#slbp kenshin uesugi
mynameiskan · 3 months
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My drawing practice yesterday.
I used so many references to draw Masamune in this pose but it still looks so weird.
I wanted to practice drawing pokemon more often so I tried with Poochyena as he is so cute. But somehow I made him look like a pig.
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soul-of-the-sanada · 1 year
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literal child
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shiroichou · 7 months
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Slbp Battle event 'Welcome to the job fair' - Jinpachi + Uesugi extras
Firefighter Jinpachi sure is a look, I totally understand Kenshin in this thought haha
As a little extra I've got Hotaru and Kenshin as well... Hope you enjoy their comments ^^
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colourless-hydrangeas · 9 months
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I thought that Kagekatsu(Kenshin's nephew and adopted son) being the older brother in the diary entries was a typo.
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But it seems like they really made Kagekatsu Kenshin's brother. (Wouldn't Kagekatsu be quite old then, since Kenshin is supposed to be one of the older LIs???)
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And there's Kagetora(Kenshin's adopted son and son of Hojo Ujiyasu) too. I suppose that he's not in Kenshin's route just for the sake of avoiding succession drama between the brothers.
Kiku isn't in Shingen's route for some reason. It would have been nicer if she was there. :')
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I tried my best to search for this one. There are two battles that somewhat fits the description, but the details are a bit off. I suppose the writer just tweaked the narrative for drama purposes (this is a do-over timetravel AU, after all). 
Brief background. The Wada of Kouzuke Province were originally long-time Uesugi vassals, who had been serving since the 1450s. However, when Kenshin’s predecessor briefly lost ground to the Hojo, the then clan leader Wada Narishige switched allegiance to the Hojo. He returned to the Uesugi when Kenshin came to power, but then switched to the Takeda side.
Now about the battle. Kenshin had two fights with the Wada, one in 1563 and one in 1566. I think it might be the second one, since it was the battle that specifically mentioned gun corps, but it could be a mix of both.
The story of the 1563 battle was that Kenshin had an accomplice inside the Wada’s castle. At this point, Wada is only just starting to work on switching his allegiance to Shingen. The accomplice reported this defection. Counting on this accomplice to help break the ranks from within, Kenshin rushed over to subjugate Wada before they turn into enemies, only with a small contingent. However, once he got there, he found that the accomplice had been busted and wasn’t able to do anything. Kenshin killed the accomplice in anger, and tried to attack anyway, but it was naturally a failure.
In 1566, Kenshin tried to attack the same place again. Now that the Wada are officially a Takeda ally, Shingen sent a gun corps (normal guns, not cannons) to assist. Though they were outnumbered, the Wada defenders managed to hold their ground, so  in the end Kenshin gave up and went home. 
Narrative source: http://www9.wind.ne.jp/fujin/rekisi/siro/takasaki/wada/wada.htm
(Wikipedia and other local city sites also have more or less the same story, with varying degrees of detail included)
As you can see in the supposed “reality”, Kenshin was the one who initiated  the attack, while in the game the Wada is the one who was about to invade. I  suppose “an attack is inevitable” can be extrapolated from the description of Wada defecting to Takeda. Still, they didn’t actually do anything yet, supposedly.  
The cannons are... obviously fictive addition for drama purposes. It kind of reminded me of Disney’s Mulan movie, where Mulan blasted cannons at the mountains to bury the Huns under avalanche.  
The Sengoku lords don’t really have cannons, despite having plenty of guns to go around. The Christian lords of the Western provinces were apparently gifted some by the Europeans, but there were none in the central and Eastern regions. The European priests were shocked when Nobunaga supposedly brought out cannons on his warship, because they’ve never seen anyone from that area owning even a single cannon ever.
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chibi-mushroom · 1 year
Why did Kenshin’s story have to hit so hard though?!?
