#skyloft jazz
gvsaxboy · 9 months
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Tom Dante Trio with Greg Vail Sax and Dave Murdy Guitar at the Skyloft in Laguna Beach Wed Jan 17 @7pm - Admission is FREE! Jazz in the New Year!!!
<<<<<-------------- NEW SHOW 2024 ------------->>>>>
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wanderlustmagician · 9 months
More Modern AU stuff because I’m too jazzed from getting off work an hour ago Anywhoozle -
Thinking about their styles? Like personal styles and their like careers/lifestyles.
Sky would be all soft hoodies worn under like a bomber style jacket (Sun totally got him that, it’s brown leather with the Hyrulian shield emblem on the back, patches on the front and sleeves of like a Loftwing, a cloud, a copy his pilot wings pin, etc). Baggy pants with lots of pockets, sweatpants, yoga pants, or anything very comfy. Combat boots. Sometimes a beanie, sometimes no. Always looks super soft and comfy, very unintimidating, and squishy. (Misnomer, Skyboi will throw down if you burn through his patience fast enough).
Sky is NOT an active pilot, but he did earn his wings. Skyloft is home to the only Military school that’s solely focused on one branch, it’s their Air Force. So by graduating from Skyloft Academy, he earned his wings. He is considering going to college for a Mechanical Engineering degree. Maybe. He hasn’t decided.
Hyrule is all things that are good to move in. Loose jeans, yoga pants, good hiking boots, loose graphic tees, windbreaker type rain coat. It’s all practical things. He likes the colors red, brown, and green for his clothes. Occasionally orange, if he’s feeling spicy. All his socks are patterned and are in general very silly.
Hyrule is a landscape photographer, but currently in a non professional capacity (to himself). He’s enrolled in online courses for Photography and Photoshop Editing, so he can better himself at his craft.
Wild is that one guy who everyone knows has a lot of clothes, who wears said clothes, but is always seen in the same outfit. He’s a cryptid and loves it. Generally seen in a blue graphic tee, brown pants, and brown hiking boots. I will not go into the contents of his closet at this time, it’s too vast. No.
That said, Wild currently works as a tour guide for the local Dueling Peaks National Park. He takes tourists to the top of the Peaks safely and back down again. He’s currently deciding between a degree of sorts (undecided) or culinary school.
Twilight is (in public) generally in some combination of work clothes. A plain t shirt with either overalls or jean work pants. Everything is stained, ripped, and patched to all hell. He doesn’t care, just rolls with it. When he knows he’s going to be going somewhere with friends, he’ll clean up nice with some good, unblemished by work jeans and a nice shirt (especially if they’re going out dancing). When at home he’s in the few comfy clothes he owns, sweatpants and loose tees, a pair of overalls that Uli gave him once that are soft and patched with cutesy patterns for aesthetic purposes (he knows she gave it to him as a gag, he doesn’t care it’s soft) and Ordon wool sweater. Things like that.
Twilight is in Veterinary school and currently works for the local farm in Hateno. So he’s usually going to school and coming home in his work clothes, doing that school and work grind. It’s not sustainable how he does it, but hell if he’ll stop yet.
Wind is graphic tees with jokes on them, layering shirts on shirts, and cargo shorts. He absolutely wears socks with sandals and crocs unapologetically. If he could wear swim trunks to school, he would.
Wind is still in middle school, so nothing really affects his sense of personal style other than maybe girls.
Four is going wear whatever is most practical for working in the smithy. Other than that PJs. Not in between unless he has to be plussed to find one. It’s very rare when it happens though. I’ll be honest, I definitely have to do more research on smithing and all that.
Time, being retired, tends to wear whatever is comfy and doesn’t require him to keep it clean. He helps out around the ranch and often just wears work jeans and plain shirts. Malon has gotten him a couple of sweaters and when the boys are around, they’ll get him some silly graphic tees.
Time is a retired Ambassador. He mainly is around the Ranch and enjoys making the “trophy husband/wife” comments about himself.
Warriors and Legend both are very into their looks and I’ve only combined them here because I’m still looking into WHAT I want them in. Like Warriors is an Ambassador, he has to look semi presentable all the time and I need to figure that style out. Legend on the other hand just likes to look good all the time but it needs to be practical. He’s a travel blogger, so he needs clothes that hold up to both his standards and what he’s putting them through.
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zeldamphibiedalls · 2 years
So we know that sky is lives in the sky and loves the sky and all that jazz.
But what about four. He had to use ezlo as a parachute in the skies and palace of Winds is in the sky. Also he fought on a flying manta ray in the sky with no safety measures.
