#sloane brodie
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m-heyd · 1 year ago
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"… Cael are you filming? We are watching the last moments of Ash Keeler's life. He lived like a true man warrior, but died like a worm after losing in Monopoly to Rosa Santiago"
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eatsuryaoi · 1 year ago
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Favorite blonde and his hot therian husband 🫶🩷
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gingiesworld · 2 years ago
Elizabeth Olsen other Characters
Jane Banner
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One Shots
I Promised
A Friend
Gerri Fields
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One Shots
Left Unsaid
Would You Touch Me?
Be My First
Therese Raquin
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One Shots
Sun Down
Taylor Sloane
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One Shots
That Was Hot
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jortenthusiasst · 3 months ago
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Dex and Sloane !! Excited for the special edition books from the Kickstarter 😖😖
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wrixie · 1 year ago
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It's my pleasure to announce generation three's bachelorette contestants!
Alejandro Ferrera by @gerbits
Brody Ironheart by @aniraklova
Íris Da Costa by @hauntedtrait
Ricky Del Omo by @comfyinn
Ryan Sloane by @oatberrytea
Taryn McConnell by @simwithlitz
Tate Owens by @foxsimthings
Which of these seven incredible sims will win the heart of our dear Juliana?
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bananaactivity · 2 months ago
My Kickin it AU redesigns... NOW IN FULL COLOR >:D
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Obviously they’re all in a garage band together… obviously look at them… LOOK AT KAI. He obviously plays bass guitar and has a huge collection of guitars in his room. look at him and tell me I’m wrong.
Here are the singles and some AU updates I’ve been toying with ( They are all 17 to 18 here, seniors in high school)
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Kai...my boy... my lad... Leader of the Black Dragons or wtv they're called, though he didnt want to be. His parents are lowkey trash so he had to move in with Jack and Jacks parents in Seaford starting the summer Jack and Milton were at "Swarthmore Academy" and he spent the summer working at an auto shop with Jerry. The Black Dragons weren't on his radar but Jacks's mom wanted him to make friends so she recommended him to maybe try out a dojo in Seaford. He wasn't interested but the Black Dragons basically begged him to join like Rudy did to Jack. He has resigned himself to just causing problems for his cousin tbh. Hater type shit
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Brodes is also my guy. He's definitely an electric guitar player. He is honestly obsessed with Kai, but it's the chill kind. They're best friends and partners in crime so when Kai says jump Brody will do fifteen backflips. hes second best in the Dojo and was the main guy tryna convince Kai to join them. I dunno i feel like he should serve y2k cunt just to distinguish him more from Chase Davenport who gives Chidi Anagonye honestly... Buff nerds lmao. Brodes is a silly guy and very confident in himself bro is NOT Chase okay?
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Yikes... Carson. Uhm he's not my fav if I'm being honest. His wrongdoings in the show were not nearly as iconic as Kai's for me personally. This condiment ahh fit is making me love him tho. Why is bro dressed like a hot dog vendor lmao. So im thinking that while Jack was off doin spy shit he didnt have time to keep in touch with his girl Kim and Kim deserves better highkey. So she breaks up with him and then Carson swoops in again and they have a whole thing while Jack is crying about it. I have a scene in mind of Jack crying to his cousin about it after a dance and Kais just like " I don't care bro get outta my face omfg" and Jack just ignores that and keeps on. Anyhoo Carson is also very confeident but hes lowkey a cheater cheater pumpkin eater ( in karate) so hes over confideint
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Ohhhh the rich boyyyyy... Arther is another fave of mine. Like he was such a crazy asshole omg. I think he and Kai are on the same level of sheer audacity in the show. Not only did Arther cause all his own problems he had the gall to attempt kill a group of innocent people over being thrown in a wall. He wasnt even injured from that so wtf was his problem?? Arty bought himself into the Black Dragons despite his lack of skill because obviously, Ty would take a bribe. His dads dead in my AU so his sister : Geiveine Paullus Charlie-Barret Turner or as he calls her Genie did most the bribing or wtv. At first everyone was pissed but hes a crazy ass dude so he got some respect and he was good friends with everyone before Kai showed up. Hes so out of touch though... he moves from his fancy private school to the public one to be with his freinds and... that causes some crazy issues ngl. he is not a chill dude. You could probably thrift something close to his fit for less then 100 smackaroons but i garentee you just his hair cut alone probably cost 500 from some fancy hair stylist.
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Frank... Frank... Frank... hes same age as everyone now like ive said. hes over Kim atp and he has a secret girlfriend. Its Sloan the secret gf is Sloan. They met while she was hiding from her manager and made it a habit of frequenting places that Frank was and then things jsut happend from there. Imagine the way that Frank treated Kim ,in THE BEST EPISODE OF THE SHOW aka the last appearance of my boy Kai, but its consensual and genuine. Other then that He's mostly the same as the og in personality. A little stupid and silly. he can be nice though... probably the nicest next to Brodes but honestly sometimes Brody can be mockingly nice depending on the day fr.
These boys have been spinning around in my head alongside the Wasabi Crew and I like the current direction the AU is going now. Its chill and feels more Kickin It sitcom-y and less Cobra Kai melodrama-y which i massively prefer. Sorry to my Cobra Kai fanatics i just cant take things seriousy bro, thats probably why Ugly betty and Santa Clarita Diet are my favorite shows... Things can get dramatic but its overall a campy fun time in ways my heart loves
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every-viewaskew-board · 8 months ago
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this blog is very very inspired by @every-block-board . plz go follow!!!!!
