#sleepy gorgeous winchesters
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jarpadandjensens · 1 year ago
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Beautiful Winchester bros Series 6 / 50
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samsblades · 1 month ago
for the valentine’s event—sam winchester, eight, and kiss!! happy valentine’s day <3 :)
thank you love! happy valentines to you too <333
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the moment i open my eyes, i hug you. kiss! kiss or fight
ʚ ⋆ you and sam sleep in for a long while, cuddling in bed for hours, half awake and full of sleepy smiles. the day is spent at home, stuck in the sheets, then in the living room playing board games and getting playfully competitive with each other. your little apartment with him is full of laughter and unabashed kissing and board game betrayals. he has to kiss you to shut you up a few times here and there. when you get hungry, he runs out with the promise of lunch from the diner down the street and he comes back with that and the most gorgeous bunch of flowers you’ve ever seen. he can’t seem to stop kissing you all day. you attempt to make dinner and dessert together, the results impressive considering it all almost burned while you were distracted from kissing each other until your lips are sore.
ʚ ⋆ your song is : kiss! by hyelyn joo !
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happy valentine's day ♡♡♡ the be mine event is closed !
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helloitshaley · 1 year ago
Haley's Horror Recs
Saturday the 14th just doesn't have the same ring to it
After the tragic death of Edith's father, she agrees to marry a man she barely knows and moves to his family's estate in England. Not only is the estate falling apart, its also full of ghosts desperate to warn Edith about the family's awful past.
You should watch if: You love a movie that is beautiful to watch. You love gorgeous costumes. You're a Guillermo Del Toro fan. You want to see Tom Hiddleston's ass.
Available to watch on Netflix
(If you like this try; The Woman in Black, Sleepy Hollow, The Haunting, The Changeling, The Others, Winchester)
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liopleurodean · 1 year ago
Season 11, Episode 4: Baby
11x04 Baby THEE episode of all time
(I specifically rushed the last six episodes so that I could watch this on my birthday)
Aw yeah
Poor Baby is a mess
Sleepy Dean
I wanna see the shorts
That's good
Dean, you're not fine
Anything works
Nice fade
I doubt it, but worth a shot
Dude. Really?
It looks disgusting
Aw, Cas
It's awesome
Yeah, he'll be fine
Okay, how many times are they gonna use the caption [engine purring]?
Has food!
Whoa! What's that about Swayze?
He was in there a while
Why are the windows down?
Well, he definitely learned to have fun
Dean knows exactly what happened
This is the reason Night Moves is on my Dean playlist
Dean's getting into it 😂
Bob Seger!
Better than Sammy
This is great
Oh, that's so pretty
Ah!!!! The camerawork!!!! The lighting!!!!! Baby has never been more beautiful
Oh, Dean... 😂
Okay, Dean
He put a blanket down because he knew you'd kill him if he got anything on the upholstery
He didn't deny it 😂
Dean. You're 37, not dead
He thinks about it. He doesn't let himself go any further
Great question
Must be a dream
Of course he has
Has been for a while
Yeah, well. Didn't work out
Oh, Sam...
You saw Hell, Sam
As always
That was weird
I'll rate it 5 stars
That's sweet
That's concerning
Not like Azazel
He looked kinda weird
Screw John Winchester
But they already knew that
So... just keep going?
Dean is confused™
Spill the tea, Sam
Dean would know
Makes sense
I'm gonna cry now 😭
They need hugs so bad
Because they like messing with people
I think that's the point
Still worth looking into
I miss that 😭😭😭
And there it is
Say it, Sam. WEREPIRE.
Uh oh
That's nice
Well now Dean has to try it
No. Not the valet
This is not living, Sam
Listen. Normally, I'm okay with valet, but not when the drivers are that young. It's just asking for trouble
See that smile on her face? She's up to no good
Oh boy
At least they have taste
...but not in music
Recipe for disaster
Good riddance
She definitely didn't
That was a quick stop
Dean, no...
Nope. You shouldn't have tipped her
This is scintillating
Dean, why did you leave your phone?
This conversation is horrible
That's lame
Oh great
Dean's a little preoccupied
This is great
Season eleven was what? 2016? Cas, the next solar eclipse was in a year. Not that far away
He's a little busy
That's weird
Waste of bullets
We're doing this Leviathan-style, I guess
It sounds like a Mogwai
Good idea
That is really weird
Uh oh
This'll be fun
That is a long way to drive backward
Interesting shot
It's possible
A ghoulpire!
So, a drachma?
That's convenient
But only before 1982
I knew that too
Don't worry about it, Cas
The purse?
Don't open the cooler
Oh boy
Don't do it
Good plan
Not even remotely
Yeah. Of course
Oh no
What did she do?
He doesn't know anything
Wow, there is a lot of room in that backseat. I've got a pretty big car, and I don't think I could do that
This is great
Uh oh
Dang it, Sam!
Ah, here we are
So the head can be reattached?
There's the purse
Well, duh
Definitely not dumb
Ah, the hairpin!
Too many
That's not good
Against the Darkness
You'd be surprised
Mm, I doubt that
Of course he is
It wasn't personal
Yeah, that's not gonna happen
That won't do much
Yeah, there we go
Just use all of them
And there goes another window
Yup, there it is
That's one way to chop off a head
Yeah, me too. She's a mess
Poor girl
Come on Baby, I know you can do it
Come on
Yeah, there she is!
And there's the 180°. Gets me every time
Still gorgeous
Looks like they're all okay
Good thing they came
Of course
Sam, the monsters were scared of Eve. That doesn't mean much
Yeah, okay 😂
You're both a mess
You got it, Baby
Oh, I can't look 😭 I'm so sorry, Baby
And her engine doesn't sound right either 😭
0 notes
babyboywilson · 3 years ago
Valentine’s Day was finally here, and Dean had snuck out of bed early to set up his final surprise. Okay, maybe he didn’t do it alone. He might’ve roped Sam, Eileen, and Jack into helping him, but after an hour of whisper yelling with handfuls of decorations and pictures from the wedding photo album laid out to make sure everything matched, it was finally perfect.
Creeping back upstairs, Dean slipped back into their bedroom and crouched down next to Cas’ side of the bed. “Good morning sleepy head. Happy anniversary,” Dean murmured, pressing a soft kiss to Cas’ forehead.
“Dean,” Cas mumbled tiredly, hand reaching out to tug Dean closer. “I love you.”
“Love you too, handsome. But I’m gonna need you to get up because I’ve got a surprise for you downstairs. Put on something nice, too. Do you remember the baby blue shirt?”
Cas blinked tiredly, rubbing at his eyes before recognition flickered across his face. “The shirt I was wearing at our wedding?”
“Yeah. Put that on and I’ll meet you downstairs,” Dean said, leaning in and pressing a sweet kiss to Cas’ lips.
“Can’t we stay here in bed and cuddle?” Cas pouted, even though he was already getting up.
Dean grinned. Oh yes. That’s exactly why Dean married this beautiful man. “Join me for an hour, and then I’ll bring you back to bed. Deal?”
“God, yes,” Cas said, snagging Dean’s wrist and pulling him in for a long and lingering kiss. “Happy Valentine’s Day.”
Sighing in pleasure, Dean let himself get lost in the kiss for a few moments before he pulled away. “Come find me,” he said, stepping backwards and blowing Cas a kiss and a little wink before he slipped out of the room.
Ten minutes later, Dean heard the telltale creak of the stairs and he clicked the record into place; smiling as the first notes of the song began to play.
“Dean? What’s going on? Is that our wedding song?” Cas asked, walking around the corner into the living room. But he quickly stumbled to a stop, eyes widening in shock as he saw the beautiful decorations.
The same decorations that had covered The Roadhouse last year. Their wedding decorations. The same white and blue flower bouquets covered the tables. Red and white streamers and confetti that had hung from the ceiling were now draped around their living room. The quirky green and blue plates and napkins with a little breakfast were set out on their living room table, and even the wine they’d picked was placed in a beautiful pink bucket like it had been on their wedding day. To top it all off, a small replica of their wedding cake was in the center of the room, with their names written in swirling icing along the side. Dean and Cas Winchester.
But what had tears welling in Cas’ eyes and slipping down his cheeks was Dean. His husband, standing there in the same suit and beautiful blue tie that he’d worn on their wedding day.
“Dean,” Cas choked out, reaching out for his husband as the emotions flooded over.
“Hey, c’mere my gorgeous husband,” Dean murmured, gently guiding Cas into his arms as he began to sway them softly to the music. Pressing his lips to Cas’ ear, Dean quietly murmured soft sweet nothings as Cas gripped hold of him tightly.
“This is… it’s… Dean, it’s beautiful. You’re beautiful,” Cas gasped, hands grasping at Dean’s lower back as he buried his head into the crook of Dean’s shoulder.
“Do you like it?” Dean whispered. “I wanted to recreate our wedding. To make you my husband all over again.”
“I love you,” Cas sobbed, tears slipping down to soak into the collar of Dean’s shirt as Dean rocked them back and forth. “It’s perfect. I just- I, Dean, I-I love you.”
Tears stung Dean’s eyes, and he pressed his cheek against Cas’ hair as his heart felt like it could burst out of his chest from absolute adoration. “Love you. So much,” he replied, tilting Cas’ jaw until he could press their lips together in the most achingly beautiful kiss they’d ever shared. They remained locked in each other’s embrace for a long time, with soft kisses and tender touches and ‘I love you’s’ repeated over and over again.
Finally, Dean spun Cas softly, tugging him back into his arms and linking their fingers. “Can I have this dance?” Dean asked, swaying them again as the song clicked back to their first dance track.
“Yes. This dance. My heart. It’s all yours,” Cas replied, leaning in to steal another kiss.
Around and around they danced, until Dean reached out and swiped some icing from the cake and booped Cas on the nose; just like he’d done on their wedding day. When he kissed the icing away, Cas held on tight and didn’t let go.
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[gif credit to @heytheredeann​, I couldn’t find a gif perfect for something like this, I got distracted by a certain someone’s gorgeous face.]
Pairing: Jensen x Reader
Warnings: all the icky feelings of being sick, fluffy Jensen, sweet Jensen, just Jensen being adorbs!
Word Count: 1,017
Summary: The reader is sick, and Jensen treats her to a unique way to having breakfast in bed.
Square: Breakfast in Bed ( @supernatural-jackles Tell me a story bingo)
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She turned onto her side with a plugged up groan.
The side of her bed cold and empty. Telling her, her boyfriend has been up for a while now.
She and Jensen had a fun night last night hanging out, outside on his balcony. Having a chill date night. Chatting, whine, and the cool night air at his apartment in Vancouver.
She had decided to visit him while he had the weekend off. Maybe being out in the cold for however long was enough for her to get sick with the cold.
She heard the door open.
“You awake babe?” Jensen whispered.
“Barely.” She grumbles.
“You sound awful.”
“I feel awful.”
She felt a warm hand on her head. Jensen furrowed his brow. “You’re running a bit of a fever, how about you stay, rest up. I’ll make you some breakfast.”
“Okay.” She says, turning her face into the pillow, passing out.
Jensen shaking his head, chuckling.
She’s too wore out to stay up long enough to eat just yet. He thought.
Maybe later when she’s up for it.
 She managed to wake up for the day around noon. Jensen no where to be found in the apartment. But a note in the kitchen.
‘Went to get you a few things, rest up, maybe soak up in a nice hot bath. I’ll be home before you know it. – J’
She read his note with a sweet smile growing on her face.
“A bath sounds amazing right now.” She says with a sigh.
She gathered herself a change of  comfy clothes, getting a hot bath going. Not too hot but enough for her to tolerate.
Dumping a bath bomb in the tub, letting it fizzle and fill the tub with bubbles and the calming scent of lavender.
Undressing quickly she dips her naked body in the tub. Letting out a sigh of relief and content. The warmth of the water relaxing her muscles. The steam opening up her sinuses.
She slides further down the water, letting her head rest on the tubs edge, the water only getting to her neck. She closes her eyes, content with sleeping in the tub of warm water.
 She woke up to feeling a hand stroke a finger across her forehead.
She opened her eyes slowly, not feeling all that better but better than she did originally, seeing Jensen sitting on the tubs edge, brushing dry strands of her hair from her face. Even playing with her hair. She smiles with a hum, leaning into his touch.
“How are you feeling hon?”
“Still sick but better than I did.”
“Well that’s good at least.” He says. Getting up, walking out and coming in quickly with a towel.
“Better get out of there before you turn into a prune.”
She begins to move, the water being a lot cooler than it was when she first got in.
She got up tiredly but with ease. Getting out, walking into Jensen’s awaiting arms as he wrapped the towel around her, drying her off.
She didn’t care too much. She was still too exhausted to care that he was doing what she was well capable of doing.
“Lets get you dressed and in bed.”
“In bed? But it’s three in the afternoon?”
“Yeah, and your still sick. You need your rest. Besides, I got stuff for a killer soup I want to make you if you’re up for it?”
“Sure, soup sounds so good right now.”
She managed to get her clothes on herself, Jensen had changed her bed with clean and fresh sheets, a bottle of Gatorade on her nightstand.
She didn’t protest that she wanted to do other things, she allowed him to guide her to bed and she got herself comfortable.
“I’ll be right back; I just need to check the soup.”
“How long have I been asleep?”
“Well, I got home probably not long after you got in. I check on you when I got home, and the water was still hot then. So I figured you just got in at that point. So I started cooking the soup, and once it got close to being done I figured it was time to wake you up.”
“What would I do without you?”
“Turned into a prune,” he says with a sweet smile, chuckling. Earning a giggle from her.
“Yeah, I guess.”
“I got your game system set up on our TV in here if you’re not sleepy, and if you’re wanting to play some games, watch YouTube or Netflix, we could watch it on there.”
“Got to remind me to go to Best Buy to get our Apple TV fixed.”
“Yeah, been meaning to, just been busy lately.”
“I know, but I still say it needs to be updated.”
“I just think it’s something else.”
“Jensen, I’m telling you when apps crash, it’s a compatibility issue with the software. It’s nothing more than a computer.”
“Such a nerd.”
“I know, you love me.”
“Yes I do.”
He gave her a quick kiss on the cheek before leaving to check on the soup.
Coming back with a tray, sitting it on her lap she see’s two bowls of soup,  her favorite fruit juice she likes to drink when she’s sick, and small potted plant. The tag saying it’s a sweet blossom, a white spotted Aloe looking plant.
“Aw, thanks Jay.”
“Figured with your allergies, you’d like this type of plant instead.”
“I do like it, but place your bets on how long it’ll take me to kill it.”
“It’s a type of cactus honey, it might take you a while.” Jensen says chuckling.
“Never know, I’m not much of a green thumb.”
“I know.” He says. Kissing her cheek again.
“Nothing like a little breakfast in bed though.” He adds.
“Breakfast? Dude, it’s almost four, and it’s soup.”
“This is your first meal of the day. It’s breakfast.” He says with a smile.
She shakes her head, rolling her eyes laughing.
“I’m your dork, and you love me.”
“Yeah I do, thanks babe. For taking care of me.”
“It’s what I’m here for.”
