#skylor I love u
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nonbinarykai · 11 months ago
righhhhht and she was loyal!!! she loved her dad!! she loved him and he just (would have) let her die!!!!! and later in crystalized (i think the seasons kinda blur together lmao) she talks about wanting a family?? and??? that felt so loaded to me? its not just about wanting the stability (that kai cant give, but this is not about him. i have my own thoughts about the smith siblings and their commitment issues, but thats for later) but family? she just. is a family person. she was INTRODUCED as a family person, and i know ninjago probably sidelining her wasnt some intentional thought out desicion, but i like to headcanon it as her SPECIFICALLY not joining the ninja bc. theyre so obviously a family. and. she just needs to distance herself from that a bit, to find out whi she is outside of a group (*frantically writes a 15k character study following her throughout her journey into self discovery bc FUCK it makes me (someone who grew up in a cult) a bit insane)
and and. the tattoo?? like she was marked along with the rest of his followers, no different than a pawn, a mere minion. does she still have the tattoo?? that permanant physical reminder?? bc chen changed her, irrevocably. even after she turns back from becoming a LITERAL SNAKE AGAINST HER WILL (body horror angst, anyone?) she still has a mark.
i just. i want to give her more love and attention bc god holy shit. AND SHE COULD HAVE REALLY INTERESTING DYNAMICS WITH THE GROUP!!! IF PEOPLE JUST REMEMBERED HER!!!!!
she has to have formed some sort of bond with nya and lloyd after hunted. does she talk to him abt evil dads? i want to see her bond with zane over their love of cooking. does jay ever tell her abt her role in sky bound? they could talk abt their experiences turning into snakes lmao.
and her element is so interesting!!! literally absorbing others powers how cool is that?? what are the specifics? is there a time limit to how long she can use the power once she has it.
anyway this is getting too long but you get it. she needs to come back in dragons rising. she needs to bond with jordana over being ex-cult kids following her redemption, bc that girl is getting redeemed.
(i apologize for any typos i tried to be careful)
Can’t believe you didn’t mention how Cole’s fav restaurant is canonically Chen’s noodles which means he probably has ended up seeing skylor a lot and it’s possible they became friends.
Anyways I agree. I feel like it makes sense that even though skylor was abused she still loved her father. Thats unfortunately why a lot of abused kids stay with there parents to try to make it work. But I also wish skylor had more agency in choosing to go against her father other than “boy told me to”.
Speaking of which I do wish we saw more of skylors social life outside of whatever *he* shows us. It genuinely makes alot of sense for skylor to have some connection to the other ninja in some way. The only indicator of ppl she hangs out with is chamillie and that’s it. I want to see her have a group of friends that are completely detached from the ninja. Like regulars at her restaurant.
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kindaasrikal · 9 months ago
The ninja deserve emotional support animals except they’re them so none of them get a damn dog or something.
Zane has a penguin, he’s lovingly called zaneguin (real name: Peniuella, or Penny) (Penny gets along with Zane’s bird) (he rlly wanted a polar bear. Wu said no) (he waddles with the penguin, bro loves waddling.) (he once waddles over to some villains full penguin style as a on the spot distraction. Cole gave him a lecture about safety and being smart. Zane waddled away right after it was done.)
Kai has a parrot, bro loves his parrot (he’s called parry the parrot and he’s taught him how to scream FIYAAAAA) (Kai is usually the first ninja up for training, so he actually get his parrot to wake the others (Nya) up by putting Parry in their room and getting him to scream their elements.) (its become a common thing to hear ‘WATAHHHHH’ at 6am in the morning) (or ‘GREANNNNNNNN’ or maybe ‘ARTHHHHHH’ in a really deep voice. Cole had nightmares after hearing how deep Parry’s voice can get.)
Lloyd has a ferret, he’s just a ferret kinda guy. He also got a chinchilla soon after cause he got the dust for a dust bath, and then found out ferrets can’t have dust baths (he just wanted a lil guy to have a dust bath with.) (Yeah you heard me, Lloyd does dust baths. He likes the feeling of it.) (he rlly wanted to called his ferret ferry the ferret but Kai already took the joke, he called him Mr Ferrington instead.) (plus his Chinchilla is called Chilly, he loves dressing him up in mini versions of Zane’s gi because of it.)
