#sleepwalker ep
aestheticjunkyard · 1 year
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#and also noted for the fanfiction#i am. so in love with her#and im so much more gay now than 8 years ago#18 yo me you have no idea how much you can like girls#the limits have not been reached yet#great things ahead of you#i mean great things ahead of me too the limits have still not been reached yet#anyway what do you think are the circumstances necessary to make her shapeshift without meaning to#<- some fucking whump prompt that#ive imagined baby vampire laura accidentally shapeshifting in her sleep the first time she ever does it#carmilla walking in on her like im gonna take a gamble here and hope you didnt get a pet badger#i think thats just baby vamp things though#hey what do you think danny is? wolf or something?#im thinking mattie is a bird of some sort#like a black swan or smth i dont know#'i am death on dark wings' etc#but anyway carmilla seems generally in control#of her vampirism in general. you know in the movie when laura's like 'youve never had a problem controlling yourself before'?#i think she just bit laura bc sudden vampirism means very suddenly very hungry. and they were asleep so. basically sleepwalking#the growling is cute though#and an opening. definitely a whump prompt. i think it would take a lot#definitely more than for my timelords to lose their shape. for them it only takes losing focus a little. bc pain/fatigue/relaxation#for carmilla i think it's more abt very high levels of fear+anger. threat#omg shes so kittycat 2 eps later too this mustve been made such great use of in fanfic#carmillaposting
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quixoticrobotic · 1 year
[amber grey voice] ......AND DOCTOR LINKSANO ON THE DRUMS
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disco-cola · 1 year
beyond belief is literally as much horror as i can take im so weak i used to watch it when it was on tv growing up in the 2000s which i shouldnt have at my age theres still a handful of episodes that scar me until this day like the one with the red eyes i literally think of it so often still whenever i go into a dark room ☠
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autismprotocol · 5 months
TMAG Theory Board Update (EP 11-12)
Hi guys sorry about the late posting I've just started a new quarter of college and its been pretty hectic. also got into my school design BFA program so pretty stoked about that! Anyways lets get into the Episode Breakdowns because even though not a lot of lore related things happened I still have a lot to talk about
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For the breakdown I'll separate each by episode in sequential order
What Happened in Episode 11: Marked
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Celias Rude Awakening- we jump right into the weirdness straight away with Celia waking up on the side of the interstate. she indicates that this is not a weird occurrence and ends the scene by telling someone named Jack that she's "on her way." If you remember episode 8 after Celia and Sam talk to Gerry and Gertrude, she mentions stuff about wanting help with her own mystery. When Sam asks about it she says she's looking into Time travel, other dimentions and teleportation. Many people have theorized that maybe Celia is just a super heavy sleepwalker, but I think the she teleports random places out of nowhere. This could be a side effect of her reality hopping if this Celia is originally from The archives universe.
As for the identity of Jack I'm not quite sure about that yet. I cross referenced the name Jack with past episodes of TMA. The only thing that came up was Jack Barnabas from the statement about dating Agnes Montague (aka an avatar of the desolation and Jesus-like figure for the cult of the lightless flame) So Unless Celia is secretly Agnes of Agnes reincarnated , I can't find any way to link Barnabas to Celia. (if anyone has a theory feel free to send it my way.)
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Sam Lore- this one is pretty minor story-wise but I thought it was interesting. Before the statement for the episode is presented we get some classic Sam and Alice Banter ™ most of it is pretty lighthearted but I noticed Sam mention something that could indicate he might be an amputee.
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These could not mean anything and I find it weird that it hasn't been mentioned until now but thought it was kind of cool and I will probably be drawing sam with a prothetic leg in the future cause I really like this head-canon. It also begs to question if he is missing a leg. it might have anything to do with his past as a Magnus institute test subject but then again could just be a fun character detail added by Jonny and/or Alex .
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The Statement- Getting into the statement we get another Ink5oul appearance. Also possible Ink5oul identifying as she/they. (and lets be honest being a fear avatar is pretty non binary core). I found this Episode gave me a feeling of a hybrid between the Vast, Buried and the Flesh some people are theorizing that is might be a new entity called the Deep but I think that the fear of the ocean could easily apply to the vast or buried. Not much to say about this story though pretty standard Magnus horror that also gave us a hint to what Ink5oul's goal could be/which entity they serve.
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Post Bonzo- Gwen has a debrief with Lena after her first Externals Liason assignment and her meeting with Mr. Bonzo. Undoubtedly Gwen is still pretty shaken from her encounter, even arriving late to work due to sleeplessness. Gwen is able to ask Lena a few questions mainly she wanted to know who's name was written on the letter given to Bonzo
Lena is largely unhelpful but tells Gwen she should have worked it out by now and if not to pay close attention to the case load for the next couple of days. before the latest episode my guess was Klaus because that is the only person mentioned so far that the OIAR intends to kill. but more on that later
Marked- Now were getting to my favorite thing about this episode. This episode title can have two meanings. The first is the more literal interpretation. Tattoos are marking of the body and the case this episode was all about tattoos so easily a good name would be marked. But I believe this is a red herring meant to misguide listeners who have not consumed all 200 episodes of TMA because if you know the world of Magnus Archives the term Marked takes on a entirely different meaning.
