#slow rolling on these sorry am MULTI TASKING
choccyhearts · 2 years
NSFW Eddie Headcanons (18+)
Note: Happy Valentine's Day! Apologies that this may be all I upload today, I tried really hard to write more but I am very burnt out at the moment and am dealing with a lot right now </3 buuut, I hope you all have an amazing day!!!
CW: 18+!! G/N! reader, talk of oral sex, genitals not mentioned, little talk of insecurites, smutty obvs but not too graphic, lowkey fluffy/romantic, aftercare
Eddie "they let me hit cause i'm goofy" Munson:
Has stopped you while you're going down on him to release random thoughts from his brain:
"Why is it called a "building" if it's already "built?"" "Would a watermelon actually grow in my stomach if I ate a seed wrapped in a wet paper towel?" "If they really built this city on rock and roll...would it not just collapse immediately? Wouldn't they need some...heavy metal for support??"
Has gotten so deep into roleplaying before that he forgot it was supposed to lead up to sex:
"Wait...how is a blow job supposed to fix my headache? Like, logically?"
Will try to say the dumbest things when he cums:
"Ah! I've sprung a leak!"
Sometimes during sex, weird noises happen, and it's completely natural...but Eddie will giggle:
"Was that squeak you or me?" "Babe, all of your bones just cracked, are you alright?" "I swear to Christ that was the bed frame, not me! I didn't eat any beans today!"
He has tried to see if he can multi-task during sex, just to see if he can:
"Okay, you just stay down there, I'll hold on to my other sweetheart and move my hips. Let's see if I can play while we do this" "Okay, so that is a firm no. I cannot eat cereal and make love to you...I'm really sorry baby"
After proposing the idea of shower sex...
"So...do we get clean first and then get dirty...or like just get dirty?" "Babe, what if I go down on you while you wash your hair...oh yeah, I guess soap suds do travel down..." "It...is...so...slippery........more than usual..."
During movie night:
(In the background are a character's screaming) "Okay, please don't misinterpret this, but I am really horny right now, but I swear nothing on the screen has made me like this"    "I bet I could cum faster than Jason Voorhees can get a kill...let's see"
Shuffles over to you after turning on some music:
"Alright, let's get groovin'!"
Eddie "a giant teddy bear on the inside" Munson:
Holds your hand and gives it kisses
Delivers forehead kisses regularly
When you're starting to slow down from exhaustion:
"You're doing so good, such a good job" "Getting tired? Lemme take care of you, baby. Hold on to me, I'll move you"
Will softly cradle your face and let his finger run along your jaw
Will trace your stretch marks and kiss along them
Holds on to your love handles and massages them
If you're feeling a bit insecure about stretch marks or love handles:
"I don't know why you hate these so much, they're so useful in a time like this" "Christ, you're so amazing, every mark, everything, it's all beautiful"
Attends to your every need:
"Are you cramping? Here, let's switch it up a bit" "Do you need any water? Your mouth is a little dry...don't be embarrassed, baby. It's okay, this is technically physical activity" "Do you need more kisses? Where?"
Loves holding you close to him, feeling connected as one:
"Come here, let me hold you...wanna feel you right against me...keep you safe" "I don't care about the sweat, let me love you" "I'm all yours, all of me"
Eddie "aftercare is top priority" Munson:
Tries to read your body language to guess what you need, but will ask just to be sure:
"Here, sugar, drink up. Need you hydrated" "Do you need me to carry you to the bathroom?" "I'll be right back, I'm gonna go start the shower"
If you need to be held he's right there:
"Lemme snuggle you...you did such a good job, sweetheart" "Breathe for me, just focus on breathing. For me..." "You fit against my body so well, I just wanna be here forever"
Wil hum songs while you both calm down -- he does take requests!
Laces your fingers together and rubs his thumb against yours
Kisses galore! Anywhere and everywhere, an endless supply!
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mediculling · 4 years
💘 👀🍓
💘 …someone my muse has a crush on.
😔😔 Nobody right now. You gotta be a level four friend to earn his unprofessional interest much less be eligible for feelings. 
👀 …someone my muse likes, but doesn’t trust.
Kyrril don’t trust any of you motherfuckers whether he likes you or not. But! @equiuszahhak is prolly the one with the highest ‘likes to talk to them’ to ‘doesn’t trust them as far as a grub could throw them’ ratio.
🍓…someone my muse has never met, but wants to meet.
That’s. A surprisingly tough thing to think abt. He’s not rlly social so he doesn’t actually really care to properly meet anyone he talks to. But uhhhh.  He would not mind meeting @infiniteproxy! If only to see if he’s as egotistical in person.
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fieryhonesty · 4 years
The life of You
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“This is funny I never planned this become multi chapter. Was meant only as chaptered oneshot (time to make a masterlist, huh) what can I promise you: this series will always have the banner where only name of specific chapters changes”
Words: 2479
Warning(s): rated this as mature on AO3 just cause it might turn whatever direction in future (I say might, not will 😳), already has swearing in and might get more (depends on situation I put characters in, we don’t swear without reason, right?), maybe suggestive innuendos
Perhaps you could have expected journeying with your ever so flirty friend would turn into one wild ride. Especially if the destination was Stormterror’s lair. As Dvalin was freed and the area is now accessible. The place piqued the curiosity of many. When Frostblade approached you if you were fancy to tag along. You were quite surprised as he didn’t seem like somebody who deliberately enjoys adventuring.
However after sharing his reason you quickly understood. Fatui started being active, the ones within city walls were seen in small groups. Debating about the honorary knight, no how people of Mondstadt were able to drive Stormterror away. They were scheming something, that’s for sure.
Maybe it hurt their imaginary pride or perhaps they had their own plans. Whatever it is, Kaeya wanted to be one step ahead. Seeing what was behind the wind barrier for so long was a good start. And who knows. Maybe he will be able to screw over Fatui plans. 
Well that’s it if the area was not overly complicated. The ruins you had to explore first in order to get further into the lair were quite complicated. But the problem was you accidentally activated a trap and now each of you were standing at different sides of the bars which nearly skewered you.
Staring with wide eyes at the bars which were just a few inches away from your face. One step more and you would be goner. Gulping loudly. “Too close to my comfort.”
“Oh? And if it were me?” Letting out a sigh and shaking your head in disapproval. “Then I’d reconsider if giving you frostbite would be punishment enough. Anyway I’ll backtrack and try to find another way.”
More than you finding another way, the another way has found you. During your exploration you came across a ruin guard. Its eye light up in dangerous demeanor. If one thing could go wrong then it was probably meeting up with this walking hunk of steel. Corridors were too narrow for fighting. 
You decided to run away from it, hoping it will either lose sight of you or get stuck somewhere. You had no idea where the hell you were running. But managed to end up in a dead end. However you noticed the wall was in a bad shape, feeling wind blowing between the bricks. 
Charging elemental energy in your sword and hurling it forward, creating a hole. Big enough for you to get out. Finally getting out and breathing fresh air, your hair were ruffled by the blowing wind. Such a nice change after all that time spent in ruins where it smelled like- well mold and dust. 
The noise of falling debris behind brought you back to reality. The ruin guard was making its way out. Following the intruder no matter what. Such a persistent thing. But at least now you can fight. Air got extremely cold as you summoned several cryo blades and dashed towards the machine. It tried to hit you but it’s too huge and slow to land a hit on you. Rolling to the side or jumping a bit back to avoid any kind of danger. No matter how much it tried, you were faster. Slashing here and there. Your attacks might not do much but there's way too many of them. Even the sturdy material those things are made off will slowly fall apart. Leaving the more vulnerable parts exposed. Nothing can work in such cold temperature as you were attacking it with.
Cutting one of its arms off. As it fell down, dust rose up. How heavy are those things? You better never find out. Sliding between its legs, leaving a thin slippery surface behind you, hoping it will slip and fall down. However the ice crushed under its weight. Well it was a good try?
Noticing how it turned around and kneeled. You had seen this once. Dashing behind a pillar and praying it will withstand the rockets. When you were sure no more explosives were coming your way. Jumping out of the hiding spot and seeing the Captain of Cavalry was having its attention. When did he get there?
You had exploited this situation and aimed one of the cryo blades at its weak spot on back which caused it to flinch. Kaeya didn’t waste any moment and used his own elemental power to hit its front eye, causing it to shut down. The damage caused by the both of you was enough for it to never initiate the auto recovery function. Leaving it in a half destroyed state forever. 
Keaya has looked towards you and clapped.
“I knew I can rely on you, partner.”
“Technically it was you who was the game changer. How did you find me anyway? The exit is near by?” Chuckle coming out of the male’s chest. He walked closer to you, lips curled up into his usual smug.
“Princess, I’m not deaf you know. I heard distant noise and thought it might be my cute friend needing help. But I guess you were having fun, sorry for breaking your toy.”
The sarcasm in his voice was more than obvious. Rising your hand up towards him, saying ‘high five’ which made him chuckle once more. He was quite worried when each of you stood at different sides of bars. He felt responsible for your well being although he knew you can take care of yourself. You had to do it for half a decade anyway. Yet, something inside of him was making him anxious.
As the two of you reunited it was time to slowly explore the unknown area. It was quite peaceful there but also empty. There probably used to grow trees and more stuff but now it was just a few twigs here and there. The lair felt like one big crater with several ruins shattered around with one bigger at the entrance. To probably keep invaders off. That’s it if they could get through the wind barrier. But it was gone now, so of course you would meet something here.
Hilichurls had several camps around the whole area. Making you wonder if they were living here ever since or just recently moved in. Also wild animals, which was even weirder as you knew animals are sensitive to elemental energy. And just until recently there was a huge concentration of anemo. 
To your surprise or maybe not, you had encountered a few more ruin guards. However as you are two it was no huge issue to deal with them. The only issue was it started raining during one of the encounters. Deciding it was kind of pointless to hide as your clothes were already wet so why not explore a bit more.
The fourth encounter with a ruin guard was quite more challenging for you than the rest. It seemed different than the others, it was bigger and more sturdier and hit like a truck. You were rubbing your wrist. It seemed alright however your sword didn't look so well. It was more than visible how the steel was slightly curved as you had to use it to block one of its attacks.
Looking up at Kaeya who was examining the destroyed colossus. Having a hand on his chin, thinking of something.
"Hmm, I just realized this is our second time being just the two of us and it's again raining." Rising his head and giving you a playful wink.
You just chuckled at his remark. He was not wrong. Ever since you got back you two didn't see each other that often. Kaeya was sort of avoiding you or so it seemed like. Until you accidently ran into him one day. You were hungry and decided to dine at Good Hunter. Before he could disappear you spoke up. Teasing him to yet again chickening out which obviously made him look back at you. Sometimes he is so easy to challenge.
In the end you sorted out everything over a double honey sticky roast. Talking about stuff like nothing, like you weren’t separated or anything. Since then you kept seeing each other here and now. Be at the tavern or when you were passing by the knights. Dropping by, knocking at doors and just exchanging a few words before you ran off to do your tasks.
"Still. It's so strange. Why is there so many of those oversized toys? And what's more strange. How the hell did Aether pass by without coming across any of them?!"
You pouted, arms crossed on your chest. When you come back to Monds you will have to ask the blonde.  
"I wouldn't be surprised if this was Abyss Order's makings." The bluenette answered and pointed towards something that looked like a small cave. "Let's head there and rest."
The cave was big enough to fit both of you in. However the issue was you were soaked and there was no way to make fire. Unless Kaeya will magically pull out of nowhere a few dry sticks. Luckily you had packed a blanket which surprised the iceman. Scoffing at him.
"What? I am an adventurer now, might not be a fully fledged one. But still I'm always ready!"
"Always ready, huh." 
His remark made you blush, you did not expect it. Well, maybe you did but still you reacted this way. ‘Why must he be like this?!’ Coughing a little.
"What I mean is. I always carry with me this little fuzzy blanket. It was my first thing I bought when I got here. And not once it proved to be useful. Also! I got some canned food!" You chirped happily. 
Ok, this surprised him even more. When he asked you to accompany him on a small venture. He did not expect you to bring an entire survival kit. The bag was not even that huge. How do women stuff so many things into such small bags?
"Let me guess. You got there packed your entire bedroom." He joked as he took one of the cans from you. Resisting the urge to roll your eyes, instead giving him a spoon.
Kaeya checked what's on the menu. Some veggies and ground meat. Not the fanciest thing he ever ate but better than nothing. All that fighting made him quite hungry after all. He won’t admit it but he quite enjoyed this little adventure with you. It’s been so long since he could fight side by side with his friend. The way you swung your blade and used the cryo vision to obliterate enemies. Color him impressed, not once he wanted to just whistle. 
When you had finished the very modest lunch it was still raining which meant you will be stuck there for a while. You stood up to pull the blanket over your friend and realized it’s not that big as you thought. Sitting next to him, your shoulders were brushing against each other. For some reason you could feel heat in your cheeks. Rather looking outside, hoping he didn’t see it. Otherwise you can ready up for another wave of teasing.
"It's sad none of us have pyro, we could dry our clothes." You whined while trying not to shake.
Suddenly feeling Kaeya's breath at you ear. "Dear, that would require you to be naked for a certain period of time." He whispered in a teasy manner. You didn’t look at him but you are one hundred percent sure his smile is dangerously wide.
The way you groaned, ears turned red despite all of your efforts. Kaeya was more than satisfied. It took him awhile to find out how to make you feel embarrassed. Now he just found deliberate joy in teasing you all the time. 
"You can be such an asshole sometimes, you know that?" You murmured with an annoyed voice. Eyes still locked at cave entrance. How long will it take until it stops raining?
The sound of rain drops landing on the ground was quite relaxing. It didn't take long until you felt really sleepy. Trying to keep eyes open was close to impossible. 
The bluenette hummed in response.
"Talk to me or I will fall asleep..."
He did not want to admit it but he was already half asleep. The only thing which kept him awake was your occasional shaking. Silently chuckling as he turned head to you.
"I've got a better idea. Do you remember that one night when you were sleeping over and couldn't sleep. When I found you looking out of the window in the middle of night?" 
Shaking your head, not remembering anything at all. Wondering how he can remember something like that.
"Well, we ended up watching out of the window together. Sitting on a chair while you were leaning on me. We fell asleep and the maids woke us up in the morning. Questioning why we weren't in beds."
Really? Did they? Why can't you recall anything like that? Giving Kaeya a confused look.
"How could we fit one chair-" As you finished it, the answer flashed through your mind. Finally you get what he meant with lean on him.
Not even giving it a second thought you shifted in front of him, hesitantly pressing your back on his chest. If you did this as kids then it clearly felt different than now. You were not sure if the warm feeling was caused by your flushed cheeks. Feeling like your entire body is burning right now. Or if it was because of how Kaeya put the blanket over the two of you and wrapped one hand around your waist. 
"Don't mind that hand. I just want to have you secure.~"
"Secure for what?"
"In case you slide to side while sleeping, silly."
"I'm not going to sleep. It's embarrassing and worst is you are having fun!" You protested, pouting once again. 
He could not deny the fact he found this whole situation amusing. Not even feeling guilty for his little lie. You are such a cutie when you are pouting like that
"The real embarrassing thing would be you shifting around and waking up my-"
"What the- Kaeya!" You groaned and wanted to get up but couldn't as his hand kept you in place.
"Shh, I'm just joking, Dearie. Relax. Let's just keep each other warm." Pulling you closer, feeling how your muscles relaxed a bit.
There was silence between you for a while. You were wishing he can't hear your heart beating so loud for no reason. The butterfly feeling in your stomach was lingering there for the whole time.
"You better not run your mouth about this to anyone, or..." You whispered silently, not even bothering to finish the sentence.
"Or? What's wrong about two friends being close, hmm?"
"I dunno." Admitting while completely relaxing against him and closing eyes. You are too tired to bother about anything.
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wouldpollyapprove · 4 years
Request: "I'm Pregnant." &“Well. Yell, scream, say something. Anything.” for Johnny Shelby and my desire to see you as an affectionate father and husband
"Oh, you’re jealous!” + “Forget it, you’re a fucking asshole.” with John Shelby
Requested by @bloodydynasty & Anonymous
John Shelby x Reader
Word Count: 1.3k
Warnings: Language, alcohol, insecurities, pregnancy
A/N: In this fic, John never married Martha because I forgot that any of that even happened while I was writing this. Also, I’m sorry if this is crap, I had editing so I rarely do it. I should, I know I should but it’s such a daunting task that I would rather do anything else but that.
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“Oh, you’re jealous!” John teased you upon seeing the anger in your eyes directed at the woman he had just been flirting with.
You folded your arms over your chest, you couldn’t deny it, but you knew admitting it would do nothing. John had always been a flirt. Since the moment they had met, he could never keep his eyes from wondering. She thought that would change once they got married but she’d yet to see the day it would. Any time she’d complain to Polly or Ada, they told her not to worry about it. John was a good man and would never cheat on her. But that was never what she was worried about.
It was a foolish thought, but Y/n was afraid that her husband would fall out of love with her. Out of insecurities place on her by her mother, she was always afraid any love she would be given would slip right out of her hands. That meant any woman that caught John’s eye was a threat to her. He would give in to their sweet smiles, lustful eyes, and each time he did, his wife feared that she would soon be forgotten. 
With his family’s company growing, it didn’t help matters. John would longer hours away from home, keeping his whereabouts a secret. There was no way for Y/n to know whether he was at the office, the Garrison, or in someone else’s bed. She should have trusted that he was right where he was supposed to be. But how could she do that when she couldn’t trust that she was enough for him?
“Whatever,” she rolled her eyes and drank what was left of her gin and tonic. “I’m going home.” Pushing herself off the bar, Y/n quickly grabbed her coat, slipped it on, and was out the door without even a goodbye to anyone.
John stood there for a moment, trying to process what had just happened. He hadn’t said anything, at least he couldn’t remember if he had. The man also didn’t believe there was anything he could have done to upset her. If his wife had an issue with the woman he was talking to minutes before, they were simply talking, nothing more, nothing less. No matter what had caused her to leave, he wasn’t going to let Y/n walk home. So, he too grabbed his coat and, without bidding anyone goodnight, slipped out the door.
“Y/n, wait,” he called, jogging up to her. Her pace didn’t slow for him, nor did she turn to face him when he fell in step beside her. “What’s wrong?”
She scoffed, eyes set forward, avoiding his gaze. 
