fullcravings · 1 year
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Classic Vanilla Slice
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I want to download ren’py so I can turn this into a fake visual novel screenshot.
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258punkweight · 2 months
my mom got me a yummy sandwich and a slcie of chocolate cake but the cake is yucky. it tastes like sunscreen... fuck this gay earth
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maidfrin · 3 months
aliceee alice alice slcie alcoekcwjfnwjgnwkfmwmfke
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littleeyesofpallas · 8 days
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I don't actually remember anything about this title other than vaguely recognizing the name... romance slcie of life comedy type deal with vague yuri undertones?
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apologetickitten · 9 months
i needto slcie my skin open and cut myself and bleed anything but this anything but his anything but this
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cogbreath · 10 months
theres an ification detish for wveyrthing out there beuh i bet thetes sliceOfCheeseification when u teandogrmf onto slcie if cheese
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whenihaveyouromione · 3 years
When I Have You - Chapter 62
Read on Fanfiction.net or ao3 if you'd prefer!
Chapter 62
What had started off as another standard day in the Auror Office at the Ministry of Magic had quickly turned into a chaotic frenzy. Aurors moved about every which way, notes passing amongst one another, and a sense of curiosity and excitement buzzed in the air.
At approximately ten o’clock that morning — about an hour after the Aurors had arrived to begin another boring day of paperwork — an urgent memo had zoomed in and landed on Robards’ desk.
No one had given it any mind, for as Head Auror, he got many memos throughout the day. This one, however, had him jumping to his feet and letting out a string of curses.
Ron, who’d been reading through a report collaborated between the Auror Office and Hermione’s office, had looked up in alarm. It wasn’t like Robards to swear like that — especially amongst the Aurors.
Harry and Dean were watching him curiously too, Dean appearing slightly alarmed.
Robards looked up, his eyes drifting to some of the more senior Aurors, then Ron, then Harry. He said, “Weasley, you’re in luck.”
“I am?” Ron said, jumping to his feet.
“Yep. You’ve been wanting something exciting to do for a while now if you asking me as such every other week is anything to go by. Well… today’s your lucky day. You too, Potter. Merrythought and Ryan, you as well.”
All four Aurors jumped to their feet, and Ron felt anticipation bubbling inside him. He hadn’t even heard what he was to do, but it had to beat sitting behind a desk reading reports.
“Edinburgh,” Robards said. “This report here says there’s some funny business happening up there that needs some investigating.” He scanned the memo again. “From what I’m gathering it looks like either some wayward Death Eaters or some wannabes. They’re causing destruction and fear in the city centre.”
Ron’s wand hand twitched in anticipation. He’d not performed any spells apart from domestic ones in months.
“Fifteen minutes,” Robards added. “You’ll be Disapparating from here. I need to speak to an Unspeakable. They’re the ones in charge of dropping the Disapparition charms around here.” He marched from the office.
Now, everyone was abuzz. Even those who were not told to go seemed excited that something was happening. Was this the start of something? Would the others get to go out next time?
Dean tossed his quill across the room. “Just my luck,” he complained.
“We’ve been here a whole year longer than you,” Ron said, grinning. “Finally, something to do.”
“A few Death Eaters don’t need four people, do they?” Harry asked, glancing at Merrythought and Ryan.
“Who cares?” Ron said. “I’m ready, so I’m just going to let Hermione know that I might be home later than her tonight for once. She’ll be thrilled. I think she’s sick of me telling her about all the reports she’s already seen.”
“We only have ten minutes, mate,” Harry said.
“I’ll be five.”
Ron hurried from the Auror Office and walked quickly down the corridor to Hermione’s office. It was convenient having her working on the same level as him now, and now that she was the boss, her hours were much more suited to spending time with her husband. He saw her much more, unless she was down in the courtrooms on a case — which was fairly frequently at the moment. Now that the Office of Personal Law had been fully established, she was working on so many cases — people, who in the past could have had their wands snapped or Azkaban sentences, walking away with a warning or a fine of a few Galleons.
The fact that there had been no system like this in place before astounded Ron now, and he couldn’t help but wonder how a fair trial such as these would have helped Sirius, and therefore Harry, all those years ago.
Hermione only had two other people working for her. A young eighteen year old girl and… Malfoy. And much to Ron’s disappointment, those were the only two in there when he entered.
