#slide into my dms for further conversation
kelly-danger · 5 months
Also I now realize I falsely assumed you were a female person considering detrans, it’s just the usual demographics of this site skew that way + even moreso we consider the group more likely to start realizing radical feminism has a point or two. But you are definitely not alone in living identified as a trans woman, being seen as “feminine”, being attracted to men, feeling surrounded by the sexist pressure for men to be het and “masculine” in whatever way their culture thinks about that, and questioning what path is best for just managing to live and also for having a good impact on society.
Sorry ahead of time if this is unwelcome please delete it. I have a lot of thoughts about this from being a long time gender abolitionist, woman who passes as a man often whether I care or not about it, and friend of someone in what I now think could be a similar or at least comparable situation to yours.
From that experience with my friend who has some of this situation, I want to say the hatred for men by women is a class struggle and a personal one and doesn’t prove you would turn “evil” or “have to be/turn masculine” and sexist and shitty if you accepted you were a man or “lived as a man”. Hell you don’t even have to pass. As i said i for one don’t usually pass as a woman. It’s not how I am comfortable looking, so I dont. And people are so ruled by expectations so my look makes them assume “man”. I just still am a woman anyway because it’s a neutral trait, at the end of the day. Not a sentence to be feminine or have to pass or feel comfortable with how I am seen if seen as a woman.
But really my friend has a deeper issue than just that with it all, he has a problem with a sort of internalized shame about being gay, and an internalized shame and fear of being a man. It is definitely related to him being assaulted by a man but also related to…. Idk how to describe it. Just everything we grow up seeing plus the mindset cultivated by religious ocd where fundamental evil exists and everything points toward it being in you in this infinitely threatening way. That kind of thinking really seems to cook the brain if not changed. Makes life unbearable. At the end of the day he still lives with the het trans woman identity sometimes, gay man identity other times. Partly because it’s unavoidable, having transitioned socially at 9, moved to a different school to pass totally, physically got transition surgeries at 18… and at this point even if it’s not true he’s a woman and even if it connects to this larger issue that is tearing a lot of shit apart for women and gay people… on the whole that all isn’t solved by his personal life just passing on purpose or not. Whatever he’s identifying as or living as, even if it’s a false notion that to pass as a woman is to be a woman. For him there is no way to not be a trans woman in the sense of he can’t physically get away from that status or that past even if he were to socially and psychologically move on from it, which he has been doing (part of why I am calling him, him, also because it is ok unless it’s a rare-r bad ptsd day)
anyway… to me… It does go back to, ok he supports the material on the ground work of women’s liberation and gay liberation. He does his best to speak the truth clearly when it comes right down to it and allow others to speak the truth and act on it. It doesn’t have to be a huge conflict to even just still want to pass as a woman and live that way most days or all days but still want to engage in supporting women’s liberation from a radfem approach and gay liberation from a real (not conservative 2-true-gender-role-believing) gender abolition approach. Lots of people won’t see it that way and they will have some good points sometimes but in the end I think what I am saying here is the closest to true.
Once again good luck with thinking about it, I hope the grip of sexism and homophobia against all of us, all LGB people and all other gnc people, including people identifying as trans, stops being so violent… gets better and eventually finally is abolished.
I dont really feel like my worry is being evil or that all men are bad or anything like that. I think gender is and should be a nutral trait, but I think moving in a society where gender isnt nutral is hard and weird. But true liberation must come from abolition of gender.like you said its just everything we grow up seeing. Especially for me heterosexuality is a concept that ive always found distasteful, not in a male+female way. But sociopolitically. Heterosexuality is where gender roles are most intrenched and where the expectation for me to be a man or masculine has always felt strongest, even now as a trans mtf it still feels i am expected to play the male role. There feels like no escape, and thats scary so rn I'm actually celebate. I was definitely raised religious and youre right about that mindset. Passing as a woman is wild though. Passing as a woman definately shows you what its like to be a woman in some regards, but definately dosnt show what its like to be female. I think thats my struggle at the end of the day is that I would like to look like a woman or maybe pass as one, but in trying to pass you have to subscribe to all these messed up patriarchal expectations. Women who done buy into patriarchy arent rewarded or respected by it, trans women included. And I dont want to be respected by patriarchy anyways. I have never tried to front as not male, and so im continually regarded as male, even if I am regarded as a woman (speaking in considderation of sex gender seperation which in maybe on the fence about). So with that in mind my opression is male, its because im male but perform femininity. I find that way more meaningful then the Judith butler fan gender ideology type rhetoric, or god forbid the heinrich von ulrich esque stuff. Basically dont get me started
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thebestbooksaround · 1 year
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This is a Buddie fic rec list where "one of them isn't a firefighter" That makes me warm and happy every time I read them <3
Part 1 || Part 2
Exploding Coffee Machines by inkinmyheartandonthepage (@inkinmyheartandonthepage) | 9k | General
Buck couldn’t be blamed for falling in love with his neighbour. He was powerless against the Diaz boys and wanted nothing more than to be swept up in their everything. Buck thought that Eddie felt the same, that their feelings of more than just being platonic best friends was mutual. Buck had been hopeful that Eddie inviting him to his boss’s house to meet his friends and co-workers meant that they were taking a step in the right direction.
A step that now Buck was going to be late for OR Buck gets burned at work and worries that he's blown his shot with Eddie when he runs late to meet his friends.
What is Love For $2000? by fayevian 17k | Mature
On the screen, the camera pans down as they introduce the contestants. Mary, on her 3rd day winning streak, is a dowdy teacher type. Center stage is occupied by a graying man with loopy handwriting named Auggie. And all the way to the right is… Evan. Damn. --- One night when Eddie can't sleep, he discovers the hottest Jeopardy contestant of all time (objectively). With the "help" of his team and his fairly good working knowledge of Twitter, they devise a plan to get Evan (from Jeopardy) to slide into Eddie's DMs. It works surprisingly well.
i like you so much (it's kinda gross) by brewrosemilk, stardustbuddie (@gayhoediaz) (@wh0re-behavi0r) | 10k | Explicit
Buck Buckley (@/firefighterbuck): @/eddiediaz I’ll never be able to tug your hair now, huh?
Eddie Diaz (@/eddiediaz): @/firefighterbuck It’s against the rules, anyway. You don’t look like a fighter, though. What situation would we be in that would make you want to tug my hair?
(Or: Eddie is an MMA fighter and Buck thirsts on twitter.)
you make the world taste better by farfromthstars (@buckactuallys) | 11k | Teen
They follow the room numbers down the hallway until the last door on the right. It’s slightly ajar, and when Eddie knocks politely, it opens further.
“Hey,” a cheerful, male voice says. “You guys are early!”
When Eddie spots the source of the voice, he nearly swallows his tongue.
The man is tall, with broad shoulders and huge arms, a sunny smile on his face that looks so genuine Eddie can’t help but smile back. There’s a splash of pink over his one eye, his hair is just the slightest bit curly, and his eyes are startlingly blue. He’s also about 80% legs, and leaning on a cane to walk.
Belatedly, Eddie remembers that he should say something too, not just stare at this guy approaching them.
“Uh,” he starts eloquently. “Sorry. This one was getting impatient at home ~ Newly arrived to LA, Eddie decides to take his son to parent/child cooking classes. The instructor is so much more than he expected
stupid people. by brewrosemilk (@gayhoediaz) | 160k | Explicit
New in Los Angeles, and having recently admitted to himself that he's gay, Eddie figures that hiring a sex worker might be a good way to keep his private life cut off from his job and his son. A way to keep things from becoming too complicated.
It works. For a while.
your dreary mondays by hammersmiths (@henswilsons) | 33k | Teen
“Wait, you need a sitter?” Chimney says. Eddie nods. “Maddie’s brother got back in town a few nights ago, he’s looking for work.”
Eddie frowns. He doesn’t know much about this mysterious brother of Maddie’s – doesn’t even really know much about Maddie, either, aside from being Chimney’s girlfriend – but he’s pretty sure every time he’s been brought up in conversation it’s not been particularly inspiring. “Is this the brother who flunked out of college because he spent all his tuition on a motorcycle?”
Chimney colours a little. “Um. No?”
or, Buck babysits Christopher and Eddie is—fine about it, actually.
one single thread of gold (tied me to you) by heartbeatdiaz (@heartbeatdiaz) | 4k | Teen
Eddie doesn't know much about Chris' science teacher, except that he's his son favorite and apparently knows everything there's to know. ( Those were Christopher's words. )
So when he enters the classroom, expecting an old man dressed nicely but a little old-fashioned as the science teacher, his whole life crashes to a halt.
"Evan?" The man who's leaning against the desk, looking at some papers, suddenly startles and looks up at Eddie with wide blue eyes.
"Holy shit," It's what the man says after spending at least a minute opening and closing his mouth. or; Eddie met Evan when he was a bartender in Peru and Eddie was on vacation with his cousins. They had a one night stand and Eddie woke up the next morning to an empty bed and a disappointed heart. Just for the same guy to end up being Chris' teacher years after.
always glad you came by foxwatson (@eddiediazes) | 5k | Teen
Buck is the incredibly kind but incredibly straight bartender at Eddie's local gay bar. Eddie is trying very, very hard not to be pathetically in love with him, and is failing miserably.
“Hey, you’re back,” Buck had said, greeting him with that sun-bright grin, and Eddie had yet again been reminded why he’d started questioning his sexuality.
“Well, I get one night off a week. And tonight I could really use the drink.”
Buck’s brow had furrowed, and he got Eddie his favorite beer without even asking again what it was. “You need to talk about it? Assuming I read you right and you’re the kind of guy who talks to a bartender instead of a therapist.”
Eddie had winced theatrically. “Ouch. That obvious, huh?”
“Hey, man, you’re the one that told me you started coming here on your coworker’s advice. Feels like something you’d get from a therapist, if you had one.”
see the stars with my morning eyes by trippedandfell (@trippedandfell) | 3k | Teen
“So,” Buck announces, sitting down between Hen and Chimney at the concessions stand. “I think Eddie’s trying to get me to sleep with him and his fiancée.”
or: Eddie calls Lucy his partner. Buck extrapolates.
walking on sunshine by fallingthorns (@fallingthorns) | 5k | Teen
“Shut up,” Buck grumbles at the dog. “It’s not a crush.”
Buck walks out of the room, out the backdoor, and into the yard, trying to ignore his large and judgmental dog following behind him.
“I don’t want to hear it,” Buck tells him as he gets the hose out to start watering his plants. “Keep it to yourself.”
“Who are you talking to?”
Buck startles and drops the hose, doing a quick 180-degree turn and coming face-to-face with Eddie. He’s clearly standing on something, elbows folded over the top of the fence and chin resting on them as he looks at Buck. His expression looks almost fond and it kind of makes Buck want to both preen and die of embarrassment. -- Or, the one where Buck owns a doggy daycare, has a large dog with an attitude, and is hopelessly in love with his new neighbor.
Under Any Roof by moncuries (@moncuries) | 10k | Teen
Eddie Diaz does not need a noisy neighbor on top of all the shit he's trying to work out.
But he does make really good mac and cheese. -- “You know,” And Buck is meeting his eyes now. They’re uncannily blue. Like Kool-Aid or popsicles. “If you want, I could show you what I get up to up there?”
What? WHAT? Eddie feels heat spread from the tips of his ears to his toes. No way had he just gotten propositioned before sunrise in the decrepit hallway of their apartment building. “Um. No.” He backs up until his calves brush the door to 101. “Thank you, really. But no.”
my house of stone, your ivy grows by stayeven (@demieddie) | 7k | Mature
When Eddie resigns himself to buying sex toys in person—despite the popularity of online ordering now—he expects to be embarrassed and overwhelmed. What he doesn't expect is to leave with a crush on the employee with captivating blue eyes.
and we can stay all day by trippedandfell (@trippedandfell) | 3k | Teen
“So let me get this straight,” Hen says, once she’s stopped laughing at him. “Your nerd crush-
“-Evan Buckley,” Eddie miserably interjects.
“Your nerd crush,” Hen repeats, waggling her eyebrows. At the kitchen table beside her, Chimney is grinning like Christmas just came early. “Read your drunk tweet and then sent you animal facts via DM?”
or: Buck's a zoologist. Eddie's pretty sure he's in love.