Nya has two rats, she calls them her babies (don’t insult her rats, she will drown you.) (Jay named one Ratatouille, and as much as she hated the name she had no choice but to keep it, Jay would be sad if she didn’t.) (the other rat is called Rumphly. She thought it sounded sophisticated.) (she lets her rats burrow in her hair.) (she also has to protect everything she owns, her rats chew on everything and anything. Nothing is free from their menacing little mouths.)
Jay has a spider. He’s a lil weirdo like that (its a deadly spider) (he found it in his workshop) (it was 2:54 am and dark) (he almost died from the damn thing) (Pixal almost lost it when Jay literally clung to her begging her not to kill it-sorry, my mistake, her.) (he stays up late at night building stuff and chatting to her and she dances every time Jay goes on an excited ramble.)
Cole has a lizard, and it’s a Chameleon. He named her Lizzy (Kai calls her Queenie.) (he lowkey lost Lizzy on her first day and had a breakdown) (Jay said that defeated the purpose of an emotional support animal) (until at 11pm at night they found out Lizzy was just chilling in Cole’s hair and they just couldn’t tell) (everyone thought Cole was gonna be annoyed, but bro lowkey broke down again because he got emotional about how she clung to him the whole time.) (he got Lizzy because he missed Rocky) (I miss Rocky too)
Morro has a rabbit. Named Chompy (and they’re a ghost) (lowkey Morro has no idea what Chompy is, the lil brat just jumped onto him and went ‘CHOMP CHOMP CHOMP’ and bit him.) (it looks like a rabbit, if oni’s could be rabbits.) (he blames Garmadon, he probably corrupted the damn thing and now he has some weird monstrous rabbit attached to him) (he does like telling Chompy to attack tho. He finds it hilarious when the other ghosts are sent running) (their convos go like ‘No Chompy, you can’t eat my book’ ‘chomp chomp?’ ‘Because i said so.’ ‘Chomp chomp!’ ‘Uh, yes, i can.’ ‘Chomp chomp chomp!!’ ‘Wha-why you little-’) (everyone thinks he’s mentally unstable for thinking he can understand them) (and maybe he is but you can shove it, he deserves to talk to weird monster animals who actually like him, after what ever octopus bull the preeminent pulled)
Skylor has a turtle, she got him from Griffin (he couldn’t take care of him all the time and got busy so he asked Skylor if she’s willing to co-parent) (she had to agree that turtle was giving her puppy eyes) (they love acting like divorcees) (Kai pretends to the new boyfriend who hates the og partner) (the turtle is named Grecko) (Griffin wanted to mess with people who thought he was talking about an actual Gecko when instead he was talking about a turtle named Grecko) (Skylor loved and hated it at the same time) (she calls him Greg.) (she gets Greg to walk small distances over to kids in her restaurant and give them food) (the kids love him.)
Neuro has a mouse, five, to be precise. (Nya got the idea for a rat from Neuro, who has to explain to her the difference between the two.) (he loves letting them hide in random places of his body.) (don’t be surprised when you’re talking to him and a mouse just pops out of his shirts collar.) (he doesn’t even look phased.) (he’s accepted his fate as a climbing tree) (he is also trying to learn how to speak mouse by reading their minds) (its going…somewhere.)
Pixal has her lil robots. She loves mini pix with all her heart thats her baby.
Wu has his damn chicken and his chicken has been around for centuries. Morro also loved the chicken.
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yuripira4e · 6 months ago
we as a fanbase don’t talk about faith and jet jack enough personally I think they get married
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spicyicymeloncat · 1 year ago
Okay here’s another controversial “Green family take” tell me if I’m wrong.
“People who hate Harumi and Lloyd family dynamic ignore that Lloyd and Morro also shouldn’t have a family dynamic, when Morro did the exact same thing”
Because besties I agree I honestly think green cousins doesn’t make much sense either since yknow Morro and the whole possession thing, but at the same time if you look at canon, they just aren’t the same thing and yknow I need people to actually stop looking at Harumi as the girl version of Morro and the only reason we hate her is because she’s a girl.
Because she’s not.
Like yes I agree there’s definitely a lot of bias towards Morro, if he was woman he would be demonised to hell and back but since he’s man then he is adored, and vice versa with Harumi and sexism fucking sucks.
