was mostly with spider. And speaking of spider, he felt bad for his friend being taken from the demons. Whatever or wherever he is, he can only hope spider is safe. 
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“And why must we bring her with us!? She would stand out! Nobody from any clan will accept us with her!” Neytiri screeches to Jake as they discuss about leaving the Omatikaya clan. Jake was pacing back and forth, taking deep breaths. Being careful to say the right words. 
“She knows as much as spider. The RDA knows that kid is here and will likely look for her. And if they find her, they find everyone. Spider may not say a word to the RDA but they know there is another. It leaves us no choice. We have to take her with us”. 
Outside from the tent, their children were listening really closely. The four siblings all looked at each other and then silently to the girl who was staring at the bonfire. To leave their home, everything they ever knew was devastating. And to take a human who so far hasn't spoken a word would make things difficult to coming to terms with. 
“If she comes with us, how will that work?” Tuk asks silently. Neteyam gives it a moment of thought before walking over to the girl. 
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The girl stared at the fire, feeling the bright warmth. Would follow the little burning sparks as it fades away. How it dances and sways, never still always moving. Even if the fire stays in one spot, its movements never conform. So hypnotic and soothing. 
At least it was that until a large hand touched her shoulder. 
She quickly turns her head to see who it was. The boy who gave her some food. His mouth was moving, but all she could do was look at him. Perhaps he doesn't know? Turning her body towards him, she points to herself with her finger, and then moves her finger from the chin up to her ear. 
She observed the boy in front of her, his lips moving downwards and eyes moving slightly. Confused is most likely what he is feeling. And again he moves his mouth, with his hands moving as well but none of the hand moves he makes forms any words. 
This will be tricky to communicate.
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 “I'm sorry, I don't know what this hand thing you do” Neteyam says. He huffs out a bit frustrated. Looking down at the girl, and the girl seems to understand. He looks over to his fathers table of computers and tablets. There was a small tablet at the end of the table. Grabbing it he hands it to the girl. 
And it made the girl smile, her shoulders relaxing. Quickly she types in some words and flips it for him to read. 
“I am deaf. I cannot hear you. I cannot speak, for I am mute” 
Neteyam read the sentence over and over. Letting this new found information settle in. He looked at her, who was smiling. 
“You mean, you can't hear me? Can't hear anything?” he asks. The girl turns the tablet to type something else. And again, she flips it over. 
“I can not hear anything. Your sound, the sound of others. From the roars of the ikrans, to things being moved. I can't hear. That is how I am.” 
This opened a new window of perception to neteyam. A human who cant hear? How did that work? Or, not work in this case. To hear nothing but silence? It boggled his mind. Is this why he never heard her voice? 
Taking the tablet he does his best to type out some words. 
“If you can't hear, then how do you go on everyday?” 
The girl reads it and takes it back to reply. 
“I heighten my other senses. More specifically, sense of touch and feel. I do my best to feel the vibrations of everything. My eyes are also sharp. No means am I perfect on it. I get distracted sometimes”. 
And that is how they communicated for the few hours they had together. Neteyam couldn't help but take interest in the girl. Yet somehow despite the long time of “chatting”, not once did neteyam ask for her name. 
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After so many long talks and arguments. It was settled. The sully family and the young girl all left to seek a new home for the better safety of the children. For the entire travel, the girl was with neteyam. He did his best to bring her comfort. 
Everything was happening so fast, new regions the girl has never seen before. And before she had the chance to admire the environment, they had to move forward. Between sunny days and dark thunderous nights, 
The other siblings did their best to make the trip as comfortable for her as possible, but there was so much they could do. Of course she took the tablet to type out her words but the battery can last only for so long. So the tablet is used only for emergencies. 
But alas, they reached the final destination. In view, was the clear blue waters of a beautiful island. White earth covering connecting the blue ocean. The girl was in awe, the na’vi also looked different yet similar at the same time. Many with interesting tattoos! 
Climbing down from the ikran, the girl was able to feel the warm yet wet sand. Felt funny but it was soft, seeing ahead, tuk was looking at the gathering crowd. Neteyam guides the girl to look up at him. He gestures to stand close behind him. Complying she does so. 
As they all walk up to the crowd, two na’vi walked up to jake and the others. Conversation was happening as she sees their mouths moving. 
She tries her best to understand but all her thoughts were stopped as the female na’vi walked up to her. Glaring down with her clear eyes. 
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“And what of her?” Ronal asks as she inspects the quiet sky demon in front of her. Jake walked to them, keeping his hands out for ronal to see. 
“She cant speak, not even hear. We will watch over her. I promise, if she must, she will also learn your ways” Jake pleaded. Ronal glaces at him and then back at the girl. Small in height, not very threat looking. 
So she turns and has a silent conversation with Tonowari. 
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“They accept” The girl thought. A small smile broke out from her face, feeling relieved. By observing the two leaders, simply watching their eyes was enough to tell her many things. They did always say, the silence can speak a thousand words.
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“Can you do that again? “ Neteyam asks tsireya. She happily does so. She, ao’nung and rotxo were teaching the sully children how to speak in sign language. This is one lesson neteyam payed attention to in great detail. Tried to mesmerize what each movement is for. 
“You seem more eager with our finger talk than actually swimming” Ao’nung comments. “He wants to talk to our friend. '' Tuk applies the small information ith a happy, shameless smile. Her siblings were quick to scold her. 
“Why doesn't your friend join us? It would be interesting to get to know her” Rotxo says. Lo’ak shakes his head, “well good luck with that. She is deaf”. 
“Lo’ak!” Neteyam shouts. 
