#slightly trippy
trippygalaxy · 5 months
Is a little over a month my blog is gonna be 4 years old *sweats*
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artemistorm · 10 months
Heya ! I just been wandering who's your favorite (if you have one) Link in the chain ?
Those are my three best boys. Hyrule & Wild is my favorite duo and Sky and Wild is my second favorite duo. (I've never read or written Hyrule and Sky together but they'd probably be cool too.) All three together is my favorite trio, but I've only ever read one fic that has them as a trio.
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you know, a little while ago a... aquaintance? almost-friend-but-we're-not-that-close? invited me to their birthday and i was in a very sleep-deprivation zero-social-battery low-spoons caffeine-zombie kinda mood (tho it was fun in the end) and i excused myself to the bathroom. like, mostly to get away for a few minutes. get my shit together. ended up scrolling through one (1) page of my dash bc tumblr seems to be good for Brain Soup and i calmed down enough to like. be able to talk to a human.
but apparently i was gone long enough that said aquaintance and their friend made a bet whether i was doing drugs. and me, eyes slightly too wide bc i need to appear awake and if i close them ill just fall asleep immediately, slouching about like a zombie, running on one glass of coke, apparently did not solve that question by coming back. like, they looked at me and couldn't tell if i was totally zonked out.
which, i wasn't. idek where to get drugs (tho they're apparently kinda wide-spread in my town, yikes) if i wanted to, and i am purposely keeping faaar away from anything addictive. but. yeah okay sleep-deprivation is one hell of a drug. it was kinda funny especially in hindsight. but also. damn. do i really look that bad. do i look like that every other day in school, like i'm on a trip? damn.
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foodsies4me · 1 year
Swallowed up chapter 6
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ace-and-ranty · 2 years
And are the Tumblr people who believed the infinite chocolate hack here in the room with us?
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andreeds · 2 years
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how my week's been
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dragontammerz · 2 months
Hello,, Please I want your support to my family survive the war in Gaza 🥺🙏🏻
The situation is very bad here, food shortages, malnutrition, unclean water, and the spread of diseases 💔😔
You can help by donating, or reblog , please do not hesitate to help me 🙏🏻
The most I’m able to do is answer the ask to help get it out there further
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cringefailfagcat · 8 months
i fucking hate this shit this is such bs
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Skeletal space mission
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cookie-crumblr · 4 months
Chubby F! Housewife Reader X M!Yandere Streamer OC Jasper
Part 2!
Next part
Part 1 Here!
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CW: F!reader, reader referred to as she/her, reader has a vagina, reader in a dress and bra(so has breast, dw not described! :3) noncon implications, violence against reader (not by ML), STILL NO SMUT!? WHO AM I ?? XD luv y’all have fun!
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*Smack!* *Thwack!* *Smack!*
“Don’t slip up now!” You giggle slightly out of breath already.
“Hah! Speak for yourself, be careful not to trip!” Jasper retorts.
*THWACK!* You hit another tennis ball this time with all the oomf you can muster.
His indoor tennis court is in its own area of the house, the floor and walls are a black and white spiral that add to the trippy illusion of his entire home.
You’re both opposing a machine that is spitting out balls at you at the speed of fucking light. You haven’t done anything like this since highschool maybe, but for the most part you’ve kept up perfectly!
He’s impressed. Not to mention he keeps almost missing hits because of your dress barely covering you, and your jumping and moving around exposing more and more of yourself. He can’t help but get a little distracted.
He gets a little closer to the middle at the same time that you dove for the ball and miss, and you start falling. You see the strange floor coming closer and hold your arms out to try and catch yourself, until it stops suddenly and you’re hanging there in the air.
He caught you in his arm, and threw away his racket to support you with his other.
He presses a button on his keyring, stopping the onslaught of balls, as you stare up at him, a growing warmth spreads across your face.
You’re both out of breath and bust out laughing now.
“Thanks! That was fun, really got my mind off… Stuff hah!” you say and look away while getting your barings back.
“you’re always welcome here. can i see your phone?” He asks while fixing his shirt. You hand it over, you had it in your bra, and pull it out without much thought, and when you turn back his pale face is red. “Ahem, uh just text when you wanna come over and give me a minute, i’ll most likely be ‘round” he coughs.
“Thanks so much Jasper! I really appreciate this!” excitedly, you thank him again.
“Where the fuck were you!?” Edward sprays spit as he fumes and interrogates you.
“I went for a walk…” You answer, and before you can say more he continues to barrage you.
“At this time of night!? are you fucking stupid?”
“No! I was just chilly on the deck, so i-”
“Why not just come back inside? Gods why did i marry a brainless fucking imbecile,”
“Sorry…” You try to end the argument, maybe if you just apologized you can get out of it.
“Prove it.”
Your brows knit, “Wh-what?”
“Prove. It. Are you that fucking stupid? on your knees.”
you swallow and get down, turning your head away from him, even though you know in your sickly feeling bones what’s coming.