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Blackmailing followers update
I’m currently in talks with a few followers about a blackmailing situation. And still open to more blackmailing of followers. One of them ended up ghosting at the start of the talks. Another, with whom I had longer conversations is now full into the blackmail scenario with me. We discussed limits and expectations and then I demanded some initial blackmail material from her.
I demanded some face pictures and full body pictures. A video of her bending over and exposing her holes and a plethora of videos of her body in lingerie or touching her cunt. Then I threatened her (with consent) that I would post her hairy pussy online, if she didn’t touch her cunt and then film herself wiping that pussy juice all over her neck and face. She struggled. Then did it.
Then I forced her to spread her asshole and slide her hand between her asscheeks. Before wiping it all over her neck/body/face. Only allowed to wash her hands before she continued her day while stinking of ass. She struggled. Begged for mercy. I reminded her that my followers would love to see her holes. She submitted. (Obv with consent people, no I’m not actually exposing her)
Afterwards I told her to go about her day with her dirty panties. Work out in them. Stink in them. Even piss in them at home or in public. Before wiping her panties all over her face and sniffing them. Will she do what I tell her? Even though she’s scared. Grossed out. Trembling? Forced without the power to resist. Completely under my control.
She did it. She wore her panties when she sat on the toilet and pissed in them, then I went to her room while stinking, fucked herself and smelled her wet pissy panties.
Well done little blackmailed follower. Let’s see how far I can push and use you😈 I’m oh so proud
And who will be next in this? Interested people read my blackmail posts for further info or DM me.
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catmansquad · 1 year
Special (2)
An irritating Spider-woman leaves you on edge, fortunately, the man you love can make you feel all better...
(Miguel O'Hara x M!Reader) (Pokes M!Reader tag. "C'mon... Do something...")
‘What’s up Spider-fans! It’s Spider-Selene here once again! There’s a whole lot of you who’ve been sliding into my DMs about seeing Across the Spider-Verse. Well, guess who’s gotten her own special invite? That’s right; I’m in Spider Society!’
She held up her phone, still recording as her other hand held up the silver-white bracelet that swirled with a soft neon blue light. ‘For those who don’t know me-? Seriously, how can you not? Well, let’s take it from the top; I was bitten by some radioactive guy in a spider costume- some sort of Halloween party at a power plant gone wrong-, and since then I’ve been the one and only Spider-Selene; half-spider, half-witch, and full on badass! Fighting crime and saving the world with kickass acrobatics, pure love, and white light magic! Well, I’m already in good; got some tight-knit friends… Uh… Like Ben! Hey, Ben! How’re you doing big guy? Just telling all my fans about how I’m-!’ ‘… Friends…?’ Ben hung his head, face vanishing beneath his messy dyed locks, voice low. ‘… My life truly can spiral into darker depths.’ Spider-Selene blinked, a little nervous laugh escaped her before she swiftly turned on her heels, panning her phone away from him. ‘Yeah, he’s just being himself- we’re really actually good friends, like… Uh… Like me, Jess and Peter! Heyy!’ She waved them down, watching the two in particular pause in their conversation and look to her. ‘Hey! I’m just telling all my fans about us, want to tell them about-‘ ‘Actually, Peter, I really need to get back home… We’ll catch up later, yeah?’ Jessica gave him a soft, fond smile, that Peter matched and quickly strode off. As soon as Spider-Selene’s masked face snapped to Peter, he shrugged with an apologetic smile. ‘Yeah… Sorry, I’d love to stick about and chat, but I promised I’d look after Mayday tonight; MJ’s having a girl’s night out. See you later!’ With a “thwip” of webbing he was off, leaving Spider-Selene staring at the empty space they had once been.
‘So, you know the difference between the movie and the actual Spider-Society? Well, the bracelets are different, for one… But the really bad thing is… Well…’ She panned the camera, over to where two figures lurked by a futuristic water cooler; tall and powerfully built, a man clad in the venom green suit of a scorpion with his tail lazily curled on the floor, and a man in green and purple carrying a fishbowl helmet under one arm. ‘… Last world I explored? Literally built in the skies; farmlands, windmills, quaint little towns. Local population had wings.’ Mysterio gestured calmly the glint of a fond smile on his face. ‘Why do you get lucky? Mine was a swamp where the trees would try to strangle you with their roots.’ She returned the camera back to herself. ‘See? Literal. Villains. Just walking about with travel bracelets on. In Spider. Society. I… I mean, Mysterio’s kinda hot though, but the point still stands! It’s for Spider-People!’ ‘What did she say?’ She froze up, slowly looking back to where the pair stared at her. Scorpion’s expression narrowed further, his tail lifting from the floor. ‘M-Mac, don’t get carried away now.’ ‘Listen, you entitled little s-‘ ‘Mac.’ Mysterio’s hand on his shoulder seemed to calm whatever rage was building. ‘Look.. Spider-whatever… This place is for all of us to explore and chart the dazzling expanse of the multiverse. Perhaps no-one explained it to you- perhaps you just didn’t want to listen- but me and Mac? In our worlds, we’re the heroes. Don’t take Mac too harshly, he’s had it rough; his local Spider-woman is a terrible villain.’ A look of concern crossed his charming features as he glanced over her shoulder. ‘Perhaps it’s not any particular heroes or villains you should be worried about….’
She turned on her heels, and hurriedly tried to shove her phone back into its pocket. In a sleek black suit, you approached, peering from behind neon blue glasses, the scroll of data running across the lenses. ‘You.’ You paused before her, hands behind your back. ‘Spider-Selene.’ She corrected you, and you shook your head. ‘Lyla, pull her profile, please.’ The scroll of data stopped as you surveyed what had been brought up. ‘Hanna, please come to my office at your earliest convenience; you and I are going to have a little talk.’ She cringed softly at the mention of her name, like a scolded child who knew she had been caught out by a teacher. Finally, she hung her head, all confidence fled. ‘Yes, sir…’
You relaxed back into the chair of your office; its soft cream walls, shelves lined with tokens from other worlds, and the sleek desk with its hardlight screen scrolling the data that passed through the building. Sighing you, pulled the glasses from your eyes and set them aside, blinking at the world as it truly was.  It was fascinating, just how easily you had slipped into this life, this job, in another world and time altogether. Your eyes glanced at the bracelet on your left wrist, the silver-white sparkling in the light, the engraving of a many-branching tree visible upon its surface. Gabriel had a wonderful sense of style for designing their aesthetics. How different your life had become solely because of one extraordinary, wonderful man… The soft knock on the door, the door with that bore your nameplate and title beside it; “Head of HR”. Lyla’s hologram flitted into being on your desk. ‘Got Spider-Selene, here for your chewing out.’ You sighed and sat up straight, feet flat on the floor and pulled the chair closer to the desk, trying to look professional. ‘Let her in, please.’
She slinked across the threshold as the door slid open, hands clasped nervously as she waited for your judgement. ‘Sit down.’ The chair opposite creaked as she did as ordered. You waited for a time before clearing your throat softly. ‘Since it’s nearly lunchtime, I’ll make this brief as I’m sure we’re both hungry…’ You closed down the screen and leaned on your elbows across the desk, no barriers between your eyes. ‘Hanna, I’ve been receiving some...  complaints about you, recently. I know you’ve only been here a month and you might need time to settle in, but the frequency has quickly become… worrying. I deal with Spider-People relatively frequently, some are worse joke tellers than others…’ Realising you were beginning to drift off-topic you cleared your throat softly. ‘These complaints state that you have been… Irritating, unprofessional, and intrusive. Invading private conversations, recording and photographing without permission, and conducting yourself inappropriately in a manner that could be construed as sexual harassment.’ You watched the eyes of her mask grow wide, and you resisted the urge to grit your teeth at the last one. Needless to say, that Miguel certainly didn’t appreciate having his ass groped by yet another Spider-woman who thought he was the hottest thing since fire. ‘N-no! I’m not intrusive! I’m a superhero! I’m a good person!’ ‘We’ve also had complaints about… junk being left around the premises by you.’ ‘No! No, those are crystals and blessing bags! They’re to promote good energy and fill the space with white light… Y’know… cause I’m half-witch.’ ‘Riiight…’ You rolled the word, tone dry, you wished you had a drink beside you, something to stretch out the awkward silence.
‘I don’t know why we have villains just roaming the premises, I mean, surely for Spider-Society they should be sent back to their own worlds, it might damage the Ca-‘ You slammed a hand onto your desk stopping her babbling before she could utter that last, cursed word. ‘No.’ You closed your eyes, exhaling as fingers curled tight into your palm. You blinked your eyes back open, looking up. ‘We are not The Society. We do not wish to be their exclusive club, and we do not respect their views on the theoretical nature of the multiverse. Anyone can be an explorer of the Tree of Infinity. Now, Hanna, I want you to consider this a warning; we expect your behaviour to improve. You are still on probation, and if it does not improve, we may have to say goodbye to you. I will be discussing this matter with Miguel.’ She seemed to sink deeper into her seat at the mention of his name. ‘P-please, can you put in a good word for him with me? Let him know that I think he’s handsome? I-I mean, I don’t mean to brag, but I feel like we’ve got a real connection- we were bitten by the same spider after al-‘ ‘Really? What spider?’ You feigned interest with a gentle smile, knowing she had blabbed herself straight into a corner. ‘U-uh…’ ‘What spider, Hanna?’ ‘Uhh…. Black widow?’ You closed your eyes, chuckling softly as you nodded, and when you opened your eyes again, you could almost make out her relieved smile from beneath her mask. It was time to drop the hammer twice over. ‘Hanna? Miguel wasn’t bitten by a spider. Also, please stop flirting with him. He doesn’t like it, and his boyfriend doesn’t appreciate it. Mm?’ You watched her eyes slowly widen in realisation and drank it in before waving softly, triumphant. ‘You can go now, get some lunch.’
The gloomy room was Miguel’s office in the highest reaches of the tower, illuminated faintly by the sprawling, rotating image of a white tree with many branches. You knew its layout well enough to move through it without falling over anything, as long as Miguel hadn’t moved things around too much. As luck would have it, he had indeed. Your feet became tangled in a mass of cabling that had not been present on your last visit and you felt yourself stumble and begin to fall. You never hit the ground before familiar strong arms caught you and bore you close against his warm chest wrapped in soft clothing. ‘Heh… You’re getting clumsy.’ His deep voice was rich with amusement, right by your ear as he lifted you off your feet with effortless ease. You wrapped your arms around him, squeezing him in a hug with all your might, and his body didn’t yield in the slightest, only a faintly amused huff escaped him for your efforts. ‘You’re the one booby trapping your office to trip me up, Miggy.’ He laughed again and placed a fond kiss to your cheek. ‘Damn, you’ve figured me out… Lyla tells me you’ve been busy. Want to tell me what it’s about?’ ‘Well-‘ ‘Actually, hold that thought. Let’s get comfortable.’
He supported your entire weight with one arm as his other reached out, the “thwip” of the white, organic webbing from his wrist as he launched both you and him up into the upper reaches of his office, to where a hammock of webbing had been constructed. He laid you down on the soft, silken threads and relaxed beside you, the glint of his crimson eyes visible in the faint light. He began to rock the hammock gently with one foot against the wall and you felt utterly safe with one of his arms over your waist. ‘Well… Uh, the crazy witch has been told off. She won’t be groping you anymore. So your ass is safe… Until the next Spider-woman tries….’ ‘Ay dios mio… You think it’s pheromones? You think I produce pheromones that drive them crazy?’ You snuggled closer into him, nuzzling into his neck and sniffing to inhale his wonderful earthen scent. ‘You always smell great to me, Miggy…’ Another little chuckle escaped him, and he kissed the top of your head with a pleased rumble. ‘Uh-huh…? Well, Lyla’s made sure we won’t be disturbed… So, maybe your ass won’t be so safe from me, my love. If you want to do more than just snuggle…’ You snuggled even closer against him, feeling his arm around you tighten with strength that was just shy of hurting- you knew he still held back the lion’s share of his might, he could snap you like a twig if he wanted. ‘I… Think I just want to be with my Spider-Man, right now…’ ‘Heh… Te amo, mi vida…’ He purred as he placed another kiss to your head, still rocking you quietly. ‘I am yours…’
I designed Spider-Selene to be an incredibly shallow, irritating version of some of the Spidersonas I used to see around Tumblr. Also I love the fact that she just got chomped by a drunk guy in a costume and the world went "Ehh, techncially that counts". Probably doesn't even have any powers (which would explain why ATSV Miguel had no interest in recruiting her)
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notesfromthepalace · 1 year
Vanilla Coconut
I don't mean to boast but I am a well-traveled woman and I know how it feels to be sought after by men from all Nationalities, okay.
