#slice of life drabble
sukisook · 2 years
Slice of Life Drabble : Dabi 
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“I’m going to die.”
“You’re not.”
“I am, I can feel it.”
“Shut up.”
“The darkness, it’s closing in,” you gasp, throwing yourself onto the couch with enough force that the remote bounces off and smacks into the wooden floor.
“Avenge me, Dabi.”
“Absolutely not.”
You flip onto your stomach, scooching closer to his seated form. “Help.”
He sighs, tearing his eyes away from the news to level you with the driest glare you’ve ever seen. “Dinner will be here in literally five minutes. You’ll be fine.”
“But I’m hungryyy– Ah!”
Your whine is cut short as you’re dragged bodily into his lap. You forget sometimes how deceptively strong his lean figure can be.
He places a scarred palm on each of your cheeks and squishes until your lips pout outwards in an unflattering imitation of a fish.
“You’re an idiot.”
“Hey!” The protest comes out jumbled and he laughs.
He’s awfully pretty like this. The muted light of the television glinting off the staples in his skin, the startling blue of his eyes nearly eclipsed by his gaping pupils as he drags a hot gaze over your face. There’s a smile on his lips, an exasperated one, but a smile nonetheless.
It suits him.
Happiness, that is.
Softens the sharp planes of his face.
“You’re such a pain,” his voice rumbles out, deep and rasping in a way that makes you squirm.
The grip on your cheeks tightens, and you just manage to stick your tongue out at him, licking over the flesh of his right palm.
He chokes on a laugh, giving you the perfect opportunity to break from his hold and drag yourself in closer to him, hips settling comfortably over his.
Dabi scrubs a hand through his hair, leaving the ink-black strands sticking up at even stranger angles than they usually do. You’re quick to pat it back down.
“You said five minutes, right?”
He raises an eyebrow, not dignifying you with a response.
“Do you think that’s enough time to–”
Dinner is promptly forgotten.
A/N: *DJ Khaled voice* And another one
As always, reblogs are appreciated! Thanks for all the love on my other minifics so far!! xox
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cheeseceli · 2 months
Summer with you
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Pairing: Lee Know × Gn!Reader (established relationship)
Genre: fluff, short drabble, almost non existential angst
Prompt: "I loved you for three summers now, honey, I want them all"
Warnings: none? Let me know if I missed any
A/n: honestly I thought this was very cute, pls do let me know what you guys think! | Join the 1k event
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Minho never really liked the summer.
The dancing routines would become more tiring, he would constantly feel like he's sweating and it's just very uncomfortable overall. He liked the winter way more than the summer.
Funnily enough though, he met you in the sunny season. You were radiant: glowing skin with a shiny smile. It was almost as if you were a sunray personified that came down to earth just to say hi. And just like he would usually despise the heat, he thought he was fated to hate you.
That never happened though. Pretty much the contrary. Your presence would slowly melt him, in the most positive way possible. You were the light he had been denying but desperately needed.
Interesting how most of the milestones in your relationship happened in the summer.
The first one was when he met you. At first, he didn't give the encounter much importance. You were just another person in his life. Maybe even a temporary one. Just like the summer, one day you would go away as well. But you didn't.
You were there for every single thing. For the celebrations and the losses, for the smiles and tears - for him. He felt like he was experiencing the sneak peak of true love. And his curiosity was awaken, wanting to know what it could be like if he just stuck around for a little bit more.
For the first time, he didn't think the cloudless and bright blue sky was annoying to his sight. He thought it was rather pretty.
The second summer was when you both became an official couple. Without a single doubt, that period became the beginning of a life where Minho had a reason to smile every day.
The amount of dates intensified and he got to see you pretty much everyday. Picnics, walks to the park, pool dates and travels to the beach were often in his life. He felt like living an eternal holiday whenever you were around.
For the first time, he didn't think the heat was suffocating. He thought it was rather welcoming and warm.
The third one was when you argued for the first time. It was a very bad fight, making you both refuse to see each other for a whole week, be it for the pride or the pain.
He felt lost during this whole period. That's when he found out that during the time he got to know you, he became a sunflower while you were his sun. He followed your glow. Without it, he didn't know where to go. That's what made the hug he gave you after that one week be the tighest one you ever received.
For the first time, he missed the sun he thought he'd rather not have.
And now, on the first day of this summer, he was going to ask for your hand. Maybe he was being too eager. Three years of knowing each other and only two of those dating was probably too early. But when he kneels down in front of you saying he wants to spend every future summer with you and you say yes, he swears he could feel the sun shining above just a little bit more.
He's excited to know what next year's summer will bring to you.
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Masterlist | you'll probably like: Awaken beauty
Taglist (open!): @yuyubeans @dandelions-143
Credits for images 1 , 2 and 3
Dividers by @enchanthings
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eggyrocks · 3 months
bleach: k. kozume
‧₊˚🖇️✩ ₊˚🎧⊹♡‧₊˚🖇️✩ ₊˚🎧⊹♡‧₊˚🖇️✩ ₊˚🎧⊹♡‧₊˚🖇️✩ ₊˚🎧
kenma needs to get better at saying no to her.
it's nearly three in the morning and he's sitting cross-legged on the bathroom floor, settled in nicely between her legs, the roots of his hair filled with clumps of thick, grainy bleach.
he's not sure how she talked him into it. kenma's been telling her for days, no, you can't dye my hair. and he really had no intention of changing his mind. but maybe after watching her pout and look up at him with big, pleading eyes through batting, long eyelashes, his conviction started to waiver.
it's sort of annoying, how she can always get what she wants, when it comes to him.
she scoops up a particularly large glop of bleach and haphazardly spreads it over his darkened roots, brushing it against the skin of his scalp. a bit of it drips off the edge of her brush and lands on his bare, unprotected skin.
"oh shit," she mumbles, and even though he can't see her expression, he can picture it well, furrowed and tightened in concentration. her thumb brushes against his forehead, wiping away that small bit of bleach before she wipes it off on the leg of her jeans. "let me know if like, you're skin starts burning."
kenma scoffs, barely taking his attention away from the switch he holds in his hands. he wonders if he should be concerned that she didn't bother to put on gloves. "i thought you said you've done this before," he grumbles, voice thick with sleep.
"i have done this before," she insists. "i dyed my hair like, all the time in high school, remember?"
what kenma remembers is her calling him in the middle of the night, wailing about how she fried off all of her hair trying to bleach it light enough so she could dye it pink. he remembers seeing her the next day with her hair cut shorter than his. he remembers how she always stole his sweatshirts so she could pull the hood over her head.
she halts her movements for a moment, the dye brush pausing on a thick strand of his hair. "well, i've gotten a lot better since then."
kenma adjusts, shifting his weight around and trying to get more comfortable without messing up his game. it's been hours of this, so far. bleaching and then washing it out and then hair oils and masks and then drying it so they could bleach it again. it's making his muscles ache, and he wants to give up and crawl into bed. "stop wiggling," she scolds him. "you're going to make me mess up."