This raised some curiosity with the metkayina children. 
“You mean, she can't hear anything? At all?” Tsireya asks, all the sully kids nodded. While loss of hearing wasn't entirely impossible, such a rarity in fact, it doesn't stop one from searching for methods to communicate. 
“Well, all the more reasons to bring her with you! I would like to meet her and chat” Tsireya says with a happy smile. Now feeling more eager, tsireya and the others do their best for the sully kids to hone the new skill and perhaps have better communication with the girl. 
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The girl in question felt the familiar footsteps of neteyam. Turning to see him enter, he had a bright smile on his face. Curious, she had her full attention on him. Neteyam moved his hands, making unfamiliar signs. It looked like sign language but all the movements were wrong and couldn't make out anything. 
Tilting her head, he gives him a confused expression. 
Neteyam sees this and tries again, making sure he made all the right signs like how tsireya taught him. 
“You do not understand?”  He signs to her. And again, the girl shrugs and looks to be a bit lost by his communication. Sighing, he grabs the emergency tablet to type. 
“I was learning sign language today. That was what I was trying to do with you. I thought I learned it correctly, was there no sign readable?” 
The girl reads his message and forms her mouth to the shape of an “oh”. Finally understanding, she replies to him. 
“I understand now. The sign language you were learning is na’vi language. The language I sign is english. So there is still a barrier” 
Her shoulders shake, as if she was laughing silently. Poor boy went through hours of learning how to sign only to be fruitless in the end. Neteyam  hangs his head low. Feeling slightly embarrassed. Of course it would be english. Nobody, not even from his clan, new of the sign language of their people. 
Grabbing the tablet, he says “well it seems we both have learning to do” 
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The next day, neteyam brought the silent girl to meet the metkayina children. She felt slightly overwhelmed but felt happy to be included. Tisreya was more than eager to talk to the gently sky demon, but neteyam informed her the sign language she spoke was still of sky demon language. 
So to combat it, Tsireya took  it upon herself to personally teach both neteyam and the girl how to speak with their hands. 
And to say, it was no easy feat. 
Having an extra finger, there were things that needed to be adjusted. But not impossible oh no. If anything, the girl was just as eager to learn a new language. And with steady ease did she manage to have conversations with neteyam and the other kids! 
Things were not as awkward as before. Needing the tablet less and less. Almost forgotten. The girl smiled more, and became very active. From swimming to doing her part in the clan. She felt like it was a second chance. No more white cold metal walls but see the beautiful ocean every day. To be as free and easily speak with others better than she ever did back at the forest. 
As she sees it, it was a rebirth, and a rebirth requires a new name. 
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“Good morning Palang” Tuk signs to palang. Stretching out her limbs, letting the morning sunlight rays hit her skin, palang signs back, “Good morning tuktuk”. 
Another glorious day. Getting up, palang gets ready for the day. Communicating with sending specific vibrations or hand signs, everyone in the pod does their morning routine. Today, palang and neteyam have hunting and gathering duties. Something both have come to love. 
“Palang don't forget, you have to assist tuk with her lessons” Neytiri signs to palang. She nods to confirm, “Yes netyiri, I will make sure she doesn't skip this time”. She goes to the edge, ready to dive as neteyam walks up beside her. 
“Are you ready palang?” Neteyam signs to her. Palang smiles, the shine of the sun competing with the shine of her eyes. “Yes, lets do this!” she signs back. Both jump into the water and dive deep. The oceanic colors and life never cease to amaze them. Truly, Palang feels completed and hopes to grow further alongside her greatest friend, neteyam. 
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Aaaaaaand that is all everyone! Anon, I hope you liked this fic and all of you liking it as well~!
I typed this with sleepy eyes and brain, If i made mistakes please tell me!
Until next time! See ya!
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Palang - contact (in a social sense) communicate with
P.S: I spent more time on the name than I did with the story XP
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officialstrawhat · 11 months
Hello again! Here is the next chapter in my Multi fic :)
As always I hope you like it! I'm currently finishing up the Zou Arc so if I get something wrong sorry :P
Gif is not mine.
The Rose of Dressrosa
Chapter 2
Trafalgar D. Law x Fem!Reader
After King Riku is dethroned, Doflamingo takes you under his wing and asks you to follow only one strict rule, "do not leave the palace alone". However, your sense of adventure is too great.
Law had only one thing in mind... Revenge. And you seemed like the best way to do that.
Warnings: Dark themes, manipulation, death, murder, creepy doffy
Word Count: 1.2K
Chapter 1
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Seven Years Later…
In the outdoor courtyard of the palace of Dressrosa. Palm trees swayed in the wind, in an ornate fountain water splashed delicately back into the tiled ceramic bowl. And It is there you stare at your dark-haired opponent as she points her pistol at you.
“Give up, Y/N?” She smirked. 
“Not a chance,” you raise your arms in the normal fashion, showing off your bracelets wrapped around each wrist. At the top of the bracelet was a small circular container that was filled with the richest cultivated soil in Dressrosa. Once your hands were in the right place it dispensed the soil out and when it did… “Grow! Parodia! Magnifica!” 
Rapid gunshots were fired as large cactus balls with the spikiest thorns grew rapidly from the cascading dirt. You extended your arms and shot the weaponized flora toward your opponent, stopping the bullets that were heading in your direction.
Baby Five��s eyes widened at the incoming siege and somersaulted out of the way.
“Not bad.” she rose to her feet, dusting off her hands. 
“Not bad at all” a voice from behind you. Turning you saw the man who had raised you. “Your technique has improved.”
“Young Master, ” You greeted, bowing your head slightly. “I didn't know you were back.” you added nervously.
