leszekuchacz · 4 years
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Jaskinia lodowa należąca do systemu jaskiń Demianowskich. Jedna z najczęściej odwiedzanych jaskiń turystycznych na Słowacji, 20 min pod górę do otworu i 45 min zwiedzania w środku.  Niestety lodowe pokrycie reklamowane na każdym kroku występuje tylko w zimę i głównie w dolnych partiach jaskini niedostępnych dla zwiedzających.  Demianowska Jaskinia Lodowa, Liptowski Mikułasz, Słowacja 🇸🇰 📍  49.0160124,19.5796496 #dobsinskaladovajaskyna #jaskynadomica #demanovskadolina #ľadovájaskyňa #icecave #demanovskadolina #jaskinialodowa #zilinskykraj #cave #caveadventures #cavephotography #jaskinia #słowacja #slovensko #sloviaka #slowenien #jaskyna  #mountains #mountainadventures #rocks #dark #gopro8 (w: Demänovská ľadová jaskyňa) https://www.instagram.com/p/CE5GQFAhoOy/?igshid=17ym3k99415c4
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blue-scorpion-king · 8 years
~The Henries~
//From an seed planted in an part of my self-insert Fairy Tail post, grew an new, non-registered (Bagklock) Earthland race that I have developed. :3
The Henry race.
Yes. That is what they are called.
-Name of race: Henries.
-Around 88 decillion Henries scattered all around Earthland (Fairy Tail), where they are usually inside caverns, rock formations, forests, like literally inside trees, and underground. But, there are plans to go beyond Earthland and migrate to other different lands.
-Henries have an big variety of hair colors, eye colors, skin colors, etc, while much of the Henry population have hefty amounts of facial and head hair, the 4 different two-legged body shape make ups, with human-like legs on all body types, no tails, have claw-like nails, some sharp teeth, and no white scleras, which is the white around the eye irises, and pupils, unlike many other races, are from one mysterious common ancestor, that gave the Henries their size range (7′10″ to 11″) and sturdy bulkiness; Wing membrance-less bats, sabertooth cats, goats, and chimpanzees, but with human-like feet, and could be partially made out of any non-overpowering magical element, like bones, fire, ice, and others.
-Both genders are equal, even when the females have as much of hefty hair as the males and they are similar to (mixed Warhammer Fantasy & Tolkien) dwarves & Ents, aka, living trees from J.R. Tolkien's written fiction works, along with metalheads and heavy metal music, with its many subgenres, when it comes to superstitions, myths, legends, etc, due to the Henries' ancestors that observe the dwarves' stone age man-like ancestors of the dwarves, including morales and their honor, along with the so called ‘living plants’, called Pents, expect they CAN use magic and CAN grow their own food, though they also have trade with humans and some other races too, among celebrating a lot of holidays, not being all masculine, all feminine, or all androgynous all the time.
-Like I said before, the Henries are similar to dwarves and Ents. The race did have a rocky relationship with Dragons before the Dragon Civil War, like the dwarves are to elves, and with Demons, which are like orcs to the Henries. Also, several special henries have lived to even 5 million years, but never beyond that, and unlike dragons, there is a still a big population of henries around, with many victories at wars against enemies who shoved them down, Dragons and Demons included.
-They worship and believe in an lone god, 'Ormaggedon', in their twist of an linked, non-Henry tale on Ormaggedon and how 'heavy metal' was made, and not really fond, but not hateful, of other religions due to past experiences with scams, crimes, and shameful acts that stains the other religions the Henries know about.
-They also have 16 tribes that are like the Knights/Crusader factions/Winged Hussars, the Samurai, the Vikings, the Old West, the Spartans, the Warring States Era Chinese, the Zulu, the Roman Legionnaires, Pirates, Ancient Egyptians, the Highlanders, the Huns, the Irish, the Hawaiians, the Aztecs, and the Sioux tribe of the Native Americans, while all tribes use shields, where the tribes’ Chieftains together making the Xin’ Council, meaning ‘Rocky Ginnungagap General Council’.