"i'm sure you've messed up plenty on your own," he says.
"i'm going a great job, dick," she assures him. "you're going to look so sexy you're going to get like, eight more girlfriends."
kenma rolls his eyes. "one is already too much for me."
"shut up, you love me."
despite himself, he smiles. "yeah," he agrees.
kenma switches off his console then, and places it to the side. he leans back, further into her, and closes his eyes, taking the opportunity to enjoy the way her hands work through his hair, and how nice it feels to rest between her legs.
‧₊˚🖇️✩ ₊˚🎧⊹♡‧₊˚🖇️✩ ₊˚🎧⊹♡‧₊˚🖇️✩ ₊˚🎧⊹♡‧₊˚🖇️✩ ₊˚🎧
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andi-kook · 2 months
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SUMMARY: A series of drabbles featuring you, a twenty-five year-old high school Literature teacher living on the same floor as Jeon Jungkook, a thirty-one year-old single dad and filmmaker living with his eleven-year-old daughter Yuki, and your encounters that leads the both of you to be hopelessly captivated with each other. Based on Niki’s Take A Chance With Me.
DRABBLE 01: A panicked Jeon Jungkook knocks on your door for help.
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PAIRING: Jungkook x Fem!Reader
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GENRE: Angst, Fluff, Slice of Life, Single Dad AU, Age Gap AU
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WARNINGS: Suitable for all ages. No specific warnings for this drabble. Dad!Jungkook, maybe? Oh, and talks of menstrual period and allusion to complicated family relationships. Not proofread!
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Your peaceful Sunday afternoon consisting of catching up on the episodes of your comfort series while eating your comfort food with a bottle of cola on the side is interrupted by a set of knocks on your door. Your eyebrows meet in confusion, not expecting anyone to come over nor did you have any deliveries. And even if you are expecting someone, they would have to use the intercom before the security lets them in. So, while you’re walking down to answer the door, you can only deduce that whoever is knocking on your door must be a neighbor. Your theory is proven correct when you open the door, and you see Jeon Jungkook – or should you say Mr. Jeon Jungkook – standing on the other side with an apologetic smile plastered on his lips and his eyes wide and panicked.
“Y/N, hi, I’m so sorry for bothering you. I just really need your help,” Jungkook states immediately, rubbing his palms against his loose black pants.
“It’s okay, Mr. Jeon. What is it?” You ask politely, placing your hand on the door.
“It’s Yuki. She’s-She’s calling for you. I think she’s gotten her period and is terrified,” Jungkook explains, biting his lower lip as his chest rises and falls heavily. He’s clearly concerned and worried.
You perk up, recognizing the seriousness of the situation. “Okay. Yeah, that can be terrifying. I have some pads she can use – they serve the same purpose regardless of age, don’t worry. I’ll just grab them and meet you at your apartment?”
A look of relief washes over his face. “Thank you, Y/N, seriously. This means a lot.”
“It’s no problem, Mr. Jeon,” You reply.
You make your way to your room and grab the unopened napkin from your shelf before making your way to the Jeons’ apartment three units across from yours. You knock, as a sign of respect, and Jungkook immediately answers the door and leads you to the bathroom. Your apartment’s floorplan is slightly different, you notice. His is clearly more spacious than your studio-type.
“She doesn’t want me anywhere near her, but if there is anything I can do to help, please let me know. I’ll be right down the hall,” Jungkook tells you softly to which you nod.
You wait until Jungkook is at the end of the hall before you softly knock on the door. “Yuki? Hi, it’s Y/N from Apartment 609. Your dad says you called for me. Is everything okay?”
You hear sniffing on the other side and your heart breaks just a little. Children crying are always a weakness of yours. “Y-Y/N? Is that really you?”
“Yes, Yuki, it’s really me. Can you tell me if you’re okay?”
“No, I’m not,” Yuki replies honestly. “I-I don’t know what to do!” She begins to cry again.
From your peripheral vision, you see Jungkook about to walk but you put up your hand to stop him, shaking your head. “It’s okay, Yuki. I was like that too when I first got my period. I was clueless on what to do.”
“I-I’m scared.”
You nod even though she doesn’t see you. “It’s alright to be scared of something you haven’t experienced or seen before, Yuki. If you let me, I can help you be a little less scared of it.”
It’s quiet for a moment then you hear the soft click of the door unlocking. The door opens slightly, and you take this as a sign to slip inside, seeing the dark-haired eleven-year-old sitting on the toilet with her face buried in her hands. When she hears you close the door, she looks up at you, eyes red and swollen, cheeks stained with tears. Her shiny black hair is all over her face and she’s still wearing her matching blue pajamas with little various kinds of shark printed on them.
You smile as you lower yourself in front of her to meet her eye-level, placing the napkin on the sink. “Hi, Yuki.”
She sniffs but politely returns the greeting. “Hello Y/N.”
“It’s scary, isn’t it? Waking up and seeing all this blood?” You ask and she nods. You hum. “Has your teacher or parents talked to you about getting your menstruation during puberty?”
“Yeah, my Science teacher, Ms. Cho, gave a lecture about it last semester,” Yuki answers, eyes similar to that of her father’s lowering as she fiddles with her fingers. “Mom and dad never really did.”
You nod in understanding. “I see. I learned about it through my teacher too.”
Her eyes shoot up to meet yours again, wide and filled with validation. Your heart breaks again. “Really?”
“Yeah. My mom passed away when I was young, so she never got the chance to teach me about periods and napkins and all that stuff. My dad – he was working so he wasn’t able to teach me about it too.”
It’s a watered-down version of your childhood, but you’re not about to trauma dump to an eleven-year-old.
“Can we clean you up? I’ll teach you everything I know about dealing with this every month,” You say, sucking your teeth. Yuki nods. “Okay. Do you wanna take a shower so you can get cleaned up? I’ll be outside with your clothes and towel once you’re finished.”
“Okay. Thank you, Y/N.”
“No problem, Yuki. I’m glad to be of help.”
You leave the bathroom to give Yuki privacy and spot her father leaning against the wall, arms crossed over his chest. When he hears the door close, his head shoots up at your direction.
“Everything is fine, Mr. Jeon. She just got shaken up, but she’s already taking a shower. Can you prepare her clothes and her towel?” You ask, placing your hands on your hips.
“Yeah, her room is the one on your right,” Jungkook says as he points at it. “You can come inside if you want.”
So you do, looking at the ocean-themed room from the blue walls, the shark-printed bed sheets, whale-printed curtains, the sphere lamp covered in different marine animal stickers.
“She’s currently in her marine phase though it’s gotten a bit longer than I anticipated so maybe it’s not a phase after all,” Jungkook shares as he grabs clothes from his daughter’s cabinet then takes the towel hanging on it.
