#sleep well. dream about beloved. that sounds nice.
ventcode · 2 years
oh no.
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idanceuntilidie · 11 months
Watching you always.
male yan stalker x male streamer reader
The pronouns used towards reader are “you” but reader is intended to be male.
Requests are open.
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Ash met you online, well actually, he didn’t really met you. He just stumbled upon a new growing streamer; you.
You were so nice, and your voice sounded melodically, He caught himself watching your stream. You were playing some indie horror game, your little gasps and sometimes screams made him chuckle.
You were so cute.
And so the obsession had begun,
he watched every single stream, video or tik tok of yours.
He sent money, his heart fluttering when you spoke his name.
He was the biggest fan of yours, and you know him too!
You say hi, when he types in the chat, sometimes even starting small conversations.
That must mean you like him too.
He watched you grow. You gained so much popularity.
It made him feel quite jealous, knowing that his beloved prince is being watched by millions.
So that’s how he got here, watching you through your window. His hands shakily gripping the shears.
It wasn’t the first time, he was lurking around your house. Hell, he even was inside once.
He made you food, cleaned your house.
Set up cameras to watch you sleep.
Like a good partner would do!
He decided that since you guys love each other, he would whisk you away.
He dreamed about this moment.
It reminded him of fairy tales he was reading as a child. It made him giddy with excitement as he cut your phone line and cut off the power to your house.
You were so scared, it was adorable but also confusing. Why are you even scared? He is your prince in shining armour who has come to save you.
In the end he succeeded. You were knocked out, laying limp in his arms.
He couldn’t be happier. You were finally his and he wouldn't let you go anytime soon.
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writethrough · 8 months
Hello! I just finished reading your Morpheus fics and I absolutely love them! So I thought about requesting something, too. Morpheus x reader where reader is feeling well and calls for him. They spend all evening togheter after a long time. reading togheter, watching some movies, talking and sharing their thoughts... until Morpheus notice it’s really late, almost midnight, and it’s time for reader to sleep, but she doesn't want to ‘cause Morpheus is always busy and she misses spending time with him, even whe she's asleep lately he was never there. Morpheus feels guilty and promises her he’ll be more present, especially in her dreams. A nice ending where he stays with her until she falls asleep, and him appearing in her dreams as he promised? Thank you 💖
A Homemade Remedy
(Morpheus x Female Reader)
Synopsis: After days of dealing with your sickness by yourself, you give in and call your boyfriend, hoping he'll come.
Warnings: Minor language
Word Count: 815
A/N: Stop two on the apology tour. I'm so sorry this has taken so long! And I want to thank you profusely for your patience. And for sending the request in. I really hope you enjoy this fluffy little fic!
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Normally, you wouldn’t bother Morpheus with this. He had more important things to deal with instead. But you felt as if Death would appear at any moment, and all you wanted was some comfort from your boyfriend. 
You pressed the ruby pendant he gifted you to your heart, croaking his name. 
You blinked, seemingly slower than usual. 
“Hi,” you whispered, covers pulled to your chin. 
He took you in for a few moments, brows pinched slightly. You could only tell he was worried because of how long you’d known him. 
“You are unwell.” 
“S’just a—” A coughing fit started, only ceasing when he handed you your glass of water. “Just a cold.” 
Between the tissues piled in the trash beside your bed, the bottle of medication without its lid, and the two additional blankets on top of you, he knew that wasn’t the case. You’d been here much longer than a few hours. 
“Why did you not call for me when your ailment began?” 
And there it was, the look you were dreading the more you prolonged summoning him. You’re not even sure he’s aware of his “kicked puppy” look. 
You shrugged, pulling the covers just below your nose.  
Morpheus made no sound—as graceful and Endless as ever. The only indication he had moved was the lifting of your blankets as he slid in behind you. 
“Turn around, my love.” 
You were far too weak and needy to refuse. 
Settling with your head on his thigh, he rested a hand on your hair. 
“I am here now, and I will take care of you,” he said. “Whatever you may need, I will gather.” 
“Just this.” Your voice barely carried on a whisper. 
“Then here I shall remain.” 
Morpheus always spoke softer than you would expect while still containing all the authority in the universe, but it sounded even softer. It held gentleness—kindness—a quality that said, “You are precious to me.” 
“What about the Dreaming?” you asked, eyes closed. 
“In Lucienne’s capable hands,” he replied without hesitation. You were so considerate of him and his duties, for once, he wished you’d be selfish.  
“What if she needs you?” Even as you said this, your arm settled over his lap. 
“She has looked after my realm much longer than you will be ill.” 
You squeezed him as best you could at the reminder. You didn’t like to think about what had happened to him. Though you met long after that, it hurt to know someone could do that to another being—human or not. 
Morpheus had reassured you he had healed. Much of that having to do with you. 
“Could you read to me, then?” you asked. 
A book appeared in seconds, his voice matching perfectly to the cadence of the lines. It didn’t matter what he was saying, hearing him speak in that hypnotic rumble was enough. Even the flipping of the page didn’t distract you. He was captivating from the first word. 
He’d read two chapters when your stomach growled. 
“When did you last eat?” His smile was soft, thumb grazing your arm. 
You shrugged, not wanting to be scolded. 
“Can you eat?” 
You weren’t sure if it was how shitty you were feeling, how tired you were, or how helpless you felt, but his words went straight to your heart. 
He considered how you might feel. He wasn’t pushing you to eat, but asking if you thought you could stomach anything. He wanted to help, but not at the risk of causing you more discomfort. 
You nodded, keeping your eyes closed so he wouldn’t see them watering. 
“Here.” He helped you sit up before picking up the bowl of broth that had manifested on the nightstand. 
You went to grab it, but he tutted, picking the spoon up himself and bringing it to your mouth. 
“I can feed myself,” you said after swallowing. 
“I know,” he said. “Please. Let me help you.” 
You ate the next spoonful without complaint, and soon, the bowl was empty. 
“Thank you,” you mummered, head nestled into the crook of his shoulder. 
“It’s late, you must rest,” he whispered into your hair. 
You shook your head, and tried to snuggle yourself closer to him, like if you planted yourself firmly enough, he wouldn’t be able to leave. 
“Haven’t seen you in forever,” you mumbled. “Don’t wanna waste it.” 
Guilt flooded Morpheus. He knew he had been neglectful of you, but you had been so patient with him. You were the embodiment of understanding—and he had taken advantage of that. 
“Go to sleep, dear one. I will meet you in the Dreaming.” His lips pressed to your crown. 
You hummed, head growing heavy. 
And when your eyes opened, there he was, holding you as you laid in his chambers. 
He smiled fondly, brushing your chin with his knuckles. 
“What shall we do now, my love?” 
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Taglist: @sayumiht, @hatterripper31, @snowsatsu, @1950schick, @navs-bhat, @bookshelf-dust, @sapphireonline, @fictional-hooman, @steph-speaks, @ladyredstar1991, @secretdreamlandmentality, @ababycake, @morpheuss1mp, @boofy1998, @alice-the-nerd, @herfantasyworldd, @poemfreak306, @tronnily, @commanderfreethatdust
If you’d like to be added to any taglists, please comment or message me with the character you’d like updates on. 
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fatallyfalling · 10 months
Strawberry Wine ~ 𖤓
“ safe & sound “
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{{ Peeta Mellark Headcanons }}
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warnings: mentions of alcohol, canon Hunger Games violence/trauma, wholesome fluff, etc.
{{ word count }} 487
{{ prompt }} fluffy headcanons for our beloved bread boy !!
{{ a/n }} this is short & sweet while i test out Peeta’s character! I’m not sure what i exactly want to write with him since i’ve adored everlark for forever but for now please enjoy my silly happy thoughts! Some of these i’ve heard around the internet i think but i can’t remember where :[
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Peeta Mellark, the ashy blonde from District 12 who stole the hearts of the Capital with his charms and sweet, boyish nature while also managing to tame a stubborn Mockingjay - Katniss Everdeen, and poured out his heart and soul to get back to her any way he could.
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- Peeta is a morning person. He'll get up early and have breakfast ready by the time Katniss pulls out of bed (she learns to sleep in post-rebellion).
- His favorite type of bread/pastry is croissants. The tedious labor of laminating the cold butter block into the fluffy dough is cathartic in a way.
- Once, he tried to teach Katniss to paint. Once. Her attempt at trees looked more like crazy brown and green spiders but he still kissed her temple and had the painting framed, much to the girl on fire's dismay.
- Peeta doesn't like hard liquor - he never did. Effie hooks him on a strawberry wine made special in what used to be District 11, he's gifted at least one bottle every birthday or holiday.
- He's such a housewife no questions asked, hands down. Hungry? He'll cook. Thirsty? Anything you want. This man has to be physically removed from the kitchen during friendly gatherings so he can actually relax and enjoy the company.
- Also, his Dad lore is insane.
(speaking to his kids when they're older) "Oh yeah, your Mom tried to kill me once. but it's okay I made it even the next year so we're good now."
"One time I almost got eaten by a monkey in a fight to the death."
"Another time I took a spontaneous road trip, got held hostage, and then led a rebellion to victory alongside your Mom."
- Peeta teaches himself guitar so he can play along while Katniss sings. His chords are wildly out of tune at first, but he gets it eventually.
- Peeta doesn't like store-bought bread, saying his homemade loaves taste better (they do).
- He's a hugger, every hello and goodbye is met by a bear hug. His hugs are amazing as well, nice and tight but also comforting and warm.
- For a while after the war Peeta kept a journal on his nightstand to record his dreams/nightmares. Even if the text turns out to be chicken scratch in the morning Katniss still helps him decipher and work through it to solidify reality.
“What does that say ?”
“Uh… I think… no - wait, I have no idea,”
- Effie and Peeta definitely have wine nights to talk about their scary guard dog partners and how much they love them.
- Speaking of paint - it’s everywhere, all the time, mainly his hands. Oil paint is next to impossible to clean so almost all of Peeta’s shirts have some amount of color speckled on the sleeves or the thighs of his pants.
- Peeta also keeps a cookie jar of homemade cookies in the kitchen, they’re replenished every week with regular flavor swaps.
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yuri-is-online · 11 months
Hi, there! :D 🌼 Congratulations on your new followers, you deserve them!
I hope to be on time for the event can I request :
"Someone" decides to ask you for your opinion about "their friend" and you decide to have a bit of fun and tease them.
With Silver , Deuce and Ace?
Take your time and no pressure, thank you very much 💗💐🌠
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2. "Someone" decides to ask you for your opinion about "their friend" and you decide to have a bit of fun and tease them.
Hello treasured friend! I was hopeful you would send a request, you picked a nice combination of prompts and characters last time and your comments have been very helpful. You also really helped me out by picking Ace and Deuce, I had a second person who really wanted all of the first years with this prompt and between you both I have them all. I hope I can continue to please with these next two requests ♡ ~('▽^人)
notes: they/them used for Yuu, Yuu is kind of... mean to Ace (I love him I promise), Silver and Deuce should be besties with how much wii shop music is bouncing around in those skulls. The other event requests can be found on my masterlist here.
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"You are in love. And don't act so ashamed of it, young love is a precious thing, you should treasure your time with it for as long as you can."
It's not advice Silver would characterize as bitter, nor is it a point he wishes to ignore; he trusts his father to know him more than anyone so if he says what he feels for the prefect is love, then it must be true. Not that he exactly needed Lilia to voice it, Silver would like to think that he would have realized it if he had been given just a bit more time in your presence alone. But that was hard to come by when you are prone to sleeping randomly, or when your beloved's dreams are so difficult to find.
"Thank you for helping me earlier." The mask Malleus gave him hides his face well enough for him to pass of his nodding off near the star railing as simply tripping on his cape. At least, that's what Silver tells himself as you give a generic you're welcome and turn back to the party. He would like to think if you knew it was him here you would stay, but he doesn't actually know that does he? "Say-"
You turn back to Silver confused. Doesn't he need to get back to Malleus? That's what you had expected, the entire reason you had gotten to hurrying yourself away because you thought you knew if you turned around he simply would not be there anymore. But he is, his hand is extended as if it was reaching for you before falling dejectedly back to his side like you were the one out of reach.
"Have you seen Silver anywhere? Lilia is looking for him." He says it so seriously, and even though he technically says everything like that it still sounds funny to you. Really, who put him up to this? Because you somehow doubt pretending to not be himself was not what he woke up expecting to do.
"I think I saw him earlier," your hand comes up to your mouth to remind you not to laugh, Silver's relaxing now he really must think he's doing a good job lying "these masks just make it so hard to tell who is who."
"They really do." Says the one who really does not. "Do you... often look for Silver at places like this?"
"Oh only sometimes." You walk just a bit closer, it's so hard to gauge Silver's reaction to anything, he is already such a stoic person, and his training encourages an even temperament. "Really, it feels like he's the one looking for me most of the time. Why I bet if I closed my eyes right now," you make sure to do just that as soon as you are stood in front of him once more "he would appear right in front of me, just like he does in my dreams as soon as I counted to ten." Silver's in take of breath is sharp, delighting the trickster within you as you count dutifully down preparing to tease him for his attempt at fooling the master.
But Silver is honest and blunt, your eyes fluttering open in surprise at the kiss placed quickly to your lips and the maskless face before you beaming in joy as if you really had summoned him forth and not been talking to him this whole time.
"May I have this dance, Yuu?" And something about the way he says your name makes you almost believe you were still at home dreaming, no matter how real the safety of his embrace makes you feel.
Riddle had told you once, in confidence with a great deal of pride, that when Deuce had been placed in Heartslabyul he had announced his intentions to be as "diligent as the card soldiers." Something you both agreed he certainly lived up to, even if that diligence did not always produce the results he wanted. Take tonight for example, he had asked you to dance earlier in the night, clearly intending to mask his identity to try and follow along with what he perceived the rules of a Masquerade Ball to be.
As in he intends (you assume) to pretend to be a stranger to you until midnight when the masks get removed even as he brings you all your favorites from the buffet table and just generally is content to stay around you. Some might call it hovering, but Deuce has never really been uncomfortable with you; from the first moment you and Grim had asked for his help with Ace he has been a solid presence in your life. Which is why when he starts to get shifty and nervous you immediately notice.
"Something on your mind?" You try gently, knowing that he will only feel better once he's unburdened himself, frowning slightly when he startles further.
"Sorry, I was just thinking." He sounds almost sad, but not in a way that's causing him any pain. Nostalgic, longing, it's as if there is a picture in his head overlapping the actual scene in front of him. It worries you. "I have this... friend. And I was wondering if- well you seem really smart." Your smile returns, small and tentative, waiting for him to finish thinking before you commit to your happiness. Cute, so cute Deucey seems to be worried you don't know you're dancing with him. "Do you know Deuce Spade?"
"I think so." You hum and Deuce swallows, his hand holds yours just a bit more tightly than is necessary for a ballroom dance. "Why do you ask?"
"I was wondering I- he- has this other friend." If Ace could hear the way Deuce was stammering right now he would whine for you to end his suffering, but you want Deuce to have his moment. So you simply nod to encourage him to continue, watching in delight the shuddering breath he takes to steady his confidence. "Is he someone you would want to get to know better? He has this... friend he wants to ask out, but he's worried that he won't know how to treat them right."
"Are they good friends?" You say, really trying to play along. Deuce nods, his mask prevents you from really knowing but you think he is not looking you in the eyes. "Besties?"
"Uh the bestest besties." He nods, all too seriously.
"Bros even." You nod too and Deuce sputters, half tripping over your feet as you decide to heed Ace's phantom advice and put an end to the charade. "Oh come on Deucey, you said that's what we were before. So what's changed?" It comes out as a joke, but it's really not. You gave up on getting a confession from Deuce so long ago you can barely believe the sheepish smile on his face is real and not some fever dream.
"I got tired of lying to myself." He steps back away from you and steadies himself, taking a deep breath before bowing, the perfect picture of loyalty and diligence. "So Yuu, will you please take my hand? And never let go."
"Say have you seen Ace?" A "mysterious" figure leans against the door frame of the ballroom, the moon highlighting his red eyes that are centered purposefully on you. It's breathtaking, your heart is already halfway up your throat keeping you from speaking aloud. You shake your head quickly, intending to taunt him in to taking off his mask but startle as his grin only widens. "Guess that means I'll have to satisfy myself with you then." And just like that you remember yourself again, is he seriously pretending not to be himself? Does he think you do not know him well enough to spot him in this sea of literally faceless people?
"Well nice to see you too I guess." You cross your arms and he has the audacity to laugh at you like you're "pouting" or something. Like he thinks your cute. "I'm not here looking to satisfy anybody."
"Aw don't be like that." Ace moves, inviting himself into your personal space as you regrettably let him. "You know how Ace is," you do, it's almost like he is in the room with you as you speak "or maybe you don't and just didn't want to admit you can't remember what he looks like." This looser, well play stupid games win stupid prizes! Since you know him so well, you know Ace will understand.
"Oh please," you straighten up and give your best neutral face of disappointment "as if I could ever forget his ugly fucking face."
"Wait-" Ace clearly was not expecting this, his shock is delicious and you are exceptionally thirsty.
"Seriously who does he think he is? Walking around like he isn't annoying everyone with his stupid half smile smirk thing, smouldering went out of style years ago dude! It's creepy now." You mean none of these things- well most none of these things. It would be extremely helpful to your sanity if Ace could explain just who he thinks he is to you specifically, because you know what you want that answer to be. "And I mean have you seen how weird he is about that prefect? Who cares if they don't have magic, if anything that makes them more ann-" surprisingly, as if he wants to prove your hypothetical whining right Ace slaps a hand across your mouth with protests bubbling out of his mouth.
"Look look ok you got me I deserve that." He says with a nervous laugh. "Shit talk me as much as you like, but don't you ever talk about yourself like that. Not around me, not around anyone." He leans forward, some of his boyish confidence returning now that he really knows for sure that you knew it was him all along. Gently, he moves his body closer to yours as he removes his hand from your mouth, moving his fingers to support your chin, not taking any chances on your looking away. He opens his mouth as if he means to continue talking, but his eyes settle on your lips for just a moment too long and the thought leaves. You stand there in ambiguous silence, masks suddenly making their presence heavy against your skin. It's a visceral reminder of how artificial the barrier between you both is, how little effort it takes to break it as you reach for his and pull at the thread as Ace closes the gap to finally answer your stupid question from before.
Sure, there's a chance you will both deny this tomorrow, take those two steps back into the grey that infuriates you both, but so long as you're in this dance together, can you really complain? Not out loud at least, no not out loud.
