#small changes fic
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jedi-starbird ¡ 1 year ago
Time Travel is my favourite trope and I think we need more fics where both Obi-Wan AND Qui-Gon time travel together because no matter when they get sent it's chaos. They're saving the galaxy and being physic flash-bangs to everyone around them.
like before Bandomeer?
The entire council is baffled to watch as Qui-Gon 'never taking a padawan again' Jinn has suddenly cut off his post-Xanatos depression tour to return to the temple and beeline to the creche with a frantic energy. His wild eyes immediately single out a fluffy, red-haired initiate.
"You." he exhales with a pointed finger, slightly ominous as he towers over the child. Said child starts vibrating with delight. "Me." he agrees, launching himself at the man. Qui-Gon drops to his knees with a thud that cannot be healthy. Obi-Wan's attempts to clamber into Qui-Gon's robes and maybe onto his shoulders is thwarted by the fact that Qui-Gon's massive hands are cupping Obi-Wan's tiny squishy cheeks. He stares at the initiate for a few minutes with an intensity that is starting to worry people.
Finally, "You're so small." Qui-Gon sounds like he might cry.
'What the fuck?' Plo Koon projects at Mace.
"I'm 9! That tends to be the case!" the child chirps back.
"You're nine." Oh. Ah. Qui-Gon's eyes are distinctively misty. He squishes the boy in a hug so hard he squeaks. Mace makes a series of gestures that imply the need for a head-scan. Depa obligingly drifts off towards the halls. Qui-Gon scoops the child up onto his hip and claims him as his padawan on the spot. The assorted council members and creche-masters burst into noise. Mace tells Depa to bring some space ibuprofen as well.
after Naboo?
Anakin is a little apprehensive of his place in both the order and Obi-Wan's life, but then one day Obi-Wan wakes up and is suddenly a lot less sad in the force?? In fact, if Anakin didn't know better he'd say he was almost giddy, but he's watched Obi-Wan try to pretend his world hasn't fallen apart for the past few months so it can't be that, right? And um, Miss Bant? He knows grief is a funny thing that affects people differently but he's pretty sure 'massive mood swing' and 'having full conversations with invisible people' is not...great? and you said to tell you if Obi-Wan got really weird in any way.
Anyway after a lot of medical exams, intense consultation with the archives, and a couple exorcisms, Anakin ends up being raised by his 'real' master and his ghost master. He is far more well adjusted emotionally and far less well adjusted for what counts as normal people behavior(not talking to thin air). When questioned on this, all he ever says is that he's talking to Qui-Gon. Isn't he...dead? Well, yes. Wait, he's a ghost? Ghosts are real? ...Well this ghost is real.
This starts a great number of existential crises among non-force sensitives and incredibly heated theological arguments amongst the Jedi. Whenever Obi-Wan is questioned on this, all he ever says is some variation of "the force got to know him for 5 seconds and kicked him back out." Mace backs him up on this even though that reasoning is technically blasphemous. Qui-Gon is having the time of his un-life. He's ascended to his final form, his sheer existence is a heresy, this is truly all he has ever aspired towards.
the Clone Wars?
The minute they get dropped back Qui-Gon immediately goes and haunts the shit out of Dooku. They have a signed terms of surrender and promise of info on the Sith Lord within the year. Only half of it is because Qui-Gon's giving Dooku complexes that are only perceptible to shrimp, the other half is because they now have a ghost spy that is not bound by the laws of physics nor spacetime.
Obi-Wan only nominally pays attention to this as he immediately goes and implements his 19 step seduction plan with Cody (he had to focus on something on Tatooine to pass the time). It fails. Spectacularly. Publicly. Ah right. Tatooine was not exactly the height of his sanity. Everyone in the GAR and temple is now riveted by High General and Councilor Obi-Wan Kenobi's attempts to go on a date with his Commander, who bats him away him like a particularly annoying stray and seems one bouquet of cactus away from committing mutiny. Anakin is worrying if it means his master knows about his secret marriage and this is some sort of really weird power play. (It is, but not in the way he thinks)
The next time Dooku goes after Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon spends a good few months appearing tear-stained at the edge of Dooku's perception and only communicating in terrible wails and discordant mutterings of 'padawan. my padawan. my little one.' 24/7.