You nod, completely getting it. “I’ve had my phases too. Some I never really grew out of.”
“Yeah? Like what?” Jungkook asks, sending you a smile.
You can’t help but return it, albeit a teasing one. “It’s a secret, Mr. Jeon.”
He laughs a little, nodding as he grabs a pair of clean underwear from Yuki’s drawer. “Alright. I respect that.”
Once Yuki finished showering, you hand her the towel to dry and cover herself before you enter and tell her some tips on how to handle her menstruation, demonstrating how napkins work and telling her when to change it so she won’t get any sort of rashes. You also tell her about cravings and mood swings. Once she’s all done, you and Yuki step out of the bathroom, her hiding behind you and only peeking through your arm to look at her father who has lowered himself on the door, an encouraging smile on his face.
“Go on, Yuki. There is nothing to be ashamed of towards your dad,” You tell her gently. “But if you’re not ready, it’s okay too. I’m sure your dad will understand.”
Yuki contemplates before ultimately deciding on running towards her father who greets her with his arm wide open. You watch as Jungkook embraces Yuki warmly, eyes closing and pressing kisses on her cheek. Yuki buries her face on the crook of his neck.
“It’s okay, baby. I’m not mad. I understand. I’m just happy you’re okay now,” Jungkook soothes, rubbing Yuki’s back in circles.
At that moment, you feel a tug in your heart. You’ve never really looked at Jeon Jungkook before – your paths didn’t really cross despite living on the same floor. You would only get a chance to talk to Yuki when the two of you would be walking up the hill to your apartment building after school ended. Maybe it was because you were a homebody who spent your free time in the comfort of your home. But now that you had gotten the chance to really see him – you couldn’t deny that he was one of the most handsome men you had ever seen.
You quickly shut down this thought. He’s a married man for crying out loud – it’s not right for you to be thinking about him in any way.
“Did you say thank you to Y/N?” Jungkook asks Yuki.
“She already did, and really, it’s not a problem. Glad I could be of help,” You say with a smile. “Anyway, I guess I’ll be on my way. I still have some papers to grade.”
“I’ll walk you back,” Jungkook offers.
You shake your head. “No, it’s okay, Mr. Jeon.”
“No, please, let me. It’s the least I can do for your help, for now, at least,” He insists. “I prepared your favorite snack in the kitchen, Yuki. I’ll just walk Y/N back to her apartment then I’ll join you, okay?” He tells his daughter, kissing the top of her head.
“Yes dad,” Yuki answers with a nod.
She gives you a hug on your way out.
“There’s really no need for you to walk me back, Mr. Jeon,” You say as you scratch the top of your head awkwardly.
“We are walking now so too late,” He quips, a lopsided smile forming on his lips. You only now see his piercing. Damn. “I’m serious though. This won’t just be the last thank you you’ll receive from me. You helped us out so much. You deserve better than a walk.”
“It’s really okay. I’m just happy that Yuki is fine,” You say as you reach your apartment. “Here I am. Thank you for walking me back, Mr. Jeon.”
“Thank you for everything, Y/N. If there is anything you need – anything – I’m just at 613, okay? Please don’t hesitate to knock on our door.”
You smile, nodding. “See you around, Mr. Jeon.”
“See you, Y/N, and if you’re comfortable with it, please just call me Jungkook.”
“Okay,” You say. “See you around, Jungkook.”
His smile widens – or at least in your mind it does. “Great. Enjoy the rest of your afternoon, Y/N.”
When you walk back inside your apartment, you press your back against the door, heart beating faster than normal. Why do you get the feeling that you’ll be seeing more of the Jeons? And why does it make your heart race?
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ANDI: I need this while working on something as dark as Dead Kids so I won’t be too burnt out when writing it. I hope you guys liked it and let me know what you think! 🦉
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jvngkook97 · 2 years
Can you write "Baby kicks" for Jungkook? 👶🍼
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synopsis; in which Jungkook feels your baby kick for the first time and nearly gets KO’ed in the process.
pairing; boxer!dad!jungkook x pregnant!reader
genre; fluff, humor, established relationship, domestic au, slice of life au, pregnancy au, drabble
warnings; BOXER koo, DAD koo, those are pretty much all the warnings you need tbh, oh and minor suggestive dialogue but nothing explicit (cause I couldn’t resist hehe)
rating; 18+
w/c; 1,003
a/n; this request got me in my FEELS let me tell ya. it’s been so long since I’ve written for daddy!koo and I can’t thank you enough anon for spurring the inspiration to bring him back! hope it helps you and your daddy!koo needs as well! don’t be a silent reader! <3 like + reblog if you enjoyed. feedback is always appreciated and helps to keep this writer (and many others!) motivated to put out more content – like this! all the love, always.
networks; @thebtswritersclub, @btshoneyhive, @kflixnet, @k-vanity
One swift punch left, one jab right.
The onslaught seemed to be never ending.
Jungkook pauses in his workout when he hears you let out another groan within the span of less than five minutes.
The punching bag in front of him swings back and forth like a pendulum, and he watches it for a moment, getting lost in a state of zoning out.
You try to muffle the way you used the Lord’s name in vain with the sleeve of your sweater (Jungkook’s actually), biting into the thick material with your teeth clenched so hard that when he whips his head to look at you he can see your jaw muscles tighten considerably.
His eyes soften, facial features dropping at your very obvious discomfort. Pivoting on his bare feet, he walks off the thin, blue mat and towards your slightly hunched over figure. While he walks, he takes off both boxing gloves and shoves them underneath one armpit to hold. Using the other hand he uses the back of it to wipe off the sweat that drips along his forehead, the last hour and a half of his workout having taken a toll on his body.
Kneeling down in front of you, he winces when he hears a pop from one of his knees, a sign of his ripe age of 30. Your loose hair is hanging in front you like a shield, and though he can’t lock eyes with you, he can hear your muffled snicker. It makes his eyes narrow.
“What was that, y/n?”
Your entire body grows rigid when his voice penetrates the silence and you slowly sit back up against the back of the chair, hair now only half shielding your face so he can see atleast one eye and half of a sheepish smile spread across your guilty lips.
With a light puff of breath, you blow the hair away from your mouth that settles itself there at your new position. Before you can do it yourself – a slender, tattooed hand rises within your vision to push your hair back and tuck it behind your ear. The same hand begins to caress your cheek, one thumb running over your jawline slowly that has your eyes beginning to droop from how nice it feels, but when they get half closed, they widen open once again at the light pressured pat on your cheek.
He taps once. You glare.
He taps again. You secure your hand over his.
“That’s for snickering at my popping knees.”
You pout cutely, brows furrowed in mock anger. He makes a point to rub the middle of your forehead to erase the wrinkles when he frees his hand from yours. Your once feigned angered expression scrunches into one of pain when a sharp punch hits you within your stomach.
