#skyward supremacy
x-xxoxox-x · 2 months
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And yet she can’t have it
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skye-cloudy · 2 months
Random skyward hc that probably goes against the canon
Sadie (sentry) is Bims younger sister the reason she dyed her hair blue was to remember him
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hoshidensha · 1 year
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Looptober / Melotober Day 3: Monthlies + Potion
Over at Nintendo Loop, we have monthly gaming challenges with themed teams. One of my fave themes was Console vs. Handheld (I'm pretty sure I was Team Handheld lol)
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fredwkong · 1 year
Don't you think there is just too much 'twink supremacy' in the world? The answer is obviously increasing the bear population!
“I wish some twinks were bears.”
Now, a real evil genie would come in and start turning gay guys into another species of animal, but that’s not sexy at all. So I’ve redirected your wish to a hornier kind of genie. He should be on his way now.
You’re hanging out at the beach with a bunch of your gay friends when the genie turns up. It’s been swarming with little annoying twinks all day, splashing around in the water and showing off their skinny, hairless bodies. You feel the genie before you see him, an overwhelmingly masculine presence that makes you feel like you need to bow down to him. He’s huge, a behemoth of bulky powerlifter muscles and hair so dense you can barely see his tattooed skin. He grins through his beard at you. “Heard your wish,” he rumbles, in a bass voice you feel in your chest, “got your back.”
The genie winds back his arm and is suddenly holding a volleyball. “Keep ‘er in the air, boys!” he calls to the twinks, all of whose attention snaps to the ball as the genie hurls it skyward. Come to think of it, you can barely look away from the ball, desperate not to let it hit the ground and disappoint the genie.
When the first twink hits the ball back into the sky, the recoil ripples up his arms. They suddenly bulk up with veiny, hairy muscle, and tattoos flow up to his shoulders an instant later. By then, he has a thick beard and his chest and belly have softened into a sexy hairy pillow. He seems confused for an instant, then he shakes his head and lunges for another twink.
This twink punts the ball too, and an instant later his skin darkens, his hair and muscle grow, and you can almost see the brains drain out of him as he sticks his tongue out and starts popping his fat pecs.
A third bear. A fourth. A fifth. Each hotter and manlier than the last, all horny.
Finally, one of them knocks the ball your way. You know you have to keep it in the air. The genie said so. Are you ready to transform?
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Another wish fulfilled.
Got a wish you need twisted? Send an ask! Remember to say “I wish” so the genie hears exactly what you’re wishing for.
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doomed-era · 5 months
I Ramble About Revali and Groose
i don't actually expect people to care about minor characters or side characters in any other media franchise i'm in, but with loz i tend to get annoyed with people if they clearly only care about zelda and link, and it has to do with how the games frame side characters post-fujibayashi
so revali and groose are part of a common ongoing narrative trope in zelda games of someone who's on the good guy team but is somewhat antagonistic or "mean" to link for whatever reason. you get this with mido and (somewhat) with tetra and her crew and midna. the difference between these characters and groose/revali is in why they don't like link. mido is pretty much a bully who has never liked link because he's just different from the other kids—he is an eternal child, so this makes sense —tetra is skeptical that link can actually do anything in the forsaken fortress initially, and midna wants to use link (and to extent, the legend/narrative itself) for her own ends.
groose and revali don't like link because he's the main character, and they're right. groose clearly despises link because while he's exceptionally lazy and disinterested, everyone likes link, and the youth succeeds even when he doesn't try. later on, this turns into frustration that link is part of some grand scheme and he's...just not. he is a secondary character in-universe, and according to impa the best thing he can do is help on the sidelines. he is a big help, and a very lovable character in his own right, but he's fundamentally trapped in his own narrative.
revali is VERY similar to him in this regard, except he's aware that he's a supporting character (a champion) from the start, and hates link specifically for it. unlike groose, he never really does anything about it besides be somewhat snide, and eventually admits that link might be an okay hero when the rito champion is dead and can't do anything besides fire a big laser anyway. link has been groomed since he was a child to become a knight: his father's a knight, he pulled the master sword when he was twelve, iirc he might have joined the royal guard at an extremely young age, and everyone seems to have a great deal of respect towards him. revali is an extremely skilled archer and pushes himself to the limit, but he wasn't born into it or led down that path like link, so he has to play second fiddle.