=The tribes' names: Hovding-blad (Knights/Crusader factions/Winged Hussars), Deamiity (Samurai), Triboron (Vikings), Fem Torden Vapen (Old West), Svart Bille (Spartans), Jern Overlevende (Warring States Era China), Lose Rocke Plass (Zulu), Bat Herre (Roman Legionnaries), Hiet Linjer (Pirates), Uendelig-and (Ancient Egyptians), Fullfort Kort (Highlanders), Fartsovertredelse Tid (Irish), Pay’owoyfred’f’u’c’k, or Pay’ow for short (Hawaiians), Bevingede Tre-Horn Tyrann Katt Konge, or Katt Konge for short (Huns), Skinner Balltre (Aztecs), and Diamant Slange (Sioux).
-The technology of the Henries are mainly based on practical steel, iron, and stone, while Lacrima and steam next to that, along with actually able to carry weapons, use machines, use rune magic, carry stuff, wear clothing/armor, and use stuff like humans/dwarves/elves can, unlike dragons. Also, Lacrima is being tested on the forge after an accident just 50 years ago.
-The Henry hierarchy is similar to an dwarf hierarchy, expect the top of each tribe is an Chieftain and each potential Henry, male or female, is streamlined to just one Chieftain, depending on the trials that each tribe bring to the challengers for the Chieftain position.
-With varying dialects among the tribes (Norwegian accent + Tribe dialect/accents), only to non-human races and among themselves, the Henries have an Tolkien Black Speech-like language, and also Norwegian-like, that are even used and 'enchanted' into demonic magic spells, which the Henries are furious about at all.
-They are racist to Dragons and Demons, with such names as 'scaly ears' and 'purple bollocks', but not really to other races and not towards themselves. They would rather not like an person if he/she does not have an good character, or when an faction pushes the Hernies down like an arsehole, thus provoking them and getting their 'heads' cleanly punched off their shoulders. They say 'Hades have no fury like an Henry's tempered flared' and people mean it when that is said.
-Henry Holder magic users are extremely rare since Henries are prone to just use Caster magic all the time.
-The Henries are also omnivorous in their diet, but leans more to the meat, fruit, dairy, and wheat side of the food pyramid, and also eat some rocks that is most specific to their body shapes.
-This race has an trait in their genes that causes an effect of really, really major hiccups on any form of transportation, or when an floor moves, which is similar to Dragons and Dragon Slayers' motion sickness.
-Many, many romances between Henries are best described, by me, as like the relationship between Gajeel & Levy, if Gajeel is born as tall as Levy.
-In the year X771, an former old and highly respected male Diamant Slange chieftain named Sloviaka, an bat type Henry partially made out of calcium, or bone, and orange fire, while being an friend to an family for 2 generations since aging to 8,000 years old, finally took the big step for the branching of Henry magic and teach the newly completed Monster Slayer magic to the oldest son, and daughter, of his friend's family, so the trained children can fight future vile Demons and monsters, that are no Henries, that might come in their future as mages to any guild they might join.
-The most common pets for an Henry to have are birds, dogs, and cats. Even big cats, wolves, and terror birds sometimes.
-The name order goes like this: First name, middle name, being the family name, and the Tribe name as the last name.
-The history of the the Henries go back to about 10 million years ago, right at the time they were around with stone age ancestors of dwarves and the observation of their actions began the generations of evolution for the long-lasting Henries, and them being interconnected with the development of Earthland as we know it, even among the history books that man wrote about their history, the dragons, the demons, and the Henries.
-But, of course, like all other races, the Henries have renegade members of their race that would best described as 'trying to be too rocky (Henry term for edgy & filled with angst)' and 'evil exiled arseholes'.
-Normal Henry Life Span: 670 to 8,100 years, or to 10,000 even.
& -And the marriage and childbirth rate of Henries is high compared to their dwarven inspirations in the last 10,000 years of their history.
