#if that helps in ur opinion
soobnny · 4 months
who in skz would most likely date a med student .. asking for writing i mean research purposes
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shoutascoffeepot · 4 months
im not hating im just saying if you didn’t like aizawa in his natural state of scruffiness and hair down and only liked him when he shaved and put his hair up neatly, yall dont deserve it.
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3-aem · 4 months
good bye work im done with u im gonna draw gojo getting spanked
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el-pada · 9 months
You say Leo’s and usagi (Miyamoto a) personality’s class, I’m genuinely wondering what points you have? (I think I worded that right) I love seeing other people’s thoughts on characters it helps me kinda get a full understanding on the characters themselves as I struggle with understanding people or characters 🙈
ok now this is a fun ask
so (mainly rambling abt my rise interpretation) theyre both incredibly similar yet were raised in different environments so theyre kind of 2 sides of the same coin, able to see their own flaws in the other which pisses them off a lot at first
opposites attract eachother all that, samurai and ninja already had a rivalry so theyre kinda the representation of that
in my version theres also the aspect of performing involved, how leo sees it as something admirable and glorifies it but usagi grows to hate it and sees it as a chore in his life (whole deal with big mama)
but at the end of the day they have similar ideals and goals, just different ways of approaching them. they both care a lot and will fight tooth and nail to protect, making it very fun to have them work either against or with eachother
also i really like how they kinda break their own character conventions, leo is very much an extrovert and incredibly brash but is also surprisingly smart. hes great at planning ahead and most importantly follow the plan by being unpredictable to his enemies
usagi on the other side is more introverted and reserved (in theory) but is also like, incredibly impusive, if you read the comics he will constantly improvise and just throw himself at situations. his whole deal is being unpredictable from his training but hes just straight up a menace (almost killed his childhood best friend at age 7 or so with a rock caine and able style)
theyre both stupid and smart at the same time which gives you a lot to work with as they can kinda exchange both roles seamlessly
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heart-select · 3 months
i just want a cozy farming survival sim but u play as a beaver
like consider
You are a beaver
(and it's not a bunch of personified construction beavers like a civ game. u are just a beaver)
It's a third-person game, and u can swim around ur made ponds well but are slow on land
u start of building up ur own dam in a small stream. being weary of predators and also ur stamina/food
It's slow going, but u meet other beavers along the way. the damnslowly gets built, stick by stick, pebble by pebble
seasonal cycle much like farming games but its u just storing food up for winter
u get a taste for wood and ur other companion beavers also have their preferences
Decorating ur Lodge (during winter most likely)
There are other animals in the area u can talk to, befriend, or scare away
u gotta dig ditches and stuff to get to more of forest areas if u wanna expand more.
its a grindy brain empty game and ur just living ur life as a beaver
sound mechanics where u r v aware of Running streams (incase ur dam needs reparing), tree sounds so they dont fall on u while ur eating, possible predators etc
work with other beavers so u can lessen work load like doing dam repairs or lodge building/expansion/repairs
random events like new visitors (friendly and not so friendly) or even wildfires
Im just... I was watching a beaver video and I genuinely was surprised for all the living habits and stuff they do, no one has thought to do a cozy grindy game abt em thats not civ like. they have like all the staple farming sim stuff. A Home, an area, and a whole bunch of shit to do before winter/year end.
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florallylly · 2 months
sometimes in fic robin is such a voice of reason insider to steve's brain, but what about stobin toxic "dump that bitch immediately" mentality
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3416 · 7 months
the nhl is so funny bc they will go great lengths to protect people accused of sexual assault or domestic violence, but they really draw the line at drugs and gambling, which is like.... isn't that WHAT your player assistance program is for? if anything..........
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sillykana-13 · 17 days
Mizurui is so mid. Ruikasa is t he best obviosly. Weird bitch
right first off fix your spelling mate what the hell is obviosly supposed to mean 💀 😭‼️‼️
and i never said that i hate ruikasa ⁉️⁉️ ruikasa is one of my tops (although i ship most pjsk chars more platonically than romantically) i just like mizurui more 😭🙏learn to deal with other peoples opinion and come back when you learn basic human decency, gtfo of here.
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candycoffinss · 2 months
Stares at you…..
stares back at you.
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barblaz-arts · 1 year
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pyr0peyt · 2 months
Remember seeing some ppl over on Twitter calling the Super Robot's design "boring" cuz of it's simplicity omg u ppl rlly are no fucking fun. Not every single giant robot design needs to have 500 different things going on 😭
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victimized-martyr · 1 year
Do you think Kenny actually likes cartman? I’m not so sure since the reading of his will in s9e4 (https://youtu.be/QGx92r8NLIM)
I feel like nobody likes him but Kyle is the only one who thinks he can possibly get better at all.