“Look at me.”
Fuck… Don’t. regardless of you’re marriage, you hate that you’re turned on in this circumstance.
“Look. At. Me, Darling~” he fumes.
Begrudgingly, you look up, and give him your best smile, feeling like the sludge building up in your veins will spill out any second.
You love Edward… Yes.
He punched you that night, you don’t even remember why. Now you have to try and hide your black eye before the employees see. or anyone else for that matter. You didn’t sleep after that either… You were just dissociating and going in and out of waking night terrors that felt so real, as if all night he was tormenting you, while really, he simply slept next to you.
“Jasper, can I come ove—” you erase the text message almost as soon as you typed it. You probably shouldn’t even go outside in the sunlight with this shiner.
“Hey Y/N! hope you’re alright, what’s been up?” Jasper sends you a text that you don’t reply to… You don’t feel like it. Who even is he? just your neighbor that kinda flirts with you even though you’re married.
“Homewrecker!” You surprise yourself, and cover your mouth. Ops… You haven’t really spoken to anyone in at least a day.
You wait a few more days when at least the swelling is all down and the colour is almost a skin tone again, at least it isn’t purple anymore.
“Howdy Jasper! sorry i went on a mini vacation! what have you been up to?” You lie. You haven’t even left the sunroom except for the bathroom. Hopfully he just didn’t notice that you didn’t actually leave to go anywhere…
He did. He knows you’re lying too. You think he couldn’t see you through all those windows? Just because you have sheer curtains and we’re surrounded by big plants. He watched you.
He edged himself to you. Never letting himself actually cum.
He didn’t see your eye, but he knows something had to have happened, he just doesn’t know what.
Before he can reply you send another, “Actually can I just come over?” You decide to risk it. The makeup you ordered, and that came in yesterday, should cover the rest of it at this point at least.
Maybe you were a bit dramatic… All he did— No. We’re not going down any of those roads.
“Yes, I just cleaned up actually :)”
“Scared of me seeing your place a little messy?”
“Would you blame me?” You weren’t expecting that answer. You don’t know what you expected, but that answer just wasn’t on the list.
You hop over to hedges between your yards and don’t even look back as you pass through the gate. It latches behind you.
He answers the door as soon as you ring the bell, he must’ve been waiting right there! The thought makes your heart flutter.
“Hey Jasper!” You try to keep your eye out of direct sunlight until he lets you inside, and you feel like you can breathe again.
“Howdy neighbor! What’ll ya have to drink t’day?” He asks going to his retro looking fridge.
“I want what you’re having!” You pout a little, and he chuckles in response.
“You’re so cute,” he reaches into a drawer and pulls out two silver and pale blue cans.
While he’s reaching you notice something that looks like a splotch of blood on his side. You gasp, “Jasper! are you okay??”
“What? Why? ‘m fine?”
You rush over to him and point to the blood, you almost grabbed at his shirt to look for any injury, but managed to stop yourself, he’s still a stranger… kinda.
“Oh shit! jus’ a Second” he runs off presumably to change, so you sit at the bar, and admire his interesting design style.
i when he finally returns he’s in a black, even more ripped up shirt, that’s covered in safety pins, and has some metal looking band logo.
“Sorry, I don’t know where that came from” he laughs nervously.
You laugh, a brow raised in unspoken question, but move on, “So what’s on the agenda for today?”
“I have a pool—”
“No! Thank you, ahah, um sorry no thanks,” You apologize profusely for your outburst.
“You don’t gotta apologize, no pool, gotit,” he holds up a thumb and smirks with his head tilted, his black hair falls at an angle covering even more of his face. His teeth poke out like fangs over his pulled up lip.
Your face feels hot, “Okay, sorry,”
He lightly laughs, “I have a few gaming setups, and a PlayStation”
“Okay! I don’t really know any games you’ll have to teach me! is that okay?”
His grin widens, almost too excitedly, but you’re excited too, so you think nothing of it.
He picks a shooter first, you can’t even keep your head in a forward position, you keep aiming either up in the air or down at your feet. Before you start to actually get frustrated, Jasper scoots closer on the couch, and puts his hand over yours on the controller.
His thumb gently guides yours up and foreword, his body brushes up next to you.
You feel hotter in this proximity, and his hand is warmer than the other night, but still chilled. His long, slim fingers are pale with black nails and a few silver rings.
You feel his breath in your hair and turn your head, accidentally putting your lips right in front of his, you both look speedily at each others, and then up into each other’s eyes.
Pale, icy cold blue orbs stare deeply into you. He licks his lip.
You stand up too quickly and get slight vertigo, “S-sorry! I forgot I had some-things to do today! Um, Groceries! yes. ahem. bye!”
“Y/N.” Something in the sound of his voice freezes you to your bones, you don’t quite turn to look, but you turn to show you’re listening. “What happened to your eye?” He asks.
