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musicdiscoveryapp · 1 year
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kat651 · 20 days
winter soldier x reader (enemies to lovers)
Summary: the winter soldier gets badly hurt and goes to the only person he can think of for help. Over time she somehow helps him become bucky barnes again instead of the vicious killer, causing her to fall in love with him.
You pushed the cart into the parking lot and began to unload the groceries into the trunk of your car, humming a tune as you did so. You smiled, satisfied that the last of your errands were done for the day. You then put your cart away before getting into your car.
You had the radio blasting as you drove home. It was a long drive, the closest grocery store was over an hour's drive away. You groaned as you realized your gas tank was almost empty. You pulled into the little run down gas station and got out. You were so done with the day already. You filled your tank then got back in your car, pulling away and turning the radio back on.
By the time you pulled into the gravel driveway that led to your house the sun was setting. You hopped out and immediately a lynx ran up to you, meowing. You smiled and went to the trunk, pulling out the groceries and heading inside, the cat waited on the porch. You tossed her some chicken and she scarfed it down before looking back up at you. The two of you had a strange bond. She protected your chickens from the foxes and you fed her something when she came around. She always appeared when you made bacon and you couldn't blame her. Occasionally she’d bring a friend whether it be a skunk or a raccoon, you didn't mind, the wildlife was your only company.
Once you finished feeding her, you headed back inside to put away the groceries then you went to relax. 
You walked into the living room and flicked on the light. The first thing you saw when you turned on the light was that the window was open, you never left the windows open when you weren't at home. You weren't afraid of robbers, but once you left the window open and you came home to a family of raccoons helping themselves to everything in the pantry. 
You went over to close the window and noticed blood was on the curtain and the window frame. You pulled out your gun and slowly scanned the living room. Someone was here. You noticed mud on the carpet and followed the trail over to the bathroom. You opened the door and pointed your gun into the bathroom as you turned on the light. “You…” you growled, seeing the winter soldier in your bathroom, he was clutching his side and slowly looked up at you. 
“Please…” he said in a strained voice as his legs trembled beneath him. “I-i had nowhere else to go…” he clutched his side and coughed up blood. He looked down at his hand, lifting it off his side, his hand was deep red, completely coated in blood. 
He looked back up at you and you noticed fear in his eyes. You slowly lowered your gun. “If this is a trick, I'll put a bullet through your head.”
“N-no trick…” he moaned as his legs gave out underneath him. Without thinking, you ran to him, steading him before he hit the ground. You grabbed a rag out of a drawer in the bathroom and had him hold it against his side.
You led him back out to the livingroom and had him sit in the wooden chair in the corner, blood was easier to clean off of polished wood than a leather couch. You ran down the hall to grab the first aid kit, you made sure your gun was fully loaded and cocked before you went back to him. He was still just sitting there when you approached. You set the kit down then got a bowl of water and a few more rags. 
When you came back his teeth were clenched and he was trying to grab at something on the wound. ‘Ah, don't do that, you'll make it worse…” you kicked aside the carpet and made him lay on the wooden floor. You put a pillow under his head though. 
You cut his bloody jacket and shirt away before gasping. His left arm was completely metal. You looked at the angry scar that ran along the area where the flesh and metal met you frowned. You quickly looked away and dipped the rag in the water before ringing it out. You then gently cleaned his wound. You realized he'd been hit by a bullet and grabbed out a pair of tweezers, carefully you removed the bullet. His teeth clenched and he squeezed his eyes shut as you did so and you felt sympathy for the murderous man that lay in front of you. The sympathy was short lived though. As soon as his gray-blue eyes opened you remembered he was your enemy. 
You cleaned his wound and he relaxed a little bit. You then reached into the first aid kit and pulled out a needle and thread. “I have too…” you whispered, feeling sympathy for some reason.
He closed his eyes and you pressed the nettle into his flesh, earning a pained but weak whimpered scream from the man. You felt both satisfaction and sympathy from the pained noise that came from his lips, a half grin, half grimace splaying itself across your face.   
When you finished patching him up his eyes slowly opened. The sun was completely gone now and the light of the lamp on his eyes looked like the sea. You were drawn to them, so beautiful… but you remained strong and looked elsewhere. “Come on,” you said, forging him to stand. “You can sleep on the couch… I guess… in the morning I want you gone.” 
You led him to the couch. “Do you understand? I don't want to see you anywhere on my property when I wake up.”
He nodded and you walked off. You paused before leaving. “Is it too hard for you to say ‘thank you’?” you asked, turning around. He was already asleep, shivering slightly. You sighed and brought the first aid kit to the closet and grabbed out a blanket as well as a shirt that had belonged to your late brother. You grabbed a clean bandage as well, just in case. 
You walked back to the living room and covered the shivering man with it. A soft smile spread across his lips and you paused, he was actually kind of handsome… no, really handsome. You growled at yourself. He was still your enemy. You lay the blue and gray flannel on the chair along with the bandage. Then you went to your room and locked the door before laying the loaded gun on your bedside table. You changed into your pajamas and immediately fell asleep.
In the morning, you woke and stretched before stepping into your slippers and taking a shower. You rose before the sun. always.
You smiled as the warm water ran down your skin, you washed your hair and body before stepping out of the shower and drying off. You slipped on your light blue sweatpants and gray sports bra along with your slippers before heading to the kitchen. You paused when you saw the man you'd helped last night still asleep on your couch. You were about to scold him and kick him out then he began to whimper and flinch. “No, please… no stop…” he clutched the blanket, squirming. “No…” you noticed the pain on his face. Then a tear ran down his cheek. “Please, it hurts…”
You walked over and cautiously placed a hand on his shoulder, gently waking him. His eyes opened and settled on you. “It's only a dream,” you whispered. 
He slowly sat up and he scanned your small figure. You then remembered you were only wearing your sports bra and turned pink, trying to cover yourself. 
Apparently he had more manners than you thought because he looked down at his lap and made a motion telling you to go. You ran off and grabbed a sweater before returning. When you came back he was staring at the floor.  He looked up at you, his eyes meeting yours. “I… thank you…for last night…”
You smiled softly. “You're welcome,” you whispered, gently tucking a stray hair behind his ear. He leaned into your touch and you paused. He was beautiful like this. He looked so gentle too, opposed to his usual self. You slowly pulled your hand away and straightened. He looked up at you. “I have to leave don't I?”
You hesitated before kneeling down to check his wound. He’d bleed quite a bit last night. “I… why don't you take a shower and we’ll see how you are after that?”
He nodded and slowly stood. You showed him where the other shower was. “I'll get you something to wear…” you said as he turned on the water. 
You ran and grabbed the flannel then grabbed some sweat pants from the closet along with a towel. You tossed the towel inside the door before a thought crept into your mind. You ran and threw the clothes into the dryer, warming them a bit before placing them in the bathroom. 
You paused as you smelled your brother’s body wash. Tears welled in your eyes but you quickly brushed them away, it was just soap.
You headed to the kitchen and started the coffee maker and grabbed out a large pan, placing it on the stove. You put some butter in the pan before grabbing out some eggs and a few other things. You were cooking for two people this time. He was technically your guest. An unwanted guest but a guest nonetheless. 
You flipped the eggs then stiffened when you felt an arm around you. It was him. You smelled your brother's body wash and forced yourself not to whimper. “Thank you again for… all of this.”
You relaxed a little and leaned into his strange hug. “Are you hungry?” you asked, motioning to the eggs and bacon in the pan. 
“I… yeah…”
You smiled and reached above your head, grabbing down three plates.you moved the food onto the plates. You put one egg on the third plate, which was smaller than the others and two pieces of bacon. You carried the two large plates over to the table before grabbing silverware and setting them at the plates. You grabbed cups and poured orange juice as well. “Sit, eat.”
He looked at you with surprise. “At the table? I don't have to wait till you're done?”
This time tears did fill your eyes. You pulled him over to the table and had him sit. “Eat, i'll join you in just a moment.” 
You walked over and grabbed the smaller plate and opened the window, setting the plate on a fold down table you'd built. “Here, kitty kitty!”
The lynx came running up and sat down as you scooted the plate closer to her.. She meowed and happily ate the food. You filled a little bowl with milk and set that on the table as well before going over and sitting down. You watched quietly as he ate. Finally you reached out and grabbed his hands. “Hey, slow down… no one is going to take that from you…”
“You're not?”
You gave his hand a squeeze. “No, I made it for you…”
He slowed a little and you ate along with him, watching as he relaxed a little. This poor man had been tortured and abused for how long? You had no idea but you wanted him to feel safe for once. “I don't think I ever told you my name… I'm y/n.”
He smiled slightly, looking up. The smile quickly faded. “I don't think I have a name… if i did i've forgotten it…”
You frowned. “I'm sorry…”
He shrugged and slowly, hesitantly reached to grab the glass of orange juice. The whole time his eyes were trained on you. You grabbed your own glass and took a sip. He did the same, a smile spreading across his face he took another sip. So he liked orange juice. Good to know. 
The cat jumped off the table and into the house. It was rare for her to enter. She cautiously walked the man sitting across from you. He stiffened. 
“It's ok,” you said, placing your hand on his. “She's just curious, let her sniff you.”
He watched as the cat sniffed him before meowing and walking off.
“See? You're alright.”
He nodded and watched as the cat walked off. 
You took the empty plates and put them in the dishwasher. The cat ran over and licked them clean, causing you to laugh. 
You then looked over to where the ‘winter soldier’ sat. He was just looking at his hands, clearly afraid to look anywhere else. 
You walked over to the coffee maker and poured a glass into your cup with Thor's hammer on it. “Coffee?” you asked. 
He looked up. “What?”
You held up the pot. “Coffee?”
He hesitated then nodded. You grabbed down another cup, this one had a captain america shield on it. 
You walked over and set the cups down before going over to the fridge and grabbing the creamer. You turned and watched him take a sip, immediately making a face. You couldn't help but laugh as you walked over and poured creamer in both cups. “Now try it…” 
He took a hesitant sip before smiling. 
He nodded and you smiled softly. If he wasn't your enemy you'd probably offer him a long hug. But you didn't instead you picked up your cup and walked into the living room. He followed you like a lost puppy.
You sat and grabbed the tv remote, putting on tangled, it had been a while since you'd seen that one. You figured he'd get bored of the movie and leave but he was glued to the screen, laughing as Paskel shoved his tongue inside Flynn's ear. You watched him from the corner of your eye, he was adorable. 
You stood and left him to watch the movie while you did a load of laundry. You also now knew that you couldn't kick him out so you busied yourself with the task of vacuuming the guest room, making the bed, and hanging up some of your brother’s clothes. He'd need something to wear until you could get him some new clothes.
You felt a presence watching you as you hung up a shirt. You looked over to see him standing in the doorway. The movie must have ended. “Hey, how are you feeling?”
He hesitated. “M-my side hurts but im ok…”
You dropped what you were doing and got him some pain killers. The ones left over from one of your brothers surgeries. “Here, take these…” you said, handing him the pills and the glass of water. 
That night, you gently tucked him in after he’d sheepishly asked you too. “Of course…” you said. “Do you want a kiss on your forehead too?” you’d meant it as a joke but when he nodded you pressed your lips on his forehead. 
When you pulled back, there was a smile on his face. “Goodnight…” you muttered, tucking away his stray hair. 
“Will you leave the door cracked? Please?”
You noticed anxiety in his eyes and nodded, you then ran to the bathroom and opened the top drawer, pulling out the extra night light. You plugged it in outside the door before poking your head in the door. “Better?”
He nodded and rolled onto his side, falling asleep. 
You woke in the middle of the night and sat bolt right up, screaming was coming from the other room. You jumped out of the bed and bolted down the hall. You opened the door and found him tangled in the blanket, thrashing. “No please, it hurts… stop please…” 
You ran to him and gently woke him. His eyes scanned the room and when they landed on you he was covered in sweat. He grabbed you and pulled you to him, crying softly, hiding his face in your shoulder. 
“Hey… you're safe.”
“P-please dont… dont send me- don't send me back to- to them…” he whimpered. 
“Shhh, you're safe, I won't make you leave…” you whispered, gently rubbing circles on his back. “Do you want to talk about it?”
He hesitated before falling into a ramble. “They hurt me, they still do, they took my mind… i-i can't remember much from my life before, just images, it's fuzzy. I-i want my mind back, i want to know who i am… who i was before-” he began to sob again. “It hurts. It hurts so much…”
You rubbed his back softly, “i have no idea what that must be like… im so sorry…” you whispered as you continued to gently rub his back. 'Do you want me to stay in here with you? At Least till you fall asleep?”
“Y-you'd do that?” 
“Yeah, I will.”
“Ok, yeah, stay…”
You pulled him to lay down, holding him close to you as he finished crying. 
You meant to leave after he had fallen asleep, you really did, but his soft whimpers and random little twitches caused you to change your mind. You ended up falling asleep while holding him close.
When you woke, he was still asleep. You slowly rose and headed to the kitchen, you planned to surprise him with breakfast in bed. But first you poured milk into a bowl for the cat.