“Please, love, tell me what’s bothering you,” he insisted, hand grazing her elbow. He just wanted to feel her warmth instead of the cold wall she had placed around herself. Instead of answer his question, Y/n yanked her arm out of his reach and quickened her pace.
The rest of the walk home was done so in silence. Every once in a while, John would spare a glance at Y/n to see if her features had relaxed. They never did. Fingers curled up in fists, lips set in a straight line, fire like rage in her eyes.
Entering the house, Y/n shrugged off her coat, throwing it over a chair before heading to the kitchen. John did the same, only slower. Not wanting to crowd her, he knew distance would be best for the moment. Let her calm down and, perhaps, then she would talk.
Pouring herself a cup of tea, Y/n leaned against the counter. A few minutes later, her husband entered the room, causing her to turn her back to him. 
A sigh escaped his lips when time did nothing to cool the fire inside her. “What did I do?”
Y/n shook her head, “Forget it, you’re a fucking asshole. Nothing I say will make a difference.” She moved from the counter, going to walk past him, he grabbed her wrist, pulling her back. “Let go,” she seethed, eyes on the hand wrapped around her skin.
“Not until you answer me,” he said firmly. “If I have hurt you in any way, I want to know. I deserve to know.”
Jaw set, she finally met his eye. Though she could tell he was growing irritated, John’s eyes were warm and loving, the same could not be said for her own. “I’m pregnant,” she whispered, the words earning her release. With her freedom, she could have left him there and seek shelter in their bedroom, but, lowering her arm, she waited patiently for his response. When minutes went by, she groaned, “Well, John. Yell, scream, say something. Don’t stand there like an idiot.”
The two had never had an actual discussion on having children. If it was meant to happen, it would, that’s what she believed. Polly had told her once before that she would bear many children, but as they had been married for a little over two years and there were still no small feet running around, she doubted that would ever prove true. No matter her views, Y/n never expected to stand before her husband, with the news that she was expecting, and fear that he would be anything but happy. 
“Is that what you’re mad about?” John asked, brow raised. 
Biting the inside of her cheek, she hadn’t received the response she was looking for. She was hoping that the announcement would allow for the pair to forget about the problems that plagued them and, for a little while, she could feel secure with what she had.
“Y/n.” He gently wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her against his chest. “Why are you mad, love? This is happy news,” he said with a sad smile. When she failed to meet his eyes, John brought a hand to her cheek, raising her head as he softly rubbed her soft skin. “Just tell me.”
Tears pooled in the corner of her eyes, Y/n knew the subject wouldn’t be dropped unless she confessed, but her confession was rather silly. It would earn a laugh from the man, no doubt. “I… Do you love me?” she questioned.
A puzzled expression over to her husband’s features, “Yes. Yes, I’m in fucking love with you! Why would you ask such a thing?” Hurt was evident in his eyes, causing Y/n to regret her question.
“Sometimes-” Y/n moved away from his touch, venturing into the parlor. “-I feel that it wouldn’t be hard for you to love another and leave me behind,” she admitted. “I fear that I am not enough.”
John didn’t know what to say. He had never once believed she could have felt this way. A quick glance at his actions during the night pointed out what had upset her. It was his own fault that they were questioning each other. His fault that his wife felt she might be unloved. John’s heart broke at the thought. His actions, his words, had caused her pain.
Crossing the room, he knew not what to say, but what to do. Embracing her, John held her tightly against his chest as tears slide down her cheeks. “It’s okay, it’s okay,” he muttered in her eye as he rubbed her back. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry for everything. Your the apple of my fucking eye,” John confessed, kissing the exposed skin on her neck. “I should have done a better job of showing you that. I swear, I will do better for you-” He pulled away and rested a hand against where their child was growing. “-and for our baby.”
Sniffling, Y/n wiped her tears away with the back of her hand. “You’ll be a wonderful father, John,” she smiled, placing her hands over his. “I know you will.”
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Peaky Blinders: @simonsbluee
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vantaenims · 5 years
chocolate milk | jungkook
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pairing: jungkook x reader
genre:  childhood friends au | fluff, humor
word count: 6.8k
warning/s: smoking and jimin’s younger than jungkook here lol.
summary: You never planned to catch some feelings for Jungkook but you didn’t know that he’s the mastermind of all these fickle thoughts. It’s all thanks to Psychology and Human Behavior.
all rights reserved © vantaenims - do not repost, translate, or claim as your own.
 Every year you and your family go to the Jeon’s rest house for your annual summer vacation along with the Kims. Your mom is best friends with Jungkook and Taehyung’s mom ever since they were in high school – soul sisters, as they like to call themselves.  So it left you no choice but to also form the same kind of friendship with their sons whom you practically grew up with.
 The tradition started when you were eight when the rest house was completed the year before. Jungkook’s mom invited your family and Taehyung’s to spend the summer there.  You’re in awe as soon as you stepped inside the premises of the newly built house that you thought you were in paradise.
 You remember that summer clearly, your eyes immediately landing on the swimming pool where you can see Jungkook refilling his water gun as he shoots you with it, the moms singing along to the 80s music playing in the background, the dads making barbeque as they set up everything for lunch, and Taehyung putting on a sunblock on Seoyun, her little sister, inviting you to swim with them as soon as he saw you arrive.
 It was supposedly meant to be a one-time thing until you pestered your mom every single day of that summer with questions like ‘are we coming back here next summer?’, ‘can we live here?’, or even a bratty remark like ‘I’m gonna cry for the whole year if we don’t come back here.’
 It was insufferable considering Jungkook and Taehyung decided to join you in consistently pestering their moms too. Looking back, it’s funny when you all screamed with joy when all of your parents agreed to come back here next summer thus marking the start of the annual summer vacation in the Jeon’s rest house.
 You and Jungkook are in the kitchen, assigned to cook and prepare for today’s dinner. Jungkook instructed you to chop the necessary ingredients needed for the meal as you can’t cook to save your life.
 “You nervous for the grades?” he said, stirring the pot filled with kimchi stew.
 You’ve gotten in the same university as Jungkook’s, with you majoring in Finance while Jungkook majors in Psychology.
 “Kinda” you exclaimed with a huff, sitting yourself on the kitchen counter after you’ve done everything he asked you to do. The grade results will be out next week and the achiever in you can’t wait to see how well or bad you did for your first year in college.
 “Don’t ponder too much about it” he said, motioning for you to get the bowls for him. But knowing you of course it’s been on your mind 24/7 ever since the finals ended, you were one of the top students in high school after all.
 “College made me feel so mediocre” you frowned.
 “Said every freshman ever” he laughed, pouring a generous amount of stew into separate bowls.
 He messed your hair after he looked up to see you still frowning, “I believe in you.”
 You remember two years ago when Jungkook came into your house unannounced even though his dorm is approximately an hour away from you just because he wanted to rant how he can’t handle the amount of work load he has, saying that he’s not good at multi-tasking.
 He brought his backpack with him as he entered your room, sitting at the floor beside your bed, asking if you could help him do some of his homework or requirements.
“Jungkook, I’m a senior student in high school. How am I supposed to do a college homework?” you looked at him if he’s being really serious. “Couldn’t you ask some of your college friends to help you?”
 “Well, I’m a freshman who clearly doesn’t have enough friends yet so can you please help me?” he sighed, pleading at you with those big doe eyes. “Plus you’re smarter than me anyway, I believe in you” he said winking at you.
 “Fine” you said, rolling your eyes. He took out his laptop and passed you a pad paper and his thick textbook in Developmental Psychology.
 “I’ve already written the questions there, I think the answers are in Chapter 3 and 4” he peered at you, a discontented look displayed on your face but he knows how you can give in to his request, he took out a box of your favorite chocolate milk and placed it right in front of you.
 “Got it Sir!” you said a little too enthusiastically as you grab the paper and textbook from him.
 Jungkook called everyone to come down after you finished setting down the dish and plates in the table. Situating yourself in the middle of Jungkook and Seoyun. You looked at the empty seat next to Jungkook. Taehyung was supposed to seat there but he’s not here
                                                                                                               “Will Taehyung be coming here?” you asked Taehyung’s mom just to make sure. You messaged Taehyung when you noticed his absence right after you arrived in the house but he hasn’t replied to you yet.
 “He’ll be coming here on Monday” she informed you. “He went on a trip with his college friends.”
 As soon as she said that, your phone buzzed. You checked to see that it’s a message from Taehyung.
 [Sat, June 13, 12:38 PM]
 Taehyung: hey Y/N! Sorry I can’t reply awhile ago, signal’s weak here. Don’t be sad, I’ll be coming there on Monday. I know u and Jungkook miss me already ;)
 You: where did you go?
You: shut up we don’t miss you
 Taehyung: Japaaaaan!
Taehyung: that’s too bad I was about to buy some green tea chocolates for u but ok
 You: I miss you!
You: we miss you our handsome kim taehyung!
You: haha anyways, enjoy!
 “So Y/N” you chucked your phone away in your lap as you glanced at Jungkook’s mom. “I heard you had a boyfriend.” You’re confused to say the least, brows furrowing with the sudden ridiculous information. You didn’t even know you had a boyfriend until this point.
 “Your mom told me a certain someone frequently visits your house” your mom laughed as he slapped the arm of Jungkook’s mom, shushing her.
 “I think she’s keeping it a secret for a while, don’t push her” your mom whispered as if you were not there in front of you to hear it. Rolling your eyes, you know who that someone is but her assumptions are wrong.
 Your mom always assumes that every boy – except Jungkook and Taehyung – who comes into your house is your boyfriend considering the fact that you studied in an all-girls school from nursery to high school.
 That someone she’s referring to is Jimin, a fellow freshman finance major who you’ve become good friends with. Upon knowing that Jimin lives in the same city as you, you’ve mutually agreed to accompany each other every time you return home weekly to make the one hour trip less boring.
 But she was totally convinced that Jimin is your boyfriend after your mother saw him dropping you off for the fifth time, giving you a knowing smile once you entered the house. An impassive look on your face as you told her that he’s just a friend.
 “You have a boyfriend?” Jungkook turned his head to look at you with wide eyes.
 “I don’t!” you whispered shout, “And if I do why is it such a big deal?”
 “Because you’ve never had a boyfriend” he said like it’s a common knowledge for you all.
 “And you’ve never had a girlfriend either so”, Jungkook was about to retort something when his father asked him to get the fruit salad they made in the refrigerator for dessert.
 He stood up, albeit reluctantly, as he squints his eyes at you, “We’re not done yet” he mouthed while you childishly stuck out your tongue at him.
 You thought catching feelings for Jungkook was out of the question but you were wrong. It started when he’d always invite you to study with him and he would always give you your favorite chocolate milk. You appreciate the gesture but you set aside those funny feelings, thinking you’re just happy to see him. A happy crush is what you’d like to say it is.
 Not too long, you confirmed your feelings for Jungkook is dangerously heightening after you saw what he looked like on your sister’s wedding a year ago. A black suit paired with a neatly white polo tucked in his slacks, his hair swept to the side.
 It bothered you how he suddenly looked different, actually ten times more attractive. You just saw him as this cute annoying boy but tonight he switched to be a fine looking man. Jungkook caught you gawking at him, a smirk displayed on his face as he watched you scramble for your phone to make it seem you were busy with it.
 Panicking, you started to video the wedded couple’s first dance until Jungkook blocked your camera. Asking if you want to dance with him as he held his hand to you, leaving you with really no choice but to accept the offer.
 Suddenly, you felt awkward as you don’t know where to put your hands until Jungkook guided you to put it around his neck whilst he put his hands around your waist. Eyes avoiding his as you try to get a hold of yourself.
 “Why are you shaking?” he laughed, sensing your nervousness.
 “It’s cold” you lied. He’s too close for your liking hence you can see the scar on his right cheek and can smell the cologne he only uses on special occasions.
 “Is this better?” he asked, leaving no space in between you as he reeled you into him, slow dancing in a hugging position. Shock overcoming you though this is not something new between you two, it’s normal for the both of you to be openly affectionate but it’s incomprehensible why you’re suddenly feeling butterflies in your stomach.
 In conclusion, you’re starting to fall for Jungkook.
 After taking a shower, you descended down the stairs to see Jungkook and Daecho – Taehyung’s younger brother – playing Tekken on the Playstation. Smiling to yourself as soon as you saw how cute Jungkook looks in a matching gray hoodie and shorts, eyes wide and mouth agape as he concentrates on defeating Daecho.
 Opening the kitchen cabinet, you got yourself some potato chips as you sit cross legged beside Jungkook on the couch.
 “Can I have some?” Jungkook asked, eyes still glued on the screen. You reached the bag of chips towards him, nudging your shoulders against his when he made no movement to get one. He opened his mouth towards you, waiting for you to feed him.
 “I’m playing” you rolled your eyes but feed him anyway. Daecho also chiming in if you could feed him too, making you their servant.
 Soon after, Daecho was called by his mom to go upstairs telling him that he should sleep since it’s late. Grumbling, Daecho stood up and bid good night to the both of you before ascending the stairs. Jungkook turned off the console and switched the television to Netflix.
 “Pick what you want to watch”, he tossed the remote control at you, standing up to go to the kitchen.
 You scan over the wide selection of movies until your eyes landed on your favorite anime film, “How about Spirited Away? For old time’s sake.”
 “There are Studio Ghibli Films now on Netflix?” he jogged back to the sofa to look at the screen while he hands you the uncooked pack of popcorn. You laughed as you grabbed it, finding it hilarious how he’s still scared of the microwave.
 It all started when he was 10, he grabbed the leftover chicken wrapped in foil in the refrigerator and put it straightaway in the microwave. Taehyung entered the kitchen just in time to see the ruckus, unplugging the appliance right away when he saw Jungkook just standing still and not moving from his spot as he watched the foil sparked into a fire.
 Taehyung scolded Jungkook for almost destroying the microwave or even almost causing a fire but immediately felt bad when he suddenly saw the younger one bursting into tears, thinking that he was about to die from a microwave explosion.
 Laughing at the memory, you walk and sat back into the sofa as you share the bowl of popcorn with Jungkook who’s laying down, placing his feet on your lap. The screen showing the scene where Chihiro and her parents enter the tunnel.
 “I still remember that one summer when you would watch Spirited Away every single day because you have a cartoon crush on Haku” he said as you threw him a popcorn to shut him up.
 Jungkook laughed as he eats the popcorn that landed on his chest until he sat up to remove the bowl of popcorn from your hands to place it in the table as he plopped his head on your lap. As an instinct, you ran your fingers into his now long wavy hair.
 “Your hair’s long” you said as you mindlessly braid strands of his hair.
 “Do you like it?” he’s touching the braids you’ve made, his hands almost touching yours before you move it to the next strand of his hair. You hummed, loosing his braids to undo it. He grabbed your hands as he sniffed it.
 “Why are you sniffing my hand idiot?” you laughed as you booped his nose with your finger.
 “It smells nice”
 “It’s the strawberry body wash you got me for secret santa last year” you said as you watched him play with your fingers and even giving you a hand massage.
 “Do you really have a boyfriend now?” he asked out of nowhere.
 “No” you firmly said, annoyed once again for what your mom said. Jungkook whined as he put a hand on his side of the head where you unconsciously tugged his hair a bit too strong. Laughing as you apologized for taking your annoyance out at him.
 “Who was she referring to?”
 “It’s Jimin” you said, “You know how we always go home together.”
 “You’ve never told me that” Jungkook turned his head to look up at you, “Besides, isn’t Jimin the guy who you had spent time that one Tuesday night right? The one when you stood me up”
 Jungkook was being petty once again, he had brought this topic too many times for it to be annoying by now but you can’t blame him though since you’re the one at fault in the first place.
 Tuesday and Thursday nights are meant for study dates with Jungkook in a café but you had spent one Tuesday night with Jimin in the library because you had to do a paper with him that is due for submission that night at 11:59 p.m.
 But you were so busy that you forgot to message Jungkook that you wouldn’t be able to study with him. You only realized it when you checked your phone in bed, ready to sleep. Your lock screen is filled with missed calls and messages from Jungkook.
 “Hey, I at least rushed to the café to still meet you” you said, pushing his head to the side.
 Jungkook was thankfully still in the café by the time you got there. You sat in front of him as you try to explain and apologize but he just blatantly ignored you until you stole his pen from him to write ‘I’m sorry :(‘ in his notebook.
 “I could drop you off at home you know” he said, eyes focusing on the television.
 “I live farther from you, Jungkook” you reminded him, fingers making it’s way back from his hair again as you massage his scalp. The action made Jungkook close his eyes, humming at how relaxing it is.
 “If it’s you, I don’t mind” he whispered. You stared at him because he doesn’t know he could make your heart race just by saying that, he doesn’t know that you have developed feelings for him and you know It deep inside that it’s a case of unrequited love.
 You reminded yourself that he’s being like this because he’s older than you which could mean that’s he’s only just being protective but times like this you’d think that Jungkook might possibly have feelings for you.
 “Do you have the list with you?”
 “Yeah, I got it” you said as you enter the car, situating yourself in a comfortable position while you buckle your seatbelt. You forgot the grocery list in the kitchen so you made a run for it while Jungkook stood by in the car.
 Switching the gear to reverse, Jungkook looked back with his hand steering the wheel while his arm is placed behind your seat as he fully backed the car from the garage to the driveway. Oddly enough, the view of Jungkook reversing the car with that arm position is inexplicably attractive.
 “It’s weird, we’re now assigned to do the grocery run” you said in kind of a rush to cover yourself after Jungkook noticed you’ve been staring at him, causing him to shoot you a playful smirk.
 “Isnt that fun? We get to be the older ones now” he said albeit enthusiastically.
 The grocery runs were usually done by your older sister and Jungkook’s older brother every sunday but they’re both absent for this year’s summer considering your sister is on a vacation with his husband while Jungkook’s brother is in America for an internship.
 You propped your elbow on the window, placing your chin in the palm of your hand. “Yeah but you know the older we get, the lesser we are in the house”, you frowned in disappointment.
 “Taehyung’s not even here”
 “He will be here tomorrow though”
 “But you know I think I just get attached to the idea that I spend every summer with you guys then for it to be gone one day”
 “We still do exist in autumn, winter, and spring you know” he said trying to cheer you up as he pets your hair, “plus you almost see me everyday now that we’re in the same university.”
 “Yeah, right” you chuckled. Ever since you started college, it’s been kind of a routine to spend at least once or twice a week with Jungkook in a café nearby your dorms to study and possibly hang out.