“Just returned.” the warlord told her, you noted the stern tone laced through his words. “Come, I want to have a word.”
You looked back at Baby Five who gave you a reassuring nod. Though that didn’t make you feel any better.
You did as you were told and followed him through the palace to the library. You knew what this was about. He was going to give you “the talk”, again…
Following him into the library, you still hadn't decided how to play this.
“Have I not made myself clear?” He asked darkly, closing the large door.
“I don't know what you mean?” Playing dumb it was then. 
“Don’t lie to me,” He moved closer to you, reminding you again how he towered over people. “Why is Diamante telling me that you went into town- Alone - Again.” With each word the veins on his forehead grew.
When you said nothing he continued, “You can not just leave the palace without an escort. You know that.”
“I just wanted to explore.” You finally say looking up. 
This is exactly what he did not want to hear. “Exploring”, would ultimately lead to learning things that were best left in the dark. He leaned in closer to your face, “And you may, but not alone.” 
“But Doffy, I can take care of myself. You’ve seen me fight, I’ve gotten better!” You assured him.
“This has nothing to do with that.” He shook his head, anger rising.
This didn’t make any sense,“Then I don’t understand why Baby Five and Dellinger can go out by themselves, but I can't?!” 
“BECAUSE I TOLD YOU SO!” he shouted.
He didn’t need your shocked eyes to tell him how he was coming off, he knew, he felt the mask slipping. You had only ever seen him yell at others but never you. He had always been patient with you.
You watched him reign in his anger, as he placed fingers onto the bridge of his nose and took a deep breath. After a few seconds passed, he finally spoke again, “Do you remember what I told you when I first brought you to the palace Y/N?” 
You nodded, crossing your arms and looking away, “You said you would keep me safe.”
“And I intend to keep my promise.” He placed two fingers under her chin, turning your head back to face him. “Over the years Y/N you have grown into a cherished member of this family. I’d hate to see anything happen to my Rose.”
You felt a chill roll down your spine. It's not that you hated the nickname he had given you when you were younger. You used to love it in fact. When you younger it saddened you whenever he chose to call you by your real name.
But recently there was something about the way he said it now… You just couldn’t put your finger on it… 
“Now tell me that you won't leave this palace without permission again.” 
“I won’t leave without permission” you told him, “I’m sorry, Doffy.”
The words were like music to his ears, releasing your chin, he bent down and kissed where your hairline met your forehead. 
“Good girl.” he said, with a large smile on his face he booped her nose, “Now if you’ll excuse me I have to make a call.” 
Turning to leave you, he walked to the door opening it with ease, “Oh and Y/N,” he paused to stare at you through his red tinted sunglasses, his smile gone. “Don’t make me have this conversation again.” 
And with that he was gone. You let out a sigh, cursing Diamante's name. Though luck may have been on your side. Doffy seemed to be under the impression that you had only left the palace once while he was away, which was far from the truth. You’d just have to be more careful next time.
As you made your way to the library door, a book caught your eye just by chance. It made you stop in your tracks, and take a few paces back. Once in front of the collection you reached for the book pulling it out of the neat and ordered shelf. How had you never noticed until now? 
“Tales of Grand Adventures,” you whispered, as memories of Sea Kings, ships, pirates and treasure are revived in your mind. You ran your hand over the gold colored letters and noticed the ‘Volume II’ before sitting on the padded bench and began to furiously turn the pages of the book. A smile graces your face as you remember the woman who would read you similar stories at bedtime.
Trafalgar Law had been on Dressrosa for less than a week and could tell something was off.
These toys gave him the creeps and everyone seemed far too cheerful for his liking. He had told his crew to stay off shore for the foreseeable future. He couldn't risk the Donquixote family catching wind of him in town.
It had been a long time since he had seen Donquioxte Doflamigo in the flesh. Law had thought once upon a time there was no one greater than Doffy. But he was older now, wiser, stronger. And if he was going to avenge Corazon he had to be strategic about it.  What could he do to hurt the Warlord before finally taking his revenge. He contemplated this as he sat disguised at a cafe, the two old crones chatted relentlessly at the table next to him. 
“Oh it seems like our Rose is at it again,” one said. 
Law looked up to see a figure dressed in a gray hood, going into a bookstore. 
“The King will be displeased,” Law heard the other say as he sipped on his espresso. 
“I heard he hates it when she leaves the palace.”
“I have no idea why. She is so beloved by the kingdom-”
“And no one loves her more than the king,” She then lowered her voice, “You have to think about it Marta, enemies of the king could be lurking in the shadows as we speak. I couldn't think of a better way to hurt our king than something happening to our Rose.” 
They continued their conversations but for Law the way to revenge was clear. He would pick the petals off of this ‘Rose’ one by one.
And then he would kill her…
Next Chapter
Taglist: @rebeccawinters
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m-jelly · 11 months
As I said before, I love your writing SOO MUCH >w< I hope you don't mind if I ask a request again, if so I'm sorry but I can't handle all these deaths in aot ˚‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ )‧º·˚
Can I request a scenario where characters like Levi's team (Petra, Oluo, Gunther, Eld) , Hange, Erwin, Mike, Moblit and Nanaba live? They are in forest around the fire like the scene where Zeke is in the forest, they are all sitting together, chatting, drinking and having fun. The reader and levi explain them that they are married, maybe one of levi's rare smiles
(♡´▽`♡) thank you and if you don't want to do it or change it, it's okay
(^з^)-☆Chu !!Love you<33
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@ladycheesington <3
A little outdoor celebration
Levi x fem!Reader
Canon AU, fluff, romance, married, celebrations, camping.