It was Malfoy who spotted him first, the man rolling his eyes and standing up from his desk. “What do you want?” he demanded. “You don’t work here.”
“To see my wife,” Ron replied shortly.
“Didn’t you see her five minutes ago when you insisted on walking her here?” Draco sighed.
Ron ignored the dig, wondering again just why Hermione had let that idiot into her office. She’d had the choice of fifty applicants, but Hermione being Hermione, she’d decided on the best, even if the best was causing her nothing but hell since starting.
Apparently Malfoy’s constant probation and threat of immediate dismissal did not include snide remarks or insults — he could only be fired if he was caught with anything that linked him to the Death Eaters.
“Where is she?” Ron asked.
“Down in the courtrooms,” Malfoy said. “Should I take a message?”
Once again, Ron didn’t give a response. He looked at the only other person in the room — the young girl. Ron couldn’t quite remember her name. He walked towards her. “Hey, are you able to take a message?”
The girl nodded and took out a quill and parchment.
“Just let Hermione know that I might be home a little late tonight. A few of us are being sent to Edinburgh due to some unusual activity. It might take a while depending on the nature of the incident.”
The girl scribbled the message down.
“Ah, no wonder you’re looking so pleased, Weasley,” Malfoy said. “Finally getting to do something useful.”
“Really haven’t changed, have you, Malfoy?” Ron said, turning back around. “Still full of the pathetic insults.”
Malfoy only smirked as Ron left the office again. “Enjoy, Weasley. The next one will be in three years. And you call me pathetic. At least I’m actually useful.”
Had a few workers not walked past at that moment, Malfoy might have found himself flat on his back. But Ron wasn’t going to jeopardise his one chance to actually act like an Auror. So he walked away, feeling rather proud of himself for managing it. Usually Hermione was also in the room and Malfoy didn’t say much, probably afraid she’d get rid of him if he insulted her husband. In saying that, there was probably a reason Hermione had told him not to come into the office if she wasn’t there.
He was almost back at his office when he saw Hermione making her way back up.
“Hey,” he said, grinning. “How was your morning?”
“Oh, fine.” Hermione sighed, appearing slightly distracted. Ron guessed it hadn’t been ‘fine’ but decided not to press the matter.
Ron looked around to make sure no one was in the corridor and then kissed her quickly.
“What was that for?” she asked, smiling.
“I’m going away,” he said.
“There’s something happening in Edinburgh and Robards has picked me — and a few others, Harry included — to go and check it out. I left a message with the girl —”
“Yeah, her. But I might not be back until later, depending.” He beamed, causing Hermione to smile.
“Have fun,” she said. “And… stay safe.”
“I will,” Ron said. “Love you.”
When he got back, Harry and the others were waiting in a small group. Ron joined them just as Robards returned.
“Alright,” he said, “it’s all sorted. I’ll be coming, too, of course, but I trust all of you to manage it well.”
There was a sense of giddiness inside of Ron as Robards passed them the slips of parchment with the duplicated reports. Muggle police had reported some unidentified strange occurrences that had confused them. One poor Muggle had ended up in hospital with injuries they couldn’t determine and another was seemingly dead but with no obvious reasons as to why.
“This sounds like our kind of thing,” Ron said, looking up at Robards.
The man nodded. “The Disapparition charms have been lifted from this room for the next two minutes. Here are your coordinates. Once we’re all there, we’ll suss out the situation and make decisions. Everyone clear?”
They all nodded, and Ron caught a glimpse of some envious looks from other Aurors, but he was far too excited to feel guilty over it.
Grinning at Harry, Ron spun with his wand clutched in his hand and appeared a few moments later down a side alley in what he assumed to be Edinburgh. They were out of sight of anyone, the sounds of cars and people somewhere in the distance.
A few more pops indicated the others had arrived, Robards appearing last. He glanced around the alley.
“Right,” he said after a moment. “I can’t see anything here, but we need to go out into the city and scope it out. Wands away, but keep at the ready just in case.”
Everyone tucked their wands into their robes. Auror robes were different to the usual Ministry robes, containing many secret compartments and enchantments that could somewhat protect them from simple attacking spells. Ron had always liked them. They were quite comfortable to wear, and now they'd finally be put to good use.
“We’ll split up,” Robards continued. “Senior Auror with junior Auror. Potter and Merrythought, Weasley and Ryan.”