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spacebarbarianweird · 10 months
Astarion x Wizard!Tav Headcanons NSFW
Sooo… I like making my life difficult but I also want you all to be happy and enjoy NSFW headcanons. Besides, wizards are a popular class and they are known to be slutty.
Thank you @tallymonster @satanicspinosaurus @tragedybunny and @rachelle-on-the-run for ideas!
SFW version
Feel free to send me requests about other classes and races
So, you've always been this shy girl who is more interested in books and studies rather than dating and going out.
Actually, you've been this Swords Coast version of the "not like other girls" meme.
And you are very inexperienced in terms of sex.
Theoretically, you know what sex is but practically - no.
Astarion mocks you innocently all the time.
"And I was told wizards are slutty! Maybe you aren't a wizard after all!"
But he is very careful with you, maybe, fearing to hurt you even more than you are afraid to hurt him.
First, he shows you how to pleasure yourself ("You know, I have times when I won't even dare to undress in front of you").
Then, showing you how to pleasure him.
"There are a lot of things you can do with that mouth and hands of yours".
At first, you are embarrassed like nine hells with all those lewd things you do under his guidance.
But with time you relax and start doing what you can do best.
Learning and studying.
You study your body - what you like and what you don't.
Astarion simultaneously does the same - he has experience, yes, but he has no idea what he actually likes.
And your mutual sexual preferences develop accordingly.
But of all sexual practices, what do wizards like the most? Books.
You've never read for fun. Astarion starts bringing you books - especially, erotic novels.
Astarion reads them to you with his sluttiest and horniest voice.
"They even didn't get to penetration, and you are already red. And there is an orgy in the next chapter!"
Once you feel comfortable with your body you start expressing your needs openly as if incanting a spell.
"I want you to bend me over. And slap me in the process."
He mocks you every time but always does what you ask.
Using magical things sounds weird - what if some of the notorious wizards learn how you use magic for your pleasure?
"Darling, people use magic for the weirdest things - and no one cares. Besides, murdering and torturing people with magic is much worse than having sex. Well, I do enjoy magic murders - so why not enjoy magic sex?
The first spell you start using is "Silence" - you are both very loud.
"Mage hand".
Oh, the things you can do with the "mage hand"!
It can pull, tug, slap … Finger you when you give a blowjob. Stroke his cock when he licks your pussy.
It also helps with Astarion's issues. You use ropes to tie him to the bed and conjure the "hand" to caress his naked body and do a handjob while you sit in front of him and enjoy the view (and listen to his delightful moans)
"Mirror image". You've become rather horny, but you don't want other people in bed, this relationship is only for you two. So you conjure Astarion's mirror copy to be the second man in the process.
Enjoying double penetration and threesome without crossing your and Astarion's boundaries.
"Water Breathing". Why not have sex in that nicely looking-pool?
"Invisibility". It sparks a lot of imagination if you can't see your partner.
"Hold person". A temporary paralysis. Astarion never allows you to use it on him, it brings the worst memories, but you are perfectly fine with giving full control to your beloved vampire.
Who just does everything he wants to your motionless body for the whole hour.
"Borrowed knowledge". You have no clue how to do shibari. For an hour, you do.
"Fly". Having sex in the air - just don't forget to put something soft on the floor because you will be too busy to pay attention to how much time has passed.
After sex, he usually meditates. You've tried to use spells like "sleep" and "dream" on him, but they don't work. Maybe it's for the best, meaning, he is still an elf more than a vampire.
You stay beside him reading yet another erotic novel while gently touching his curls.
Tag list
@tragedybunny @caitlincat-95 @tallymonster @astarionsbeloved @lumienyx @fayeriess @elora-the-slutty-songstress @veillsar @astarion-imagine-archive @micropoe10 @starlight-ipomoea @herstxrgirl @theearthsfinalconfession @ashrio20 @not-so-lost-after-all @vixstarria @wintersire @marcynomercy
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thepaperpanda · 11 months
Rock-Solid Wishes  || Eijiro Kirishima x f!Reader
Summary: you and the rest of Class 1-A prepare a surprise party for Kirishima
Author: Bear & Cass
A/N: since our beloved Red Riot has a birthday today, we decided to write a little fluffy fic to celebrate the occasion 💗💗
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Kirishima Eijiro woke up to the sound of his alarm clock blaring a cacophony of noise in his ear. It was another day, just like any other day, or so he thought. As he stretched and rubbed the sleep from his eyes, he couldn't help but feel a sense of longing.
Today was his birthday, a fact he hadn't mentioned to anyone in his class. After all, they were all heroes-in-training with plenty of their own concerns. And birthdays, well, they were just another day, right?
But as he sat up in bed, that nagging feeling persisted. He looked around his room, noticing the familiar posters of his favorite heroes on the walls, and it hit him: he felt alone. It wasn't the kind of loneliness that came from a lack of company; it was the absence of a connection, a feeling of being adrift.
Slipping on his uniform, Kirishima made his way to the common area, still pondering what to do with his day. He'd never been one to seek attention or make a fuss about his own birthday. 
"Good morning, Kirishima-kun!” You waved at him from the couch, while enjoying some fancy morning tea that Momo decided to make.
Kaminari approached Kirishima right after your little greeting. "Heey there, man! You are up a little later than usual. You good?"
Kirishima grinned at your greeting, "Morning, Y/N-chan!"
Turning to Kaminari, he chuckled, "Yeah, I guess I slept in a bit. Just needed some extra rest, you know?"
Mina, who was practically bouncing with energy, couldn't help herself, "Hey! How was your night? Did you dream of anything exciting?"
Midoriya chimed in, "Yeah, Kirishima, did you have any cool dreams?" 
Kirishima blinked and chuckled, the warmth of his friends' greetings filling the room. "Well, I might have had a dream about climbing a giant, unbreakable mountain, but other than that, it was just a regular night. Thanks for asking, guys!"
Bakugo scoffed, rolling his eyes as he leaned against the counter. "Only he could dream about something that stupid."
"Giant, unbreakable wall. Sounds just like you, Kirishima. Here, something for a good morning," Momo said, handing him a cup of warm tea.
"Hey, what's with that uniform, man?," Denki asked, wrapping his arm around Kirishima's shoulders and tugging on his tie slightly. "Don't you know we have a day off today? No need to be all fancy today."
Kirishima chuckled at Bakugo's comment. "Well, it's a dream, right? No rules in dreamland."
Taking the cup of tea from Momo, he nodded gratefully, "Thanks, Yaoyorozu!"
He grinned when Denki pointed out his uniform, "Oh yeah? Why? Nevermind. My bad then! Guess I got caught up in the routine. Thanks, dude." Kirishima loosened his tie and unbuttoned the top button, feeling more at ease.
Midoriya smiled, "It's nice to have a day off for a change, right, Kirishima? We can just relax and do whatever we want!"
Tokoyami, who had been quietly sipping his tea, added, "Indeed. It's a chance to recharge and be ourselves outside of our hero duties."
"Yes, we can take a break from tests and Aizawa-sensei being scary," you sighed before taking a sip of the delicious tea.
"From what Iida said, Aizawa-sensei was needed somewhere. Some kind of emergency, and since 1-A is the best class there is, Nezu decided to let us have a day off," Sero explained.
"OH! I know! We can go out somewhere! Just have some fun while we have the day off!" Uraraka said excitedly. "Deku, let's go, and we can take Kirishima with us!"
Kirishima grinned at the prospect of a day off from tests and Aizawa's stern supervision. "Yeah, a break from the hero grind sounds awesome."
He chuckled when Sero shared the reason for their day off, "Leave it to Nezu-senpai to come up with a plan like that."
When Uraraka suggested going out for some fun, Kirishima's eyes lit up, "That's a great idea, Uraraka! I'm in! Let's make the most of our day off!"
Mina leaned in, whispering to Uraraka, "Don't forget, we gotta make sure Kirishima has an extra great day today. I'm super curious about his reaction."
"Don't worry. Just let us know when we can bring him back," Uraraka whispered and then turned to Kirishima. "Eijiro, I bet you know about some interesting places we can visit today."
Kirishima nodded, thinking for a moment. "Well, there's this cool park nearby. It's got a really nice walking trail and some fun activities. We could go check that out, or if there's anywhere else you guys want to go, I'm up for it!" 
He was eager to spend the day with his friends, especially if it involved having a good time and relaxing.
"Sounds fun! Let's go there, and then we'll see what we can do next. But you should change first, Kirishima," she suggested.
Denki patted his back. "She's right! It would be a shame to get your school uniform all dirty."
Kirishima grinned, appreciating the concern of his friends. "You're right. I'll change into something more suitable for a day of fun at the park. Thanks, guys!"
Kirishima quickly changed into a red T-shirt, black jeans, and a pair of comfortable sneakers. He returned with his usual enthusiastic grin and ready for a day of fun. "All set and ready to go!"
"We are ready too!" Ochaco waved at him while standing near the door with Izuku. "Oh, I am so excited! Let's go, let's go!"
"Have fun, Kirishima-kun! You two as well!" you said loudly.
Kirishima joined Uraraka and Midoriya by the door, and as they headed out, he couldn't help but feel the excitement in the air. "Yeah, let's go have a blast!"
At the park, they had a great time playing on the swings, going for a walk along the picturesque trail, and trying out the various park activities. The day was filled with laughter and fun, a well-deserved break from their hero training.
"Aaaaaaaaaand, they are out," you put your cup away and immediately got up from the sofa. "Mina? Sero? Denki? Do you have everything?" you asked.
The boys nodded eagerly. "Heck yeah, we do! I've never spent so much money on birthday decorations, but for my man Kirishima, it's worth it. I'll go grab them from my room," Denki summed up and ran to his room with Sero right behind him.
"Y/N?" Momo looked at you. "What about the cake? Sato can't join us, and he is the best when it comes to baking."
You only gave her a mischievous smile. "Oh, don't worry, I have plan B!"
Just moments later, you were standing next to Bakugo. "Ooooh, Kachan..."
Bakugo twitched and immediately growled. "Don't call me that! The hell do you want?"
"Well, we need a cake for Kiri, and you are one of the few people who actually know their way around the kitchen, so," you said as sweetly as you could.
"Nope," he shook his head.
Tokoyami looked at them from the couch, "Bakugo, are you saying you can't handle a simple cake? I'll even bet on it."
Mina continued decorating, creating a lively and colorful birthday atmosphere.
You gave him a smug smile, knowing full well this would work.
"I mean, even Izuku can bake a cake, but I guess it's too much for our Great Explosion Murder God, Dynamight."
"Shut up, bird face! And you two weirdo!" Bakugo snapped. "Fine! You want a cake for weird hair, then fine! I need basic stuff and lots of chocolate, and find me Icy-Hot. I'll need his quirk."
"You got it!" Nodding eagerly, you gave a thumbs-up to Tokoyami.
Tokoyami couldn't help but smile as he witnessed Bakugo grudgingly accept the challenge. He knew that Bakugo's pride would push him to prove he could bake a cake.
As he got up to go find Shoto, he was surprised to see Shoto entering the common room with a paper bag in hand. "Well, it seems like everyone's pitching in for Kirishima's birthday. Good timing, Todoroki."
Shoto nodded, his usual calm demeanor. "I heard you need a hand with preparations. I went to the store for paper hats. I thought it would add to the celebration."
"Bakugo needs you," Tokoyami gave Shoto a glance.
Shoto raised an eyebrow, his usual stoic expression revealing a hint of surprise. He hadn't expected Bakugo to ask for his help, but he simply nodded and walked casually toward the kitchen. He was willing to assist since it was for Kirishima's special day.
"I don't need him, but I need his damn quirk," Bakugo rolled his eyes, annoyed. "I'll need it for preparing chocolate."
You quickly ran to your room and brought back all the stuff Bakugo requested for the cake. "Oh, Shoto! Wonderful idea. Paper hats will be perfect. Thank you so much. I just hope Tsu and Iida will be back soon with snacks, and I also got this shooting confetti for everyone."
Shoto approached Bakugo with a somewhat puzzled expression, his head tilted slightly to one side. He wasn't entirely sure how to assist Bakugo in this baking endeavor, but he was eager to help. He quietly awaited instructions, resembling a curious puppy unsure of what to do next. "So?"
Bakugo scoffed and snatched the bag from your hands. "Just follow my lead, Icy-Hot."
You jumped in your place, clapping your hands. Everything was slowly settling in its place like a puzzle! Everyone was eager to make this day special for Kiri.
While the cake was slowly prepared and decorations found their rightful places, you went to Jiro, who promised to prepare a CD for the birthday party.
Shoto continued to work with Bakugo, carefully heating the bowl of chocolate, ensuring it reached the right consistency. He occasionally scooped a bit to taste, emitting a contented hum as he did. 
Jiro had finished preparing the CD and had set up the audio equipment in the common room. Everything was coming together nicely for Kirishima's birthday celebration. "I hope he'll like the music," said the girl.
"I bet he will! I picked his favorite bands!" You assured, clapping your hands.
The only sound you could hear in the common room was everyone's chatter as they prepared the surprises. There was also the sound of Bakugo yelling in the kitchen, but it's not like it could surprise anyone.
Everything was coming together as you had planned, and you were so grateful for your friends.
Mina, with the assistance of Tokoyami and Denki, had finished setting up the decorations. 
Iida arrived with snacks, further contributing to the festive atmosphere.
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Meantime, Kirishima eventually realized he hadn't eaten yet and his stomach rumbled. He turned to his friends. "Hey, how about we return to the dorm? I'm hungry..." The boy asked.
Midoriya nodded, sitting on a swing. "Sure!"
Ochaco checked her phone, seeing information from you and Mina that the party is ready. She poked Izuku and nodded her head, letting him know they could go back.
Back at the dorm, you made sure everything was as it should be. The only thing that made you worried was the cake since it looked like a rock and it was hard.
"Don't worry, dumbass! It's a good cake, it just has a thick layer of chocolate, so it looks like a rock. There's regular sponge cake with cream under it," Bakugo said.
"Wooooow! Look at that! Bakubro is really good in the kitchen! Not only with cooking!" Denki gasped, looking over your shoulder. All you could do is agree with him.
"Everyone! Lights out! Hide and get your confetti cannons, they are almost here!" Iida yelled.
You looked at Denki and quickly went to hide.
Bakugo wasn't really interested, so he just crouched down behind the counter.
Sero turned off the light, and everyone went quiet.
Kirishima, Uraraka, and Midoriya returned to the dorm, and Kirishima couldn't help but feel surprised by the quiet and darkness. Something wasn't clearly okay. "Where is everyone?" Kirishima whispered. "What if something happened when we were gone?!"
Midoriya put his hand on Kirishima's shoulder. "I think it's just the issue with electricity."
"Yes... I will go check," claimed Uraraka.
Quietly, they joined the others, receiving their own confetti cannons and party hats.
You counted to three, and then the lights went on. Everyone jumped out of their hiding spots and yelled, "Happy birthday, Eijiro!" while firing their cannons, bringing a colorful shower upon Kirishima.
Mina was one of the first to reach Kirishima, jumping at him and hugging him tightly, her excitement contagious. "All the best, birthday boy!"
Todoroki unleashed a mix of icy and fiery sparks beside shooting from his confetti cannon, creating a spectacular display. 
Tokoyami's Dark Shadow picked Kirishima up, and the entire room erupted in cheers and applause. "Long live the Red Riot!"
Kirishima's eyes lit up with surprise and happiness as he took in the wonderful birthday surprise prepared by his friends. "Oh God, guys!!"
"C'mon! Don't tell us that you thought we forgot," Denki laughed. "How could we forget the birthday of our best buddy!"
You nodded. "Happy Birthday, Eijiro!" you yelled, jumping happily.
"C'mon, put him down. It's cake time," Bakugo said, placing the cake on the table. "You'll need this," he added, handing Kirishima a little wooden hammer.
Kirishima beamed with excitement and gratitude, truly touched by the heartfelt surprise from his friends. "You guys are the best! I had no idea you were planning all this."
He accepted the little wooden hammer from Bakugo, ready to take on the cake. "Thanks, Katsuki! Let's do this!" Kirishima's enthusiasm was infectious, and he raised the wooden hammer, preparing to strike the unique cake.
Everyone watched, excited to see the cake on the inside when the main door suddenly opened, grabbing everyone's attention.
Aizawa walked in, holding Eri by the hand. "Oh, don't mind me. I just brought one more guest who wanted to wish Kirishima a happy birthday. Go on, just like I told you," Shota encouraged. 
Eri nodded and walked up to Kirishima. "Happy Birthday, Eijiro! I hope all your wishes will come true!" the girl said.
All the girls melted seeing Eri being a sweetheart, and some of the boys did too!
Kirishima couldn't hold back his emotions as he hugged Eri tightly. "Thank you so much, Eri-chan! That's really sweet of you. I'm so happy you came!"
Dark Shadow started the CD player and some lively music could be heard, and the party continued with laughter, fun, and a heartwarming sense of togetherness.
After sharing the cake and even more wishes, everyone brought Kirishima a gift. Even Eri got him something small. The biggest surprise was that Bakugo actually had a gift for him. The only person who didn't give him a gift was you.
You caught Kirishima and gave him a tight hug. "Happy Birthday, Kiri! I hope you're enjoying yourself! It's your special day!"
Kirishima held you close, feeling truly grateful for the friends he had. "I'm having an amazing day, Y/N. Thanks to all of you, it's the best birthday ever."
"Oh, don't thank me! I couldn't have pulled it off without our wonderful friends!" You giggled, squeezing him as hard as you could. "I'm so happy you like it, Kiri!"
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Kirishima sat in his dorm room, feeling content and exhausted after the wonderful surprise party thrown by his friends. He reflected on the day and couldn't help but smile. It had been a birthday to remember, filled with love and laughter. Now, he was ready to rest and recharge for the days to come.
You knocked on the door, waiting for permission to enter.
Kirishima called out from inside, "Come in!"
"Well, hello there, birthday boy," you said, entering the room and closing the door behind yourself. "How do you feel after the great birthday party?"
Kirishima gave you a warm smile. "I feel amazing, honestly. It was the best birthday ever. Thanks to all our friends and, of course, to you for planning it all. I couldn't have asked for a better day."
You walked to him and hugged him tightly. "I was worried you would be upset with us pretending it's just a regular day. You have no idea how happy I am that you enjoyed it so much."
