#or react fast enough to dodge the mines on the wall at the end of Skyscraper Scamper day
egg-emperor · 7 months
always love replaying all the Empire City acts and hanging out at the hub and being like hehe Casino AU Eggman 🥰 because this is his home (in his alternate universe but it's identical so) just daydreaming about him all the while 💜
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pvremichigan · 1 year
2, 10, 20 for the topic meme!
2. drabbles
Look. Drabbles are great. I appreciate the art and the effort that goes into it. I just can't do it anymore. I spent way too much time and stress on the Hell arc drabbles and I think that'll be it for a long time. Writing with someone ELSE already drains me enough, writing alone just for the fun of it? That sounds like torture. I love coming up with ideas but the physical typing part and the deep thinking part are just too much for me nowadays. Drabbles are fun, but fun fact about me. I also hate reading. I feel bad, but most of the time I will not read your drabble unless I'm heavily invested in the lore. It's never anything against you. I just already have to fight tooth and nail to get any energy to write, reading will bring me back to a zero.
10. anons
I LOVE getting anons when it's questions about my character. I HATE getting anons when it's "why don't we rp/interact" memes or "send me some validation" memes. Please show me who you are, especially the why we don't interact ones. If you don't, there's literally nothing I can do about it. I can't reach out to you. I can't reassure you. It's just like talking to someone on the other side of a giant wall. I've got nothing that can help if you don't at least let me know who you are.
And to those who've sent anon hate in the past? Jokes on you. I WILL respond to it. But not to what you said. No not at all. Instead I'll make it a waste of your time. Deleting it is almost psychological bullying. You may stalk the page to see if I answered but in the end, your message still got through and you KNOW I saw it. Let's not just delete anon hate anymore, let's make them feel stupid. Post a funny video. Post a silly gif. Post a meme. Post a goofy sound effect.
20. violent threads
I used to love these. I used to have so much fun with these. Now... Writing fights is my enemy. I've had so many terrible experiences and now there are muses out there who could easily kill mine or actually cripple her canonically and I've spent too much time trying to get her to heal. I can't have anymore set backs. I'm not an angst thirster. I like angst, I don't love it, and I hate when it's non stop. Don't get me wrong, I do love love LOVE to have a thread of Mich kicking someone's ass and looking good while doing it. I don't mind if she gets her ass handed to her either! Violence is part of Mich's character, it's a giant part of who she is.
It's discouraging when other muses to things to make Mich violent but tell me they're uncomfortable with Mich hurting their muse. It just reeks of "I don't want repercussions or consequences" and I lose interest for the thread fast. Or when people's muses just dodge everything, or when people SEVERELY underestimate my muses power and strength. Those have all driven me away from violent threads, so I've honestly become selective with who I do them with. It's kind of taken away from Mich's character since she isn't able to react the way she actually would but I find the people who will allow her to be herself and who will give her consequences when she deserves it.
Overall, I do love them. I just don't love doing them. Not with anybody, at least. I do appreciate those who allow Mich to harm their muse when it's called for. I do appreciate those who aren't afraid to respectfully put Mich in her place. She's not always innocent nor is she always the victim.
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hufflautia · 4 years
Late-night Shenanigans
Summary: Hufflepuff and Slytherin are strolling through the quiet halls, the moon shaped like a silver disc as it hangs in the starry sky. It’s midnight, which means that they have all the privacy in the world while the rest of the school sleeps. Romantic, right? Well, yes, but only if you label “scaring Hufflepuff while she’s distracted” as romantic. I won’t blame you if you aren’t surprised by Slytherin’s mischievous nature at this point. Hufflepuff certainly isn’t. In fact, she’s come prepared for payback. Slytherin seems to have forgotten that his girlfriend is just as rebellious as he is, and he shall have to pay a price for that—a very delightful price indeed. 
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Hufflepuff flinched and spun around in a panic, relaxing once she realized that it was merely her boyfriend fooling around. She let out a sigh of relief mixed with exasperation, fixating an unamused glare on Slytherin as he laughed at her. 
“You’re such a prick,” she huffed. “Why am I not surprised you did that?” Though she tried to maintain the pout on her face, she could not stave off the effects of Slytherin’s infectious smile.  
He shrugged and continued his stroll through the darkened corridor, with Hufflepuff begrudgingly following after him. “I guess you know me too well, darling,” he replied with a smirk. “It was dark and you were distracted. What else was I supposed to do but take that glorious opportunity to scare you? Besides, it was your idea to come out here—in the middle of the night, mind you—and venture around the school while everyone else is asleep.” He stopped walking and cocked his head to the side as he turned to face her. “So if you really think about it, that was technically your fault.” 
Hufflepuff let out an incredulous laugh and shook her head. “You’re the worst.” 
“Yeah,” he said coolly, his eyes narrowed as if he were challenging her. “And what’re you gonna do about it?”
She raised her eyebrows at this, and a smile slowly spread onto her face. It was a teasing grin that said, Oh you *really* shouldn’t have said that. Before Slytherin could say another word, she smacked a glob of whipped cream into his face. It dripped onto his shirt, the milky color of the dessert standing out from the dark green material like black ink on parchment paper. 
Now it was Hufflepuff’s turn to burst out laughing as Slytherin stood there in complete shock with cream covering most of his face. Her laughs echoed through the empty hall as he wiped at his eyes and examined his hands, smearing his thumb over the white substance. 
“What the…” 
“As you said, darling, I know you too well,” she cooed. “That’s why I came prepared for payback.” She held up a see-through bag of substances that was filled with whipped cream. An invisible force shaped the sweet delight into ball-like figures—perfect for pranking someone. 
“Behold George Weasley’s latest invention: Cry o’ cream! In a few minutes, your eyes are gonna start watering—hence the name—so you better wipe that off while you can.” 
She swiped a finger through the cream that was plastered onto his face and put it to her mouth, releasing it with a pop! “But it’s still perfectly edible,” she beamed, her smile widening as she took in his disgruntled expression. 
Too amused and proud of successfully pulling off her prank, Hufflepuff didn’t react fast enough to stop Slytherin from snatching the bag from her hand. He grabbed a ball of cream from within and chucked it at her in a flash. She had dodged with a shriek and began sprinting towards the end of the corridor, with him racing after her. 
And so the chase began.
She ignored Slytherin as he called after her. He said stuff like “Hey, get back here!” and “I just wanna talk!”. She continued running away from him because…well, it was Slytherin she was dealing with. She knew better than to trust his deceitful pleas after pulling a prank on him.    
Slytherin aimed and threw the balls at her whenever he was close enough, but she always managed to escape that tasty fate. At one point, he almost succeeded when one of them hit the exact spot that she had been at a few seconds ago. It splattered all over the wall, and flecks of the cream sprinkled onto her hair—a narrow miss. 
He finally cornered her at a dead end, his eyes lighting up with triumph once he realized that she had nowhere to go, nowhere to escape. 
“Wait!” Hufflepuff backed away as he walked towards her. “Why don’t we call a truce?” 
“I don’t think so,” he replied, venturing closer until her back was pressed against the wall. He reached into the bag for the final attack. To his great dismay, there were no more balls left.   
Her eyes darted from the bag to his disheartened facial expression, and she relaxed. “You don’t even have anymore,” she japed, crossing her arms with a smug smile. “Victory is mine.” 
Slytherin let out a dramatic sigh of defeat. 
“I guess you won this time,” he grumbled. His eyes suddenly lit up, and he smiled at her slyly before placing his arms on either side of her, effectively trapping her. “I think you owe me a kiss for your little stunt.” 
He leaned in with puckered lips, but she avoided the kiss by pressing her hands against his chest. “Hey,” she exclaimed, wrinkling her nose in distaste. “I know what you’re trying to do.” 
Slytherin arched an eyebrow and went poker-faced, acting as if he had no idea what she was talking about. “What’s wrong? Does my breath smell bad or something?”  
“You still have cream on your face and you know it!” 
“Oh really? Is that why my eyes feel like they’re burning right now?” 
Hufflepuff hummed a giggle and bit her lip. “Maybe?” 
“Little minx,” he chided jokingly before he leaned in again, trying to capture her lips with his. She tried to dodge his attempt but he managed to plant a sloppy kiss on her cheek. 
Hufflepuff let out an indignant sound of a squeal mixed in with a laugh. “Get away from me,” she laughed, a wide smile on her face as she playfully tugged at the hairs on the nape of his neck. “You just got cream on my face!” She squirmed in his grasp and tried to slip away from him, but his arms remained securely wrapped around her waist as he showered her with butterfly kisses—or at least tried to. 
After a while, Hufflepuff stopped resisting and welcomed his touch, softening her smile in surrender as she tilted her head up and closed the distance between them. He pulled her closer as their lips moved together like two partners dancing at a ball—smoothly, gracefully, and intimately. 
They pulled apart, both slightly breathless. He regarded her briefly, his gaze hanging on her parted lips. “Now that wasn’t so bad, was it?” 
There was a smudge of cream on her nose but she paid it no mind, her face slightly flushed as she peered up at him. “I don’t think you ever tasted as sweet as you do now,” she quipped with a warm smile. 
Slytherin chuckled and wiped at the tip of her nose with his thumb. 
“Maybe you should prank me with whipped cream more often.” 
She hummed, her eyes twinkling with mischief. “You’re gonna regret saying that in the future.” 
The corners of his mouth turned up. He had no doubt about it. Right as he leaned in for another kiss, they heard something—or someone—nearby. 
Hufflepuff drew in a sharp breath and squeezed his arm, looking around in alarm. Slytherin jerked his head in the direction of the hallway, silently beckoning her to follow him as he crept closer to the source of the sound. It seemed to be coming from one of the classrooms close by. 
With the door left ajar, they peeked in and caught a glimpse of an arm slumped on the table at the front of the room. Hufflepuff squinted to get a better look, knitting her brows once she realized who the arm belonged to. “What’s Professor Slughorn still doing here?”
“He probably fell asleep while grading the exams,” Slytherin responded, pointing at the papers scattered across the desk.
“I bet you got a perfect score. You were always the best at Potions.” 
Slytherin frowned. “Were?” 
“Were,” she affirmed with a cheeky grin. “You were the best until you became my tutor, not knowing that you were helping me become the soon-to-be superior, perfect, and downright amazing Potions student that I am today.” She squeezed his cheek affectionately. “But you’re a close second.” 
“Well, I’m still Slughorn’s favorite.” 
“Are not.” 
“Am too,” he retorted with a smirk, knowing that he was getting under her skin when she shot him a dirty look.
When Hufflepuff reached for the collar of his shirt to properly shut him up, she accidentally bumped her elbow against the door. 
She pulled away from him in alarm. The door swung open at a slow pace, continuing to make the eerie sound until Slytherin grabbed the knob in a hurry and stopped it from moving any further. 
Her eyes wide, Hufflepuff stood frozen and hoped that Professor Slughorn didn’t wake up from the noise. To her surprise, he remained motionless, light snores parting from his mouth every now and then. “He’s certainly out of it,” she whispered, staring at him in surprise. 
Slytherin furrowed his brows as he took in what Hufflepuff had just said, his interest piquing as he thought about it. Slughorn was out of it. An idea suddenly bloomed in his mind. He turned to her with a gleam in his eye and pulled something out from his pocket. 
“What do you say we partake in some late-night shenanigans,” he asked, a trace of mischief hidden beneath his words. 
Hufflepuff looked at the sharpie in his hand and stifled a laugh. She almost asked him why he had that in the first place but decided against it. It was no surprise that Slytherin always had some sort of prank up his sleeve. Even though it was irritating at times—especially when she was his prime target—she loved him, if not more.  
A wide smile slid across her face as she gazed at him fondly. 
“I’d love nothing more.” 
“Mornin’ Professor,” a student chirped, walking to their desk. 
Professor Slughorn greeted them with a smile before turning his attention to the newspaper that he had been reading. He had gotten up later than usual today but managed to compose himself before the morning classes began. Waking up in the classroom was certainly helpful in being on time. “Good morning, Sterling. How are things with you and your sister Menna?” 
When there was no response, he looked back up. The student was staring at him, jaw-slacked. 
“Whatever is the matter, child?” He put the newspaper down. “Have I gotten her name wrong again?”  
“Uh, no, you got her name right,” they replied, their face still contorted with surprise. “You just…Professor, you have a little something on your face.”   
He frowned and stood up. How strange, he thought as he made way to the nearby cupboard. I didn’t have time to get breakfast, so there shouldn’t be a mess at all. Opening the closet to look at the mirror inside, he was expecting to see ink smudged somewhere. 
What Professor Slughorn did *not* expect to see was a black mustache drawn on his face. 
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MASTERLIST(ง ͠° ͟ل͜ ͡°)ง << sometimes links don’t work for some reason; if you can’t see it, just go to my profile. there, you shall find my masterlist, which is the pinned post. 
Let me know if you enjoyed reading this one-shot :) I welcome your thoughts, keysmashes, or a simple “oh my gucci gumdrops'' comment. Let’s not forget those glorious reblogs—I will seriously treasure your existence. 
Author’s note: 
Hello everyone! First things first: To the lovely anon who sent in the request, I hope you are pleased with the outcome of this one-shot. Thank you for the idea, I don’t think I would’ve come up with it on my own. 
Anyways, I’d like to share a scene that I deleted from the story. It’s from the moment when Hufflepuff and Slytherin are standing in front of Professor Slughorn’s door. The sentence before this deleted scene is “She squeezed his cheek affectionately. “But you’re a close second.””. Ok, here it is: 
He let out an exasperated breath. “Y’know, I’m glad I signed up for Slughorn’s tutoring program because that’s when I met you, but you’re making me regret that decision right now.”
Hufflepuff pouted and batted her eyelashes at him. “Oh, how ever will I change your mind,” she pondered, leisurely dragging her fingertips over his chest. 
Shooting her a dark look, he put his hand over hers on his chest and pulled her closer. 
“I have a few ideas...” 
Their lips collided once more, and Hufflepuff accidentally bumped her elbow against the door when she reached up to tangle her fingers into his hair. 
I deleted it because it just didn’t feel right to me. The “tutoring program” bit was redundant. Also, I like what I replaced it with instead. 
Did anyone catch the hidden meaning behind this part: “When Hufflepuff reached for the collar of his shirt to properly shut him up, she accidentally bumped her elbow against the door...She abruptly pulled away from him in alarm.” I’m not sure if I should explain it or not lmao but it’s for anyone who wished to read more PDA or fluff. 
This is what my writing process is like: I write down ideas that I have for the story and basically any dialogue that pops up in my brain. When I actually start writing the fic, I keep the general ideas and finalize them. I do it sentence by sentence. For instance, the original beginning that I wrote down when the ideas were flowing was this:
Sly dude and huff girl sneak out for some shenanigans 
They’re walking through the dark corridor and she turns. Sly? Sly, she whispers harshly, her voice getting louder and more frantic
He scares her and laughs 
Slytherin! You scared me, [insult] . She pouted. Why am i not surprised that you did that? 
Then, during the weekend when I started working on the story, I looked over my ideas and started writing the beginning based on that. It turned into this: 
Hufflepuff whirled around and stepped back in a panic, only relaxing once she realized that it was merely her boyfriend fooling around. She let out a sigh of relief mixed with exasperation, fixating an unamused glare on Slytherin as he laughed. 
“You’re such a prick,” she huffed. “Why am I not surprised you did that?”
I’m gonna show you what I put down as the general details for the entire fanfic. I wrote it the day that I got the anon ask. 
Sly dude and huff girl sneak out for some shenanigans 
They’re walking through the dark corridor and she turns. Sly? Sly, she whispers harshly, her voice getting louder and more frantic
He scares her and laughs 
Slytherin! You scared me, [insult] . She pouted. Why am i not surprised that you did that? 
Guess you know me too well, darling. It was dark and you were distracted. What else was i supposed to but scare you? Besides, it was your idea to come out here in the first place, sooo if you think about it, this is technically your fault. 
She glared at him. You’re the worst. 
Yea, he shrugged, a smirk that challenged her. And what’re you gonna do about it
She gave him a sweet smile with a hint of mischievousness before smacking a glob of cream into his face
Now it was her turn to burst out laughing as he stood there, shocked with white cream all over his face. She doubled over laughing as he wiped at his eyes and held out his covered hands, pressing his thumb against the liquid/material/cream to examine it 
What the… 
She stepped closer and swiped a finger through the cream on his cheek and put it to her mouth. Like you said, darling, I know you too well. Thats why i came prepared for payback. And she held up a bag of ball-like figures with white stuff inside from fred and george’s shop, like a trick thing in which its small but u open it and it poofs into a plate of cream . “George Weasley’s latest invention. Cry o’ cream” or some nice name. 
She was too proud of her prank to stop him from snatching the bag from her hand and chucking one at her. She ducked and shrieked, and began running away. He chased her and kept throwing it but missed bc she was quick. She passed a wall and he threw it and it splattered to the spot right next to her head and some got in her hair. He cornered her in a wall and she looked at him and frantically said, wait, stop! i call truce!
He reached into the bag but it was empty. She relaxed. You dont even have any more, she chortled, crossing her arms. Victory is mine, she smirked, staring at him as he walked closer. 
He let out a dramatic sigh. I guess you won this time, he grumbled. Suddenly his eyes lit up and he smiled at her slyly. I think you owe me a kiss for your little stunt. He leaned in with puckered lips
Hey, she laughed and avoided, putting her hands on his chest. i know what youre trying to do
What’s wrong? Does my breath smell bad or something? 
You still have stuff on your face and you know it! 
She avoided his lips but he managed to plant a sloppy kiss on her cheek. She let out an indignant sound like a squeal mixed with a laugh. get away from me, she exclaimed, a wide smile on her face as she leaned away from him but he had effectively trapped her in
As they continued play-fighting-- with him trying to kiss her and her pushing him away-- they heard soft snoring from somewhere nearby and looked into a room  
Professor [name] was still in their classroom
What are they still doing there, she whispered
Probably grading the exams, he responded, pointing at the papers on the desk
She leaned in closer and accidentally nudged the door, and it made a very loud creak. It kept pushing back slowly and the creak continued. 
She winced but sly acted quickly leaned over and grabbed the door to stop it from moving 
She stood there, frozen with her hand over her mouth. 
However, to both of their surprise, professor didnt react. They kept on sleeping 
An idea bloomed in his head and he looked at her with a devilish gleam in his eye as he brought out something from his pocket. What do you say we partake in some late-night shenanigans, he whispered, holding up a sharpie.  
Her eyes darted from his face to the pen in his hand. She smiled at him. 
I’d love nothing more. 
Bonus scene??????? 
Mornin’ professor, a student chirped. 
Professor scratched his head and smiled at them lazily, reaching for their notes on the desk. Morning, [last name] 
The student suddenly stared at them, jaw-slacked. 
What is it, child? 
Uh… you have something on your face.
The professor frowned and opened a nearby cupboard to check the door. 
There was a moustache drawn on his face.
As you can see, my original plan for the middle part of the story where Slytherin is trying to kiss Hufflepuff was to make Huff resist against him in a joking manner. When I start writing, I flesh out the story and make some improvements. Personally, I prefer the fluffy bit in which they actually do kiss, because it was cute! 
Also, I have a meme (it isn’t related to the story): 
“Hi everyone, the next fanfic that I am posting will be chapter 4 of the slytherpuff series!” 
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Yes, yes, I know. Jessica breaks a promise once again :( I am sorry to the people who were looking forward to reading chapter 4 as soon as possible. During my free time, I thought about writing it, but I held back because I wanted to work on part 2 of “Cheater”, given the fact that it is half-finished. I did not want to start a whole new story when I already had one that is kinda-almost-halfway finished, one that many of you are anticipating to read. Then again, I literally just wrote a whole new one-shot instead of working on part 2...someone please get me the clown suit, I need to wear it. 
I actually did work on part 2 too, I just finished this one-shot first because I was excited to write it. I actually do have a valid reason for writing this one-shot instead of continuing to write part 2. The time I take to write chapters for the slytherpuff series is about 6 days if I work on it non-stop. The time I take to write mini-series “chapters” depends on the mini-series itself. For “Mine”, it will definitely be long, so it is taking some time to finish. For one-shots, it takes about a day or two. That’s the main reason I decided to work on this story instead of working on other stuff—it is more likely that I will suffer from writer’s block when I’m working on the mini-series and the main series. One-shots are quick and easy. This leads us to the topic of the next paragraph...   
It is likely that I have attached negative emotions to the slytherpuff series, which explains why I am hesitating to get started on chapter 4. Everyone, prepare yourselves, it’s gonna get a tad bit sad. When I was working on chapter 3 during the summer, I faced a period of writer’s block in which I was very depressed because I read a murder case that was triggering and I went down a spiral. The case made me believe that the world was corrupt, and I became so very numb and literally just stared out the window for five hours straight while the google doc for chapter 3 was open on my screen. That was a terrible experience, and now, I think I’m anxious of working on any chapters relating to the slytherpuff series because I’m afraid of being sucked into that headspace again. Going back to what I was saying in the previous paragraph, I don’t want to get writer’s block while writing chapter 4 because it will remind me of what happened over the summer. I’m scared that I’ll go back to staring out the window while the google doc for chapter 4 sits on my screen. The good thing is that I’m not depressed and in the same mental state as I was before, so hopefully that won’t happen. It takes a long time to write the chapters because they’re lengthy. I hesitated to write chapter 4 because I only want to do it when I have a big burst of motivation and energy and excitement to get started in it. That way, I’ll be able to work on it for a week straight, which is difficult since I have school. That explains why it was kind of easy to write the slytherpuff series beforehand because that was in the summer and I had a lot of time to write. Nevertheless, that doesn’t mean that I can’t write the story during the weekends. Maybe the cure is to keep working on the chapters despite this fear so that I will come to realize that all is well and the slytherpuff series is not cursed—and yes, the traumatized part of me does think it’s a liiiitle cursed. 
Similar to “people who got into car accidents and became scared of driving, but overtime, they started driving again and slowly got over their fear,” I will try to do the same. 
I am not sure what fic I will work on next. I do have one in mind but I am not gonna say anything, because I feel as though I jinx myself when I tell others about what I am working on. For instance, when I told everyone that I would be posting The Queen and the Dragon for Thanksgiving, I ended up not doing that. I will try to refrain from sharing what I am working on until I am 100% sure that it is ready to be posted. That way, I won’t lift anyone’s hopes up of reading another fic and then immediately squashing it down by saying that there is a delay. As you are probably well aware of, I break promises sometimes without meaning to—and I feel very bad for it! I am not the type of person who’s like “haha yes omg I break promises and what about it? I’m just built different.” I kept asking people what I should do in this situation and saying stuff like, “Should I work on chapter 4 or part 2 or the one-shot? I really wanna work on the one-shot but I made a promise that chapter 4 would be the next thing I posted.” They gave the good advice of, “THIS IS YOUR BLOG DUDE DO WHAT YOU WANT!” I am still having some trouble with my problem of wanting to make people happy and putting others before myself. I guess I had a small victory for myself in the sense that I decided to write this instead of writing chapter 4, which I didn’t want to do. 
Anyways, have a fantabulous day! I’ll see you all again when I write another fanfic. Who knows what I will post next?
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TAGS: @slytherpuff-shenanigans​ ​@malfoychick @theycallhertitania @professorwerewolfmcwerewolf @hufflepuffdragonlord @b-r-f-a @asterinflower @makailatozier @navyrose99 @oa-mm @hp-nerds @poetrybeige @bradenmeden @hufflinpuff @cinnamon-roll-unicorn @rj-raven @basspam @axieleration @nutellatherapy @detective-bakugou @nonstopfeelingsss @kboofoolz @mrs-winnie-asano @i-havnolife007 @lirandzu @mystical-lex @madi7777 @rip-us @kjk2788 @mahqiaoyun030722 @apexherbals @jasminedayz @icanspeaktosnakes @wxderal @cryxholic @mandamalfoy @smileygirl08 @theodorenottswifee @leal-love-lace @fangbangerwitch @randomwriter23 @honeydvke @iamquitekid @mgiese14 @magnoliamermaid @fantasyinsperation @m0rdred-the-fallen @kirisredcrocss @coffeeismywaterr @rindu-tak-bertuan @kenmakozume31 @officialcga @ultrafuckitimgay @hufflepufftimelady  @voluntasetveritas @levi-the-nonbinary @minetticatinwonderland @akaihiya @kpopgirlbtssvt @helmiiihh @hufflekatsstuff @wow-kinda-sus-my-dude @its-chickenwing-450 @xxmichx @slytherinutella  @yggdrasiltheworldtree @demos-oneiroi @purplewerewolfhologram @theif-charm @ic0nicstyles @hillvalleyus @mossy-axolotl @hufflepuffhouseheart @mischiefhasbeenmanaged @wheresthedamnpopcorn @toni-wood @arrysola @phantomface1983 @annihilatedthenightstalker @avada-kedammit @bitchytimeliner @slytherin-lv04 @catinabubble @dobbyisafreewhore @camilaainsworthsme @maldiciondeluna @thebiggestnaturaldisaster @stainy289kh  @vulnerabilizaste @eldr1tchhorror @enchantmentimagine @freddielupin @annoyingtacohumanduck @eunnieah   @zanaharven  @allieverwantedisadaddy  @maraundersstuff @alexhia @cedricsegg-blog @fixstationed @miyuki7  @mystifiedby-a-londonboy  @pansexual-strawberry  @pastel-princess-boi  @ultimateswag4ever @lililunatique  @slothonyourface @herpes-free-since-04 @idknanmollaaa-blog  @cel3stialone  @yxl04  @lualunalunatica @serenityweasley @girlmadeofivory  @idrawdumbstffs  @ktgl2017 @itsslexaay-blog  @habibaelgadar  @dumbbitch11  @slytherin-chaser  @widowsgranger 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 @mouthfacereborn  @boilyourteeth   @ajdqueen   @kindawannadietbh  @wwebeckyfan  @prince-of-thedarkness  @coconillawilde  @wordowords @fangirlgeekandfreak  @coconutoceans  @veranoenmadrid  @coolpetsmcubandit  @staymoarmyzen @roxy3457  @reflecter23 @kyralexor  @sadistic-maniac  @flvrqnce @multi-fandom-nutjob  @xxavaloraxx  @besosbigos  @bumbblebeeeeee  @dragonsandbread  @hummingbird-hufflepuff  @butteredflower @nessar0se-blog  @asunshinepuff  @wisewordsmouse  @violayaxley  @sha3thehunter  @drop-dead-gorgeous-221  @elegantcroissantplaidpony  @moon-personality-art  @helenoftroy2001  @snowsong7664  @dragon-slayer-fairy1  @queenofwordsandnerds  @croctusjuice  @ravenflowersposts  @silverhetdanes @dont-dream-its-over-xx  @sheeple  @smitssharon02  @morallyambiguoussimp   @mygc0re  @emilymikaelarichardwrites  @thatpersonwithnoname  @marauderssequels @nerdwithlasers  @chickenstirfry   @shadowsinger11  @myunipuff  @hufflpuffles  @tuonglam03  @quiescentgale  @mae-25-blog   @eta-argus 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@bucinjisung @autumnmoon21 @caffeineintostories  @no1-importan @tumlbr-trasher @fanfic-reblogger @muthersdaughter @theoriginaljohnwatsonsblog @shoyoockbby @crying-mess-writer-2 @queenofallthingssweet @tell-that-to-my-feather @hufflepufflepukwudgie3897 @just--another--bean @sophiexteresa @cryinbisexual @iknow-im-cute @potatolover19  @saraleo95 @alexamalec @alverniaphi @grouem-kid @dead-in-head @verylovelystars @prettyblueskylark @jessicakimba @whataboutno @dabestwolf @dwbehappy  @nathanduil @fabricadedevaneios @rose-alicious @giovi @dontmindmeimjustabox @game-moni @walkinganomaly @theroomofrefreshments @maxthesquid @captinminnie @in-neverlands @thimbles @trashpannda yoongifiess @clearcookiefriendpsychic @betacaroteno-lanudo @rellasworld @little-stxr  @absentmindeduniverse @chunwest @a-dreamingflower @coldsweetharmony @poojxshxh @thesarahcat @lucia5 @xi-fan @sweetinvisiblewriter @duskmemo @da-fox-rangerrr @rayanicaraynbow @colettedelaurel @halfelven1 @attyrantoomanybandstocare @happy-puff @minty-malfoy @lavendersbluedream @jmoriartyfandeath13 @badass-like-damon @untitled-2424 @darlingme @a-huffleing-lesbean @joyfulcollectordreamland @lady-snow-white1 @lacuna-bumble @majorfangirl37 @joshirlangford @glitterykidlightmug @girl-of-the-thunder @im-a-solanum-lycopersicum @simpering-simpleton @insertlongnamehere @capt-sparrow @blueberry-9-pancakes @determinedpines @maisen98 @ploutus @annie-mcl @clementines-x @nomad-of-the-realms @magsexual @stardustzainy @manicpixiedreamtarot @diddi153 @geekz145 @pymmoon @jxmpsuitx @dawinehouse @thewavesfadetogrey @mminerva15 @escapingthoughtsandsecrets @ishiroookamii @indigosimon1998 @diggorycullen @rwanchoices @crakencc @flyme--tothemoon @hedgepuffgirl @littleemotionalpanda @pancakes-and-sugar @eatacrackerandstop @draco22malfoy @luciferswife16 @shosty-induced-migraine @another-witch  @korra4321 @aquietkindofthunder @qixnsriess @porksoba @thatfann @harrypotterimagines @lupins-cardigan @worldsbestdilfbecky @uwuplsh @sleepdeprivedgurl @kodeinekissss @kaslec @1d-killed-me @peripull @thatonebislytherin @badb0y-malf0y @dont-hyuck @malfoys-demigod @starrysonic @swagangelhorsepickle @lewispoolerpayton @princessstoopid @serendipitydonuts @bohemian-oddity @charleii @the-darling-badger  @velvetstrawberry  @misssunflowersandsangria  @slytherpuffbaby @heytherejulietx​ @cottagecoreslytherin
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chao-writes-stuff · 3 years
Heyyy! I wrote a thing involving Jevil and the Chapter 2 Superboss! I'm going to put it under the cut, but at the end, there will also be an Ao3 link if you wanna support me there!
Thank you! Remember to Reblog if you wanna
The Lightner Trio walked down the stairs in the Queen's massive manor, their hurried footsteps echoing like a rough pitter-patter in the technological nightmare. The massive lair confused and bamboozled them, but they definitely wanted to figure out the mystery behind what the Fountains were about, what Queen's true intentions were… and what was in the basement?
"Uhh… Kris?" Ralsei asked, his soft voice echoing out. "Why are we even here? Aren't Queen, Noelle, and Berdly upstairs? And not here…?"
Susie quickly interrupted him, punching his arm lightly to get his attention. "Of COURSE they aren't here. But whatever is here is probably important. Right, Kris?"
"I guess!" The currently blue human replied. "I've been asked by some… guy, about doing these weird favors for him. He really wants me to be alone."
"We sure he ain't a p-" Before Susie could finish her thought, Ralsei muffled her mouth with his scarf. "Who is he? And why does he want you to be alone?"