... i lied about whatever previous rules i had here, i am just gonna be doing the characters in an order that i think makes sense lol ^^
dont worry if i missed your favs! i will eventually circle back around and do all minor side characters as well :3
check out my view askew shipping carrd here!
master-list under the cut xP
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CLERKS (1994)
Dante Hicks - #1
Randal Graves - #2
Veronica Loughran - #3
Caitlin Bree - #4
Jay - #5
Silent Bob - #6
Willam Black - #7
T.S. Quint - #8
Brodie Bruce - #9
Brandi Svenning - #10
Rene Mosier - #11
Gwen Turner - #12
Jared Svenning - #13
LaFours - #14
Shannon Hamilton - #15
Tricia Jones - #16
Gill Hicks - #17
Alyssa Jones - #18
Holden McNeil - #19
Banky Edwards - #20
Hooper X - #21
Bethany Sloane - #22
Bartleby - #23
Loki - #24
Metatron - #25
Azrael - #26
Nothing here yet...
Nothing here yet...
Nothing here yet...
Nothing here yet...
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Bartleby/Azrael/Loki [request!]
Nothing here yet...
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mdweingartner · 8 days ago
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Quem é aquele MÉDICO INFECTOLOGISTA correndo por ali? Para estar com pressa assim, tenho certeza de que é CHEFE DA INFECTOLOGIA no GREY-SLOAN MEMORIAL. Olhando assim, bem que parece MIK`AEL KRAEMER WEINGARTNER, sabe quem é? Dizem que é bastante SOLICITO e BENEVOLENTE, mas as más línguas dos corredores adoram dizer que é METÓDICO E COMPULSIVO. Enfim, pode ser só fofoca, não é? Igual aquela que contavam sobre se parecer muito com ADAM BRODY. Seja como for, espero que tenha um ótimo plantão!
[TW. intoxicação; violência domestica; distúrbios psicológicos] 
Por todo área da saúde em Seattle, não há quem desconheça o sobrenome Weingartner. A família tradicionalmente judia veio fugida da alemã durante a Segunda Guerra. Tão logo o jovem aspirante a cirurgião Albert se estabeleceu, começou a fazer seu nome e, consequentemente, o de sua familia. Inclusive, por diversos anos, o homem geriu o corpo cirúrgico do hospital até cerca de duas décadas atrás.
“Weingartner? Como Albert W?”
É a pergunta frequente que escuta ao se apresentar. E, sempre que a escuta, não é incomum ver Mickey abaixar a cabeça e assentir positivamente com um sorriso sem jeito, uma vez que odeia pensar que assumiu sua posição baseado em nepotismo… Embora seja um pouco verdade. Apesar do privilégio natural de quem vem que quem vem de uma linhagem de médicos tem, o infectologista teve de se esforçar para alcançar seus objetivos.
Como primeiro filho primeiro neto de alguém como Albert, muito sempre foi esperado de Mikael. Logo na primeira infância, Mickey pareceu desapontar. Por mais doce, simpatico e generoso que fosse, parecia ter dificuldade em alcançar as métricas extravagantes colocadas sobre si. Diferente do que ocorria com Esther, que parecia cumprir sem se preocupar com as expectativas cada uma dos objetivos absurdamente impostos. Mikael não entendia o motivo de se sentir tão atrás sempre e se culpava com constância. Embora estivesse longe de ser um aluno ruim, ele não era, como esperado, o melhor. O que servia como combustível para irritação de seu pai, o anestesista Douglas Kraemer.
…Sim, você deve ter ouvido falar dele tambem. Aquele encontrado em PCR no banheiro do bloco cirúrgico de um hospital.
Douglas era um homem impaciente, intolerante e, em mais vezes do que era saudável de se dizer, violento. As agressões começaram sutis: um beliscão, um tapa na cabeça, um empurrão. E, só começaram a incomodar de fato quando percebeu que não era a única vitima delas. Sua irmã caçula e não muito tempo depois, percebeu que o mesmo acontecia com sua mãe.
A situação familiar conturbada se agravou aos 12, depois que Mickey teve o diagnostico de TDAH. O CID pareceu enfurecer ainda mais Douglas não apenas com o garoto mas, com a vida. O TOC veio aos 14.
A síndrome do pânico aos 15, junto com a ambulância que parou em sua porta após ser gravemente espancado. Sete dias d internamento e uma ordem de restrição.
Albert fez questão de acabar com a reputação do antigo genro por todo o estado. E de acolher sua familia. Em retorno a casa do avô, Mickey finalmente pareceu ter seus diagnósticos compreendidos, assistidos e esse foi um período de melhora importante o que talvez tenha lhe garantido um bom seguimento de carreira.
Yale School of Medicine. Um grande feito para quem antes sentia tanto peso em se concentrar. Yale com honras, exceto pela cena que seu pai fez ao invadir a formatura. Completamente bêbado e sem rumo. Foi a ultima vez que o viu. Não a última que se perguntou o que teria acontecido.
Sempre um bom residente, Mickey teve seu emprego garantido assim que terminou sua especialização. Todavia, um PHD na University Of Edinburgh lhe pareceu uma boa ideia.