You decided on oatmeal. You peeled and cut some peaches to add to the oatmeal while it cooked. Once it was done, you added a splash of milk, some cinnamon and the peaches. You placed the bowls on a tray along with some orange juice since he seemed to like it so much last time. 
You opened the door and placed the tray on the bedside table. You set the cups next to it. “Hey soldier, time to get up…”
“That's my name… Bucky Barnes… or atleast, that's what I remember being called before all of that…”
You smiled. “Well Bucky, I made us breakfast…” you whispered, grabbing the tray and placing it across his lap.
He smiled and put his metal arm around you before taking a bite. A smile instantly spread across his face. “This seems… familiar somehow…” 
“That does but the eggs don't?”
“Well i remember having eggs before, not very often but i do remember them…” 
You leaned closer to him as he ate. “I'm glad you came to me for help…”
“Me too…”
When you finished eating he took the bowls and you grabbed the cups before following with curiosity. You watched him go to the kitchen and rinse the bowels before putting them in the dishwasher, causing you to smile. He was too sweet.
When he turned, there were tears in his eyes. “I know why it was so familiar… my mother would buy peaches when she had money to spare…” 
You set the cups down and walked over to him, gently pulling him into a hug. “Bucky, i'm so sorry…”
He slowly tilted your chin up. “You're actually a lot like my mother, she would never turn away a broken stray like me…”
You pulled him closer. “Well I happen to like broken things,” you said, looking over at the broken teapot you'd turned into a flower pot. 
“Because… you can always give a broken thing a new purpose,” you said pointing to the teapot. You then picked up a vase, it was made from all different types of broken glass. “Broken is… beautiful.”
You put the vase down and pulled Bucky in for a hug. “Stay here, I like your company…”
He hugged you back. “Really?”
“Yeah. I do.” 
You sat reading a book while Bucky took a shower. You slowly breathed in the smell of your brother’s body wash, this time a smile spread across your face. It suited Bucky well; the earthen smells seemed perfect for his personality. When Bucky came into the living room, he was shirtless. “y/n… I think one of the stitches came out…” he was looking down at his wound that was healing quite well.
You walked over to bucky and looked at his wound. “Well the stitches should start falling out as you heal… it looks ok to me…” you mumbled, gently tapping the skin around his wound. “Does this hurt?”
“Mmm… not really, I guess a little…”
“Alright… as long as it's not terrible pain, then I'm not worried.” You looked up at Bucky and smiled. “Well, what do you want to do today?” 
Bucky paused before pulling you into a hug. “I don't know… what do you want to do?”
“I've got an idea… go grab a shirt.”
“What, you don't like all of this?” he asked, pointing to his abs.
You threw a pillow at his face, “were going outside, i'd put a shirt on.” you said, shaking your head and laughing. 
Bucky went and grabbed a shirt, laughing as you went and picked up the throw pillow. 
When he came back wearing a shirt, your face fell slightly. So maybe you did like his abs. Not that you'd ever tell him that. “Ready?” he asked.
“Just a moment…” you opened the cupboard and grabbed down two water bottles, filling them. “Ok… now I'm ready, let's go…” 
He slipped on his boots, the ones he'd been wearing the day he ended up in your house via the window. You smiled and led him outside and to the back, passed the chickens and cow. “Come on, it's this way…” you led him up a hill,
checking to make sure he was still behind you though. You led him to a little shack and he raised a brow, clearly confused. 
You pulled up a board on the floor and revealed a staircase. “Come on, it's down this way…” 
He stepped down, closing the hatch behind him. 
“You're actually the first person I've ever shown this too…” you said, a soft smile on your face as you stepped onto the stone floor of an underground cave. 
Bucky gasped and looked around with wide eyes. “Wow…” the cave was full of underground moss that gave off a faint glow. There were crystals growing on the walls. “This is beautiful…” he looked over at the little pond full of glowing fish. “Wow…”
You slipped off your shoes, dipping your feet into the water. Bucky looked over when he heard a soft splash before taking off his boots as well. “Glad you wore a shirt?” you asked as he shivered slightly. 
“Yeah i- the waters warm… really warm…”
You smiled and nodded. “Want to go for a swim?”
Bucky looked at you surprised as you tossed your shirt to the side then realized you were wearing a bathing suit underneath. “You planned this didn't you?”
You nodded and waded into the water. “Come on!”
Bucky tossed his shirt aside and jumped into the water, a smile on his face. 
“How long can you hold your breath?”
“I don't know… why?”
“Follow me…” you said, diving into the water with Bucky right behind.
You swam through a little hole and came up out of the water into a little air pocket. Bucky followed and blinked in shock. “Wow…” the whole pocket of this cave was glowing with blue crystals and moss. 
When you got back to the cabin and dried off, Bucky pulled you to the couch, snuggling up to you. “I'm still cold…” was his excuse when you opened your mouth to speak. 
You smiled and nuzzled closer, secretly wanting to cuddle up to him.
“What is it?”
“I-i love you…”
You blushed and opened your mouth to answer. “I love you too…”
Bucky placed a soft kiss on your temple before his eyes slid closed and he drifted off. You smiled and closed your eyes as well, falling asleep in his chest.
That had been a few months ago.
You sat on the couch, leaning into Bucky's embrace. “I love you…”
Bucky smiled and pressed a kiss on your forehead. I love you too.” he mumbled. Holding you close. 
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Chapter One
4,311 Words
Authoru's Note:
Sorry, this doesn't have a title yet, but I'm trying to think up one. I just wanted to go ahead and post it to see what people think. If you have any suggestions pls put them in the comments.
Oh, my word this got way longer than I'd originally intended. I hope I was okay with the characterisation. I was worrying so much as I was writing it. I hope the interactions feel in character and you enjoy it.
Also, I have changed the ages slightly, which I think is fine because they're unspecified. However, it is canon that Peso has finished Medical school, but in the story, he has not. He's 19 and a half because he went to nursing school right after high school and plans to get a medical degree later.
And, in this universe, all humans are animal hybrids so they have actual hands and feet but still ears and tails. I'm not exactly sure how to explain it, but they're referred to by what type of hybrid they are as well as their race. Certain areas have more common hybrids that correspond to what "regular/normal" animals live there. EX: skunk hybrids are only in the Americas because skunks don't live anywhere else.
Anyway, sorry about my ramblings, and happy reading!
Peso's Perspective:
The big car stops with a squeal, throwing me forward with its sudden breaking. As soon as the door opens the sound of waves crashing and seagulls crying fills my ears. The sea breeze is refreshing after being cooped up in a vehicle for so long.
“Here we are.” The driver says curtly. He’s a state government employee with a scruffy beard that makes him look older than he probably is. He didn’t say a single word the entire drive, leaving me in silence broken only by the occasional crackling of the radio. In a way, it was good because it gave me a chance to do some last-minute studying of the Octonauts handbook pdf I printed out at home. Still, I felt like he was kind of glaring at me in the mirror. Maybe it’s just the anxiety. Maybe he’s just a grumpy person. He had photographs of his children clipped to his visor, but I didn’t see a wedding ring. Divorced, maybe?
“Thank you, sir.”
“It’s just my job. Say, you’re with that team of astro- er, aqua- whatever, scientist, right?”
“The Octonauts, yes.”
“Right, that’s what it was.” He nods as he helps me unload my bags. I gulp a bit at their size. I’m really going to be living at sea for months. I hope my family will be okay.
As soon as he sets the bags down, he closes the hatch and drives off, leaving me once again alone. The other Octonauts, the original Octonauts, have been at sea for a year already. They got a send-off with fanfare at their port in England, all I got was a crumpled map to try and find my way around this place. I’m not jealous but . . . it only reminds me that I’m the newbie, not one of them.
I’m only here as a filler for Dr. Deere, who had to leave due to a research development for one of his projects on land. They’re going to have a proper replacement, someone qualified, in six months at the latest, that’s what they said. It takes a lot to qualify for this programme, the best of the best with years of study in their fields and here I am, just some lucky guy. I’m not even an actual doctor, just a nurse, and even then I still have a few final training courses to complete. All week I’ve wondered, why on earth would they pick me? Am I even good enough?
I blink at the blare of a ship’s horn. Crap, I can’t zone out like that! I need to be prepared for anything, ANYTHING. I will be . . . as soon as I find the ship.
I was sent the training videos, all 600-something of them, on a hard drive the size of my hand, but obviously, I haven’t had time to watch them all and downloading them would’ve taken nearly all of my storage space, so I just packed the whole hard drive instead. The schematics are on the hard drive too, so I have no idea what this thing looks like. They said they’d go over plans and safety once I was settled, but I wish I could at least have a photo. It’s got to be some kind of submarine, right?
The port on the Isle of Skye is a small, but bustling place. The signage is old, and blocked by containers coming in. A crew pulls a fishing net of turtles out onto the dock, and I wince. Then, I see they’re all for studying. Several scientists surround them, scanning red tags on the fins and retrieving cameras from their shells. I smile as I pass them, waving at the turtles, who wave back. I notice one of the scientists, a brown-haired man hurrying around. When he looks at his tablet he jumps in surprise.
“Jumping jellyfish! We were totally wrong about the feeding grounds. This is amazing! I thought . . .”
I don’t catch the rest as I walk on. I’ve never heard someone so excited about being proven wrong before.
As I round the corner, I see it. 
Dios mío . . .
It looks like an octopus. Of course, it does. I’m so stupid. It’s the Octopod. A state-of-the-art international research station with laboratories capable of housing a crew of 10 for extended periods. Can I just go in?
I stop when I get to the ramp, hesitating at the bottom, I survey the large oddly shaped submarine once more. My temporary home. As I look up something flickers in the window, like a lamp, or a streak of orange, but it’s gone before I’m sure.
I remember what my 4th grade science teacher, Mr. Perez always said: Take a deep breath. I do, and even after all this time, it helps.
The ramp echoes under my feet in a comforting way, assuring me of the ship’s solidity. A small yellow creature greets me, and I gasp. It frowns.
“Oh, I’m sorry, that was terribly rude of me. You’re very cute looking, you just scared me.”
It makes a chirping sound, which sounds affirmative. Laughing, I follow it into the elevator, as it closes I hear footsteps, someone running.
“Tunip!” A male voice pants, he has a heavy Scottish accent. “Don’t . . . leave me.” 
Huffing and a little winded the scientist from before appears. The yellow creature makes a sound that sounds like a scold. 
“Ah, well, sorry. I got distracted with the turtles.” the man says sheepishly. He’s the same scientist I saw with the turtles. Now that I can see him better it’s clear that he’s not too much older than me. His chestnut brown hair is messy and his eyes have bags underneath them but are still concerningly bright, He bears the appearance of an overworked uni student, and yet somehow still cute.
The creature blows a raspberry at him and starts to close the lift doors.
“Hey, now that’s not very kind! I was just trying to– Ah, hey! Don’t close the lift on me!”
The creature huffs, sounding almost affectionate, but allows the man into the lift. 
Once inside he takes a deep breath, pulling a handful of Polaroids from his shoulder bag, looking at them as if to make sure they don’t disappear. They’re of the turtles, and a few have him in them, but he doesn’t spend as much time looking at them. Finally, he turns to me, as if he’s just noticed me.
“Oh, hello there. Forgive me, I didn’t see you. I’m Shellington.” He doesn’t extend his hand, only nodding, but the greeting is still just as friendly.
“I’m Peso. I’m the temporary medic.”
He nods, more to himself than to me, I think, muttering “Oh, good. It’s dangerous for us not to have one on board, especially with Kwazii.”
As the lift rises, it makes a loud mechanical whirring, as if no one had bothered to dampen it as they do in most lifts. In fact, the whole thing looks industrial and feels about five degrees colder than before the door was closed. I wonder why, I also wonder who Kwazii is. Finally, it dings and the doors open and he steps out into a small dark room. I trip after him, barely able to see a centimetre in front of me.
My foot collides with something and I go sprawling over (except not really because there’s barely space in this room for my body length).
“Owwie! You’ve stood on my foot!”
“Oh, I’m so sorry. But, where are we?”
“Oh, whoops, I must’ve forgotten to mention. This lift is only here because some equipment would be unsafe to carry any other way, either because it contains potentially hazardous materials or it’s simply too large.”
“Oh . . . I suppose that makes sense.”
It would be hard to carry an entire x-ray machine up and down stairs, even a portable one.
“Welcome to my closet!” He says it with his arms wide to indicate the space around us with affected excitement, but the space is small so he can’t extend his arms very much. I can’t help but laugh.
The idea of being in a closet makes me laugh a bit, but I still don’t like dark spaces.
“Can we, um, maybe get out?”
“Oh, right, yes.”
He presses a switch I can’t see and light streams in. With a sigh of relief, I follow him into the larger room. It’s a laboratory. It’s very green, with light green walls, floors and posters. Now that I pay attention, even his shirt is olive green. He must really love green.
I turn to ask him about where I’m supposed to be, only to see he’s already gone back to work. Right, they don’t have time for a bumbling rookie. After a moment of debate with myself, I tap him lightly on the shoulder. It takes a few times before he notices, and when he does he jumps again. 