Kirishima returned the hug, holding you close. "Mad? Nah, I thought it was awesome! You all really got me there. And, honestly, I wouldn't want it any other way. I'm lucky to have friends like ours, and to have you in my life. It was perfect."
"My Kiri," you smiled and kissed his temple. "Oh! Right! Wait." After a moment, you presented him with a box. "I wanted to give it to you when we are alone."
Kirishima looked at the box, his curiosity piqued. He took it from you and carefully opened it, revealing the contents.
It was a cute, handmade keychain of Crimson Riot. "Happy Birthday again, Eijiro," you said quietly.
Kirishima examined the keychain with a bright smile. "This is amazing! Thank you so much. It's perfect, just like you." He leaned in and gave you a gentle kiss, expressing his gratitude and affection, rubbing his nose against yours later.
You giggled, rubbing your noses together. "I bet you're tired. How about some evening cuddles? Just to cap off this fine day?"
Kirishima nodded, agreeing to the idea of ending his special day with some sweet cuddles. The two of you snuggled up together, finding comfort and warmth in each other's presence, and slowly drifted off to sleep. It truly had been a fantastic birthday, and Eijiro couldn't have asked for a better way to end it.
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borathae · 1 year
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↳ Index [Chapter 30 - Beloved]
Pairing: Yoongi x f.Reader
Warnings: Smut, switchy!Yoongi, switchy!Reader, sleepy morning sex, body worshipping, he is so shy but loves being touched, he also tries not to be loud ajdfja, nipple play, body worship, she gives him kisses all over his body, he is a sensitive boy, he has the most sensitive tummy & thighs :(, oral (m. & f.receiving), handjob, face sitting (she makes him sit on her ohoho), rimjob, praise, loving dirty talk, edging (m. & f.receiving), multiple orgasms (f.receiving), choking (m.receiving), man once those roles are switched & she lets him take the lead he is the hottest bastard ever, he treats her so fucking right, he fucks her so good, the aftercare!!, their banter is toptier, they have really deep & emotionally vulnerable conversations afterwards, but it’s not angsty just really intimate, Yoongi is genuinely so endearing I want him
Wordcount: 13.9k
a/n: i want them to be happy always :(
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You wake up with an unbearable ache to see Yoongi. Your eyes open quickly, your body feels awake instantly. You feel oh so refreshed, as if you just woke from a beautiful dream. Well, you did. You dreamed of flowers, sunny days, baking and running around libraries. You know that Yoongi made you dream about those things. And that is why you can barely handle not seeing him. You need to see him, tell him how much you love him, kiss his pretty face.
The latter is still sleeping, facing you. Like always, his knees are pulled into his chest and his hands are between them. His dark lashes rest against his ivory cheeks, his pouty lips are just slightly parted. And over his brows, strands of his obsidian hair are curling.
“Oh, my love”, you whisper shakily as you cup his cheek, “Yoongi, my prince”, you say, shaking his head softly. 
Your eagerness to get him to wake may seem selfish, but you can’t wait any longer. You have to see him. 
“Yoongi, wake up”, you stress, shaking him again, “wake up, my beloved.”
Yoongi stirs in his sleep. One more gentle shake and his eyes open slowly. They open and close. Open and close. Open…close. And never open again. 
“M”, is all he gets out then his voice cracks in tiredness and turns into a huff of air instead. 
“Wake up”, you stress, shaking him again. 
He licks his lips, tries to keep his eyes open only to fail again.
“What?” his voice is deep in sleep.
“Yoongi, you’re awake.”
“Yeah”, he mumbles, fluttering his eyelids before closing his eyes for good. 
“I’ve missed you so much. Oh Yoongi”, you say, attacking him with cuddles and big smooches to his cheek. 
Yoongi gets rolled over by you, purring softly now that he has you smothering his face in kisses. Every inch of it gets a kiss. Tender and with all the love you have for him. You love him so, so much. Especially after last night. The feelings are almost unbearable in your chest, wanting to burst out of you in fireworks and rainbows. You crawl on top of him messily, feeling him up desperately at first before deciding to touch his hair. 
“Yoongi Boongie, my beloved Yoongi Boongie. Oh baby Yoongi Boongie, my baby”, you babble, pressing yourself closer as you kiss his closed eyelids and then every single inch of his soft cheeks. 
“What’s the matter?” he asks tiredly. 
“I just love you so much”, you whisper, pecking his lips repeatedly. 
He doesn’t kiss you back, not because he doesn’t want to but because he is so, so sleepy. He doesn’t want to move. Not even his lips. He just wants to lie and slumber. You can do your thing, he is okay with that, but he just doesn’t want to move. Too cozy and warm, too nice, too sleepy. He is too sleepy.
You bite his lower lip and tug on it softly. 
“Mhhm”, he hums, not closing his lips once you let go of him to move on to the next part. His jawline. Nuzzles, bites and the most amazing kisses ever. 
“You’re so handsome and pretty and beautiful”, you whisper, inhaling shakily, “Yoongi, why are you the prettiest?” you whine, sounding close to tears. 
A sharp bite to his neck. 
Yoongi gasps. 
The bite stops. 
“I want to eat you up, you sweetie pie. Oh Yoongs”, you bite him again, eliciting a shiver to run down his spine. The bite ceases to exist, “maybe I should call you sugar from now on because you are so sweet.”
He smiles tiredly, barely moving his lips for it. You giggle, wiggling happily. 
“Sweet sugar”, you giggle again, “no, I like sweet Yoongi Boongie more”, you say, “oh god Yoongi, you are so cute”, you whine, chasing him desperately.
“Careful, my dick”, he mumbles now that he had the honour of getting your knee between his legs in your crazy wiggles.
“Oh? Oh no, sorry”, you gasp, reaching down to caress it, “does it hurt lots?” 
“Okay, okay. Oh it’s so nice”, you say, giving it a soft squeeze, “mhm squishy.”
“You’re weird.” 
Another squeeze to his dick with more vigour. He knows exactly what you are trying to do here. He thinks it beyond adorable.
“You have such a nice dick. Really squishy.”
“You’re so weird. Don’t call it squishy”, he says, letting a soft sigh slip afterwards because you started to rub a part which feels really nice.
“Can I keep touching you until you’re hard?”
“Mhm yeah.”
You give his dick a squeeze. The kind which makes him furrow his brows in reaction. It’s a good reaction because it felt nice, leaving his stomach with a warm tingle.
“Yeah? So I can do whatever I want?”
“Sure”, Yoongi mumbles, still half asleep. He was sleeping so well. The dream he had was so nice. He just wants to return to it and spend hours in it. You can do what you want however, he loves it.
“Yeah? Do you want it?” 
“Yes”, he whispers, nodding his head slowly. Your thumb is rubbing right next to his frenulum. The spot is so sensitive that Yoongi feels the sensation all the way down to his toes.
“Oh Yoongi”, you moan softly, putting more vigour into your touches now that he gave you his full consent. You begin kissing his neck, lips tingling because of his content purring and little hums, “mine, all mine”, you whisper, marking him with a hickey.
“Mhhm”, he lets out, melting into the sensations. He is so relaxed, feeling so good. He hopes that this will last for hours.
“Relax, sweet baby. I’ll love you so good”, you assure him, snuggling your nose into him. You leave a little kiss on his ear, abandoning his dick to outline the soft skin on his inner thigh, “I’ll take care of you, hear me?”
“Hm”, he hums, parting his legs for you.
First your hand then your fingertips. Your hand feels warm, your fingertips leave goosebumps behind. He rolls his hips up in an involuntary reaction.
“You have the softest thighs, my love”, you praise, “I could touch them for hours. God Yoongi, if only you wouldn’t heal, I’d cover them in hickeys.”
“Do it”, he whispers breathily, basking in the flutter your heart does.
“Oh, my love”, you press out, shimmying yourself between his legs.
Yoongi opens them for you eagerly, waiting for your kiss with bated breath.
He releases it in a shudder the moment your first kiss lays itself upon his skin. Warm and loving. The second one follows immediately, painting goosebumps on his fair skin.
“You’re so pretty”, you praise, holding his thigh with utmost devotion. You suck on his skin until he inhales sharply and his ivory skin turned purple. It heals within seconds, but the act of doing it felt so good that you don’t even mind. Neither does Yoongi, feeling warm all over.
You have to do it again. Right next to where you marked him last. You do so with your eyes closed and your body feeling hazy.
Yoongi feels hazy too, melting into your touches.
“Mine”, you promise him, cradling his other thigh to leave kisses down his most sensitive parts. On the inside of his thigh where people normally never touch him.
“Love”, he sighs, feeling his stomach clench in both fearful excitement and anxious arousal. He is scared, deep down he knows that he is scared because he doesn’t let people close to those parts of his body, but he also feels so good. You feel so good. So good that he doesn’t want you to stop but rather continue.
And you do. You suck on his skin just an inch away from where his briefs begin. It feels warm at first then hot until it stings. You release him way too soon, soothing the spot with a kiss although Yoongi needs no soothing. He needs you to mark his skin again.
He parts his legs further, hoping that you understand.
And you do, but for now you let him wait.
You rest your cheek on his soft thigh, running your palm up and down his skin. With a smile on your lips, you close your eyes.
“My Yoongi”, you whisper, sending warmth to his chest. He is your Yoongi. He’s never been someone’s Yoongi before.
“My Yoongi”, he whispers so quietly that you can’t hear it. 
You kiss him, lifting your gaze afterwards. His eyes are closed, his lips curled into a smile and the tip of his button nose is just slightly rosy. You make sure to burn the image into your memories before looking at something else. His hips and crotch. His shirt is long enough to reach over both of them, his briefs cover the rest. The dent in them is still visible however and you feel yourself rubbing your legs together at the view.
“You’re so pretty”, you say, sitting up just enough that you can lift his shirt until it pools above his belly button.
Yoongi sneaks a wary glance down at you, feeling weak-kneed even lying down. He feels completely ruined the moment you lower your lips to his tummy to kiss him. He even goes so far as to arch into you. 
“So pretty”, you murmur, sucking a hickey right under his belly button.
Yoongi can’t help but reach down, giving your cheek a soft squeeze.
Your gazes meet.
“Too much?” you ask him, well aware of his insecurities with being naked.
He shakes his head then nods it before shaking it again.
You give him a knowing smile, lowering your lips to his tummy again. Wearily and full of love you kiss him, breaking eye contact to make it easier for him.
“Just like this. I’ll do it slowly, yeah?” you whisper, feeling Yoongi brush his thumb over your cheek. 
“Yeah”, he says, voice barely above a whisper.
“Good, that’s good. I love your tummy so much”, you say, biting him gently.
The noise Yoongi makes sounds euphoric. His muscles tense and shudder. You release his skin only to mark it with a hickey right after.
He gets out half of your name and then his voice turns into a moan. He widens his eyes, dropping his hand from your head to grab a bundle of the sheets instead. Holy fuck, he thinks, this feels so good.
“So soft”, you sigh, biting another part of his tummy. 
He squirms, legs becoming restless on the sheets and stomach lifting in a deep gasp. 
“You’re so pretty”, you praise him, resting your cheek on his stomach whilst hugging his waist as best as possible. You give him a soft squeeze, turning your head to press a kiss to his stomach, "I’m yours", you whisper, "fucking yours."
Yoongi swears that he doesn’t hate himself right now. Not even a little bit. Or the normal, daily amount. He can’t do it right now, not even if he tried. He reaches down to rest his hand atop your cheek, for he wants to do nothing more than to thank you for making it so easy to like himself. He wanted to caress your face but you were quicker, chasing his hand to kiss his palm repeatedly. 
Yoongi allows it to happen with shaky fingers and his eyes focused on the ceiling because every other spot is impossible to look at.
“My Boongie”, you say, nuzzling into his hand, “my cutie Boongie, wanna taste you.”
You run your hands down his sides and hook your fingers in the hem of his briefs, raising your head to check if it is safe to do. 
Yoongi lifts his hips instinctively, letting you pull the annoying piece of clothing off of him. It lands somewhere on the floor and then you are already kissing him again. First his thighs, then his tummy and hips.
Every inch of him needs to be worshipped. He was meant to be loved by you. Or perhaps you were meant to love him. Love every inch of him and what lies underneath. You mark his hip bones and Yoongi shimmies as you do. You taste his lower tummy and Yoongi twists the sheets. You bite his inner thigh and Yoongi moans.
He is squirming once you are done, chest heaving up and down quickly as he barely keeps up with breathing. His cock is so pink and swollen, looking so desperate for attention.
“My beautiful", you say, running your hands up and down his inner thighs and sensitive sides with your eyes locked on his cock. He squirms each time your fingers ghost past it, looking so desperate for your touch.
“Please”, he breathes, rolling his head to the side slowly. He wants it. This feels better than any dream ever could. He doesn’t even care that he is almost completely naked. You have gotten him so preoccupied with being desperate for you.
“What do you want?” you ask, tickling his sides on your way to his cock. You touch him right beside it, never going further. 
“Please”, he says again, trying and failing to rub his thighs together. Your body stops him and so he ends up rubbing them against you instead. 
“Don’t tell me that you’re desperate, mhm?”
He nods his head, reaching down with clammy hands. He wraps his fingers around your wrists, tugging your hands to his cock. 
You let him, watching him guide your fingers over his length. 
He sighs blissfully, rolling his hips up to really get his cock between your fingers. It works only partially before you let him slip from your grasp again, forcing him to chase you and squeeze your wrists.
“Oh Yoongi”, you laugh in happiness, “you are so cute like this.”
Yoongi drops your wrists, gripping the sheets instead. A whispered curse slips past his lips, lingering in the room as a reminder of his flustered desperation.
“Can I taste you, love? You look so sweet”, you ask him to which he nods his head and hums. “Thank you, gosh thank you. You are the best, my prince.”
You make yourself comfortable between his legs and wrap your fingers around the base of his cock, sending the butterflies in his stomach into a frenzy. You jerk him lazily, making his abs tense in reaction.
“You’re so hard”, you say, rolling your thumb over his slit, “is it good for you?”
“Yeah, good”, he answers you, bucking his hips up impatiently.
“It’s good for me too. Making you feel nice turns me on so much”, you say, kissing his pink tip afterwards.
“Oh”, Yoongi lets out, feeling both surprised by your confession and the kiss.
Another kiss follows after the first, on his frenulum right where your lips feel so incredibly soft. Your shaky breath swirls over his tip a second later, his ears pick up the soft whimper you let out.
It makes him wonder how you are feeling right now.
“I feel so good”, you answer him as if you had heard his thoughts, taking him inside afterwards. You let him sink into your mouth as deeply as possible, eyes glued to his face because you want to get that initial reaction of his’.
His nose scrunches up before his parting lips force his face to morph into another expression of pleasure.
“Ah”, the noise rolls off his tongue, quietly yet with such bliss.
The view is better than you imagined it to be, leaving your heart racing like crazy in your chest. You close your eyes and begin moving your head up and down.
“Shit”, he hisses, right hand coming to rest on the back of your head, “princess…”
You have to slip off, because you are greedy for his praise, “is it nice?” you ask him, swirling your tongue over his heated tip, “do you like it?”
“Yeah, the best”, he sighs, smoothing over your head slowly.
Spurred on by his praise, you take him back inside, sucking him vigorously. So vigorously in fact that your cheeks fall in and Yoongi’s breath hitches in his throat.
He tastes so good. You lick it off of him before running your thumb over it eagerly. You watch it, following it with devoted eyes as you paint patterns on his sensitive tip.
“So wet. You taste so good”, you tell him, kissing him once, before letting his cock glide over your tongue to the back of your throat again. You want his everything, because Yoongi deserves everything.
You pin down his squirming hips and sigh as he tightens his fingers on your head. He deserves everything. All of it. The best.
He groans deeply when you swallow around him, left hand falling to the back of your head as well. With a soft tug, he has you lifted off his cock. It slaps against his stomach, veins throbbing in desperation.
“Why did you pull away?” you ask him, aching for more.
“It’s your turn.”
“My turn?” you snort, “you’re kidding, right? I haven’t even started. I’m not done with you.”
You are on top of him in an instant, pinning his hands above his head and caging in his hips with your thighs.
“Not buts. I want to give you the best fucking head ever because it’s what you deserve, so no more talks about my turns. Today’s all about you.”
Yoongi gulps, eyes racing between yours.
“I guess”, he whispers quietly, eyes fluttering closed when you run your fingers through his long hair and down to his cheek.
“Good boy”, you praise, ignoring the shy whine he does to instead shimmy between his legs again.
You waste no time, lowering yourself to his cock and taking him back inside. You start off slow and gentle, moving your lips up and down nothing more than his tip.
He throbs inside of you, hands reaching for you again. He can’t help it. It is such a natural reaction to him. Perhaps it comes from a place of panic. That deep down holding your head gives his brain enough reassurance that he is not losing control.
Perhaps however, he just really loves feeling your hair under his fingertips. The way your hair feels and tickles his skin is one of his favourite sensations. 
You take in more of him, replacing those sucks for simple movements up and down his length. You love how he glides over your tongue and how soft his skin feels against your lips. It is also fascinating just how much he seems to burn up because of you. 
You drink in the sensations with closed eyes, running your fingers up and down his tummy. It is rising and sinking in his quick gasps for air, tensing each time your tongue brushes over an especially sensitive part. 
You look up at him because you missed his face. He has his head rolled to the side, brows furrowed and mouth agape. He looks so peaceful yet so blissed out. You love this view so much. 
It motivates you to take in even more of him, resulting in his lips closing just so he can part them again in a soft moan. He makes you so happy! You giggle, loving every second of having him lay heavy on your tongue. 
You let your hands disappear under his shirt, searching for his nipples. Yoongi opens his eyes at the new sensation, flustering visibly because he clearly hadn’t expected to lock eyes with you. 
You slip off him to give him a sweet smile. 
He looks away instantly, even going so far as to move his head so he was looking at the ceiling instead. 
“You’re so cute”, you tell him in a fond giggle. 
“Mhm”, he lets out shyly.
“My Yoongi, you’re the cutest”, you gush, taking him back inside in sync with letting your fingers brush over his left nipple.
It pebbles in an instant, feeling oh so hard and swollen under your fingertips. You pinch it so you could roll it between your fingers, moaning around his cock to make it feel oh so good for him. 
Yoongi sighs your name and twists whatever bundle of your hair he can grasp. He tugs and so you let him slip out of you.
“What’s wrong?” you ask in a fond chuckle. 
“Nothing just, stop”, he murmurs with a pout. 
“With what?”