But Harumi and Morro are different guys. Harumi is portrayed as worse in canon in Lloyd’s eyes. Yeah Lloyd got possessed by Morro and that’s obviously bad tm but other than what people assume possession entails, Lloyd was never as shaken as he was with Harumi.
In s5, we never saw Lloyd be conflicted about the possession thing. He had no fear of Morro. We have no reason to believe that a ghost possession feels worse than being a sleep and maybe having a vague awareness of what’s going on. He barely mentions Morro after s5. And I will say I think this is a writing flaw, obviously it would’ve been cooler if Morro actually had some kind of impact on the ninja, but regardless this is the canon. Lloyd hates Morro but he’s not traumatised yknow. It’s not to the point that Harumi got to.
I feel like getting possessed should be worse than getting lied to, but Harumi did on top of it, start a cult in his name, Kill actual Characters (the royal family and Hutchins) and then kidnap Lloyd and his mother and his uncle and then resurrect his father removing vital parts of his father’s mind/personality/emotional cognitive abilities etc. on top of that she also nearly killed the ninja and wu (which Lloyd believed she did).
Somehow she was much more dangerous than Morro was, she was a much more successful villain.
Additionally I would say Morro has more of an excuse to be seen as family, even if I I’m less of a green cousins fan. Because Morro and Wu actually have a father son relationship, in which Wu was actually responsible over Morro. They had a normal albeit imperfect dynamic before Morro left. Regardless of Lloyd and Morro’s interactions, that dynamic was still present even in the very end.
It doesn’t mean and Lloyd and Morro have to be buddies, just because there’s a family connection doesn’t mean shit (this is the show of found family have we learned nothing? Blood connections don’t matter, only friendship).
But like in comparison to Harumi and Garmadon’s absolute parody of a relationship, where Harumi turns to the man who doesn’t remember what love is and asks him to be her father (at this point neither of them know what “father” even means), Morro does have a family dynamic and Harumi does not.
So in response to the original quote, Morro has a much more solid claim to any kind of family dynamic bc his relation to Wu is much more family esq, and also he was bad yeah, but the show portrays Harumi as worse especially in Lloyd’s opinion.
I just don’t like the argument that Morro and Harumi have done the same things, when the severity is definitely different imo and they aren’t just copies of each other. Imo it’s an oversimplification to reduce their characters down to each other.
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mittenslikescats · 11 months ago
I can’t even
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Some fucker changed it because ‘oh no Ninjago can’t possibly have a gay relationship’ even though there’s evidence in the SHOW and not to mention several ppl working on the show support these 2 as a ship.
And don’t tell me that ‘they’re just trying to make sure the information is factual’ cus on that same exact page they have Nya listed as one of Cole’s former love interest even though it’s been confirmed by Tommy Andersen that Cole never liked Nya romantically and that he was just confused at the sudden attention she was giving him.
But of course some homophobe probably got upset at seeing Geo being a possible love interest for Cole. I sometimes cannot with this wiki, like you have your canon straight ships, you got Jaya, Kailor, Pixane, Llokita just let us have this one gay ship be canon. It’s not going to ruin Cole’s character if he ends up in a romantic relationship with Geo. When Kai and Skylor got together did that suddenly ruin Kai’s personality? No and it would be the same for Cole.
It’s honestly tiring having to fight for queer representation in Ninjago and it doesn’t make it easier having homophobes trying to bash anyone who supports a queer ship or headcanons a character as queer in this fandom.
Also while on topic I actually hate how ppl will try to use Vania as an excuse to be homophobic. Like when a homophobe goes on about how ‘Cole isn’t gay’ they’ll always bring up Vania (and Nya at times too) like it’s been confirmed that Cole and Vania are just friends yet people still treat the ship as canon (u can totally ship them if u want btw) and use Vania as an excuse to homophobic. Like don’t you dare bring my girl into this
I’m honestly disappointed in the ninjago wiki, I thought people there would be more open to the idea of Cole and Geo being a canon couple. But I guess that’s just wishful thinking.
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gravyhoney · 11 months ago
Shoutout Hunted, for being a season that exists. I love u Hunted.
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Anywayssssss more uh. Toni and Skylor lore bc I missed drawing them.
