#skop's requests
lee1504 · 5 months
✯ welcome to my blog - a formal letter ✯
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To: my school bus graveyard followers, my followers in general, and to those in the future,
It was a terrible idea to follow me. You see, you had no idea what you were getting into. If you see any angst posts, or posts in general, run. Run with all the sanity you have left. Because, believe me, you'll only have an ounce or less once you scroll through my blog.
But anyway, if you don't care about any of that, then enjoy. :]
~ From, Lee/Skops/Skippy/Skips
(Updated 7/6/24)
Masterlist (updates whenever a piece is finished)
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dividers by @/cafekitsune
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titsthedamnseason · 3 years
wait so how does patreon work exactly and are they writing bonus scenes according to fans? do they still write bonus scenes for addiced/calloway too? id love to have scenes we already know from different povs like connors pov from the day they though ryke died i neeed that
okay so for their patreon they do at least one bonus scene and one podcast every month and might do an extra for one or both depending on how much time they have that month or if they have a new release or anything like that. for the normal bonus scenes, they choose what they feel like writing and same goes for the extras. the only time they let fans suggest and then vote from their suggestions are when they do special bonus scenes for patron milestones (ie they just hit 1500 - i think - patrons so people voted that they write lo’s pov of him finding out donnelly did luna’s tattoo for the first time). for the podcasts they take fan suggestions and then allow people to vote and do the most popular one every month
there are a few older addicted/calloway scenes but not very many (they started patreon when they were already writing like us so it’s only whatever scenes they deleted from the original series or wrote as bonuses a long time ago). otherwise, they say they don’t really like writing during that timeline bc they don’t want to mess anything up so after that any core six povs they’ve done are during the like us timeline or in the time span between skop and dlu (and there’s still only a few of those rip 💔)
i don’t think they ever really would go back and do a scene like that despite it being highly requested which i hate but kind of understand because i’m sure it’s hard for them to go back to those characters all these years later even though i wish it was different. but that sort of thing is what the other bonus scenes are basically just other character povs of significant events/scenes from the series
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melancholicvampires · 5 years
Still doing asks request by @swingxilly from this post.
My switch controllers' battery went low, so it decided for me to write instead.
I already answered the same questions as in 11 and 12, if I remember correctly, so I'm gonna skop those.
13. Is your character bothered by the sight of blood? If so, in what way?
Amalia is a doctor, so she’s used to the sight of blood and it would be veey inconvenient if she would faint when she sees blood.
Carmilla, Célestin, Dahlia and Valère are vampires. They aren’t really bothered by it, which would be inconvenient, and also don’t go feral when seeing blood.
Rebecca sometimes uses drops of blood for séances. Although it’s mostly for show and spectacle, because some clients expect it. It only makes sense, when the deceased one had a connection to blood, like a doctor or someone who was in a war.
Adara and Enzio aren’t bothered by the sight of blood.
Claude doesn’t like blood. He’s not scared of it, he simply doesn’t like the smell andanow sticky it is.
14. Does your character remember names or faces easier?
Remembers names easier: Carmilla, Dahlia, Claude
Remembers faces easier: Rebecca (in a way. She remembers people by what presence they carry), Célestin, Enzio
Has trouble remembering both: Amalia (she remembers people by their conditions)
Remembers both very well: Adara, Valère (they are doing their occupations for a while now)
15. Is your character preoccupied with money or material possession? Why or why not?
Amalia: she came around a lot and never had much money. Kindness and thankfulness provided for her, since she doesn’t expect money from those who don’t have much. Instead she got a place to stay and food. Her heart is preoccupied with her books and medical tools though and couldn’t endure if something were to happen to them.
Carmilla: she doesn’t care much for money. She can simply tell people what she needs and they obey. Material possessions have more value to her. She enjoys having aesthetically pleasing furnishing and a library, filled with old books from over the years.
Rebecca: her occult objects matter much to her. Of course she can communicate without them, but the objects are a form of occultism of themselves. Certain things are much harder to do, if at all. The objects are made from rare and valuable materials and are hard to craft, since the abstract instructions require precision, which makes crafting them again a nuisance.
Adara: while she loves being in the place as she is now, with all the luxury she has, which she doesn’t mind sharing, she finds influence and secrets of much higher importance.
Dahlia: money and material possessions don’t matter much to them. However, they value the gifts they got from Valère and Claude, because fond memories hang on those.
Célestin: as with Carmilla, he simply can get whatever he wants simply by saying the word. He quickly grows tired of material possession and it’s easy to get something new. He’s also not interested in rare objects. He didn’t leave his life with family to fall back into excess of that kind.
Enzio: he does value money and material possessions to a certain point, but hes mainly glad when he has enough to live without suffering poverty. Except for his violin. He has it for many years now and had to do many repairs on it, but it payed off. It works as new. There are also many memories attached to it.
Claude: doesn’t care much for either. He’s more of a person who takes what he needs from nature.
Valère: he misses the time when he had everything and got everything he wanted. He liked that aspect of being part of the nobility. He knows it’s not all in life, but it had a lot of perks and conveniences. So he still is preoccupied with material possessions in a way.
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anyway im gonna try and play some rayman yAY
as always while i’m playing that hellhole of a game, human au requests are open because i KNOW i’ll have to find a way to love that blondie again after dying over and over
cave of skops, i’m very afraid of you
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kerahlekung · 5 years
Zahid - New 40 Corruption Charges...
Zahid - New 40 Corruption Charges....
The First Man Facing Record 
100 Criminal Charges...
Java-immigrant Ahmad Zahid Hamidi misfortunes continue with no end in sight. It’s no wonder why the once powerful deputy prime minister was so eagerly getting back his seized passport to perform his “Umrah” in Saudi, despite the “mini Hajj” is non compulsory. He was so yearning that he fought to the Federal Court, the highest court and the final appellate court in the country. Unfortunately for Zahid, the Federal Court five-member bench was unanimous in dismissing his appeal to the return of his passport as the court agreed with previous High Court’s judgement that he is facing serious and multiple charges, hence, the likelihood and risk of absconding. Later, Zahid offered his version of a story as to why he must travel to Saudi. Although Zahid, known for his thuggery and corruption, had been performing Umrah for the past 30 years, his persistence in wanting to perform “Umrah” was due to his “hope and belief” that only the God could save him from going to jail. Days after his failure, Zahid recalled how he received 18 “missed calls” in 2015 while he was in Mecca, Saudi performing Umrah. Apparently, those calls were from his boss, then-PM Najib Razak, requesting his immediate return so that he could be appointed as the new deputy prime minister. So, Zahid thought the history will repeat itself and his luck could change for the better – if he could do Umrah again. He might miraculously receive missed calls again, informing him that all his 47 criminal charges are dropped. Already facing record 47 charges of criminal breach of trust (CBT), money laundering and corruption involving RM124 million, UMNO president Zahid has been slapped with additional 7 more corruption charges today. In total, he now faces 54 charges. But the party has just begun. The crook was so corrupt that even his boss Najib may not be able to match him.