"His name is Spamton, I think. I don't know much about him, but he gave me this Loaded Disk earlier, and--"
Suddenly, a strange, chaotic voice rang out. Everyone recognized it. The tail attached to Ralsei's cloak popped off, diamonds and hearts flying out with it. The tail spun and took form, and the chaotic Jester they quite literally put to rest yesterday was reawakened.
"Spamton? SPAMTON? The same Spamton who wished for me to go, to go, and be free, free?" Jevil laughed chaotically, with Ralsei caught quite off guard. "You know him?"
"That dorito chip was part of the reason why I was set free, he was! He used to rule this world, before the Queen I've been hearing oh so much about took over. Oh, I MUST know more of how you met that ridiculous lunatic! And that's coming from ME, ME! Spamton, oh Spamton, I'd like to have a word with him~!" Jevil looked quite pissed off, his normally jovial expression looking slightly stern.
"I didn't wanna go down there anyway. Just come back, okay? You're kind of carrying us with your defense boost." Kris, with a neutral expression, gave the clown the disk they were gifted by the malignant salesman, and watched as Jevil immediately sprinted off into the basement. They could hear an echoed "Buh bye~! I'll be back in a few hundred words!" As the jester descended into the decrepit basement below...
Jevil entered the musty, rotting cellar. Despite him rarely stepping on the ground, each step he did take left a haunting impact on his feet. It was silent, save for the occasional rustling of his clothes. He didn't have long to do this. His physical form only had a few hours to be out and about before he solidified, just like the young boy and the puzzle freak. Thankfully, that's all he needed. He was getting excited, almost giddy, to interact once more with his old acquaintance. Oh, what a wonderful conversation they'd have!
He didn't walk for too much longer before he found the train station that was buried deep below. Or was it a roller coaster? Whoever had this built clearly had some elaborate roundabout in mind… too bad they were still imprisoned, haha! Jevil walked and floated across the tracks, reaching a room with a decaying robot inside.
He knew this was a bad idea. But when did he ever have good ideas?
Without hesitating, the joker put the disk into the robot. At first, nothing happened, and he was getting impatient VERY quick. He gave the robot a swift kick in the lower area, before stepping back out of the room.
SLAM! The clown was admittedly caught off guard with how fast the silhouette from above came and pushed him onto his knees. With a small gasp for air, Jevil looked up slowly at the encroaching menace. The jagged movements, the glitchy, unsolidified form… this was him alright.
"KRIS… MY LOYAL [Sponge!] THANK… YOU. THE [Clown Around Town!] I REMEMBER YOUR [Disgusting] FACE. EVERYONE WAS SO [Thrilled] TO SEE YOUR [Calcified] FACE." The massive robotic behemoth loomed over Jevil, rage in his glasses. Spamton NEO.
The clown got up, a smug, shitfaced expression on his mug. He knew damn well that the dorito in front of him was pissed off, so he leaned back in the air to retort. "At least I drink plenty of milk, uee hee hee! As for you, you haven't changed one bit since we last spoke~! Or would it be a byte, a byte? Regardless, I do hope you've given up on the illusion of freedom, freedom~! The only one who can be free is MEEE!"
The robotic menace swung around to the other side of Jevil, making it very clear who was in charge of the conversation. A small concentrated blast of Pipis was fired at the jester, pushing him back with a surprising amount of force. "YOU ACT SMUG, BUT YOU [Crashed our stocks!] AND THEN YOU [Spoiled relations with our Esteemed Partners!] I DON'T KNOW HOW YOU… GOT IN HERE, YOU… [Tuna Fish,] BUT I'M NOT FALLING FOR YOUR [Roundabout!] AGAIN!"
Jevil laughed maniacally at this thought. This guy was mad! Over something that happened how long ago? Why even bother holding a grudge still? Petty, petty! He knew why, and it's why he came back too. "You influenced him. That pretty little kitty. You gave him enough funds to release me into that carousel of bliss and innocence! But I wasn't done, not one bit! And all those years, spent being free… they made me realize something, my dearest Spamton."
The oddly calm tone coming from the jester put Spamton NEO at an incredible amount of unease. "WHAT? WHAT COULD YOUR [Calcified Lump] THINK OF THAT WOULD MEAN ANY GODDAMN THING TO ME?"
The joker used his latent power to pelt the giant mecha with small white hearts. Spamton was caught off-guard, stumbling back a fair amount. Of course, you have to fight fire with fire, so the robot used his abilities to send out a Big Shot of blue Spamton Head Pipis.
"YOU [Saturated Marketshare!] YOU CAN'T SIMPLY ATTACK ME AND EXPECT IT TO WORK [As seen on TV!] I'M A [BIG SHOT!] [BIG SHOT!!!]"
Jevil hopped up onto the ceiling, clearing the first few Pipis on the lower row heading his way. Unfortunately, the higher row caught him clean in the face as he bounced between the two, making a small Jack-in-the-box melody as he pinged around.
The fool retaliated by running circles around Spamton, turning into a carousel of horse bullets! The robot, in a surprising feat of puppeteering, dodged the attack almost perfectly… until a stray horsie cut a string, sending the mech's right arm into the horse race. One thing about arms with cannons on them? They fire.
As soon as it happened, Jevil was face to face with a swarm of Pipis all around him. He was stuck. All of them exploded brilliantly, sending the clown flying clean across the rotting tracks and into the wall. Tauntingly, mockingly even, Spamton NEO retorted.
The buisnessman charged at Jevil, his hands becoming phones. "IT'S FOR YOU." Suddenly, before either of them could react, loud blasts of garbage noise manifest expelled from the phones, attacking the court jester with white blasts of energy. There was nothing he could do to stop this robot's onslaught, it looked like.
Without warning, Jevil was myseriously gone from his corner. The spamware looked frantically for his target, before being struck in the arm, the leg, and the chest by scythes. Devilsknives. The last knive cut a few strings clean off the puppet, who briefly hit the ground before rising back up.
"SHUT UP! SHUT UP! [Hyperlink Blocked.] I'M STILL HIS LOYAL ASSOCIATE! HE MAY NOT HAVE TALKED TO ME IN [Employee of The Month for 144 months!] BUT HE'S STILL THERE…"
With those words, a purple blast came from behind the clown, striking the robot right in the noggin. He flew back a bit, giving the joker enough time to turn around to meet his esteemed guests.
"Ah, my imprisoners~! Didn't you guys have a Queen to rock-em sock-em?"
Susie immediately cut him off, as she punched him in the arm (causing his head to spring up, naturally.) "Well, Kris over here couldn't shake the feeling things were off. So they forced us down here, and now they're right. Somehow?"
"I know I'm right.. Jevil, who the hell is Spamton?" Kris replied, their worry about the situation starting to rise.
"It's of no concern to you~! His screws were almost as loose as mine, and I don't think it's my job to tighten them~! Uee hee hee! Thank you for the help, but I can do anything~! Even tell you guys that 3 coasters are about to come down and force you guys along for the ride~!"
Ralsei immediately stuttered something out. "Three… what?"
And just like that, with a loud rumbling, the heroes were swept up into 3 old, rusty carts, barrelling down the track. Jevil laughed to himself, proud of what he got to do. "Ah well, it's a shame I can't finish him personally…"
"But oh well! Are you proud, proud? They took care of him…"
Ao3 Link!
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sunflowers-rae · 3 years
Hard To Kill (pt. 1)
Pro hero Bakugou x reader
Inspired by the song Hard To Kill by Beth Crowley
Cw: Swearing, injuries, betrayal, fighting, some angst
When the local prison is attacked, Bakugou learns more about his fiancé’s past than he expected. (This is just part 1, I might make it 3 parts but I’m not sure yet.)
“Y/n, Bakugou, come in! Where are you guys?!” Kirishima’s panicked voice came through your radio. The sounds of battle were heard behind his words. He and a few other pro heroes that worked at the DynaRiot agency were called in to deal with a break in at the local prison. You and your fiance, Katsuki Bakugou, had been on patrol on the other side of the city when the call came in.
Katsuki increased the speed on his motorcycle, causing your grip around his waist to tighten. “Almost there!” you practically yelled into the receiver. The two of you rounded a corner and were instantly flung into the air. With one arm still wrapped around Bakugou, you flung the other out to create an energy shield. Your bodies hit the platform with a thunk.
“Shit, thank’s y/n.” He grunted, pulling both of you to your feet. Still holding on to each other, you both surveyed the scene below. The League of Villains had absolutely destroyed the street outside of the prison, almost freeing some of the inmates in the process. Red Riot was fighting a handful of lower level criminals who were trying to break down the walls of the building. Deku was having a faceoff with a very pissed off Shigaraki in the middle of the street, and some other smaller heroes were doing general damage control.
Smoke filled your senses as Bakugou launched himself off the platform and into the middle of the battle. Making a path of energy platforms, you quickly made your way towards the entrance of the prison. “What the hell happened here?” You asked the guards that were there.
“No idea.” One began. He was panting, clearly scared. “We were doing our normal rounds when a group of villains came out of a dark mist looking thing and started attacking the building!”
“Okay thank you, go inside where it’s safe.” You placed a hand on the rough fabric of his uniform. “I’ll take it from here.” You sent them away, taking over their position in front of the doors.
The fight seemed never ending. More and more villains showed up as fast as the group was taking them down. Bakugou was starting to grow tired and his ears were ringing from all of the explosions and screaming. Looking around the decimated area, his heart drops. There you were, laying in the rubble by the doors. His breath hitched in his chest as he took off running, stumbling slightly over the shifting earth under his feet.
“Y/n!” He breathed, scooping your limp body into his arms. You stirred, looking up at him with confused expression as he carried you inside and away from the battle. He held you tightly against his chest as he ran. He smelled like caramel and dirt, a smell you were more than familiar with after 8 years of knowing each other, 6 of which you had been together romantically. “Y/n, are you okay? What happened out there?” He questioned you, gently running his thumb over your leg as he carried you deeper into the prison.
“I- I don’t know…” you stammered. Finally, Bakugou stopped and set you on your feet. You continued walking. Footsteps echoed through the empty hallways as the two of you walked on in silence as he looked for the infirmary. You came up to a large door with a sign that said Keep Out: Extremely Dangerous.
A look of confusion crossed Bakugou’s face. “Y/n, I don’t think we’re supposed to be here. Come on, let’s go back to the fight.”
“Oh Kats,” you sighed, placing a hand softly on the side of his face. “Don’t you realize that we’re still in it?” You dropped your hand and turned around, blasting the doors open with an energy ball.
“Oi! Y/n! What the fuck are you doing?!” He yelled, dodging broken bits of glass.
You let out a laugh, watching confusion and annoyance spread across his face. “You really haven’t figured it out by now? Come on, Love, think about it.” Your voice rang through the corridor, an almost sinister tone behind your words. “Keep up or you’ll never know!” You called over your shoulder.
He followed you deeper and deeper as you wound your way through the maze-like halls of the innermost part of the prison. “You’ve known me for how long now? 8 years or so?” You asked him, slowing your pace as you came across the room you were looking for. “Did I ever tell you about my childhood?”
He paused, thinking back over the time he’s known you. Had you really never talked about that with him before? “No…” he trailed off, “but what does that have to do with anything that’s happening right now?” He questioned, clearly growing frustrated. 
“It has everything to do with it!” You yelled, startling the blonde. “I’ve been waiting for this for years Bakugou! Years!”
His eyes grew wide as he watched you throw another energy ball at the closed doors in front of you, blasting them off of their hinges. “Stop! What are you doing?” He yelled, stepping between you and the now open cell.
“Wrong move Kats,” you growled. Before he could react, you flung him into the cell. There was a sickening crunch as his body hit the concrete wall.
He cried out, holding his right arm that was now clearly broken. “What the fuck y/n?” He hissed through clenched teeth.
“Shut up.” Your words dripped with venom as you pulled keys out of your pocket. Handcuff keys. “I brought you with me so that you wouldn’t do anything stupid when this is all over. Don’t make me regret keeping you alive.” You walked into the room. It was then that Bakugou noticed whose cell you had broken into.
“Oh yes, Kats. See, while you were growing up with All Might as your hero, Dabi here was mine.” You smiled at the white haired man, kissing him gently on the cheek as you unlocked his bindings. “He found me all alone after your so-called ‘heroes’ failed to save my family from a villain.”
A bored look took over your face as you looked at your fiancé kneeling on the ground across the room from you. “I’ll tell you the full story some day, but right now I don’t have the time.” You had finished your mission to rescue your true hero. The man who really held your heart.
You slowly walked over to Bakugou, gripping his chin and forcing him to look up at you. “He saved me. Not them.” You slapped the cuffs on your partner before kicking him down. You placed your boot on his shoulder, standing over him. “So I spent years training and earning the title of ‘hero’ so that I can actually protect people. Starting with my real family.” You turned around, hitting a small button on your wristband. “Pull back, I got him.” You said, speaking into it.
Suddenly, the room was filled with a swirling mist. Shigaraki stepped through the shroud and slapped a hand on Dabi’s shoulder with a grin. “What are we going to do about him?” He nodded his head at Bakugou’s form still on the ground.
“Leave him,” you laughed, walking over to the two men. “This is killing him enough as it is.” You pulled your engagement ring off of your finger and tossed it on the ground. “Sorry Love, looks like I was a little more than you bargained for.” You kicked it towards him before disappearing into the darkness.
Bakugou lay there, stunned and unable to move as he tried to process everything that just happened. He’d loved you. How could you do something like this? Slowly, his vision faded and he was swallowed into darkness himself, tears slipping past his lashes as he called out for you one last time.
Tag list:
@bakugousbrat @bakugosbratx @gazelle-des-pres @minninugget (lmk if you want to be added for the rare occasion that I write anything ever)
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wasted-headspace-98 · 4 years
The Forgotten: Chapter 1
Summary: A bar, a blaster, and a bounty hunter. That’s what turned your life upside down. You find yourself thrown into a world of something you thought was forgotten.  Mando x Reader Word Count: 1,750
Completely blinded by the fabric that was tightly wrapped around your eyes, you groped aimlessly, hoping your fingers would land on something solid. A small gasp escaped your lips as Din shoved you backwards, your back colliding with the wall of the Crest. His knee settled between your legs, spreading them slightly as he leaned the rest of his body over yours. You felt your breath hitch in your throat as he traced his lips across your neck. 
“Maker, you’re beautiful.” he rasped, grabbing both your wrists in one of his large hands and pinning them to the wall above your head. 
It seemed as if you were completely paralyzed, your body moving simply at his command. But you’d be damned if you said you didn’t enjoy it. 
How exactly did you end up in this position? 
A loud curse flew from your lips as you slid across the hardwood floor of the bar, trying to get to cover. The ragged red material that was tied around your face to hide your features seemed to be just getting in the way, and you resisted the urge to rip it off. 
Blaster fire ignited the air above you with multiple colors as you slammed yourself down behind an upturned table. You quickly took stock of your ammunition, cursing again when you realized you were lower than you thought. 
The blaster that was strapped to your thigh and the knives adorning the back of your belt seemed the be the only companions you had in this fight. 
You let out an irritated huff at the voice calling out to you. There was an unmistakable lilt to it that told you who it was. It didn’t surprise you that he was hunting you again. Zeko had always seemed to have a fixation with your bounty, even if it wasn’t currently active.
“Put your weapons down, and this will end peacefully.” 
A snort escaped your lips and you rolled your eyes. Peacefully my arse, you thought. You’d been through this enough times with him to know that there was only one way this was going to end; with one of you either dead or badly wounded. One hand gripped the blaster while the other reached around behind you to grab a knife. Taking a deep breath to steady yourself, you launched yourself over the table. The blaster jumped to life in your hand, the hum of it sending a wave of calm flooding through you. 
You weren’t surprised to see that Zeko had brought backup. For the moment, he seemed to be content to stand back and watch his lackeys try to capture you. So, keeping one eye on him, you turned your attention to the small army that had invaded the bar you were attempting to relax in. Thankfully most of the civilians had cleared out when the door had burst open. 
Scowling to yourself, you noticed a few stragglers cowering behind the bar. Dodging out of the way of a spear being thrown in your direction, you quickly glanced around the main room of the bar, looking for an escape for them. Usually when Zeko made his entrance, he made several exits as well. Your eyes fell on a man sized hole in the wall and you jumped over a fallen table and made your way towards them. 
The two terrified women looked up at you with wide eyes, holding their hands up in surrender. You rolled your eyes, dropping to your knees beside them. “I’m not going to hurt you,” you said, reloading your blaster and shooting over the bar once again. “There’s a big enough hole to get through on the eastern wall. See it?” 
One of the women nodded, holding the younger one to her chest. 
“When I say go, I want you to run to it as fast as you can. Got it?” 
The older one responded in a language you didn’t understand, but presumably she was agreeing. You nodded to them, preparing yourself for another assault. 
“Go!” you exclaimed, hurling yourself over the bar and towards the oncoming men. You paid enough attention to make sure the women made it outside before your full attention was focused on the fight before you. 
It was a blur of blaster fire and fists as you fought your way through the men surrounding you. Some of them you recognized, others were new faces to you. 
“New help, Zeko?” you called out, dodging under the blade of a man before plunging your own knife hilt deep into his stomach. 
“Enough!” Zeko shouted at the same time you were jerked to the side by the armor on your shoulder taking the hit from a blaster.
You dropped your grip on the man in front of you, your eyes narrowing as you glanced down at the scuffed armor. The once shiny black metal now sported a ragged burn mark. Your glare turned to Zeko, and you grabbed the extendable staff from your belt as he took aim at you again. 
“Give it up, Jhas,” he said. “It’s over.” 
A sneer took over your lips as you spun the staff, moving so quick he didn’t have a chance to react as you smacked the blaster out of his hand. “You never fail to underestimate me, Zeko.” you snapped. “I’m not your bounty, and I never will be.” 
He glared at you. “Don’t be so cocky, Jhas.” 
Realizing he was trying to distract you, the staff in your hands spun almost of its own accord, deflecting the knife that he had thrown at you. He lunged forward, driving his full weight into you. Surprised at the action, you grunted as he drove you backwards, trying to get you on the ground. Retracting the staff, you curled your arm and struck out with your armored elbow, the hardened metal driving into his nose and surprising him. Using the momentary relief, you slipped out from under his weight and sidestepped around him to try and get your bearings again. 
By this point, the bar was pretty much in ruins. Most of Zeko’s men were either dead or had fled after the fight. It was just you and Zeko. 
Or, so you thought. 
You jumped backwards when you saw the blaster fire come barreling between you and Zeko. You both turned your attentions to the newcomer, and your mouth almost dropped open. 
“What seems to be the problem?” 
Zeko growled, raising his blaster. “Get out of here, Mando. She’s my bounty.” 
Your scowl suddenly returned, and the Mandalorian standing in front of you suddenly seemed much less important. 
The voice modulator hummed in response, and the Mandalorian turned his blaster to Zeko. “I don’t think so.”
You raised an eyebrow, wondering where this was going. It had been a long time since you laid eyes on a Mandalorian. But you weren’t surprised to see one as a Hunter. 
“That’s enough,” you snapped. Both of their attentions were turned to you at this point. “This is my fight, not yours.” you said, addressing the Mandalorian. “I was doing just fine without you, and I don’t need your help.” 
His helmet tilted slightly, as if he were appraising you. You’d been accustomed to the blank stare of their helmets, but something about this one was disconcerting. He took a few steps toward you, his attention solely focused on your small stature. 
Without saying a word, he fired his blaster,  hitting directly in the middle of Zeko’s chest and cutting through the thin layers of armor he wore without a problem. 
“You were saying?” 
Your body hummed with electricity as Din pressed himself against you, making you sweat even more. Your wrists were still pinned above you in one of his large hands while he attacked your neck. His tongue made a streak from your collarbone all the way to the bottom of your earlobe and you shuddered at the sensation while he tasted the salt on your skin.
“Din,” you gasped, leaning your body forward to get closer to him. He growled in response, his fingers digging harder into your wrists, sure to leave bruises. His teeth sank down on the sensitive skin on your shoulder, making you gasp again. 
His free hand had found its way up under your shirt and was exploring the skin exposed to him. 
“You’re mine, Y/N,” he growled, pressing himself further against you. 
You would have thrown your head back, had you not already been pressed up against the wall. Instead, you wiggled against him, grinding your hips and creating the friction both of you craved. You could feel his arousal, and it didn’t help that you felt heat rushing to your core. 
Abandoning his hold on your wrists, he grabbed your thighs and hoisted you up. You wrapped your legs around his waist instinctively and felt him tug at the hem of your shirt.
Your breath came in ragged gasps as you fumbled with the garment, trying to help him remove it. 
But you heard something that made you stop in your tracks. 
“Din,” you said, putting your hands on his shoulders and pushing him back. 
He scowled at you, unexcited about the interruption. “What?” he hissed. 
You waited for a second, listening, before your eyes widened behind the blindfold. You shoved him away from you, but he kept a tight grip on your thighs, refusing to let go. 
“Put your helmet on!” you snapped, trying to pry yourself away from him. 
“What?” he asked, more confused than anything at the moment. 
You managed to scramble away from him as the echoing coos became louder and he realized what was happening. He cursed under his breath and quickly located his helmet, tugging it on and turning to you, making sure that you were still fully clothed. 
“Here,” he said, reaching forward and undoing the fabric around your eyes. You had instinctively kept them closed, even after hearing his voice from behind the modulator. 
His fingers brushed against your cheek and he leaned forward, leaning the cool metal of his helmet against your forehead. 
You opened your eyes as soon as his touch was gone to see him walking over and kneeling down in front of the child. A small smile took over your features watching the two of them. 
Another day, Din. you thought. Another day.
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weasleydream · 4 years
A story of love, pain and shitty parents - part 3
It’s here, finally, the third part of this series!
I’m sorry it’s been such a long time.
 I don’t know if you’ve waited for it or not, but I’m glad it’s eventually written and published. Now that the very serious things have begun, it’s more difficult for me to write it and I think the next part will be the worst... But that’s not for rigt now, so I hope you enjoy and as usual, likes, reblogs and feedbacks are greatly appreciated!
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Part 2
I knew for a fact the air in the house was as freezing in winter as it was burning in summer. The 12, Grimmauld Place was definitely a living hell no matter what the season was, and this was without taking in consideration the boggarts which, according to Sirius, were probably still a dozen to be hiding in there. Each time I thought about it - about him - I felt like the wall I had built around these traumatic memories was destroyed a bit more, like my defenses were inexorably fading and one day, they would totally disappear and let me at his mercy. 
But there were moments when I found my life sweeter than it had ever been. It always was during futile instants, when Fred grabbed my hand under the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall or when he kissed me goodnight at the bottom of the girls’ stairs in the common room. It was also when I was huddled against his warm torso under a pile of blankets in our own room in Square Grimmauld. 
Light was filling the room as the sun was slowly rising in the sky. Fred was a heavy sleeper and these few rays weren’t enough to wake him up, but it didn’t take a lot for me to open my eyes. I shifted, Fred’s arm being passed under my waist and creating an uncomfortable sensation. Suddenly, something crushed my legs and George appeared, a broad smile on his face. 
“Hello there, lovebirds!”
A loud groan echoed next to me and George dodged the pillow Fred had thrown without even opening an eye. 
“You’re getting better, Freddie.”
“Only because you wake us up like this since the beginning of the holidays.” he muttered, not without a hint of a smile on the lips. 
“Well, you know the song-”
“Mum’s orders. I know.”
George chuckled and finally moved from the bed. 
“Oh, I’ve almost forgotten!” He looked back at us, and the playful expression had disappeared from his face, replaced by a slightly worried one. “There’ll be a meeting, a pretty important one as it seems. You have to be there, Y/N.”
“When?” I inquired. 
And he closed the door quietly before leaving.
“Why do I have to be here for the meeting? Usually, they don’t let us in…”
“I don’t know,” Fred said before yawning, “but it can wait. Come here.”
He opened his arms and I laid on him, my head hidden in the crook of his neck. The soft fabric of his shirt against my cheek and his arms wrapped around me, I could have fallen asleep in no time if Molly hadn’t barged in the room, begging me to join them as Mad-Eye was getting angry. 
"It was about time." Mumbled Mad-Eye as I pushed the door of the living-room where the meeting was organized. 
Fred and George were following me, both reluctant to let me alone even for a second. Molly stirred, probably not wanting her sons to be here even though she knew nothing could force them to leave, not even her.
"I won't go round in circles." Began Mad-Eye with a gruff voice. "We need to send someone in your father's manor to find as many informations as we can. You said plenty of Death Eaters come to see your father, and if we are lucky you'll find something interesting."
I was so taken aback that I didn't say anything. The fear that had become familiar with the time was flooding again in my veins, letting me freeze on the spot and suffocate under the meaning of the words I had just heard. I would have to go back… there. To go back in this house which was synonym of pain, of torture and constant terror. I felt myself falling and I would have ended on the floor if Fred hadn't caught me. 
As soon as he had made sure I would stay on my feet, he joined George in his protestations. 
"She can't go back there!" George was more than angry: he was shouting loudly without letting anyone say anything. "You know what happened in this bloody house! You know what this monster has done to her!"
"And yet you want her to go back there?" Intervened Fred, a vein pulsating in his neck. "Send us. George and I will take care of this, but there's no way Y/N is coming."
Still unable to say anything, too caught up in the horror brought by the memories that were now rushing in my mind, I looked at Fred and George arguing with the members of the Order without really seeing them, their confused words refusing to stay in my head long enough for me to understand. They were fighting for me, for my sake, yet I couldn't react. 
"She is the only one who won't get lost." Lupin was trying to convince the twins. "We don't know if her father will be here and-"
"And you still want to send her?" Fred was now infuriated. 
"Fred…" I whispered. 
"Are you crazy?" Screamed George. "We won't let you use her like that!"
"Boys, I- I can do this.”
Suddenly, everyone stopped arguing and I felt all eyes falling on me. With hesitant steps, Fred walked toward me and lifted my chin with such a delicate touch that it felt like he wasn’t even touching me. He was just in front of me, giving his back to the rest of the people present in the room, creating a protective barrier between them and us. 
 “Love, you don’t have to do this.” he murmured. 
He seemed to be incredibly worried, his eyes usually so bright darkening more than I had ever seen them. I didn’t know if the vein palpitating in his neck, which showed how fast his heartbeat was, was due to his anger or his fear but in anyways it was overwhelming. 
“I won’t let you. George won’t let you. Not after-” he stopped suddenly, but he didn’t need to say it. I knew what he wanted to say. “We will go love. For us it’s nothing, not if it means you are safe here.”
“You don’t have to do this for me Fred. I- I have to face him one day or another, right?”
But my voice broke just after my last word under the weight of a contained sob. An almost palpable pain emanated from Fred, and he tightened me just a bit too much against his torso. 
“This is really brave of you, Y/N.” murmured Lupin, probably to somehow comfort me. 
“Shut up.” mumbled George with a strangely muffled voice before storming out, closely followed by Fred who had now his arm firmly wrapped around my shoulders. 
I barely heard Mad-Eye adding I would have to leave the next morning, and the door slammed closed between us and the rest of the Order. Fred brought me to our room and gestured silently to George, who had been waiting upstairs, to follow us. As soon as the latter closed the door, my boyfriend began pacing while George was sitting next to me and absent-mindedly stroking my back. 
“There’s no way you’re going there alone.” finally muttered Fred after a series of incomprehensible swears. “I won’t let you. It- this is too dangerous.”
“We’ll come with you.” added George. “Whether you like it or not.”
I was feeling so guilty, because I knew too well this mission could either end well or turn extremely bad. There was no in-between. I couldn’t bear the thought of something happening to them. If he touched even one hair of their heads… But I was also ashamed to notice I couldn’t help but be relieved. Relieved because I knew that whatever was waiting for me in the manor, Fred and George would be there. I wouldn’t be alone. 
Molly happened to know that her sons would never consider the thought of letting me go alone, and she seemed to find it especially hard to hide both her worries and her pride. The next morning, she engulfed the three of us in one of her best motherly hugs and let us go with teary eyes. I would have loved to hug her too, to tell her not to worry and that we would be gone for less than an hour, but I simply couldn’t. I couldn’t because deep down, I knew something would happen, it was inevitable. Simple fear was something I was beginning to miss as it had been so much time that I had past this stage… 
Fred grabbed my right hand, George the left, and we apparated in front of the manor. 
It seemed more rundown than ever. There was not an ounce of life in the once beautiful garden, and there was not an ounce of warmth coming from the dirty walls. Barely containing a shiver, I took the first step. Surprisingly, it was the hardest one, the others steps feeling like automatisms. Fred and George were right behind me and together, we walked toward the door. In the almost deafening silence, everything seemed so much scarier, yet the manor had never looked so defenceless. If there had ever been a soul in there, this collection of old bricks seemed to be an empty shell, a shell threatening to crumble to dust at any moment. I could almost have wondered why I was so afraid, because it certainly looked like no one lived in there anymore. 
“There’s no movement in front of the windows.” 
Fred’s voice almost made me jump; for a second, I had forgotten that not everything here was dead. 
“The main dining-room seems empty.” I extended an arm and pointed the finger at a window of the first floor, even though I wasn’t sure the boys were looking. “Usually he- He used to stay in front of the window.”
“Are you sure?” asked George, keeping his voice low too to avoid warning whoever could be there. 
Just thinking of what could happen if I was wrong was enough for my throat to form big knots so I nodded. We had now reached the door. The cold wood was a few centimeters only from my hand, and after a shaky breath I pushed it open. 
Everything was the exact same as what I saw in my memories. In my nightmares. Despite the sun that was already up in the sky, the corridor was dark and awfully silent. I felt a body coming close to mine and a split second later, Fred murmured in my ear. 
“We’ll accompany you to your room, then George and I will go look for informations. You stay in there and gather your belongings, okay?”
I nodded weakly and waited for him to take the lead before remembering that he didn’t know the house. I headed to the stairs, still feeling like my body was working with automatisms. One step after another, the frontier between my terror and the numbness slowly invading me faded. I didn’t know what I was feeling, I was simply unable to put words on this mix of emotions which became more imprecise when I stepped in my room. 
“Wake up Y/N, happy birthday dear!”
Memories of Mary came in my mind for the first time since forever. I didn’t even realize Fred and George were gone; all I could do was to pace in the little space between the bed and the wardrobe, a hand occasionally grabbing my mother’s necklace which was still around my neck. I missed her. I missed my mother, I missed Mary, I missed everything that had made my life worth living and that had been taken from me. But that wasn’t even the worst pain, far from that. The worst was that I had the terrible feeling that it wasn’t over. That whoever had my life in charge had in mind that I hadn’t suffered enough. 
I eventually found the strength to tear myself away from my thoughts and grabbed an old bag in the wardrobe, filling it with as much clothes as I could find. Several times, I caught myself lending an ear but everything was desperately quiet. I was worried sick because I didn’t know what was happening but I couldn’t bring myself to leave my room. It felt like the only safe place here. 
Something like a faint boom echoed somewhere in the manor. I grabbed my wand, which had been on my bed, and finally decided to open the door. The corridor was desert, even the portraits being gone. The empty frames were aligned on the wall. The last of them, at the other end of the corridor, didn’t contain a painting but a mirror. And in that mirror, I saw them arriving before I even heard the shouts. 