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ninja-confession-go · 2 months ago
ppl who ship amberwind (skylor x morro) are honesty so both unhinged AND AMAZING
like... whole community is maybe like 8-10 people
and u have some guy that randomly went "okay but theyre lesbians." and maybe ⅔ of them all r vibing with that
i (as someone who ships citrus) am also vibing with that
man... i may not like the ship but i sure do love the shippers
xoxo love you guys <3
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atorchzagreusandtris · 10 months ago
Everyone that knows me knows I love trans Kai hcs because trans Jay hcs make me uncomfy as a trans masc (it's bc of how the fandom has babied him which is actually a big problem in a lot of popular trans hcs for any media </3)
I think Kai has a more compelling arc as a trans man too.
Kai being left to raise Nya because his parents were kidnapped when they were really young, thusly he quite literally has to be the MAN of the household even when he still presented fem/didn't know he was trans and was just seen as the tomboy in his village. He fights even harder to become strong and to protect Nya, it's one of the only things he takes seriously in life.
Kai fights so fucking hard to be seen as not just a boy, but as a man during his teen years.
And then during the Garmadon is back and they're trying to figure out the Green Ninja prophecy arc he fights even harder to become the Green Ninja. He's fought so hard, why can't he be the chosen one? (Note the Morro parallels here because OOUGH... O O O U G G H H H H...) Why can't he be the one to defeat Garmadon? He's fought so hard his entire life for everything he ever wanted. But then Lloyd is the Green Ninja, and when Lloyd is questioning everything he has this great moment of awakening when he realizes that it's been pushed onto this fucking child who was just like him, fighting to be noticed, fighting to be loved, fighting to be seen as a man because LLOYD TRANS HCS ARE FIRE TOO and all of a sudden Kai needs to protect him too. (BECAUSE WAAAAAAAAA RBG SIBLINGS...)
Kai fights and fights to become stronger for others. And when Zane dies in season 3 and Kai joins the fight club, he fights because he wasn't strong enough to protect someone he loved. It's all he knows. Fight. Train. Feelings don't matter if you can punch them out. (Or flirt them out, which... doesn't work most of the time)
And then Kai meets Skylor, who is also just like him... but the opposite. Trans femme instead of trans masc. (Yes, I have Skylor transfer hcs too!) And while PIXAL was also trans (Yeah, another transfem, fight me about it), it's different when it's actually a person instead of... well - a robot. Or nb like Zane... And finally he starts to feel like maybe he's not alone. He seeks her out during the ToE and tries so hard to talk to her, but alas.
and then things fall apart I haven't watched season 4 in forever so i forget a lot of things that happen </3 I have so much more to add to this but for now I'm just gonna let it be because I HAVE TOO MANY THOUGHTS and need to REWATCH NINJAGO to put them down!
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marsipain · 1 year ago
me and my sister are both Ninjago fangirls and we both LOVE your futuristic Ninjago AU art, especially her, she's actually using some as wallpapers right now. the brainrot is real and she is absolutely in love with it. her ideas based off your art are endless. thank you for it.
you have no idea how much this warmed my heart dude, ill never get used to people liking the cyberpunk au so much (its the closest to an original project ive ever posted tbh) and people like you make it all worth it <33
this also reminds me that i never shared my cyberpunk au playlists! So here u go :D
also gonna put which songs (from the main playlist) fit with what characters under the cut!
Lloyd: Ryder or Riot, Around the World/HBFS, 20 Percent Cooler
RGB Trio: Telephone - Electrolightz Remix, Punk Tactics
Kai: Faster
Nya: Shut Up And Drive
Nya/Pixal: Bad Girls
Harumi: Lovegame, 宵々古今
Harumi & Lloyd: ロキ
Lloyd & Morro & Harumi & Akita: Just Dance, LUVARATORRRRRY!, Heads Will Roll, コノヨ Loading…
Akita & Zane: Electric Fist
Nya & Pixal & Jay & Zane: Pump It
Jay: Into The Zone, Beat That
Skylor: Comme Des Garcons (Like The Boys)
Cole: Lights Down Low
And some other ones that arent really assigned to anybody !
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alastair-1205 · 8 months ago
Episode 12 reactions
Euphrasia!! She’s living her best life
Does this imply Geo just fucked off back to TLOLT lmao????