In TMA the term marked is used to indicate that somebody has been influenced by one or more or the fears and are one their way to becoming an Avatar. I think this could be a coded way to tell the audience someone in the OIAR has been marked. I have two potential candidates
Alice Dyer- Alice has been having dreams about the Institute after her and Sam's adventure into the ruins. also she mentions feeling like someone's watching her (common to people influenced or fed upon by the Ceaseless Watcher/The Eye) My guess if she is marked it would be by the Eye.
Gwendolyn Bouchard: Probably the most likely culprit. The main way an entitly tends to mark people is through encounters with other avatars. Gwen has just had an encounter with Mr Bonzo last episode who I strongly believe must be an avatar of some sort.
What Happened in Episode 12: Getting Off
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Aww Sam!!- Sam asked Celia out and it was adorably awkward. not much to say I just loved this interaction and I'm longing for a new Magnus brand office romance hopefully is wont be an agonizing slowburn that ends tragically like a certain pair of morons from Archives (I love you Jon and Martin but Jesus christ)
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It's Bonzo time bitches!!- Probably one of the most gruesome Magnus statement I've ever listened to (good work Alex) Mr Bonzo completely annihilated some poor dude at his bachelor party. Based on the date of the Incident the I can confidently say that whoever Baz (the groom) was he was our mystery person the OIAR sent Mr Bonzo to get rid of. Along with some of the bloodiest imagery we learned a few things about Bonzo. The most interesting detail is that Bonzo has to be summoned by playing his theme song I think the CD of his theme song acts somewhat like the tapes did in TMA by materialising out of nowhere. Also fun fact you know that torn seam that is right down Bonzo's middle? that is actually is his mouth lined with rows sharp teeth so I guess I know that now (so fun) Moral of the story dont f*ck with Mr. Bonzo
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Alice knows something: Theres been this recurring audio glitch throughout TMAGP thatnks to a few extremly observent fans we have started to relize that these glitches are not at all random and are actually letting the audience know when a character is lying (i actually reposted somones deepdive into all the istances of this glitch so far if you guys are intrested in knowing more) why i bring this up now is becuase since we know when any charater is lying we also know when they are being truthful if there is no glitch when they say somthing and at the end of this episode this interaction occurs
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Alice goes ahead and makes a joke about this to annoy Gwen but the fact theres no audio glitch when she says "I know" means she does actually know who is behind the OIAR and is activly refusing to share it with Gwen or the others. What do you know Alice!?
and that's about it im already loving these next batch of episodes and am so excited to learn more (ERROR has to show up somtime )
thanks to everyone who resonded the poll on the last update I will continue to include drawings into the breakdown even if it takes me a little bit of time to post. anyways I wrote this all in one sitting and I'm about ready to pass out so thanks again and the ask box and comments are always open for discussion and theory crafting.
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madqueenalanna · 1 year
i think 6x19 "the choice" is the closest house md comes to genuinely giving us all the pieces about house/wilson and i'm going to explain why (delusional)
the a plot is an extremely in-denial gay man collapsing at the altar with his almost-wife. we discover over the course of the episode that he used to have a "roommate" he had sex with for years who clearly still has feelings for him, and his symptoms were caused by the brain damage he gave himself in conversion therapy. it's an unusually real, sad ending, where the fiancee tells him to figure himself out and leaves as he begs her to stay and insists he's straight for real. no real closure beyond that
now, many episodes of house have the b plot (either the team's personal drama or a clinic patient) connect thematically with the a plot, either to jog house's brain blasts or just to form a cohesive narrative. so what's the b plot this episode? wilson's relationship with sam is getting more serious and he wants to distract house. house starts the episode waking up in a neighbor kid's bed bc he got so drunk he was sleepwalking. house has a long, explicit history of self-medicating when he's in emotional distress. house goes out three times with his fellows and all three serve to tie him back to wilson:
he goes out with taub and his wife. this is to highlight the strained awkwardness of a straight relationship, and esp when the guy has a history of infidelity (at least one of wilson's marriages dissolved due to him cheating, and taub is already cheating on rachel again)
he goes out with thirteen to a lesbian bar. this is connecting them as both bisexual, and they talk about gaydar and then thirteen talks about how it's cruel that the patient is lying to his fiancee about his sexuality bc honesty is the most important thing, including honesty to one's self. this is easily applicable to house needing to admit his feelings for wilson. (extremely delusional) the lesbian bar is called "foxhole" and the saying "there are no atheists in the foxhole" specifically refers to situations where one has no choice but to give in to faith. so. also the gay patient in s2 has a parasite he got from foxes
he goes out with chase and foreman and they perform karaoke. specifically they sing "midnight train to georgia" and they don't change the pronouns?? so chase is singing lead about another man while foreman and house back him up?? it's about following a man across the country bc you would rather give up your entire life than lose him (house does this at the end of s8). one of the outro lines (not in the episode, but i've listened to the song a lot) is "my man, his girl" and like. c'mon
there's a great moment where the patient is denying he's gay and he says "i'm as straight as either of you" to house and thirteen, who makes a face in the background. let's be so for real here
the episode ends with cuddy asking if house wants to go out, and he asks if wilson put her up to this too. she denies it and says lucas is working late so she's free and they can be friends. house says friends is the last thing he wants to be (we know). she leaves, and he rubs his leg, almost reaches for ibuprofen, and grabs whiskey instead as the ep ends. again, bookended on self-medicating, and we know his leg hurts worse during emotional pain– he got an mri when stacy left in s2 for the same reason. when house gets his big epiphany he says "wisdom is knowing the difference between what you can change and what you were born with" and he says this while having an argument with wilson!