A/N: What’d you think? But seriously, place your bets, I do have my first plant that I think I’m gonna end up killing unintentionally. But let me know what you thought of the story, Feedback is always appreciated. :3
Jensen Girls:
@luci-in-trenchcoats, @supernatural-jackles​, @becs-bunker​, @jayankles​, @jeaniespiehs20​, @mlovesstories​, @winchesters-favorite-girl​, @salt-n-burn-em-all​, @backseat-of-deans-67chevy​, @moonlight-on-her-skin​
Dean Girls:
@akshi8278​, @flamencodiva​, @misfit0118​, @shawnie74​, @lyarr24​
Dean and Jensen Girls:
@akshi8278​, @lyarr24​
Copying and reposting someone else’s content is plagiarism and illegal. This work is property of supernaturallyobsessedchic. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. These works contain material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of these works may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher. An electronic reference link to the original posted work may be provided for purposes of promotion or assistance of publication by the readers discretion, if proper credits are given to the author in the re-post. 4/11/2021
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rockhoochie · 3 years ago
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I posted 272 times in 2021
83 posts created (31%)
189 posts reblogged (69%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 2.3 posts.
I added 316 tags in 2021
#rockhoochie - 141 posts
#sam winchester - 29 posts
#dean winchester - 25 posts
#dean x reader - 23 posts
#spn smut - 21 posts
#spn fanfic - 19 posts
#sam winchester smut - 19 posts
#rockhoochies kinky clue - 13 posts
#sam winchester fanfiction - 13 posts
#dean winchester x reader - 13 posts
Longest Tag: 64 characters
#no denying the man wants his tongue deep in his girl's kitty cat
My Top Posts in 2021
Off Guard - Dean x Reader Oneshot
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Rating: Explicit
WC: ~1200
Warnings: Smut, PWP, unbeta’d
A/N: Crawling my way out of writer’s block again! This isn’t much, just an idea rolling around in my head that finally managed to break free. Apologies for any glaring and/or egregious mistakes...I’ve been itching to get content out and I didn’t want to wait. Thanks so much for reading and sticking with me - I hope you enjoy this juicy little tidbit!  
See the full post
201 notes • Posted 2021-07-11 08:49:49 GMT
Ooh games! I got tagged by @lastcallatrockysbar for This or That Fanfic Edition...
coffee shop or flower shop | au or fix-it | enemies to lovers or childhood friends | angst or fluff | love at first sight or pining | modern au or historical au | soulmates or unrequited | fake dating or secret dating | break up & make up or proposal & weddings | get together or established relationship | oblivious pining or domestic fluff | hurt/comfort or crack | meet the parents or meet cute
@fangirlxwritesx67 @stusbunker @waywardbaby
212 notes • Posted 2021-09-02 04:43:11 GMT
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Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Rating: Explicit
WC: ~2000
CW: sex, smut, dirty talk
A/N: While I pondered weak and weary over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten WIPs, this decided to go ahead and just manifest itself. Thank you @thoughtslikeaminefield​ for the beta read! Enjoy, my dears ❤
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230 notes • Posted 2021-12-02 03:24:12 GMT
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Dean x Reader Flashfic (WC: 879)
Dean gets home sometime in the middle of the night. After a quick shower he slides in bed next to you, all warm skin and damp hair, naked. You're awake - you have been since the Impala rumbled into the garage. But you feign sleep a little longer, reveling in the way his touch feathers along your skin, in the soft kisses he dots from your shoulder to your neck.
"Honey, I'm home," he whispers, his breath hot against the shell of your ear, his fingers skating over your peaked nipples. You sigh as he takes your earlobe between his teeth, the hot-cold rush of desire cutting through the last of your sleepiness. His teeth drag along your jawline as his hand travels down, his palm sliding over the give of your stomach, fingertips creeping lower.
"Put me out of my misery and spread those gorgeous legs for me…"
You languidly obey, opening up for him, breaths becoming ragged as he cups his huge hand over your sex.
"Been waiting for me, huh?" he says, drawing a single finger along your folds. "All spread out and naked, so nice and wet for me already…"
You whimper and roll your hips, chasing his touch and needing more. The bed dips as he perches over you, his lips brushing against yours, one thick finger fiddling much too gently against your clit. Arching your back you card your fingers through his hair, gasping as he sinks his finger into your waiting cunt. 
"Shh…" he breathes, catching your bottom lip between his teeth. "don't want Sam to know what I'm doing to you…" He gives your lip a playful nibble before dipping his tongue into your mouth, kissing you with unrushed fervor, humming with satisfaction as he slips a second finger inside of you.
Fucking hell, he knows exactly how to touch you - all the right pressure on the right places, where to push and when to pull. He pumps in and out, brushing your g-spot and scissoring his fingers, working your tight pussy open while he brands a path of hot nips, licks, and kisses down your body. When he draws his fingers out you hear his lips smack.
"You know I actually crave the taste of you?" he says, pressing your thighs against the mattress. "Those panties you wore the night before I left...the ones you kept on while I played with you till you came? Had to take 'em with me."
He kisses your inner thighs and slides his fingers back inside, muttering the most delicious filth you've ever heard as he presses against your sweet spot and suckles your clit.
"Loved smelling you whenever I could...even held em in my hand when I jerked off, thinkin' about pulling them to the side while I fuck you, how pretty your tight pussy looks when it's dripping wet and full of my cum…"
Every word he's whispering against your cunt shoots currents of liquid heat through you, the syllables wrapping themselves into a tight coil in your core.
He chuckles, low and wicked, and pushes a third finger inside. 
"So fuckin hot how soaked you get for me. You're close aren't you? Yeah, I can feel it...the way your pussy's dripping and squeezing my fingers...gonna squirt for me sweetheart?"
He seals his lips around your clit and sucks, flicking the hard bud with the tip of his tongue. You teeter on the edge, right at that point where your brain is telling you it's too much but your body insists it's not enough. All it takes is the buzz of Dean's growl against your slick, pink flesh and you let go, vision going white, ears ringing, unable to hold back the cry that rips from your throat. You come hard and wet, the obscene squelch of his fingers slamming deep inside your pussy merging with the decadent moans he's making as you soak his face. He keeps going until you're coming again...and again...until you tug at his hair and urge him to stop.
His body slides up yours, the length of his thick, hard cock sliding between your drenched folds. With one smooth thrust he buries himself in your heat, fucking you slow with obvious restraint.
"...feel so good...fucking incredible…God, I love you…"
You twist and shift your weight, urging him onto his back. You can just see his face in the darkness, eyes half-lidded, mouth open, head back as you ride him. 
"You're so beautiful…" he rasps, running his hands over your breasts, down to your hips. "Love how good you ride me, how deep you take you take my cock...fuck…"
Taking your hand, he laces his fingers with yours. "Come on baby, one more...come with me…" The thumb of his free hand lands on your clit, driving you toward the brink of another climax. "That's it...oh fuck...fuck yeah, I'm gonna come…"
Together you come undone, riding each other through it, until your movements slow and you collapse on top of him.
At some point, you're vaguely aware of him pulling out, and sliding out from under you. Between gentle kisses and whispered "I love you’s" sleep takes its chance to settle in. Gathered in each other's arms you drift off, exactly where you're both meant to be.
236 notes • Posted 2021-11-08 20:41:17 GMT
Kinky Clue Submission:
Anon Asked: Sam Winchester, eating the reader out on the hood of the Impala...
WC: ~1200  Warnings: le smut A/N: Kisses and thanks to the lovely @stusbunker​ for the beta work!
Let’s begin with a wholesome GIF of Sam eating a salad. The filth is below the cut!
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It’s a hot summer night - the chirrup of cicadas and crickets pierces through thick, humid air that makes your sundress stick to your skin. You'd been teasing him for days- whispering all sorts of sin into his ear whenever you had the chance, pushing your tits and ass out any time there was an opportunity, rubbing up against him "by accident". Earlier, you'd sent him a picture of your spread-open pussy, and that's when he'd finally had enough.
Sam kisses you breathless as he walks the two of you toward the Impala. When the grill of the car meets the backs of your legs, Sam lifts you by the waist, sets you down on the still sun-warmed hood, and slots himself between your legs.
“God, you drive me crazy,” he breathes, twining a hand into your hair and tugging your head back to expose your neck. He rests his free hand over your knee while his teeth graze the edge of your jaw, nip at your earlobe, skim against your pulse. “Such a little tease...couldn’t stop thinking about your tight, wet pussy all week,” he continues, shifting his palm from your knee to your inner thigh.
“What are you gonna do about it, hmm?” you tease. 
You gasp and feel Sam’s smile against your skin when his knuckle brushes against the warm, bare flesh between your legs. “Dirty girl," he hums, the dark tone of his voice teeming with appreciation that there isn't any lace, silk, or cotton in his way.
He slides one long finger in, smooth and slow, slipping in and out with unpredictable rhythm - fast, shallow thrusts and slow, deep strokes that barely brush your sweet spot until you’re writhing, trying to buck and grind against his hand.
You whine when he pulls his hand away. “Sam, please…”
He raises his fingers to his mouth with a grin just shy of wicked, looking predatory and brazenly triumphant as he licks your slick clean off his finger. 
”Knees up,” he commands, “show me what I wanna see,” and your legs bend on instinct while you ruck up the hem of your sundress to your hips. You spread unabashedly open for him, aching and wanting and so wet you swear you’re dripping on the sleek, black enamel beneath you.
Dean would flip his shit if he knew what you were up to on the hood of his Baby, but fuck if that didn’t even make it more hot. And before you can give the matter any more thought or fucks, Sam is on his knees, running his hands over the inside of your thighs and staring at your cunt with nearly feral hunger.
His mouth chases the path of his hands, leaving a nip here, a kiss there, a long lick followed by a soft blow of air at the crease of your thigh that makes you shiver and sigh. He repeats on the other side, taking his time to drive you to the edge of madness, until you finally feel the tip of his nose brush against your center. Your fingers lace through his hair as your back arches, and he’s deliberately keeping his mouth a breath away from your cunt. 
”Beg for it,” he growls, sneering up at you.
Your fingers curl and fist his hair. “Fuck...Sam, please…” 
The very tip of Sam’s tongue traces a thin line from your entrance to your throbbing clit. “Come on now...tell me what this pretty pussy needs."
He keeps up his long, slow licks while you sputter out a chorus of feverish pleas: “Sam….please...god, please make come...want your fingers, your mouth, your tongue fucking me, eating my cunt till I’m coming all over your face... please, I’ll come so fucking good for you…” 
With a grunt, he grabs the back of your knees and hooks your legs over his broad shoulders. He’s soft, warm velvet - his tongue stroking and thrusting deep inside your cunt, along your folds, rolling and circling over your clit. The push of his touch is at your entrance again, opening and stretching you, filling you with two of his long, heavy fingers.
 “God, Sam…” you whine, the delicious drag of his fingers and warmth of his mouth sending bolts of bright, pulsing heat through you. One of your hands finds its way up your torso, landing on one of your tits, fingers pinching and pulling your hard, knotted nipple through the cotton of your dress. You’re lost in all the sensation - all you know is the smooth strands of his hair around your fingers, the rasp of his scruff against the tender flesh of your thighs, the flick of his tongue while he gathers your clit between his lips. His fingertips press against that place deep inside of you with just the right pressure, his mouth and tongue spelling out new definitions of both pleasure and filth. Then that hook anchors in your core, all that liquid heat and want and need swirling in the pit of your stomach, and every part of you seems to clench and tremble. Sam knows you’re close and he groans, the vibration infusing you with all new torrents of bliss as he strokes and presses and licks and sucks….
”Samsamsamfuck... yes, fuck Sam I’m gonna -”  the rest is drowned within a lilted cry as your muscles seize and your cunt clenches, and Sam has you hurtling over the edge. He draws out your orgasm, slowing down his movements but not stopping, pulling back just a little while you ride the waves of your climax. Right before you come down completely, he starts up again, stuffing a third finger inside of you, reaching even deeper and tapping relentlessly against your g-spot. A scream is scratching at your throat, so you cover your mouth and bite the heel of your hand as your next climax rises, searing through every already-scorched cell in your body, and you feel like you may actually explode. Sam splays a hand over your belly, and with some kind unrecognizable sound you’re coming again, hard and soaking wet over Sam’s fingers and tongue and lips. 
It’s as if you’ve drifted through a lightning storm - your head is heavy, nerve endings vaguely but pleasantly aware of Sam’s fingers sliding out of you, of his mouth feathering along the wet skin of your lips and thighs. He slips an arm behind your waist and gathers you in his arms, letting you gently slide off the Impala and land your feet on solid ground.
“Holy shit,” you finally manage, nuzzling even closer against him as you catch your breath and he places soft kisses on the top of your head. His heartbeat is fast and strong against your ear and he’s softly rutting against you, his steel-hard cock pressing against your stomach. Sam’s breath hitches as you rub him over the thin material of his athletic shorts and lets his head fall back with a moan when your fingertips tease between elastic and the taut skin of his abs.
You let your hand slip beneath the fabric and wrap your fingers around him, swiping the tip of your thumb over beads of precum. He hisses a curse and staggers, catches himself on the hood of the car, and watches you with a heavy-lidded stare as sink to your knees.
“Beg for it, Sam,” you smirk, tugging his shorts down. With your hand curled around the base, you flatten your tongue and give him a long, salacious lick from root to tip, delighted at the sound he makes as he fists a handful of your hair. “Tell me how bad you want me to suck this gorgeous cock.”
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notyetneedcoffee · 5 years ago
Our Secrets, Pt 4
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Pairings: Steve Rogers x Reader x Bucky Barnes
Warnings: NSFW! 18+, Pure Smut!
A/N: This is the follow up to my No Secrets series
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 You woke to the feel of movement, the sudden absence of warmth. The dim light of the early morning sun provided just enough illumination to see Bucky spread out on his back. Sleeping soundly, his breath moved past soft parted lips. The soft snore came from behind you where Steve curled around you with his face buried in your hair.
Usually they were up before you. You smiled to yourself.
Moving slow, you slid one leg along Bucky’s. He instinctively shifted his leg to tangle with yours. Now that his thigh was closer, you rested your palm on the thick muscle. He sighed, but didn’t wake.
Steve’s knee pushed further between your legs, filling the void of your open thighs. You subtly rocked your ass back against him. He squeezed you tighter, but didn’t wake.
You bit your lip, holding back a chuckle.
Taking your time, you eased your hand along Bucky’s strong thigh, thoroughly enjoying the sights of his cock awakening before he was. Steve’s reaction to your slow rocking, pressed against your ass. His strong arms tightened around you, with one hand cupping your breast.
Your hand slid over the silky covered steel of Bucky’s cock, wrapping your fingers around him, stroking him slow. “Hmmm,” he gave a low rumble and covered your hand with his own to make you squeeze him harder. He used your hand to stroke himself a few times before his head fell to the side and his eyes cracked open.
Bucky gave you a sleepy smile and rocked himself against your hand more. His thoughts poured over your mind. ‘Damn Doll, dream come true.’
You arched your back and pulled away from Steve just enough to let his cock slip from between your ass cheeks to the wetness of your cunt. Rocking against him, you swallowed your moan as the head of him pressed into you. Bucky rolled closer, tongue ghosting over your lips before kissing you deep.