"Wait, you're annoying Dooku into surrendering?"
"Oh no Anakin, we're crushing his psyche like a bug. :)"
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more-mara ¡ 3 months ago
Dunno why I’m on such a landoscar obsession recently but (NSFW warning) a fic where everyone just assumes Oscar tops because he’s always the one taking Lando by the waist or dragging him into his lap and neither Lando or Oscar ever correct anyone when they mention it- they just laugh and change the subject because really it’s nobodies business and neither of them feel any shame towards their sex lives or their preferences.
Lando gets a real kick out of the whole thing because yes, he enjoys being held and fussed over and basically having Oscar at his every beck and call, but in bed the whole thing flips on its head because it’s Oscar who’s sitting in his lap, blushing and squirming while Lando has his way with him.
“You like having people think you’re the top? That’s cute,”
So Lando just spend the night showing Oscar exactly why he tops.
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zealouswitchwerewolf ¡ 2 months ago
Time travel fix-it AU where everyone in the batfam came back from a dystopic future where the rest of the family died in some way so now they're back to try and fix it. Thing is each of them lived through different versions of the timeline and none of their catastrophes match. It would be really easy to figure out but they've decided to pretend nothing happened and act as if they're not from the future. They would also have noticed everyone else acting weird if they weren't so focused on hiding their own weirdness and dismissing the changes as "they must have been like that before and I don't remember".
It all ends with the Spider-Men pointing meme and the realization that they no longer know what's going to happen because they've changed it all without communicating so they don't know what the others did or if it undoes what they tried to prevent?
Now imagine if one of them wasn't from the future and was just watching it all develop in a 😐.
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plusvanity ¡ 4 months ago
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In 1989, I placed a bet and lied Losing all that I had At least with all my heart intact
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sualne ¡ 1 year ago
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small oneshot turning into something longer than planned
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crwbannwen ¡ 14 days ago
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Squirrel Rabbit QPR
I love them so much
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evansbuck-ley ¡ 1 month ago
on wednesday, at the cafe, i watched it begin again (again)
pairing: bucktommy
word count: 549
rating: general
part one of my on shuffle collection
Buck’s desperate need for coffee lands him infront of someone he least expected.
aka another make up fic
read here
taglist below: (lmk if you want to be removed or added)
@swagmaster9k @music-is-the-voice-of-the-soul @911-is-my-emergency @gaytommykinard
@bidisasterevankinard @nydoorin-lionett @bisexualbrainrots @mmso-notlikethat @thrivingonariff @thestrangestthlng @brokenpiecesof
@dangerouscupcakeperfection @911coded @tevantarlos @loucifersbitch @awkwardcoffeebean @de-lphic @sherlockismarvelous9-1-1 @kinardbuckleys @dana077 @typicalopposite
@actuallyitsellie @cull3nblaze @rosyhoneydew @bybobbysbeard @hyperfocusthusly
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pocketramblr ¡ 1 year ago
you know im thinking. im thinking maybe Yoichi wasn't even that into captain hero as an adult, but AfO kept bringing LITERALLY every conversation back to that because he decided to Be The Demon Lord and so Yoichi like, can't get an argument in unless he uses the same material so he's like 'oh my god i haven't even thought about that comic in ten years but even i know the bad guy didn't win. you should not be basing you whole identity, business model, and world destruction plan on your five-second impression of a comic book bad guy who didn't even win! also you shouldn't kill people!'