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And as said before, the Lord has sent me my African King so I am not looking for attention from other men or woman - I am beyond happy.
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And as I write at one of my favorite places, "On My Mama" by Victoria Monet is playing - and I know I've been giving big body gyal and goals lately - "I look fly, I look good".
But back to being world-wide and highly sought after.
Prior to being with my Ghanian heart-throb, I have and have always been open to dating outside my culture and race, meaning dating men that are not Haitian, and also men who are not Black. Even now, with both he and I being Black, we're still of different cultures.
Friends, when I went to Europe at 19, the men were enamored. The hair, the curves, the skin, I was exotic to them.
Now, at 25, I understand some of it was the hyper-sexualization and fetishization of Black women, but for others, that were just mesmerized by the beauty, I allowed them to take me to fancy dinners and have amazing conversations about the world and everything glamorous and expensive.
Point being, I am not un-accustomed to they eyes of men that do not look like me.
Now, what I have noticed is you'll have men that are not black, but are well traveled and when they compliment you its:
"You are so beautiful"
Actually, it's always that.
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But when it comes to American white men who are not from a diverse community - and you can tell their version of traveling is just being on guided tours and not immersing themselves in the culture of whatever country they're in, the compliments are either very racially insensitive or super "frat-boy" language:
"You're so hot" "You're so different" "I love how long and straight your hair is" "You're hot AF" "I always thought you were so hot"
Emphasis on the "hotness" thing right? That's how 16 year-old horny teenagers talk. And if I'm completely honest, after hearing it multiple times from the same person, especially with the statement being an assessment of just sex-appeal, it starts to make me feel a little uncomfortable just because I don't like being hyper-sexualized. And those comments usually come from a place of hyper-sexualization.
Sometimes it doesn't, but you mean to tell me that there are grown men who are well established who don't know how to talk to women?
Further more, there are women who are actually receptive to this type of dialogue?
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*Bombastic side eye
Mind you, I am so messy when it comes to spilling the tea to the African Chief: I was literally on the phone with him telling him everything this man was telling me as he was slipping and sliding in my DM's, and still is - even after I said I had a boyfriend and that I'm not interested.
And of course, my Lover-man makes the joke "Oh, you thought you would get a man and other men would stop trying to get with you? No baby, you are a beautiful woman, men will always seek you".
Before I continue with the story, I just wanted to thank God for my man. He is truly a Godly man who understands that:
He is with a woman who loves him unconditionally - meaning I tell him these things because he's my man, but I am not going anywhere. He gives BIG HUSBAND BIG PROVIDER GREAT FATHER GREAT LEADER - and that's what I prayed for when I felt like I was ready to be with the love of my life.
He also understands that he is with a very desirable woman - meaning he's so secure in himself that he knows men will throw themselves at me because I am attractive. But he loves the fact that when we walk into places with me on his arm, we're the focus of the room - really me but we all get the point *wink wink
And we talked about it and from a Spiritual standpoint, the devil will always try to destroy good things. But my GOD is greater and rebuke all of that.
And even as I am writing this, this man is still in my DM's.
And yes, the Ghanian Protector will hear about this tonight.
But I thought this was just too juicy to keep to myself until the weekend.
Moral of the story is homie is giving single-white-female and the Ghanian King knows everything!
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As always ladies,
Fall is here and it is time for the oranges and yellows, boots and coats, and smoky eye-shadow.
With love, a little shade and tea,
Sarah Chanel
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boltupbitches · 1 year
Sliding in the DMs Part VIII
(also there is likely a few typos and mistakes. I'll go through and clean up on a later date.)
Joey was on the phone talking with Nick about recovery for an upcoming game when his phone pinged. “Yeah I mean I’d try that…” He trailed off as he saw the notification that Arty had just posted on her Instagram stories.
“Yeah I’m thinking of maybe trying water-based workouts in the off season. We could hit up Mike when we’re back in Fort Lauderdale and -” “Are you fucking kidding me?” Joey suddenly snaps.
Nick pauses for a few moments and said, “Dude it’s just water workout. What’s the fucking problem?”
“No - not that. Fucking Arty with her fucking shit..” Joey bitched.
“The girl you’re dating with the hot sister?” Nick asked.
“Yes - wait - how do you know she has a sister?” Joey asked.
“Not gonna lie - I looked her up when you mentioned Arty’s real name. Wasn’t hard to find since you followed her. Then, I found a pic of her sister tagged in it and did a follow request. She’s a real hotty.” Nick drew out.
“That’s a conversation for another time. Why the fuck is she out with this dude? She must really want me to fucking show up there because I told her I’m not playing these fucking games.” Joey rages.
She shared an additional video in her stories of a tiktok with the sound "Ladies unless he asks you to be his girlfriend you're single."
“Did she tag the location?” Nick asked, suddenly more animated again in the conversation. “I’d show up if I were you.”
“No she fucking didn’t. I’m texting her now.” Joey said.
After a string of angry texts he sent her, he told Nick he’d call him back and quickly tried her cellphone. After the third ring, he got her voicemail. He hung up and tried again two more times. By the fourth try he decided to leave her a message. “Artemis Thermopoli - you think this is fucking funny? Do you really want to play games? I fucking warned you not to go with that fucking guy tonight and you did anyways. Drop the fucking address because I swear to god that I’ll call every goddamn restaurant in the LA radius that’s open this late until you fucking answer me back. I told you I’m not fucking playing this game with you - you’re my goddamn girl.”
He hung up and flung his phone on the couch, panting heavily as he suddenly got up and paced the floor. The nearby decorative vase his mom picked out was sticking out to him in a way that somehow managed to enrage him further. He picked it up and chucked it across the room, watching it shatter into pieces on the floor. He paced some more before dropping back down onto the couch, this time face first and cussing into the throw pillow beneath him. 
Just as he was about to make good on his word about calling every restaurant open at 10:30pm in the LA area, his phone pinged again. He quickly snatched it off the coffee table and opened the Instagram app again.
Arty was sharing to her stories again. This time, a picture of a dinner plate with the caption, “Pi on Sunset is one of the best mediterranean restaurants in West Hollywood 🥙.”
Joey felt a mix of anger burst in him and then excitement. He was for sure crashing this date. Without a fucking doubt. Opening his contact to her in imessage, he saw that she had read his texts 5 minutes ago, choosing to leave him on ‘read’. He’d get her back for that too. 
Snatching his keys off his kitchen table, he ran out the door, stopping for just a moment to lock his door and text a quick “omw” to her before getting in his car and taking off down the street. 
“So… what do you do other than work in finance? Any hobbies?” Arty asked with fake interest.
The man sitting across from her, Jared, was ok… he seemed like a decent guy overall. He had a good paying job, was well-educated, polite and not inappropriate, conventionally attractive… he just wasn’t Joey. And that bothered Arty that since meeting Joey Bosa, there had been no other man that compared to him and how insane her attraction was to him. 
Prior to seeing Joey, she didn’t ever consider the athlete type. Her ex-boyfriend from a few years ago was a skinny guy who did graphic design part-time and worked at Starbucks.  And prior to that she dated a guy that worked as a nurse who was also of average build.
Joey had an impressive physique, an addictive personality, and Arty had never experienced such an attraction to anyone else before that she was experiencing with him.
Just as Jared was listing off his hobbies (golfing being one of them - no surprise there), Arty felt her phone vibrate on her lap. She discreetly peaked down at her screen and saw a text from Joey saying, “omw” and suddenly, with the burst of excitement and elation at the idea of him coming there for her, she stared back at an oblivious Jared with all the attention in the world.
She just hoped the LAPD didn’t arrest Joey who was likely speeding to get there from his place. 
“You know, Jared, it’s been a great night getting to know you, but I know we’re both expecting an early morning tomorrow. I’ll flag the waitress down for our bill.” She said sweetly, painting a kind smile, hoping he’d say ok so she could just wait for Joey outside.
Jared, oblivious to her internal turmoil, waved his hand dismissively. “No, that’s fine Artemis. I’m going to order us dessert before we go.” 
Arty’s smile slipped slightly and her brow twitched in annoyance. She didn’t need his permission to do so, she was telling him she wanted to get the bill and end the date. “Well, I think -”
Just then the waitress walked up to them, “Will you two be ordering anything else?”
“No, we’re go-” “Yes, please” Jared interrupted her. 
Arty shot him an incredulous glare that he’d do so, but he wasn’t even looking at her as he picked up the tiny dessert menu next to him and was perusing the menu. “That’s not needed.” Arty said kindly, “I don’t want any.”
Again, Jared ignored her and told the waitress, “Two slices of the New York style cheesecake, please.”
The waitress looked at Arty curiously for a minute, who was too busy staring irately at her date to notice the confirmation.
Jared nodded at the waitress who thanked them and walked off to get their order. “You seem like a cheesecake girl.”
“Oh?” Arty asked flatly, no longer pretending to give a fuck about the date after he rudely interrupted her and ignored her. “I’m more of a cannoli or baklava girl actually.”
“I don’t know what the second one is.” Jared said, “Is it Indian or something?”
Arty stared for a moment - caught off guard by his remark. This guy after all told her he loved Greek food, but yet didn’t know the most popular dessert dish in not only Greece, but the Mediterranean. “No, it’s Greco-Turkish food. Super popular in the Mediterranean.”
“Never heard of it.” He took a sip of his wine. “So, I was thinking we could do this again sometime if you’d like.”
“Well, honestly -”
“She can’t because she’s already got a boyfriend, buddy!” Joey called as stomped around the corner, a nervous waiter following after him, trying to get him to stop. 
“Joey!” Arty perked up.
“Joey?” Jared stared in confusion at her before looking at the hulking figure of the 6’5” outside linebacker stomping their way. “What - I mean.. Wait - Joey Bosa?” He pointed at Joey.
“Joey I’m on a date!”
"It's over. Tell your boy you're in a relationship." He demanded
“Sir - I am going to have to ask you to leave before I call the police. We are not only getting ready to close, but you also have no reservation here.” The waiter buts in, reaching his hand out to stop Joey from approaching any further.
“I’m here for my girlfriend and then I’ll be out of your fucking restaurant.” He said rudely. “Arty, I told you that I’d be on my way. Let’s fucking go.”
Arty smiled at him and said, “Girlfriend? I don’t see a girlfriend here. I think you’ve mistaken me with someone else Joey.” She was very coy about it, hoping he’d take the bait.
“Artemis Thermopoli. We will do this one of two ways: we walk out hand in hand or I carry your ass over my shoulder and out the door. You decide and do it quick. I’m over this shit.” He snapped.
Arty pretended to think for a moment before turning to Jared and saying, “Sorry, Jared. But I think for your sake and that poor waiter’s sake,” Who of which was heading to the front desk to call the police while a nearby hostess was watching their scene unfold with rapt attention, “I’ll be heading out with my good friend here.” She tossed a fifty on the table to cover her portion of the meal. “Enjoy the cheesecake.”
She got her coat, draped it over her shoulder and walked towards Joey.
“Can we do this again sometime?” Jared called.
“I think the fuck not unless you want a visit while you’re in the hospital, dude.” Joey answered for her, shooting a murderous glare at him.
“Woah - no problem dude. I got it. She’s your girl,” He laughed nervously, “I had no idea she was taken. Big fan by the way. Go Buckeyes!” He stuck both hands up in surrender.
Joey made an unimpressed ‘hmm’ sound and started walking back the way he came. Arty following after him. 
He stopped at the front and asked, “So, you call the police yet?”
The hostess, who had since made it to the front, answered, “Nope. Do you need a private room to speak? What can we get you?” Her eyes darted to Arty curiously.