Hope you like this race I came up with and hope for constructive help that could expand the Henry race of Earthland.
~The Bat~
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leszekuchacz · 4 years
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Narodowy pomnik przyrody wodospad Lúčanský bijący w samym środku wsi. Po drodze na Liptowska mara wpadła jeszcze taka pełka. Wodospad na pierwszy rzut oka sprawia wrażenie jakby bił prosto na choinkę i pobrudził ją przy tym całą błotem :P Ale otóż nie, to nie drzewo, a jest to efekt potoku bogatego wapno i gips. Wodospad Lúčanský, Ruzomberk, Słowacja  🇸🇰  📍 49.1296443,19.401091 #lucanskyvodopad #ruzomberok #słowacja #slovensko #sloviaka #slowenien #wodospad #waterfall #vodopad #woda #water #uzdrowisko #kúpele #nature #dron #drone #drohne #ドローン #дрон #nature #travelphotography #travel #peaceful #spokój #wyciszenieumysłu #uspokojeniemyśli #calm #nopanic #rzucwszystkoichodzwgory (w: Wodospad Luczański) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEzmpDFhSe8/?igshid=bd4iqmokgt4b
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leszekuchacz · 4 years
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Liptowskie morze(Liptovská Mara). Największe jezioro zaporowe w Słowacji. Lot dronem wykonany z Liptovský Trnovec, gdzie znajduje się camping przy samym akwenie oraz przy kościele Liptovská Mara, który jest pozostałością(pomnikiem) po przesiedlonych wsiach na rzecz budowy zbiornika. Jezioro  Liptowskie, Liptowskiego Mikułasz, Słowacja  🇸🇰 📍 49.1264466,19.5086052 #liptovskamara #bielykostol #liptovskytrnovec #liptov #trnovec    #lake #jezioro #jazero #see #湖 #drone #drohne #ドローン   #słowacja #slovensko #sloviaka #slowenien #スロベニア #camping #maracamping  #church #cintorín #kosciół #panoramic #landscape #historicalplace #architecturephotography #woda #water #nature  (w: Liptovská Mara, Banskobystrický, Slovakia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CExakOEhMYj/?igshid=72c4rvo9jlcl
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leszekuchacz · 4 years
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Wizytą w zamku Orawski po drodze do małej fatry. Nawet w taki smutny deszczowy dzień był bardzo urokliwy :)  Z wielu zamków, które udało mi sie  do tej pory zwiedzić, ten wydawał mi sie jakiś bardziej żywy i prawdziwy. Obecnie zamek oprócz turystyki jest często wykorzystywany jako plan filmowy, między innym kręcono tutaj Dracule czy naszego Janosika.  Zamek orawski, Orawskie podzamcze, Słowacja  🇸🇰 📍 49.2616867,19.3575141 #castle #castles #castelli  #zamek #hrad #hradyazamky  #burg #zamekorawski #oravskyhrad #orava #oravacastle #architecturephotography #medieval #castlesoftheworld #castles_oftheworld #słowacja #slovensko #sloviaka #history #historicalplace #dracula #janosik #travel #travelphotography #slovenskonafotke #slovenskojekrasne (w: Orava Castle) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEunTXbh_-6/?igshid=4x7imqxwrdfn
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leszekuchacz · 4 years
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Mały Rozsutec 1343 m n.p.m. z lotu ptaka. Tutaj był mój pierwszy raz gdzie pozwolilem polecieć jeszcze troszeczkę dalej i przy tym przeżyć minutę grozy, straciłem łączność z dronem 😜 Mały Rozsutec, Mała fatra, Słowacja 🇸🇰 📍49.246403,19.101916 #rozsutec #fatra #malafatra #góry #mountains #hory #słowacja #slovensko #sloviaka #instasvk #nature #nationalpark #travel #cestovani #podróz #vrchol #summit #szczyt #wakacjewgorach #wędrówka #wędrówkapogórach #trekking #las #turistika #hiking #panoramic #landscape #ilovemountains #kochamgóry #malyrozsutec (w: Malý Rozsutec) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEr_1R_hGlP/?igshid=138ndrvs3gofx
