fluffybellyhog99 · 2 years
I asked the artist Mictecacihuatl999 on DeviantArt in what delicious food he would turn my fat body and I must say I would eat myself completely
I'm currently into this a little bit I don't know why
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2ofswords · 8 months
The Fears as Jacob Geller Videos
(because my favorite youtuber sure loves talking about dread and I was wondering if I could fill them all...)
The Burried: Fear of Depths https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7MOKTU9tCbw&t=65s
The Vast: The Horror of Universal Paperclips and Space Engine https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oca8BnDMin4
The Corruption: Four Short Games about Pain https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BgpvZVsfiVM&t=1117s
The End: Outer Wilds: Death, Inevitability and Ray Bradburn https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-yTZFi-_eY
The Spiral: Gamings Harshest Architecture: NaissanceE and Alienation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zkv6rVcKKg8
The Eye: How Can We Bear to Throw Anything Away? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ukJ_UA-JS5o&t=1463s
The Lonely: Artificial Loneliness https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hUwTh4uSILg
The Slaughter: The Conceptual Failure of Orbital Lasers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ntLc4hHWqHs&t=1369s
The Web: Fixing my Brain with Automated Therapy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mcYztBmf_y8&t=556s
The Flesh: What’s the Point of Taking Apart a Body? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ohco3PB6eBw&t=1010s
The Hunt: Rationalizing Brutality: The Cultural Legacy of the Headshot https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f4ynPp10jMc&t=8s
The Desolation: Time Loop Nihilism https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZrEayPIrVE&t=350s
The Stranger: The Single Best Gaming Moment of 2022 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DKiHSRYawIM&t=1093s
The Extinction: Art in the Pre-Apocalypse https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O9N7Awpk9lE
The Dark: Head-Transplants and the Non-Existence of the Soul https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JMkrrjKf5AE&t=321s
Bonus Videos (aka Videos that fit multiple fears really really well and I didn’t wanna leave them out)
Games, Schools and Worlds Designed for Violence https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=usSfgHGEGxQ&t=368s (I really wanted this one on the list and it is soooooo slaughter themed…. But it also spends half the time talking about survailance and the panopticon, so it simply isnt clear cut)
Three Specific Types of Terror https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZDrHpmkL4rY&t=1734s (I wanted to put this for the Stranger, simply for the ‚Who is Lila‘ bit. But this one is about three very different types of terror and definitelly also about the Burried and the Vast)
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gogoodomen · 10 months
why do they giving the same energy
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burningvelvet · 3 months
"bros before hoes" but it's moby dick
queequeg: yojo's before bros
ishmael: slaughtery cannibals before watery animals
ahab: whales before males
starbuck: relations before cetaceans
pip: insanity before the sea
father mapple: god before the pequod
stubb: memes before the harpooners' screams
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life-winners-liveblog · 4 months
One thought to end the point of nurture One action to bring it all to torture One cry of a burnt canary One try of a slaughtery One damage of two natures One Transience of said changes One loop repeated numerously One time to return to generously One way to end sens of sanity One spiral straight to insanity
~Micia The Travelling Bard
LL!Jimmy: ... Is this about me? It feels like It's about me... wait did you ryme insanity and sanity?
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the-badger-mole · 1 year
If guys were showing up pretending to be the owner of the medical bracelet, Katara could have tested them by throwing antibiotics on them lol
I was thinking something slightly less...attempted man-slaughtery 😅, but I dig the energy
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bracketsoffear · 1 year
(2/2) "Gunpowder Tim vs the Moon Kaiser" ramble continued: "Tim Goes Crazy":
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Again, Jonny is having a blast laughing at "pointless" death. Tim, on the other hand, pulls an Achilles and goes headfirst into brutal violence; unlike Achilles, his target is not a specific individual but rather the entire enemy army:
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Tim's fury is so great he has mentally rendered the Kaiser's soldiers inhuman--they're "cattle to the slaughter," "a mad disease" with "rancid soldier-flesh"--but at the same time, Tim has descended into a rabid frenzy. War has made animals and monsters of them all. "Teatime with the Kaiser":
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"Maddened corruption," eh? Does that sound familiar?
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The story ends w/ our "hero" (from Jonny's Slaughtery perspective) destroying the moon, wiping out everyone on both sides indiscriminately, burning out his own eyes, and potentially dooming the Earth in his thirst for blood. It's an act of unpredictable brutality so impressively violent that it convinces Jonny to Mechanize Tim--and thus, Tim the mortal dies, and Gunpowder Tim the Mechanism--an immortal intergalactic mass-murdering menace--is born.
In conclusion, "Gunpowder Tim vs the Moon Kaiser" is an immensely Slaughter-y piece in general, and it essentially acts as the tale of how Tim became a Slaughter Avatar.
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I swear if Sinclair is once again passed out bloody in some obscure corner of the world I'm finding them and dragging their slaughtery butt back to my apartment through my door-
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#53: Forsaken Compound (2024)
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Download ^^
So this came out this week and I've been on a Doom 1 kick (I swear I'm playing other stuff behind the scenes, this just caught my eye) and oh boy what a pleasant surprise. ivymagnapinna is a rookie mapper AFAIK and you would not be able to tell it by the way this is constructed, ESPECIALLY for a Doom 1 mapset.
It's an E1 replacement, but it essentially runs the gamut of the base game's 3 episodes in its own take on the Doom 1 formula. Not meant to be taken too seriously story-wise, leaving the interpretations of what any given map means up to the player. Each map feels like a new exercise in any given "mapping muscle" and it follows a fair difficulty curve. Prevalent themes throughout *most* maps include; interesting geometric sector placement, slaughter, and platforming.