“No need. I got what I was here for.” He said and waved in thanks at them.
Joey walked out the door and turned towards Arty who was still walking behind him. He reached his hand out and she swatted it away. He grunted and tried to grab her hand, only for her to once again swat it. “Knock the shit off, Arty!”
“Nope. Only boyfriend and girlfriend hold hands.” She said pointedly. “I’ll get an Uber and meet you back at my apartment.”
Joey chuckled darkly. “Again with this shit.. And the fuck you are. I’ll give you a ride back to my place for the night.”
Arty ignored him and got on the Uber app. She slipped her jacket on and was searching for a driver when suddenly she was up in the air and facing downwards, with a loud grunt from beneath her, she found herself over the shoulder of Joey, her head facing the rear of him as he walked in the direction of his car.
“Joey - are you fucking serious? What the fuck?” She shouted, taking her free hand and slapping him on the ass. Her palm stinging from colliding with nothing but firm muscle. “Put me down.”
“We’re almost there. Stop yelling.”
“Seriously, if you drop me, I’m going to be so pissed and I’ll never talk to you again.”
“You’re not even half my weight. I lift weights heavier. You’re fine.” He stopped walking and gingerly put her down on her feet, being sure to steady her as she was wearing heels. He paused to look her over from head-to-toe. “You look beautiful tonight, babe.”
Arty blushed and was flustered at the compliment. “Thanks.. But I’m still mad at you!”
“No you’re not.” He rolled his eyes. “Otherwise you wouldn’t have been teasing me all fucking night. I swear you like seeing me lose it over you.”
“I do not!”
“You do.” He stared in amusement at her, “I fucking know you do. You get some type of sexual kick from this? You make me so mad I just want to fuck the brattiness out of you.”
Arty felt the heat in her stomach pull at his words. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
Joey nodded in amusement and opened the passenger door for her, “Alright. Get in.” He looked at her expectantly.
She begrudgingly did so with him closing the door after her. He slid in on his side and buckled up, starting his car and pulling out of the parking lot onto the glitzy West Hollywood streets.
On the drive back to his place he suddenly says, “Artemis Renee Thermopoli.. you just love to piss me off, don’t you?”
He’s gripping the wheel in a vice grip and not looking at her. He’s pissed again, radiating anger. Arty is squirming in the passenger seat with excitement and happiness. She knows what’s coming.
“Sometimes.” She says innocently. 
Joey was a block from his house when he turned towards her at the red light and said, “Any plans you got tomorrow are going to need canceled cause there is no way you’re walking after tonight.”
“Is that a threat?” She asked.
“Nope - a fucking promise.”
Arty was crying out loudly as she lay with her head pressed against the bunched up comforter beneath her. Joey was railing her from behind with so much force, she had to grip the corner of the mattress to keep from moving forward with each thrust.
Joey had his hand pressed into her back, keeping her back arched a certain way that he knew she liked and the other gripping her waist tightly to hold her in place. Even in his ‘punishment’ for her he prioritized her pleasure. Nothing beat seeing her this way, so raw and vulnerable to him.
The second they made it in the doorway of his house he had her dress up and over her head, legs around his waist, and her back pressed into the wall as they made out.
At some point, after fucking on the couch and the island in his kitchen, they made it to his bedroom. 
Something Joey had never experienced before Arty was sex with someone with just as high of a stamina. He once asked her if she was a nymphomaniac and she unabashedly said, “yeah. If it’s good sex, I love it.” And he wouldn't lie that it for sure boosted his ego a bit to know she enjoyed it so much with him.
Just as he felt his sack tighten, he felt Arty’s hand push against him, letting him know to stop. He did so immediately and pulled out. “You ok?” He gasped, “Too much?”
“No, no.” She gasped and sat up. “I wanna ride you.” She was panting, her makeup smudged and her face flushed with red. Joey thought she looked beautiful. “Please, Joey.” She broke his daydream.
Joey nodded and sat back against the pillows towards the headboard. Arty mounted him, pressing her hand on the center of his chest, toying with the chest hair growing there, before gasping as she sunk down on his cock. “Fuckkk.” She moaned as Joey dropped his back in bliss at the warmth the enveloped his member. “It’s so big..” She breathed into his ear as she wrapped her arms around his neck. 
“All for you.” Joey panted back.
“All for me?” She asked breathily, looking into his eyes as she bit her lip and increased her pace.
Joey nodded and said, “And you’re all for me? My girl?” He asked hopefully.
Arty grinned at that and nodded. “All for you, baby.” She gripped his hand in hers and pressed it against the part of her chest where her heart was. 
Joey smashed his lips into hers as he picked up the speed and pistoned into her from below.
Arty moaned against his lips and pulled away suddenly. “I’m gonna cum again!” She cried as she felt the familiar knot build in her belly.
“Come on, baby. Let me see you.” Joey reached down and rubbed furiously at her sensitive nub. 
Arty opened her mouth with a silent scream as her vision blackened at the intensity of her orgasm.
Joey followed a few moments after, the gush of her cumming and the tightness enveloping his cock being too much for him.
He laid back spent as Arty leaned into his chest, equally soaked in sweat, body sore, and sated in her appetite. 
Joey chuckled and said, “I just realized that I never really did ask you to be my girlfriend. So, to make sure what we just said earlier counted.. Will you be my girlfriend, Arty?”
Arty smiled bashfully at him and nodded. “Of course. It’s all I’ve wanted since day one.” She admitted.
Joey smiled lovingly at her and said, “I fucking love you.” 
Arty stared in absolute shock at that. Too stunned to speak.
Joey, finally realizing what he admitted, said, “Shit. That’s too soon. I’m sorry. You’re not expected to say it back. I wasn’t fucking thinking and I’m such a fucking idiot -” 
“I love you too.”
“I mean - wait - what?” He asked dumbly.
“I love you too.” She smiled adoringly up at him, still laying against him in their post coital bliss. “I am pretty fucking crazy about you in a way I’ve never been about anyone else. I love all of you.”
“Nose and all?” He joked weakly, his eyes stinging a bit with tears.
“Nose and all.” She confirmed, pressing a gentle kiss to his lips. 
They made out languidly before Arty lifted off of him, separating with a hiss as he slipped out of her.
“You want to take a bath?” Joey asked her. 
She nodded and held her hands out. “You’re gonna have to carry me there, caveman. You broke my pussy and my legs for the next day or so.”
Joey chuckled and lifted her up, carrying her towards the bathroom. He sat her on the toilet as he got the bath ready.
As the water was warming up, he felt Arty staring at him. Finally, he turned and asked her, “What are you staring at?” He was playful.
“Just a man I love deeply who is also my boyfriend.”
“Wow - sounds like a real winner.” He joked.
“Oh, he is. He also has a big dick.” She said bluntly causing Joey to cough loudly at that. “Which I love because -”
Joey held a finger to her lips. “We are literally taking a bath to help you with being sore from almost four rounds of sex. Don’t start what you can’t finish.”
Arty winked at him mischievously, “My mouth and hands are working just fine, baby.”
Joey groaned at that and said, “What am I going to do with you?”
Arty shrugged, “Love me, feed me, and fuck me.”
“A way to a woman’s heart.” Joey said sarcastically.
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messrsrobyn · 1 month
Why do my comments keep getting deleted on your tiktok
HELLO!!! okay so two possibilities here:
1) you comment things that are filtered - there are a few things filtered that just won't post. no, i will not say what they are but that COULD be a reason, though typically those go into my approve/deny section and i haven't had many recently.
sooo more likely:
2) you commented something that i don't allow
this includes but is notttt limited to:
any rating/ranking of fics, any slating of fics/authors, ANYTHING that talks badly of fics - if it's a comment asking for further explanation or like "can you explain xyz" then i'll reply but if it's purely negative/intended to start an argument not a constructive discussion? it's deleted. boost don't bash, simply scroll past instead of hating
any dissing of ships/hcs etc - my account is a safe space for everythingggg and i simply delete things that hate on things for the mere sake of hating.
anything hostile whether it's towards me, or other people in the comment sections - i just don't want hostility on my account so i delete it. THIS also includes towards authors!!!
certains things i don't promote - again, not providing a list but there is a small handful of things that i don't want to promote on my account and any comment reccing them will get deleted (a veryyy small list but still a possibility)
spam comments - NOT in a like "spam = blocked" kinda way, you can like allll my posts at once if you so wish, makes me feel all giggly. i more so mean the ones like "hey! join our marauders rp server!" "dm to join our marauders discord!!" i just can't moderate what's going on in there and i will feel so so so responsible if something goes down and someone gets hurt bc they found it in my comment section.
there's probably more but those are the ones that i can list off the top of my head
generallyyyy if your comments have been deleted there's a reason for it and not a reason that i'm likely to budge on. my account is so so soooo open for *conversations* and *discussions* but anything outrightly mean or argumentative is just deleted because
🫧i'm in my bubble🫧pls don't pop it🫧
if a comment gets deleted and you're not sure why, my dms over there are alwayssss open !! anyone can just slide in and ask for clarification :))
but yah !! hope this helps <3
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fabbyf1 · 1 year
Are you still responding on comments at AO3?
I want to talk about something that makes me uncomfortable. I hope you’ll allow me to speak my mind, hear what I’m saying, and not jump to any conclusions. Please don’t read any further into this than what it’s actually about. 
I want to talk about comments on AO3. 
Comments on AO3 are so fucking important. If you’ve ever published something on AO3, you know how incredibly special they are. Writing is such a long, lonely process that we all do for free. We challenge ourselves to be creative and to produce content that we want to see in the world. We take time away from our own lives and responsibility to do something that we love to do. 
And sometimes, if you’re lucky, you’ll build up a little following of people that enjoy your stuff. People who will read your fics religiously, even if it’s not something they would have previously clicked on. And that, my friends, is an insane feeling of validation. It’s something I’ve never experienced before, even though I’ve been writing since I was 12. 
F1 RPF is such a special place to be. 
Having you all back me and support me is insane. I love it so much. The fact you have such faith in my writing that you’ll click on a fic and go into it with an open mind simply because I wrote it is mind-blowing to me. I never want that to change, and I never want you all to feel like I’m immune or numb to that. I am so incredibly thankful for your support. 
I’ll never be able to find the words to express how much joy I get from posting a fic and seeing you all freak out over it. It makes it worthwhile. It inspires me to keep going. It builds my confidence and helps me continue to take time out of my personal life to write these things, knowing that I’m not just doing it for myself anymore. 
But that’s where the tricky part comes in, and I’m not sure how to talk about it without sounding like a whining little bitch. I don’t want you to think I’m telling you how to praise me. I never want you to think I’m taking feedback, comments, or praise for granted because I promise you I’m not. 
I still cry and gag and scream over every single comment I receive, no matter how long or short the comment is. I screenshot them and send them off rapid-fire to my little group of besties so that we can all cry over them together. 
But I think it’s important we keep it on the right platform. 
Very recently, I have stopped responding to comments on AO3. It wasn’t an easy decision for me, and I cried actual real-life tears about it because I didn’t want anyone to hate me or think I was a rude, self-absorbed lil bitch. 
Up until this week, I was religiously responding to every single comment I received. Because I wanted you all to know how much they meant to me. But I’ve reached a certain point now where it’s taking too much time out of my day to respond to them all when I feel like I could be using that time for better things. Like producing more content for you. 
But I’ve noticed, particularly this last week since I stopped responding on AO3, that my Tumblr inbox is suddenly full of AO3 comments. I can’t help but think it’s because I still respond to (almost) every Tumblr ask I get but have opted out of responding on AO3. And if that’s the case, I totally get it. Because interaction is important, and we all enjoy talking to each other! 
I don’t want anybody to think I’m asking you not to interact with me. 
I fucking love talking to you guys. You all make me laugh, and cry, and gag, and scream and panic-pace around my apartment with some of our conversations. I never want you to stop sliding into my dm’s or sliding into my asks, on anon or off anon, to scream about things with me. 
But what I’m asking... is that you also leave a comment on AO3. If you only have the time or desire to write on one platform... please make it AO3. Come to my tumblr to talk to me, Kate, about anything you want. Or, copy and paste the AO3 comment into my tumblr ask so I can repost it for everyone to see. But I’d ask that you not skip the AO3 comments to post on my tumblr instead. Because... they belong on AO3. 