“Excuse me, do you know where it is I’m supposed to go?”
He furrows his brow thoughtfully, “Hmm, I don’t have much to do with the recruitment process, that’s Professor Inkling and the Captain’s job, but I believe you’re supposed to meet with the Captain, he should be in HQ. I have to finish processing this data, but Tunip can take you.”
The creature, Turnip, seems to smile. He chirps excitedly leading me back to the lift. When he gets in he jumps high enough to press the button that reads HQ. The ride is short and the doors open out to a large circular room. Glass makes up the top half of the room, a large skylight. I can only imagine what it must look like underwater. It must be incredible.
In the centre stands a tall man, not quite old enough to be my father, but a little older than Pogo, with neatly combed white hair, he wears a blue uniform with a tool belt. This must be the captain. He smiles, extending his hand. He towers over me.
“Good morning, you must be Peso. I’m Captain Barnacles, it’s lovely to finally meet you, Dr. Deere told me all about you.” His voice is loud, but kind.
“Oh, h-he did?” It comes out as a question, and I stutter under everyone’s sudden gaze. Even Tunip looks expectantly at me. “I mean, I’m glad he did. And I’m very glad to meet all of you and be working with you.”
“Us as well, we hope you can learn a lot during your time here. Let’s meet everyone.”
He waves for me to follow and takes me to a station full of buttons and computers. A woman gets up when she sees us. She has warm brown skin and hair cut in a fluffy chin-length bob, sunbleached with blond highlights. She’s a bit taller than me
“Dashi, meet Peso, our new medic.”
“Rad! Nice to meet you Peso. I’m Dashi, head of system and operation here in the Octopod. I run all the computer systems and track the weather patterns, but on my days off, I’m a surfer.”
With her Australian accent, it definitely makes sense.
“Ooh, fun.”
“It is, have you met anyone else yet?”
“The Captain, but that was obvious, sorry, and Shellington. He introduced himself as just Shellington, but does he have credentials I should call him by?”
“Not yet, but finished uni and he’s doing his PhD research on this mission, so he will. Have you met the vegimals yet?”
“The what?”
“They’re what he’s doing his research on. Oh, I’m sure you’ll just love them. I think Barrot is with Tweak right now actually.”
At this, Captain Barnacles nods, “Yes, I’m taking him to meet Tweak next.”
“Great, see you around, Peso!”
“You too.” I take a breath as we get back in the lift.
“This must be a lot for you.”
“Oh, no, sir. It’s really fine.”
“Oh, I’m sure you can handle it, but if you ever need anything, please don’t hesitate to ask any of us. I know they can be a bit intense at first, but they’re all good people and they all want the same thing, to help creatures in the ocean. We’re happy to have you and they’ll be happy to help you adjust.”
“Thank you, Captain.” I can tell from his voice just how much he believes in the crew and in me, the only question is whether the crew feels the same, and if I even deserve that belief.
“I do hope you’ll settle in easily.”
“I’ll try my best. The crew all seem really nice.”
The lift dings then, relaising us to what looks like a garage with a large pool in the centre.
I see more of the creatures like Tunip standing next to a machine I can only describe as looking like a big orange shark, holding wrenches. What was it Dashi called them? Vegi-mals? The vegi-mal is as orange as the gup.
“47, please.” a female voice calls. Whoever she is, she has a southern United States accent like I’ve never heard before. I look around for the woman but I only see a pair of fluffy, light green ears sticking out from underneath the metal shark. They contrast oddly with the orange.
The vegi-mal hands her the large wrench he was holding.
“Thanks, screwdriver.”
She reaches up and he puts a small screwdriver in her hand.
“Thanks.” she hands the wrench back, “carrot.”
The vegi-mal hands her a carrot straight out of the toolbox.
“Tweak, are you almost finished?” the Captain asks.
“You bet, I’ll be done faster n’ you can say buncha munchy crunchy carrots.”
Just as she pronounces the “t” she slides out from under the machine, half-eaten carrot in hand.
“What’s up?” Her hazel eyes sparkle in a nice way.
“Tweak, I’d like you to meet the new member of our team, Peso. He’ll be our medic for the next few months.”
She jumps up, striding over to shake my hand, “Nice to meet ya, Peso. Welcome abroad, and welcome to the Launch Bay.”
She takes a big bite of carrot, smiling, her green braid swinging as she walks over to the control panel. She’s more muscular than I am, wearing a jumpsuit not zipped all the way so it shows her tank top revealing her build. Her belt is full of tools I can’t even name, she looks like she belongs here.
“Thank you, it’s such a nice space,” I tell her honestly, looking around at all the gadgets. Finally, I spot something familiar. Ring of Fire, it's my younger brother, Pinto’s favourite video game. Seeing it makes me miss him more. 
She follows my gaze, “You play? I’m always up for a tournament!”
“Oh, ah, no. My younger brother. I’ve joined him a few times but I always die before the first round.”
“Shame, maybe I can teach you. Perhaps I can even teach you so well you’ll beat Kwazii. Ah, speakin’ of Kwaz, I should probably put Bea way before he comes lookin’ for her.”
Two people now have mentioned Kwazii. I wonder what his deal is? Is he the Octonauts mischievous pet or something? Whoever he is, I really want to meet him now. Meanwhile, there's a bubbling and the orange metal contraption disappears into the water.
The Captain laughs, “Yes, you should. Thank you for taking the time for Peso, I’m sure we’ll be back soon to see which Gup he’ll be riding in.”
“Well I was working’ on a little project . . . but yeah, s’probably best if he just rides with one of us for now. Gup A’s probably safest. You’re going to see the professor?”
“Okay, well tell him thanks for the book, it’s helped a lot with my design.”
“I will. He’ll be glad to hear it.” The Captain smiles as he takes us back to the lift.
“The Equipment elevator, really, Cap?”
“Well, I thought that—”
Suddenly there’s a whooshing, and somebody lands right next to me.
“Ahoy Tweak!” A male voice shouts.
Tweak looks unimpressed, but I can see hidden affection when she rolls her eyes. “She’s not here.”
“Not anywhere?”
“Nope, ya just missed here.”
He whines, “Tweeeak! When am I gonna get my Gup back?”
“Come on, it’s just repairs, we do this every quarter, you know this.”
“I know, but . . .” he turns, starting to stalk off, then calls over his shoulder, “Fine, but I’ll be back!”
“I’m sure you will.”
While he’s looking at Tweak he stalks right into me. I fall very gracefully onto my butt. He snaps his head back in my direction with surprise, looking down.
“Oh, hey there little fella. I’m sorry about that.” he bends down offering his hand, and after a second I decide to embrace the humiliation and take it. He smiles, “So what brings you here?”
“Are you lost?”
“What? No, I-”
“I’m just trying to make conversation, Captain.”
“I know but-”
“Are you here for a tour? I didn’t think they let people do that.”
“Kwazii.” Captain taps him hard on the shoulder.
“Ouch! What is it, Captain?”
“He works here now.”
The man, Kwazzi, steps back, eye wide, then narrowing into basically a slit. I shiver. “Oh.” he lifts his eyes patch, squinting to look at me . . . and then he bursts out laughing.
I feel my entire body heating up with humiliation. Tweak winces.
“Oh, matey, I’m so sorry!” he manages between laughs, “I thought you were a kid. My bad, my bad.” At last, he recovers himself, extending his hand. “You must be Peso. I’m Kwazii, First Lieutenant.”
I don’t shake his hand. He frowns, retracting it and crossing his arms in disappointment. He seems kind, like someone who cares but that only makes it more patronising, only he isn’t wrong. Of course, he thought I was a kid. I am a kid. I don’t belong here with these smart talented adults.
It must show on my face because he softens, he steps forward, then back as if unsure of what to do. I don’t want to be babied. I’m not some creature he has to help. I want to be here to help, and here I am obviously a penguin out of water.
“Oh, I’m not laughing at you, I was laughing at meself, for being so knot-headed”
It’s fine really. I’m used to it, to being underestimated (even though I’m not sure I even have the skills) I don’t let it touch me anymore. (at least that's what I’m trying to tell myself. It’s not working.) I shake my head, not able to help the sign that escapes me. I am so in over my head. I don’t think he meant to be rude (surely not, but maybe insulting rookies is acceptable in scientific communities. Even if he sounds like some sort of pirate, he’s probably waaay smarter than me). “Oh. No, it's perfectly fine, you’re not the first and won’t be the last.”
He stands even farther back, not saying a thing, arms still crossed. His eyes scan over me, as if picking me apart, definitely judging me. He almost looks still, almost, but I can tell he’s not, not on the inside anyway. He can’t seem to truly stand still, his tail and ears twitching impatiently. He rocks on his feet ready to go do whatever it is he does at a moment's notice. Now that he’s as close to still as I suspect he gets I take the chance to really look at him.
The last member of my new team is tall (well, tall to me, and most people are tall to me, so probably medium height), and ginger. Unlike most gingers I’ve seen he’s not actually strawberry blond or a carrot top, but a light shade of orange that changes colour as the light shifts. It’s pretty.
His eye does the same. I can only see the right one and it's hard to tell because he keeps twitching but I think he has heterochromia, the rarer kind where one eye has two colours. The eye that I can see is brown with an amber in a ring around the middle.
But that’s not the strangest thing about him, one of his ears has a piece missing from it. I shiver at the thought of what could’ve done that. Did he get it while on a mission? Luckily they said I won’t have to go on missions . . . probably.
The Captain coughs awkwardly to break the silence. “Kwazii is field personnel, so he spends most of his time outside of the Octopod. You most likely won’t be seeing each other too often.” he looks at me as if trying to assure me. I know it’s unkind, but it makes me feel a bit better that I won’t have to spend much time around Kwazii. He's loud, seems unpredictable and looks dangerous (though I’m sure he’s not).
“That must be very exciting. I’m sure we can get to know each other some other time, then.”
He smiles but like all cats he has fangs, so it’s all teeth. I try my best not to gulp. Thankfully Captain leads me toward the lift. As we walk away I hear Kwazii whisper to Tweak “Huh? Where are they going?” I don’t even know why I turn around, but I do.
“Why aren’t you using the octochute?”
“The what?”
“The octochutes, haven’t you been using them?” I can tell he’s not trying to be mean. He looks so genuinely confused that it’s almost comical. His face is like the "???” expression in real life. It makes me laugh a little, releasing the tension.
“Well then how’ve you been getting around, then?”
“I just took the lift.”
“But . . . it’s for equipment?”
“Yes, Shellington told me.”
He still looks incredulous. “The equipment lift? Why in the seven seas would ya do that, matey?”
“I don’t know, I just . . . did.”
“Matey, we ONLY use it for equipment, plus it’s sooo slow, and cold.”
Oh, that would explain why it isn’t nearly as fancy as the rest of the ship and opens into closets. I feel dumb for not realising it before. I guess I just thought they were cramped for space, but of course not. How stupid of me.
“Kwazii. Be polite, I told him too. It is his first day, after all. The octochutes can be a bit shocking at first, and he’s already come a long way to get here. I wanted to ease him into it.”
Kwazii droops, face losing the confusion and entering to a neutral state with no expression at all, after seeing him so energised it looks wrong like excitement is the natural state of his particles.
The Captain leads me away, back into a second equipment lift (I didn’t know there were two), I exhale when it closes and Kwazii and Tweak disappear.
After escaping another closet, we step into a bright blue and white room. It’s filled with medical equipment. This must be the Medical Bay. Through the door’s small window, I can see through the window across the hall. In his laboratory, Shellington is typing away on a desktop. Probably finishing the data he was talking about earlier.
“Here we are.”
I turn back to where the Captain stands. 
“This is the Medical Bay, where you’ll be working for the next few months. You share a sleeping pod with Dashi and there’s an Octochute that will take you there.”
“Sh-hare?” I mean, sure, I’m gay, I’ve known that since I was young, but still, wouldn’t Dashi like her privacy? I’d like my privacy. We barely know each other!
“Oh, not like that, this isn't a sleepaway camp. We’re all professional adults, she gets one half and you get the other, there’s a wall in the middle with an Octochute. If you want Dashi to show you how to use it she’ll be happy to, I’m sure.”
“Oh, okay. Thank you, Captain.”
“I hate to leave you all by yourself, but I have a meeting with Tweak to discuss her latest project. If you need anything just find one of us.”
“Oh, okay.”
He leaves, and then I’m alone. The Octopod must be soundproofed to outside sounds because I can hear nothing but the air system cycling. I pull my phone from my pocket for music, but the battery is dead. Great! And then, I’m not even sure exactly why but I start to cry. I’m an idiot, trapped on a ship with people I don’t know who probably think I’m incompetent and unqualified for a job I didn’t even sign up for. The meeting with Kwazii showed me exactly how much I don’t know. Now here I am, pathetically crying. I miss my family.
There was a cat in my class in primary school, an orange tabby just like First Lieutenant Kwazii. He’d been held back a year so he was taller and bigger than all of us and he was loud too and would always bully the smaller kids and get away with it. I don’t even know why I’m remembering him all of a sudden. I know he and Kwazii aren’t the same, but I’ve never liked loud unpredictable people. They scare me. Maybe that’s why.
