selfshipdork · 4 years
Ceremony Time!
Despite the worry, there was no sign of rain in the park. They had chosen it as the venue, deciding it was better than making each other conform to a particular religious setting. Rows of chairs were set up in front of small arches and a table serving as a makeshift altar. On it lay various keepsakes and a braided cord, and music through a small speaker set a festive atmosphere.Guests milled about, chatting and finding their seats as Matthew arrived with his best men and bear. They walked up the aisle and took their place by the altar, waiting for the ceremony to start. The officiant took their place in front of him, heightening the anticipation.
“She’s here!” Matthew heard someone say behind him, turning his head around on impulse. Alfred grabbed his arm “Hey wait a minute! Can’t look back until she’s ready bro!” Matt grinned sheepishly, too excited to say much else.
The music paused, then a slow melody began playing through the speakers. His heart jumped up to his throat, holding his breath for a second before looking back.
And there she was.
Walking up the aisle, looking positively stunning in her dress. He felt his heart stop for a moment, and wanted to run back down the aisle into her arms, but willed himself to stay put. Similarly, she resisted the urge to speed up, never breaking the gaze they shared as he gave her a look that took her breath away. Any fear or worry they had was gone, melting away at the sight of each other. Finally, finally, the distance closed as he grabbed her hand and the music faded out.
They almost didn’t hear the beginning of the ceremony, paying more attention to each other than what was being said.
Once the small speech by the officiant was done, they took the cord off the altar, wrapping it around their joined hands and tying it with a small knot, giving a nod for them to say their vows.
Matthew took a breath, and began. “Before I met you, all that I wanted was just to be noticed. Even for just a moment, I wanted to stand out and no longer be invisible to everyone. When I met you, I found that, along with so much more. With you, I don’t have to fight to be noticed. I always feel recognized for who I am. I feel loved. You’ve given me so much love and care over the years, I want to return that for the rest of my life. I promise to love you, to care for you no matter what life throws at us. I promise to share what I have with you. I promise to deal with the spiders and make you pancakes.” Steph chuckled, smiling at his words. “If you’ll have me, I ask you to be my wife.”
Steph nodded, and after a small moment, she began her vows.“I knew romantic love was a possibility in my life, but I didn’t think it would truly be a part of my life until I met you. I’m so excited to share the rest of my life with you. I vow to love and honor you every day, to be with you through both good and bad times, to share my own joys and sorrows, to help you find peace of mind and show you love when life gets too overwhelming, to make decisions together and act as a team when the time comes. I love you so much, and with these vows I ask you to be my husband.”
At this, Kumajiro walked over to the both of them, a ribbon holding the rings tied loosely around his paw. Steph crouched down to get them, taking the ribbon with her free hand. “You’re just as much a part of this as we are, Kuma. I’d like to ask, can I be your family?”
“Yeah, okay.” The bear’s flippant response started a small wave of laughter. “Thank you.” Steph smiled, then straightened to face him again. The officiant untied the ribbon, giving the couple each other’s ring.
“Do you take Matthew to be your husband?”
“I do” Steph said without hesitation, pushing the ring onto his finger. “With this ring, I thee wed.”
“And do you take Stephanie to be your wife?”
“I do.” He took her hand, mirroring her in putting the smaller ring on her finger. “With this ring, I thee wed.”
“I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss-“
The newlyweds didn’t wait for permission, Steph grabbing his face and Matthew burying his fingers into her hair as they went in for a kiss, barely noticing the applause and cheers they were getting. They lingered together for a few minutes before coming up for air, and walked back down the aisle as the reception was announced. Both were too happy to realize for a moment...
”Oh!” Steph started, “My lipstick, it got on you! I’ll look for a tissue-“ At this, he brought her into another sweet kiss.
“I don’t care at all, if it means kissing you!” He said breathlessly, once they had parted again. She grinned back at him. “I can’t believe we’re finally married .”
“Neither can I. I’m the luckiest person in the world to be your husband.”
For a moment, she was at a loss for words kissing his cheek instead.“Ready to party?”
Guests and bridal party:
@miyuswhoopsiedoodles @self-ship-stars @littlegreeklover @littlestlostsheep @inoselfshiplove @shipmyself (flower person) @e-conjure @lovestruck--aris @noellojello (friend of honor) @peachyphila @smachiespacefish @pinkestharem @ava-ships @floofship
(Please message me if I missed anyone!)
