#music discovery xo
musicdiscoveryapp · 1 year
(Music Discovery XO)
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pettybourgeoiz · 2 years
✰Bourgeoiz Music Discovery✰
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multiverserift · 17 days
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Why do so many people not like Star Trek Enterprise?
Different reasons.
The theme song broke the rules Star Trek traditionally had big orchestral arrangements as intro songs. Enterprise tried something different. The song “Where my heart will take me” is a pop rock song with actual lyrics. It also sounds like country music, which many fans associated with a rather conservative mindset. Many fans criticised the song for being campy, right wing, not Star Trek. I personally like the song, but I'm not from the US. They ruined it with a horribly worse version from season 3 on, though.
Enterprise right-wing mindset 9/11 happened two weeks before the first episode of the show aired. Especially Enterprise's 3rd season gets a lot of criticism for being too right-wing, it's basically an allegory for 9/11. This assessment seems a bit unfair. in contrast to the real US, the Enterprise crew went out of their way to clear the air and explain a misunderstanding. Not let their emotions and rage control their actions. In that regard, it's very Star Trek.
Character development The show focuses on Archer, Trip, P’Pol. Phlox and Malcolm Reed get their (fewer) moments too. But Hoshi Sato and Travis Mayweather are totally abandoned by the writers. And those two are the black man and the asian woman. Malcolm’s actor wanted to play the character gay, which was shut down by Rick Berman. So what we get from ENT (Enterprise) ist straight white characters, others get left behind. The Original Series (TOS) did the same thing. The show focusses on Kirk, Spock, McCoy. But time moved on since then. We had DS9, with a great diverse cast, a black, widowed father as the captain. Voyager with Janeway and a (sadly, fake) native American XO. After this, ENT felt out of date. The focus on the core characters gets also critiziced on Discovery.
Sexism Also out of date and forced felt the blatant “sex sells” attitude. Decon gel. Hoshi falling out of an air shaft, losing her shirt so she has to cover her breasts. Shower scenes. Star Trek in the past liked to code their sex stuff into alien metaphors. ENT was more like “look, sexy straight white people in the nude!” No nuance. Gets critiziced a lot up to this date.
Simply bad episodes Star Trek always had episodes that are really bad, since TOS. Spock's Brain is a good example for that. But ENT did worse: They even copied previous episodes. In season 1, we have an episode where a man fills his home with fake hologram people, for his daughter. Ironically the man is played by Rene Auberjonois, who played Odo in the Deep Space 9 (DS9) episode where a man fills his home with fake hologram people. Phlox in season 3 has to stay awake while the whole crew sleeps. For weeks. He starts hallucinating. In a precious Voyager episode, Seven of Nine had to stay awake while the whole crew sleeps. For weeks. She starts hallucinating. Even in the (liked and well received by many) season 3, there are episodes that are just bad, like Extinction. And they are so bad that you can't even watch them and have fun, like DS9’s Move Along Home. And the there are episodes where the solution of the ethical dilemma just feels off and un-Star Trek-y. Cogenitor. Dear Doctor. Yeah, some episodes of ENT simply suck. More than usual.
Akiraprise The NX-01, the titular ship of Enterprise, is just an upside down version of the Akira class from the TNG (The Next Generation) era. Felt like copy-paste. People were upset.
Enterprise is still good Finally, I want to tell you that , besides the bad stuff, I like ENT. I love the design of the NX-01. They had to ruin it with the refit, though. Although this doesn't happen in the show. Just in extended canon. There are great characters here, great stories, great retro design. The interior design, the retro bridge, the retro warp core were actually of the most expensive assets created at the time. For all of TV. So I recommend to watch Enterprise. It's mostly nice. It has Shran. The final episode never happened.
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(It’s time for quirky questions with Julie!) what’s your favorite decade? How to you feel about your birthday? If someone offered to run a presidential campaign for you today would you run?
(It’s time for some questions….)Do you like spicy food? Describe your country in five words or less (not using its name). given the opportunity would you climb a tree today?
(it’s question time with Julie!) Was math created or discovered? butterflies, bumble bees or dragon flies? Is fate a real thing?