i choose to believe at least some of this was intentional on the part of the writer bc he also wrote "lines in the sand" which is one of the most empathetic episodes in general and also gives us a lot of patient-house connections. i'm well aware this reads like pepe silvia qanon for gay people
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dangermousie · 1 year
Ok, 13 eps in and it’s official - Lost You Forever is this year’s Love Between Fairy and Devil for me, and not just because I am unreasonably obsessed or because I love the design or because it features a protagonist horribly hurt by life and a love interest who gets to them by pure sunshine goodness.
No, it’s because they both are summer dramas that I mocked before they aired and whose cast gave me hives and then I had to eat crow dinner with crow coffee and crow dessert.
I thought the concept of LBFAD (demon king and fairy girl occasionally swap bodies) was risible. I thought anyone who cast Dylan Wang in anything, let alone as a terrifying demon lord, needed to have their head checked. I’ve seen that man in a number of dramas and he can’t act, thought I. Oh, and that trailer was simply awful. This is going to be a great terrible flop and I am gonna enjoy hate watching and mocking it, also thought I. I checked it out solely out of sheer morbid curiosity and I was a gone five minutes in. It ended up my favorite drama of 2022, made it into my top 10 cdramas of all time in fact, and if anyone said Dylan did anything but an amazing job in LBFAD, I’d fight them in the parking lot. Man tore my heart out.
Now comes 2023 and here is another anticipated summer drama, Lost You Forever. If you assume I learned anything from the LBFAD scenario, you would be wrong. (In my defense, in the overwhelming bulk of cases when I hate the concept, trailer and cast, I do not end up adoring the final product.) Nobody could explain the plot to me coherently (not their fault in retrospect, I can’t even explain it myself as it’s more character study than anything.) The concept screams reverse harem, something I am primed to enjoy about as much as I was primed to enjoy LBFAD body swap between female fairy and demon king or perhaps a toothache. The cast - yikes think I. The last Yang Zi drama and performance I enjoyed was the Battle of Changsha. A drama that is a bona fide masterpiece and in which she performed amazingly but was released in 2013, a whole decade ago. Ever since then she’s proceeded to play a range of cheery dimwits who only a mother could love, and only a mother in possession of earplugs and perhaps a gag at that. And to me she started sleepwalking through those roles to boot. Watching her and her dramas became the definition of elevator music. And her leading men here? Ooof! The guy who plays the cousin I’ve never seen in anything. Tan Jianci is good in the right role but I did not think that was going to be a good role and then we get Court Lady Tan Jianci which - shudder. And Deng Wei? Yikes! I’ve seen him in a bunch of dramas and he was the walking incarnation of color beige. And that trailer was a giant huh.
And now here we are. The story is exquisite and I feel so deeply for everyone in it (now, in case of cousin the feeling is the desire to barbecue him but still.) The acting is uniformly good and so is the story. And Yang Zi does not play a cheerful dimwit but a haunted old soul and she does it so well my heart breaks for her and I am so invested in her it becomes ridiculous as I feel her slightest joy or disappointment so intensely. And oh Deng Wei is my other revelation. If someone told me I’d be swooning over a character played by him I would have told them to sleep off all the booze they must have just consumed. But guuh, his 17 just might end up being my favorite male character in 2023 cdramas and I feel for him so deeply and remain amazed how he makes goodness layered and not boring or cloying at all.
That crow feast is sooo delicious!
Am I gonna learn? Hell no! Provided we are not all murdered by a giant asteroid, come back to this space in 2024 to see what other drama that I was prepared to hate I am now obsessing about.