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prettyboylovemail · 5 years
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I decided to doodle mine and my Hetalia mutuals’ ships because they are all honestly so adorable and I live for these cuties dskjfdskj <3 <3 <3
Poses are all from HERE
In order from Top to Bottom, Left to Right:
@selfshipgoober/Canada, @littlestlostsheep/England, @shipmyself/Iceland,
@pinkestharem/Norway, @miyuswhoopsiedoodles/Germany, me/France,
@pastel-ships/Romano, @smachiespacefish/Italy , @self-shipper-of-doom/Russia
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mangosdoodles-moved · 5 years
🌻🌻🌻 talk away!
🌻 I like to find old speedpaints that I watched when I was a kid. (Like old anime MS paint videos, that kind of speedpaints alkgjsklgjkl) I’ve been trying to find a chibi Princess Peach speedpaint that was made in Photoshop, but I can’t find it anywhere! D: It’s probably 10+ years old now, bUT I LIKED THAT ONE VERY MUCH ;A;
🌻 I’ve heard that both Axis Powers + World Series + the Paint It White movie + Extra clips from events are on preorder as a box set. I want it SO BADLY, but I’m a broke-ass student so B))
🌻 I’ve been in a constant mood of wanting to do so much, but my brain is just one big  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  
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mangosdoodles-moved · 5 years
Happy birthday!! 💖 I wanna draw you smthn
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mangosdoodles-moved · 5 years
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After an entire day of Pure Migraine Hell™, shoutout to my buddy @smachiespacefish for sending me this update
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mangosdoodles-moved · 5 years
Can I just ask all the meta questions just to give you some work to do lol I want to know e v e r y t h i n g
First off, 1, 7, and 13 are answered here!
2. How old were you when you discovered your F/O’s content?
12 (turning 13), I was a bABY--
3. Describe the first time you watched/played/read your F/O’s source content.
90% of the time, I had no fucking clue what they were saying since A: Their accents in the dub are so goddamn thick and B: My grasp on the English language wasn’t the best by the time I watched it ALKJGSKLJGKLGS-- hELL, GERMANY’S ACCENT WAS THE HARDEST TO UNDERSTAND aND YET I STILL FELL FOR THIS MAN ALKJGSKJGKLSG
4. Who was your first favorite character when you initially got into your F/O’s source content? Was it your F/O from the very beginning?
While Germany was kinda in the back of my mind from day 1, my first favorite was Japan, I think? Either him, England, and/or Sweden!
5. If your F/O is from a series, were you into the source content from the start or did you come in later? If you came in later, what was the most recent release when you got into it?
Well, I started watching in 2012 (aka 6 years after the webcomic’s release and 3 years after the anime’s release), so it had been a year since season 4 ended! 
6. If your F/O is from a series, which episode/movie/game/book of their source content is your favorite?
Check 7, because I realized that those two questions are pretty familiar. But short answer is Axis Powers episode 32!
8. Are there any scenes/chapters/moments your F/O is in that you skip when you revisit their source content?
There are three moments I can think of, and they’re all GerIta bait aJGSLKGJKLSGJSKGL
The oh-so-famous kiss on the cheek scene. gOD I WISH THAT WAS ME FUCAKLGJSKLGJLGD
The even-more-famous “Ich liebe dich” scene. Again, I would’ve enjoyed that quote mUCH MORE if it weren’t for the context alkjgklsgjLKSjsgkljsgkljkg... and of course:
9. If your F/O has been represented in more than one way (i.e. in a book AND a movie, in a movie and then recasted for a reboot later, etc.), which version of them is your favorite?
So there’s the Japanese, English, and the musical version. I have never seen the musical (and probably never will unless someone translates it--), so lemme focus on the sub and the dub real quick aklgjklsgj--
I kinda find it hard to choose since both have their own strengths and weaknesses. Hiroki Yasumoto’s perfomance is pretty much 99% perfect most of the time, but there are times when I miss this.. extra spark of some sort in his voice. Patrick Seitz’s perfomance, however, has that spark because of his possibility to do the accent, but sometimes it feels a bit too over the top for me to take him seriously. So yeah long story short I uhhhh cAN’T CHOOSE BETWEEN THEM ALJGLKJGKLSGJL
10. If you could change one thing about your F/O’s source content, would you? what would you change?
Not let him be the representation of WWII Germany would be a great fucking start.
11. Do your friends/family know that you’re into the content that your F/O comes from or do you keep this interest to yourself?