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sh1-n0bu · 2 years
Is it okay for me to request a sub xiao?
Where the reader continues to edge him and tug at his collar prasing him.
and then at the end completely overstimulates him and praises him.
Can the reader call xiao cute petnames too?
like good boy, cutie, sweetie and etc please?
♡︎ 𝙜𝙤𝙤𝙙 𝙠𝙞𝙩𝙩𝙮 ♡︎
characters: sub!xiao x nb!dom!reader
warnings: collaring, praise, dacryphillia, overstimulation, edging, small hints of corruption, light petplay, cock can be read as strap on, reader is an immortal but what they are can be completely up to you.
notes: forgive me nonnie, i took so long to write this😔i’m starting to think writer’s block is catching up to me
nevermind. all i needed was to see xiao on the official stream break to get motivated again😍❗️
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you and xiao first met centuries ago, shortly after the archon war has ended, the seven seats of the heavenly principles had gotten their victors. when you had first ran into the yaksha the poor thing was caught up in his own karmic debt, suffering the consequences of his own actions, writhing in agony. he tried to push you away but you were a thousands year old immortal who has seen everything teyvat had to offer.
the beginning of you two’s relationship was definitely odd and trippy for sure. however over time, when xiao figured out you were immortal just like him, he slowly began to open up. first it started with simple little talks and grunts, then the full blown chatting about everything phase began. soon that evolved to you and xiao opening up to each other about your pasts, deeds, mistakes and successes. and before you two could even understand the relationship you two have is what humans call “romantic love”, there you two were, holding each other close, stripping each other naked, learning about all sorts of pleasure.
it took a long time just for xiao to start talking with you, so of course sex life was incredibly slow and gentle between you and the yaksha. but slowly the more nights you spend with xiao, the more you realized he really enjoys being referred to as “kitty”.
at first it your thousands year old stubborn self found it odd since from what xiao told you, his true form is that of a bird’s not a cat. however soon you grew to love it for the sight of the cold and unstoppable yaksha, being reduced to a crying, babbling mess underneath you, clinging to you tightly and begging for you to fill him up was greatly addicting. which is what led to now.
“AANH~! nyaah! [n-nameee]…” whining and sobbing your name loudly with his red eyeliner running down his cheeks, xiao pawed at your finger curled around the soft collar around his neck. you’ve been forcing him to continue riding your cock for hours and it fucking hurt. not to mention your other hand was wrapped around the tip of his cock, toying with the tip slightly before putting your thumb over the slit of his cock when it starts to twitch violently. his poor tiny cocklet was already an angry red, twitching whenever your thumb would circle over the sensitive, slick tip.
“it’s alright kitty. keep riding me. you’re doing such an amazing job, kitty” cooing soft praises and tugging on the collar around his neck again to guide his hips to slam down onto your cock, you ignored his sobs and pleas for you to let him cum. it feels better, he knows that! but he just can’t help but be so greedy!
your big, fat, cock rearranging his insides, splitting his ass open, your voice cooing honeyed words into his ear, your hand teasingly, painfully rubbing at the slit of his twitching, red cock was just all too much for him. even though it’s not the first time you two are having sex, it feels like it is.
to the tiny, trembling, wailing yaksha on your lap, your dick just makes his eyes roll to the back of his skull, reaching places he never thought was even there. it just hits on all the right spots so good and his mind can’t comprehend the praises flowing out of your mouth.
noticing how your sweet boyfriend’s head was already fucked stupid with his hazy eyes and gibberish nonsense, you smiled sweetly before finally letting go of his cock. holding onto his waist tightly before thrusting up into his sloppy hole, creating more loud, wet, squelching sounds you can barely make out what he’s saying.
“aaannhg~! nyaAAH~! t-there—sho good! [name]—sho good♡︎” blabbering drunken words, he couldn’t even hear you calling him sweet nicknames at all. finally cumming all over his and your tummy with a loud squeal when you harshly thrusting up into his sensitive spot, your lovely kitty fell on top of your chest, shuddering and twitching, too lost in the pleasure. managing to only weakly whimper when you continued to fuck into his wet hole before mewling when he felt the familiar warmth of your cum shooting into his walls.
patting him on his head and cradling his trembling tiny body, you whispered another praise before cuddling him close.
“good kitty♡︎”.
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captain-hen · 1 year
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BUCK & EDDIE IN EVERY EPISODE ↳ 6.12: recovery (2/2)
[Image Description: 10 gifs from 9-1-1, season 6, episode 12, of Evan Buckley and Eddie Diaz.
Gif 1: A shot of Buck walking into the kitchen, looking surprised and confused as he asks, "How did I fall asleep so fast?" Eddie replies, "You fell asleep before I got the beers out of the refridgerator."