Sky: oh the skies, I remember living in skyloft and flying on my loftwing
Four: the skies. Where the probability of me dying skyrocketed. Also I flew on a giant manta ray while fighting it and dodging flying energy balls.
Wild: I got my arm corrupted. Not in the skies but it's related
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spiritmaiden23 · 4 years
RULES:  repost, don’t reblog. just pick a muse of yours and fill it out.
MUSE: Zelda
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— basics
▸ is your muse tall/short/average? She’s average height, which is 5′3″ however in the world of LOZ where most characters are sizes of trees... she’s probably considered on the short side. In fact, she’s actually shorter than almost all of the cast in SS save for a few characters. Especially since she’s around the same height as manlet king Link. As Hylia in her past life, when in her form that mortals can comprehend, because looking at a god is similar to staring into five suns, she was a seven foot goddess. Even bigger in goddess form but by mortal eyes it just looks like a great ball of light haha! 
▸ are they okay with their height? It’d be nice if she could be just a few inches taller in order to get books from the highest shelves. And maybe knock a few taller folk’s pegs down... aside from that, she’s fine with it!! Though the short jokes can get irksome. 
▸ what’s their hair like? Very soft, super thick and an over abundance of it. It may seem short in that low pony tail she sports but it actually falls to her waist in terms of length. She takes good care of it and tends to style it in mostly low ponytail or other hair styles that keeps it out of her face. Side note: It is a-ok to play with her hair so long as you don’t mess around too much with it. 
▸ do they spend a lot of time on their hair/with their grooming? A normal amount of time is spent on it! Gotta take good care of those goldie locks of hers! 
▸ does your muse care about their appearance? Of course! To an extent! First impressions are important and all. She likes looking cute as a button if she can help it, thanks! Honestly though she likes to look and feel cute more for herself rather than others. Nothing wrong with loving to wear pink and other pastel colors and simple jewelry that goes with your outfit and junk!! 
▸ does your muse care about what others think about them? Hmm. Yes and no! Not nearly enough to completely change herself for others in order to appear better or anything, Zelda is very much an open book and what you see is what you get with this girl. She’s not going to try hard to make you like her or anything. But well, she has that natural charm going for her so :’) 
— preferences
▸ indoors or outdoors? Both? Both! She loves the outdoors but staying inside to read or to sew/knit something is also nice to her!  ▸ rain or sunshine? Sunshine ▸ forest or beach? Forest ▸ precious metals or gems? Metals ▸ flowers or perfumes? Flowers ▸ personality or appearance?  Personality  ▸ being alone or being in a crowd? AH hm, both seem very extreme options haha. Either way she doesn’t mind both settings.  ▸ order or anarchy? Order ▸ painful truths or white lies? TEAM PAINFUL TRUTHS AFTER ALL THAT’S HAPPENED IN SS HWEOH, she’ll try to make the delivery gentle as possible but well the truth hurts.  ▸ science or magic? Magic ▸ peace or conflict? Peace! ▸ night or day? Day, she’s out like a light once the sun’s down lol  ▸ dusk or dawn? The dawn!!  ▸ warmth or cold? Warmth, she’s been spoiled by the mild weather in Skyloft so experiencing super cold and bitter winter for the first time was like 8D to D8 in a matter of five seconds. ▸ many acquaintances or a few close friends? Few close friends ▸ reading or playing a game? Both! She’s a bit of a bookworm for sure (I mean all those books in her room) however she also likes to have fun too! 
— questionnaire
▸ what are some of your muse’s bad habits? COMBINING WORRYWART TENDENCIES WITH BUSYBODY HABITS IS NEVER A GOOD COMBO BECAUSE GIRL WILL TAKE MATTERS INTO HER OWN HANDS AND WILL NOT ACCEPT ANY EXCUSES WHATSOEVER IF SHE FEELS SOMEONE’S SLACKING ON SOMETHING. She tends to rush into things if she comes to her own conclusions and will sometimes press forward without thinking much on it. When she steps in like this it’s mostly done from a good place and she only does this with nothing but good intentions. She’s responsible to a fault, putting everything and everyone above her own needs first and foremost. And the girl could learn to be a bit more selfish. 
▸ has your muse lost anyone close to them? how has it affected them? :’)))))) It wasn’t enough recalling her past life. But gosh, as Zelda? Impa. Without a shadow of a doubt, she still misses Impa and still regrets not being able to say something as simple as thank you before Impa passes on. Of course, there was more that she’d wanted to say but thank you sums up all of her feelings neatly with a pretty bow and all. Zelda is pretty straightforward with revealing her inner thoughts and this increases tenfold once Impa passes on. 
▸ what are some fond memories your muse has? Any time spent with Link and in the skies. She also loved spending time traveling around with Impa because of how much wisdom Impa had given her throughout the journey as well as being an amazing friend.