I agree on some level with that last statement. Due to Kyle's morals and complicated attachment to Cartman, he would be the only one willing to nurture the potential Cartman has, though I'd say Cartman isn't universally hated as one would assume. I think Kenny and Cartman's friendship deepened off screen since s9. It shows itself strongly in the covid specials and post-covid (not post covid the special, I mean like.. after the actual irl covid and.. ARGH mattrey u make my life so difficult)     
      Kenny was the one to approach Cartman about the fragility of the broship and inspires Cartman to be the one to make sure the gang stays together. That's a level of openness and vulnerability that frankly, I haven't seen him share with Stan or Kyle. Quite the opposite in fact-- When Kenny finally admits he's immortal, Stan and Kyle dismiss him in their own way. Neither have made the move to sympathize with him since, especially at the level Cartman does in the covid episodes. Now, Cartman's "sympathetic" method of coddling Kenny wasn't the best thing to do I'd say, the show was clear  Stan, Kyle and Cartman weren’t handling the broship fallout well, but Cartman definitely proved himself as the “best friend” the show has claimed he’s been in prioritizing Kenny during Covid. We even get a verbal reminder from Cartman and Kyle in Post-Covid that despite it being the literal worst future for everyone, Cartman and Kenny’s friendship thrived. With the opposite lives they lead, it's astounding they remained best friends for forty years.
That level of loyalty is kicking Stan and Kyle in the dirt and laughing rn. Look at Dikinbaus! Cartman and Kenny had a blast “planning the business” (ie living it up as owners and mutually taking advantage of Butters to just pal around) and Cartman once again concedes to Kenny when he lets him work from home. It’s a gag first and foremost, but still, I think it works as part of character analysis lolol. I’m analyzing this a lot from Cartman’s perspective, or at least his actions, but I don’t rlly have much to go by on Kenny’s end and I hope y’all can see why lol. excluding the Mysterion arc and the s22 Halloween episode, he’s a passive character. things rly just are happening to this dude. 
Cartman's attachment to Kenny has grown exponentially since the early seasons ("I hate yew guys/ specially kinny/ ah hate em the most/") whereas we've heard directly from Kenny what he thought of Cartman at the time s9 was written but we don't really know what he thinks of Cartman presently. Now, mattrey have written Kenny's quietness and frequent disappearances as part of the charm of his character--the mysteriousness with a pinch of hidden sadness, maybe a dash of loneliness--and not like, a serious writing pitfall of not knowing what to do with one of your main characters, not giving them the chance to let the audience see their motivations. So the uncertainty surrounding Kenny's true opinions, in this case of his friendship with Cartman, isn't by accident. I'd say it's fair to assume Kenny now views Cartman as a best friend, given how much Cartman has done for him.
I’d also say it’s fair to assume the pity for Cartman hasn’t changed.
#asks#south park#eric cartman#kenny mccormick#kennman#sure this could be seen as kennman why not lol#now Kyle believes cartman can change and maybe kenny can see it too but kenny definitely isn’t proactive enough to put in the effort to#see it thru#Kenny’s friendship with Cartman has grown to become the least tumultuous of the m4#so Kenny doesn’t need to feel compelled to search for the food in cartman. he already sees in in their friendship#on a writing level it’s just… off to have Cartman and Kenny go thru so much only for Kenny to still have the same opinions of Cartman in s9#they’ve taken on this weird new role where Cartman takes it upon himself to console kenny in addition to stringing hm along in his schemes#ohh but as much as i’ve said that kyle sees good in cartman and wants to be the one to help see that goodness come to fruition#it’s also try that as of s20 Kyle’s been disillusioned#he told heidi ‘Cartman will never change’ and I think that was a wake up call for himself as much as it was for heidi#when cartman gave up the pangolin all kyle said was ‘i don’t believe it’#when cartman said he converted kyle refused to give cartman a chance even at the end of the special#s7 kyle would’ve clung to the promise of cartman changing with rosy eyes full of hope#that hope for cartman ain’t dead but dormant rn. the heiman arc rly burnt him out#Cartman get off ur ass and win Kyle back pls he’s so done w/ u rn my guy he will Nope himself out of stories now so he won’t deal w/ u#(kyle’s absence in streaming wars was rly felt)#wait in streaming wars kyle had a ‘he can change 🥺’ moment when he went ‘🥺’ for cartman when talkin abt the surgery#he was on everyone’s case abt the surgery he was on top of managing cartman’s boat building quality#but yeah cartman ended up taking the money for himself and. now we’re fuckin back to square one :))#although i’d say in streaming wars cartman didn’t withhold the deets on the surgery on purpose. he didn’t know what was going on#when he went to talk to the guys and he was genuine.#A​NAYWAYS FUCK OK STOP TALKING EPSERANZA GOD
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putridpride · 30 days
happy (not that stoked) Labor Day to all the mfs that work today. especially if y'all aren't getting time & a half or double time. Thank you for working because it's what u have to do to survive. Labor Day is only a blue collar worker/office job kinda holiday, so bless you all that are working like it's any other day, I promise we see ya and appreciate y'all <3