Gif 2: 2 small gifs and one larger gif on a large canvas. The first gif, a shot of Buck looking apologetic as he says, "Sorry," shifting to Eddie who looks hopeful as he says, "Nah, no worries. Still want that beer?" The second gif, Buck seems a little amused as he says, "Uh...maybe some water." The shot shifts to Eddie who moves to pour Buck a glass of water, saying, "Agua on the way." The third gif, a shot of Buck sitting down at the kitchen table, rubbing his eyes, as Eddie opens the fridge.
Gif 3: Two gifs on a large canvas. The first gif, a shot of Buck quietly saying, "Thank you," cutting away to a wider shot of Eddie pouring the water as he says, "There you go, sir." The second gif, in the same shot, Buck says, "I mean, it—it's fine if you want to have a beer." Eddie replies, "I already did. Both of them." Buck says, "Right."
Gif 4: Two gifs on a large canvas. The first gif, a shot of Buck taking a slow sip of his water, cutting away to Eddie, watching him patiently as he goes back to making Chris' lunch. The second gif, Buck has leaned back in his chair, his arms crossed, as he asks thoughtfully, "Hey, what do you remember about getting shot?" Eddie looks at him, seeming slightly surprised.
Gif 5: 4 smaller gifs on a large canvas. The first gif, Eddie focuses on what he's doing as he replies, "There was a searing pain." The second gif, Buck tilts his head as Eddie continues to say, "It felt like I got hit by a bus." The third gif, Eddie says, "I was still standing." It cuts away to Buck as Eddie continues, "I remember falling." The fourth gif, a close-up of Eddie's conflicted expression as he says, "And everything got dark."
Gif 6: 2 smaller gifs and one large gif on a large canvas. The first gif, Eddie is looking away from Buck as he says, "And I thought, this is it." The second gif, Buck watches Eddie, and it cuts away to Eddie making eye-contact with him as he says, "This is the last moment of my life." The third gif, a wide shot of Eddie as he laughs off the seriousness of the moment and says quickly, "Then, I woke up in the hospital."
Gif 7: 2 smaller gifs and one large gif on a large canvas. The first gif, Buck seems taken aback as he asks, "And that was it?" The second gif, Buck listens as Eddie says, not looking at him, "That was it. No bright white lights, no trippy mind puzzles, just...thought I was dead, and then I wasn't." The third gif, Eddie braces his hands on the table and says, seriously, "Now am I allowed to ask how you are?"
Gif 8: 4 smaller gifs on a large canvas. The first gif, Buck seems lost for words as he leans forward, supporting his head on his arm. The second gif, he leans on his arm and looks up at Eddie, seeming vulnerable, and says, "Honestly, Eddie, I...I don't know." The third gif, a close-up of Eddie looking at Buck and then looking away as he says, "You died, Buck." The fourth gif, a close-up of Buck hanging on to Eddie's words, wide-eyed as Eddie says, "You're gonna feel a lot of different ways about that. Sometimes all at the same time."
Gif 9: 2 smaller gifs and one large gif on a large canvas. The first gif, Eddie scrunches up his face as he says, "I found that the best way to process it is to...allow yourself to feel it." The second gif, Buck swallows, his eyes bright with tears. The third gif, Buck asks, with a hopeful smile, "Yeah, but you...You do eventually, right? You..you process it."
Gif 10: Two gifs on a large canvas. The first gif, Eddie tells Buck reassuringly, "Every day you open your eyes in the morning, you feel a little less surprised the world is still there." The second gif, Eddie gives Buck a tiny smile before looking away. The shot cuts to Buck, who continues to watch Eddie intently, seeming like he's realized something.
/End ID]
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billsbabydoll · 3 days
“𝒾𝓂 ℴ𝓊𝓉 ℴ𝒻 𝓂𝓎 𝒽ℯ𝒶𝒹, 𝓉ℴ𝓃𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉.”
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summary:while on a late night walk back home after the club, i find myself suddenly hearing the sweet melody of an alluring voice luring me into the depths of a hidden alleyway.
WARNINGS:vampire!bill, drunk-curious!reader, eerie setting, pet-names, kissing, make-out session, dry-humping, trippy hallucinations.
notes:ive been in the fall/spooky mood lately, so i wanted to switch it uppp.this is my second attempt at writing this since tumblr deleted my entire progress yesterday ^_^.
god i shouldnt have drank all off those margaritas, in the club obviously they were fun but as im stumbling trying to figure my way home im regretting ever stepping foot into that place.
the night was dimly lit from the moonlight shining above, the wind was cool sure to make anyone shiver, the quiet sound of leaves ruffling were audible in the background.
i crossed my arms over my chest rapidly rubbing my skin trying to create any type of warmth, i hazily looked around in search of any indication of where i could be, only find myself lost with my destination home nowhere in sight.
defeated, i take a few more steps before sitting against a brick wall, taking a deep breath trying come up with some kind of solution.