▸ is it easy for your muse to kill? You’d think she’d be used to the idea considering her past life as Hylia but if she can help, Zelda will never ever kill. 
▸ what’s it like when your muse breaks down? Tragic. WAIT I’M REALIZING THAT THIS SOUNDS SO DRAMATIC BUT WAIT HOLD ON LET ME EXPLAIN. I’ve mentioned time and time again that Zelda is someone who wears her heart on her sleeve, she’s very expressive and very in tune with her emotions, having no issue with showing whatever thoughts she has out in the open. So with that in mind, she has no issue with expressing what doesn’t exactly make her happy. Once she breaks down it’s mostly when things are finally over. Whether for better or worse, that’s when she just lets loose and lets the water work go. No crying until the very end and all that... honestly... this question needs more context though hweoh. 
▸ is your muse capable of trusting someone with their life? EHHH well, yes and no. She believes in giving chances to everyone, benefit of the doubt and all that jazz. And she likes to believe in the best in others, as such she does like to extend trust to them too. But to trust another with her own literal life is a bit much for her ;v; 
▸ what’s your muse like when they’re in love? EVEN MORE DISGUSTINGLY CUTE GOD I can guarantee that any couple with Zel is going to be the new grossly in love couple that’s all lovey dovey aka very cute hours. You’re dating Miss. 💝💘💕🎀🎀uwu girl🍬🌸🌸🌷🍭🌺 herself. You more or less signed up for this. That said, it all ties into with what was said above in that she has no issues with expressing herself as such she will openly display her affection once that whole shy period goes out the window after the Confession™ happens. She loves spending time with S/O the most, doing just about anything! Zelda has lots of love to give and she’ll spoil her S/O with it. I’m sorry for any future grossly cute content u-u 
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sage-nebula · 4 years
Years ago I might have rated Skyward Sword higher, but I replayed it recently and while I might rate it higher than you it's definitely not one of my favorites. Personally I wish they would have focused on more actually clever things with the motion (I will always remember spinning the spider around to expose it's weakness! I loved that!) and like most people wish they stopped at one Imprisoned fight. What did you feel were its weaknesses?
The gameplay. 100%. Skyward Sword is unplayable for me.
I love everything else about it. The music is gorgeous, the characters are wonderful, the art style is beautiful, and the story (aside from not calling Hylia a demigoddess like she should be) is fantastic. There is so much about it to love . . . 
. . . if it was an anime, or a manga. But as a game? It fails horribly.
1.) The motion controls are NOT 1:1, even with Wii Motion Plus. And if Skyward Sword were designed like any other Zelda game, where you could hit monsters any way you pleased and they would take damage, that would be fine! But because Nintendo was so confident that they had 1:1 motion controls, they decided to make every monster—even ones as basic as Deku Babas—into puzzle monsters where you had to hit them a precise way at a precise time or your attack did no damage. And you know what? That’s bad game design even if you have absolutely perfect motion controls. Because let’s pretend, for the sake of argument, that the controls were 1:1 with the Wii Motion Plus, as advertised, and my problem was that my coordination was poor. In that case, the game is still unplayable, because it means that people without perfect coordination for whatever reason (maybe they just never developed those skills, maybe they’re disabled in some way) can’t play the game. For a series as wide-reaching as Zelda, it’s a problem if you’re cutting off a huge portion of players from being able to enjoy it. And on that note . . .
1.5.) The motion controls were MANDATORY. I understand that Nintendo has been in love with motion controls for a long time, and I accept that. But you should be able to turn them off. Like, they’ve put them into just about every big budget game they’ve released the past couple of decades. The Splatoon games have them, Breath of the Wild had them, and so on. But in each game, you can turn them off. Hell, even though Breath of the Wild does require them in a couple shrines, those shrines aren’t required to beat the game. To 100% it, sure, but not to beat it and get a full experience out of it regardless. So for Skyward Sword to require the motion controls to the point where you’re not even given the option to turn them off (which, again, makes sense given that they based even insignificant monsters around them) is terrible. It’s terrible for people who don’t like them, but it’s absolutely HORRIBLE for people who are disabled and thus can’t use the motion controls. Skyward Sword’s motion controls are a huge middle finger to disabled folk, and that sucks.
As a side note? I was much younger when I played Skyward Sword than I am now, and in much better health. But even back then, I could only play for a couple hours before I got winded because of all the damn sword swinging I had to do and whatnot. This is why I think it’d be unplayable to me now; I’m not healthy enough for a damn video game and that sounds like it should be an oxymoron, but it’s not.