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amusementofaprincess · 3 months
Ok! My thoughts on characters of The Magnus Protocol after listening to the 1st 20 episodes in less than a day:
1) Lena. I don’t trust the British government. I don’t trust most governments. But in this case I really don’t trust them
2) I like Celia. I’d love to know why she apparently sleepwalks for miles and I think she should chance a better childcare backup plan than “call Georgie when I wake up”. Plus her flirting with Sam is cute.
In my head her wardrobe varies wildly depending how close it is to laundry day.
3) Sam. Sam seems like a very intelligent,kind, sweet person who is either going get killed by an entity (external?) or go completely insane
In my head he wears a lot of sweater vests
4) I don’t know how I feel about Alice. Her personality is very… chronically online and I find that a bit grating. She also doesn’t see to completely be over Sam. She definitely cares about her friends and coworkers- trying to check up on Teddy, checking in with Collin, try to keep Sam and Celia from something that could get them killed.
She reminds me a lot of Tim.
In my head she wears a lot of galaxy prints
5) Gwen I think looks perpetually annoyed. She obviously is intelligent and curious with NO sense of dangers - that is a bad combination. She needs to be more careful around Externals. “Can he READ?” Is probably one of my favorite reactions to an entity.
In my Gwen always looks perfectly put together. Even if she’s just wearing jeans and a comfy top
6) Mr Bonzo. Again I say WTF. I assume, if the fears here follow Smirks 13, he is associated with the Flesh based on his description.
I don’t think about what he’s wearing. I don’t think about him at all if I can avoid it
7) Lady Mowbray. Rich. Probably associated with THE HUNT.
I bet she dresses like she’s about to hop on a horse at any moment 
8) Georgie! I love Georgie. I know she’s not the same Georgie but I don’t care. She is good friend to Celia, takes good care of Jack. I hope she has a cat. I feel like any reality Georgie needs a cat.
In my head Georgie was at Celia’s in something comfy. Maybe even sweatpants
9) the voices - Chester and Norris - not surprised they are voices in the computer. Also when they talked about the “jmj” error I just keep thinking it stands for Jon/Martin/Jonah since they were near each other in Ep 200 and we don’t know where they went. Jonah’s body might have gotten all swept up in it.
Augustus -at first I thought Jurgen Lightner was back but I checked the credits and he isn’t voiced by Jonathan Sims’ dad (I can’t remember his name atm) but he sounded so similar. So I am intrigued by Augustus
All in all I am very happy with the first 20 eps of season 1 and can’t wait for the next 10!
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red-archivist · 2 months
I've gotta ask, what do you think about Celia and her waking up farther and farther from home?
I think she's getting dragged back to Hill Top Road. Colin's got the death flags, but will Celia make it to the end of the season?
Oh Celia is absolutely sleepwalking back to Hilltop- implying the dimensional rift is still there
it's like her subconscious knows she is in the wrong place or like she is being drawn back to her home universe like a magnet- or maybe its the universes themselves trying to put her back where she came from
we have five eps left and anything could happen but I think Celia will survive s1 at least
if i had to guess i'd say s1 will wrap the general 'what's up with the magnus institute in the protocol-verse' question and more of Celia's deal will crop up in s2
but who knows! it's anyone's game to lose!
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attack-on-fandomstuck · 4 months
Magnus Protocol ep 18
i have Concerns.
1) Lena referring to Celia's baby as 'it' feels a lot more purposeful than just being callous. i don't trust this kid. i feel like it has something to do with Celia's sleepwalking.
2) Teddy's occasional reappearances feels so odd. i feel like something is gonna happen to him
3) GEORGIE (not a concern, i just missed georgie) though i do wonder if she's with Melanie in this, probably alternate world. her paranoia leads me to believe maybe her and Melanie are investigating something for the podcast and they found something to be worried about.
4) back to Georgie, the line: 'who took Georgie's face' feels, Not-Sasha adjacent.
5) where is my angry bastard Collin??