#i do my best to just stay home and not go out on labor day for all the workers that still have to work#do your very best to not go to the store. cut the workers some slack and enjoy being you for a day without the help of capitalism#dont hit my askbox if ur gonna slander. only hit my ask box with real facts and real opinions or dont hit it up at all#m.#i bet all the overseas homies are like wtf is labor day and why is it a holiday? honestly you're so right.#its just a holiday to gaslight all 9-5 workers into believing theyre important to their job#thankfully im off but no one ever tells you thank you for doing your job or putting in the effort to make society flow easier.#no one!! so I'll be the one to tell yall:#life aint easy. and it definitely aint easy when you're providing for a family or those you love. especially in america on poverty level#or even lower middle class. the rich are shaking in their boots knowing we're aware of their abuse of the system and the ploy to keep#lower middle class/upper middle class complete different worlds than one another. but they're both essentially the same class???#firm believer of socialism or a sprinkle of communism. this shit is awful#imagine raising your kids to be able to navigate american economics along with their passion in life. oh shit. you cant? sounds accurate.#kids either kill themselves from the stress of it all or become just like their parents. like the world is in the 60's still#i really. really. really hate America and its politics. ive always wanted to kms to get away from it..#but it's not possible and i. unfortunately. have too much to lose. despite to popular belief.#but all you need to know is things will always SEEM worse but its really not. just keep pushing and believe in yourself ❣️
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barbreypilled · 5 months
I feel like the reason why my past two autism obsessions being media that the average high school graduate should be able to at least kind of grasp has been driving me up the wall isn’t that I’m not being stimulated or challenged or whathaveyou but more that the ppl I come across are so deeply incapable of actually wrapping their minds around it in their 30s. how are u 36 and basic analysis of Jane Eyre has u on the ropes
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kasaneteto · 6 months
ok i need some opinions
so i had the talk with my roommate about not wanting to sign another lease with him. that’s all fine and good he understands why we can’t be roommates anymore but the problem is he doesn’t want to let me be the one to stay at this apartment because he claims he can afford to live here by himself. i don’t really believe him but its neither here nor there because i know i can only afford to live here if i rent with two other people.
my reasons for wanting to keep living here are: i can walk to work, its going to be really hard to find another place that allows TWO cats, my cats are CRAZY and this apartment is perfect for them (lots of windows for passive engagement + a loft area for them to get up in), i have a LOT of plants because the place gets a lot of natural light, to find another place that would support all of these plants will be difficult. & in addition to all of that - my name is on all of the utilities + the WiFi. because he is too irresponsible to take initiative with anything. in a worst case scenario I would be able to move back in with my parents, but that would mean moving to the country where i would be completely isolated and would have to quit my job.
his reasons for wanting to keep living here are: he was the one who found the apartment & he can afford to live here on his own, and he doesn’t want to move. if he has other reasons beyond those he hasn’t told me what they are.
ive known he was a selfish person for years. i mean ive completely given up on ever asking him for a favor because he acts so burdened by it, if he even is willing to do it at all. its my belief that his selfishness is a trauma response due to his upbringing, but yknow, i can only tell the guy he needs therapy so many times before i have to give up to save my own energy. but i can’t help but feel like i deserve this apartment way more than he does. im the one who’s been taking care of it and keeping it nice for us. im the only one of us who’s in any way responsible. so for him to be so hostile about me wanting to stay (he got really defensive about it) hurts me a lot. i want to believe that he’s a good friend but I don’t feel like a good friend would see me move out of an apartment that’s perfect for me just because the alternative would make his life harder. he hasn’t been a good friend for a while so why am i still pretending he is?
so should i tell him all of these feelings? im worried that its going to come across as emotional manipulation. because like… i can’t lie, my main reason for wanting to tell him all of this is so i can stay here and he’ll move out. its hard to not feel like a hypocrite calling him selfish when thats my deepest motivation. but its not my only motivation, i truly do believe that erik is unaware of this behavior of his and that he WANTS to be a good friend, and i wonder if me being honest with him is the wake-up call he needs in that regard? idk. i just want to be a good friend while also standing up for myself. its hard to navigate stuff like this.
so uh. should i tell him i think he’s being really selfish about this? and that ive noticed a pattern of selfish behavior in him? be honest if im being a dickhead about this too and should just give up the place to him like if thats he truth i wanna hear it. it would just kill me to see his irresponsible ass bite off more than he can chew and lose this place, esp since the rate we’re renting at is the 2021 housing rate like its gonna be SO much more expensive to find a place this nice in the current housing market 😭
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