2.) Once again, the dungeons are too damn long. This was a complaint I had about Twilight Princess as well, but it bears repeating here. Whether it’s because of my ADHD or otherwise, I just can’t handle dungeons that take hours to complete. Breath of the Wild was, pardon the wordplay, a breath of fresh air in that sense. Finally, the dungeons were a reasonable length again. But in Skyward Sword they were not. They were insanely long and full of goddamn motion control puzzles, which made them feel like a chore x2 (because they would already be a chore due to the length, but the miserable motion controls made it even worse). Games should not feel like a chore to play, but Skyward Sword still did.
3.) Fucking EVERYTHING was a puzzle, though. So I’m going to elaborate on this a little more in a second, but basically Skyward Sword didn’t have an overworld. Skyward Sword had a hub area (the sky), and then several puzzle dungeons that led to even longer puzzle dungeons on the surface. The Faron, Eldin, and Lanayru areas were extremely small areas filled with puzzles that you had to complete just so you could get to a dungeon with more puzzles. There was nothing to explore in these areas, nothing to see, because you were too busy solving puzzles so that you could go solve more puzzles. And I hate that! I get that puzzles are a big part of Zelda, but you know what, exploration should be too. Exploration is what the series was literally founded on, even if the limitations of the NES meant there really wasn’t that much to find. So to have a game basically be nothing but dungeons, especially for a person like me who isn’t jazzed about dungeons in the first place, was a huge buzzkill.
4.) There really was NOTHING to explore. So, to elaborate on what I mentioned in the previous point: Aside from the surface area basically being nothing but dungeons (dungeons that you had to backtrack through five billion times), the sky was empty. It was just completely empty. There was nothing there. You had Skyloft, the Pumpkin island, the roulette island, Beedle’s ship . . . and that was it. Oh sure, there were other floating rocks here or there, but there was nothing on them. There was nothing to do. And considering this followed Wind Waker, where there was so much to discover in the ocean, so many different islands that had secrets and people and cabanas and minigames and whatnot, it was a massive disappointment. Nintendo showed us that they could give us huge areas to explore, they just deliberately chose not to for a 25th anniversary title. What this meant is that you had nothing to give you any breathing room between dungeons. Because again, the surface areas before the actual temples were basically little mini dungeons. So whereas in past Zelda games you’d have little sidequests and places to explore in-between dungeon crawling, in Skyward Sword you really didn’t have that. So not only could I not breathe because of all the physical exertion, but I also couldn’t breathe because the game gave you no time to rest. Goddess Din give me strength.
5.) The backtracking was INSANE. My god, another reason this game could have benefited from more areas was so that you wouldn’t have to keep exploring the same damn areas again, and again, and again, and again, AND AGAIN. The Imprisoned fight you mentioned was bad enough, because that wasn’t a fun fight and so to have to do it something like three separate times was miserable. But it was also miserable that there was literally nothing to this game below the clouds or above them, so they just had to keep inventing fetch quests to send you back to the same areas time and time again. Seriously Nintendo? At least Twilight Princess had more places for us to go, even if they looked boring. You couldn’t even give us that for the 25th anniversary title. Smh.
All in all, the gameplay experience of Skyward Sword is just absolutely miserable. From the forced motion controls to the fact that it’s nothing but dungeons pretending to be a map, I had to force myself to keep picking up the Wiimote because playing it felt like doing a chore akin to mowing the lawn. Which sucks, because as I said, I love the story and the characters to pieces. Fi’s farewell makes me cry every time I rewatch the scene on YouTube. But while story and characters do carry weight and are important to when it comes to Zelda games, ultimately, Zelda games are still games and therefore gameplay is paramount. If a game is not fun to play, then it has failed as a game. And unfortunately, Skyward Sword is one that failed as a game, perhaps because Nintendo invested so much time in the story and characters that they forgot they were supposed to be making a video game instead of an anime. It is what it is. 
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13,14,15,16,17 for anyone
[Thank you for the ask!!
13. Favourite boss?Sam: I like Bowser! He’s a big dragon-dinosaur guy! I even have his Amiibo! 
14. First console?Jazz: Uh.. does the dance dance revolution machine at the local arcade count as a console?
15. Current console or consoles?Eleanor: Just my nintendo 3ds.. I’d like to save up for a playstation, though. I’d like to play the Crash Bandicoot and Spyro remasters, when it comes out. 
16. Console you want?Beans: Ooo- I want a nintendo switch, they just look so cool.
17. Place from a game that you’d like to visit?Cali: Hyrule from Breath Of The Wild- oh! Or Skyloft from Skyward Sword. 
From this ask list!! Feel free to send more!