Omg is Skylor here, plz say she is-
Beatrix >:(
Also with the tea leaves…
Oh the tiny rock bastards again
Just take the title girl, you’re the red ninja now
Lmao that is not gonna do jack shit I’m sorry to say
Oh fuck youuuuuu rock dude 
DO YOU NYA? DO YOU? Someone let this girl fucking emote I stg
God the design of superhell is really cool actually
Well don’t yell again!!!
I don’t think Frag exists ngl. Actually nah maybe he does. I’m still deciding. That’s just such a weirdly pointed thing to say lmao
Arin :(
Jiro Did Not balance that bowl the whole way there-
He can do the thing now too!!
Also Master Lloyd being good at his job!! He knows what he’s talking about!!
Zane’s sassy little stance lmao
Aw Zane tried to help lol
Did he not already have the title of Master since like. Season 7? I know he was never acting as it, but he’s been training for this for at least a decade right?
But the again it’s Lloyd even if that’s the case he’d still think he’s not ready lmao
I love all the Lloyd and Zane content. It’s very sweet 
Oh god he’s being set up to hate himself when this all goes to shit isn’t he. That phrasing man…
Ah so that’s what that screen caps from lmao
Oh hi Cole
Stfu Lloyd I stg-
Cool outfits!! Even Sora’s kinda matches!
“My dude-“ LMAO
I was gonna ask why they never got invites in the past but ig this was just going on in another realm before? 
Yo shes new. 
Robot murder
Shit where Did Arin go-
Yoooooo Roby!
Oh god he’s a content creator 
This getting leaked during the olympics is kinda hilarious 
Oh yo Frack (Frag?) is real!
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milkyplier · 1 year ago
hey so ummmmm idk how long ago u sent that post but it was the three sentence story? I only saw one other post from it? Is it ok if I suggest something? Could I suggest Cuccoo?
If you don't want to that's ok. Hope your having a good day!
Also I stinken loved your Kai and skylor fic
The squawk was flustered enough that Malon thought something had gotten at the cuccoos, which was odd for it being the middle of the day. As she rounded the corner of the barn to check, however, all she saw was a very ruffled Legend glaring at an oblivious fowl—and then it clicked.
“Veteran, that was you?”
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nyaskitten · 2 years ago
Go down that rabbit hole now. I love hearing ninjago theories.
AHH THANK U LOTS MAN I APPRECIATE IT!!! ok so just a warning some of this theory is more leaning on headcanons than like SOLID hard facts we've seen in the show.
Okay so first, in Mystake's story about the Oni and the Dragon, we see what appears to be an unremarkable oni and an unremarkable dragon, right? But, the oni featured in that story has a unique design, no other oni feature that same horn shape, except for the oni of Deception it'd seem. And, if Mystake IS indeed the oni of Deception, that'd make HER the oni who created a child with a dragon!
Second off, we know the oni have different forms based on the murals in the Oni Temple, wherein the Oni Warlords are seen to be MASSIVE, hulking beings, yet when we see Mystake, one of the Oni Warlords herself, she appears like any other oni, the only resemblance to the Mask supposedly based on her being her eyebrows.
So, if Oni appear to have multiple appearances [[their gigantic form and their normal tiny form, and possibly another form more indicative of their oni abilities (because the Oni Carvings depict them WITHOUT any unique Oni Mask features)]] wouldn't it be safe to assume Mystake, being the oni of Deception, would hypothetically switch to a form where she's NOT showcasing her true might and power and all that so she can keep Garmadon distracted, so Skylor can get his power, rather than kill him herself?
Another point I wanna bring up is the Overlord, please note this is not based on solid canon information, solely speculation!
We know that Tommy Andreasen (creator of Ninjago 2011-2022) is aware of, and supports, the idea of the Overlord being part of the FSM, his oni side, and that the FSM severed their connection. making the Overlord a separate entity, right?
Well I think it'd be pretty interesting to look at the Overlord, specifically in Crystalized, and take note of his horns. His horns are the same unique ones featured on the Mask of Deception, the oni in the story, and the possibly Mystake's true oni form! (her true form being the one the MoD was based on)
One other tiny detail I'd like to mention would be the Core shorts. In these shorts, it's revealed Wu used some form of power to create all the illusions, which, if I'm right, COULD be a mixture of Deception and Creation, using Creation to make the locations and people, and using Deception to possibly make it realistic(-ish)
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spicyicymeloncat · 2 years ago
Ik staff of elements!Kai is the more popular au but like consider. Staff of elements!Skylor. Kai can be her Clouse.