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leszekuchacz · 4 years
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Na pierwszym planie szpiczasty Vyhliadka Vrchpodžiar, a zaraz po nim dwaj bracia, po lewej Mały a po prawej wielki Rozsutec.   Vyhlídka,Mała fatra, Słowacja 🇸🇰 📍 49.239071,19.074404  #rozsutec #fatra #velkafatra #malafatra #góry #mountains #hory #słowacja #slovensko #sloviaka #nature #nationalpark #travel #cestovani #podróz #vrchol #summit #szczyt #wakacjewgorach #wędrówka #wędrówkapogórach #trekking #las #turistika #slovakwild #hiking #panoramic #landscape #ilovemountains #kochamgóry (w: Sedlo Vrchpodžiar) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEpkidJBFRv/?igshid=1xsipspni5s7
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leszekuchacz · 4 years
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Poszukiwaniu rozbojnikow po Janosikowych dziurach :)  Kolejne fatastyczny szlak w Słowacji poprowadzony wzdłuż wąwozu i aktywnego potoku.  Gorąco polecam spróbować zbojnicki osuch w schronisku Koliba Podžiar. Janosikove Diery, Mała fatra, Słowacja 🇸🇰 📍49.250000,19.073333 #slovakiamountains #góry #mountains #hory #słowacja #slovensko #sloviaka #instasvk #nature #nationalpark #travel #cestovani #podróz #małafatra #janosikovediery #gopro #kolibapodziar #river #wodospad #waterfall #vodopad #canion #wodospad #waterfall #vodopad #canion #gopro #janosik #rzeka (w: Jánošíkove diery) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEm6k_9hMWz/?igshid=elghzz4rjcaj
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leszekuchacz · 4 years
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Chopok 2024 m n.p.m. i stojący na straży doliny Demianowskiej smok Demian. Pogoda cudowna. Ciekawe komu się chciało taki wielki kopczyk  tutaj usypać :)  Chopok, Tatry Niskie, Słowacja 🇸🇮 📍 48.9436111,19.5902778  #chopok #chopok2024m #demanovskadolina #nizketatry #niskietatry #lowtatras #tatry #tatrymountains #tatryslovakia #slovakiamountains #góry #mountains #hory #słowacja #slovensko #sloviaka #instasvk #nature #nationalpark #travel #cestovani #podróz #vrchol #summit #szczyt #wakacjewgorach #wędrówka #wędrówkapogórach (w: Chopok, Vrchol, 2024 mnm) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEkVFiahloq/?igshid=1l8dgi8opw051
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leszekuchacz · 4 years
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Polana Klasztornicko  744 m n.p.m i ruiny klasztoru Karuzów, dawne miejsce ostatniej ucieczki okolicznych mieszkańców przed agresorem, dzisiaj opoka dla strudzonych turystów i możliwość spożycia zimnego piwka w samym sercu słowackiego raju :) Kláštorisko, Park narodowy Słowacki Raj, Słowacja 📍 48.9445363,20.4222316 #klastorisko #ruiny #ruins #zrucanina #klastor #shelter #schronisko #drone #dronephotography #góry #mountains #hory #słowacja #slovensko #sloviaka #instasvk #nature #nationalpark  #slowackiraj #slovenskyraj #slovakhistory #travel #cestovani #podróż (w: Kláštorisko, Slovak Paradise) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEg_gF0BYqc/?igshid=1h9vdozt35cwh
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leszekuchacz · 4 years