And something tells me I’ll be seeing Kwazii in the Medical Bay somewhat often. I’m not sure how to feel about that. I don’t dislike him, of course not, but I feel . . . wary.
Oh well. I won’t allow him or anyone else to interfere with my job. I will prove to myself and them that I can handle myself for a few months. And then it’ll all be over and I’ll get to go home again.
Taking a deep breath, I keep busy by familiarising myself with the workings of the Medical Bay and everything in it. It’s fully stocked with any supplies and equipment I could need so all I brought were clothes. There isn’t much to do, so I resort to cleaning the space that’s probably already sterile, just because it calms me down.
After a while, an announcement comes over the speakers that we’ll be departing for the Mediterranean Sea to aid in the preservation of coral at sunrise tomorrow. 
Before I know it I find myself falling asleep at the work table. Too tired by the day’s events I let myself drift off.
(A/N: Poor Kwazii, he can be kinda scary without meaning to be. He’s just so confused as to why someone wouldn’t want to use the super duper fun octochutes. LOL)
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legend-collection · 9 months
Fouke Monster
the Fouke Monster also known as the Boggy Creek Monster and the Swamp Stalker, is purported to be an ape-like creature, similar to descriptions of Bigfoot, that was allegedly sighted in the rural town of Fouke, Arkansas during the early 1970s. The creature was alleged to have attacked a local family.
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The creature was named by journalist Jim Powell, who reported on it for the Texarkana Gazette and the Texarkana Daily News.
Various reports between 1971 and 1974 described it as being a large, bipedal creature covered in long dark hair. It was estimated to be about 7 feet (2 m) tall with a weight of 250–300 pounds (110–140 kg). Later reports claimed that it was far larger, with one witness describing it as 10 feet (3 m) tall, with an estimated weight of 800 pounds (360 kg). Some accounts describe the Fouke Monster as running swiftly with a galloping gait and swinging its arms in a fashion similar to a monkey. Reports also describe it as having a terrible odor, the odor being described as a combination of a skunk and a wet dog, and as having bright red eyes about the size of silver dollars.
A variety of tracks and claw marks have been discovered which are claimed to belong to the creature. One set of foot prints reportedly measured 17 inches (43 cm) in length and 7 inches (18 cm) wide, while another appeared to show feet that only possessed three toes.
Prior to the 20th century, several alleged sightings in the general area related to a large, hairy creature circulated in an 1851 report in the Memphis Enquirer, and an 1856 report in the Caddo Gazette.
Local residents claim that the creature had roamed the area since 1964, but those sightings had not been reported. Local folklore also holds that the creature can be further traced back to sightings in 1946. Most early sightings were allegedly in the region of Jonesville as the creature was known as the "Jonesville Monster" during this period.
In 1955 the creature was allegedly spotted by a 14-year-old boy who described it as having reddish brown hair, sniffing the air, and not reacting when it was fired upon with birdshot. Investigator Joe Nickell observed that the description was consistent with a misidentified black bear (Ursus americanus).
The Fouke Monster first made local headlines in 1971, when it was reported to have attacked the home of Bobby and Elizabeth Ford on May 2, 1971.
According to Elizabeth Ford, the creature, which she initially thought was a bear, reached through a screen window that night while she was sleeping on a couch. It was chased away by her husband and his brother Don. During the alleged encounter, the Fords fired several gun shots at the creature and believed that they had hit it, though no traces of blood were found. An extensive search of the area failed to locate the creature, but three-toed footprints were found close to the house, as well as scratch marks on the porch and damage to a window and the house's siding. According to the Fords, they had heard something moving around outside late at night several nights prior but, having lived in the house for less than a week, had never encountered the creature before.
The creature was allegedly sighted again on May 23, 1971, when three people, D. C. Woods, Jr., Wilma Woods, and Mrs. R. H. Sedgass, reported seeing an ape-like creature crossing U.S. Highway 71.[19] More sightings reports were made over the following months by local residents and tourists, who found additional footprints. The best known footprints were found in a soybean field belonging to local filling station owner Scott Keith. They were scrutinized by game warden Carl Galyon, who was unable to confirm their authenticity. Like the Ford prints, they appeared to indicate that the creature had only three toes.
The incident began to attract substantial interest after news spread about the Ford sighting. The Little Rock, Arkansas, radio station KAAY posted a $1,090 bounty on the creature. Several attempts were made to track the creature with dogs, but they were unable to follow its scent. When hunters began to take interest in the Fouke Monster, Miller County Sheriff Leslie Greer was forced to put a temporary "no guns" policy in place in order to preserve public safety. In 1971, three people were fined $59 each "for filing a fraudulent monster report."
After an initial surge of attention, public interest in the creature decreased until it gained national recognition in 1973 when Charles B. Pierce released a docudrama horror film about the creature in 1972, The Legend of Boggy Creek.
By late 1974, interest had waned again and sightings all but stopped; only to begin again in March 1978 when tracks were reportedly found by two brothers prospecting in Russellville, Arkansas. There were also sightings in Center Ridge, Arkansas. On June 26 of that same year, a sighting was reported in Crossett, Arkansas. During this period the creature was blamed for missing livestock and attacks on several dogs.
Since the initial clusters of sightings during the 1970s, there have been sporadic reports of the creature. In 1991, the creature was reportedly seen jumping from a bridge. There were forty reported sightings in 1997 and, in 1998, the creature was reportedly sighted in a dry creek bed 5 miles (8 km) south of Fouke.
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xxxdragonfucker69xxx · 10 months
im skimming really fast because CHARMS have already dropped and i need to get there
!! the outline: lethe and the sea of shadows, but now islands jut out from it which are afterlives. some afterlives are ritual afterlives formed by funerary ceremony and ancestor worship, some are primeval afterlives about the manner of your death. big change! it's full of ghosts, who you mostly know. ghosts aren't their full living selves, death takes a lot from them and theyre defined by their passions and grow weirder after death,
phantom beasts! vesper-wolves and pyre-maggots.... cool
prehuman ghosts! omg even dragon king ghosts.... yes yes yes
the history of the underworld is so incredible. im usually sort of tepid on these sections, even though i like the idea of having a history, but for whatever reason this one is soooo cool to me
stygian archipelago!!!
"Bereft of stable stars or predictable trade winds, ghostly sailors develop other means of charting  their course, whether following in the wake of phantom leviathans, piloting their ships under the  auspice of oracular trances, or reconciling the movements of the Calendar of Setesh with local  geomancy" BANGIN!!!!
the old laws are so fascinating to e... the little hints have me a little bit obsessed. man imagine playing stories like the fallen london stories about correspondence and discordance but to repair the old laws... mmm
ugh i looove the different aterlives so much
whispers... and the labyrinth
"Specters in the thrall of Thundering Dissolution join their minds  with his in the Symphony of Omnipresence, a psychic whirlpool that shears away the borders  between their consciousnesses" oh y god i have to use this shit somehow
stygia!!! hot damn... extreme politics at the heart of the underworld
i have a soft spot for the calendar of setesh ever since i made The Wheel And Weight of Grinding Time Crushes All Beneath Its Passage, an abyssal obsessed with hijacking the calendar via pirate radio to install a new constellation
"Each district’s boundaries are reinforced on the first day of each year with a ceremonial  procession. The regent must touch each of the district’s ancient boundary-stones, and shifting  those stones as part of the rite allows one district to expand at another’s expense. Whoever  completes the procession is the regent; regents surround themselves with bodyguards to prevent  coups during that vulnerable time. " OH my fucking god. what a heist movie. holy shit
theres a whole subsection for the sewers. this is worldbuilding.
culture... architecture... a dole of black bread and white cheese...
"Weeds signify  persistence and thriving in the Underworld; a dandelion represents passage into Lethe. Fish  symbolize ghosts, while a fishhook means either love or money, depending on who you ask. And  blood — or, indeed, anything crimson — holds many meanings depending on context, including  power, food, artistic fervor, endings, new beginnings, and Creation itself." why was this made specifically to caer to me
"A few places  specialize in stoking negative emotions, luring perverse customers with discordant choirs,  noisome odors, or the like. Several wineshops on Seawall offer bone-dry hardtack and skunked  beer; the Kudzu Bell’s boarding house specializes in stale bread, mildewed cheese, and  vegetables boiled into a sulfurous mass." oh my god
"Some ghosts hoard coins whose psychic residue resonates with their own feelings; money  changers sort obols by emotion for arbitrage." to me this is what exalted is about. this is what no other game has. lets take a wacky fantasy concept and do irl economics about it
:000 mausoleums! places where prayer distills down and bathes ghosts... sort of like a pseudo manse?
....huh! people heard of stygia as a heaven, expected to go there as a ritual afterlife, and now there are spots in stygia for them
collegia! the ultimate in dark academia. ghosts who keep ancient traditions and skills, and are doing quite a lot of politics about it
and the mansions, which are pimeval afterlives of sudden death. these and the collegia alone give stygia such incredible depth already
"In the Underworld’s first days, the Resplendent Mansion stood  foremost among its peers, comprised of a host of Exalted and other  heroic ghosts who’d died in battle against the world’s makers. But  new members slowed to a trickle, then stopped entirely before the  First Age’s end. Today, their ancient seat atop Shining Hill stands all  but empty, inhabited by a few reclusive timeworn ghosts and a host  of guardian spirits and automata." .... so now that primordials and neverborn are out in the world beefing again someone might suddenly take up that seat huh
oh wow i love the transcendent course as a cult. it feels so, ironically, alive. and the DUAL MONARCHS
"The Incarnadine Path was Stygia’s native religion before the Dual Monarchs. Its creed reveres  the River of Blood as the literal and metaphorical lifeblood of Creation and Underworld alike.  Ghosts of the Mansions find a sense of superiority in their ancient ties to the faith, while the  collegia uphold it in opposition to the Transcendent Course. Its stronghold is the rust-red steeple  of the Cruor, where Incarnadine blood-priests sacrifice animals brought at great difficulty from  the living world to anoint the faithful in gore. Since Stygia’s founding, the Cruor’s priests have  been a law unto themselves, offering sanctuary to fugitives; the Signatories show little respect  for these traditions, but citywide rioting the last time the Legion Sanguinary violated Cruor  sanctuary makes them cautious." MORE CULTS. MORE
and now the stygian pact, with thirteen signatories, wich do not correspond to al deathlords! which i thought was fun. skull pirate aikeret! fathom hermit puppet for the underwater eemi!!! ukhala enlightened-in-blood... i am free on thursday... white thyrsus the youth pastor for a cult to a ghost-eating forest, sesim ruseka the bird bitch. god frankly any of these guys would be fun deathlords as well
WOW namtar is fun
ok im gonna cut myself off before dari of the mists... charms one day i will reach you...
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orionlancasterr · 8 months
Oc interview
I was tagged by @adelaidedrubman !
Judas King and Mary Hart agreed to sit down with Lauren Westfield for a couple preemptive interviews with her podcast and YouTube series, Case Files.
“Judas- oh you probably want the full thing, um, Judas King.”
“The Chosen One, Wrath, Sinner- I think Jacob called me the executioner once…”
Upon seeing Laurens growing discomfort Judas trails off, his face growing red
“Sorry that’s not what you meant. No I don’t really have any, Judas doesn’t really lend itself to nicknames. Skunk tried Jude once but it didn’t feel right.”
“Male, mostly.”
star sign
“Aquarius I think? Mary talks about it a lot.
personality type
“I dont want to be a dick but I don’t really know what this has to do with Edens gate..”
Laura frowns a little, scratching at the back of her head. “We just want to get to know you a little better before we y’know get into the juicy stuff.”
“Oh right, you’re just gonna have to bear with me on some of these, my um, my whole world has been about this stuff uncensored for like five years.”
“Right, of course!” Lauren gives a sort of forced laugh.
“5’5 I think, they measured at the last doctors appointment.”
“I’ve mostly been using gay but I’ve been reading a lot online and I think I like queer more- I don’t like specific labels.”
“American, obviously but I think French? I have a second cousin twice removed something or other that lives over there but I’m not really sure.”
fave fruit 
“I love oranges- more than anyone should and I had one for the first time in years the other day and I gotta say even the best batch of bliss couldn’t beat that shit.”
Lauren, while still uncomfortable makes no move to change the subject this time.
fave season
“Early fall-late summer. The rain brings a chill and I think the mountains are best when it’s wet out.”
fave flower 
“I think bindweed flowers are really cute, unfortunely bindweed sucks.”
fave scent 
“There is this polish I use the interior of cars, mothers, it’s like a plastic restorer anyways that shit smells so good.”
coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: 
“I didn’t like coffee or tea for a while but I’ve recently gotten into iced coffee, I like caramel iced lattes apparently.”
average hours of sleep: 
“Good nights, 5-6 but I can easily go a night or two without sleeping. Night terrors. But the guys say I still flail around and shit on the good ones.”