"maybe i could call someone for a ride?"i thought to myself, quickly pulling the strap of my purse off of my shoulder and placing my bag into my lap.i dig around inside before excitedly pulling out my nokia 2780, opening it to only to find it completely dead.
i dont know what to do at this point, i dont know where i am, i dont even know what time it is, im freezing to death, im drunk as fucking skunk-
“come here baby..”a deep voice suddenly whispered within the shadows.
i frantically look around trying match the voice to something or someone, only to see the empty road ahead and not a single soul in sight.i slowly stand up from my position on the concrete floor, then anxiously turn the corner walking into a blood-curdling alleyway.
i continue walking deeper into this horrific darkness stopping dead in my tracks when i, not even in a blink of an eye see a tall figure appear in the middle of the path, its red glowing eyes piercing into my own.
“dont be scared, i wont hurt you.”he cooed, magically teleporting right infront of me.
his features were otherworldly, his gaze captivating and hypnotizing, his makeup dark, his skin pale as snow.
he was supernaturally beautiful.
“w-what are y-you?”i muttered, rapidly blinking my eyes trying to figure out if i was just imagining this or if this was real life.
“dont worry about that, for now-”
he paused taking a step closer, his face now not even an inch away from my own, his icy-hands interlinking with my own, his thumb grazing over my warm-blooded skin.
“kiss me doll.”
he then leans in capturing my lips into a hungry kiss, he lets go of my hands now pulling me into his tight grasp before slamming me against a nearby wall.i moan into his mouth, his simple words and beauty trapping me in a hypnosis.
i take the opportunity to tangle my arms around his neck, taking in the unusual metallic taste of his feverish lips, his tongue aggressively raveling with my own, his flavor so addicting and irresistibley delicious.
he begins to repeatedly ram his hips into my own, seeking any sort of relief from the tension bulging through his pants, his clothed cock grinding against my tender pussy.
we continue indulging in eachothers lust, he had enchanted me with the most powerful spell but i was too compelled to snap out of it, utterly drowning in his trickery.
he abruptly slows down giving me one last gentle peck before slightly pulling away, his eyes staring into my soul, he wasnt breathing, he didnt even blink once.
i gasp awake, jumping up from my bed, drenched in sweat, still dressed in my clothes from the club and-
a throbbing ache in neck…
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kookygranger · 8 months
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Is This Desire?
Firefighter!Steve Harrington x Witch!Reader
Steve Harrington falls for you a little harder every time he meets you. Now you're free to live your life and he's ready to make a move on the girl he thinks about every day.
Warnings: 18+ minors dni, smut-ish (allusions to sex), secondary character death, witchcraft, reader is a town outcast, fem!reader, no upside down/no hawkins au
Word count: 2k
Author's note: This story is inspired by a trippy and vividly detailed dream I had, minus the lovechild because that's not my vibe but good for dream me I guess.
Series Masterlist | Next Chapter
Chapter One: When Under Ether
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The first time Steve Harrington saw you was on a brisk fall night. Brown leaves lifted in small whirlpools down the street as children’s laughter and sugar-induced screams permeated the air. It was Halloween.
Steve wanted to dress up as Robin Hood, his outfit complete with feathered cap and fox tail sitting on his navy-blue bedspread at home, but his friends thought trying was lame now – so he settled for a ripped shirt and a half-assed green face paint job. He wasn’t even sure if he was supposed to be a zombie or Frankenstein’s monster.
He’d done that a lot lately. Changed things about himself that others his age suddenly found uncool or only suitable behaviour for babies. He may not have known as much as the kids that sat up the front of class, but he knew one thing for sure, he didn’t want to be thought of as a baby.
Maybe that’s why he was stood in front of the rotting wooden gate that led up to the house at the end of Maple Street, so far away from the rest of the neighbours that it could only barely be counted. Unless it was to get its own street name entirely, which right now Steve felt like it could, as far away from safety as possible to his small legs.
See, the old Ravenwood house was only spoken about in whispers, its history revealed in rumours perpetuated by ghost story obsessed children for as long as anyone can even remember the house being occupied. And with its peeling paint, overgrown and weed-riddled front yard, and creaking front porch, it was a ripe opportunity for a young boy to prove that he was no scaredy cat on All Hallows’ Eve.
Steve walked up the sunken stone path with his two friends in tow. Tommy, the boy who’d suggested the dare earlier in the night brought up the rear of the small group, knobbly knees knocking together.
Steve was wiping his sweaty palms on his jeans when a flurry of bats, unnative to this part of the world, flew into their path, screeching only slightly higher than the two boys behind him who ran straight back through the front gate. His heart battered against his ribcage as he squeezed his eyes shut, taking a deep breath like his grandma had taught him to when he’d get mad or upset, and when he opened his eyes he saw you.
Watching curiously through the second-floor window, where you sat perched inside, a warm glow framing your small body. Steve thought you looked to be the same age as him, but he’d never seen you before. He smiled that charming Harrington grin he’d been told he possessed, then waved – you, more shyly returned the gesture. Then he’d heard his name called somewhere back beyond the threshold of this strange house, and he’d returned to his friends. Brushing off the ill attempt at machismo with talks of scoring candy.