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berrymeter · 3 years
new onewe songs!!!!!!! i am, as always, slightly disappointed with the title track it’s so catchy but it seems so rushed i guess? but u should listen to this mini bc ur boy (dm) his voice has improved a lot and he gets to shine imo! my faves are ai and cosmos: ai is so chill and cosmos is peak historical fantasy ost.. also aurora but they’ve performed that live before so i ruined it for me by playing the live version over and over before the album was released 😓😓 also in other news everyone’s clowning e3 and my only thought is BOTW 2 COMING 2022 i’ll die i’ll dieeee and it looks like the terrain is floating chunks islands which is my favorite fantasy terrain ever it gives me castle in the sky it gives me the mmmh music video i’m so exciteddd unless they let me down again.. 🔪 -تي تي that’s arabic for tt i hope you missed my rambling blocks of text staining ur inbox
ok first thing i wanna address is that the "staining" my inbox reminded me of a gintama arc 😔💧 don't remember what the hell sougo & kondo were saying but it was beautiful & poetic so i find figurative stains endearing now . hi tt anon my beloved ❤
so i have only listened to the title track for now but i will pretty much write my reactions to the bsides as i listen to them LMAO, and personally i rlly liked it even though it could've been... more? but to be fair topping a book in memory is hard and if i expect a book in memory everytime they release a song i'll never be happy HJFDHKJ. i really enjoyed it, it's going into my current faves playlist for sure. i actually enjoy the acoustic guitar for once 😭 my biggest problem i think is that the mv is very much Not Delicate (albeit i guess a bit boring) but the song feels so... it doesn't go as hard as like. nearly being fucking drowned 😅😅😅 and as a lover of Anger and Passion and Strong Feelings in music it feels like a watered down moonshot. now i'm not sure how they could've bettered it actually though. let me think. maybe harin going harder on the drums? and More electric than just during the bridge? which i get isn't easy for when u play it live but... yonghoon should play the acoustic guitar while kanghyun plays electric guitar. i think this would make it better. also crazier vocals though i'm already happy with what we got but yonghoon relies on his falsetto so much can he scream more please. maybe a different rhythm in the chorus too but i like it in the post chorus, i really like the post chorus actually!! the drums should have a different rhythm i the chorus however i think it's the same problem i had with valkyrock. the rhythm is done weird. it's fast paced like in a pop song and ykw it reminds me of avicii which yeah it fits weird with the song... omgg can u believe initially i was gonna say "i don't have many thoughts on it" LMAOO i can never shut up can i
now for the bsides... well the intro is an intro. i do not have much to say 😔
aurora..... is so nice? i haven't heard it in full yet but this is really good and is also going on my playlists!! the chorus is very satisfying to hear i love it 😭 i hadn't heard it before bc i don't keep up with shit HDJKSHFK but i really like it a lot!!!
miss logo i do love her...... it still feels like there's something missing ngl but i'll still cry to it so it's all good! i'll need a couple more listens to have fully formed thoughts i think but i like it very much!
onto a.i....... ohh a song with a brighter tone from onewe? hasn't happened since end of spring LMAO. ohhh this is really good this is really really good!!!!! *free jazz mcdonald's tiktok voice* i'm lovin it. i will absolutely do a feedback on giwook dongmyeong & yonghoon once i'm done with the mini bc i have many thoughts especially on dongmyeong yeah 😭 u were right he has improved but i wanna elaborate on that. OHHH KANGHYUN WITH THE GUITAR!!!!! this is so pleasant OHHHHHH DONGMYEONG WITH THE ONOMATOPEIA THAT WAS SO NICE i love that song. i will marry her. i like this kind of song but they're not usually my favourites and well so far?..... so good
i do like veronica :00 this is gonna be an unpopular opinion but i actually don't like ateez' older songs that much for the majority when it comes to the happier/brighter songs and veronica fits in with those songs, except it's better and has a band. like if winner & ateez's best happy songs had a baby and it was better than both of them. that's veronica. does that make sense. it's not groundbreaking but i love it
