mangosdoodles-moved · 5 years
Can I just ask all the meta questions just to give you some work to do lol I want to know e v e r y t h i n g
First off, 1, 7, and 13 are answered here!
2. How old were you when you discovered your F/O’s content?
12 (turning 13), I was a bABY--
3. Describe the first time you watched/played/read your F/O’s source content.
90% of the time, I had no fucking clue what they were saying since A: Their accents in the dub are so goddamn thick and B: My grasp on the English language wasn’t the best by the time I watched it ALKJGSKLJGKLGS-- hELL, GERMANY’S ACCENT WAS THE HARDEST TO UNDERSTAND aND YET I STILL FELL FOR THIS MAN ALKJGSKJGKLSG
4. Who was your first favorite character when you initially got into your F/O’s source content? Was it your F/O from the very beginning?
While Germany was kinda in the back of my mind from day 1, my first favorite was Japan, I think? Either him, England, and/or Sweden!
5. If your F/O is from a series, were you into the source content from the start or did you come in later? If you came in later, what was the most recent release when you got into it?
Well, I started watching in 2012 (aka 6 years after the webcomic’s release and 3 years after the anime’s release), so it had been a year since season 4 ended! 
6. If your F/O is from a series, which episode/movie/game/book of their source content is your favorite?
Check 7, because I realized that those two questions are pretty familiar. But short answer is Axis Powers episode 32!
8. Are there any scenes/chapters/moments your F/O is in that you skip when you revisit their source content?
There are three moments I can think of, and they’re all GerIta bait aJGSLKGJKLSGJSKGL
The oh-so-famous kiss on the cheek scene. gOD I WISH THAT WAS ME FUCAKLGJSKLGJLGD
The even-more-famous “Ich liebe dich” scene. Again, I would’ve enjoyed that quote mUCH MORE if it weren’t for the context alkjgklsgjLKSjsgkljsgkljkg... and of course:
9. If your F/O has been represented in more than one way (i.e. in a book AND a movie, in a movie and then recasted for a reboot later, etc.), which version of them is your favorite?
So there’s the Japanese, English, and the musical version. I have never seen the musical (and probably never will unless someone translates it--), so lemme focus on the sub and the dub real quick aklgjklsgj--
I kinda find it hard to choose since both have their own strengths and weaknesses. Hiroki Yasumoto’s perfomance is pretty much 99% perfect most of the time, but there are times when I miss this.. extra spark of some sort in his voice. Patrick Seitz’s perfomance, however, has that spark because of his possibility to do the accent, but sometimes it feels a bit too over the top for me to take him seriously. So yeah long story short I uhhhh cAN’T CHOOSE BETWEEN THEM ALJGLKJGKLSGJL
10. If you could change one thing about your F/O’s source content, would you? what would you change?
Not let him be the representation of WWII Germany would be a great fucking start.
11. Do your friends/family know that you’re into the content that your F/O comes from or do you keep this interest to yourself?
They do know (my friends also know that I self-ship with Germany, and are very supportive!!) but I mostly keep it to myself, anyway. I have unfortunately had a few encounters where people A: Don’t know about the anime, but completely misunderstand once I try to explain it, or B: Do know about the anime, but immediately shut me down for liking it. Those moments have pretty much killed my self-confidence irl alksgjslkgjsg--
12. Did you know what self shipping was when you first discovered your F/O’s source content?
14. What’s your favorite outfit your F/O has ever worn?
There’s an entire post for that AKLGJSLKGJKLSJGKLSG
15. Do you own any merchandise from your F/O’s source content? What is it?
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