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lowres-masamune · 2 years
the story event is so cute aaaaa
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i really love the idea of the story revolving around 2 different characters' interactions, rather than just the MC and LI's relationship. mitsuhide and kenshin are so wholesome together! if they weren't on opposing sides they would literally be besties omg. kenshin's kindness was so heartwarming, and mitsuhide is as endearing as usual.
i was torn bewteen playing this story and the ieyasu & nobunaga one because i thought i only had time for one, idk what made me choose this but it's a choice i definitely don't regret. it's the most wholesome thing ever! i hope we can have more story events like this in future. if you haven't played this yet i would definitely recommend it, read it while there's still time! (about 11hrs left!)
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uesugi-retainer · 4 years
Shingen: Listen, my dude
Shingen: My man
Shingen: My main squeeze
Kenshin: I'm your main squeeze??? (◕▽◕✿)
Shingen: about to speak
Kanetsugu: NO
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simping4azusamukami · 6 years
i ship his mc with kenshin more than i ship her with Hotaru himself lmao
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wha-wha-what wait WHAT
how come i’ve been playing this shit for almost 4 years and i DIDN’T KNOW THAT
i swear i always thought he had a dead wife or something what the hell?
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mynameiskan · 3 months
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I read some rumors about Kenshin (in real life) might be a woman.
I guess the real Kenshin was so beautiful that many thought he was actually a gorgeous lady.
It inspired this 4koma since most 2D Kenshin that I have known are all Ikemen. Except the one in Tono to issho 🤣🤣🤣 I mean, he is still handsome but he is also so so weird.
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soul-of-the-sanada · 2 years
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give me some fruits and a katana and we'll see
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shiroichou · 1 year
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SLBP High Noon Hijinks Battle Event
These are Kanetsugu's sentences for his chibi. ^^
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Disaster kusamochi has made yet another appearance.
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@the-official-oc-studio Look! :)
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I want to be careful just in case I’m misinterpreting this scene, but Kennyo looked like he bristled at Shingen’s comment. It's as if it implies that Kennyo is feeling “attacked” by that comment. And besides, Kennyo also said he crossed swords with “all of you” who are present there (Shingen, Kenshin, and Ujiyasu). So it sounded to me that the Honganji and Shingen/the Takeda don’t like each other, or at the very least had had bad history at some point.
For all I know I could be wrong, or maybe a wonky translation muddled the meaning, but this is how it looks to me.
With that preface done, if my reading is not wrong, then that was not true in real life, like, at all. I had wholly expected Kennyo to make this quip along the lines of “I really don’t like all of you, except for Shingen”. I was rather surprised to see that it almost looks like they’re bitter towards each other, and was only begrudgingly civil for the sake of common goal. 
The Takeda and Honganji are allies in real life, and Shingen and Kennyo were brothers-in-law. They never once broke the alliance until Shingen died, and there was not any indication that they broke alliance even after Shingen’s son succeeded the leadership of Takeda. There was, for example, a point where Shingen requested Kennyo to have his Ikko-ikki ambush the Uesugi once. They would have succeeded in causing major damage against the Uesugi army or even Kenshin himself (who had came out to lead the fight) if it hadn’t rained and snuffed out all their guns. 
SLBP actually made an event based on this once, from Kenshin’s perspective. Except that for some reason the writers cut out Honganji from the scenario, and somehow it ended up being Kenshin fighting against Takeda and Hojo.  (click link to see my post on it)
So why do they look like they don’t like each other here is completely beyond me. 
The Hojo’s position against Honganji is a bit more difficult. The Hojo banned “Ikko sect” in their lands since the days of Hojo Sou’un (1456-1519), but I’m not 100% sure if this “Ikkou-shuu” (Ikkou sect) is referring to Honganji’s Jodo Shinshu. While the armed band of the Honganji brand of Jodo Shinshu is often called Ikkou-shuu or Ikko-ikki, there are other sects that are not associated with them that are also called “Ikkou-shuu” colloquially by the people of the day. This makes proper identification rather hard to do without actually devoting time to looking up proper resources.
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