cosmos now!! oh you're riiight about that song. historical fantasy drama with this song as the soundtrack i would definitely watch. this is so tragic and beautiful i can only imagine what kind of storyline they'd add into a drama like that. it's hmmm maybe not one of my favourites on this mini but to be fair? they also all are favourites. they're all really good songs and ykw i don't wanna pit winners against each other. love wins
NOW ONTO MY BELOVEDS i will not judge harshly at all except for yonghoon i Guess but like. hmmm! oh yonghoon how i wish you used your mixed voice more! falsetto is hard to use (at least for me) so i get that he's showing off but sometimes you just gotta yell really loud and strong. it would make the songs a lot more powerful imo (not all of them but like, some). ofc i'm not gonna criticise his technique i just wish he used his voice differently with every release giwook is more & more pleasant to listen to which is really cool considering he already started out pleasant lol... now we all know how kpop rappers are but idk he's nice he's neat. he mostly just talk sings as they do but it's at least nice to hear, and everytime he and dongmyeong play off each other in songs it's a delight!! just very good. 10/10 and of course. dongmyeong. you're absolutely right he's been improving a LOT with every release and personally i really appreciate when he uses his lower tone as well bc you can feel he's comfortable with it (unlike... well.) bc he's really learnt to use his range. and actually? as i have compared yonghoon's use of the falsetto to jonghyun's (bold move but i'm not taking it back) i will compare dongmyeong's vocals to taemin's. they both have this smoother tone that makes them really good as supporting vocalists, something i realised listening to this mini, he will never be a vocalist like yonghoon in the way that his voice will never sound as powerful, like powerful for a main vocalist in a kpop group, but used the way it's being used as a lead vocalist, it really fits!! and if he were to like, go solo or whatever (extremely unlikely i know this is just hypothetical) i could honestly see him do similar stuff to taemin when it comes to how he'd sing. ofc i'm not expecting him to become a dance master even if he's onewe's best (and only?) dancer LMAO but their vocals are similar in that way
whew that got super long i'm so sorry but I AGREEEEE BOTW 2 MY BELOVED. ppl have been drawing comparisons with skyward sword & saying that it might be taking place in skyloft and honestly? HONESTLY? please. i'm already excited for ss hd (as upsetting as it was that most of the game had nothing to do with skyloft itself i just spend my time flying around lmao) but botw 2 i am Looking. and yeah it does give castle in the sky ohhh my favourite ghibli film oohhhhhh my beloved OOHHHHHHHH
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jazzworldquest-blog · 5 years
  Narrows Center for the Arts Date: April 12, 2019 Time: 8:00pm 16 Anawan Street Fall River, MA 42721 JIM WEIDER -guitar , G.E. SMITH -guitar &vocals, Jon Herington -guitar and vocals W/ Lincoln Schleifer -bass and vocals, Abe Fogel-drums& vocals
THE WEIGHT BAND " performs Music From Big Pink "
  Maxwell C. King Center for the Performing Arts Date: April 17, 2019 Time: 7:00pm 3865 N Wickham Rd, Melbourne, FL 32935 Jim Weider, guitar and vocals,Michael Bram on Drums and vocals,Brian Mitchell on Keyboards and vocals, Albert Rogers on bass and vocals,Matt Zeiner on Keyboards, Vocals, Tickets 321.242.2219
  Ponte Vedra Concert Hall Date: April 18, 2019 Time: 8:00pm 1050 A1A N, Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082 Jim Weider, guitar and vocals,Michael Bram on Drums and vocals,Brian Mitchell on Keyboards and vocals, Albert Rogers on bass and vocals,Matt Zeiner on Keyboards, Vocals,
  Palladium Theater St. Petersburg Date: April 19, 2019 Time: 8:00pm 253 5th Ave N, St. Petersburg, FL 33701 Jim Weider, guitar and vocals,Michael Bram on Drums and vocals,Brian Mitchell on Keyboards and vocals, Albert Rogers on bass and vocals,Matt Zeiner on Keyboards, Vocals, tickets Ruth Eckerd Hall: 727.791.7400.
  The Lyric Theatre Date: April 20, 2019 Time: 7:00pm 59 S.W. Flagler Avenue, Stuart, 34994 Jim Weider, guitar and vocals,Michael Bram on Drums and vocals,Brian Mitchell on Keyboards and vocals, Albert Rogers on bass and vocals,Matt Zeiner on Keyboards, Vocals, tickets 772.286.7827
  Skyloft Date: April 26, 2019 Time: 7:00pm 1 Crossgates Mall Rd Suite # 200 Albany, NY 12203 Jim Weider, guitar and vocals,Michael Bram on Drums and vocals,Brian Mitchell on Keyboards and vocals, Albert Rogers on bass and vocals,Matt Zeiner on Keyboards, Vocals,