Boa ideia. Edimburgo era uma excelente ideia. Assim como Isla a dona da melhor cafeteria de sua rua era. Com ela ele nunca via germes em todos os lugares e sentia-se seguro ao ponto de sequer ter de checar todas as portas e janelas 3 vezes antes de dormir. Ela era demais. Ela dizia que ele era demais. E ele adorava isso. Até ela lhe dizer que ele era demais para ela conseguir tolerar.
Um amor para trás assim como um país. Mik`ael voltou a Seattle recentido de que ele era demais para o amor. E que dificilmente encontraria alguém paciente para lidar com si por toda a vida. Teoria ratificada por todos os relacionamentos que não deram certo ao longo dos anos.
Por outro lado, a vida profissional funcionava bem. Se a revisão milimétrica de eventos e informações era um problema na vida pessoal, na profissional ela era uma vantagem. O Grey Sloan nunca havia tido um setor de doenças infecto-contagiosas tão bem organizado quanto desde que Mickey assumiu sua direção há 3 anos atrás.
Apesar do jeito por vezes meio esquisito, ele ‘é inegavelmente um dos melhores infectologistas do estado. Corretamente medicado e com a terapia quase em dia, hoje aos 40 anos consegue ser bastante dedicado e manter atenção não apenas aos seus pacientes mas aos relatórios e pesquisas do hospital. Manias a parte (e ele tem muitas), é uma ótima companhia e um bom amigo, embora possa literalmente ter um colapso se voce tirar a caneta dele do lugar vezes demais.
Mickey nasceu em Seattle em 22/02;
Tem dois irmãos mais novos, que também atuam no Grey-Sloan porém, em diferentes setores. Patrick trabalha no setor jurídico e Esther trabalha como de cirurgiã cardiaca;
Tem mania de organização e algumas rotinas que fazem sentido apenas na sua cabeça e embora por vezes se sinta culpado sobre elas, hoje consegue manejar de uma maneira muito mais saudável;
Apesar de ser uma pessoa amigável e conseguir manter uma longa conversa com facilidade, aprecia bastante o seu tempo sozinho, sendo o mais introvertido dos irmãos;
Tem certeza que sua Rough Collie, Marie, tem uma cardiopatia não diagnosticada, embora todos os veterinários insistam em dizer que ela é simplesmente ansiosa;
Sabaticamente, Mik`ael corre por uma hora todos os dias, pontualmente as 05:00 mas, se solicitado com jeito reorganiza sua rotina pela companhia;
É extremamente organizado com horários e tem mania de limpeza;
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js-a-writer · 2 years ago
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People I Write For :
Stranger Things
El Hopper (fem, gn, male)
Max Mayfield (fem, gn, male)
Dustin Henderson (fem, gn)
Will Byers (gn, male)
Lucas Sinclaire (fem, gn, male)
Mike Wheeler (fem, gn, male)
Steve Harrington (fem, gn, male)
Nancy Wheeler (fem, gn, male)
Eddie Munson (fem, gn, male)
Robin Buckley (fem, gn)
Billy Hargrove (fem, gn)
Sidney Prescott (fem, gn, male)
Randy Meeks (fem, gn)
Tatem Riley (fem, gn male)
Stu Macher (fem, gn)
Billy Loomis (fem, gn)
Derek Feldman (fem, gn)
Mark Kincaid (fem, gn)
Kirby Reed (fem, gn, male)
Marnie Cooper (fem, gn, male)
Amber Freeman (fem, gn, male)
Chad Meeks-Martin (fem, gn)
Mindy Meeks-Martin (fem, gn)
Wes Hicks (fem, gn)
Tara Carpenter (fem, gn, male)
Sam Carpenter *Loomis* (fem, gn, male)
Liv McKenzie (fem, gn, male)
Anika Kayoko (fem, gn)
Danny Brackett (fem, gn)
Ethan Landry (fem, gn)
Outer Banks
Rafe Cameron (fem, gn)
JJ Maybank (fem, gn)
Pope (fem, gn)
Kiara (fem, gn, male)
Cleo (fem, gn, male)
Carl Gallagher (fem, gn)
Ian Gallagher (fem, gn, male)
Fiona Gallagher (fem, gn, male)
Debbie Gallagher (fem, gn, male)
Liam Gallagher *aged up* (fem, gn)
Tim McGee (fem, gn)
Tony DiNozzo (fem, gn)
Gibbs (fem, gn)
Jimmy Palmer (fem, gn)
Abby Scuito (fem, gn, male)
Ziva David (fem, gn, male)
Caitlin Todd (fem, gn, male)
Greenhouse Academy
Haley Woods (fem, gn, male)
Leo Cruz (fem, gn)
Alex Woods (fem, gn)
Brooke Osmand (fem, gn, male)
Max Miller (fem, gn)
Sophia Cardona (fem, gn, male)