now, I don't think characters being side characters is bad. I don't think revali or groose even being side characters is bad. but I certainly don't like how it frames their desire to be more than that as...well, bad. it really reinforces my reading of post-skyward sword games as correct; characters are expected to know their place in the narrative and not strive for more or try to break out of their little boxes, and if they do, they're villainized or it's treated like a character flaw. I don't think they were necessarily right to resent link for something that's ultimately out of his control, but what else are they gonna do?
but, according to the narrative, the only thing they can do is help those chosen by the gods, those chosen to lead, as they were chosen to bend to their will. they are cosmically unimportant, and they will never be worth paying attention to. the reason i tend to prefer people who actually look at characters that aren't link and zelda and try to examine them is because they're kind of going against the narrative itself, which really wants to push the idea that only zelda and link are important, ganon is just there to be an adversary and doesn't have any real grievances, and the only thing that matters is keeping hyrule and hylian supremacy intact.
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coockie8 · 3 months
what do u mean by u havent been a fan of the artstyle since skyward sword?
I mean exactly that. I haven't liked the art style of a non-Toon Zelda game since Twilight Princess. And if their new toon style is whatever they've been using to remake games, then I officially hate the toon style as well (Windwaker supremacy).
Non-toon games Skyward Sword onward, which is admittedly not many games, all try to merge the more realistic character models of the non-toon games with the colouring style of the toon games, and I'm sorry, but it's fucking hideous.
They look like halfway through rendering the characters, the team just gave up, and decided to release it in that half-finished state, and I'm not joking.
Twilight Princess worked lighting in a way Nintendo has failed to grasp since.
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shalini-yadav45 · 7 months
Exploring the Mythical Origins of Arunachalam Temple: A Journey into Hindu Mythology
Deep within the heart of Tamil Nadu, nestled amidst the picturesque landscape of Thiruvannamalai, lies the majestic Arunachalam Temple, a revered site of Hindu pilgrimage. This ancient temple, also known as the Annamalaiyar Temple, is not just a place of worship; it is a living testament to the rich tapestry of Hindu mythology and spirituality.
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The story of Arunachalam Temple is intricately woven into the fabric of Hindu lore, tracing its roots to the legendary dispute between the divine triumvirate – Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. According to ancient scriptures, this tale begins with a cosmic challenge that would forever change the course of history.
In the celestial realm, Brahma, the creator, and Vishnu, the preserver, found themselves locked in a debate over their supremacy. As their egos clashed, the heavens trembled with the intensity of their disagreement. Seeking to resolve the conflict, Lord Shiva, the supreme deity of the Hindu pantheon, intervened in a remarkable display of his divine power.
Manifesting as a towering pillar of fire, Shiva dared Brahma and Vishnu to discover its origins and endpoints, promising to bestow divine favor upon the victor. Eager to prove their prowess, Brahma and Vishnu embarked on separate quests to unravel the mystery of the fiery column.
Brahma, assuming the form of a majestic swan, soared skyward in search of the pinnacle, while Vishnu transformed into a mighty boar and delved deep into the earth to find its base. Ages passed as the two deities traversed the cosmos in pursuit of their elusive goal, but neither could claim success.
In a dramatic turn of events, Brahma resorted to deceit, fabricating evidence of his triumph by presenting a Ketaki flower as proof of reaching the apex. Unveiling Brahma's deception, Shiva castigated the errant deity, decreeing that no temples would be erected in his honor. Thus, Brahma's pride was humbled, and the sanctity of truth upheld in the divine realm.
Meanwhile, Shiva transformed himself into the sacred hill of Arunachala, a tangible embodiment of his omnipresence and eternal nature. It is atop this hallowed peak that the Arunachalam Temple stands today, a beacon of spiritual enlightenment and divine grace.
Every year, millions of devotees undertake the arduous pilgrimage to Arunachalam Temple, drawn by the allure of its ancient sanctity and the promise of communion with the divine. Ascending the steps of faith, they offer prayers and rituals to Lord Shiva, seeking solace, redemption, and transcendence.
The Arunachalam Temple is more than just a physical edifice; it is a living testament to the enduring power of myth and the timeless wisdom of Hindu spirituality. Through its sacred halls and holy precincts, devotees are invited to embark on a journey of self-discovery, guided by the timeless teachings of the Vedas and the Upanishads.