I’m so incredibly honored that you would take the time out of your day to leave me a comment (of any size). Seeing them on any platform brings me so much joy, but I think they belong on AO3. Whenever I’m feeling sad or down, I’ll go reread the comments on my AO3 fics. If they’re split between two platforms, comments are more likely to get lost in the mix, and that makes me so sad to think about because I want to reread them. 
Because you took the time to tell me something nice. 
Also... stats matter. And I hope you don’t think I’m being cocky or entitled when I say that. But comments, kudos, and views matter. It’s how your fics get more traction and more attention and how you widen your audience. Stats are an awkward thing to talk about, especially for me, but they really do matter. 
I hope you all can understand where I’m coming from. 
And I truly hope you don’t think I’m complaining or trying to dictate when and how you should praise me. Because I promise you that is not my intention. I’m just... a real person behind a screen, with real feelings and real emotions. I love you all so much, and I’ll never stop crying about how loved and special you all make me feel. 
Thank you for listening, besties. 
[tl;dr I think AO3 comments should stay on AO3, and not go into Tumblr asks. Please don't hate me.]
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seijorhi · 2 years
Hey Rhi 👋🏼, this is my first time sending you an ask/message. I accidentally stumbled upon your page on ao3 and I’ve been a fan since, you’re the reason why I got introduced to the yandere genre (I had no idea what it was before but I’m not mad about it at all). You are my all-time favorite Yandere author and I won’t read anything from that genre if it isn’t written by you. It's just something about the way you write that keeps me hooked.
I adore all of your works, but anything about the Miya twins is my favorite. Your latest work of them ‘Means to an End’ is by far my ultimate favorite obsession. I keep it as an open tab on safari from how frequently I go back to reread it. From the moment you published it, it’s been constantly plaguing my mind. The way you wrote the twins characters is so spot on and well done it’s almost as if they were real people. Your characterization of the twins is always chefs kiss.
After reading ‘Means to an End’ I was left with a couple of questions of my own. Please don’t feel pressured to answer all or if any of my questions, I’d be very much surprised if you’ve even read this far, I’ll be happy with anything you give even if that means you only read this (no hard feelings at all).
Without further ado here are my questions:
In the very beginning of the fic when Ame and reader are discussing about Ame’s birthday weekend, is it weeks or months away from her actual birthday?
When and how did Ame and Atsumu meet, did he slide in her DM’s or did he ‘accidentally’ bump into her and introduced himself?
How long were Ame and Atsumu together before the trip?
Before the planning of the trip and it was just Ame and Atsumu behind closed doors, would they go out on dates and do couple things?
How did the Internet feel about Atsumu having a girlfriend? Did this give Ame a bit of fame too? (I was wondering about this since you mentioned that Ame plastered pictures of her and Atsumu on her social media feeds)
When you mentioned that Atsumu had a ‘revolving door of girlfriends’ did this mean he treated them like an actual girlfriend or did he treat them more like a fuck buddy that he liked to keep around?
What time did Atsumu and Ame stop fucking obnoxiously loud? (cause chile we all know Atsumu has pro athlete stamina, this is also just a silly question)
What were Atsumu’s thoughts on buying Ame’s earrings, was it just to keep up the act of a loving boyfriend? ( I was honestly shocked that he got her a gift if I'm being honest)
(Back to Ame’s earrings, I know I'm sorry 🥲) But how was that interaction, Atsumu giving Ame her gift?
Another interaction I want to know about is Ame and the twins in the hot springs, since the reader didn’t end up going, did they say or do anything at all, did they at least converse with Ame?
Welp, that basically sums up my curiosity. Once again please don’t feel pressured to answer any or all of my questions. I just couldn’t help myself to ask. But if you do answer them, thank you so much for taking time out of your day to do so 🤍🫧. Keep doing what you’re doing babe!!!
hoo boy okay, firstly, thank you so much for the sweet ask!!
i'm gonna put these answers under a readmore because... there's a lot of them and that's okay vfhgdsjkvjhbfjds
a month-ish i'd say??
2. i can't remember if i put it in the fic or if i wrote it in an answer or whether it was just another piece of backstory that never left my head, but ame's a sports reporter, which is how they met. he slept with her, had every intention of forgetting her, until he pulls up the reader's social media and whaddya know? there's a familiar face
3. they've been together for nine months. long enough for ame to wonder whether tsumu is considering popping the question (oh ame, poor, sweet, naive little ame) while they're away
4. for all intents and purposes, atsumu made it feel like a real relationship. did they go out to couples ceramics painting classes? no, but dinner at fancy restaurants, taking her to matches, stuff like that, yeah absolutely. if anything, atsumu probably found it easier being in public, putting on a show, there's less of that quiet intimacy of just being together y'know? and if people got pics of them out and about in public, if ame posted gushing about their dates on instagram or whatever, who was he to complain?
don't get it wrong, atsumu doesn't hate ame. she's beautiful, fun. a good fuck. a bit pathetic and far, far too gullible, but he doesn't despise her. she's just a tool to him, that's it. the other stuff makes just makes the whole thing easier.
5. same as any other partner of any well known athlete/celebrity – there's going to be hate, of course there's gonna be hate, just like there's going to be people who are obsessed with it and ship it, people who don't give a fuck, people who think it's cute or annoying or a thousand other things. the main difference would i guess be that ame is already well-ish known, especially within the sporting world. she already has a pretty decent following online so she's well versed in tuning out all the negativity.
6. atsumu has really only ever cared about three things; samu, volleyball and the reader. the girls he dated back in highschool were at best a way to scratch the itch (with maybe the added benefit of making the reader jealous) and at worst a distraction. he didn't go out of his way to treat them like shit, it's just that in the pecking order of his priorities, they never ranked all that high. also, there's the whole obsessed with another girl to an extremely unhealthy degree thing that sort of got in the way of developing any kind of meaningful relationship.
i would say though that atsumu quickly developed a reputation. those girls knew what they were getting into.
7. i had an ask recently where they said that their interpretation of atsumu and ame's uhh extended activities that night was that atsumu couldn't get off which ngl made me snort. i love that. but to answer your question, not too much after the reader's encounter with osamu. tsumu might have that athlete stamina but poor ame has her limits bgfhjekfhjds
8. in my head, i flip-flopped between whether the earrings were fakes or not and in the end i left it up to y'all to decide. for the sake of this question, we'll assume that the earrings were in fact very real diamonds. now as a disclaimer i realise that pro-volleyball players in japan probably do not make a small fortune over their careers, however in my fic they do.
so atsumu's gift serves two purposes; one, it serves to show how rich and successful he is, that he can drop thousands on some jewellery for a girl he doesn't even love just because he can. because it's barely a drop in the ocean of his overall wealth. two, it's yet another tactic to elicit a jealous reaction from the reader.
and i think that if the reader ever did give in (and probably even if she didn't) atsumu would gladly throw money around for her, too.
9. gift in bed with a blowjob to say thank you?? fghdkihvgfjdks
10. i think the first thing that would've popped out of their mouths would've been to ask where the reader was, and why she wasn't coming – because ultimately, that's all either one of them care about. on the one hand, they don't buy her whole headache excuse for a second. it's satisfying for them to know that they're having an effect on her, but at the same time they're both disappointed because... no naked reader :c
it's kind of sad in a way, because i think ame would've been really excited to use the whole weekend to try and get to know osamu better. she's head over heels in love with atsumu, and she knows how important his brother is to him. making a good impression on osamu is a big thing for her. and it's not the first time they've met, or even the first time they've spent time together, but for whatever reason she gets the sense that osamu doesn't really like her.
he's never been rude or demeaning, never said anything to atsumu (at least nothing that he's shared with her) but she can't shake the feeling that he doesn't think she's a good match for atsumu. it bothers her, because she thinks that what she has with his brother is something real. something that might be permanent. if he's not on board, she doesn't know if atsumu will ever truly commit.
and so while she's worried about the reader and the weirdness hanging between them, she's also going to use the opportunity of her not being there to try and find some level to connect with osamu on. unfortunately for her, while he's not going to be a dick about it, samu really isn't interested in making a 'connection' with the chick his brother's using, no matter how nice she is.
inevitably, ame ends up being the third wheel while the two of them are wrapped up in their own conversation.
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// I am strongly contemplating creating a non-FF7 verse that I can use as a default for the spookier, arcane, and occult related crossovers since they are now growing in number. If you have a current thread with me I am going to put the spoilers under the cut in case you want to keep things a surprise!
To blend his FF7 origins and translate it into something more crossover friendly and flexible, I am taking elements that make him distinct in Crisis Core and giving them some generic applications with a few nuances. Genesis in this verse will have been born to a wealthy landowner, noble person, or place of influence that fits appropriately. His parents, as the socialites, are very keen to uphold their image and progress their standing within society. Naturally, their son received the best education, opportunities and arrangements to ensure his future and enrich their own status. By all rights, everything was picturesque save for one flaw. Genesis, from a young age, was drawn to the mysteries and unknown of the occult. And as his proclivity for use in magic became apparent, his parents were concerned that his dabbling in the darker side of nature would drag the Rhapsodos family name down. Over time, their disapproval turned into resentment when it became clear that Genesis' passions for unveiling the mysteries of this so called 'science' were the only ones he cared for. After a failed attempt to align an arranged marriage, and subsequent passing of his ailing mother, Genesis' father blamed his son for their misfortunes, locking him in the basement as to not allow any further sorrow to come from his wayward son. After many years of imprisonment, Genesis lost faith in humanity, finding that the conversing and sympathies of so called 'monsters' were kinder than that of his own blood. Embracing his nature, Genesis and his awakened power set fire to the Rhapsodos estate, allowing him to escape. His father was presumed dead. Leaving everything behind, Genesis struck his own way, setting up shop as a broker managing clients from both the human and the supernatural world in need of a service, one way or another. Nicknamed the 'Matchmaker', he not only offers 'difficult to procure' items of alchemical, magic, and other ilk, but solicits contracts between demons and mortals, finding the right fit for the job and an assurance that if either side breached the terms, payment would be rendered. Annnnd that's all I got for the time being. I'm sure I will fine tune and tweak important things. Like, I have no idea where I will put this snippet, but definitely, somewhere prior to the mansion burning down, Genesis would have made his first summon, but fucked it up, resulting in him being partially fused with some sort of bird (hence wings since well. you know). Toying with the idea how edgy of a bird. Like yes, I could just go with a raven but a dark phoenix sounds so much cooler and is so much more on theme-- hskfdlsjdkfs Anyway that's all! Thanks for reading and if you wanna play around with this idea feel free to slide into my dms!!
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Since we now have tydii smut it’s only fair we get finlett smut
I mean, we've gotta be fair with our filth, right?
*after Fin gets out of the med bay, before the Ra'haam gets to Aurora station*
“Hey, can we go back to a conversation that was interrupted?” Fin asks as they lay together in his bed, facing one another, his hand stroking her hair. Scarlett’s eyes fluttered open and met his.
“Sure, which one?” She responds and then considers. “Is this about my kind of botched declaration of love for you while we were in the DM storm? I had hoped you were too injured to remember,” she says and he smiles and shakes his head, blushing a little.
“Um, no, I was hoping we could continue our conversation about you taking my shirt off?” he asks, his voice cracking on the last word, which he chooses to blame on his recent run in with a tracheotomy and not his desperation to be touched by his girlfriend whose curves are pressing tight to him and have been for the last five nights she has snuck into his bed because she couldn’t sleep in her own.
Scarlett considers his words and runs her fingers over the small scar in his neck.
“Only if that conversation includes you taking my shirt off. Would this be easier if we turned the grav off in here?” she asked and he smiles at her in silent thanks for her consideration. 
“Let’s not. I don’t know a lot about sex, but I imagine if we turn the grav off, we’ll probably fly into a few walls,” she nods at his reasoning. “That being said, I don’t want it to suck for you so...” he trails and she frowns, before kissing him.
“Hey, I just care that I’m with you. And if there’s any sucking to be done, it probably won’t be by you,” she says and they both blush and laugh a little.