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colesluvr · 2 years ago
I saw that in the ninja and male reader best friend u asked if you could share your head canons‼️YOU TOTALLY SHOULD SHARE THEM‼️I WANT to see the head canons you have (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)‼️‼️
Ninjago Headcanons/Opinions | Made By Rue <3
all of these are my headcanons for the ninja's and others(+ their sexuality's) don't like? block or don't interact with me :)
lloyd's aroace
cole's gay
nya, kai, and jay are bisexual
zane is pansexual
pixal is demi-girl (gonna start using these more and more)
harumi, vania, and skylor are lesbian.
lloyd sleep with stuffed animals, and he makes sure they each get his love.
the reason cole loves cake is because before he mother passed away, they would both bake cakes together </3
pixal is the therapist for the group, while zane is also someone they go to to talk to :)
lloyd had trust issues, before and after harumi
zane and pixal are the only ones with a proper sleep sceduale
jay hates being alone, he needs someone by his side
lloyd doesn't like social interaction, (not a lot, but kinda)
lloyrumi is toxic
each one of them have frienship braclets. (this>>anything else)
cole see's vania has a friend, best friend almost
lou wasn't a bad father
jay fidgets when he's nervous (so does lloyd a little bit)
nya gives jay kisses to the head, forehead, temple, cheek, nose, or lip when he's asleep. just wants to see his reactions
zane cooks for everyone, no questions asked
pixal and nya talk about new samurai x builds
morro deserved better
kai still doesn't know how to skate, so nya and jay teach him from time to time
cole forgets to take care of himself sometimes
jay has adhd and autisum
kai accdentily burned himself first using his powers
jay shocks himself sometimes when he gets nervous
kai rarely asks for help because he thinks it's a weakness
when wu and garmadon were younger they would always pick fights (think this is pretty obvious but)
zane hasn't forgotten about the time he was the ice emperor. he has flashbacks that make him isolate himself from a little while.
uhhh yeah, this is all i have for now!! if none of you agree with their sexuality, feel free to block me bc i don't want to argue :( have any of your own?? fee free to comment &lt;3
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lunar-eclipse-bunnies · 2 years ago
NINJAGO TAROT DRAFT IVE HAD FOR 8 MONTHS imagine them as either just designs or with deeper meanings, i'm too tired to do a lot of analysis but i Am Right. prefacing this with YES i have character biases, and YES they are present here<3 its my blog ill post what i want (no i will not be tagging the characters i rag on i do not want to be bothered about them)
The Fool - lloyd. not that lloyd is a fool, but he is the blank slate, the character written to be of infinite opportunity. he can be reckless and innocent, naive and idealistic, gullible but free. even this late into the series his sense of self continues to change and evolve, never settling in a single place; the upright is young lloyd, our youthful and ignorant protagonist. the reverse is current lloyd, weighed down by the actions of not only his father, mother and uncle, but himself. his card should have 2 panels, one with babey lloyd and the other with older lloyd. maybe juggling his friends' elemental symbols, just for spice. spicy clownery.
The Magician - this is jay, hands down. i'm picking things/characters based on upright and reversed meanings, and while jay debuts as an determined and powerful character, he slips pretty quickly into the card's reverse meaning, often utilizing "manipulation, cunning, and deception" to get his way. most of the time it is subtle, as his manipulative tendencies have been slowly elaborated on over the course of the series. he can be summoning lightning or something with his card.
The High Priestess - skylor. again, the reverse is past skylor, during her brief betrayal, and the upright is present skylor, a wise ally and friend. i want her in her father's snake hat and in his chair. thank u
The Empress - misako, purely for the reverse meaning. i dont care about her so her card can be whatever
The Emperor - garmadon, same reason and also gotta match with the (ex) wifey! give my guy garm his 4 arms too pls
The Hierophant - kai. source: just trust me bro
The Lovers - pixal & zane, duh. they literally share zane's fighting skill after she receives half his heart in season 3, she and he are inseparable (re: essentially headmates) for the following 4 seasons, and are often depicted as the healthiest "het" couple in the show. they are DEVASTATED when they lose each other, their sense of balance. they're in love your honor damnit. HAVE THEM EMBRACE.