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Widok na wysokie Tatry od strony Słowackiej, to jest pierwsza rzecz która cieszy oczy zaraz po wyjściu z Słowackiego Raju od strony Podlesok.  Aby takich zachód słońca była jak najwięcej :)    Ranc Podlesko, Park narodowy Słowacki Raj, Słowacja 📍 48.9641286,20.3890391 #dalekieobserwacje #drone #dronephotography #góry #mountains #hory #słowacja #slovensko #sloviaka #instasvk #nature #nationalpark  #slowackiraj #slovenskyraj #tatry #tatrymountains #tatrywysokie #tatryslovakia #tatrasadventures #tatry_official #tatromaniak #tatrzanskiparknarodowy #zachodslonca #sunset #zapadslunce #sunsetmountains #sunsetmountain (w: Autokemp Podlesok) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEfN5Sehs31/?igshid=s7ibpvonrgyg
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leszekuchacz · 4 years
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Chodnikiem ratowników górskiej służby zboczami przełomu Hornadu(zielony szlak). Nie wiem jaki innym, ale jak dla mnie przejscie niektórymi "gardłami" po metalowych kładkach 20 - 50 metrów nad lustrem wody mega dużo emocji u mnie wyzwalało :)   Droga przez przełom jest strasznie długa i męcząca, warto butelkę wody więcej zabrać z sobą, ja nie zabrałem i żałowałem :P     Prielom Hornadu, Park narodowy Słowacki Raj, Słowacja 📍48.9530783,20.4222198 #góry #mountains #hory #słowacja #slovensko #sloviaka #instasvk #nature #exploring #nationalpark  #slowackiraj #slovenskyraj #hiking  #przełomhornadu #przelomhornadu #prielomhornadu #slovakianature #slovenskehory #hikingslovakia #puresvk #pureslovakia #slovakadventures #slovakiatravel #river (w: Prielom Hornádu) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEeSBRfBCmF/?igshid=33zxrr4m9m84
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leszekuchacz · 4 years
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Tomaszowski widok, 666,7 m n.p.m 😈. płaska ściana jak platforma wiertnicza na morzu, wyłania się nad zielonego morza doliny Hornadu. Jeden krok za dużo a lądujemy 150 metrów niżej, co ciekawe obok prowadzi ścieżka rowerowa. Tomášovský výhľad, Park narodowy Słowacki Raj, Słowacja 📍48.945348,20.458980 #góry #mountains #hory #słowacja #slovensko #sloviaka   #visitslovenia #dron #dji #travel #podróże #potovanje #summer #poletje #lato #slowackiraj #hiking #pohodništvo #wspinaczka #karpaty #karpatyzachodnie #tomasovskyvyhlad #slovenskyraj #instasvk #thomasview #nature #exploring #nationalpark (w: Tomašovský Výhľad) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEca7G_B-CB/?igshid=1pgsut2ihy6f9
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blue-scorpion-king · 8 years
The 1st Monster Slayer?? -Silly Self-Insert-
Me/The Bat, if I am an self-insert mage in the universe of Fairy Tail:
Cody Michael Hand.
The First Monster Slayer, the Fiery Calcium Slayer, and nothing else at the moment.
22-23 years old.
-Birthday (if known):
September 12th, X761
(Bearded) Male.
Monster Slayer Human
-Sexual Orientation:
The small city of Sterling, Fiore, Earthland.
-Living place:
An apartment, with me as the only person in it, five buildings away from the right of Lucy Heartfilia's apartment, with rent to pay of course.
Music, movies, magic computer time (Which exists in, but not as large of an use in Earthland than in real life), good female asses, since I am an ass man for female asses around my age group, thought breasts are good too, and some more.
My mother, my father, Christopher and Michael, 2 younger brothers, Mikaleigh, my younger sister, Bob, the family friend, Sloviaka, the lion-sized orange bat monster that was an part of the family since my dad's younger days, until his death by old age (RIP), Pepper and Pumpkin, the 2 family cats, Glory, the family dog, and an expanded family beyond.
-An Dane ax from Erza, an falchion sword sidearm, an (Viking) round shield, and throwing stakes.