They paired up, Ron standing beside Maximus Ryan, a middle-aged Auror who’d been with the department for years now. Ron couldn’t say he was particularly fond of the bloke, but he was a decent Auror and knew what he was doing.
“Weasley and Ryan, go that way,” Robards said, indicating left out of the alley. “Potter and Merrythought, right.”
“And you?” Harry asked.
Robards paused, then said, “I’ll stay around this area, looking for any trouble. If you come across any, alert by red sparks in the air and the rest will come. Understood?”
No one agreed immediately, all staring at Robards who’d just confessed to going without a partner. That was one of the first things always taught at training — always work in groups of two or three.
“Is that understood?” Robards pressed, a hint of irritation in his tone.
“Come with us,” Harry said after a moment.
“Potter —”
“Two or three,” Harry said, a little forceful for someone considered a junior Auror. “That’s the rule, and it applies to the Head Auror, too.”
For a moment, Robards looked furious. But the flash vanished and his expression turned more neutral. “Okay,” he said. “Me with Potter and Merrythought, Weasley and Ryan go where you’re told.”
Everyone nodded, and keeping their hand inside their robes resting on their wands, they set off, Ron and Ryan taking the left out of the alley.
Ron had only been to Edinburgh once on a day’s training course. It hadn’t been like this at all, but until now nothing had been like training. They’d prepared for everything and nothing had happened.
The city was old, and being September, it was starting to cool down significantly. People were walking around in light jackets and pants, a contrast to London or Nottingham where days were still giving off a feel of summer.
They received funny looks, two men in strange-looking robes, walking around with their hands deep inside their pockets. People gave them a wide berth, some even looking partly frightened by the sight of them.
They didn’t have time to reassure anyone even if they wanted to, because almost immediately, an explosion sounded from somewhere ahead. There was a lot of screaming and the previously calm passersby ran or ducked for cover.
Now that he had a television in his house — a gift last Christmas from Hermione’s parents — Ron thought it sounded sort of like a gunshot like in one of those movies he’d seen. But if it was that, then the Muggles would have dealt with it.
“It came from over there!” Ryan said, pointing ahead, slightly to their right. Sure enough, the moment Ron looked he saw smoke billowing above the buildings.
“What in Merlin’s name could cause that?” Ron asked as footsteps approached them from behind. It was the other three, having heard the explosion.
“That’s not some rogue Death Eaters,” Harry said.
They all ran off, wands drawn now, not worrying about the Muggles around. Most were terrified or hiding, too distracted to notice five strange people with sticks in their hands.
They rounded a corner, coming to an immediate halt as a bunch of terrified Muggles ran toward them, most covering their heads as a wave of smoke and flame chased after them.
“Fiendfyre!” Robards called over the screams, and the five Aurors bolted back around the corner as the hot stream in the form of a serpent chased after the Muggles.
Ron turned away as the horror engulfed them, the group falling over and…
The screams stopped. Robards swore. Harry and Merrythought stared at the charred bodies in horror, as others began screaming, and the Fiendfyre continued on, destroying anything in its path.
“Who the hell sets Fiendfyre in a city?” Ron cried, feeling sickened and unable to look at what had just happened in front of him. Those poor Muggles.
The answer was provided immediately, as a man dressed in dark robes stepped out from the street the Fiendfyre had just come from. He was unrecognisable, so not a Death Eater, but he wore a look of malice as he watched the Fiendfyre continue.
He had not seen the Aurors yet, which gave them a small advantage.
Robards indicated Merrythought and Ryan and himself to go after the Fiendfyre and silently instructed Harry and Ron to deal with the man.
The three more experienced Aurors set off, and the man turned. Ron and Harry pointed their wands at him, Stunning him at the same time. He had no time to respond, keeling over where he stood.
Ron made to go to him, but Harry shook his head. “Wait.”
“What for?” Ron asked.
Harry nodded at the street and for a few moments nothing happened. But then two more figures — dressed the same as the Stunned man — appeared, wands drawn.
They were prepared for Harry and Ron after watching their companion fall, and Ron only had a second to react to the curses they began firing off.
They weren’t very good, whoever these people were. Not at an ability to fight off two fully trained Aurors, anyway. Their aim was off, and their spell-casting wasn’t as strong as Ron or Harry’s.
But they were good at blocking spells, which made Ron and Harry’s life slightly more difficult.