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gooboogy ¡ 2 years ago
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Some Elias and Gerry, I just really like the fact that Gerry is covered in eye tattoos while Elias can See out of any depiction of an eye
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plusultraetc ¡ 6 months ago
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do you see what I mean 😭
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cuppajj ¡ 1 year ago
honestly with Bang Brave Bang Bravern not actually being a Brave show and likely a parody of the genre, it means that the studio doesnt have to adhere to previous brave formulas with the robots which means that Bravern could actually be sus as hell/evil and tbh im so for that. i want a yandere robot in my life so bad
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kas-eddie-munson ¡ 5 months ago
Part 1 ~ Part 2 ~ Part 3 ~ Part 4
more disabled steddie. (readmore is just because it's a longer section. no new content warnings.)
The Thursday after Thanksgiving, Steve helped Eddie back into his house after his appointment, as usual.  He lingered at the door afterwards and scratched his neck.
“Hey, uh, this weekend, if you’re feeling up for it, I was maybe wondering if you wanted to come with me and Robin to a bar in Indy?”
Eddie wasn’t sure what he was expecting Steve to say but it wasn’t that.
“We’ve been there before!  No steps, doors are pretty wide.  It’s usually busy and I don’t know if it’s… really your scene but, she said I should ask you, so.”
Eddie wasn’t sure why exactly, but he said yes.
Usually Eddie spent ages deciding what to wear for stuff like this, but it was a lot harder to take clothes on and off these days, so he quickly pivoted to messing with his hair for half an hour to expel the nervous energy.
Steve’s car pulled up and he knocked at the door.  Robin watched from the passenger seat, wide eyed, as Steve helped him to the car.
It was a longer drive than most he took these days, and he was thankful for Steve and Robin bickering almost the whole way there.  For best friends they sure did argue a lot.  He could relate to that.  He used to tease his friends at school all the time.
It took Steve a while to find a parking spot that wasn’t super far away from the bar.  Eventually he turned around in his seat and talked to Eddie about pushing him down the sidewalk instead of circling the place like vultures until someone close to the building left, and Eddie agreed to that.
It was immediately clear that this was a gay bar, drag queens and all.  Eddie wasn’t shocked per say, but he was surprised.  He wondered which of his two friends found this place and when.
It also, like Steve told him earlier, was packed.  Steve still pushed his chair, and even though he was maneuvering carefully, nobody else in the room was looking down.  Several people bumped into him, or pushed a chair back into Steve, jumping away if they noticed why there was traffic.  Two men stood close together at the bar leaned closer and whispered to each other as Eddie and his friends passed, giggling and taking what they probably thought were very subtle glances in Eddie's direction.  Eddie overheard something about whether or not his dick worked and the two laughed.
Eddie never considered himself a shy person, or one to back down from someone being an asshole, but he shrank, not sure if his face was more red from anger or embarrassment.
Steve brought the three of them up to a table and let go of Eddie.  He asked what the two of them wanted to drink and headed to the counter.  Robin sat down across from him, clearly uncomfortable.  He wasn’t sure if it was because of him or on his behalf.  Someone moved his chair by the handles to get between two tables and he swatted their hands away, locking his wheels, but they had already disappeared into the crowd.
A guy came up to him from the right.  He was tall and hairy, and he asked if he could join them or if Robin was his date and he was totally lost.  Eddie didn’t get to respond before the guy sat down.
“Hi there!  That’s a pretty neat jacket,” he said with a wide smile.
Eddie didn’t get out of Hawkins much even before the Upside Down.  But when he did, people in bars usually avoided him.  Found him intimidating.  Or if they approached, they hit on him.  He wasn’t sure why this guy was talking to him like they were acquaintances catching up at the grocery store when they were in the middle of a gay bar.
“So, what are you doing here tonight?  What’s this all about?”  He motioned to Eddie’s wheelchair.  “Looks really intense.”