Daniel Hayward (fem, gn)
Parker Grant (fem, gn)
Jackie Sanders (fem, gn, male)
Ryan Woods *young* (fem, gn, male)
Fuller House
Stephanie Tanner (fem, gn, male)
Jesse Katsopolis *young and old* (fem, gn)
Ramona Gibbler (fem, gn, male)
Max Fuller *aged up* (fem, gn)
Steve Hale *young and old* (fem, gn)
Jackson Fuller (fem, gn)
Jimmy Gibbler (fem, gn)
Matt Harmon (fem, gn)
Ethan (fem, gn)
Ginny and Georgia
Ginny Miller (fem, gn, male)
Abby (fem, gn, male)
Marcus Baker (fem, gn)
Georgia Miller *young and old*(fem, gn, male)
Maxine Baker (fem, gn)
Zion Miller *young and old* (fem, gn)
Paul Randolph (fem, gn)
Brodie (fem, gn, male)
Norah (gn, male)
Padma (gn, male)
Matt Press (fem, gn)
Joe (fem, gn)
Jordan (fem, gn)
Charlie Spring (gn, male)
Nick Nelson (fem, gn, male)
Elle Argent (fem, gn, male)
Darcy Olsson (fem, gn)
Tara Jones (fem, gn)
Tao Xu (fem, gn)
Anne with an E
Gilbert Blythe (fem, gn)
Anne Shirley-Cuthbert (fem, gn, male)
Diana Barry (gn, male)
Jerry Baynard (fem, gn)
Cole Mackenzie (fem, gn, male)
Sebastian Lacroix (fem, gn)
Billy Andrews (fem, gn)
Charlie Sloane (fem, gn)
Nate (fem, gn)
Prissy Andrews (fem, gn, male)
To All the Boys I've Loved Before
John Ambrose (fem, gn)
Josh (fem, gn)
Peter Kavinsky (fem, gn)
Lucas (gn, male)
Gen (fem, gn, male)
Chris *Christine* (fem, gn, male)
Julie and the Phantoms
Julie (fem, gn, male)
Luke Patterson (fem, gn)
Alex (gn, male)
Reggie (fem, gn)
Nick (fem, gn)
Flynn (fem, gn, male)
Willie (gn, male)
IT (Chapter 1 + 2)
Stanley Uris (fem, gn, male)
Richie Tozier (fem, gn, male)
Eddie Kaspbrak (fem, gn, male)
Beverly Marsh (fem, gn, male)
Ben Hanscom (fem, gn)
Mike Hanlon (fem, gn)
Bill Denbrough (fem, gn, male)
Henry Bowers (fem, gn)
Belch Huggins *Reggie* (fem, gn)
Patrick Hockstetter (fem, gn)
Victor Criss (fem, gn)
I Am Not Okay With This
Sydney Novak (fem, gn, male)
Stanley Barber (fem, gn, male)
Enola Holmes
Enola Holmes (fem, gn, male)
Tewksbury (fem, gn)
Sherlock Holmes (fem, gn)
The Kissing Booth
Noah Flynn (fem, gn)
Lee Flynn (fem, gn)
Marco Peña (fem, gn)
The Imperfects
Tilda Webber (fem, gn, male)
Abbi Singh (fem, gn, male)
Juan Ruiz (fem, gn)
Sydney Burke (fem, gn, male)
P.J. (fem, gn)
Malibu Rescue
Tyler (fem, gn)
Dylan (fem, gn, male)
Lizzy (fem, gn, male)
Gina (fem, gn, male)
Eric (fem, gn)
The Package
Sean Floyd (fem, gn, male)
Sarah (fem, gn, male)
Becky Abelar (fem, gn, male)
Purple Hearts
Cassie Salazar (fem, gn, male)
Luke Morrow (fem, gn)
Frankie (fem, gn)
Armando (fem, gn)
Riley (fem, gn, male)
Wednesday Adams (fem, gn, male)
Xavier Thorpe (fem, gn)
Enid Sinclair (fem, gn, male)
Tyler Galpin (fem, gn)
Rowan Laslow (fem, gn, male)
Lucas Walker (fem, gn)
Ajax Petropolus (fem, gn)
Heartbreak High
Spencer White *Spider* (fem, gn)
Anthony Vaughn *Ant* (fem, gn, male)
Darren Rivers (gn, male)
Amerie Wadia (gn, male)
Quinn Gallagher-Jones *Quinni* (fem, gn)
Dustin Reid *Dusty* (fem, gn)
Harper McLean (fem, gn, male)
Douglas Piggott *Ca$h* (fem, gn, male)
Malakai Mitchell (fem, gn, male)
Hype House (All time)
Vinnie Hacker (fem, gn)
Taylor Holder (fem, gn)
Jack Wright (fem, gn, male)
Barron Sho (fem, gn)
Ryland (fem, gn)
Harry Potter
Hermione Granger (fem, gn, male)
Harry Potter (fem, gn)
Ron Weasley (fem, gn)
George Weasley (fem, gn)
Fred Weasley (fem, gn)
Bill Weasley (fem, gn)
Charlie Weasley (fem, gn)
Percy Weasley (fem, gn)
Ginny Weasley (fem, gn, male)
Mattheo Riddle (fem, gn)
Theodore Nott (fem, gn)
Dean Thomas (fem, gn)
Lee Jordan ( fem, gn, male)
Seamas Finnigan (fem, gn, male)
Pansy Parkinson (fem, gn, male)
Lorenzo Berkshire (fem, gn)
Tom Riddle *not Voldemort* (fem, gn)
Blaise Zabini (fem, gn)
Luna Lovegood (fem, gn, male)
Regulus Black *young* (fem, gn, male)
Sirius Black *young* (fem, gn, male)
Remus Lupin *young* (fem, gn, male)
James Potter *young* (fem, gn, male)
Lily Potter *young* (fem, gn, male)
Nymphadora Tonks (fem, gn, male)
Narcissa Malfoy *young and old* (fem, gn, male)
Fantastic Beasts
Newt Scammander (fem, gn)