Steve moaned, his grip tightening, as pushed into deeper. His thoughts mingled with the low sound rumbling from his chest. ‘Oh shit, Love. Oh fuck, you’re amazing.’
Bucky smiled against your lips. “Good morning, beautiful.”
“Ah,” the feeling of Steve filling you, his measured thrusts, nearly stole your ability to speak. You smiled back, eyes heavy with lust. “Morning, handsome.”
“What a way to wake up.” Steve growled into your neck. “God, you feel good.”
His large hand pressed into your lower abdomen, as he began to fuck you hard, faster. ‘Ah, yes!’ His hot breath washed over your shoulder. His face pressed into you neck. ‘Shit, ah, so fucking good.’
You fought to keep your eyes open, stare locked with Bucky. His hand still kept yours curled around his cock. ‘Damn, you are the sexiest dame I’ve ever known. Fucking love you.’  
“You gonna come for Stevie, Doll? Then let me pound you into the mattress?” Bucky’s low voice rumbled against your lips. Steve’s hips snapped harder at Bucky’s words. You moaned, free hand clutching at Steve’s arm.
“Oh, fuck.” You loved that tone of voice, low and gravely. Your cunt clenched, legs beginning to quiver. “Yes.”
“So, good.” Steve rolled you enough to wrap both arms around you, one hand holding your hip hard, the other wrapped around your throat with just enough pressure. His cock slammed against just the right spot. His groans filled your ear. You began to shake. ‘Yes, yes, baby, fuck, yes, like that.’
“So fucking gorgeous.” Bucky’s face was close to yours. He licked you lips. “Look at you.” Kissed your face. “Steve fucking you, god, so hot.” He sucked on your bottom lip. “Come on, Doll, let go.” He pulled at your nipple hard. “Come for us.”
Steve’s pace increased with Bucky’s words, until he was pounding into you. Tension coiled tight. The sound of skin on skin. The pressure of his hand. The sound of his groans. Bucky’s dirty mouth. The delicious pain. You snapped.
Bucky swallowed your cry, his mouth against yours, as you came hard, shaking, flooding over Steve’s cock. He swore, biting down on your shoulder, hips snapping harder as he chased his own release. ‘Fuck, yes!’ You didn’t come down, crashing over the edge once again. This time pulling Steve with you. He pressed deep, growling out his own release.
“Yes.” Bucky pulled your limp body closer to his, kissed you hard and rolled you onto your back. His mouth trailed wet kisses down until his teeth playfully grazed your sensitive nipples. You gasped, but Steve turned your face to his and stole your breath. He kissed you long and slow. ‘Love you so much.’
Bucky’s hands slid over your thighs, spreading you wide and lifting your hips up to meet where he positioned himself kneeling between your legs. He slid in your slick sensitive pussy, watching himself pump in and out of you. ‘Holy shit, I love that.’
You twisted your fingers in Steve’s messy hair as his mouth trailed to your neck. Bucky smiled a devilish grin at you. ‘Gonna make you scream, Doll.’ Your eye rolled back as he slammed in harder. Bucky’s fingers dug into your hips as his pace increased. He growled out. “Fuck, you feel so good.”
“Oh, shit.” You panted, clutching Steve and twisting a hand in the sheets. Heat coiled and you were just lost to the sensations.
‘Holy shit,’ Steve kissed you again. ‘So gorgeous.’ His hand cupped your face, traveled over your neck, massaged your breasts as they bounced with the power of Bucky’s thrusts. His teeth nipped at your ear. “You gonna scream for our boy?” He nipped your neck. “Gonna come for Buck. Let him feel you flood all over him.”
‘Hell, yeah.’ Bucky’s pace increased.
Fuck. Your toes curled. Your thighs quivered. Buck’s left thumb strummed over your clit. Cool metal a shock against your hot flesh. You cried out, hit suddenly, a flash of fire, a gush of relief, soaking Bucky’s cock, cunt clenching at him. ‘Oh fuck!’ Bucky curled forward, fucking you hard, fast, deep, emptying into you.
He kissed you sweetly, sighing, and rolled to the side. You laid there on your back, panting and boneless. Steve nuzzled your neck and you giggled. “Good morning.”
“Good morning, indeed.” He pulled the sheet back up and propped his head on his hand. “So much better that the alarm clock.”
Bucky chuckled, face in the pillow. ‘Wake me up like that any time.’ He lifted his head and looked at the bedside clock. “At least we have another forty minutes until we actually have to get up.”
“Ugh.” You groaned, “I have to go back to work.”
“Yep.” Steve pulled you to his chest. “Better rest up, too. I’m going to have to run you through your paces today.”
“Didn’t you already do that?” You chuckled.
Bucky snuggled up to your back. “Sleep now. Work later.”
“Agreed.” Steve kissed your forehead. “Wait. Change the alarm. Give us an extra hour to sleep.”
Bucky rolled over and grabbed the clock. “Won’t the boss be mad?”
“Yeah,” You reached around and squeezed Steve’s butt. “He’s such a hard ass.”
Steve chuckled, eyes closed. “I think I can say with certainty, he won’t care.”
@asiaaisa77​ / @badassbaker​ / @bangtan-serendipity​ / @beautifullungs​ / @buchanansebba​ / @buckybarneshairpullingkink​ / @buckybarnesplumwhore​/ @cashewsaremyfavourite​ / @catthecreator​ / @coffeebooksandfandom​ / @daughterofthenight117​ / @dsakita​ / @geeksareunique​ / @gifsbysimplysonia​ / @girlmadeofivory​ / @imma-new-soul​ / @itsag​ / @jesseswartzwelder​ / @josie605​ / @kalesrebellion​ / @kiki5283​ / @lbouvet​ / @lexie-mo​ / @lovely-lollipops-blog​ / @michelehansel​ / @mindtravelsx / @morganhoran1671 / @neverending-space​ / @night-cereus​ / @notyourtypicalrose​ / @person-born-winchester​ / @rainbowkisses31​ / @rayofdawnworld / @readermia​ / @rynabarnesrogers-reading​ / @saiyanprincessswanie​ / @sammghgecko / @scarlettsoldier​ / @sebbysstangirl​ / @sexyvixen7​ / @sllooney​ / @smokeandnailz​ / @theneuropsychwriter​ / @the-omni-princess​ / @the-reading-octopus​ / @thorfanficwriter​ / @unadulteratedwizardlove / @vanillabunn21​ / @wildmoonflower​ / @wwe-fanfiction-queen​ / @ykcim24-7
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ao3feed-destiel · 3 years ago
Fill Me Up
Read it on AO3 here!https://ift.tt/3tBjPDa
by castiels_honeybee_091808
Dean wants to show everyone that Castiel, the gorgeous Omega, belongs to him.
B: Breeding
Words: 1524, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of Dean and Castiel's ABC Kinks
Fandoms: Supernatural
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Dean Winchester, Castiel (Supernatural)
Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester
Additional Tags: Alpha Dean Winchester, Omega Castiel (Supernatural), Bottom Castiel/Top Dean Winchester, Established Castiel/Dean Winchester, Light Dom/sub, Rimming, Begging, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Porn with Feelings, Needy Castiel (Supernatural), Anal Sex, Knotting, Multiple Orgasms, Coming Untouched, Fluff and Smut, Dirty Talk, Breeding, Possessive Sex, Possessive Dean Winchester, Soft Dean Winchester, Size Difference, Sleepy Castiel (Supernatural), Post-Coital Cuddling
Link: https://ift.tt/3tBjPDa
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deans-baby-momma · 4 years ago
Truth or Dare-Part 5/20
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Summary: The Winchester sibling trio has been through so much in the last decade. From the night of their parents’ 30th wedding anniversary party where Sam and Dean eased Y/N from her innocence to Sam becoming a happily married lawyer with a kickass nurse of wife to the three of them now living in the same town they grew up in under the same roof where each of them came of age.  Y/N is a working mother of three,  her days spent helping the townsfolk make proper and suitable financial decisions while bustling about escorting her two oldest to school and her youngest, Mary Ellen, to daycare; Dean’s garage is the premiere body shop for classic restorations and  car maintenance; people from other state’s bring their vehicles to them to be repaired. Business at Winchester Wheels  is booming; Sam is the legal council for Winchester Wheels and has been since he moved back home almost 5 years ago. He has his work cut out for him dealing with the people Dean pisses off and threatens to sue the garage on at least a monthly basis.
After one lust-filled night, the siblings become more than family.  They become lovers. The three of them, together and separately.
One big loving family.
So when Y/N’s boss calls for her to take a much needed vacation, the six of them hit the road. What will happen? Will it bring them closer together or break them apart?
W/C: 1243
Warnings:  fluff
After the shenanigans at the cafe and RJ’s insistent revelation, the six Winchesters loaded into the rental vehicle and got back on the road.
“Where to first?” Sam asks, looking at a map on his phone. 
“First stop, Dodge City!” Dean exclaims happily but frowns when he is met with groans. “What?”
“Dude, that is like your fantasy sabbatical,” Sam says, looking over his shoulder at Y/N to see her nodding in agreement. “You love everything to do with the Wild West. Me and Y/N, not so much. The kids are going to be so bored!”
Dean huffs and sighs. “Well just so you know, they have a zoo and a water park that I had planned to take everyone to. Do you want to just cross that off the list?”
Y/N could tell Dean had gotten his feelings hurt at their disregard for his agenda. She scooted forward in her seat and put her arms around his seat and onto his shoulders. “I’m sorry. I’m sure we’ll enjoy Dodge City.”
“Don’t knock it until you try it,” Dean responds and bends his head to kiss her hand. “We’re going to get there just in time for the 5:00 mock showdown between Wild Bill and Davis Tutt. You know Wild Bill got lucky Tutt was such a bad shot. It took ol’ Bill a few seconds longer to steady his gun. Worked out though, because he shot his opponent right in the heart!”
Y/N could tell from the tone of his voice and the slight change of pitch that Dean was excited to be able to witness such a remarkable, albeit remade, event in history. She felt bad about their initial reaction.
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“Oh my god! Did you see that?” Dean remarks as they walk away from the stage of the mock gun battle. “Bill was the fastest draw in the land.” Dean pretends to pull a gun from a holster on his side and makes a pistol with his finger and thumbs, “shooting” left and right; mimicking the sound of shots by blowing air out of his puckered lips. 
Y/N shakes her head as she carries a sleepy Mary Ellen on her lap as RJ holds his uncle’s hand and Izabella holds her father’s non-gun one. As they walk down the street of the city decorated to look like an Old West town, they each take in the sights from the displays of the attire of times gone by. 
She can not imagine having to wear such drab and concealing garb that the women wore back then. Added to the fact that they were usually also squeezed into a corset that was two sizes too small and Y/N wonders how they ever got anything done, much less felt like populating the world.
She looks at one of the pictures that is hanging on the wall. The Vandall Family were photographed in front of what Y/N assumed was their homestead. The husband and wife and their 13 kids were all lined up from tallest to shortest. The woman was also holding an infant in her arms so that made 14 times she had taken off all those layers and laid with her husband to get pregnant. Unfathomable to Y/N!
Back at the hotel they had gotten rooms at, she places Mary Ellen in the provided crib and closes the door to the adjoining room. Izabella and RJ are in the adults’ room with Sam and Dean watching cartoons so Y/N decides to take a shower while the baby naps.
As she is rinsing her hair, she hears the door open and feels a presence enter the room. She waits and just a few seconds later, Dean’s head pops around the curtain.
“What a lovely view,” he says as he eyes her up and down. “So sexy,” he continues with a smirk on his face. “And all mine.”
“Uh huh. What do you want?” Y/N asks, trying to act nonchalant, that the fact that Dean is ogling her naked form is not turning her on. But sure enough she feels the first of the tingles in her pussy as he licks his lips.
“Sammy said he would watch the kids so we can go out,” Dean tells her, his eyes still trailing up and down her body. “So Y/N, wanna go on a date with me?”
Y/N stops what she’s doing and looks at her brother. An actual date? One where they can be the couple they want to be; hold hands and kiss? A date where they don’t have to worry about who sees them together?! The thought of that alone gets her blood pumping and her heart beat rushing.
“Yea,” she answers delighted and anxious.
“Okay. Well, dress up little lady because I am taking you out on the town!” Dean imitates a cowboy as his smile stretches across his face. He winks and blows her a kiss before disappearing. She hears the bathroom door click shut and she waits until she is sure Dean is back in the other room before she squeals.
Their first date. The first time they can go out and be a couple. She hurriedly finishes washing before turning the water off and stepping out of the tub, wrapping the fluffy hotel towel around her. 
She’s going on a date, her first official date. Ever!
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Knowing this is a special occasion, even if it is just for her, Y/N takes the extra time to style her hair the way she wants it and picks out the best blouse she had packed, pairing it with a pair of black trousers and her slip on booties. 
She even puts on makeup, using the barely-ever-used eyeshadow palette to create a smoky eye effect. She tops that off with a thin layer of mascara and some blush on her cheeks. Looking in the mirror, the reflection shown back to her is of a full-grown woman and not the half-grown kid she was so used to seeing when she looked at herself. 
Looking at her reflection, she now knows how she attracted both Dean and Sam because even she will admit with the way her clothes fit and her hair and makeup on point, she was beautiful and sexy. 
She briefly wonders what Dean’s reaction will be and doesn’t have to wait long to find out. The sound of the key in the door draws her attention and she looks over as Dean walks in. He is dressed up also. 
He is wearing a pair of dark blue jeans, with no holes or snags in them, a cinnamon colored henley under a multi-colored flannel, the colors distressed and faded. The jeans were tight around his thick thighs and groin, leaving little to the imagination. Y/N could melt into the floor right there.
“Hot damn,” Dean exclaims as he takes Y/N in. “I am one helluva lucky son of a bitch. You are gorgeous, baby girl.”
“Thanks, handsome. You look mighty fine yourself.”
“Ready to paint this town?”
“As I’ll ever be,” she answers with a smile.
Dean places his palm on the bottom of her back as they walk down the street heading to, what Y/N is sure, some cafe that serves lukewarm coffee, cold pie and has dirty ashtrays on each table. 
Imagine her surprise when  Dean directs her to the exact opposite of her assumption.
A/N: If your username is marked through, it’s because Tumblr wouldn’t allow me to tag you. Sorry. 
@lostinaseaoffictionalbliss @spnbaby-67 @tftumblin @sea040561 @delightfullykrispypeach @larajadeschmidt13 @atc74 @vicariouslythruspn @squirrelnotsam @death-unbecomes-you @sandlee44 @blacktithe7 @hoboal87 @mogaruke @deanwanddamons @onethirstyunicorn @supraveng @deandreamernp
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mummybear · 5 years ago
Need You Tonight
This Is Day 22 Of RolePlay May
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Words: 2852
Warnings: Smut, Use Of Remote Control Sex Toy, Dirty Talking, Long Distance, WebCam Masturbation, Mutual Masturbation, Controlled Orgasm Think That’s It.
Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Reader
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Summary: You’re really missing Dean while he’s away hunting with Sam, so you give him a call and let him know just how much you’re missing him.