I knew the two men that were now running toward me as they were two Death Eaters. However, I found myself paralyzed, unable to move or to scream. They were coming closer and closer. The first lifted his wand. The second screamed something. They had run through half of the corridor. A first spell almost hit my head. Another barely missed my shoulder. They were a few meters away. 
A red light hit one of the men straight in the back. His falling body revealed George running toward me too. Quickly, probably pushed by the adrenaline, George got rid of the second within a second and arrived in front of me almost immediately. 
“Your bag Y/N, we’re leaving now!”
Only at this instant did I realize he was holding something like a book. 
“Where’s Fred?” I whimpered. 
“Waiting for us.”
I knew by the tone of his voice that George was hiding something from me, but the numbness I had known what felt like hours ago had disappeared, leaving me shaking like a leaf and unable to even keep my wand in my hand. George grabbed it, took my hand and half dragged me behind him. After the last seconds, everything seemed too calm, as if they were giving us a break before attacking again with a renewed vigour. We arrived downstairs but Fred was still nowhere to be seen. I was beginning to be seriously worried and had to mutter it under my breath to convince me that he couldn’t be dead. 
“George would have told me… He’s alive. He’s alive and everything is alright.”
George stopped and I bumped into his back. He looked around us frantically before brutally rushing to the door of a cupboard. He opened the door and leant above the floor. An arm appeared and wrapped itself around his shoulders. Totally taken aback, I watched in shock as George was helping Fred get up. His leg was bleeding quite badly, and he had few scratches on his face too. 
“Don’t worry love, I’m okay.” he winked at me and smiled. 
If I had been in a normal state, I would have replicated something on how he could be joking and acting so nonchalant when he couldn’t walk on his own. If I had been in a normal state, I would also have noticed his smile wasn’t genuine. 
“What- what-”
“We’ll tell you everything Y/N, but right now we don’t have the time.”
George urged me to open the way as he did his best to support Fred’s weight and walk the fastest possible. However, I quickly stopped to let the boys walk in front of me as the only way for me to ease a bit of my terror was to make sure they were still here. 
We were now in the main corridor, at the end of which was the front door. I was already relieved to leave this place but something caught my eyes and I abruptly stopped. It was a portrait. Not animated, like the ones in Hogwarts, but more similar to the muggles’ paintings. It was my mother’s wish, Mary had told me she had a soft spot for what she called “the simple things such as muggles life”. I observed it for what I was sure was the last time. I looked at her in the eyes, these Y/E/C that I had inherited from her. Her black curls, her green dress. Once more, I thought of what I would give to see her just once. Everything. I would give everything. 
Fred and George were outside, George holding the door open. I nodded and began to run to them. They had now turned around and George was helping his twin in the stairs of the perron. With the adrenaline, I didn’t notice something that would have alarmed me. For a split second, something held me back at the neck, but it let go of me almost immediately and I kept running, never noticing my necklace was gone. 
“Y/N?” Molly opened the door of my room and sat on my bed, just next to me. “He’s okay, dear. I’ve bandaged his wounds, nothing too serious, really. He wants to see you.”
I nodded and followed her in the living-room, where Fred was comfortably installed on the couch. George wasn’t here, probably telling Mad-Eye everything that had happened, but Ginny was in front of him.
“Fred, you know that when blood is spilling out of your body you are not okay, right?” she said.
“You should listen to your sister, Freddie.”
Fred looked up and smiled brightly at me. 
“Here you are!” he exclaimed. “You know, I thought you would have stayed next to me while I was on my bed of pain. I don’t know, maybe holding my hand, begging me to stay alive?”
“If it wasn’t for Molly, I would have stayed with you, trust me.”
“I know.”
Fred’s gaze softened and he patted the couch next to him. Ginny understood the implicit message and left, smiling at me before closing the door quietly. Now, it was just the both of us, and it took all my will for me not to jump on Fred. Instead, I adopted a calmer way to join him and engulf him in my arms, hiding my face in the crook of his neck and clenching his shirt in my fists. 
“It’s okay, love, really. It’s over now.”
Then he whispered in my ear, in a tender way that made my heart skip a bit. I love you. His hands were both on my back, tracing soothing patterns and sometimes running up toward my hair before coming back to the small of my back. When I finally found the strength to open my mouth without bursting into tears, I gently cupped Fred’s cheeks and slowly moved my thumbs. He half closed his eyes and leaned into my touch. 
“What happened?”
Fred closed his eyes completely and sighed loudly. He leaned a small kiss in the palm of my hand before looking up at me with these dark eyes I hated to see because they meant that he was afraid. 
“I don’t know if-”
If there was one second I had thought it wasn’t something that important, this second was a long lost memory as my mind was racing, trying to figure out why he would refuse to tell me who had done that to him. Unless… Fred shifted uncomfortably before sighing once more and absent-mindedly pushing away a strand of hair that had fallen in front of my eyes. 
“It was- Y/N, your father was here.”
I said nothing, only looking at Fred as if he had spoken another language, one that I couldn’t understand. He also seemed to think I hadn’t understood as he put his hands on my shoulders. 
“Y/N, love?”
He was obviously worried and, when I didn’t reply, he called for Molly who arrived half a second later. Together, they tried to make me react in a way or another, but I was oblivious to all their efforts. I was lost in a sea of thoughts all more confusing than the others, and for a moment I couldn’t process anything that was in my head. Then something emerged, a burning sensation, it was like hot bubbles running in my veins. It was anger, a pure anger that was slowly consuming me. 
“He hurt you… Fred, he hurt you.” My voice was quiet, but it wasn’t because I was afraid. Oh no, at the moment I was madder than I had ever been, and Molly and Fred understood it too as they exchanged a worried glance. “I swear I’ll take my revenge. He’s done too much to me.”
And done too much to me he had, but this was the straw that had broken the camel’s back. He couldn’t attack my family, my true family, my best friend and my boyfriend without regretting it. 
I will have your skin, that’s a promise.
To be continued...
Tag: @pregnant-piggy​
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chiimmchiimm · 4 years
❝ 𝖒𝖔𝖓𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗 !¡ 𝐹𝒾𝒻𝓉𝑒𝑒𝓃 ❞
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CHAPTERS “  01 - 02 - 03 - 04 - 05 - 06 - 07 - 08 - 09 - 10 -  11  - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 - 21 - 22 - 23 - 24 - 25 - 26 - 27 “  
The northern jail was the most dangerous in the country, social scum, thousands of criminals were locked behind their bars. Who would tell poor Blair that he would end up there because of his father’s mistake. The problem was not the lack of hot water, but that inhuman obsession that many of the prisoners had for “new toys.” Rookies had two options; be submissive and abide by veterans’ orders or suffer the dangerous anger of those disturbed minds. It all started one night when Blair had the bad idea of ​​going to shower alone.
𝒫𝒶𝒾𝓇𝒾𝓃𝑔: Jungkookoffender au x (female: Blair) 𝒢𝑒𝓃𝓇𝑒:  smut.(later), offender au, fluff, angst. 𝒲𝑜𝓇𝒹𝓈: 4 k 𝑅𝒶𝓃𝓆𝓊𝒾𝓃𝑔:  +18   𝒲𝒶𝓇𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔:  dirty language, lies, serious revelations, Jk tattoos, close, much closer, childhood problems, very big problems, new threats, closer, future friends, sad conversations, memories, childhood trauma, almost kiss, this chapter It is very intense, sorry, I saw it necessary.
The breath escaped from my mouth wildly. Exhausted. With the tired muscles of colliding with such intensity the glove against the bag. I stopped to wipe the sweat off my forehead with my forearm. And I continued with my impromptu training session.
"I'll think twice about messing with you, gongjunim." His teasing voice made him cough out an exhausted laugh. I stopped and smiled at her face. Then I nod toward the ring taking me by surprise. Up.
"Am I not going to continue with the coat?" I asked, intrigued, watching from my place as I climbed into the ring without flinching. The platform was high so I had to do more than lift my leg. Go under the red ropes. I followed him into the center of the ring, waving his arms to awaken the muscles.
"You know the basics." Now it's your turn to strengthen your body.-Thirteen said simply. He knew whereof he spoke. He gave off so much self-confidence that he automatically trusted him. However, when he dragged one leg back and waved his hands at me, he tilted his head to the curious side. "Attack me."
"Attack me," he repeated gracefully. He waved his hand more.
"They don't have protections," I growled sadly.
His laugh caught me off guard. It was so strange to hear that vital sound come out of it that I was paralyzed for a few seconds until I got used to it.
"Very presumptuous of you to think that you're going to hurt me with those tiny little hands," he added. He raised his eyebrows mockingly while smiling sideways. I opened my mouth indignantly and then, I narrowed my eyes. I released the air through my mouth. I refilled my lungs. And I raised my fists as he had taught me. I took a step doubtfully stopping at the next. For a moment, my head went blank. Everything he had learned vanished at once. I swallowed and again, I felt like that weak child who had let her beat me again. Humiliated and trampled. "Blair."
Her deep voice drew me to reality like a vol of cold water. I brought my lost eyes on the ground to yours. Her worried gaze warmed my heart. Because even if I didn't say it. Although she didn't utter a single word more, I knew in that instant that they were not necessary. He supported me. He called me to let me know he was there. That she was not alone. That they wouldn't hurt me anymore. And surprisingly that was all I needed to regain my lucidity.
Advance towards him as agile as my legs allows me. Throw a punch in the direction of your jaw. And for a second, I came to think that I would hit my target. But then, the big hand of Thirteen covered my fist with his hand as if it were nothing and I folded my arm, brought it to my back, and fell to my knees.
With my eyes blinking between amazed and confused, I watched sideways as he walked away.
"Get up," he said seriously. I raised my head and frowned. He raised an eyebrow and fixed a disappointed look on my kneeling body. He reduced me like I was nobody. I clenched my fists inside the gloves. Lay them on the ground and help me up. Thirteen proudly lifted his chin, breaking my patience. Then, I stomped to the ground and lunged toward his body without being expected. Throw a quick series of punches at your face. With his hand, he pushed mine away. Until in a direct blow to his chest, he caught both wrists at the same time leaving me defenseless. I tried to break free but that made him growl. He pushed me into his body, burying my hands in the hollow of his chest. His breath moved the hair on my crown sending a signal to my neck to stretch it up. Thirteen did just the opposite. He tilted his head down creating a clash of our foreheads. The cold temperature of his forehead contrasted with the hot sweat of mine causing me a series of exciting chills. Without controlling it, I sent a blast of hot air from my lips to his lips inches away. Notice, in that instant, how his hands closed more tightly around my wrists. I gasped when her lips brushed against mine. I opened my lips and tilted up my face when the need to have them invaded me.
But then, she pulled my wrists down. I fold my arms back leaving me on my knees again.
"Don't be distracted," she threw out with determination. She scolded me with her narrowed gaze. My cheeks were stained with humiliation. I mean, I myself had given her wide access to kiss me. Thirteen had me in her hands. He knew it. He knew he could have done what he wanted with me. And even so. It did not. And I must say that I am between surprised and a little disappointed.
Since when is it so ... Right?
With the hand still wrapped around my wrist. I gave him an annoyed look. She was on her knees in front of him. Anyone who saw our training from afar might think otherwise. And yet, it doesn't matter to him, because when I shook my arm he didn't let go. I miscalculated my next shake and I ended up falling forward. My face landed on his thigh.
"You just have to ask." And it will be all yours, baby. I heard that he gave a hoarse laugh that made my hair stand on end. I swallowed hard and irritated the walls of my throat. I let out an incredulous howl, he looks at him with a pout and a scowl. I saw her dark glowing pupils. Her wicked smile. But what really got me out of my mind was feeling his hand caress my head like a puppy while pressing my face against his thigh. I shook myself indignantly. Thirteen laughed and released my wrist. I got up quickly. A stitch in the area of ​​my knees almost pulled me back. Too long in the same position.
I turned my back on him so I wouldn't keep staring at his twisted gaze. Enough and I put the velcro on the glove to tighten it more. I heard him mock me from behind with his hypocritical laugh. I narrowed my eye in anger and stared at him. Thirteen crossed his great arms and bowed his head mockingly.
I growled and then turned around so fast he couldn't see the blow to his stomach coming. He took my right arm but not my left. So the blow to his jaw didn't intercept him. I stepped back smiling. Bloat my lungs feeling like the winner of this assault. I must admit that I felt satisfaction when I saw his face paralyzed from the side. But the smile can't take much. When Thirteen regained sanity and modified me with that dark-eyed gaze my body set off all the alarms. He is upset. More than that, as he took slow steps toward it. The same ones that I backed away.
I try to get off the ring, I turn around and try to get past the ropes but his hand tugs on my arm throwing me back. I screamed scared by her strength. So I didn't measure mine either when I hit his stomach. Thirteen opened her eyes at the folded body. He brought his hands to his stomach and looked at me in surprise. I stayed in my position with the nerves still very present. Waiting for your next move. I screamed, bending down to dodge his hook. I had been caught off guard. To my surprise, when I looked back at him I saw the start of a smile.
"Come on. Again." he provoked in a playful voice. She raised her fists and cracked her neck. She moved her jaw and narrowed her eyes. I nodded and knocked. My glove got caught in his hand but this time he reacted much more lively. I formed a pleasing smile and continued to hit. I hit him he would stop them. So we continue all afternoon.
I knew who it was.
I knew it and still accepted.
I didn't know the reason, I was just guided by the alarmed voice in my head. He walked the hallways of the visiting wing with caution. My stomach bubbled nervous because it tasted like it was coming. Nor did I do much to control the trembling in my hands when I finally went out into the meeting room.
Of course, as every Tuesday the tables were full of families or friends who came to visit the prisoners. But I was only concerned with one. I was only suffocated by the person who sat in her seat away from everyone as if she were the owner of the place.
"How long," said my father with a cynical smile on his lips. His three-day beard showed through the profile of his face giving him a much more faded image. So worry about me. Not for him, of course. But for my mother. When he grew a long beard it only meant that he had been drinking and fucking her whores for so long that he hadn't even bothered about his personal appearance. So, for what is the same, to be presentable to see his daughter. He was wearing one of his most expensive suits and from what I could smell when I got close he was wearing the cologne from the blue bottle. My father had just come from one of his dates. I sat rigid on the seat out of pure protocol. They did not allow prisoners to stand. They wanted us controlled while they were watching us on camera. My father continued to maintain his superior gaze as I sweep my left-out outfit. "I'm not going to ask how are you because your mother has already taken care of that job."
"I'm not going to ask you how are you because, really, I don't give a shit," I replied with dark humor.
I mimicked his fucking smile when I saw he grow when I noticed my contempt for him.
"I'm going to have to talk seriously to the director of this prison." It is not possible that you have become so vulgar and so disrespectful towards your family.
"You were never my family." Mom was. You were just the motherfucker hitting him.
"Also the one who bought you a car every month."
"I don't have to put up with this."
I got up from the table dragging the chair. From afar, I watched as the guard at the door signaled me with a threatening gaze to sit down again. If so, I did it again. Catch my tongue between your teeth to avoid screaming. I didn't want to show how fucked up I was. Much less in front of him because he knew that it would give him satisfaction.
"You better get used to it." The threatening tone I use gave me goosebumps. Because I had only heard that depth twice, now, and when he kindly explained that I would rot in jail. So my heart quickened. "I have been so concerned about my daughter's misbehavior that I have casually forgotten to deposit the money in my friend's account."
The feeling I had before entering came alive. I lost myself in my own thoughts for a second, stopping listening to him. All I was aware of was the way my fist clenched the fabric of my pants.
"I already told you, darling. If you go from bad to worse, it will be. ”She concluded with a simple shrug. He adjusted the tie around his neck and then stood up as if nothing had happened. I looked at him with no expression on my face. "Don't take it personally. I just think you need a lesson. And this place has the tools you need to improve and be a better daughter in the future. You will thank me ..."
"649, stay away right now! Guards!"
My body moved on its own. It was as if a strange force was screaming at me what to do. Anger flooded my head completely clouding. I sneak onto the table to get to him. My father was so scared that he almost fell on his ass to the ground. When I saw that the table was too long. I ran around him. Just as my hands brushed against the stupid shirt collar my body was jerked back.
“You're a manipulative bastard!” I yelled hysterically as I moved my body desperately to break free. The guard squeezed me tighter. I knew later that I would have bruises on my hips and arms but that didn't stop me from continuing to fight. "You're not going to get away with it, "I swear to you for the life of you that you are going to pay for everything you have done to us!"
"649 or you calm down or I put you in isolation! "You yelling at your ear does not usually cause people to calm down. For me, it was the trigger. I was aware of what was around me. Scared people fucking other people who looked at me like I was crazy. Everyone was judging me. Everyone. No one was spared. My chest clenched so hard that I was about to pass out. "649!"
I didn't hear the guard screaming because I ran away. And luckily for me, no one seemed to really care about my condition when I walked through the door that connected to the prison wing. The air was beginning to lack. The walls began to close more and more. And yet it kept running aimlessly.I didn't care either. I just wanted to get lost somewhere where things were better.
When rounding a corner, crash into a chest. With teary eyes, I raised my head. When I recognized her dark eyes I felt safe again. I saw how he checked down the hall that nobody saw us. Then, she caught my cheeks with her hands and looked at me with a sad look. Without thinking, I put my arms around her waist and buried my face in her chest.
I sniffed my own tears dizzy when he dragged me with him. I didn't know where it took me until I smelled the humidity in the bathroom. Listen to a cubicle latch. And I buried myself more.
"I can not anymore...
“Why can't you go on?” His soft voice gave me the peace I needed. I felt the palm of his hand massage my scalp. And her other hand, squeeze my hip, not suggestively, in the way you want to tell a person that you are there for them. Thirteen took my silence calmly. "Everything will be fine."
"I'm never going to get out of here while he's still out. Never...
His hand in my hair froze.
"You are innocent, Blair." You are not going to stay here. —He said in such a persuasive tone that I didn't know what it meant. The hand on my hip stopped squeezing me against him. I felt his touch colder, more calculated. He was not him. Something was disturbing him. Something was occupying his head.
"What about you?" I sobbed in an understandable hoarse tone. I took off his chest to look at him pleadingly. But what I wasn't expecting was for him to reject eye contact by turning his head to the side.
"I what?" I ask in a whisper to myself. He frowned thoughtfully, lost in his own problems.
"Are you also innocent?"
I don't know why I asked that. Simply, the words came out of my mouth alone, coming to life. His hand on my hip tightened. His entire body stiffened. But it was my clenched jaw that gave me a bad answer.
"I don't like talking about it," he confessed. Although she already knew, hearing it from her own lips was completely different. And even though she still had a wall around the world. I was not disappointed because it was the first time we had talked about it openly and she did not ignore me as always.
“Will you talk to me about it someday?” I asked with an innocence that made him form a small smile. I looked up with pleading eyes at hers. My heart leaped into my chest when I did not meet a shy look, but one with human warmth.
"Someday." The topic ended at once. I nodded more than satisfied with the result and then, I smiled when his hands squeezed my cheeks gently. "Now, tell me, who do I have to hit?"
I told him everything.
And when I say everything is everything.
I told him about my childhood. My adolescence and of course, the trigger so disastrous that it had the beginning of my adulthood. Thirteen listened patiently. I don't judge myself, I just listen. With a calm look, she was going to tell me without speaking that she was there. That she wouldn't leave until she finished venting. And surprisingly, it was easier than it had ever been.
And I felt better.
Every time I talked about my father's abuse my throat would get dry from crying. Knowing that he was next to me holding my hand made everything so much easier. He understood me. And I felt that it did. It was not the typical understanding that your friends tell you. This was different. The related to me. The analysis of what I had because somehow he had also suffered it.
The emotion to which I was reminded of his "someday". I just hoped it wasn't too far away.
Enter my cell with my head lost in my world until the image in front of me is presented.
"Lucy, what are you doing!" I screamed hysterically. I ran to her, slapping her hand to drop a white pill of unknown origin on the ground.
"Let me!" she shout back with the same hysteria as I do. I was very nervous. Her forehead was sweaty and the vein in her neck was swollen from the pressure inside her head.
-You are crazy? "I denied it." Bending down to pick up the pill from the floor. I held it between my fingers. I narrowed my eyes to analyze it better and then, I opened them unheard of.
I looked disapprovingly at Lucy but she rejected the contact looking away. I gasped with a loud yell. This medication is used for high-risk pregnancies. Rachel, one of my old friends before entering here, had suffered one of those demon pills because she thought she had been pregnant. We ended up in the hospital for an urgent stomach wash. It is a test drug that is not yet available from science. So it is very dangerous. This worries me a lot because it is also expensive. Where the hell did he get it from?
I don't want to have it, Blair. I do not want it! -I deny. She shook her head from side to side desperately seeking my attention. He had it when he took my hands and I almost sobbed into my face.
"That boy is not to blame, Lucy,"  I whispered with my eyes closed. It was his body could do whatever he wanted, correct. But he was toying with his life for something that might have a solution if he just got involved in looking for it.
"Understand, if I have it." If I decide to raise that child, he will suffer because I will never love him.
"Is it so bad?" I asked irritated. I frowned intensely. My attitude created a kind of guilt in her because she released my hands and turned her back. After a few seconds, her shoulders trembled and her voice cut to sobs. I felt bad. Too bad. She just wanted to understand and I had yelled at her. I had overturned my shitty day with her and she didn't deserve it. I approached from behind, with my soul hanging by a thread and with a tight stomach. I touched her shoulder to support her, but Lucy jerked away. They lost me in their own thoughts. He blinked up at me and only when he knew it was me did he relax, but he never stopped crying. Just as you did that night when ... "Lucy, what really happened?" "I tried to get her to look at me but she avoided my gaze with fear." Watch carefully as you use one hand between your legs and squeeze the fabric of her pants fearfully. It seemed gone again. I slowly denied it until I understood it... "Who did it?"
Lucy was afraid of me. Disgusted, I did not do to myself, I did herself. My heart sank as much as the blood automatically stopped pumping. My face went pale as she lunged into my arms and squeezed me as if her life depended on it. I stopped, and a lonely tear ran down my cheek. My lip trembled but I held it in my teeth. I brought my hand to her head and stroked her as my mother did to me.
"It was ... Wa-a-s ...
"Take it easy, take your time." - Breathe into her enlarged hair the caresses. Run a hand down the line of her spine and her body relaxed. She pulled away and detected me with a bloodshot gaze. It was rage and fear that wandered tirelessly through her sad eyes. I nodded sure to say with my gesture that I would not judge her. That I wouldn't tell anyone. That I was not alone ...
And then she did it.
"It was Carvallo ...
"Son of a bitch ..." A third voice startled us. Frightened, I turned abruptly toward the door to find the worst possible scene.
Jimin with his eyes open with a cake inside the cell.
"Graff! No, Jimin! ”Lucy yelled desperately but it was too late because he had already run away. Since I was in shock I didn't even move. It was Lucy who reacted first by running but in the middle of her way, just as she was going to cross the door she groaned in pain and her body doubled towards the bunks.
"Let me take you to the infirmary," I said awkwardly, with no color on my face. I reached out to help him straighten up but then, Lucy put her hands on the mattress and stood up straight.
"Blair! I ... "he began to say with difficulty. His hand was crushed on her belly so I sent a worried look. He asks her again but she answered something else. "Blair, please. Talk to his. I don't want him to ruin his life because of me. Please...
I quickly nodded.
And then, I ran out of my cell like crazy. Stumbling over people and earning a couple of insults. I knew I was looking for a needle in a haystack. She didn't know where Jimin had gone. Standing in the middle of the hallway looking in all possible directions. I put my hands to my head and cursed desperately. But for better or for worse. I ended up finding out when I heard screaming in the yard.
I stared at the patio door with fear. And I ran. I walked towards her as quickly as my legs allowed. I swung open the door. I didn't care if the glass broke. Let them scold me if they wanted to. She had more important things to think about.
And that included the ring of prisoners cheering up a fight. I made my way between them between the small gaps between the bodies. When you reach the beginning of the clearing, bring your hand to your mouth at the scene in front of your eyes.
Jimin had Cavallo under him. He punched him. Scratches. The man had a face so full of blood that you could no longer distinguish where his mouth ended or where his eyes began. I denied it desperately. I desperately sought help from the prisoners but they all ignored me because they were busy cheering.
Hope came to me when among so many men I visualized black hair next to mint. Thirteen abruptly pushed a prisoner aside to see the scene up close. He opened his eyes like crazy and slapped Suga on the shoulder who nodded. Behind, Taehyung appeared running. He gaped at the scene, putting his hands to his head.
Thirteen approached Jimin and yanked him out of Carvallo's weak body.
"What the hell is wrong with you? Graff! ”Shouted Thirteen, upset. He shook him by the shoulders to make him react but he only saw how Suga and Taehyung lifted their victim from the ground.
-Was the. Thirteen. It was him! ”Jimin squealed with tears. He pointed at Carvallo with his arm. Thirteen tensed. It tense full body. He looked at his friend with doubt. With doubt so dark that my body bristled with fear. I swallow hard and turned to see me. When his screwed up gaze met mine I couldn't keep mine so I immediately lowered it. I sobbed and started crying.
Hurried footsteps sounded behind everyone. The prisoners moved away leaving her in the crosshairs. Thirteen stopped controlling Jimin because her attention was on Lucy. Thirteen stared at her wetly. He took a step in her direction but Lucy backed away. Thirteen contracted a hurt expression, more than that.
Carvallo curved her body to vomit and then, Thirteen turned her body slowly towards him. There was no longer white in his gaze. The black had filled the entire surface in a look as terrifying as the devil himself.
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kunstpause-archive · 4 years
FFXIV Write Prompt #4: Clinch
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“You have something of mine.”
Althea’s voice felt unusually loud in the absolute quiet of the night. Breaking into the royal palace of Ala Mhigo had been considerably much easier than she had expected it to be. Though, finding the center of the palace almost deserted, not a single guard in sight, she had the distinct suspicion that it had been by design. In front of her, several yalms away, stood Zenos, seemingly engrossed by the view across the railing of the large balcony, not even deigning to acknowledge her presence by turning around.
“I did not expect you this soon,” he simply said, conforming her suspicions about the lack of security she had encountered. From his taunts on the battlefield she had known he was expecting her, but she had not anticipated that he would go so far as to clear the way.
“You took my weapon,” she said, getting straight to the point. She was here for a reason after all. His blatant mockery of her seated as he had taken one of her chakrams with a smile still present on her mind. “I want it back.”
“A trophy won fair and square in combat,” Zenos said, still looking over the darkened walls of the palace, like he was completely unbothered by her presence. “I am inclined to simply keep it.”
From the more casual clothing he wore and the absence of his usual battle attire Althea suspected he was unarmed. He had bested her twice before, but for once the situation looked like it was in her favour with him being weaponless while she still had the second chakram hanging from her belt. Before she could think twice she grasped her weapon. Speed had always been her greatest ally, and a second later she sent the chakram flying, aiming precisely at his neck. 
It should have been over right then. By everything she had ever experienced, everything she knew about battle, this should have been it. She should have won. Yet with a casualness and a speed that nearly took her breath away Zenos turned around, plucking the weapon out of the air like it was nothing. He didn’t even spare it a second look as he threw the piece of metal aside.
“If all you wanted to do is hand over the rest of your equipment you should have just said so,” he said with a mocking smile on his lips and Althea felt her blood boiling at his brazen confidence.
He was the living embodiment of all that she hated about herself. The cold distance, the numbness, the utter boredom at the mundane, the miserable existence without a challenge… but it was something even more dangerous somehow.
A mirror of her undesirable traits would have been something she could have ignored but at the same time Zenos managed to be almost everything she so desperately yearned to be. Unbound by the expectations of those around him, the freedom and single mindedness to follow his heart’s desire and the wild abandon with which he carried himself… 
He was everything she loathed and all that she wanted for herself at the same time. 
And he had the audacity to laugh at her. 
“I don’t need a weapon to fight you,” she hissed, going into a battle stance while she was still speaking. She expected more mockery, but to her surprise there was something else entirely on his face. A genuine looking smile and a spark in his eyes that looked like pure joy as he took a step toward her. 
“I hoped you would say that,” he said, still smiling, before he suddenly started to move. 
Althea knew he was fast. In their first encounter, she had underestimated him in that regard. Had assumed that his armor would slow him down, that he relied on brute strength alone to win his battles. By now she knew this wasn’t the case and she reacted instinctively, dodging to the side at the last second. A gust of air as his fist flew past her spoke of just how close he had gotten. A second later Althea threw herself to the ground to dodge another attack as he snapped around and came at her again. She jumped back up on her feat, barely missing the next blow aimed at her as he kept coming at her faster than anyone she had ever fought before. It took her dodging another three blows until she finally found her footing and started to go on the attack instead of only avoiding him.
She knew it was only a matter of time until she wouldn’t be able to avoid one of his hits and when it finally came she was prepared for it. Hot pain went through her arm and her shoulder as she didn’t manage to twist around fast enough and his fist collided with her, sending her staggering backwards for a moment. But Althea ground her teeth together, letting out a hiss as she pushed the pain aside. Without pause charged at him again, for the first time catching him slightly off-guard as her elbow hit its mark. And perfectly so by the brief gasp of air he let out.
After that, everything started to become a blurr. Dodging, striking out, taking hits and returning them whenever possible. There was no sound other than those of their strikes and their ragged breaths as they circled each other endlessly. Althea felt her constitution falter, her arms growing tired and her breath going faster. A taste of copper lay on her lips and yet she did not slow down. Could not slow down. 
She had no idea just how long they had been at this. Her body bruised, she pushed through the exhaustion until a thought made her almost falter. From the very beginning she had been unsettled by the fact that Zenos never stopped smiling while they fought. The look on Zenos’ face had always felt wrong, out of place for what they were doing. Up until now. 
Althea almost doubled over, pain blossoming through her side as she didn’t manage to dodge his next hit. But it barely even registered over the far more important realization that she was smiling too. 
Althea had no doubt that a single mistake could get her killed in an instant, and yet she had never before felt so alive. 
She had only come here, only taken up his bait, because after years of feeling next to nothing he had made her so angry she had felt like a fire was burning under her skin. Where she had felt numb before she was suddenly unable to calm down. Where nothing had managed to stir her interest in years, she had suddenly found herself with a fiery drive, a clear goal - to go after him. Getting the weapon he took back was little more than a justification for what she was truly after. 
Somehow, this infuriating, terrifying person in front of her had managed what no one else had done since Althea could remember. He managed to make her feel something. She wasn’t even entirely certain what exactly it was, but she knew she had to do everything she could to keep that feeling close. 
She imagined that, if anyone could see them, they looked like quite the spectacle, with their never ending bloody but intricate dance. Who led and who followed shifting from moment to moment. 
One step in front of the other, one back, always quick like a whirlwind, turned into something without start or end. Something that never even slowed down. Each movement was both exhilarating and exhausting at the same time. Always with the knowledge that it would take but one wrong move to be over. After all, one could not dare to misstep even once when dancing at the edge of such an abyss. Althea caught herself wondering what it would be like if she let herself fall. If it would truly be the end. 