This was why Eddie always used to talk so loud, dress louder.  Nobody ever used to talk to him like this, like he owed them something, minus maybe Mrs. Click.  He tried to muster that volume, that anger, aim it like a weapon, but there was just too much embarrassment on top of it all.
Robin butted in, said something about their friend sitting there, actually, and it was then that Steve finally came back, looking more pissed than he’d probably ever seen him before.  And there was no way in hell he even heard what that guy was saying all the way across the room over the music, not even taking his hearing loss into account.
The guy apologized and scrammed when Steve set their drinks down.
“Who the hell was that?”
Eddie realized he didn’t even say his name.
Robin pulled a mini notebook out of her purse and began furiously scribbling in it.  She showed it to Steve who frowned deeper.
A woman with a pixie cut came up to their table and greeted Robin, who froze.  Her mouth dropped open and she stuttered through the conversation, eventually looking to Steve for something, who shook his head.  He turned to the girl, and said, “She’d love to!  Go have fun!”
Robin still looked nervous, and maybe a bit mad at Steve, but her face was also beet red as the stranger took her hand and led her to the dance floor.  Steve watched with a smile.
Eddie reached for the notebook still sitting on the table, and scribbled down a quick good for her.
Steve smiled at him warmly, then frowned, staring at the notebook..
“I, uh.  Did… Did Robin tell you?” Steve said, sheepish.
Eddie wasn’t sure what he meant.
“My hearing.  It’s… it’s not what it used to be.  It’s not a big deal.  Like, I manage, right?  It sucks, but.  She’s making this big deal out of it.”
Is she treating you different? Eddie wrote in the notebook.
Steve’s brows furrowed.  “No,” he said after a pause.  “Well I mean, there’s this whole thing,” he gestured to the notebook.  “But, that’s fine I guess.  It’s just, I feel like it’s silly, right?  To need that.”
Eddie thought for a moment.
Does it help?
Steve’s brows furrowed again.  He nodded.
“Like I can hear.  I hear stuff all the time.  I thought I was just going crazy at first.  I would just miss these little things.  Maybe half a sentence.  I can work with that.  But then there’s times like this,” Steve said, motioning to the bar around them, “and I get.  I just get nothing.  I just had to like, cross my fingers the bartender heard me right when he repeated my order.  Or at least, I think that’s what he was saying.”  He mumbled the last part, almost to himself.
Steve changed the subject then, but the two of them talked like that for another hour or two.  Steve had this beautiful smile when he laughed, and Eddie realized he was kind of fucked.
A couple days after the trip to Indy, a pickup truck pulled up outside his house that he didn’t recognize.  It lurched and creeped the whole way up the hill, and Eddie watched out his front window as Steve clung onto the passenger side door for dear life, face pale, Robin smiling wide in the driver’s seat.
Eddie opened the door and was surprised by the breeze, warm for November air.  Steve and Robin got out wearing light jackets, and started hauling lumber and power tools from the trunk.
Steve approached him, and explained that Robin wanted to build a ramp for Eddie’s front porch.  He joked that he was surprised they made it there alive.  Eddie wasn’t sure what to say.
“Is that okay?”  Steve made a pained expression, “I told her we should ask first, but the tools are all rented so it wouldn’t be a big deal to just,” he pointed over his shoulder with his thumb.
Eddie thought about it.  Looked at the step down from his house.  He felt a mix of hope and warmth and guilt.
“Could be worth a shot.”
Eddie tamped down his feelings and grabbed them a couple glasses of water while they worked, eager for something to do besides just sit there and watch.  He told Robin he was surprised she knew how to work with this stuff, and she went on a rant about women being just as capable of building stuff as anyone else, and then berated him for forgetting her three years working stage crew, Munson.
The ramp was… not perfect.  It didn’t look great.  It was still difficult to get out the front door.  But it wasn’t too steep, it was wide enough, and they put a railing next to it for leverage.
It was better.