A/N: Sorry guys I know I’m super behind on Roleplay May, but I’m getting there haha :P Once again thank you to Bee @negans-lucille-tblr for being my beta and encouraging me :) Hope you enjoy!
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Sam and Dean were away on a hunt. You had wanted to sit this one out, there was a lot at the bunker that still needed doing so you offered to stay behind, knowing that the boys really needed to get out and spend some time together. You had given up trying to update the research books in the library. The chair was really hurting your ass. So you’d decided to take your laptop back to the room that you shared with Dean.
Despite them only being gone a few days and it being your idea to stay behind, it hadn't stopped you missing him, or the way that he would always cuddle you in bed and keep you company when you were doing research, even if most of the time he ended up distracting you completely. 
With your laptop on your legs you lean back against your pillows and despite yourself, you start to feel your eyes slipping closed. Laptop forgotten, you finally let yourself fall asleep despite just how early it is right now. Your dreams are full of Dean and things quickly turn sexual, your brain is consumed with thoughts of his lips and his tongue, his big hands, strong arms and broad shoulders; the freckles that dust his perfectly tanned skin.
You're pulled from your dreams when your phone starts ringing. You clear your throat before you grab it and finally answer it.
“Hello?” Your voice is a little husky as you speak into your phone, trying to wipe the sleep from your eyes after a good few hours of sleep.
“Well hello sleepy head, you had me worried there for a second.” Dean chuckles into the phone when you groan, but you’re still smiling because it’s the first time you’ve heard that voice in a good few days.
Clearing your throat again you take a sip of the water on your side table before speaking again.
“I’m sorry baby. I fell asleep but if it’s any consolation I was dreaming about you,” you all but purr into the phone, hearing Dean’s chuckle on the other side of the phone.
“Sweetheart, were you having naughty dreams about me again?” You can practically hear the smirk in his voice as he talks.
“Oh baby, you would've loved them, they were filthy.” You giggle, hearing the deep growl on the other end of the phone. “Have you got your own room tonight, Dean?” You ask seductively, wiggling awkwardly on the bed feeling yourself growing increasingly uncomfortable and that certainly isn’t helped with the deep timber of your boyfriend's voice.
“Come on sweetheart you know I would love whatever is going on in that filthy brain of yours. And yes, don’t worry I’m all on my own,” he assures you, remembering what had happened the last time the two of you had decided to try this and Sam had woken up.
“In that case, have you got your laptop?” you ask, biting your lip as you pull up Dean’s contact on your laptop.
Dean chuckles and you hear him shifting on the other end of the phone.
“Yeah, hang on. I’ll call you back.” 
You smile as you hang up quickly pulling off your shirt, leaving yourself in just your black lace push up bra which gives you the most amazing cleavage and matching form-fitting black panties. You can’t help but grin excitedly when your laptop starts making the telltale shrill ring and you see Dean’s contact picture pop up.
You press the icon and the call connects.
Leaning back against the headboard you rest the laptop on your legs, watching Dean’s eyes scan your bra clad chest as he chews on his bottom lip.
“God. I fucking miss you, sweetheart,” Dean groans pulling off his shirt and tossing it on the floor by the bed, leaving him in a simple black t-shirt.
“Yeah? How much?” you ask seductively, moving the laptop between your legs and aiming the camera properly so that he can still see as much of you as possible.
“God damn baby girl, is that new? I don’t remember that one.” 
You cup your tits still perfectly encased by your bra and squeeze them gently, watching the way his eyes practically darken before your eyes.
“Thought I’d buy you a treat baby,” you tell him, keeping your voice sweet. Wiggling a little so he can see just how naked you are for him. 
“I just wish you were in front of me right now, so I could show you just how much I miss you.” 
“Fuck you’re perfect. I almost forgot just how damn good you look. God your tits look amazing.”
His groan of appreciation only makes your smile widen. “Oh yeah? Well, why don’t you show me some skin Winchester and you can see whatever you want.” You bite back your smirk when he winks at you and pushes the laptop down the bed. You watch him turn the screen as he climbs off of the motel bed and pushes down his dark jeans, kicking them to one side he slowly pulls off his t-shirt. 
You can’t help but groan at the sight of him, almost completely naked, palming the massive bulge in the front of his boxers with his bottom lip between his teeth as he looks at you.
“Show me that ass baby, what I wouldn’t give to have that bouncing while I fuck you.” Dean’s growl and his words cause more arousal to pool in your already damp panties and you can feel your breathing starting to increase.
You shift up the bed a little and turn over, gripping the headboard as you roll your hips back for the camera, looking over your shoulder you see Dean's hand slip into his boxers.
"Is this what you want Dean? You want me bent over in our bed, while you fuck me from behind? You wanna watch my ass bounce while you fuck me good and hard?" You ask him seductively before you bring your hand down on your ass and a loud slap echoes around the small bedroom.
"Sweetheart, you have no idea. I'd have you in so many positions and you'd be coming so hard that you'd be seein’ fuckin' stars. Now turn back over, wanna see those eyes. You know I love seeing you like this, you always give me the best fuck me eyes." 
You turn over and get comfortable again, quickly meeting your boyfriend's darker than usual gorgeous green eyes. 
“Oh yeah. There they are.” He smirks and you can’t help but admire just how good he looks or the way his teeth drag over his bottom lip in the sexiest way possible.
Dean lays back on the bed leaving the laptop beside him, pushing it back far enough so that you can see almost all of him, from his face to his knees. You copy him, shifting to your side and push your laptop back. Dean always had this way of making you feel like the sexiest person in the world and you still weren’t used to it.
“Take your bra off baby, wanna see you.” Dean groans and your eyes move to his hand pushed inside his boxers and the muscles tensing in his forearm as he continues to move his fist over his thick cock at a steady pace. 
Sitting up slightly you unhook your bra and drop it on the floor beside the bed, quickly hearing Dean suck in a breath. 
“How’s this gorgeous?” You ask your voice quiet and breathy as you tweak your nipples between your thumbs and forefingers and cup them roughly.
“Shit princess, so fuckin’ hot. What I wouldn’t give to have my face between your legs right now, get you nice and wet. Tell me how it feels.” Dean grunts, shifting on the bed again and pulling down his boxers. It forces a moan to slip from your lips when you finally get to see him in all of his glory. 
“My hands are too small. Doesn’t feel as good as yours do, you know I love those big hands of yours,” you pout, your eyes immediately dropping to the screen where Dean’s free hand flexes in the cheap duvet he’s laying on.
“Oh I know you do baby, but your small hands always feel so perfect around my cock. So warm and soft.” Your breath hitches in your throat when you see Dean pull out the remote for the present he got you last year for Christmas, tossing it on the bed where he knows you can see it and that filthy smirk appears on his plump lips.
“Go get your toy and take your panties off baby,” Dean instructs you quietly.
You hear him laughing when you practically jump off of the bed and go to your box underneath, pulling it out you quickly find the toy that you’re looking for. You toss it onto the bed and wiggle out of your panties, swinging them in front of the camera hearing Dean groan you smile to yourself finally letting them fall to the floor. Getting back into your original position on the bed you move one of your legs, bending at the knee so the heel of your foot presses against your ass, giving Dean the full view.
You keep your eyes on Dean’s as your hand moves slowly down your stomach and your fingers slip through your pussy. 
“Dean, please,” you gasp as your fingers circle your clit before you gently push them inside your throbbing heat. “So wet,” you whimper with the first few thrusts of your fingers.
“Fuck I miss that pretty little pussy sweetheart. Just a little more, you think you can get another finger in for me?” His voice is so deep and husky, it’s doing just what it does to you every time and it feels like he’s pulsing through your veins.
You squeeze your breast as you ease a third finger inside your wet pussy, hearing Dean grunt and your eyes flash to where his fingers tighten around the base of his cock. 
“You like watching me fuck myself with my fingers baby?” Comes your breathy reply, feeling your pussy clamp around your fingers when Dean nods his lip caught tight between his teeth.
“Don’t tease me, bad girl,” he replies breathlessly, “now take your fingers out, it’s my turn to play with you.” 
When the final word leaves his lips you reluctantly pull your fingers free, keeping your eyes on his when you suck them between your lips, “You wanna taste Dean?” 
“Y/N. Put your toy in that tight little pussy, now. Or when I get home you won't be getting any of what you want.” Dean’s threat only serves to make you more aroused but you decide you don’t wanna risk it just in case he means it.
“You know I love it when you get bossy. You’re sexy when you get angry.”
He chuckles despite himself but quickly clamps his mouth closed when you grab your pink toy from the bed, carefully easing the egg-shaped device inside yourself slowly. You can’t stop the whimper when it slips inside you and nestles perfectly against your walls. 
“Good girl, now I want you to lean back against the headboard again. Legs either side of your laptop wanna watch them shake when I make you come.” Following his instructions you quickly shimmy up the bed once more, leaning back against the headboard and you spread your legs either side of your laptop.
Hearing Dean groan at the sight of your spread slick pussy, you can still see him perfectly in this position as well. The way that he moves his fist over his thick cock, the way that his thighs and arms clench with every stroke. The tick in his jaw when he grits his teeth, you whimper watching his thumb finally press against the button on the remote. A few seconds later you feel a gentle but constant vibration that causes your hands to fist in the duvet beneath you.
“Dean, please!” You gasp when he presses the button again, ramping up the vibrations and causing your hips to roll down into the feeling.
“Be patient baby, gonna build you up nice and slow. Until you’re begging me to come.” His deep voice causes you to shiver and you can’t stop yourself from clamping your eyes closed.
“Does that feel good baby, or do you need more?” His question is pointless, you know he knows exactly what you need, but you don’t have it in you to argue that point with him. 
You can feel your arousal as it slides from your pussy, down the crack of your ass and onto the bed beneath you, but you can’t find it in you to care.
“F-Fuck Dean! Please, I need more,” you reply simply, knowing that you can’t even touch yourself since he would count that as misbehaving.
The vibrations inside you quickly kick up two notches at least and your eyes snap open, falling on Dean’s gorgeous face. His teeth clenched together, only parting when he sucks in breaths of air, his eyes just barely open while he continues to work his cock in his hand. Neither of you can take your eyes off of one another. 
“You’re close ain’t ya, sweetheart?” He breathes out heavily, gripping the base of his cock to try and hold back his own orgasm.
You nod rapidly, forcing yourself to keep your eyes open.
“Please baby, let me rub my clit,” you whimper, sinking your teeth into your lip when Dean growls and you watch him shake his head.
He presses the button again and you cry out loudly, suddenly very glad that you’re alone in the bunker.
“This orgasm is mine, princess. Keep your hands to yourself. Just imagine when I get home, how good my cock is gonna feel when it fills your tight little pussy.” His husky voice shoots through your body like another bolt of arousal settling in your stomach.
“Fuck, yes Dean!” You cry out when he presses the button again, causing your muscles to clench tightly. 
“Oh, there it is,” Dean growls and you can hear his hand moving again, “Look at me baby girl, you gonna come thinkin’ about my thick cock filling your tight little pussy. God you’re so tight, can’t wait to sink inside you when I get home, you’re gonna be gushing all over my cock ain’t ya baby?” His laboured breathing increases and as you meet his eyes you realise that that was the final straw.
Every muscle in your entire body clenches and spasms until you're coming thick and hard, your pussy clinging and pushing at the toy still vibrating hard inside you. You feel the wetness as it soaks your thighs, quickly followed by Dean’s loud and drawn out moan of your name, accompanied by several swear words.
You can still feel your legs shaking even as you start to come down, your eyes flutter open quickly seeing Dean’s body laying back on the bed. Eyes screwed tightly shut as he pants for air, chest rising and falling fast. 
“Fuck me,” he laughs, turning his head and opening them. You smile widely at the look on his face and at the glint in those gorgeous green eyes.
You shake your head as you giggle and reply, “Well that’s the plan, when you get that fine ass of yours home, Mr Winchester.” 
Grinning cockily, Dean opens his mouth to reply but is quickly cut off when you both hear a knock at his motel door.
“Give me a second, sweetheart.” Dean winks, grabbing the towel from beside the bed and wiping his come from his stomach and hand. 
“Dean!” Comes a gruff voice and Dean sighs loudly. 
“Hang on Sammy! I’m comin’.” The older man throws you a wink as he pulls up his boxers, making you giggle. 
You watch his tight little ass walk away and carefully pull the egg out, whimpering at how sensitive you are but you’re quick to cover yourself when Dean opens the motel door, even if you know the screen is hidden from Sam’s view.
Hearing them talking in hushed tones, you’re fairly certain Dean has to hang up when you hear him beginning to get annoyed with his brother.
“Son of a bitch! Fine. Just give me five.” Dean sighs, closing the door and walking back towards the camera.
“Hey baby, you gotta go?” You ask gently, smiling at him. “Don’t apologise, Dean, you really don’t need to. Besides, I plan on texting you.” You grin cheekily, watching that beautiful smile return to his plump lips.
“You really are the best, baby girl.” 
“You’re not so bad yourself Winchester, now stay safe and I’ll see you both soon.” 
The call disconnects with your final goodbye to one another and you snuggle down into your bed, pulling Dean’s pillow close. It doesn’t take you long before you fall asleep, enjoying the way that your dreams are full of Dean Winchester and that filthy mouth of his.
Tags: @chewie-redbird @julzdec @lettersofwrittencollective @stiles-o-dylan24 @mogaruke​ @mogaruke @dylanholyhellobrien​ @desireepow-1986 @emichelle @lilulo-12 @22sarah08 @deanwanddamons @simsadventures  @charmed-asylum @nicole-lynne @hazel-eye-coffee-shop-girl-blog​  @defenderrosetyler @emilyshurley @emoryhemsworth @foxyjwls007 @mylovelydame21 @sunshineandwings86 @akshi8278 @peaches009 @captain-shannon-becker @heimdoodle​ @plushpyrate @winchester-wifey @fandom-princess-forevermore @flamencodiva @hobby27​ @hobby27 @littlelonewolfgirl @ladywinchester1967 @screechingartisancashbailiff @maddiepants @spnfanfic-reblogs @holylulusworld @mrswhozeewhatsis @sonofabringmesomepie @mrsjenniferwinchester @hhiggs​ @pisces-cutie @trina44sb @heartsaved @matsumama @adoptdontshoppets​
Pond Tags: @aprofoundbondwithdean​ @manawhaat​ @thing-you-do-with-that-thing​  @nichelle-my-belle​ @notnaturalanahi​ @deanscarlett​ @roxy-davenport​ @impala-dreamer​ @samsgoddess​ @frenchybell​ @scorpiongirl1​  @deandoesthingstome​ @deansleather​ @curliesallovertheplace​ @whywhydoyouwantmetosaymyname​ @waywardjoy​ @imadeangirl-butimsamcurious​ @kayteonline​ @supernatural-jackles​ @wevegotworktodo​ @quiddy-writes​ @babypieandwhiskey​ @supermoonpanda​ @deanwinchesterforpromqueen​ @chaos-and-the-calm67-blog​ @memariana91​ @teamfreewill-imagine​ @chelsea-winchester​ @becs-bunker​ @castieltrash1​ @supernaturalyobessed​ @ruined-by-destiel​ @winchester-writes​ @evilskank-inthemegacoven​ @maraisabellegrey-blog​ @faith-in-dean​ @winchestersmolder​ @bennyyh​ @clueless-gold​ @deanwinchesterxreader​ @winchester-family-business​ @there-must-be-a-lock​ @just-another-winchester​ @cas-backwards-tie​ @winecatsandpizza​ @firefly-in-darkness​
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ellewritesfix05 · 4 years ago
Moon Of His Life
Characters: Dean x OFC (Lydia)
Word Count: ~1.3k
Warnings: FLUFF, smut
A/N: Written for my wonderful friend, @downanddirtydean . Happy Birthday, sweets! Here’s to many more 🥳🍾
📸 cred: to rightful owners
Elle’s Library/Main Masterlist
Dean Winchester Library
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The sun rose over the Floridian horizon. Golden specks dancing over the surrounding greenery reflected in the eyes of a handsome hunter scrambling to finish up the breakfast he was preparing for his beloved.