When Steve’s head hit his pillow that night, veins pumping with sugar, he thought of you. He would never forget about the girl in the window. A beacon of light that dissolved his fears.
The second time Steve saw you everything faded away into the background.
He’d been swapping occupational war stories with Robin at the bar in town, the one that didn’t refuse service based on age but based on your likeability according to the bartender. He’d made his way up to the bar through the lively post-work week crowd to order another round when he saw you. Through the far from sober bodies, tucked away on a barstool up against the wall, your hands playing with a sodden beer mat as your eyes wandered, people watching, Steve Harrington swore he saw the face of an angel.
Although time had changed you both, bodies growing up and through awkward stages, arms and chests filling out to be hugged now by the scratchy material of Steve’s striped polo and the soft cotton of your dress, your legs strong enough to bring a grown man to his knees (as far as Steve was concerned), the glint of a thin silver chain on the wrist that supported his big hands enough to capture the attention of almost all the girls in town – Steve had still known. It was you. By looks alone, you may have been a far cry from the little girl in the window, but he knew.
Inexplicably, for he could not cite the hairs on his toned arms raising at the sight of your eyes gazing back at his, or the warm, tight feeling in his chest he’d only ever felt once before as proper methods of identification. But your shy smile and hitched breathing as he drew near only confirmed it for him.
And before he knew it, his lips oh so close to yours, shining after his tongue had poked out to wet them were asking if you wanted to get out of there.
Robin would later get more than her fair share of making up for his total abandonment of her without so much as a goodbye, but in that moment he couldn’t think of anything else but you.
How he could taste the bitterness of your perfume on your skin when he kissed your bare shoulder, how you sounded when he sucked on the skin under your ear and the vibrations you made together when he swallowed your moans, how you squeezed his hand that held yours beside your head laying on the pillow that wouldn’t be rid of your scent for a week after, and how you kissed him deeply after the seventh time he’d asked if you were still okay, if you still wanted this as much as he did.
When you left him, asleep with kissed lips parted in soft snores and hair mussed, the marks he’d left on your neck and thighs would serve you as a sweet reminder. The scent of sandalwood and vanilla followed you as you snuck back into your house through the back door, the quiet creak masked by the singing cicadas. Your uncle exactly where you'd left him, still sleeping off the extra spoonful of valerian extract and dried chamomile you’d steeped with his tea to buy yourself a little more time out there.
Where magic was forbidden. Where children threw cruel comments and the adults they’d overheard them from ushered them across the other side of the street. Out there where people would never be understanding of you, and boys who could trick you into giving up your power ran rampant.
You’d thought – hoped, dreamed – that maybe on your eighteenth birthday you could get a kiss. A moment of normalcy outside of your life stuck in this house but what you got was so much better.
What you got was imprinted on your skin with the lingering feeling of his lips.
The third time you meet Steve, you breathe in your first taste of free air.
Steve had volunteered to take a ride with the EMT to transport a body to the morgue, on an otherwise slow shift at the firehouse. The only other one in town had called in sick and the nearest hospital was a town over.
When the bus turned down Maple Street, Steve immediately felt off. A sense of dread washed over him and only increased when the car continued off the main street and down the dirt road that led to the Ravenwood house. As the vehicle kicked up stones and a cloud of dust in its wake he’d been hit with a sudden wave of déjà vu, remembering dreams that felt as real as memories of walking up this path only to find himself back at the start over and over again.
When the bus finally came to a stop in the driveway Steve barrelled out, running up to the front door in a panic, his raised fist ready to knock it down before it abruptly opened. Exhaling quickly at the site of you, the sinking feeling in his stomach alleviated as he took you in for the first time in years.
You’re dressed for mourning. A soft black dress and scuffed boots, hair pulled back to reveal a bare face that Steve had the sudden urge to kiss.
“H-Hi.” He managed to stammer out a greeting as his colleague finally caught up to him, walking up the creaking steps to your front porch.
“He’s in the bedroom.” You held open the front door, moving aside to let them in. Voice small, smelling of lemon, cedarwood and white musk and Steve had to physically keep himself moving as he brushed past you.
Your uncle laid stiff on a double bed, on top of the covers and dressed in a tattered corduroy suit as if ready for viewing, his body now an empty vessel left only for a ceremonial send-off. A white handkerchief covered his face, a small bundle of dried cypress and sweet cicely perched on his forehead. A breeze from the open window across the room swayed the hem of your skirt as you stared at him.
Steve pointed to the handkerchief, asking you if they could move it but stopped his movements right away when you tensed. His colleague tells you it’ll have to come off during the autopsy and you fold, asking if it can at least go back on afterwards.
“Once we drop him off he’s out of our hands ma’am.”