 You’ve basically camouflaged yourselves to be one of those college students dressed unapologetically in their hoodies and pajamas with their textbooks, highlighters, and laptops sprawled out on the table while you’re both focused in your own worlds.
 Jungkook would casually get your post it notes to draw something random like a dog or a flower but he would mostly draw your eyes, even captivating every single detail of it. He’d stick it to your book, laptop screen, or wherever your attention is. In fact, you had collected every single drawing of his as the sentimental person you are.
 Your thoughts are quickly interrupted when the car engine was turned off, looking around, you didn’t notice that you were already in the parking lot of the supermarket. You opened the door as you walk to the entrance.
 Grabbing your arm, Jungkook stopped you as he waved at the camera placed at the entrance of the supermarket encouraging you to do the same thing. Laughing as you watch yourselves being childishly silly.
 “You know, sometimes I think you’re actually younger than me” you said as you grabbed a push cart and head to the dairy section.
 “Hmm you wish” Jungkook hastily put his arm around your shoulders, ruffling your hair. He maintained his arm around yours like that, telling yourself to pay no mind to it and that it’s a casual thing to do.
 To calm yourself a bit, you brought out the list and handed it to Jungkook, instructing him that he’s in charge of getting the items while you’ll be pushing the cart around. You let out a breath you didn’t notice you were holding when he detached himself from you.
 “Do you want to play for a while?” you pointed out to the arcade as you exit the supermarket.
 Jungkook turned to look where you’re pointing at, “Sure, it’s been a while” he smiled, grabbing the cart from you, telling you he’ll follow soon after he unload the groceries in the car.
 As soon as you entered the arcade, you were hit with a sense of nostalgia as you remember when you would always tail with your sister and Jungkook’s brother for their grocery run so you, Taehyung, and Jungkook could play in the arcade while you wait for them to finish.
 You brought out the old arcade card you unnoticeably still had in your wallet as you gave it to the staff to load it.
 “You still have that?” Jungkook’s sudden appearance made you jump a little as he laughed at you when you placed a hand on your heart. “Disappointingly, I misplaced mine it was even a limited edition Pokemon design”, he said frowning.
 You laughed at his bummed state, nudging him what would he like to play first. He looked around, eyes widening at his sudden idea, “How about we make a deal? Loser gets to do whatever the winner says.”
 You squinted at him as you contemplate if it’s a good idea to take the deal because there’s a high probability that Jungkook would win anyway. “Okay, deal” you laughed, shaking his extended hand.
 For the first game, you chose to play the car racing game where you surprisingly defeated Jungkook thus making him more competitive as he is. He chose to play a round of basketball for the second game wherein he won by five points ahead of you. It is now up to the last game to determine the winner.
 “We should pick something we have never played before so it’ll be fair” Jungkook said, his eyes landing to a group of kids cheering for their friend whose holding onto two metal handles in front of the hands of a gorilla. It’s called Raging Ape as he read the sign above.
 Jungkook tugged you towards the game after the kids left, “Have you played this before?” you shook your head to say no. After observing the kids, he informed you that the game is all about hand hold strength basically you just have to hold onto it as long as you can while the vibrating frequency increases.
 There are three buttons; low power, med power, and high power. Jungkook volunteered to be the first one to try it as he swiped the card through the slot, pressing the high power button.
 “Does it shock you?” you said, noticing the lightning drawing patterns.
 “I don’t know, let’s see” he grabbed the metal handles as he waits for it to start. The machine emitted a low whirring sound signaling that the game has started, sound and vibrations increasing by the second. Jungkook turned his head to your side as he scrunched his nose when it got to the highest intensity.
 “I can’t feel my hands” he laughed as he successfully held into it the whole time, shaking his hand to get rid of the numbness. Jungkook swiped the card right away, not even giving you time to get ready.
 You hesitantly put your hands on the handle, nerves quite going up. “Does it hurt?” you peered at Jungkook for some assurance, “A bit but you don’t have to do it if you don’t want to, no pressure” he teased but you can also be competitive just like him so you ignored his comment as you went with it.
 It made your hands feel ticklish and tingly at first but then as the intensity escalated it became more unbearable. You yelped making you loosen your grip around it as you felt a shock coursed right through your hands.
 You rub your hands together, looking at Jungkook as he excitedly points at himself proclaiming that he’s the winner. “No, let me do it again”, you protested.
 Jungkook crossed his arm while he put his fingers in his forehead, eyes closed as if he’s deep in thought whether he should give you another chance but of course he wouldn’t – not when he’s already the winner.
 “No, let’s go” he said making you sigh as you thought so. He grabbed you by the wrist as you exit the arcade, his hands momentarily sliding down to your hand, fully taking a hold of it. You stared at your enclosed hands, a different wave of shock surging in – a much stronger one than the game.
 You situated yourself on the lounge chair beside the pool, eyelids drooping from the late afternoon breeze. You placed your phone you’ve been scrolling through out the afternoon in your stomach as you closed your eyes, lulling your head to the side.
 “I’ve made you a mango juice” you opened your eyes to see Jungkook’s mom propping herself on the chair as well placing the shake on the table between you two. She apologized when she noticed she must’ve woken you up but you dismissed her saying that you’re hungry anyway.
 “How’s the first year of college for you dear?”
 “It was great, I’m glad Jungkook’s there for me” you smiled at her.
 “I told him that he should always look out for you” she said while she sips from her juice, “Does he always check on you?”
 “Don’t worry, we make sure to see each other every week” you informed her, “Ah I forgot to thank you for the Chicken Pesto Pasta.”
 She looked at you as if she’s confused, “It was during my birthday, Jungkook told me you made it for me”, you reminded her.
 Sleep. That was how you plan to spend your birthday after your class ended for the day, you have no energy in you anymore to bother going out for your birthday not after taking an all-nighter the day before for a presentation.
 Not until Jungkook invited you at his dorm the night of your birthday, telling you that his mom had sent you a meal. He begged you to come by telling you he would go to your dorm if it isn’t an all girls’ dormitory. So you spent your birthday at Jungkook’s dorm, eating the pasta in a microwavable container in his bed as you watch About Time in his laptop.
 “Did I?” Jungkook’s mom questioned as she tried to remember but nothing came to mind however she did recall when Jungkook called to facetime her, asking her to stay in the line while he cooks the pasta and listens to her instructions.
 “Oh yes, did you enjoy it?” you nodded eagerly, “I think it was the best one you’ve ever made yet.”
 She chose not to mention that it was Jungkook who made that for you, already taking the hint why his son hid the fact that it was him who prepared that.
 “Dinner’s ready, let’s eat” you turned around to see your mom’s head peeking out the sliding door. You stood up, taking the two empty glasses in your hand as you made your way inside.
 “Y/N can you call the kids upstairs?” your mom said, taking the glasses from you.
 You went up as you quickly knock on the doors of Daecho, Seoyun, and Jungkook, shouting that dinner’s ready. Skipping down the stairs, you sat on your seat after calling them too lazy to check if they’ve heard you but you munched on your food right away as soon as you saw Daecho and Seoyun going down.
 “Y/N, did you call Jungkook?” your mom asked while you looked at her with your mouth full, nodding to say yes, “Can you call him again?”, putting the chopsticks down, you stood up, grumbling quietly as you made your way up.
 “Jungkook, dinner’s ready” you knocked on his door ready to go downstairs again but then you didn’t hear any answer from him. Growing impatient, you twisted the door knob as you entered his room.
 “Jungkook, wake up dinner’s ready” you stood at the end of his bed, annoyed at the fact that he probably wouldn’t wake up just yet as the deep sleeper he is. You grabbed the blanket and tossed it on the floor, revealing his weird sleeping position – crossed legs and arms.
 “Please, I’m really hungry, just wake up” you pleaded as you threw a pillow on his chest. Jungkook groaned as he hugged the pillow closer, you tried to pry it away from his but his grip around it is too strong.
 “Jungkook!” you dragged his name in a deep voice deciding to seat at the side of his bed.
 He finally opened his eyes, laughing at how you look so annoyed. He rubbed his eyes as he gently grabbed your arm that is placed on his bed, sitting up in a position where his elbows supported his upper body weight.
 You’re once glaring eyes then turned into wide ones at how close his face is to yours – it’s not that actually close but it’s enough to make your heart race. Also, it isn’t helping how his half closed eyes and long fluffy hair made him look cuddlier but you wont let him know that.
 You’re just friends, that’s it. You repeated to yourself but his intense stare – you’d like to believe – says other wise. You wanted to break away from his gaze or say something but you found yourself to be stuck in a trance until you heard your mom calling for you and Jungkook to go down.
 “Let’s go” you stood up, maybe a bit too fast as you exit his room while Jungkook laid down again, smiling that maybe his plan is coming to fruition.
 All those all nighter in college changed your body clock. It’s 2:30 a.m. and you’ve done everything like reading a book and listening to your sleep playlist in order for you to sleep but you still found yourself wide awake.
 Staring at the ceiling, you thought that maybe if you do something tiring then it’ll be easier to sleep. With that thought, you stood up as you made your way to your drawer, taking out your one-piece swimsuit you used to wear during your varsity swimmer days in high school.
 You made your way down as quietly as possible, not wanting to wake anyone up at this hour. Sliding the door, you made your way outside as you lay down the towel in the chair and slipped your flip flops off.
 Being in the water feels like a second nature to you, you’ve been swimming since you were seven. Swimming was fun but then it’s more of like a hobby rather than a dream, that’s why you decided not to partake in the university’s swimming team so you could focus on your studies.
 With your hands on the gutter, you pushed your feet against the wall of the pool as you do a freestyle. You tried to follow one part of your old training routine which is doing 15 laps of freestyle.
 After completing the set, you evened out your breath by bubbling five times underwater. The freestyle was supposed to be followed with laps of 15 backstrokes, 15 breaststrokes, and 15 butterfly strokes but you think it’d be impossible to do more at this point.
 “I’m not good anymore” you mumbled to yourself, eyes closed as you rest it on your arm that’s placed on the gutter, feeling exhausted but also disappointed because you’re clearly out of practice.
 “Your Olympic tumble turns are great though” you were surprised to say the least once you heard Jungkook’s voice. He’s sitting on the lounge chair as he laughed when you splashed him bits of water for scaring you.
 “What are you doing here?”
 “I could ask you the same thing” he raised his eyebrows, cunningly smiling at you.
 “I couldn’t sleep” you said, retreating back your head to position it once again on your arm.
 “Well then, that makes the two of us” you looked at him then your eyes flickered at his hands, you come closer to the side of the pool just to make sure if you’re eyes are deceiving you.
 “Is that a cigarette?” you looked at him but he’s looking at the ground as he hid the cigarette from you, avoiding your stare.
 “Can I try?” you managed to say after he chosed to ignore you, his bewildered eyes immediately looking at you.
 “No, it’s not safe Y/N” he said in a hushed stern voice. You were just messing with him, of course you wouldn’t even try but it’s the only way to catch him off guard.
 “When did you start smoking?”
 “Just this year” he looked at you but you were giving him a look as if you want him to explain further, “My friend asked me if I want a hit so I tried until I asked him for one”, he said as if he’s disappointed in himself, you did remember when he said he doesn’t like it when his dad smokes.
 “Don’t worry I just smoke occassionaly though, I’m trying to stop before it gets worse” he assured you, putting the cigarette out even though it’s not yet close to being finished. You nodded, relieved that he’s at least trying.
 An idea must’ve been popped into his mind as he stood up to get the kickboard, “Let’s do the kickboard stand.” You rolled your eyes as he tried to change the subject but you let him have his way.
 You, Jungkook, and Taehyung invented this game wherein you all stand on the kickboard as you push yourselves further to the deepest part of the pool. It’s all just about withstanding the kickboard from surfacing until you lose balance.
 Suddenly, Jungkook took off his shirt and threw it on the chair. You can’t help but stare at his defined body, you’ve seen him shirtless a lot of times but this is the first time you became flustered about it.
 He threw the kickboard in before he dipped himself in the pool. As instructed, you sat yourself on the ledge while you placed both of your feet on the kickboard, standing slowly while Jungkook pushed it down with his feet.
 The distance between you two is close to being non-existent given that the kickboard is small. You tried to balance on it while Jungkook pushes the board into the deeper part of the pool.
 As it almost reached the end, you felt the board move a bit. The movement made you hold on to Jungkook’s shoulder so you could steady yourself, you both chuckled as he reached down to your elbow to keep you in place.
 You looked up at him see the moonlight reflecting on his face, making him more ethereal. He’s looking down as he tries to focus keeping the board from emerging. It’s one of those times where you unnoticeably get lost just by looking at him.
 Unable to resist, you swept his hair that made it’s way down to cover his eyes. The action made Jungkook quite surprised as you both silently stare at each other like what just happened back in his room.
 You were about to break the silence not until you saw Jungkook glancing at your lips which made you do the same. He gently tugged your elbow towards him as he slowly lean towards your face only for it to be ruined as you both lose your balance on the board.
 The kickboard aggressively rocketed on your face before you toppled and submerged. As soon as you surfaced, you saw Jungkook laughing his heart out, embarrassed you splashed him a water as you made your way to the ledge of the pool to sit.
 You tasted something metallic in your mouth, putting a finger on it you saw blood. “I busted my lip” you frowned.
 Jungkook tried to contain his laughter as he came closer to you, inspecting your lower lip with his fingers on it. Your heart’s beating erratically with how he’s touching your lip and him being in between your legs.  
 “Wait” he said as he got out of the pool, muscles flexing when he pushed himself up through the gutter.
 Stop thirsting over Jungkook, you reminded yourself.
 He hurriedly came back with a chocolate milk in his hand and got in the pool. He was about to place the box of milk in your mouth until you stopped him.
 “Jungkook, why would you put that in my mouth?” you ask him confused as to why he thought of this as a remedy for your busted lip.
 He chuckled, putting it to your mouth anyway, “It’s the only thing that is frozen, there are no ice cubes unless you want me to put a frozen chicken in your mouth.” He figured that you must be thinking why it’s frozen so he explained that he plans to eat it as an ice cream.
“Are you okay?” he said, stifling a laugh as he remembered the look on your face.
 You shoved his shoulder, glaring at him, “This was your idea.”
 “I know, I’m sorry”
 Your mind is going crazy again as you noticed your back in the same position before he got out of the pool – you sitting on the ledge and him in between your legs. Also, you remember when he started leaning in towards you before the incident.
 “I like you” you mumbled but quickly covered your mouth after you realized you voiced out your thoughts.
 Jungkook looked at you with wide eyes but was quickly replaced with a smirk, “I know” he said as he placed back the box of milk to your mouth.
 “What? What do you mean you know?” you’re curious if you were really that obvious.
 “I liked you first before you even like me” his confession was a surprise to you though it’s somewhat not the answer to your question.
“Okay? Congrats?” you’re confused as to what he meant.
 “I learned Pavlov’s Theory of Classical Conditioning in class and decided to test if it works” now you’re even more confused whilst he chuckled before continuing, “To explain it, he theorized that a dog salivates whenever he sees food. The salivation being the unconditioned response and the food as the unconditioned stimulus. So he-“
 “Jungkook, why are you telling me this?” you said, cutting him off.
 “Let me finish, you’ll know later”, he chuckled as he squeezed your knee, “So he introduced the bell, he rings it just before he gives the food. After a while, the dog now associates the bell with the food thus making the item a conditioned stimulus. In conclusion, the dog salivates whenever he hears the bell because he associated it with the food.”
 You blinked slowly at him, “That’s nice to know but what?”
 “This is your favorite right?” he referred to the chocolate milk, you nodded your head to say yes, “And what do you feel whenever you see one?”
 “Uh happy?” he clicked his tongue, winking at you. “Right, so I kind of conditioned you to feel happy whenever you see me because you associated me – the conditioned stimulus – to this milk.”
 It finally made sense now, Jungkook does always give you chocolate milk whenever you do your weekly study dates. The gesture made you feel happy but then you remembered that one time he didn’t gave you one, it made you feel very confused why you’re all happy to see him; you called it a happy crush after all.
 “What am I? A science experiment?” you shoved him albeit playfully.
 “The theory worked anyway” he shrugged as you rolled your eyes at him. “As the winner of the game, I could do what I want right?” you nodded.
 He removed the box on your mouth, his hands had made its way to your cheek as he takes in your beauty before he gently grabbed your chin to lean you towards him.
 “May I?” you smiled as you nod your head. Jungkook finally pressed his lips with yours, can’t believe you’ve been waiting for this moment just as him. You reeled him further into you by placing both of your hands around his neck whilst his hands travelled down to your waist.
 “Ow it hurts” you hissed, pulling back as you placed your fingers on your lips, “I don’t think I can kiss you right now” you mumbled as you try to hide your smile, shy at what just happened.
 He smiled as he gently lifted your chin, kissing the corner of your mouth then moving to your cheek and jaw until he rested his head on your shoulders, placing you both in a hugging position.
 You stayed like that for a while as he traced different shapes on your back with his fingers, his head moving further in to the crook of your neck. Giggling as you felt his breath tickling you a little when he kissed your neck.
 Smiling, you rested your head against his as you stroke his wet long hair along your fingers. Thinking how you never expected your sleepless night to go like this but you wouldn’t have it any other way.
A/N: Here’s a Jungkook one shot for you to read while we’re all in a quarantine or lockdown lol. Hope you liked it! Stay safe and be healthy! 