Both of your attentions get drawn instantly to your bulging 37 week pregnant belly. You both just stare and wait.
What looks like a tiny little foot makes the surface of your skin stretch up and mold into it for a split second then just as quickly disappears as soon as it comes, leaving your belly jiggling lightly in it’s wake. At the sight, even Jungkook flinches along with you, him not expecting to see such a strong kick from your baby.
His hand presses down on the spot you both just saw your baby kick, and once again, you both wait. This time it occurs again, but not as harshly, just enough for Jungkook to feel it against the palm of his hand. After your baby retreats, Jungkook gets an idea. Instead of placing his hand back on your belly, he begins to lower his head.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you. I just chugged some banana milk not too long ago so this babe is really feeling it now.”
“What banana milk?”
Oops. You forgot that he doesn’t know that you know he has a secret stash kept at the gym. Cat’s out of the bag now.
The sheepish look appears on your face like earlier, and deep within his gut he just knows.
“How long?”
You make a show of popping your lips, lightly drumming your fingers atop your belly as you answer, voice small and barely audible. He leans his head further towards you to hear you better, unknowingly putting himself in the perfect position to be within the danger zone.
“Y/N~.” He warns lightly, voice becoming sing-songy as he stretches out your name purposely.
“Koo~.” You mimic him perfectly.
“How long have you known about—,” he sucks in a sharp breath with a hiss, retreating back from your figure with a hand rubbing the side of his face to nurture the sore spot he just received. Not expecting the sudden punch, he lands flat on his ass from losing his balance that was already wobbly as he put his full body weight on his feet due to kneeling.
“Jesus fuc—,”
You slap your hands over your mouth with a surprised gasp, attempting to stop the bubble of laughter that was building steadily within your throat. The action causing your already moving belly to move even more. Your eyes began to water from holding your laughter in, light bursts slipping through your pursed lips. When his piercing glare diverts from your belly and onto you do you finally let it out.
Throwing your head back, he can’t help the light twitch of his lips as he bites back a smile at your bellowing form. You start stomping your feet on the floor as you laugh that causes a slightly annoyed look to appear on his face.
“Ha. Ha. Laugh it up, baby. You’ll be paying for this later at home, where your knees will be popping when you’re the one kneeling.”
He laughs humorlessly, sardonically even, arms crossed over his chest that makes his muscles flex deliciously, a sight that has your lips parting of their own accord and thighs rubbing together.
That shuts you up.
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asksjshd I missed when you rbed this I think so I’m trying my luck!
“could you be happy here with me?” for armand/louis/lestat 🥹
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azsfdxfcavsdcjhgv bold of you to assume I'll ever turn away my favorite trio!!!!!!!
It's rare, for Louis to be awake so close to the sun. Each morning he is first to fall victim to the first rays of light, and the last to shake the spell the following evening, but tonight he strains against the undertow for just a few more moments with Lestat, a few more minutes in this liminal wonderland.
They had demanded so much of Armand this evening, poor thing. And the mortal sleep suits his young body so well, the way the apple of his cheek presses right up against Louis' chest, the way his soft little toes curl back and press against Lestat's knee.
In an hour or so the Death Sleep will take hold and his body will bare no evidence of his lovers' passion; the kaleidoscope of black and blue and red will dissolve back to a blank porcelain canvas, ripe for the taking once more. But here, trapped between Louis and Lestat, Armand is no one but himself, beautiful and perfect and surrendered wholeheartedly to the depths of slumber.
"You need a bigger bed," Lestat hums with a smile, taking one strand of auburn hair and curling it around his finger.
"I like this one," Louis sighs.
"There's hardly enough room."
"It was only meant for one person."
"And you mean to tell me," Lestat unwinds his fingers from Armand's hair and reaches instead to cradle the fine slope of Louis' jaw. "That you expected to look this beautiful and somehow end the evening in bed by yourself?"
Louis says nothing, simply snuffs out his laughter with a little hum and nuzzles against the welcome embrace of Lestat's hand.
"How very foolish of you, indeed."
"Foolish of me to think I might be afforded a modicum of privacy?"
"Yes!" Lestat laughs. "Foolish of you to feign annoyance when you were the one who batted your lashes and lured us into this very bed in the first place."
There is something especially delicious about watching Louis through the darkness; the way his lips twist into an almost-smile before he regains control and presses them into a flat line once more.
For a moment, they drift together in peaceful silence, guided by the steadfast drum of Armand's heart in between them.
"What time will you head back tomorrow?"
So typical of Louis, to pull the rug from under them with a goddamn question like that. It's both a relief and a disappointment all at once; he always gets so wound up on the evenings before he's due to depart. It's the only thing that has been in his head all day, weighing down his chest with anticipatory grief. His only respite had been the whirlwind of passion, the distraction of Armand's mouth at his throat and Louis' blood on his tongue. But perhaps it is a mercy, that Louis is the first to broach the subject. Perhaps Louis dreads it as much as he does. Or perhaps, thinks that traitorous voice in his head, he is looking forward to you finally leaving him alone.
"I don't know, whenever it pleases me," Lestat removes his hand from Louis' face, rests it gently on Armand's waist as he mumbles into the crown of auburn hair nestled between them. "Not too late, I think."
"You'll wait until I'm awake tomorrow, yes?"
There's a hint of worry in Louis' voice, and it is so singularly shattering to Lestat that he even needs to ask.
"Of course."
In the dead air of this little bedroom, he feels thankful for the veil between himself and Louis. He doesn't want to go back to court, truth be told. It's an odd realization that has only struck him recently— it's not the work that he dreads upon his return, nor the pang of loneliness that inevitably follows when he finds himself without Louis or Armand. It's the pure and simple knowledge that their world will continue to turn without him in it, that Trinity Gate will stand firm as it always does, that Louis and Armand will be just fine without him.
"You could come with me," he offers, and his voice sounds so small, so frustratingly fragile.
"You could stay here," Louis replies without hesitation, as if he's rehearsed this volley a thousand times over.
Again, there is something striking as he catches Louis' eyes through the darkness and wonders just how long the invitation has been there, waiting on the tip of his tongue.
"Could you be happy here, with me?"
Lestat doesn't know why he asks such a humiliating question, but it's out before he can stop it. It's not even the happiness he's worried about, it's the balance, the organization, the delicate ecosystem that Louis and Armand have woven together that leaves no margin for error, no margin for someone like Lestat.
"Mon coeur." Louis' delicate fingers on the side of his face are the only thing that keep him from spiraling. "I could be happy anywhere so long as I am with you."
The simplicity in Louis' voice is what gets to Lestat, in the end, as he feels his brows draw together and his bottom lip begin to tremble.
"Especially here," Louis adds as Armand shifts in his sleep between them, cocooning them both that seductive warmth until suddenly the little bed doesn't seem too crowded at all.
"Especially here," he echoes, breathless.