Judas chuckled at this one.
dog or cat person
“Bears. I volunteered at a wildlife rehab center before the reapings and we had this bear, cheeseburger, a big old boy who was found by one of the senior members found him shoving trash in his face behind Chad’s old place. Burgers, fries, onion rings you name it Cheeseburger ate it. So he took him in anyways after everything went down Wade radioed in saying he had to release him because the Jacob wanted to experiment so I tracked him down. Found out he was diabetic and needed insulin so we became buddies. He’s in Yellowstone Wildlife Sanctuary now and I visit him every few days.”
It’s at this point Judas pulls out a phone and starts showing the staff pictures of a severely obese grizzly bear wearing a collar, at which they coo and awe. In newer photos he has lost a considerable amount weight.
dream trip 
“Climb every mountain range in North America. I met a guy when I was a kid on a hike that did that, his name was trinket and he was like 70 years old climbing the continental divide in colorado. Said he sold everything a few years ago to fund his mission. I’d like to start in the south, Saturn says the Appalachians are pretty.”
“I don’t want to assume anything but wouldn’t you be sick of mountains at this point I mean…after everything that happened in the whitetails?”
Judas laughs. “It’s not the mountains fault some lunatic decided to murder and maim a bunch of people.”
favorite fictional/real character
“Optimus Prime, they made like three more transformers movies and I made everyone promise to watch them with me when we get home.”
number of blankets you sleep with? 
“I have a weighted blanket and, okay don’t make fun of me, my baby blanket under that. It’s basically like a two foot square of worn out fabric at this point but we found it in the house after. Um. After.”
It’s at this point Judas begins to look upset for the first time during the interview. Lauren quickly asks the next question.
random fact:
“I thought it would be fun to teach boomer how to launch himself off my back but now he does it at random. It hurts, I’m sorry it’s been nice do you mind if I um. If I go sit outside for a little bit?”
“Of course not, take your time.”
“Marilyn Ellen Hart, please don’t call me Marilyn.”
“Mary, it’s the preferred name.”
She smiles charmingly, directly at the camera.
star sign
“Aries sun, Capricorn moon and Sagittarius rising. This should be a shock to no one.”
This draws a laugh out Lauren.
personality type
“ENFP, crowds really get me going, I love talking to people. It’s why I love playing shows. Yeah sure the music is the thing that keeps me going after everything but the people make me feel alive.”
“Five feet two inches exactly. I got my drivers licence a few days ago. It’s crazy how many rules there are to driving in the real world. Skunk and Nick had two rules. Don’t hit anyone and stay on the pavement.”
Another laugh bubbles out of the staff and is met with a brilliant smile from Mary.
“Lesbian but Judas and Daisy keep reading articles too me and maybe I’m also asexual. I haven’t decided yet.”
“Raised in America but I was adopted from Ukraine.”
fave fruit 
“Strawberries. Like good fresh sweet ones. The ones from the store aren’t nearly as good.”
fave season
“Summer. Hot, sunny days, as dry and bright as possible.”
fave flower 
She winks at the camera
fave scent 
“BBQ, I love a good vinegar based sauce.”
coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: 
“Saturn got me hooked on sweet iced tea.”
average hours of sleep: 
“Recently I’ve been getting full nights sleep without smoking now that’s wild to me.”
dog or cat person
“Does peaches count as a cat?”
She looks past the camera and grins at someone. Laura asks who peaches is.
“Peaches, my dear, is this badass cougar we found eating so- I’m not allowed to say that am I? We found her in the Henbane.  Her owner just. Handed her to us, a trio of eighteen year old kids. She’s the sweetest thing…most of the time. She’s at Yellowstone with Cheeseburger. Apparently they tried to separate them but I imagine it didn’t go well because they were together again within like two days.”
Dream trip
“The ocean, we’re driving down California in a few weeks and I made them promise to take me to the Monterrey Bay Aquarium.”
favorite fictional/real character
“Misa Amane, from death note. I was obsessed with her in middle school.”
number of blankets you sleep with? 
“Whatever is in the back of the van. Usually a throw and Judas’s weighted blanket.”
random fact:
“I had to learn how to whittle my own sticks because the ones we’d scavenge kept snapping on me. I still use my own at shows.”
I’ll tag @vault81 @bleumanouche @chaosintheavenue and anyone who wants to!
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magicmindless · 1 year
Do you have any hcs about Fitz? I liked the hints you gave of his and Petrona's relationship and I wanna know more :b
Here yah go. I don’t think about this man much but I tried
A HC list but it’s just Professor Fitz
- Hardworking and eccentric but means well, though he can be a bit snarky or easily frustrated sometimes
- He has the appearance that he doesn’t get phased by bad things but he just keeps his bad feelings inside
- His full name is Isaac Fitz
- He hates schedules because he has a hard time with being decisive and tends to change little things so often that they don’t work for him
- Has a crazy high spice tolerance none of his children can beat
- After some investigation, he thinks there could be a way to make replica warp coins which work exactly like the real thing, however, the ethics of this are questionable at best since these are very sacred objects which the technology shouldn’t be messed with so the project is on hold
- Petrona is his daughter and they have a close relationship. Fitz checks in on her at work whenever he can and worries about her a bit excessively which annoys her sometimes but she knows that he just does it because he loves her
- He’s also very close with Iggy since he spends a lot of time with him when Petrona is at work, which is pretty often. They practically live together which is… actually a little depressing, but they’re never unhappy with each other
- Radley was his son but… well, y’know. He’s a radish now
-NuMarcus is also his son but he has no feelings towards him after all the questionable stuff he’s done
- He likes small mammals like rabbits and hamsters and raccoons. When he saw Skip with Pastrami the rat during Mocharia he asked him if he could hold Pastrami and Skip allowed him to. Fitz was very happy
- He actually seems to like all types of animals. Reptiles, amphibians and he even used to capture and collect bugs as a kid
- He doesn’t know what furries are but he might be one, and his fursona would be a skunk
- He doesn’t believe in ghosts but the concept of them scares him
- Pop songs on the radio are kind of his guilty pleasure, and will sometimes sing to them alone, even doing the typical thing where he’ll pretend to sing into a microphone when it’s really just a hairbrush or something (Once Iggy walked in on him doing this)
- Disney songs are also something he loves. He hasn’t bothered with watching all of the movies, he’s mainly watched the old classics but some of the songs he likes even from movies he hasn’t seen
- Despite his limited knowledge he’s an LGBT ally all the way. He even bought Iggy a pride flag when he found out he was a demiboy (he’s trying his best okay?)
- Back in school his favorite subject was, of course, science though his least favorite was literature. He’s traumatized from analyzing William Shakespeare, just hearing the name gives him Vietnam flashbacks
- Whenever he gets transmissions back from Ripley in Munchmore he has to use a thesaurus or Petrona to help him understand what the hell she’s saying. (He asked for in-depth detail but not like this)
- Speaking of Ripley, they didn’t really interact much at Truffleton, but when they started collaborating for the Munchmore expeditions they got to know each other better and he sees her as another daughter
- Okay so going for the angst part of the Fitz family AU he’s gotten nightmares about his wife dying and Radley turning into a Radish
- Him and Louie have been friends since they were young and dumb. He still sticks around to help him with restaurant and food ideas and such, however, because of other reasons he thinks maybe the dumb is still retained in him sometimes
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natromanxoff · 2 years
Brian May live at the Fat Tuesdays in New York, NY, USA (with Les Paul) - March 25, 1991
The gig was played at Fat Tuesdays, a small nightclub that Les Paul played once a week for many years. On this night, they were filming part of a home video called Guitar, narrated by guitarist Jeff "Skunk" Baxter of Steely Dan fame. But the released video included only part of Early Morning Blues.
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Fan Stories
“The gig was played at Fat Tuesdays, a small nightclub that Les Paul played once a week for many years. On this night, they were filming part of a home video called Guitar, narrated by guitarist Jeff "Skunk" Baxter of Steely Dan fame. Al Di Meolo also played that night and I believe Les Paul intros him at the end of Brian's set. It was a truly amazing night for me and the other people there. You can hear the excitement in the crowd, made up of an older, jazz crowd, including regulars that came each week to see Les Paul, and the Queen fans that had heard about it on the radio that afternoon and from friends. When we arrived at Fat Tuesdays, not knowing what to expect, there were only three other people there to see Brian. By the time he went on, though, another 50 or so people had shown up. Before the gig, I had the honor of meeting Brian, hanging by himself at the bar. I was even able to buy Brian a beer, as he had just finished the one he was drinking! Then the subject of live recordings came up (my friend blurted out, about me, 'he's got 100 live shows', to which I was a bit weary of having Brian hear. I mentioned to him that I thought he might not be too happy for fans to have unauthorized recordings, but he said no, as long as I enjoyed them, then it was fine. I even made sure to let him know that a decent portion were of excellent quality! We talked about Queen and other stuff. It was an incredible night and he was one of the nicest and most gracious people I've met. At the time, some of the Hollywood remasters had just been released. I know News Of The World was out (Brian even asked what I thought of the Rick Rubin 'remix' of WWRY... I said it was 'interesting'!)... well, I asked Brian if they had already started work on the remaster for Queen II and he said that it wasn't finished yet or they were working on it. So, I mentioned that if possible, they should include 'See What A Fool I've Been' as a bonus track, since The Game remaster had been released without 'A Human Body' (as I can remember!). He said something like 'you know, we hadn't thought of that' (what???)... and at one point, even took out a pen and paper and wrote down these ideas! Well, as we know, the Queen II remaster came out a few months later, with 'See What A Fool I've Been,' sure enough on it! Maybe it was already planned that way, but who knows! Brian also mentioned that the Queen I remaster would include an unreleased tune, which turned out to be 'Mad The Swine', but I couldn't understand what Brian was saying, so I thought he said 'Madness Wine'. After talking a bit with Brian, we realized we still weren't sure if we were even going to get into the gig, so we kindly asked him if there was somehow he might help us get in... he told us to follow him as he went into the club through the back entrance, down past the kitchen! Once inside the tiny club (where we dutifully paid our way), my friend Mike had a classic line, meant in jest (though I'm not exactly sure how Brian took it!)... he said to Brian: 'Not quite Wembley, huh Brian?'. I hope Brian took it as a joke! There was a guy after the gig that presented Brian with a homemade guitar... it didn't look like the Red Special, but supposedly sounded like it and on a subsequent in-radio 'live' performance from Brian's 'radio tour' for Innuendo, Brian wound up playing it! I can't remember which radio performance this was from, but I know he mentions it on the program. It truly was an amazing, magical night!” - Justin Leiter
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southernvangard · 11 months
Episode 380 - Southern Vangard Radio
BANG! @southernvangard #radio Ep380! If you do the math quickly - you’ll see we’re only TWENTY episodes away from Episode 400. What y’all tryin to do?!?! Meeks and Doe are working on some thangs, but if you have any ideas on how we should celebrate Episode 400, and what will be our NINTH year of Southern Vangard Radio, holler at us. This week finds us with a WORLD EXCLUSIVE from our good buddy J SCIENIDE, who has a new project dropping Nov 10 called “PLEASE, ALLOW ME TO DESTROY YOU.” Last but certainly not least - our new book, “SMITHSONIAN GRADE: The Story of Southern Vangard Radio” makes a great holiday gift - get ya orders in now at SOUTHERNVANGARD.BANDCAMP.COM and beat the holiday rush! Alright, quit ya messin’ around and hit play, say THAAAANK YA ‘cause YOU WAAAAALCOME!!!!!! #SmithsonianGrade #WeAreTheGard #YouWaaaaalcome // southernvangard.com // @southernvangard on all platforms #undergroundhiphop #boombap #DJ #mixshow #interview #podcast #ATL #WORLDWIDE #RIPCOMBATJACK
Recorded live November 5, 2023 @ Dirty Blanket Studios, Marietta, GA
@southernvangard on all platforms
#SmithsonianGrade #WeAreTheGard
twitter/IG: @southernvangard @jondoeatl @cappuccinomeeks
Pre-Game Beats - Gabriel Rowland
Talk Break Inst. - "Ayo" - Conductor Williams
"Doomsday Aura" - Substance810 & Hobgoblin ft. D-Styles
"Speeding Season" - Lloyd Banks
"Come One, Come All" - Black Rob feat. D-Dot
"Head Crack" - Hannibal Stax X PF Cuttin ft. Sadat X
"Church Fan" - Conway The Machine & Conductor Williams Ft. Jae Skeese
Talk Break Inst. - "Torch" - Conductor Williams
"Defcon 4" - J Scienide (prod. J Scienide) ** WORLD EXCLUSIVE **
"Love the Lord" - Conway The Machine & Conductor Williams
"Killer (BP Remix)" - Shabaam Sahdeeq & John Jigg$
"Hold Court" - Tragedy Khadafi, Planet Asia, Deuce Ellis (prod. Deuce Ellis & Cee Gee)
"Boom Bap 3:16" - Alias Molombo ft. A-F-R-O, Ciphurphace, feat. KRS-One
"A Perfect Storm If You Will" - AG Da Coroner & Doza The Drum Dealer
"Show Ya How To MC" - Fokis ft. Def Jef & Grandmaster Caz
Talk Break Inst. - "O Lord" - Conductor Williams
"Seckle" - Da Beatminerz ft. KRS-One
"Rush Hour 4" - FastLife & Madhattan (prod. Lex With The Records)
"1984" - Skunk ft. Estee Nack
"To Each His Own" - Substance810 & Hobgoblin ft. Pro Dillinger & Bub Styles
"Tommy Lee Scott" - Sonnyjim & Lee Scott ft. Crimeapple & D-Styles
"Merciful" - Agallah ft. Grea8Gawd
"Catchin Flights" - Snotty
Talk Break Inst. - "Down Not Out" - Conductor Williams
"One Last Dance" - Snotty
"All We Ask Iz Trust" - Snotty
https://on.soundcloud.com/h7cRF (SHORT LINK)
#SouthernVangard #DJJonDoe #EddieMeeks #GabrielRowland #ConductorWilliams #Substance810 #Hobgoblin #DStyles #LloydBanks #BlackRob #DDot #HannibalStax #PFCuttin #SadatX #ConwayTheMachine #JaeSkeese #JScienide #ShabaamSahdeeq #JohnJiggs #TragedyKhadafi #PlanetAsia #DeuceEllis #CeeGee #AliasMolombo #AFRO #Ciphurphace #KRSOne #AGDaCoroner #DozaTheDrumDealer #Fokis #DefJef #GrandmasterCaz #DaBeatminerz #FastLife #Madhattan #LexWithTheRecords #Skunk #EsteeNack #ProDillinger #BubStyles #Sonnyjim #LeeScott #Crimeapple #Agallah #Grea8Gawd #Snotty
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byberbunk2069 · 1 year
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Retro Trax for the Modern Edgerunner
24.2 Hack the Planet was originally gonna be three seperate radio stations: one for the Strange Days soundtrack (named after Retinal Fetish, the nightclub featured in the movie), one for the Hackers soundtrack, and the last being a rework of my first radioext station, 24.2 Rhythm of Time (a primarily EBM/Industrial station with some death rock/goth and post-punk).