i have so many thoughts
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lottieurl · 1 year
here's my problem since some people want to ignore genuine criticism and act like anyone who is criticizing the writing or the pacing is "not accepting things we accepted in s1" by comparing this to doomcoming
doomcoming is. i cannot stress it enough. an episode where the characters are drugged and high on shrooms. when they chase travis and when they nearly kill him we are SHOWN they see a stag
now yes you can compare their doomcoming hallucinations to the hallucinations of it chooses but even the framing isn't really on your side here is it? when the show wants you to doubt to what extent they're really even aware of what they're doing or the level of.. delusion present it has absolutely no problem showing you that! we saw them having an ancient greek feast while ripping apart jackie's body and we saw too many near death hallucinations and other hallucinations to even COUNT on one hand
so they're aware of what they're doing when they draw the cards. while they were shown to NOT BE during doomcoming at least while it happened. and now the question is do you think we have reached that point? if you do i'm happy for you genuinely. i wish i agreed. but i just do not. when they agreed to do this they agreed to not only potentially get themselves killed they also agreed to the death of their loved ones if they draw the card. why was van shown doubting everything she believed in (including lottie that goes without saying) in the previous ep and now willing to get herself or taissa killed for a ritual meant to save lottie? and don't Tell me what you think. i am capable of making up an explanation. i can come up with a bunch of theories. but there is No exploration of that in the actual show. why was taissa fine with this? why was nat? do i think those characters are all such lottie believers they'd go to those lengths? no not really cause all they were really doing before was having dbt group therapy with lottie and then lottie proceeded to fail in all her predictions about the baby
there were absolutely ways to make this more believable (like! maybe show nat and travis get injured while trying to hunt and they start thinking it's because lottie isn't blessing them before they leave anymore. show everyone lost without someone to look up to. put more focus on how hungry they are. maybe use some makeup to make them look more malnourished. show taissa's actual sleepwalking come back - and yes i know there was that one other taissa scene but it wasn't quite enough for me to buy that tai would be all for this. unless they're pulling another Other Tai Did This surprise but it's getting a little old imo) but they rushed through it in a way super jarring. and no it shouldn't be! yes it should still be shocking but we START the show with those murder cannibalism rituals. we watch the show to find out how it happened exactly. every single viewer should be watching this feeling overwhelming dread because it FEELS inevitable that they'll decide to do this. we should be quite horrified but we should also be 100% convinced that's the choice all those characters would make. this scene is what all those 18 episodes led to and regardless of whether someone liked it or not the overwhelming majority seemed to be shocked this happened already. which. quite literally means the build up wasn't there
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So I decided I was going to rewatch The Bear and take notes, partly bc autism and partly bc I want more interesting details for fics and just to get to know the characters even better
(Also, I’ve been curious about what makes Carmy blow up vs what makes him dissociate)
So here’s some things I noticed that you could also pick apart like I have here
Carmy has his apron on in the dream, maybe it’s just because that’s what he’s been wearing pretty much all the time for the past couple weeks or because his work is so tied with his family (w/ bears as symbolism for that) but idk
Him waking up on a random counter in The Beef confirms my headcanon that he falls asleep in weird places OR he fell asleep in the office and sleepwalked there
In this ep, any imagery or mention of Michael is pretty much always tied to religious imagery
Carmy calls her Sugar and him Mike, I’m always inclined to have him say Mikey instead but I don’t think he ever does. Also, Fak calls Carm Bear :]
“What’s UPS?” Is the first in a long string of times where someone tries to talk about something other than the kitchen, and it just doesn’t click with Carm
Syd’s “I know who you are” and Carmy’s “Yeah?” and he just listens to her completely riveted is so funny to me. Tell this man you know he was the CDC at one of the best restaurants in the United States of America and it’s like saying “walk” to a dog
Carm’s “I’m saying something >:[,” starts the classic Berzatto dilemma of no one listening to each other but wanting to be listened to
Reminder that Syd can speak Spanish :D
Richie talks about their “Italian heritage” and later says abt the labels “this is the most Polish shit ever,” which show how close he fits in with the Berzattos and his dislike of his bio family (Jerimovich is Polish right.?)
Richie talks about putting his family back together and him not coming home, and Carmy instantly dissociates
Him asking “Why didn’t he leave it to you then?” Not like a comeback, but a genuine question gets me every time
Carmy’s not good with words, so while this is something that just makes fun dialogue, in universe, it’s interesting to see how often his responses are parroted (ex: Marcus’ “that shit was straight up fire” and Carm’s “Straight up done now Chef”)
When it’s work time, it’s work time. When Fak stops looking at Ballbreaker to mention that he wasn’t able to go to the funeral but he sent flowers, Carm just says he wasn’t there either and swiftly changes the subject back to work
The three siblings and Richie all have gold necklaces. When Sugar shows up, I don’t know if hers was one of the matching ones, and I couldn’t figure out what the charm was on it
Tina says “Why doesn’t your sister come around here anymore?” Implying that she used to. I also feel like T wouldn’t have asked if Sugar stopped coming when she moved out and didn’t have to do what her mom told her to. Maybe Mikey kicked Sugar out of the restaurant too, but she wasn’t too bothered by it