“Okay,” he aquiesces. “Um, so my exo has release buttons at the left hip for the bottom half and at my neck for the top. Their pretty easy to get off but I’ll help you. After it’s off, I won’t be able to move great, but I trust you and we’ll figure it out, right?” Scarlett nods and brings his hand up so she can kiss his knuckles.
“Thank you for trusting me,” she says before leaning in and kissing him. Scarlett’s kiss is heavy, and her hands start to wander from his cheeks, into his hair, down his neck and back. 
Her body presses into his and he has never felt it as much as he does now. His hands find her ribs and travel from their, his right diving greedily under her sleep shorts to cup her ass, his left finding it’s way up her shirt, his hand caressing her breast, fingers skimming her nipple in a way that makes her gasp. He takes the chance to move his lips down to her neck, kissing and nipping the soft skin there.
Scarlett’s fingers weave into his hair and very firmly, pulls him closer and he is happy to oblige. Her gasps get a little breathier as he sucks a hickey onto her neck and his fingers continue on her breast.
“Fin,” she calls him to attention and he hums in acknowledgment. “My shirt,” she says and he pulls up a little, kissing her jaw before meeting her eyes.
“You want me to take it off?” she nods and he tilts his head. “Say please,” he says. She looks so momentarily surprised, he almost wonders if he did something wrong. He opens his mouth to apologise but doesn’t get a chance before her mouth closes on his own briefly.
“Please Fin, please take my shirt off so that you can kiss my tits,” she says, the look in her eyes very clear. Two can play at this game.
Breathing heavily, Fin gripped the hem of her shirt and tugged it, leaning up on an elbow and pulling it up, his palm sliding the whole way up her sides, making her breath hitch.
He grinned when her shirt was finally off and he can get a good look at her.
“Scar, you’re so beautiful,” he whispers, leaning over her and kissing her, pouring all of his feelings into her. 
Eventually, his lips travel down until he can wrap his lips around her breast and she lets out a little moan. One of his hands reaches down further, sliding back into her sleep shorts.
“Scarlett,” he says and she looks down at him, her eyes bright. “Can you show me how to touch you?” He whispers and her lips part. Her hand covers his own, guiding him between where her thighs parted. His mouth opens in surprise to feel how wet she is and she giggles at the surprise.
Her laughter is short lived and quickly becomes a loud moan as his fingers find a small nub and he rubs. His mouth returns to her breast and his fingers continue to rub this spot and just like that, his girlfriend is putty in his arms.
He continues like that as her moans and utterances of his name peak and then, just like that, Scarlett tenses, her legs shakes and her back bows from the bed. His fingers feel a gush from her and her hand pushes him away.
“Are you okay?” he asks and between the hard breaths she is taking, she turns her beautiful blue eyes to him.
“You’ve never seen a girl orgasm, huh?” she asks and he shakes his head. She doesn’t say more, just grins. He doesn’t mind, is more than happy to watch her chest as she tries to catch her breath.
“Fin?” she says eventually and he raises an eyebrow at her. “Can you please take my shorts off before they get all ruined?” he jumps to action, kneeling over her to pull her shorts down and off, revealing the glistening opening between her legs.
It looks fruit like. He wants to eat it. 
He doesn’t get a chance as Scarlett pulls him to kiss her, which he will never deny her.
She guides him to lay on his back. Her hands rest on his neck and make him look at her.
“Can I take your suit off?” she asks, so soft and gentle, and he takes a breath and nods. He trusts her with this. She sits up onto her feet and he enjoys the view as she searches and finds the button to release his suit on his hip.
It feels weird for someone else to take his suit off, but he also feels so safe with Scarlett that his nerves are gone.
Although, he’s realising as she’s brushing her hands over his hips that maybe he’s just thinking with his dick, which is overjoyed and rock hard at his girlfriend’s attention. 
He feels the bottom half of his exo come all the way off and then Scarlett’s hands find the button on his neck. He feels when the exo releases and his breath hitches a little, making Scarlett give him a reassuring kiss.
“It’s okay if you want to stop, or if you wanna turn the grav off,” she whispers and he knows she means it without being patronising. He leans up a little to kiss her before letting her finally take the last of his exo off.
“Fin,” Scarlett is kneeling between his legs and he smiles at her. “It’s very rude that your not nearly as naked as I,” she pouts a little and he grins.
“Well, you’re welcome to fix that, love,” he says and she grins, her hands finding his shirt and greedily pulling it up, gently, pulling it over his head. She throws it to the floor and within a blink, her hands are working on the ties of his sweatpants.
He hisses a little as she pulls his pants and boxers down in one go, his dick bobbing up to hit his stomach. He wants to cover his face and groan as the air hits his erection, but instead he watches Scar stare at it.
“You’re gonna make me self conscious if you keep staring at Little Finian like that,” he jokes and she looks up to meet his eyes.
“I don’t think you can call it little anything,” she says, then smirks, “you never fail to surprise me, Fin,” he raises an eyebrow, but doesn’t hide his smile.
“I won’t pretend to not be a little happy you think my dick is big, but Scar, can you please stop looking?” he requests and she quirks her lip and leans over him, brushing their noses together but not kissing him.
“Fine, but I’m coming back to get to know him better later.” She pauses and considers, kissing his cheek. “Can your chest take my weight without the exo?” He shakes his head and she shrugs, grabs his shoulder and rolls them so they lie chest-to-chest as they were to begin with.
Scarlett wiggles closer until there is truly no space between them and then throws her leg over his. Fin hisses as his dick comes into contact with the wetness between his girlfriend’s legs and she grins at him.
“So, since you were packing more than I expected, this may be a little uncomfy for me at first so give me a second, okay?” Scarlett says and he nods, kissing her.
“Well, I’m not doing much moving as is, so you take the time you need, sweetheart.”
Her hands are soft and warm when her fingers wrap around his erection and she shifts a little, finding her entrance and beginning to shift her hips to accept him into her. Fin watches her face as she does it, trying to scan and catalogue every expression, including those of discomfort. He kisses her over and over and tries not to be overwhelmed by how good it feels to be inside her.
“Are you okay?” he asks as she finally finishes taking him. She takes a breath, pressing their foreheads together.
“I’m okay, just need a sec. You?”
“Trying very hard not to make a short stamina-ed fool of myself,” he says, laughing a little. She sighs breathily at the movement his laughter creates inside her. 
Seeming to decide something, Scarlett grabs his butt, moves back off his erection and then thrusts back in. Fin groans at the same time that Scarlett moans. His girlfriend doesn’t waste time after that, using her hands on his body to thrust herself onto his dick.
He doesn’t feel any pain from the moving, and if he does, it is vastly overridden by the feeling of having Scarlett Jones taking her pleasure from him. He focusses on kissing her and fondling her breast with his stiff fingers, because if he focusses on the warmth and the heat and the pressure of her, he would come.
Their kisses become broken by Scarlett’s moaning and he smiles, keeps kissing her, and moves his hand down to put some pressure on her clit.
When she releases a surprised “yes!” at the action, Fin grins and rubs in tight circles, Scarlett’s eyes going wider and then scrunching tight as she crushes their lips together. She is coming all over his dick and hand within seconds.
Fin groans at the feeling of her orgasm squeezing around him and that peak he was trying to hold off can no longer be helped and his hips buck involuntarily as he spills inside of her.
They both shudder through their orgasms, clinging tonight to one another. Eventually, they stop shaking and Scarlett opens her eyes to meet his. Fin kisses her, softly, chastely, and she responds with a gentle press back.
“That was...” he starts.
“Wow,” Scarlett finishes and he nods. He gently moves his hips away to disconnect them, but she stops him. “Just stay for a bit,” she whispers, crowding closer to him again.
“Okay. Love you,” he whispers and she nods, her eyelids drooping. 
“Love you,” she hums unintelligibly back, making him smile.
“Sleep, sweetheart, I’ve got you.” She smiles at the words, tucks her head under his chin and her breath evens out a second later. Smiling, he wraps his arms around her and buries his nose into her hair, falling asleep not long after.
I meant for this to be more tender than it was idk
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tkeyahwrotethis · 2 years
Six: If your Love was all I had in this Life, That Would Be Enough Until the End of Time
I’m a freelance journalist that works for customers that don’t pay me nearly close to my worth. I like to interview muses with potentially interesting stories when I noticed another freelancer interested in the same person’s story. I figured I could forestall the muse from making any hasty decisions and picking the other journalist if I sucked up to him, showing him I’m the best obvious choice.
When I tried to get the potential muse to see the story I’m pitching from my angle, he would always change the subject. It felt like talking to a brick wall and his indirect eye contact and roundabout conversation made me believe he’s already made up his mind to work with the other journalist. I didn’t let it dampen my spirits, it’s Friday! I just sent one last email wishing him all the best on his future endeavors.
I needed a nice hot steamy shower after the day I had, I felt a little disappointed the day didn’t go quite as planned. I strip down naked , light a stress relief eucalyptus candle, and hop in the shower. Afterwards, I laid in my towel on my bed aimlessly scrolling thru my phone. I received a text from a long distance friend from college , Chelsea. Chelsea was wayyyy more confident than I am and a lot more extroverted.
HEYYY BITCHH!!! I’m in town tonight!!! Let’s hit the club tonight I need to shake my ass! First round of shots on me !!
My bed, my apartment, the ice cream in the freezer, and the new episode of Love Island sounded like a much better evening to me, but she’s rarely in town so why not. Before I could respond with my half assed “ yeah I’ll go”, she double texted saying she wasn’t taking no for an answer regardless. She knows me well.
We met at the club around 11 and we are dressed to the absolute 9’s! Hair and makeup looking pageant ready. By 2 A.M. I’m breaking the seal while Chelsea is on the dance floor grinding on a guy that exactly her type. I stumbled to the bar to get some water in my system when a handsome guy pushed up behind my ass asking me what I’m drinking on tonight. I looked behind me, smiling at him, “just some water” I said while holding up my glass. “Actually I’m sober I don’t even drink!” I slurred my words lying blatantly. He offered to buy me a shot of anything I wanted to I told him I’d only drink 1942 tequila. To my surprise there was a shot of top shelf tequila in front of me in a matter or seconds. After I downed the shot, he led me to the dance floor where we danced all night.
When the night came to a natural conclusion, Chelsea and I split a cab and went our separate ways. “Text me when you get home! Love ya!” I tipsily told Chels. We pecked on the lips and I closed the cab door.
I woke up the next morning with a bit of a hangover. I check for my phone and it’s in my purse when I noticed a business card in my bag. It just had a Facebook profile with a name attached. I searched it on my FB app on my phone and the profile picture was just literally the number 4. Curiously, I added the number 4 profile and slide in their Dms.
Who you are and what gives you the right to slip something in my purse ?!?!
The profile answered me after about an hour or so later.
Hi!! I’m so happy you responded 3! I’m 4! The internet has become overrun by these robots with no real personality, we call them Echos. There are only 4 real people in the world influencing the internet. The echos take pieces of real people and post it on the internet. They are more famous so they always overshadow the truth.
4 further explained to me that they’ve made contact with me,3, and two, but has no idea who 1 might be. 4 told me a suspicion that 1 might be actually rich and famous because the job of an A list celebrity is to inspire and have fans imitate them. They’d be even harder to find.
The only celebrity coming to town was Justin Timberlake. He’s charismatic, sexy, he can sing and dance. He’s literally America’s golden child since his Disney days and soo unproblematic. We got our tickets and decided to meet at the concert, and figure out if Justin Timberlake is our number 1.
The days leading up to the concert my mental health was on the decline. I was seeing so many targeted ads that seemed like something I could have said or might have written but it was absolutely not my work. I felt like an imposter. I started questioning everything , wondering if maybe I’m the one who is an Echo. Am I an echo of something bigger than me? Am I an original truth? I’m not rich or famous. Am I enough? Despite all my doubt about being number 3, I made my way to the concert.
4 and I agreed to take the train to NYC together. I had a personal bottle of Henny in my bag because I was nervous as fuck about this whole ordeal: meeting a stranger, and going to a concert together to see if Justin Timberlake is a real person. This all sounds crazy!