Newly-appointed Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) chief commissioner Latheefa Koya said Zahid Hamidi will face 33 more charges tomorrow, on top of the 7 charges that were filed today. With the 40 new charges, the gangster Zahid will break another record – the first man to face 87 criminal charges. And you can bet your last dollar that it will breach 100 soon. The new 40 new corruption charges involved a total of RM47 million in relation to overseas visa system (VLN). For the first 7 charges filed today, the former deputy PM is to be prosecuted for receiving a total bribe of S$4.24 million (US$3.13 million; RM12.97 million) to extend the contract of Ultra Kirana, the operator of a one-stop centre in China and VLN (Visa Luar Negara). The offence allegedly happened at the deputy prime minister’s official residence in Seri Satria, Putrajaya, between March 28, 2017 and March 2, 2018. Zahid faces up to 20 years’ jail if found guilty. The corruption case is so mind-blowing that the MACC chief Latheefa and her deputy took time to attend the proceedings at the Kuala Lumpur Court Complex. As early as 2015, Mr. Zahid, who was the Minister of Home Affairs from 2013 to 2018, was condemned for appointing middlemen in foreign countries to “process” visa applications from workers coming to Malaysia. It has resulted in higher costs of recruiting foreign workers and has drawn protests from worker groups in source countries – especially Indonesia, Bangladesh and Nepal.
Zahid Hamidi and Bangladesh Worker
Visa “Processing Fees”
Part 1 and Part 2
Initially, foreign workers or their agents could submit their applications directly to the foreign missions and pay RM15 for processing. However, a new ruling imposed by Zahid, which was enforced in November 2014, required applicants of the foreign landing visa (VLN) to submit their forms to a one stop centre (OSC), which will charge RM100 per head, in addition to RM105 charged for “VLN services”. To add salt into injury, another company was appointed to carry out “immigration security clearance” (ISC) checks. The ISC company, believed to be linked to Zahid Hamidi and his cronies, would charge RM105 per head for identifying applicants who have been blacklisted from entering the country. Employers would have to pay for all the additional expenses introduced.
The Home Ministry argued that the new system and service charge would enable a smooth flow in processing visa application. Local industry players, however, had questioned the need for such centres and high costs when foreign missions have been doing the jobs without any hassle in the past. Yes, Zahid had been enriching himself with truckloads of money with the introduction of the 3 other costly layers. Previously, employers had to pay a levy of RM1,250 and a processing fee of RM200 and RM15 at the time the application is submitted at the foreign mission. With the introduction of three newly created “centres”, the cost has gone up from RM1,465 to RM1,775. At the time, the cost of sending 150,000 Indonesian workers alone would cost a staggering RM457 million.
Ultra Kirana Sdn Bhd - Companies Commission 
As it turned out, the jobs of the so-called VLN, OSC and ISC are merely to just receive the applications and forward them to the embassy. Even in the case of visa applications, the company just keys in the particulars of the applicants into a computer and forwards it to the embassy. It was a “clerical” job which required no special skills or technology. It was an ATM machine created to serve the greed of Zahid. In essence, VLN service has no meaningful value-add component whatsoever, but is merely an unnecessary collecting agent service. The biggest joke is this – ISC is tasked to carry out security screening “AFTER” the entire process of obtaining the visa has been completed, and of course, “AFTER” all the unnecessary fees have been paid. But Zahid had no idea how ridiculous and illogical the process has been. In truth, the disgraced Zahid should also be charged with treason. That’s because the national security and government’s interest have been compromised or jeopardised after the outsourcing of visa application to a third party like Ultra Kirana. It was revealed last year that the company had failed in its role as a screening and early vetting system for Chinese nationals entering the country.
Wan Quoris Shah Bin Wan Abdul Ghani aka Wan Badak is one of the big shareholders of Ultra Kirana. He is the main operator in the Chinese visa scandal. Wan Badak famous la his hands in many corrupt BN Govt projects. His biggest boss is ex Youth Sports Minister.His bosses are UMNO ex Ministers, Majlis Tertinggi UMNO so where they play small BN Govt. He is their Cari Makan Boy. He exposes Zahid 2 b witness.Poor Zahid...
But the daylight robbery didn’t stop with VLC. In early 2016, newly-crowned deputy prime minister Zahid Hamidi proposed to flood the country with an extra 1.5 million Bangladesh workers, despite the fact that undocumented or illegal foreign workers had already exceeded 1.7 million. Thanks to massive criticism, the crooked Zahid was forced to temporarily freeze his “cash cow” pet project. However, the temporary freeze came within 24-hour after Mr. Zahid signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Bangladesh to import its workers. Acting secretary of Expatriate Ministry in Bangladesh, Begum Shamsunnahar told the Dhaka Tribune – “It is just an eyewash. Bangladesh will send workers to Malaysia as per the deal signed between the two countries.” For processing some 2 million China nationals alone, Ultra Kirana reportedly have made an estimated RM198 million profit from March 2016 to September 2018. Not bad for a company that has about only 20 agents throughout China to do the “clerical job”. UMNO supporters can absolutely take pride in producing a unicorn like Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, arguably one of the most shameless crooks - FT
𝗣ecah 𝗥ekod !!!.. 𝗭𝗮𝗵𝗶𝗱 𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗶 𝗷𝘂𝗮𝗿𝗮 𝗰𝗮𝗿𝘁𝗮 𝗽𝗲𝗻𝗱𝗮𝗸𝘄𝗮𝗮𝗻 𝗸𝗲𝘀 𝗯𝗲𝗿𝗽𝗿𝗼𝗳𝗶𝗹 𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗴𝗶 𝗱𝗴𝗻 54 𝗽𝗲𝗻𝗱𝗮𝗸𝘄𝗮𝗮𝗻 𝘀𝗲𝘁𝗲𝗹𝗮𝗵 𝗺𝗲𝗺𝗶𝗻𝘁𝗮𝘀 𝗠𝘂𝘀𝗮 𝗔𝗺𝗮𝗻 (51 𝗽𝗲𝗻𝗱𝗮𝗸𝘄𝗮𝗻). Kes visa China yg didedah wartawan HMetro bagaimana gambar beruk pun boleh mohon visa masuk Msia janji bayar.  KP SPRM Latheefa Koya sendiri hadir di mahkamah ketika Zahid didakwa terima rasuah wang tunai.  Berdasarkan kertas pertuduhan, Ahmad Zahid didakwa sebagai Menteri Dalam Negeri di Kementerian Dalam Negeri (KDN) menerima suapan daripada Syarikat Ultra Kirana Sdn Bhd, iaitu wang tunai berjumlah keseluruhan $SDG4,240,000. Tindakan itu sebagai dorongan melanjutkan kontrak syarikat berkenaan sebagai Pengendali Perkhidmatan One Stop Center (OSC) di negara China dan Sistem Visa Luar Negara (VLN) di Seri Satria, Presint 16, Putrajaya, antara Mac 2017 dan Mac 2018. Zahid berdepan hukuman penjara maksimum 20 tahun dan denda lima kali ganda nilai suapan atau RM10,000 atau mana lebih tinggi. - BHonline
SPRM  lebih cekap dari PDRM...