They do know (my friends also know that I self-ship with Germany, and are very supportive!!) but I mostly keep it to myself, anyway. I have unfortunately had a few encounters where people A: Don’t know about the anime, but completely misunderstand once I try to explain it, or B: Do know about the anime, but immediately shut me down for liking it. Those moments have pretty much killed my self-confidence irl alksgjslkgjsg--
12. Did you know what self shipping was when you first discovered your F/O’s source content?
14. What’s your favorite outfit your F/O has ever worn?
There’s an entire post for that AKLGJSLKGJKLSJGKLSG
15. Do you own any merchandise from your F/O’s source content? What is it?
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mangosdoodles-moved · 5 years
I’ve literally only got two f/os but lol 💞
ALKgjsklgjlksgjlgskjsl I KNOW IT’S PRETTY OBVIOUS But I love your ship with Italy so so much!! It’s a bit upsetting to see that he’s (suprisingly) an underrated character, and he honestly deserves so much love!! And I’m so glad that you’re the one to give him said love!!! \( ; w ; )/
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mangosdoodles-moved · 5 years
you got some big Nora Valkyrie energy (RWBY)
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I’ve never seen RWBY, but judging by this gif and her outfit, you’re pretty close alflgkgkhlkh
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mangosdoodles-moved · 5 years
And at last we saw the light, and shared our vows. Next stop: anywhere.❤️
Song used: I See The Light (piano cover) from Tangled
Thank you all so much for your support throughout this hUGE manip/edit project and event! 
@pastel-ships @teawithsugarships @foreveryours-mouse @little-fairyfox-ships @littlestlostsheep @smachiespacefish @selfinsertheaven
@junk-art-25 @maladaptive-roses @me-myself-and-my-fos @princeships @limey-blue-arty-do @lildreamysoul @robotarmjokes @capurrah @blueshipstealstars @atmospheric-light @inoselfshiplove @jaklovemail @wife-gangg @plucky-belmondo @legallyblindgamer727 @mariposalass @selfshipgoober @kryssiesbookofselfinserts @realities-scape @them-lucky-few @maple-eevee @kittyandco @self-shipper-of-doom @shipmyself @technicallynonexistent @lilzodiac @1000fandoms
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mangosdoodles-moved · 5 years
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You are all invited to the wedding of the Intimate Soldiers, aka Margaret and Germany!
Ten months have passed, and it is now time to celebrate! Join me as I will reblog/post in anticipation for the date. (The only exception will be my own birthday, which is 19th) If you want to, you can also send asks for me, or for Germany! We’ll try our best to answer them without.. you know.. becoming super duper flustered ALGJSLKGJLSGKJSGKL-- 
But until then, be prepared for.. the Marriage Boogaloo(TM)
Featuring special guests (like this post if you wanna be added to the list as well!)
@joestars-beloved @junk-art-25 @maladaptive-roses @pastel-ships @little-fairyfox-ships @me-myself-and-my-fos @princeships @limey-blue-arty-do @selfinsertheaven @teawithsugarships @lildreamysoul @robotarmjokes @capurrah @blueshipstealstars @atmospheric-light @littlestlostsheep @inoselfshiplove @jaklovemail @wife-gangg @smachiespacefish @plucky-belmondo @legallyblindgamer727 @mariposalass @selfshipgoober @kryssiesbookofselfinserts @realities-scape @them-lucky-few @maple-eevee @kittyandco @self-shipper-of-doom
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mangosdoodles-moved · 5 years
hello!! the s/i trending tag piqued my interest yesterday and i'd really love to learn more about the community!! it seems like a really cute and wholesome thing to do and i'd love to join in the fun but i have absolutely no idea where to get started-- do you have any pointers for starting a s/i blog and that kind of thing?? thank you so much in advance!!
Hello, anon!! Aaaaa this makes so happy, I’m glad you’re interested in joining the community!
I’m not exactly an Expert™, but here’s what I did when I wanted to join the community: I immediately made a promo post. You don’t have to write much, just tell us a bit about yourself, what content you like to make (art, writing etc.) and who your F/O’s are! Tagging people you’ve helped you to join the community in the promo post helps, too, because then your promo gets spread around faster!
Second is just to look through the self-insert tags to see if there’s a community for your fandoms. (Which I’m sure there are, there are so many fandoms in this community aaa!!) Go around and send friendly asks to people in the same fandom as you. I know it sounds scary (since I’m a little shy bean, myself alkjgsklgjkl–), but they don’t bite. Usually, they’re very very nice, so don’t be afraid to send them a friendly ask! Maybe even ask about their ship, and they’ll gladly send you one in return.