When I met 4 she wasn’t what I expected at all . She was a bit Grunge and beyond talented musically she could sing beautifully and plays guitar. I told her I write and I’m a journalist. I shared some of my bottle with her and we got a bit more comfortable with each other. 2 was waiting for us on the train platform in NYC she was covered in body glitter, wore a skimpy little outfit, and was supper bubbly. 2 is a dancer! We all took a swig of liquor as a friendship initiation and got everyone on the same page. We assessed the scene and noticed our echos. They were better dressed , more expensive outfits and some just all together better looking . It was intimidating to be us and even though the Echos look like the real deal , we wanted to meet the one !!
When we got in the concert Justin’s performance was BEYOND amazing!! Although he wasn’t doing a meet and greet or anything, he did say a cryptic message saying he’s the one, and he WAVED in our direction. I literally almost fucking fainted ! We screamed and put out hands in the air with excitement because deep down we knew he was talking to us. 2,4 and I felt euphoric. After the concert we kept in touch to try and navigate how to be real and stay true to ourselves and our truth in a world full of echos.
The End !
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meowzmeow101 · 6 months
✧ ch. 1 ﹕a new beginning
↳ aether and lumine get accepted into teyvat international academy, what could go wrong?
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everything is going wrong.
"aether, are you seriously using my hairbrush again?!"
"hey, i'm the one with the long hair here!"
what a way to start the morning. burnt toast, a misshapen egg with a broken yolk, and some.. concoction aether innocently promotes as a milkshake. in all seriousness, it looks more like [REDACTED], but lumine would never say that out loud.
the two continued to argue for what felt like forever until an alarm blaringly rang from lumine's phone. lumine rushes over to shut it off before the sound got any more annoying, but she pauses to take a good look at the name of the alarm. it reads:
"reminder to my future self that u have 15 more mins b4 the last morning train leaves lol"
ah, yes.. the wonderful responsibilities that comes with being the older twin includes ending childish disputes early just to make it to school, even going as far as setting three separate alarms to be reminded of their untimely homeroom; all prepared for three of the morning trains. how great.
lumine panics as she quickly pulls her baby blue cardigan over her head and rushes to get aether out the door. locking up the knob, the two began making their way to the closest train station.
aether sulked, walking along lumine. "you could've at least let me finish my toast.."
"that thing looked like charcoal."
"hey, i made it!"
"no wonder it looks the way it does."
with their continuous disagreements, they finally made it to the train station, which was no more than a ten minute walk. eventually hopping onto the train, they kept their newly bought tickets in their pockets, saving them to be registered and slid into the metal mechanisms later at their stop. their banter came to an end due to the train's defeaning silence. it'd be direspectful for either of the two to speak up now—
"hey, hey, hey! do my eyes deceive me now, or is that the one and only kujou sara?!" a flamboyant voice called out from not too far.
a tall female with a dark, dusty purple bob cut, assuming to be kujou sara, sighs. "i still can't believe they promoted you to the third year, itto."
"whaaat?! c'mon, now, i'm not that bad! you gotta at least give me credit— i didn't fail two years in a row!" itto laughed.
"this time." shinobu continues the oni's sentence as he grumbles up a long defense.
"so loud.." the twins thought simultaneously. while aether sulks at the racket, lumine happens to notice that the people bickering from afar are wearing the same uniform as them. guess they have no choice but to get used to their presence now.
the train meets a short stop and aether, lumine, and the loud people from earlier get off. sliding their ticket into the metal machinery, they all walk in the same direction. aether and lumine are eager to walk a bit further from the group, though.
for now, lumine soaks in the warmth of the sunlight. the wind today is just right, she thinks as a breeze flows through her hair. the laughter from itto, sara, and shinobu's conversation happens to make the current setting all the more peaceful for the blonde. she's at ease.
aether, on the other hand, has been waiting for the building of their new academy to come into view. he was the one most excited about the transferring ordeal. their last school had been a bit of a blur, so he wonders what this new one would be like. he's optimistic.
the two may be thinking about completely different things, but they're both stimulated in some way.
teyvat international academy eventually is seen from the distance and aether's eyes light up at the sight.
"not gonna lie, that looks a lot better than the pictures we saw online..!" aether tells lumine in a tone filled with awe. this, indeed, was a new beginning for them.
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tag-list (send me an ask or shoot me a dm if you'd like to be added!): @ivy-lo
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©blushlani | lowercase intended
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holaafrica · 1 year
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New Post has been published on https://holaafrica.org/ghosting-haunting-breadcrumbing-figuring-out-what-the-fk-is-going-on/
Ghosting, haunting, breadcrumbing: Figuring out what the f**k is going on
We live in a world of swiping, sexting and sliding into the DMs. Dating, arguably, has gotten easier but in other ways, it is the absolute ghetto.It can be hot trash.
People have found so many ways to connect but also so many ways to also disconnect.
 Sometimes it’s all great sex, dates, nudes and lovely long conversations and other times you feel like you have no idea what the f**k is going on the other person’s phone or in their mind.
We’re going to break down some of the ways people disappear and distance themselves in interactions to give you a little insight into what the hell is going on out there.
Benching: When someone puts a potential relationship on ice for the sake of a more promising one. They may revisit the benched person if the other option falls through. It’s great for the bencher who basically gets a captain’s pick of a romantic partner, but it can be painful and awful for the other person (the benchwarmer).
Also see: Player-On-Loan: You aren’t needed in the first team, so are playing for other teams as well a.k.a. You are seeing other people to kill time with the hope of finally making your dream team. POLs stay ready, stay fit and are still in the game (credit: Candi).  
Breadcrumbing: This is the dating equivalent of leaving a trail of breadcrumbs, which leads a romantic interest on. Now please know, this is not a ‘friend zone’ thing but instead the person is  actively trying to have someone catch feelings for them. However they have no intention of actually making it  ‘a thing.’  Folx will keep you focused on them from afar by dropping little bits of attention here and there, whether it be a random text or Instagram ‘like’. Just to give you enough attention to keep you interested but not enough for it to actually be something.  
See also: Being in the warmer which is when you are put in the oven to warm till the person is ready to eat. 
Cloaking: This is ghosting on steroids. It takes it one step further by also blocking the person being ghosted on all platforms. Particularly harsh.  You are not only dead to them but dead and buried, fam. Access absolutely denied.
Cuffing/uncuffing: Sleeping alone in the cold can be hard, we get it fam. Cuffing is when you secure a bae for those long lonely frosty nights. You then uncuff when you have a summer body and the world is back to sun-drenched fun.  Sun’s out, buns out and unfortunately, you’re also out.
COVID cuffing: This is temporary lockdown loving, when you find someone to shack up with when the government locks us down. When the streets are open, you return to them.
Cushioning: If things aren’t as hot and heavy as they were before or a person sees things are coming to an end, they start flirting with other folks to ‘cushion’ the final blow of the break up. It’s like when you try out other apartments before you move out of your current one. 
DTR: Define The Relationship.  This is the crucial moment when you figure out what’s going on between the two (or three or four) of you. What is this thing we are doing? Is we f**king or are we just friends? Is this a booty call or are you about to meet my parents this weekend? What’s going on here fam?
Firedooring: When all the effort put into a relationship is one sided i.e. the door only opens one way like a fire escape. For example, a person who never texts back, never sets up a date and/or will only holler when they want some a**. Meanwhile you are here planning dates, buying data to Facetime and working hard. Playing yo’ self.
Note: Sometimes you need to stop and consider why your energy isn’t being matched. Why are you OK with a lack of reciprocity? We are manifesting reciprocity in this day and age people! In this economy? We must.
Ghosting: The classic move; someone disappears from your life as if dead and becomes… a ghost. When they are *poof* is gone. Ghosting is abrupt and unexpected, the person cuts contact with you on all platforms (WhatsApp, DMs, private message, phone calls etc). It’s usually used to end a relationship rather than having an actual conversation about ending vibes.
Haunting: When someone ghosts you but like Casper the (un)friendly ghost continues to roam around your digital home, liking posts and watching stories. Making their eerie presence known. Instead of just going away, they haunt your social media streets. Why? Hamba. Go. Be gone demon. (Ew.)
Left on read or Blue ticking:  So one person sends messages and the other person does not reply, especially if the messages clearly warrant a reply.  (P.s. we know you’re on your phone, we see you posting on other apps. Why are you like this?).
Orbiting: When you refuse to leave a former fling’s digital space after you have ditched them. This is when folx let someone know that they still exist and still feel them by liking their posts on social media and watching their stories. Circling their digital worlds andbusy leaving their greasy fingerprints all over other people’s posts (again, why do you not just leave?)
Note: A lot of these moves are used together. Orbiting  can be done in the context of ghosting, when the person has you on the bench and they are firedooring you. Basically they won’t put in the effort to interact properly but stay in your social media streets.
Knowing how people are rolling won’t necessarily give you closure or full insight into their motives but at least you have some idea what the hell is going on. Cause wow, it can be rough in these streets.
Y’all stay safe.
Check out the Basically…Life Podcast (on all platforms) and our YouTube series We Are F**kin Here for other vibes that show how queers are livin’, lovin’ and f*ckin.
For more info about all things gender and sexuality download our Touch Manual which has a bunch of info about dating, sexuality, gender, sex and much more!
Get your of copy Touch: Sex, Sexuality and Sensuality – A collection of essays from folks all around the world. A collection of intimate, beautiful, gorgeous essays. 
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To submit to HOLAA email: [email protected] 
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prolix-yuy · 2 years
Writers' Iron Chef #3: Stop That, Right Now
[PROMPT] "Stop that, right now."
[ADDITIONAL PROMPT] An argument breaks out. It doesn't look like it's going to end well.
[TIME LIMIT] Optional 10 minutes prep time, 30 minutes writing time, optional 10 minutes editing time.
Pairing: Pero Tovar x F!Reader
Rating: T, old timey sexism, Pero being an ass. 
Notes: Written for Writers' Iron Chef Prompt 3.
Lissie (@littleferal) ran into my DMs telling me “let’s get mean on this next one” and I am HERE for it. I love some soft love and yearning as much as the next gal, but there’s something oh so fun about getting a prompt that is encouraging some pain. And who better to be an ass for my amusement? Our resident grump-in-chief Pero!
LJ’s Writers’ Iron Chef Masterlist
Rules and Prompts
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“What do you think you are doing?”
You look up from the plate of bread and soup you’re eagerly devouring, chewing with a furrowed brow.
“Eating?” you mumble around your mouthful, swallowing before continuing. “Why aren’t you? I normally have to race you.” A smile tugs at the corner of your mouth as Pero Tovar crashes to a seat across from you, his wide palms and thick fingers making his dinner look smaller than yours by comparison. The scowl on his face is deeper than usual, a nuance only one such as yourself who’d traveled with him for most of the summer could tell.
“Is that what you call this spectacle?” he growls, hunching over his bowl and commencing shoveling it down his greedy gullet. At least he’d started using a napkin in your company.
“I haven’t the faintest what you’re on about, Tovar,” you sigh back, lifting your bowl to your lips to slurp the last few drops. “If anything, people barely notice me standing beside you. Do you bring storms wherever you go, or is that just a side effect of your cheerful demeanor?” You’re full on smirking at him now, waiting for him to take the bait and have a little evening battle of wills, but his scowl only deepens.
“I mean all of this,” he rasps out in a throatier register, your conversation now shrouded from curious ears. He waves his hand in your direction, eyes firmly fixed on a spot to the right of you. 
“Ah, so you did notice,” you purr, pushing your bowl away to rest your elbows on the table. Pero’s head snaps further away at your display and it makes your heart thrum with anticipation.
Maybe you were playing a little dirty. But after the reluctant trust you pulled out of Pero, weeks of whittling away at his dour exterior to the point where you could even make him laugh on occasion, you were at an impasse. Touches had started to slide across skin, hands becoming more daring. Reluctant partings when you slept back to back and a gentleness in his eyes made you wonder if Pero Tovar felt more than companionship for you. 
You wanted to ask, boldness a bosom friend, but any acknowledgment of growing fondness was met with bristle. If Pero wouldn’t let you ask, then you had to nudge him to your own desires first.
Because you could feel desire for him. His solid body against your back could easily be carnal, hands possibly adept at more than just swordplay. His lips were decadently plush for a man who was always pressing them tight together. But every step forward was met with teeth, and not in the way you hoped.