Queenie Goldstein (fem, gn, male)
Credence Barebone (fem, gn, male)
Theseus Scammander (fem, gn)
The Black Phone
Vance Hopper (fem, gn)
Finney Blake (fem, gn)
Gwenny Blake *aged up* (fem, gn, male)
Robin Arellano (fem, gn)
Bruce Yamada (fem, gn)
Billy Showalter (fem, gn)
10 Things I Hate About You
Kat Stratford (fem, gn, male)
Cameron James (fem, gn)
Bianca Stratford (fem, gn, male)
Patrick Verona (fem, gn)
Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children
Jacob Portman (fem, gn, male)
Emma Bloom (fem, gn, male)
Alma Peregrine (fem, gn, male)
Enoch O'Connor (fem, gn)
Victor Bruntley *alive* (fem, gn)
Olive Abroholos Elephanta (fem, gn, male)
Millard Nullings (fem, gn, male)
Horace (fem, gn male)
Fiona *aged up* (fem, gn, male)
Bronwyn Bruntley *aged up* (fem, gn, male)
Hugh (fem, gn, male)
Rose Dewitt Bukater (fem, gn, male)
Jack Dawson (fem, gn, male)
A Quiet Place
Marcus (fem, gn, male)
Evelyn (fem, gn, male)
Regan (fem, gn, male)
Lee (fem, gn)
The Office
Jim Halpert (fem, gn)
Dwight Shrute (fem, gn, male)
Pam Beesley (fem, gn, male)
Five Feet Apart
Stella (fem, gn, male)
Poe Ramirez (gn, male)
Will (fem, gn)
That I don't already have as characters (cuz I write for the character and the actor)
Nils Kuesel (fem, gn, male)
Jack Harlow (fem, gn)
Dua Lipa (fem, gn, male)
Olivia Rodrigo (fem, gn, male)
Jenna Ortega (fem, gn, male)
Dove Cameron (fem, gn, male)
Benjamin Wadsworth (fem, gn)
Girl Meets World
Farkle Minkus (fem, gn, male)
Riley Matthews (fem, gn, male)
Maya Hart (fem, gn, male)
Lucas Friar (fem, gn)
Isaiah Babineaux (fem, gn)
Isadora Smackle (fem, gn, male)
Auggie Matthews *aged up* (fem, gn)
Josh Matthews (fem, gn)
Boy Meets World
Shawn Hunter (fem, gn)
Eric Matthews (fem, gn, male)
Cory Matthews (fem, gn)
Topanga Lawrance (fem, gn, male)
Jack (fem, gn, male)
The Notebook
The Breakfast Club
Ken (fem, gn)
Barbie (fem, gn, male)
She's the Man
Duke Orsino (fem, gn)
Hazbin Hotel
Alastor (fem, gn, male)
Angel Dust (fem, gn, male)
Husk (fem, gn, male)
Adam (fem, gn, male)
Lucifer (fem, gn, male)
Lilith (fem, gn, male)
Sir Pentious (fem, gn, male)
2 Broke Girls
Max (fem, gn, male)
Caroline (gn, male)
Johnny (fem, gn)
Oleg (fem, gn)
Benedict (fem, gn, male)
Anthony (fem, gn)
Daphne (gn, male)
Eloise (fem, gn, male)
Fran (fem, gn, male)
Madame Delacroix (fem, gn, male)
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How to Request :
Make sure to state what you would like in the imagine/story and what genre (?) Like angst, fluff, smut (sometimes). Also what character or person you would want in the imagine. 🙃
I write for all of these characters and their actors and if you have someone else you would want me to write for be sure to put that in your request these are just the characters I could think of off the top of my head
P.S. I also do some ship imagines like Nick x Charlie (heartstopper), etc. So if you want ship imagines be sure to send them in and I will try and get to them.
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chaosandcrimson · 3 months ago
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Odessa Brody: Character Inspirations
Sloan Sabbith from The Newsroom Taylor Kelly from 9-1-1 Circe from EPIC The Musical
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m-heyd · 2 months ago
I beg you, don't take it seriously! This is just a silly video!
I'm not the artist of these drawings! I created the video!
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rewritethisstxry · 2 years ago
Hello and welcome to my mixed mosh little corner of tumblr. Here I write for a variety of fandoms and characters. Primarily will be featuring drabbles with the occasional longer piece. Headcanons will feature from time to time.
At the time I do NOT consent for my work to be translated or posted anywhere else.
Below you will find some more information on who and what I write.
MINORS DNI. Due to the nature of potential content, only 18 and older are allowed.