She would never know. There was only one thing she was absolutely certain about. He didn’t want to kill her, but the moment she would stop fighting he would.
The pain from her wounds was brighter, sharper than usual somehow. The air around them felt crisp and every sound more pronounced. Althea felt like her senses had awoken from a deep slumber, turning the entire world around her into something brighter, something more vivid and tangible. A short, bright burst of laughter left her as she lunged at him, her fist connecting with flesh as she marvelled at the change around her. Suddenly she didn’t know why she had ever thought it strange that he smiled when they fought. What else was there to do when it was the most joyous thing she had ever felt?
And from the glint in his eyes shining brighter, and his smile growing wider with each hit one of them managed to land, Althea knew that he felt it too. That she wasn’t alone with this. Neither one of them was.
When she laughed again something shifted. Suddenly, Zenos was close enough so she could feel his breath on her skin. Before Althea could twist out of his grasp she felt her back hit the wall, dull pain running down her back as the stones pushed harshly into it. She was about to get ready to throw herself forward and headbutt him with all her might when something gave her pause. A soft touch against her face followed by a sharp sting as his thumb dragged over her split lip, wiping away a strain of blood.
“Indeed, you didn’t need a weapon to fight me,” Zenos murmured, his eyes focussed on the trail of blood still on her lips. “And yet I still win.”
“You won’t keep winning forever,” Althea stated with a confidence that was surprising even herself. “I will beat you eventually!”
Again, he belied her expectations by looking at her with delight instead of anger at her audacity. “I do so hope you are right,” he said, his thumb brushing over her lower lip again, pulling ever so slightly until the bleeding started again. “But for now you are defeated.”
Althea was strangely at ease with the notion. He had beaten her twice before and both times he had refrained from killing her. On the contrary, he had explicitly told her to live, to survive, the second time. That, combined with the way he was looking at her now had her almost completely certain that this was yet again not supposed to be her end. 
“I won’t stay defeated forever,” she said with a shrug and her most confident grin. “And I’m afraid I am all out of weapon-trophies for you to take.”
“So it would seem,” he said, sounding almost amused as he spared a glance toward her discarded weapon several yalms away from them on the floor. When he looked back his eyes narrowed at her. “I shall have to take a different trophy then.”
And with that a hot mouth closed over hers and Althea felt herself shudder under his touch. As he pushed her firmer against the wall, teeth nipping on her lips, Althea realized that the fire under her skin had only been the beginning. With a deep groan she pulled him closer, opening her mouth in surrender, ready to find out just how much more he could make her feel.
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initiala · 5 years
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The Dark and Light Along the Sea
Hello, wow, I actually wrote something. This is a @csrolereversal fic with art provided by the lovely @allons-y-to-hogwarts-713​. 
So, uh, this fic goes some places. It’s got graphic depictions of violence, gratuitous goriness, death, destruction, body parts in places body parts shouldn’t be... It’s a Dark One Killian fic with Emma as... not quite the good little witch we’re used to her being. So if that’s not your jam, then go ahead and keep scrolling! Otherwise, please enjoy.
Once upon a time, a little girl was stolen from a castle in the dead of night. She’d been born with magic, you see, and that magic was coveted by dark forces across the land. She knew she’d been stolen, because the woman she’d been forced to call Mother told her often while complaining about how much food she ate and the cost of clothing to keep her warm. Mother taught the little girl how to use her magic, though the kinds of spells she learned felt wrong -- slimy under her skin and a cold draft down her back with each success.
Mother didn’t like hearing that it felt wrong. The more the little girl spoke about the wrong feeling, the more she was forced to train, drowning in the feeling of wrongness until one day, finally, she snapped.
Mother looked like a doll that had been thrown across the room, her limbs at odd angles, her head bent uncomfortably.
The little girl, not so little these days, left without looking back.
She traveled far, searching for something to ease the knot of terrible feelings in her belly. Voices whispered in her mind after night fell, echoes of Mother twisting anxiety into her heart and others she couldn’t name leading her to fear she was going mad.
Seasons passed and her search remained fruitless. She grew tall and fair, slim from traveling the realm on foot, and earned her way through performing the only bits of magic she dared: illusion. She could turn a bushel of apples into a basket of snakes and back again, pull a dove from a child’s pocket, make coins vanish and reappear in her shoes. She stayed until the whispers in her mind became real in her ears, suspicious villagers or townsmen who looked a little too long at the traveling magic maid, then took off down the road, still searching for something that felt like peace.
One night, years later, the magic maid found herself in quiet port town; quite the oxymoron, she inquired at the inn as to why this wasn’t the bustling pirate haven or trading port she was used to.
“The Dark One, miss,” the old barkeep told her, setting before her a trencher of bread filled with a thick stew made from potatoes and ham and a mug of watered down ale. “Claimed the castle up the way. Doesn’t much bother us townsfolk, but his presence bothers outsiders. Anyone as wants to trade here comes and does his business quickly, then sails out again on the next tide. As fer pirates, rumor is the Dark One used to be one hisself and knows their treachery. Forbids it, see, less someone else comes to try and claim his power.”
She thought about his story as she ate slowly. She’d heard of the Dark One before, mostly as a bedtime story from Mother to warn her about how people would want to use her power for their own. The last Dark One, Rumplestiltskin, had apparently vanished a few hundred years ago and no one had seen concrete proof of his successor. Yet, allegedly, he was here, in this out of the way town, living amicably beside a town that didn’t seem to care he was there. Then again, she mused, if they’d all grown up knowing he was there and hadn’t done anything before, they probably didn’t see a need to feel afraid of him. And if it kept trouble away, all the better for them.
People around these parts, she discovered, turned in early; she considered herself lucky for having made so much coin in the last town since there would be scant opportunities for her to sing for her supper. She paid up front for two nights at the inn, giving herself a chance to rest and maybe find a cobbler to fix her boots before going somewhere without the Dark One’s shadow looming overhead. Trying not to count and recount the coins left in her purse, she retired early as well, looking forward to a night indoors with a soft bed. Maybe, she thought with a wry smile, mice and bugs would be terrified of the Dark One too, and she’d have a peaceful rest.
The candle was unlit when she got to her room, and she scowled, fumbling in the dark for the flint and steel she kept in her pouch. Sparks flew as she tried to light it, cursing under her breath the whole while; she wasn’t good at using this stupid thing for small fires, she could barely do it for a campfire out on the road-- “Why do you use that thing?” a male voice asked, the candle wick flaming to life.
She whirled, conjuring a fireball in one hand and ready to burn whoever dared come for her in the night. “Who the hell are you and what the hell are you doing here?”
“Interesting questions,” the man replied, waving his hand carelessly. Her fireball vanished and she felt like the air was being squeezed from her lungs. “Some might call me hell incarnate. Others simply call me by my more colorful moniker.”
Several other candles lit around the room, giving her a better view of the man before her. He dressed simply, in either dark colors or simply black, with a long leather greatcoat and heavy boots. A hook where his left hand should have been glinted wickedly in the light. His hair fell rakishly over his forehead and one eye, slightly disheveled and looking like it had been some time since its last wash. But it was his piercing blue eyes that caught hold of her, red-rimmed and exhausted as they were, watching her with cautious interest. “The Dark One,” she said faintly.
“Ah, so you’ve heard of me. No need to answer that, I know all about your little chat with the barman downstairs. I’ve got ears and eyes all over this town, looking for people such as yourself to cross into my territory.”
“People like me?”
“Magic, love,” the Dark One said, his heavy footfalls echoing around the room as he came closer. “I could practically smell your magic the moment you crossed the border of this little place,” he continued, leaning in and breathing her in to prove his point. “Never before have I met anyone with as much raw power as you.”
She shivered, her magic reacting to him in a way that made her hair stand on end. It liked him and that frightened her -- her magic barely liked her, leaving her with those terrible feelings when Mother had trained her, fighting from her control every time she tried to use it to light a fire or performing for her own survival. She felt it wrenching from her control even now, reaching for him and twining about him like a cat. “Interesting indeed,” the Dark One murmured. “What’s your name, love?”
Mother had drilled in many things to her over the years: don’t eat so much, stop growing so fast, stop being ungrateful for the roof over your head, listen only to Mother, never do any sort of magic without exacting a price, never give anyone your name lest they have power over you. She hesitated now, and his eyes hardened. “Your name,” he said again, and she felt his power squeezing her, forcing her to obey his will.
She closed her eyes and forced her magic out, against his and whatever hold he was trying to put on her. He flew back, stopping just before he hit the wall, and when she opened her eyes again she took some satisfaction from the infuriated look on his face. “You have no power here, Dark One,” she said firmly.
But, just as quick, she felt her magic slip from her grasp as if he’d pulled the rug from under her feet. It hurt, having her magic pulled from her, and she pulled back with all her will to keep it from escaping into whatever magical trinket he was keeping in his pocket. He stared at her like he’d never seen anyone quite like her before, and the magical tug-of-war ended. She felt her magic slip back under her skin, under her control, and glared at him defiantly. “Killian,” he said finally. “If it makes you feel any better, we can trade names. Mine’s Killian.”
She kept glaring, unsure if this was some kind of Dark One trick; she didn’t know a lot about this particular Dark One, but she knew his predecessors weren’t afraid of using any sort of trickery to get what they wanted. “What do you want, Dark One?”
“Your name. And to know why someone so powerful as yourself has crossed into my domain.”
“That’s easy enough. I’m traveling.”
His eyes glinted, clearly aware she continued to dodge the question of her name. “Traveling where? And for what?”
She shrugged. “Nowhere. Everywhere.”
She felt a tendril of his magic reach out to probe hers again and she pushed it back, fixing him with a steely gaze again. The Dark One -- Killian -- regarded her again. “Your magic walks a fine line between darkness and light, a line I find interesting. The depths of the darkness you’re capable of -- and the strength of the light -- should have most of the realm after you. Is this why you travel to places like ‘nowhere’ and ‘everywhere’?” he asked, his tone mocking as he threw her answers back in her face.
“Not very forthcoming, are you?”
“With strange evil wizards who let themselves into my room? Why should I be?”
In a flash of red smoke, he was in her face again, nose brushing up against hers. She could feel his breath on her cheek when he spoke, “Because I may be the only one capable of helping you.”
She put her hands on his chest and shoved, but he didn’t budge. “Why do I need help?”
A slow grin stretched his lips, making crow’s feet around his eyes, but it did little to soften him or reassure her. “There’s darkness in you, little witch, and I sense trepidation where it’s concerned. You want the light, but don’t know how to reach it. You fear the dark, yet you’ve dabbled in it. Who taught you darkness?”
She found she couldn’t look away from his eyes, intense and oh so blue. She wondered if he could simply hold someone with his stare like this, or if there was something else at play, the same something that forced the words from her mouth, “Mother. Not my real mother, the… woman who took me.”
He blinked and she could look away, though she did so only briefly. “What happened to her? If she’d already taken you as a prize, I’d be sure she wouldn’t let you slip away so easily.”
Her throat worked but she couldn’t bring herself to admit it. Her gaze dropped to the floor, staring at the way her feet fit neatly between his wide stance. “You killed her, didn’t you?” 
She nodded.
“No controller, but no protector either. You’ve been running ever since.”
Another nod.
“Did you want to?”
She hesitated. She’s thought for years about this very question. Had she wanted to kill Mother, or had it just been some kind of unfortunate accident? Her powers slipping out of her control, spiraling from her own frustrations and fears, directed at the one person who’d sparked those feelings for her entire life?
Did she want to? Maybe, in some small, dark part of her heart.
Maybe not such a small, dark part anymore.
She met his gaze again, unsure, and an unreadable flicker of emotions crossed his face as he considered her nonanswer to his question. “Emma,” she whispered. “My name is Emma.”
Once upon a time, a man fell in love with a woman. This happens often enough, you see, but this particular woman was already married. But she was desperately unhappy in her marriage and begged the man to take her away; the man happened to be a pirate, renowned and feared across the seven seas, but the man also believed in good form, and carried on with ideas of dashing rescues and the like -- what could be more dashing a rescue than a woman trapped with a man she described as a monster?
What the man didn’t know, however, was that the monster was more than what he appeared.
The monster killed her, this woman they both claimed to love, and the man swore revenge as he buried her at the bottom of the sea. He left that very day to find the tools to enact his revenge, stopping time itself while he laid out his plans. And it took years more before he finally succeeded, swiping the blade that was the key to the monster’s power and taking it for his own.
The blade and the power.
To kill the monster was to make a monster of yourself, for the power of the Dark One could only pass on to whoever slayed their predecessor. It was a terrible price to pay, but the man was too far gone into his hate and drive for revenge to care much for what happened to him next.
The power of the Dark One buzzed in his ears for decades. He locked himself away in a castle -- he may have killed the previous owners, he couldn’t remember now -- drinking himself into a stupor to quiet the voices in his head telling him how to use the darkness to his advantage. Darkness had taken the woman he loved from him, and for all he cared it could drown with her at the bottom of the sea.
Time moved differently when one was functionally immortal, he discovered, and spending most of that time drunk made it nearly impossible to tell what century it was. Occasionally he woke out of his stupor to find blood on his hands or entrails in the entryway, with no memory of how any of it got there. But the voices of the darkness whispered in his ears still and he found himself wondering if the darkness just took hold, using his body as some sort of vessel to carry out its desires.
He wasn’t sure he wanted to know.
By the time Emma found her way into his castle, he mostly had himself under control. He’d spent years actually reading the tomes that had found their way into his collection, learning to set defenses like invisible glass walls between himself and the darkness, meditating to quiet the voices in his mind. He drank less, though it became increasingly clear that awareness of the passage of time was incredibly boring. Immortality and having no clear purpose of what to do with that time was terribly dull, and when the boredom became insufferable he would drink again, only to find himself with the same problem as before. The fragile glass that made up his protective walls was shattered every time, the darkness flowing through his defenses and dragging him down further each and every time. There were fewer mysterious body parts strewn about after these blackout periods, less blood on his hands, but sometimes treasure would find its way into his possession and he had no idea where it came from.
Once a pirate, always a pirate, the darkness would taunt, until he slammed up his defenses and shut the darkness out again.
Keeping the darkness at bay proved to be more difficult as he introduced Emma to his books on light magic. The taunts grew louder and more frequent and he found comforts at the bottom of a bottle four nights in seven. Even Emma noticed something was off with his manner, seeing as how they were the only two living creatures in the castle. After a month of him disappearing in these blackout rages, she confronted him after their lessons. “Is it me?” she asked pointedly. “Do I drive you to drink and run off somewhere? Do I need to leave?”
“No,” he said hoarsely. “Yes. I don’t know.”
“Are those answers to my questions, or is it a general statement of incompetence?”
He glared at her, the darkness whispering in his ear to silence her smart mouth permanently. “You walk a fine line, little witch.”
“Silence me then,” she said, shoving herself up in his face. “Do it. I know you can, you just haven’t yet -- I’ve seen the mess you leave when you come back. Is this your normal thing or is it just too much to be in the same fucking castle as me?”
She was right, he realized. He could kill her, but something kept him from doing so, even when he was in one of his rages. That was curious -- clearly he had no problem doing away with whatever was bothering him, but even though she was what brought the darkness out she was never the target of his ire.
Curiouser and curiouser.
“No,” he said finally. “This is something that requires… meditation, I think. And perhaps a change in your lessons.”
He would keep her from the books containing only light magic, that was all. The darkness whispered in his mind that she could be a power to rival his own, a terrible and beautiful queen at his side, if he would show her the books with the blackest of magics, but he didn’t want that. The darkness in him hated and feared her potential for light, but it was something else that drew him to her, like a moth to a candle. She wasn’t wholly tarnished, not like him, but she knew the taste of villainy and what it could do.
What do you plan to do with her? the darkness hissed, the evil imp always lurking over his shoulder. He paced in what amounted to his study, the sky full of stars and Emma slumbering somewhere below in the castle. It wanted to take her and twist her, but he refused to allow it.
For the first time in years, Killian spoke aloud to his demons. “I don’t plan to do anything. She gets what I never had in all of this: a choice.”
Once upon a time, a young woman lived in a castle. This wasn’t the castle of her birth, but it was a castle all the same -- drafty and enormous, far too many rooms for the only two people living in it, and full of secrets. She found many of these secrets on accident: hidden passageways, libraries full of cobweb-covered books, a treasure room full of magical artifacts that made her magic itch under her skin. Some secrets were laid in the open but never talked about: the blood on the doorstep most mornings, the hand she found in the kitchen, a collection of ears in a chest.
This should have, and would have, frightened any number of normal young women, but Emma was far from a normal young woman anymore.
She knew he was the Dark One, so finding collections of strange, arcane objects and evidence of dark doings wasn’t as outrageous as it may have been. Killian treated her well and never made threats against her -- outside of arguments, where she gave as good as she got and was rewarded with an amused smirk -- so she never felt unsafe in his presence, but the way he seemed to drink heavily and return with more strange talismans and more blood left around the castle after their lessons did bother her. If she was the cause of all this rage and theft and dark magic, why wasn’t he taking it out on her?
She shouldn’t be asking why she was still alive, but the thought nagged at her all the same.
Mother had always drilled into her to expect the worst in people, after all.
But even confronting him didn’t give her any answers, only a change in what she was given to study. Light magic left her feeling odd, like her head was stuffed with cotton and her limbs tingled like she’d touched something metal after walking on carpets in winter. It wasn’t worse than the feelings she’d had when Mother made her cast dark spells, but it still didn’t quite sit well with her. “Not a light witch or a dark wizard, just… something dull and gray in between,” Emma muttered one night, flipping a page and squinting to read the writing by the light of her candle.
“Hardly dull, sadly.”
It was Killian’s voice, but there was something different about it. She turned in her chair and he leaned against the window. He looked terrible, sallow and hollow-eyed in the candlelight, his hair matted down as if he’d been sweating through a fever. He grinned and it was unnerving, lips stretched a bit too wide and showing a few too many teeth. His skin even glistened in the light, making her wonder if he really was feverish -- could Dark Ones get sick? “He likes you,” he said, and again she tried to pinpoint what was different about his voice. “That’s the only thing keeping us from slitting your throat when you sleep -- no, that’s far too easy, we like to watch people squirm. You’d shriek, wouldn’t you? Beg for mercy, offer us whatever we like if only we’d let you live?”
There were multiple tones in his voice -- a deep baritone cracking over words, a high-pitched giggle trilling at the end of a question, a cold feminine rasp. This isn’t him, she realized. “Is this what you do?” she asked. “Take him over like he’s some kind of puppet and whisper scary bedtime stories?”
The Dark One moved so fast it was like a blur, hovering over her and pressing her back in her chair, and this close she could see the manic look in his eyes, the pinpricks his pupils had shrunk to, the redness and the deep purple splotches under his skin. “He’s weak,” they rasped -- and it had to be the voices of Dark Ones past, that’s what Mother had said, right? No one could truly kill the Dark One, only take on the mantle of all who came before? “He refuses to act as he should, dabbling in training a witch like you in light magic. He could be powerful and feared but he locks himself away like--”
“Like a terrible thing that needs to be locked away?” Emma snapped, pushing him -- them -- away. “I haven’t heard of anything as bad as the last Dark One, so apparently he’s doing a good job of that. You’re just mad you don’t get to run as free as you want, you’re like a dog tied up at the market--”
Pinned to the wall by the hand to her throat, the rest of her taunt died as she struggled to breathe. Her feet couldn’t touch the floor and she wrapped her hands around his wrist in futility. “K--Kil--”
The wicked snarl on his face only widened and for the first time she felt true fear around him. “Killian--”
His face twitched and his features relaxed into something less feral, his eyes returning to normal, then widened in shock and fear before he pulled away, letting her drop to the floor. Emma gasped, pulling in air until her chest hurt, and coughed to clear the tightness lingering around her neck. She saw his boots shuffle backwards, and then a swirl of red smoke signaled his departure, leaving her to process what had happened.
Once upon a time, a man slew a monster, only to become a monster himself.
The darkness loved to play with his mind, replaying the deaths of those he loved most over and over in his memories, twisting them and making them worse than even the horrible truth had been. He saw Liam’s skin crack open and bleed black blood, darkness seeping out of his nostrils and the gurgling sounds of a man drowning in his own blood so real that Killian was no longer sure if he’d only died of dreamshade poisoning and a stopped heart. He saw himself ripping Milah’s heart from her chest and crushing it, watching her collapse lifeless onto the deck of his old ship -- worse was knowing that the previous Dark Ones shared his mind and this was entirely likely to be a true memory with his own face plastered over Rumplestiltskin’s. But there were other nights when he was treated to visions of abusing the power one had over possessing another’s heart, taking possession of her mind and her body. He didn’t know if someone could be killed while their heart remained whole and outside of their body, but the darkness showed him all the ways it could have made Milah walk willingly into her own death, by her own hand or others.
Once, Emma commented that he looked feverish all the time, like he was overheated and needed a cool bath. Dark Ones were hardly bothered by something as simple as the temperature, but the worst fates that could be laid upon those he’d once loved were enough to give even the most mortal of men the sweats.
Waking from his latest plunge into the darkness, seeing Emma fearful of him and being crushed by his own hand? He was willing to walk into a thousand fiery deaths if only to make up for the terrified look on her face.
He stayed away from her for a time; she didn’t leave, which was curious, but he saw her in his scrying bowl in the library, her head bent over her books and purpling marks around her neck.
He hated the sight of that. She had such a lovely neck, she --
You like her, the darkness had whispered, weeks before, and he’d vehemently denied it. He was interested in what she could become, that was all, and it was to his advantage at the time to indebt her to him. But she had a choice now, he’d promised himself. He’d freed her of the debt she never knew she’d had, removed the price of learning.
The darkness liked exacting payment from people. Was that why it had acted out, taking over in his moments of weakness, hurting her?
She was still in the library later when he slipped in, his hand in his pocket. She looked up when his footsteps grew near and it was a small comfort that she didn’t cower away from his approach. “You look better,” she commented.
“You don’t,” he said, and went behind her, draping his gift around her neck.
The diamond necklace had arrived in his treasury as most things did: with no knowledge or history of how it got there, only his bloody hand and hook and the scent of expensive perfume lingering on his clothes. But diamonds, like all gemstones, held magic well and the sheer number of them would do wonders to speed up the healing spell he’d placed on it. Emma’s hands went to it, automatically holding the chains in place as he looped them around her neck and used a bit of magic to help close the clasp. Stepping back, he noted with pleasure that the bruises were already starting to fade. 
She conjured a mirror to see the full effect and he noted how easily the magic was done; when she’d arrived, she couldn’t even conjure sugar for her tea, but this was more solid, more real, and easily broken if done incorrectly. “You’ve improved immensely,” he murmured, watching her admire the jewelry and the healing effects.
“I had a good teacher,” she said, her voice just as low.
“Emma, about the other night…”
“Don’t. I know it wasn’t you,” she said, catching his reflection’s eye.
“It doesn’t make it right,” he said. “I apologize, for harming you as well as frightening you. I…”
She shook her head. “It’s… well, we can move past it. It was something beyond your control.”
Fury built in his chest, not at her but at the circumstances of her life that made her shrug away a brush with death. He could have killed her, the power at his fingertips -- the power controlling his fingertips -- should have killed her, but something in her had broken through and found him drowning in the depths. “No, Emma,” he snapped, making her look back at him. “The darkness is afraid of you.”
“Me?” she asked, surprised.
“You. You’re… different. It’s… it doesn’t like to be challenged, only obeyed. I have been a consistent thorn in its side, refusing to do as it wants or follow orders.” He felt like he bled these words out, the darkness ripping at his defenses to keep him silent, keep him from spilling its secrets to this woman it feared so much. “It’s particularly damaging when my defenses are down, or when it can break through them. I don’t remember where I go or what I do, though I have an idea. I’m weak, especially susceptible to its control, and your challenge only made it… worse.”
“So it is my fault,” Emma said softly.
He turned her chair and knelt before her, looking at her properly for the first time in days. “No,” he said earnestly. “You… you frighten it, which is enough of a miracle on its own. It’s not your fault I was weak, that I couldn’t control it. I’d wondered why it hadn’t led me to kill you if it was so frightened of you. And I wonder still, but I believe the other night was because I refuse to let it indebt you to me when you’ve completed your training.”
He watched a thousand emotions cross her face; she’d told him how she’d grown up, enslaved to the woman she’d called Mother with fear tactics and the threat of being controlled by others for her magic. He refused to be one of the monsters in her childhood nightmares, chaining her and claiming her, using her as the darkness saw fit -- just as he’d hidden the dagger that bore his name, refusing to let others chain and claim him to be used as his jailer saw fit.
He knew what it was like to have the threat of freedom stolen from under you and refused to allow her the same fears.
“It’s afraid of me?” she asked, and he wondered when she’d taken his hand in her own; she squeezed as a flicker of wonder and fear crossed her face.
“Terrified. I don’t… I don’t know how well I can control it, but it’s why I changed your learning around. It was worse with the light magic.”
She looked away. “I see… and it would probably like it if I did more dark magic, but I can’t stand the feeling of dark magic.”
She’d like it more if she practiced more, the darkness whispered in his mind, and he wondered how often that her mother had the same thought. He gripped her hand tighter as he slammed his defenses back up, imagining a wall of glass three feet thick between himself and the demons taunting him. “You don’t have to do more dark magic. You don’t have to do anything to appease the darkness, Emma, that’s my burden to bear. In fact --” The idea struck him so suddenly that he didn’t know why he hadn’t thought of it sooner. It wasn’t as if he’d formed a particular attachment to the place, and there were enough enchantments to keep it running that she would hardly notice if he’d left. “Perhaps I should be the one to leave. There are enough learning tools here to keep you busy until you feel ready to move on. You’ve been doing well on your own with the magics I can’t do, and you’re surer of yourself than you were when you came here. I can spell a few rooms to make them safe to practice in without causing havoc across the countryside.”
The more he spoke, the better an idea it became. He would leave the castle to her, let her practice and perhaps visit the port enough to reassure them the Dark One was truly gone. He knew the town suffered a bit from trade from his presence, but the threat of him had also kept the peace so no one seemed to mind all that much. Perhaps she’d simply stay, take over as the lady of the land. She’d do good here, not some insufferable white witch like those blasted fairies, but not a terrible dark queen like his demons wanted her to become -- a real person who understood there needed to be balance.
“Killian.” Emma’s voice brought him out of his thoughts, and he noticed the confusion in her eyes. “What are you saying, that you’d give up your home for me?”
“Well, more that I’d give it to you, let you--”
Whatever he’d been planning to say next died in his throat as she leaned forward and kissed him, and for the first time in a very long time all of the voices that haunted him fell silent. He felt normal, with no looming darkness in the back of his mind making him feel like he needed to keep looking over his shoulder, keep running, keep doing something to keep the darkness from swallowing him whole.
Like there was a light at the end of the long, dark tunnel of his life.
She started to pull away and he realized he’d done nothing but let her kiss him with no reciprocation. Well, that simply won’t do, he thought, and for once there was no response from anyone else except himself: I need to kiss her again.
And so he reached for that light, meeting her lips again, and feeling like her shine could ward even the darkest of his nightmares away.
Once upon a time, darkness descended from a castle tucked away, and brought light to a town by the sea. The traveling magic maid, it seemed, had staked her claim, though to what exactly the townsfolk were never quite sure. No longer did she dabble in tricks of her trade: instead, they found her hands pressed against the earth, against feverish skin and splinted limbs. She disappeared each night, back to the castle where darkness lurked, but returned each morning with a smile and a will to continue her work. What to make of her, they hardly knew, but it was the pirates, in the end, that brought shadows on the heels of her light.
Rarely had the Dark One been seen in all the years he’d festered in the castle up the way, but down he came, in answer to the maid’s call, a raging force stronger than any sea. The townsfolk stuck to the shadows while he made quick work of the pirates, trading murmured words when the maid removed her cloak and made to follow. Light turned to dark, turned water red at port, and only when the screams were silenced and their hands met did the magic in the air fizzle into something altogether gray.
The blood didn’t seem to bother her, the maid, and it went hardly noticed by the Dark One as a heavy mist crept into town, his teeth gritted all the while muttering about bad form. The maid only leaned in close, her hand on his cheek and an almost peaceful calm on his face at her touch; she whispered something that may have sounded something like home, and the red followed them up in a cloud of smoke.
And when the next dawn broke, the maid returned, with the same beatific smile on her face as always, and went back to her work keeping all but the worst darkness at bay.
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kweebtrash · 5 years
When I See You Again (M)
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Genre:  Best Friends to Lovers! AU, Tattoo Artist! Yuto, 1st person reader
Summary:  You and Yuto had met in high school, an unlikely pair as he was the juvenile delinquent and you were just a foreign exchange student trapped in a country who’s people didn’t except you and lost in homesickness. After saving you from your worst nightmare of being trapped against the wall between some bullies, you slowly started to become friends, though friendship quickly turned into a secret crush. When your heart was just about full a devastating accident caused you to be ripped away from Japan, never seeing Yuto again. Ten years later a chance encounter on a simple vacation turns your world upside down as the teenage boy you loved was now a man who still had a hold of your heart.
Warnings: violence (fighting), mentions of blood, bullying, mentions of abuse
Features: shy yuto, fun and awkward conversations during sexy time, oral (giving and receiving), fingering, slow and gentle and mostly romantic sex, a smidgearooni of dirty talk (but cute dirty talk). Basically Yuto can be confident at times but mostly shy in bed. Yuto is also very handsy and loves kissing so theres a lot of that in case it seems overdone.
Word Count:
A/N:  This was actually a request i received almost a year ago (i’m so sorry) and i finally challenged myself to finish this. I don’t really think it’s my best but I really wanted to get back into writing for pentagon. To the person that requested this i’m so damn sorry it took so long.
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I hope you at least think it was worth it.
My shoes pounded against the tile as i weaved through a crowded hallway full of students. My breath burned in my lungs and my heart pounded in my ears. I dodged a student council member, spinning on my heels and almost falling to my knees before catching myself. I took quick glances over my shoulder trying to see if they were behind me. Their raucous laughter was still close by as they remained high on my tail. I laser focused on the sound, hearing it over the gossiping whispers and angry yells as i almost crashed into the other students. Up ahead I could see a flight of stairs that lead to the rooftop. It felt like a light at the end of the tunnel. I sprinted up the stairs two at a time and grabbed onto the door handle, hoping to all hell that it wasn’t locked. I flung it open with all my strength, falling through the doorway. I slammed it shut behind me, pressing my back to it taking in deep breaths until my lungs went back into a rhythm of normalcy. Up on the roof gusts of fall air cooled my skin as i walked over to the edge. It was peaceful here. No one to shame me, no one to chase me, no one to make my life a living hell. I wished I wasn't here at all. I wanted to go back home. I momentarily looked down at the bustling sidewalk below. People looked like ants from how far up I was. A wave of nausea and fear came over me and I took a step back.
“You’re not going to jump are you?”
I whipped around quickly to see that i wasn’t alone on the rooftop. He was sprawled out on his back, hands folded behind his head, and a cigarette dangling from his lips. His uniform matched mine, but it looked like he was determined to violate every dress code put into place. His blazer was open, revealing a black v-neck underneath, tie hanging loosely around his neck, and piercings all along his ears. I stared at him momentarily taken aback by his "bad boy" vibes and piercing gaze. He seemed so familiar but I couldn’t quite place him. I walked to the center of the rooftop so I could stay safe. “No...I’m not planning on it.”