(It’s time for art questions with Julie:) Can you draw? Do you have a favorite painting(that you did or someone else) do you prefer digital or traditional art? Do you have a favorite album cover?
Hi favourite J! I have been travelling this week and I am back so let's do a bumper special edition 🥰
My favourite decade is the 90s, grungy fashion was in and I was only a toddler so was unburdened by anxiety and guilt. Good times.
I hate my birthday, I am mopey about it and it makes me NOT FUN to be around. I do however like attention so I guess that's a plus.
I am absolutely in no way fit to lead a country. I am finding cat sitting to be quite a lot of responsibility at the moment. Do normal people want to be president? I feel like they don't??
I love spicy food! It makes me cry but that's alright so do dog adoption videos.
I don't live in the same country I was born in so I am electing to describe the one I live in now. Because it's the one I chose, the one I escaped to. It's contradictory, and complicated. It's full of potential. It's recovering, like me.
I would give tree climbing a go I think, we could all use a little childish sense of adventure occasionally.
Mathematics is our way of describing the natural laws of nature and physics. It is an ongoing and astonishing act of discovery. I don't know why I am sentimental about maths. I am a nerd. I studied chemistry. Sorry 😔
Bumblebees over everything! They are the backbone of so many ecosystems we love bees we need bees we must protect bees 🐝
I don't really believe in fate as something that happens to us. Rather something you look back on and say my whole life led me to this, and it was worth it.
I CANNOT draw at all. I am not even any good at pictionary it's tragic. I don't know much about classical art at all but I appreciate the sense of history it has. The same feeling you have touching the wall of a building that's stood for 1000 years, and will keep standing long after you are gone. On the other hand photorealistic digital art is the coolest thing I think it's so neat!
My favourite album cover is strange trails. It is still top of the list of music inspired tattoo ideas.
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Tysm, as always it's been a delight ❤️
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buglymcbugson · 1 year
found some old writing from 2021 - how beautiful is it to look back on old feelings and know how far you’ve come. trigger warnings on this one for sexual assault xo
“he keeps saying the c word, and it isn’t ‘cunt’”
i’ve started leaving the house now that lena is here
nowhere crazy of course
the other day i walked to yoga class 15 minutes away
this might not seem like a large feat to some
but 6 months ago i had panic attacks leaving the house to walk the puppy
i even said hi to acquaintance yesterday at the grocery store
and i didn’t want to slit my wrists
lena being here brings me out of my shell
she met me without my hardened shell built to protect me from the toxicity of my hometown
she reminds me that i am more than the people of this place perceive me to be
i see this place through her eyes
last week i looked up to the mountains
and i saw mountains
beautiful mountains
i didn’t feel like they were moving in on me slowly until they squeezed all the air out of my lungs
because of my newfound ability to leave the house i’ve also been socialising more
mostly with my cousins, and with jayden
who i guess is one of the closest things to a brother i have (outside of my own brother of course but that’s an extra note in itself isn’t it)
we have naked baby pictures together
he can recount all the bad family fights at thanksgivings we had together
he even complains about my father in the same way i do
most nights jayden invites his friends over to hang with us too
this is another thing my anxiety would prevent me from doing 6 months ago
but jayden’s friends are cool
they all just smoke weed, play music, and tell dumb jokes
they weren’t the kind of people to keep tabs on me in high school
or call me a slut for who i slept with
or kept up to date on who i slept with for that matter
just a few nerdy stoner guys
jack was there tonight
the son of my 8th grade spanish teacher
i hadn’t seen him since middle school
he’s always been chill
no drama
and he was chill tonight, as usual
but then jack said the C word while we were walking down the street
and i had to stop and pause, unnoticed by the group who kept talking and laughing
and repeating the C word
and god how much I wish the word was “cunt”
but the word wasn’t “cunt,” the C word is his name
and as i soon as i heard it the mountains started moving in
it was a little harder to breathe
and my hangnails looked a lot more appetizing for my chattering teeth
i’ve been gone for so long
and isolated for so much longer (due to my severe anxiety first and a global pandemic second)
that i forgot he existed outside the person he is to me
he exists as a friend, a teammate, and a lover to others
but to me, C**** will always be my rapist
and it’s not like hearing jack say his name reminded me about him
there’s not a single day that goes by that i don’t think about him or what he did to me