-This alternate persona of myself is in an "Fant-Earth", with an circumference of 1,600,000,000 kilometers, which is smaller than Bagklock Earth, which has an circumference of 6,400,000,000 kilometers, where many, many continents, alongside the 7 real world continents, has countries from fantasy stories, like Game of Thrones, Lord of the Rings, He-Man, & Warhammer (Not 40K), certain Shonen, Seinen, Shoujo, light novel, and visual novel stories, like Fairy Tail, Berserk, Toriko, One Piece, Naruto, GATE, Hunter X Hunter, Akatsuki No Yoma, Fate Stay Night, and Soul Eater, JRPG stories, like Valkyria Chronicles, Final Fantasy 1 to XV to Type-0, Dark Souls, Dragon’s Dogma, Demon’s Souls, Pokemon, Dragon Quest, & Fire Emblem, and several other graphic novels and anime/manga that happened in the past, happening right now in the present, and could happen in the future.
-- And I could be like the Reimu of Fairy Tail, who settles 'incidents' that the main cast don't settle, like actually defeat an actual God, not an God Slayer, for causing the problem in the first place.
Learned to awaken the Fiery Calcium Monster Slayer Magic Art, which is limited to an degree compared to Fire Dragon Slayer magic, from an sentient, lion-size orange bat, made out of black bone and orange fire, named Sloviaka, that has been an part of my family of 7, including me, since my dad's youth, has been an former Chieftian until he hit 8,000 years old, and has drawn inspiration from old accounts of ‘Stand Users’ from his youth and middle age, expect it goes to all kinds of monsters that I might fight in my future. Then, he died of old age, leaving me with the info that his bat kin, along with several other monster/henry species, mainly lives in caverns in the mountains & in other natural environments, kind of like being neighbors to the dwarves, elves, and men, and has been similar to them since his ancestors first observe them, along with the so called ‘living plants’, called Pents, before drawing his last breath and made me laugh with a joke, even when dying of old age and I was crying. It might have been heart-breaking, but at least Sloviaka lived a long life and died happy. Also, thanks to getting this magick made me near-sighted, which got me to wear glasses ever since.
-Also, ‘Bat Monsters’/Henries have a rocky relationship with Dragons, like the dwarves are to elves, and with Demons, which are like orcs to the Monsters, or Henries. Also, several special monsters/Henries have lived to even 5 million years, but never beyond that, and unlike dragons, there is a still a big population of monsters/Henries around, with many wins at wars against enemies who shoved them down, Dragons and Demons included.
=The Henries are also known to be extremely sturdy, despite their big cat-like sizes (Puma to Liger range), with most of the population having an hefty amount of facial and head hair, just like dwarves, could be made out of any non-overpowered element, have 16 tribes that are like the Knights, the Samurai, the Vikings, the Old West, the Spartans, the Warring States Era Chinese, the Zulu, the Roman Legionaries, Pirates, Ancient Egyptians, the Highlanders, the Huns, the Irish, the Hawaiians, the Aztecs, and the Sioux tribe of the Native Americans.
-Type of Abilities:
Fiery Calcium (Fire + Calcium fusion), in an black and orange color, can only be manipulated to an limited degree, even from within m,y own body, has to eat three whole meals to fully have an backup energy source, I should be careful around flammable objects, I can’t resist fire or thermal heat, lack of oxygen may prevent this ability to activate, not immune to the side effects, or byproducts, of fire, like smoke, weak against explosive negation, affected by my emotions, like anger or rage, which would make the fire stronger, but more dangerous around the area I am in, can be overpowered by ice, water, and/or cold, and I need oxygen, heat, and fuel for my fire generation, which would lead to fire manipulation.
Also, I have been trying to effectively use what martial art that Sloviaka taught me in combat, if needed, which is called ‘CQC’, with its meaning not told to me (Street fighting + Muay Thai).
--An Monster Slayer form ability, that I already had, but rarely got used in my youth, and trained with it in secret; Up until the Tenrou Island arc, up against Hades--
"Ainz Henry!!": An advanced Monster Slayer form, that is different from the Dragon Force, for someone like Cody, and shockingly, an permanent change in appearance, unlike Dragon Force.