SPRM telah mengesahkan tidak berlaku perpindahan wang ke dalam akaun Azmin Ali sebanyak AS$741,440 (kira-kira RM3.1 juta) daripada gergasi kejuruteraan UEM Group Berhad. Perkara ini disahkan oleh Timbalan Ketua Pesuruhjaya SPRM, Azam Baki. Sudah tentu kenyataan ini ebelim dibuat dirujukkan kepada Ketua Pengarahnya Lathefee Koya. Tampaknya SPRM jauh lebih cedas dan cekap berbanding dengan PDRM, dalam menjalani siasatan berkaitan Azmi di mana yang sampai kini Polis masih belum mengeluarkan apa apa kenyataan berhubung video lucah Haziq yang mengaitkan Azmi Ali. Rasanya siasatan berhubung wang dan video lucah itu berjalan serentak. Orang ramai kini tunggu siasatan PRDM berkaitan video itu dan dakwaan Haziq yang dia berseksual dengan Azmin. Ada yang akan berpuasa sebulan dan tidak akan berhenti selagi isu video itu tidak dimuktamadkan. Bagi kita isu video itu lebih utama dari dakwaan berlaku pindahan wang ke akaun Azmin itu. Kelambatan siasatan SPRM ini mungkin disebabkan kaedaan, teknik dan skop siasatannya berbeza. Cuma apa diharpakan kenyataan mengenai video itu nanti jangan pula ia dikeluarkan oleh Timbalan Ketua Polis Negara seperti mana yang berlaku kepada SPRM itu kenyataan berkaitan Azmin itu dibuat oleh timbalannya KP Azam Baki bukan Latheefa Koya. Polis perlu tegas dan cergas.  - mso
Demi Islam berkerjasama dengan
 " biawak kleptokrat" ke?...
1. Ada seorang pemimpin parti ehem menulis di fb beliau "insyaAllah..kami akan teruskan kerjasama PAS UMNO ini bukan sahaja sehingga PH tumbang bahkan demi Islam akan diteruskan sehingga akhir hayat." 2. So, ada dua sebab nampaknya "dua pasangan sejoli" ini berkerjasama -nak tumbangkan PH dan demi Islam. 3. Bila nak tumbangkan PH maknanya nak naikkan parti ehem dan Umno yang pemimpin parti mereka sendiri sebut " biawak hidup". Dalam bahasa mudah bila PH tumbang yang naik nanti " biawak hidup" dan " penunggang biawak hidup ". Not bad !. 4. Demi Islam? Maknanya "tanggung biawak hidup" itu adalah juga demi Islam lah ya. Bila mereka dakwa mereka buat demi Islam semasa memikul "biawak hidup", " mafhum mukhalafah"nya ( makna sebaliknya ) selain kerjasama mereka dan "biawak hidup", ia bukan demi Islam lah. So, seolah ada elemen monopoli di situ kan? Nak tanya.. bersama "biawak kleptokrat" demi Islam juga ke abang ? 4. Sehingga akhir hayat? Dalam Islam tiada akhir hayat hakikatnya. "Hayat" adalah bahasa Arab, yang maknanya ialah "kehidupan". Akhir hayat di dunia bukan pengakhiran sebenar hakikatnya. Ia sekadar transit je. Akhir hayat di dunia hakikatnya permulaan kepada hayat yang lain/baru iaitu hayat di alam barzakh dan selepas itu hayat yang kekal di akhirat. Anyway, abang rasa ada kami kisah ke jika abang hanya fikir hingga akhir hayat di dunia ni sahaja? - Yb Sepang,Peguam,PAS dulu
Ini bukan HELANG,tapi cenderawaseh yang tiada megah diri.
Sumber asal: Zahid - New 40 Corruption Charges... Baca selebihnya di Zahid - New 40 Corruption Charges...
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areamdpl · 7 years
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Pacul Sekop Lipat Military Portable Folding Multifungsi hadir dengan fungsi yang beragam, dapat Anda gunakan sebagai pacul, skop, untuk keperluan kemping atau berkemah. Features Multifunction Military Alat ini dapat digunakan sebagai pacul, sekop ataupun alat gali lainnya dengan banyak bentuk dan fungsinya, cocok untuk Anda gunakan saat camping. High Quality Material Sekop ini terbuat dari bahan stainless steel sehingga tidak mudah patah atau rusak ketika menggali tanah. Portable and Foldable Ukuran dari sekop atau pacul ini tergolong kecil dan dapat dilipat, sehingga mudah Anda bawa kemanapun Anda pergi. MaterialStainless SteelDimension41.50 x 9.20 x 4.50 cm / 16.31 x 3.62 x 1.77 inches harga 100rb.. obral 75rb saja gan AREAMDPL AREAMDPL.COM jl.Krakatau no 30 petemon - sawahan Surabaya pusat 60252 Lihat di Google Maps Telp : (031) under contruction HP / Whatsapp : 085731174642 BBM : D275C1E3 E-Mail : [email protected] Senin - Jumat : 09:00 - 20:00 Sabtu - Minggu : 09:00 - 20:00 kirim2 pakai expedisi sesuai request yg bs dijangkau diseluruh indonesia #alatolahraga #surabaya #consina #alatoutdoor #areamdpl #pegunungan #pendakikusam #pendakimuslim #tokooutdoorsurabaya #tokooutdoorjatim #skmei #carrier #tasgunung #tascarrier #taskeril #waterresist #obral #diskon #surabaya #flysheet #akhirtahun #hammock #cangkul (at Areamdpl store & rent)
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lee1504 · 5 months
hiiiii ᕕ( ՞ ᗜ ՞ )ᕗ
please write some tyden headcannons im dying for this ship, i absolutely LOVE it!!
aiden sometimes lays his head in tyler's lap (tyler pretends to hate it but secretly enjoys it)
aiden draws on tyler's shoulders in Expo when he's sleeping (tyler sometimes notices but depending on what he draws he might wash it off or not. because of this, taylor suspiciously asks if he gets tattoos but gave up after the first five batches)
they can fall asleep on each other in any type of possible way/position as if they're cats
tyler teaches aiden how to proper bleach/take care of his hair, and in return, aiden helps
these two have a possible future of buying Hell's Kitchen or whatever gordan ramsey owns and take over his business (they can literally open a restaurant if they try, since they're both excellent cooks and stuff)
tyler realized he started liking aiden after he (tyler) woke up from the coma, and aiden realized that he started liking tyler when they were in the facility together
tyler has a Netflix account but is always surprised when he sees movies like The Bee Movie and The Nightmare Before Christmas when he previously watched stuff like Top Gun
^ aiden found out the password for tyler's account because of taylor
hand holding:
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^ tyler prefers D and aiden prefers C
for tyler: scary man, angry man, frowny face, meanie, rage-quitter. the following are used less: pookie, babygirl
for aiden: idiot, blondie, stupid, clown, mr durable. the following are used less: goldilocks, sunshine
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lee1504 · 3 months
taylor x ashlyn? fluff? just like a walk in the park, cherry blossoms, holding hands, just happy to be girlfriends!
bro i'm so sorry this is so late T-T asfbnrwejjhfb
@rinisasnaillle (tagging you just in case you didn't get the notification)
"I don't want to do this," Ashlyn said, as soon as her parents parked the car. They had been driving for more than an hour to the park Taylor had recommended. There was a path that wound through the park, shaded by cherry blossom trees. There was also a lake, a picnic area, and a children's park. And way too many people.