"Yes, Lestat. Especially here."
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mysteriesmuse · 1 year
Lil’ Gauntlets
———————————————— Katsuki has absolutely massive shoulders, a small waist, and a tight booty that gives him an undeniably sexy appeal as he saunters away in that sleek black outfit and gauntlets. And those shoulders don’t come easy. So Katsuki usually throws on his gauntlets and gloves, and a tight tank top that shows off a little bit of side pec. Except, not in that order, but then he’s out the door swaggering around the block with these massive grenades strapped to his arms. He’s big and intimidating already, but sprinting around the block with those things and his earbuds blasting makes the local pedestrians move out of the way pretty dang quick. And once you started dating him you started joining on little jogs around the neighborhood. You usually taping out halfway through and heading back into the apartment whilst Katsuki continued on his treck for another few laps. Passing by you splayed on the bench and chugging water, another bottle sitting on the bench next to you for when your boyfriend decides he’s finished enough loops around the neighborhood. And he always looks like such a grump when he runs around without you. Sometimes wearing that hair band he’s stolen from you to keep sweaty bangs pushed out of his face.
Always a big grumpy pants. Except for when he rounds the corner and you’re in view. Then Katsuki’s grouchy expression lightens up with a dazzling lopsided smile and devilish smirk as he makes a blazing-fast pit stop to peck your lips and triumphantly mummer out the number he’s on into your mouth. It’s a lovely routine. Truly nothing better than watching him do his sexy little jog and breathe into your mouth all smug and cocky.
And it’s incredibly rewarding when you receive a package in the mail with your own little surprise: ankle weights. Not any regular ankle weights, but ankle weight that are also be worn around the wrist. And you bought them in a pretty pretty pink strapping them around your wrists before skipping out the door after your boyfriend for your warm-up lap. A causal stroll around the block. It’s just after you fall into step with Katsuki he notices your the way your arms are swaying.
Katsuki nods, jutting his chin out at them, “What you got there, babe?” You beam, swinging your arms in even bigger archs, “Just a pair of little gauntlets. To match yours!” And Katsuki scoffs and shakes his head with a boyish smile, his adams apple bobbling as he tells you, “S’ cute lil’ gauntlets.” —— And even after your numerous charades and imitations of his signature pro hero scowl and walk he still thinks they’re cute lil’ gauntlets.
Cute lil’ gauntlets for his cute lil’ buddy (*≧∀≦*)★彡
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kitchen-spoon · 2 days
Steddie dads and their daughter Ella. She is 10 and walks home from school and is home alone for 15 minutes while Robin is on her way home from work. She has to call Eddie at the shop to let him know she got home safe. Then Eddie texts Steve and lets him know because Steve can’t answer the phone at the salon.
One day she gets home and calls her dad like usual on his personal phone and lets him know she is home safe the door is locked and she had a good day. Eddie tells her he can’t wait to hear about the rest of her day at dinner. She hangs up puts her stuff away and heads to the kitchen. She always has a snack after school but aunt Robin usually makes her eat something healthy. She tries to call Eddie again on his phone, its only been 5 minutes but he doesn’t answer. She tries again and nothing. Then she calls Aunty Robin but she doesn’t answer either. She resorts to calling the mechanic shop.
“Wayne’s garage, this is Connie how can I help you?”
“Um…hi. I need to ask my daddy a question.”
“Ah hah um okay, and who is your daddy dear.”
“Um..Eddie?…he is my daddy, my papa is Steve. Grandpa Wayne works here too.”
“Oh okay I know who you’re talking about. Let me go get him, one second dear.”
A few moments pass and then Eddie’s frantic voice comes across the line. “Baby are you okay? Are you safe? Aunty Robin said you called her too.”
“I’m fine daddy, I just need to ask you a question.” She huffed.
“Baby.” Eddie let out a long breath. “You scared me! Why where you calling everyone like that?”
“Can I have a popsicle?”
…”what?” Eddie chuckled.
“Can I have a popsicle…please?”
“Yea, you know what sure honey. But we have to talk about a better way to ask next time okay?”
“Ok…so I can have the popsicle?”
Eddie full on laughed this time, “yeah go ahead have a popsicle honey.”
Later that night they talk to Ella about emergencies and a better way to ask next time while she has another popsicle. Steve says she can’t have another tomorrow but Eddie shakes his head and winks at her.
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yabakuboi · 5 months
rating: G tags: established relationship, fluff, smooching prompt: Love is being late to work because you can’t ever say goodbye in a reasonable amount of time. @steddielovemonth
Eddie wakes up to a heavy weight flopping gently down on top of him. He comes to with a hum and a stretch that pops down his spine even as Steve wraps himself around Eddie, his face pressed into Eddie's neck.
Steve is already dressed for the day, green vest and jeans, his hair a little crunchy with spray, his deodorant fresh and bright compared to the warm smell of sleep. Eddie has to wiggle a bit to get his arms from under the blanket to wrap around Steve's shoulders in return.
"Mmm, you're a jerk, waking me up so early," he whispers, even as he shifts them until he can hook a leg around Steve's hip, blanket and all.
"It's eleven, lazy bones," Steve whispers back. He lets Eddie move them more, until they're all tangled up again. Steve will have to fix his hair, but Eddie doesn't care. He should have thought of that before waking Eddie up.
Not that Eddie minds—would probably call Family Video as soon as the door closed behind Steve to make sure he wasn't mad at Eddie.
Eddie starts kissing a path from the top of Steve's forehead down to his lips, tasting toothpaste and mouthwash, and wondering if Steve's ever grossed out by Eddie's morning breath.
He must not be, because he returns Eddie's lazy kisses with a happy sigh, holding Eddie a little tighter. It drags on like that, and to Eddie it's timeless, too short and an eternity, bliss in just being able to kiss Steve like this, the smell of Steve in his sheets and his toothbrush in the bathroom, and his millions of hair supplies in a basket under the sink. Wayne's no doubt asleep in the front of the trailer, and Steve would have been as quiet as a mouse getting ready before he snuck back into Eddie's arms to say bye before leaving for work.
Eddie loves this. Says as much into Steve's mouth, swallowing it up when Steve says it back, whispers lost between them and the morning sun.
"Gonna be late for work," Eddie sighs, even though he doesn't move except to run a hand down Steve's back.
"Robin shift," Steve murmurs, moving in to kiss Eddie again, like he can't get enough of him, the same way Eddie can't get enough of Steve.
Laughing, Eddie kisses him more, addicted to the warmth, the wet slide of their lips, the heat of Steve's breath. "Gonna get fired one of these days," he says when Steve has to come up for air. Laughs again, when Steve just dips back in to start it all up again. "Steeeve."
"Don't wanna go," he whines.
"I know," Eddie says. This time, he shoves Steve onto his back to he can press him into the mattress, peppering his cheeks and nose with kisses. It's gotta be going on 11:30 by now, and Steve will be a whole hour late at this rate. "Just for now, baby, and I'll come visit you later."