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They had met not too long ago, a nest of vampires had brought him to the Sunshine state. Came for the monsters, stayed for the beautiful woman that had turned his life upside down.
Dean Winchester had never been a relationship man. He had responsibilities — things to kill, people to protect. But when he walked into the local coffee shop for a quick pick me up, only to bump into her… well, that entire philosophy changed. Once the monsters were taken care of, Sam had let Dean know he’d be helping out a fellow hunter in Colorado and they would be unreachable for weeks. Dean took the opportunity to go back to the coffee shop in hopes of seeing her again, the gorgeous brunette with the sparkling brown eyes that seemed to see straight into his soul in the 20-second interaction consisting of apologies and smiles that had followed their accidental shoulder brush. He’d been lucky, she was there working on a paper for school — something that Dean would eventually find himself “helping” her with every now and then — and he’d taken the chance to ask her out. She had said yes and what followed had been the best months of his life.
Lydia was her name. Lydia meaning kind and noble. And she truly was. Dean knew that within minutes of knowing her. He could see it in the way she talked to those around her, could sense it in the way her smile brightened up any room she walked into, could feel it in his heart whenever she glanced his way. Not only this, but she was incredibly smart and creative. Wise beyond her years and always able to make him smile and laugh. She was the moon of his life. And today was her day, he would make sure to show her just how much he loved her.
As sunlight infiltrated every corner of the apartment’s kitchen, Dean knew he needed to hurry. Placing the final touches on the tray, he walked to the bedroom and placed it on her nightstand.
“Lyd,” he whispered as he gently nudged her shoulder. She groaned in protest, making him chuckle. He’d always told her she was so adorable waking up. He tried again and her eyes fluttered open, squinting slightly as the light of day filled their room.
“Hey,” she whispered, “what time is it?”
“Breakfast time, sleepy head.” Dean smiled as he leaned down to press his lips against hers. As always, electricity coursed through his veins at the touch. She wrapped her arms around his neck and he growled as he deepened the kiss.
Soon enough, clothes discarded and breakfast forgotten, they were reaching their highs. A hand intertwined with hers above them, the fingers of the other pressing into her waist as Dean thrust into her passionately, needing to convey every bit of love he felt for her. His lips latched to her shoulder, soft moans in his ear spurring him on as his pace sped up. Her fingernails dug into his back muscles, deep enough to leave marks. Marks that he loved feeling afterwards. He loved making love to her, loved making her feel like the most beautiful and sexy woman on earth.
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The sounds she made and the way her body reacted to his every touch was nothing short of intoxicating. As she neared climax, she wrapped her legs around his waist, hips bucking up to meet his every thrust. Dean could feel how close she was; his own release closer and closer. He picked up the pace even more, impossibly so, as well as the force behind every movement. Whispering in her ear, he asked her to let go. She tightened around him as she did so, moaning his name over and over again, waves of pleasure coursing through her body. He quickly followed, teeth nipping down on the soft, sweet flesh of the curve of her neck as he groaned at the sensation of giving himself fully to her.
She placed a kiss on his temple as his forehead remained on her shoulder, breathing heavily as their bodies relaxed in complete satisfaction.
“Happy birthday, sweetheart,” he said as he lifted his head to meet her gaze. Oh how he loved to look her straight in the eye, those dazzlingly expressive orbs that told him everything he’d ever needed to hear without her having to say a word. Not that she never told him, in fact she always made a point of letting him know how loved and appreciated he was. So often that, sooner rather than later, he began to let himself believe what she thought of him. That he was a good man, not a broken thing. That he was his own person, not daddy’s little blunt instrument. Most of all, that he was deserving of love and affection.
Her lips broke into a beaming smile, another of his many favorite features about her. When she smiled, there was peace in his heart, it didn’t matter that there were still monsters roaming the earth. It didn’t matter that there was always another fight. He’d been through so much, survived a thousand apocalypses, defeated cosmic beings. All to finally get here. To be rewarded with the perfect soulmate, whose smile was the true source of his own happiness.
Dean rolled over, pulling her along to rest on his bare chest. Her fingers traced shapes along his torso, leaving goosebumps in their wake. She sighed contentedly as he ran a hand through her long, brown locks.
“Your breakfast is cold,” Dean chuckled, looking over to the forgotten food.
Lydia lifted her head, resting lightly on his chest, close enough that he could feel the warmth of her breath against his lips, “Hmm’sorry, you just look good enough to eat in the mornings.”
Dean laughed softly, “that’s my line.”
Lydia stuck her tongue out at him, her silly side on display. Another thing he simply adored, how could someone so hot be such an adorable dork? Every night, Dean thanked his lucky stars for bringing her to him. Every morning he looked over to her and thought himself the luckiest son of a bitch in the entire universe.
Reaching out to cradle her face in one hand, his heart fluttered as she leaned into his touch. It felt almost unbelievable that he’d ever be with someone that could make him feel like every day was the first day he realized he’d fallen for her completely. Sure he’d been with multiple women before, even tried to lead a “normal” life with one or two, but he’d never experienced anything as strong and electrifying as the way he felt about Lydia. Not only that, he’d never been with someone who understood every bit of him; the good, the bad, and the really fucked up. And what’s more, she accepted him. Actually accepted all of him, not some part of him or an idea of what he could be, but who he truly was.
“Babe?” Her sweet voice interrupted his train of thought, “you okay?”
“Yeah, just thinking about how lucky I am to have you,” Dean replied. “And about pie, there’s still a slice in the fridge and I can hear it calling my name.”
Lydia rolled her eyes and laughed, “of course it is.”
Dean’s breath caught in his throat, her laughter always did that to him. It was like the song of a nightingale, melodic and pure.
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Lightly gripping her chin between his thumb and forefinger, he guided her to him and kissed her once more before she laid her head on his shoulder. Still half draped on him, she hummed as he ran his fingers up and down her spine.
It was moments like this that Dean had learned to live for, moments like this that he would always think about when life got too hard. Because he’d finally found happiness, and he’d found it in her.
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Forever Loves Taglist 🖤
@deanwanddamons / @hobby27 / @spnchick1996 / @briagallen / @downanddirtydean / @vicmc624 / @justanotherblonde23 / @foxyjwls007
Dean Sweethearts Taglist ♥️
@lyarr24 / @akshi8278 / @pillowjj / @stoneyggirl / @wiserainbowgirl / @attackonnat / @deanswaywardgirl / @thoughts-and-funnies / @deep-in-my-thoughts13
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destieltropecollection · 5 years ago
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Destiel Trope Collection 2020 Day 3: Bed Sharing
Stay on your side unless you actually want to cuddle | @the-madness-linked-to-a-hat
Rating: General Word Count: 1059 Main Tags/Warnings: Sharing a bed, rock paper scissors, cuddles Summary: Pretty much what it says on the tin
Watching You | @cr-noble-writes
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 1341 Main Tags/Warnings: arranged marriage, mutual masturbation, voyeurism, first time Summary: Dean Winchester and Castiel Novak barely knew each other when they were forced to marry by a legal contract between their respective fathers. That was a month ago, and though they’ve been sharing a bed for that entire time, they have yet to consummate the marriage. But Castiel can’t deny his new husband is sinfully hot, and the more time they spend together, the more he thinks he’s falling for him. But Dean never gives any indication that he might feel the same way. Until one night when he thinks Castiel is asleep.
Faith | @pray4jensen
Rating: Mature Word Count: 1977 Main Tags/Warnings: Sharing a Bed, Angst with a Happy Ending, Love Confessions, First Kiss, Coda to 15.02, Hurt/Comfort, Mutual Pining Summary: It’s an hour later and Cas has spent it lying on his back with his eyes wide open, watching a stream of moonlight through the lone skylight in the gymnasium’s roof while Dean’s hand rests an inch from his own. A sliver of light hits Cas’ cheek as Sam enters the gym at last, ushering the last of the townspeople inside. There are hushed whispers and the uncomfortable sound of rubber shoes dragging across the squeaky floor as everyone settles in, and then Sam goes group to group, distributing shock blankets—he must’ve found the emergency supplies at last. When he reaches them, he stops. He stops for a long, long time. Then, carefully, “One blanket or two?” For some reason, it feels as if everything is riding on this answer.
Sleep Drunk | @suckerfordeansfreckles
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 2025 Main Tags/Warnings: friends to lovers, masturbation, sleepy sex, love confessions Summary: Dean wakes up, mostly, with a happy little sigh into the pillow below him. It smells like Cas, like honey and cedar wood and Cas, and that suddenly reminds him again of where he is, whose blanket is wrapped around him, who’s lying just a few feet from him. It’s not like this is the first time he’s waking up in Cas’ bed, either — far from it. But with this… this ridiculous, useless crush on his best friend he has been quietly nursing for way too long — it’s just hard to stay away and not touch. He takes another deep breath, basks a little longer in being able to stay here, warm and safe and wrapped in Cas’ smell. He’s well on his way to just falling back asleep for a little while longer when he hears a noise beside him, a hitching breath, and then the bed rocks with gentle movement.
The Warmth of your skin | @notfunnydean
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 3414 Main Tags/Warnings: Human!Cas, hurt!Cas, sharing body heart, slightly nsfw Summary: Dean and Castiel are in the middle of a forest, when a snowstorm surprises them in the middle of the summer. To make their luck perfect, Castiel breaks into the ice of a lake. There is only one way to survive this cold. Body Heat.
In a Log Cabin in the Middle of Nowhere | @gii-heylittleangel
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 3468 Main Tags/Warnings: bottom!Cas, top!Deam, light sub/dom, dom!Cas, sub!Dean Summary: Dean and Castiel are caught in the middle of a snowstorm. Their only choice? Stop somewhere and hope they won’t freeze to death.
Safe Space | @notfunnydean
Rating: General Word Count: 3756 Main Tags/Warnings: Nightmares Summary: Dean can’t sleep, no matter what he tries. The nightmares haunt him every night and nothing helps. That is, until a certain angel starts to research and makes it his mission to help Dean fall asleep.
snow can melt the silence | @procasdeanating
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 4561 Main Tags/Warnings: canonverse, first time, angst with a happy ending Summary: In the middle of a snowstorm, Cas and Dean have to find shelter in a small cabin. Spoiler: There is only one bed.
Warming up with you | @Dreathandonn
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 5014 Main Tags/Warnings: First kiss, first time, frottage, roommate AU Summary: An ice storm hits the apartment Cas and Dean share, and the heat goes out. How are they going to stay warm?
Bacon, Baby and the Backseat | @castielscarma
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 9679 Main Tags/Warnings: Light angst, communication, only one bed, top!cas, bottom!dean Summary: Finishing a case takes longer than expected, so even when Dean really wants to do an all-nighter so he and Cas can be back in the Bunker as fast as possible, after some persuasion, Dean agrees to check into a motel for the night. They meet the motel manager Lucille, who happily gives them a special room... with only one bed. The morning after is fraught with tension, over things said and unsaid. As Dean and Cas drive the few remaining hours home, tension rises until Dean breaks.
only when the stars are out (WIP) | @kweenratmother
Rating: Mature Word Count: 15952 Main Tags/Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Nightmares, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Cuddling, Protective Cas, Bed Sharing, s14, top Cas/bottom Dean, slow burn, Eventual Romance Summary: Set in S14. Cas comes by to comfort Dean after a nightmare. But Dean has trouble sleeping every night...and as Cas visiting becomes a nightly ritual, their relationship begins to change. Dean is left with no choice but to face the feelings he's been hiding from all these years...
Poughkeepsie is not just a Safe Word | @gii-heylittleangel
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 16000 Main Tags/Warnings: explicit smut; bottom!Castiel; top!Dean Summary: The one where Sam thinks Dean's in danger just because he said he found a case in Poughkeepsie and Dean and Cas have to share a bed.
Looking for a Miracle | @kitmistry
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 23997 Main Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Christmas, Light Angst, Snowed In, Sharing a Bed, Writer Castiel, Mechanic Dean Winchester Summary: Dean Winchester is used to family dinners and his brother’s dog running around his house on Christmas, but when everyone seems to have better plans for this year, he takes the chance to house sit for one of his friend’s clients. If he has to be alone for Christmas, then he’d rather be in a grand house with a fireplace than his own small, bachelor apartment. His plans go downhill when the grumpy but gorgeous owner of the house decides not to leave after all. Bestselling crime writer Castiel Novak doesn’t want anything to do with Christmas. Even the mere mention of the word is enough to make him break out in hives. Isolated in his house since the death of his wife, he plans to spend another Christ—the Holiday That Shall Not Be Named alone with the ghosts hunting him and the book he can’t seem to write. But when the brash and overconfident housekeeper—who shouldn’t have even showed up on his doorstep—is snowed in at his house by the storm of the century he might have to make a few compromises. Will a Christmas miracle be enough to give both men what they need?
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stcky-rogers · 5 years ago
perfect to me || d.w
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summary: pregnancy and motherhood is a beautiful struggle dean winchester will never understand. although he notices your lack of self esteem and confidence, he does everything to reassure you that you are still as beautiful as you were the day he fell in love with you.
pairing: au!dean winchester x reader
warnings: minor language, insecurities, low self esteem, body image issues, little angst, fluff, mentions of sex - sexual innuendoes
prompts: 50. “i think you’re beautiful” and 63. “cross my heart and hope to die.”
a/n: we all deserve a dean winchester 
masterlist || taglist
you sighed as you stepped on the scale once again, you squeezed your eyes shut as the numbers on the scale began to appear. you let out another sigh and finally opened your eyes. your eyes locking on the numbers and your shoulders dropped, tears brimming in your eyes as stared at them. you’d been struggling with losing weight lately and for the love of god, you couldn’t figure out why. you’d been following your diet very strictly, even going as far to avoid cheat days. you went to the gym at least twice a week, three times if you had any extra time. you just didn’t understand why you weren’t able to reach your weight goal.  
stepping off the scale, you brushed away your tears with the sleeve of dean’s henley you’d been wearing. you walked over to the mirror, lifting up the shirt, you wanted to cry at the sight. you looked nothing like you had a few months ago. your stretch marks were more prominent and the lack of toned muscle made you want to sob. “let’s go, winchesters! movie’s starting in ten.” your husband shouted from the bottom of the stairs before making his way back into the kitchen. dropping the shirt, you turned away from the mirror. a small sniffle escaped you as you flicked off the bathroom light and made your way down the stairs. you could hear what sounded like a shawn mendes song. you followed the music, the sound leading you into the kitchen. you leaned against the frame the sight in front of you made beam from ear to ear. 
dean, your husband, was standing at the bar with your son perched on his hip as he finished making the snacks for movie night. his body swaying to the music as he sang along softly, colt attempting to sing along with him. 