“I’ll make sure it does,” Steve placates you and you offer him a small nod in thanks. He barely remembers to breathe.
You followed the stretcher out to the bus, a rumbling of thunder catching the two men’s gaze up to the sky when the back doors thud shut. The view was clear when they entered the house, no forecast for rain on this mild summer’s day. Now fat drops began to hit the ground with the rolling in of grey clouds. Steve looked down and noticed a small smile on your face.
You took a deep breath in with eyes softly shut. “I think I’m gonna go for a walk.” You took off down the front path, stopping at the front gate when Steve called after you, asking if you were sure as the rain only intensified.
You just turn and smile at him, waving with a fixed mind. “It’s cleansing.” Only to disappear into the tall grass fields across from your house in a blur of black. Walking away, a free woman.
The front door creaked closed, making Steve’s companion jump.
After that day Steve hears of regular sightings of the girl who grew up in that house. Gossip of blooming, bright lavender and bluebells, buzzing bees – life where there once was nothing but rot and death. A fixed white picket fence and carefully laid stone-path that led up to a now bright and welcoming looking house at the end of Maple Street. But this was still a small town and generational rumours took more than a fresh coat of paint to cover up. The witch who lived at the old Ravenwood house was still feared among small minds.
The fourth time Steve Harrington saw you he was dropping Robin’s overdue books off at the library on his way to work. Navy blue t-shirt hugging his biceps, tucked neatly into his uniform pants, the stomp of his steel-capped boots muffled by the scratchy charcoal carpet.
Robin had sent him in the hopes that he could get her late fees waived. He’d spritzed an extra spray of his cologne on before leaving their shared apartment, Harrington charm plastered on his face as he prepared to win over an elderly lady who was reminded of her husband when they first met. Only, the person behind the counter wasn’t wearing a blouse with a frilly collar or sporting a purple rinse quaff.
The person who greeted Steve was wearing a well-loved PJ Harvey shirt, with long braids running down her back, flashing a timid smile that ripped through his chest.
“Hi, Steve.”
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End note: If you want dedicatedly researched, heart-wrenching witch core you should go read @storiesbyrhi's Eddie fic Burning Yarrow. I'd also recommend @rosewaterandivy's S.H. x witch!reader story, which is just blow me down gorgeous. Their words probably inspired the dream that inspired this story ✨
Thank you for reading! x
Steve edit by @/vasguett on pinterest
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raviollies · 6 days
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Spent too long on this but party rated on Deliciousness by Lorelai
Arameia - Exercises frequently and leads a very labour intensive lifestyle leading to blood having a very pronounced metallic taste. Due to her diet mostly consisting of red meat and carbohydrates and little vegetables, it also lends itself to having a slightly sharp aftertaste. Her devil blood however makes it severel degrees warmer than normal, leading to it feeling very cozy and fulfilling, masking a lot of the negatives in the taste itself for the warm sensation. 7/10.
Eirwen - Cleric. Can't drink, blood is technically lightly blessed and burns. Yuck! -10/10.
Raha - Similar to Arameia, leads a very active lifestyle, thus leading to the same metallic tinge. His diet is much more balanced however, with plenty of vegetables, including healthier fats like fish, so it is much milder tasting. Unfortunately, as an elf, he doesn't have any Devil ancestry, so his blood is fairly lukewarm, leading to an overall lack luster experience. 5/10.
Blythe - Fey are kind of weird and their blood is too. It's sweet, almost saccharine like juice or honey mead. She leads the least active life style, with a balanced diet, which only mellows out the flavour even more. There is a downside however, as she is a magical creature, the blood is filled to the brim with magic, lending itself to causing hallucinations and trippy visuals. It's a fantastic taste in small quantities, but has to be very carefully dosed lest you want to think that the hat man is there. 10/10.
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littlest-w01f · 2 months
Cassian x Reader
For @cassianappreciationweek
Cassian week 2024 Masterlist
Day 5: Scars
Summary: Seeing Reader thrown out of her home opens up Cassian's emotional wounds he thought had healed
Cw: None, used a trippy gif for fun ig
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Cassian was on his way flying to Windhaven to check if the males were training their females, a part of him knew they weren't but that's why he went, to make them train them.
As he dived down to pull up, his wings spread wide, he caught a figure of a female in the mountains, curiously he landed on a thick tree bark to watch you. You wore a white gown, parts of it were covered in mud, torn in some places, and your wings were ruined, but he noted not fully, your wings could be saved.
Cassian couldn't believe his eyes as he watched you struggle through the dense forest. You looked like you had been running for hours, your clothes were tattered and stained with dirt and sweat. Your wings hung limply at your sides clearly damaged. His heart ached seeing your state, you were too young, he would guess barely a young adult, someone 18.
His eyes grew darker as a protective instinct roared in him, the urge to keep you safe, to give you shelter knawed at him, as if he's seen his own wounds in you. He saw in your eyes the female he wished he had known. Someone abandoned, too young, too voulnarable.