"Promise?" Steve does this thing that he must have picked up from a girlfriend, where he looks up at Eddie with big eyes and pouts his lips and bats his lashes at him, and it shouldn't work. But it does. Every time.
"Promise," Eddie breathes, smiling, and leans down for another kiss. And another. And another, another. And Steve doesn't get to work until well past noon. When Eddie comes to visit around five, Robin chews him out too.
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honeymaki · 1 year
I need to lie naked post sex with kyojuro, bathed in the moonlight, leg thrown over and tucked against his waist, his big big arm cradling your head, keeping you close and warm and safe despite being in your home, in your room, a place he’s sworn to be the safest and warmest. Looking out of the screen doors at the silent, still gardens, watching the stars blink with sweat staining your skin and thighs sticky with spend. Lips pressing to your forehead with deeps hums of content and happiness, like a cat purring under the attention of their owner. His soft and warm and a little tacky, still breathing in that deep controlled way of his, quilt tangled in your feet and the breeze is a bit cold and your chest is sensitive against his but it doesn’t matter really, nothing does in this moment. There are crickets in the reeds beyond the veranda, a thrush calls out softly, two frogs sing to one another and in the distance something splashes into the gully. You have the whole night ahead of you and yet, after tasting and writhing and hissing and bucking and shivering; there is nothing more intimate than right now, settled at his side, coiled and curled together with his nose nuzzling your crown and your lips breathing his pulse. Kyujuro’s fingers tickle the round of your shoulder, maybe spelling out a word, maybe drawing a flower but you sigh and he sighs in response, something dear and deep and precious in this moment.
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cheeseceli · 3 months
Sweet night
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Pairing: Taehyun × Gn!reader
Genre: fluff, short drabble
Summary: you fall in love as easily as you fall asleep (or even easier)
Warnings: none
A/n: this is like super short but I thought it was cute, so here it is!!
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You were surprised by how soft Taehyun's touch was.
Of course, you've always pictured him as a gentleman and you were right when it came to that. He was always kind and loving towards you. However, this was a whole new level.
The difference from right now to his usual touch was the fact that he was asleep. His eyes closed and his mind lost in a dream that made him smile a bit for hours now, but he was still touching you. With his arms around your waist and his face close to your neck. You've never felt safer.
He had no idea, but he was touching you with the ultimate care. His cuddle was strong enough to make you feel protected from all the danger in the world, but also soft enough to make you feel comforted. It felt warm and cozy. It felt exactly what love should feel like.
And in that moment you realised he'd probably never know, but he loved you better than anyone else even when he wasn't conscious. And in that moment you didn't realise just yet, but he was only smiling because he was dreaming of you.
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Masterlist | you'll probably like: even after all
Reblogs and feedback are always appreciated!
Dividers by @enchanthings
Taglist: @yuyubeans
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the-govern · 5 months
Crickets chirp out into the open air and it is the first thing Dream senses when he comes to. He groans softly, waking from his slumber. “Wilbur?” He slurs, the other man's name muffled as he sits up. He sniffles, breathing in harshly as he rubs his eyes.
“Wilbur?” He repeats again, clearer this time though still drowsy. Wilbur is sitting near the campfire, out of his sleeping bag. His figure is illuminated by the orange glow of the flames. It sparks and crackles, as alive as when they made it the afternoon before. Dream stares a little longer. “Wil?” He gets up, pulling himself out of his sleeping bag and resists the urge to slip back in to avoid the cold nip of the air.
“Are you okay?” Dream sits next to Wilbur onto the cool sand, feeling the grains stick to his clothes and fingers.
Dream frowns deeply and places a hand onto Wilbur's shoulder. He waits for one heart beat, and then two.
“Do you regret it?” Wilbur finally speaks. His voice is barely louder than the sparks of amber in front of them or the noise of their horses’ hooves when they shuffle to get more comfortable during the nights. Dream makes a face at that– a sort of grimace, but not just quite.
“Regret what?” Dream prompts, pulling his hand away only to lean his body weight onto Wilbur. The other man lets him and takes a deep breath. Letting the desert air soak into his lungs.
“I mean– this, all of this,” he says vaguely. It doesn't really help Dream understand anymore than he already knows. Wilbur catches onto this but doesn't take the time to elaborate further. He's lucky that Dream is one patient man otherwise he would've left a hell of a long time ago.
“Running away?” The blonde takes a random guess in the dark. It's the only thing he can think of. Apparently he seems to manage to shoot the target right in the bullseye because Wilbur nods.
Ah. So this is what this is about. Dream has to ponder for a second, because he hasn't thought much about it, not really. But ends up shrugging. “I dunno, maybe. But I prefer living this life than the one I had before, don't you?” Wilbur shrugs back in response and keeps staring at the fire. Dream stares at it too. The silence is long and drawn out as he waits for the brunette to say something, anything. It has to be about five minutes before he continues.
“I guess,” Wilbur starts, but trails off quickly. Dream nudges him to keep him from going off track. “I miss my family,” he sighs and this time Dream lets out a verbal ‘ah’.
“They were awful to me, I don't know why I miss them all that much, I reckon they're better off without another mouth to feed.”
Dream doesn't know the proper way to comfort Wilbur. He was a man who was all actions, no words. So instead he slips his warm hand into Wilbur's cold one, giving it a firm squeeze.
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bluenpjm · 1 year
she said no! ﹡ ksj x you
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Ⓒ bluenpjm — all rights reserved. do not repost, translate or claim as your own.
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synopsis.  the last 9 years with Seokjin have been nothing but a rollercoaster full of happiness and love and you can’t help but wonder how much your life will change on your anniversary.  genre.  slice of life au ◦ angst  pairing.  KSJ x YN wordcount. 1000 warnings.  relationships can be complicated, i suppose
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Tonight was a big night. And although it wasn’t your style at all, you had taken forever to get ready. Taking one last glance in the mirror, you could see yourself glowing in the silky red dress you had bought specially for the occasion. The vibrant colors hugged your curves with grace and you smiled sheepishly at your reflection, Seokjin popping right into your head. 
The smooth fabric cascaded down to your knees, accentuating your every movement and your wavy hair had been styled in loose waves that added a touch of effortless allure to your appearance. The golden earring that had been a cherished gift from Jin on your first Valentine’s Day dangled delicately from your ears. 
Your phone rang, signaling that he had arrived and, swiftly grabbing your purse, you excitedly exited your apartment. You slammed the door confidently, knowing that you’d have to deal with the mess your bathroom had been left with only tomorrow morning. 
“Wow,” Seokjin leans forward in his seat, kissing your cheek gently. “You look beautiful.” 
“Thank you,” You couldn’t wipe the smile plastered on your face, so big that it made your cheeks hurt. 