I decided I couldn't be bothered working on three different stations so 24.2 Hack the Planet came to be with 50 tracks including a few from Strange Days and Hackers and some from the Matrix, Johnny Mnemonic, Hardware, and RoboCop.
I might update it a little later after Update 2.0 to include more tracks, Dr. Paradox segments, and ads from RoboCop and RoboCop 2
Playlist below
Strange Days Skunk Anansie - Selling Jesus Skunk Anansie - Feed Lords of Acid - The Real Thing Tricky - Overcome Strange Fruit - No White Clouds Juliette Lewis - Hardly Wait Me Phi Me - HereWEcome Prong - Strange Days Lori Carson & Graeme Revell - Fall In The Light Hackers Orbital - Halcyon & On & On Underworld - Cowgirl The Prodigy - Voodoo People Stereo MC's - Connected The Prodigy - One Love Kruder & Dorfmeister - Original Bedroom Rockers Squeeze - Heaven Knows Massive Attack - Protection Guy Pratt - One Combination Simon Boswell - Diskette Simon Boswell - Cereal's Speech Simon Boswell - Kernel
Johnny Mnemonic Orbital - Sad But True God Lives Underwater - No More Love Stabbing Westward - Nothing
Hardware Ministry - Stigmata Public Image Ltd. - The Order of Death The Matrix Massive Attack - Dissolved Girl Rob Zombie - Dragula The Prodigy - Mindfields
RoboCop PTP - Show Me Your Spine
The rest... Massive Attack - Teardrop Massive Attack - Risingson Pigface - Hips, Tits, Lips, Power! Pigface - Tapeworm Skinny Puppy - Last Call Skinny Puppy - Dead Lines Skinny Puppy - Hardset Head Skinny Puppy - Convulsion NIN - Head Like A Hole Ministry - Thieves Ministry - Just One Fix Front Line Assembly - Paralyzed Front Line Assembly - Resist Front 242 - Rhythm of Time Front 242 - Headhunter Front 242 - WYHIWYG/U-Men (Live 1989) The Prodigy - Poison GWAR - America Must Be Destroyed GWAR - Jack the World Mussolini Headkick - Your God Is Dead
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Nightwish's Floor Jansen: 10 records that changed my life
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Eurythmics - Touch (1983)
"Growing up, my parents used to listen to Here Comes The Rain Again by Eurythmics, so that’s how I got in touch with it. Of course, Annie Lennox has a very distinctive voice and that was one of the first things I really started singing along to, so in that sense it’s a part of my own musical development.
Throughout the years I’ve started to appreciate her as a songwriter more and more. These are very old songs, and yet everybody still knows them – they’re timeless. They’ve been covered to bits, and unfortunately the covers usually aren’t better, but it says something about how good this song is and how timeless it is."
Alanis Morisette - Jagged Little Pill (1995)
"Like Annie Lennox, Alanis Morissette formed me and my interest in singing. I was about thirteen when I first heard You Oughta Know. She has her heart on her tongue and she always puts it right there as she means it; it’s very to the point.
The funny thing is now she’s been part of a little film about highly sensitive people [Sensitive: The Untold Story]. She’s in there, talking about the combination of being a highly sensitive person and an artist and of course, as an artist and a highly sensitive woman, I could really identify myself in her stories and reconnect with her at a much later age, in a sense. She came back into my life through that."
Roxette - It Must Have Been Love (single, 1990)
"It Must Have Been Love by Roxette is great sing-a-long music. It’s pretty uncomplicated, super Swedish, very well-written, very well-performed, and one that I just sang and sang! This was also played a lot in the car – you’d have to ask my mum and dad what those journeys were like, my sister and I sang their ears bloody [laughs]! It’s definitely true that the Swedes are great songwriters. It was hard to choose just one song, but this one is as good as any from that time, I think."
The Gathering - Mandylion (1995)
"I first heard The Gathering on the radio. I was listening to a lot of grunge and rock but not much metal yet; that came with Pantera and Machine Head, bands that I really liked, but nothing with a female voice that could really work for me.
There were some female singers, but they were all high and operatic, and I was missing that power – until I heard The Gathering. Strange Machines  just did it for me. That was the first step for me in thinking, I wanna sing in a metal band too! Anneke [van Giersbergen] is opening a few of my solo shows for me this year."
Skunk Anansie - Paranoid And Sunburnt (1995)
"When Weak by Skunk Anansie came out, everything about them was revolutionary. Skin was Black, bald, and gay, a lot of things that people have issues with, but the way she kicked against that – 'I am the way I am and if you don’t like it, too bad for you' – that in itself was so inspiring for a young girl growing up.
But what she did with her voice, those long howls and the effortless highs, that was right up my alley. Back in the day I played that album, Paranoid & Sunburnt, until it was just threads."
Halestorm - The Strange Case Of... (2012)
"I’m not sure exactly how I stumbled upon I Miss The Misery, but that was the first thing I heard from Halestorm. The first thing Lzzy Hale does in the song is this howl, and she really got me on the first note – that’s rare. I was like, “okay, damn!” It’s very American-produced and that hook of “whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh” is pretty cheesy, but it totally works!
I’ve seen her live and all I can think is, how on Earth does your voice survive? She screams and kicks and grunts and everything she does is super cool. Lzzy is a powerhouse, she stands for being feminine in a man’s world and describing her feelings quite to the point in her lyrics."
Evergrey - A Heartless Portrait (The Orphean Testament) (2022)
"Every day on tour in Europe with Nightwish I’ve played Midwinter Calls by Evergrey when I’m putting on make-up. I started listening to them in their early years, when they were still full-on prog.
But what I really appreciate is how every album has something different, how they as a band and Tom [Englund] as a singer-songwriter keep evolving. He has a lot of pop influences in how he sings, and soul and jazz. The common thread throughout this list is singers – you can write great songs, but if the singer doesn’t work for me, I probably won’t last throughout the song just because I can’t get over a voice that I can’t appreciate."
Symphony X - Underworld (2015)
"Without You by Symphony X is a very emotional song, but it’s a great example of what I really appreciate about Russell Allen, which is that he manages to be the glue in a prog song that can otherwise be incredibly complex, by making melodies that are followable and even catchy, and that has made it for me.
That’s why I can listen to Symphony X. He has this full-bodied rocky sound, and his biggest virtue as far as I’m concerned is that he can sing from his heart. You can hear that he means it. I’ve learned a lot from him, he gave me some really wise lessons that I will never forget: that even in stage performance, you can’t always just give everything away. Build it up."
Sam Ryder - There's Nothing But Space, Man! (2022)
"Sam Ryder has an amazing voice, it’s quite diverse: he can go from almost Queen-like singing, to very poppy, to something more like Muse. What inspires me about him is that he’s a self-made man in the modern days, singing his head off on the Internet for God knows how long without anything really happening for him until he was just lifted up and thrown into the world, and seemingly just being the same guy throughout it all, you know?
I hope he can stay himself throughout the whole pressure that’s on his shoulders, as it is right now. I hope he survives the madness of that."
Queen - Innuendo (1991)
"If you make a playlist where singers are your common thread, you can’t really make one without Freddie Mercury. It’s hard to choose one Queen song, but The Show Must Go On is one that we once covered with After Forever.
Speaking about singing from the heart, his vocal interpretation is still one of the best that has ever been. That’s not something you can learn, it’s just something you have – something that he had. This song stands for pushing through even when things are shit, and that sentence often goes through my head when I’m thinking that I don’t know if I can do this: the show must go on.
It’s empowering. It’s so beautiful. It’s an emotional rollercoaster, as music should be. That’s the beauty of writing. If I didn’t have the list I’ve just presented to inspire me, where would I be? I’m very grateful there are so many that went before me.
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parkerbombshell · 3 months
Cobwebs And Strange Radio Show #362
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Cobwebs And Strange Radio Show  Monday June 10th at 12 noon EST , 5pm BST , 9am PDT - Happy Mondays - Wrote For Luck (Bummed, 1988) - John Kongos - He’s Gonna Step On You Again (Kongos, 1970) - MC5 - Boys Who Play With Matches (Heavy Lifting, 2024)* - Skunk Anansie - I Can Dream (Paranoid & Sunburnt, 1995) - Scenius - Breezing Through It (single, 2024)* - Squeeze - Take Me I’m Yours (Squeeze, 1978) - Beauty In Chaos - Diving For Pearls (Dancing With Angels, 2024)* beautyinchaos.bandcamp.com - The Cure - Pictures Of You (7” version) (Disintegration, 1989) - Tina Turner - Whole Lotta Love (Acid Queen, 1975) - Grace Jones - Private Life (Warm Leatherette, 1980) - Sex Pistols - No Fun (Flogging A Dead Horse, 1980) - Alien Airforce - Life Is Suicidal (Give Pigeons The Right Of Way, 2024)* - El Michels Affair - Ala Vida (Yeti Season, 2022) - Amy Winehouse - Tears Dry On Their Own (Back To Black, 2006) - Thee Lakesiders - Si Me Faltaras Tu (Parachute, 2018) - Los Yesterdays - Tell Me I'm Dreaming (single, 2020) - LEATHERS - Ultraviolet (Ultraviolet, 2024)* leathers.bandcamp.com - The Human League - All I Ever Wanted (Secrets, 2001) - TRAMP - Postcard From Poland (single, 2024)* thisistramp.bandcamp.com - Colin Blunstone - Say You Don’t Mind (One Year, 1970) - Pixies - You’re So Impatient (single, 2024)* - The Trafalgars - Up All Night (About Time, 2024)* thetrafalgars.bandcamp.com - Everyone Says Hi - Somebody Somewhere (single, 2024)* - David Bowie - Everyone Says 'Hi' (Heathen, 2002) - SUPER 8 - Lies (Retro Metro, 2024)* thinklikeakey.com - The Lovin’ Spoonful - Six O’Clock (Everything Playing, 1987) - John Howard - Currently (single, 2024)* - Clifford T. Ward - Scullery (Mantle Pieces, 1974) - The Psychs - So Real, Surreal (single, 2024)* - WATSKY - Young Ruettiger (I DO WHAT I WANT) (Intention, 2023) - Toby Nwigwe - DESTRUCTION (MoMINTS, 2022) - Orbis Max - Learning To Love (single, 2024)* - sparkle*jets u.k. - You Complete Me (Box of Letters, 2024)* bigstirrecords.bandcamp.com - Mylo - in My Arms (Destroy Rock & Roll, 2004) - Kim Carnes - Bette Davis Eyes (Mistaken Identity, 1981) - Kate Clover - Apocalypse Dream (Apocalypse Dream, 2024)* eyesoremerch.com - Belly - Slow Dog (Star, 1993) - Dot Dash - Flowers (16 Again, 2024)* dotdashdc.bandcamp.com - Mark James - Suspicious Minds (single, 1968) - Françoise Hardy - Message Personnel (Message Personnel, 1973) - 2 Live Crew - Brother Marquis (As Nasty As They Wanna Be, 1989) - The Selecter - Too Much Pressure (Too Much Pressure, 1980) - Enchanting - Track & Field (Luv Scarred / No Luv, 2023) - Space - Bad Ass Hungry Pterodactyl (Music For Pleasure Music For Pain, 2021) - Tom Waits - Ruby’s Arms (Heartattack & Vine, 1980) Read the full article
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tomhenryyy · 4 months
Here are the references in alphabetical order:
Chamberlain, L. (2023) Lewis Capaldi on 'Imposter Syndrome' and How Success Has Affected His Mental Health. Available at: https://www.menshealth.com/uk/mental-strength/a43493642/lewis-capaldi-imposter-syndrome-mental-health/ (25 May 2024).