Levi takes you to a little camping spot to meet the rest of the scouts. The gathering was organised for the scouts to relax a little, but Levi turned it into an announcement to reveal the marriage between the two of you.
@ladycheesington @levisbrat25 @nyxiieluna @li-anne @galactict3a @youre-ackermine @thebobaprincess @2moth-anon2 @cypidity @notgoodforlife @demonsimp6 @nbinairyn
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A warm evening breeze drifted through the trees. The warm hand of your husband was so soothing to you. It was exciting that he was taking you on a woodland walk, at night and in his uniform. You could never get over how handsome he was in his uniform. It all fitted him so well and his cravat was so cute.
Those alluring steel-blue eyes of his looked over at you causing your cheeks to heat up. A cute small smile that you had come to love spread over his lips. Though his smile was rare to others, it was something you saw a fair few times. A smile from Levi was reserved just for you.
His warm lips against the back of your hand made your heart flutter. Those dazzling eyes of his locked onto yours as he kissed. A desire overcame you, you just needed to feel Levi. With a gentle tug, you pulled him against you. Your loving lips pressed against his flustering you both.
Levi wrapped his arms around you and held you close against your warm body. His loving fingers tangled in your hair as his tongue moved against yours. He released your lips before gently kissing you to confirm his love.
He gently took your hand in his allowing him to continue his walk with you to the campsite. "We're a little late, but I'm sure they'll be okay with it."
"Where will we be sleeping?"
He looked up at the tall and imposing trees. "Up top." He glanced over at you. "We'll be sharing."
A heat consumed you as naughty thoughts took over. "R-Really." You gasped a moment. "Oh, I've never used your gear before. It'll be like flying when you take me. I can't wait!"
"I'll be fun."
A soft hum of talking and laughter got louder. The welcoming smell of a bonfire and food drifted over to you and Levi. It was exciting to meet the massive team after everything they'd been through. They'd faced the female titan and lived to tell the tale and met the beat titan for the first time and Mike fought back. It was a miracle they all lived and it truly showed how strong they all were.
"Levi!" Erwin strolled over. "You made it."
Levi pulled you closer. "We did."
Erwin leaned around Levi to see he was shielding you, which showed just how much Levi loved you. "You must be the woman Levi mentioned."
You gave your name. "Lovely to meet you."
He shook your hand. "You too. We have plenty to drink and eat. I also made suer the tent in the tree for Levi was big enough for two."
"Thank you."
Levi squeezed you against him. "Good. I would have been pissed if we weren't sharing."
You tugged on his shirt a little. "Levi? Could we get something to eat?"
He held your hand and pulled you to a little spot. "Here okay? Eat anything you like." He got you a bowl full of stew and a drink. "You deserve it."
Petra and Oluo decided to join you and Levi. Petra smiled at how Levi was with you. "Are you two dating?"
You stopped eating and looked at Levi. "Umm." You didn't say a thing because you knew Levi had kept his marriage to you quiet. It wasn't because he was embarrassed, but he just wanted privacy. "Levi?"
Levi took your hand. "We're not dating. She's my wife."
Your cheeks burned at his declaration. "Yeah, we're married."
Oluo stared. "The Captain? Married?" His head raced at learning something about someone he looked up to for years keeping information from him. "Marriage..."
Mike walked over and handed Levi a bottle. "Wine?"
Levi held his hand up. "No thank you."
Mike sniffed the air and hummed. "You smell like each other."
Levi released a long sigh. "I should announce it." He pulled you close. "Everyone? I want to tell you all something." He looked at you and smiled sweetly surprising everyone. "This is my wife."
Hange raised a cup. "A toast! To the married couple! Let's make tonight about the scout victories and Levi actually getting a woman to like him!"
"Tch, shitty glasses."
You giggled as the group cheered. "This will be fun."
Levi looked at you. "Mm, I suppose. What's important is you. Sleeping in the tree together will be fun."
You felt your cheeks burn. "I think so too."
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wildflowercottage · 19 days
Embrace the Warmth of Fall
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As the crisp autumn air settles in, it’s the perfect time to transform your space into a cosy haven of fall warmth. Here are some simple ideas to bring the season’s charm into your home:
Dried Flowers: Gather a bouquet of your favourite blooms and let them dry naturally. Display them in rustic vases or jars for a touch of nature’s beauty that lasts beyond the season. Dried flowers add a warm, inviting texture to any room.
Plaid Throws: Snuggle up with soft plaid throws in earthy tones. Drape them over sofas or chairs to add an instant layer of comfort and style. Plaid patterns evoke the feeling of cozying up by a crackling fire.
Pumpkin Accents: Use small, real or faux pumpkins to decorate your space. Arrange them on tables, shelves, or mantels. They bring a festive, autumnal touch without any need for waste.
Candlelight: Light candles with warm scents like cinnamon, apple, or vanilla. The soft glow and comforting aroma will create a relaxing ambiance perfect for fall evenings.
Natural Elements: Collect acorns, pine cones, and colourful leaves from your yard. Arrange them in bowls or as part of a centrepiece to bring the outdoors inside in an eco-friendly way.
Woven Baskets: Use woven baskets for storage and decoration. Fill them with blankets, magazines, or seasonal items to keep things tidy while adding texture to your décor.
Handmade Garlands: Create simple garlands from natural materials like dried leaves or fabric scraps. Hang them on walls or across doorways for a touch of homemade charm.
Embrace the season with these easy and sustainable decorating tips, and let your home be a warm, inviting reflection of autumn’s beauty.
