inu-strider · 6 months
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This month marks my 10th year of drawing. Thank you for supporting me through this wacky journey!
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inustrider-art · 2 years
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For day 14 of Newvember we have the fastest form of Skylo with the Wind Asterisk! On this form Skylo's speed increases dramatically, able to form fast and sharp wind blades and even teleport with the gust of wind! Hope you enjoy!
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lucas1992 · 8 months
Mediatek x Skylo
The mediatek collaboration with the skylo seems very interesting with the networking and the speed that is associated with the chipset.
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crafty-goth · 4 months
idk how im managing to romance both gale and astarion in this playthrough but im not mad at it
a little bloodweave x ara to soothe the soul
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When your puppy is too little to handle the big walks you do but cries if you leave her behind (we take turns)
[Image ID: A photo of a Ceruledge with a baby carrier on his chest with a greavard in it]
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yami0204 · 1 year
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Here’s our Twisted Wonderland TTRPG lineup! From left to right:
Dion Skylos - Ignihyde - Twisted from Cerberus. There are two of them. They’re both Dion Skylos. My tiny brain doesn’t understand. He also has two other brothers (the other cerby heads) who also go to this school. There are too many Skyloses.
Bren Corvus - Diasomnia - Twisted from Diabolo. (I think that’s right. He’s Maleficent’s bird.) Nice boy. Has a ton of birds at his disposal. An army of birds that are all his friends. Good noodle. Very smart. How did he end up at villain school?
Saud Malik - Scarabia - Twisted from Abis Mal. It’s my boy! My beautiful idiot son! He almost drowned on his first day at school (because I rolled a 6)! Everyone knows him as “well kid” because he’s a tiny bit obsessed with making wishes at the wishing well. (Every wish is some iteration of “please destroy the Asim family.”)
Kyklos Poppy Pipopapo Pepromeno - Ignihyde - Twisted from the Fates. He’s a weirdo who only eats pills and candy. Currently obsessed with a computer program he built that supposedly predicts the future. Malik broke it immediately upon first meeting Kyklos. Malik likes Kyklos. :) Kyklos hates Malik. :)
Those are the boys! I hope you like them~
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krispiecake · 8 months
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My first dog, my childhood pet, Lupus passed yesterday. He was 16, or 112 in dog years. A very very old man, especially for a dalmatian! He was born to be a family pet, he’s been with us through all 6 of our childhoods and a total of 4 toddlers, plus his own 11 puppies for a few very stressful months. He wasn’t very smart, couldn’t walk on hard wood floor or he would slip like bambi, would drip slobber on the floor if you were making anything in the kitchen, once nearly gave us carbon monoxide poisoning in his quest to get the sunday dinner roast chicken left of the back of the hob (he and our other dog who passed did in fact pick that chicken clean and we had to get fish and chips on the way back from the hospital after blood tests), and ultimately, was the perfect dog.
I remember the way he would climb on the sofa, stepping on me several times before settling down and sitting with me every night I couldn’t sleep. He would always be so excited to greet me when I came back to visit after I moved out. He had happy tail for like two years straight. He never barked or growled or bit even when my sister played dot to dot on him with felt tips in the 5 minutes she spent unsupervised, or when my other sister practically hung off his neck in a somewhat violent hug before she was pried off. He was kind of a wimp and our other dog who passed a couple of years ago was definitely in charge, and once when we tried them in separate beds, she kicked him out into the small one and he just tried to fit with no argument (the middle picture in the top row). He was so sweet and so stupid and he was the perfect dog. I miss him so much already, I miss him and Skylo, our other dalmatian who passed, and honestly I’m a little mad that he decided to die right now bc I have exams and a million other things and its kind of inconvenient but he always was - sometimes, he would just stand in your way until you had to move him yourself bc he had no idea he was in your way.
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askkwieon · 11 months
!! politely asking for more!!!
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!! The Wolf Girl !!
Skylos used to have a home, but she prefers the freedom of the wilderness. Raised by a giant wolf, she tends to be a bit of a loner, only really spending time with Kwieon or Kikert who she's known for sweeps. She enjoys hunting, and cooking over a firepit, and making clothes from animal skins, but she's finding the forest life is starting to wear... thin. She wants to re-join troll society. It's hard, though, when you've been through what she has.
She's resolved to stick with her friends, as a sort of crutch to being a normal troll again. She knows she and Kwieon went through the same shit, though he was a little worse off, and Kikert has proven himself trustworthy. She doesn't know where she'll end up, following those two, but she knows she can take care of herself and she knows she won't be afraid no matter what.
-Open for Interaction-
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banshee-circus · 1 year
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friend told me they imagined one of my trollsonas, Skylos, would sound similar to Danny Devito but a bit gruff'er
so naturally
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mcrcki · 2 years
@svnlvght​ said : they’re a 10, but... they need to stop making poor ass decisions ( Leia xoxoxo )
roast my muse || still accepting
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“it goes against my genetic coding to stop. i was doomed for this from the womb.”