Their eye sockets sunken a bit and colored black, the hair becomes wild, grows to become an mane, like an lion, and fire-like, while colored orange, makes the calcium part of the fiery calcium element vulcanized & elastic, makes the user gain more muscle mass, but still be lean, even to making the torso wide, and the teeth get really sharp, with 2 different tooth shapes; Lion teeth and bat teeth.
Also gets an coat of white colored thin paint-like calcium to make an skull design, expect for the blackened nose, coat the rest of the body with orange thin calcium 'paint', gain large, retractable into under the flesh, shoulder to hand fiery calcium armor, with black Henry tribal markings, along with retractable hip to feet fiery calcium armor, with lion hand paws/claws and bat feet & claws.
Lastly, there are three organic-bone methane using jet pods on each ankle, and three organic-bone methane using jet pods, with 2 on the shoulder bones and one below the in between of the 2.
(First unveiled partially at the Laxus fight, for a little bit, and in full at the Tenrou Island Arc’s Hades fight.)
Injuries I received from the Tartaros Arc to the (alternate) aftermath, with no 1 year timeskip:
Right side of my eye socket slashed slightly, top of my left ear cut open, a couple of broken back teeth had to be pulled out, an horizontal slash on my forehead, bludgeoned left elbow, partially gashed off left hand skin, jacked up left knee, gashed top of my right foot, slashed right side of my collar, projectile to my right shoulder, three slashes at my left shoulder, 3 cracked right ribs, large bruises on my torso sides, and abdomen, broken ulna of my right forearm, to where the bone poked out of my skin, an bleeding gash on my head, bruised toes, knuckles, and fingers, bruised left side of my neck, and bludgeoned right side of my back.
Moved out of my family's house and joined Fairy Tail at Magnolia as my first guild after taking my dream goals to become an writer and be an better Mage than I was in my youth and towards the future.
Became an Mage of Fairy Tail a bit before the time of the Thunder Tribe Sabotage arc and was not going to become S-Class just yet, unlike many of my friends. But, after the Tenrou Island arc, I have made it to S-Class, despite my honestly modest view on it.
-Started as an guild member a bit before the Thunder Tribe Sabotage arc all the way through the aftermath of the Tartaros VS Fairy Tail Guild War.-
<=Job experience from slaying monsters like Demons, various monsters, fighting the battles of Fairy Tail, even to Edolas, training myself and with others, and at very dangerous locations that not even Natsu nor Gajeel would step foot into, like going through an journey to get to several treasures from an long 'dead' land in Sweden, next to Norway, which (Bagklock) Earthland is ridge-connected to it, named Lordran (Dark Souls kingdom), while finding the lore through my findings and through texts, like tomes, scrolls, and books. That was my latest job that I took as an legal S-class mage.
-Guild mark location:
Left shoulder, orange in color.
-One of many outfits:
Glasses, small black skull bead necklace, with an golden skull pendant piece with an Native American chieftain headpiece, an orange hoodie jacket, with an t-shirt underneath, one of various sweatpants, and combat boots/Light armor for mobility and an tunic over my jacket. (Main outfit, with an light, casual version, and an full-on version) An dull black and orange Viking attire, with red details, with gambeson, chain-mail, non-horned historical looking helmet, and all, from head to top. But, it is also with Swedish medieval shoulder armor, bicep armor, forearm armor, gauntlets, thigh armor, foreleg armor, and greaves; Along with the oranged colored Fairy Tail symbol on the left shoulder and an owl head belt buckle design.
So, this is just an basic scramble of what I would be as an member of Fairy Tail. As an self-insert Monster Slayer mage on Earthland. owo
But hey. At least I state it out there instead of making an bad 'original character' and even as an self-insert Earthland-born Monster Slayer/Stand User, I would still be human and make mistakes and fail at times.
I hope you like this scramble of something silly. XD
~The Bat~whitew
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