"Can we go back?" Ashlyn asked. She leaned forwards in the seat behind her parents. "Please?"
Her dad chuckled. He glanced at her in the rearview mirror, then said, "Nah." That's it. No other words.
"C'mon, Ash. It's the weekend. You're supposed to have fun with your friends!" her mom said.
"I don't feel like having fun today," Ashlyn muttered, slumping in the seat. She tapped her foot against the floor.
"You even put on some makeup," her mom added. She was right.
"That's because you told me to," Ashlyn replied, grumping. She adjusted the headphones on her head, staring out the window ocassionally.
Where was Taylor? Where was everyone else? There were too many people outside. It was too crowded. She didn't want to leave the car, and--
"Hey, look, it's your friend!" her dad exclaimed, interrupting her thoughts. Ashlyn glanced out the window, her heart skipping a beat. Taylor was approaching the Jeep. Tyler wasn't with her today.
"Let's go," her mom said.
"Wait--already? What about the others--?" But her parents were already leaving. Ashlyn muttered under her breath, leaving the car, too.
"Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Banner!" Taylor exclaimed. She looked cute. She wore an ankle length skirt and a tucked in beige blouse, a few shades lighter than her eyes. She beamed at Ashlyn. "Hey, Ash! You look cute!"
Ashlyn's face warmed. She looked away. "...Thanks," she mumbled.
She stared at the trees as Taylor talked to her parents. It didn't seem awkward for Taylor, but standing there by herself...Ashlyn cleared her throat as something to do. After what seemed an eternity, they were done.
"Alright, it was nice seeing you, Taylor," Ashlyn's mom said, smiling at her.
Her father turned towards Ashlyn. "Go have fun, Trooper," he said. It seemed like a threat.
Ashlyn finally relaxed when she saw her parents drive the car away. She let out a sigh she didn't know she was holding in. "Sorry," she said quickly to Taylor. "That must've been weird--"
Taylor laughed lightly. "No, it's okay. Your parents are cool." She smiled.
Ashlyn noticed that she was staring. She quickly looked away. "O-Oh. Thanks. I'll tell them that."
They stood there quietly for a few seconds. Taylor finally said, "So...do you want to get going?"
They walked along the path underneath the cherry blossom trees. Ashlyn liked the way Taylor's hair moved when the wind stirred. Taylor was talking about something--mechanics, probably--but Ashlyn was too preoccupied with how she looked.
"So, Ash, what do you think?"
Ashlyn jolted. "What?"
Taylor giggled. "I asked what do you think of me winning first place in the VEX Robotics Competition?"
Ashlyn had no idea what that meant. "That's cool. Good for you," she said.
Taylor beamed again.
They continued walking, with Taylor mostly leading the way. She seemed familiar with this park, but Ashlyn had no idea where they were going. As they carried on, she realized that there were less and less people around.
"Where are we going?" she asked.
Taylor turned, grinning. "You'll see."
They had reached the opposite side of the lake. There was almost no people around, except for a couple, but they were pretty far away. The lake was a dazzling blue-green color, littered with colorful rocks.
"Like it?" Taylor asked. They approached the pebbly shore. Taylor sat down on a larger rock, patting the area next to it. Hesitantly, Ashlyn sat. Their knees touched.
"I picked out this place," Taylor continued. "I heard it was a pretty spot during spring, but I was worried there would be more people. I-I mean, there were people, but that was only back on the path..."
Ashlyn smiled, staring at the water. She lowered her headphones slowly, keeping them around her neck. The sounds of the water and wind was louder, but tolerable.
"It's nice," she finally said.
Taylor smiled. Ashlyn loved her smiles. They were always so warm and friendly. She felt like the ones Taylor gave her were special. Maybe she was special.
Taylor leaned against Ashlyn's shoulder, sighing. Ashlyn stiffened, then relaxed. She liked the feeling of Taylor relaxing against her, of them relaxing against each other. It was calming. Peaceful.
"I like your outfit," Taylor said after a while.
Ashlyn's face warmed. "Oh. Thanks." It was the same as what she normally wore, a large Paramore shirt and dark cargo pants, along with her usual boots. "I feel like I underdressed," she confessed.
Taylor laughed lightly. "I think I overdressed."
They dissolved into silence again, but it wasn't awkward.
"Ash, can I ask you something?" Taylor whispered softly.
"Sure," Ashlyn replied. She could sense Taylor hesitate.
"Is it alright if I hold your hand?" she asked.
Ashlyn's eyes widened slightly out of surprise. She glanced down at her hands. They were close to Taylor's.
"Sure," she said again. "You can hold my hand."
like i said
and i'm not that good at writing fluff (?) so i hope this reaches your expectations :')
is this even fluff T-T
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lee1504 · 3 months
idea by @cryoverlife 's ashler soulmate au
@shuutingstar (i see that minamoto pfp 👀)
"I love you to the moon and back."
Those eight words meant more than just syllables. People said it all the time, from elderly couples who's been through it all, to a newly married couple, to best friends that have known each other since they were five.
"I love you to the moon and back."
There were about 238,900 miles from the moon to the earth. From the moon and back, that was about 477,800 miles.
Even though that phrase existed, love couldn't be measured by miles, or feet, or inches. It couldn't be measured by how large or small your heart was. Love was immeasurable.
A Jeep drove slowly through the street, it's windows cranked halfway open. The family inside was driving downtown, to buy some groceries. There were two adults in the front, one with short brown hair, the other with rusty red-orange hair. Their child, a girl about seven, sat in the back. Her hair was shorter at the time, almost chin length, and some black headphones perched on her head. They looked huge, since she was so tiny.
Her name was Ashlyn.
The car stopped at a red light. Ashlyn's dad drummed his fingers on the edge of the steering wheel, his mouth crooked in a smile, chatting with her mother about useless things. Adult things that Ashlyn wouldn't have to care about for another, what, eleven to thirteen years.
She leaned against the seat, her back slouched, opposite of how her parents taught her. Back straight. Her back hurt already from doing nothing. Keep still. Her foot tapped restlessly against the floor.
It wasn't her fault she was like this.
Her eyes roamed over the buildings that surrounded them. There was the grocery store, a few more blocks down, and the laundromat, and a couple of other stores and small restaurants. Cars were lined up against the sidewalks. The most depressing thing was that there was a funeral home in the middle of it all.