Slaughter in Doom 1 is hard to pull off well, and I feel like Ivy (is it ok if I call you that?) has a good grasp on it. The first 2 maps are relatively straightforward - if a little unique, and secrets are vexing. To get the secret exit in E1M3, I had to clip through a wall as I could find no way to open it. Blame my poor short-term memory on that one.
In the secret map however, the real meat of the mapset shows itself. You're trapped with hardly any weapons, the only path through being provided by Mr. Cybie himself in some Doom 1 INFIGHTING SLAUGHTER (which is just crazy to say) and things only get better from there.
E1M4's Dead Man's Station is a great run-n-gunner, followed by a strange "UDINO"-esque map in the form of Excavating Evil. Lots of Doomcute here and interesting atmospheric aesthetics.
My favorite of the set though by far has to be M6's G.R.I.N.D.E.R . It reminds me of some newschool slaughter that gradually unfolds, giving you access to the Doom 1 roster of weapons and more and more monsters to kill until it all culminates in 1 bloody BFG hornet's nest. This was really fun to play though.
From there, things kinda peter out a bit but it's fine, I'd had my fun with the set by then and from what I can gauge out of the Doomworld thread, the WAD author wanted the set to be over with too. E1M7 is pretty standard stuff - if a bit atmospheric - and E1M8 has you facing "More barons than usual", as per the flavor text.
All said, this is a great rookie release and I'm excited for what Ivy can cook up next.
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lostjonscaves · 7 months
ok let me actually write out my commentary on this ep
• celia is asking some good questions but nothing that really reveals anything to alice. she definitely has a goal for being at oiar
• i dont think its a coincidence that this case is a resignation letter
• why is the sound going in and out during the case? i truly doubt it was a real technical issue
• chester saying chill ❤️❤️❤️
•these volunteers seriously remind me of anatomy class kids. inability to recall their names is also strangery
• not gonna go through every tma/ 14 fears ref here or celia’s explicit mention of two fears but. its absolutely gotta be intentional. some standouts: all the artefacts- ceramic pot w face gotta be related to gabriel/pottery class statement, taxidermy and teethy things of course; got buried / corruption / slaughtery vibes by the end. yes i know this universes fears are different than tma fears but its absolutely intentional that these are bringing smirke’s fourteen to mind.
• “it’s all for a good cause” are they just being silly or is the cause like. bringing fear into the world
• really dont see how this can be construed as desires guys.
• well goes without saying. celia’s recognition of the voices. the hanging question of augustus. she almost feels like an audience standin. Like sam as fully new (?) audience and celia as the chronic tma listener lol.
• “it’s already recorded” its like how tma characters had a handle on tape recorders turning on themselves by the end
•i know lena is like textually threatening to kill klaus. but it gave me vibes of like the jonah-elias body replacement not sure why.
•and we’re back to more clear double entendre names for episodes that connect case and oiar. Still wondering about last week.
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bangpuddingmuffin · 7 months
I had a good time with Elementalism. It went a bit slaughterier than I'd like, and elemental themes aren't necessarily my thing, but it was well constructed and polished. I'll certainly play Phase 2 whenever it releases.
Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMOeTsMoezKa8ls941KCQA9VZ4Z4Mo93X
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i will be tumblr’s second worse nightmare for as long as i live
IF i die, because then ill just be second worst nightmare as long as the first one lives
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papirouge · 3 years
trying to find a balance between the Christian doomcult acting like the vaccine was the mark of the beast & churches closing was the Great Tribulation, and the over-optimistic Christianese crowd, daydreaming all day about their future life naively believing that things are gonna get better when everything in the Bible points to the actual opposite
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maudeeloise · 2 years
For You, || Jake Lockley
Pairing : Jake Lockley x reader
Genre : angst, fluff
Warning : mention of violence, wounded reader
Requested by : @jumana-sh67
A/N : i was planning to write for jake recently, but than i saw your request and i’m really glad about it, so here it is!
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Brutal. A word which seemed to fit perfectly to describe Jake Lockley. You wouldn’t refuse that you thought the same when you first met him. The look in his eyes showed no love or caring, they were as cold and deadly as an iceberg.
Your concept of him changed once you got to know him. Beneath the cold surface, you soon recognized that he had his heart ready to give to someone special and that someone was you.
He would leave flowers on your doorstep every day along with a letter which never failed to make your heart flutter. It could be a short poem or just a few sweet words — you knew it was Steven who helped him wrote them.
Despite his romantic behaviour, he was so protective towards you. A single scratch could kill an entire village, what would happen if he saw you laying in an alley with a bloody arm?
His eyes widened — a glimpse of worriedness and anger filled his brown orbs. His steps were rushed when he walked up to you.
He stopped and kneeled in front of you. Your eyes moved carefully to see who it was. A sigh in relief escaped your lips once you saw it was Jake.
“Who did this to you?” His fingers moved gently to check the wound.
The question might sounded harmless, but God knows what he was planning in that diabolical mind of his. You were sure he was plotting a slaughtery.
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norseblooded · 7 years
me: gets 9 hours of sleep, wakes up, walks the pupper, gets breakfast, gets settled to maybe try to be productive
me: i could nap for...two and a half hours before i have to get ready for work...fuck productivity. i need sleeps.
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celestial-citrus · 2 years
im manic and full of slaughtery thoughts i need to kill
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