“No!” Harry said, and from the corner of his eye, Ron saw Harry spin and fire off more spells. There were more behind them, plus a rampaging serpent of Fiendfyre chasing and killing innocent people through the city. Who were these people and what had inspired them to cause so much destruction to so many innocent lives from seemingly out of the blue?
Hardly looking at Harry, Ron took on the first two people, while Harry focussed his attention on the ones behind. Ron managed to Stun the one on the left, and she fell back with a loud crack as her head hit the concrete. Ron didn’t have time to worry if she was still alive, because the second was upon him again, enraged by his companion falling.
“Ron!” Harry cried, and firing another spell at the man, catching him square in the chest, Ron didn’t even wait for him to fall before he turned and saw — to his horror — four new black-robed people taking on Harry at once.
“Call for Robards!” Ron said.
“And leave people to die from Fiendfyre?” Harry said, finally managing to take one of the people down. These ones were clearly older, more experienced wizards. They weren’t like the first ones who now all laid motionless on the ground.
One, he saw, even fired a spell with a green spark, and Ron narrowly dodged it, his heart hammering in his chest.
He hoped that wasn’t what he thought it was.
This was not what the report had specified. Were these people waiting for a fight, intentionally causing as much destruction as possible to lure the Aurors out and then show their full force? It was the only thing that made sense to Ron in that moment.
By luck more than anything else, Ron managed to catch another person in the shoulder with a spell, sending them spiralling away and screaming in agony. They clutched their arm, but it had only thrown them off balance, not taken them out completely. It wasn’t even their wand arm, which annoyed Ron.
“Get the one on the left!” Harry yelled. “I’ll take these two.”
Ron didn’t have time to argue. He ducked, another red stream coming his way, and had to stay down while another stream of curses came at him. He’d barely gotten to his feet, throwing up a shield charm to protect himself when he was assaulted with another array of curses.
Harry had managed to take another one of his targets down, but the one Ron was fighting knew what they were doing. He couldn’t even tell if it was a man or a woman, but they seemed to be able to match Ron’s ability on some level.
Ron fired off some Stunning spells, but his opponent blocked them easily.
He swore, feeling sweat dripping from his forehead despite the cool day. Despite being trained in combat like this and having prior experience in fighting, he was rusty. He’d not needed to block so many spells since… well, since the war. These people — whoever they were — had had more recent practice.
They were in some organisation, that much was obvious. Matching black robes, an organised attack on a city. Strangely, Ron didn’t get the feeling they were wannabe Death Eaters, but something entirely new and different. He didn’t like it.
He was tiring, and Harry was, too. His concentration was lapsing and another green light barely passed him.
What were these people trying to achieve?
His opponent shot some more spells and Ron was forced to duck. He attempted to Stun them again, and this time succeeded. The black-robed person collapsed onto the ground.
Ron turned his attention to Harry’s opponent, but something out of the corner of his eye distracted him at the last minute. He spun. The first ones he’d Stunned were coming round, but were still disoriented. He Stunned them again and picked up their wands that had fallen next to them. Next, he bound them so when they woke again, they wouldn’t be able to move.
When he looked up, there was something that both shocked and relieved him. From one direction, he saw the other Aurors running over to them, singed but otherwise okay. Chasing them, however, were…
Ron swallowed. There had to be at least five more of these people.
The pile of bodies that still lay there — that Ron tried hard to ignore — were used as leverage for the ones in black robes. They leapt as the Aurors diverted around.
Ron felt sick, but he couldn’t dwell on that now.
Harry was still occupied, so Ron did the only thing that came to his mind. He ran towards the others, wand raised and firing out as many spells as he could manage. He hit one of them, but the rest dodged, coming back at him with more spells.
These people were not afraid to use the Killing Curse. They threw it out freely, not caring if they missed, or hit a Muggle. They just used it.
“Weasley, you okay?” Robards asked as they approached.
“Fine,” Ron said.
“There’s more back where the Fiendfyre was, too,” Robards said. “They’re everywhere.”
Ron had no time to respond after that, engaging in a battle with the others again. It lasted for some minutes, and Ron saw Ryan fall. He had no idea if he’d been Stunned or… but he couldn’t check either.
Robards took out two, which left three more. Harry had joined them, too, all the original fighters out and bound.
Ron hit the furthest one on the left and they flew ten feet into the air, crashing into a building. He saw Robards get another and Merrythought took out the final one.
Once all were down, they hurried forward, taking their wands and binding them with conjured rope from their own.