In the shadow of Mount Arunachala, the boundaries between the material and the divine blur, revealing the eternal truth that lies at the heart of existence. As the sun sets over the horizon, casting its golden rays upon the temple spires, one cannot help but marvel at the majesty of creation and the ineffable mystery of the cosmos.
In the sacred precincts of Arunachalam Temple, the echoes of ancient legend mingle with the whispers of the present, beckoning pilgrims to heed the call of the divine and embrace the eternal journey of the soul.
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crystalflygeo · 1 year
Introducing my teams Pt2 - Archon Supremacy
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disclaimer: I build my teams mostly based of a certain thematic and just for fun, they are not fully “meta” oriented and while I’m sure they can be improved upon I’m generally happy with the compositions.
Zhongli - Support Raiden Shogun - Main DPS/Battery Nahida - Sub DPS/Driver Venti - Support
As soon as Nahida was announced I KNEW I needed to have her and have a full archon team, I wasn't even sure of they'd work well but it wouldn't matter, I'd love them. Turns out? Oh they OP THEY VERY OP. This team works SO WELL in so many ways I love them and they destroy everything, props for being my first spiral abyss clear <3
Nahida's and Raiden's skills go hand in hand so ridiculously well it's insane, either of them can be on field and procc reactions like crazy be it spread or aggravate, Venti has the crowd control and Zhongli has the shields, what more can you ask for? They're also super easy and quick to use 11/10 would recommend.
Rotation goes Zhongli E -> Raiden E -> Nahida E -> Nahida Q -> Venti E -> Venti Q -> Zhongli Q -> Raiden Q and go wild with her on field
more often than not tho, things are dead by the time I use Venti's or Zhongli's Q, or I just use Nahida Q and use her on field instead
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Oh I love this set, I love it so much. My beloved Dendro Zhongli. He has one job and it is to be Nahida's protection squad Deathmatch is there for sentimentality (?) and bc crit rt heck yeah 4pc Deepwood HP/Geo/Crit dmg meaning yes this is another hybrid build though he's more oriented to be defensive/shield and instead serving that sweet sweet 30% dendro res debuff + his own 20% elemental res debuff so Nahida can attaccccc I originally had an HP circlet for him but his shield is so strong already I just decided I wanted more raw power and his burst usually do a very nice 70k when critting
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Oh this lady is dangerous. Holding the record for my strongest single strike dmg she could be considered a hypercarry since she comes out to sweep with her burst then leaves again when on cooldown but lemme tell you with THAT level of ER and how quickly these team's bursts fill they haven't even gotten out of cooldown and they're already raring to go. Talk about godly stamina hm? 4pc Emblem Atk/Electro/Crit dmg as per usual DPS builds I was blessed with skyward spine so why not. I am not fishing for The Catch. Her skill is already insane as it proccs with each of Nahida's dendro attacks, Venti's swirls and even Zhongli's stone steele resonances and once you start spamming bursts that chkra desiderata BUILDS UP. Her bursts usually does 150k if she decides to crit. (aka when Zhongli doesn't bc they have an unspoken agreement apparently)
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Baby god is so strong, we love her. From the very start I wished to build up her EM with Gilded dreams so I prefarmed that over deepwood, turns out you can give deepwood to any other party member (esp if you have a second dendro) and let her run wild with EM sets. I did a LOT of testing and calculations with her and dendro cup works better, esp since once the right conditions are met she DOES end up reaching that 1k EM roof. Solar pearl bc I refuse to give her sac fragments I had this beautiful perfect crit rt weapon sitting there collecting dust I was going to USE IT. Everyone likes crit rt anyway and she uses amplifying reactions soooo... 4pc Gilded dreams EM/Dendro/EM uses her E to link enemies so Raiden's skill can do dmg and goes ham on the normal attacks. she usually does anywhere from like 12k-25k dmg but honestly the green numbers go wild.
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CRIT VENTI??? More likely than you think I am sick of VV EM pieces. In all honesty he's kind of a hybrid whose job is to succ in enemies with his burst and swirl electro (not hard when you can't swirl geo nor dendro ehe) 4pc VV Atk/anemo/crit dmg yet an EM weapon on Stringless. Once he infuses and swirls electro that does WONDERS with the VV debuff and helping Nahida keep the reactions going. Furthermore there's also the fact he helps the ER with his skill and passive.