“and don’t be a fool and wait on me, darlin’. i know you don’t wanna hear this, but i’m always on the move.” dean sang, colt resting his head on dean’s shoulder. dean softly rubbed colt’s back and pressed a kiss to the side of his head. 
“and don’t be a fool and say that you love me ‘cause you’ll find a man who will be by your side and will be there for you.” dean helped colt sing and you chuckled at the two of them. dean turned to look at you standing in the entrance of the kitchen. grinning once his eyes locked on you, “hey, sweetheart.”  
colt perked up at the endearment, another set of sparkling jade green eyes staring at you. you swore colt was a carbon copy of dean, a spitting image of his father. from the blond hair and heaps of freckles to the shining green eyes and give ‘em hell attitude. you didn’t see any of yourself in your son, just dean. 
colt reached out for you, “mama!” he squealed in his father’s ear, dean jerking his head away. you pushed off of the frame and made your way over where dean was standing. you took colt into your arms and he gave you a wet kiss on your cheek. dean chuckled and mocked colt, his lips brushing against your cheek. “everything’s almost finished,” dean turned back to the fruit he'd been putting in a bowl. 
reaching around him, you popped a grape in your mouth. “okay,” you muttered around the grape you’d been chewing. “you mind taking some of this stuff out into the living room?” dean asked and you nodded in response. “mama, can i help?” you smiled, “of course, pea.” setting him down, you handed him the bowl of popcorn before you grabbed dean’s pizza and the bag of candy. 
you followed colt into the living room and began placing the items on the coffee table. dean entered the room a minute later with plates in one hand, a beer and juice tucked under one arm, and the bowl of fruit in the other hand. you were trying to get everything settled on the table before dean was forcing you to sit on the couch while he finished. once he finished, dean was taking a seat next to you before colt dived into his lap. he pulled you in close and the three of you were cuddled up on the couch as you cued up netflix in search of a movie. 
your mind was racing a million miles a minute. you were worried about your appearance. why wasn’t it working? what were you doing wrong? when had you lost your confidence in yourself? did dean notice your body had changed? if he did, how did he feel, what would he do?
you weren’t even ten minutes into all dogs go to heaven before dean sighed, pressing pause on the remote, “alright, sweetheart. what’s going on in that head of yours?” he did his best to turn and face you. colt already asleep on dean’s chest, his fist balled up in dean’s shirt as little snores passed through his lips. glancing at dean, you shook your head before reaching for the remote. dean tutted, swiping the remote before you could get your hand on it. 
quirking a brow, “come on, sweetheart, you haven’t been acting like yourself. and don’t think that i didn’t notice that you were crying when you came into the kitchen earlier. talk to me.” dean pleaded, his eyes searching yours. his features softening when he noticed the tears welling up in your eyes. you reached up and wiped away the few tears that escaped and sighed. “i just, i don’t feel,” you paused, looking for the right word. “pretty,” you whispered. 
“i never had an issue with the way i looked when i was pregnant with colt, my body began to change and i was self conscious. after he was born, i was able to lose the weight and get back in shape. now, i’ve gained like ten pounds and no matter what i do, i can’t lose it. i feel so ugly.” you sobbed, your hand coming up to cover your mouth. 
dean was silent beside you, he definitely hadn’t expected you to say anything along those lines. you were pretty, you were more than pretty. in his eyes you were a goddess, you radiated beauty and it wasn’t just exterior. something about you made other people feel good about themselves, you were so sweet and kind. dean’s heart shattered as he watched you break down in front of him. you were always the strong one, he’s never, ever seen you cry like this before. he’s seen a few tears escape those sparkling eyes of yours and you’d quickly wipe them away, take a deep breath, smile, and say “i’m okay.” or you’d be crying happily over something, but he’s never seen you so devastated before.
“sweetheart,” dean started, his eyes welling up with tears as he tugged you towards him. it hurt him to see you cry like this. dean pulled you into his arms, your head resting on his unoccupied shoulder. you sobbed into his shoulder, your hand clutching his shirt for dear life. his hand rubbed soothing circles on your back, blinking back his tears, dean held on to you tightly as you cried.
a few minutes later, you started to calm down. “sweetheart?” dean muttered. you sniffled in response. dean placed a soft kiss on the top of your head. “you’re not ugly. you are so far from it, i think you’re beautiful. hell, you’re the most gorgeous woman to ever walk this earth.” 
you scoffed, “you’re just saying that because you have to.” dean slipped his finger underneath your chin to make you look up at him. your bloodshot eyes locking with his emerald orbs, shining with unshed tears. 
he shook his head, “no, sweetheart, i mean it. it doesn’t matter to me if you’ve gained ten or a hundred pounds. you’re the love of my life, baby. i’m yours forever, unless i happen to run into daisy duke one day, then you’re on your own.” the sound that you made caused dean’s heart to skip a beat. you laughed, not a chuckle or a giggle, an actual laugh. and, god, he’d do anything to hear it again. 
he sighed, “i’m sorry if i made you feel like you weren’t pretty anymore. i’m so fuckin’ sorry, sweetheart.” you shook your head, “dean, it wasn’t you. i’ve been feeling this way since the waitress was flirting with you a few weeks ago and i got self conscious, i mean she was prettier and a little younger. i thought, you found her more attractive and i don’t know.” dean gave your arm a light squeeze. 
“nah, nobody even comes close to my awesome wife,” dean grinned. “i thought you were leaving me for daisy duke, if you had the chance.” 
dean tucked a strand of hair behind your ear, “honey,” dean paused, a soft smile on his face. “not even daisy duke can compare to you. even in baby food stained sweatpants, with your messy hair, and tear stained cheeks. you’re gorgeous even on your worst day.” you leaned over and pressed your lips to dean’s, the feeling of butterflies fluttering in your stomach as his lips moved against yours. you never understood how after what felt like a lifetime how this man could still make you feel like you were a teenager around their crush, you’ve been together since high school and have known each other even longer. his hand found its way to your neck, bringing you in closer, his thumb tracing your jaw bone. 
a giggle forced the two of you to break apart. “gross,” colt lifted his head from dean’s shoulder and smiled sleepily at the two of you. “well, look who’s awake.” dean chuckled, ruffling colt’s messy hair. colt shook his head, “still sleepy?” colt nodded and reached out for you. taking him into your arms, you stood up from the couch. “you better meet me in our room in five minutes for more kisses, winchester.” dean pointed to you and you rolled your eyes. 
“how can i say no to an offer like that?” you grinned before heading up the stairs.
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from that night on, would make sure you knew just how beautiful you were to him. he’d wait at the bottom of the steps for you with a kiss and a hug ‘for the pretty lady.’ he’d send flowers to your job with a note describing in detail just how pretty you looked before you left in the morning. during intimate moments, he’d take his time placing kisses on every spot and cherishing the place you hated on your body and before you fell asleep every night, he’d tell how gorgeous you were and two things he loved about you before you’d finally fall asleep.
currently, you were sitting at a table, your husband by your side, his hand holding yours tightly as you watched sam, colt, and jess on the dance floor. the newlyweds were dancing with your son, his giggles could be heard from where the two of you were sitting. you looked over at dean and he’d already been staring at you, a fond smile on his features. his let go of your hand and stood up, his hand coming back into your view as he held it out. you looked up at him, his head nodding towards the dance floor. 
“it’s only right if the best man and maid of honor get a dance in.” dean smirked.
graciously you accepted his hand, letting him pull you to your feet. dean pulled you to the dance floor as the song was starting to change. he moved through the crowd until he was next to sam, jess, and colt. “mama, daddy!” colt called, bouncing in sam’s arms as he caught sight of the two of you. “hey, buddy!” dean said, ruffling his hair, making him laugh. sam tried to pass colt off to you, but colt wasn’t having it, his hand gripped onto sam’s tux tightly. 
you laughed and shook your head at your son. dean turned to face you, placing his hand on the small of your back and tugging you closer to him. you placed one hand in his, the other resting on his shoulder. he started swaying to the music once the song changed. dean hummed along softly to the song, his green eyes searching every inch of your face as if he was committing it to memory. 
dean’s grip on you tightened as he began to sing along to the song. “and darling i will be lovin’ you ‘til we’re seventy. and, baby, my heart could still fall as hard at twenty-three.” he twirled you around and pulled you back in your back hitting his chest. he lowered his head, pressing a kiss to your bare shoulder as he continued to sway you to the beat. “promise?” you could feel dean nodded against your cheek. “i’ll love you longer than that, sweetheart. cross my heart and hope to die,” you spun in his hold, your arms wrapping around his neck. 
dean smiled down at you, “have i told you how beautiful you look today?” he asked. “hm,” you tilted your head as if you were thinking about it, “yes, you have, about thirty times actually.” you both chuckled, dean shrugging. “it’s the truth, whether you gain one or a hundred pounds, or you could be wearing a garbage bag, and look like you haven’t slept in days and i’d still think you were the most beautiful woman in the world.” you leaned up and pressed a kiss to dean’s lips. dean smiled against your mouth, his hands pulling you in closer. 
you pulled away and peered into those enticing orbs of his and grinned. a loud squeal broke you out of your trance and you looked over, seeing sam and jess tickling colt. 
“look at those two kids we raised,” dean sighed, his eyes softening at the sight of sam and colt. “yeah, i still remember when sam was just a baby.” you muttered, resting your head on dean’s shoulder. he placed a kiss on the top of your head.
you remember helping dean care for sam when john would stay late at the garage. much like john, your parents weren’t around much, you’d only see them at dinner and for breakfast. for a while the three of you only had each other. the winchesters had become your family before you married dean. 
“i think we did great fuckin’ job with him.” you nodded against his shoulder, watching sam interact with colt. he’d been more excited than dean was when he found out he was going to be an uncle. “yeah, we did.” you smiled and dean rested his head against yours.
“do you ever think about having another kid?” dean bit his lip, nervous to hear your answer. you removed your head from his shoulder, your gaze falling on to his nervous stare. “how soon?” you asked and dean’s brow raised, “are you asking to sneak off for a quickie?” dean smirked and you rolled your eyes, “no, asshat,” dean chuckled, “how soon are you wanting another kid?” 
dean’s eyes sparkled with a mischievous glint. “how does nine months from now sound, gorgeous?” dean twirled you once more and quickly pulled you back into his chest, he was sporting a grin when you looked up at him. 
“is six months from now okay with you?” dean’s eyes widened. “wait,” he took a step back from you, giving you a once over, his eyes falling to your stomach. “you’re pregnant?” you nodded and dean gave a whoop of excitement, many heads turning in your directions. his arms wrapped around you tightly and he lifted you into the air, spinning you around, a giggle leaving you. 
dean placed you back on your feet and gave you a bruising, yet loving kiss. you pulled away with a laugh. “my god, you’re amazing.” you gave him a one-shouldered shrug, “you helped me get my confidence back and feel less insecure about myself, giving you another kid is the least i could do.” you joked and dean shook his head, a smile on his face.
“you should never feel insecure about the way you look, sweetheart. you’re beautiful, inside and out.” you were about to respond to dean when you felt a tug on your dress. looking down, colt peered up at you with a toothy smile. dean scooped him into his arms, “hey, buddy. how do you feel about being a big brother?” colt shrugged and laid his head on dean’s shoulder. 
you and dean laughed, “i’m sleepy.” colt yawned. “yeah, me too, pea.” you laid your head on dean’s other shoulder and sighed. 
you were lucky to have someone like dean. someone who made you feel safe and secure. someone who, even on your worst day, looked at you like you hung the moon and the stars. someone who loved you for the person you were and not what you looked like. you couldn’t wait to experience the rest of your life with dean winchester, the man who cherished you deeply.
@starkxpotts​ / @breezy1415​ / @multifandombackpack / @deanlenaz​ / @thewinchesterchronicles​  / @tameraneanwxves​ /
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fanfic-corner · 4 years ago
A-Spec Across Fandoms
23/10/20 - I know I have already done an a-spec post for Destiel fics, but it is asexual awareness week next week, so I thought I’d read a load of fics with ace characters from a few different shows I like! We have some Supernatural, some Doctor Who, some Sherlock, and a couple from Good Omens. Happy ace week!
broken when I’m lonesome by SailorChibi on AO3. (7,015 words).
Tags: Asexual Castiel, Demisexual Dean, Panromantic Castiel, Biromantic Dean, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, PTSD, Dean Has Self-Esteem Issues, Dean Has a Sexuality Crisis, Angst, Fluff, Touch-Starved, Comfort, Platonic Cuddling, Castiel is Not Oblivious, comments that could be taken as ace-phobic.
My Rating: 5 stars.
Description: After being saved from hell, Dean's old methods of coping aren't working anymore: he's not sexually attracted to anyone, and he's not interested in sex no matter how many times he climbs into bed with hot, naked women. Sam is convinced that his brother is just depressed, but Dean knows this goes deeper than that. He still craves the intimacy that can make him feel safe. Fortunately, Castiel is there to both understand and provide.
Notes: This fic really hit home. I’m not sure if it is because almost every person I have ever talked to has had some form of this conversation, but it was still cute.
La Vie A Plus by K_K_TiBal on AO3. (6,260 words).
Tags: Punk Castiel, Asexual Castiel, College/Uni AU, Roommates, oh my god they were roommates, College Student Dean, College Student Castiel, Pining, First Kiss, Misunderstandings, Art Student Castiel, Love Confessions, Gabriel is a Little Shit, Tattooed Castiel.
My Rating: 5 stars.
Description: Dean Winchester is hopelessly, head-over-heels in love with his best friend and roommate, Castiel. Castiel - with his blue hair, and his tattoos, and his artwork, and his perfect everything. Dean never stood a chance, really. It only sucks because, as far as Dean can tell, Castiel is definitely not interested. But love, much like art, has a way of being unpredictable. Even if you think you know where you're going with it.
Notes: The angst is strong in this one! Again, I feel like many aces have had this conversation or that fear that people (allos, especially) may not want to be with them.
Exposed to What You Hide by SailorChibi on AO3. (1,890 words).
Tags: Alternate Universe - Hunters, Creature Castiel, Procubus Cas, Asexual Castiel, Established Relationship, Hidden Relationship, Assisted Suicide, Cuddling, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Fluff.
My Rating: 4 stars.
Description: "We think Cas is a procubus," Sam blurted out. Then he winced and yelped when Charlie kicked him under the table. "Ow!" "Smooth, Sam," Charlie snapped. Dean looked back and forth between them, realizing that they were both 100% serious. "A procubus." "Basically it's the sexless version of an incubus or a succubus," Charlie explained before Sam could. "It's... it's a demon that kills people by sleeping with them." She was chewing on her thumbnail now, eyes big and apologetic. Sam had done one better pasting on a truly epic kicked puppy expression of apology. "You think Cas is killing people by cuddling with them," Dean said, just to be sure. 