Part 6
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iandarling ¡ 7 months ago
Lip Gallagher was five when his dad first taught him how to pickpocket
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He learned how to steal wallets and watches on the L, how to outrun the mall cops, and avoid the (few working) security cameras
Lip Gallagher can tell the real deal from a knockoff at first glance- the stitching on a bag, the specific colour on a watch, and the feel of the leather on a wallet.
He would jump the turnstiles, move carefully about the train, get off and on again on random stops, never staying long in one place at a time.
Lip is no idiot, he knows his size and blond hair makes him look more innocent and gullible. He doesn’t look threatening, meaning he can stand and sit closer to people than necessary, without raising eyebrows
At age 9 he had already established a routine. After school he would get on the L, not caring about the direction or route - he would get off at the next stop anyway. He would sit next to a white collar man, usually in a nice suit, with a fancy watch or heavy wallet.
Small nimble fingers are difficult to spot when you’re busy reading the newspaper. The watch is one gone in less than ten seconds. Lip gets off at the next stop. The man won’t notice it’s missing ‘til he gets home.
Frank once showed him which Pawn Shops will accept items no questions asked. Lip hands the owner the watch and he’s offered 300 dollars. They both know the watch is worth 500. Neither of them mention it.
Lip hands Fiona the money, she doesn’t ask where it came from. It means she can afford diapers and formula this month. Ian needs a new jacket and the heating was turned off last week.
He doesn’t think it’s wrong; after all, the men he steals from are already rich and can easily replace the wallet or watch they lost. However he does however feels a little guilty when he steals from women; mostly because he has seen first hand from Fiona the amount of stress she is under just existing as a woman in the world…Still, if their wallet is poking out of their handbag or jacket, he will take it.
As he grows older Lip moves on to more complex and rewarding scams. High risk = high reward. He ends up in a few scrapes with the law, but overall he gets away with it. Besides, Fiona is old enough to get real jobs now. But even though they don’t rely on him pickpocketing anymore, he still does it.
A credit card here, and a loose 20 there; it adds up. At the mall, the library, and even at school he will strike if the opportunity arises. After all;
“When you’re poor, the only way to make money is to steal it or scam it”
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tyunniebbang ¡ 7 months ago
pretty people downtown | k.sn
pick your poison — love, lust, passion. who knows what i did it for?
a/n: this is my take on the stereotypical femme fatale role for sunoo <3. i don't really see anyone writing him with such a character yet it fits him so well! manipulative sexy sunoo should be something we explore more ;)
wc: ~800
warnings/notes: gender neutral!reader, extremely flirty sunoo, lots of nicknaming (sweetheart, honey, etc.), discussion about crimes, slightly suggestive
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"kim sunoo, age 21. born in south korea, moved to LA when he was 10. his family history is largely unknown. he's listed as unemployed, but he's been seen around many bars downtown with men and women alike."
god, you might have a big case on your hands right now. and it all came wrapped with a ribbon nicely for you, in the form a blonde young man, sitting elegantly in the interrogation room.
you huff, trying to amp yourself up for a tough mental fight coming ahead. there's no saying on how much he'll talk, so you might end up in there for a long time. nothing rousing in this line of work, you suppose.
checking all your files are present, everything in place, you walk towards the door and get interrupted right before that knob tweaks open. "detective, you know he might be just the one we're looking for." you glance back at your colleague. "be careful, y/n. he's not gentle as you think he is."
"kim sunoo. do you know why you're here today?"
the blank face finally turns to you, perhaps getting some interest in you and your words. those eyes, they bore into you relentlessly and glisten with intrigue.
and he slumps back into the chair.
seriously, is he going to play the silent game?
you had to get something out of this beauty today, no matter what it took. so you continued, "sunoo-ssi. this isn't a laughing matter. you've been accused as a suspect for multiple connected murders. you could end up behind bars for decades."
he immediately shoots his arrow: "the only place i'll like to end up is in someone's bed, preferably yours."