  The Warehouse at FTC Date: April 27, 2019 Time: 8:00pm 70 Sanford Street | Fairfield CT 06824 Jim Weider, guitar and vocals,Michael Bram on Drums and vocals,Brian Mitchell on Keyboards and vocals, Albert Rogers on bass and vocals,Matt Zeiner on Keyboards, Vocals, CONTACT Box Office: 203.259.1036 Fairfield, CT
  De Casino Café Date: May 3, 2019 Time: 7:00pm Stationsstraat 106, Sint-niklaas, Belgium Jim Weider, guitar and vocals,Michael Bram on Drums and vocals,Brian Mitchell on Keyboards and vocals, Albert Rogers on bass and vocals and Matt Zeiner -keyboards&vocals
  Moulin Blues Date: May 4, 2019 Time: 7:00pm Ospel, Netherlands Jim Weider, guitar and vocals,Michael Bram on Drums and vocals,Brian Mitchell on Keyboards and vocals, Albert Rogers on bass and vocals and Matt Zeiner -keyboards&vocals
  Paradiso Noord, Date: May 5, 2019 Time: 8:00pm Tolhuistuin IJpromenade 2, Amsterdam, Netherlands World Gone mad Tour Jim Weider, guitar and vocals,Michael Bram on Drums and vocals,Brian Mitchell on Keyboards and vocals, Albert Rogers on bass and vocals and Matt Zeiner -keyboards&vocals
  NELL'S JAZZ and BLUES Date: May 8, 2019 Time: 7:30pm London , United kingdom World Gone Mad Tour " Jim Weider, guitar and vocals,Michael Bram on Drums and vocals,Brian Mitchell on Keyboards and vocals, Albert Rogers on bass and vocals and Matt Zeiner -keyboards&vocals
  HET DEPOT Date: May 9, 2019 Time: 7:00pm Leuven, Belgium World Gone Mad Tour " Jim Weider, guitar and vocals,Michael Bram on Drums and vocals,Brian Mitchell on Keyboards and vocals, Albert Rogers on bass and vocals and Matt Zeiner -keyboards&vocals
  DE SINGER Date: May 10, 2019 Time: 7:00pm Rijkevoriel, Belgium World Gone Mad Tour " Jim Weider, guitar and vocals,Michael Bram on Drums and vocals,Brian Mitchell on Keyboards and vocals, Albert Rogers on bass and vocals and Matt Zeiner -keyboards&vocals
  Oosterpoort R&B Night Date: May 11, 2019 Time: 7:00pm Groningen, Netherlands Jim Weider, guitar and vocals,Randy Ciarlante on Drums and vocals,Brian Mitchell on Keyboards and vocals,Albert Rogers on bass and vocals,Matt Zeiner on Keyboards, Vocals,
  The Paramount Date: June 22, 2019 Time: 8:00pm 370 New York Ave, Huntington, NY 11743 World Gone Mad Tour Jim Weider, guitar and vocals,Michael Bram on Drums and vocals,Brian Mitchell on Keyboards and vocals,Albert Rogers on bass and vocals,Matt Zeiner on Keyboards, Vocals, tickets call 631-673-7300
  Ardmore Music Hall Date: June 28, 2019 Time: 8:00pm 23 EAST LANCASTER AVENUE ARDMORE, PA 19003 Jim Weider, guitar and vocals,Michael Bram on Drums and vocals,Brian Mitchell on Keyboards and vocals, Albert Rogers on bass and vocals and Matt Zeiner -keyboards&vocals Tickets call 610-649-8389 http://www.ardmoremusic.com/
  Rock, Ribs & Ridges Festival Date: June 29, 2019 Time: 3:30pm The Sussex County Fairgrounds 37 Plains Rd, Frankford, NJ 07822 Jim Weider, guitar and vocals,Michael Bram on Drums and vocals,Brian Mitchell on Keyboards and vocals, Albert Rogers on bass and vocals and Matt Zeiner -keyboards&vocals
  Clayton Opera House Date: July 11, 2019 Time: 7:30pm 403 Riverside Drive Clayton, NY 13624 Jim Weider, guitar and vocals,Michael Bram on Drums and vocals,Brian Mitchell on Keyboards and vocals, Albert Rogers on bass and vocals and Matt Zeiner -keyboards&vocals contact Box Office: 315-686-2200
  STONE MOUNTAIN ARTS CENTER Date: August 10, 2019 Time: 8:00pm 695 Dugway Rd, Brownfield, ME 04010 Jim Weider, guitar and vocals,Michael Bram on Drums and vocals,Brian Mitchell on Keyboards and vocals, Albert Rogers on bass and vocals and Matt Zeiner -keyboards&vocals
  FULL MOON RESORT Start Date/Time: August 19, 2019 1:00pm End Date/Time: August 22, 2019 11:00pm Big Indian ,NY Jim Weider, guitar and vocals,Michael Bram on Drums and vocals,Brian Mitchell on Keyboards and vocals, Albert Rogers on bass and vocals and Matt Zeiner -keyboards&vocals with Camp Cripple Creek Special Guests include Paul Barrere, Fred Tackett, and Kenny Gradney of Little Feat. plus more to TBA
via Blogger http://bit.ly/2UqPeIh
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gvsaxboy · 11 months
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Happy Birthday Adolphe Sax and Greg Vail - Birthdays are 11/6!!!!! The BIG PARTY is at the Skyloft on NOVEMBER 8th - Adolphe will not be able to attend but Greg, Dave Tom and YOU!! can come. Cake and Music!!!! SKYLOFT this WED the 8th.