Characters || Rules || Masterlist || Slasher/horror writing blog : @slxsherwriter
What I will write:
Platonic relationships
Alpha/Omega dynamics
What I won’t write:
Rape, rape play, non con
Real person fic
Marvel: Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Alexei Shostakov, Peter Parker, Victor Creed, Deacon Frost, Peter Quinn, Frank Castle, Matt Murdock, Foggy Nelson, Bruce Banner, Brock Rumlow, Nathan Summers, Eddie Brock, Cletus Kasady, Otto Octavius
DC Universe: Bruce Wayne, Harvey Bullock, Jim Gordon, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Jonathan Crane, Clark Kent, Arthur Curry
Stranger Things: James Hopper, Steve Harrington, Jonathan Byers
Stargate Atlantis: Rodney McKay, John Sheppard, Ronan Dex, Carson Beckett
Sons of Anarchy: Jackson “Jax” Teller, Harry “Opie” Winston, Filip “Chibs” Telford, Juan Carlos “Juice” Ortiz, Lincoln Potter, Galen O'Shay
The Walking Dead: Rick Grimes, Shane Walsh, Negan Smith
What We Do in the Shadows: Nandor the Relentless, Guillermo de la Cruz, Laszlo Cravensworth
Resident Evil: Karl Heisenberg, Albert Wesker, Chris Redfield
Ted Lasso: Ted Lasso, Coach Beard, Jamie Tartt, Roy Kent
Good Omens: Gabriel, Aziraphale, Crowley
Video Games: Connor RK800, CaptainJonathan Price, Simon Ghost Riley, Sniper
Movies: Finn Brody (Godzilla), Raleigh Becket (Pacific Rim), Terry Malone (Black and Blue), Abe Guevara (Point Blank), Bobby O’Neill (The Hitman’s Wife’s Bodyguard), Guy Clifton (The Crash), Roy Pulver (Boss Level), Sloan (Into the Ashes) Braxton Wolff (The Accountant), Ethan Sawyer (Those Who Wish Me Dead), Bradley James (Grudge Match), Sam Rossi (Sweet Virginia), Mr. McCarthy (Me, Earl, and the Dying Girl), Grady Travis (Fury), Griff (Baby Driver), Adam Frawley (The Town), Buddy (Baby Driver), Clyde Brenek (The Posession), Patrick Sullivan (The Accidental Husband), Harvey Russell (Rampage), Jude Fisher (Peace, Love, and Misunderstanding), Luke Vaughn (Heist), Franklin Clay (The Losers), Max (The Resident), Nicomund the Red/Santa Claus (Violent Night), Doug Dennison (Sleepless), Frank Masters (The Equalizer), Hellboy (2019), Alex Baldr (Max Payne), Matt Graver (Sicario), Douglas Hunsiker (The Rise of the Planet of the Apes), Steve Emmett (Boa vs Python), Joe Braven (Braven), Lee Christmas (The Expendables), Deckard Shaw (Fast & Furious)
Musicals: Jack Kelly (Newsies), Dewey Finn (School of Rock), Hades (Hadestown)
Tv shows: Ike Evans (Magic City), Jason Crouse (The Good Wife), John Winchester (Supernatural), Mason Baldwin (Elementary), Colton Fisk (The Equalizer), Kevin Tidwell (Life), Declan Murphy (Law & Order: SVU), Eugene McGillicutty (Royal Pains), Chuck Martin (ER), Dickie Flood (Th Practice), Malcolm Bright (Prodigal Son)
Tolkien: Boromir, Faramir, Eomer
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artisticlegshake · 2 years ago
1st Sylvie Win Szyndlar - CLUB JP!
2nd Aspen Brandt - CLUB JP!
3rd Hallee Anderson - LARKIN JP!
3rd Karsyn Brewer - CLUB JP!
3rd Abbey Scott - CLUB JP!
4th Goldie Nielsen - CLUB JP!
5th Matinly Conrad - LARKIN JP!
5th Jade Glyzinski - LARKIN JP!
5th Brody Schaffer - DANCEOLOGY JP!
6th Remington Frye - CSPAS JP!
6th Emma Kleve - CLUB JP!
7th Eastyn Rose - CLUB JP!
7th Charlotte Tracy - LARKIN JP!
7th Maddie Kulenkamp - LARKIN JP!
8th Georgia Hosack - EXPRESSENZ JP!
8th Stella Ames - LARKIN JP!
8th Jayda Cook - CSPAS JP!
9th Ava Fraser - LARKIN JP!
9th Penny Harris - DANCEOLOGY JP!
9th Sloan Ozuna - CSPAS JP!
9th Emersyn Varker - CLUB JP!
9th Hazel Ecklin - LARKIN JP!
9th Mabel Wilde - CSPAS JP!