“Good. With my luck they’d say I pushed you.” He pulled the cigarette from his lips and exhaled.
“Who’s ‘they’?” I questioned, still wracking my brain trying to figure out who he was.
“Police. Principal. Students. Idiots and assholes. ‘They’.” It clicked in my head then. Adachi. I had heard the name floating in conversations in the hallway. My Japanese was far from perfect but I could at least recall that name. He towered over most of the students and was always in detention, cutting classes, and getting into fights. Rumors were even spread about him being a serial killer, which seemed typical of the students here; anything to shove away people who were different and isolate them. He had a different impact than I did. While i was the weak foreigner, he was one to be feared but I didn’t even think he looked intimidating. In fact, I thought he was kind of...cute. “What were you running from?” He continued, this time in English which surprised me but gave me a sense of comfort. His accent was heavy and words a little broken but i was the same with my Japanese so I didn't care.
Ever since my family moved to Japan for my dad’s job I had been struggling to pick up the language. It didn’t help that I was thrust into public school without any time to prepare for classes fully. Everyday was becoming more of a struggle for hundreds of reasons and I wished desperately that I could go back to my own country. In hindsight that was probably the most truthful answer-that I was running from everything- but I provided him the one that didn’t reveal my true feelings.
“Girls.” I stated flatly. “Stupid girls. Evil girls. They were...calling me this word I didn’t understand and they were laughing at me. Then they cornered me. I don’t know why they were so pissed off. I don’t even think I have classes with any of them. Before I knew it they we're grabbing at my hair and were trying to cut it. I ran away as fast as I could. It's been like that since I've started school here.”
Adachi scoffed and flicked his cigarette off the side of the roof. He stood up slowly, dusting off the back of his uniform pants. “Fight back.” He stated as if it was the most logical and useful answer. “Don't let anyone know what you're scared of or else you're just going to get treated like you're nothing.”
I almost laughed at his “advice.” “That’s your great idea? To fight? I’m sure it works well for you.” I said sarcastically, crossing my arms over my chest.
“Oh it does.” He shot back at me. “You don't see me whining about people calling me gaijin and crying over being bullied, do you?”
My brows furrowed. “I wasn’t crying, asshole! It’s just irritating and annoying. I don’t understand what’s happening in my classes and I can’t even go to them without having people threatening to cause me bodily harm or throwing shit at me. On top of that, my parents would kill me if I ever got in trouble so i’m just….stuck.” I let out an exasperated sigh.
“Aww it must really suck to have mommy and daddy pout over you. Whether you follow my advice or not doesn’t mean two shits to me. But dont start whining when they come after you again.” He shrugged and headed towards the door, taking a moment to pause before turning back towards me. “People are stupid. Don’t let it get to you or else you’ll really end up jumping.” With that he left the rooftop leaving me alone at last.
Adachi…what a prick. Where did he get off telling me to fight? It was easy for him to say. He had nothing to lose. Well I assumed so anyway...Maybe I was just as bad as everyone else who judged him. A little pang of guilt hit me. I didn’t want to become like the girls who chased me or the teachers that mocked me. I wasn’t going to judge him just because he was different. After all, he tried to help the only way he knew how. I knew deep down that he was right too. I wasn’t going to show this school how miserable it made me. Maybe taking his advice into consideration wasn’t such a bad idea.
It was days before I saw him again. Occasionally, I would catch him in the hallway but we didn’t have a chance to speak face to face. That was until I had been cornered again by the same girls. It was a chorale of taunts, poking, and prodding; using their cowardice to place us behind the school where no one would see us. The main culprit was a senior who looked down at me in disdain with the most sinister of smiles on her lips. She was the one who screamed the loudest as if I could respond to the words that cut into me. I tried covering my ears to block her out but her shrill voice surpassed my blockade. My blood was boiling and I could feel my body shaking. Adachi’s advice kept creeping into my mind. Just fight. Just Fight. JUST FIGHT. 
“Hey!” The deep voice cut through the screaming and made us all freeze. Our attention turned to Adachi who was standing just a few feet away, glaring at the girls surrounding me. Their demeanor changed in seconds and while their so called “leader” was distracted i closed my eyes and swung. I felt something connect with my fist and a rush of pain sped up my arm. My hand was trembling and when I opened my eyes I saw the splatters of red that stained her white uniform blouse.
“Oh shit.” I whispered in disbelief.
She held her nose and screamed in pain. Before my mind could even react further, Adachi grabbed me by my arm and started running. I struggled to keep up with his long strides, taking no time to look behind us to see if they had begun to follow. Hopefully Adachi had scared them off enough to keep them at bay. It seemed like forever until we stopped beside a nearby convenience store, panting and doubling over as we tried to catch our breaths. Suddenly Adachi burst into laughter, scaring the crap out of me. I had barely heard him speak let alone laugh before. It was...sweet albeit still a little frightening. 
“I can’t believe you actually decked her in the face!”
“W-well she wouldn’t shut up! I was tired of hearing her scream and i didn’t even understand what she was saying! I don’t know what the fuck her problem is." I took a deep death and adjusted my uniform. "Thank you though. You kinda saved me back there.”
“I mean you probably would’ve gotten your ass kicked. And with the way you punched, you wouldn’t have stood a chance.” His eyes darted down to my fist that ached and was starting to bruise. “You punch with the flats of your fingers, not your knuckles. That’s gonna swell. At least you still probably broke her nose..”
“Great. I have no idea how I’m going to hide this from my parents.”
“Time to chop your hand off and say it was a random Yakuza attack.”
I stared at him, my eyes going wide for a second. “Did you...did you just make a joke?”
He shoved his hands in his pockets and stood up a little straighter. “Just because people piss me off doesn’t mean that I can’t actually laugh. I’m not a robot or a serial killer.”
“So you heard those rumors?” I asked softly.
He shrugged. “It’s whatever. Sometimes I go along with it just to get people off my back. Anyway, might as well go inside and get you something cold to keep the swelling down. Stay here.”
I watched his back as the automatic doors parted and he walked in. I rested against the brick wall, trying not to think about the pain in my hand. I uncurled my fingers slowly and tried forming the fist again. It wasn’t easy but nothing seemed to be broken either. My knuckles were now a grisly blue-violet and the swelling was starting to become noticeable. I sighed and glanced down at my watch, impatiently waiting for Adachi’s return. It only took a few more minutes before i saw his tuft of black hair reappear. He held out a frozen bag of peas for me to take while i gave him a puzzled look.
“It’s the only thing they had. Just take it.” 
I took the pack and held it on my hand. it made me wince but also provided a little relief. "Thanks. Do you think I could hide this from my parents?"
"No way in hell. Just keep an ice pack on it and try not to use it too much."
"You sound like an expert on this." I grumbled.
"Yeah, well," He looked away from me and returned his hands to his pockets. "I've had my fair share of busted knuckles. Anyway, do you need me to walk you home or are you cool?"
Walk me home? That wasn't something I expected from him. "Do you really want to?"
"I mean I asked for a reason, dumbass."
"Hey! Don't be a jerk! I just...I've never been walked home before and I know it's kinda a big deal here."
He shrugged. "I don't think so. This isn’t some anime romance. I just want to make sure those bitches aren't after you. It'd be hell if they found out where you lived."
He had a point. I was already harassed at school, I wasn't prepared to be harassed at home as well. "Ok, that sounds good."
He grabbed my briefcase that I barely had time to escape with and held his hand out in front of him. "Lead the way."
We walked side by side, mostly quiet and awkward. I wasn't sure what kind of conversation i should even start. I wanted to know more about him but something told me he was a closed book. I chewed on my lip, overthinking and getting anxious. "You know, i don't even know your name." He said, suddenly.
Oh, that's right. We had never formally introduced ourselves. I told him my name and realized I had to figure out the proper honorific for him. "Wait, should I call you Adachi-kun. Or Adachi-sempai? Are you even older than me? Is it Adachi-san?"
"Just call me Yuto. No honorifics. I don't care about that. It's just some authoritative bullshit."
"You're really one hell of a guy, you know that?" I couldn't help but chuckle.
There was a faint tint of rose to his cheeks, so much so that I thought I had imagined it. He looked away and scoffed. "Tch, whatever. Just keep telling me where to go."
I smiled to myself as we turned a corner. Yuto might have a secret soft spot that I was dying to pry into more. Occasionally, I was able to drum up something else to talk about. I was curious as to why he got into trouble so much but instead tried to see what kind of things he liked. It boiled down to eating and sleeping - very profound hobbies. He seemed more interested in me and once I finally got him talking I realized he wouldn't stop. His tone was still serious but I think it was mostly on account of how deep his voice was. I didn't expect him to be so talkative but it actually felt like I finally had a friend here.
A few weeks later, Yuto was supposed to meet me near my house to walk me to school. We had made a habit of walking together almost every day. It didn't matter if we were silent or talked about what happened at school or I scolded him for being a delinquent, our conversations made me totally happy and it was the one thing I looked forward to each day. This morning in particular, though, he wasn't at our usual meet up spot. I waited for a few minutes, wondering if he was caught up somewhere. It was getting dangerously close to first bell and our consequences for being late were going to be extreme. When I called him he didn’t answer which made my mind jump to conclusions and worry immediately. Taking a chance, I sprinted in the direction of the school as a gut feeling was telling me something wasn't right.
As I got closer to the school I could hear a scuffle in the nearest alleyway, close to the convenience store we had stopped back when I had hurt my fist. I saw him against the wall, facing off against two idiots. His briefcase had been tossed to the floor, it's contents spilling out and I was afraid that would happen to his guts as well as one of the attackers was holding a knife. There was no mistaking the shine that spiked across it from the morning sun. They were dressed in uniforms from a school I didn’t recognize- I had no idea who they were and I didn’t care. I was hell bent on returning the favor to Yuto from when he saved me.
"Hey!" I yelled. All attention was turned to me instantly.
"Get out of here!" Yuto said. "It's too dangerous!"
"Oh, is that your little girlfriend?" One of the bigger boys said smugly. 
The knife holder rolled the weapon in his palm, adding to its already present intimidation. My heart was pounding in my ears as my eyes zeroed in on it. Adrenaline was building inside me, the same feelings of needing to fight back taking over from when I had punched my own bully. Fear was still ever present of course. I didn’t stand a chance with actually fist fighting them and they had the upper hand anyway. I could die. Yuto could die. It was risky and the odds were too stacked against us. I had to try though, anything was worth a shot if I could save him. It was the first thing that popped into my head and instead of swinging my fist i sent my leg flying up between his. With how hard I had struck him it felt like my shin had connected straight with his pelvic bone. Pain filled my calf but i was sure it wasn’t as strong as what he was feeling. The knife clanged to the ground as he crumpled along with it, holding himself as he groaned in pain. Yuto picked up the knife at lighting speed and managed to shove the other boy against the wall, pressing the blade to his neck. His tone was full of spite and anger and though he was speaking too fast for me to understand I could feel the fiery intent behind every syllable. Whatever it was, it scared the other guy into picking up his friend and dragging themselves away like wounded dogs. Yuto tossed the knife to the ground and before I could even ask if he was okay he grabbed onto my shoulders and shook me roughly.
"Are you fucking crazy?! You could've gotten hurt! Don't ever do that again!"
"I-im sorry!! I just-! You were in trouble and I didn’t know what else to do! I didn’t want you to get hurt either! I panicked!”
“You’re such an airhead sometimes! What would’ve happened if you had gotten stabbed, huh?! I cant...I can’t lose you...:” His voice softened at the end, so low that I could barely hear it. I didn’t expect him to be this emotional. Though we were good friends and shared laughs, Yuto was still blocked off when it came to deeper emotions. He was even more reserved when it came to affection but in this moment he pulled me to his chest and squeezed me as tight as he could. It shocked me completely, so much so that I didn’t even think to reciprocate the hug. I just stood there like an idiot as I felt every inch of his warmth flowing over me. It was so utterly comforting and something I didn’t think i needed throughout my time here in Japan but it seemed to heal all wounds. Eventually, it clicked in my head to wrap my arms around him and squeeze him just as tight. It felt so good and I didn’t want us to ever separate but he was the first to pull away. "Sorry I wasn't there to walk you to school."
"That doesn't matter now, idiot." I reached up and whacked my palm into his forehead gently. “Besides i’m pretty sure first bell already rang. I’m going to get into so much trouble. My parents are going to kill me when they find out and I really really realllllyyy don’t want to do detention. Is it as bad as they say it is?”
“I don’t know, i never did my detentions.” He said with a devious smile. “But I guess that just means we’ll have to skip entirely.”
“Are you insane!? That will get me into even more trouble! That’s the opposite of what I need!”
“Aww come on, live a little. You don’t always have to play by the rules. Sometimes it’s fun to break them. Besides, one day of skipping isn’t going to hurt you.”
"Adachi Yuto, are you saying I should become a juvenile delinquent just like you?"
"Hell yeah." 
We laughed, harder than we should of knowing the prospect of me getting in trouble loomed over us. Though I was scared of the consequences, the idea of spending the entire day with him released thousands of budding seeds of romance that I hadn’t really known had been inside me. Sure, i would notice his tender eyes and smile that lit up my entire world like the first sunrise but I didn’t think I had a crush on him! Or rather I ignored every single one of those feelings because I knew he wouldn’t be interested in me. It was a secret I had been harboring for fear of rejection and making our entire relationship weird. With a day of endless possibilities ahead of us I hoped that I could keep my secret and remain stoic. I slipped out of my overthinking and looked up at him. "Ok, I guess you convinced me enough. I’ll play hooky but just this once!”
“Whoa, really? I didn’t think you had it in you.” He nudged my arm playfully.
“I’m nervous but spending a day with you sounds much more exciting than listening to lectures that make my brain feel like its frying.”
“I’m excited to spend the day with you too…” His cheeks flushed then and he took a step back from the closeness leftover from our hug. He shoved his hands in his pockets and shuffled his weight on his feet. “Uh, I mean, um...like-uh...What would you want to do?”
"What do you normally do when you skip?" I asked.
"Get some snacks at the store then sit at home and watch One Piece reruns."
"Are you serious?" I giggled. "That's what Mr. "Serial Killer" does?"
"Hey! It’s relaxing! Sometimes I doze off, sometimes I do other stuff. It’s nice!”
“I’ve never watched One Piece before. Is it good?”
“Is it-? It’s AMAZING! It’s basically like the greatest anime of all time. Oh my god, we have to watch it now. We’re not doing anything else.”
I rolled my eyes and sighed. “What have I gotten myself into?!” I laughed. “Oh, wait. Your stuff.” We both dropped to the ground and started picking up the scattered contents of his bag. My eyes rested on a sketchpad that laid open, the pages now slightly torn and dirty but I could see precise linework and expressions the drawings held.
"Did you draw these?" I asked.
He snatched the book away from me and snapped it shut. "Nevermind this. It's nothing."
"Yuto, I think they were really nice."
"No, it's seriously nothing. Forget about it."
I set my hand on his shoulder and softened my voice. "You know you don't have to be embarrassed around me."
"I'm not-" He sighed. "I'm not embarrassed really. I just don't think I'm good."
"Of course you're good. They're amazing and I think you're talented."
"Has no one ever told you that before?" I asked.
"Well I'm telling you now, ok? And I mean it."
Our eyes met and a slow shy smile creeped onto his face. He turned away instantly and mumbled some sort of thanks as he worked to stuff everything back in the bag. "Appreciate it."
I stood up and dusted my knees off. "What are friends for anyway?" I extended my hand to help him up which he took.
"Wanna get those snacks now?"
He only nodded, retreating back to those simple answers I was used to. I held onto his arm as we walked, looking up at him every so often. It was starting to get harder and harder to ignore the feelings that kept trying to surface every time i was with him. I wished they would just disappear already. With him so close to me now i could feel my heart pounding. It got even worse when i felt his hand overwhelm mine suddenly. He was tugging me in the direction of the store but i couldnt take my eyes off our interlocked fingers. They were so warm and long, absolutely beautiful. I could just imagine the way he held a pencil while sketching his favorite characters. I wanted to watch him do what he loved the most. He lead me across the street and to the doors of the convenience store while i stayed wrapped in my head. It wasn’t until he asked me what i wanted that i snapped out of it. I looked around at some of the pre-made food trying to decipher what the labels said and what i could infer from what the food looked like. I was indecisive between a chicken or pork bento and but figured that Yuto would be able to help me decide.
I found him a few aisles over, bent over and looking at cell phone charms like he was trying to make a decision himself. “What are you looking at?”
He straightened up quickly and almost jumped when he saw me. “Oh, uh...nothing.”
I looked over the charms, noticing that they were of popular Sanrio characters. “These are so cute. Are you gonna get one?”
“What? Me? No way! I was looking at them for my...sister! For my sister, yeah. She likes Kerropi so…”
“Really? I like Cinnamaroll. He’s the cutest little thing ever.”
Yuto picked up both a Kerropi and Cinnamaroll charm. “I could get it for you if you want.” He said with a sheepish smile.
“You dont have to do that.” I giggled. “It’s more important that your sis-”
Suddenly, the store owner sped towards Yuto, yelling loudly and tugging at his uniform shirt. He was trying to shove Yuto out, accusing him of being a no good thief and that he should be in school. Yuto showed his empty pockets and held his bag out to be inspected but the shop owner wasn’t listening. Yuto turned to me. “Look, fuck this guy. I’ll just wait for you outside, ok?”
“But you havent done anything wrong! I dont understand why-”
“Doesnt matter. He just sees me as a punk kid because i’ve come in here a little banged up before. I’ll wait for you, ok?”
I didn’t have a say in what he was going to do so i didn’t waste my breath. I watched as he set the keychains down and left the store, the owner still yelling after him. I rushed to pay for everything and get back to him. I was riddled with anger and wanted to leave as soon as possible. “That pissed me off so fucking much.” I huffed.
Yuto shrugged and began walking in the direction of his home. “Don’t waste your energy on it. I’m used to it. You and I are a lot more alike than I thought. People shit on us for being so different and they dont even take the time to get to know us. If someone actually cares about me then they’ll show it. Those are the only people I can trust.”
“Do you think you can trust me?” I asked.
“I know I can trust you. You’re the only one who’s given me the time of day and didn’t think I was automatically an asshole. You talked to me and saw me as a person. I’m glad I met you.”
I stared down at my feet, hoping he wouldnt see the blossoming shyness spread across my entire face. I clutched at his arm as we walked, softly speaking. “I’m glad I met you too. You’re my best friend, Yuto.”
“I never thought I would have a best friend...or any friends for that matter.”
“Like you said, you don’t need anyone who doesn’t care about you. It’s us against the world.” It seemed a bit dramatic to say but it truly felt that way. There was no one that i felt could come between us or anything for that matter.
We arrived at Yuto’s home, a worn down small box with tattered screen doors. It shocked me but I didn’t want to say anything. I couldn’t be disrespectful but i was concerned more than anything. “Sorry it’s not fancy like your place.”
“I don’t care about what it looks like, i just want to make sure you’re ok.”
He stayed quiet as he opened the door which worried me further. Inside there were two cramped rooms, one of which was of course Yuto’s. He guided us in and sat against the wall, facing an old square tv that looked like it was salvaged from a junk yard. I sat beside him and set the bag of food down between us. “You forgot to take off your shoes when we came in.”
I immediately looked at my feet. “Oh my god! I’m sorry!” I rushed to take off my loafers but Yuto just chuckled.
“It’s fine, just set them by the bedroom door. I don’t mind.” I set them beside the door while he turned on the small tv, banging it a few times until a clear picture formed. He flicked through the channels until he found the one that showed One Piece. I pulled out the food I had gotten us and handed him a pair of cheap wooden chopsticks. 
“So,” I began. “Judging from your house set up you don’t have a sister, do you?”
He stilled for a moment then sighed. “Is this about the phone charm?”
I pulled out both charms from the shopping bag and held the Kerropi one out to him. “Now we can match. It kind of seems silly but I think it’s cute.” I pulled out my flip phone and threaded the charm through the small hole at the bottom then looked over at him. “Do you not like it?”
Yuto looked over at me, staring at me until nervousness settled in my stomach, almost making nausea hit me like a train. He inched forward, still leaving me to be an unsuspecting mess while his lips fell onto mine. My eyes widened and i completely froze. I had no idea what to do. This was my first kiss ever and it was with my best friend! Before i could even get my thoughts straight, it was over and we were back to being face to face and unsure of everything that transpired. “I’m sorry.” He said softly.
“W-what? I don’t understand…”
“i-I’ve liked you for some time now but...I wasn’t sure how you would feel. I just...i don’t know. I just felt like i shouldve kissed you. I was too afraid to tell you that I liked you. I thought you wouldn’t even give me the time of day.”
“Why would you even think that? I spend all this time with you. I trust you and im happy to see you every day. You’re the best part of my shitty life. And i want to spend it with you.” I settled my hand over his and was the one who leaned in this time, smiling as he grabbed onto my shoulder and held our kiss a little longer. We were lost in our own little world and I could finally be happy in this foreign place.
Suddenly the door slid open, barreling into the door frame and rattling it. Hovering above us was a man who looked just like Yuto, who I could only assume was his father. He was instantly yelling at us and Yuto scrambled to his feet, pulling me up with him. “You need to leave now!!”
“Yuto! What’s going on!?”
“Now!!!” He managed to shove me between the small gap in the door frame and his father. I grabbed my shoes quickly and tried to slip them on but his father was closing in on me as if i was a deadly target. Yuto grabbed onto his arm and i heard a hard thud against his jaw. I screamed after him, hating to see him hurt and wanting to obliterate his father but i was powerless to stop him. I couldn’t take him down or prevent him from hurting the person who I cared about the most. All i could do was stand in horror while Yuto screamed at me to leave. Tears were rolling down my face as i sped out of the home and towards my own. That was the last time I saw him.
The streets were bustling, the summer air thick and heavy. Thousands of people crowding the sidewalk didn’t provide any relief either. Lights were flashing everywhere; neon, iridescent, and beckoning. I had no idea what I even wanted to do tonight. A club, a bar, a cafe? I hadn’t been back in a decade- everything seemed new again. Nerve wracking and exciting. I wanted to make new memories. Memories that wouldn’t haunt me and instead make me happy. I wanted to think of Japan as my home away from home. Right now she was still a stranger. I could only see her through the eyes of tourist, which I absolutely hated but it was a start. That’s how I ended up following the crowd, wondering where it would take me. Wreckless? Yes, absolutely. My japanese was still rusty even though I tried my best to pick it up again. Getting lost still and not being able to communicate weighed heavy on my mind. The sense of adventure outweighed my fright and I carried on, looking for my next stop.
My eyes got lost in the crowd every once in awhile, observing the school girls, the punks, the lolitas, and regular office people ebbing and flowing. One particular person caught my eye- he was towering over most everyone, cell phone to his ear. That was when I saw it, a dangling charm nudging across his wrist as he walked. It looked worn, faded, the bright green now a washed out chartreuse. I swallowed hard. It couldn’t be. Of course not. The chances were too miniscule. Besides, Keroppi wasn’t that much of a popular character but I couldn’t get the thought out of my head. Just maybe it could be. I was about to embarrass myself but it was worth a shot.
“Adachi!” I screamed over the roar of the crowd. His head whipped around and my heart stopped. People moved past us and we remained several feet apart. He didn’t look like the Yuto I remembered. He was bigger, definitely. His biceps were struggling to stay beneath his short sleeves, his black denim vest staying open wide against his broad chest and shoulders. His arms were covered fully in tattoos and for a minute I thought I had made a mistake. That was until he speed towards me, his long legs carrying him in quick strides, closing the space between us in seconds. He said my name in that all too familiar honey smooth baritone that made me want to drop to my knees. It sounded deeper than it had in high school, carrying the weight of the unspoken things we wanted to do as teenagers. I looked up at him, a smile forming on both our faces before he squeezed me tight to his tall frame.
“Holy fucking shit!! I can’t believe it’s you! What are you doing here?” He exclaimed. His eyes still remained in a state of disbelief as he looked me over.
My hands rested on his biceps as I still didn’t want to pull away completely. “I-i’m here on vacation. I haven’t been back in years. I wanted to come back and...and make better memories I guess. I never thought I would see you again. Or that you would remember me.” My voice trailed off a bit at the end.
“How could I ever forget you?” The words took me by surprise, as well as his laugh after. “You had the biggest crush on me, remember?!”
I rolled my eyes, pretending playfully that the statement wasn’t true. “You wouldn’t leave me alone and I always had to take care of you because you were a pain in the ass! Always getting into trouble. All I did for that year was clean blood off you with all the fights you got into. Besides you had a crush on me too!!”
“What can I say, you like those bad boy types, don’t you?” He shifted his weight a bit and let out a small chuckle. “What are you doing right now? Going someplace special?”
I shook my head, gently moving him out of the way of the main part of the crowd. He leaned against a street sign as I stayed close to him. “Nothing really. I thought I’d just come here and see what I could find. I got tired of doing tourist shit during the day. I wanted to do something better.”
“You came here alone?” He asked and I nodded. “That’s pretty ballsy for you. Last time I checked your Japanese was shit.”
“Thanks, Asshole.” I replied in his native tongue and he threw back his head and laughed.
“I think I taught you that one.” 
“You did, and now I can use it against you...Also you still have Keroppi.”
His deep brown eyes flew to his cell phone that was clutched in his hand, the slightest tinge of pink decorating his cheeks. He kinda shrugged and didn’t say anything. I smiled and dug into my small purse, pulling out my own cell phone. I held it up to him so he could see the cinnamaroll charm I too had dangling from my phone. It had long lost it’s complete white color, instead getting dirty from it’s time at the bottom of my bag or from being stuffed into the pocket of my jeans. “You’re kidding?” He said, his expressing changing completely. “Why do you still have that?!”
“Why do you still have Keroppi?” I shot back.
He looked away for a moment, pretending to stretch as his free hand rested on the back of his neck. “I...well...I missed what we had...and I was angry that you had left. I didn’t have it on my phone for awhile and I guess...I don’t know really.”
I stared down at my feet. I had never gotten to tell him the reason why I had left so abruptly. I had never wanted to leave him behind, not after everything we had shared together. But i was ripped away from Japan almost as soon as I was implanted there. “I never forgot about you.” I confessed. “I want to apologize for leaving and not getting a chance to say goodbye.”
He shrugged again, trying to keep up his nonchalant facade. “Forget it. It’s cool. You’re here now, so...you wanna go to a bar with me? We’ll drink some beer and get some food.”
“Hell yeah. I haven’t eaten in a bit. Where are you thinking?”
“There’s a spot in Shibuya that’s by my place. We can go there.”
“Perfect. Lead the way.”
He nodded in the direction of the train station and I followed him, holding onto his arm tightly so I wouldn’t lose him again.
I tossed back the rest of my third beer almost spitting it out when Yuto brought up another fond memory. “Remember when I made you watch One Piece for the first time and you just had this look on your face like ‘What the absolute fuck?’”
I nodded before swallowing. “I had never watched anime a day in my life. Well I guess Pokemon counts. And Yu-Gi-Oh. But I never did much after. But here you were a secret nerd, drawing in your little sketchbook and wanting to be a famous manga-ka.”
“Yeah, I tossed that shit out when I dropped out of high school.” He sipped on his beer licking the foam from his lips. He picked up his chopsticks, turning the meat on the grill between us so it wouldn’t burn. “Hung around some people I shouldn't have, went to jail for a bit, discovered tattooing and here I am now.”
“Yuto Adachi! You’re insane. What did you go to jail for? I-if you don’t mind me asking.”
He reclined back in his seat and took another swig of his beer. “Petty theft, a few other misdemeanors. Nothing serious. It’s whatever. What did you do, princess? After you left…”
I chewed on an already cooked piece of beef, opening my mouth in between bites to try and cool the burning sensation in my mouth. I swallowed after a minute of chewing and sighed. “My parents died. That’s why I left. It was some freak accident on the plane ride back home. They were going back just for a few days for some medical convention thing. And well...I couldn’t stay here on my own so I got taken back to live with my grandparents.”
“Fuck.” He whispered. “I’m sorry.”
“Shit happens. I couldn’t do anything about it. I miss them everyday but time moves on. We move on. But that’s basically why I didn’t say goodbye. It all happened so fast. I didn’t even get a chance to breathe.”
We fell into a heavy silence. Only the sizzling of meat on the grill and the raucous patrons interrupting it. I looked over at him, seeing him watching me, and I felt bad for ruining the mood. “Sorry to be such a downer.” I tried to laugh it off a bit but it was definitely forced.
“Don’t be. Like you said shit happens. You’re here now, right? Dynamic duo back together again. I’ll show you better stuff than that tourist shit.” He split the rest of the beer he had in his glass between us then held it up for me to clink mine against. “Kanpai.”
I repeated the saying and we both swallowed back the golden liquid. “Anyway, after I went back, i finished high school, went to college. Got an office job. You know.”
“Wow, living the boring ass American dream, huh? You got a scrawny white boyfriend to go along with that?”
“Yuto!” I chucked an end piece of beef at him, watching it bounce of his chest and into his lap. He tossed it into his mouth and laughed.
“What? Asians do it better I’m just saying.” He finished off his beer, a smirk resting on his lips as he drank. His eyes locked onto mine and i couldn’t help the blush that creeped onto my face.
“I’ve been free from your annoying ass for years and this is what I get as soon as I come back? Wonderful.”
He rested his elbows on the table leaning towards me a little. “You can get a little more. It’s early, there’s still plenty to do.”
“Like what? You gonna take me to some like kinky Japanese sex club?” I joked.
“If you want to. I have no problem with that. What kinks are you into?”
“Oh my god, i was joking!” I hid my face behind my hands to try and cover up how much redder it was getting. All Yuto did was laugh at me, making me even more embarrassed.
“Me too, I’ll take you to my shop if you want. I got some of my guys there working but I wouldn’t mind taking you to see it.”
“Your shop? Like you own it?”
“Yep. Why? You don’t think I could be a successful business man?” He laughed.
“No...no. I mean...I’m proud of you. Look at you having your shit together, Adachi.”
“Hah! Barely. That’s a fun thought though.” He stood up from his chair and nodded at me to head over to the cashier for us to check out. He pushed my hand away when I offered to pay and instead handed over his card. I didn’t protest much, pretending that i didn’t enjoy free food or when men paid for it. We exited the restaurant and started walking down the streets that were less crowded in the area. All of our careless times together came up. The laughs we had over watching variety shows and anime together in his dark, hole in the wall bedroom. The few times our hands intertwined and the barely there kisses we were too afraid to ever mention. Yuto had always made my heart pound and even now there wasn’t a difference. I watched as he pressed a cigarette between his lips stopping just for a second to light it. I would be definitely pretending if I said that I wasn’t attracted to his bad boy persona. The way he carried himself- defensive yet protective, angry yet passionate, rough yet sensitive, all of those feelings from the past kept rushing back.
