#slomps stomp
stoplightglow · 1 year
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latetothegames · 2 years
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madebycoffee · 2 years
oki junimo kart update: i am somewhat consistently getting to the penultimate level. i had a GREAT run and had 7 or 8 lives and of course... i got glowshroom grotto... it is my new nemesis... i couldn't even get past the first checkpoint because of those dAMN red mushrooms poofing smoke at you i hATE em
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whimsicalmonstrosity · 6 months
Full Revenge For an Empty Trade
There was a procedure for when certain friends of Gamzee's didn't answer texts or calls in a timely manner. It wasn't that Gamzee was a fretting Franny or a nervous Nelly. Gam just had a bad habit of...bad habits and Gamzee put it on himself to help keep an eye on Gam. Not only that, but he had questions he had to ask before he forgot them.
After teleporting to Gam's front door, Gamzee sees a trail of purple from the opened doorway that leads directly into the sea. He quickly steps in, expecting the worst and unfortunately, this time, he sees what he feared. Gam is lying in a pool of black and purple blood, completely still. At first he wants to check on him, but the ones who did this are getting away and fast. He's conflicted and decides to do a quick and sloppy stitch job to at least hold his torso closed. just 10 minutes of work before he gets up and starts sniffing for the culprit. He finds a scent of sea water, old wood, fish, and gold. PIRATES.
The yellow of his eyes shift to orange, and then red as he angrily follows the trail, ripping his shirt off. His wings erupt from his back and he glides across the air over the ocean, eyes scanning the surface for anything. He KNOWS who did this and he just has to-- he spots a pirate ship heading the opposite direction and a growl emits from his throat as he descends. Just as the pirates are about to dock, he hits the deck with his heels. Before any of the crew on deck can act, he brings out one of his swords he never gets to use and starts slicing off limbs and thrusting the sword into throats. Is it really fair for him to kill 3 or 4 for one brother who might just get up again a day later? Leave the morality to someone else, this is business. What good are pirates for anyway? He paints the deck with blood, his wings having retreated back into him. He sniffs around, so angry that he's grinning. "Where's the captain? I JUST WANNA MOTHER FUCKIN' TALK." Another poor crewmate, who hadn't been smart enough to flee with the others once they settled at a port, stood their ground. "Get OFF OUr SHIP, C-Clown!" Their voice shakes as their nerves get the better of them. Gamzee has no remorse or concern and grips the smaller troll by the throat, flinging them off the ship into the water with relative ease. He glowers around the deck, "Now where's the runt running this raggedy run down romp slomp?" Then, he stomps towards the big door at the center of the ship and he snarls, it twisting into an ugly grin as he tries the handle. "OH- locked? WELLLLL SHIIIIIT, however will I--" He scoffs and punches the door in the same place 5 times in until his hand busts through to unlock the door. He sniffs through the new hole in the door and even peeks in. He can smell Gam's blood and the origin of the faint scent he caught near Gam's body. The captain glares at him, bloody spear in hand. She threatens him that she'll send him to his Brother if he doesn't back off. The door is kicked and Gamzee's arm is sliced by the broken wood of the door. Once he loosens himself from it, he doesn't stop the captain from stabbing him in the neck. In fact, he takes it by the handle and slips it in more, proving a point. He uses his still developing power of healing using his voodoos. He slowly heals the wound closed as she abandons the spear for her guns. He doesn't hesitate to bring his wings back out, which startles the pirate. As she tries ascending to the Crow's Nest of the ship, Gamzee flies up, trying and failing to dodge all bullets. He launches at her and knocks her down onto the deck once more, knocking the wind out of her. More insults and gunfire happens before Gamzee gets tired of this game. He keeps teasing her, saying when Gam gets better, they'll LAUGH at what a dumb bitch she was for going after a Gamzee Makara. It falls on mostly deaf ears as she just keeps trying to shoot him. The purpleblood scoops her up and flies to the Crow's Nest, weaving and shaking her to throw off her aim, which just makes her drop her gun. She uses her sword to swing at him and hits him enough to let her go. "ah fuck-" He dodges the sword when she tosses it towards him and watches her fall 80 feet head first onto her deck. Once he figures she's dead, he kneels and scoffs again. "Flimsy fragile motherfuckin' bitches." In his hand goes right through her abdomen, tearing her apart from the inside out. She taunts her corpse as he mangles and rips her into many pieces before finally ripping her head from her body, snapping it from her spine. He pikes it and stabs the sharp end of the spear he used into the board of the deck. "YA CAPTAIN'S MOTHER FUCKIN' DEAD, YO. COME GET THAT MONEY." He's past the point of revenge now, having not only slaughtered her, but humiliated her in the process. Gamzee slaps her cheek before licking up her face to clean her bronze blood off it. Was it an intimidation factor for those watching from the docks? Or was he just feeling a type of way right now? Who knows.
"DON'T FUCK WITH GAMZEE MAKARA CUZ THIS WHAT HAPPENS. think you can take me on? NO. you ain't shit." Gamzee ignores the pictures being taken and flies off, heading right back for Gam's hive, his chest heaving and his hands still covered in bronze blood. He swoops down and runs his hands into the sea water to clean them off a bit as he approaches the shore of the beach. Once back, he runs into the hive and drops to his knees, shaking as he starts putting Gam back together the best he can, seeing he's missing some organs. He hisses to himself as he tries his best using both physical mending tools and his healing voodoos. He continues until his head starts hurting. After a while, Gamzee finishes and frowns, concerned that Gam isn't stirring yet. When he lifts his head to see the mess around, there's another trail of purple and black leading away from Gam and into one of the rooms. He cautiously follows the trail and opens the door, frowning.