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cpd5021 · 4 years
Happy Wednesday!!!! One more week and I am screaming with excitement!! I’m also pretty darn pleased with myself for actually sticking to this challenge and getting out a one-shot every week. I may have one more to post next week before the true excitement begins, but we shall see. I also have a ton of multi-chapter fics outlined and ready to write whenever I can actually get the time again, so look for those in the hopefully near future. Thanks to everyone who has sent in prompts, given me ideas or the push to keep me going. A special thanks to @thetwit, @randers198 and @chilly7188 for all of the wonderful ideas and conversations we have had over the last few months. Also thanks to @fromiftowhen for writing your amazing story and keeping me in all the Upstead feels. This fandom truly is a little family and I can’t wait to explode with excitement with each and every one of you once Upstead is back on our screens. Hopefully you enjoy this little story and the rest of your week as we finish out this last week of waiting. Without further ado, here is this week's one shot. Based on the prompt:
“Needing to kiss to hide from bad guys” sent in by @thetwit
      Undercover operations, surveillance, and long hours were all part of the game when you worked in Intelligence. And frankly, Hailey enjoyed every minute of it. This was her calling, what she was born to do, and she was beyond grateful for the opportunity. She was even more grateful for having such an amazing partner, Jay. Although, as amazing as he was, he had his downfalls. Like spending hours in the back of the surveillance van? Not his thing. He was fine until the snacks ran out, which this time around, had been about an hour ago. It was well past midnight now and the pair were staked out in front of a hole in the wall bar, waiting for the off chance their suspect actually showed up. Everyone else in the Intelligence unit was long gone, probably at home or enjoying their time at Molly’s. Hailey and Jay had offered themselves up for this gig as it had been a while since they had run surveillance. It had proven to be a slow night so far but Hailey was thankful for the easy conversation that flowed between her and Jay. They bantered, laughed about the antics of Adam on their earlier scene, and then fell quiet as they munched on the various bags of chips and pretzels they had tossed into the back of the van before they got started. Now, Jay was leaning back on the bench, stretching his arms up above his head and causing his shirt to rise, exposing just enough of his toned abdomen to make Hailey’s cheeks flush. She quickly busied herself with her phone, hoping he wouldn’t notice in the dim light of the van and thankfully he was too preoccupied with complaining about the lack of food to notice her reaction. He let out a loud sigh and Hailey knew another stream of pleading was heading her way. 
“I’m just saying, we could run in, grab some food to go, and be out before anyone even notices we were there.”
Hailey laughs at him, shaking her head at his attempt at a pout. 
“We can’t risk blowing this just because you’re hungry. It’s only a few more hours and then you can have your food.”
She countered, sending him a stern look and letting him know she wasn’t going to budge. He let out another sigh but turned his attention back to the computer in front of him, mumbling something about harsh working conditions and strict partners. 
     Another hour and a half passed with nothing to report. Jay was beginning to stir again, the restlessness of sitting still for so long catching up to him. Without a word, he looked over at her with puppy eyes, earning a small chuckle from Hailey along with a shake of her head. A half hour later, in the silence of the van, Hailey’s stomach let out an audible growl of hunger and Jay’s eye’s instantly turned smug as he looked over to her with a smirk. 
“Bar burger and fries? Nothing better after a long night in the van…”
He teased, waggling his eyebrows at her, knowing he was playing dirty by mentioning one of her favorite foods. 
“If we blow this…”
She threatened, sending him another stern look. 
“It’s fine, I’ll order the food for pickup, we can run in real quick to grab it, and be back in a flash. Besides, I’m beginning to think this guy isn’t going to show.”
Hailey squinted her eyes at him, debating his plan quickly before finally conceding with a nod of her head. 
“Fine. But I’m totally throwing you under if this goes south.”
Jay smiled as he quickly looked up the number for the bar on his phone, dialing it and bringing the phone to his ear. 
He agreed, just before they answered. 
     They waited the fifteen minutes the waitress gave them before quickly surveilling the street and jumping out. Hailey walked closely to Jay as they headed in, keeping her hood pulled up just in case someone spotted them that shouldn’t. Jay tightened his ball cap just before they entered and the two walked straight up to the bar, keeping their heads low. The bartender took the money and told them it would be just a few more minutes. Hailey settled onto a stool next to Jay, glancing around the small room and hoping this didn’t blow their cover. They started an easy conversation, hoping to not stand out from the crowd around them, most too drunk to even notice their presence. 
    The bell on the bar's entrance dinged and Hailey instantly had a sinking feeling. Jay risked a glance back and she could tell by his face that their guy had just walked in. He turned back around, pressing his elbows into the counter as they prayed the guy would just find a table. No such luck as their suspect sauntered up to the bar, just a few stools down from them. This was the type of place where new people stood out like a sore thumb and Jay and Hailey certainly fit that bill. Hailey could tell the guy was looking over at them, but kept her face glued to the tv behind the bar. Suddenly she felt Jay’s arm wrap around her shoulders, pulling her close to his chest. She glanced up at him, plastering a smile on her mouth to attempt to play the roll. His eyes darted to the man beside them and then back to hers in a flash, he was trying to communicate something silently but she was struggling to keep up. It was only when Jay’s eyes dipped down to her lips that she put two and two together. Her cheeks instantly flushed at the thought of what was about to occur but she managed to send him a small nod, letting him know it was okay. Jay quickly closed the distance between them, his warm mouth pressing into hers and her heart threatening to explode. Hailey moved her lips against his, reveling in the sensation and hoping he couldn’t feel her pulse. She wound a hand up behind his neck, pulling him down to deepen the kiss and suddenly the lines between their cover and their actual relationship were blurring. Jay’s hand danced down to her waist, angling her closer to him and Hailey had to choke back a moan when his tongue darted over her bottom lip, seeking entrance. It slipped between her lips, beginning a dance with her own and the heat shot directly down to her core. The hand behind his neck tugged at the small hairs there as her other hand came to grip his shirt. She knew this was crossing so many lines but in this moment she never wanted it to end. It was only when someone cleared their throat in front of them that Jay pulled away, his eyes locking onto hers and a wild look dancing within them. The bartender set the bag of food beside them, turning back around with a scoff at their little show. Jay grabbed the bag with one hand and Hailey with the other and moved them both off the stools and through the exit. Hailey clambered into the back of the van, feeling her cheeks burning and her pulse racing. She kept her back to Jay as he climbed in, sliding the door shut behind them. She tried to focus on slowing her breathing down but was finding the task nearly impossible. 
His voice was low and husky behind her, not helping her to focus whatsoever. She took a deep breath and turned around to face him. He was closer than she thought and the proximity sped her pulse right back up. His eyes danced with a fire she had never seen before as he stared down at her. Despite their hunched positions in the van, he still loomed over her and she had to keep her head tilted up to look at him. 
“Hails...I’m sorry if that was crossing the line..I just figured…”
He stammered out his words before she raised a hand to stop him. 
“No no, it’s...it’s okay. I..that was..”
It was Hailey’s turn to stumble over her words as she tried to figure out what to say. 
He asked, a hopeful look on his face. 
“Yeah. Good. It was good.”
She replied, her face morphing into a smile, mirroring his own. 
“So, can I do it again then?”
Jay asked, raising his eyebrow slightly as the fire returned to his eyes. Hailey’s breath caught in her throat for a moment as she processed what he was asking. 
She breathed out when her brain finally caught up. He closed the distance between them once again, moving slower this time as he lowered his mouth down to hers, his eyes locked on hers watching her reaction. Hailey reached a hand up behind his head again, pulling him down to close the gap and holding her breath when his lips finally met hers once again. Their mouths moved against each other as if they had been doing this forever, each finding a natural rhythm as they molded against each other. Jay’s hands were on her waist again, his fingers dancing against the skin just below her shirt. His tongue danced over her lip again and this time she didn’t hold back the moan that rose from her chest. Her other hand joined the first behind his neck, pulling him even closer and feeling his chest press into hers as they both became breathless, their chests heaving into each other. Finally they had to come up for air, their mouths the only thing that separated. Jay looked down at her, the fire smoldering within his eyes and she knew he was craving the same thing she was. Whatever had just happened had changed the dynamic between them forever, but Hailey found herself feeling more hopeful than scared and she could only begin to imagine what the future held. 
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goldenvinnie · 4 years
Hello! Can you please write a Nolan Patrick imagine about teaching y/n how to play hockey?
1 on 1?// Nolan Patrick
“Your still not holding it right.” Nolan skates around you.
“I’m holding it the way you showed me.”
“No your not.” Nolan laughed coming up beside you.
“Well show me then.” You stood behind you and grabbed your hands placing them in the position the were supposed to be in. You leant you head back against his shoulder to look at him.
“Your not paying attention that’s why your not getting it. Stop being a creep.” You laughed at him placing a kiss on his cheek.
“Your just so pretty Nols. I cant concentrate.” you smiled at him as he rolled his eyes.
“Alright to shoot you just swing and back, almost like golf okay, we’ve golfed together. But not to high.” he lifted your hands up and back and sent the puck that was in front of you flying.
“That was pretty easy.”
“You gotta skate with the puck now and try shooting while moving.” He took a buck of his own and skated down the rink as you stood there.
“Come on slow poke, you wanted to learn.” You sighed as your slowly skate forward taking the puck along with you. You didn’t want to fall on your ass this was to much multi tasking for you. You had gotten down to the end towards the goal getting ready to attempt and shoot only for the puck to be stolen. You whipped your head around.
“Patrick what the hell!” You heard him laugh shooting into the goal.
“Sorry your too slow! Are you ready for 1 on 1?”
“1 on 1?! I can barely skate.” He skated towards you wrapping his arms around you.
“Ill let you win, I promise.” He pushed your hair back into your hat.
“Gee thanks.” you wrapped your arms around his neck pulling his closer. He placed a kiss onto the side of your neck, eyelashes tickling your skin.
“You guys working hard or hardly working?” Nolan’s head whipped your towards the voice.
“Thought you weren’t supposed to be coming until later Konecny.” He pulled away from you.
“We’ll i wanted to see Y/n soo figured i’d come early.”
“aww i feel honored, even if you are crashing a date.” You skated over and gave him a hug.
“Not the first definitely won’t be the last. Besides i’m more fun than him.”
“Don’t you have a girlfriend?” Nolan asked
“Yeah she didn’t want to skate though so.”
“Ahh well sucks to suck. Think we are gonna head home now though, Y/n’s tired.”
“I am?” he looked over at you with tired eye. He was tired he just didn’t want Travis to chirp.
“Ohh okay, yeah cool i get it. Hey you guys should come over for dinner later.”
“Okay yeah. Have Karly text me.” You pulled Nolan off the ice. Sitting down and untying you’re laces. After sliding your shoes back on Nolan grabbed your hand walking through the rink.
“Thank you for teaching me today. Even if i wasn’t fully paying attention.” He laughed placing a kiss onto your cheek.
“Of course baby anytime.”
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jingukk · 4 years
wrong order
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Pairing: secretary!namjoon x ceo!reader
Genre: drabble, fluff | office romance!au
wc: 1.5k
Your new secretary is cute and shy. How long can you provoke him until he snaps?
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The overwhelmingly bitter, unfamiliar flavor that dares to invade your taste buds is the last straw, leaving you to slam the coffee cup on your desk and glare at the stiff, broad figure standing in front of you. He’s nervously shifting his weight from one leg to another, right hand coming up to fumble with his glasses before shakily returning to his side. 
“Kim Namjoon,” His name is icy coming out of your mouth, your tone effectively causing said man to freeze in his place. A bit sadistic on your part, you find that you feed off of his fear, enjoying the way he stares at you like a deer in headlights. “Your transfer up here began a little over four weeks ago, yes?” you ask, cold air practically radiating off of you.
Still frozen in place, he takes a second before nodding furiously.
“Use your words, Kim.”
“Y-Yes! Yes, it's been 30 days,” Namjoon manages to stammer out, the waver in his voice giving you some satisfaction. 
Suddenly you rise from your desk, causing him to step back quickly in surprise. Slamming your palms on your desk, you lean towards him, cleavage on full display. you made sure to unbutton the next 3 buttons of your blouse before calling him in To your glee, you notice his quick glance down before he averts his eyes, as well as the bob of his Adam's apple as he goes and adjusts his glasses once more. Cute. 
“For the time that you have been here, you have flawlessly aided in company presentations, and meticulously looked over files that are vital to this company. You have been assigned to this level, specifically to me, because the board felt you were the smartest and most useful out of all your peers down in marketing,” you say carefully, eyes boring into his as your frown turns into a slow smile. At this his eyebrows raise. “Did you know that?”
Bashfully he chuckles and looks down, his dimples appearing, (a feature of his that you hate to admit constantly crosses your mind), and a small smile adorns his face. “I didn’t know that, and I'm honored that you think I’m doing so well, Miss Y/N, that’s ni-”
Before he can finish you abruptly knock your coffee cup off your desk and straighten yourself, lips dropping back into a frown as you stare at him in such a manner that he is rendered nervous once again. Lip caught between his teeth, he averts his eyes to stare at the spilled drink. Slowly, you walk from behind your desk towards him, the clack of your heels echoing throughout your office making Namjoon pale, gulping harshly as he fidgets with his fingers and avoids eye contact.
 “If you are, in fact, the best out of all the others,” you drawl out as you slowly make it a few feet in front of him, “tell me why,” you step closer, “you can’t seem to remember something as simple as my coffee order.”
Though you are significantly shorter than him, Namjoon can’t help but to cower under your presence. You’re just so intimidating to him, your confidence and aura so powerful and alluring he can't help but to become a disorganized mess whenever you’re around. He never would have thought he would get to work so close to you, he considered it a blessing just to be able to work under you, that having more meanings than one. You keep stepping closer, and closer, and closer to him; Why he hasn’t backed away yet he isn’t sure of, perhaps its a flaw in his fight or flight response which enables him to have a third option: fight, flight, or freeze. You’re so close that he’s sure you can hear his heartbeat, feel the way he’s trembling, notice the way his cheeks burn a faint red.
He’s partially right. Bosom almost touching him, a fact you take delight in, Namjoon looks as if he is about to faint, and you take note of the beaded sweat rolling down his forehead as you continue to stare him down. His lack of vocal response makes you tilt your head. “Are you going to answer me, Kim?”
You swear you’ve never seen him so panicked. A stuttering mess, it's adorable really. 
“W-Well, y-you see, I uh-,” he clears his throat and shakes his head, trying to get his thoughts in order. Seeing as to how he’s at war with himself, you decide to strike again, merciless.
“What is it, hm?” You say snarkily, lifting an eyebrow at him. “You’ve messed up only my order for the past week and a half. Are you doing this to just piss me off? Is that it?”
His eyes widen in alarm as he quickly waves his hands, “NO! N-No I swear that isn’t my intention, Miss.Y/N, please-”
“Then what is it? How are you soo perfect at everything, but when it comes to a personal errand you can’t seem to do a minor task?” What started off as you trying to get him flustered has suddenly escalated into you getting riled up about bitter coffee. In your defense, the fact that he only ever gets your order wrong, you know, considering you’re the boss and all, is odd.
“L-Listen, I-”
“What is it, huh?”
“If you would just let me finish-”
“Finish thinking of excuses?”
“Please just wait I-”
“Come on, Kim!”
He's breathing heavily at this point, chest heaving and mouth slightly parted. After a few seconds, Namjoon sighs, and shocking the both of you, he grabs your hands, enveloping them in his own. They’re larger, warmer, softer. Your eyebrows shoot up.
“Listen, Y/N,” he starts, the amount of eye contact he’s managing to hold with you so startling in its rarity, you stay quiet. “I admire you a lot and I’m scared of embarrassing myself in front of you.” 
The pad of his thumb brushes against your knuckles, the feeling making a tingle of warmth shoot up your spine. “You built and are currently running a multi-million dollar company at such a young age. You’re passionate, driven, intelligent, and beautiful. I'm not usually so easily intimidated but something about you makes me forget everything I’m doing. I just get so nervous around you I can’t concentrate, and you’re so pretty and-”
As if a button was pressed he stops talking, eyes widening almost big enough to match your own that feel as if they’re about to fall out of their sockets, and he drops your hands, backing up a few steps.
Neither of you say anything.
For what feels like forever you’re just two idiots, gaping at each other not knowing how to process what has been said. 
Soon enough you’re in for another surprise when he decides to speak up first.
Back to stammering and stuttering, Namjoon fixes his glasses, eyes miles away from meeting your own as he hangs his head down as if he has been scolded. “Miss Y/N I’m so sorry please forgive my outburst, I didn’t mean to say all of that, I mean I meant it but I didn’t mean to say it now? Not that I had plans to uhm,” he continues to ramble on, furious apologies mixed into his added wandering thoughts. 
Finally he stops and catches his breath. Looking back up at you, his face warm and red. “It was uncalled for and unprofessional, I will work harder and do better, I am so sorry.”
Through Namjoon’s ramblings, you manage to steady yourself. Pretty. He thinks you’re beautiful. And intelligent. Hiding your smile, you nod and try to maintain a neutral expression, praying he can’t see how your eyes are glowing at his praise. “Namjoon,” the sound of his first name rolling off your tongue is foreign, but you like it. By the glow of his cheeks it seems he does too. “Don’t apologize, it’s fine. Back to the topic at hand, you were offered the position of my secretary and you accepted it eagerly and willingly. For that I am grateful.” 
Your dismission of his outburst is not as smooth as you would have liked but hell, you’re still geeking over it. He nods, relief causing his shoulders to relax a bit. 
“But!” you continue, “If I feel that you are not capable of working alongside me you will be sent back down to your old department. I can replace you just as fast as I got you, do you understand?”
He nods once more, a harder, stronger look cementing itself on his face. “Yes I do, I won't disappoint you Miss Y/N,” his lips purse in determination, “I swear.”
“Good.” You turn around, making your way to your desk, pausing before you take a seat. You look up at him gesturing to the mess you had made earlier. “Now before I finish this paperwork for order number #134340, I expect that spilled coffee to be cleaned and a new, correct, drink to be in my hand, yea?”
His dimples are back in all their glory, the sight endearing by itself. “Right away, Miss.”
A tiny grin washes over you as you watch him walk away briskly from your office, his lips mumbling your order over and over with the empty, incorrect coffee cup in his hand. This will be fun.
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a/n: the drabble started with joon before i switched it to jungkook halfway through and then decided i was right with joon, rip shy kook, hi shy namjoon </3
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boogiewrites · 4 years
No. 9: The Body CH. 6
Characters: Diego Hargreeves & OFC Eve Corpuz
Summary:  Eve explores the limits of her power. Diego is still stalking her and finds out more about her. Eve meets Klaus.
Warnings/Tags: Klaus. Talk of past trauma and phobias. Brief mentions of illness, injury and death. 
Click on my icon then go to my Mobile Masterlist in my bio for my other works and chapters. Please like, comment and reblog if you enjoyed it! It helps out us writers A LOT! If you’d like added to the tags, just let me know. This is a multi-chapter fic.
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Eve had begun to notice changes in her shape from the training. Work wasn’t as strenuous and honestly, her ass was looking fantastic. Her body was adapting but she felt she wasn’t exercising her mind enough. Out of the two, trying to use her mind and powers was harder to find time for since it was so draining. Using them at work in small increments to help things along was now manageable, but there were no visible results from it. Nothing she could look at, try to heal, and then see healed. So that’s where she started.