When we arrived at his shop there were a few customers towards the back, only separated by small wall barriers. The rest of his crew were in front, laughing over a few beers and practically cheering when he came in. He greeted them with hand slaps and awkward bro hugs while i surveyed the shop. It was cute. The setup seemed more personal rather than stuck up and like a doctor’s office. I overheard some of the guys talking about me, saying not so subtle pervy statements which Yuto shut down immediately. I pretended like I didn’t know a damn thing and let Yuto take my hand and steer me away from them. “Sorry, they’re all idiots.”
I shrugged, laughing a bit. “Don’t worry, I’m just the stupid foreigner. I’m none the wiser.”
“C’mon, don’t say that. You know I don’t think of you that way.” He kissed the back of my hand, deterring my quip. “Do you want to see my office?”
“Yeah, let me see where you work your magic.”
He unlocked a door to the left of us and lead me in. The space was much wider than the rest of the tattooing area and covered in framed artwork that he had done. He had only improved since years past, creating perfect masterpieces of contrasting light, crisp lines, and delicate details. It took my breath away. “Holy fuck.” Was the only way I could of expressing myself.
“What?” He chuckled. “Are the walls too full Does it seem claustrophobic?”
“No, i was actually amazed by your art. You’ve gotten even better since high school. They’re so good.”
“Ehh, it’s nothing fancy. Just kind of how I like to center myself, better than getting in trouble. My office is like my home away from home. Even though my apartment is above the shop.”
I circled around the tattooing bed and peeked into his cabinets of supplies. “Have you ever...fucked anyone here?” I asked cheekily.
“What? No way! One, that’s not sterile. Two, i could lose my license. Three, that’s just gross. Besides, I’m not an out in the open kind of guy. If i’m going to do something it sure as hell wouldnt be in here. Don’t be a perv.”
“I’m joking!” I hit his chest playfully. “I’m just curious about the man you’ve become.”
“What kind of man do you think I am?”
I plastered myself against one of the undecorated walls and stared down at my feet. “I don’t know. I know you’re still caring. And still a trouble maker. And...possibly still a good kisser too.”
“A good kisser? I barely knew what I was doing when we first kissed!”
“It was still nice! It was soft and slow. I liked that.”
He crossed his arms over his chest and leaned back against the counter of his supply space. “Do you...want to maybe find out if i’ve improved?”
“I don’t know. You tell me. We’re bad at flirting.” We both smiled as he stepped closer to me, cupping my face in his hand. He was slow to lower his lips to mine but when he did i clutched onto his shirt, pulling him flush against me. I was crushed between him and the wall, not protesting at all as I liked how strong and sturdy he felt. It was only mere seconds before our kiss got hungrier, deeper, and filled with long overdue moans that drove us wild. We only broke apart to catch our breaths that felt like they had been held for ages.
“Wow…” I whispered.
“What’s the verdict?”
“Definitely still good.” I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him in for another round. His large hands grabbed onto my waist, gripping as tightly as he could and accidentally crashed us into the counter. I felt the corner jab into my back and winced in pain. “Ow! Fuck!”
“Shit! Sorry! Sorry!” He looked around the still tight space. “This isn’t going to work out. Do you maybe want to go upstairs? To my place?”
I smiled a big lovey dovey dopey smile, all giggles and giddiness at the prospect of us finally being together. I nodded quickly and he grabbed onto my hand, pulling me out of the office. We tried to slip away as quietly as we could to Yuto’s apartment, not wanting to let his coworkers see us leave though a few teasing whistles followed us as we went up the flight of stairs. When we arrived at the door, he smoothly set the key in the lock and turned it. His hands weren't shaking at all but it felt like my entire body was rattling in anticipation. Once inside I could barely see as the apartment was so dark. Only haphazardly thrown city lights that fell through the window illuminating the sparsely decorated space. The lack of light didn't bother me much as I would much rather feel my way over his body. I expected him to take control, maybe push me up against the door or wall, pick me up and toss me on the bed, but he just stood there.
His weight shuffled between each foot as his gaze was more occupied by the carpet than me. "Yuto? Are you ok?" I whispered. For some reason it felt like I shouldn't startle him.
"What? Oh, yeah, i-i am…"
"You're not really doing anything...Do you not want to anymore?"
"N-no! No! I do! It's just that…" He sighed and looked like he wanted to shrink away. "I got nervous all of a sudden."
I knew Yuto had a soft side but I felt like he had been so confident back at the restaurant. His nervousness now shocked me. "Nervous? Why?"
"It's been so long. We've...I'm sure we've both wanted this since we were teenagers and now that you're here I don't want to fuck this up."
"What makes you think you will?! Yuto…" I pulled him close to me by his hands. "Yuto...don't think that, ok?" I placed soft kisses on his lips while feeding him comforting words. I didn't want him to feel pressured into perfection. I much preferred us to have a good time and not think about all the events that culminated up to this moment. We never thought that this chance encounter would happen or that we would end up in each other's arms again but now that we were it seemed more like a fantasy than reality. "Just give me you. It's all I want."
He pressed his forehead against mine and held onto my waist once more. "But I want it to be. I want it to be perfect."
"No, don't do that to yourself. I care about us making each other feel good, ok? That's all I want, swear it. Let me make you feel good."
He nodded with a heavy sigh, still a bit tentative. I decided to take over, hoping that catering to him would ease his nerves and spark that bit of confidence in him again. I shifted our positions so that his back was now against the wall as I caressed his chest and covered him in more kisses. Through the desperate battle of our lips I managed to slip my hands under the hem of his shirt and shuffle it upwards. He pulled it off by the collar, tossing it somewhere beside us while I became completely entranced by his toned body. The tight v neck he had worn left nothing to the imagination but seeing every inch of his torso uncovered was much more pleasurable than having a fabric barrier between us. 
I worked my hands over every dip and striation in his muscles before lowering myself slowly, winding kissing in a heated trail down to the waistband of his jeans. When I was on my knees looking up at him, he seemed to want to protest. He gripped onto my shoulder and pushed against me ever so slightly. I ignored him, shoving his hand aside, as I busied myself with unbuttoning his jeans and pulling them down to the middle of his thighs. With just enough room to expose the front of his underwear, i began to tease him with coy licks through the fabric. He let out a shaky breath as I started to increase the length of my licks flowing over the beginnings of his hardening cock. I felt the tension in his thighs finally dissipate and with him relaxing more I eased my mouth over his head and sucked slowly.
His large hand pressed into the back of my skull, not too rough or hard but enough to signal that he wanted more. I moved his underwear down to rest above his jeans, licking my lips as I saw him. I bit my lip for just a second, thinking of all the possibilities of what he would make me feel. I wanted to see his full potential and with that I wrapped my lips around him once more, guiding him so he filled my mouth. I increased the speed of my sucks, hollowing out my cheeks and gripping his base loosely. His hips worked against me, creating a flowing rhythm that coaxed soft, deep moans from him. His voice was like silk; a sensual melody that made goosebumps spread across my arms. I had always had a secret attraction to his voice but hearing it in this manner had me pressing my thighs together.
His fingertips dug into my scalp as his fingers clenched harder around my hair. His thrusts were becoming greedier as he arched his body from the wall. I looked up at him at the same moment he had happened to look down at me. Though i was hard to flex my occupied mouth into a smile, I was sure he could at least see how much I was beaming. He let out a small gasp and turned away then, shying away again. I released him, licking my lips to clear the saliva linked between us. I fisted my hand over his shaft instead, working tight strokes over his length. “Are you going to be shy all night, Mr. Beefy Tattoo Artist Man?”
“S-shut up.” He grumbled. “I’m not shy…”
I tried to hide my giggle as much as possible, knowing he was trying to keep up his tough act and failing miserably. I gave his tip as quick kiss before I rose to my feet. “I think the blush on your cheeks say otherwise.” I teased as I grabbed his hand. I tugged him forward, working my way through his apartment in search of his bedroom.
He ignored my little taunt and instead guided me in the direction of his room, all while trying to keep his pants up. I opened the door and he let my hand go to head over to the small lamp by his bed. He flicked it on and kicked off his jeans before plopping down on the mattress. He reclined back on his arms, legs slightly open and gave me the once over. “I don’t think it’s fair that you’re still dressed.”
“Oh? You dont?” I chuckled. “Does that mean I should do one of those cheesy strip teases where I toss my bra at you?”
“No way!” A big grin crossed his face as he grabbed onto my wrist and yanked me to stand between his thighs. “You’re such a dork, you know that?.”
I pushed his long jet black bangs away from his face and kissed his forehead. “Well, duh. Wait,” A question suddenly popped into my train of thought. “Do you still watch One Piece?”
“We’re about to fuck and that’s what you ask me?” He said, incredulously.
“I’m just curious! I dont know...I remembered when we were in your room and we were watching it together and I gave you the phone charm. And then we had our first kiss.” I shrugged meekly and buried my head in his chest. I was now tha one who was embarrassed that I had brought up such a dumb question at a time like this.
He kissed the top of my head and chuckled. “Trust me, I’ve never forgotten that day. And to answer your question, yes I still do.”
“Is it still on tv?!”
“Not really but the manga continued so i read that online. It’s never gonna stop, I swear. I think theres like over 800 chapters or something.”
“Who goes on that many pirate adventures?! Why in the world would-” I stopped myself as I realized if I kept talking we were going to end up on a tirade about anime. “Sorry, this isn’t really the best dirty talk, huh?”
He smiled and ran his hands over my hips. “Honestly, you’re still turning me on. I’m not that great at dirty talk anyway. I think I sound weird. I like having a nice conversation instead. Takes away from me feeling so tense.” He slipped a couple of fingers beneath my chin, raising my head to feed me a round of kisses. This time they were a bit more gentler, slower even. My heart warmed at his tenderness, fluttering a bit when the tip of his tongue grazed against my bottom lips as if he was asking for permission to deepen the kiss. I parted my lips and leaned into him more. He lowered himself back on the mattress, letting me straddle his hips and give him room to slide his hands beneath my shirt. His brushed his hands up and down my sides, flowing upwards every so often to cup my breasts and knead them within his long fingers. I tried to bite back a small moan but it escaped into his mouth and caused a chain reaction of sensations. His hips bucked up between my thighs and I could feel his hardness against the center of my jeans. His thumbs trapped my nipples in a small and tantalizing pinch and his teeth sunk into my lip and tugged on it slightly.
“Take this off.” He whispered against my jaw that he began to turn his attention to. He grabbed at my shirt and i sat back on his hips, separating us for a moment to pull it over my head. My bra came next, letting me be completely open to stare at. He used his strength to toss me down, hovering over me this time. With my body now more exposed for him, his tongue was much more enthusiastic about sliding over my chest and capturing my nipple between his lips. I eased into a sigh, falling into the bliss of the simplistic movement. His fingers trickled down my stomach before hooking onto the button of my jeans. He flicked it open and slid the zipper down to give space for his hand to fall beneath my panties. I inched my legs apart more and set one hand on the back of his head and the other to hold onto his broad shoulder. I felt his middle finger move between my lower lips, stroking the length of it and coming back to circle around my clit. I breathed out his name as my nails sunk into his skin, trying to ground myself into reality before I lost it completely.
"This ok?" He murmured once his lips left one of my nipples. I found it strange that he was checking in on me- no one had really done that for me before, especially when going so slow.
"Ah...um, yeah. Why wouldn't it be?" I asked.
He hid behind his bangs that had fallen over his forehead again. "I don't know," he shrugged. "Just figured I'd ask."
"I swear I'm ok. I'm not a delicate flower, you should know that by now." I joked.
"Yeah, don't punch me in the nose please."
"You're the one who taught me how to fight anyway." We smiled as I gripped onto my underwear and jeans and slid them off. "This is better. More room for your big ass hand and long fingers."
I hooked my leg around his waist and set his hand back between my thighs. "Keep going...please."
He sighed softly and slipped back into his motions, coating his fingers with my cum and working long strokes over me. I wiggled my hips in time with him, creating more heated friction that made my stomach clench. Soon enough he pushed a solitary finger inside, pressing me open just a bit and curling against my sensitive walls. I could feel his eyes raking over me; the way my back arched and hands flowed over my chest. A rumble came from deep within his throat and suddenly I could feel his breath ghosting over my clit. The heat of his tongue enveloped me while his finger still worked away, another one being added to the mix. I moved one of my hands to grip his hair, wanting his tongue to be engraved into my skin. He was cautious with his licks too, easing the tip of his tongue up and down almost in time with his fingers. I had never been blessed with someone as attentive as him. Every detail mattered.
His knuckles nudged against my entrance, signaling that all of the length of his fingers was inside me. The tips of his fingers were circling around an extremely delicate area which made a shrill moan escape me. It was similar to a childish squeak and I didn’t know that I could even make that sound, let alone embarrass myself even further. I felt him chuckle against me in a self satisfactory and smug kind of way. I tugged on his hair as a little payback and instead of a protest I got a little growl from him. Fever washed over me like a torrid wave, flowing with the tease of an orgasm. My thighs clamped around his head, making me feel like I was suffocating him but I couldnt help it. Gone was my sense of coherence as his tongue wiggled its way in beside his fingers and made me lose control. My legs tensed around him tighter, my fingers dug into his scalp, and my breath was completely gone. I felt him tap the side of my thigh as he wanted release. I eased myself down and unlocked my vice grip on him, allowing him to surface again.
“You trying to kill me?” He chuckled as he licked his lips.
“S-sorry.” I panted. “I couldn’t help it!”
He crawled on top of me, only lowering his head for a kiss. “Well, i’m glad you enjoyed it, babe. I could probably get used to suffocating between your thighs anyhow.”
I smushed his head away playfully and turned onto my stomach. "Get out of here!"
"Now who's the shy one?" I felt him work kisses down my spine, swirling patterns into my skin every few vertebrae. His hands smoothed over my hips, gently rubbing over them before cupping my ass.
"I'm not being shy!" I said, slightly muffled by the pillow I was gripping onto. "You're just...hmm…" I tried to wiggle away but he wrapped his arms around my ribcage and held me against his chest. I could feel his hardness poking at the junction of my thighs, teasing me with its subtle throbbing and neediness.
"I'm what?" He squeezed me tighter as he buried his face in my neck, distracting me with pecks.
"You're just...you know...good. You feel good. You feel like how I always dreamt you would." I slid my hand over his and intertwined our fingers tightly.
"I could say the same about you. Though you feel way way way more amazing." He kissed the back of my hand and pulled away for a moment to reach under his bed.
"What the hell are you doing?"
"Getting a condom from my bin, why?"
"Why is it under your bed?!" I nudged him.
"It's my secret stash, okay! Leave me alone." He laughed and sat back up on the bed as he ripped open the foil.
"Who are you keeping secrets from, huh?" I asked as I booped his nose.
"No one! I told you I don’t like being out in the open!" He wrinkled his nose and shifted away from me to pull the condom on.
"Oh? What kind of other stuff you got in there, huh? Let me see!" I dove forward and tried to take a peek under his bed but Yuto grabbed me and pinned me down, using all his weight on top of me.
"Dont be such a pain in the ass!"
I nudged my ass back against him, giving it a little wiggle. "Maybe i like being a pain in the ass!" I teased. It was fun having banter like this. It felt so natural; i was with my best friend after all. We were all too comfortable with each other and that made every passing moment, every giggle, every kiss and squeeze all the better. I was still laughing but Yuto had quieted down. Instead of poking fun, his hands wrapped around my hipbones. He jerked my body onto its knees and i could feel him sliding through the wetness he had created. I pursed my lips, instantly shutting up as my breath stilled. My eyes fluttered shut, closing out the rest of the world and only focusing on him. I could no longer hear the buzzing of tattoo machines downstairs or how loud his coworkers laughed. Yuto's soft whispers of praises were the only thing floating around my head.
He splayed one of his hands on my lower back, adding just a bit of force so i dipped my stomach towards the bed. His other hand nudged between us to line himself up with my awaiting eagerness, guiding his head in. We both sucked in a harsh breath that seemed to be held until he was full seated inside. Neither of us moved; it was as if time had stopped and both of us hadnt changed. "Y-you ok?" His voice was barely a whisper.
"Ye-yeah. It's fine. Totally fine." I looked back at him over my shoulder. "Go ahead and move.”
He nodded, accepting my permission. His thighs wedged between my own, forcing my legs apart wider. He pulled back, readying his first thrust and when he returned it was like i could feel every inch within the pit of my stomach. My fingers clenched around the pillow as I was stunned by how deep he was getting. Even with such little time connected together I could feel my nerves rocketing under my skin. Something about the way his hands seemingly never wanted to leave my body or the way he kept forcing my hips back against him to keep the perfect rhythm between us was making me a frenzied mess. Every slam of my ass against his hips was like heaven, which seemed silly for me to say. The past men in my life were selfish and nothing to brag about. But with Yuto it was like he was worshiping me, treating me like a queen who deserved to feel nothing but pleasure.
I shuddered when I felt his lips ghost over my spine. He kissed each vertebrae as he made his way up towards my neck when his lips resided against my ear. The softness of his labored breaths filled my eardrum and made me freeze under him. “I cant believe you feel this good.” His voice was trembling slightly as he worked through his thrusts, his bashfulness surfacing again. He had pockets of confidence but more waves of shyness which was how he always was. A defender and fighter for me and for himself but the softest angel beneath. Perhaps that was what made me fall in love in the first place.
“Years of thinking about you just like this probably gave me some practice.” I chortled but still was completely serious.
“You thought about me when you touched yourself?” He asked, astonished.
“Almost always, though it was a bit hard to picture what you looked like as an adult. I was able to still imagine what you would feel like. But you beat my expectations.” I bit onto my bottom lip as i rolled myself back against him, the tip of his cock teasing the beginnings of my entrance just a bit.
“You thought about the way I’d feel right here?” His hand pressed against my lower stomach, pairing with a swift thrust. “Or maybe here?” He traversed lower to circle the pads of his fingertips over my clit bringing a sharp gasp out of me. I nodded, pathetically admitting more to my dirty little secret that only seemed to entice him more. “I like that...:” His deep voice was accompanied by a long lick to the shell of my ear. His teeth dug into the tender cartilage, a hidden turn on of mine. His movements became stronger and it felt as if the bed was shifting beneath us. I pulled the pillow taught against my chest, clutching onto it for dear life as if it would keep me grounded and hold out long enough for a full explosion of desire. Through his sturdy plunges his fingers remained giving attention to my sensitive bud, a bit haphazard but still focused enough to make my toes plant themselves into the mattress. I brought my hand down to cover his, guiding him into the motions that I wanted a bit better. All the attention was making me a puddle of lust that was ready to dive headfirst into losing control.
“Yuto.” I whimpered. “P-please…”
He stopped suddenly and pulled away before shifting me onto my back. He grabbed my jaw firmly, forcing me to look at him. “I want to see you when you do.”
My eyes widened in surprise as his erotic statement, never expecting him to utter such a thing. A small smirk crossed his lips which folded over mine, prying into my mouth and bringing our tongues together. He shifted himself to fall back into my heat while his hand left my face and tangled our fingers together. I squeezed his hand and wrapped my legs around his torso as beads of sweat formed at my temples. He was everything I needed in this moment, or rather my life but i wasnt sure how to face those feelings yet. In two weeks I would leave but now I had a reason to stay. I couldn’t leave for fear of not seeing him for another ten years. Tears prickled behind my eyelids and i tried to will them away. I couldn’t be enveloped by sadness when i was the happiest i’ve ever been.
Yuto left my lips with a small nibble and moved his kisses down to my chest. He infused the valley between my breasts with rushed presses, shifting to wraps his lips around my nipple again and suck deeply. My body arched into his, falling into temptation as my thighs squeezed his torso. His free hand cupped my other breast, pinching the nipple to life. I wrapped my arm under his, my fingers extending over the muscles that rippled beneath his skin with every thrust he made. The swelling of his hardness only stretched me further, making me clamp down and force him to work through the tightness. His lips left my chest only to utter my name in a staggered breath. He lifted his head to see my eyes flutter close. His thumb returned to my clit, more vigorous in its fevered circles but not having to work long before i gave in. Everything rushed out of me; tension, my orgasm, my breath, his name. It was all gone in seconds and his gaze never left me. He placed a kiss on my forehead before burying himself in my neck. 
He slipped his arm across my lower back, lifting my hips while i propped myself on my elbows. He rutted his hips in rough circles, gaining speed as he got closer to his own orgasm. Him fucking me just like this was a perfect contrast to us making love and the most delicious ending to our night. I held his head against my neck, nesting my fingers in his hair and assuring him that I wanted him to cum for me, cum hard and cum fast. His hold on me tightened and i was suddenly filled with heat spreading within me. We stayed together for a bit, holding onto each other before the fatigue set in big time. Slowly, we eased onto our backs, laying beside one another with our hands still being held between us.
“Damn,” Yuto chuckled. “You’re making me wish you could stay here forever.”
The sad realization returned and i let go of him to try and distance the feelings that were wedged between us. “I’m only here for two weeks…”
“Yeah? Well at least that’s two weeks of us...you know.” He gave me a wink but noticed my somber demeanor. “What’s wrong?”
“Yuto, I…” I took a deep breath and barely wanted to exhale. “I’ve been in love with you since we were kids. During the decade we were apart I tried to love other people but you were always in the back of my mind. I’m not sure if it was the same for you but now that we’ve somehow met again I don’t know what to do. When i go back home I’ll just miss you again.”
“I didn’t really want to think about this because it hurts too much. I don’t know what to do either. I want you here but we both have lives in different parts of the world. I can’t ask you to up and leave just to be with me. And i have my business here.”
“We’d be so far apart. What if I don’t see you again for another decade?” I sniffled.
“Babe,” He sighed and pulled me to him. “I won’t let that happen. Not again. Our parents aren’t hovering above us anymore. We’re free now. It will be hard but...if you want it then let’s do it.”
“I do want it but...i’m scared.”
“Scared? Of what?”
“Of losing you. I have no idea when I’ll see you again.”
“You don’t have to worry about that.” He said. “Remember how I fought for you all those years ago? Nothing’s changed. I wont ever let you go.”
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tellerford-mayhem · 4 years
Americano - No hablo su Jesu Cristo: Chapter 9
Ship: Chibs x OC
Word Count: 2, 575 Words
Synopsis: Isa and Chibs decide to “talk” about what their relationship is.
Rating: M/NSFW
Warnings: Language and Violence, Sexual Content (angsty sex)
A/N: Here is the long awaited chapter 9! Since it took me FOREVER to write this, I made sure to give some long awaited smut.  Please let me know what you think! xoxo
Isa didn’t sleep much that night. She didn’t know if it was nerves or excitement. Every time her phone buzzed, she would jump and check it - hoping it was Chibs telling her his plane landed, but it never was. It was either a text from work or a friend or a reminder that she had voicemails from her aunts and uncles that she had been ignoring. Between notification rings, she managed to sleep for a few minutes at a time, but by the time her alarm went off for work, she had been wide awake for several hours. Isa jumped out of bed and began getting ready for her day at work. 
Her drive to work was excruciating. She continuously looked over to her bag, almost willing her phone to ring. She pulled into the lot and parked in her usual spot and sat in her car for a minute. Isa looked to her left and saw Becky, her manager, standing just outside the door with her arms folded. Shit, she thought. Isa launched out of her car and ran to the door. “I’m so sorry!” she exclaimed. “I overslept. Yesterday was just exhausting.”
Becky grinned. “Just don’t let it happen again. Did you get settled in?”
“I have a lot of unpacking to do, but everything has been moved in.”
“Glad to hear it. Simon won’t be here today. He’s sick. So you’ll be covering his shift.”
Isa’s heart sank. “But I -”
“Did you have plans?”
She thought about Chibs. When they landed, she wasn’t going to be waiting at TM for them. They hadn’t even talked about what this was. So, no, she didn’t have any plans. Isa sighed before giving her answer.
“Perfect,” replied Becky, “You will be splitting his section with Audrie.”
Isa nodded and walked inside the diner. She clocked in and grabbed her apron before she helped everyone prepare to open. Audrie joined her at the waiting station while she refilled the salt shakers. “Becky tell you?”
“Yeah. At least I’m splitting it with you.”
“Do you think those douchebags will be back?”
She smiled and remembered when Tig came to her rescue. “I highly doubt it. One of the Sons scared them off, I hope.”
Audrie leaned against the wall. “Oh?” She raised an eyebrow in suspicion and grinned. “Anything I should know about?”
Isa tried to hide her suddenly red cheeks. “We just have mutual friends. So they look out for me.”
“Mhm. I’m sure. Then why are you dressed to kill? You have on a full face, a sexy top, and those skinny jeans you wear when we go out.” Audrie laughed. “Just be careful. I’ve heard what happens to the women that get involved with the MC.”
“Nothing is going on with me and the Sons.” Isa finished the salt shakes and grabbed a few of them to place on the tables. Anything to just stop this conversation from continuing. 
“Well, whatever is going on, please just be careful. I don’t know what you know about Motorcycle Clubs, but they’re dangerous.” 
Isa laughed to herself at the irony of that statement. “Duely noted.”
Work passed at a slow rate. Even on her lunch break, Isa was still working through it. They were slammed at work, and she never had a moment of reprieve. Being down one person always seemed to happen on the busy days. However, she counted her blessings that her regular douchebags hadn’t made their trip in yet. At around 6:00, she managed to catch a small break for dinner. She reached into her apron pocket to check her phone for any messages. She thought it was weird that she hadn’t heard anything from Chibs all day. She started to panic and worried the worst had happened. However, when her hand reached into her pocket, she noticed her phone was missing. She slumped against the kitchen wall in frustration and realized she had left it in her car when she jumped out earlier this morning, and there was no way she would be able to just walk out the diner to grab it. She let out a small frustrated groan before returning to her sections.
She saw Audrie standing at the hostess stand writing down a family of 5’s name. They were right in the middle of dinner, which meant they were about to get slammed again. If Chibs tried to call, there was no way she would know until after they closed. She prayed that the next 5 hours would pass swiftly so she could leave. Becky approached her the second she stepped out of the kitchen with a concerned look on her face. “Where’s your head today? Ever since lunch, you’ve been all over the place. Tables getting the wrong orders, checks wrong. I saw you drop the tray of dishes when you walked into the kitchen earlier.”
Isa shrugged. “I’m sorry Becky. Today has just been one of those days.”
“Well, get it together.”
She nodded and cashed out Table 22 at the waiting station. Isa felt like the end of the day would never arrive, but when Becky was finished counting the drawers, Isa could have cried. Today was the longest day of her life, and it was finally over. She walked out with Audrie laughing and chatting about customers they had that day. “Do you want to hang out tonight? We could get some well deserved drinks down at the bar.”
Isa shook her head. “I need to get home. I didn’t sleep worth a damn last night.”
Audrie was now looking past her and smiling. “I rescind the invitation.” She leaned in an whispered. “Turn around.”
Isa slowly turned to face her car. Leaned up against the driver’s door, wearing his kutte with his arms folded across is broad chest was Chibs.
Chibs POV
He couldn’t help but smile when he finally saw her approaching her car. She waved goodbye to her coworker and bounced her way over to him. “Where’s my hello?” he grinned.
She raised an eyebrow at him. “Not until after we have that long begotten talk.”
“We could ‘ave had it sooner had ye answered yer phone.”
She slumped forward. “I left it in my car on accident.”
He stood up straight and brushed a strand of hair out of her face. “Tha’s fine, lass.”
She looked around for his bike, but didn’t see it. “Did you walk here?”
He laughed. It was a deep, hypnotizing sound that make Isa weak in the knees. “No,” he said, “Tig dropped me off. Straight from tha airport.”
“Oh,” she said, sliding closer to him, “then how do you plan on getting home?”
He placed a hand on the side of her face. “I figured I could crash at yer place, or ye could drive me ta mine.”
Isa reached around him to grab the doorhandle on her car, but he stopped her. “I’ll drive. Ye’ve been workin’ all day.”
Her heart fluttered at the kind gesture. Chibs took her in. He was shocked to remember she had been working all day. She looked just as beautiful as the day she woke up in nothing but his t-shirt and hungover. Her smile made his heart stop as she turned and walked to the other side of the car. He couldn’t help but watch the way her hips swayed away from him, and he didn’t care at this point if she caught him. “Eyes up here, Scottie.”
He hopped in the car and started it. “My place?”
“I’m at your mercy,” she said with a wink.
He felt something stir in him at her seductive tone, which caused him to force the car forward and towards his place as fast as he could. She leaned against the window and shut her eyes. She didn’t open them again until she felt Chibs put the car in park in front of his condo. She got out of the car and walked to the front door like she owned the place. “Yer actin’ like ye live here.”
She laughed. “I practically did. Now, are you going to let me in or not?”
He unlocked the door for her and allowed her to walk in. He didn’t have much time to react as she grabbed the front of his kutte and pulled him in behind her. She pushed him against the wall and kissed him deeply as he tried to close the door. She could feel her knees weaken as his hands explored her body and she became drunk on his taste. When they finally came up for air, he looked at her with a mischevious grin. “Did ya miss me, lass?”
“I thought you wanted a hello.”
“I thought ye wanted ta talk.”
She held her hands up in surrendure. “I guess you’re right.” She started backing away from him towards his living room. “No more until we talk.”
“Oh no, ye don’.” He lunged at her to grab her wrists, but she playfully dodged and ran into his living room. He caught her around the waist and pulled her down on top of him on his couch. 
She moved to straddle his lap and smiled down at him. “Looks like I still have all the control.”
He raised his eyebrow at the challenge and ran his hands down her sides, over her hips until he was able to get a better grip on her, before moving her body closer to him. She let out an audible gasp as she dug her fingers into his arms. “I promised ye would be the one beggin’,” he said, “and I intend to keep tha’ promise.”
She looked down into his eyes and saw the raw hunger and desire there waiting for her. “You’ll be the one beggin’ before we are done.”
He leaned forward to wrap her legs around his waist as he flipped her to her back on the couch. Chibs leaned down and kissed her while he let one hand wander all around her body. He pulled her shirt up just high enough that he could easily slip it underneath. His hands were surprisingly delicate on her body, and as much as she hated to admit it, she craved his touch elsewhere. He travelled up and ran his hand gently over her bra as she let out a soft moan into his kiss, and then he stopped. “So, ye want ta talk?”
Isa knitted her brow together. “Really? This is how you’re going to get me to beg?” She placed a hand on his chest. “You’re going to have to come up with something better.” Isa’s hand traveled down, stopping at his belt. She leaned up and whispered in his ear, “because I’m pretty sure you’ll be begging here in a few minutes.” She playfully toyed with his ear between her teeth as she ran her hand past his belt slowly until she lightly grabbed the bludge that was coming through the rough jean material. “Oh, I think I found something.”
She felt his breath start to become uneven on her neck. “Yer playin’ with fire, there.” She felt his hand start to make their way to the top of her jeans. With a quick flick of his wrist, her button was undone, and his hand separated her jeans from her underwear.
Isa’s toes curled as she felt him apply pressure to the already wet spot and took a loud breath. “Mm. I think yer closer than I am, love.” He lightly stroked her, rubbing circles with his thumb, causing her to let out the softest wimper. She looked at him as he smiled a devilish grin. “Well…?”
“You can do better,” she said, her voice almost a whole octave higher. “Make me beg, Filip.”