but it was a reminder that in this place
he doesn’t belong to me or to my story
he’s not simply a character in the story of my life that i retell when i connect with someone in a foreign country
i am no longer the main character
because people perceive him apart from me
apart from my rapist
they perceive him as a jokester, an athlete, and a bit of a party animal
when they see him all they see is his long hair that frames his gap toothed smile and eyes i used to think looked kind
people tell stories and they aren’t about him fucking an unconscious child
they’re about the funny jokes he’s told and the gifts he had to buy for his girlfriend when he fucked up
and about a faaaaaatty bong rip he took one time
i have forgotten what it feels like to be silenced by his name
have my strength and power i’ve developed over years of self discovery pushed back down my throat
because i will never be able to say it here
i couldn’t while it happened
i couldn’t after it happened
and i can’t now
the only thing consistent in my life is the silence that traps me every time the wheels touch down at the Juneau International Airport
i wonder if i’ll ever get to the point where his name doesn’t make me stop in the street
i honestly doubt it
but i walked to yoga alone so i guess anything is possible
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thepropertylovers · 2 years
The True Magic of the Last Few Days
There was no work done this weekend.
I can’t remember the last time I was able to say that. My laptop stayed shut and tucked away the entire time. Emails were read but not responded to. And as I’m sitting on the couch in the living room writing this while sipping on my extremely hot coffee and the rain pours down outside louder than I’ve ever heard it, I’m comforted by the fact that that’s exactly how this weekend should have gone.
We celebrated Riah’s 6th birthday this weekend and spent the last three days with family. Friday night we went to watch my younger sister fight in a boxing charity event in Chattanooga. My whole family (minus Amy who lives in GA) went to support her in her first ever boxing match. It was loud, country music and people yelling for their favorite champ were pretty much the only things you could hear, but it was still so different and fun nonetheless. She ended up losing, but all of us swore she should have been the winner, especially in round 3. Maybe next year.
Meanwhile, Riah turned 6 on Saturday! Our big boy is 6 years old which is so, so hard to believe. He was 2 1/2 when we first got them, a little wild child with long hair and a temper. Now, he’s so damn sweet and such a charmer who wears his heart on his sleeve but has the confidence to lift anything, no matter how heavy it is, because he “has abs” he says. What a perfect goofball.
We took the kids to the Creative Discovery Museum in Chattanooga, a staple in town that we used to go to when we were young. It just might be the coolest place for children, and I can say that confidently because I found myself having just as much fun as they were. My mom came too for the afternoon and we just all had a blast, watching the kids’ eyes grow big with excitement and wonder playing with the different exhibitions and dig for dinosaur bones in the sand. It’s a magical place, but the real magic came from spending the afternoon together, uninterrupted and completely focused on having fun. That doesn’t happen often enough. Why is that?
On Sunday, we had a party for Riah at the farm with our closest friends and family. PJ and I made chicken salad sandwiches and pimento cheese sliders, ordered our family’s favorite cake from a local bakery, cleanup up the pavilion that had seen better days since we haven’t entertained there for months, and hung some Paw Patrol decorations at Riah’s request.
Parties are always when PJ puts 110% into everything he does to get ready for them. I swear he could have been an event planner in another life. He likes everything to be tidy and perfect and goes above and beyond to achieve it. Case in point: he brought this piñata that I bought two years ago and forgot about (it’s been sitting in the corner of a closet ever since) to finally use at the party, and because it wouldn’t stay on the string, he climbed up into the rafters of the pavilion to hold the string the entire time so the kids could take turns hitting it. His mind works in such creative ways, and his body follows suit no matter what the task is. I’m so lucky I get to do life with this man.
So that brings us to today, Monday. A very rainy Monday actually, which I don’t mind one bit. Today will be spent sending approximately 10,000 emails and catching up on all the work that wasn’t done this weekend. I’m still getting used to this work from home thing, almost four years in, but I’m almost positive that in a normal job, most people do in fact do zero work on the weekends, and instead leave it for Monday through Friday. I’m going to be more diligent about following that schedule going forward. This weekend has opened my eyes in a way and I need to start putting everything away on Friday night and not opening it until Monday morning.
