#skyscraper au
shirecorn · 1 year
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Three special someponies hanging out! What shenanigans will they get into?
Even when one of your friends is massive Belgian foal, you're still the best of friends. No hooves, feathers, or horns can come between you. Just adventure and fun!
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ryssbelle · 4 months
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The perks of being tall: sending your friends to air jail
Wait until Clay meets Legsly or the skyscraper troll XD
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echoing-gravity · 5 months
Can Marinette Bench press a building?!
(Ladybugs, also known as lady beetles or ladybird beetles, are able to carry objects that are up to 1,000 times their own weight due to the unique structure of their exoskeletons. An exoskeleton is an external protective covering that provides support and protection to the insect's body. This covering is made up of a material called chitin, which is a strong and lightweight polymer. The exoskeleton also gives ladybugs their characteristic shiny, hard shells. Ladybugs use their powerful leg muscles to lift and carry heavy objects, such as large leaves or other insects. The unique structure of their exoskeleton allows them to distribute the load evenly across their body, making it possible for them to carry heavy objects without being weighed down. Additionally, their strong legs and other muscles are equipped to sustain this weight too)
But like with her legs???
I wanna see a MLB x DC fic where Marinette is working with young justice and like a building fucking falls on them but marinette just fucking kicks it away. Or picks it up. Itd be even more absurdly funny if she wasn't transformed and the super strength is like a kwami side effect.
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sanctus-ingenium · 9 months
I saw on ko-fi that you're releasing your book, and I'm very excited. I'm having top surgery this week, and it'll be good to read it while I'm recovering! The sample you released earlier this year was fantastic
oh shit congrats on the surgery!!! wow, i'm really glad to hear that you enjoyed the demo, there's so so much more where that came from. i hope you have a smooth recovery <3
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tornadoufo · 7 months
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windlion · 10 months
Tim wasn’t afraid of death. It was just . . . stopping.
He was very quickly learning to become afraid of continuing.
The first time, he was disoriented as hell. He remembered falling. The long view across Gotham’s skyline, one last time. He thought it was fitting. It was right. He’d finished. It was done.
And then he was coughing, hauled by uncaring arms onto cold stone besides a glowing pool that should be really important when he didn’t feel like he had battery acid in his sinuses.
Tim tried desperately to put pieces together to make sense of what was happening as a shadow fell across him. Disconcertingly naked, on his side on the floor, he was not prepared to look up straight at the Demon’s Head.
Ra’s met his eyes, apparently pleased at what he saw, as a smug smile broke out across his face that Tim desperately wanted to punch. “Detective. Welcome back.”
Oh, he was fucked.
The second time that he remembered, Ra’s dragged him to the edge and threw Tim in himself. Starved, broken, frail, it wasn’t like it was difficult to pitch him into the green. This time, Tim felt the green hit open wounds with a searing burn. He struggled and flailed to try and stay at the surface, and Ra’s dispassionately reached out and held him under.
Green poured into his nose, his throat, his lungs. His everything.
When he came back to himself, Ra’s was stripping out of the green-soaked robes he’d worn with distaste. Tim pulled himself out of the pool in time to be thwacked with heavy fabric in the face. He caught the fabric with fingers that still sizzled from being forcibly straightened, the tips sensitive where nails regrew. There were no scars, no calluses left behind.
Wiped clean.
Ra’s took a fresh white shirt from a waiting ninja, completely aloof as he swept it around his shoulders. He appraised Tim, apparently neither pleased nor disappointed with what he saw. “Blades need to be tempered. You’ve been quenched. I expect better from you now, Timothy.”
Fury and despair made a home in his bones.
The burn of the Lazarus pit waters was becoming familiar. The acrid green had a taste, a feel, something he couldn’t describe except as loathing in liquid form. It hated. It probably hated Tim, specifically.
That’s fair because the feeling was mutual.
He floated at the surface, bouyed by its rage, and considered staying there just to piss off Ra’s.
Ra’s, who was definitely in the room, because he tsked the same way Damian did. His voice echoed off the walls, radiating smug conceit. As usual.
“Timothy, Timothy. You know I control your life. You couldn’t be so foolish as to think I don’t control your death.”
Tim opened his eyes to watch the sharp green light reflect in fractals across the carved stone ceiling. He didn’t bother looking for Ra’s, only waited until the click of boot heels on stone indicated the man had run out of patience and was returning up the stairs, confident that Tim would follow in his time.
It wasn’t like they didn’t know how he would react to the Pit by now. Supposedly it triggered the worst in people. Kicked the amygdala into overdrive, suppressed the frontal cortex, run everything on the hindbrain.
Reboot in safe mode.
Maybe he’d always been wired wrong, that he didn’t flashover into becoming a rage zombie. No, Timothy Drake didn’t burn. Everything froze, crystallized, in perfect clarity: if he couldn’t escape, then the only way out was through.
So be it.