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Early Morning’s
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Tags - Fem reader, fluff, newleywed Kyojuro. 
Early Mornings in the Rengoku household were always the best part of the day for the newlyweds. The smell of freshly brewed tea wafting through the air paired with the Melancholy noise of sizzling fish was a staple of every good morning. “Hello, my love” stepping into the kitchen through the side door leading to the back gardens Kyojuro leaned into his wife, placing a quick kiss on her temple so as to not distract her from the fish she was grilling. “Good morning, how are you? How was your sparring session with Giyu?” Kyojuro chuckled, leaning over your shoulder to steal a piece of dried seaweed you had already plated. “He continues to challenge me; Water is supposed to be a formidable opponent for fire.” You nodded along with what he was saying, the familiar crunch of the seaweed filled the sudden silence making you turn your head towards the noise. “Kyojuro! I’m almost done with this! Go take the plates to the table, please! Quit it!” He chuckled as he shoved another piece of seaweed in his mouth. He smiled, cheeks full of dried seaweed as he took the bowls of rice from the counter and walked back to the table. “I would like you to come to one of our sessions. Mitsuri will be joining our next one, the fluidity of water and love of breathing work well together and they would like to attack at the same time, I would love for you to be there.” Coming back into the kitchen for the last few plates Kyojuro smiled, stopping next to you to look at you. “I would love for my beautiful wife to spend time with my friends” You smiled up at him, matching his own grin before turning back to the plate you were trying to transfer the fish too. “I’m sure I can come to the next one, when will you be sparing next?” He hummed, taking the plate from your hands as you slid the last piece on it. He left the room, letting you trail behind with the pot of tea you swiped from the stovetop. “Mitsuri just left for a mission and giyu is visiting his mentor later today. Depending on if I get a mission or not we shall have our next sparing session in 2 days!” that was a good amount of time to shop for a meal big enough to feed the four of you. Sparring sessions were usually held at your home or Giyu’s residence, Mitsuri’s was currently under repair after a small house fire caused by one of her cats getting ahold of the outdoor lantern. “Wonderful, I will send a message to the two of them, we shall have it here!” Setting down the plate of fish before taking the teapot from you kyojuro hummed to himself as he helped you into your seat. This was a typical morning. Kyojuro was often energized the second he stepped through the gates of his home. It was easy to feel instantly relaxed at the prospect of seeing your recently wed wife and the beautiful little home you had together. There were still knick nacks in crates, carefully wrapped and waiting to be unpacked and used to decorate the empty space on shelves, but that was for later, right now it was time for breakfast. “How was your night?” you asked, carefully scooping a larger portion of fish onto your husband's plate. He smiled, moving around you to gift you pieces of seaweed and vegetables. “It was a decent night, there seems to be more movement closer to the western part of my territory, I worry it may grow to something more. I expect a longer mission soon. Within a week is my guess. Besides that and training, it was rather good” You deflated at that, pausing your chopsticks to meet his gaze. He gave a half-smile already knowing how the rest of this conversation will go. “That soon?” you sighed “I guess it was a lot to expect to keep you to myself for a while longer.” It had been exactly two weeks since your wedding. Master Ubuyashiki was kind enough to give Kyojuro a few days off for the two of you to settle into your new home and your marriage. Since then he’s been going to slay demons at night and you would spend the very early mornings together before he went to rest and you continued on trying to decorate the house and start a garden. It was a routine you had become fond of, one Kyojuro found himself excited to start. “I’m sorry. I would like to stay here and come home to you. But things are getting worse and we need more help.” He let out a sigh of his own, digging back into his food. Breakfast passed in silence after that, just the clinking of utensils and the porcelain you ate out of. Kyojuro stood first, collecting the empty plates as you sat with your tea, savoring the mint flavor and the warmth it brought you. You stood as Kyojuro came back in to collect the second round of dishes, helping him gather the rest and wipe the table off. Stopping in front of the sink Kyojuro placed the dishes down before turning to you. “Come lay with me, I would like to spend more time than the morning with you before I am sent away for who knows how long” His fingers crawled around your waist, pulling you closer to him and into the warmth he naturally provided. “I have to clean all of this and I still have to water the-“ He stopped you with a quick kiss, smiling against your lips before standing up straight again. “That all can wait, plus it will rain later. Please, come with me?” You couldn’t say no to the pout he had on his lips, and droopy eyelids that begged to go lay down and rest. He looked so soft and you couldn’t resist. “Alright my love, we can rest.” You chuckled at the way he lit up, quickly taking your hand and dragging you to the bedroom, the futon already set up and ready for you.
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breelandwalker · 2 years
Good Luck Traditions for NYE
-Have some cash in your wallet. Starting the year with your debts paid and money in your pocket is said to ward off financial hardship.
-Fill your cupboards. Empty cupboards signify a hard, hungry year ahead, so make that last-minute grocery run if you can. At the very least, try to make sure you have bread and salt in the house.
-Save your cleaning for January. Cleaning the house on New Year’s Eve is said to sweep or wash away good luck coming your way in the new year. Of course, some traditions hold that the exact opposite is true - that cleaning your home just before the new year symbolizes a fresh start. (I say compromise and do your tidying on Dec 30th.)
-Open the doors and windows. Doing so just after midnight symbolizes letting the old year out and welcoming the new one in.
-Make some noise! Cheer, clap, sing, blow horns, set off fireworks or party crackers, bang pots and pans together. All of these traditions are meant to scare away spirits waiting to cause bad luck in the new year.
-Kiss your sweetie. A kiss at midnight on New Year’s Eve is meant to preserve the love you feel for the entirety of the year to come.