He shrugs his shoulders, sneaking a quick glance down at you. You are grinning at him fondly. 
“I love you like crazy, you big doofus”, you say, smile growing. 
“Mhm”, he huffs out air, nodding his head in agreement. 
“Now give me your hand”, you say and Yoongi follows in confusion. 
You kiss his knuckles before intertwining your fingers with him. 
“Don’t let go”, you say softly, taking him back inside whilst flicking your thumb over his nipple.
Yoongi widens his eyes for just a second and then he pulls the most devastated expression ever, whimpering loudly. He squeezes your hand, eyes becoming glassy. Almost as if he can’t believe that you are actually holding his hand. 
And he can’t. He seriously can’t believe that this is happening to him. That you are holding his hand whilst sucking him off. Yoongi swears he could cry. And maybe he would have ended up doing so, had he not closed his eyes and dropped his head back into the pillow. 
“I love this”, he confesses because you’ve made him so fucking vulnerable, “love it so much.”
You agree with a happy whimper around his length and a nod of your head. The kind which shifts his cock so nicely inside of you. So warm and wet. Yoongi squeezes your hand as a reaction and feels his legs open far enough that he can bend one of them by his knee. He lets it rest on the sheets, curling his toes in reaction to you grinding your tongue against his frenulum.
“Please”, he gets out and gasps, “don’t stop”, he croaks as he exhales. 
You caress his knuckles, pinch his nipple and lick up his vein and Yoongi feels his entire body shudder in reaction. He abandons your head to run his hand up his own torso just so he can find your hand currently busy with his chest. He grabs it through his shirt, making you giggle around him. He is enjoying himself! Finally. This is all you want him to do for once. Lean back and enjoy the ride. He is always making sure that you feel so good and now he is finally relaxing and feeling good in return. Fuck, how much you love this man. 
“I’m happy”, you whisper between your worshipping, “so happy.” 
You slip your hand free and intertwine your fingers with him. Yoongi lifts it to his face as best as possible, leaving a kiss on your fingers. He is happy too. It’s what he wants to say with this kiss. 
“Me too”, he breathes, pinning your hand against his tummy afterwards. So now you are holding both his hands.
With butterflies in your stomach you sink down, squeezing his hands in gratefulness. The sensation is so good that Yoongi ends up arching his back as he moans your name. 
It is truly your greatest happiness to watch him fall so freely. You just had to intertwine your fingers with him and Yoongi is finally falling. No more stumbling on the edge, just utter freedom. You are so happy. But also terribly nervous. Gosh, what if you mess up now? 
You slip off of him, needing his sweet words, “are you enjoying yourself, love?”
“Yes, I am. So much. Back please”, Yoongi babbles, shaking your hands desperately. 
You give him what he so deeply craves, feeling oh so confident doing it. He loves it. And you love it even more. You want to get lost in it and never come back. This is your home now. Right between his legs whilst holding his hands. 
The sweet memory of last night dances through your brain, almost forcing tears to your eyes. He did all of that for you. He took you back to your favourite memories with him. He took you home. 
You whimper, managing to take his entire length for you were so overwhelmed by how much you feel for him. 
“Shit, princess. Love”, Yoongi moans, “deep”, he groans, bucking his hips into you instinctively.
The movement forces you gag, ripping him out of his dream.
“Sorry!” he exclaims, dropping his hips instantly and with it making his cock to slip out of you, “are you okay?”
“So okay”, you assure him, using the moment to catch your breath, “I want all of you”, you say, wrapping your lips around his cock.
“Can I do something too?” he asks you, fleeing from you with wiggling hips. He feels so bad because he made you gag. He feels like such an asshole now, undeserving of your attention.
You slip off of him, “are you still on about my turns?” you laugh, squeezing his hands. 
“Please”, he begs, eyes desperate as he looks at you. You know this look. He is feeling anxious.
“What do you wanna do?” you ask him in a loving voice.
Yoongi shoots up quickly, swooping you off the mattress to instead carry you in his arms. So now you are in his hold while he is kneeling on the mattress and gazing up at you.
“Let me show you”, he whispers, “I suck at talking.”
“No, you suck at receiving”, you say, caressing his cheeks, “why can’t you let me make you feel good for once?”
“I do”, he insists, “you do. I just hate making you suffer.”
“Suffer?” you giggle, “is this because I gagged?”
Yoongi turns his head to the side, looking caught red-handed. 
“You’re such an idiot. I love gagging on you, you silly.”
“Shut up”, Yoongi says, dropping you in the pillows, “it’s your turn.”
“What if I don’t want it? Mhm?”
Yoongi lifts his head from your neck, frowning in worry. His entire body is as still as possible.
“I wanna keep making you feel good”, you whisper, caressing his cheeks, “please.”
Yoongi licks his lips.
“Please?” you beg, pouting.
“I don’t know how”, he confesses with unsure, almost scared, eyes.
“You just have to enjoy yourself, that’s all. Can you do that?”
“I don’t know”, he whispers, “what if I make you gag again?”
“You are seriously such a bafflement. You’re the first man, who doesn’t want his partner to gag as a little extra bonus”, you say in a fond chuckle, caressing his cheeks.
“Shut up”, he hisses.
“Well, why do you feel that way?”
“Because it’s…it’s dumb. I’m not- I don’t know.”
“You think that you have to earn it, don’t you?”
“No?” he sounds offended, hiding his face in the crook of your neck, “don’t be silly.”
“No, you are silly for even thinking like that”, you say.
“I’m not thinking like that.”
“Sure”, you say sarcastically, tugging his head up by his hair.
He groans softly, eyelids just the slightest bit heavy.
“Just so you know. You’ve earned it a million times ten”, you tell him.
He gulps, lowering his eyes shyly.
“So take that shit and let me make you feel good, because you deserve it.”
He huffs out air in defeat, ripping himself free from your grasp with one shake of his head, “fine, stay like this.”
“What are you doing?” you ask him, watching him climb on top of you. 
He places his knees on each side of your torso and shimmies up your body. You are propped up on enough pillows that you can comfortably reach his dick. 
“Like this?” you ask him, oggling his hard cock.
“Just do it, will you?” he murmurs, gripping the headboard tightly.
“Gladly”, you moan, placing your hands on his buttocks to move his hips for him. You welcome his cock with a stretched out tongue and a needy groan.
Yoongi looks down at you with furrowed brows, thighs tense and hair a mess. 
“Is that what you wanted?” he tries to sound cool, but struggles because of how good it feels. 
You moan around him, sinking him into you until you gag.
Yoongi tries to flee instantly, reaching down to pull you off, “don’t.”
You let him just so you can show him your tongue as you chuckle lazily.
“Fuck, so good”, you press out, lips curling into a hazy smile, “your cock’s the best.”
“You’re weird.”
“No, you are. Now feed me cock, weirdo.”
Yoongi curses graphically and relaxes his hips so you can move them for him again. And you do. Oh, you do it gladly, moving them back and forth so his cock gets fucked by your mouth. 
“Fucking shit”, another curse leaves him and seconds later his head drops against the headboard, resting on his hands. 
He is puddy in the palms of your hands. It feels so good. Yoongi swears he is in heaven. He has your warm hands running up and down his torso and your soft mouth around his cock. This must either be the best dream ever or actual heaven. 
He drops one of his hands, feeling for your hair again. The moan you let out, gives him enough confidence to begin moving his hips on his own. You moan again, closed eyelids fluttering in bliss and head tilting back. He is so deep like this, filling up your mouth so well. Oh how sweet he tastes, how mellifluous he sounds.
You gag because the constant stimulation to the back of your throat made you do it. Before Yoongi can pull back, you have your arms wrapped around him, pinning him against you.
“Don’t”, he laughs, “princess what- fuck”, he doesn’t get to finish his sentence, head lowering for a sneaky glance at you before he has to throw it back. With your arms strong around his hips and your fingers dimpling his sides, you are bopping your head up and down on him, giving him the best face fuck ever.
Yoongi huffs out air in disbelief, arching his back enough to create a pretty slope with it. 
“Hah”, he chuckles, fingers twisting your hair and knees inching closer to your head, “fuck ah, ah.”
You open your eyes to look at him, feeling them water instantly. Yoongi is far down your throat. Very far and it’s fucking glorious. He looks so good like this. On top of you and with his oversized shirt sitting on his petite torso and tickling the tip of your nose. His long hair is all messy, reaching him just a little under his shoulders in this position, his throat is moving each time he tries to gulp.
You reach up, abandoning one side of his waist for it, but it is worth it as soon, you feel his nipple under your fingertips. Like before, it hardens instantly. Oh so sensitive and reactive. 
Yoongi slacks, dropping his head back on his hand violently. 
“I swear to fucking shit”, he presses out, baring his teeth as he grinds them. Like this his jaw moves and tenses while his brows furrow deeply.  
You run your hand to his other nipple, tickling it out of hiding with ease. His cock throbs deep inside of you, coating your throat with his pleasure. You love how sweet he tastes. It is truly remarkable just how delicious vampires get after a good hunt. It makes you want to take a little bite as well.
And you do. You place your teeth around his cock and bite down. 
Yoongi completely crumbles the headboard in his fingers, losing gravity because of it. His hand slips from the ruined headboard and lands right into the pillow next to your head, forcing your body to slide down and for his cock to slip out. Spurts of his sweetness and your spit cover your face immediately, forcing your eyes to flit to his cock. It is so hard and wet, dripping and throbbing above you. His veins are swollen and pulsating, looking so huge. 
“Yoongi, fuck”, you moan, gripping his hips and pulling them down until he is smothering your face. Like this you can pay such good attention to his balls. Heavy and oh so plump. They feel just as good as his cock does. You growl in gratitude, pushing him closer until you run on nothing but his scent. 
“Okay, okay that’s-”, Yoongi begins only to gasp and squirm when you manage to suck him between your lips. He squeezes his eyes shut, squirming again, “princess, that’s- ah - please, that’s-”, he stutters, lifting his hips in coyness.
You growl and force him back down, using so much strength that Yoongi’s hips tilt and he lands on your tongue with his pretty, little hole.
He squeaks, squeezing your head between his thighs and opening his eyes as widely as possible. What is happening to him? What is this feeling? He trembles from tensing so much, choking out a “please.”
You moan into him, grinding him down onto your eager tongue. This is everything you ever wanted.
Yoongi wants to talk, but he forgot how to form words, resulting in him babbling inaudible syllables. He squirms in your hold, trying so fucking hard not to moan.
You wiggle your tongue and Yoongi’s body reacts without his control. His hips thrust against nothing, his cock throbs and spills sweetness on your face. He grips the headboard and breaks yet another part of it, whimpering helplessly because now he has nothing to hold onto.
You put pressure on him and manage to slip inside just far enough that he feels the breach.
“Please”, Yoongi chokes out, forgetting every single word in every single language he speaks. This feels so good. He is honestly a little scared of it. It feels so, so good. He is so vulnerable at this spot, so utterly defenseless and now he has your tongue filling him up. You are so wet and warm. Yoongi covers his eyes with his hand. His fingers are shaking like crazy, “please.”
His thighs squeeze your head, his tummy tenses up, his cute butt tries to clench but can’t because you keep him open. He has no control over these reactions. He never lost control like that. 
“Plea-”, he can’t get more out and then he shakes again as you wiggle your tongue deeper.
You are so far gone. He runs through your veins, makes up your every fiber, gives you purpose. This makes you feel both unbearably fulfilled and incredibly needy. You chase the sensation with movements of your head. It results in your tongue gliding in and out of him even if just a little. 
He is tight around you. As if he was never touched there before (he wasn’t. At least not by someone other than himself and even that was once). He is so tight and so, so warm. Also so yummy. Oh you are so obsessed with this man. You moan into him and wiggle your tongue.
Yoongi squeezes his eyes shut so tightly that tears roll down his cheeks. He reaches for the headboard again. Nothing is there. He punches a hole into the wall instead, burying his hand in it just to hold something. Anything. Please. What are you doing to him? What are you fucking doing?
Your hand slips to his cock. Wraps around him. And moves. Quick. With pressure. 
Yoongi can’t control himself anymore. He moans. He moans so loudly that it bounces off the walls and rings in his ears. He rips his eyes open in shock. Tenses up. This was so loud. Everyone heard him. Human and vampire alike. He is so embarrassed. 
You aren’t. You’re maniac. He sounded so perfect! You growl and moan into him, thrusting your hips against nothing. Your hand twists around his cockhead, massaging him right where it feels the best. Your tongue slips out of his hole to grind against his rim. You are sloppy in your movements, giving zero shits about how wet your face gets. All you need is to hear him moan again.
Yoongi fulfils your wish even if he doesn’t want to. He throws his hand over his mouth afterwards, squeezing his own cheeks until his fingers dimple his softness. 
You repeat the movements, Yoongi shakes and wants to moan again. 
“Please stop”, he presses out behind his hand, “please stop, please.”
One twist of your hand, one flick of your tongue and Yoongi knows he has to stop this. He can’t stop being loud. It’s so embarrassing. 
“Please”, he somehow gets out and wiggles out of your hold with just a little bit of help from his strength, “don’t p-please”, he begs with a shaky voice, panting because pulling back edges him. It hurts to be edged. It really does.
“So good”, you rasp, chasing him, “sit on me again please”, you try to push him down again, but Yoongi uses his strength. Fighting him is useless now.
“No, you’re weird”, he whines, wiggling in your hold. He is panting like crazy and when you look up to send him a pleading look you realise that his entire face is flushed a deep red.
“Aww Yoongi, you cutie”, you coo, running your hands to his ass.
He squirms away and tries to grab for your hands which results in him gripping his own waist at first until he finally finds your hands, “please.”
“Don’t be shy, sit on me”, you coo, wiggling your brows as you massage his buttocks.
“N-no, no you’re s-so weird”, he stutters, “please you’ve got your turn, I want mine now.”
“God, you’re so persistent”, you say in teasing annoyance, releasing his butt. 
Yoongi changes positions instantly, resting on top of you with his elbows caging in your head.
“Don’t ever do this again”, he says with furrowed brows.
“Why not? Is it because you looked like a little slut?”
“Shut up”, he gasps, eyes widened and cheeks crimson. 
You cackle, pinching said cheek. 
“I’m only teasing. I think you looked amazing on my face”, you assure him.
“Yeah? That’s all you’ll ever get”, he says, hiding away by kissing your neck instead. 
“For now. I’ll get you there eventually.”
“Keep dreaming”, he whispers, trailing his kisses to your collarbones.
“I like dream…ing”, you sigh, “you did like it, didn’t you?”
“Yeah, was so nice. I’m just teasing”, he assures you and with one swift movement he has your shirt ripped to shreds. 
“What the hell?” you squeak.
“It’s my turn”, Yoongi says, “I’m impatient, it’s your fault.” 
He dives down, taking your nipple between his lips to suck harshly. 
“You’re an idiot - ah Yoongi”, you moan, arching your back. 
“I need you”, he rasps, “you’ve got me so close.”
“I did? Why did you stop me then?” you whine.
“Cause I wanna fill up your pretty pussy with it. Pump you full of it until you’re dripping.”
“Oh my god”, you gasp, shivering like crazy. 
“It makes you smell so good when I do”, he rasps, “like mine. Only mine.”
He emphasises the words by sucking a painful hickey on your right tit, soothing it by biting down harshly. 
“Yoongi”, you whimper, twisting the pillow.
“Feel that? How I’m marking you as mine?” he taunts, marking your other tit just as harshly, “mine”, he growls, biting you deeply.
“Please, ah”, you squeak, writhing underneath him, “how c-can you be so shy when I want to make you feel good, but then you’re so filthy when you do it.”
Yoongi releases you with a slurp, “I’m good at that shit. Love taking care of you. I could fucking survive on it”, he explains, connecting his lips with the softness of your tummy. He marks it with just as much roughness as he did your breasts, leaving behind trails of sensitive skin and pulsating spots all over your tummy. And while he is marking you and making you squirm in the process, his big hands are on your sides, holding you oh so safely. Fingers stretched out and thumbs caressing your skin, he assures you that even if his lips are rough, he loves you with all the tenderness in his heart. 
Yoongi sucks the last of his hickeys onto your lower tummy and then his teeth are tangled in your panties. With his fangs on full display, it is an easy task to rip right through them. He is made to rip through skin and bone after all, a pair of cotton panties is the least of his problems.
He spits the ruined fragments of them on the mattress, giving view to his sharp fangs for just one second before he hides them again by licking over them.
“Hot”, you croak, shaking in anticipation. 
“I’ll be going down on you now and I can’t guarantee for anything. Tell me what you say, princess.”
“No, that’s not it.”
“Snowdrop, but forget that. What the hell, Yoongi?”
“Good girl”, he praises, disappearing between your legs afterwards.
You learn of his presence when he bites into your inner thigh. Just with his human teeth but the sensation is mindblowing nonetheless. So rough and yet the softest of kisses follow, soothing you into a complete trance of bliss.
“What’s gotten into you?” you manage to get out. 
“It’s what you get for pushing my buttons”, Yoongi growls, biting you again. You flinch, pussy throbbing desperately. 
“It..felt good…admit it”, you croak. 
“Like fucking heaven”, he assures you, pulling you onto his tongue to begin lapping at you quickly.
“Holy fuck”, you and him groan at the same time. 
“You’re fucking soaked”, he growls, staring you down with blown-out pupils.
“I told you, pleasing you turns me on so much”, you say breathlessly. 
“You’re fucking perfect, my love”, he presses out, burying his face in your pussy. He sucks and licks, lifting his head again, “you’re all I ever dreamt of. And more. So much more”, he adds, losing himself between your legs for good.
“Yoongi, fuck”, you press out, tangling your fingers in his hair as deeply as possible. You don’t even mind that he flipped the roles. You get why he did it. That even as much as lying still and accepting something as simple as a blowjob takes a lot of courage for him to do. That he doesn’t see himself as deserving of receiving and that he feels weird about it because it’s foreign to him. But that’s okay for you. You love him so much for doing it for as long as he did. 
“You’re so good”, you praise him, opening your legs further. 
Yoongi makes a needy sound, curling his tongue against your clit in an almost startled rhythm. 
He breaks away for just a second, pressing out a curse, and then he is back to where he left off, flicking and swirling his tongue over your clit until she is all swollen under him. He runs his hands up your sides until he can caress your breasts, pinching and massaging your nipples just how you like it.
It’s a sin really, how easily he gets you close. It should be forbidden.