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there's always a lot going on in the field
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queen slays.
Each of them is crowned at least once but I might go triple. I am a huge archon simp what can I say? I love them so much. Hope to get engulfing lightning one day :c and kinda keep improving them but honestly they just d e s t r o y. As a random side note they each have the glider from their nations bc REPRESENTING <3 and also Venti has an AP Goblet and Zhongli a VV Goblet as pure shipping statement (?) because oh lord am I a massive Zhongvenshipper lmao, my precious OTP.
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kharrneth · 1 year
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prev/ The Blood God’s Domain, The Hunting Fields
No subtlety has Khorne. 
It’s what the weakling-daemons titter and hiss, pitiful whining and yelping before the unforgiving brass legions of the Blood God. They think it an indictment, but the Hound finds no fault in the statement. Only the craven deal in subterfuge, only the dishonorable bring fell powers to bare when brazen steel and brass armor is all one truly needs to conquer. To be a true daemon, a true god.
Even without the great Hound sitting the great throne of skulls, the Ragelands are not still. Ever do they buzz with war, perhaps now more than any other time as daemons test blade against blade, horn against horn, and claw against claw for supremacy, for the right to sit the Skull Throne. And even as they do this, they find themselves assailed; half the land stolen away by the entropic enemy, who takes advantage of this vicious infighting anytime they can. Rat daemons burrow beneath the bloody soil and shadow-packs dare make claim upon the Kingdom of Skulls. But be they of Kharneth, Vermaux, or Malal they are fools all of them, for only one being can sit atop the mountain of grisly trophies.
A great roar echoes about the Domain of Kharneth, a bellow to shake the very sky and pummel the bloodied earth. And as if in answer, the realm responds; the skies bleed, leering skull-like faces vomit forth a hail of meteors which smash into the ground. The ground heaves, every single volcano spitting it’s fury right back up at the fiery heavens. Blood Daemons pause, the very essence of them shaken. Those who do not belong are obliterated outright, crushed into nothing. The earth cracks, splitting apart to swallow rival armies or spout forth plumes of scalding blood and lava which carry away luckless warriors and daemons. The ever-hell that is Blood God’s domain seems to come to a head, to a final Armageddon, one that is punctuated by a ripping sound.
A great shadow falls over the land, cast by a blade stabbed through the very sky. It cuts in an arc and an impossibly huge being shoulders it’s way through. Hardened fungal growths sit stubbornly over old wounds, the work of @nurrgleth. Eight horns, a ravaged hound-like face, and baroque armor of brass scored in fell runes; the Blood God has come. He has come to reclaim his throne and to strike down all usurpers, all intruders, and any fool that would claim that which is not theirs to take.
He falls.
Woebringer in hand, the Great Hound falls like a meteor and even grows smaller, as if the atmosphere itself eats away at him. But this is no consequence of the Realm or the descent. The Hound assumes a form so that he might interact with his children. His wayward pack of unruly, disloyal spawn. Slamming into the ground, the God of Skulls strides from the wreckage, great wings taking him to a promontory and from there he roars his challenge.
He clutches Woebringer, raising the weapon skyward in challenge.
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seoportorchard · 8 months
Port Orchard SEO Uprising: Dominate the Digital Horizon
In the pulsating heart of Port Orchard, the pathway to digital supremacy is paved with the strategic mastery of Search Engine Optimization (SEO). This in-depth guide, "Port Orchard SEO Uprising: Dominate the Digital Horizon," is your compass to not just navigate the online landscape but to rise above and dominate. Let's embark on a journey through SEO strategies that promise to revolutionize your digital presence and position your business at the forefront of the digital horizon.
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I. SEO Foundations: Laying the Groundwork for Uprising
a. Strategic Keyword Integration:
Immerse your online identity with the indispensable keyword "SEO Port Orchard," establishing a robust foundation for heightened visibility and relevance in local searches.
b. Tailored SEO Strategies:
Customize your SEO approach to mirror the unique characteristics of Port Orchard, ensuring your digital footprint resonates profoundly with the local audience.