Cunic, A. (2024) Imposter Syndrome: The Five Types, How to Deal With It. Available at: https://www.verywellmind.com/imposter-syndrome-and-social-anxiety-disorder-4156469 (Accessed: 25 May 2024).
Dover, L. (2022) There is Still a Class Ceiling in the Music Industry, and It Needs Breaking. BRICKS Magazine. Available at: https://bricksmagazine.co.uk/2022/09/12/there-is-a-class-ceiling-in-the-music-industry-and-it-needs-breaking/ (25 May 2024).
Dredge, S. (2021) UK-based Black Lives in Music Survey reveals troubling findings. Available at: https://musically.com/2021/10/14/black-lives-in-music-survey/ (23rd May 2024).
Dredge, S. (2024) Help Musicians turns Music Minds Matter into single-focus charity. Available at: https://musically.com/2022/09/23/music-minds-matter-single-focus-charity/ (Accessed: 23rd May 2024).
Dredge, S. (2024) Report: Mental health issues surge in UK performing-arts sector. Available at: https://musically.com/2024/03/18/report-mental-health-issues-surge-in-uk-performing-arts-sector/ (Accessed: 23rd May 2024).
Ficek, A. (20th February 2024) Touring, substance use and the impact of mental health. Available at: https://www.tonicmusic.co.uk/post/afbl32 (23rd May 2024).
Gorman, A. (2022) Nepo babies: what are they and why is Gen Z only just discovering them?. Available at: https://www.theguardian.com/culture/2022/dec/22/nepo-babies-what-are-they-and-why-is-gen-z-only-just-discovering-them (25 May 2024).
Musicians Union (2021) Imposter Syndrome Advice for Musicians. Available at: https://musiciansunion.org.uk/career-development/career-guides/musicians-wellbeing-guidance-pack/what-is-imposter-syndrome-and-what-can-you-do-about-it (Accessed: 25 May 2024).
Paine, A. (2024) Major Labels reveal latest gender pay gap figures and outline strategies to support female leaders. Available at: https://www.musicweek.com/labels/read/major-labels-reveal-latest-gender-pay-gap-figures-and-outline-strategies-to-support-female-leaders/089552 (23rd May 2024).
Pottle, Z. (7th November 2023) Top 10 Jobs With Highest Addiction Rates. Available at: https://www.addictioncenter.com/community/jobs-highest-addiction-rates/#:~:text=1.,alcohol%20abuse%20of%20any%20profession. (23rd May 2024).
Starkey, A. (24 June 2022) The importance of Skunk Anansie headlining Glastonbury. Available at: https://faroutmagazine.co.uk/vital-importance-skunk-anansie-headlining-glastonbury-1999/ (23rd May 2024).
Virgin Radio (2020) Lewis Capaldi Introduces LIvelive mental health scheme on his latest tour. Available at: https://virginradio.co.uk/entertainment/23330/lewis-capaldi-introduces-livelive-mental-health-scheme-his-latest-tour-200308560274 (25 May 2024).
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musicdiscoveryapp · 6 months
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chrancecriber · 1 year
Radio SunLounge Romania (April 18, 2023)
23:55 Olive - Miracle 23:52 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 23:51 Nux - Under The Dancing Sun (Bg Mix) 23:44 The Dream Catchers - Flower Of Spring (Suntheca Lounge Mix) 23:37 Solasoap - That Feeling 23:36 Katoey - Serenade (Downtempo Mix) 23:32 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 23:27 Darshan - Listen 23:25 Dreamscape - Nautica (Version Two) 23:13 Piero Ft. Mia Lemar - Red Sunset 23:10 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 23:07 Peter Pearson - Drifting Along 23:01 Mirage Of Deep, Amethyste - Tragic Farewell 23:00 Magneti C4 - Bebossa 22:56 Stepo Del Sol - Sunday Morning Coffee 22:53 Velvet Lounge Project - The Secret Of Your Heart (Airplay Cut) 22:46 Jens Buchert - Les Alpes 22:40 Flashbaxx - Movin On 22:38 Miklos Vajda - The Sun Breaks Over The Mountains 22:34 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 22:32 Solarflow - Always Yours 22:28 Treepines Makdaf - Behind Her Eyes 22:22 Kundalini Project, Paolo Man - The End Of Nation 22:20 Klangstein - Within You (Feat. Nosie Katzmann) 22:13 Aimee Sol - Anything You Want (Sunshine Deluxe Edit) 22:07 Lazygrooves - Secrets 22:04 Bulb - Impossible (Original Mix) 21:57 Clinton Affair - Amber 21:53 Bitter Sweet - Kelebek 21:46 Sade - Lovers Rock (Album Version) 21:38 Djibooti - Shadows And Voices (Tom Tom Mix) 21:36 Blank & Jones - Pure Shores 21:30 Lazy Hammock - Castaway 21:26 Clara Hill Meets Georg Levin - Just Paradise 21:18 Djibooti - Shadows And Voices (Tom Tom Mix) 21:15 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 21:14 Peter Pearson - Chilled To The Heart 21:07 Marga Sol - Around Me 21:04 Beach Hoppers - Bit By Bit 20:58 Cinematic - Empty Eoom (Daydreaming Mix) 20:54 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 20:51 Noise Boyz - Supernatural (The Man Behind C. Edit) 20:44 Roberto Sol. Florito. Martine - Love Finds You 20:42 Fresh Moods - Solarcell 20:39 Youth & Troy Gunner - Under My Heart 20:35 Tosca - Lone Ranger 20:29 Michael E - Don't Stop 20:23 Opium Lounge - No Time 20:22 Santerna Featuring Vadim Kapustin - Feeling Like A River (Chillout Mix) 20:18 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 20:13 Cafe Americaine - Shanghai Superflight (Ethnojazz Cut) 20:08 Billy Paul Williams - Desert Moon 20:02 Christian Hornbostel - Away 20:01 Unclubbed - Need To Feel Loved 19:54 Pat The Cat - Hotel California (Feat. Rachel Moreau) 19:52 Dejamove - Warmin' 19:45 Skunk Tribecca - Siguiendo La Luna 19:43 Blackfish - Hidden Shore 19:40 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 19:35 Thomas Lemmer - White Room (Gold Lounge In The Room Remix) Feat. Naemi Joy 19:32 Schwarz & Funk - Phil Me (Original Mix) 19:26 Twentyeight - Wake Up Call 19:23 Dj Mnx - Emotions May Fly 19:20 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 19:17 Fobee - Sea Of Love 19:14 Dj Shah - Arco Iris (Chillout Mix) 19:10 Vibrasphere Feat. K. Linder - Tierra Azul 19:04 Nostalgia 77 - Quiet Dawn (Bonobo Remix) 19:00 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 18:56 Digital Project - Coming In My Soul 18:54 Olivia Broadfield - Say (State Azure Mix) 18:44 Lorenzo - I Need You, I Want You 18:42 Thievery Corporation - Lebanese Blonde 18:32 Under - Under (Morgan Page Remix) 18:28 Ielo - Beautiful Flower 18:22 Philip Aniskin & Alexsey Krapotkin - Sexorica (Original Mix) 18:19 Ayla - Open Your Mind 18:13 Kai French - Just Relax 18:08 Trillian Miles - Summerdust 18:03 Trillian - A Little Love 18:01 Bob Harz - What We Are 17:57 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 17:55 Riccardo Eberspacher - Sansiz Olamaz 17:49 Kosmopolitans Feat. Crystalia - Wild Is The Wind 17:46 Garden City Movement - Foreign Affair 17:43 Gushi & Raffunk - Travel (G&r Celebration Mix) 17:40 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 17:37 Van - Turkish Coffee (Original Mix) 17:30 Living Room - Silkroad 17:27 Steven Solveig - Magical 17:24 Ian Pooley Feat. Marcos Valle - Sentimento 17:17 Redlounge Orchestra - Reserver 17:16 Cafe' Ibiza - Take It To (Original Mix) 17:10 Fobee - Sun Goes Down 17:08 Blue Pilots Project - Reboot 17:05 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 17:01 Shivana Faction - Talking In Whispers 16:55 Frameworks - Breaks My Heart Ft. Kathrin Deboer 16:50 Dub Mars - Between The Lines 16:48 Pascal Dubois - Deep Into The Night (Long Island Mix) 16:44 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 16:43 Nasser Shibani - Time Chase (Original Mix) 16:36 Krall Bradley - Money Cant You Buy Love (Swing Orchestra Mix) 16:34 Castlebed - Piano Interlude 16:33 Maximus & Trilogy - Du Ar (Original Mix) 16:26 Paolo - Turn Me On 16:24 Florzinho - Vem Conmigo (Euphonic Traveller Remix) 16:17 Fudge X - Memories 16:16 Lissa - Some Of Me (Feat. Philip Nolan) 16:12 Francesco Digilio & Andrea Accorsi - Oblios 16:06 Lounge Groove Avenue - Don't Be So Shy 16:03 Duane Alpert - Cool Experience (Laurent Paradise Mix) 16:00 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 15:54 Floor - Whispering (Original Mix) 15:52 Michael E - Promise 15:48 Ronny Morris - Build To Last (Ganga Remix) 15:45 Guenter Haas - First Floor Lobby 15:41 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 15:37 Lemongrass - Go In 15:31 Redlounge Orchestra - Liquid Cool 15:26 Worldwide Groove Corporation - Midnight In Venice (Feat. The Mystery Singer, Djlo) 15:25 Schiller - Dancing With Loneliness (Feat. Kim Sanders) 15:21 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 15:16 Michael E - Southern Comfort 15:13 Tosca - Lone Ranger 15:11 Kaxamalka - Backdrops (Original Mix) 15:08 Brook Sapphire - Be Chilled (Original Edit) 15:04 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 14:59 Approaching Black - The Night Before 14:54 Bobby Escobar - Playa (White Sand Mix) 14:49 Princess Of Lounge - We Found Love Feat. Dione (Wish You Were Here Mix) 14:47 Koala - Floating Pillow 14:40 Mr Vaud - Digital Inspiration 14:38 Emma Hewitt - These Days Are Ours (Zetandel Chill Out Mix) 14:32 Vladi Strecker - Over The Sea (Island Sounds Deluxe Mix) 14:25 Kalmano - Awake From Your Dream 14:18 Newton - Cross Over 14:14 Blank & Jones - (You're Gonna Look) Good In Blues (Feat. Mick Roach) 14:09 Merge Of Equals - Don't You Know 14:07 Persia Beatz - Princess Of Persia (Miracle Mixxx) 14:03 Nor Elle Feat. Bella Wagner - Love True Dimension 13:56 Jazzamatazz - Burning Man (Rhythms Del Mundo Version) 13:51 Club Camarillo - Magic Pool 13:50 Velvet Lounge Project - Baby With You 13:46 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 13:44 Paul Hardcastle Feat. Maxine Hardcastle - Slippin Away 13:37 Flight Facilities - Waking Bliss 13:35 Sofa Groovers - Ti Amo (Sunlight Showers Mix) 13:32 Shamika Cox - Te Quiero 13:22 Homebase - Dzihan & Kamien 13:16 Vargo - Intuition (Touch My Hall Mix) 13:11 Sweet Coffee - No Ordinary Love 13:06 Magica Fe - Words 13:00 Soulavenue - Stuck In A Dream 12:54 Promid - Don't Forget Me 12:49 Turnmeister - Into The White 12:44 Enrico Donner - Forget Me Not 12:43 Weathertunes - After Dawn 12:36 Paolo - Turn Me On 12:34 Mahoroba - Des Moments (Guitar Mix) 12:31 Paul Hardcastle Feat. Maxine Hardcastle - Dreamin 12:28 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 12:23 Nate Connelly - You Echo 12:16 Dubphonic - Trick Of Time 12:11 Hp. Hoeger - Calm Down (Original Mix) 12:10 Chase & Status - What Is Right 12:03 Lo Seen - When I Close My Eyes 11:56 Redlounge Orchestra - Reserver 11:51 Magnus Wedberg - Red Stone 11:48 Jazzy James Jr. - Twilight Trumpet (Open Doors Mix) 11:45 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 11:40 The Diventa Project - Still Raining (Rnb Remix) 11:34 Max Waves Feat. Pixieguts - Reflections 11:31 Breakfast Trim - Dubai Sun 11:30 Cafe Americaine - Tobago Transfer (Sad Waves Mix) 11:23 Dj Riquo - Island Delight 11:16 Sunyata Project - Pi Lo Chun (Extended Mix) 11:10 Amour Fou - J'aime Comme Tu Rit (Original Mix) 11:07 Husky Rescue - New Light Of Tomorrow (Bonobo Remix) 11:04 Pete Dingon - L'amour Est Mort 10:57 Vladi Strecker - Night Distance (After Midnight Cut) 10:51 Jens Buchert - Aurora Dub 10:48 Trio Electro - Echo Parcours 10:45 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 10:36 Nor Elle - Desert Storm 10:34 Jentarix Feat. M.k.touch - Reincarnation (Original Mix) 10:29 Andrea Cardillo - Deep Night 10:27 Naoki Kenji - Bedtime 10:23 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 10:21 Sonic Adventure Project - Who Are You 10:14 Telepopmusik - Breathe 10:13 Svendaq - Tropical Bells 10:09 Sabrina Waters - Sardinia Paradise (Wet Island Mix) 10:03 Clelia Felix - Hold On To My Love 09:57 Max Melvin - Earth Inside (Sunset Mix) 09:52 Monodeluxe - All Night 09:50 Husky Rescue - New Light Of Tomorrow (Bonobo Remix) 09:47 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 09:42 Five Seasons - Sky (Original Mix) 09:40 Ida Corr - In The Name Of Love (Shazz Man Lounge Mix) 09:34 Tomazz - Lucid Dream 09:32 Mòzâmbîqúe - Healing Touch 09:26 Dj Antoine - I'll Never Let You Down (Soft Mix) 09:23 Max Melvin - Seasons (Walking On The Chinese Wall Remix) 09:16 Peter Silence - Boost 09:14 Lemongrass - Magnificent 09:11 