Unlike with Richie, when Nat calls him out on not saying hello, just trying to get work done, he listens, and he slows down. Richie feels like his space in the family is shaky, so he’ll take a lot more shit from them while Nat won’t. She inherited a temper, just like her brothers, I feel like she’s in therapy and likely tackled how to stand up for herself when her family was treating her like shit, and she’s the “normal” middle child between a loud older brother and a worrying little brother, so she probably had to fight for her family’s attention at every turn
Nat mentions their mom and Carm’s eye contact instantly breaks, and it seems like he has to remind himself to breathe
His stutter shows up when arguing that he doesn’t want Jimmy to buy it
Carm’s “I’m gonna fix this place” vs Sug’s “No one’s asking you to” just hits so hard for some reason
When Carm tries to flee back inside, she uses “I love you,” like it’s an argument to keep him from throwing himself back into the restaurant or as a reminder that there’s people out there who want him to be doing well when she thinks the restaurant is hurting him
Sweeps is more of a background character but omg he just quietly looks out for everyone :] (he made sure Syd got to try Carm’s beef recipe :]]]])
Fak was also close with Mikey. I don’t know why I imagine Fak as being not quite as close with everyone as Richie, but they came to Christmas too, edit: Fak’s “but it got fuckin dark at the end” showed that he too knew something was up when Carm didn’t
Carm very much gives off the vibe of being allergic to cats, but I’m going to ignore that and squeeze in my headcanon that he loves Fak’s cats, Ralph and they love him
Richie’s dialogue is such a fun juxtaposition of him trying to feel superior to whoever he’s arguing with with large vocabulary and overconfidence but often falling back into vulgar insults because that’s what he knows best. Also, later in the ep he talks about “up in Napa” with the foie gras and shit to mock Carmy, but Napa isn’t up from them, it’s in California
Richie says “You have no fuckin idea what you’re doing here” and it’s like a switch, Carmy’s comebacks and annoyance with Richie stop, and he’s completely dissociated again. Richie shoves cans of spaghetti sauce into his arms and slaps at his face to steady him because he can probably tell something’s not right with him, but he just ends up leaving him to it
One of the Berzattos main love languages is physical touch via back and shoulder pats
And finally, Carm tosses the can of spaghetti sauce which I’m saying is because he just needs them to fucking listen and trust him when he’s saying no more spaghetti but there’s probably also some kind of Michael significance there too
Edit: I think I just had the realization that family stuff is what makes him dissociate while work stuff tends to make him panic and snap at people. It makes sense, snapping at his family would only escalate things and dissociating separates him from something he’s expected to fix. And Claire is kinda off in her category but falls under the panic response
So yeah!!
That’s pretty much what I got from 1x01 - System
I don’t know when or if I’ll do more of these, but this was so much fun, literally love dissecting these sad little goobers
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crying-pan420 · 5 months
SO is Celia sleepwalking? That’s what I’m assuming maybe it could have something to do with the fears cuz the key made joshua key man sleepwalk? I have no idea
Alice and Sam
Alice says she’s not been sleeping well and I don’t think Sam has either so they both could be having nightmares
Not exactly the same but when people gave statements they got nightmares from the archivist so that could play into it!!!
The person following Alice could also be the thing that escaped from the tunnels which would really explain the feeling of being watched
Gwen also has not been sleeping well + nightmares but I very much believe that’s because on Mr Bonzo so not much to unpack. But when she wasn’t there til after the case I was worrying she was dead
The case:
So it’s giving very much vast + buried and I loved in
The creepy guy is definitely Ink5oul and I wonder what’s the importance of tattoos in this universe
Are they like the books and artefacts in tma? Is the tattoo artist who made the ship tattoo like smirke, lietner and mikaile or more like Amherst, Gregor orsinov, Fairchild and Rayner? I feel like tattoos are gonna be important
Also the vibes of someone getting obsessed with something then dying (David specifically) is reminding me of ep 5 of tma the bin men one but Gordon is reminding me of Hezekiah wakely with the way he speaks about the sea so I feel like this is justifying my idea that the cases are told mainly from avatars point of views rather than victims.
And I’m assuming he jumped into the sea at the end
Alice seems extra annoyed at Gwen currently. Not sure if that juts cuz Gwen is being hypocritical or if there is something else going on there but just keeping an open mind and something is definitely going on with Celia I just don’t know what
Lena as usual is being mysterious and I’m very scared as to what she meant with Gwen already knowing who it is and too look out for it
In my mind that means it’s probably either Colin (he’s gonna die soon I know it), Teddy (less likely cuz I feel like he has something more to do but it would make sense with him quitting) or possibly a member of her family to continue to scare her and maybe Lena’s way of getting Gwen out or testing her
It also could be Jack (whoever that is) with what Celia said and her being late
Also the way she said it implies this person is already dead
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lurkingteapot · 8 days
Kidnap ลับ-จ้าง-รัก Ep 2
Held off so I could watch with @galauvant and man, it was a blast! Do I need to check my brain by the door when I watch? Sure do. But when I do, it's fun. Production value is good, which helps; the writing itself feels kind of wonky, but I can ignore that for now because for all the implausible bits, when it's funny, it does genuinely crack me up.
On to the live blog!
starting off on a nightmare, huh
wow James just really has no scruples whatsoever, does he? Doesn't think of rich people as human. Which -- relatable? but. oof.