So you resorted to the oldest trick in the book. Leather replaced with cotton. Armor left aside in favor of the soft expanse of skin around your throat. The shapelessness of protection foregone for your true shape, one you knew could entice a lover or two. 
But he refuses to look at you.
“Pero…” you tease, reaching out to glance your fingertips across his wrist, but he jerks away from you like a man from the hot end of a poker.
“Of course I noticed, the whole tavern did. Putting your tits out like that, stupid girl.” A laugh bubbles up in your throat, laced with venom. He sure does know how to push every button, not just the pleasurable ones.
“What? Don’t you like them?” you whisper, leaning forward so your breasts pillow and plush up over your arms. A stolen glance - gotcha - has Pero standing up with a snort akin to an angry bull.
“Stop that, right now,” he growls, and now he’s caught your gaze and it’s blazing with anger. It stokes the fire in your own chest. “Any man will think you’re looking for coin with your cunt, the way you’re showing yourself. Makes me embarrassed to be seen with you.” Your mouth drops open, upper lip curling over your teeth in a snarl.
“You insult the whores you’ve actually bedded, Tovar, though I think you prefer your hand by now. Maybe you should reacquaint yourself with it.” You stand smoothly, letting the drape of your nicest outfit, the one you wore for him, the ungrateful ass, fall into place.
“And maybe if you want to pretend to be one, you should just stay here and learn the trade,” he spits out, grabbing up his dinner and stalking away to the stables. Waves of heat roll off your skin, boiling in your belly and threatening your composure with stinging tears. You take off to your purchased room to undress, to pretend you are not upset at being denied by that monstrous man, and to level your head before morning.
In the stables, Pero Tovar can barely stomach his dinner at the thought of you sitting across from him. That every man could see your beauty, your spark and fire, when he only wanted it to be him.
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Next: Coming Due
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How about a smut prompt no. 7 with Tony Stark ? ❤❤❤❤
Love to lose
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A/N: Thanks for requesting this lovely! Hope you like it :))
Gif’s not mine! Credits to the owner
Prompts used: Oral sex & “First one to make a noise loses.”
Pairing: Tony Stark x Reader
Warnings: 18+ smut, it’s dirty okay...
Word count: 2k
Requests & Challenges
Tony Stark Taglist: @raspberrymama @boop-le-snoot @ladyeliot @make-a-memory-drink-it-up @loveisallyouneed1125 @ownsmyheart @anthonyjanthony666 @downeyreads @the-secret-thief @getlostsquidward @ickleronniekinsemotionalrange @elemephstudies @mycosmicparadise @feetoffthetablee
Everything Taglist: @godofplumsandthunder @ladyacrasia @agustdowney @swaggysposts @suchababie @another-stark-sub @littlegasps @kahlanmars @supraveng @disappointmentofthefam @pandaxnienke @tom-hlover @just-the-hiddles @asmigurub @avantgardium-leviosa @imerdwarf @gladiosamicitias @fanofalltheficsx @ladyburberry
Taglists open! Send me an ask or DM if you wish to be in any of these ;))
“First one to make a noise loses? Seriously?”
“I honestly thought you’d be more adventurous Tony.”
“Honey you’ll get all the adventure you want once I’m done with this project. You remember the night of four times, don’t you?”
Tony raised an eyebrow and smirked as your eyes lit up with thoughts of the night he mentioned, cheeks growing warm as your mind flooded with memories of the aforementioned night.
That night you’d lost all sense of cognition and your legs were pure jelly from being utterly fucked out.
It was never a dull moment when it came to you and Stark in the bedroom. He knew all the right ways to drive you crazy and you had come to learn to push all the right buttons to drive him insane.
“Tony come on! I know you’re up for it.”
You pointed to the half-mast erection currently staring back at you.
He glanced down at it before shaking his head and returning to the screen, soon getting engrossed in the information displayed in front of him. Eyebrows knitting together in concentration while his fingers flew over the surface, probably in search of something you didn’t care about.
You scowled for a little while, arms crossed over your chest before walking towards him with a look of determination that hid unattended lust.
Tony didn’t mind you stepping in between his legs as he leaned against the table behind, until you ghosted your fingers over the button of his denims.
Once you popped it open and undid his fly, he shot you a warning look before his phone rang, giving you time to push the jeans and his boxers down just enough to let his erection bounce free.
“You’re free to do whatever you want only if you’re prepared for the consequences sweetheart.” He warned before answering Phil Coulson’s call.
Desire bloomed deep in your belly as his words sent tingles down your spine, knowing the punishment would either be really good or really bad, depending on Tony’s mood. But you were willing to take the risk, it was always worth it in the end.
Shrugging, you dropped down to your knees, his semi-erect cock waiting for your ministrations as you eyed it before gazing up at Tony through your eyelashes innocently.
He was deep in conversation on the phone but the tight grip of his free hand on the edge of the counter and tapping of fingers against the surface indicated he was waiting for you to make your move.
Tony exhaled a breath he was unconsciously holding as your hand wrapped around his length. Taking your time with it, your hand lazily stroked his cock, thumb brushing over the tip every now and then.
“Please I understand Agent, don’t bore me with those unnecessary details..oh!”
Glancing down, he suppressed the rest of his reaction as your tongue joined the party. Small kitten licks over the tip before you drew a strip all the way to the base, all the while watching his demeanour change from composed to flustered.
You took him in your mouth and began swirling your tongue around his length, smirking when he faltered and brought his hand down to move your hair out of your face.
“I’m going over the details n-now. Oh yes—yes I’ll call Fury once I’m—I’m almost done here.”
Tony didn’t wait for Coulson to answer before he cut the call and practically threw the phone away. Letting out a groan, he jerked his hips forward, pushing himself deeper in your mouth as he grabbed you by your hair roughly, guiding your mouth over his cock.
“You’re in so much trouble baby...”
You simply hummed in response, continuing to finish him off as you increased your speed, feeling him twitch against your lips already. The little grunts Tony uttered spurred you on to bring him closer and closer to climax. Your own arousal had turned your panties moist as you watched his lust-blown eyes shut and bite his lip.
“Ah shit! You want me to cum in your mouth?”
You nodded eagerly as Tony’s hips jolted forward and he cursed out loud before shooting spurts of cum down your throat, face contorted in pleasure as he emptied himself, the warm salty liquid travelling down your throat.
He grabbed you by the back of your neck, making you stand before crashing his lips to yours, tasting himself as you deepened the kiss. You moved your clothed core over his softened cock to get some friction, gaining another groan from Tony who felt how moist you were.
“So wet my dirty girl. Will you give me an hour? I promise I’ll make it worth it.” Tony whispered softly, grabbed your hips to stop your grinding. Reluctant to let you go but the urgency with which Phil had called left him with no other choice than to make you wait.
“Fine. But if you’re late…”
“Trust me babe. I’ll be there sooner than you think.”
“Whatever.” He pecked your pouted lips one last time as you pulled his pants back up, turning to walk upstairs to your shared bedroom.
“Don’t touch yourself.”
“You’re in no position to make demands Stark.”
“Am I not?” Even with your back to him, you could sense he was giving you ‘the look’. The one that screamed ‘no matter what, I’m always in charge’. The man was really going to be the death of you some day.
“Ugh. Fine. Hurry up.”
“Okay so we need to establish some ground rules first.”
Your eyes snapped up from the book you were pretending to read as Tony swung the bedroom door and got in, locking it before sliding in next to you, resting his back against the headboard.
You were celebrating your victory on the inside because just minutes ago he’d made fun of you for coming up with this game, only to now come up with modifications for the same.
Like a good girl you had behaved, controlled the urge to bring yourself to an orgasm after that little session downstairs. You were still wet, which meant he already had more chances of winning at your game.
This was a bad idea. Why hadn’t you thought this through?
“The rules?”
Mentally shaking yourself for zoning out, you sat up straight and faced him.
“Alright. Whines are allowed. Moans aren’t.”
“Fair enough.”
“No oral sex.”
“Not acceptable. You know I owe you for that amazing blow-job. Come on now..”
“Fine. But no fingering.”
Tony made a non-committal huff but agreed, knowing how much his fingers spurred you on.
You went back and forth discussing, rejecting and accepting the terms and conditions as if it were a legit deal.
Soon after you shook on it, there was a switch in the air and neither of you felt the need to say much else except get on with the game.
Climbing in Tony’s lap, you cupped the sides of his face and pressed your lips to his. Softly grazing against each other at first while you fingers teased the base of his neck.
He carded his hands through your hair before pulling you against his chest, hands now splayed across your back as he slanted his mouth over yours and deepened the kiss.
Maneuvering a little so his legs straightened out on the bed, Tony heard a tiny sigh escape your lips as your aroused core met with his growing bulge. Keeping those noises that threatened to leave your mouth turned out to be harder than you had both imagined. You two were quite vocal when it came to sex.
It was difficult, but all the more exciting.
After a while, the make-out session turned out to be insufficient and Tony had you on your back, your clothes removed and thrown carelessly somewhere behind as he settled between your legs.
You had to bite back a moan as Tony’s lips travelled down your neck, littering tiny kisses all over the skin before he found that junction where your neck met your shoulder, the pulse point which he so generously marked a spot on, sure to leave a purple bruise in its place. On cue, your head moved aside to grant him more access as your breaths turned to pants, finding it hard not to think about his bulge that was rubbing so deliciously against your heated core in slow but deliberate thrusts.
You had to push him away to make sure you didn’t lose so soon, that sure earned a chuckle from the genius. Moving further south, he latched onto one of your nipples and flicked his tongue along the bud all the while massaging and kneading the other in his hand. A sigh had involuntarily slipped out, it wasn’t breaking any rules but it sure made Tony gaze up with lust-blown eyes as a smirk appeared on that handsome face.
Trailing kisses along your navel, he reached between your legs and stopped. You shot him a warning look as you sat up on your elbows when his fingers teased along your wet folds, causing him to throw his hands up in surrender before diving in face first into your pussy.
Closing a hand over your mouth, you let your head fall back onto the pillows as Tony licked a fat strip along your wetness, his nose brushing against your bundle of nerves. It didn’t take long for you to feel your heartbeat on your throbbing clit, Tony leaving no stone unturned to make sure you were a needy mess below him.
“What was that baby girl?” He purred, facial hair glazed with your juices when he emerged, giving you a shit-eating grin after you shook your head.
You were so close.
Flipping you on your stomach, you heard him unbutton his jeans and drop them in a low thud on the ground. His hands pulled your ass up in the air, urging the cheeks apart before his cock met your entrance, gathering your wetness, your pussy aching for release at this point.
“Giving up already?”
Instead of answering, you reached behind, grabbed his cock in your hand and lined him up at your entrance before pushing your hips back. Both of you swallowed your groans as he bottomed out, stretching your walls to the fullest before pulling all the way out and thrusting in.
Your knuckles turned white from gripping the sheets as you were almost ready to give up and accept defeat, until you felt his cock twitch inside you, a sign Tony wasn’t too far along from doing the same either.
Your walls clenched around his cock deliberately, hugging it in their wet warmth and eliciting an involuntary groan from the man.
“What was that honey?”
You teased, repeating the action only to have Tony pull out suddenly, turn you around once more and pull your legs over his shoulder before entering you again.
“You fucking tease..”
“You’re the one to talk. Now shut up and fuck me.”
Snapping his hips to yours at a furious pace, Tony gripped your legs roughly and bit your ankle. The silly little game long forgotten, you let out a pornographic moan as you felt the muscles in your belly contract, thighs tremble and mind turn into a fuzzy blur.
“Cum with me Tony..” you begged as he let go of your legs and buried his face in your neck, a hand snaking downward to rub your oversensitive clit.
“Do that thing again.”
His urgent whisper came out muffled by your hair but you knew what he was talking about. You granted his wish by pulling on his cock with your walls and felt his hips lose their rhythm. He came loud and hard, spilling inside you in spurts triggering your own orgasm as you cried out, digging your nails in his back as you shuddered.
Once you felt yourself float back down to reality, you brought your hands to caress Tony’s hair while he chuckled against the skin on your neck, repeatedly kissing you over there.
“It’s a draw then?” He mumbled.
“You want a rematch?”
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