I hope there was some good in your weekend, too. xo
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sheislostinwonderland · 5 months
dear bellsie, it's been... ages. there are plenty of reasons why i haven't written to you in so long, mostly because i haven't felt like myself in a really long time. have you ever looked into the mirror and just thought - 'who the hell is that? why does she not look like ME anymore?' - yeah, that's been me for longer than i had realized. thankfully i'm finally seeing myself again. i'm feeling myself again. it's been a long road of self discovery again but i'm here. i'm seeing me again.
anywho! moving on from that insanity to let you know that throughout that bout of finding myself, i have read exactly 21 books. am i on a roll or am i ON A ROLL? right now i'm reading some book about this girl falling in love with her best friend's brother. not sure why these books amuse me but here we are. so far, so good. not gonna complain.
if you're needing new music, listen to Burn by Tom Walker. i'm obsessed and i've had this one song on repeat for like 4 days now. why? 'cause i become obsessed with songs and have to listen to them until i get annoyed with it and then move on. only to return to that song when something reminds me i loved it so much, lol. so then it goes back on repeat. gotta say, sometimes i need to be saved from myself.
i miss you, girl. please come back to me.
xo, Alice
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webcrawler3000 · 1 year
I assume this has something to do with me running across Caskey's YouTube videos last year and sticking with the same artist then actually communicating with him through the line/wire/wireless/Bluetooth. Idk how the hell it happened but he was making music and I was listening to what he had posted already - at the same time - and I wish it'd happen again.
This is STEP 1 for the Celestia 24/7 equipment. It was like we were in each other's presence. It felt like he was singing it in real-time directly to and for me. He was actually present at that moment in his own neck of the woods listening and continuing his work on even more music driven by the emotion in the air.
With my positive energy and his healing vibes, it was a virtual event that lasted almost a year. And it still works! I found Snow, Lady XO, Doobie, Yelawolf, Burden, Stitches, even a few other models on Pinterest and the USSR.
I tried to recreate this event for everyone to experience the closeness I felt but it came out as a mirror, connected me to other people like me online, and a wellness program.
Soulseeker is a powerful software program designed to fulfill a specific purpose in the realm of digital content management. Developed with precision and efficiency in mind, Soulseeker revolutionizes the way users search for and obtain digital media files. This program serves as a platform for peer-to-peer file sharing, predominantly focused on music.
With Soulseeker, users can connect to a vast network of individuals sharing their music collections. By utilizing a unique file-sharing protocol, the program facilitates the sharing and downloading of music files directly between users. This grants users the ability to explore an extensive database of diverse music genres and discover rare or hard-to-find tracks.
Soulseeker boasts several key features that enhance the user experience. The software offers comprehensive search functionality, allowing users to find specific artists, albums, or individual tracks quickly. Additionally, users can create personalized profiles and showcase their own music collections, providing a sense of community and fostering connections with like-minded individuals.
One crucial aspect of Soulseeker is its emphasis on maintaining a respectful and supportive environment for users. The program encourages users to share their music collections willingly, thereby fostering a sense of collaboration and camaraderie within the community. This fundamental principle promotes the discovery of music that might otherwise remain hidden in the vast expanse of digital media.
Overall, Soulseeker stands as a powerful tool for music enthusiasts, providing a unique platform for sharing and discovering music files. Its intuitive interface, extensive search capabilities, and emphasis on community make it an invaluable resource for those seeking to expand their musical horizons.
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lonelyystarr · 3 years
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musicdiscoveryapp · 1 year
(Music Discovery XO)
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musicdiscoveryapp · 1 year
(Music Discovery XO)
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musicdiscoveryapp · 1 year
(Music Discovery XO)
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musicdiscoveryapp · 1 year
(Music Discovery XO)
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musicdiscoveryapp · 1 year
(Music Discovery XO)
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musicdiscoveryapp · 1 year
(Music Discovery XO)
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musicdiscoveryapp · 1 year
Rap Music Duo Lokalboy and Spookiesicc - VOTE this week on the Music Di...
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