Laying there is someone he remembers from visiting the bubbles. Someone he wasn't EVER expecting to see while awake. A horrorterror Gamzee. He sees his leg is severed, yet it doesn't explain just how in the FUCK he was laying unconscious right there in person-- Gamzee glances back over at Gam's body, his ears drooping downward. This...wasn't going to be easy for anyone involved.
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tonitheloftwing · 3 months
Quick Info Post
My name is Toni! My URL used to be jimzfinn. While my blog isn’t 18+ and I won’t post straight up NSFW on here, I might post stuff with adult themes or like, artistic nudity
I use she/they/he pronouns. I’m an aromantic lesbian, and I have a queerplatonic girlfriend who you will see me talk about a lot. My relationship with gender is very complicated but I’m feminine aligned, systemfluid/genderqueer, and consider myself to be detrans.
No kind of trans exclusion is welcome here, or any queer exclusion for that matter. I don’t have the mental energy to debate people but I want everyone to feel safe here regardless of what labels they use.
Current hyperfixations are Punch-Out!! and Itemlabel. Legend Of Zelda, Barenaked Ladies, and the general furry fandom/community are special interests of mine but not current hyperfixations like the first two. Also really into Ken Ashcorp, and the world’s #1 Charles “Chubs” Carrington Meriwether IV stan. Do you remember me The Darkest Minds 2020 tumblr?
Btw! If you see me reblog a post with a tag that says something like “I don’t go here, but”, it means that I’m not in the fandom I’m reblogging the art from, but still love what you’ve made :3 It’s just a way to distinguish for my followers what fandoms I’m in, versus someone making a gorgeous piece of fandom artwork that I’d be silly not to reblog!
Also note that despite my lesbianism I really like pathetic and/or balding middle aged man characters and will gush about them. But they’re like monsters to me. Would I date a werewolf girl if she was real? No, she’d rip me to pieces. But in fiction, I totally would. That’s how bald guys (or I guess guys in general) are to me okay
Finally, while I don’t do DNIs really, please don’t interact with me if you’re gonna be bigoted or try to start identity discourse. And for my own comfort, if I follow you, but we’re not mutuals, and you start posting/reblogging stuff from the Persona series, I will block you for my own comfort.
Here are all my sideblogs:
Stardew Valley (mostly inactive): @slomps-stomp
Formerly a Neal Shusterman sideblog that has been mostly converted to activism & criticizing Neal Shusterman: @arcofacatboy
Legend of Zelda (mostly inactive): @linebeckluvr
Kin: @yourpeepysucksdotorg
System: @dreamcircuitsys
Selfship: (WIP)
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terabyte-teddybear · 2 years
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daria stimboard as a surprise gift for @horrorsequel (sorry no fancy emoji links this time they’re just under the cut)
Daria-opening GIFs - Get the best GIF on GIPHY
Sick-sad-world GIFs - Get the best GIF on GIPHY
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deerlightfulartist · 2 years
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to anyone who sees this, qustion for you! do you tend to get slomp stomp or gem sea whale and for after the ship do you get glowshroom grotto or red hot rollercoaster?
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buttonso · 3 years
WIP Game
WIP GAME: Last Line
Rules: post a line from your wip and tag as many people as words in the line
Thank you for tagging me @runawayface, this may be the kick in the butt I needed to get back to writing, LOL... too bad I have to stop to get dressed for work in a couple minutes but I do have this.
ONE mysterious line from chapter 19 of Breathe With Me!
“I think you better come outside, Doc…” Her voice was clipped and her body rigid with tension as she gestured for Harvey to follow her.
Annnnnd... I definitely do not know that many people. I am going to modify this a bit to include artists as well, so.... if y'all want to share either writing or art in progress ((if not just ignore!!)).. um... how about @blackcoffeewrites63, @purpledemoncat, @voyagerlotus, @lonely-in-the-valley @slomps-stomp
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hilltopfarm · 3 years
Pierre VS Morris Epic Rap Battle of History
FIRST OF ALL. morris would defeat pierre INSTANTLY. hes just got too much power in that department ;)
i forgot what i was going to say for the second point
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Pierre is best boy I'm glad I found someone with a mutual love of him
BUT YES!!!!!!!!!
WE UNITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Julianne equips here feet with gigantic Doctor boots STOMP SLOMP BOIS
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Y’all she’s like a size 6 women’s aka size 4 men’s aka his shoe is almost thrEE TIMES HER SIZE. the boot does not fit
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tonitheloftwing · 3 years
Do you take requests for Stardew fics still?
i do! on @slomps-stomp. i just take a long time to get to them.
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tonitheloftwing · 3 years
The Darkest Minds Characters As What SDV Spouse They'd Marry
(Not posting this to @slomps-stomp because... who would care? But I know my tdm mutuals will. or at least roo. So take this. Also assume the TDM characters are aged up bc SDV spouses are older than them)
Ruby: Is Sam not totally her type? Let me find the Ruby has a type post... Sam fits like, two thirds of these. Ruby would go for Sam.
Liam: I feel like he'd go for Penny!
Clancy: You know what idgaf he can just go off and date Clint
Cole Stewart: Also a Penny boy. I haven't read the books in a while but I feel like their personalities would mesh well. If not Penny, Alex. Because they're both himbos.
Chubs: Oh, Harvey. He meets Harvey and is like "hello??? Funny man with a mustache and glasses??? And he's shy and silly??? Hello I'm in love"
Vida: Abigail all the way. These two collide like two meteors and let off the most chaotic gay energy
Jack: He goes for Shane.
Nico: Pierre. I mean he fell for Clancy so
Samantha: Maru!
Sorry if I left someone important out (except Jude and Zu, who I left out intentionally... they are babies), I haven't read the books in a while ;_;
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