Sleepwalker! So novel chapter and episode DO share a title
asdfasdfasdf this seems way more menacing
oh, Leng makes EYE CONTACT, good job my boy
oh wow that fake blood looks incredibly fake but we'll take it, eh
ty for giving us more of a timeline here!
merch discovery
oh, what are the medals for, Min?
hahaha that acting experience paid off, huh
or maye you just wanted to get him shirtless
man Ohm's so pretty
debt and more debt. Min, my boy ...
nice shot of Q's butt, team
asdfasdf THE EYEBROW
that CANNOT be comfortable
he's also not breathing like someone who's asleep so I'm guessing he's faking it
called it
Min is so FLIRTY wtf, dude, not the time!
oh, nightmare time
oh, he cries pretty.
oh idk, Q, MAYBE THE TRAUMA???
that's true
have you met a lot of kidnappers then, Q?
he's so fond I cannot
oh? this is different now
oh, it's Siia Muu
I wish my hair looked that good after sleeping on the couch
Q has his NUMBER I'm laughing my ass off
this would be VERY awkward if it were actually sexytimes (and they ARE both dressed)
JEEN'S HAND OVER MEN'S EYES I cannot, funniest shot of the show right there
ok, continuity: it looks like Min's room is on the same floor as the living room in this shot, but in the next one, it's upstairs? (which tracks with the novel)
Khanomjeen is so pissed
MEN IS NOT BUYING IT I love him so much already
He's seen your browser history, Min.
god this show is so FUNNY
she's so smitten and he's so conflicted (and not interested)
this is really cute, actually
he's not five, Min.
Q is like "oh ... family ..."
see, this is why having one blanket per person is the superior option
more nightmare? no, just sleepwalking
oop those are stairs
okay dude this sounds made up though. the waist touching, ear whispering bit, anyway. bit too convenient, no?
also nice to see choco pie still likes to sponsor Ohm's shows
this is so NORMAL XD
ah, this is chapter 1 info
this was a code lock in the book, which imo makes more sense
exact quote, nice
in the book, he already got ambushed here, huh
wtf are you DOING, Min?! looking all over for him like that, fine, but AT HIS HOUSE?
I like how they set this up tbh
why is there no pic of his dead wife up
oof kiddo kiddo
aww he's been crying
Q that's CRAZY talk
oh this is -- oh. Oh.
Oh next week looks INCREDIBLE
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DELAIN Announces New EP, 'Dance With The Devil'
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Melodic synth-metal masters DELAIN are set to break new ground with their upcoming EP, "Dance With The Devil", due on November 8 via Napalm Records. Following the success of their latest full-length opus, 2023's "Dark Waters", which debuted at No. 9 on both the U.S. Hard Music Albums chart and the official German album chart — this EP promises to showcase the best of DELAIN's discography while striding ahead into a future that promises to explore new, more synth-driven soundscapes than ever before.
Today, DELAIN introduces the first offering off the upcoming EP by releasing its title track, "Dance With The Devil", together with a visually captivating music video. With very personal lyrics, catchy electronic synths, and powerful contrasting growls, the five-piece underlies its melodic signature sound and presents a future fan favorite without a shadow of a doubt!
DELAIN keyboardist and main songwriter Martijn Westerholt states about the song: "We're really excited and eager to share this new DELAIN song with the world. It captures the recognizable and signature sound of DELAIN but with a fresh and modern touch."
Westerholt adds about the video: "This video was shot the day after we performed at Summer Breeze in Germany. We still had the adrenaline of that show in our system and were stoked to be able to carry that energy into the video. We had a blast! The video contains a dramatized depiction of the struggle between good and evil — the war we all wage both without and, often times, within our own selves."
As their second release with a revitalized lineup anchored by founding member and band mastermind Martijn Westerholt, "Dance With The Devil" features a thrilling collection of two brand new tracks, two newly presented favorites, nine electrifying live performances, and two instrumental bonus tracks, showcasing the best of their catchy, melodic signature sound with extensive electronic synth elements and fresh modern nuances.
The offering debuts with two gripping new tracks, "Dance With The Devil" and "The Reaping", serving as a whirlwind of emotions articulating feelings of anger and sorrow through catchy electronic synth melodies and modern heaviness. "The Reaping" delves into collective themes, expressing disillusionment with the current path of society toward imminent and inescapable consequences. Following these, the EP presents a brand-new version of "Sleepwalkers Dream", showcasing Diana Leah's voice and her breathtaking full vocal capacities. "Dance With The Devil" continues with nine live performances, featuring massively streamed hits from both the present and the past. These include "Burning Bridges", "The Quest And The Curse", "Moth To A Flame" and the massive hit "April Rain", which has been streamed over 10 million times, along with "Queen Of Shadow". In addition, the digipak edition features instrumental versions of "Dance With The Devil" and "The Reaping", as well as an alternate ending version of "Underland". DELAIN's new EP impressively underlines the unit's high-class standing in the scene and continues their voyage of setting fans' hearts ablaze!
Martijn Westerholt says: "We're thrilled to have brand new material ready to be released! In addition to the new songs, it was fantastic to have captured some magical live moments of our European tour earlier this year as live tracks for the EP. We're definitely very excited for this release and are really looking forward to bringing the new music to the stage!"