“Someone check Ryan,” Robards ordered, and it was only then Ron remembered his fallen colleague. Everyone else seemed occupied with something else, so it was on Ron to check.
Thankfully, the moment Ron knelt beside the man, he heard heavy, pained breathing, which meant he’d only been hit by a Stunner and nothing worse. He was just coming round when Ron reached him, his eyes blinking.
“You’re alright,” Ron said, helping him into a sitting position. “One of those bastards got you.”
“Who are those bastards?” Ryan croaked.
“I’d like to know,” Robards said. “Fiendfyre on the public? Even You Know Who didn’t do that. It’s erratic and uncontrollable — it could turn on the person who cast the spell as easily as… well, as easily as it can innocent people.”
No one said anything to that, and Ron noted that no eyes dared look to where the Muggles still lay — burnt and… dead. The way it had happened unnerved Ron more than he cared to admit. He’d seen a lot of death in his life, including his own brother, but seeing a group of defenceless people be burned alive was something else.
“Potter, return to the Ministry and let the Minister know we require many more Aurors for this mess. We need transportation back to the Ministry for this lot and the memories wiped of hundreds, if not thousands, of Muggles. Then… we’ll need to clean up. What we considered a small case is going to require all hands on deck.”
Harry didn’t wait for any further instruction before Disapparating where he stood, to the gasps of onlookers who’d soon forget all of this.
Ron helped Ryan to his feet, who was still a little unsteady. The black-robed people were all recovering from their Stunning spells as well, looking frustrated that they couldn’t move. Surprisingly, none of them looked all that alarmed that they’d been caught, which unsettled Ron even more.
“Merrythought, you and Weasley can start transporting these — well, I’ll be damned.” Robards withdrew his wand and pointed it somewhere behind Ron and Ryan.
Ron, who still had hold of Ryan, was a few seconds too slow in turning and getting out his wand. At least twenty more of these people were marching down the street, wands drawn and knocking Muggles out of their way as they approached.
There was nothing between them and Ron and Ryan, who were directly in the firing line of twenty spells.
Merrythought and Robarbs fired off spells, but there was nothing to be done. Ron attempted to throw up a shield in front of himself and Ryan, but he simply wasn’t quick enough.
He felt the spells hit him — at least four — like tiny pellets pricking at his skin. His body was thrown into the air at the impact and he landed back on the ground a moment later. He had no idea where Ryan was or how badly he’d been hit, and he didn’t have time to think too hard about it.
A moment after hitting the ground, all Ron knew was blackness.
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ankhlesbian · 3 years
The way cucumber is so appalling. One tiny bit and I Know
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unmarketableplushy · 3 years
so fuckgin hugry im goigng to explode.
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animegadaisukiidesu · 4 years
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32 notes · View notes
ao3feed-bakusquad · 4 years
Crossdressing Cheerleaders are Always the Answer
Crossdressing Cheerleaders are always the Answer by Louie writes
Kaminari had already over fried 3 bags of microwave chips and has perpetually been banned from quirk cooking, Kirishima had gotten in trouble with Ilda for accidentally breaking the kitchen table with his quirk during the arm wrestling tournament, and Mineta had tried so often to sneak upstairs and peak a look at ‘the girls having sexy pillow fights and exchanging underwear’ that he had been taped to the couch indefinitely.
In the midst of all this buzz sat Bakugo on the couch, looking ‘quiet and contemplative’ according to Kirishima or as though he was ‘taking a hard shit’ according to Sero.
Eventually, he seemed to have enough of brooding and addressed the huddle of people around him in general:
“If we're going to be a gang, you're going to have to start respecting the girls more.”
Words: 3420, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of Bakugo says respect women or else!
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Other
Characters: Bakugo Katsuki, Kaminari Denki, Jirou Kyouka, Uraraka Ochako
Additional Tags: There is a like all of class one in this but who sweats the details i am BORED, when you lack respecting women juice its always good to crossdress, also regualr sports with quirks shoudl eb more of a thing, mha verse but sports anime, and slcie of life anime, lets make it like the marvel universe and its like an existing thing but bnha is just, the hero narrative but we can also like follow regular influrencers, and bariastas and all dat, also why do yall always take peopels quirks away in aus?, i dont get it let people have queiks in regular settings and go ham, go quirks whoop!, i dont think this is how tags are supposed to be used
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/26300665
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goodpizzabadpizza · 8 years
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These are GOOD pizzas
This is my kind of pizza party. Lots of pizza and no people. Oh and one glass of cold soda. 