The Chariot - the bounty. mostly because it represents a home for the ninja for a good while in the show and is the only real space they can enact control and their wills on for a while. also because the significance of the bounty crashing in season 8 really encompasses the reverse meaning. just replace the chariot w the boat in the card.
Strength - cole. not just because of his super strength, but because he is the MOST compassionate and brave character in this entire goddamn show. say what you will but cole has been through death and back, dropped from a hundred story drop, lost his friends, his sensei, his best friend, AND had to resurrect his mother's legacy with his bare hands. this man has never once been shown to back down from a cause, take the coward's way out, or plain give up because he's the most tied to this ninja morality. when cole is disheartened, he takes it out on himself, gets mad at HIMSELF, never on other people like jay, kai, lloyd and even nya are prone to. give my boy a goddamn break. please let him chill w rocky in his card :) maybe give him his lava arms tho
The Hermit - WU DUH. meaning fits but also his card should have him drinking tea with a three-way split panel behind him showing off the places he found his students. good day
The Wheel of Fortune - cloud kingdom. cloud kingdom. damn those nerdy little bastards.
Justice - AKITA AKITA. karmic justice ring a bell, anyone? we can weigh her mask on the scale or something, just let her have her moment :)
The Hanged Man - yallre gonna hate me but this is actually zane. sacrifice is the NAME of the card. he keeps sacrificing himself, even when it ISNT needed. would love it if his card had him tied to the forbidden spinjitzu scroll, that would be pog
Death - morro. HA u thought you could escape him lol no. have him be bitchass. maybe show his ghost hanging around his skeleton or something. make it green
Temperance - ... ronin. i had some trouble with this, but i think this card captures him pretty well.
The Devil - Harumi. mostly because i already drew her a card, but also because of the reversed meaning.
The Tower - the great devourer. i think thats explanation enough.
The Star - ... benthomaar. am i jsut adding the jade ninja characters at this point? yes, yes i am. do they still fit? aboslutely. give my guy bentho a FUCKIN crown
The Moon - ECHO ECHO PLEASE. deception? illusions??? thats their bread and goddamn butter!!!! PUT THE LIGHTHOUSE AT NIGHT IN THEIR CARD, YOU COWARDS!!!
The Sun - vania. vania. vania. vania. will i elaborate? no!
Judgement - pixal, hands down. calm evaluation? being highly aware of yourself???? thats just pix, babey!!! and the reverse, FUCK, self doubt,,,, she rarely has those moments but!! when she DOES!!! AHHHHHH/POS
The World - NYA NYA NYA. NYA IN HER ELEMENTAL FORM HEAR ME OUT GUYS. in the upright meaning its her early season self, doing well on her own, achieving and succeeding and being fulfilled, and the reversed is her skybound to present self, stagnating as a character, no longer succeeding on her own or through her own means. the card also has to do with cycles, and considering how many times nya has died or been forced to change, well. who else would this card be???
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nic-liveblogs · 1 year ago
what do u think about an lmk/ninjago cross over au?
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accidently deleted the last ask about this i had it in my drafts and it got deleted 😭(i took screenshots of my answer thank god) but luckily theres another similar question so heres my answer sorry it took so long i put a lot of care into it
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kai and red son
okayyy tbh i dont know that much about red son yet??? i dont have a good grasp on his character but they both have cool fire powers and theyd both definitely get into a fight over something stupid and attempt to kill each other, fighting fire with fire if you will
i think wu and sandy would just sit together and have tea, maybe bring along zane as well because zane and sandy are kind of similar in the way that they would do whatever it takes to protect the ones they love :')
macaque and morro
WOOOWW uhm! i dont know that much about macaque's backstory, but i know their both vengeful, macaque because he was in wukongs shadow i think? and morro because he was promised that he would be the green ninja and destiny didnt agree. hm theyre both amazing at traumatizing our main protaganist thats for sure i think theyd be pretty chill with each other like
only person idk who to pair with is pigsy because??? like im so serious who would you pair pigsy with. WAIT I KNOW I JUST THOUGHT OF IT AS IM TYPING ITS SKYLOR!!!!
ok anyway thats it i think you can tell im quite sleep deprived i'll definitely add on to this once i actually finish lmk because by then id probably have a better grasp of the lmk characters!!
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