“Slow”, you beg, knowing that it is fruitless. Yoongi doesn’t care that you are close. Maybe he even wants you to be, because that means he can taste your cunt post orgasm as soon as possible, “slow please.”
“No”, he says, speeding up the flicks of his tongue. It makes the nastiest of sounds and forces your legs to tremble from almost too much stimulation. 
“Yoongi please slow”, you beg him, fleeing from him in a squirm. 
“Behave”, he warns, pinning down your hips so harshly the bedsprings creak.
It shakes your entire body. He grips your legs, forcing them open with rough hands. And then he dives back in, rolling his hips into the mattress as if he was hate fucking it. 
You wail his name, tugging on his hair and kicking the sheets as he forces you to take what he gives you. Angry pleasure. Fiery hot and electric. Almost too much. 
“Slow”, you beg, trying to wiggle away, “s-slow.”
Yoongi growls angrily, shooting up so he is face to face with you. 
“Why are you fleeing from me?” he asks, speech impaired just a little by his growing tongue. 
“I’m sensitive”, you say in a tiny voice. 
Yoongi’s eyes soften. He brushes the back of his hand over your cheek, lips curling into a fond smile. 
“You’re so cute”, he says in his honey voice, placing his hand at the back of your neck so he can pull you up into a kiss. 
He tastes like you and him, making you feel dizzy and kiss him back with so much eagerness. He breaks the kiss, but keeps close. 
“I’ll go slow, yeah?” he whispers
You nod your head instantly, “yes, please.”
“My princess”, he sighs and then he is already between your legs again, gazing up at you. 
He still pulls your hips onto his face with rather quite a lot of force, but his lips are slow. They leave kisses on your pussy first, helping you get used to the sensations. 
“Yes”, you sigh, reaching down to run your fingers through his hair. His eyes light up, you feel him smile against you. 
“So good”, he mumbles more to himself than to you, darting out his tongue afterwards to part your folds with it. He flicks it up and down slowly, making sure to stay on your clit for just one more second each time he meets her. He does an extra little figure when he does, changing between figures of eight and little hearts. The hearts are solely because he is goddamn fucking whipped for you. There is no other reason behind them. He hopes that you don’t figure out what he is drawing because it’s embarrassing as fuck. 
Your lips curl into a smile, a chuckle follows, “god fuck”, you press out, dropping your head, “I’m close again.”
Yoongi lifts his head, “yeah?” he asks, basking in the little whiney giggle you do. 
“Back please”, you complain, squirming in his strong hold. 
Yoongi can feel it so well, holding your hips safely between his big hands. He loves that feeling, because he knows that he’s making you feel good. 
“Like this?” Yoongi asks, flicking the tip of his tongue over your clit. 
You gasp, hips chasing him, which makes him have to pin them down and then chuckle in amusement. 
“Cute, so fucking cute”, he rasps, taking your clit between his lips. He sucks as gently as possible, but it is still enough to make you gasp and then flinch in that distinct way you always do when you’re close. 
“Yoongi, wait.”
“Yes?” he lifts his head in a fond chuckle, “what’s wrong?”
“Mhm”, he hums, moving up to your face by kissing a path up your stomach. He kisses your neck, doing it in a way that would really nuzzle his face into it. Like this he can suck on your skin, doing it slowly and with all the care he has. 
You feel lightheaded once he pulls back, barely managing to look at him because all you want to do is close your eyes and let him do whatever he wants to do. 
“What should I do with you, mhm?” he asks, “you’re saying it’s my turn, but then I can’t even go down on you without you being sensitive.”
“It’s not my fault”, you complain in a whine.
“So it’s mine?”
He snorts, rolling his eyes fondly. 
“You’re a brat”, he says, letting his right hand disappear between your legs to run his fingers through your folds, “and so wet too.”
Whimpering, you part your legs, reaching up to twist the front of his shirt. You twist even more of it when Yoongi sinks two of his long fingers into you, pinning you down with such an intense gaze that you feel lightheaded. 
He begins moving, curling his digits each time he reaches your favourite spot. 
“Shit”, the word leaves you in a sigh, eyes widening before squeezing shut. 
“Relax, that’s better. Relax for me, princess”, Yoongi soothes you, hiding his face back in your neck to continue worshipping it with his sweet lips. And while he does, his fingers continue moving and his thumb just so happens to find its spot on your clit, rubbing circles just how you like it. 
Are those sensations easier to handle than what his mouth did? Nope. Not one bit. Not at all. This is impossible to handle. Yoongi’s hands are so skilled. They may look rough, but in reality they carry so much tenderness and devotion in them. It’s hard not wanting to crumble within seconds when Yoongi decides to use his hands between your legs. 
“Slow”, you barely dare to get the word out, but you had to. 
Yoongi’s reaction is instant. His chest rumbles in a deep chuckle, a whispered “fuck, love”, swirls against your neck before he lifts his head. 
“You’re so sensitive”, he says, eyes racing over your features obsessively. 
“Sorry, can’t help it”, you say quietly, feeling your cheeks burn up like crazy. Quite frankly, every inch of your body is burning up. Yoongi’s got you so good. 
Yoongi smiles and lowers his head to your chest. He trails his kisses down your torso to your pussy, taking your legs and placing them over his shoulder on the journey. He begins by sucking your clit between his lips once, kissing her afterwards. His hands run up and down your thighs, holding them in place and making you feel so safe in the process. Safe but also incredibly needy.
“Slow”, you whisper.
“No”, he mumbles, showing you just how serious he was by finally using his tongue to taste you. Properly and greedily taste you. He runs it through your folds, purring as he does. He lingers on your clit, ignoring all the whining and squirming you are doing and only moving back down again when he deems it time to do so. And somehow he always manages to pull away just when you were about to stumble over the edge, soon leaving you so goddamn desperate for that orgasm that you stop whining about being too sensitive and rather you begin whining about needing your high oh so bad.
And only then does Yoongi truly pull back, kissing his way back to your face to claim your trembling lips in a passionate kiss. He feeds you your taste, holding you still with his fingers on your cheeks and your legs wrapped around his hips. Like this his throbbing cock is grinding right against your pussy, moving against you as if his only purpose was to fit between your folds.
“Fuck me”, you beg into the kiss, “fuck me please.”
Yoongi ignores you, silencing you by tongue kissing you slowly. Just tongue against tongue and occasionally he decides to suck on yours, taking your breath away each time he does.
“Please fuck me”, you try again, tugging him closer with your legs.
“Mhm, princess”, he dismisses you, smirking teasingly.
“Please”, you whimper, rolling your hips skilfully enough that it manages to make his tip slip into you.
Yoongi falters, kiss breaking because he needed to gasp for air. His fingers fall from your cheek, now lying around your throat without applying pressure. His eyes are heavy, racing between yours.
“Fuck me please”, you beg, using the grip you have around his waist to roll your hips up again.
Even more of his perfect cock slips into you, stretching you out so well that you feel bolts of warmth shoot through your legs and make them oh so wobbly.
“More please.”
He sits up, slipping out of you.
 “What, what’s wrong? Come back please” you stutter, chasing him.
“My shirt, it’s annoying”, he says, tugging it off of him a second later. It messes up his hair, getting thrown to the ground a second later.
Giggling, you make grabby hands at him, until he finally lowers himself again. You reach up, fixing his hair for him.
“Messy”, you tell him, tugging strands of it behind his ears, “you’re so beautiful, my beloved.”
“No. You are”, he says, placing his big hands on your back to press you closer. Like this your back arches. Chest against chest and skin melting with skin, “wrap your legs around me, love.”
You obey happily.
“There we go, don’t let go”, he says, wrapping his fingers around his cock to outline it with your pussy and finally push inside. He bottoms out within a second, cursing under his breath as his fingers grip your hip instead.
You sigh his name, hugging him close by wrapping your arms around him, hiding away in the crook of his neck, “thank you”, you tell him quietly, tangling your fingers in his hair.
Yoongi shudders, inhaling deeply with his nose right against your skin.
“That’s fucking incredible”, his voice trembles as he speaks, his arms tense around you.
“Yeah, move please.”
“Of course, my love, anything for you”, he promises, purring deeply as he lets his head fall against your shoulder and his hips take over. He goes slow and deep. Your shared favourite as it helps each of you to really feel the other.
He’s got you in a trance, touch dancing across your skin and breath tickling you most sweetly. You’ve got him enchanted, skin tingling because of you and head filled with nothing but thoughts of you.
When Yoongi finally lifts his head for the first time, the sun has reached a point where it manages to poke right through the curtains, illuminating parts of your cheek in a streak of golden light. Your pussy’s become so soft around his cock, so wet and warm and addicting. Yoongi brushes his fingers over the spot on your cheek the light kisses, making you open your eyes because of it.
You lock eyes with each other. Smiling, you reach up to caress his cheek just as he did. It affects him so much that for just a second his hips lose their rhythm.
“The sun’s coming out”, you tell him.
“You look so beautiful”, he answers you, leaning down to place a kiss a top your warmed up cheek, “your skin’s so pretty in the sunlight”, he whispers, running the tip of his button nose over your cheekbone, “your pussy’s so good too, princess. Soft and warm, feels like heaven”, his voice sounds what being cradled in safety and happiness feels like, making you want to cry. He feels so good inside you. Time has made every single inch of you so sensitive that you are now floating on a constant cloud of warmth.
Yoongi trembles, breathing trembling in his throat, “you’re so tight all of a sudden”, he sighs, moving his hips just right to make sure you keep clenching like that.
“That spot feels so good.”
 “So good. Don’t stop.”
“Seriously. Your pussy’s the fucking best, princess”, he gets out before his words forsake him as he falls into a deep trance of tingling limbs and sweet noises. His face returns to your neck, his lips know exactly what to do, kissing you slowly and marking you with his devotion. His little gasps and trembling breaths tickle your ear, serving as a constant reminder that you’ve got him so good. You reach for him, fingers tangling in his hair and legs hooking behind his lower back.
Like this, his pubic bone grinds right against your clit and his cock meets your favourite spot with each thrust.
“Shit, baby”, Yoongi curses and lets out a raspy laugh, “you’re making me wanna speed up, don’t do that.”
“Don’t hold back, a little faster. It’s so good.”
Yoongi follows, growling against your neck as his body shudders in reaction. You moan just for him, basking in the way he seems to dig his fingers into the soft flesh of your thigh because of it.
“Like this? Fuck, it’s so good princess, so fucking good”, he pants.
“Like this. Just like this”, you chant, loving every fucking second of it. His cock feels so good. All girthy and perfectly curved to hit the right spots. All veiny and throbbing oh so much to make sure your juices are mixing and marking both of you. His cock’s the best. Yoongi is so good at using it. He is so bloody good at it, that you can’t help but abandon his hair just to scratch down his back.
He growls his favourite nickname for you, hips stuttering before slamming into you. Your body convulses in reaction, the headboard hits the wall just once before Yoongi finds a less aggressive rhythm to match your desperate begs for more.
“You’re making me cum.”
He lets out a pitched laugh, shaking his head in disbelief as he tightens his grip on your thigh because he wants nothing more than to get you there.
“You’re unbelievable. Why did you even tell me to speed up when we can’t even enjoy it for long?”
“Please don’t pull away, please I can’t hold it anymore”, you try, clutching onto him desperately.
“Why shouldn’t I edge you again?” he threatens, slowing down his hips just enough that you reach for them, bruising them in the process of getting them to keep moving.
“Please don’t, I need it.”
“Fuck, you’re so easily messed with”, he chuckles, “let go whenever you want, princess. I’m here to catch you”, he says, returning to the rhythm of before.
“Thank you, oh god thank you”, you moan, turning into puddy in his hands. It is just seconds later when you can’t take it anymore and you orgasm around him, almost breaking his hips from squeezing them so tightly while your entire body feels on fire.
And Yoongi fucks you right through it, lips pressed against the pulse point on your neck and throat rattling in needy moans.
He only slows down once he knows you were able to truly live out your high, now rocking into you in a gentle rhythm whilst soothing you by kissing your jawline.
“So good, that was incredible”, he praises you, “you were so good, my princess.”
“I’m dizzy, fuck”, you croak, gulping loudly.
“Mhm, should I slip out?”
“No”, your legs tighten around him, “stay please, you need to fill me up.”
Yoongi lifts his head, “you’re gonna be the death of me”, he croaks, adding more vigour into his movements again.
You gasp then moan, relaxing around him in shudders.
“Does this hurt? Should I go slower?” he makes sure.
“No, don’t stop. Is so nice”, you mumble, voice heavy in pleasure.
Yoongi kisses your forehead, making you giggle and close your eyes. He reaches for your hands and for a second you thought that he would intertwine his fingers with you, but he doesn’t. Instead he tugs your hands to his throat instead, forcing your eyes to peel up in surprise.
His gaze is hazy, begging you to squeeze. 
“You’re so hot”, you get out, tightening your fingers on his throat. 
Yoongi closes his eyes by letting them roll back to the point of where you see nothing but white before his eyelids fall closed. Quite frankly the view makes your knees wobble even when you’re lying down.
It also doesn’t help that Yoongi reaches down to not only caress your hip but also to press his thumb against your clit to massage her skilfully. 
“Yoongi”, his name slips from you as if it was instinct, your legs slip from him just to open messily, “fuck, you’re making it hard.” 
He peels his eyes open just enough that he can see you. He looks so fucked like that, all half-lidded eyes and glowing cheeks.
“I need your high again, please”, he croaks out, voice tickling your fingertips. 
“Yeah well”, you laugh, squirming on his cock, “you’re gonna get it soon.”
“Good”, he sighs, closing his eyes again, “that’s good…”
“Yeah, so good”, you agree, fighting against the urge to join him in closing your eyes. You can’t do that. He looks so handsome with your hands around his throat and his obsidian hair all hanging into his face. You love few things more than the current view. His smile is one of them, his eyes when he looks at you is another thing.
Yoongi moans, inhaling deeply afterwards. 
“Fuck”, he exhales, “you’re so tight.”
“Yeah, it’s really good”, you tell him.
“Yeah?” he asks, eyes opening to run over your face.
“Yeah”, you sigh, squeezing down on his veins.
“I’m close”, he croaks, “harder, please.”
You squeeze around him, basking in the feeling of his deep moan, “don’t stop”, his brows furrow together, his thumb finds the right spot.
“Oh fuck, Yoongs”, you squeak out, eyes falling closed on instinct, “Yoongi, that’s the spot.” 
“Please I’m begging you, c-cum”, Yoongi is almost sobbing, thumb working skilfully and throwing you right over the edge.
“Yoongi”, you gasp, fingers slipping from his throat to grip the pillow instead.
Yoongi climaxes from the sensation, convulsing on top of you as tiny whimpers leave his throat. He helps you ride out your high with deep, desperate thrusts, right arm cradling you against his chest and lips pressed to your neck. He fucking loves orgasming with you. He can really let go when he’s with you, which makes it feel so good that he always feels dizzy afterwards. You love it too. You love how he is holding you, how his voice pitches and how his warmth fills you up. It makes you shake so very much.
He plops down on top of you once you both stopped shaking, knocking a little “meeh” out of you before you giggle and wrap him up in a tight hug.
“This was amazing”, you tell him.
“Yeah”, Yoongi agrees, chest rumbling in a content purr. He feels so done. His entire body is all warm and fuzzy and now he can feel your naked skin against his without the barrier of clothes and Yoongi swears he is in paradise. 
“Are you not slipping out?” you ask him, trailing his spine and with it sending a constant stream of shivers through his body.
“No. Wanna get soft inside you.”
“And you are sure that this is going to happen?”
“Maybe”, he says, making you giggle.
He grins, growing oh so soft on top of you.
“You’re so cute.”
Silence overcomes you and him afterwards where you play with his hair and Yoongi finds comfort by kissing your neck slowly. You don’t count the minutes but enough must have passed for his cock to truly manage to soften and naturally slip out. Yoongi drew closer when that happened, whining about how he wants to be back inside and making you laugh in the process.
Then you napped. You napped so well that you feel reborn once you open your eyes again, realising that Yoongi has managed to scoot up your body enough that he can now look at you eye to eye.
He must have been awake for a little. He is propped up on his elbows, big hands cupping your cheeks as his thumbs trace your skin. They still when you open your eyes, lips parting in surprised awe.
“Hey”, you tell him, stretching yourself sleepily.
“I don’t feel beautiful”, he whispers. 
“Huh?” you drop your arms, “Yoongi what the hell? Don’t say that. Get ready for a wave of compliments”, you say, taking his face between your hands, “you are-”
“No”, he interrupts you, “in general. I don’t feel beautiful.”
You close your mouth because you get the feeling that he needs to talk without being interrupted. 
“I-I was thinking ‘cause I pulled back when you made me sit on you, so I was thinking.”
“No don’t, it’s okay. I’d never want you to do something you don’t want to do.”
“But I did-”, he stops himself, lowering his eyes instead. He rolls off of you. You roll to your side, propping yourself up on your elbow and supporting your head that way
“You know how I see myself", he begins, fingers fumbling with the sheets and eyes glued to them, “that I see myself and my body and, and all I can see is a vessel for causing suffering to others”, he whispers.
You shake your head, telling him that this isn’t true. You scoot closer, placing your hand over his’ to let him know that he wasn’t alone right now.
“I know”, he says, fingers intertwining with yours, “I know that you’re burning to tell me off right now and to call me stupid for even thinking that.”
“No, I don’t”, you promise him, soothing him by caressing his cheek. 
“I just…even if I didn’t feel that way…I still…” he falters, lowers his eyes, “I don’t think I’d feel attractive.”
“Oh Yoongs, that’s sad. Why do you think so?”
“Because I’m not…I can’t…I don’t”, he inhales, exhales shakily, “I don’t look like other vampires”, he confesses in a barely there whisper. 
“Because of your true face? Because it looks different from the rest?”
“No, not that. But my….body.”
“Your body.”
He dares to glance at your eyes.
“Because I don’t have sculpted abs and a big chest a-and because I’m not tall”, his voice is barely there. 
“I see, mhm.”
You smooth over his lower arm as you think his answer over. You want to give him a good answer and Yoongi waits patiently, feeling close to shaking in nervousness because he can’t remember if he ever bared himself that truthfully before. But he tends to do this with you. You somehow always manage to make him want to break down yet another wall around his heart. 
“I don’t think that having abs or a big chest or being a certain height is what makes someone attractive”, you finally say, “I can see why you feel that way. Especially when you’re surrounded by all those tall vampires with their tits all out and their abs on display, but I don’t think that things like that are important.”