II. Content Mastery for Conversion: Crafting a Narrative of Uprising
a. Strategic Keyword Immersion:
Infuse your content with the strategic placement of "SEO Port Orchard," creating a narrative that not only captivates users but aligns seamlessly with search engine algorithms.
b. Conversion-Centric Content:
Craft content that not only engages but guides visitors toward meaningful actions, turning clicks into conversions that fuel your digital uprising.
Also Read - Port Orchard SEO Pinnacle: Elevate Your Business Skyward
III. Google My Business Dominance: Conquering the Local Horizon
a. Optimization Excellence:
Master Google My Business by optimizing your listing with accurate information, captivating visuals, and positive reviews, securing a prime position in local search results.
IV. Authority Building with Backlinks: Strengthening Digital Dominion
a. Cultivating Trust and Credibility:
Strengthen your website's authority by securing backlinks from reputable Port Orchard sources, creating a network of trust that fortifies your digital uprising.
V. Mobile-Friendly Brilliance: Ascending Across Devices
a. Responsive Design Mastery:
Elevate user experience with a mobile-friendly design, aligning seamlessly with search engine preferences and ensuring a seamless journey for your audience across devices.
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Conclusion: Seizing Digital Dominance in Port Orchard
The Port Orchard SEO Uprising isn't just a strategy; it's a revolution. By incorporating the strategies outlined in this guide and embracing the power of "SEO Port Orchard," you empower your business to stand out in the dynamic digital landscape. As you embark on this uprising, be prepared to witness your online presence soar and your business dominate the digital horizon of Port Orchard. The uprising begins—dominate the horizon today!
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Liminality The best way to get to heaven is to take it with you -- Henry Drummond Our headlights snake across the west Texas highway. Out here, they've only got tow kinds of music on the radio: Country and Western. Her hair touches my shoulder in the wind. The road signs say turn ahead. We sing along to songs our parents taught us. Turn ahead. Steep cliff. Her finger is curled around my belt loop. Steep cliff. Pay attention. The road curves away from me, my voice crumples as we clip the guardrail, our back wheels lift skyward, the car spins, flips, the sky and the river bed fight for supremacy, our headlights kick into space. All of our clothes float around us. Her blouse blossoms like a supernova, the change her cup holders forms constellations glittering in front of our eyes. We are astronauts coming back to earth. When the nickel stars settle in the dust, we hang upside-down, dangling like marionettes from our seatbelts. We unbuckle the, fall to the ceiling that was never meant to be a f loop. Her collarbone is broken, the same one she fractured at six years old. The glass is flung around the car in a perfect halo orbit, we're freezing in our own solar system. As I'm blinking in and out of consciousness, she speaks to me in a voice that comes from just behind my ear, she says: "All that has ever mattered is volume and if you turn up the speakers past the point of sound, to deafening silence, you will hear me again, I will whisper your name from the cracks in the canyon rocks and you will know that this is heaven knowing that someone will always remember your irises and where you hid your love letters and why you could never speak in anything but short sentences. It's not a golden escalator or a glowing choir conveying you into the sky. The hand of God does not reach down and pluck you from your earthly shell, no, the way to heaven is here, in your last moments, these last half-seconds before your soul shivers our of your bones. You will see the candle on your first birthday cake, the brush of your mother's braids, smell your father's shaving cream on the day he taught you there is a tornado in your throat. You will hear our whispered phone calls, our entwined I love you's and their softness will weigh down on you. Heaven is an exhausted horse laying down to die, it's you and your ceiling fan conversing in whispers, Heaven is floating to earth in this already-shattered car. I will lie here forever and sing to you all the things I stopped myself from saying when we were alive."
-- Neil Hilborn, Our Numbered Days
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x-xxoxox-x · 2 months
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Skyward fans get in
(I’m driving)
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skye-cloudy · 28 days
Skyward fans hear me out rn
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As a poly couple.