Her green eyes--peppered with darker green--were drawn to the door of the home. Three figures were leaving, approaching a car parked parallel to hers. There was one adult, a tall woman with light brown skin and dark brown hair that was wound into a bun. Stray hairs fell on her face.
She held two children who looked similar to her--and exactly the same as each other, despite their different hair lengths--by the hands. They stood on either side of her.
All three of the figures wore black.
Ashlyn could hear their voices from here.
"Mama, Mama," the girl kept saying. Both she and the boy--who Ashlyn thought was her brother--looked to be about the same age as her.
"Taylor stop," the boy exclaimed. Loudly.
Ashlyn's parents' attention was also drawn to the three.
"Oh, those poor kids..." Ashlyn's mom murmured. "The poor mother looks so tired, too..."
Why did her mom sound so sad? Nothing was happening.
Suddenly the boy looked up, as if sensing Ashlyn's eyes on him. They watched each other for a few seconds, maybe minutes, maybe a bit more or less. Ashlyn's heart thumped. His gaze was so...not intense, but definitely way too serious for somebody so young.
The light turned green, and she looked away.
The boy's fingers released the baseball, throwing it up into the air, above his face, then caught it again. He threw it up back into the air, then caught it again. Again, and again, and again.
He felt the bus shift and creaked as somebody stepped inside. He could smell that familiar scent. Leather and soap. He didn't have to turn his head to see who it was.
"Hey," the voice said.
"...Hmph." Tyler rolled over, facing the back of the bus seat. He curled up, gripping the baseball. The material of the seat was dark blue.
He heard a sigh. He could hear her boots scuffling against the floor as she moved. She was picking up the small towel she had left inside earlier. Finally, Tyler rolled over.
"What're you doing here?" he asked, voice gruff.
Sweat beaded Ashlyn's forehead. Her orangey bangs were held back by a thin headband, and her hair was done in it's usual braids. He hated to admit it, but he studied her hair, just a student studied for an exam. He wondered what other hairstyles Ashlyn could pull off.
He could still hear the sounds of the others huffing outside, tired from the self-defense practice Ashlyn's parents offered to teach.
Ashlyn watched him carefully. She grabbed one of the water bottles from the cooler, water droplets shining on the bottle's side. Sunlight streamed through the windows, cranked halfway open.
"I need water," she replied bluntly. She looked back outside wearily, where the others were. She patted the towel against her forehead. "It's your turn, by the way. My parents were asking for you."
Tyler sighed, rolling back over. "Tell them I'm sleeping." He seemed lazy, but truth was he was still sore from baseball practice yesterday.
"...That's what I did."
Tyler couldn't see her, but he could still hear.
Ashlyn seemed to move closer to him. He heard her plop down on the floor, sighing.
"It's so tiring," she mumbled. Maybe she was talking to herself. Tyler decided not to say anything, instead just facing the backrest. "My parents are being way too excessive today...maybe it's because of Aiden."
Tyler couldn't stop himself from laughing. He rolled over again. Ashlyn sat against the seat in front of him, the back of the seat gone for whatever reason.
Ashlyn cracked a smile. One of the rare ones she barely used. Tyler's heart skipped a beat.
"Maybe it is because of Aiden," he said.
They were in the bus for a while, watching each other. They watched each other for a few seconds, maybe minutes, maybe a bit more or less. Tyler's heart thumped. Her gaze was so...not relaxed, but definitely less tense than before.
"Ash!" a voice called from outside.
Ashlyn sighed. She broke eye contact. "Dad's calling. I'll tell him you're still sleeping." She seemed to hesitate before standing up. "See you later?"
Tyler sat up, too. His hair was messy, but he didn't care. "Oh. Okay. Yeah. See you."
Ashlyn stood, tossing the towel and water bottle into the used-items basket.
"Ashlyn?" Her name left his mouth before he could stop.
Ashlyn turned slowly. Was it his imagination, or were her eyes sparkling?
"I--nothing." Tyler laid back down, facing the backrest. "It's nothing. Nevermind. See you."
"Oh. See you."
The bus creaked as she left. He could hear her telling her parents that he was asleep, like she promised.
But he wasn't asleep. He was wide awake, heart thumping. His face was warm.
He felt like he experienced these feelings before.
But from where?
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lee1504 · 2 months
Hi, idk if you're still doing requests but do you have sexuality hc for the cast? You don't have to elaborate on why, btw, you can just put what you think there sexuality is
Also you don't have to answer if you don't want:)
sexuality head canons
(also i'm not elaborting that much because i kind of don't really understand some. i had to look up the meanings but i hope it makes sense. hope you're not confused! thanks for the ask!)
ashlyn: aesexual/bisexual
aiden: pansexual/omnisexual
taylor: bisexual (female lean)
tyler: demiromantic/bisexual (male lean)
ben: demiromantic/demisexual
logan: aromantic/asexual/pansexual
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lee1504 · 3 months
How about Aiden and Logan being friends, like watching a kid show together or playing video games? I hope you have a good day/night!!!
"I didn't know you lived that close by."
Logan's head jolted up. He was currently standing at the edge of the sidewalk, waiting for the cars to pass so that he could cross. His hands fidgeted with the hem of his beige sweater.
Behind him stood Aiden.
Aiden stepped up next to him. He was still a bit shorter than him, by about a head. He wore the same clothes he usually wore; the iconic t-shirt with a smiley face and cargo shorts, along with his pair of bright red sneakers. Logan could feel himself getting blinder.
"I live close to you. Near Fountain Street," Aiden replied. As usual, he was grinning.
"Oh. That is close to where I live. I'm at Windmill Street," Logan said.
It became quiet.
Logan cleared his throat awkwardly. He anxiously waited for the light to turn green, so that the cars could drive away and he could go home to the flower shop. He loved plants, loved the feel of something he could help thrive. He didn't realize Aiden was speaking.
"--and that's why I'm better than everyone else. Especially Tyler, but don't tell him that." His reddish eyes turned towards Logan's brown ones. "You weren't listening, huh?"
Logan swallowed nervously. "I was," he said. "Just--"
Aiden laughed. "It's alright."
Finally, after a few more awkward moments, the light turned green. The remaining cars drove away, leaving Logan and Aiden on the empty street.
Logan started walking. He gripped on the straps of his bag. He's never felt more socially drained in his life.
"Logan," Aiden called. As if on instinct, he turned. Aiden still stood at the edge of the sidewalk. For someone so restless, he wasn't moving.
Aiden's smile widened. "Since we lived close by, do you just wanna go to my house and play video games?"
"Just leave your stuff anywhere. My parents aren't home." Aiden tossed his bag on one of the L-shaped couches, strolling into the living room. The room was large, larger than his grandparents' flower shop. Logan hesitantly set his bag down on the floor at the foot of the couch, sitting down on the edge.
"Where's Ben?" Logan asked.
Aiden waved a hand dismissively as he crouched down in front of the large TV, hovering over a large box. He began digging through the box.
"Oh, he's with Taylor. I think he's waiting for her at school so that they can go home together with Tyler, too." Aiden paused whatever he was doing. "Now that I think about it, we all live kinda close. Even Ashlyn."