"e-excuse me?" saving yourself from choking from his bold words, you would've never expected this pretty boy's first words to be like this.
what are you thinking, he isn't pretty! he's a suspect for god's sake, get your head in the game...
well, his outfit doesn't help his case. he's in an all black ensemble: a tight fitting turtle neck, a black skirt and fish nets. his earlobes, neck, fingers all adorned with various silver accessories. who dresses like this anymore? it's 2pm for heaven's sake, you think it's more likely to see someone like this at 2am.
sunoo hums, inching closer and closer to you. even if he looks slightly cute with his chubby cheeks and pale skin, you can't shake off the constant uneasiness that he gives you. this man is dangerous - you conclude, why does one singular person give you such the creeps that gnaws at you consistently?
"you can stop trying to read me sugar, it won't work."
"i wasn't—"
"shhh. honey, sometimes beautiful people look the prettiest when they don't open their mouth, hm?"
immediately, your body betrays itself as you feel your cheeks heating up to a crimson red. you hesitate at the finger pressed on your lips right now, mouth sealed shut. is it even normal to feel this flustered when you get complimented by a criminal?
he doesn't even care. he doesn't care that he's sitting in an investigation room, with possibly heaps of crimes stacked up against him. that he may very well end up in jail, with a criminal record, guilty of all the most heinous crimes. he doesn't care — and that annoys you to no end.
all kim sunoo cares about is getting into your pants?
this sly, seductive son of a bitc—
"tell me, y/n. what makes you think i came here to confess a crime?"
...he knows your name.
creepy, you admit. most people who sit in that chair usually want nothing to deal with you, and yet sunoo himself has defied all expectations in the first 10 minutes of meeting him.
"y-you... you think you're innocent? don't lie, sunoo-ssi. it's not a good track record."
"oh but i have a clear one. you have nothing on me, don't you? don't fool me with those thick files. i know the laws inside out, y/n." he spits.
"you've clearly been looking everywhere for your suspect, and suddenly one shows up at your doorstep? come on sweetheart, i know you're smarter than this. i've only appeared because i wanted to." he scoffs, gazing into the one way glass behind you. "it's just amusing watching your team run around in circles before you closed this case cold."
this man's domineering aura is glowing brighter and brighter every second, even though you thought he was already intimidating when you first walked in. it feels like a prey getting trapped in their own trap. you've made one for kim sunoo, so why does it feel like you're the one losing and drowning?
you drop speechless on your seat, unable to find an answer for his little monologue.
"though... you're a fairly beautiful person, love. i wouldn't mind talking to you afterwards, hm? wouldn't you love to know what happens when i mingle with pretty people downtown?"
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phoenixtakaramono ¡ 8 months ago
Truce - Ch3 Preview 3/?
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Keep in mind this is from an earlier rough draft so there may or may not be some differences in the final draft version on AO3.
Context for who Doctor Peculiar is in the comics (why, yes, the entire purpose of bringing him into the story despite this being a short cameo is 1) an Easter egg reference, and 2) to foreshadow Billy’s plan for SwingWing and—by extension—Tek Knight in this chapter for the last scene in the chapter involving Butcher’s superhero debut/ his “surprise bday gift” for Homelander’s July 4th birthday special):
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You can read the previous sneak peek here (it’s an earlier draft so there’ll be some differences in the final AO3 version)
Chapters 1-2 can be read here:
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(AO3 🔗)
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modelxis ¡ 2 days ago
Gods of Destruction, that's what he reffered himself as. Aile instantly knew that is Omega Zero from the history books she had read. But as the ancient murderous "robot" continue to describe his glorious days and accomplishments in the Elf war. Aile couldn't help but feel...bored, even when the guy is telling her about every gory details.
"So what made you different from the other killing machine?"
Omega turned at her, he seem annoyed at the question
"I'm more effective"
"You are not needed"
[And author now wonder why Omega Zero hadn't pop Aile's head at this point]
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