canine culture is biting ur partner as a way to initiate play-fighting (i luv biting her) (consensual ofc)
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skuiive · 19 days
hey guys reminder
i have a secret secret totally not secret hidden instagram 🤯
@ skuiive if u wna see quadrobics post (or any silly therian stuff) :))
P.S. its private and i mostly allow anyone in !!
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webstarzcol · 8 months
hey , we’re webstarz collective ☆
@skuiive sysblr/side blog
read this byf
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⤷ collective + sys info
「🐾」 col. name: webstarz sys/collective, webz
「🐾」 bodily minor (15+)
「🐾」 col. prns: they/nyan/sin
「🐾」 headmate count: 100+
「🐾」 bpd . audhd
「🐾」 traumagenic system
⤷ byf
「🐾」 alter name or sign-off will be the first tag (ex: #🐾 #blah blah)
「🐾」 some alters will post and other may not
「🐾」 we do NOT owe u alters info, thats ONLY if the headmate themselves feel comfy sharing
「🐾」 littles will never post, only their cg will.
「🐾」 take alters age to consideration, but collective age will always be on top. that means NO NSFW with adult alters, esp sexual holders. no excuses.
「🐾」 we rarely trigger / cw such as dormancy and other things, only tw when srs topics mentioned
⤷ dni
「🐾」 (dni is based on comfort and safety)
「🐾」 non-traumagenic alters
「🐾」 fakeclaimers, syscourse ppl
「🐾」 anit-lgbtq (INCLUDING MOGAI) and neoprns, xenogender, etc.
「🐾」 anit-alterhumans (including therians, furries, otherkin, otherhearted, etc.)
「🐾」 nsfw blogs , ppl who think agere/petre is nsfw
「🐾」 basic dni
⤷ extra
「🐾」 our terminology might be outdated, or don’t align with your terminology. however, these terms make sense to us despite it being debatable (such as the term: core)
「🐾」 this whole account is to talk about plural experiences and to make more friends (and for alters to interact if wanted atm)
「🐾」 alter intros: #introwebstarz
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webstarzcol · 10 days
alr lets make a proper intro-
pyre / stix — 🌧️
prns : they/he/xym/it
im the host of this entire party 💪
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more abt me!!
most know me from @skuiive (im a polytherian / otherhearted!!)
i play guitar and im a music nerd (i love music djfkdk)
im a transmasc bi aroflux person — im taken!!!
im silly :3
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