The restaurant exuded an air of elegance and sophistication, its lavish decor and tasteful ambiance setting the stage for a memorable evening. Crystal chandeliers hung from the ceiling, casting a soft, warm glow upon the finely polished tables adorned with fresh flowers. The walls, replenished with framed artwork, added a touch of refinement to your surroundings. 
You sat by the window, your table offering a breathtaking view of the city outside. As the evening sky darkened, the streetlights below came to life, their golden hues dancing in harmony with the stars above. The cityscape twinkled with life, creating a magical backdrop for your 9th-anniversary celebration. 
The soft music playing in the background and the gentle hum of conversation added to the enchanting ambiance, creating an intimate space for couples to bask in the warmth of their love. Looking around you, you couldn’t help but wonder if this was the night Seokjin was finally going to propose. 
With each course, you lavished upon your favorite dishes, greatly accompanied by laughter and shared memories of all your years together. Of course, so did your hopes grow, the expectations soaring to unimaginable heights. But as the desserts rolled in, you felt your heart withered, as Jin made no move to reach for a ring or drop to one knee, a wave of disappointment washing over you. 
Silent tears welled up in your eyes, barely concealed behind a strained smile. It had been something that had popped into your head constantly, the beginning of your forever, especially now that you both found yourselves in such good places in your life. 
Sensing your sadness, Jin’s eyebrows furrowed, his eyes searching for answers. “What’s wrong, YN? You seem upset,” He probed gently, his voice laced with concern. 
Trying to fight back the tears, you struggle to show him a strong smile to conceal your lie “Nothing,” You clear your throat, “I’m just feeling tired.” 
Jin’s voice softened as he reached for your hand across the table, “Are you sure?” 
You sigh as one tear rolls down your face and your eyes met his worried ones, “I… I just thought tonight would be the night, you know?” He tilts his head, confused. “The night you’d ask me to marry you.” 
He’s somewhat taken about by your statement, the retreatment of his hand making your heartache. “I thought we were happy just the way we are.” 
“And we are, but—” Your voice trembles as you retorted. 
An uncomfortable silence hangs in the air, the weight of your differing viewpoints heavy on your hearts. Over all these years, you had discussed spending your life together, moving in, getting a dog over a cat or even kids, but you were never specific on marriage, assuming you had been on the same page; that one thing involved the other. 
Jin leaned back, his eyes searching for your face again, “YN, I love you more than words can express. And I want to be with you, to live the rest of my life with you by my side, but we don’t need a piece of paper to validate our love, or even to make it real… right?” 
At the lack of response from you, his voice softens, reaching for your hand across the table, “We can still have a beautiful future together, YN.” 
With a heavy sigh, you struggle to find the words, finding yourself in inner turmoil. He was right, of course; you had been happy for all these years, but marriage had been something you anticipated, something to bring your relationship to the next; to prove your love was real and strong. 
“I just need some time,” 
With an apologetic look in your eyes, you get up from the table, leaving a speechless Seokjin and an untouched desert behind. You ignore his voice as he calls your name from the table and, as you enter the taxi, your heartache and disappointment become too heavy to bear. The passing city lights become blurred as you travel home, your emotions threatening to consume you. 
Seokjin is left speechless, cheeks flustered as he keeps on replaying your escape in his mind. He’s quick to ask the waiter for the check, finding comfort in the emptiness of his car where the prying eyes of the nearby tables could no longer find him. 
He drives home, and similar to the mess you’ve left your bathroom in, he finds his living room—rose petals on the floor as they lead to the center table, where laid his surprise—a key to his home beautifully wrapped as he had been preparing to ask you to come to live with him. 
He laughs drily at the situation, heartbreak tugging into his heart as he can’t shake the feeling of how disappointed you’d be once you opened the little box and saw a key, instead of a ring inside. 
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wynnyfryd · 1 year
“Steeeeeeeve!” Robin sings as she throws open the front passenger door, in a tone that sounds like she might actually burst if she doesn’t tell Steve whatever juicy news she’s procured in the single hour they’ve been apart while her parents forced her to attend church. “Wait,” she frowns, looking into the car. “Why are you sitting here?”
Steve shoots her a tired smile from the passenger seat and reaches out to squeeze her hand. Eddie waves from the driver’s side, Dustin chirps “Hi, Robin!” from behind Eddie’s head, and she nods a quick hello to them both before turning back to Steve. “Thought I was about to kick Eddie out of my seat,” she says, and okay, rude. “Is it your ear again?”
“Yeah, it’s doing the thing,” Steve says mildly as he climbs out of the car. Eddie scoffs. Pretty understated way of saying ‘I’m probably going deaf from all the head trauma and my ear aches and it’s not always safe for me to drive,’ but whatever.
Steve pauses to hug Robin — kinda squeezes the life out of her, lifts her up and shakes her like he’s trying to knock pennies loose from her frilly dress pockets — and then he hops into the back with Dustin.
“Dude,” Dustin says, sounding so disappointed. “You’re really gonna give up shotgun just like that?”
Steve smacks the back of his head. Dustin yelps “Ow!” and then mutters, “Jerkwad.”
“Shithead,” Steve thumps him again. They tussle for a second until Steve gets him in a headlock, ripping the kid’s hat off and ruffling his hair with a triumphant fist, and Dustin says, “Get off me! This is child abuse, I’m telling mom!”
“She’ll never believe you,” Steve grins, “but go ahead.”
“What the hell are you wearing?” Eddie asks Robin once everyone settles in, because she looks like she’s been forced to wear Nancy’s clothes again.
Robin and Steve mean-mug him in tandem, doing their freaky soulmate sync up shtick, and Robin sniffs, “First of all: Shut up.”
“Steve, control your wife,” and yeah, okay, he deserves the vicious flick to the funny bone he gets for that.
“Secondly, I am wearing the sexist garb of the good Christian girl that my parents like me to pretend to be once a week, and thirdly,” she whips around in her chair to look at Steve, eyes bright with unshared gossip, “you will. not. believe what I overheard today! It is truly, like, so scandalous, Steve, oh, my god!”
Her hands are going crazy with excitement as she speaks, reaching out to slap at the nearest forearm, which just so happens to be Eddie’s. “Watch it, Buckley, Jesus—!”
“—is our Lord and Savior,” Dustin supplies. “Would the two of you like to at least let us leave the church premises before you continue to take the Lord’s name in vain?”
“Aw, Dusty,” Eddie coos as he pulls out of the lot, “you saying you don’t want the big man upstairs to smite our ruin upon the mountainside?”
Another round of synchronized stink faces from the mean girl twins at that, and Dustin snipes “way to butcher the quote, idiot,” but at least someone in this car recognizes his good taste.