Notes: Well that took a bit of a turn. I’m not sure why, but I love fics where Cas keeps bees, it was just so cute to see him that happy! (Even if he was crazy. Shut up).
Consolation by Trell on AO3. (1,195 words).
Tags: Aromantic, Aromantic Relationship, Asexual Relationship, Asexuality, Asexual Character.
My Rating: 3 stars.
Description: In which both of them are ancient, and neither of them are in love with each other.
Notes: Okay, I would first of all like to say that I do not ship Cas and Ten. I was kind of curious though, and clearly whoever wrote this ships Destiel and Ten/Rose. That being said, I am here for some angst; poor Cas and his unrequited love, and poor Ten because all his friends are dead.
Doctor Who
don’t hold this war inside by WishingTree on AO3. (1,824 words).
Tags: Asexual Yaz, Pre-Relationship, Asexual Character.
My Rating: 5 stars.
Description: “It’s just - I’m scared,” she finally manages. “Scared?” the Doctor stills where she’s been trying to roll up the sleeves of her coat, shoving the material of one arm over her elbow and asking, “Scared of what?” Yaz doesn’t answer, can’t answer, and the Doctor goes to reach for her, aborting the movement halfway and only managing an awkward swaying motion. “...Scared of me?”
Notes: Thasmin is a ship that, had I not stumbled across it on Instagram, would never have thought of on my own. Much like Sabriel, however, now the idea is in my head, I ship it! Also, the author in this fic manages to perfectly capture the Doctor’s personality, which is quite an impressive feat.
Whatever fits my skin by lloydsglasses on AO3. (1,481 words).
Tags: Friendship, Male-Female Friendship, Cross-Generational Friendship, Asexual Character, Asexuality, Canon Gay Character, LGBTQ Character, Aromantic, Pride.
My Rating: 5 stars.
Description: “So, does that happen to you a lot?” Bill asks once they’re safely back in the Doctor’s study, each cradling a mug of tea. “Getting snogged by gorgeous women as a thanks for saving their lives.” The Doctor sets his teacup down gently on the desk, mouth pursing in distaste. “Far more often than I’d like.”
Notes: Oh my god that was so (fucking) cute! Now I want more fics of characters going to pride. Maybe for next June. Also, I’m just saying that I hated Nardole and nothing you can say to me will make me change my mind.
Take It, Leave It (But you’d better believe it) by lloydsglasses on AO3. (760 words).
Tags: Friendship, Male-Female Friendship, Cross-Generational Friendship, Asexual Character. Aromantic, Canon Gay Character, Coming Out, Implied/Referenced Homophobia, LGBTQ Themes.
My Rating: 4 stars.
Description: “I told my foster mum that I’m gay. Now she keeps trying to set me up with guys." 
“Ah,” says the Doctor, with a frown. “That seems… counterintuitive.”
Notes: I’ve always loved Bill and Twelve’s relationship, and this is such a cute scene! It is a crime we haven’t got more River Song content, by the way.
Crescendo by tenscupcake on AO3. (6,013 words).
Tags: Fluff, Asexual Character, Romance.
My Rating: 4 stars.
Description: As her relationship with the Doctor slowly develops into something a little more than friendship, Rose starts to wonder what's holding him back. But one fateful night, he confesses something that makes her realize she never had any reason to worry.
Notes: Beautifully written! I don’t think I’ve ever read a Ten/Rose fic before, but I have always shipped it and it is adorable.
The Important Bit by Solshine on AO3. (9,984 words).
Tags: Asexual Sherlock, Platonic Relationship, Amarriage, Same-Sex Marriage, Bromance, Domestic.
My Rating: 5 stars.
Description: Just where exactly is the line between “to love” and “to be in love”? What difference is required between “flatmate” and “husband”? (Besides the rings, obviously.) No, the important bit is that they have each other. Thirty years, give or take, in an atypical marriage. Basically a long bit of platonic domestic fluff.
Notes: Oh, this is absolutely one of my favourite Johnlock fics now. Absolutely adorable (because I love domestic Johnlock okay), I nearly cried, and now I want all the art of Sherlock with a fancy old cane!
the art of getting by (isn’t really so artsy at all) by stupidmuse_hatesme on AO3. (6,521 words).
Tags: Asexuality, Asexual Character, Asexual Sherlock, Romance, First Time, First Date, Slash.
My Rating: 4 stars.
Description: “He's treating things like they're normal! Things are not normal.” Sherlock drags his hands from his mussed up hair and covers his face. “You aren't helping much,” he mumbles into his palms. “I hope you know that.” The skull only grins from his perch and says not a word. “Really, you're supposed to do more than just--sit there.”
Notes: John is so unbelievably sweet in this, but Sherlock was bit OOC.
what does the world get by coloredink on AO3. (2,302 words).
Tags: Asexuality, Asexual Sherlock, Asexual Character, Asexual Relationship.
My Rating: 3 stars.
Description: A women's magazine quiz leads Sherlock to investigate the nature of love.
Notes: A cute lil’ fic about exploring your (in this case, lack of) romantic and sexual attraction.
Surprisingly Simple by heeroluva on AO3. (855 words).
Tags: Asexuality, Asexual Character, Asexual Relationship, First Kiss, Touching, Fluff, Cuddling and Snuggling. My Rating: 3 stars. Description: In which John is asexual, and Sherlock never asks. Notes: Pretty cute, and it is always nice to see a character who is just cool with it, without some massive explanation. I can dream.
Good Omens
An Honest Surrender by Kedreeva on AO3. (4,107 words).
Tags: Ineffable Husbands, Post-Apocalypse, Love Confessions, Marriage Proposal, Marriage, First Kiss, Cuddling & Snuggling, Fluff and Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Soulmates, Soul Bond, Aziraphale’s True Form, Crowley’s True Form, Asexual Character, Asexual Relationship.
My Rating: 5 stars.
Description: "For six thousand years," Crowley said, voice cracking, "I have wanted something I couldn't have, because I asked the wrong questions. But I'm asking the right one now. The only one that matters." In which Aziraphale follows Crowley home after the nonpocalypse.
Notes: Seriously, reading Good Omens fics always makes me so relaxed and sleepy it is unreal. I need to read them more often. Anyway, this is such a cute explanation for the final episode, and I loved it!
You’re the Only Prayer I Need by Kedreeva on AO3. (5,507 words).
Tags: Ineffable Husbands, Wingfic, Angel Wings, Angel/Demon Relationship, Wing Grooming, Bathing/Washing, Cuddling & Snuggling, Asexual Character, Asexuality, Asexual Relationship, Snake Crowley, Love Confessions, Trust, Non-Sexual Intimacy.
My Rating: 5 stars.
Description: Crowley had, in the six thousand years Aziraphale had known him, shed his skin exactly twice that Aziraphale knew of. Both times he had disappeared without a trace, having retreated somewhere very safe and very, very unknown to hide while he was so vulnerable, and Aziraphale had never thought to ask beyond that information. Everyone was, he had supposed at the time, entitled to their secrets. The problem was that he had stumbled directly into this secret now, and there was hardly a graceful way out of it.
Notes: The sheer level of trust is adorable, and I’m always here for snake Crowley.
A Little Less Celestial by Kedreeva on AO3. (2,360 words).
Tags: Non-Sexual Intimacy, Non-Sexual, Sharing a Bed, Ineffable Husbands, Literal Sleeping Together, Wingfic, Cuddling & Snuggling, Asexual Character, Asexual Relationship.
My Rating: 4 stars.
Description: Aziraphale accidentally falls asleep, and Crowley teaches him sleeping isn't so bad, really.
Notes: Oh my God, this was so calming to read in a way I really can’t describe? Also, now I want a bookshelf bed.
Just One Yesterday by Kedreeva on AO3. (1,952 words).
Tags: True Form Crowley, True Form Aziraphale, Ineffable Husbands, Angst with a Happy Ending, Love Confessions, Post-Apocalypse, Time Travel, Time Loop, Asexual Character, Asexual Relationship, Canon Compliant, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Missing Scene.
My Rating: 3 stars.
Description: Crowley and Aziraphale didn't stop the apocalypse on the first try, but you know what they say... try, try again.
Notes: I could not tell you the plot of this, but that image of Crowley’s true form was beautiful (and the artwork was phenomenal!).
So, there we have it! I hope you enjoy them, and have a nice week. By the way, if you have instagram, please would you consider following @justaceofficial? They are trying to get funding for a TV series which focuses on an asexual main character, and they ran an asexual advent running up to this week!
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katehuntington · 5 years ago
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Title: Changes - part nine Word count:  ±4350 words Summary “Changes”: Huntress Zoë Sullivan (OFC) crosses paths and swords with the Winchesters, when the brothers stumble on a case she’s already working. When complications arise, they are forced to work together. Summary part nine: Dean finds an unexpected guest in the bridal suite. Warnings: Smut, NSFW, 18+ only! To prevent spoilers, all spoilers for the entire story are listed in the masterlists. Music: One Of These Nights - The Eagles (opening scene), Skin On Skin - Queens Of The Stone Age. Author’s note: I couldn’t be more excited to share Supernatural: The Sullivan Series with you. There are quite a few people I want to thank: @coffee-obsessed-writer, @soupornatural & @mrswhozeewhatsis, who edited the early drafts, and my girls @girl-with-a-fandom-fettish, @winchest09​ & @kittenofdoomage​ who are deciphering the recent version. Everyone who encouraged me to go for it, you are awesome!
Supernatural: The Sullivan Series Masterlist 01x01 “Changes” Masterlist
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     With a grunt muffled by his pillow, Dean wakes up. He keeps his eyes closed, enjoying the blissful slumber for a moment. A familiar song echoes through the room; he recognizes the peculiar intro after a few beats, identifying it as an Eagles song. He sighs and smiles, relieved. He’s relaxed, well rested and pain free; thank God for vicodin. Strangely, though, he didn’t remember the radio playing when he fell asleep. Then he notices the sound of the shower running. It’s only now, when Dean opens his eyes, rubs his face and looks over his shoulder. While licking his lips, he stares at the purple clock on the wall; it’s almost 7 PM.
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     “Aren’t you a bit late for your play date?” he comments, loud enough for Sam to hear him, as he slides off the bed.      Still a bit sleepy he pads over to the bathroom entrance, barefoot. As he does, Dean glances at the table, where he remembers Sam dumped most of his stuff. His laptop is set up, buzzing like it’s sawing down an entire forest. Next to the table he notices a half emptied duffel bag. Only his own old leather jacket hangs from the coat hanger; Sam’s is missing. The alarm bells start ringing in his head by the time he notices that his car keys aren’t on the little cabinet next to the bed where he left them; his brother isn’t here. But if he isn’t, who is? 
     In three large strides he is next to the bed and grabs his gun from under the pillow, then sneaks up to the bathroom again as he flips the safety switch off. Although he was fast asleep a minute ago, he’s wide awake now. Adrenaline rushes through his veins when he enters the bathroom, his weapon ready to fire between both hands. Instead of some supernatural creature, which he was prepared for, he stumbles on Zoë, wearing nothing but a bathrobe.      “No, I’m right on time,” she answers, grinning.      “Zoë?! For fuck's sake!” Dean lowers his gun and breathes out. “What are you doing here?”      She turns to him and crosses her arms in front of her chest with the usual attitude.      “Let's start over: ‘Hi, Zo, nice to see you!’”      “Well, if I said that, I’d be lying,” Dean responds, not amused by her unexpected visit.      “Oh, come on. You’re not still cranky, are you?” she chuckles.      He walks out, pushing his gun under his pillow again. It’s just now that he notices the music is coming from Zoë’s Macbook, which she has installed near the window, the curtains hiding the device from plain sight.      “I am still mad, as a matter of fact. So for the second time; what are you doing here?” he asks again, grumpily.      “There was a fuss at the motel, I got into a fight with the shifter. Broke some stuff, police on their way. Yada yada. You know how it is,” she explains carelessly.      “The shifter?” Now she has Dean’s full attention. “You got into a fight with the shifter?”      “Yeah. The bastard followed me from the bar to the motel. Don’t ask, long story,” she says, apparently not finding it worth the elaboration.
     Dean follows her with his eyes. “So he was at Beetle's.”      “Yep, as Terry Cliffer. He almost had me fooled,” she admits with a chuckle.      “But you got him, right?”      Dean gets his confirmation, her raised eyebrow and a tilt of the head saying enough.       “Who do you think I am?” she scoffs, insulted.
     Dean takes a look at the huntress, eying her from top to bottom before a grin twitches at the corner of his mouth. He might still be cross with her, but having her standing in his hotel room in nothing more than a bathrobe, does raise a few dirty thoughts. Dean has to admit; she looks hot as hell. He wouldn’t mind having a peek at what’s under that robe, guessing that she’s not wearing anything else, since she just took a shower. Her hair is darkened by the water, droplets seeking a trail down her collarbone and into her cleavage. Although she washed off her makeup, she still has these warm, penetrating eyes, somewhere between hazel and chocolate. Her skin is smooth and a natural blush fires her cheeks. Zoë is one of those girls who doesn’t need to highlight her strong features with all that shit woman put on their faces to look pretty.      “Do you really want me to  answer that?” Dean counters sly.
     “Oh, never mind.” She rolls her eyes and strolls to the window, glancing outside into the night. “I got him, but no thanks to your brother.”      Dean's expression goes blank. Oops, Zoë might have a reason to be pissed off with them once again.      “He fucked up?” he assumes.      “Just a little,” she scoffs, raising her hand and putting her forefinger to her thumb, only leaving a small space between her fingertips. “He chased the shapeshifter and apparently had an encounter with him in his hideout. That didn’t go so well for your dear brother and he got locked up with the others. By the time I got there, the damn chameleon had already shed. So guess who I was facing?”          Dean raises his eyebrows; Sam of course. Worry washes over him.      “Is my brother okay?” he asks demanding.      “He’s fine,” Zoë snaps. “Thanks for asking how I am, by the way. I was the one who got attacked from behind by a shapeshifter slash Sasquatch.”       The huntress closes the curtains further, not wanting this to turn into a peepshow for people passing by.      “Where is Sam now?” Dean questions, his nerves calmed a little, but still not totally at ease.      “He volunteered to cover tracks. He mentioned something about you having a girl over for the night,” she recalls.
     Again Dean freezes. Shit! Vicodin girl. He almost forgot about her. She’ll probably show up in two and a half hours or so. His gaze shifts to the scarcely covered woman in the room again. It would be the night of the century, two hot chicks in one evening. In a fucking bridal suite. Maybe Sam didn’t pick such a bad place afterall. He looks over, capturing the huntress with his emerald greens. He can't help it, but he knows his eyes are sparkling.      “Looks like he was right.”       She grins at that remark, amused by his attempt to woo her. Going along with it, she walks towards him, slowly and elegantly.      “You would love to see that happen, wouldn’t you?” she teases.
     Dean takes a shuddering breath, stunned to witness this seductful side of Zoë he hasn’t quite seen before. The song in the background fades to Skin On Skin by Queens of the Stone Age as the gorgeous woman approaches. He has to admit that he fantasized about her once or twice today, because - come on - just look at her. But with their rivalry, he never thought it would happen. Fuck, please let me be wrong about that one, he thinks to himself.