Yoongi dares to look into your eyes for longer. 
“I don’t know how much my silly opinion counts, but I think that you are the most attractive person ever. Whenever I look at you, I feel my heart race and I want to keep looking at you.”
He flusters. 
“And I mean it for both your clothed and naked body. You have the most perfect body, Yoongi.”
“You really think so?”
“Of course I do. Oh my god, have you looked at yourself? You’re gorgeous.”
“Shut up”, he murmurs and cringes, “sorry, that was mean. I didn’t mean it. Sorry, it’s instinct.”
“I know”, you chuckle, “and no, I won’t shut up because I love you and your body and I wanna keep telling you that I love you.”
Yoongi scrunches his nose up in instinctive disgust. 
You give him a grin and kiss the tip of his button nose. 
It makes him part his lips and gawk in awe.
“Also you look gorgeous on top of my face, so don’t be shy next time”, you add just to truly fluster him.
“You’re so weird.”
“Shut up, you’re weird too. You broke the headboard, you big weirdo.”
Yoongi snorts and chuckles. You join him, nudging him with your nose. Yoongi does it back, ending it with a little kiss to the tip of yours.
“I honestly always wondered why literally every vampire has those inhuman abs. Like what do they even do to get that?” you say.
“Too much vain work, I don’t know.”
You chuckle, “honestly it must be so exhausting.”
He nods his head, “I could never keep up with it. I was too busy with killing and drying out and being fucking suicidal to care about that shit.”
“No, I get it. You don’t have to explain yourself to me.”
“And it’s because I hate my body and what it did in the past. I don’t want to make it beautiful because I don’t…I just…I can’t feel it.” He blinks rapidly, “I don’t feel sexy. I just don’t. I feel like nothing but an ugly blob. Do you know when I feel sexy?”
“Tell me.”
“When I give you pleasure. When you go wow that’s nice because of me, that’s when I feel sexy. But when I’m the object of desire? I feel so ugly and, and undesirable.”
“I understand how you feel. I really do. You want to distance yourself from being perceived and when someone does see you, you panic because it’s a reminder that your body exists and that you are being looked at. When you do something, you exist for the action but being seen means having to look instead of do and that’s uncomfortable for you.”
“Yes that. ___, it’s really hard to feel beautiful”, he confesses in a whisper.
“I know. It’s really hard. Don’t force yourself, you’ll get there eventually.”
“I don’t think I ever will.”
“No, don’t doubt yourself. It’s the same with Kook. His journey to controlling his urges may be long, but he’ll get there too eventually. So will you.”
“It’s hard.”
“I know. You have me, so you’re not alone.”
Yoongi hesitates. Thinks. Hesitates.
So you talk again.
“Would it help you a little if I told you that the way your body looks also gives me a lot of pleasure? Maybe you could think of it that way if it helps a little with feeling a bit sexier?”
“It....it does. Oh. Oh wow, okay”, Yoongi squeezes his eyes into little slits as he smiles so brightly that his gums are showing, “wow. Oh my god”, he says, hiding his eyes behind his hand as he giggles quietly. 
You draw closer, tugging his hand away to hold it instead. Yoongi meets your eyes even if he flusters because of it. 
“I’m happy that it helps you, because it’s the truth. I honestly think that you are incredibly sexy and beautiful, but I also get that it’s hard for you to accept that. Thank you for telling me regardless, my love. Now I wanna give you even more compliments.”
“No thank you. I like to think that way”, he says and lowers his eyes shyly, “I already feel sexier. Just a little, maybe”, he confesses, cheeks turning the softest of pinks instantly. 
“Well that’s good to hear”, you say and giggle, stealing a little kiss from him afterwards. 
Yoongi lowers his head and presses out a curse. “What are you doing to me?” he says, hugging you close to bury his face in your chest. You fall into the sheets like that.
“What do you mean?”
“You don’t even know what I’m doing with you. You are so far in there”, he says, touching his chest.
“You’re so sweet.”
“I don’t let people in.”
“I know.”
“But you’re in there.”
“I am?”
“Yeah”, he nods his head, “I don’t like talking about my stuff, but you make me want to. Fuck, why am I that weak with you? I, I feel so…so…so tiny when I’m with you.”
“You’re not weak or tiny”, you assure him, “thank you Yoongi.”
He looks at you, “for what?”
“For letting me in there and for trusting me and for allowing me to love you.” 
He falters. His eyes race between yours. 
“Thank you. I’m so privileged to be with you.”
“Princess”, he breathes. 
“I told you, I can be so cheesy if I want to.”
Yoongi cups your cheeks, “I love you”, he whispers, making you tear up.
“Oh Yoongi, I love you too”, you press out, kissing him deeply.
You pull back when air is sparse and you have him beneath you. Yoongi smiles at you with his sparkly eyes half-lidded. He reaches up, running his thumb over your cheekbone as tenderly as possible.
“What?” you whisper.
“Nothing”, he breathes, outlining your lips.
“Stop that”, you say, hiding in the crook of his neck giddily.
“I’m not even doing anything. What do you mean?” he whines in a chuckle.
“No, you do. You’re gazing, it flusters me.”
“Hah”, he scoffs, shaking his head in fondness.
You nudge him, using the momentum to snuggle yourself closer in a way a very cuddly cat would do. Yoongi accepts it gladly, purring contently as he runs his fingers up and down your spine in mindless patterns.
“I feel so done”, he confesses.
“Same, I’m still so sleepy.”
“Same. You don’t even know how amazing sex feels as a vampire.”
“Yeah?” you sneak a glance at him for just enough seconds to memorise his face in the position, “does it feel better than when you were human?”
“Yeah. You know how our senses are heightened?”
“Now imagine how sensitive we get because of it.”
“That’s really hot. I want to feel it too.” 
Yoongi looks at you, “why’d you think I fuck you the way I do?”
“It’s ‘cause I want you to get as close to the sensation as possible”, he says. 
“Okay first of all, warn me next time because I actually felt my pussy throb right now and second of all. Min Yoongi you are a menace to my sanity, stop being so talkative after sex and ruining my entire being with, with what you say.”
Yoongi snorts before laughing deeply. 
“Don’t laugh at my pain, I’m suffering.”
“Oh you’re suffering? What should I say? You’re messing with me all the time.”
“I’m not.”
“Yeah you are. Just messing with me and-”, he flips you onto your back without warning, caging your head in between your elbows and caressing the top of your head with his big hands, “-making me want to do nothing more than fuck you stupid all the day long”, he rasps, letting his lips brush against your neck afterwards. 
You shiver. He basks in it like an addict, having to growl when he feels your heart skip a few beats against his lips. 
“Yoongi stop”, you breathe. 
“I’m not doing anything.”
“Yeah, you are. You’re being a menace to my sanity again.”
He chuckles deeply, sounding oh so sexy doing it that you feel your pussy throb again.
You pull back as you suddenly feel his boner poking your inner thigh.
“Really? Again?” you ask him in a laugh and a cocked-up eyebrow.
“I told you, I can’t help it. You’re the worst, I’m constantly horny because of you”, he whines, cracking you up.
“You are?”
“Yeah. Do you even know how little I cared about sex in the past? And then you”, he pulls you closer, “beautiful goddess come into my life and all I wanna do is fuck.”
“You’re adorable, Yoongs”, you giggle, booping his nose.
“I’m serious. You sexy woman are ruining me. I even jerk off.”
“Not hot. It’s a problem.”
“Cause I can’t concentrate, because you keep popping into my mind.”
“You can’t concentrate? Really?” you snicker, “is it really such a problem that I’m popping into your mind?”
“Yeah? Why?”
“Cause what if I think about you naked in the middle of a fight and I pop a boner, what then?”
You laugh loudly, making Yoongi snicker deeply. He had hoped that you would like the joke.
“Don’t laugh, what would my enemy think then? That I’m into the fight? Or them?” he continues joking.
Your laughter grows and Yoongi swears he could squeal from happiness. He digs his fingers into your hip to tug you closer, soaking up your expression with sparkly eyes.
“God Yoongi”, you say, wiping your tears away, “you’re so silly.”
He moves in for a rather forceful kiss. Not that he wanted to force himself onto you, but he was so happy and eager to kiss you that it happened that your teeth collided first.
“Ouch, teeth”, you murmur.
“Sorry”, he whispers, chasing you, “so sorry”, he barely gets the words out and then he is already kissing your properly.
“Wait, Yoongi, wait”, you have to pull back, “let me breathe first, you eager kitten”, you say, cupping his cheeks.
He huffs out air, gazing at you with his pretty eyes all sparkly.
“I don’t wanna go out today”, he says and pouts, sagging his shoulders.
“Didn’t you talk all about how you have to hunt for Namjoon again today?”
“That was yesterday me, he was an idiot.”
You laugh again, painting happiness on his face.
“You’re so funny, Yoongi Boongie.”
“You think so?” he asks, barely holding back the smile threatening to creep up.
“Yes, I do. So funny.”
“Mhm”, he lets out and closes his eyes, because he got flustered. He cuddles his face into you, tickling your nose with his hair. He rubs his body into yours, wiggling like a happy kitten and purring like one too. You turn your head, resting your cheek on the crown of his head.
“Yoongi, you still have a boner” you whisper.
“Yeah, ‘cause I want you”, he answers you.
“Fine, fuck”, you give up, parting your legs, “one more round or so help me god. If you’re still being a seductive little shit afterwards, I’ll bite you.”
“Is that a promise?” he asks, lifting his head. 
“No you”, you nudge his chest, “you horndog, this is a threat”, you whine. 
Yoongi lifts himself to his hands, taking your own just so he can pin them above your head. 
“Well then, I feel threatened”, he says, smirking playfully, “guess I gotta fuck you until you forget all about it. Mhm? Turn you stupid around my cock. How’s that sound, princess?” he rasps, rolling his hips into you at the use of your nickname. 
“You goddamn…fucking…” you choke out, arching your back. 
You were so ready to fall into Yoongi, if someone suddenly hadn’t entered his room violently and stopped that from happening.
Taehyung, almost taking the entire doorframe with him.
“Yoongi! ___ is miss- oh” he had yelled before, but stops when he locks eyes with you.
Yoongi lifts his head, looking over his shoulder.
“What are you doing here, brat?” he hisses, “did I allow you to enter?”
“I apologize, I didn’t know that you were with ___”, Taehyung mumbles, trying and failing not to run his eyes down Yoongi’s bared body. That must be the first time he sees the older vampire naked. It would make sense with how much Yoongi struggles with getting naked in front of other people.
The latter disappears from your side within the blink of an eye. The door to the bathroom closes in a loud bang, making both you and Taehyung flinch.
Seconds later you hear the water run.
Poor Yoongi, you think, before averting your eyes to Taehyung.
“Good morning Tae”, you greet the big eyed vampire still present in your room.
“Good morning….forgive me, but was Yoongi truly naked right now?”
“Yes. Why?”
“Well, that is. Hah”, he lets out a breathy laugh, “he has a very shapely bottom.”
You snort in amusement.
“I’m sure that he’ll be happy to hear that”, you tell him.
Taehyung studies you, before taking big steps to you. He sits down on your side of the bed, draping his arm around your waist.
“Where were you? I was worried sick when I woke up and you were missing”, he says without accusation in his voice. He still sounds terribly worried however.
“I’m sorry. I had a nightmare again last night and you slept so well that I didn’t want to wake you. So I went to Yoongi.”
Taehyung furrows his brows.
“Darling”, he says, “you could have woken me.”
“I know, but I just…I feel better now. I had a wonderful dream because of Yoongi.”
“Well, I’m glad to hear that”, Taehyung says and caresses your temple, “but please don’t run off like that again. I was worried sick.”
“I understand. I’m sorry, I will tell you next time.”
“Thank you”, he says, leaning down to kiss your forehead. He pulls back, smacking his lips, “ah yes the distinct taste of post sex sweat.”
“Ew Tae, you’re gross”, you gasp, slapping his chest softly.
He snickers mischievously, sitting up straight. He places his hand on your stomach, caressing it gently.
“What were you doing either way, darling?” he asks in a playful voice, one that paints heat to your cheeks. He runs his eyes up and down your body, “don’t tell me that I interrupted your morning, mhm?”
“Don’t give me that voice”, you whine, making him chuckle.
“What voice?”
“Your sex voice.”
Taehyung lowers his eyes playfully, placing his hand on your naked hip. Big and warm it rests there, calling your attention.
The door to the bathroom opens and out comes Yoongi, dressed in a bathrobe. He pulled the belt so tightly around his waist that it looks borderline uncomfortable.
“We shouldn’t stay for too long. We have to leave soon”, he says dryly, acting busy by picking up his clothing from the floor.
“Yes of course, Jimin and Hobi left a few minutes ago to get gas. They will be back soon”, Taehyung says, letting his hand slip from your hip without even noticing it.
“Good. ___ you should take a shower before we leave.”
“I’ll take it soon. Are you okay, Yoongs?”
“Yes, I’m okay”, he says.
“You have a very shapely bottom, hyung”, Taehyung says.
Yoongi freezes up in the position he was in. Bend halfway down to pick up his briefs. His head moves first, turning so he can send Taehyung an almost deadly glare.
“Very well formed and round”, Taehyung continues.
Yoongi’s eyes darken.
“Also very big.”
Yoongi lowers his eyes in annoyance.
“Shut your mouth”, he hisses, turning his head away and finally moving the rest of his body.
Taehyung snickers, exchanging a sheepish look with you.
Yoongi ignores it. He disappears in the bathroom seconds later, closing the door behind him.
“Gosh Tae, you meanie”, you say, giggling.
“I’m honest. His bottom is very pleasing to look at”, Taehyung insists, grinning.
“Gosh, you silly bear”, you say, finally sitting up. You peck his cheek, “I think I should take that shower now. Could you be a darling and get some croissants for breakfast?”
“Of course, my sweetest. I shall get tea to go with them.”
“You are a darling, thank you my sweetheart.”
“Not at all.”
Taehyung leaves after giving you a big goodbye smooch on your naked chest. You tried not to laugh, but failed.
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Yoongi has his briefs on when you enter the bathroom, but is still shirtless.
“Tae’s right, your butt is sexy”, you tell him, before slapping it.
“Hey!” he whips around, “stop that.”
You snicker.
His cheeks are beet red.
You cup them and squish them.
“You are so handsome.”
“I-“, Yoongi blinks rapidly.
“Tae’s gone already, he’s getting breakfast.”
“Tch, he’s a brat.”
“And you are blushing.”
Yoongi moves his head away, then turns his shoulder to you.
“Get cleaned. I’m getting ready.”
“I will, sugarbutt”, you say, slapping his butt a second time on his way out.
“Stop that”, he hisses, “and don’t call me sugarbutt. I’m Yoongi Boongie.”
You grin, “yeah? Yoongi Boongie? That’s your name?”
“Whatever”, Yoongi mumbles, fleeing with burning cheeks.
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gabessquishytum · 10 months
No sex-ed Dream our beloved 😁 how about the reverse of that last ask? Dream was told as a child that only married couples have babies, and growing up somehow completely missed any evidence to refute that. Even when he later (barely) learns about sex, by the time he’s in college he pretty firmly thinks it’s sex + marriage = babies. He still wanted his first time to be special though, so he’s still a virgin until he starts sleeping with Hob.
When Dream starts having pregnancy symptoms, he simply assumes he caught a bad flu or something. At some point Hob hesitantly brings up the possibility of pregnancy, but Dream just rolls his eyes and says something like that’s impossible, or that he’s pretty sure he would’ve noticed if he was pregnant.
What he’s thinking is “It’s impossible obviously bc we’re not married, and I’m pretty sure I would’ve noticed if we had gotten married, very funny Hob (actually that sounds lovely, but we should probably wait until after graduation)”.
What Hob hears is either “that’s impossible” as in Dream can’t have kids (a bit of a disappointment, but there’s always adoption), or “I would’ve noticed” as in Dream has already checked and confirmed he’s not, maybe he already took a test and it came back negative or he’s on his period, so Hob lets it go, and the nausea quickly goes away anyway and they move on in blissful ignorance (btw if Dream is like me he’s really really bad at tracking his cycles, so he doesn’t even notice that he’s missed a couple months (I’m so bad, if I ever get pregnant missing my period is not how I’m gonna find out 😅)).
If possible for maximum comedy I’d try to keep Dream in denial up until the birth, but Hob will probably bring the subject back up a little more forcefully when Dream starts showing. At first it could be dismissed as a little weight gain (and that’s what Dream definitely thinks it is), but at a certain point it’s clear that that’s a baby bump, it’s literally a baby bump, Dream do you have something you’d like to share???
They finally sit down and clear everything up, then they can both have a little freak out as a treat, that Dream is pregnant, they’re gonna be dads, holy shit they are so behind they need to schedule all the appointments yesterday.
My love for this au never ends!!!! And I do have a huge soft spot for a Dream who is very obviously pregnant and very much in denial about it. Maybe he insists that Hob has just been feeding him too well! And Hob is staring at the very round very obvious bump (which occasionally ripples as the baby begins to move around and throw punches). Admittedly he likes to keep Dream eating plenty of nutritious meals, but his lasagnes definitely didn't do THAT.
I think deep, deep down Dream knows that he's having a baby, but he's very scared and kind of hoping the whole situation will go away if he ignores it. He still doesn't know HOW he got into this mess. Did him and Hob get married with out realising it? Dream is so confused and anxious and he wants a nine month nap and a hug. Instead he gets a baby (and a boyfriend who loves him very much and is who is NOT going to put his dick inside Dream without a condom for a very, very long time).
Nevertheless, the expectant parents are very very excited!!!! Hob is telling everyone he knows that his boyfriend is pregnant!!!! He's got a lil miracle in his belly!!!! Hob’s gonna be a daddy for real!!!! And Dream pulls off the most beautiful, iconic, celebratory trans pregnancy to the point where the entire campus is invested, and bigots everywhere are drowning in ire and envy.
It's especially nice that their baby, aged around 18 months, gets to be the guest of honour when they do get married. Dream and Hob get a night off from parenting their little one and have a very raunchy consummation of their marriage in their hotel room........ where Dream suggests that now they're actually married, maybe it's time to try for another baby?