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yakool-foolio · 6 months
One part of chapter 3 that I really want to emphasize in my Death Knight Yakou AU is that there's a sense of connection that Yakou desperately clings to with the Resistance, especially with Shachi. Since Shachi is a former employee of Amaterasu, Yakou can't help but ask if he's familiar with his wife. Shachi doesn't know much about her since they worked in separate divisions of the company, but he talks of hearing passing comments about her astounding research in her special field of study in medicine, yet she still knew how to keep her secrets. Yakou's heart aches. Even she wouldn't spill everything she worked on for him. With Amaterasu's higher-ups holding her in their crosshairs, she had no choice but to seal her lips shut. It doesn't hurt any less. At least Shachi could remind him of what he was hellbent on fighting for.
After Shachi tells Yakou about his own experiences and his mission for the Resistance, the chief opens up as well. He relays that his detectives all vanished after Amaterasu destroyed his home, fearing the worst and ridden with guilt when he swore he'd protect them. Shachi empathizes with him, offering to help him find his missing detectives as long as he'd help them in turn. Yakou, grasping at what little living testimony remains of his wife and sharing the goal to protect the city, agrees to the plan.
The inevitable death of Shachi would've drove Yakou to the brink of despair, if not for the company of Yuma and Fubuki to keep him from flying off the handle.
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oliveecholess · 1 year
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Hello tumblr, uhhh pt au momenr
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lena-in-a-red-dress · 2 months
Skyscraper Thoughts (cont)
I wonder what it would be like if Lena was the person who built the building, and Kara was the security guy. The film/trailer indicates that the security review took six months, so maybe during that time, Kara and Lena start to build a rapport? Nothing that they act upon, really, just a familiarity that gets a little more friendly than purely professional.
Lena is in the building when the fire starts, but Kara sees what's happening and learns that it's an orchestrated attack to get/kill Lena and/or something in her possession, so she works her way inside via the supercrane.
Kara doesn't really know who's after Lena, but Lena does-- her brother. She's not only showing him up but also has evidence of his criminal activity that would put him in prison for good. So he wants her alive to decrypt the evidence she has stored on the hard drive, but also doesn't mind if she dies. You know, typical Luthor family dynamics.
Do I want Kara to have a kid? Maybe in this universe Kara does adopt and raise Kal? It would prompt Lena to want to help Kara and her family, rather than just trusting Kara can take care of herself.
I would definitely want Lena and Kara to run through a smokey blaze together, all soot-smudged and coughing. Very attractive, I know. But you know-- clear and present danger, and all that.
Maybe Lena sends guards down to collect Kal when she knows Kara is out of the building, and takes it upon herself to keep the kid safe.
I know I said I wasn't going to do anything with this, but. You know me. I just can't help myself.
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shirecorn · 1 year
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Dragons are one of the most variable creatures in the world. Individuals are shaped not by genetics, but by their environment and what they want out of life.
Baby dragons can remain in their young form for decades, if the environment isn't right for them to mature. Intense competition, lack of resources, or uncertain emotional development are all reasons for a baby dragon to delay their adult molt.
Once circumstances are right, an intense period of growth begins, and a dragon can multiply its size and sprout new features such as wings in just a few short years.
Pubescent dragons need a huge amount of food (including gem minerals) to sustain their growth. In the dragon lands, this can lead to competition, toughening up a young dragon to face a world of challenges.
Not everything is about fighting tooth and nail. Dragons raised in more cooperative societies are often softer, with less need to develop armor and weaponry. However, if their society faces constant threats, even the softest, kindest dragons will bulk up into formidable creatures in order to defend the ones they love. These individuals are difficult to provoke, easy to make peace with, but impossible to beat once you've threatened their family.
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hanakihan · 11 months
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don’t even ask me about it because it’s 3 at night and I’ve been listening to Nier OSTs and I’m having a brainrot with only my phone at hand so here are some sketches that I will refine because there’s so many good men outfits but I also wanted to reference some things from their actual design too and— /holds head in hand like wright/
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egg-emperor · 3 months
always love replaying all the Empire City acts and hanging out at the hub and being like hehe Casino AU Eggman 🥰 because this is his home (in his alternate universe but it's identical so) just daydreaming about him all the while 💜
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redwinterroses · 2 years
friggin' fic dropped fully formed into my sleeping brain night before last. early christmas present from the story elves. rancher duo au with both gaslamp and cyberpunk elements. jimmy has magic (everyone does, a little. he's a house cleaner) and about 134 siblings (grian and pearl are two of them. also impulse). tango is a fae and a necromancer hunter and jimmy doesn't know his bestie's not actually human. not because it's a big secret but just because tango thinks it's hilarious to mess with jimmy's little magics and then be all like O.O wow i wonder how that happened. i have approximately 1/8 of a plot but a lot of vibes.