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meowsaidmayaanime · 7 years
2016 Monthly Watches and Top Picks
An amalgamation of links to my personal watches and top picks, that being said there are a lot of anime I have not watched. If there is an anime that you think I should watch, recommend it to me in my Suggestions page or in the respective comments sections of my posts.
NOTE: I do not have any monthly watches or top picks from January to April, because I started this site in May of this year.
Links To My Monthly Watches (New links will be added soon)
My Monthly Top Picks
May Top Pick
Tokyo Ghoul
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Only a few minutes before my 21st birthday I finished this series. Which means that I was an emotional wreck crying out ‘he knew!!’ while also being super excited to go out and buy my first drink; a Bloody Mary, approximately 17 minutes after officially being 21. Anyway, Tokyo Ghoul is so good. I loved it because it did not follow the path I expected it to, every event and conclusion ended up surprising me but in a good way! Without spoiling too much or going into a full review, the main character never became a ‘Mary Sue’ and the way it ended was not typical in the least. I have so many things to say but they all contain spoilers, anyway I’m glad I wasn’t deterred from the anime because one of my friends said he didn’t like the manga because of his assumption about the character. Dude, you were way off, I haven’t read the manga, but the anime is so different and so amazing. 5 out of 5 would recommend!
June Top Pick
Blue Exorcist Movie
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The movie has nothing to do with the plot of the anime at all, and takes place after the events in the series. Atleast I’m fairly certain it does? There’s an important (and spoiler-y) thing that happens at the end of the series, that is never addressed or acknowledged in the movie which I think is really weird….. Either way, the movie itself is simply a completely stand alone story from the series. And it was absolutely stunning! Sooooo much detail went into all of the backgrounds and items. On top of that its very well scripted, and the plot flowed incredibly well together without being convoluted, which is surprising since a number of movie sequels to tv series’s tend to go overboard by stuffing too much information into an hour and a half.
It was amazing. Its possible that someone could watch the movie without watching the single season anime, just because of how it was written. However you would not know the relationships or the back story of the main character, which helps to explain a lot of the terminology and setting. Especially the part about demons ect ect.
Either way, I LOVED this movie. I didn’t even know that there was a movie at all until just now. I’m going to re-watch it with a friend when she gets back into town and I am soooooo excited because I KNOW she will love it too. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT. I RECOMMEND THIS SO HARD.
July Top Pick
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I have boarded the sports anime train, and I don't think I'm ever getting off. This is the fifth sports anime I'm watching and I think it may be my favourite. It's funny too because I only recently started watching sports anime when I watched Free! last December.
This anime is fabulous! I know I say that a lot, but it is so true! Haikyuu!! is about Hinata who joins his high school Volley ball team. The rest of the show is about the developing relationships between the team, the development of their characters and skills, and their relationships between the teams they play against as they try to make it to the Nationals.
I love so much about this anime, every character is different, has their own reasons for playing, their own personalities, their own skills, and their own developmental journey. The characters are amazing!! On top of all that the animation is great, they animate the games incredibly well, and whenever someone does something that's particularly fast or strong they do a fabulous job of showing it through the art style and movements. Ah, I could watch this show for days, well, more days than I already have. (Click the image to view the gif, cause for some reason it won't automatically play...)
Look at the smooth animation!!
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Speaking of the art style, It's different than whats common in anime, feeling a little more like a manga, but that's what makes it so great. The style allows them to make fabulous faces/expressions and movements. and Oh man the faces are great, I LOVE an anime that's able to use such a variety of expressions on so many different characters. Look at these faces!
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Its such a feel good anime, its so light-hearted, and bright, and funny, and intense! There are only two season out right now, but the third season is to air this fall! I'm so excited!! so, So, SO excited!!! AAAHHHHHH~
This is a must watch. It doesn't matter what genre of anime you like, everyone should give this one a chance.
August Top Pick
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So the first thing i need to mention is that this show is first and foremost a slcie of life that happens to include a lot of mystery. Not a mystery that happens to be a slice of life. I originally thought it was the latter which was why I was disappointed that it didn't end the series with a mystery arc, but instead the way a slice of life would.When you acknowledge the show for what it really is, a natural slice of life, it is amazing. For numerous reasons.