-Toast the old year as it ends and the new year as it begins. Traditionally, this is done with champagne or beer or some kind of alcohol, but it's perfectly acceptable to do so with juice or soda or mocktails instead. (Some traditions hold that toasting with water is bad luck.)
-Divine your future for the year ahead with candle wax. Melt a spoonful of wax over a flame or burn a fresh votive until a small pool forms. Extinguish the candle and pour the liquid wax into a bowl of cold water, then examine the shape it takes. (In Germany, they do this with small pieces of lead or tin.)
-Serve your favorite traditional foods with your New Year’s supper to ensure that poverty and hardship stay far from your door in the coming year. Good-luck foods include lentils, grapes (twelve of them), black-eyed peas and collard greens, pork and sauerkraut, and soba noodles. In Greece and Bulgaria, special breads and pastries are made with a single lucky coin baked inside. German and Swedish traditions also recommend eating pickled herring for New Year’s.
-Burn the old year in effigy! Write the number of the year and anything you wish to get rid of or leave behind on a piece of paper. Prepare a bonfire or cauldron, crumple the paper, and toss it into the flames. (This is best done outdoors if possible. Always practice fire safety!)
Happy New Year to all and may next December find us all better off than we were!
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suckitsurveys · 2 months
Have you had more hot or cold drinks today? Cold. I’ve had coffee and water so far today.
What’s a name you like that’s similar to yours? Anna, Joanna, Savannah.
Where did you get the last plate/bowl you ate with from? The last thing I ate was dinner last night and I had that on a paper plate.
How’s your mental health today? It’s okay so far. I’ve had a HELL of a couple months.
What bands and artists did you listen to when you were a teenager? Blink-182, Jimmy Eat World, Weezer, The Shins, Cake, No Doubt, Le Tigre, The Distillers, Taking Back Sunday, The Used, Kill Hannah, mc chris. Plus lots more.
Do your feelings get hurt easily? They definitely can.
What sort of restaurant did you last eat at? This Asian-fusion bar for my sister’s birthday.
Do you have a friend who’s always sending you TikTok videos? Do you actually watch them? Yes and yes. Ellen and I send each other Tik Toks all the time.
Have you ever seen a cougar in the wild? Nope.
Will you attend a wedding in the next 3 months? Not that I’m aware of.
Are you good at following instructions? Yes, but a visual aid definitely helps.
What’s your backyard or outdoor area like? We have a decent sized lot for a Chicago apartment. There’s a driveway and a garage so that takes up half, but then on the side of the garage we have a patio that our landlord installed a little while after we moved in. There’s a garden next to it and we have a fire pit with chairs, a patio table and a couple of grills out there. We also hung cafe lights above that whole area. Then there’s a patch of grass and a veggie garden against the back of our building. It’s a really cool little cozy spot and I love that we have it.
Do you like your boss? (or your last boss if you don’t currently have one)? He’s a nice guy but he’s really spacey.
When was the last time you took a selfie? It’s been a bit.
What did you have for breakfast yesterday? A banana and an english muffin with peanut butter.
What do you do to entertain yourself on a long flight or journey? On a flight I just get wifi lol. On a car ride I’m usually the one driving so I have a playlist ready. I recently took a 19 hour train ride to NOLA and I had Bob’s Burgers and The Bear downloaded on my laptop so I watched that and I played cards with my dad and just looked out the window a lot too. Where are you right now? Work.
Have you ever done a hearing test? Yeah, we used to have them in grade school, along with vision tests.
Do you hate small talk? It can be awkward but it’s fine.
What’s the hottest temperature your current town/city has ever had? It’s definitely been over 110F here before.
What programs/applications do you currently have open on the device you’re using right now? This and stuff for work.
How many steps per day do you do, generally? Not enough.
Have you had any snacks today? I haven’t eaten anything yet.
What’s the next thing you’ll tick off your to-do list? Work related stuff.
Have you ever had a chia pet? No.
What’s your favourite sandwich filling? Tuna or turkey.
Do you have any nieces or nephews? I do.
What was the last reason you saw a doctor? I thought I had strep and/or covid. I didn’t have either; just some weird bug I picked up in NYC.
Do you use light mode or dark mode on your phone? Dark, mostly.
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"We had been dating for five and a half years on our wedding day. Like many queers in the 2010s, we met on OkCupid. Our first date was at a bowling alley/arcade in London, Ontario, where Emily was going to university. Tarisa Gabe was studying in Toronto, so the first stage of the relationship was long-distance. After going on a few dates to the movies, miniature golf, and craft fairs, we officially started dating in December 2015 – and the rest is history."
"We always planned on an outdoor wedding, which meant that the week leading up to the big day was spent freaking out about the weather. It was supposed to be stormy and rainy on our wedding day, and we initially set up for the ceremony inside the winery since it was overcast in the morning. However, while we were getting ready, the weather took a turn. The forecast showed clear skies for the rest of the day, which led to us texting our family at the winery to move everything outside a couple of hours before the ceremony began. By the time we walked down the aisle, it was a beautiful, sunny day. Everything fell into place perfectly after that."
"We have been through a lot throughout our relationship. We have been to far too many funerals together, and yet the first wedding we ever attended together was our own! We’ve navigated long-distance, grief, questioning gender, house fires, floods, and career burnout. It simply felt right for us to celebrate our incredible love with a lifelong commitment to each other in front of our favorite people.
There are a lot more challenges the world can throw at us, but we know we’ll always have each other." 💛
Check out the blog for more pictures of this beautiful couple!