"Oh." Logan didn't know what to say. He shifted awkwardly on the couch, waiting.
"Oh! Found something!" Aiden stood, one hand on his hip. "Aha!" In one hand, he held a Nintendo Switch game card folder. "It's a shooting game!"
Logan perked up, sitting more forward. "A shooting game?"
"Yeah!" Aiden moved over to the TV, turning it on and connecting it to the Switch. He inserted the game card, then handed one of the controllers to Logan. He flopped down next to him, sprawled out on the couch.
"I bet I'll beat you," Logan said, paying more attention.
Aiden scoffed, rolling his eyes, grinning. "Is that a bet?"
Logan cracked a smile. "Yeah."
The next hour passed by in a blur. They played several more rounds, forgetting about the time. There were empty cups stacked on the table, along with a half-full snack bowl. Popcorn was spilled onto the glass table.
Suddenly the door to the house opened, revealing Ben. He looked surprised to see Logan there. He quietly took off his shoes, setting his bag down near the door.
"WHAT THE--HOW DO YOU KEEP ON WINNING?!" Aiden stood, spamming all the buttons on the control.
Logan smiled, not saying anything. Aiden's character was already at a low health, whereas Logan's was still half-full. He stood up too, calmly pressing at the buttons. Ben made his way into the living room, watching.
Finally, after several more minutes, Aiden's character died.
"NO! HOW?!" Aiden fell onto the couch. "Oh, woe is me...how could I have lost...?"
Logan laughed, setting his controller down carefully on the table. "You did good," he said.
On the screen, a few words appeared.
Final Score: School Shooter (Player 1): 5981 i'm gonna win (Player 2): 3002
Logan grinned, seeing his score.
"Noooo..." Aiden groaned. "I failed...your aim is too good for me to win..." He sat up again, taking notice of Ben, who stood quietly behind the couch. "Oh, hi, Ben."
Logan laughed again, this time picking up his bag. He glanced at his watch. It had been one and a half hours since they left school.
"I better go now," he said. He handed his controller back to Aiden. "Well, bye. Bye, Ben," he added. Ben nodded.
"Goodbye, enemy," Aiden said, sounding as if he was mourning. He still smiled.
As Logan put on his shoes near the entryway, he heard Aiden's voice call back to him.
"Tomorrow? Same time?" he asked, smiling.
Logan smiled back. "Yeah, same time."
Aiden's smile grew. "Good. I'll make sure to beat you, then."
"Haha, whatever you say."
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lee1504 · 3 months
*takes a deep breath*
if it’s not too much trouble can you write a ben x tyler fic where they’re just being soft and cute 🥺👉👈 (or ben is tending to tyler’s wound or something? idk im sorry for bothering you!!)
how dare you assume you're bothering me
The others were already asleep on the bed. They were curled up, huddled together, as if seeking each other’s warmth before midnight passed and they were brought back to reality, brought back to their own rooms.
Ben rinsed off his hands in the bathroom. The six of them were currently in Ben’s own room. He could see Aiden, Ashlyn, Taylor, and Logan were already asleep, but Tyler stayed awake, sitting on the edge of the bed. Ben couldn't blame him for wanting to watch his sister, just in case anything happened.
Ben turned off the water, drying his hands on the towel Alex had left there. The bracelet Taylor and Ashlyn had made for everyone glowed in the dim light. 
“Ben?” a voice croaked. 
Ben left the bathroom. Tyler was holding his side again. He only wore his undershirt, his black jacket tossed onto the floor. More red seeped through the fabric.
Ben rushed over to where Tyler sat. His hands shook.
“Sorry,” Tyler mumbled. His voice was raspy and dry from not speaking. He cleared his throat, swallowed, then said, “It’s bleeding again. I can't stop it…”
Ben quickly shook his head. He wanted to say that it was okay, that it was fine, that it wasn't Tyler's fault. He slowly lifted up his shirt. He was right.
Blood seeped through the wound on his side. His bandages were all soaked with red. Tyler's breaths were becoming labored again.
Ben looked up into Tyler's dark brown eyes. His own were gentle, calming. It's okay. You're going be okay, he thought. He quickly reached for the First Aid kit they'd picked up earlier, pulling on some gloves first.
I'm sorry, Ben thought. This is going to hurt.
Tyler let out a hiss, a strangled yelp, clenching onto Ben's hand as he cleaned the area around the wound with antiseptic wipes. Tyler squeezed his eyes shut, clutching harder onto Ben. 
“Sorry,” Tyler said again, voice strained. His eyes were still closed.
Ben shook his head once more. It's not your fault. He handed Tyler a cloth to bite on, pulling out a needle and thread.
Ben could see some tears appear underneath Tyler's lashes. He felt guilty. He knew this hurt him.
Another sound pained him. 
Tyler let out a short sob, before quickly closing his mouth. Ben hated how hurt Tyler was, but he couldn't say anything to comfort him.
The stitches were done. Ben quickly wrapped new bandages around Tyler's waist before gently pulling his shirt back down.
“I'm sorry,” Tyler sobbed for the third time.
Stop saying sorry. It's not your fault.
“I should've been careful earlier…I should've been holding onto something so I wouldn't fall out of the car…” Tyler's chest heaved.
Ben has never seen him cry before. Not really. Without thinking, Ben hurriedly took off his gloves, brushing Tyler's face softly, wiping away the tears.
“I hate this so much…” Tyler groaned. Their hands touched each other on the bed. “I'm so sorry for making you clean up after me…after my mess--”
Ben shook his head, motioning for Tyler to stop. He reached for his notebook.
It's not your fault, he wrote. You're okay.
Tyler said nothing. Those dark brown eyes were empty. Suddenly, his head dropped onto Ben's shoulder.
They didn't say anything.
Tyler was asleep. He either fell asleep from exhaustion or from stress, but Ben was glad he was sleeping all the same.
Carefully, he picked Tyler up, setting him down on the bed, near his sister. He probably wouldn't remember any of this in the morning.
Ben sat down on the bed, watching Tyler. His breaths were calmer now.
Slowly, he closed his eyes.
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lee1504 · 4 months
tyden tyden tyden againn!!
this time it has something to do with barron, maybe in the fight at the arcade aiden gets injured badly and doesnt want tyler to find out so he hides it, and then some comfort/fluff? i dont know mate im out of ideas..
aand i guess im slowly turning your acc to a tyden fan acc with all those fics, sorry for that ╥﹏╥
lol it's okay
Aiden grimaced, looking at his reflection in the bathroom mirror. There was a long cut from the middle of his cheek to his chin from where that stupid Barron sliced him from the pocket knife he had hidden in his pocket.
They were currently at Aiden's house. The five others were either in the living room, relaxing, or the kitchen, looking for snacks. Aiden's mom's makeup cluttered the large counter, along with lotion and hair brushes and a bunch of other products he didn't know the name of.
He pinched his cheek, seeing if he would still bleed. A bit of red peeked from the wound.