10th Hazel Silverman - CLUB
10th Norah Hurley - ELITE FEET
10th Isla Rose Parcell - CSPAS
10th Olive Pollock - BOBBIE’S
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madhare0512 · 2 years ago
Ships I Write For:
- Marvel
The Scientists and the Spies (Leopold Fitz/Jemma Simmons/Clint Barton/Natasha Romanoff)
Lance Hunter/Leopold Fitz
Daisy Johnson/Piper
Daisy Johnson/Piper/Lincoln Campbell
Melinda May/Phil Coulson
Mack Mackenzis/Elena "Yo-Yo" Rodriguez
Foggy Nelson/Matt Murdock
Wilson Fisk/James Wesley
Luke Cage/Danny Rand
Danny Rand/Spiderman (Ultimate Spiderman only)
Armando Muñoz/Alex Summer
Danielle Moonstar/Rayne Sinclair/Illyana Rasputin/Sam Guthrie/Roberto de Costa
Carol Danvers/Maria
Bucky Barnes/Sam Wilson
Kate Bishop/Yelena Belova
- DC
Malcolm West | Herald/Joey Wilson | Jericho (Teen Titans only)
Rachel Roth | Raven/Garfield Logan | Beast Boy
Bruce Wayne/Selina Kyle
Harley Quinn/Poison Ivy
Tony DiNozzo/Jimmy Palmer
Tony DiNozzo/Nick Torres/Jimmy Palmer
Nick Torres/Jimmy Palmer
Sam Hanna/G Callen
G Callen/Eric Beale
Kensi Blye/Marty Deeks
Poly!Agents (Callen/Sam/Kensi/Deeks/Eric/Nell)
Gibbs/Jack Sloan
Jessai (Jesse Boone/Kai Holman)
- Criminal Minds
Micphet (Prophet/Mick Rawson)
Sam Cooper/Prophet/Mick Rawson
- Harry Potter
Jacob Kowalski/Newt Scamander
Fred Weasley/Harry Potter/George Weasley
Ron Weasley/Harry Potter
Hermione Granger/Harry Potter
- Maze Runner
- Doctor Who
Rose/Nine/Jack Harkness
- Supernatural
- Star Wars
- Star Trek
- Merlin
- Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children
- Lord of the Rings/Hobbit
Frodo Baggins/Samwise Gamgee
Meriadoc Brandybuck/Peregrin Took
- Dark Matter
- Power Rangers (full list in the pr blog)
Jake Holling/Noah Carver
Brody Romero/Preston Tien
Hayley Foster/Calvin Maxwell
Tyler Navarro/Riley Griffen
Jayden Shiba/Antonio Garcia
Devon Daniels/Ravi Shaw/Zoey Reeves/Nate Silva
Devon Daniels/Nate Silva
Casey Rhodes/RJ
Vida Rocca/Xander Blye/Chip Thorn
Nick Russell/Chip Thorn
Jack Landors/Syd Drew/Sky Tate/Z Delgado/Bridge Carson
Jack Landors/Bridge Carson
Will Aston/Mackenzie Hartford
Ronny Robinson/Rose Ortiz
Scott Truman/Summer Landsdown/Dillon/Fynn McAllistair/Ziggy Grover
Dillon/Ziggy Grover
Scott Truman/Flynn McAllistair
Shane Clarke/Dustin Brooks
Zayto/Ollie Akana
Zayto/Ollie Akana/Javi Garcia
- Hawai'i Five-0
Max Bergman/Jerry Ortega
- Shadowhunters
Alec Lightwood/Simon Lewis
Jace Herondale/Clary Fray/Simon Lewis
Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood/Simon Lewis
- Umbrella Academy
Dave/Klaus Hargreeves
Eudora Patch/Diego Hargreeves
- Flashpoint
Julianna Callaghan/Sam Braddock
Lewis Young/Spike Scarlatti
Sam Braddock/Spike Scarlatti
- Teen Wolf
Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski
- Grimm
Monroe/Rosalee Calvert/Nick Burkhardt
Roddy Geiger/Carter Brimey
- White Collar
Peter Burke/Neal Caffrey
Horatio Caine/Eric Delko
Calleigh/Ryan Wolfe/Natalia
- 9-1-1/Lone Star
- One Chicago
Kelly Severide/Matthew Casey
Greg "Mouse" Gerwitz/Jay Halstead
Will Halstead/Connor Rhodes
Will Halstead/Natalie Manning/Connor Rhodes
Will Halstead/Justin Lieu/Connor Rhodes
Antonio/Peter Stone
- Mission Impossible
- Sherlock
Greg Lestrade/Mycroft Holmes
- House
- Ghost Whisperer
- Baby Driver
- Bull
- Julie and the Phantoms
Leo/Usagi (2003 only)
Leo/Karai (2003 only)
Raph/Casey Jones
Don/Usagi (2003 only)
Mikey/Mondo Gecko
Splinter/Tang Shen (2012 only)
I do not write incest of any kind, I do not write abuse unless by my own ideas, I do not write manipulation unless by my own ideas
If you have a question about a ship you don't see up here and want me to write, you're welcome to DM/IM me.
Thank you!
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Closed the nomination form! I made a list with all nominations by category! I'll accept suggestions of stuff to move around (change a character from minor to one of the other lists, but not the other way around cause the minor list is long enough). The Main Character list is a bit awkward with 18 characters, but I'm not really willing to move any away from it even if people might disagree? Unless I see a very strong argument.
the only nominations that didn't get in were the artifacts, since people voted for those to have their own poll later on!
So here's the 3 lists I have under the cut!