Eve wasn’t a stranger to doing illegal things. If you took a look at her juvenile record that would be clear. What she was doing wasn’t exactly illegal but it was certainly breaking some rules. She was finding it surprising how much she could get away with by simply wearing her white coat with her ID and having a determined look on her face. People held doors open for her that she didn’t have clearance for, add carrying a clipboard around on top of that and she could’ve gotten into just about anywhere it seemed. She was starting to understand how Diego was so good at it, and more interestingly understanding why he did it. That little flush of her cheeks and rush of misbehaving came back to her, something she’d not felt in over a decade, fueled her powers, and gave her a little oomph to work with.
She started small, visited patients being held that was out of the ER after surgery, vehicle accidents, and the like, plenty of small cuts and scrapes that no one would notice were gone. She’d look in and find someone resting and alone, not hard to do most nights. She’d find some road rash, a smaller gash, something not too intricate. At first, she thought she needed to put her hands on the person to heal and woke up a few very understandably startled people. But after a few successful attempts, she started to push herself more. By focusing she began to be able to heal cuts over and no scar would be left in its place. Whoever she did this to, she would check on their file until they were discharged, making sure she wasn’t hurting them or causing bad side effects. So far they’d all made a full recovery with no complications. This was extremely promising and made Eve’s confidence grow and therefore emboldened her to push herself.
She’d worn herself ragged running experiments on what she could or couldn’t do. She had a journal she kept hidden that she kept her results in. So far, she’d been able to find some limitations and strengths. No matter how hard she tried, she was no match for cancer. She could help with someone’s side effects momentarily but be unable to cure it. The same could be said for viral and bacterial instances. Once something had infiltrated and infested a body, she could no longer help it. She could only manipulate the body itself. Her hopes of being able to be the cure for cancer, which she would admit was a bit egotistical, were broken after seeing many fade away after brief respites she’d give them from nausea or pain. It was nice to be able to help certainly but having to see suffering and not be able to fix it was a heavy burden she was having to learn to deal with.
It was never easy to lose someone. It was something she wouldn’t say you got used to exactly, but it was something you could come to understand with time. Or at least be able to come to terms with. Since Eve was an emotional person deep down, and the healing she’d been trying to do to help herself manage that was opening up old wounds and was making her feel raw. Every life that slipped through her fingers would hit her harder than it had months prior. Which is what led her to be so reckless, she guesses. So she tried to bring someone back from the dead.
It wasn’t uncommon sadly, for a child brought in after catching a stray bullet from a hit and run or gang violence. It felt so unfair, and the first time she tried the child was rolled in, DOA, her heart poured out for them. She gave it her all, paddles, compressions and when nothing moved the vitals she had a last-ditch effort. A tear-filled pressing of her hands to the chest of the child, nurses looked on with heartbroken eyes for the doctor as she had a rare moment of breaking on the job. For a fleeting moment, a blip on the monitor later ruled out to a technical glitch, but Eve just couldn’t muster it. She passed out onto the bloody floor from her attempts and was sent home.
She’d had mixed feelings about it. Had she almost done it? Could she get stronger? Or had she found a line that she couldn’t cross? The page entry for her recorded attempts had teardrops running her ink on that entry. She felt defeated and decided to take a break.
Diego watches Eve without her knowing, as he sometimes still does. He trusts her, but a part of him always wants to be sure. She’s in an unusual neighborhood, going into an apartment building he doesn’t know. He decided to wait on her to appear again instead of finding her inside. He didn’t have to wait much more than an hour before she appeared again, seeming uneasy as she stepped back into the now dark streets.
He followed behind, spilling out of an alleyway after she passed and started the task of getting closer to her. When he finally got close enough to reach out and speak he was met swiftly with a switchblade and a series of moves he’d taught her.
“Woah! Hey! It’s me!” He says defensively, only a minor rise in key from surprise as he jumped back.
“Jesus fucking CHRIST Diego!” She says with an expression he’s never seen before.
“Hey! Hey! I didn’t know you’d be so jumpy!” He keeps his hands up between them as she huffs out of her nose like a bull, the late winter night air just still barely showing her breath.
“I’m a woman. Alone. At night on the street, dude!” She states obviously and biting as she puts her blade away. “Of COURSE I’m jumpy!” She whispers angrily.
“Look, there are people around and the streetlights are on... I didn’t know I’d scare you.” He explains with hands now on her shoulders. “You okay? You’ve got that wild look in your eyes.”
“I’m just…” she sighs and shakes her head. “I’m fine. I just… Wanna get home.”
“Looks like we need to train on lying.” He smirks.
She stares at him for a moment with pursed lips then shrugs and turns back in the direction she was going.
“Mind if I walk with you?”
“No, I'd like that actually.” She murmurs.
“What are you doing in this part of town?”
“Do you follow me everywhere?”
“No…” he answers defensively playful. “I was around and saw you. Got curious.”
“You can’t send a text like a normal person?”
“Not my style.”
“Difficult is your style.”
“Hey, slow down there with the rapid-fire insults here. Did I do something?”
“Besides stalk me? No.”
“Then why are you being such a-“ he stops as she shoots her eyes his way. “Difficult person?” He tries to cover smoothly.
Once again she stares as if contemplating something. “If I tell you will you stop asking?”
“Sorry, no promises. Don’t think I missed where you didn’t answer why you’re here.”
“Fine.” She begins to walk again. “I’m here apartment hunting. Not so great street, but that apartment is really nice. And I have a fear… a phobia that you’re gonna laugh at me for so I don’t wanna tell you.”
“When have I ever laughed at you?”
She raises her brows obviously at him.
“Okay, I won’t now.” he emphasizes.
“I don’t believe you for some reason.”
“I swear! I won’t.”
“Due to… past trauma, I am afraid of the dark. And I don’t know this part of town and it makes me nervous. I’d catch a cab but I want to learn the subways so I need to walk it.”
He stays quiet for a moment. “Afraid of the dark?”
“Yes, my mom would lock me in the closet and read scripture and scare me and shit. Okay? And it traumatized me so when it’s dark and I’m overstimulated I get really... panicky.” She explains defensively.
“Don’t have to fight me over it, it’s fine. I...get it.”
“Don’t tell me you were locked in a closet too?”
“No, but he did do it to my brother. And it was a mausoleum and not a closet.”
“Fuck.” she exhales.
“Yeah. Pretty fucked up.”
“The more we learn about each other the more often we say that.”
“Get used to it.” He huffs out a laugh. They walk for a moment in comfortable silence while Eve tried to let her defenses down against him. “You know you could’ve just... asked me to come with you ya know? I am pretty handy when it comes to navigating the city. And being a bodyguard.”
“It’s not something I’m proud of.” She shakes her head. “Yeah, Diego? Hey, could you babysit me because I’m a child who’s afraid of the dark and not a grown-ass woman who can handle her own shit?”
“Well, it’s better than you almost stabbing me!”
“And whose fault was that?”
“...your moms if you want to get really technical about it.”
She lets out a weak laugh and he feels accomplished. ”Don’t forget your dad too”
“Oh yeah fuck both of them.” He says eagerly in agreement. They share a smile and he stays close to her side. “Why are you looking for an apartment?” He breaks the silence.
“Some asshole keeps breaking into mine.”
“Seriously.” He grins and smacks her arm.
“Well I’m on salary now and it’s good money so I can afford a better place.”
“Oh. I kinda like your place.”
“I don’t hate it but it’d be nice to have some more room. An office, a view.” They stand at a corner to wait for a light change. “I’d like a place with more privacy. Maybe a doorman for safety?”
“And that apartment had all that?” He motions back with his thumb.
“Yeah, it was stupid nice for the area. I was surprised it wasn’t more-“ both their heads snap to the car that passed far too fast and close, and luckily it wasn’t them, but a bike messenger up ahead that going to be the target.
They see it happen so fast, and they’re both instinctually moving towards the man that’s now on the ground and trying not to scream, holding his leg.
They were the only ones close out of the street and rush to help.
“Ah fuck, don’t call the ambulance I dont have insurance okay?”
“Well, you’re not walking anywhere like that.” Diego states obviously.
“Lucky for you I’m a Doctor. Let me see. Can you move it?” She moves his sock down to quickly see bone through skin. “Ah man, I’m sorry to tell you this but it’s really...broken dude.” She looks at him with sympathetic eyes.
“Ah fuck.” They cry. “My boss is gonna fire me for sure now. I can’t afford to get this fixed… I can’t take time off…” they begin to hiccup and tears come quickly.
Eve stares at the trauma site and furrows her brow in thought. “Maybe I can…” she whispers.
“Doc...?” she hears Diego’s voice, a warning behind her.
“I’m gonna try. I have to.” She says with wide eyes that convince him on impact. She turns back and puts her hands on the busted ankle, “Stay still if you can.” She mutters before going into her focused state.
“What are you? Listen lady I appreciate you stopping but I don’t think praying over it is gonna work.” They offer but their voice slows as they gradually feel the pain disappear. “What the…” they turn their ankle in a circle and their jaw drops. “HOW DID? WHAT DID?”
Eve shares a very excited glance with Diego before he yanks her up. “We’ve gotta get out of here.”
“Wait no! Don’t go!” A now on their feet and the healed biker was calling out as they both ran down the street into the subway below.
She felt alive. Exhilarated. A smile on her face and hand in hand with Diego as they bobbed and swerved through the crowd.
“Did you SEE?” She calls out as they make it sliding just in time into the subway car.
“YES! You didn’t tell me you’d gotten so good!”
“I’ve been practicing!” She says out of breath and glowing from a sheen of sweat that she’d developed in the rush.
“I’d say so! You just...POOF!”
“I’ll have to show you my notes.”
“I’ve been keeping track of all my attempts. Like a scientific study. Well… sort of…” she shrugs and wipes her hair back.
“You would find a way to make this nerdy.” He laughs.
“Scientific method is not nerdy!”
He laughs out loud. “That’s the nerdiest thing you’ve ever said!”
“That was awesome though right?”
“Yeah, it was risky but...awesome.” He nods in agreement as they both calm back down and move into whispers of her trial and error.
“You just have to remember to be defensive and not just offensive.”
“You know I don’t give a shit about sports Diego.” Eve laughs as she pulls her gym bag over her shoulder.
“I’m serious! You'll get-" he insists with a whine.
"You’ll get yourself hurt when shit gets real.” She says with him and rolls her eyes. “I know! Okay?” She says with a sassy hand motioned his way. “I’ll work on it. Like I always do. I’ve got a lot on my plate right now, cut me some slack.” She groans as he walks her to the front of the gym to leave.
They’re met with a thin and friendly-looking guy their age who she thought looked familiar. Diego’s body language automatically tenses.
“Oh hello there you.” Klaus coos at Eve whose bright friendly eyes don’t match Diego’s already annoyed ones at his appearance. “I didn’t know my brother would be busy with a beautiful woman tonight, my apologies.” He sweeps his hands and takes her's to kiss the back of it.
“Hi.” She stutters with surprise. “I was just leaving. Had a training session. Works got weird hours so your brother is nice enough to see me at night.”
“Oh, I’m sure he’d see a lovely thing like you anytime you wanted.”
“Let her go, Klaus.”
“What is your name before our paths separate and never meet again. I’d never forgive myself for not asking.”
“It’s Eve.” She laughs. “You’re much nicer than Diego. Do you know how to fight too? Maybe you could train me since he’s such an asshole.” She motions to Diego and Klaus lets out an amused sound.
“Alas I’m fairly useless in such things but I make up for it in other ways.” He winks.
“Okay! GOODNIGHT EVE.” Diego says politely pushing her out the door. “Sorry about Klaus He's…an idiot.”
“No apologies he's rather charming.” She teases him more and waves goodbye as she exits into her cab.
“What the fuck was that?” Diego shoves his lanky brother.
“Eve hmmm? A sexy name for a sexy little-“
“Stop it.” Diego groans.
“That’s her isn’t it?” Klaus smirks and begins to float about as Diego closes up.
“Her who?”
“Your mystery doctor.”
Diego doesn’t answer hoping naively that Klaus would stop.
“Oh come on, I’m your bro, your bud. Your pal. You can tell me.” He insists with outstretched arms.
“Yeah. I’m training her.”
“She seems like she’d be the one training you if you catch my drift.”
“It’s not like that.”
“That smile you had on your face before you realized I was watching would say otherwise.” He lilts. “You’re a terrible liar Diego just don’t try.”
“I’m a great liar!” He barks back.
“You’re shit and you should just be honest with me, I AM the psychic after all.”
“You’re not psychic you see the dead and-“
“And what is the difference?!” Klaus flops just hands at his side and follows his brother upstairs.
Diego continues as if he said nothing. “You’d have to be sober to do that so so I’m not gonna hold my breath on that.”
“I actually have been. Not that you supportive lot would notice.” He prances into the apartment behind a grunting Diego. “Because your little girlfriend is causing quite the ruckus amongst the city’s dead.”
“What?” Diego asks with a raised brow.
“She didn’t tell you?”
“Tell me what?”
“She almost brought one back.”
“She did…” he seems deep in contemplation for a moment. “Wait so you HAVE been sober?” Diego’s eyes turn soft and Klaus groans as he’s quickly approached and hugged.
“You are missing the point here Diego dear…”
“I’m proud of you.” He says with emotion in his voice and Klaus manages a heavy sigh and a pat to his back.
“Stop it now before I have feelings…” he pats him and pushes him away. “What do we know about this Eve? She’s messing with the balance, she’s a powerful little thing. And gorgeous I might add, I’d be keeping her to myself too. Unless she was into being shared…”
“I don’t think she is.” Diego falls back into his monotone answering after a brief glimmer of earnest emotion.
“Different strokes, different folks.” Klaus shrugs. “So is that ass as breathtaking as it looked in those leggings or-?”
“What? I’m just a red-blooded American male, I see a nice ass, I admire it.”
“I wouldn’t KNOW.” He answers from behind the doorway of his bedroom, door left open. “But I’d have to say yes.” He adds quickly.
“Ahhhh! There he is.” Klaus applauds his brother's cheeky smile. “Now that you’re not in a prudish mood, I actually do want to know about her. Details, man! Out with it! What’s my little private dick figured out on our newest sibling?”
“Ew don’t say that.”
“I knew you wanted to fuck her.” Klaus smirks.
“Jesus Klaus!” Diego groans.
“Not that it’s stopped any of us before, cough Luther, cough.”
“Hey, we’re not biological!”
“Defending Luther now? Number one? Daddy’s goodest boy? Diego’s sworn nemesis?”
“EW! No! I’m just… saying. It’s a fact so...it’s...valid.”
“Good thing you’ve got your looks hun.” Klaus tsks.
“Do you wanna know about her or you wanna talk shit and get hit?”
“So hostile.” Klaus shakes his shoulders. “Go on you party pooper, tell me about our new super doctor.”
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@s-h-e-w-r-i-t-e-s​ @jaegeeeeer​ @diegos-butt​ @anglovesthis
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dwaynepride · 5 years
Text Message
Summary: Tony DiNozzo is stuck at work, so reader starts texting him.
Words: 2,082
Warnings: kinda saucy but nothing bad
Tags: @jrenn10​ @dressed-up-just-like-z1ggy​ @ms-allenbrown​ @ikbenplant​ @dylpickles1267​ @diaryofafan17​ @specialagentlokitty​ @stanathanxoox​ @pageofultron​
Notes: wrote this in a single night uwuwu i hope y’all like it. feedback would be gucci
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Tony hasn’t been this focused - this concentrated - in a while.
His hands are perfectly steady, like stone; the envy of artists. Heartbeat slow but hard. He’s barely breathing, hardly daring to take too heavy a breath for fear of undermining everything he’s done for the past hour. Tony’s eyes are focused like lasers, never wavering from his target. Everything outside of his immediate vicinity fades into background noise. Nothing, no one, is so important to drag the agent out of his focus.
The palms of his hands are sweaty, but it doesn’t matter. Tony knows he’s kicking ass, a little nervous sweat won’t change that...
Suddenly, his phone makes a noise, alerting him about a new text from somebody who isn’t aware of Tony’s achievements. His focus snaps, and he jumps in surprise at the sudden alert. He remembers, half a second too late, that he should keep his shock under wraps.
But it’s too late. The surprised jolt of his hands causes a complete collapse of the impressive house of cards that Tony has built over the past hour. It spills over his desk, cards fluttering to the floor, and he can only watch with annoyed anguish.
Tony snatches up his phone, mouth dropped open to prepare his barrage of complaints to poor McGee about the person who ruined his house of cards. The probie is the only person in the bullpen, so he will be subjected to hearing the bitching of the senior agent.
Though, seeing your name light up his screen did curb Tony’s frustration a bit. It always had a way of doing that. Cards forgotten, Tony opens the text just as fast as he can:
         when are you coming over? ;)
The text prompts a wide smile over his face. It was hard to remember being annoyed about the broken house of cards; you were thinking about him. More importantly, thinking about the loosely-made plans he made about coming over tonight with a bottle of wine and a movie that, frankly, he doesn’t care about. It’s been longer than Tony would like since the last date you shared.
Unfortunately, the case they’re working on took a critical turn. Tony doesn’t think he’s ever seen Gibbs this wound up; not in a while, at least. That fact tugs his smile down as his fingers move to reply:
         Might not be able to. really busy.
Tony hits send, and then keeps his eyes on the screen. You don’t answer right away. Guilt tugs at his chest, making him frown with a furrow of his eyebrows. You seemed really excited about getting some time with him, and Tony just up and brushes off those plans. He wouldn’t be all too surprised if you were mad at him.
He sets the phone aside, straightening up in his chair. Maybe if he works extra hard, gets a lot more done than anybody else, that would warrant him leaving before midnight. And just as Tony sets his sights on the computer screen, his phone chimes again.
“Are you even working, over there?”
Tony’s head snaps up at the sound of a very annoyed-sounding McGee. The younger agent is looking over with a frown, and Tony just scoffs at the accusatory question. “Of course, I am. It’s called multi-tasking. Maybe do less talking and do more working, okay?”
Still, McGee had something of a point. If Gibbs catches him texting you instead of working, there’ll be a bent in the back of his head. So Tony sets the phone on vibrate before going to open the text.
The fact that you were still texting him meant you couldn’t be too upset, right? Though, Tony doesn’t feel much better at your message:
Alright, maybe you were upset.
Seconds later, a second message follows the frowny face:
         but i really miss you.