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 09:05 D. Batistatos - Late Hours 09:01 Wayang - Beneath These Falling Leaves (Bali Mix) 08:55 Afterlife - Makes Me Feel 08:53 Nightcruzer - Lazy Day 08:50 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 08:45 Mo'horizons - Yes Baby Yes 08:42 Jazz L'amour - Summer Dreams (See The Light Mix) 08:36 Chris Leblanc - Ahora 08:33 Belloq - De Longpre 08:32 Lignin - Come Home 08:25 Krystian Shek, Nashi Young Cho - Sweetwater (Instrumental Mix) 08:20 Weathertunes - Parfum De La Provence (Original Mix) 08:18 Vargo - Talking One Language 08:15 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 08:12 Cloudchord, G Mills - Bodega Grapes 08:07 Sean Hayman - Sleeping In The Sand (White Clouds Mix) 08:01 Sweet Velvet, Debora Vilchez - La Plena Noche 07:58 Aqua Mundi - Beautiful Awaking (Original Mix) 07:55 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 07:53 Zouave Feat. Liv - Wonderful Life (After Hour Remix) 07:46 Mathieu & Florzinho - Deixe O Sol Entrar 07:41 James Bright - Low 07:38 Ladder & Rachel Rubinger - Your Mind 07:33 Newton - Cologne City Waves 07:23 Rue Du Soleil - In My Heart 07:21 Deeper Sublime, Krapan - Je T'aime (Original Mix) 07:17 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 07:12 351 Lake Shore Drive - Ocean Blue (Cafe Ibiza Edit) 07:07 Duo Varial Feat. Julie - Pretty Places 07:05 Afterlife, Calladine - Clear Blue Sky (Blank & Jones Remix) 07:01 Sphere - Is It Sun 06:55 Randy Crawford - Gimme The Night 06:49 Koolsax - Beyond The Sunset 06:47 Spinne - Saxophonecheck 06:43 Dario J - The Lounge Again 06:40 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 06:36 Ego Buster - Starlight Avenue (Better Call L For Lounge) 06:34 Merge Of Equals - Take You There 06:27 Living Room - Maui Pie 06:24 Mariella Narvaez - All Night 06:17 Conjure One - Only Sky (Lounge Edit) 06:14 Tanga - Helium 06:08 Amanaska - Tide (Electro Remix) 06:04 Green Rabbit - Primal Self 06:01 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 05:55 Purple Avenue - Color Of June 05:54 Club Des Belugas Ft Anna Luca - The Road Is Lonesome 05:47 My 7sky - The Lonely Moon (Original Mix) 05:46 Easy Listening - Coffee Time 05:43 Living Room - From Suspicious Mind (Original Mix) 05:40 Future Loop Foundation - You & Me 05:30 Van - Enchantment Costa De La Luz 05:27 Honeyroot - Sunrise Sunset 05:24 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 05:18 Lucky Loop - Take A Look 05:13 Jens Buchert - Dominion 05:11 Yppah - Occasional Magic 05:08 Alien Cafe - Veil Of The Sunlight (Original Mix) 05:05 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 05:00 Kim & Buran - Space 04:55 Hello Meteor - Night Distance 04:53 Camelphat & Elderbook - Cola (Simon Mills Full Sugar Mix) 04:50 Darwins Dream - Lonely By The Beach - Cafe And Sand Edit 04:40 Morcheeba - Let Me See (Sonic Warrior ‘Beat’ Mix) 04:37 Castlebed - Heaven (Original Mix) 04:31 Johannes Huppertz - Seven Sences (Original Mix) 04:25 351 Lake Shore Drive - Xtc 04:24 Eocene Nine - Want You 04:18 Gelka - Please Keep Your Ticket Till The End 04:11 Pochill - Violet Theme (Nick Version) 04:10 York - My Ship 04:06 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 04:02 Jaytech Feat. Melody Gough - Blue Ocean (Original Mix) 04:01 Vincenzo - Today 03:58 Gushi - Travel (Lemongrass Couch Remix) 03:54 Paul Hardcastle - Looking For You 03:51 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 03:46 Billy Paul Williams - As A Child 03:40 Chris Nemmo - Wastin Time (Feat. Aris Duke & Helena K) 03:37 Giants' Nest - Gogaga 03:36 3rd Force - Here Comes The Night 03:32 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 03:27 Lounge Traveller - Many Places 03:21 Leonardo Bertolotto - Doctor House (Original Mix) 03:16 Gaelle - Separate Rooms 03:12 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 03:09 Honour - Aradeo 03:06 Aiemo - Dreaming Eyes (Vocal Mix) 03:03 Ian Pooley - Since Then 03:00 Tycho - Easy 02:53 V Dimension - Silence Of The Mind 02:51 Waterbone - Eastern Girl 02:44 Schwarz & Funk - Sunny Sky 02:38 Sven Vath Feat. Miss Kittin - Je T'aime...Moi Non Plus 02:36 Room Service - Ambrosia 02:26 Zeequencha - So Alive (Feat. Liz Kretschmer) 02:24 Ganga - The Wind (Feat. Helle Chirholm) 02:21 Openzone Bar - Down Under Snowball 02:11 Christa Vi - Small Way Through (Cosmonaut Grechko Version) 02:09 Smooth Gravity - Best Day Of My Life 02:02 Roberto Sol - Moment Of Quiet (Feat. Jo Kern) 02:01 Jeff Bennett's Lounge Experience - Is There Knowledge Left 01:58 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 01:52 The Maxwell Implosion - Tic Tac 01:50 The Nightfly - Hope And Glory 01:43 Colorhythm - Charm 01:41 Kosta Rodrigez - Soul 2 Sell (Boosanova Chill Mix) 01:38 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 01:33 Jjos - Nightlife 01:27 Chad - Artifacts 01:22 Imada - Sonhos 01:21 Pascal Dubois - Costa Del Mar (Silent Sea Mix) 01:18 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 01:11 Jp - Juice - Cette Planete (Sushi Club Remix) 01:07 Paul Hardcastle - Stay In The Moment 01:04 Giants' Nest - Playa Del Colina 01:02 Chris Reece - Island Of Love 00:59 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 00:54 Friendly Breaks - Morning Lounge (Groovy Chillout Mix) 00:51 Hossegor - Sunshine Blues (Golden Sun Remix) 00:44 Edo - Relaxed Love 00:43 Citrus Jam Feat. Judith Erb - Do You See (Rainbow Mix) 00:40 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 00:37 Steen Thottrup - Heading For The Sunrise 00:30 Lemongrass - To The Sky (Lemongrass Free Bird Remix) 00:28 Lemongrass - Unite (Feat. Wenawedwa) 00:25 Moondust - I Feel Love (Feat. Misal) 00:22 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 00:20 Zelonka & Marga Sol - Impossible Dream (Remix) 00:13 Laleh - Live Tomorrow 00:09 Sofya - Hari Om 00:07 Xemplify - Naughty Secret
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merry-tes · 2 years
Nature as a focus
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“Birds Nest” Photo Credit: Marites A.
I noticed birds were nesting up the tree. It is more noticeable as the tree has no leaves. It caught my attention as I could hear the baby birds chirping and making sounds. I wonder if the mother bird is with the baby birds. Probably the reason why they are making noises is that they are calling for their mother. The noises of birds in the nest remind me of the rooster's crowing. That sound is our alarm clock to wake up in the morning back home.
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“Pigeon” Photo Credit: Marites A.
I noticed that the pigeon was eating something on the ground. Other pigeons' feathers are lighter in colour compared to others. I wonder what else they could eat? How far could the pigeon fly? The pigeon reminds me of my flight going to Canada, riding the airplane.
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“Squirrel” Photo Credit: Marites A.
I noticed this squirrel looked chubby compared to others I have seen before. The squirrel also has some white streaks on its tail like a skunk. The squirrel is looking toward me probably expecting me to give some nuts. I wonder how squirrels survive the cold weather of winter. I also wonder if squirrels are easy to be pet. The squirrel reminds me of my dog way back home.
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“Naked Tree” Photo Credit: Marites A.
I noticed the trees have lost almost all their leaves and there is a little that is left but they look dry and dead. It also looks like the top half of the tree was from another tree that was placed on top of the existing tree and was held on by the yellow string tied on it. I can also see that the patterns on the bark of the top and bottom parts of the tree are different. I wonder why they did this to the tree and if the tree survives after having its “transplant”. I also wonder if the tree’s leaves would grow back again once spring comes. The tree that I just saw reminds me of my friend back home in the Philippines who is fond of bonsai trees. Bonsai trees are miniature trees, and my friend really loves them. She waters it regularly and trims its leaves and branches so that the tree looks good. My friend also believes that bonsai trees bring her good luck.
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“Natural Christmas Tree” Photo Credit: Marites A.
I noticed the tree looked like a real Christmas tree. Its leaves and branches may not look symmetrical like the artificial ones, but you can tell it is one. It still looks young and small, living and thriving even in the cold weather, compared to the plant beside it, which has lost its leaves. I wonder if its leaves fall. Could you decorate the tree without cutting it during Christmas, and how tall would this tree grow next year? This tree reminds me of the Christmas season back home, as radio stations would play Christmas songs as early as September. I also remember my family and me decorating our Christmas tree together.
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“Footprints” Photo Credit: Marites A.
I noticed there are footprints in the snow. The footprints look small, but they are of the same size and go in different directions. I wonder if the footprints are that of a child or a dog. The small footprints remind me of my goddaughter. The last time I saw her was during her baptism 2 years ago. I used to visit her a lot and play with her. I hope she still remembers me.
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“Smelling Pine Tree and Cones” Photo Credit: Marites A.
I noticed this tree has some small cones in it. Upon smelling it, it smells fantastic and refreshing. Is the smell more pungent if I crush the cones and leaves off them? The scent of the tree reminds me of the inside of the car.
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“Bark Tree” Photo Credit: Marites A.
I noticed this tree looked big and sturdy. However, it has no leaves in it, and the outer part of the bark looks like it is flaking or falling off. I wonder if I can climb on this tree to test if the tree is strong. This tree reminds me of our mango tree back home that I used to climb on and take its fruits when I was small and younger.
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“Burlap Tree” Photo Credit: Marites A.
I noticed this tree has a cloth or canvas surrounding it and it looks like it is there for it to support the tree's growth as the tree is still young and small. I wonder if the tree would survive and grow to be tall and strong with the protection of the fabric. The fabric fence reminds me of how my parents are when I was growing up. They protected and supported me as I grew into the person I am now.
How does a scavenger hunt support children’s curiosity?
Curious by nature, children are born eager to learn and they will explore to try to comprehend their environment.
When conditions, such as safety is present, it allows children explore their environment to satisfy curiosity which leads to the child learning and as children continue investigate their surroundings, these experiences then lead to more curiosity to the child which will develop emotional, social, intellectual, and physical aspects of the child.
Scavenger hunt is a child’s activity, wherein the child is given a list of things he/she should find and bring back. In this activity, children would be relying mostly on their senses in exploring their environment as they do the hunt.
Doing this activity supports a child’s curiosity as it engages and develops the child’s senses. Using the senses, such as smell, sight, touch and sound, is very important in observing and exploring one’s environment which helps the child to satisfy our curiosity.
Another benefit that a scavenger hunt to a child’s curiosity is that it exposes children to things that they may find very interesting. If a child is interested in something, he/she would be more curious to learn and explore it.
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