"Aiden!" a voice from the other side of the door yelled. Tyler. "How long are you staying in there? Everyone's waiting for you!"
"Almost done," Aiden called. Panicking, he reached for something he knew the name of--concealer. He opened the cap, brushing the makeup on his face quickly. The door opened. He tossed the tube into the bathtub, which fell with a clatter.
Tyler narrowed his eyes suspiciously. "You've been here a long time," he said.
"Did you miss me?" Aiden asked innocently, heart thumping. He flashed a grin.
Tyler rolled his eyes, which then flitted to his face. "What's that?"
"What's what?"
"That. On your face." Tyler leaned closer, inspecting him. Aiden stood still. "What the--are you wearing makeup?"
"No! I--"
Then Tyler started laughing. "You look so stupid." He straightened up. "If you wanted to play dress up, you could've just asked Taylor." Then his eyes widened. "Are you bleeding?" Then, he said, "Wait, you would've lied."
Tyler stepped towards Aiden. "Where are the makeup wipes or whatever? Does your mom have that?"
"What's the difference between normal and makeup wipes?"
"They're--ugh, nevermind." Tyler looked around for a bit, arms crossed. Finally, he reached for what looked like regular wipes, but with a label on it that read: makeup wipes.
"You suck, you know," Tyler commented. He hesitantly reached for Aiden's face. His warm hand cupped his face gently, the other rubbing the concealer off. "Can't even put makeup on right," he muttered. He stopped, staring at his face.
"What?" Aiden said.
"You're bleeding." It wasn't a question.
Aiden jerked his head back, smiling once more. "So? It's not the end of the world. I bleed plenty of times--"
Tyler scowled. "Come here." Without waiting cor his reply, Tyler grabbed Aiden's face, scrubbing now. "So stupid," he muttered. "You have to take care of yourself. You can't always do whatever you want and get hurt."
"I didn't do it on purpose," Aiden snapped. He snatched the wipe from Tyler's hand, turning towards the mirror. "Barron was hiding some knife in the arcade, and--"
"Barron had a knife? Are you serious--"
"Stop interrupting me!" Aiden said. "And of course I'm serious. He got what he deserved when Logan beat him up," he continued bitterly.
The two were quiet for a moment. Aiden could hear Tyler opening and closing a drawer next to him. There came the sound of ripping paper.
"Here," Tyler muttered, holding a bandaid with a smiley face in front of Aiden. "For your face."
"...Thank you." Aiden took it.
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lee1504 · 5 months
Hi! I saw ur tyden hc and I thought they were so adorable <3
If it's fine can you do hc for aidlyn?
ashlyn's love language is gift giving (she buys him little keychains) and aiden's is physical touch (he likes cuddling with her)
^ speaking of physical touch, ashlyn used to find him hugging and being clingy a bit weird but then got used to it
ashlyn's parents are the type of people to show guests baby photos of ashlyn while she's getting ready or something
during thunderstorms they would go aiden's house to watch movies in his room and stuff
^ if it gets too loud for ashlyn she forces herself to fall asleep/take a nap (Aiden doesn't mind. he finds it cute)
aiden confessed that he liked her in the most theatric way; he snuck into ashlyn's room, covered most of her things with pink and green glitter, hung streamers at the window, and had a paper with 'i like you' in a small treasure box on her pillow (she knew what the decor meant even without opening the box)
ashlyn confessed when she was yelling at him for doing something stupid. she was yelling about how he shouldn't do reckless things because it hurt her to see him do it, and that's when she blurted it out
ashlyn doesn't mind hand holding unless it's the full palm; she likes when he holds her fingers, which is a bit weird but is her preference
aiden likes singing for her even though he isn't that good
for ashlyn: ballet girl, thumbelina, annie, rusty, short stuff
for aiden: legally blond, beach head, sandy
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lee1504 · 19 days
hii!! I found ur blog and i LOVE your writing and i saw one of Mike and Emma? So if its not too much could you write another of them because i absolutely loved them <3
(context: this was before the previous emmike fic; this is sort of set the summer after sophomore year, before mike's a junior and emma's a senior)
Mike's eyes were trained on the windows. The cafe was slightly busy today, since it was a Sunday. There was a long line behind the counter, where he was lining up pastries behind the glass display. The tables near the windows were all full, and chatter filled the small restaurant.
But the work wasn't why his mind was busy.
He quickly wiped his hands on his apron before turning back around into the kitchen. It was warm and smelled like fresh-baked bread, his favorite scent. He quickly took a tray from where the scones were, then headed back swiftly outside.
The bell above the door jingled.
He shouldn't get his hopes up. That girl--the one who always accompanied her father at 10:05 AM--should be here by now, but it was already 10:10. Maybe her plans changed.
Maybe he was a bit too excited to see someone who probably forgot who he was.
His eyes kept still on the pastry boxes and desserts as he handed out orders. Here are your eclairs; come again soon. Here are the choquettes that you ordered; please enjoy. His arms started to hurt from the many trays he held, and from packing more than what seemed to be a hundred boxes. Soon, the line was thinning, and the customers were leaving.
He glanced at the clock. 11:30. Maybe she wouldn't come today.
That's fine.
He was just packing up the last box when the bell jingled. Something made him look up. His lips parted slightly.
There she was, with her usual stern, cold-looking face, her eyes sweeping around the cafe. Behind her stood her father, a well-known and well-respected veteran. They shared the same rust-red hair and all-knowing eyes.
Mike's heart felt as if it skipped a beat.
"Sorry, are you on break? It's already 12, but we were wondering if you were still open..." Emma Anderson trailed off.
"Oh--uh..." Mike's boss was in the back, cleaning the kitchen. Some of the other staff were already at different shops, on their lunch break. other than him, the place was empty.
"Sorry--we can come later, if you want."
Major Anderson's eyes met Mike's. He felt nervous, but didn't look away.
"No, it's fine, you can stay."
Now it was just Mike, by himself, all alone. He stood at where the kitchen met the back counter, but was hidden behind the wall. He could hear them talking--about college, military topics, things he usually wouldn't care for. He heard the sound of chair legs scraping against the floor, and then it was quiet. He decided to go outside.
Major Anderson sat alone, sipping his coffee quietly. Black coffee, with a teaspoon of cocoa powder, just how he liked it. His stern gray eyes flitted to Mike's green ones.
"She's in the bathroom, if you're wondering." He set the cup down. Mike felt nervous. Was this the right move.
He decided to ask a normal question.
"Is there anything else you want? More coffee?" His hands fidgeted with the hem of the apron. He didn't know why he was so nervous. This was just Emma's father, someone who was a regular at the shop. Maybe it was the fact it was just the two of them, even if Emma was gone for a bit.
"No, thank you," the Major replied in his gruff voice. Mike stood awkwardly at the table, as if waiting. Then the Major said, "You're in love with my daughter, aren't you."
It wasn't a question.
"I'm sorry," Mike said quickly. "I--"
"It's not a bad thing, Mr Banner," Major Anderson interrupted. His eyes glinted, but he didn't smile. "She deserves a nice young man like you. You're a kind person."