Hob takes great pleasure in chucking the condoms out into the corridor. Time to make a baby with his HUSBAND <3
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zu-is-here · 10 months
Why does Cross need to sleep on the couch?! What did he do to deserve it?! I mean, specifically! XD
But really, now I'm curious. In your canon, Dream also is aro/ace? (I forgot which one is he in OG, but he got a partner and a child, so points stands--)
I mean, there are people who even having different orientation, stays with someone they are 'not supposed to', and it is pretty clear Cross and Dream likes each other, but is it love? After all, love is upgraded friendship--
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Dream is demiromantic ace, canonically and here too! ☆
Actually, Cross did nothing wrong (ówò) He just mistakes Dream's orientation for not wanting to share a bed with him (since for Cross, no attraction meant no love, while Dream loves without it), and asks if he's doomed to sleep on the couch from now on :')
You're right, friendship is important part of love (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵) And this part means more to Dream than the other ones <3
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Hii! <3 It's alright, I'm happy to explainヽ(´▽`)
The Peppermint song itself has no clear meaning: it may be either a discord between lovers/spouses or even a cute, humorous conversation instead (since you can hear laughter at the end) (*´∀`*) You can also find many different theories in the comments there! ☆
In this case, a "peppermint" is what Dream asks for since he doesn't have it and doesn't know about, he's simply curious about it, and Cross can satisfy his curiosity.
But turns out that it's too hot much for Dream, he's not ready, so he spits the candy out (rejects him). That's what may be unexpected and even insulting — a shattered candy is a moment of misunderstanding.
A wrapper with no candy is Dream's asexuality he doesn't know about, and he can't explain himself better (ending up with a "No" pillow), that's what confuses Cross and makes him feel unloved by his own husband ("ó3ò)
So Dream's "I don't know" (not answering) is literal: yes, a peppermint sounded nice, but it tastes bad to me, so why should I like it anyway? It's not your fault, so why are you upset if I still love you?
This story is just the answer to what Dream loves more, and the answer is obvious (⸝⸝´꒳`⸝⸝) The other question is what he's willing to do for his beloved one, whether he puts the happiness of others above his own like Dream, or chooses himself and his own comfort like Shattered.
There's an open ending here, but I can assure you that there's nothing bad here╰(*´︶`*)╯The pillow says that they will most likely be "punished" to sleep on the couch together XD ;)
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It's so nice to hear it, thank you guys a looot! (〃ω〃) I really enjoyed telling through the symbols, these lovebirds deserve to be happy together despite their differences ♡
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The interesting thing I learned while working on it is that the type of the ace cards matters as well, so Dream's would be the ace of diamonds *^*
Plus, his flag's colors are really close to Cross' "favorite" ones (monochrome & violet), but it's just a cute coincidence (*´꒳`*)♪
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OH Gayfish! (*゚∀゚*) Thank you so much for your addition, this is very much appreciated from a true representative of the community *^*
This is Dream's position we speak about, but of course, this is a much wider spectrum, though it wouldn't be possible to touch on them all (ówò)
I'm really glad to know that your enjoyed it! <3 That's right, and that's what Joku told about Dream in the first place, with him not really knowing about all these things yet just feeling like it╰(*´︶`*)╯I believe it wasn't an easy way for them, but they made it ♡
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damagedintellect · 1 year
Dazai Osamu x reader
💌 Reading into the palms of isekai bullshit: 
Chapter 1  💌  
Summary:   You were no stranger to isekai bullshit. It’s not like you had a problem with it. The genre took over the anime scene for years now but you try to stay away from thinking about how you would handle the situation. The last time you thought about inserting yourself into your favorite show you wrote a 100k word xReader fic for your favorite characters and you didn’t want to spend all your time consumed by the brainrot again. Never again, you promised yourself that was the last time you’d let the devil on your shoulder win. You clicked on chapter 1 to start the adventure over again but when you opened your eyes and saw Dazai O-FUCKING-samu getting choked by Kunikida you honestly hoped it was a dream.
Notes: Another isekai so I can play around with BSD like dolls.
💌 Word count: 3,312 💌  You Are Here | Next Chapter =>
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"Nooooooo!” you screamed, throwing your phone down. Today was the day the new Bungo Stray Dogs chapter was supposed to be posted. It was but you weren’t happy about it. You finished reading it in record speed since they left both of your favorite characters in a pretty heavy cliffhanger only to shift the perspective to someone else. It wasn’t a bad chapter, you just didn’t like the idea that you’d now have to wait another month. You sighed falling back on to your bed. The waiting was nothing new but your brain wanted more. More adventures, more side stories, heck at this point you might as well reread the damn thing. You’ve been scrolling through tumblr reading as many plot analysis and character breakdowns to the point where you feel like you know everyone like the back of your hand. Everyone feels so real to you like you’ve known them all your life, almost like in another life you were all friends or maybe you were a part of the agency. You laughed to yourself as you picked your phone back up. The rain outside would be nice ambient noise to start the manga over once again. 
You were no stranger to isekai bullshit. It’s not like you had a problem with it. The genre took over the anime scene for years now but you try to stay away from thinking about how you would handle the situation. The last time you thought about inserting yourself into your favorite show you wrote a 100k word xReader fic for your favorite characters and you didn’t want to spend all your time consumed by the brainrot again. Never again, you promised yourself that was the last time you’d let the devil on your shoulder win. The soft pitter patter of the rain brought you back from your thoughts as you clicked on chapter 1 to start the adventure over again. 
“Dazai I swear if this was one of your planed double suicides I’m going to kill you!” a voice rang out. You could still feel the cold sensations of floating in water. What were you doing a moment ago and why did those voices sound familiar to you? The last thing you remember was starting over your beloved manga from chapter 1. You didn’t leave the house and none of your friends had keys to get in. Why were there people in your bedroom and why do you feel cold and wet? 
“I assure you if it was, me and this lovely lady would already be dead but unfortunately Atsushi here ruined that miracle for me.”
You choked, it finally hit you. You did, in fact, recognize those voices “D-Dazai?” When your vision came too you were in Atsushi’s lap as Kunikida was shaking his partner. This couldn’t be real. No this had to be a dream. Dammit you could see it now, once you woke up you were going to write another Stray Dogs isekai. You internally groaned. What have you done?
“Ah so sleeping beauty’s awake!” Dazai tapped the blonde’s wrist to get his attention. “Kunikida as a gentleman you should ask her if she’s alright and stop strangling me.” 
Reluctantly the blonde did as he was told and let go, gracefully kneeling in front of you “Are you alright my colleague said you were floating in the river?” his eyes were full of concern. It made a warm feeling bloom throughout your body. Honestly you could get used to this. Wait, did he just say you were floating in the river?
You looked dazed, glancing around to see the familiar riverbank that Atsushi starts at during the very beginning of Bungo Stray Dogs. You looked at your hands. You were still wearing the same clothes you had before you remember falling asleep, admittedly they were much soggier than you remember but you had no memory of how you ended up in the river. Just from the small scene in front of you this was how episode 1 started. If you played along maybe you’d eventually wake up. You’ve had lucid dreams before, it wasn’t too far fetched but the ache in your heart didn’t want you to wake up. Finally you looked up at Kunikida who was patiently waiting for your answer but before you could respond your stomach growled. How embarrassing, now it really was like how the episode played out.
Dazai keeled over laughing “I guess introductions can wait till we get something to eat, how about that?” He offered you a hand over his partner's shoulder to help you up. You snapped out of your haze staring at it a moment before you grabbed his hand and said “I think that’s for the best.” 
What have you gotten yourself into?
At dinner Atsushi spent no time at all stuffing his face as Kunikida and Dazai bantered back and forth. Dialogue you remembered from when you watched the show originally. You forgot how furious Kunikida was over the whole ordeal and you felt bad knowing what Atsushi was going to say next. He really needed a hug and you know what you can finally do that with your circumstances but maybe not right now.
“I came to Yokohama straight from the orphanage. I’ve had nothing to eat and nowhere to sleep since. I thought I’d starve to death.”
“You came from an orphanage?” Dazai questioned. He was sitting across from you casually and despite being hungry you noticed that he didn’t order anything to eat. You had ordered one out of solidarity. You’ve always wanted to try tea on rice but never bothered trying to find a place that makes it in your area. Atsushi was already on his twelfth bowl or so as he continued the conversation. 
“I was yes but they kicked me out.”
“Sounds like a real philanthropic organization.” Dazai turned his attention from Atsushi to you “How about you? Remember anything now?” He rested his head on the back of his hands. You wanted to hold them.
You nodded looking down at your hands. That’s when you got an idea. “I think my name is (Y/N), (Y/N) (L/N). Still trying to work out how I got in the river but,” you paused raising your hands to your face slightly. Your mom had read tons of books about palm reading. Maybe this could be your chance to use what little knowledge you remember to your advantage. “I don’t know this might sound silly but do you mind if I see your hands?”
Dazai tilted his head to the side before he offered you his palms “What brought this on?” You pretended to inspect the lines ghosting over them with your fingers tracing some of them lightly. “When I looked at my hands I had this voice in my head that told me that I could read palms. Mine were kind of fuzzy so I wanted to see if I could read someone else’s” You pretend to see flashbacks, blinking and tensing up for added effect. He played along, chuckling to himself “Well what do you see?”
You forced a careful expression on your face slowly sparing him a glance “A lot you’d rather I not say out loud.” You move to hold his hands in yours giving him a loving squeeze and smile “Odasaku would be proud of you though.” The look he gave you was sharp, his lips in a tight line hearing the name. Before either of you could really finish the exchange Kunikida piped up.
“Dazai we’re not a couple of do good-ers going around helping hard luck cases. We’ve got a job to do.” Kunikida nudged the other with his book. He clearly didn't believe in your charade. You could fix that “Actually I have a feeling I might be able to help with your case if you let me see your hands too.” He gave you a wary look as you made grabby hands at him “Please I swear I’ll explain once I see everyone’s hands.” Dazai gave him a cautious expression but Kunikida gave in. Probably to get it over with so he could go back to work. This time you didn’t try to trace patterns on his palm like you did to Dazai. “Wow, I’ve never seen someone so traumatized by the color blue before.” as he made a choked noise, you turned to Atsushi. “Okay your turn.”
“Do I have too?” 
“Yes, otherwise I’ll be missing a piece of the puzzle and Kunikida and Dazai might think I'm a threat." Atsushi slowly presented them to you. "You see, they're with the Armed Detective Agency and currently they're looking for a white tiger. You know the one that's been "chasing" you." You said "chasing" in air quotes letting go of his hands to do the gesture making sure to give a nod to Dazai about the tiger thing.
In Atsushi’s panic he knocked over his chair and a couple of bowls as he tried to crawl away. You watched the scene play out as Kunikida pinned him to the floor and the interrogation started. You sat patiently as Atsushi was then asked if he was free to be bait. Dazai hadn't taken his eyes off of you letting Kunikida handle Atsushi. Maybe you did go too heavy handed into this.
“Forget it no way!”
You tried to ignore Dazai's gaze and laughed at Atsushi’s outburst trying to lighten the mood. “I don’t know Atsushi. If it’s after you I feel like this is the perfect opportunity to get it off your back for good. What if I tagged along? Strength in numbers right?” He stood up and defended himself “That doesn’t make it better! I’m not doing this okay. I know what you’re thinking, you’re planning to use me as bait-”
“There’s a reward you know.”
From there Atsushi’s fate was sealed and you all made your way over to the warehouse. You waited around for hours, everyone keeping to themselves. You spent the time trying to plan out how you'd explain yourself to Dazai. You could still feel his cautious gaze on you despite him reading his book. You’ve always wanted his attention but not like this. You especially didn't want to be on his shit list. As soon as Atsushi opened his mouth you sighed in relief.
 Finally, it's showtime.
 It’s not like you’d actually be of any help, you just needed to make sure you didn’t die or get in the way. “Guess that’s my cue to leave, I’ll go find Kunikida and the others.” Dazai only smirked and continued to monologue to Atsushi who would not remember the speech later. You casually strode out of the warehouse seeing the others already surrounding the building, hearing the ruckus inside. You didn’t speak, only waved them in as you made your way back to Dazai seeing that the dust had already settled and Atsushi was already on the ground. After everyone else got to take a jab at him the brunette finally spoke.
“I’ve already made my decision. We’re going to make them one of us.” Dazai’s stare made you freeze up. It makes sense to you, keep your friends close but your enemies closer. Not that you were his enemy but you've already proven you don't have an ability. Your little trick worked on him so you weren't gifted and that probably was the worse part. He doesn't know what your intentions are nor what the extent of your talents were and he couldn’t nullify you even if he tried. He was probably evaluating your level of threat to him, the agency or both.
His eyes were staring into your soul. It was so alluring but you couldn't help the fear that was settling in knowing what he was capable of. Well part of it was fear and part of it was intrigue. Why did he have to also be so damn attractive. Your face felt hot but you couldn't look away. You dug your grave now you'd have to lay in it. The whole way back to the dormitory he was guiding you from the small of your back. In any other circumstance the presence of his hand on such a place would have you swooning because that is peak protective boyfriend behavior but instead it was almost threatening like he was trying to make sure you couldn’t run away. However another part of your brain, the demented part, was screaming louder than any of the other voices in your head because it finally hit you that holy shit they were here. This all felt so real and you were playing with fire. 
You made sure to keep up with what was happening, keeping your emotions in check enough to make sure your face or your body language didn’t give anything away. You and Atsushi were given some spare clothes and a cell phone. They only had one room available right now since the other one was being used as storage. They would have it cleared in a day or two. Atsushi tried to give the available one to you but Dazai stepped in and assured him that he'd personally see to it that you were taken care of. Kunikida was actually surprised that Dazai was willing to put in some level of work settling the accommodations. Little does he know what the brunette had in mind. It sent shivers down your spine for all the wrong reasons. When everything was settled Dazai opened the door to his apartment gesturing for you to go inside.
Once you stepped in you took off the shoes the agency just gave you. You had almost forgotten that when you woke up at the river, just like Atsushi, you didn't have any shoes on. No one questioned your strange attire either but you guess after everything they’ve seen it wasn’t the weirdest thing they’ve experienced in their lifetimes. Standing at the doorway to the small room you were waiting for Dazai to direct you where to set your new things down. His futon was still spread out on the floor and the table near its side still had the slight mess of empty bottles and cans. Once you heard the sound of the door’s lock you swallowed hard unintentionally snapping you back to the gravity of the situation. You were alone in a room with ex demon prodigy, Osamu Dazai. 
"You can put that over in the corner." His voice rang in your ear. He was looming over you. He didn't even make a sound crossing the room; he just appeared behind you in a second. You did as you were told, trying to calm down your increasing heart rate. You knelt down to set it on the floor but as you stood back up you staggered back against the wall with Dazai towering over you again.
"You want to tell me who you really are?" He smiled carefree as if he wasn't using his height to corner you. You took a breath relaxing against the wall. His hands were behind his back yet you felt trapped. "I don't work for anyone if that's what you're getting at. I didn't lie about who I was earlier but I didn't need you to show me your hands. Technically I already saw it when you offered to help me up, that is, your past with the port mafia. I genuinely didn't know that was something I could do. That's why I asked to see your palms a second time, it didn’t sit right with me. That's why I asked for you to willingly give me your hands. I'm sorry I brought up oda but it was either him or the hot redhead you call hat rack." You gave him a knowing look that you made the right choice of who to name drop.
He grimaced when you called Chuuya hot. It seemed mentioning him caused him to lose all hostility in his demeanor. Interesting. He must believe you then. "So what do you know?" Dazai seemed to relax enough to sit on the futon. You followed after him since the tension dispersed. "Well since this bit," you moved to grab his hand to point out the part of his palm "is covered in bandages. I only know generally how you met Mori to the present day. I don’t know everything, just little blips here and there that were significant. I didn't look at Kunikida for that long but the Azure king popped up and I knew Atsushi was the tiger all along. Although it wasn't my place to get involved the way I did. Again I apologize." You caressed his hand with your thumb. He was watching you like a hawk. You were looking down thinking if there was anything else you should mention. Hopefully this was enough.
He hummed taking it in for a second before he pulled your arm while pushing your shoulder back, pinning you underneath him. "Are you scared of me? Knowing what I've done." He smirked playfully but his eyes were serious. If he wanted to play games you knew how to combat him. Or at least you think this would be an adequate counter to whatever he was doing now. You smiled "Quite the opposite. I trust you with every fiber of my being." Your words caused his eyes to dilate and his body to tense before he situated himself to further hover over your shorter frame. "Really now, even like this?" His expression dripped with lust as he dipped to whisper in your ear "I could have my way with you if I wanted." An empty threat clearly.
"You definitely could but you won't." You said it so matter of factly he shifted to look at you again. You used your freehand to caress his cheek giving him a soft smile "You have my unconditional trust. The position we're in changes nothing, ya womanizer." The source material never went into detail about Dazai’s past relationships. Only that he’s made women cry and that Chuuya knew of every single last one of them but he’s done his fair share of over the top flirting throughout the series. You just had to steel your nerves and out bluff the conman.
"Does it now?" He hummed giving you a mischievous grin as his hand delicately released its grip on yours sliding down to your wrist. His fingers pressing into your skin trying to find your pulse. Your eyes widened as you realized what he was doing. Your demeanor broke as you squirm underneath him. It was too late, you could see the pleased expression grace his features "Someone should be a little more honest with themselves." He leaned in making your noses touch. You could feel his hot breath on your lips before he pulled away. "Buuuuut you're right, I won't." He abruptly broke the trance you were in sitting up releasing his hold on you making you feel breathless. Your heart was still racing. Curse this attractive waste of bandages. 
"You can take the room! I'll be off to-" He started off cheerily but you reached out to grab his arm. "Nope. As gentlemanly as you are, you can't fool me. Don't flatter yourself. Yes, I find you attractive but I'm not that desperate. Just stay, we’re both adults." You pretended to gasp covering your mouth "Or are you running away because you're all hot and bothered?" You gave him a smirk waiting to see how he’d react. Two could play at this game. He frowned slightly at your challenge. You knew his signature move was running away from every uncomfortable moment he’s caused but if he backed down from your challenge now you'd win and Dazai doesn’t like to lose. So you shared the futon and you slept with Osamu Dazai.
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gay-dorito-dust · 2 years
May I please request “sleepy cuddles” and good morning kisses with daemon <3333 tysm in advance
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A lil short, soft but -I hope- sweet drabble
From the gentle pitter patter of rain, plush lips greeting the skin along your jaw good morning and the strong pair of arms that kept you caged against a well built chest. You felt as though you had just woken into a dream, a personal paradise tailor made to fit you and your desires. It was a rarity in of itself that you got to see Daemon in the morning, seeing as you’ve grown accustom to waking in your bed alone; Begrudgingly forced to accept it as part of your relationship with the Prince.