"Dance With The Devil" track listing:
01. Dance With The Devil 02. The Reaping 03. Sleepwalkers Dream (2024 version) 04. The Cold (live) 05. Burning Bridges (live) 06. The Quest And The Curse (live) 07. April Rain (live) 08. Invidia (live) 09. Queen Of Shadow (live featuring Paolo Ribaldini) 10. Your Body Is A Battleground (live featuring Paolo Ribaldini) 11. Moth To A Flame (live) 12. Control The Storm (live featuring Paolo Ribaldini) 13. Dance With The Devil (instrumental) 14. The Reaping (instrumental) 15. Underland (alternate ending version)
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smoshidiot · 10 months
hey guys: i ranked every smosh video
yes, every. single. smosh video. (every main channel sketch from 2005-2017 + 2023)
here it is under the cut if for some damn reason you're curious
♡ ABSOLUTE FAVES ♡ Paranormal Easy Bake Oven Sleepwalking Disaster Mortal Kombat Theme Food Battle 2006 Food Battle 2023 The Legend of Zelda Rap Axe Murderer Battleship Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Theme Boxman's Girlfriend Pokemon Theme Ian's Birthday Anthony Gets a Haircut Pokemon Theme REVENGE That Damn Neighbor Assassins Creed 3 Song My Dead Friend Boxman 2.0 Boxman Smosh Short 1: Dolls Unitarded A Very Hairy Situation w/Billy Mays Anthony is Mexican Left Handed Magic Keyboard Food Battle 2007 That Damn Yard Sale Four Years Foreplay Pokemon In Real Life Stuck in a Toilet My Mom's AMAZING Video Sex Ed Rocks Going to the Mountains Stop Copying Me! Cursed Magic 8 Ball We Rule High School Dixon Cider Smosh the Movie Real Death Note Firetruck I Broke My Foot 1 Hour Special Ghostmates Food Battle 2008 The Ultimate Shoedown WTF! I'm Old! Food Battle 2010 Dolls: 10 Years Later The Real Party Song Kiss Currency PRETTY DAMN GOOD
Smash Rap Molester Moon Hand Bomb Sleeping Pill Disaster My Grandpa's Dirty Secret Food Battle 2011 Quest for the Scooter Smosh Found Dead Garrett's Blog How Not to Act on a First Date Longest Staring Contest Ever Extreme Sleepover Hardcore Max Real Voodoo Doll He's Driving Me Crazy First Person Shooters Suck Drink Your Own Piss Parents SuckWe're Stuck Together We Finally Released Our Banned Video Boxman for President Cat Soup I Caught Every Pokemon Ian is Dangerous Ian's First Girlfriend Ian Gets Lucky Manspider Happy Cow Food Battle 2012 Pizza Zombies Food Battle 2013 Evil Fortune Cookie Hardcore Max 2 Food Battle 2014 License Test Toy Airplane Food Battle X Finger Guns Google Glass SUCKS My Mutant Rash The NEW Smosh TV Show That Damn Shower EDITOR! Camp in a Van Sexual Sun Every Smosh Video Ever Addicted to Selfies Hide and Seek My Best Friend is a Robot How Google's Space Ship Failed Business Boy Emoji Curse Human Pokemon Battle Rejected Zelda Games We're Stuck in Fan Fiction
A Hairy Situation w/ Billy Mays Anthony's Death That Damn Prison Break Anthony's Resurrection Evil AI Tried to Kill Me We Summoned a Demon Help I Became an NPC Stranded Transformers Theme How Not to Make a First Impression The Best Car EVER Reunited? The HauntingMale Model Replacement Needed Easy Step April First Evil Chain Letter Power Rangers Theme Life as Ghosts Ep 1-4 Crybaby I'm Not Racist Pokemon In Real Life 2 The BEST Bottled Water Meeting My Identical Twin I Killed the Tooth Fairy Guys' Guide to Hugging Guys My Real Pet Pikachu Homeless Millionaire The Ditto - Movie Trailer Meat In Your Mouth I Love Lou Ferigno Anthony Poses for Playgirl?! Vader and Me Killer Teddy Bear That Damn Punishment Arm Wrestling TO THE DEATH If Superheroes Were Real Worst Twist Endings Ever I'm Naked Pokemon In Real Life 3 How to Cover Up a Murder The World's First Internet Tutorial Motion Games Suck I'm Possessed By a Demon Addicted to Honey Boo Boo Child My New Best Friend is a Robot My Weird Addiction Food Battle 2013 Assassins Creed 4 Song So Many Hickies Guns Suck My Morning Routine Guy's Guide to Being Manly Jurassic Pokemon Magic iPad 21 Things I'd Rather Do Than Smoke Netflix Rap Video Game Items In Real Life My Hot Online Girlfriend Murder Party
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