Mike hesitated, waiting to see if he would say something else, before saying, "Thank you, sir."
The Major stared for a few more seconds before lifting the cup to his lips once more. "Just know that she doesn't give a second chance."
He didn't know if he was talking to him or himself.
Mike's eyes drifted to the Major, who stood underneath the awning outside, holding an unlit cigarette. Emma was back, and was counting the right amount of bills to give in her hands. She mumbled the numbers under her breath. Mike didn't know where to look.
"Here you go; twenty five dollars," Emma said. She handed him the money. Their fingers grazed, but the girl didn't notice.
"You can keep the change," she said, noticing that Mike had started taking coins from the cashier.
"Oh--thank you," he said. He handed her the box of goods the Andersons had ordered after their lunch. The cafe was still slightly empty, except there was only one other customer, an elderly woman near the back.
Emma's eyes followed Mike's. "I'm sure my dad said something about me, when I was gone," she said.
"Oh." Mike met her eyes, then handed the box to her. "Yeah, he did."
Emma paused for a moment. "He's scary, isn't he?" Her dark brown eyes bore into Mike's.
He cleared his throat. "Yeah. Kind of." He immediately closed his mouth, panicking. Was that the right thing to say? "I--"
Suddenly Emma laughed, a loud, booming laugh, something unexpected. Mike's eyebrows raised slightly.
"I know, right? Anyway, he's not as scary as you think. I know he'll warm up to you, maybe next time we visit." Mike noticed she was smiling one of the rare ones she did. His heart thumped.
"Oh--okay. Well, thank you for visiting. I'll see you next time?"
His heart continued beating quickly.
Emma's smile widened. "Yeah. See you." She took the box, saluting Mike, then headed out the door.
How much more could his heart take?
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lee1504 · 3 months
Could you write some banner family fluff or angst? I've been eating it up recently and there isn't as much as compared to other families like the Clarks :)
Emma Banner noticed her daughter was getting quieter and quieter by day. She usually wasn't social, and mostly kept to herself, but she's been getting strangely quiet. It was almost if she was trying to seem nonexistent, as if she wasn't a part of the family anymore.
It started when Ashlyn was seven.
Emma's heart couldn't take it. It pained her to see Ashlyn sit alone, waiting for her and Mike to pick her up from school, when all the other little kids, her classmates, would run around and chat with each other. She knew Ashlyn was very introverted--even more so as a kid. She'd notice her daughter staring at her feet, which tapped against the ground, always moving, or staring to the side, her eyes blank.
More than once she'd tried getting Ashlyn to meet new people. She met their neighbors, who had a kid her age but eventually moved away, the Hernandez twins, who were in the same grade as her, but soon their father passed, making it difficult for them to be happy again.
One night, Emma opened the door to Ashlyn's room. She was still her baby, but she looked older now. A few years have passed, and now Ashlyn was fourteen. Next year, she would be attending high school.
And to be honest, Emma was scared.
"Hey, Trooper," Emma murmured. She sat down on the edge of her daughter's bed, next to Ashlyn. Mike stood at the doorway, watching, his hands tucked in his pockets as usual. Ashlyn, like always, was staring at her feet.
Tap. Tap. Tap.
"Hey, so..." How should she start this? It was summertime, and heat seeped through the windows, even though Ashlyn's fan was on. It made a low whirring sound. "Are you excited? For high school?"
Ashlyn said nothing. She never really did, unless she was asking what was for dinner and things like those.
Tap. Tap, tap.
"Baby?" Emma placed a hand on her daughter's knee.
Immediately Ashlyn flinched. Emma's eyes flashed to Mike's. "Baby, are you okay?"
Tap, tap, tap.
"Please don't touch me." Ashlyn's voice was low, barely there, a murmur.
"Trooper?" Mike spoke up, coming closer. He looked concerned. He held out a hand, placing it gently on his daughter's shoulder. "Baby, are you okay?"
"Please don't touch me!" Suddenly, Ashlyn sprang up. Her eyes were wide, and there were tears in her eyes. "I-I don't like to be touched. It doesn't feel normal. I--"
The tapping was gone.
Emma stood up too. Her brow was furrowed. "Baby, Ashlyn, please, are you okay?"
"Don't touch me!" The outburst was unexpected. Ashlyn's hands were curled into fists; she didn't know if her daughter realized it. Her breaths were quick, like she was hyperventilating. "Don't touch me! I don't like to be touched!"
Tears formed in her daughters eyes.
"Okay, Trooper, we won't touch you if you don't like it," Mike said gently. He moved forward slightly, but Ashlyn stepped back a foot. Her hands immediately clamped to her ears, covering it. She squeezed her eyes shut.
"It's too loud....Don't-Don't come near. Please--!" Without warning, Ashlyn turned and bolted, dashing towards the bathroom. Emma and Mike quickly followed her.
The door slammed shut. Emma heard the lock click.
"Please leave me alone!" her daughter called from the inside. "I don't want to be outside right now--!" Her breaths were still quick.
Emma hesitated. What was she supposed to say? "Alright," she replied. "We can wait. It's okay."
That night, when Ashlyn finally went to bed, Emma and Mike stayed up the whole night. They sat on the couch in the living room, staring at their shared computer the whole time. The screen illuminated their faces.
The results came in. Ashlyn was diagnosed. Her psychiatrist had recommended buying Ashlyn stronger, more soundproof headphones, since the ones she currently had wasn't strong enough.
One afternoon, the three of them, Emma, Mike, and Ashlyn, were sitting in the living room, watching a recap of Ashlyn's favorite concert. Her daughter's head rested against her shoulder, and her breathing was soft. Even. She was almost falling asleep. Mike sat on Emma's other side, his arm resting against the back of the couch.
"Mom? Dad?"
Emma turned down the volume slightly. Mike's eyes slowly drifted from Emma's to Ashlyn's.
"Yes, Trooper?" Mike replied.
"Am I...am I normal?" Ashlyn's voice quivered slightly.
Emma's eyes flashed to Mike's in a milisecond, then back to her daughter's. "Of course you are," she replied.
A few tears rolled down Ashlyn's face. Emma gently brushed them away.
"I don't feel normal. I feel like...I feel like I don't know what's wrong with me." Ashlyn swallowed, not looking her parents.
"There's nothing wrong with you," Mike said softly, smiling.
Ashlyn seemed to hesitate. "Are you...are you sure? That there's nothing wrong with me?"
Emma smiled. "Of course we're sure."
"But what if--what if I have another episode? Just like the Doctor said?" Her voice was still shaking. "Would you...would you guys still love me?"
"Of course we'd still love you, baby," Emma said, planting a small kiss on her daughter's forehead.
"But what if the episode lasts longer than a few minutes? What then?"
Mike smiled. "Don't worry, Trooper. If it lasts longer, we'll be patient. We'll always be patient for you."
"...Okay. I believe you"
Their daughter soon fell asleep, and summer passed by quickly.
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