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gvsaxboy · 9 months
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WED 1/17 at 7PM — SKYLOFT LAGUNA BEACH — Tom Dante Trio (Tom Dante, Ernie Nunez & Chris Barron) with Special Guests Dave Murdy and Greg Vail. No cover - Jazz. 
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gvsaxboy · 11 months
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The Greg Vail Birthday Sit in Jam and Concert featuring Tom Dante Trio at the Skyloft in Laguna Beach. We Play 7-10PM WED NIGHT the 8th of November!! My birthday is the 6th but the Birthday show is NOVEMBER 8th!!!the food is ridiculous and the drinks are awesome and they even have a cool upstairs hang if you need a break from all the cool jazz!! Dave Murdy from the Tijuana Dogs, Tom and and, Greg Vail and you can see its gonna be an awesome night!!!!!
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gvsaxboy · 1 year
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Skyloft Anniversary tonight with Tom Dante Trio - Aug 30 7-10 and a Supper Blue Moon TONIGHT WED Aug 30 !!!! Heading to Laguna!!  DONT FORGET after or Campus Jax Show on the 7th of Sept is the 8th of Sept SWING and SING show at San Clemente Casino - Dinner and a Old School Jazz show featuring ME on VOCALS and Sax!! AND our Special Guest Amazing Catte Adams on Vocals!!!!!
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gvsaxboy · 1 year
TONIGHT - SKYLOFT Laguna Beach - Wednesday 7/19 Tom Dante Trio with Greg Vail and Dave Murdy BACK for more jazz explorations! 7pm https://youtu.be/p4hmhR-yCCY
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gvsaxboy · 1 year
Mr. Magic Cover - Grover Washington Jr. Classic - Tom Dante Trio 
Mr. Magic Cover - Grover Washington Jr. Classic - Tom Dante Trio with Greg Vail Sax and Dave Murdy Guitar performing LIVE at The Skyloft, Laguna Beach CA., Tom Dante Trio, Greg Vail, Greg Vail Jazz, Greg Vail sax, Greg Vail saxophone, Greg Vail band, Skyloft, Skyloft Jazz, #GregVailJazz #GregVail #GregVailsax #GregVailsaxophone #GregVailband #livemusic #saxophonemusic #gregvail #smoothjazz #jazzsaxophone #saxophones #sax #saxophone #saxmusic #smoothjazzsax #smoothjazzsaxophone #gregvailsax #gregvailjazz #gregvailsaxophone #TomDanteDrums #ErnieNunezBass #ChrisBarronKeys #DaveMurdyGuitar #mrmagic #tomdantetrio #tomdante #ernienunez #chrisbarron #davemurdy https://youtu.be/TGB2gcPUjfE 
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gvsaxboy · 1 year
Tom Dante trio with Dave Murdy Guitar and Greg Vail Saxophone at Skyloft...
Isn’t She Lovely Stevie Wonder  - Tom Dante Trio with Dave Murdy Guitar and Greg Vail Sax at the Skyloft, Laguna Beach, Tom Dante Drums, Ernie Nunez Bass, Chris Barron Keys, Dave Murdy Guitar, Greg Vail Saxophone, Isn’t She Lovely, Tom Dante Trio, Greg Vail, Greg Vail Jazz, Greg Vail sax, Greg Vail saxophone, Greg Vail band, Skyloft, Skyloft Jazz, #GregVailJazz #GregVail #GregVailsax #GregVailsaxophone #GregVailband #livemusic #saxophonemusic #gregvail #smoothjazz #jazzsaxophone #saxophones #sax #saxophone #saxmusic #smoothjazzsax #smoothjazzsaxophone #gregvailsax #gregvailjazz #gregvailsaxophone #TomDanteDrums #ErnieNunezBass #ChrisBarronKeys #DaveMurdyGuitar #isntshelovely  #Steviewonder #tomdantetrio #tomdante #ernienunez #chrisbarron #davemurdy 
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gvsaxboy · 1 year
Skyloft Jazz - Tom Dante Trio with Greg Vail and Dave Murdy - Isn't She Lovely Stevie Wonder
Skyloft, Laguna Beach, Tom Dante Drums, Ernie Nunez Bass, Chris Barron Keys, Dave Murdy Guitar, Greg Vail Saxophone, Isn’t She Lovely, Tom Dante Trio, Greg Vail, Greg Vail Jazz, Greg Vail sax, Greg Vail saxophone, Greg Vail band, Skyloft, Skyloft Jazz,
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