     With lust in her eyes, she takes the collar of his flannel between her fingers and reels him in. When she moves closer, her mouth hovering over his, he reluctantly creates a distance. He expected a lot from Zoë, but this can’t really be happening, right? Was she playing hard to get all this time? He could've sworn Zoë wasn't into him at all; all they do is fight.      She pouts. “Oh, don’t get awkward with me. You want to.”       “Y’know, I normally don’t do this until the second date,” he says, referring to their talk this morning, when she patched him up.       “The second date? I don’t think you’ve ever known a girl this long before you headed for your home run,” she counters.
     Dean tilts his head slightly and nods, admittingly; she’s got a point there. Her arms cross behind his neck and she looks deep into his eyes when he returns her glance, challenging him. Her tongue peeks past her teeth, only just, but Dean notices, his focus flicking down to her lips.      “Well then,” she responds. “What are you waiting for? You like to have fun, don’t you?”      He stares back and can’t help his jaw from going slack. Automatically he reaches for her waist, fingertips softly pressing into her flesh. He seems to be looking in the eyes of Medusa, unable to move. She inches closer, pressing her hips into his, her pelvis rolling against the growing bulge in his jeans. Her grip around his neck tightens; he has nowhere to go if he wanted to. Their noses touch, he can feel her warm breath on his skin.      “Dean?”      “What?” he husks.      She tilts her head and moves her mouth close to his ear, ready to share a little secret.      “I am fun.” 
     Okay, that’s it. There’s no possible way that any straight guy in the universe could resist Zoë Sullivan, not to mention Dean Winchester. He gives in and meets her half way in a bruising kiss. Without any hesitation whatsoever, she opens her mouth to him immediately, swiping her tongue along his so unbelievably intense, that it catches him by surprise. His heart rate picks up as she grinds her body against his, her nails running through his hair, scratching his scalp to the point that it hurts, but in the best kind of way. He lets his hands explore her figure, feeling her shiver under his touch, even through the fleece fabric of her robe. 
     Leaving no time to waste, Zoë moves her hands down his toned chest, then lower, until she cups his erection through his jeans. The normally so fierce hunter, who always stands his ground no matter how challenging the fight or how crippling the pain, almost caves then and there. He breaks the kiss when oxygen becomes scarce, pressing her forehead against hers. Their noses touch, but she doesn’t kiss the hunter again. He can feel her grin against him, though, when she softly kneads his hardening dick through the fabric of his pants, breathing in his air when he groans. Dean sigh heavily; Jesus fucking Christ.
     Despite the undivided attention she offers, he manages to undo the knot in the sash, opens her bathrobe slightly and slips his left hand between the fleece material and her skin. She feels warm, still heated from the shower, or is it something else? He travels down her body further, tracing the lines of her silhouette, slowly descending towards her core. With his palm pressed against the softness of her abdomen, Dean allows his touch to travel lower. Zoë stiffens, pausing her actions when the hunter opposite of her ghosts over her inner thighs, riling her up. Hungrily she buries her face into the crook between his neck and his shoulder, muffling a moan when the hunter parts her folds with his thick fingers and press into her. Now it’s Dean who smirks, pleased with her reaction and the slick he feels between her legs; she’s so goddamn wet already. 
     He repeats the act, dipping into her soaked center, gathering her juices before rubbing a small circle over her clit, finding the sensitive nub with ease. Zoë jerks, her grip on him tightening, a sound between a whimper and cry escaping her mouth. Dean can’t possibly imagine it, but judging from her response it seems like she hasn’t had sex in a while. She’s so eager, so willingly allowing him to please her; quite the opposite to the attitude he got from her so far. 
     The hunter pulls in a sharp intake of air when, despite approaching her own high, Zoë unbuckles his belt, flicks open the button of his jeans and runs down the zipper enough to have some space to work. She slips into his boxers, wraps her fingers around his hardened shaft and slowly starts to jerk him off. Dean tilts his head back and closes his eyes, grunting, a fiery sensation spreading to his limbs and rolling back to gather in his coil. Pre cum drips into her hand, smoothening the friction of the pumping motion. He collects himself, his jaw setting when she takes advantage of his exposed throat, sucking on his skin that without doubt will leave a mark. Fuck, the things he would do to have that sinful mouth somewhere else right now.
     Trying to distract himself and prevent his climax from arriving embarrassingly fast, he pushes two fingers into her heat, the feel of the soft velvet of her walls delightful. His thumb flicks over her clit again while he curls his digits, letting them glide in and out in a steady rhythm. It’s obvious it has an effect on her, her sighs labored. The steady tempo in which she was pumping his erection until a moment ago, begins to falter. He feels her buckling forward and supports her, ignoring his injured shoulder, the dull pain suppressed by painkillers. The hunter pulls her closer to his chest and kisses her again, his arm snaking under the bathrobe she’s still wearing, his hand splayed between her shoulder blades. 
     Standing in the middle of the room while working each other over proves to be more difficult by the second, as he too feels his legs tingling and close to giving out, but it adds to the accelerating moment as well. For a second he considers taking her to that waterbed bed and fuck her into the waves until she comes, but he decides against it. He’s going to save it for later, because Zoë might think he’s a cocky bastard, he is determined to show her his arrogance when it comes to his skills in the bedroom are more than justified. 
     Her breathing picks up, the exhales more audible whenever her mouth leaves his, turning into sultry moans now that she’s nearing her peak. Unable to multitask at this point, her grip on his rock hard dick loosens further. Thankfully, because he was about to blow, and he’s nowhere near done with the voluptuous huntress.      She clenches around him, her nails digging into his back now. He watches her as her mouth hangs slack, her lips red and full with arousal. The sounds she makes will without doubt travel beyond the walls of the suite, but she doesn’t seem to care; Zoë is anything but a prude. 
     Dean continues to rub the pad of his thumb in ovals, while pushing his fingers as deep as he can, three of them at this point. She begins to tremble, her eyes shut tight, her brows pulled together.      “That’s it,” he husks. “Does that feel good?”      “G-god, yes,” she manages to utter. “Dean, please… m-make me come.”            He stares at the face, which is contorted with pleasure. Holy fucking shit, she just begged him. Zoë Sullivan just begged for an orgasm. Who would have thought he’d ever hear a plea like that fall from her lips. Dean doesn’t have to be told twice; he turns up both pressure and speed by a nodge. She stops breathing all together, her muscles so tight that they spasm. The build up is almost too much for her too handle, her painfully blissful grip and her quaking body telling him she’s almost there. 
     Right as Dean wonders how much longer she’s going to last without air, Zoë cries out, coming undone on his fingers. With a content smile on his lips he works her through it, her dripping walls pulsing as he slowly and gently moves out and back into her, while he supports her crumbling form. Watching a woman climax has always been one of his favorite aspects about sex, but witnessing the tough as nails huntress completely spent by his doing, has got to be the sexiest view he’s ever seen.      “You alright?” he chuckles, low and gruff.      She nods, regaining composure. Dean retrieves his digits from her and is stunned when she takes his hand and brings it up to suck his fingers into her mouth, her tongue collecting her own juices. He wets his lips, too, his dick responding to the sensual sight. Jesus, just when he thought she couldn’t get any hotter.      Zoë lets go of him then, pushing him off, teasingly. He looks up from her lips on which the slick shimmers, into her hypnotizing eyes. She grins devilish as she speaks the words he hoped to hear.      “Now it’s your turn.” 
     Without breaking the contact, she lets the bathrobe slide from her shoulders, watching confidently how Dean takes her in. It doesn’t happen often, but he’s lost for words. Before him stands a woman who could be on the cover of even the most exclusive skin mag. He felt her body under his touch and knew she was gorgeous, but to actually see her completely naked, shows that ‘gorgeous’ doesn’t quite cut it. Her beautiful hourglass-shaped waist, proportioned breasts, not too big for her frame, but small and perky. Slender yet muscular, clearly trained and prepared to take on evil. Shit, she’s the American wet dream.
     When he looks closer, he notices the stories her body has to tell. Tattoos decorate her rib cage, her groin and the inside of her biceps, but right now Dean is too distracted to philosophize about the meaning of the ink. Scars inflicted by the things that she hunts damaged her tanned skin, but don’t take away her beauty. In fact, it adds to it, because before him stands a kick ass woman, a powerhouse.
     Zoë grins when she witnesses the adoration in Dean's expression, walks up to him and kisses him eagerly. The fire in the pit of his stomach turns into a blaze again, his respiration soon quickening. Not having much clothing to pull off her body, he helps her unbutton his flannel without breaking their kiss. When she rips off the shirt, he can hear the stitching crack, but he doesn’t give a damn. His hands trace the lines of her figure, brushing past what seems to be a burn on her shoulder. When he touches it, she winces slightly.      “Where you get that?” he wonders, a hint of worry in his voice.      She shrugs. “Shifter tried to shoot me again. It’s fine, the bullet barely grazed me.”      Dean, not so careless, lets his eyes linger on the damaged skin, before he reaches for her face and caresses her jaw softly.      “I’m fine,” Zoë promises, smiling at the concern in his eyes.
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     The huntress closes the gap between them and presses her lips on his again, pushing his thoughts to the back of his mind. She folds her arms around his neck and he lifts her up, the strain of his shoulder reminding him of his own injury. She giggles lasciviously and hooks her long legs around his waist, as he walks over to the waterbed and drops her on it a moment later. He hovers over her and kisses her pulsepoint, the moan that escapes her total blasphemy.       “It’s your turn, remember,” she purrs.      Impatient, the huntress attempts to shove his jeans down, tracing the hem of his boxers, but he stops her.      “Who says I was done with you?” Dean teases, leaving a trail of kisses from her breasts to her stomach, before he retreats.      Zoë pouts. “Don’t pull back now.”      “I have a little something to make this even more interesting,” he says with that up-to-no-good smirk on his face, his eyebrow arched.
     He slides off the bed and walks to the table, where he unravels the gift basket he received downstairs. Smirking he turns around and shows off the handcuffs, twirling them around his finger.      “You have a dirty mind, boy,” she says pleased, liking where this is going.      He crawls back on the bed, which waves like a light swell at sea, and while he leans over her, he gently grabs her wrists and cuffs them behind the steel bars of the bed. Then he sits up and looks at her naked form.      “No, I just have a very bright mind,” he corrects.      “Whatever you want, Dean. I’m all yours tonight.” She pulls at her bottom lip with her teeth, spreading her legs and leaving nothing to the imagination.      “You sure are.”
     He leans in again, but instead of kissing her, he takes the gun from under his pillow. Startled Zoë tries to sit up in her restraints, unpleasantly surprised by the sudden change of character.      “What the fuck are you doing?” she asks, concerned.      Dean gets off the bed and casually leaves his gun on the table, buttoning his jeans again and fastening his belt. He then proceeds to walk to his duffel bag, from which he takes a silencer. Slowly, he strolls towards the bed again as he screws it on.      “I’m hunting,” he answers, as a matter of factly.      “What are you talking about? It’s me, God damn it!” She tries to convince him, a hint of panic in her voice.      “Yeah, about that. Zoë, right? I have to say, good impression.” He admits. “You almost had me. It wasn’t until you got out of that robe when I noticed you missed a tiny little detail.”      They stare each other in the eye, him confident, her nervous, waiting for the other to say something. When the silence remains, Dean takes the lead.      “You shot her, you son of a bitch,” he brings to mind, anger thick in his voice.
     It’s just now that the person - or rather, the creature - in bed realizes what is going on. Stammering, she looks at Dean. The injury Zoë was left with after last night’s events is nowhere to be seen. Yet a bullet, probably coming from either her or Sam’s gun, has grazed its shoulder.      “Ah, you forgot about that, didn’t you?” He chuckles triumphantly, aiming the gun.      “No! Wait, Dean! I can explain--”       “- I bet you can.”
     A dim shot followed by complete silence, ending the life of the shifter once and for all. Dean breathes out and stares at the entry wound in its chest, where he sent the bullet right through the heart. He swallows thickly, because the resemblance with Zoë is uncanny.       He twists the muffler from his gun and tugs the weapon behind his belt, quickly picking up his shirt from the floor. After pulling it over his head, he checks his phone. The list of calls shows none unanswered; Sam didn’t call. He grunts, realizing that his little brother is probably in trouble, and Zoë, too. He has to find them, for all he knows they could be dead. Fuck! This case wasn’t even supposed to be our case! 
    Pondering, he rubs his face, worried about his little brother. He has to keep it together; now is not the time to lose his cool. Think, Dean. He looks around, his gaze lingering once it captures Sam’s computer. The hunter stalks towards the laptop, moving his fingertip over the mousepad to activate the screen. 'Completed', it says.      “Completed what?” Dean wonders out loud, frustrated.      Goddamnit! Why did he get caught up in his anger? He should have tried to get that bastard to give up the location of his hideout. Now he has nothing! 
     Dean scans the screen, noticing a pop up asking if he wants to open the downloaded file. He double clicks ‘Yes’. A PDF file opens and a blueprint of the entire area fills the screen. He reads the title; it’s a map of the city’s sewer system. Sam apparently was trying to find out from which house or drainage the shapeshifter was working. He remembers his brother saying his hideout must be somewhere on 110th Ave NW, but that’s a damn long street. He sighs angrily; how the hell is he gonna find them?
     Then he spots something unusual. A red sewer line follows the street, running from the main sewer all the way up to a house, far from the main road. When he reads the marginal note, he learns that the particular sewer line was put in the ground this year. Suspicious? Could be, most houses so far off the main roads have their own tanks. And wait a minute, isn't this the same place they checked out last night? He was quite sure it was clean, apparently they missed something. It’s not much, but it is the only lead he has right now. He closes the laptop, grabs his leather coat and rushes to the cabinet to grab his keys...      “Fuck!” he roars.
     How could he forget? Sam has the keys. Sam has the fucking car! He runs his fingers through his hair and curses again. He has to steal another vehicle, he’s got no other option. Then his eyes capture the shifter, lying naked and dead on the bed, blood leaking from the chest wound. Let’s rephrase that question; how did that filthy lizard get here? In three strides Dean is at the window and shoves the curtains aside. Relieved, he breathes out. The hunter wouldn’t have thought so last night, but he’s damn glad to see that shiny black Harley Davidson, with the keys still in the ignition, waiting for him underneath the window. 
     Dean opens the lid and climbs out, not wanting to be seen by staff in the lobby. Skillfully the hunter descents down the old fire escape and lands on the ground with both feet, bending his knees to cushion the landing.       The Harley is a sight for sore eyes, especially now that it’s his only available form of transportation. He starts the engine, the headlight spreading a bright light ahead. The bike is heavy, it surprises him how Zoë is able to handle the cruiser so easily. One thing is certain, he realizes, as he gasses up and leaves the parking lot; he better not fuck up this bike. Because Zoë will either kill him or haunt him, depending if she’s still alive or not.
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Read part ten here
The Sullivan Series tags: @a-gir1-has-n0-name​​​​ @destielhoneybee​​​​ @fookinghelljensensthighs​​​​ @idksupernatural​​​​ @laphirablack​​​​ @magssteenkamp​​​​
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