He stepped closer, careful not to startle you. His own wings, still strong and vibrant, flitted slightly behind him. He was tall and muscular, his skin a warm bronze colour under the sunlight filtering through the trees.
"Hello?" He called out softly, hoping to gain your attention without scaring you away. He spoke slowly, trying to keep his voice soothing and calm. "Are you alright? It looks like you've been through quite an ordeal."
His hazel eyes studied you carefully, there was a sign of fear in your gaze when you turned towards him.
You jerked back in surprise when you looked at him, a small whimper escaping your lips. The fear in your eyes was clear, but there was also a hint of relief that someone had found you. You didn't know who this man was or how he'd come across you, but right now, you needed help.
"You're… safe," he assured gently, holding up his hands in a non-threatening manner. "I won't hurt you." He took another step forward, doing his best to appear approachable.
He kept his distance, giving you space while also making sure you didn't try to flee into the dangerous wilderness again. There was something about you that resonated within him, a feeling he couldn't quite put his finger on.
Your wings fluttered weakly behind you, and he noticed how you instinctively tried to cover yourself with your arms. Clearly, you were used to being vulnerable and exposed, but Cassian wanted to change that.
"I can fix those wings of yours," He offered, nodding towards your injured wings. "And we can get you cleaned up too. You must have been through hell to end up like this."
"Yes," You managed to choke out between gasps for heavy breathing to keep yourself in check. "I… I was attacked and kicked out by... By this group of males…"
Your wings fluttered weakly as you tried to lift yourself off the ground, but it was clear that they needed serious repair before they would be usable again. "I have nowhere to go," you said, struggling to stand on shaky legs.
Cassian approached you with worry when your legs shookhe would've missed it if he didn't have your complete attention, "Y-you were thrown out?" His eyes held anger in them as he asked, "Why?"
"I…" You fumbled over your words, "I…"
Cassian sighed, feeling stupid for asking, he moved closer, extending one hand toward you reassuringly. "Shhh, you don't have to tell me." he murmured, reaching out to gently touch your shoulder. The gesture was meant to comfort but also served another purpose, giving you strength and energy as his Siphons glowed.
You looked at the red Siphons, then back up at him, "You're the General? Cassian?"
"Yes, I am, and you're safe now," He assured you softly. "What's your name, sweets?"
"y/n..." You offer, still marvelling at his Siphons.
"No one is going to harm you while I'm here. Come with me, I'll fly you to Velaris, alright? Rhys will understand your plight and give you a place to stay." Cassian offers
The offer seemed too good to be true and yet there was something about this stranger that made you trust him. With shaky steps, you followed Cassian into the clearing. The wind ruffled his dark hair and he picked you up, holding you close to his chest, ensuring that you were secure against him.
Once ready, Cassian launched himself skyward effortlessly, every flap of his powerful wings propelling them higher and faster until they disappeared into the clouds above.
You hold onto him, arms around his shoulders as you bury your face in his chest.
The feeling of safety and warmth enveloping you as you clung tightly to Cassian. His muscles rippled beneath your fingers with each powerful beat of his wings. The wind whipped around you both, tugging at your disheveled hair and clothing.
Cassian kept glancing back at you occasionally, making sure that you were okay. There was genuine concern etched across his features, his hazel eyes never leaving yours even though they were high above the ground below.
"You're doing great," He encouraged softly over the rush of wind in your ears. "We'll be there soon."
You give a nod as you look back at the mountains that seemed to have gotten smaller with how fast he was flying, you on your own had never flown that fast.
As the sun began its descent, casting an orange glow over the landscape far below, Cassian finally started to descend. He landed gracefully on a hilltop overlooking the city of Velaris, a beautiful sight bathed in twilight hues.
"We're here," He announced, setting you back on your feet. "Welcome to Velaris, y/n." He smiled warmly at you before taking your hand in his own, leading the way down into the heart of the city, outside the townhouse.
"This place..." You trailed off as you looked up from his chest, causing him to laugh.
"Yeah, I know," Cassian smiled, pulling you in, "Come now, let's introduce you to the High Lord and get you healed and settled." He knew Rhysand would let you stay, because something about you, reminded him of how his mother had been in your shoes, abandoned by her people and left to fend for herself. He'd never let another female live like that for even a second
You subconsciously lean into him, clearly nervous about meeting the High Lord face to face, "O-ok..."
Cassian paused, making you stop too, "Hey, look at me," He tilted your chin up, making you look at him, "I swear to you, I would never do anything to harm you, or take you somewhere you felt unsafe."
His words were comforting, but the anxiety was evident on your face. Cassian leaned down, brushing a gentle kiss across your forehead. The touch was fleeting yet filled with promise.
"Trust me," he urged softly. "Everything will be fine. I swear it." on my mother. He thought to himself, holding onto you hands.
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{General Taglist- @nox-ceur @lilah-asteria @paleidiot}
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