“Good morning, my sweetling.” Daemon greeted between kisses that trialed down your neck and sliming across your shoulders with feather light caresses that drew a sleepy sigh from your lips. “Don’t you have duties to attend to this morning my love.” You drowsily responded, moving yourself in his arms until you were face to face so you could prep kisses of your own against the porcelain column of his neck and under his jaw. “They haven’t called upon me yet. At this rate I’m merely pushing my luck in seeing how far my absence in court will go without notice.” Daemon croaks, his grip on your waist subconsciously tightening whenever your weight shifted away from him.
“Unfortunately that might take awhile considering how everyone on the small council are incompetent, narrow minded cunts.” You chuckled at his blatant hatred of being apart of the small council, being Queen Rhaenyra’s hand and all; You found it hilariously entertaining whenever he would enter your shared chambers to vent out the frustrations he had, leading you both late into the night before the fatigue from the lack of sleep finally caught up to the pair of you at last. “How unfortunate for you indeed my beloved, sounds like a true nightmare.” You said cheekily, biting back a yawn as you reached a hand to run your fingers through his slightly mattered platinum locks.
“You’re mocking me aren’t you?” Daemon said in equal amusement as he nudged his head to borrow into your shoulder, biting down on the skin there with just enough force to make you jolt out of surprise. “Now why would I do that my beloved? Your troubles are my troubles and my troubles are yours after al-“ Your voice got caught in a squeal when his hands brushed against the ticklish sports on your sides which had you convulsing away from his touch. “Stop that.” You scolded, slapping away at Daemon’s hands that seemed to keep coming back with every weak hearted slap you gave them.
“Stop what? You’re the one who started this sweetheart.” He drawls, his once sleepy lilac eyes were now filled with mischievous as his hands were once again reaching for your sides. His fingertips just barely brushed against them and you were already preparing yourself to be on the defence. “I didn’t start anything! Am I not allowed to make jokes with my strong and very, very handsome Prince?” You batted your eyelashes at Daemon, who only chuckled at your attempted of sweet talk before grabbing a hold on your waist and caged you against his chest once more.
“Not if it’s at my expense, nice attempt in trying though my dearest. For a moment I was almost bewitched by the batting of your eyelashes and sweet smile, however…” Daemond trailed off as you waited on baited breath for what he was about to say next when his fingers started their abuse as your sides, causing you to erupt into a fit of laughter that was for certain to be heard by any anyone passing by outside your chambers. “You easily forget who taught you those tricks in the first place.” He spoke over your hysterical laughter and pleas for him to cease his merciless tickles as your weak attempts of pushing his hands away were met with even more torturous tickles.
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iid-smile · 4 days
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#07 ୨ৎ ⸝⸝ 🦢 anon ⋆
you might just be cute... no, you are cute 🫶 i got so excited when i saw an emoji anon for the first time omg!!! took me a decade to find the swan for some reason. anyways everything is as you asked 😌 1 and 10 drabbles and 11 is headcanons!!
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#1 🍰 | first kiss
dazai's been watching you the entire day. he was there when you woke up, he was there when you were doing your daily routine, brushing your teeth and the works, but even when you run errands? that's rare.
"i want to kiss you." he whispers, and he knows that you won't hear him, the smirk on his face only growing. you were much too focused, mind shifting from one thing to the next, and you failed to notice dazai creeping closer and closer to you. you failed to realise that the hands coming to your hips behind you were up to something, and you never figured out what.
in that tiny interval of time, in that short, brief moment of weakness as you turned your head away, he turned it right back, fingers holding your chin still as his lips lay upon yours. your eyes widen, staring at his closed ones as you try to process whatever the hell was going on. you weren't even quick enough to kiss back, pulling away and looking down at you from behind.
didnhe expect you to be happy? maybe not. was it worth that adorable pout on your face? absolutely. "why? did you have what the kiss would be like planned in your head?"
you nod.
"was this not it?"
you nod again.
"sorry, rue..." he fakes a frown, his eyebrows furrowing in a way that was nearly believable, but you read him too well.
"you're not sorry at all." you may be annoyed, but your love for him overpowers it, wrapping your pinky around his.
"i'm not."
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#10 🍓 | cuddling in the morning
you've been tired all week, working tirelessly while listening to others rant to you. it's want your used to, it's what you always do and you love to help those you love feel better, but when was the last time you've had a vent of your own?
a squeeze on your shoulder rouses you from your sleep, and your eyes start to open, only being able to see the blankets you've buried into since last night. "osamu, you're holding me too tight..." your voice comes out raspy and low, but you're too fatigued to care.
"i know..." dazai squeezes again, his fingers running down to your elbow. "but you're so stiff even though you're in bed. i thought you were having a bad dream." you can tell he's being serious, and he sounds like he's been awake for a good while.
"stress? i don't know." you shuffle a bit, the mattress dipping along with your limbs. "haven't got enough rest lately."
judging by how quiet he grew, he was definitely thinking over the conversation. "you were tossing and turning all night."
"you felt that?"
"heard it too. it kept me awake."
"oh..." a frown appears for a moment on your face, a pang of guilt surrounding your mind.
"it's okay, really." with no struggle, he locates your hand and holds it tight, while moving close enough so that he could spoon you. "now i know that you need someone like your dear beloved here to talk you through it, hm?"
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#11 🍓| long distance relationship
most people think dazai wouldn't be loyal, but when it comes to genuine love and interest, he very much is
very frequently writes letters. he's got nice handwriting and we all know it, but he purposely makes some sentences hard to read because he does get a little embarrassed with how truthful he can get
he loves it when you rant to him about anything, because he knows you don't have many people to do that with. always has the best and perfect advice for you too. he's serious about your feelings and thoughts and even encourages you to spill out what you're hiding from him
sometimes leaves work for weeks at a time, only to return and said he's "visited the depths of his heart and found his true love once again"... whatever that means
has the most dramatic hug when he first sees you too. it's tight, you're off your feet, and he's spinning you around (he makes sure to be careful)
would he leave his job to be closer to you? it depends. if you get sick or just ask him to, he will. in his case, it would be him getting injured to the point where he can't manoeuvre well enough to continue
as long as you two are happy with this arrangement you already have going, he doesn't mind waiting until he's past his prime, detective wise
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event masterlist
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I wish you would write a fic where uhhh dangerous mission fic when obi-wan being a little more than protective over his "husband clone" Cody (mission fics my BELOVED)
ok i’m not sure if this is exactly what you meant because the mission part of the fic is more implied. however. i had this thought and needed to write it.
so premise of this fic would be that there’s a battle (all the usual stuff) and Cody gets separated from the rest of the battalion. once alone, he is injured and through the Force Obi-Wan senses this, he then has a whole crisis about duty / attachment / his feelings which ends with him running off the help Cody. cue a very protective Obi-Wan accompanying Cody back to the Negotiator and staying at his bedside whilst he recovers. (and then they confess their love and everything is nice and happy <3)
(the alternative thought i had was Cody and Obi-Wan on a diplomatic mission, and some ambassador is flirting with Cody which leads to Obi-Wan getting more aggressively polite. Cody does not need defending, but he lets Obi-Wan carry on because it’s very funny)
Fear swelled up around his chest, half-choking with it, he struggled to push it away. Even as he breathed, focused on releasing the emotion into the Force, it seemed to cling to him. Traces of it gathering at his lips, the entrance to his lungs, settling like cooling ash.
His footsteps echoed in his ears, they were joined by his thudding heart, its rhythm unsteady and uneasy.
He pleaded, desperately but never hopelessly, to the Force that Cody’s wavering Force signature would not have gutted out before he could reach him.
Force, please. I don’t know what I’d do if I lost him.
The realisation almost made him pause, cold as ice as it shivered down his spine. Later, he would worry about that later.
He breathed in, air rushing harshly against his lungs as he did so, and drew on the Force to go faster. Reaching out, he brushed against Cody’s Force signature, in answer it rippled. A quietening breath drawn in.
At last, at last, he reached Cody.
He had, through a wide variety of life experiences, seen bodies in various states. Nothing had quite prepared him for this. To see Cody’s unconscious form laid out amongst the planet’s pale undergrowth sent a shudder of visceral horror through him.
Harsh against the white and gold of his armour, blood still seeped through his chest plate, dropped sluggishly onto the ground beneath his arm. His helmet had cracked, an eerie echo of the first time he’d seen his Commander so injured, when Cody had received the scar that circled round his eye.
Obi-Wan inhaled sharply, moving haltingly towards Cody, as if, given enough time, the injuries might disappear, might reveal themselves to be some hellish dream.
Reaching Cody, he knelt beside him, fingers brushing lightly past his helmet, the ghost of touch.
He closed his eyes and sank into the Force. Around him, it seemed to waver, uncertain. He took in a breath, and as he exhaled allowed himself to the feel the emotion that shuddered harsh against him. It clawed at him, insistent, and he gasped, biting back a broken sob.
Struggling, a little more than he would admit, he remembered serenity. The gentle chatter of water in the Room of a Thousand Fountains, the warm, early morning light that floated in his quarters in the Temple as he woke, Cody’s face, made soft by sleep. Again, he breathed. The Force quietened just a little.
He reached out in the Force, his own signature brushing against Cody’s. If he was not, by now, well-practised, he might have recoiled in pain. It seemed to permeate his whole being, and Obi-Wan ached in sympathy. Gently, so as not to wake Cody, he did his best to ease the pain, to heal those wounds that he so feared.
Somewhere in a world beyond him, he heard a choking gasp. The sound pulled him from the Force, and he blinked his eyes open.
Immediately, his hands found Cody’s, grasped them desperately, fingers fluttering against his pulse.
“Cody. Darling.” His voice caught in his throat, cracking as Cody’s name left his lips. With careful hands, he removed Cody’s helmet.
His eyes struggling to remain open, Cody smiled up at him. “General.” He coughed halfway through the word, the sound splintering the title in two. He tried again, “Obi-Wan.”
He smiled, at last, wild and desperate. “Hello, my dear.”
Cody opened his mouth to speak, and his whole body seemed to shudder. “Hurts.”
Obi-Wan forced his hands to remain steady, his breathing to remain even. When he spoke, his voice was level, “I know, darling.”
Pulled by the temptation of unconsciousness, Cody’s eyes briefly fluttered shut. In that moment, panic, cruel and twisting, threatened to creep from deep inside of him, curling through his lungs as it suffocated his heart. “Cody?” His voice soft, it did not waver, “Stay awake for me, please.”
Cody’s eyes opened, and again his world was beautiful.
In answer, he gave a little more of himself to Cody. The twisted mess of pain in the Force that had entangled him seemed to lessen, just a little. “There,” He signalled his location on his comm, “The med team will be here soon.”
“’S not so bad.” The effect of the words was ruined as Cody winced.
Something caught between a laugh and a sob escaped his throat, “I thought I would lose you. And I--” He paused, unsure of what he wanted to say, the feeling in his chest too great and nebulous to give simple words to. So much of his life had been spent perfecting his ability to twist and shape words to his needs, and yet, stripped bare like this, he could not form a simple sentence.
In answer, Cody squeezed his hand. The gesture was weak, and it sent a deep and desperate longing through him, even as fear clawed insistent at his throat. “I know.” He spoke softly, and that his tone might have been a product of pain settled a bone-deep worry within Obi-Wan.
He did not have words to answer Cody, to present his heart to him as he deserved to have it. Instead, he replied, words whispered close to him as if they might float away, “Stay with me, darling.”
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itsapplephie · 6 months
I've met you once upon a dream
The memories of a child and his fairy godfather
At Wild Rose Castle
It was a serene night, as the moon casted its gentle glow upon the world. A lone figure made its way towards a castle in a part of what is now Briar Valley. The castle was once under the future queen of Briar Valley and then by the humans who defeated her, but was now abandoned. Thorns crept along the walls and floor which made it a bit hard to walk, one should carefully navigate their way through it when doing so. Arriving at what was once a throne room, a raven hovered around before landing near the throne and transforming into a male. While ruffling his wings, he took notice of what seemed to be a cradle placed near the throne.
“Oh? What might this be?”
Leaning over he looked into the cradle to see what was in it. In the cradle was a baby who looked only a few months old, sound asleep, seemingly lost in his own dreams. On top of the blankets wrapped around it was a ring in a necklace that had what seemed like an aurora colored magic stone. Reaching out to touch it, the baby’s hand twitched and what one can only describe as a pair of majestic aurora colored eyes blinked open. His breath hitched as he looked at those eyes, those eyes that looked so familiar a gleam.
“The Knight of Dawn,” he mumbled as he brushed away the baby’s golden hair from its face. A rush of anger washed over him and the air crackled as his magic came to be.
“A baby abandoned in this castle after a few years of them taking over it, it looks like you’re his child with the princess, now aren’t you, little apple?,” the baby only laughed in response to his touch. "And it seems like you were blessed by the diurnal fairies of the human court nonetheless."
This child is his child. The child of the murderer of his wife, his beloved flower of evil. A voice inside him told him to kill the child in his arms.
"Well, well, I shall bestow a curse upon you, little prince. A curse in exchange of what your father did," he smiled wickedly. "Indeed with grace and beauty you may grow but in death like sleep you shall be in, never to be awoken by anyone."
Another voice spoke to spare the human child. Was he not the one who wanted for both human and fae to live peacefully together? And even so, is it right to blame a child for its father’s actions? He paused in his incantation as his magic was weaving itself to form the curse.
"But, when someone who truly loves you will come, then you shall awaken. This curse will last until the end of time. No power in this world can change it!" With incantation finished, the curse was cast upon the child replacing the blessing that was once placed upon it.
As the curse was placed, the baby suddenly cried, startling the man. He stood up gently and rocked the baby in his arms but it won’t stop crying. Humming a lullaby that his own wife used to sing to their egg, the baby gradually calmed down and sniffling it looked up at him. Levan Draconia, now Dire Crowley, looked at the baby of who used to be his enemy in his arms.
“Hello, little apple, it is nice to meet you. Although, I am quite surprised that my mere presence near you seemed to awaken you from your blessed sleep,” he brought the baby’s face closer to him. “Though I saw this exact scene in one of my visions, I didn’t exactly expect it to happen now."
The baby stopped sniffling and touched his face with its hands, cupping its hand with his fingers he leaned into its touch as it seemed content when he did so. “Well, little apple, I seem to not know what your name is and you,” he booped its nose, “yourself don’t know too.”
“Now what shall I call you, hmm? Little apple?,” the baby giggled at the name. “It does suit you but it doesn’t have something to it. How about little briar rose?,” the baby seemed to look at him confused. “No? Well how about little beastie?,” the baby smiled at him when he said the name.
“Little beastie it is! It quite suits you, doesn’t it, little beastie?,” he gently laid the baby on the cradle once more and arranged the blankets to tuck it in comfortably. “Little beastie, though I have seemingly broken the spell bestowed upon you I am not the one destined to raise you. It won’t be for another hundred years or so before my dearest friend will come and you will once again be awoken from your slumber. I’m sure he’ll come to love you so and raise you well to be a fine knight.”
“Until then, sleep soundly and enjoy your dreams. When the time comes that you are awakened, I shall come to you and watch over you. I’m so kind, aren’t I, little beastie?,” he said as the curse's magic washed over it and lulling the baby to sleep.
After making sure that the baby is asleep once more, he gently placed the ring that he set aside. The ring seemed to glow, as if it was trying to tell him something. Finding his way towards the open window, he stepped outside transforming into a raven and flying away.
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For coping! One of them has one of those magic incense holders like the one wangxian uses. And uses it to get in his own dream where things are nice and different from their shitty reality.
He doesn't realize he's fallen asleep until a gentle fingertip gives his nose a fondly playful tap, and he openes his eyes to find his -husband, wife, partner, beloved- giving him a grin that hints at mischief.
"Someone stayed up too late in his office again last night," the young man -name, what is his name? he knows, he doesn't- says, green eyes sparkling, then he pulls away and stands.
For his own part, he covers a yawn and then stretches, the loose sleep robes he's wearing -painting, he'd been asked to pose for a painting, his husband- his wife- his partner is skilled at- falling open a little before he draws and ties the sash. "Sorry," he murmurs, his tone of voice sounding odd in his throat.
They are married, he shouldn't defer like- He shouldn't sound like a- like a serva-
"It's fine," the ma- his partner says, still smiling. "It worked out for both of us, see?"
He doesn't think of himself as beautiful.
He can't let himself think of himself as beautiful.
The clie- his father's frie- they call him beautiful and it makes him taste of blood from biting his tongue to keep from snapping at them.
But when he sees the delicate brush strokes, the elegant curves, the carefully chosen washes of color, all made with love and care and adoration...
He thinks he could be.
As his partner's favorite muse, he could be.
"Another fine work," he says, smooth and sweet and completely free of the tears threatening to well up.
His partner beams, so easy to please, and goes to hang the painting to dry. When he's finished, he turns back and takes hold of his hands, lacing their fingers together.
"I was thinking-"
"Oh? That must have hurt," he teases with no fear, earning a laugh and his partner letting go of his hands to give him a light shove.
"Shut up!" his partner says with no heat of anger and half of another laugh. "I was thinking, since it's supposed to be gorgeous today, why don't we ask the kitchens to lay out our lunch in a-niang's garden? Just the two of us?"
There is a knock at the door.
He tries to ignore it, returning his partner's smile. "That sounds like-"
The knocking becomes more insistent.
"-I would love to-"
The knocking turns into a sharp rap.
"We could-"
"Get up already!"
He jerks, then sits up, and his eyes open. The light, airy workroom fades away -and his sweet lovely partner with it- and he is once more in his shared room south of the servant quarters.
One of his half brothers -the current youngest, until- whines and curls up in a ball under his blankets. "Do we have to? I was having such a nice dream."
He swallows hard, then carefully smothers the ashes inside the little incense burner he'd smuggled out of one of the treasure rooms months ago. "Better not be late," he says, trying to smother his emotions just as carefully.
There's going to be another meeting of the sects in just a few hours, and they know what their father will expect of them.
As he grabs his meager collection of bathing oils and utilities -it won't be long before he has to get more, and it'll come out of his tiny allowance- he tries not to think about the banquet arrangements for the night.
Except... perhaps... if he would be in attendance...
He shivers as he upends the bucket over his head, but it's not because of the cold water.
Instead, it's from the memory -dream, memory, dream- of bright green eyes and a sweet laugh.
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