Third is to join the events and ask memes that get spread around. There’s the F/O takeovers by @myrainydayloves, some bulletin’ events by @selfshipbulletin and @plucky-belmondo, the Self-Insert Positivity day by @robotarmjokes, and of course the To My S/I event! c: (There are also some Secret Santas here and there, events happen very frequently lmao)
Idk what else to say (since I’m not sure what fandoms you’re into), so I’m just gonna tag some friendly lovelies you can follow, if you want: @littlestlostsheep @lildreamysoul @heart-stealer-hope @little-fairyfox-ships @pastel-ships @smachiespacefish @joestars-beloved @millizines @husband-of-lucoa @teawithsugarships @jaklovemail @no-d4y-but-tod4y @me-myself-and-my-fos @limey-blue-arty-do @starlightlotus @selfshippinggh0st @jxffar
Good luck, anon! Do tag me in your promo post, if that’s okay!! ;w;
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mangosdoodles-moved · 5 years
Playing Minecraft with your non-gamer fiancé for the first time
Inspired by my buddy @pastel-ships ‘s post, which you can read here! Also, tagging my other Hetalia mutuals because why not alkgjsklgjlksg @littlestlostsheep @joestars-beloved @little-fairyfox-ships @teawithsugarships @shipmyself @princeships @selfinsertheaven @self-shipper-of-doom @maple-eevee @selfshipgoober @meowstic-ships @smachiespacefish
Germany: How.. How do I chop the tree?
Margaret: Punch it.
Germany: *repeatedly presses left click button*
Margaret, laughing: nOT LIKE THAT--
Margaret: Ger-Ger, which color do you want your bed to be?
Germany: I thought we agreed that I was going to the dungeon while you were designing the house--
Margaret: But.. But I don’t want wanna mess up your room!
Germany: *chuckle* I trust your customization skills, Margaret. You’ll be fine.
Margaret, too scared to mess up: B-B-BUT???? BABY PLEASE, I BEG YOU--
(Shoutout to Noel for these three scenarios alkgjslkgjglsk)
Germany: Is that a wolf I see in the distance?
Margaret: Oh shit, it is!! Nice!!
Germany: Huh.. Is it dangerous?
Margaret: Not if you tame it and turn it into a dog.
Germany: You can w h a t
Margaret, about to exit their house: Okay, the secret basement is finally done! Now, all I have to do is to find some flowers to decorate the r-- jESUS FUCKING CHRIST!! AAAAAA!!!!! A A A A A A A ! ! ! ! !
Germany, in the dungeon: M-MEIN GOTT, YOU SCARED ME!! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU--
Margaret, seeing an army of dogs right outside their door: HOW MANY WOLVES DID YOU TAME?!?!
Germany: o H ! ! ! ! *BURSTS INTO LAUGHTER* 
Margaret: What are you doing?
Germany: I’m naming the dogs.
Margaret: *laughing* Of course you’re naming the dogs..!
Germany: *chuckle* ..I’m actually naming the first one after you. It’s a good little dog.
Margaret: I thought you were gonna call it Little Bitch, but alright--
Germany: N O
Germany: I really don’t like those green monsters..
Margaret: What, the creepers?
Germany: Yeah, it’s difficult to figure out a strategy when you try to kill them. Either you die in the explosion, or you survive but it still destroys a lot of it’s surroundings. It’s sort of.. hit or miss, in a way.
Margaret: I guess they never miss, huh
Germany: *kills her in one shot*
Margaret, losing her goddamn mind: i’M S ORRYYYYYYY--
Germany, in the dungeon: ..Huh. This is new.
Margaret, designing the 2nd floor: What, what’s happening?
Germany: I found a new block, I think.. It’s a lot of it here.
Margaret: What color?
Germany: Turquoise? 
Margaret: sON OF A BITCH--
Margaret, bored: Ger-Ger. Baby, come take a look.
Germany: What, what is it?
Margaret, handing him a rose: Here. For the great prince, himself. Take it.
Germany, handing her zombie flesh: Here.
Margaret, bursting out laughing: fAIR ENOUGH--
Germany: Alright, so the villager told me to give him 50 wheat for one emerald. Yeah no, I’m not listening to him, so I’ll just-- wHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING??
Margaret: What? What’s wrong??
Germany: ...We’re bound to crash this game at one point, aren’t we--
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