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local-diavolo-anon · 1 year
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Mid exams doodles for everybody~
Context under the cut
First doodles are from that one long ass au that i occasionally talk about, the one where springtrap is a thing and sun and moon get a redesign
Springtrap dislikes humans and most organic beings, and when pissed refers to them as 'fleshbags'
Then you have my security breach experience with the gues appearence of Moon and of my torch refusing to work
I probably softlocked the game accidentally
And then some doodles from my domestic au where y/n finds sun and moon in a hallway after they ran away from the burning pizzaplex
Idk if to tag this with a smorking cw because Sun is a robot, he can't smoke. He lights up a candle and wat hes it melt away lol
He can do tricks with it tho, he learned when very bored before y/n got him a pet to care for
Spoiler: it's a parrot named chipotle, Moon taught it to swear, much to Sun's disapproval
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myname-isnia · 5 months
Honestly I’d really like to make some kind of MLP AU or redesign/rewrite or whatever else of the sort because MLP was essentially my first fandom and it’s extremely nostalgic to me, but I’ve seen so many people do it already and have found myself physically incapable of producing something that isn’t blatantly copying what other people have done :/
#and yeah yeah I know that nothing in the world is truly original and everyone’s inspired by something#but I want to make smth that isn’t rehashing what I’ve already seen#and it’s hard bc redesigns and aus are kinda all the rage right now#and no I’m not talking about those infection aus bc while those are really cool and I’m not interested in making my own#I’m a really squeamish person. to the point I even avoid sick fics most of the time#so while I enjoy seeing a lot of those aus because I too had a creepypasta phase and it reminds me of cupcakes and rainbow factory vibe-wise#I’d probably throw up if I had to draw smth like that myself 😅#anyway. what I meant is some kind of rewrite where I’d get to explore themes that interest me more#maybe dig a little deeper than the earlier seasons of the show could afford in certain places#like coming up with a clearer reason for aj’s parents’ deaths. for instance#and also making next gens is basically my modus operandi at this point so while I’m not really interested in making kids for the mane 6#I’d like to redesign them + their families to get to play with genetics a little.#but again. I’ve seen a lot of redesigns over the years and I’m afraid they would influence me too much for my liking#only reason I’m so worried is because last year I did doodle some ideas a little. for the CMCs in particular#and suddenly realised they were basically the grand galloping 20s au designs poorly drawn from memory in my style#and any ideas re: redesigning the actual pony species are essentially ripped off from skyscraper gods#as are some concepts about becoming an alicorn/gaining immortality and all hat#so… yeah. no#idk. I’ll think about it some more and maybe I can come up with some cool ideas that I can string together in some way#it might be really fun and would also give me a chance to let my sotrl hyperfixation rest a little#don’t get me wrong. I love the universe Kat and I created and my OCs and everything. but I’ve been going at it non stop for almost 4 years#sooner or later it’ll burn me out and I won’t be able to come up with anything for it anymore#and I literally don’t draw anything BUT sotrl#so it’d be nice to branch out a little. maybe I’ll finally feel less like I’m screaming into the void with my incredibly niche OCs#again. I don’t know. we’ll see if I’m struck with inspiration or smth#also coming up with ideas is like half of the problem lmao. horses are really hard to draw#even cartoon ones 😭😭 I was hyperfixated on mlp for most of my childhood and still never mastered it#I can barely draw humans lower than shoulder level let alone horses. but I’ll figure it out if I get a concrete au idea#okay I’ve been rambling for like half an hour. rant over I’m done
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I'm thinking about the "Kyrie gets familiars" AU yet again, because I recently noticed something about DMC4 that I hadn't before:
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I hadn't noticed that when Sanctus merges with the Savior in a last-ditch effort to destroy Nero, it takes on his appearance.
The reason I point this out is because it cements something I kind of knew about this AU, but hadn't put into words:
I imagine Berial, Bael, and Echidna as separate beings from Kyrie, despite being bound to her consciousness, most obviously like Griffon.
To be more specific, I imagine Bael, as the embodiment of Kyrie's lust, being very friendly toward those Kyrie cares about, and encouraging her to embrace her relationships and follow her heart. However, she has a habit of not thinking about consequences.
Echidna, however, embodies Kyrie's resentment toward others, so she's very critical of Kyrie's loved ones, and very quick to point out when someone seems to be taking Kyrie for granted.
Berial, who embodies Kyrie's skepticism, is sort of a voice of reason, and often ends up mediating arguments among his companions. He's also the most willing to criticize Kyrie herself, though it's always from a place of love and respect.
Keep in mind that none of them are bad - they all love Kyrie and want her to be happy and safe, but it's still for the best that they obey Kyrie and not the other way around.
However, the Savior has even less of a personality than Nightmare did, because it's not a separate being from Kyrie, but an extension of her. In practice, I think this should mean that the Savior essentially functions opposite to Nightmare, only attacking when Kyrie commands it. Perhaps it's necessary for Kyrie to merge with her Savior when summoning it, resulting in something like this concept art:
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Also, while I've said this in the past, I'd like to reiterate that I think Kyrie should undergo a transformation when summoning her Savior, not unlike Sanctus's own Diabolica form:
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In fact, I think the gem on his forehead is my favorite detail - just like V stored his familiars in his tattoos and hair dye, I think Kyrie should grow gems on her body in which she stores her dormant minions. The one on her head, of course, corresponds to the Savior.
However, I think the horns on Kyrie's head should be of uneven length, and she should only have one wing, as a nod to her late brother Credo.
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Though if Kyrie merges with her Savior when summoning it, these points may be moot, unless her transformation simply happens upon acquiring the Savior, and persists even when it's dormant. Like how V's hair is dyed black until Nightmare is unleashed, I guess.
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