Main Characters 
Jonathan Sims
Martin Blackwood
Timothy Stoker
Sasha James
Basira Hussain
Daisy Tanner
Melanie King
Georgie Barker
Elias Bouchard
Jane Prentiss
The Distortion
Nikola Orsinov
Peter Lukas
Gertrude Robinson
Jonah Magnus
Gerry Keay
Annabelle Cane
Minor Characters with Major Impact 
Michael Shelley
Adelard Decker
Michael Crew
Oliver Banks
Jude Perry
Simon Fairchild
Robert Smirke
Mikaele Salesa
Agnes Montague
Simon Fairchild
Jurgen Leitner
Julia Montauk
Trevor Herbert
Mikaele Salesa
Breekon and Hope
Mary Keay
Minor Character
Joshua Gillespie (MAG 002)
The Admiral (Georgie’s Cat)
Major Tom (MAG 016)
Helen Richardson (MAG 047) 
Karolina Gorka  (MAG 071)
Graham Folger (MAG: 003)
Alexander Scaplehorn (MAG 054)
Jordan Kennedy (MAG 055)
Hezekiah Wakely (152)
The Piper (MAG 007)
Gabriel/Worker of Clay (MAG 126)
John Amherst (Corruption Avatar)
Naomi Herne (MAG 013)
Amy Patel (MAG 003)
Werewolf/Hunt Avatar (MAG 031)
Alfred Breekon (MAG 096)
Alexia Crawley (MAG 110)
Emma Harvey (MAG 167)
Elias Bouchard (original)
Evan Lukas (MAG 013)
Laverne (MAG 136)
Callum McKenzie (MAG 125)
John Haan (MAG 072)
Tom Haan (MAG 030)
Jonathan Fanshawe (MAG 127)
Fiona Law (MAG 167)
Spider on the wall (MAG 038)
Leto (MAG 184)
Nathan Watts (MAG: 001)
Sebastian Skinner (MAG 087)
Carlita Sloane (MAG 033)
Erika Mustermann (MAG 034)
Jan Novak (MAG 034)
Piotr Petrov (MAG 034)
Pavel Petrov (MAG 034)
Fulan Al-Fulani (MAG 034)
Juan Pérez (MAG 034)
Jane/John Doe (MAG 034)
Lee Kipple (MAG 042)
Robin Lennox (MAG 100)
“John Smith” (MAG 100)
Celia/Lynne Hammond (MAG 100)
Brian Finlinson (MAG 100)
Carlos Vittery (MAG 016)
Francis (MAG 172)
Wilfred Owen (MAG 007)
Father Edwin Burroughs (MAG 019)
Maxwell Rayner (MAG 002)
Rat from the Bone Turner’s Tale (MAG 017)
Sergey Ushanka (MAG 065)
Angela (MAG 014)
The Anglerfish (MAG 001)
Jan Killbride (MAG 106)
Natalie Ennis (MAG 025)
Alfred Grifter (MAG 042)
Benoît Maçon (MAG 102)
Dr Lionel Elliot (MAG 034)
Rosie Zampano (MAG 192)
Manuela Dominguez (MAG 135)
Petite Scarabée/Little Beetle (MAG 102)
Sarah Baldwin (MAG 001)
Agape (MAG 153)
Monster Pig (MAG 103)
Callum Brodie (MAG 173)
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bananaactivity · 3 months ago
Update if I spelt something wrong it could have changed the whole post I just sent you 😭 Bree would be 17 and Jessie would be 18 I think i accidentally typed 19 (if I didn't this is embarrassing)
Yah that is embarrassing lmao,
I’ll answer your og ask with some art when I have some time to draw but rn I’m thinking about my otp crack ship (KARCUS my beloved)
I think it’s funny to ship characters together that are similar stereotypes.
One I was just thinking about today was Kirby Buckets and Fletcher Quimby (from Ant Farm) but like a platonic friendship….
They’re both artists but there also both dumbasses, I think it be hilarious if Kirby was drawing some dumb shit and shows Fletcher to like… art kid flex on him but Fletcher shows him a life sized statue he sculpted of Chyna as well as a oil panting of Olive that looks like a renaissance painting while Kirby is gagged.
(Kirby and Fletcher were my idols back when I was younger I loved seeing characters who were known as the “artist kid” I felt so seen lmao. I hated Kirby’s art style a little but he was still my idol lol)
I wish the LR writers gave Bree as much of personality as Jesse got :( I love Jesse sm. That’s the only reason I had to think before considering this ship. But Bree would think Jesse is a badass as well as being happy to talk to other girls. Jesse would probably push Bree to follow her dreams of exploring the world.
They would both complain about Bob and Luke too ngl. Also complaining about past relationships with boys. I feel like Jessie would like Chase way more then Bree would like her to ( They’re both straight A smarty pants and Chase is strict) and shed call Adam a hunk which would also kinda irk Bree.
That’s her brother EWWW, but we all know if she got a peek at Tony she’d be falling all over bro. Leo would probably joke around with her a lot and then start tweaking cause all the Ross kids won’t leave him alone about his bionics.
Mr Davenport probably already knows the Ross’ ( I heard all rich people know each other or something) that’s probably how Jesse and Bree would meet. Davenport invites The Ross’ to a dinner and they bring their kids and nanny and suggest that the bionic three get invited because their kids want to meet them. Leo comes because he’ll be damned if he gets left out only to regret it because he’s less popular and well known so by extension the other kids feel more comfy bothering the shit out of him.
(Personally it’s hard for me to imagine romantic relationships, it’s so rude of myself to not get them as much as I’d like but they’d probably have fun going to see boy bands and shopping together. I struggled to write the fic for Kai Brewer and Marcus Davenport (karcus) and even then they aren’t romantic, they are assholes)
LOL that means that Remix ( mighty med) and Bailey ( suite life on deck) and Jesse ( Jesse lol) all exist in the same universe… LMFAOOOOOO THIS ALWAYS HAPPENS.
If Kickin it and Labrats exist that means Ryker and Carson and Brody and Chase, Bree and Sloane, Jack and Troy all exist together too… that was a hard one to wrap my head around and nobody even knows who half those people are because Kickin it underused characters so bad.
They seem like they’d be good friends and a good crackship too, I’ll draw um later but someone else needs to write the 20 chapter fic with the background I added cause I’m still struggling on updating the last 10 of my Karcus fic while also rewriting it to fit my new writing style… anyone sees this feel free to steal and write that crack fic
Thanks for reading my yap sesh lol
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