Despite the guilt gnawing at his belly, the second text doesn’t make Tony feel as bad as it probably should. Maybe he’s just starved for affection or something, but it felt nice to be missed. To be thought about all day. He doubts his fish are capable of missing him.
He’s about to respond with a sweet, saucy message. Tony is usually good at stuff, like that. Something that’ll make you feel better. Something to get you to forgive him.
But then he receives a third message. A photo, actually. Of you, wearing one of his old Ohio State shirts. And the length of your bare legs tells him that you aren’t wearing any pants. In fact, from this angle, Tony wonders if you’re even wearing anything at all, besides his shirt. There’s gotta be some special reason why you decided to take the picture.
And his second thought is very simple; ‘oh shit, that’s so fucking hot.’
Tony pulls his phone against his chest, head swiveling around in case of eavesdroppers. If there was ever a time that Gibbs would show up behind him, it was now. But there was no one around. And McGee was too focused on his work to notice Tony. Against his chest, the phone vibrates, and a thrill of excitement follows it. He carefully pulls his phone away to see the message.
It’s another picture. The hem of his shirt is at your navel now, showing off a delectable little pair of blue lacy underwear that he didn’t even know you owned. Tony had made it his mission to be well-acquainted with each and every pair you had, so how did this one fly under his radar?
Regardless, the picture nearly has Tony drooling at the mouth. He had to call you. Right now. He doesn’t know what he’ll say to you, per se. Maybe a cross between scolding you for distracting him so easily, and praising you for how fucking sexy these pictures are.
He stands suddenly, and the noise his chair makes attracts McGee’s attention. As Tony is quickly walking past his desk, phone to chest, the younger agent is frowning at him once again. “Where are you going?” He asks bluntly.
“To the bathroom, McNosy.”
For once, that’s all he’s willing to say to McGee. He doesn’t want to chance an argument when there are more important things to deal with. Tony tries to walk as normally as possible to the men’s room. But just as soon as he’s through the door, he’s bending over the check the stalls. Pleased to find them all empty, Tony quickly flips the lock before leaning his back against the door and pulling his phone back out.
And he admires the pictures for a second (alright, it was easily at least five entire seconds) before his fingers move to call you.
It rings much longer than it should. You had to know he’ll be texting back or even calling you; this was purposeful. You were teasing him.
Finally, the ringing stops when you pick up, and Tony can’t stop himself from holding his breath. “Hello?” Your voice sounds so innocent. So sweet.
Like hell.
“What do you think you’re doing?”
“What do you mean, Tony?”
“Don’t play dumb. The pictures?”
There’s a small moment of silence, and Tony can practically hear his own heartbeat in the silence of the bathroom. “I found your old Ohio shirt, and I just thought you’d wanna know,” you reply. Such a weak excuse.
“Yeah, uh huh. And where’d you find it? My closet? Because it’s always been there.”
Suddenly, you erupt into an adorable little fit of laughter. And despite himself, Tony’s smiling at the sound. He almost doesn’t want to go back to being so serious. “Seriously, sweetheart, I’m trying to get some work done.”
“So you don’t like the pictures?” You ask him. There’s a sharp contrast to your tone; it has a faux little disappointed tone to it.
And Tony doesn’t buy it. His eyes give a roll. “Well, it’s not that. It’s just...I’m trying to work. To finish up a case. And you’re making it a lot harder for me to concentrate.”
“So you do like them?” Tony can hear your shit-eating grin through the phone.
He sighs. Lowers his head to look at his shoes. “Yeah,” he mumbles.
There’s more laughter, from your end. Tony’s suddenly glad he locked himself in the bathroom. “Alright, I’m sorry for sending them,” you really shouldn’t be sorry, “but I just wanted to give you some, I don’t know, initiative?”
“Yeah? Initiative for what?”
“To come over tonight,” you answer. And then you’re shuffling around; Tony can pick up on the lack of teasing in your voice, compared to when you first picked up. “I know you said you’re busy, but I haven’t seen you in at least a week.”
Has it really been a whole week? Probably, for all he knows. There’s just been so much going on, and Tony’s still busy with a case. He’ll be damn lucky if he can get back to his desk without Gibbs waiting there for him with a fresh headslap and a Gibbs Glare. “Okay, you’re right. How about this weekend, we can-”
“No, Tony. Tonight.”
“I don’t know if I can.” Those words have never been more painful to get out.
Finally, you let out a slow sigh into the phone. And Tony finds himself leaning his head into the phone for your next words. He’s just hoping you wouldn’t be too mad at him. “That’s okay.” It is? “But I don’t know if I’ll still have this pair of underwear by then. They’re kinda old...”
Oh no. Not the lace.
Tony knows you’re playing him like a fiddle. And it’s definitely working. “Sweetie...”
“I’ll see you tonight, Tony.”
The call clicks off. It’s quiet now, but the way you said his name has Tony worried that he’ll be just a little too excited to walk back to his desk as if nothing’s happened. His mind is swirling with the conversation he just had, and then wonders if there’s any way in hell he can get out of work for the rest of the day.
A knock on the bathroom door drags him out of his thoughts. Tony immediately unlocks the door and pulls it open, only barely giving the nameless agent a nod as he pads out and makes for the bullpen.
If anything, Tony is just thankful he can’t see the terrifying swath of silver hair anywhere.
He turns into the bullpen, still juggling a couple options of escape. And he barely hears McGee when the younger agent speaks up. “Everything okay?” He asks.
“Fine,” Tony answers curtly. And then he stops, shaking his head, and glances back to McGee. “Actually? No. Nothing is okay. Nothing will ever be okay ever again.”
He continues to his desk and slumps down into the chair, angrily swiping off the mess of cards. But Tony can still feel the gaze of his fellow agent, and when he looks up, McGee looks more than a little concerned. So he gives a huff. “Something really, uh....important came up. Something that I really can’t miss. But I’m stuck here,” Tony explains.
How will he possibly make this up to you? It’ll cost him a pretty expensive dinner. Maybe a weekend away from DC...
“I can cover for you.”
McGee’s words has Tony’s head snapping up in attention, eyes wide and blinking in surprise. He sits up straight in his chair, regarding the probie with a bit of caution. “Don’t give me hope, McGee. I don’t think I can take it, right now,” he warns lowly. If this was some kind of prank, Tony may just die.
But McGee just rolls his eyes and moves his chair to face Tony. “Look, if it’s really so important, I’ll just tells Gibbs you got sick or something.” He stops, suddenly worried that he’s being too nice. So McGee turns back to his computer with a frown. “Besides, I don’t want to listen to you complain all night.”
Tony doesn’t even care about that last comment. He’s too full of joy to care. But somehow, perhaps through years of his intense training as a federal agent, Tony is able to keep a lid on his excitement. He’s able to stand and gather his things without so much as a boyish grin on his face, despite the temptation of one. 
“Thanks, Probie. I owe you big time.”
In his joy, Tony feels like waltzing over and kissing McGee to show his thanks. But he doesn’t.
He’s saving his kisses for you.
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holdyourfire · 4 years
taylir gar Tracyn
hold your Fire (Mando’a)
A/N: This is a fic based around a pre-TFA Poe. He’s been assigned to a mission with someone he doesn’t really like by Leia. This has been sitting in my head since January, and I’ve finallyyy written it out. It’s a long one, multi-chaptered of course. It’s not a Poe x Reader fic though I know that’s more popular than Poe x OC. Also it’s written from Poe’s POV.
Rating: Pretty much General for the first part but heads into a mature range in later chapters.
Tags: Poe x OFC, hurt/comfort, angst, massive slow burn, pining, eventual fluff, Mandalorians, enemies to friends to...,
Warnings: mild sexual content, panic attacks, minor character death.
Extra note: I suggest watching The Mandalorian if you’re interested by this fic. It does contain spoilers for the show.
Chapter 1 - Fire
1.5k words
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      Poe, smeared in grease and covered in sweat, was fiddling with his X-Wing’s engine, as he usually would in his rare periods of free time.
Snap was across the path on the other side of the landing area, working on his own ship.
BB-8 was whirring around the two starfighters, assisting when needed. 
      He was so focused in the task at hand, that when his little droid purposely crashed into his leg, Poe turned on him in a fury, prepared to scold.
      But, anything he’d been about to say was interrupted by the droid swivelling his body sideways to point out a figure heading towards them.
      It was Kaydel Connix.
As she jogged towards him, she tripped over a stray wire trailing from a power-unit.
Poe struggled to fight back a smile as he heard Snap snort behind him.
      ‘Collected-Kaydel’, not so collected after all, huh? Poe thought, a grin finally escaping him.
Kaydel scowled, seeing him watching her approach. “The General sent me to come and find you,” she snapped. “Apparently, you’re forgetting something?”
      His grin disappeared.
      “Did you really forget another meeting?” Snap called from across the path.
      Damn it, that man’s ears are too sharp. Poe shot an annoyed look at his friend.
      “They really should demote you,” Snap continued, blind to Poe's obvious irritation.
      “Well,” Poe yelled back, “at least I’ve never sh-”
      “Quit it you two,” Kaydel said, disrupting whatever dirt Poe had been about to spill. “You need to be at the General’s workstation twenty minutes ago.”
      She turned away dismissively, heading back to where she’d appeared from.
      “Yeah! Get moving nerve-burner,” Snap sneered, clearly delighted with the situation.
      Poe just flipped him off as he desperately shed his bulky tool belt onto the gravel under him. BB-8 trilled questioningly as Poe began to run towards the underground admin sector.
      “No buddy, you stay here with Snap. I’ll see you after dinner!” he called over his shoulder.
      He frantically made his way to General Organa’s workstation, dodging people, stumbling down stairs and hurdling the occasional crate, swearing under his breath the whole time.
      By the time he reached, he was out of breath. He burst into the workstation with a jumble of excuses. 
      “Sorry General! I forgot about this, I was with Snap- I mean Temmin, it’s really kinda his fault I’m late, he’s very, uh...” 
      Poe trailed off as he took in his general’s exasperated but entertained expression, before noticing another figure in the room. He shuffled his feet, frowning, suddenly self-conscious of his sweaty, grease-stained appearance.
      “Commander Dameron, I’m sure your friends have told you that you’re not a good liar?” 
      Not waiting for the indignant response that was about to come, she continued.
      “This is Commander Avara Deccol,” she said, gesturing to the unknown figure. 
      Poe shifted his focus to the newcomer.
      “She has recently joined the Resistance as a weapons expert and spy.”
      Deccol nodded curtly and Poe returned the gesture stiffly. 
       Sharp eyes, dark-ish skin. Her short, curly hair was flat against her head as if she’d been wearing a cap or helmet. It reminded him of his own hair whenever he pulled off his own flight helmet.
He had to admit to himself, she was pretty cute.
She was wearing a scuffed piece of armour with some symbol carved in the metal, on her right shoulder. 
      Deccol was observing him as carefully as he was her. Her face was expressionless as she watched him. Posture was perfect, almost like a soldier standing at attention. Poe got the impression that’s how she always held herself. Her hand rested on her hip- no, not her hip.
      It was rested on an empty holster, where a blaster would be.
      Is that a habit... or is she trying to be intimidating? he wondered. At least she’s shorter than me, way shorter. The top of her head would have barely reached his chin. Thank the Maker.
      This was a sore point for him, due to his squadron’s incessant teasing. He slipped his hands into the pockets of his dirty orange flight-suit and pursed his lips very slightly, trying to appear unbothered as he held Deccol's unflinching gaze.
       As he continued to scrutinise the new commander with his keen eyes, General Organa had turned to address Deccol. “Commander Dameron here is my best pilot. That’s why I picked him as your partner for the mission.”
      “Mission?” Poe asked, focus instantly shifting to Leia, bothered he didn’t know what was going on and that the newcomer clearly did. “What mission?”
      “Slow down, Poe. You’re needed for this mission because incredibly swift piloting will be required. Avara, you have been picked because I trust Maz Katana’s instincts. If Maz believes that a person is right for a specific job, then they are. Plus, she said you were the best shot she had ever seen. Good marksmanship is always valued.”
      Poe’s brows furrowed. Best shot? 
      Beside him, the new commander ducked her head slightly at the praise.
      “Your mission,” Leia continued, “will consist of several tasks. I cannot stress how important they will be to the downfall of the First Order. These tasks will include intelligence collection and assassinations.” 
      “Avara, that’s where you come in.” 
      She’s an assassin? What the-
      “It’ll be mostly First Order officials, as many as our agents can locate. Poe, before you ask, yes, BB-8 may join you. It’ll be a long mission.”
      Poe smiled slightly.
Leia always knew what he was thinking. Whether it was because she was capable in the force, or just because he'd grown up knowing her, he didn't know.
      The general walked behind her desk, fetching something from a drawer. A holoprojector. She passed it to Deccol, who examined it, squinting closely, flipping it several times in her hands.
      “It’s been altered," the newbie said slowly. "For long-distance transmissions?” Deccol asked, holding it out to Poe without looking at him. 
      Oh, is she a holoprojector expert too? Within second Poe’s annoyance had elevated again.
He almost snatched it from her, fuming. I've barely known her a minute and she's already infuriating. Is that even possible?
      “Yes, and to be undetectable. This is how you two will be receiving your tasks. Only after you leave the base, will you get your first mission. This is, naturally, to preserve confidentiality.”
      Both commanders nodded seriously. This, they understood.
      “You two don’t know each other, but I expect you both to be smart enough to know you have to work together." Leia looked at Poe pointedly. "No petty squabbling or fighting.” 
      Poe internally rolled his eyes.
      “You two will be leaving tomorrow at sundown. Poe, as the pilot, you’ll be picking a ship suitable for you both, but most importantly, suitable for the mission.”
      Leia looked from Poe to Deccol, studying them for a second.
      “Commander Deccol, my assistant, Kaydel, will show you to the mess hall. It’s almost dinner,” Leia said. “You can go, I’ll meet you tomorrow.”
      Both commanders turned to the door.
      “Poe, wait. I want a word.”
      Poe waited until Deccol had disappeared from view, speaking quickly before Leia could. 
      “Am I really just going to be the pilot for this mission?”
      “Poe,” she sighed. “Listen. Deccol is new to the Resistance, whereas you are not. You know how we operate, I expect you to show her our way. However, you will be respectful.”
      So, the usual lecture then.
      “I know what you can be like if you’re not particularly keen on someone," she sighed, rubbing her forehead for a second.
"Unfortunately, I get the feeling Avara is like that too. She is prideful and definitely not the sort of person to ignore an insult,” she said, continuing to make her point. “You both are experts in your own fields and you will listen to each other. She’s a ‘Fire’ and instead of picking a ‘Water’ as her partner, I’m picking another ‘Fire’. I’m taking a risk picking you as her counterpart and I need to know you will not let me down. I’m trusting you, Poe.”
      Poe pursed his lips at the lecture, still miffed. 
      “I- I’ll try, bu-” he cut off, seeing Leia narrow her eyes. 
      He sighed, glaring at the ceiling for a second, resigned.
      “I won’t let you down, General,” he corrected. “I promise.”
      “Good,” she replied, turning back to her desk. “Now, go make a new friend,” Leia said teasingly over her shoulder.
      Poe huffed. “Why do you always talk to me like I’m still a kid?”
      “Well, you haven’t yet proved you’re one hundred per cent adult yet, Poe. After all, you ran in here half an hour late and the first thing you did was try to blame your delayed arrival on poor Wexley.”
      Why is she always right?
      "It wasn't half an hour, it was twenty minutes."
      "Twenty-five,” she countered, humouring him.
      Poe grinned. "A five-minute improvement from last time then," he said, turning for the door.
      Something smacked against the back of his head. He whipped around, to see Leia had her back turned to him. 
      “Did you just-” He paused. "Who's the kid now?"
      "Still you, Dameron."
      He left the room before he was subjected to any more scathing comments.
      How did she- her back was turned! he grumbled to himself as he left the building, trying to ignore the fondness creeping up as the bell for dinner chimed.
      Kriffing Force.
E/N: next chapter will be up in like a day :) glad to see someone made it to the bottom of the first chapter lol. I know my writing isn’t the best but it gets better, trust me.
Chapter 2 is up!
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sinsbymanka · 5 years
Ask Meme: Your OPs doing...
This was an ask from @lostinfantasies38 which I accidentally deleted while trying to answer and APPARENTLY I can’t undo that mistake. So sorry love. 
#6: Who starts the dance off in the kitchen while they are baking cookies?
Oh god I hope you wanted the modern AU version of them because this was too cute NOT to do that way. 
“If you eat all those, these are going to be some disappointing chocolate chip cookies.” 
Maria only smiled and slowly popped one more little chocolate chunk into her mouth. Varric adopted an expression of wounded martyrdom and she smirked, shaking the bag to illustrate that there were plenty left. 
Although with Maria’s infamous sweet tooth, there wouldn’t be for long if she kept holding that bag. She must have read the thought in his face because she simply grinned even brighter. “That’s why you bought two bags.” 
“Just because I’d prepared for you to derail our plans doesn’t mean you should.” He chuckled and turned his attention back to the half mixed dough in the bowl. 
“But it’s so much more interesting when I do.” 
He couldn’t argue that. In fact, baking the maddening woman chocolate chip cookies hadn’t been on his agenda at all today. He faced a rather tight deadline to get his next chapters to his editor or risk his life and limb facing her wrath. He should be up in the study glaring at his laptop, trying to make the pictures in his head come alive in letters and syllables. 
Maria wondered in, took one look at him, and suddenly he found himself roped into her and her plans for the day. Varric complained, halfheartedly and really only because that too was part of the game. She batted the complaints away with her sharp sense of humor and keen observational skills. 
Then she demanded cookies. And since she couldn’t bake or cook worth a damn, it fell on Varric to supply his willful lady with sweets or risk her burning his kitchen to the ground trying. 
But there was something cozy in this scene, something that warmed his heart. Simple, straightforward, and his. She leaned against his counter, sipping on one of his beers, smiling the crooked grin she reserved purely for him when he was being a bit of an ass. 
Blissfully domestic and sickening, really. If the world could get a peek at their heroic Inquisitor and the intrepid author who followed in her wake now would they even recognize them with their public personas cast aside? 
“Varric, I would like these cookies sometime in the next age.” 
He’d been staring at her like a lovesick idiot, but despite her teasing Maria’s gray eyes sparkled with matching adoration, a pretty pink blush creeping over her cheeks. 