Venue by Small Talk Vineyards in Ontario, Canada
Photography by Cara Chapman Photography
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hestiashearthfire · 2 years
My Apartment's Gods
The Hellenic Polytheist community often seems split between two camps: Reconstructionism and Revivalism. I’d like to expand upon that topic at a later date, but for now, I've been reflecting on ways the lines between the two seem to blur and overlap, in my own experience.
I live in a small city apartment, and as you can imagine, my living situation requires certain accommodations.
For example, I reconstruct in that I offer libations and food offerings to the Gods, but in doing that I also adapt and revive those practices because I:
give my offerings and libations indoors, into an offering bowl rather than outside on the ground, because I do not have outdoor space.
libate water rather than wine, since we commonly drink water nowadays and I'm usually unable to drink for medical reasons.
pour my libations down the sink following prayer, because I do not have access to an outdoor means of disposal.
use everyday household items like drink tumblers and cereal bowls, because I have little space and few dedicated altar items.
offer common, everyday foods when I do not have more traditional items available.
I also reconstruct in my faith when I celebrate holidays and sacred days like Hekate's Deipnon and the Noumenia, but I revive these practices as well, because I:
make donations to local charities in Hekate's honor.
give my offerings and libations indoors, and take Hekate's special offerings outside to my complex's trash, because it's illegal to leave food outside.
make modern desserts and foods to feed my ancestors and celebrate the holy days, since my ancestors and any guests would expect local food.
keep my shrine to Hekate Propylaia indoors, because again, I do not have the privilege of owning a home for an outdoor space.
use minimal incense and candles to avoid creating a fire hazard in my building.
The above are just a few examples, but illustrate why I think the divide between Reconstructionsm and Revivalism is silly. I used to consider myself a staunch Reconstructionist, but as much as we try to adhere to "historical precedent," we can only do so much in our modern day.
Our homes are no longer built with the Gods' worship in mind, and our cities no longer celebrate the Immortals. Asphalt and concrete cover what would have been grass and earth, and modern laws and safety precautions prohibit us from pouring out libations whenever and wherever we please. We cannot expect access to a temple, although our family abroad are rebuilding some.
Still, we have home worship, as the ancients always did. Today, our homes look different. Our world and the life we live in it are drastically changed. We can't expect our worship will not also change, even if in spirit it remains the same.
I believe that as a community, Hellenic Polytheists can reach a happy medium, one which looks to the past for inspiration, but understands it will be shaped by the future. We all have more in common than we think, because we are all devoted to the Gods.
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lowfatmilk42 · 10 months
Had a dream I thought was cool, and was a rare case of my dream making sense, so I’m gonna post it here.
I was walking around with this group of people, in this orange-grey modern building, in the stairway. We were looking for doors. There was only one in the stairway, one of the group members, the one who’d asked me to help the group find it, got really exited and went over to it. I don’t remember exactly what he said but it was something about how we can’t possibly expect what’s inside the task. How sometimes he’s gone into these places and there’s been no oxygen, or there’s been an entire room on fire.
He has a beard and the eyes of someone who has faced death too many times, he is quite clearly unwell, but he opens the door and we all follow him. We enter into a dilapidated sort of outdoor stadium looking thing, four sides of concrete slab seats, each with a single door like ours at the top row, surrounding a massive raised pool with a table with some stuff in the middle. The table and stuff looked kind of like a still life. The distance between the sides was such that I barely could see the other side, and if there were people I couldn’t see them. On all of the seats there laid skeletons, wearing tattered clothes, holding sodas and popcorn buckets, all seemingly died simultaneously and without struggle, all just slumped over in their chair. Despite this, it looks, feels, and smells like an autumn afternoon. There is a small plastic table on front of us where there lay several small paper bowls filled with a sort of corn and grain bowl. The bearded man says he has been in this one before, not disappointed but instead suddenly anxious and on-guard. He instructs us all to grab some food and take our seat. I do so, finding a seat amongst the corpses of the crowd, and the bearded man tells us to “play dead, like them” referencing the crowd. I try my best to do so while still sneaking bites from the food I took. It is fairly delicious, but basic, with little complexity to the flavor besides some lime juice, salt, and cilantro.
I hear someone loudly whisper “stop!” And I immediately go back to playing dead, slumping over and closing my eyes. I do this for an unknown amount of time. I think about whether this is truly a trial at all or if this is some separate entity, a “cosmic coincidence” I specifically think. Then I hear something, far away, so I open my eyes. Since this dream already seems like bad house of leaves fanfiction I might as well just refer to it as the Minotaur. The Minotaur is large, but very lanky. Through my half closed eyes I can make out it’s form, walking among the stands on the left face of the stadium. It is about 12-14 feet tall and is covered in grey fur. It looks quite similar to modern depictions of wendigo, but the upper torso is bulbous, nearly a circle atop this tower of stick and bone. It’s head is almost sunken into its torso, like the head of an echidna, with a long, fanged snout jutting out. It’s eyes, from what I could see, were two small spheres on either end of the mouth which shifted through monotone colors. It seems to have entered the trial silently after a certain amount of time. I do not know how long he’s been there or if he came through the doors at all. As I said, it was searching though the crowd, likely for players. I tried to find if there were any people that were alive in that section, but it was so far away and my eyes were still mostly closed, I couldn’t tell the living from the dead. I started sweating, thinking our group was the only one that entered, that he’d find his way over to me eventually, but then the Minotaur stopped and looked at a seat next to him and, with unnatural speed and power, snapped up a living player in its jaws, lifting him up, making many chomps to loosen up his meal and break its bones, then ate his entire meal whole, the bloody mass of my fellow player sliding down his mouth and into the great form which stood victorious. Blood littered a significant portion of that part of the stands, the dark red staining the crumbling, mossy concrete and corpses long since deceased.