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navii-playthroughs · 1 year
things are definitely happening
crusty g
finished up crisis at hyrule caste and fought phantom ganondorf(s) for the first time
yes i have been avoiding gloom hands
pretty sure I have all the memories of the past sages, still disappointed about lack of gerudo lore in the flash backs
how many times have I asked myself "why is a monarchy even needed?" for both rauru and sonia, and zelda
not a big fan of the implications that zelda got her powers from rauru and sonia...
this isn't me being a hylia stan, just more about zelda's entire character growth about her rejecting hylia for not being there for her in a time of need and finally unlocking her power at the last possible moment because she wanted to save link
ww ganondorf continues to regien supremacy as best ganondorf
let's do the time warp againnnnnn
near the beginning of the game I was assuming that the imprisoning war that's been shown was the one from skyward sword
def rethinking that now
I don't think botw/aoc/totk even exists in the previously established canon tbh
i used to have a theory that botw was the end result of every timeline, existing after the events of twilight princess/fsa, the new kingdom many eras after spirit tracks, and after hyrule's reconstruction in the downfall timeline
where the events of botw would actually have some very slight differences between each timeline, but the end result is similar enough where it can be condensed into one game
but now I feel like I'm doing ww and st a disservice by incorporating the cycle back into their timeline
botk/aoc/totk exist entirely outside of the timeline in my opinion
now I'm thinking about age of calamity again...
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inkdsythe · 1 year
"Wings Unleashed: Hawk Girl (dc) vs. Falcon (marvel)- A Battle in the Skies!"
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Hey there, Tumblr folks! Brace yourselves for an electrifying aerial showdown between two mighty winged warriors: Hawk Girl  and Falcon! It's time to witness a breathtaking display of abilities as they clash in an epic battle for supremacy. Who will soar above the rest and claim victory? Let's dive into the action!
🦅 Hawk Girl : The Avian Avenger 🦅
Enhanced Strength and Durability: Hawk Girl possesses superhuman strength and durability, allowing her to deliver powerful blows and withstand considerable damage. Her physical prowess makes her a formidable opponent in combat.
Flight: With her majestic wings, Hawk Girl takes to the skies effortlessly. She soars with agility and grace, maneuvering through the air with exceptional speed, making it challenging for her foes to keep up.
Nth Metal Mace: Hawk Girl wields a mace forged from the mystical Nth metal. The mace enhances her strength and grants her the ability to generate powerful shockwaves upon impact, delivering devastating blows to her adversaries.
🦅 Falcon : The Winged Avenger 🦅
Enhanced Flight and Speed: Falcon possesses the ability to fly at incredible speeds, rivaling even the swiftest avian creatures. His mastery of the skies allows him to outmaneuver opponents and attack from advantageous positions.
Razor-Sharp Feathers: Falcons feathers are razor-sharp projectiles, capable of being launched at high velocity. He can rain down a storm of deadly feather attacks, slicing through opponents with precision.
Telepathic Bond with Birds: Falcon shares a telepathic connection with avian species, enabling him to communicate and command birds to aid him in battle. He can summon flocks of birds to swarm and distract his foes.
💥 The Skyward Showdown and the Clear Victor 💥
As the battle takes flight, Hawk Girl and Falcon  engage in a thrilling aerial combat, their wings slicing through the air with ferocity. Hawk Girl's Nth metal mace strikes with bone-shattering force, while Falcon razor-sharp feathers rain down upon her, testing her durability.
With her enhanced strength and combat skills, Hawk Girl unleashes a barrage of powerful strikes, aiming to subdue Falcon. However, Falcon  exceptional speed and evasive maneuvers allow him to dodge her attacks, retaliating with precision strikes from his feather projectiles.
In a sudden twist, Falcon taps into his telepathic bond with birds, summoning a flock of feathered allies to aid him. The birds swarm around Hawk Girl, creating a chaotic distraction and hindering her movements. Though momentarily disoriented, Hawk Girl refuses to yield, fighting back with relentless determination.
In the end, it is Hawk Girl with Mace who emerges as the victorious warrior. Utilizing her exceptional strength and the shockwave-generating capabilities of her Nth metal mace, she delivers a final, devastating blow that incapacitates Falcon. Her unwavering resolve and mastery of aerial combat secure her triumph in this epic clash.
🌟 Conclusion: Hawk Girl  Reigns Supreme 🌟
In this electrifying battle, Hawk Girl  emerges as the clear winner, showcasing her enhanced strength, flight, and mace-wielding skills to overcome Falcon  aerial finesse and feather-based attacks. While Falcon puts up a valiant fight, it is Hawk Girl's indomitable spirit and superior weaponry that prove decisive.
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telemna-hyelle · 2 years
So back when I first was playing Skyward Sword, I was having a devil of a time with the first Ghirahim fight. I think it took me about six, seven tries?  Well eventually I decided to ask Fi for help. 
And this is what happened
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