“You ready to hand over the chocolate chips?” He asked smoothly. She laughed and shook her head, dancing out of his reach just before he lunged to retrieve them. He let her slip away, sighing and rolling his eyes while his own joy bubbled inside him. He grabbed the second bag on the counter and listened to Maria open the fridge behind him, heard the clink of another bottle being retrieved.
“Hey B, play something I can dance to.” She called out. Varric knew what would happen before it even occurred. His smile curled upwards and he waited. 
“Technically, any music can be danced to.” The AI responded from the speakers above them. Maria swore under her breath. Varric looked over his shoulder just in time to see her level a steely, rather Inquisitorial, glare up at the ceiling.
“She knows what I mean.” Maria complained with a huff and a wounded look. “She just doesn’t like to listen to me. I think she’s jealous.” 
“I am incapable of jealousy.” Bianca replied smoothly. 
Bianca liked to be a pain in the ass and Maria hadn’t quite learned how to manage the computer yet. “Bianca...” He began reproachfully. “You know what she wants.” 
If the computer was capable of sighing, she would have too. Varric thought it would have been with the same degree of fondness, no matter what Maria thought. 
The rolling beat drifted from the speakers and Varric turned his attention back to the cookie dough. He dumped a rather generous amount of chocolate into it before he felt Maria’s arms circling him from behind, the slow, smooth roll of her hips against his ass. 
He nearly dropped the whole damn bag into the mixture when her fingers slid up, slipping beneath his unbuttoned shirt. “Shit.” He swore, her tiny fingers nimbly undoing both buttons and him without nearly enough effort on her part. “I thought you wanted cookies.” 
“And I want to dance.” Her breath was hot against his ear, her voice a delightful little purr. “I know you can multi-task.” 
Not when she was like this, he couldn’t. Not when it was just them, free of the world hounding them on their doorsteps, her warm and willing, him at peace for the first time in... hell, maybe forever. He dropped the bag and mixture, turning to capture her in his arms, his hands dropping to her undulating hips and tugging her as close as she could get. 
“Minx.” He muttered, kissing her forehead and easing himself into her rhythm. “I never get anything done when you’re here.” 
“Stop complaining.” She ordered, wrapping her arms around his neck and tugging gently at his hair. “You love every second.” 
He couldn’t even summon a lie to refute her. More importantly, he didn’t want to.  
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Right Side of Wrong- Ch 2: Gifts
Words: 1789
Warnings: nightmares, panic attacks
Ch 1 | Ch 3
~ ~ ~
Tumblr media
Following behind my friends on our way to class, I had my binder clutched to my chest. I was staring down at their feet thinking about not stepping on their heels as I walked, barely listening to the conversation they were having about the Royal Cotillion.
I had had another dream the night before, this time seeing Carlos in the halls with me.
“Looks like this place could use a little misbehavior,” he was saying, carrying a bucket full of apples. He wrapped an arm around me as he went, a dark look in his eyes.
I don’t want to go with him, I told myself, but my legs didn’t stop themselves. My dream-self didn’t resist at all.
I almost ran directly into Jay, as the group slowed.
“If you were going to ask someone,” Carlos was asking, “what’s the best way to go?”
“Listen, all you gotta do… is look like me,” Jay joked.
“Oh ha, ha,” Carlos replied sarcastically.
“Mal!” someone called.
I glanced up to find the daughter of the headmistress herself, Jane, skipping towards us.
“Hey, Jane,” Carlos said with a smile, finding himself directly in her path.
“Hey,” she smiled.
“I was wondering… uh,” Carlos tensed up suddenly and I caught on to what he was trying to do. 
This was why he was talking to Jay about asking girls out. We all stood around, silently waiting to see if he would do it, but he chickened out.
“... if you liked the carrot cake last night?” he finished.
“I had the pumpkin pie,” she giggled, confused by the question.
“Oh, cool. Um-”
Jay dragged him away. “Smooth.”
Lonnie joined the group the minute the boys were gone, so Evie quickly said, “I have an opening for a fitting at 3, who wants it?”
“Me!” Lonnie shouted before Jane could open her mouth. “Sorry.”
“Perfect,” Evie said, then began to take Lonnie away to speak about her dress. “I’ll take you later,” she assured Jane.
“Mal,” Jane started again, finally getting my full attention. “I hate to keep bugging you, but the decorating committee needs more answers. So, as much as I hate to… you know, um...”
“Bug me?” I asked, repeating her words from before.
“Yeah, Jane? I would love to I just have to get to class,” I informed her.
“You know what?” she continued, stopping me. “Just nod if you like it.”
She opened her tablet and put it basically underneath my nose to assure that I could see it.
“Chair swags. Entry banner. Twinkle lights-” she was flipping through pictures so fast I was getting anxiety just by watching all the decision I had to make fly past me. “-Napkin design. Table bunting. And you still haven’t picked the party favors yet-
“Honestly, Jane, whatever you think-” I tried to get her off my back, but it wasn’t working.
“I mean, we can do chains, key charms, pen toppers- I kinda love the pen toppers, but I mean, we can do all three-”
I could hear my breaths rising in pitch and my eyes began to flash green uncontrollably. It took a few moments for me to calm down again, every muscle in my arms tense to keep me in place. I always had an insane rush of adrenaline when I got really panicky like this. It was something I had been talking to my therapist about as part of my anger management.
There wasn’t much I could do when I got like this except take deep breaths and bury my feelings. I wanted to hit something a good ninety percent of the time now. I always just needed to get something out of my system. 
Jane was staring at me, highly concerned and Evie and Lonnie were slowly making their way over as well.
“I say pen toppers,” I blurted out, not wanting to discuss what had just happened.
“You won’t regret it,” Jane replied, excitedly.
“I can hardly wait to see what your wedding will look like,” Lonnie exclaimed.
“What?” I asked, only half listening.
Wedding? What wedding?
“The Royal Cotillion is like getting engaged, to be engaged, to be engaged,” Jane explained, which only complicated things for me more.
“I knew it!” Evie squealed.
Hold up. They thought I was going to marry Ben? Marriage was barely even a thing from where I was from! And now they were planning to ship me off with the guy I had been dating, or even known, for less than a year?
“Well, everyone knows it,” Lonnie laughed.
“I didn’t know it!” I interrupted. “How come nobody told me that? Is my entire life just planned out in front of me and nobody-”
“Hi Mal,” Ben interrupted, reaching around me.
His touch sent a shock through me and I leapt away from him, covering my gasp.
“Woah! Is everything alright?”
I wanted to cry. My heart was getting faster and faster and every minute more people were looking at me, concerned.
“Yes,” I replied, but it was muffled underneath my hand. “I’m going to be late for class.”
And with that I ran off, dodging people as I went down the stairs towards my next class.
~ ~ ~
I had heard from a lot of kids at Auradon that your senior year was supposed to be your easiest year at school, but so far this had proven to be untrue.
I was rushing through this week. I found myself running to all my classes, trying to meet the requirements I needed to graduate on time, and keep up with my royal responsibilities.
I had gotten good at avoiding people as I ran down the hallway to my locker after homeroom on Wednesdays. It was my most stressful day. I had three different classes, all within 5 minutes of each other, and they were an hour and a half each. I often found myself missing out on a quick lunch just so that I had all my books with me for chemistry.
I threw open my locker, and dropped my backpack at the bottom.
“Hi Mal,” Ben spoke up from my right.
I jumped. He really hadn’t learned not to sneak up on me yet. “Hi.”
“I have a little surprise for you,” he smiled.
“Again? Wow,” I mumbled to myself. “That’s like everyday now.”
“Every other day,” he corrected, which didn’t make me feel any better. “The even dates. Because you’re even more perfect than I thought.”
I laughed, sarcastically saying, “That is me. I am perfect.”
He seemed to pick up on my hesitance. “Come on. Let me spoil you,” he insisted, hanging off my locker door. “You didn’t have a lot growing up.”
I rolled my eyes, turning back into my locker. “I managed.”
He put a hand on my shoulder, pulling me back to face him. “I know you did. But you didn’t have to. And I want to make up for that.”
I shook my head. “That’s not your responsibility to me.”
“Hey,” he paused, looking into my locker. “Didn’t you donate that to the museum?”
I glanced inside and sitting right in front of the shelf was my spellbook. In my panic, I slammed the locker shut.
“Is that still in there?” I asked, innocently, trying to distract him. “Um, I got to get to class. I really don’t want to be late.”
I tried to side step him, but he had my arm in a minute, pulling me in the other direction. “No. You come this way.”
“Ben, seriously-”
“First off,” he interrupted, then led me around the corner where a lavender colored motorcycle was parked, with a gold bow laid across the handlebars.
I gasped. “What?!” I shrieked.
He giggled next to me. “You like it?”
It was really nice. It must have cost so much, not that Ben couldn’t afford it. “Ben… This is amazing! It’s purple.”
I walked over, feeling the seat. It was truly a beautiful ride.
“I didn’t get you anything,” I admitted.
“You’re taking me on a picnic with all my favorite foods, remember?”
I shrugged. “Yeah, but that’s not until tomorrow.”
“What? I thought you said Thursday.”
“It’s only Wednesday.”
The corners of his eyes scrunched together as he laughed at me. “It’s Thursday.”
“No, it’s not,” I argued.
“Yes it is,” he shot back, pulling out his phone to show me.
Sure enough, it was Thursday. My eyes widened. How had I lost complete track of time like that? Good thing he had warned me, or else I would have ended up walking straight into the wrong literature class period.
“I knew that,” I lied.
“I mean, if you don’t have it, that’s fine,” he reassured me.
Of course I didn’t have it ready. I had planned to make dishes that needed to be prepared hours in advance and I didn’t have that time at all. I should have done this all yesterday, but of course yesterday I was caught up in memorizing more of my responsibilities, so it wouldn’t be possible even if I had remembered.
“No, no, no! I was fully messing with you. I knew it was Thursday. I just have one more thing to go bake and then I am all yours.”
“Well, what about class?” he asked.
Now that I realized it wasn’t Wednesday, I didn’t have to run to class, but I couldn’t tell Ben that, because then he would know I had been lying. So I just shrugged and said, “She multi tasks.”
“She dabbles,” Ben responded.
“She dabbles!” I called back, running to the dorms.
“You’re the best!”
“That’s me!”
I said it as cheerfully as possible, but of course, I was utterly terrified now. What was I going to do? This was the one thing that I had set up for Ben and I couldn’t even do that. I couldn’t even set a day aside to just make some food dishes and hang out with him for an hour or two.
Ben was under much more pressure than I was, I reminded myself. I went to less than half of his events. I wasn’t making the big decisions he was. I was just the pretty piece on his arm. And still, I never saw him break down on camera or complain about being king.
He deserved so much more from me.
~ ~ ~
Later that afternoon I scurried back to my locker to grab my spellbook.
Guilt coursed through my body. Perhaps Evie was right. Maybe I had become too reliant on my magic to get me through life. But what else was I supposed to do in this situation? There was no time.
Besides, while I was in the kitchen, Carlos had asked me to make him something.
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kagohme · 5 years
This is my first hakyona fic, and it’s really silly, but I hope you enjoy!
Fic Prompt: I’m your new neighbor and I’m using your wifi au
Yona fisted her hair out of frustration. Why was it taking so damn long to send the email? she thought.
She glanced at the clock on her laptop screen and closed her eyes, annoyance boiling to a dangerous peak.
3 o’clock. Right on the dot.
Ever since her new neighbor moved in next door, her Wi-Fi would get suspiciously slow during the early morning, specifically around 3 o’clock in the morning. Much to her dismay, her new neighbor just happened to move in during midterms, so Yona would be up during the dead of the night either studying or finishing up assignments. Or at least trying to.
It started with an unsent assignment for her online class. After that, it was a late message she received from one of her group partners about the change in their presentation date. Then, it was a buffering Netflix movie she wanted to watch when she couldn't sleep. Every single time, around the exact same time. It was too much of a coincidence.
Granted, Yona could place a password on her Wi-Fi, but she didn’t see the point considering majority of the apartment tenants didn’t even know how to operate any sort of modern technology. Also, she lost the CD to her router, so it was pretty useless to even try.
The email still hadn’t sent. Anxiety prickled at her being, and she began nibbling at her thumb nail. If she didn’t send this email to her professor, she was definitely going to lose credit for this assignment.
Ten minutes passed. Still unsent.
Silently, Yona rolled away from her desk on her chair. She swiftly straightened out the wrinkles on her pajamas and headed for the door. She put on her slippers and headed outside, determined to finally give her new neighbor a piece of her mind.
She jumped at the sight of a dark, hulking figure crouched in front of her neighbor’s door. The only source of light was coming from his phone, giving Yona a look at his face.
Oh, she thought, cheeks warming. He’s... She shook her head and smacked her cheeks, capturing the attention of a pair of dark eyes. Her determination faltered, but she forced her legs to move until she was standing across him, looking down, hands on her hips.
In hindsight, she probably looked like the least intimidating thing in the world in her floral pajamas and fluffy slippers.
“You,” Yona said as firmly as possible, “get off my Wi-Fi.”
He looked down at his phone and began tapping a few things on the screen. “Your Wi-Fi name is...Princess Yona?” He snickered.
Her cheeks burned in embarrassment. “My dad was the one who—that’s besides the point! You’ve been stealing my Wi-Fi!” she accused.
“It’s not stealing if it’s free.” His matter-of-fact tone fueled her annoyance.
“Excuse me, you’re not the one paying for it!”
“No, but Daddy is, right?”
That assumption struck at something delicate inside of her. She glared at him. “No, I am because I have a job, asshole. How about you get a job and get your own Wi-Fi instead of mooching on other’s!”
He stayed quiet, dark eyes assessing her. His stare was too direct, and it made her uncomfortable. However, she stood her ground.
Then, he sighed. He pocketed his phone and stood up, grunting at how his knees popped from remaining in the same position. She was wondering how long he was sitting outside his door—and why—when her eyes widened once he reached full height.
He was the literal embodiment of “tall, dark, and handsome.”
“Princess,” he started.
“It’s Yona.”
“Yona, I’m sorry,” he said, at least sounding a tiny bit sincere. “But this is urgent.”
She crossed her arms over her chest. “Well, what’s so important?”
“A man has needs, y’know.”
She gestured for him to continue.
He continued staring down at her.
She sighed impatiently. “And what are those needs?”
“I was watching porn.”
It took her a while to register what he just said. Then, Yona gasped and stumbled back a few steps away from him.
“Y-Y-You!” Yona spluttered out. “Ew, gross!”
He shrugged. “It’s perfectly normal.”
“But you were watching it outside!”
“Your Wi-Fi signal’s better here, and besides, the video was like an hour long.”
Yona covered her ears and quickly shook her head. “Just stop talking and get off my Wi-Fi!”
“Well, I was about to get off—“
She groaned. “Oh my god.” She began walking away, but he followed after her.
“You don’t know what porn is, but you know what ‘getting off’ means?” He was delightfully amused.
Yona stopped and quickly turned around. “I know what porn is, moron!”
“Princess, quiet down—there are children sleeping, y’know.”
“Says the pervert that was watching porn in the middle of the hallway!”
“Like I said, your Wi-Fi’s faster outside.”
Yona rolled her eyes and opened the door. She looked behind and saw him standing there, still smirking. For a minute, she regarded him warily. 
She asked, “Were you really watching porn?”
He stuffed his hands in his pockets and looked to the side. “I got an assignment due tomorrow—or later on. I work the night shift, so I only get to do my homework around this time,” he explained. “Moving here was expensive, so I didn’t have enough to get my own Wi-Fi.”
“That makes sense...” She pouted. “You didn’t have to lie about watching porn.”
The smirk returned. “Who said I was lying?”
She slammed the door in his face.
“I’m really good at multi-tasking, Princess,” he called out from behind it.
She leaned against the door, biting her lip, before opening it again. He was still standing there.
“It’s Yona,” she repeated. “What’s yours?”
His dark eyes were filled with amusement. “Hak.”
“Hak.” She went to close her door, but then she opened it again. “Good night.”
“Wait.” He furrowed his eyebrows. “You’re not gonna stop me from using it?”
Yona shrugged, but inwardly, she cursed at her tendency to be kind even to strangers. “Don’t you have an assignment to complete?” Certainly, her Wi-Fi was slow, but it still worked at the end of the day. Besides, she could also stop procrastinating and start studying or doing her homework with Yoon.
He gave her another unnerving stare, and Yona wondered how many people were victims to such a stare. It was both intimidating and...yet strangely alluring at the same time.
Suddenly, the corner of his mouth lifted upwards, and his dark eyes glinted with appreciation. Her hand tightened on the edge of her door. She swore her heart thumped for a second there.
“Thank you,” he said sincerely. “Next time, I’ll choose shorter videos to get off to.”
She rolled her eyes. “Why don’t you just take me out for coffee instead,” she found herself saying. Her eyes widened, cheeks becoming as red as her hair. 
She expected Hak to say something snarky, but her condition worsened when she saw his eyes widen and face redden, as well.
Quickly, she slammed her door close at the cute reaction. She leaned her back against it, taking deep breaths to calm her heart down as it was practically thumping right out of her ears. After a few minutes, she stood on the tips of her toes to look into the peephole. 
Hak was rubbing the nape of his neck, cheeks still red. Yona resisted the urge to squeal at how adorable he looked. She assumed a man with his looks would receive propositions like that all the time, but then again Yona’s vice had always been her impulsive personality.
With another boost of determination, Yona decided to use that vice to her advantage. She marched right over to her laptop and opened up her network settings. 
A message popped up: Are you sure you want to change your Wi-Fi name from PRINCESS YONA to FREE TOMORROW AT 2PM?
She grinned and clicked YES.
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hootpoop12 · 5 years
Theory time
Alright, so we all know through the context of this being written in a fanfiction/a03 format that this is all a play about canon VS fanon. What is a little hard to decipher is what are the things that are plays off fanon and which qualities are the true aspects of the characters(canon)? ANYWAY here are just a few of the things I am ASSUMING are plays off fanon based on my years in the fandom and sheer obsession of consuming this shit (trigger warning for everything taken place in the epilogue FYI):
-Dave: I think some of the main aspects of fanon influencing his epilogue version is intertwined with “woobifying”, “Slow burn”, and even possibly even “sexuality”. 