Eddie drives them back to Steve’s place as Robin launches into a sordid little tale of Sunday debauchery. Apparently, she excused herself from the sermon when it started getting a little too fire and brimstone for her liking, took to wandering the halls to kill time while she was pretending to be off using the ladies’ room, “and then,” she says in a hushed, slow rasp like she’s telling ghost stories around a campfire, “I heard…”
Steve and Dustin are on the edge of their seats. The leather squeaks as they lean in further.
“…the unmistakable sounds of lovemaking coming from the administrative office!”
“Oh, gross!” Dustin recoils like he’s been burned.
Steve’s brows pinch in offense. “Who fucks in a church?”
“I’d fuck you in a church, baby,” Eddie smirks at him in the rearview, hamming up the cartoonish leer just to piss everyone off. Dustin makes a retching noise and Robin flips him the bird.
Steve’s frown lines deepen. “We’re not fucking in a church,” he says. He looks so serious, all stern and grouchy like Hopper when he’s had to spend too much time around Mike, and Eddie’s having way too much fun riling everyone up so he sticks his bottom lip out and pouts, “Aw, Stevie, come on! Not even a quickie?”
“Gross!!” Dustin shouts again.
“So gross,” Robin concurs.
Eddie just laughs and turns the radio up.
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soobnny · 19 days
who in skz would most likely date a med student .. asking for writing i mean research purposes
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fangirlingatstuff · 1 year
Ronin and reader headcannons (w/ romance if thats fine I couldnt find ur rules page sorry) , you and MK had shrunk together, so maybe sometime after the movie, Nod and Him become "stomper" size and MK's like: "nah dude you gotta go to Y/n's house" and they go to your large slightly dysfunctional loving family to regroup and stuff. You have become my new favorite account bc i found no one who writes Epic, especially Ronin. <3 You have been followed and will be loved aggressively
Yay! Welcome to the club lol the fandom may be slightly dead but that doesnt keep some of us from making content XD Hope you like this hun! Haven’t written much for Ronin so this is fun!
This is definitely not based off of my family nooo why would you think that??? (Tho I only have one brother lol)
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When you had first shrunken down and met Ronin, you hadn't been as trustful as MK was.
Given, you went with MK as emotional support so she had someone to fall back on if things didn't go well with her dad, and after being shrunken while stressing about helping out your friend, you were a lot more on edge than she was.
When Ronin made it his job to escort the both of you to Nim's, you weren't as receptive of the idea as MK was, but hey, MK was kind of in need of a strong figure in her life and you weren't going to argue with that.
Over the period of that day, seeing Ronin, talking to him, noticing his own grief, even though he was pretty attractive and it made your heart skip a beat when he pulled you in by the waist to get you away from MK's crazy pug, you told yourself "we just met” and left it at that.
So imagine your surprise, several months later, when MK shows up with both leafmen while your youngest siblings were causing mayhem in the kitchen, your eldest brother wrestling with your dad over the last couple pizza rolls, and your mom stuck in a standoff with the cat since it kept trying to eat the bills on the counter.
MK explained what happened and why Ronin and Nod were suddenly big now, but you weren't able to say anything before she was like “Ok bye! Take care!” And left them with you
You were SO going to get her back for this
Honestly, you were surprised that your family didn’t mind them showing up, but you also lived in a loft above the garage so that you had some privacy from the rest of your family.
After introducing Nod and Ronin as “some of MK’s friends”, you moved them up to your small “apartment”
Nod was already a hit with your youngest two brothers, showing off his sword skills by slicing fruit in the air as they tossed it at him
Ronin took a while to adjust
But slowly he started to talk to you and you two actually had the longest conversation you’ve ever had between the two of you
Ronin didn’t want to intrude or be a burden, so he picked up doing chores (your chores) around the apartment and house while also getting Nod to do your brothers chores
You told him it wasn’t necessary, they were your chores for a reason, but Ronin argued and said that this was thanks for letting the two of them stay
He’s already a big hit with your mom and dad, but they were at work and didn’t see much of him
You were washing dishes after everyone else left the house, either for school or work, when Ronin came in
He was wearing a white henley shirt with rolled up sleeves, something that SHOULDNT have looked that good on him, and immediately stopped to look at you from across the house
“Nope, uh uh,” he hip checked you out of the way and took the plate you were washing
“Hey!” You said
“Let me wash the dishes,” he didn’t even bother letting you argue, to him it was “his duty” to show appreciation by helping around the house
“Ronin,” you whined while trying to take the rag back from him, “c’mon, it’s literally my one chore.”
“You don’t have to do it, I got it,” he said
You huffed and groaned
“How about you wash them and I’ll dry and put them up?” You offer, hand on your hip
He looked at you and thought for a moment
The two of you worked in sync with each other in the small kitchen, you putting up the dishes as Ronin washed them
Occasionally, his hand would linger for a moment longer than usual while handing you the next dish, or you’d glance over to see him quickly looking away
Even when dressed so casually he looked so in charge and strong, it was so weird
It was weird in general to see him out of his armor but you digress
When the last dish was put up, you stretched and wiped down your slightly wet hands before turning to walk out
“Hey Y/n-“ you turned as Ronin reached out for you but hesitated
“Yeah, Ronin?” You raised a brow
He stopped and drew back his hand, brow furrowed in thought
“…thank you. For letting me and Nod stay here. Your family is…very kind.”
You snorted, “Yeah, well you havent seen ‘em on a bad day.”
Ronin chuckled a little at your joke and it made your cheeks turn pink
“But really,” he said, “I don’t know how else to thank you.”
“You don’t have to-“
“No, I do,” he added as you hopped to sit on the counter behind you. “I…I think we got off on the wrong foot, before.”
You blinked in surprise and looked away with a hint of shame, “Yeah, I—that day was a lot for me.”
He sighed, “It…was a lot for me too.”
You lowered your gaze, thinking about the woman who he had ran to as she died, the late queen, Tara
Ronin shook his head and snapped out of it, “Uh, well I-“ he stammered and rubbed the back of his neck, “I’m happy MK took us here. It’s been…nice, actually getting to know you.”
You told yourself you were imagining the blush on his face
“Really?” You smiled. “It’s been nice getting to know you too.”
Ronin smiled as you hopped down and opened up the fridge, taking out a gallon of iced sweet tea
“Come on!” You chirped as you passed him and grabbed two glasses, “It’s nice out.”
The two of you sat out in the backyard on the porch, chatting and drinking iced tea, laughing at stories, talking about anything and everything, enjoying the nice spring air late into the evening
When Nod eventually came back with MK after a trip around town, they found the two of you passed out on the porch swing, a thin blanket over the both of you
MK laughed but Ronin never looked so peaceful
Okay it took me a while to come up with this and it isnt immediately romantic but now Im like “…oh? Oh, ok, am I invested in this now???”
So if you like it I can DEFINITELY do more, it took everything in me to NOT just write an entire short fic for this one prompt, it ended up being so much cuter than I expected!!!!
Hope you like it! Its awesome having more people interact with the fandom!!
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