The Minotaur produces a shrill shout, which lasts for nearly a minute. I almost lose my nerve, I only remember sitting a few rows away from the door, I could have a decent chance if I make a break for it. This is proven incorrect when the Minotaur stops his howl, and pounces into the set of stands I’m in, moving faster than my eyes could track him. He does not kill anyone, he instead looks for the door that’s on this side and, when he finds it, he leaves, twisting and breaking his body to fit through, leaving audible cracks and snaps. He does leave quickly, however, and the door closes behind him.
The tension I, and probably the other people were feeling left as soon as that door closed. I remember being told that they never come back through once they’ve left. I stand up, dropping my food, and start to walk to the door. A skeleton moves as I pass him, grabbing my arm tightly. It is not a skeleton, but the bearded man. He tells me to wait, and I do, because I now remember that the Minotaur left the same way we came in. I sit back down and wait for an indeterminate amount of time. After some time I leave through the door. Some follow me, others don’t, when I leave I’m back in the stairwell where I began and I start to go down the stairs to go back home. I have completed this trial, yet I am still anxious for my next one, when it eventually comes. I wake up after walking down a few floors.
Was gonna turn this into sorta a short story thingie but don’t have the time to write rn, also I have no idea how this website works so sorry if dreamposting is frowned upon here.
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ronniefein · 1 year
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Egg-Free Turkey Burgers
In Percy Bysshe Shelley’s poem, Ode to the West Wind, he asks “If Winter Comes, can Spring be far behind?”
I think of this every year as soon as the weather warms up and the days get longer. In no time I forget the cold, snow and gray skies of just a few short months before.
I take the winter cover off the grill, clean the grates and get ready for months of quick, easy, outdoor cooking.
I light the fire.
It’s burger time!
Sometimes turkey burger time! Like this eggless version that’s so incredibly tender and flavorful and best served with mashed avocado but, hey, if you’re like my husband and insist on ketchup that’s ok too.
It’s a good bet for Father’s Day. Labor Day too.
1 ripe avocado, peeled and pitted
1 teaspoon lemon juice
20-24 ounces ground turkey
1 small onion, grated
1 large clove garlic finely chopped
2 tablespoons mayonnaise
1 teaspoon Dijon mustard
1/4 cup dry bread crumbs, seasoned or plain
2 tablespoons vegetable oil, optional
4 slices lightly toasted bread
2 tomatoes, sliced
salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste
Preheat an putdoor grill. Mash the avocado with the lemon juice, cover and set aside. Place the turkey, onion, garlic, mayonnaise, mustard and bread crumbs in a bowl and mix to combine the ingredients evenly. Shape the mixture into 4 burger patties about 3/4-inch thick. Grill the burgers for about 5 minutes per side OR heat the vegetable oil in a sauté pan over medium heat and cook the burgers for about 5 minutes per side or until crispy and cooked through. While the burgers are cooking, toast the bread. Place 4 slices of toasted bread on each of four plates. Spread equal amounts of the avocado on each slice. Place tomato slices over the bread. Top with the burgers. Season with salt and pepper to taste
Makes 4 servings
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witchybooksarl · 1 year
Onion is used for protection, exorcism, healing, prophetic dreams, and endurance. Folklore states that you can take a small white onion, fill it with black-headed pins by sticking them all over, and place it in a window to protect the home from evil. Halved or quartered and placed in the home, onions will absorb negativity and diseases before you then bury them in the morning. Further associations: Mars and the element of fire...
Eggshells are used for protection. Eggshells can be ground up into a powder and placed around the house for protection. They are often quoted as keeping non-corporeal or unfriendly entities away and can be used in various protection spells. Unlike salt, spreading eggshells around your home won’t damage the earth and the plants inhabiting it, and they are a great fertilizer. Further associations: Eggshells are sometimes associated with the moon due to its associations with fertility.
By far the most used purification tool, salt of all forms is a well-known cleansing device. Sea salt in its different forms is used for cleansing crystals, protection magick, and purification. Salt is associated with the element earth, and can be used for casting circles. Black salt can be used to absorb negativity, so when this type is used, it’s important to switch out the salt with new black salt to refresh it every so often. When used outside, on earth, salt can damage the soil and surrounding plants, so creating outdoor wards is a job better done with eggshells. Salt placed on windowsills can keep negative entities at bay, and salt used in protective charms has a purifying effect. Throw salt into four corners of the room and sweep up to cleanse, or use it in your floor washes to get the same effect (make sure you check that saltwater will not damage your floors!). Salt can also be used in cleansing bowls to soak up negative energy and purify a space, and a saltwater spray can be created to spritz on doorways and windows of the house for cleansing. Another way to use salt for warding—a form of protective magick—is to draw protective sigils with saltwater on your doors and/or windows. Further associations: Multiple planets including earth.
Lemon is used for purification, hexing, and cleansing. Often the juice of a lemon is sourced as a purification tool that can be used in many rituals, including in purifying mixes and washes for floors, amulets, windowsills, etc. Place lemon slices covered in salt around your house to absorb negative energy—if the lemons molder, they must be disposed of and redone, but if they dry up and shrink, they have successfully removed the negativity. You can add lemon slices or juice to uncrossing and purification baths. Lemons, for their bitter qualities, can also be used to sour a target’s life, or be used as poppets. Placing a target’s name inside a lemon, or using lemon juice, rind, or slices in hexes and curses can effectively make your target’s life bitter. Further associations: The moon and the element of water...
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