        -Woobifying is a fandom concept of reducing a character to “a cinnamon roll too pure for this world” someone you wanna baby (often applied to trans guy characters whether canon or headcanoned). This one is a bit of reach I’ll admit because it DOES makes sense that after years of living with Karkat the dude would soften up but there were times in the epilogue even Dave admits he’s gotten softer and the dude just plain out was very passive. In my time I’ve seen tons of depictions of Dave as a lot more emotional than shown in the comic or a lot more woobified in fics (like in meteor fics where he often has very dramatic emotional outbursts) By the way this is NOT me shitting on you if you like viewing Dave in that way because a lot people with trauma relate to him and use him for “cathartic release”(me fucking too lol). It’s more a guess/observation of maybe why he’s developed in this way due to the comic now being a strange sponge absorbing all fanon, good and bad, into it weird ass grasp.
        -Slow burn is likely the trope that plays into why the hell it took so fucking long for him AND Karkat to admit their feelings. If you have literally ever consumed Davekat content I’m sorry but 99% of it is slow burn lmao every meteor fic is pining, every coffee shop AU is the budding of a lifelong partnership, and every Harry potter furry inflation pwp crossover WHATEVER fic is 10k words building of sexual tension like......To bring their other relationships in canon into this we can see that Dave was able to flirt with Jade and Terezi and entered a relationship with them at a pretty normal rate WHICH can totally be attributed to the fact he views them as girls and himself as heterosexual so was much more comfortable making a move- sure. Looking at Karkat, however, and you see the dude is a little shy about romance sure but he was still able to flirt with Terezi and make awkward moves on John so like......I can’t help but to feel like something outside (us?) was influencing them?
        -Sexuality is another sort of reach but I think it’s something to consider. In terms of the comic....when exactly DID canon end? You could argue at the end of act 7.......or the moment John used his retcon powers to create a new timeline. Fandom Dave (on the tumblr side at least) was usually consider queer and a lot people shipped Dave with another dude. Perhaps John going back and rewriting canon helped bring our influence over Dave’s sexuality into the comic? I remember finding out Davekat was canon and confirming my “Dave is bisexual” headcanon and just thinking in wonder how it felt like Hussie was plucking my desires straight from my head and incorporating them. Which made me HAPPY by the way. If this is anywhere even near truth it’s not like he didn’t do a fantastical and natural job of incorporating it into the comic which shows how “incorporated fanon” is not a totally horrendous thing. The comics always done it with fandom memes and such. 
-Rose Lalonde. Not too sure what fanon influenes were brought onto her to be honest? In candy she was almost like a creepy stepford wife which is. Bizarre to me. Rose is the most contrary and rebellious character so seeing her settle down like that (OR FUCKING DOING SOME GUYS LAUNDRY) is a little strange. In meat she insists that she is an individual despite being married but that could have EASILY been Dirk’s influence? Also her biggest fandom stereotypes off the top of my head is Know-it-all smug meddler, alcoholic, and elegant. Really none of that was applied so still need to consider her more. The most damning thing however is where is all the piss?? If you look at the amount of piss kink rose fanfiction one has to wonder......and I can’t even continue this joke.
-Jade Harley: Gonna keep it real with ya’ll. I feel like this epilogue gave Jade Harley way more character. She wasn’t given much in canon except for lonely silly girl so it makes sense to me why she’d grow up desperate for physical bonds and inserting herself into relationships. I liked her telling John that she wasn’t some princess in a tower anymore cause it shows she KNOWS how everyone has always viewed her and that’s a little sad. As for tropes around her character.....yep people pleaser, silly girl, hippie, shoved aside for literally any other character......Need to think about her more, too. 
-Jake fucking English. What even is there to say? He more than anyone was influenced by fanon and it doesn’t take too much thought to see how. In a lot of fandom jokes and in fanfiction he is basically treated as a stupid piece of meat. I genuinely don’t read much fanfiction about him except from a trust few fans who I know care about him and will write him in a full rounded way. In any case we see a single moment in which Jake has this oppressive narrative taken away from him and it was when he was talking to Dave and Karkat during their election conversation. If that wasn’t already hard enough to read we can look back at the implied rape that took place with him in the beginning of Jane’s relationship with him or over the course of it. John, the one person supposedly not influenced by fanon as he’s still tied to the comic via retcon powers, is even the one to tell people that Jake is basically being raped. So yeah. Good times. I’ll get to Dirk in terms of Jake in a moment L M A O. Imagine that being the saddest lmao you ever just read.
-Jane Crocker: Welp hope you weren't a Jane fan lmao. What can I say except it FEELS like all the subliminal messaging really got to her and she’s like......warped by the condesce? I think if in the comic they showed more of her political takes then maybe this wouldn’t have come as such a shock. Like, I flat out am disgusted by her character now? She’s a facist, abusive, rapist(that was hint, unfortunately)? WOW good take homestuck writting staff?? I mean I know one of you used to write like incest pedo rape porn but aight??????????? Anyways in fanon Jane is treated as the girl who gets in the way of dirkjake so kinda that early 2000s bitchy yaoi girl brand, boring person in the background, or the hottie. They obviously kept saying she was “easy on the eyes” so there’s the hottie trope but that’s about it.
-Roxy Lalonde: Out of ALL the Alphas they fucking escaped with their goddamn dignity PFFT. So in terms of tropes: trans Roxy, alcoholic, and flirty “boy obsessed”. 
        -So with trans Roxy this is like Dave’s sexuality thing I discussed where a widely celebrated headcanon influenced canon and that not necessarily a BAD thing. Like I said, this theory is that canon is just absorbing fanon for better and for worse. I saw people were bummed they weren’t a trans girl but I am actually down with this for two reasons. 1) being all those memes “what’s your gender?” “the void” and 2) a part being friends with someone who’s trans is.....not being used to seeing them as the gender they actually are but taking the time to learn these new unfamiliar pronouns- and get the fuck over it. It’s their choice and you just gotta accept it despite your feelings. 
        -alcoholic Roxy was not at all incorporated which is the biggest fanon about her (not as much in recent years thankfully) so honestly? Kinda diminishes my argument. It’s not like the writers were worried that tossing out their progress as person was bad writing lol look at Dirk.
        -Flirty Rox. In candy they were SUPER fast moving in their relationship with John and despite towards the end they said that Dirk dying made them wanna do something with their life I just....don’t buy it? Mainly because john who is uninfluenced by the fanon tropes even noticed how fast they were moving and how stepford agreeable wife she’d become. 
-Dirk Strider. Aight. So. Here we go. fandom tropes are controlling puppet master, abusive, and cold/uncaring.
        -Dirk is a naturally controlling man, yes. Every version of himself struggles with this, yes. Even if we work on issues does not mean old flaws will never leak out, yes. However, after in the comic itself we see conversations with some of his closest companions and the effort he was making and ready to continue making was completely obliterated. Dirk is someone who takes his projects a little too seriously so why would he toss out this one- the most important one in his life? ANYWAY........Dirk in canon is shown that he’s also not great at multi-tasking or really anything that he really makes himself out to be AMAZING at. Don’t get me wrong I actually view Dirk as a complement dude cause he did get all the alphas into the session in a smoothish fashion (yes hal is him so it still counts) but, like, even when Dirk sounds like an AWESOME engineer to Jake he even admits that he basically had the future’s technology to help and it wasn’t that impressive. So now he’s claiming he’s the BEST? Wack.
        -Abusive Dirk......The sheer amount of people in the fandom who still misconstrue his character as heartless and the sheer amount of fanfiction of sociopathic Dirk might’ve done something. If he is truly becoming his “ultimate self” and he is heart aspect.....all these fanfiction splinters are getting applied to him as well, ya’ll. INCLUDING one of the epilogues writers who literally used to write fanfiction depicting Dirk as a brutally abusive and manipulative version of himself. With the similarities between their big fic and the homestuck epilogue I can’t help but to wonder if they’re subtly trying to incorporate that? After all Alt Calliope goes into detail about how the writer/narrator is IMPORTANT and when one is someone who enjoys viewing dirk as such....well who’s to say pfft Everything about how Dirk treated Jake was some of the most shocking to me. How did you get the guy taking most of the blame for a relationship gone wrong to a man who in a very rapey way makes someone obsessed with him, stupid, and unable to ever receive respect? Horrifying stuff to read, lads. It makes much more sense to me if you look at this fandom’s perceptions on DirkJake. My god there are some bad takes and there’s a whole section of the fandom who was hellbent on making the ship out to be the most problematic ship to ever occur. So whereas in the comic you have Dave pointing out that both sides had issues and everyone was willing to talk things out you had half the fandom insist that it was all Dirk’s fault and he just COMPLETLY forced himself on an unwanting Jake. Yep, sound familiar?
        -cold uncaring. yep tons of depictions of Dirk being cruel to his friends and family and sorry but go reread Homestuck I don’t even know what to tell you if you actually believe that. There’s literally nothing here I could write to help you. As if the whole thing about his character isn’t about how the people around him helped prevent him becoming like that and he hasn’t said in a dozen different ways how much he loves them and wants to treat them better. Get out of here with that shit lmao 
I guess all can be said about Dirk at this point is either 1) the absorption of the vast amount of terrible Dirk depictions from ascending to his ult self has warped him 2) he’s playing a villain just because Homestuck being over means not existing which TERRIFIES him and existing is a higher priority than treating the people around him right or 3) caliborn influence
        1) For the ascending I’m pretty sure this is the theory that’s gonna be right
        2) playing the villain is probably not what it is because on twitter all of the writers are saying the transphobia is literally just him and they’re boosting a lot of theories say “this is a story about friends you love disappointing you and you moving on” So. Yeah. Take that depressing nugget of information. (I literally will be fucking dead inside if that really is where this story is taken. No joke I will probably quit this fandom lol don’t know if any of you really know how big that is for me to say
        3) Caliborn? eh maybe who the fuck knows after typing that last bullet point out I’m too bummed to continue this hah
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xfilescat · 6 years
the great idea, the safety hazard, and the brady bunch (steve harrington x reader)
word count: 1.7k
warnings: 70s sitcom reference, underage drinking, language maybe? maybe not language. also I'm late for class so i barely proofread
preview: “He was such a good guy that it made you giddy. You liked him so much. You’d have to tell him that someday. Not now, though. You would forget about it tomorrow if you did it now, and you would really want to remember something like that.”
A/N: wait wait wait WHAT???? I ACTUALLY POSTED SOMETHING? I know, crazy, right? anyways I don’t have time for a long author’s note but this is part one of a multi-part thingy that I'm really excited about! I might be a little slow with updates but rest assured it won’t take months like last time ;) I gotta go to class rn but enjoy, my lovely friends! i love u!
It was late January and it was the kind of cold that made it painful to breath, that split open the skin on your hands, and that was potentially unsafe to be exposed to.
You were so warm. You were dressed for bed in a cotton tank top and shorts, but your skin was on fire. You wondered why stores even bothered with selling jackets when they could just sell bottles of vodka. All it took was however many shots you’d had (you’d quickly lost count) and you could wear a miniskirt outside in Antarctica. Nobody would ever have to worry about covering up a cute outfit ever again. You definitely looked cute in your pajamas: the shorts were a little short and the top was a little thin, but you couldn’t help admiring the way the navy ensemble complimented your skin tone.
Wait! You stopped in your tracks for a moment when you were halfway up the Harrington’s driveway. You worked in a clothing store! You’d have to tell your boss about your idea on Monday. You guys could get rid of all those bulky winter coats that made it so hard to walk down aisle four. You were a genius.
The only drawback to the vodka thing was the dizziness. You had to pause every time you climbed a single step up onto Steve’s porch because your head spun with the minor change in altitude. Why were you there again? You couldn’t remember.
Once you reached the door, you began to knock over and over. You probably did it too many times, but it was fun to hit something. Not to mention it was taking Steve about a million hours to open up and let you in. You tried to knock to the beat of “Can’t You Hear Me Knocking” and giggled because it sounded more like “Girls Just Want to Have Fun.”
The door opened slightly. Steve was frowning, but then he locked eyes with you and looked confused. “Y/N, hey,” he said. He pushed the door all the way open and leaned against the frame. “What are you doing here?”
You weren’t sure how you should have greeted him. A hug would’ve been over the line—even your drunk self knew that. A simple “hi” wouldn’t suffice, though, so you opted for something in the middle and held out your hand for a shake. “Steve, good to see you,” you said, smiling demurely. “How are you today?”
He raised his eyebrows and shook your hand gingerly. “You’re wasted,” he said.
You looked at him sideways. “No, I said how are you?”
“I’m good. Do you know what time it is?”
You looked at your wrist. “I’m not wearing a watch.”
“It’s like eleven,” he said. “I was asleep.”
You looked him up and down. He was wearing his pajamas, too: grey sweatpants and a dark green Hawkins High hoodie. His hair was unstyled—that threw you for a loop—and he had dark circles under his eyes. He should’ve looked upset, too, but he looked kind of happy, actually. Whatever: you still felt terrible for waking him up. “I’m sorry,” you cried. “Steve, I’m so sorry.”
“No, it’s okay,” he said. He laughed and shifted so that he was blocking less of the doorway. “Here, come in. You’re going to get hypothermia.”
“Okay, but I’m not cold,” you said. You started to step over the threshold, but you remembered that you had to brush the snow off of your sneakers first. You were about to sit down to take them off when Steve told you not to worry about it. He placed his hand on the small of your back and started to guide you inside.
You smiled. He obviously didn’t understand. “Your floor will get wet,” you explained, pointing to your shoes.
“It’s fine,” he said.
“Safety hazard,” you muttered, but inside felt a lot warmer than outside, so you went along with him.
What a big house. The furniture looked like it came straight out of a catalog. You sat down on the stairs—the carpet on them was so comfy—and nearly lost your balance in the process. “Woah,” you said, grabbing onto the banister and laughing. “Steve, I think you’re right.”
He closed the front door and turned to you. “About what?”
You pulled off one of your shoes and set it gently down in front of you. “I think I am wasted.” You yanked the other shoe off and promptly lost your grip on it. It sailed through the air and landed a few feet away, which only made you laugh harder.
“I’m definitely right,” Steve said, rolling his eyes. He picked up both sneakers and set them on the rug by the door. “Were you at a party?”
You shook your head. “No, just me.”
He crossed his arms. “Why were you drinking alone?”
You wracked your brain for the answer, but came up empty. “Can’t remember,” you said. “Hey, do you have any drinks?”
He smirked. “I have water.”
“No, I’m talking about alcohol,” you said. God, he was really slow on the uptake sometimes.
“Let’s start with water.”
You shrugged. He motioned for you to follow him through the living room. You passed even more beautiful furniture and comfortable carpets before entering a kitchen that looked like it had never been used. “Wow,” you said. “You live, like, on a movie set. Or TV. It’s like… oh my god, it’s like the Brady Bunch house.” Here's the story… of a lovely lady…
“I guess,” he said. “It’s really not all it’s cracked up to be.”
You pondered that as he filled up a glass of water and handed it to you. You eventually figured out what he meant. “Oh,” you said solemnly. “Your parents make you clean it all by yourself, don’t they? My parents make me clean the house all the time, but mine’s not this big.”
He fought back a grin. “No, I’m not the only one who cleans it. My mom does most of the work.”
“What about your dad?”
He paused. “No,” he said quietly. “He doesn’t help.”
His tone cut through the fog of your insobriety and you realized that this was a much more serious topic than you’d thought. You wanted to say something empathetic and well-thought-out, but thinking wasn’t exactly your strong suit when you were under the influence. “No, don’t be sad,” you practically shouted.
He chuckled. “I’m not sad,” he said, and sure enough, he didn’t look like it anymore. If you’d had your wits about you, you would’ve known he was faking for your benefit. “Drink your water.”
You pursed your lips. “Will that make you happy?”
“So happy.”
You drank the whole thing as fast as you could. “Done.”
“Good job.”
You handed him the empty glass and put your hands on your hips. “Happy now?”
“Yeah,” he said. He sounded genuine. “Thanks.”
You watched him as he went to get you more water. He was really tall. He had such long legs that it only took him a few steps to get to the sink. He was so nice. And very handsome, even when he had been woken up in the middle of the night. You wished you weren’t so nervous around him when you were sober. You wished you were better friends with him. You hoped you weren’t imposing. “Hey, Steve?”
“Are you upset that I’m here?”
He turned to you and shook his head. “No, I’m not.”
You folded your arms across your chest. “Are you sure?”
He half-smiled. “I’m sure. Honestly, Y/N. I was having a shitty night before you showed up.”
“Oh, no, why?” You got the strongest urge to throw your arms around him. You had to restrain yourself from running across the room.
“It’s nothing.” He leaned back against the counter behind him and sighed. “Even if I tell you, you’re not going to remember in the morning. Just… just don’t worry. I’m glad you came here, I really am.”
You beamed. “Okay, Steve. I’m glad you came here, too.”
He came back from the sink and told you to drink the second glass of water. You did it without complaining and gave the cup back triumphantly this time. As you did, one of the straps on your tank top slipped down your shoulder. Steve’s eyes flashed to it and then he pointedly looked away. “You look, uh, cold,” he said.
You giggled and fixed the minor malfunction. “I’m not.”
“Let me get you something to wear,” he said. “You can go sit on the couch, if you want.”
“Not cold,” you called after him as he left the room. He was such a good guy that it made you giddy. You liked him so much. You’d have to tell him that someday. Not now, though. You would forget about it tomorrow if you did it now, and you would really want to remember something like that.
You wandered into the living room humming the Brady Bunch theme song and collapsed onto the sofa. It was even more comfy than the carpet on the stairs. You laid there and felt yourself sink into the cushions. All of your muscles relaxed and it felt like you were floating. Just as you were about to close your eyes and take a cat nap, the doorbell rang like an alarm clock.
You tried to lift your head up, but it felt like a Herculean task. “I’m not getting that,” you yelled.
You heard Steve walk down the stairs. “I’ll get it,” he said, stepping into the room to toss you the sweatshirt that he’d grabbed. You reached up your arms and caught it, much to your surprise.
“Nice,” Steve said.
“Thanks,” you said. “Hey, someone’s at the door.”
“I know.”
“Go get it.”
“I’m going.”
“And watch out for the safety hazard,” you murmured. Instead of putting the sweatshirt on, you draped it over yourself like a blanket and rolled over to get back to that nap you’d been robbed of. As you drifted off into an unsteady but deep sleep, you forgot all about the doorbell and the voices you could hear coming from the foyer. The couch was far too soft and the jacket/blanket smelled far too good for you to care about anything else.
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