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choserage · 2 months
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tag drop — basics.
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lil-feenz · 11 months
y'know what? fuck it *loads a new save of Skyward Sword*
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scifigirlgamez · 11 months
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Mystery Vision 👀
"Several of the fruits looked nearly identical, but they weren't supposed to be. He just couldn't tell the difference. When he was changed into a skylos, he had lost the ability to see in full colour, and this was some sort of colour coded puzzle."
Timelapse below the cut!
My cousin @steamdragonsoul and I do this weekly art swap where we write one week then draw something inspired by what the other person wrote and have been doing it for the last 5 years. This is from February 2023.
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crafty-goth · 4 months
Realizing that if i want gale x ara (x astarion as a treat) content, I'll have to write it myself >:(
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I love when the quotes are Skylo related it makes me jump up and down and clap and cheer and say "yippee!" 💜💙
Very pleasant surprise to wake up to some fanart! Everyone say thank you to @volcanolotus for the fanart this is really good
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Degrees of Fine
@sicktember day 12, "You're not fine, you're throwing up."
Characters are from @thatbrokenpromise
Summary: Skyloft is fine. He's used to throwing up frequently, after all. He definitely doesn't have toxic shock syndrome.
Warnings: vomiting
Words: 680
Please reblog to show your support! Likes do nothing.
Everything was supposed to be fine. None of them were injured and they hadn’t seen any monsters before making camp for the night. Chief knew that his bag, and plenty of the others’, were well-stocked with potions and fairies, alongside his own collection of medicines. He sat in his tent as a few of the others retired early, talking with Smith until Hateno came to interrupt them.
“Skyloft’s sick,” Hateno said abruptly, the two words enough to make Chief jump to his feet even as his stomach lurched.
Please, not Skyloft of all of them. Not the man who was so compromised already, who already tried so hard not to look weak in front of them. Chief had training and supplies for common illnesses, minor ailments, but for Skyloft-
He prayed to every spirit he could name as he ran to Skyloft’s tent that whatever was wrong, he could do enough.
The retching was audible first. That was nothing new; they had discovered the hard way that Skyloft’s lungs bled within a few days of their meeting. Then came the smell, and Chief coughed from the shock of it. He had expected the metallic tang of blood, not the sour, acidic stench of pure vomit and bile. He pushed past Hateno and saw Skyloft laying on his side, wheezing as he clutched his sick bucket to his chest. Chief knelt beside him and Skyloft’s eyes cracked open, the other man attempting a weak smile when he saw the medic.
“’S okay, it’ll pass in a minute,” Skyloft rasped. “You didn’t need to come see me, I’m- I’m fine.”
“You’re not fine, you’re throwing up,” Chief snapped.
“Happens all the time…”
Chief’s nails dug into his palms. “You’re not throwing up blood. You’re actually sick. Do you think you can try to take something soon or-”
Skyloft rose to vomit again and Chief sighed, unsurprised. He reached to support Skyloft with a hand on his back, and dove to catch him when the man nearly collapsed. Chief carefully lowered him back down and wordlessly handed the bucket to Hateno to be emptied.
“He felt warm,” Outset said, shifting nervously on his own bedroll.
Chief could already see that Skyloft’s normally pale face was flushed red, slick with sweat, but he pressed the back of his hand to his forehead for the sake of it. He flinched at the heat rising from his skin and hissed, “Shit, that’s a bad fever. He seemed fine earlier, how fast did this happen?”
“I can’t say,” Outset admitted.
“I can use the pad if he can’t keep medicine down,” Hateno offered, and Chief took the cue to look through his bag.
“Please. I only have so many syringes and he needs fluids, antibiotics, possibly potion…”
They had discussed this method before, when they had a chance to breathe after the cave in Hateno’s past. Chief drew doses of medicine and Hateno, in turn, placed his hand on Skyloft’s arm and transferred them to the Purah Pad then directly to Skyloft’s bloodstream. Ordon came to see what the fuss was about and Chief immediately sent him back for damp cloths. Skyloft was on the far side of semiconscious, his fever keeping him in discomfort once his insides had nothing left to expell.
The night dragged on as Skyloft’s condition fluctuated repeatedly. Chief asked Outset to hold Skyloft’s hand, monitoring him as the medic prepared more fluids, and ended up rushing to get potion into the sick man as his pulse plummeted. Chief almost feared the worst, that he had been too late, too inadequate to save him… then, just before sunrise, Skyloft stabilized. His pulse held steady, the fever diminished, and Chief assessed whether he could properly take fluids, and even broth after that.
Chief leaned heavily against Hateno, worried and stressed even after the worst had passed. Outset was curled up at Skyloft’s side, one of Skyloft’s hands pressed between both of his. Skyloft was barely awake, mumbling apologies, and Chief shushed him tiredly.
Don’t ever scare us like that again. “It’s not your fault.”
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