Without missing a beat, he pushed her jeans down far enough to him to have better access. She heard him growl a little as  his fingers moved her underwear aside and he ran them up and down the wet slit between her legs. She dropped her hand on his bulge and grabbed the side of the couch and his arm. “Not….” she cleared her throat. “Not….bad.”
He stopped what he was doing long enough to remove the bottom half of her outfit completely. “Be careful wha’ ye wish fer, love.” He let his hand go back to work massaging her. At an excruciatingly slow rate, he entered one finger, curlying it ever so slightly. Her hips involuntarily grinded against his hand as he opened his palm against her. “What was tha’?”
She shook her head and smiled at him. “You’re hearing things, old man.”
He sent another finger in, and this time she let out a loud moan. “I’m goin’ ta need ye ta repeat that.” He rubbed his thumb over her clit. 
“Oh Jesus,” she cried. 
“Yer gonna give me a superiority complex if ye keep callin’ me tha’,” he laughed. He started to pump his fingers in and out. 
Her back arched. “Fillip,” she cried. 
He stopped and pulled his hand away from her. Isa came to her senses and stared at him. “What are you doing?”
He smiled and said nothing. He slid her shirt off, and reached under her to unhook her bra. “How is this fair? I’m naked and you have -” He cut her off when he took her breast with his mouth and his hand returned to its ministrations. “¡Ojala!” She cried. “Please, Chibs.”
He paused. “Please, what?”
She grabbed his hair and looked at him. “You win. I am begging you.”
“I need ya ta be more specific.”
“Fuck me.”
He grinned and she heard him undo his belt. She reached to help him hurry the process, but he stopped her. He ground his hips down on her, rubbing himself between her legs. “Fillip, please. I’m begging you.”
He positioned himself over her before taking her by surprise and thrusting himself as far into her as he could. She let out a cry of euphoria and her nails dug into the leather kutte still on his back. “Oh god, yer tight,” he breathed into her neck. 
He rocked his hips once, at a slow and painful pace. He placed his thumb on her lips as she licked them, before resting it on her clit. The friction of his thumb with his pace was almost enough to send her over the edge. Isa felt her hips buck against him, forcing him to move faster. He moved in a slow circular speed before picking up the pace. Their moans melted together with sound of skin on skin and heavy breathing. The faster he went the louder Isa became. He could feel her tighten around him, sending her to her first of many orgasms as she clenched around him and came very loudly. He kept going, helping her to continue the wave of pleasure. She came again before he finally found his release.
He laid there on top of her for a while, staying inside her as he looked down her her silky skin glistening in sweat. “So, lass,” he smiled, “Ye wanted ta talk?”
She laughed. “I think I was clear on what I wanted.” She wrapped her legs around him to keep him from moving. 
“Dinna worry. That asshole from the diner was wrong.” He looked down on her with the same hungry look as earlier. “I dinna need a little blue pill either.”
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little-lily-w · 5 years
Decision made
A/N: last smutty chapter posted on Breaking Purity
Words: 2 k
Warnings: dub-con, locked up, fingering, oral sex (female recieving), overstimulation, spanking
-Come on, Michael, you don´t think I´m gonna believe you, right?
-What do you mean?
-Like we are locked and that you can´t open the door. Please, you´re just trying to make me nervous – you give him a little push to move him out of your way and you grab the latch, pulling it but realizing that the door is indeed locked.
-You´re gonna hurt yourself, come back here – he warns as you continue hitting the latch frenetically till your fingers slip off and end up crashing against it. You cry out and go backwards bringing your painful fingers to your mouth till you reach Michael´s torso. He turns you around and grabs your hand – I told you that you were going to hurt yourself – he caresses your knuckles and after a slight burn your fingers are okay again – You believe me now, don´t you? – he asks cheekily and you try to dodge him walking slowly away but your back now ends against the wall. Fuck – Are you trying to avoid me?
-No – you fake a chuckle.
-Then why do you think I want to make you nervous?
-I don´t know. To hear something you want to hear – he gets closer and your breathing gets agitated at his proximity.
-And that would be…? – he puts his right palm on the wall to your side and you´re entirely trapped.
-Michael… please… - you gasp, your belly heat rising up.
-Please what? You wanted a choice? – he says gently but steady – Go ahead, slip away under my arm. Slip away and I promise you I won´t ever touch again. I won´t talk to you or bother you anymore. I´ll surrender and leave you in peace with your soul. For fuck´s sake I will even get you another room for you so you won´t have to see me. Slip away and when we get out, it´s all over. But if you stay here, I´ll kiss the shit out of you and you know you are under my rules as entirely mine.
You sob a little at his words because you know that maybe he is giving you the chance of your life but at the same time you´re not capable of moving away. Everything in him, everything, makes you feel so alive, makes your blood explode directly from your heart reaching every cell with grace and vigor, makes your feet rise up from the floor as he gets you between tears and moans but still not letting you fall. And now you are there looking at his eyes, his insanely light blue eyes that have you flying once more, lost in his gaze and in the warmth his body emanates, somehow covering you, protecting you, destroying you in a billon pieces and rebuilding you into a magnificent piece of art, and your brain seems for the first time connected with your heart, with your entire being so much that you sigh, relived, knowing that you don´t have to fight anymore
– Decision made – he says and grabs your jaw ever so gentle that all your body tingles as he kisses you deep and yearning, making you desire him as much as he craves you. Your mouth hold onto his, sucking his bottom lip as you leave all shame behind and your hands go for his hair, sinking into its softness. His heart is beating so fast that he sticks you to him while his tongue caresses yours, and then he continues his way to your jaw line, nibbling slightly the skin under your bone and brushing his lips below it, right in your neck, making you lust for it as you let out a begging moan – You know how to ask nicely – he says and keeps rubbing his lips against your skin.
-Please, Sir, please kiss my neck – you gasp.
-No – he says and stops abruptly all action leaving you like a wrecked panting mess – Take off your nightgown – shame is coming back to you but you´re still immersed in that desire state so much that you do it and let it fall on the floor as you lay your head down. Despite that, he tilts your chin up to meet your gaze and red cheeks – Eyes on me, don´t you forget that. There´s nothing to be ashamed of. You´ll undress for me whenever and wherever I request it and I want you to feel graced for it as well as proud for this beautiful body you have.
-Yes, Sir – you sigh to compose yourself as he caresses your shoulder down to the side of your torso.
-How can I resist you when you are so good? – he grabs your jaw again to lift your head and then sinks his mouth in your neck with a passionate wet kiss that makes your legs rub together. You whimper at each suction he does, till the feeling of his teeth giving you a little pain makes your moans so loud that his animalistic instincts react and he grabs you by the throat squeezing just to see how your eyes get teary and, more delightful, how you let him do – Sit down and spread your legs – he orders roughly in your ears. You don´t think much and obey, your breathing getting really loud. You are seated on the down toilet cover lid and he kneels before you, grabbing both of your legs and pulling them towards him so that you have to lie back with your nape resting against the wall and holding yourself with your forearms on the lid. Your vulnerability burns in every one of your pours as he has you trapped by your legs, not letting you move or oppose resistance in that position. He nibbles your inner thigh and you try uselessly to bend your legs together.
-Sir… - you hesitate.
-Quiet, babygirl – he says slapping you there before he resumes the nibbling. You cry out and he moves closer to your pussy suctioning every centimeter of your skin on his way – My baby was so good with her study – he licks your labia majora and you shiver at the sensation. When he does it again, you make fists, burying your nails on your own palms to keep you silent but you can´t help yourself.
-Please, Sir… - he slaps you hard again and his fingers mark appears quickly in your inner thigh, red and shining.
-Baby, you really need to control that pretty mouth or I can easily turn this into a whole other punishment.
You inhale deep and shaking and when he slides his wet tongue along your slit you let out a high pitched moan. But he doesn´t let you recover since he sinks his whole mouth into your pussy and sucks it with greed, delighting himself in the taste of your juices and the sound of your whiny cries of pleasure. His hands reach your waist and hold you firmly as the heat of his fingers and the vertical licks in your clit have you curling your toes. He stops for a second and you whine in protest, fire shining of your eyes
– My little girl is so needy. But don’t worry, I´m not finished with you – he releases his left hand from your waist and inserts two fingers in your pussy earning a loud gasp from you. His mouth goes for your clit again as he pumps in and out of your entrance, making your sex sound at the sloppiness and your cheeks burn at what your hear.
-Oh my god… please Sir! – you cry out in pleasure and embarrassment, feeling your wetness escape from you, coming down to his tongue and your ass cheeks. He takes his mouth off and slaps both your inner thighs hard, then resumes his action but more aggressively, shoving his fingers into you fast and sucking your clit with his tongue in a vehement way. You can´t hold it anymore and your belly contracts as you explode in an orgasm that sends you into violent spasms, creaming all over his tongue.
-You taste like an angel – he says as he watches you convulse –But you should know by now, I´m no god to be merciful to that kind of creature – He grabs you by the hair a bit roughly and forces you to get on your weak feet. He moves you to the sink, making your palms rest on it as he stands behind you – Look in the mirror – he speaks in your ear and you obey, your tired face and his blonde hair over your shoulders showing up – You are mine and every time I ask you who you belong to, I want you to look into your eyes when you answer me – He gives a tingly scratch from your thigh to your butt but he is quick to push his fingers into you again. You hold on the sink tighter as he starts pumping into you like he doesn´t care about how sensitive you are after that skyrocket orgasm.
-Sir, please, it´s too much – you plead squirming before he smacks your ass making you contract your muscles and your walls ache at how you grip him in consequence.
-I know. And that´s what I want you to look at. How beautifully helpless you become under my control –you start sobbing as he keeps pushing his fingers in and out of you, your insides so wet for having cum like you did that he can move them easily at whatever pace he wants to – Who do you belong to? – you look into the mirror and see the sweat in your forehead, your lips parted open to gasp for air as he keeps thrusting into you, and you are not able to cope with it.
-I´m yours, Michael – you whisper, shy.
-Seems like my baby needs some motivation to speak loud and clear – he smacks your ass two more times and you cry out as he starts ravaging your pussy – Let´s try again. Who do you belong to?
-I´M YOURS, MICHAEL! – you scream, your knuckles white at the pressure you´re doing onto the sink. He bites the flesh of your neck and you growl, watching your teary lustful eyes in the reflection.
-I love hearing that, my angel – his other hand goes for your clit and circles it earning more screams at the raw skin.
-Please Michael, please, I´m too sensitive! – you beg, feeling the burning sensation at your over stimulated sex. Despite that, his fingers twisting inside you and the attack on your clit make a wave of pleasure expand in your stomach, ready to collapse again. He smacks your ass again and resumes his merciless masturbation on your clit, not giving you enough time to breathe.
-You´re gonna shut the fuck up and cum again in my fingers like a good little girl – you growl desperate, his words making you hallucinate – Who do you belong to? – he asks and literally pounds your hole while rubbing your clit fast and hard.
-I´M YOURS SIR, I´M ALL YOURS – you yell looking at your messed up face while cumming agonizingly soaked in his fingers. He holds his hands still for a few seconds watching you balance dizzy, back and forwards. Once he gets them away from your sex, he surrounds your waist and sits on the floor, against the wall, accommodating you on his lap. While you rest on his shoulder, he kisses your forehead and caresses the left side of your torso.
-You were so precious baby – you want to talk back but your loud breathing makes it difficult – Shh. Keep that bratty mouth quiet, you need to recover energy.
He gives your lips a soft kiss and spends around five or ten minutes with you in that position, both of you coming down to earth, the low sounds of heartbeats soothing each other.
Suddenly, you hear an unlocking sound and the door opens.
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🔥 ℝise Ⱥbove I̾t ◈ Chapter 044 [To Be A Hero]
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Word Count: 3,289
⊱ ────── {⋅. 🔥 .⋅} ────── ⊰
〈“You’re more than what they said that you could be, so believe. We are the broken, all that remains of our past are the scars. Our eyes are open, we’re not afraid to admit who we are.” Seventh Day Slumber, “We Are the Broken”〉
⊱ ────── {⋅. 🔥 .⋅} ────── ⊰
Endeavor started toward me, his fists clenched and turquoise eyes blazing with anger. His lips parted, but a scream ripped through the air and the flying Nomu rushed past, chasing down a civilian. His eyes quickly scanned the area, landing on a nearby hero that was evacuating the area. He stalked toward him, speaking lowly before jabbing his finger in my direction and then taking off toward the sounds of screaming.
I grunted in annoyance, pushing myself to my feet. My legs are shaky but I can move just fine. Slow, but fine.
The man rushed over, a worried look etched on his face. He was wearing a skin-tight powder blue and white long-sleeved shirt with yellow gloves along with navy blue pants, boots and a biker’s helmet with a fin on the back. “Miss, are you okay?” He questioned softly, black eyes filled with concern.
I stared at him blankly. “Do I fucking look okay to you, chief?”
“Sorry,” his smile dropped a bit. “Come on, let’s get you out of here.” He reached for my arm but I stepped back.
“Nah. I can make it on my own. There are other civilians that need you more than I do.”
“Endeavor ordered me to get you to the hospital -”
I scoffed. “Is flame fuck your boss? Look, I’m a hero in training, a U.A. student. I can handle walking myself a few fucking blocks. Do you hear those screams? Those civilians need your help, bro. Now go!” Using my right arm, I shoved him forward.
He hesitated for a moment before nodding and rushing off. My right hand clutched my left shoulder, which was completely numb. With a shaky sigh, I started down the street, keeping an eye out for anything that might need help along the way.
Something prickled the back of my mind suddenly.
I paused, my brow furrowed. Why does it feel like something is tugging me off to the side? My feet moved on their own down the chaotic streets of Hosu city. I honestly don’t know where the fuck I’m going right now or why my body feels the need to go there, but I feel like I should be going this way.
I turned down an alleyway to my left and my eyes widened in surprise. Stain was standing at the other end of the alley, but he wasn’t alone. Todoroki stood next to Iida, while Izuku was farther down on the ground, leaning against the left wall. There was another guy I had never seen before by Todoroki, on the ground against the right wall.
These kids are fucking brain dead, aren’t they?
“You’re a fundamental lunatic,” Todoroki spat. “Iida! Don’t listen to this murderer’s nonsense.”
“No… he’s completely correct.” Iida sounds so fucking broken. Just what the hell happened here? “I have no right to call myself a hero at all. Even so… there’s no way I can back down! If I give up now, then the name Ingenium will die!”
“Pathetic!” Stain growled, rushing toward him.
Despite the pain gnawing at my senses, I pushed myself forward. Shit, my body ain’t fast enough in this state… I have to try and port! I narrowed my eyes at the spot in front of Iida. It felt like a fucking knife was being slammed repeatedly into my skull, but I can’t focus on that right now. My blood boiled as flames wrapped around my body.
I brought my hand down, sending a wave of flame toward Stain, making him jump backward.
“Idiots!” The unknown man cried. “The hero killer is only after me and that kid in the white armor! Stop fighting back, just get out of here!”
I glanced at him. He’s dressed like a Native American. If that don’t have anything to do with his quirk… man, I can just picture the fucking butterflies getting angry and screaming culture appropriation!
“I don’t think he’d let us run even if we wanted to,” Todoroki responded from behind me. “Something clearly changed in him just now. He seems rattled.”
“Winchester,” Stain growled. “I knew you looked familiar, daughter of Alissasears.”
“W-What…” Iida stuttered, his eyes snapping to me.
“No way…” Izuku’s eyes widened in shock.
“Is that true?” Todoroki questioned.
I clicked my tongue, eyes narrowed at him as he jumped to the side. Todoroki stepped forward, sending wave after wave of ice after him, but the hero killer easily cut through the ice like it was softened butter.
“Did you also come to seek revenge?” Stain taunted.
“Revenge?” I scoffed, sending a ball of fire toward him. It grew in size, morphing into the form of a phoenix to keep him busy. “Getting revenge is a stupid fucking concept. It don’t bring the person back to life, it just leaves you with a fuckin’ hole in your heart that can’t ever be fucking fixed.” I raised my hand above my head, a ball of flame forming against my palm and steadily growing in size. “Nah, I ain’t here for fucking revenge you Voldemort reject, I’m here to save these three dipshits!!” I cried out, launched the large ball of flame at him. Distracted by the phoenix, he wasn’t able to fully dodge the attack.
The ball quickly expanded, fire exploding out in every direction. I’m breathing heavily now and it feels like something is crawling on the back of my brain. Shit, I don’t know how much longer I can hold this form for, but the second I release it, it’s over for me. Then I’ll be a liability to them. I can’t let that happen.
“Hey, Todoroki,” Iida called frantically. “Can you regulate your temperatures?”
“Not well with my left, but yes I can!”
“You’ve got to freeze my leg for me, without plugging the exhaust!”
“You’re in the way!!” Stain jumped up, sending two daggers flying through the air. One headed straight for me while the other barrelled toward Todoroki. I leaned to the side, the blade scraping my left shoulder. Hah, jokes on you, fucker, I can’t feel anything in that arm!
Iida thrust himself forward, the blade lodging in his shoulder.
“Iida!” Zuku cried out. Why hasn’t he moved since I got here?
My eyes narrowed, flashing red. “If you hurt Izuku, I’ll slit your fucking throat!” My body pulsed angrily and I rushed forward. “It ain’t revenge if I fuckin’ stop you before you can kill him!!”
“It is time, little Winchester. Call my name.”
Your name? What –
Words flashed across my brain and I held my uninjured arm out to the side. “Rise… RyuuKaji!!”
Power shot out from the burning pendant against my chest, traveling through my body before settling in the palm of my right hand. Warmth flooded my hand as a sword materialized from the flames. It felt like such a natural thing, but… how?
“Stay focused, little Winchester!”
Stain rushed at me and I brought the sword up, metal clashing. He’s a lot stronger than me, my feet sliding back across the concrete from the impact. I pushed forward and he jumped backward, throwing another two daggers, one at me, which I smacked away with the sword, and another at Iida, who cried out in pain. Man, we really need to work on his dodging skills.
I growled out, fire engulfing the blade as I jumped after him. “You don’t have the luxury of focusing on them when I’m here, fucker!” I slashed at him, fire rushing toward his body. He sliced at the flames, but his cheek got singed in the process. His sword clashed with mine again, sending me flying back to the earth.
A white blur rushed past on my right, green on the left.
“I’ve got you!” My body collided with Todoroki’s and he stumbled, sliding down to his knees, his arms around my shoulders. “Go, guys!” Both Izuku and Iida were rushing toward Stain. Izuku punched him in the cheek while Iida slammed his leg against Stain’s back. “Winchester, it’s our turn!”
“You got it, edgelord!”
Stain sliced with his sword, just barely missing Iida’s face, who then cried out. “I will defeat you, Stain, because you are a criminal -!”
“Don’t let him get away!” Todoroki ordered, thrusting his left arm forward. I did the same with my right, my flames swirling around his own as the two powers bolstered one another, growing stronger as they shot toward the hero killer.
Iida turned in mid-air, kicking Stain again. “And I am a hero!”
Our combined flames engulfed him, curling around Stain’s body. Seconds passed by and Todoroki sent me a nod. I slammed my palm against the ground and the flames reacted, retreating into the ground. Ice shot up quickly to catch the falling boys and they slid backward, hitting their heads on the wall of ice behind us.
I was honestly torn between wincing in sympathy and laughing my ass off at their faces.
“He’s got to be knocked out after all of that… right?” Zuku breathed.
I grunted, approaching the fucker. Ice was curled around his body, suspending him a foot above the ground. I squatted down beside him, poking his cheek. “Oi~ fuckface.”
“Be careful, Jen…” Zuku spoke softly, as if scared his voice would wake the villain.
“Hm~ It’s shallow, but he’s still breathing. Out cold. For now, anyway.”
“Let’s restrain him and get him to the street,” Todoroki spoke up, taking charge as always. “Maybe we can find some rope.”
“Yeah,” Zuku agreed. “And we should probably take all his weapons, too.”
“On it, chief~” I waved my hand over my shoulder, settling down on my knees before resting my palm against the ice. It melted and his body flopped to the ground facefirst, making me snort. I started to remove the various weapons that were hidden around his body and holy fucking drunk Santa on Halloween, this guy’s is a walking fucking knife factory.
There was one dagger left and when I picked it up, a wave of nostalgia washed over me. Why does this dagger feel so… familiar? I turned it over in my hand, thumb brushing over the cold black steel. It’s faint, but there’s something etched into the side of the handle. It’s so small, but… that symbol is…
“The Winchester crest.”
Wait, if that’s the case, then that means… it was my moms?
“I found some rope,” Todoroki approached from behind and I nodded, quickly shoving the blade under my belt, standing up and moving out of his way.
“Native, are you okay?” Zuku questioned the man. “Can you move?”
“Yeah… I think I’m good as new now.” Native stood up slowly.
I resisted the urge to scoff. Glad that you’re able to move after the battle is fucking over. Why are the cute ones always so damn useless?
While Todoroki tied up the hero killer, Native kneeled down and instructed Zuku to get onto his back, but the greenette was hesitant. “Are you sure?”
“I saw you hurt your leg back there. At least let me do this for you.”
“Ah, thank you very much.”
“I should be thanking you,” Native sighed, lifting his head back and closing his eyes. “I have to apologize. I’m supposed to be a pro, but I was useless back there.”
“No,” Zuku’s voice is full of exhaustion. “I don’t think any one person could take the hero killer on, not with that weird quirk of his. He’s too strong.”
I hummed, walking a bit behind the pro so I could keep my eye on the greenette. “What even is his quirk?”
“If he licks your blood, he can paralyze you temporarily.” Native explained, glancing at me.
“The time is different for every blood type, though,” Zuku added. “Blood type O doesn’t stay paralyzed for long. That’s my type.”
“What a weird-ass quirk,” I muttered. “Explains all the hardware, though.”
“The four of us barely won against him,” Todoroki added as he and Iida caught up, dragging the tied up villain behind them. “And even then, it was because of his own mistakes. He was getting riled up and desperate and forgot all about Midoriya’s quick recovery time. Then, he wasn’t able to block Iida’s last Recipro Burst or Midoriya’s assault.”
“Hey, Jen?” Zuku’s green eyes met mine, shining with worry. “Are you okay? You were already badly injured when you got here… and, umm…” His eyes trailed down before snapping away, his face bright red. “Y-Your clothes…”
I scratched my cheek as I glanced down at my school pants, torn and burnt in various places. “Well, I can safely say that the U.A. uniform is not fireproof.”
“Why didn’t you change into your costume?” Todoroki questioned, tilting his head. “And why is there a taco on your butt?”
Iida made a strangled noise. “Don’t look at her, Todoroki!”
“It’s, uh… complicated. And the real question is, why don’t you have a taco on your ass?”
His lips twitched up as we reached the end of the alleyway, Native speaking up. “Right, let’s get him to the police as fast as we can.”
“Ugh, what are you doing here, boy?!” Across the street was a short man with grey hair and a matching beard. He was wearing a cream-colored suit with a yellow belt, gloves, and thick boots. A black mask covered his eyes and the yellow cape was twice the size of his body.
“Gran Torino!” Zuku cried out in surprise. “I was only -”
The man jumped, zooming across the street and kicking him in the face with the bottom of his boot. “I told you to stay on the bullet train!”
“Who is this?” Todoroki asked.
“Gran Torino, the hero I’m interning with,” Zuku replied, holding his face. “I don’t get it, how’d you find us?”
“I was told to come here by someone else.” The shrimp responded gruffly. “I have no idea what’s going on, but I’m glad you’re not dead, at least.”
You and me both, chief.
“Me too… and I’m sorry.”
“Around the corner!” A group of heroes appeared, rushing up to us in concern.
“Endeavor told us there was a request for help here, but…”
“Children? Those injuries look bad. I’ll call an ambulance right away!”
“Hey… look!”
“Ah!… is that… the hero killer?!”
“I’ll… get the police on the line!”
Man, these pros are noisy as fuck. I got a headache over here, have some damn sympathy!
One of them approached Zuku, helping him down off of Native’s back. “Can you walk?”
“If you prop me up, then… I think so.”
“Okay,” The man glanced at Todoroki. “And you?”
“Only minor injuries, but Iida and Winchester -”
Iida approached the two, ignoring the hero that was trying to talk to him about his current state. “You guys…” The two turned to look at him and he bowed at the waist. “You were both hurt… because of me. I’m truly sorry!” His voice cracked as tears flooded his eyes. “I was just so angry, I couldn’t… see anything else.”
“I’m sorry, too, Iida,” Zuku responded sadly. “You were going through so much by yourself… and I couldn’t tell anything was wrong… even though I’m your friend.”
I stepped up to them, putting my hand on Iida’s head and ruffling his hair. “You’re a total dumbass for coming here, Iida. I can understand why, but…” My grip tightened as I tugged at his hair, eyes narrowed. “The next fucking time you decide it’s a better idea to bottle up your feelings instead of coming to your friends, I will personally see to it that every goddamn bone in your body is broken, do you understand me?”
He lifted his head a bit, eyes meeting mine. “Winchester…”
“Pull yourself together, you’re the class rep,” Todoroki mumbled and I knew it was his way of comforting him.
“Right…” Iida rubbed his face on his shoulder to get rid of the tears.
I chuckled. “Remind me when we get back to buy you the dumbass’s guide to comforting someone so I can throw it at your face.”
His nose wrinkled. “That’s not nice.”
The sound of flapping wings reached my ears and my head snapped up. Gran Torino heard it, too. “Get down!”
The flying Nomu’s talons scraped my cheek as it swept over us and to my horror, it latched onto Izuku, lifting him high into the air. Its wings were beating rapidly, kicking up a strong wind that kept up back.
I don’t fucking think so, ya ugly sack of dicks! Summoning fire beneath my boots, I propelled myself forward and jumped into the air, cocking my arm back as flames licked at my fist. Fuck, it’s too fast!
Suddenly, it let out a strangled noise and started to lose its altitude. Alright, I don’t know what just happened but I can work with this! I raised my flaming fist again, punching the Nomu in the back between the shoulder blades. Half a second after I made contact, I felt a strong presence directly behind me. My head whipped around, seeing Stain lifting a knife high over his head.
“The word hero has lost all meaning in this society. The world is overrun by fakes and criminals like you who chase petty dreams!” He sliced through the air beside me, the dagged lodging in the Nomu’s neck as his body collided with it, sending it flying straight to the ground with Stain on top. “You must all be purged.”
I landed a foot away, my heart racing against my ribs. Why… didn’t he kill me? He had the perfect fucking opportunity just now. Plus he… saved Izuku?? What is with this bipolar fuck?
“Everything that I do,” Stain gripped the knife and twisted it before yanking it free from the Nomu. “Is to create a stronger society.” He tried to stand up straight, but his body is shaking pretty badly.
“Everyone be on your guard! We’ve got a fight on our hands!” One of the unnamed heroes ordered.
“Why are you all standing around like fools? The villain must have flown this way, right?” Endeavor came running up, a constipated look on his face. If we weren’t in a serious ass situation right now, I’d say ya boi needs some Miralax.
“You took care of the rest?”
“Mostly. Things got a little rough at the end.” Endeavor paused. “Hold on… don’t tell me that man is…”
“Let go!” Izuku cried out, struggling under the hand that pinned him to the ground.
I slapped both of my cheeks to regain some focus, summoning the last of my energy. My eyes glowed red as flames raged across my arm. “Get your filthy fuckin’ hands off my cinnabon, Voldy!” Just as my fist was going to connect with his face, his body jerked backward, red eyes narrowing at Endeavor.
“Hero killer!” Endeavor grinned, calling forth his own flames as he prepared to attack.
“Wait, Todoroki!” Gran Torino cried.
I stepped to the side when Stain stood up straight, releasing his hold on Izuku. I grabbed the boy, pulling him back and away from the villain. The tattered cloth around his eyes fell to the ground, drool dribbling from his chin.
“False hero!” He cried.
Bruh, screw Voldemort, this bitch be out here lookin’ like a fucking uglier version of Ryuk.
“I’ll make this right! These streets… must run with the blood of hypocrites! Hero! I will reclaim that word!!” His boot slapped against the sidewalk as he stepped forward. “Come on, just try and stop me you fakes!! There is only one man I’ll let kill me… he is a true hero! ALL MIGHT IS WORTHY!!!”
This guy needs a five-inch ice rod shoved down his throat, sheesh.
⊱ ────── {⋅. 🔥 .⋅} ────── ⊰
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darkredehmption · 5 years
I felt tested, and I liked it.
There was something to be said for training with vampires. A lifetime of training with humans, hunters, had certainly made me strong, fast, and able to face the nasties in the night, but it hadn’t always challenged me.
Not like this.
A couple weeks of living in the manse, and every day I’d trained with one of the Brothers, or their trainees. I sensed the flicker of resentment from the trainees at my late arrival yet early inclusion with the warriors. After a few rounds of ‘me’ putting ‘them’ on their backs though, it faded. I had the skill to step up - I didn’t need to be taught how to use a weapon, explosives, or anything else the Brothers might throw at me. I just had to learn how to work with them. Know their movements, their patterns, and react accordingly.
That’s what this was. 
I dodged another fist from Butch, twisting as I did to catch it and flip him over my shoulder. He grunted as he hit the mat, but before I could deliver another punch to take him out of this round Vishous was there. His cold diamond eyes let me know that touching Butch meant he’d break something important of mine, so I darted back, evading his swings. Then Zsadist was there, countering his Brothers’ moves to create a buffer. I went for Cop again, but the male was already up and moving away, backing Vishous up. Zsadist leapt back to my side.
The scent of the male, the fluid twist and movements of his body, threatened to distract me, even as I wrenched my mind away from how glorious he looked naked. There was a part of me that wondered if that was the point of this session; being able to divorce my affection for the male to do the job. These two Brothers weren’t stupid; by now, they had to have an inclination that Zsadist and I were well and truly entangled.
The command came from Butch, and just like that, I twisted and lunged for Zsadist. Now Butch was my ally, and Zsadist my opponent with Vishous. Butch caught V’s hand as it shot toward me and the pair engaged. I caught Zsadist around the waist and lifted to take him off his feet, but my male was no push over. He wrapped his legs around my waist and threw his weight back, ruining my own balance and sending us both to the floor. He flipped us, and I struggled to wriggle free even as his hands grappled to create a lock. I found a nerve in his leg and jabbed it to get him to let go.
[The angel was great in training. Not that I doubted him for a second. More so I was relieved that we wouldn’t have to go through all the steps as if we had a trainee on our hands. Weeks had gone by with the male in the mansion and I had to say it was nice. I mean we trained with all the Brothers then snuck up to my room for more make out sessions. The angel liked those and so did I. Phury was right though. The others were definitely catching on. I just feel like they looked at me in a different way. Hell maybe I’m reading way too much into it. 
Pulling away from my thoughts as I feel a blow to my side. Looking up at Vishous who couldn’t help but give the angel a look every now and then. It wasn’t a “I’m checking you out” look. Which was good because I didn’t feel like getting all growly. No, it was more of a you better watch where you touch my roommate. Which had me thinking. Was V just protected over his best friend or was I missing something else? Another hit came my way but luckily I blocked it, ending up right beside the angel. Then I heard Butch telling us to switch. Lifting my head to see a hint of a smirk on his face. Oh yeah something was up. Nevertheless I leaped into action on full attack mode.