First the artwork is so incredibly detailed and beautiful. Second the visuals are distinctly different for each thing ti tries to convey, and completely succeeds in doing so. The audio is amazing, the music is beautiful, the animation is so smooth and they even animate things that aren't necessary to the plot but are animated anyway to make it all feel so REAL. Not to mention the episodes and mysteries are so well written!
look at the incredible amount of detail they put into EVERY SINGLE SCENE.
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even when the background is blurred even people who we never learn about or see again have details in their clothes, faces, and expressions. I checked, we NEVER see these people below actually interact with the main OR minor cast.
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I almost forgot, this show is about Houtarou a high schooler that sees the world in 'gray'and whose motto is "If I don't have to do it, I won't. If I have to do it, I'll make it quick." Convinced by his already graduated sister, he joins the classics club which was endangered to be disbanded because there were no more members. He meets a girl named Eru who also joins the club and discovers that he has a knack for solving mysteries. That is, only when Eru earnestly goes to him and yearns for him to solve the mystery because her curiosity cannot be contained. From there they quickly discover that the classics club has a past shrouded in mystery.
Its incredibly well done, I love slow the pacing myself, because it fits the flow and nature of the anime. However I do have a number of issues with it myself (some reveal content spoilers so I won't state those here).  I admit that the way they ordered large mystery arch and single episode mysteries was not handled well at the very end. Don't get me wrong the ending fit the characters incredibly well and was very good and realistic, however considering the quality of the larger mysteries that were prevalent through the rest of the anime, I feel that they should have ended the series with a multi-episode arc and then one final single episode arc, rather than many single episode arcs strung together.  The anime was an adaptation of a light novel, which covered 4 out of the 5 published novels. I've taken a look at the titles of the chapters and it seems that the 5th book is quite the elaborate story. One I would have liked to have seen in the anime, though would clearly have gone over the 22 episodes the anime ended at. Perhaps since this write up for the episode is already so long, I will create a post just about this anime. It definitely deserves more talking about!
Anyway, I do recommend it to veteran-ed anime watchers. It has a wonderful pace that does not push by quickly, great character development and insight, and fascinating mysteries and dialogue regarding such. Its perfect for anyone who loves natural slice of life. Those who enjoy mysteries would also enjoy this, as long as they understand that it is mostly a slice of life, and thus will follow the format of slice of life and not the format of a mystery anime. Its a stunning anime.
September Top Pick
Natsume's Book of Friends
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This is an incredibly adorable show. Its heartwarming and has a 'feel good' movie feel to it. If anything taking into account the art style and how good it makes you feel it reminds me a lot of Fruits Basket. Don't get me wrong, its nothing like Fruits Basket in terms of story, but its got the same 'feel'.... if that makes sense.
Anyway, the premise is that Natsume is the only one able to see yokai (Japanese monsters/spirits/gods). After moving into a new town with some distant relatives, Natsume finds out that is deceased grandmother could also see yokai and made quite the reputation among them. She would take the names of local yokai and put it into a book called the book of friends, with their names she could control the yokai. Now yokai are coming after Natsume either to ask him to return their names or to take the book of friends for themselves.
The majority of the show is about Natsume steadily coming to understand both humans and yokai more clearly than he has before. Making friends, learning about the lives of others, learning about his grandmother, and finding out what it really means to be apart of a family and not be ostracized by others because of his ability.
This show is wonderful, its not as gripping or super emotion/action driven as some other shows are, but its very well done. The character are great, the stories are so heartwarming, and it breaks a number of the stereotypical cliches that are often found with anime about a character who can see something that others cannot. An example that I particularly love is how other characters who come into the mix who are also able to see yokai are not automatically 'evil' or an antagonist. So rather than causing mroe trouble for Natsume from the 'get go' they are actually there to help develop him into a better character. Which I love~ Any actual antagonist that shows up are antagonists for a real reason, rather than just for the purpose of having one.
If your into exorcism anime or anime that focuses on traditional Japanese monsters/spirits/gods you will love this one. It is slower paced and focuses more on story than action so keep that in mind. Also keep in mind that there are only 4 season out right now as of this post. Season 5 will be coming out with this falls simulcasts and I'm super excited for it
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failingfuture · 5 years
im a fat fifukcin slob adn i want to c ut  all of ithe fat off just slice slice sliec slcie slice unti l im no more dammti
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