Before I could do anything the male instantly went for my waist, trying his hardest to pull be down. Though I don’t budge. Instead I locked my legs around him and pulled us onto the floor. Letting out a grunt as my back hit the mats, quickly moving to get on top of him. My hands pinned his wrist down, but when I pulled one back to give him a hit I got one to my leg. Gritting my teeth as I jerk in my hold giving him a chance to break free. My golden eyes narrow and my fangs elongate slowly, though I do my best to not show them off. 
Quickly I get up and lunges forward again. Only this time we throw punches together and are completely in sync with each other. I swore it was like you were watching two people dance. Every hit I threw he blocked and vice versa. Finally I get one in, knocking his head back as my fist connected with his jaw. I didn’t hit him too hard though. Wasn’t trying to knock him out just more back him off. He pays me back with one which just makes me want to slam him against that wall and do all the naughty things to him. Placing my hands on my hips as I pant and shake those thoughts from my head. Come on Z not now. Not here.]
That was good. Fuck that was really good. [I give a fangy grin then looks up to see Vishous and Butch wide eyed staring. Shit. Did I do something inappropriate? Raising a brow I watch as the Brothers compose themselves. Vishous lights a hand rolled, cause it was clearly break time, while Butch chuckles and takes a sip of his water. “You guys...fight well together. That was epic to watch.” I lift my shoulders in a shrug before gazing over at the angel. What I wouldn’t do to have us alone right now.]
Zsadist never held back, short of knocking me out, and I was grateful for that. I paid him the same courtesy; my punches were designed to hurt, stopping shy of incapacitating, and we moved like we’d been fighting together, or against each other, for decades, not days. The harmony of the moment was enough to make the world fade to the background, if only slightly. After all, the whole point of this exercise was to be aware of your surroundings. Your opponents. Your allies.
As he complimented me I grinned, then glanced sideways as the other male’s watched us. After a beat I straightened from my half crouch, noting Vishous calling break time by pulling out a hand rolled. Nodding to Butch at his words, I offer a lopsided shrug and a rueful grin.
“I’ve trained with a lot of different people. Maybe that helps,” I offer, trying to downplay it. Not to mention ignore the vibe I was getting from Zsadist. If it had just been the pair of us, there was every chance we’d have been fighting naked and I’d already be pounded into the wall. 
“This is the first time I’ve trained with this kind of directive,” I continue, folding my arms as I look to Butch. “Shifting partners, or allies. But it makes sense. In the field, anything could separate you from your partner, and adjusting to back up or a new foe is important.”
The former Cop nodded his agreement. 
“If this life has taught me anything so far it’s that ‘everything’ can turn shit side up real fuckin’ quick. Better to be ready for that.”
“I know plenty of hunters that would agree with you. Myself included.”
I glanced over at Zsadist as Butch looked to Vishous and murmured something low. I gave my male a wink, then turned my attention back to the other Brothers.
“Speaking of your hunter pals, maybe it’s time you n’ me have a chat about all that,” Butch said, a little louder as he looked from Vishous to me.
I couldn’t help it. I tensed. 
My mahmen’s words darted through my head again; that I had to warn them about me. 
But it was too soon… 
“A… chat?”
My eyes went to Zsadist again. I had to wonder if he could identify everything in that glance; my uncertainty. The bolt of fear. 
[Of course. A chat. It was a chat I had with many trainees before. Was almost like a mental check to make sure everything was good up there in his head. See distractions can cause someone to go hurt. So we made sure we got all problems and any issues out of the way before someone goes out on the field. It also was a good chance to get to know the trainee better. Find out about their home life and what not. I mean even though I’ve been spending a lot of time with the male doesn’t mean I actually know a lot about him. Hell he could have a whole bag of issues like me. Then again I don’t think anyone had the amount of baggage I had. 
Grunting as I move to grab two water bottles. Handing one off to the angel I can’t help but twitch as I feel that spark between us when we touch. Damn. Always gets me. I try to give him a reassuring look. The male looked a little spooked when Butch mentioned about having a chat with him. Gazing over at the cop before speaking up.]
Is that something you wanna do here? Hell how comfortable would you be if three Brothers all stood around asking questions. I mean...I can always chat with him. 
[Butch looks at V then back at me. “Hey...you spent enough time with him. I mean he’s part of the team now and I think he should get to know us all. So maybe it would be good if Vishous or I had a chat with him.” Grunting loudly before I take a few swigs of my water.]
Yeah sure. Fine. Go ahead Butch. Chat him up. [Like hell I was going to have Vishous do the interview. He could be a little easier to talk to than V. Fuck why was I so protective over him. Oh right cause MINE. Shakes there thoughts from my head before I move over to Vishous.] 
Wanna continue? [V smirks wide around his hand rolled and gives a nod. “Fuck yeah I do.” Good. Maybe while we fought a bit Butch and Mal could have some space to talk. Though the thought of leaving the angel alone didn’t sit right with me. Not that I didn’t trust cop. I trusted all my Brothers. I was just greedy as fuck and wanted him all to myself.] 
Accepting the water bottle with a grateful nod, I force myself not to react as a spark leaps between our fingers. Meeting that golden gaze, I cracked the lid and took a sip, relieved at the reassuring light in his eyes. At his question, I wanted to nod like a bobble head on crack, but instead I simply let my own eyes go between the Brothers, waiting.
Well, if it couldn’t be Z, at least it wasn’t Vishous. Something about the male’s diamond gaze made me feel like he was seeing beneath my skin, to my very soul. Unsettling when you think how many secrets that soul carried.
As the Brothers resumed their fight I followed Butch away from the battle, half watching out of the corner of my eye, right until we were at the door and out into the hall.
“You look nervous.”
Drinking from the bottle to give myself a beat to consider my response, I shrugged, wiping my mouth as I put the cap back on.
“Never really been the sharing n’ caring sort. Not like professional hunters sit down for job interviews or to chat about their feelings,” I point out, tone mild as I stepped through the door the former Cop was holding open, into an office space. After our no holds bar fight in the gym, the space seemed too small for our energy, but somehow we fit.
“Professional hunters…” Butch repeated, taking a seat and kicking back in the chair. “What’s that like? I mean, a couple years ago I’d have said you were crazy and checked your asylum release papers,” he added ruefully, then gestured to himself. “But now… I’m half a vampire, so I can’t really talk.”
Looking at the bottle in my lap, I thought about the question. A glib response was always on the tip of my tongue, but I had the feeling that wasn’t going to fly right now. These males needed to know I was the calibre of person that could have their back every day and every night. 
“It’s quiet a lot of the time. Lonely. Most of the time you’re on the road by yourself, motels and back roads and bars in the middle of nowhere,” I admit, rubbing at the back of my head as I think of every night I lay in some flea bitten motel bed staring at the ceiling and considering if this was really my life. “The things we hunt though… the lives we save…” I glanced up, a small, rueful grin on my face. “It does make it worth it.”
“What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever hunted?” he asked curiously, leaning forward and bracing on the desk.
“Every ‘thing’ has its… issues,” I admit. “Some poltergeists are nasty bastards linked to items or places that went through something dark. Angry spirits might’ve died a violent death and you can’t find their bones to salt and burn them. Fuck, a wendigo moves faster than just about anything on two legs and you’re as much a meal as a threat to them,” I mutter, shaking my head. “It just… depends.”
I looked up, only to find Cop staring at me with a wide eyed, ‘wtf’ kinda expression. I gave a lopsided grin and shrugged. 
[When Cop and Mal walk off I turn my attention toward Vishous who was busy putting out his blunt. He turns to face me and lowers into a crouch. I mimic him, my eyes lowered as they watched his every move. Suddenly he darts towards me and I’m ready for the attack. Dodging the fist he threw at me only to give him a good jab to his side. Though it didn’t faze him and he comes right back at me. One hand grabs ahold of my shoulder as he tries to take me down. Lifting my knee to break us up but he’s resistant. 
Struggling in his hold until we end up on the floor. The wind gets knocked out of me as I fall flat on my back. Fangs bared in a growl as I quickly reached up to block his next hit. Giving him one square in the jaw, watching as he snarls at me. This is why I loved to fight with Vishous. He was just as intense as the real thing which was good practice and he wasn’t afraid to get a little bloody.
We rolled on the mats, my legs moving up to wrap around his waist, pushing my body up so I can get him in a headlock. When I manage to I smirk, waiting for him to tap out. But he doesn’t. Instead the fucker managed to get a hit in to my side. And fuuuuuck me it was a hard one. Did he just crack a rib? I felt like my side was on fire and I couldn’t help but drop my arms from him. Feeling his hands shove at my shoulders to pin me down. “Give?” His diamond eyes sparkled as he looked down at me. But no way was I giving. Never. Slamming my head forward to smack against his own. Watching as his head snaps back and he tries to focus. It hurt but not as bad as he was hurting right now. 
As he is trying to recover I take my moment to lunge towards him again. This time I had him flat on his back. One hand at his throat as I bare my fangs once more. He smirks, a little blood dripping from his lip as he barely gets out. “Kinky Z. What’s next? Gonna tie me up?” Rolling my golden eyes before I push off of him and flops back onto the mat. Closing my eyes as I murmur.] 
You killed me with that hit to the side. Luckily I just fed…[Vishous rubbed at his eyes before lighting another hand rolled. Listening to the sound of his bic flicking. Then all I smelled was that Turkish tobacco he loved so much. “Oh yeah? Little angel blood?” My eyes flash open and a growl forms in my chest.] 
Fuck you. You don’t know what you’re talking about. [I hear a chuckle. “Oh I don’t? Then why do I smell him on you?” Point taken. Guess Phury was right. They would find out soon enough.] It’s nothing. Don’t worry about it. I’ve just been helping him get acquainted is all. [Vishous laughs again then I lift my head to watch him shrug. “Fine. Then I guess you won’t mind if I invite him over the pit later for a little fun.” My fangs come out again as I let out a powerful growl that echoes in the gym.
 Quickly I move up only to knock the Brother back down again. He nearly chokes on the blunt between his lips. Watching as he tries to talk around it. “Will you fucking relax? I was testing you and it clearly worked.” I loosen my hold and he removes the blunt. “But damn I smell a whole lot of bonded male coming from you and all I can say is hallelujah.” Snorting as I push him back as I get up, my hand moving to rub at my side that was still sore.] 
It’s not what you think. Hell I don’t know what it is. I can’t explain it. [Vishous gets up and shrugs. “Don’t try to explain it just let it happen and see where the fuck it goes. Hell...you with a male. That’s interesting as fuck. Did not expect that one. Question. Who’s top and who’s bottom?” I blink then looks dumbfounded.] Who and what? [V laughs and slaps a hand to his knee. “Fuck man! You are too easy sometimes.” He clears his throat still chuckling. “You take him or does he take you?” Another growl forms in my chest.] WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU ASKING ME THAT FOR? [Giving him a hard shove hearing him mumble “He’d make a good top with those wings.” Scrubbing my hands over my skull trim as I shake my head at the Brother.] Sick.
“Alright, so you hunt whatever kills the innocent. I definitely get that. Probably came across a few cases like that when I was a cop,” Butch muttered, nodding his head. “The unsolved, didn’t make sense kind, right?”
I winced but nodded. 
“Pretty much. If it registered on your ‘the fuck is this shit’ meter, then it was probably more my kind of gig than yours. But if I try telling that to you guys…”
“We write you off as a loony toon,” he nodded, looking almost sheepish about it too, bless him. “You go through that a lot?”
Huh. Hadn’t thought about that. Now it was my turn to look sheepish.
“Actually… yeah. I’ve run into my fair share of cops that think I’m coo-coo for cocoa puffs. Which, maybe I should’ve mentioned before… but… I’m wanted by the law in a few states. Y’know, awkward moments of finding me over dead bodies and trying to explain it as hunting spirits and them not believing a word of it kinda thing?”
Butch actually snorted, flipping open his notepad and scribbling something down.
“I’ll have Vishous take a look. See if we can’t get you removed from them.”
“Even FBI ones?”
He stopped writing, pen mid word, and looked up.
“…FBI. Seriously?” I shrugged, scratching the back of my head awkwardly. He sighed and kept writing. “Alright. Not sure about the Federal Bureau but V will do what he can. Now, another thing…”
He set the pen down as I leant forward, my readiness to answer more questions encouraged by the idea I might no longer be a wanted man in several states. 
“…are you sleeping with Zsadist?”
I didn’t miss a beat.
“Yeah. Why?”
Butch didn’t flinch either. 
“That’ll complicate things on rotation.”
“Y’think so?”
Butch leant back in his chair, folding his arms as he gave me the once over. Like I’d changed in the last five minutes of talking to him.
“I know you’re like me. Only half. I get it. We don’t have all the same ticks the other Brothers do. But being out on rotation with your bonded mate is asking for trouble.”
“Woah, woah,” I held up a hand as I got to my feet, staring at him from across the desk, “‘bonded mate’? I wouldn’t take it that far.”
My heart back flipped. Bonded mates… seriously? Was that… was that what we were?
“No? Well, fact of the matter remains, we don’t pair up romantic partners out in the field. We don’t want to compromise each other. Even Qhuinn and Blay are put on separate pairings from each other,” he added, referencing the only other male/male couple I knew of in the manse that also fought. 
Bracing my hands on the desk, I gave the male a sunny smile.
“I’m a professional, Butch. As in, I tend to not let anything get in the way of getting the job done. Even living.” I arched a brow, a not so subtle reference to my taking a bullet, or two, to protect the Chosen and the Brothers out that night. Even if my main motivation had been protecting Zsadist… “So… pair me with whoever you like. But it doesn’t matter who I fight with, I’ll still get the job done.”
[Vishous lights another blunt. Silent for a moment as he takes a few hits before speaking again. “Look. On a serious note I couldn’t be happier for you. I see a change in you Z. Yes you’ve already changed dramatically prior to the angel, with the golden eyes and eating right and what not. But now I actually see some light in those peepers of yours. You got this aura around you. Seem to be more relaxed. And I can’t help but hear that you definitely have a clear head on your shoulders. Normally your thoughts are very dark.”
My head lifts. Great. He knew all about the demons in my head. Watching as he waves a gloved hand. “Don’t be embarrassed, you should hear what’s in my head at times.” His face softened which was different to see on him. “But recently...it’s all good thoughts, and good vibes. Except when you then doubt it all and think you aren’t worthy.” He snorts. I rolled my eyes.]
Alright, enough...I don’t need the replay of what I’m thinking about. Barely can escape my own mind. [Taking in a deep breath as scrub a hand over my skull trim.] As for me being worthy...fuck. I know I’m gonna mess this shit up. Somehow he’s gonna get a taste of my fucked up past and run away in the other direction. [The Brother raises both brows, smoke curling at his lips as he speaks. “Okay and if he does then fuck him. Clearly it wasn't worth it if he thinks so little of you. Hell he disses you for your past then you send him to me.” V cracked his neck to make a point. I couldn’t help but let out a low laugh.]
Alright. Calm your ass. There will be no beating up the angel. [Bites back the growl in my chest that threatened to escape. Damn. I needed to get a control on this bonded male shit. Smirking as I change the subject.] You got a little blood on your lip. [He snorts then gives me a smirk back. “Yeah? How’s the rib?” I snorted loudly then gave my side a pat even though it hurt like hell.] Just fine. [The Brother laughs loudly as he flicks some ash on the floor. “You’re a fucking liar.” Making a face at him before I polish off my water bottle.]
The fuck is taking them so long? Hope Butch is going easy on him. [V nods as he moves towards the weights. “Relax. He may be an ex cop but he’ll go easy on the male. Hell...should have had me talk to him.” He waggles his brows as he sits on a bench. I narrow my eyes.] That is exactly why I offered Butch to talk to him, not you. [I move over to spot the Brother when he lays back and reaches for the barbell. V smirks and starts to lift it, grunting out. “Yeah, yeah. Knew that one.”] 
Butch stared at me for a beat, then sighed and nodded, getting to his feet to match me. I pushed away from the table, straightening and fighting the impulse to fold my arms like I had any need to be defensive. I didn’t. And he hadn’t asked me about my dual nature. Not really. So I had that going for me.
“Alright, well, y’know if you ever need to talk or unburden or whatever, I’m here, right?”
Inclining my head, I accepted that at face value. Hunters weren’t the sharing and caring sort though, and I wasn’t about to break the mold. Not with that.
“Yeah, ‘preciate it.” I moved toward the door, grabbing the handle as he spoke again.
“Oh, and one more thing?”
I glanced back, arching a brow.
“Zsadist is a male of worth. And he’s been through more than enough in one lifetime. So while Phury might not say it, Vishous and I have no problem letting you know…” He paused, then gave a smile that was pure ‘I’m the good cop now, but I can be the bad cop any time’. “...you fuck with that male, and we’ll make your poltergeists look like a play date. Feel me?”
I grinned.
“You really channelled Vishous right then, y’know that, right? N’ I feel you. I didn’t come here to… to make Z’s life harder. I’m hoping I make it better,” I admit quietly. “That’s all we can ever hope for the people we care about.”
Butch reagrded me carefully, then nodded. Without another word we walked out, back into the hall, down it, and into the gym. The males inside were no longer fighting, but judging by the fresh scent of blood, they’d at least wounded each other in an effort to distract themselves. I tried not to shoot Vishous a filthy look as I noted Z was half holding one side. Like something hurt. Or was broken.
“You ladies have fun?”
[Nallum. The word just popped into my head and I’m glad as fuck I didn’t speak it out loud. Turning my head slightly to see if V picked up on it. He was too busy looking at Cop. Figures. I help the Brother lift the barbell, watching as he gave the two a smirk. “Oh yeah, loads.” He winks at me then gets up. “I’ll be in the pit.” 
I watched as V moved to exit. He pauses in front of the angel and just stares at him for a heartbeat before heading out. Butch salutes us then follows Vishous out like a lost puppy. I swore those two did everything together. Snorting before I removed my hand from my side and walked over to the angel. 
Grabbing ahold of his hips, tugging him against me for a kiss. Yeah I was getting a little more ballsy with doing it in the manse. But let’s be real. So far already three Brothers knew and that’s not to say the others didn’t as well. My hands shifted to roam over his back. Wishing his wings were out. Then again I’d rather only I get the pleasure of seeing them and if someone walked in I wouldn’t be too happy. Pulling back so my eyes can search his own.] 
How did the talk go? If he said anything to hurt you I’ll fucking kill him. [Growls to make a point before lifting one of my hands to rest at his cheek. He was only gone for ten minutes and I already missed him. Yep. I was fucked.] 
The kiss had me grinning, not least of all because the vampire did it with such ease - like he’d been doing it for years. With his hand stroking my back I felt almost relaxed. 
“Talk was fine,” I soothed, somewhat amused by the male’s possessive streak. If not a little enamored. “It’s ‘Butch’. I may not have been here that long, but I know that the Cop isn’t that kind of a dick,” I point out ruefully. “He just wanted to know about hunting. About the kind of life a hunter leads. That sort of shit.”
Glancing down, I put a gentle hand to what I now figured was a broken rib. Looking up through my lashes, I arched a brow.
“Vishous broke a rib?”
My eyes flashed white. I knew they had by the faint thrum of divine power that rippled through me. My skin stretched at my back, but my wings didn’t emerge - I was getting better at containing them around Zsadist. The male, thus far, had been quite good at ruining my defenses with his golden eyes, small smiles and light touches. 
[Watching as his eyes turn from brown to white. Holding back a wince as he touches my sore side, giving a nod.] Yeah. Nothing major and not the first time. I got a good hit in and had him pinned in the end. 
[Winks before leaning in for another kiss. I could tell he was tense. The same tense I was not too long ago when Vishous was asking too many questions. Soon though I felt him relax against me. I guess my kisses were working. My hand lifts to cup his cheek as I pull back, lips twitching slightly.]
I think we are good to leave now. I mean… [Smirks as I head for the door.] I’m going up to my room...I suppose you are going to your own now. Yes?
[Turning my head so I don’t laugh as I tease the fuck out of the angel. Quickly I exit the gym and dart down the hallway. When I hear the door open I slow down in my steps so he wouldn’t catch me practically running through the tunnels like an idiot. I had to be about halfway down by now. Though I didn’t turn around. Instead I pretend like I was just going to head up to my room without him. Like I would ever. Fuck if everyone knew about us we probably could just get rid of his room all together.]
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supergirlfics · 5 years
Powerful - Part 10
Brainy had managed to find information on the location. It was a remote facility belonging to an organization, called Agenda, dedicated to genetic testing and the creation of Metahumans.
“I don’t understand how we never knew about them before,” Alex said. “The job of the DEO is to know about organizations like this.”
“Do not punish yourself, Director Danvers,” Brainy said. “It would seem they were once affiliated with Project Cadmus. The DEO believed Cadmus and all affiliated parties had been disbanded. Mistakes are easy for humans to make. After all, you lack the deductive skills of Twelfth Level Intellects such as myself.”
“Brainy,” Dreamer said. “Not the time.”
“Of course. My apologies, Director Danvers.”
“Supergirl,” Alex said. “What do you see?”
Supergirl squinted, then shook her head. “Lead. I can’t see anything.”
“Crap,” Alex said. “Okay. New plan. We go in guns blazing. No mercy.”
“Maybe tone it down just a little, Alex,” Supergirl said. “We can show some mercy.”
“Mercy it is,” Dreamer said. “Sorry, Alex, but Supergirl’s my mentor.”
Supergirl kicked the door down. The heavy metal burst off its hinges in a flurry of dust and shrapnel.
They were in a large foyer that vaguely resembled the control room of the DEO. A dozen people scrambled to their feet, guns raised at the Super Friends.
Dreamer spread her palms, summoning two long chains with her dream energy. “It’s time you dream a little dream . . . of me.”
“That one was a little weird,” Supergirl whispered. “I wouldn’t use it again.”
“Really? Man, I thought it would be a hit.”
“Guys,” Alex said, just as several guns went off.
Supergirl spun around, throwing her cape in front of Alex. Dreamer thrust a hand forward, dream energy creating a shield that stopped the bullets mid-flight.
“Not today, boys,” Brainy said. He floated above them, flipped, and landed behind the first of the guards. With a sharp blow from the elbow, the guard was knocked unconscious. “Odds are ninety-five point three to four point seven we defeat you.”
Alex dove behind a desk, peering from it just long enough to get off a few shots.
Dreamer grabbed one, two guards with the chains. They were whipped against each other before crumpling against the concrete floor. 
Supergirl approached several guards. She knocked out the first with a fist. The second grabbed her cape. She took hold of it and used the fabric to throw him to the ground. The third pointed his gun at her. “Go ahead and try.” His bullets bounced off harmlessly. Supergirl grabbed the gun and twisted it from his grip.
Alex battled with the last guard hand - to - hand. He threw her on the ground, but she easily regained the upper hand.
“Alex, look out,” Dreamer called. “Time to say nighty night.”
Alex shoeved the guard against the wall before flinging herself out of the way. With a burst of dream energy, the guard was thrust into unconsciousness.
The team made their way down a hall.
“Next time,” Alex said. “Save the chat for after we take down the bad guys.”
“Got it,” Dreamer said. “Fight, then talk.”
“We need to find Y/N,” Supergirl said. “This building is huge. Maybe we should split up.”
“You want to Scooby Doo this?” Dreamer asked. “Shaggy and Scooby always get the short end of the stick, and I have a feeling I’m Shaggy in this scenario.”
“Are you insinuating that I am a talking canine?” Brainy asked. 
“Okay, fine,” Supergirl said. “We stick together.”
It was eerily quiet. Nobody seemed to be around. That was a bad sign. They checked room after empty room without a single sign of life.
“Maybe they knew we were coming,” Alex said. “It looks abandoned. They could have taken her and left.” Alex ran her fingers through her hair. She was trying to remain calm, but it seemed impossible to do. She still blamed herself for your disappearance.
“You guys go ahead,” Supergirl said. “Alex and I will catch up in you in a minute.”
“I let this happen. We lost our sister. I can’t believe I allowed this to happen.”
“Alex, I know how hard this is, but now is not the time You cannot let your feelings get in the way of your mission. Yes, it’s our sister. It’s personal. But that means it is even more important to keep a level head. We have no home of bringing her home if you aren’t thinking clearly. Pull it together, Alex. For Y/N.”
Alex hugged her sister tightly as she drew in a deep breath. Her sister was right. She needed to focus. Alex had never lost her head like this before, even when Kara was in danger. Then again, she always knew Kara could save herself. But you - you were her baby sister. Sometimes you still seemed like that wide-eyed little girl who attached herself to Alex - looked up to her for guidance and protection.
It killed Alex to think she’d failed that little girl. It killed not knowing where you were or what you’d been through.
“Guys,” Dreamer called, yanking Alex from her thoughts. “You should see this.”
Alex and Supergirl exchanged a look before running to the nearby room. There was a metal chair and a cabinet,, but it was otherwise empty. Drops of dried blood littered the ground and splattered against the chair. 
“Is that -”
“Y/N’s?” Brainy asked. “Most certainly, I’m afraid.”
“Oh, Y/N,” Alex said, rubbing a hand over her head. “What did they do to you?”
“And I found this,”Dreamer said, holding up a small device in each hand.
“Her wire,” Supergirl said.
“And a speaker. That’s how we found this. There was a recording of her voice.”
“May I?” Supergirl asked. Dreamer handed over the speaker and Supergirl clicked it on.
Who are you? Your voice echoed through the room. What do you want with me? Why am I here?
You tell me, fifty-eight forty-two. Why did you come? You could have stayed with that little family of yours. Ah, but perhaps you realized they are not your family, after all. You are, and always have been, mine, child.
I am not yours, you -
“Turn it off,” Alex said. “Supergirl, turn it off. Now.”
“So the heroes have come to save the day.”
They turned around to see a smug looking man in the doorway. His voice matched the one on the recording.
“Who are you?” Supergirl demanded.
“The name is Edward Noble. You have me to thank for . . . all of this,” He said, gesturing around the building.
“Where’s  my sister?” Alex asked, raising her gun. Dreamer’s dream chains reappeared in her hands.
“Uh-uh, I wouldn’t do that if I were you” Noble held up a remote control. “One flip of the switch and I can cause your baby sister unimaginable pain. Shall we try it?”
“You don’t want to do that.” Alex lowered her gun before elbowing Dreamer, who dropped the chains.
“Unfortunately for you, Alex Danvers, that’s exactly what I wish to do.” He flipped the switch.
Supergirl’s eyes widened. The sound of strained gasps had reached her ears. “Y/N’s here. She’s close. I can hear her.” She could hardly stand to hear the pain in your voice. “Stop! Please, you’re hurting her!” She took a step toward Edward Noble, but he raised his hand.
“I warned you. You see, Supergirl, I have the power here. Do you see this button? I press that and the girl dies.”
“No,” Alex said. “Don’t kill her. I - I’m begging you. Don’t kill my sister.”
“Subject fifty-eight forty-two is very important. I do not want to kill her, but force my hand and I will not hesitate.”
“Put it down,” Supergirl said. “We can work this out. You don’t need to hurt her.”
Edward Noble laughed. “So desperate. As I said, Supergirl, I hold the power.”
“Dreamer, now!”
Her current of dream energy sent Noble flying back against the wall. The remote clattered to the floor. Supergirl snatched it before approaching Noble. “Never underestimate an alien.” She punched him square in the nose and he went limp. “That was easy.”
“Let’s go get our sister,” Alex said.
As they sped down the hallway, a voice stopped them in their tracks. “Not so fast.”
“Seriously?” Supergirl asked. “Another one?”
The blond haired woman held a ball of crackling energy in each hand and wore an evil grin on her face. She screamed with rage. Ball after ball of lightning flew in their direction.
Alex groaned as one hit her. The electricity spread throughout her body, forcing her to her knees as she tried to ride through the pain.
Supergirl gasped when she was hit by several of them. They slowed her down enough that she could hardly make her way toward the woman.
Dreamer created a shield around herself as she prepared to attack.
Brainy easily dodged each of the projectiles, inching his way closer though a series of ducks and twists. He landed a punch to the side of her face. It was enough to knock her off balance, stopping the attacks. A dream chain caught her ankles and she was thrown to the floor. Supergirl moved toward the woman, but Alex beat her to it. 
“Where is she?” Alex demanded. She pressed her knee against the woman’s back and pinning her arms behind her.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” the woman said. 
“You know exactly what I’m talking about,” Alex growled. “Tell me where my sister is or live to regret it.” She pulled one arm further behind her back and the woman whimpered in pain.
“West wing, third floor. There’s a hidden door. Find the fuse panel. You can open the door remotely from there.”
“Thank you,” Alex knocked the woman out before leading the charge to the third floor.
“There’s the box,” Dreamer said. 
Brainy opened the box, his eyes scanning it for just a few seconds before he pressed a small button hidden between the fuses.
Nearby, a piece of wall slid into itself. It revealed a small, blindingly white room.
And there you were, back against the wall, knees pulled to your chest. Your eyes were sunken in, you had lost a considerable amount of weight, and there were more visible blood and bruises than actual flesh.
“Y/N,” Supergirl said. She knelt by your side, extending an arm to place it on your shoulder. “Are you okay? We’ve been so worried.” 
You didn’t answer, didn’t react to her touch. You hadn’t so much as looked at her.
“Y/N?” Alex asked kneeling in front of you. “Can you talk to us? Please?”
But still, you stared straight ahead.
“I’m going to take this off,” Supergirl said. She grabbed the collar around your neck, and as she did, you gasped, eyes becoming wide with fear. She pulled it in half, and as soon as you were freed, the blank expression returned to your face.
“Let’s get you out of here, kiddo,” Alex said. “Supergirl, she needs medical attention right away. Take her - we’ll meet you back at the DEO.”
With a nod, Supergirl pulled you into her arms, where you hung limp and unmoving, and sped from the room.
Back at the DEO, the Super Friends and Lena gathered around your bedside. Alex’s hand ran through your hair as she watched your heart monitor. It had been nothing but steady, but she still worried that something could happen at any second.
Kara’s hand grasped yours. She held it tightly, as if she worried that if she let go, she would lose you all over again.
“She is doing very well physically,” Lena said. “Considering the circumstances, Y/N is in very good condition. Alex, Kara, your sister is very strong. She’ll be okay.” Lena grabbed Kara’s free hand and gave it a tight squeeze.
“She wouldn’t talk,” Alex said. “She wouldn’t look at us. It’s like we weren’t there. I wish I knew what that -”
“She’s been through a major trauma,” Lena reminded. “We have no way of knowing what was done to her in that facility. The only thing we can do now is be there for her and allow her time to heal.”
“Thank you, Lena,” Kara said. Without letting go of your hand, she pulled Lena into a hug. 
“I’m not leaving your side,” Alex whispered. “I’m right here. Always.”
“So am I,” Kara said, pulling away from Lena to look at your sleeping face. 
“We all are,” Nia said. “Aren’t we?”
Brainy and Lena both piped up in agreement. They weren’t sure if you could hear them, but they were going to let you know how much they cared anyway.
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